PPC with YRV Dynamics

Join Our PPC WhatApp Group & Campaign Learning Discussion

Yousaf Yunes highlights the significance of mentorship and education in the PPC industry. He introduced a WhatsApp PPC group formed with YRV Dynamics, providing a safe space for friends to learn and ask PPC questions. Facilitated by Yousaf, this group offers direct access to his expertise. He stresses the importance of certification and mastering PPC terminology and formulas.   Yousaf also highlights the lack of barriers to entry in the industry and the need for mentorship. He then explains how campaign learning works, focusing on setting up the correct buying objective, measuring primary and secondary conversions, and gradually optimizing the campaign. He discusses the cost per acquisition and the importance of each phase of the conversion funnel. Yunes concludes by inviting listeners to join his WhatsApp group for PPC discussions.

Getting certified and understanding the vocabulary and formulas are important in the PPC industry. There is a lack of barriers to entry in the PPC industry, leading to a need for mentorship. Campaign learning involves setting up the correct buying objective, measuring primary and secondary conversions, and gradually optimizing the campaign. Each phase of the conversion funnel is important in campaign learning. Click Here to Join the PPC with YRV Dynamics Whats App Group YouTube Channel Medium Channel

Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Yousaf Yunes highlights the significance of mentorship and education in the PPC industry. He introduced a WhatsApp PPC group formed with YRV Dynamics, providing a safe space for friends to learn and ask PPC questions. Facilitated by Yousaf, this group offers direct access to his expertise. He stresses the importance of certification and mastering PPC terminology and formulas.   Yousaf also highlights the lack of barriers to entry in the industry and the need for mentorship. He then explains how campaign learning works, focusing on setting up the correct buying objective, measuring primary and secondary conversions, and gradually optimizing the campaign. He discusses the cost per acquisition and the importance of each phase of the conversion funnel. Yunes concludes by inviting listeners to join his WhatsApp group for PPC discussions.
  • Getting certified and understanding the vocabulary and formulas are important in the PPC industry.
  • There is a lack of barriers to entry in the PPC industry, leading to a need for mentorship.
  • Campaign learning involves setting up the correct buying objective, measuring primary and secondary conversions, and gradually optimizing the campaign.
  • Each phase of the conversion funnel is important in campaign learning.

