The Narrative Podcast

Episode 350 - The Narrative Podcast

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The Narrative Podcast promotes positive reinforcement of original people and original people culture.

The Narrative Podcast provides positive frames of reference about original people and original culture.

The Narrative Podcast: Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.

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Let's change the Narrative!

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2h 12m
Broadcast on:
04 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Reynolds wrap. - Reynolds wrap. - Potato wedges. - Wedges. - Olive oil, salt, mwah. - Well done, hon. - Well done, chef. - Right. - With Reynolds wrap, cooking becomes so easy, you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. Easy prep, easy cook, easy clean. Reynolds wrap. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - You are now. (upbeat music) - You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Halsey Allen, The Narrative Podcast. It's changing the narrative one episode at a time. (upbeat music) - Hello and good evening. Welcome to another edition of The Narrative Podcast. The Narrative Podcast is the home of original people. Original people peace, original people respirosity and original people positivity. The Narrative Podcast promotes positive reinforcement of original people and original people culture. The Narrative Podcast provides positive frames of reference about original people and original people culture. Welcome to The Narrative Podcast and I am your host Halsey Allen. So welcome to this weekend edition of The Narrative Podcast. I really tried an earlier episode or tried to do a upload earlier today but the day got kind of got away from me but just rest assured this is a Saturday episode if it gets shared back to the social on Sunday because I'm recording late Saturday evening. But anyway welcome to The Narrative Podcast. Got a pretty good show for you today. Just want to start out by acknowledging one Miss Simone bio. She is just tearing it up the out there. You know, in the Olympics right now. You know, she's like a little dynamite. As they say, you know, dynamite comes in small packages. She's a small package of dynamite just killing it out for you. So let's make some noise for Simone Biles. [ Applause ] But anyway, got a pretty good show for you this evening. Yeah, man. So here we are in August. This year has flown by. You know, we're almost into the fall and then after fall, we know. 25 right around the corner. You know, I hope everybody's getting ready, getting prepared for everything that's coming around the corner for our people and most of the stuff is not good. So be making proper preparations. But anyway, back to the content, for those who are familiar with my platform, what I do before diving into the content, I give a brief overview, you know, about what the narrative podcast is about and then dive into the content. So yeah, here we go right on into the synopsis of the narrative podcast. Starting at the top tippy, the name, the narrative podcast, I name my podcast the narrative podcast because I don't like the false narrative that the liberal media weaves about original people and original people culture. I get to the original part a little bit later on in the segment. So what I wanted to do to counter the way that misrepresent our people and our culture is design a platform where I'm highlighting and showcasing us at our best instead of at our worst the way the media does. The media intentionally vilifies our people, propagates negative stereotypes and plays up negative stigmas within our culture about our people. So you know, it's all a form of psychological warfare, just along with systemic programming and conditioning. So you know, to break that cycle, that's essentially why I created this platform. My mission statement is to educate and inform people, especially our people, why it's important to properly responsibly utilize your platforms to share positive frames of reference about our people and our culture and then also to encourage people, the listening audience, to responsibly use their platforms to responsibly use their platforms to share positive frames of reference about our people and our culture or just basically responsibly utilize their platforms. Just watch what type of content they're putting out when it comes to our people and our culture. So yeah, now I think that's a perfect segue for my tagline, the narrative podcast, changing the narrative one episode at the time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture. How do I destroy the negative stereotypes about our people and our culture by providing positive frames of reference about our people and our culture and that's entirely with the narrative podcast is dedicated towards doing and sharing positive frames of reference about our people and our culture and encouraging the listening audience to do the exact same. I think the first nuance you need to be familiar with with my platform is that I refer to my target listening audience as my narrators and I do that pretty much as acknowledgement to the day and times that we're living in, we're living in the digital information age. You know, we're sharing, we're gathering and sharing information online. We pretty much anybody that has a device, whether it be a cell phone, whether it be a tablet or you know, laptop, desktop, you know, we all have access to digital information and you know, we collect data and then we also share information or share stories. Pretty much every digital platform has a bio section in the bio section on any platform. You know, a person basically shares whatever they want users to know about them and usually you know, they share the best possible details about themselves to make themselves look exciting or interesting as possible and then they allow content to kind of reflect, you know, things that will submit what they want the people that view their contents to know about them and it's usually something positive, you know, people online, they post the best versions of themselves as possible. There's not a whole lot of people that share, you know, negative, miserable things about themselves. There are some, you know, exceptions to the rules, there are some people, you know, some crybabies aren't mine, they just every day, it's not, it's something like, not nothing positive, you know. Right for me, this is going wrong and that's going wrong and I got to go to the doctor and this happens to me and that happens to me. Just like, there are people like that before the most part, you know, everybody wants to tell the most positive story about themselves as possible and then sometimes even if it isn't true at all, I guess the younger generation call it capping where they're exaggerating how they're actually living but anyway, for the most part, said all that to say people, you know, share the best versions of themselves as possible, they're telling or narrating their own stories. So you know, and that's what I feel as a people, our people, our original people, need to do about ourselves. We need to control the narrative by telling or narrating our own stories because if history hasn't taught us anything, it's taught us this, if you don't tell your own story, your own story will be told for you. So last thing we need to be doing online is regurgitating all these negative stereotypes and stigmas that the media projects onto us and propagates about us. We don't need to be sharing gang culture and gun culture and criminalistic lifestyles and low morality and degeneracy. We don't need to be sharing imagery that are reflective of all those low vibrational lifestyles. We want to be sharing content where, you know, we're trying thing in the face of adversity, being leaders, being entrepreneurs, living positive, doing positive and packed for things for our communities, for our families and, you know, for the entire world. You know, we need to be sharing our true natures as often as possible, what is our true nature, our true nature, our true essence of being is of who we are as a people, working as queens and gods and goddesses of the universe. So, you know, everything we post online should be semi-reflective of that. And then that's how we kind of control the narrative, because while the media is ran by evil wicked people with the evil wicked agenda at the core of it, you know, at the core of it is a business and the first law of business is supply and demand. And, you know, unfortunately, they have selected our people to make us the face of all things to degenerate and we keep on creating the demand for degeneracy by keeping on, you know, subscribing to their narrative, and the way we can just, you know, remove that and flip it and change the narrative is to, you know, post-positive content, content reflective of, you know, we want as a people, we don't want to be portrayed as gangbangers, we don't want to be portrayed as, you know, criminals, we don't want to be portrayed as lazy, buffoonish, you know, violent, hot-tempered and violent and problematic, overly boisterous. We don't want to be portrayed that way, so, you know, we have to post-content reflective of how we want to be portrayed and, you know, the business side of it, the corporations, they'll follow suit and they'll create, you know, more content based on, you know, statistical research and data and, you know, but for now, that's why all these negative frames of reference exist about our people, all these crappy television shows, movies, books, literature, ads, you know, commercial ads and other forms of media, negative, negatively depicting our people's image and images and likenesses exist because we create the platform for it to exist by, Hey guys, it is Ryan, I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can, I like to work, but I like fun too, and now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun, Shumba Casino, they have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from, with new games released each week, you can play for free and each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses, so join me in the fun, sign up now at Shumba Casino dot com sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary, vgw group for prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply engaging and entertaining that type of content. So not saying it's the end all be all solution to change the narrative, but it is a solution. So you know, that's how we kind of moving forward, that's what we should do, I'm not the internet police, I'm not trying to tell people, you know, especially content creators, people to get paid by posting content with the post on their page, I'm just saying be mindful of what you post because it comes with a double edged sword. Now you may like get the views and the likes you will also, you know, also get judged and looked at by people outside of our culture, and you know, that's how they interact and receive us, response to us based on the content you're posting, because like all the media is giving them is negative frames of reference, they don't know how to talk to us, they don't know how to engage us and act around us, they're only judging us based off what they see on television and in movies and hearing music and reading books and magazines about us and it's all negative. But anyway, which brings me to my next points, the narrative podcast is a positive space for a vision of people, I try to keep it as positive as possible, I don't engage in gossip, slander or denigration of our people in any form or facet, you know, this is all about a life celebration, I'm speaking a life over our people by providing positive frames of reference about our people and our culture, you know, this is just one big of high five, so yeah, I don't do gossip and slander and name-calling and roasting and all that, and I don't encourage it, you know, I try to discourage against it, because I believe that is, you know, kind of what's propelling the culture downward and, you know, there's literally a trillion dollars a year to be made off of our people from just simply our people going at it back and forth online, hearing each other out, you know, hearing out dirty laundry and being mean and calling each other names online and going back and forth, so I don't want to feed the machines, so I don't try to promote or endorse that type of content, so it's just basically uplifting and edifying our people through positive frames of reference, so this is a positive safe space, you'll never hear no negativity or name-calling coming from me about our people. Now, however, the exception to that rule, this is a place of truth, also, you know, I tell her how a T.I. is, I don't show your coat anything, if I do feel when somebody in our community is intentionally playing up negative stereotypes about our people in our culture, what I will do is call set individual out for doing that, but other than that, I don't like, you know, I'm not the judge, I'm not a finger-pointing name call, but I do tell the truth. What spreads me to my next point any time, I also deliver commentary, so at any time I say a famous person, person's name, it's not to try to garner clicks, views and likes, and what have you is basically to, you know, illustrate a point that I'm trying to make, and a point that I'm always trying to make on my platform is, you know, I try to frame everything up from the bigger picture perspective, and pretty much anything negative that happens in our community can almost like a good 80, 85 to 90 percent of the time be traced back to systemic programming and conditioning, so like anything negative that is celebrities engaging in or talking about or doing or, you know, involved in, you know, 85 to 90 percent of that is, you know, systemic programming and conditioning, where programmed in condition to interact and proceed one another and proceed ourselves in a certain way by, you know, the content we're absorbing on a daily basis, you know, the content we're absorbing on a daily basis is all negative, you know, it starts in the public schools and, you know, it takes root manifest in our psyches