Click Here to Join the PPC with YRV Dynamics Whats App Group

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Medium Channel

Today, I received a great question from my WhatsApp group titled "PPC with WireV Dynamics." It's a group that's a safe place for PPC buyers where anybody overseas or in the U.S. can join. That's a buyer. And even client buyers are welcome to join, too, where we ask questions and we have answers. And it's not always me. There's some certain people who just really step up and answer some questions as well. And I watch it, so it's pretty cool. But it's open to the public. Anybody can join. And I wanted to make it safer than a lot of the forums. I think a lot of the forums are a little toxic sometimes or, you know, somebody, they find out the second somebody's from overseas and they shut them down and stuff. And so I really wanted to make sure to provide a place where there's mentorship and learning and really asking some great questions, because that's how I learned. I learned because, you know, somebody mentored me and I watched and I learned and I learned what to do. And most of all, this is the biggest thing that helped me was being credentialed, right? And getting my Google Ads certification, even though it's silly, people laugh when I say it. However, it does get you familiar with the platforms. And it's as serious as you want it to be, right? You need to really, even if you pass it and, you know, you could check the answers while you're taking it. I get all that stuff. But, you know, and you could basically cheat on it. I get it. But you should really, even after you take it and I, of course, you'll pass it, really understand the vocabulary. And that's how you really get ahead. Know the vocabulary, know the vocabulary, know the formulas, know all the different buying types, the different objectives, how bidding works, how shopping works, all that stuff. And I went through just being exposed to it all the time. And I really wanted to, I just saw so many people that really were just asking questions. And I think a lot of us do with the job market as well. This job market's horrible and people are just, man, they're looking for side hustles or way to, you know, just kind of get out of the rhetoric and make some side money. And the PPC comes up. The problem is, is there's no barrier, right? Like, I talked about certifications. There's nothing that says, "Yeah, you have to be certified to buy." Well, literally anybody can buy, anybody can set up an upward account or a fiber account and just put up a shingle and say, "Hey, I'm open, I'm ready to do buys." And that leads to part of the problem. And I mentioned this in a few actually interviews where I mentioned this, where I say, "That's actually PPC's biggest problem. There's nobody giving that mentorship." So I'm just, it's a small stone and a big pond I just threw in and anybody's welcome to join. Anybody listening to please join. But one of the people in the group actually asked a great question. They said, "What is campaign learning? How does exactly work? I'm still not understanding it." And I made this video for them and a lot of the videos I've made on my YouTube channel were made from subscriber requests and I think it was awesome. I had somebody in the WhatsApp group for PPC with YRVDynamics to ask this. So I wanted to just take a couple minutes just to answer this. How does campaign learning work? Well, campaign learning is not theory. It's real. That's how the platforms get better and they bid better against your target audience and getting your cost per acquisition down. And this happens by when you first set up a campaign. You first of all set it up, the correct buying objective, you link all that stuff accordingly, right? You pick up, you say, first of all, you want to probably start off with max. I'll click or even conversions. I lately have been starting with conversions because I'm already done with max clicks. I've met a whole other video where max clicks is just, bot traffic is just insane now. It's out of control. And that's what I was saying in my other video was it's not getting better, guys. It's getting way worse. So depending on how you set up either set to max conversions, it could be max clicks, or it could set up to max conversions with conversion value, although it really depends on what your product, your price queues of your products are. So you set that up accordingly and then you measure the primary, secondary conversions. You set that up and I'm giving you a very abridged version. So I already know there will be some people who are like, ah, that's not how it works. But just bear with me, I'm talking about the approach in terms of campaign learning. So with campaign learning, what happens is, a conversion event in Google is 30 conversion of fires in 30 days. So it's basically once a day, right? But you can't do that right off the bat. There's no switchy flip that says, hey, I'm going to get 30 conversions over 30 days on Google ads, right? The chances of that happening is peanuts, right? It's not going to happen. So what you got to do is set up your tertiary and secondary conversions, which are at the cart, begin checkout or initiate checkout, even payment method. And so you set those up first. So you get the first 30 allotment, hopefully in 30 days with at the cart. That should actually happen, right? That goes from primary to and then you flip the secondary. Same thing goes for either payment method or at a cart, begin checkout, right? So then begin checkout and then you go to purchase, right? So the whole time as your add to cart eventually fill up the 30 in 30 days, you turn that off to secondary. All these are primary at the moment. Then the same goes for initiate checkout or begin checkout, turn that off to secondary and then payment method, if that is a thing. And then of course you have purchases, boom, by the time you're there, you have such a learned conversion funnel, right? Because you push it through, boom, you just go straight, your purchases should be pretty airtight by then. That's how you should be doing it. It's not always how it happens, it's usually a hot mess. Some people just turn on the purchases at the very beginning. And I've learned that approach does the best, you know, kind of siloing out each different phase of the conversion funnel to get to the purchase as quickly as possible. It also takes a bit, right? Because you're pushing those 30 conversions over 30 days and trying to get sales at the same time, but you're really focusing on each part of the conversion funnel. Again, Google Ads, 30 conversions over 30 days. Now, is it always that accurate? Not really, you can even do it at 20, right? It depends how your cost per acquisition is going, right? Now, if your cost per acquisition is half, which equals a two row as, or even a third, which equals a three row as, you're styling, I would just go ahead and just switch it all the way to purchase because it's already fully learned automatically, which is rare, but that could happen. The next theory I want to talk about is how the learning actually happens, right? So here in this approach, or what I'm describing here is, is you have your 30 days, your 30 day window, and your 30 purchases, right, in theory, right? And what happens here is after, say, in a perfect world, a fully optimized campaign is 30 conversions over 30 days. Let's just say you get five conversions first, well, and let's say your product's $100, well those first $100 that you, for a $100 product is going to cost you $300. So it's going to cost you $300 to sell a $100 item when it breaks down, right? So say, like I said, you have three sales that are $300, but you spent $900, you see my logic? So it's like a negative row as almost, right, it's not doing this shitty, right? However, it's not learned, it's learning. So then you go, okay, so that's where the high levels of conversions come in. So then it goes to 10 conversions, well, 10 conversions say it takes, not 300, but it takes 200, or 150, right? Because now it's learning, do you see how that works? It's learning, the more times it buys, it's bringing, it's actually noodling and just learning and saying, okay, within my audiences, or within my keywords, it's this particular person that's buying, and I got to find more like them. So it's not even so much the seed audience, right? It's the initial sweet spot within that audience that it's looking for. So then you have 10, right? And that's $200 to buy a $100 item, well, okay, now you're talking. Then you go to, let's say, 16, 15. Well, then it's $150 to buy a $100 item, do you see where I'm going with this? And then you get to 20, right, or 20 conversions, then it's 100, it's one to one. So for every $100 you spend, so if you spend $1,000 moving forward from that point forward, it's $1,000 in spend equals $1,000 in revenue, right? You're one to one. So now you're even, right? Now look at how you, now that first 20 conversions, so we're really crappy, right? You're in negative mode. So it took you 20 plus conversions somewhere to get, to get learned. The goal after that is 25 to 30. Once you get 25, 30-ish, you're basically under the cost per conversion. You're hopefully at $60, $50, maybe even $40, because, or even $30, because then at $30 to get a $100 purchase, you're out of three row ads, but it took you 30 conversions to get there. That's what it means by campaign. That's the approach of it. That's why it's so important to understand that each phase of your conversion funnel is working correctly, right? That's why it's so important to make sure that you're at the car, initiate checkouts. Your payment methods are all accurate, because those feed into the algorithm to push people down the conversion funnel, right? If it has all these signals, though the secondary signals come up, and as you close, as you become fully learned, you're like, "Okay, that's fully learned." You go to each one, turn that off to secondary, and you see what I'm saying? The final product you're left with is the primary purchase, and boom, it's a sweet spot. It's fully learned. That's how campaign learning works. For meta, it's 50 events. At 50 events, that's when it's fully learned. Again, just describe that process again, just for anybody who's not getting the first time. Let's just say the first five conversions are horrible, right? You spend $100 on Facebook. You spend to get a $100 purchase, costs you $300, $400, and you're like, "What the hell? I'm losing money. This is where people get frustrated. Yes, you will get frustrated." Then, you move to each part of that funnel. Now, here's the part with meta. It learns on its own, but it's not as manual as a secondary primary, it kind of learns on its own. It'll actually know what to do. If you set it for 50 add-of-cards, or whatever, you set it to add-of-cards, it'll get 50 add-of-cards, and that campaign's fully learned, but you can't move it down the funnel, then you've got to make a purchase version. That's where cost per clicks come for acquisition, and that's a whole other element, because what you want to do is get a whole bunch of people to the page to get those landing page views, get that retargeting going. It's a whole other game with meta. It's the same game with Google, but I think with social, it really relies on acquisition. Google now with P-Max is, of course, with Ecom, but a lot of the search plays, if you just do search plays all day long, it's really about your hero keywords and any remark, eating lists. I guess it does play into that a little, but there's a huge element on, well, and luckily it's going away from that, from your stag, single keyword ad groups to your stag, which is a single female ad group, and that's more broad, and that's working, that's actually using more of a social model. Again, just dialing it back again, your conversions when it's learning is using exactly that. It's trying to bring down those cost per acquisitions to get you at a cheap event, no matter what you assign it. If it's reached that event, if it's mid funnel, if it's A, T, C, I, C or PM, and you know what that is, I just told you what it is, then it's a, you go into purchase, right? And the same thing with social. Social, like I said, you can use initiate checkout and add to cart, but it's more of a, it's almost like a fully formed model that you can just set to purchase, and hopefully it should work. Some people, I actually use initiate checkout, I'm big on initiate checkout for social. Add to cart's a little too low, I know sometimes it gets some fake, like it just doesn't work as well, initiate checkout works best. And I noticed that because when it gets fully, when it gets fully learned, that's when the purchases start really going down, and then I optimize the purchase. Again, it really depends on your conversion funnel, what your website's like, what your price point is, you know, that plays a huge, you know, selling, you know, $50 sunglasses is a lot different than selling a Xbox for $500, right, it is too, you know, so just always keep that. So there's different acquisition models and conversion models for each one of those. The conversion model for, for a sunglass is dirt cheap, it's probably, it's of course very fast, whereas for Xbox, you really got to pay attention to how many other cards are going in the journey that someone spends on a $500 Xbox. So anyways, so that's really it, and again, just to reiterate, my WhatsApp group is open to all, please click on the link tree or find me on PPC with YRVDynamics, and I will gladly add it to you. I may ask you a few questions on Bind, which you're looking for, and I do moderate the group, so please keep in mind, like I see too many, you know, we're kind of doing your job for you as opposed to just being, you're trying to like just really get some basic questions answered, I will, you know, have to enforce some rules there, but otherwise it's an open forum for people to ask just some really great questions and for all of us to learn. So thank you again, and look forward to hearing from everybody, thank you so much. [BLANK_AUDIO]