and we subconsciously act out on it, we get, you know, emotionally triggered behind what, you know, the types of negative messages that are embedded in our psyches in, you know, television, movies, music, and everything else we absorbent within our culture, even the food nowadays, so, you know, everything has a vibration, everything has a frequency, like I said, you know, the powers of shit and be kind of control, all that when it comes to our people in our culture, so every time you see a negative flare up in our community, it can be, you know, linked and associated with that negative programming and conditioning, so, set all that to say, like, if I ever bring up a famous person's name, it's not to attach my, you know, platform to a trending topic is just breaking down whatever they're going through from our perspective, because the media have us intentionally like looking and sounding crazy, have intentionally have them looking and sounding crazy, so yeah, that's why I do it, but never the finger point name card integrate, the next point, this is a time sensitive platform, I try not to exceed one hour per broadcast, I try to keep everything short, sweet, and to the point, because I don't want to, you know, bore you guys asleep, I don't want to have my content be redundant, I want to keep it fresh, exciting, and make it digestible, I want to inform you and entertain you at the same time, and I want to, you know, have my listening audience attentive and receptive to all the content that I'm presenting to me, and I can't do that if I'm drawing an on and on and just talking to be talking and not making any valid points or just going down rabbit holes, so that's why I try to not exceed one hour, so, you know, just keeping it brief until the point, and also another benefit of that is you don't have to clear your entire schedule if you missed a couple of episodes of the narrative podcast, which is a perfect segue for a plug, a shameless plug, download this episode in our previously reported episodes of the narrative podcast, wherever you get your podcast information from, and then last but not least, on this platform I refer to our people as original people, I refer to our people as original people for two very distinctive reasons, reason number one is historically accurate, we were and are the original people of this world, we were here thousands of years before any other race, religion, ethnicity, culture, creed, whatever you want to call it, we was here first, we inhabited every single corner of the globe, every single continent, we pretty much invented every single thing you can think of, especially here in the Americas, whereas you know we learn in the public school systems, they try to credit certain people, you know, all the fathers of invention have been pretty much credited with inventing things and that's not the real deal, actually slaves invented it pretty much all been super duper important stuff here in America during the Industrial Revolution, however you know the credit went to white people because of you know our people were enslaved, that's why they invented the patent system, so you know they didn't have to give credit to the slaves, but yeah that's primarily why I refer to our people as original people on the historical side of it, and then the sidebar that I always want to tack on to that point, I want to make a quick little sub point, you know the false narrative about our people is that you know history tries to make slavery the most poignant, relevant part of our existence, and you know the thing about slavery is just there's a whole lot of untrooves about it, I'm not going to get into every single troops about it, I'm just going to highlight the most untrooping about it, is that you know it's presumed that all of us got to every single corner of the globe on a slave boat, so why I just said you know the original people we were here first, we inhabited every single corner of the globe even north and south pole, it wasn't just all huddled in one spot, so does it stand a reason that they just kept going back and forth to Africa, you know getting slaves, no it does not, that doesn't even make science specific sense, just common sense, they don't, especially here in the Americas, the majority of us were already here, so I just always have to point out that false narrative, history always accredits us slavery as the most poignant, relevant time in our existence, why slavery did happen, it was real, it was brutal, it was barbaric, you know every single last one of us did not get to where ever we resided at, you know through chattel slavery, we are already you know just scientifically the colonizers went to these different places, air quotes the new world when they were out discovering things, and what they did is just enslaved the original indigenous peoples of that land wherever they touched, wherever they you know touched down at you know they just enslaved men people, especially here in the Americas, so while they did go to Africa and get some slaves, they didn't just thousands of years just keep on going back and forth to the continent getting all of them, like there's no nautical logs to support that, they got hand drawn illustrations of it, you know no route, they got a few websites with no actual real concrete proof, you know of the route of peoples involved you know pretty much you can go and do your own research and you will find it, find out like library congress or any college database, you know look up professors that you know dabbling that you will see that pretty much yeah what I'm saying is true, you know colonizers enslaved original indigenous people of all the lands that they air quotes discovered, so the second reason why I refer to our people as original people is you know as a tool that helped unify our people as a you know as one, because just as I said we you know we held from many different lands, we all come from like hell from many different land messes, many different languages come in different hues and shades, you know, we all have different backgrounds, different religions, spiritual practices, nationalities, refer to ourselves in different things, but you know a couple things that we have in common we can our trace our lineage back to the original point of origin for all civilization and we all have extremely high concentrations of carbon aka melanin, so that are the you know the building blocks of us as a people you know we all have that in common, so we're original, we can our trace our original lineage back to the original origin point for all original you know civilization, everything literally everything was started with us and was derived from us, you know we founded civilization, we muttered and bothered civilizations with our original people, so I think that's just about it, that's everything you need to know about the narrative podcast, if I skimmed over anything or if you're still hazy or unclear about what I'm trying to do, it is Ryan Seacrest here, there was a recent social media trend which consisted of flying on a plane with no music, no movies, no entertainment, but a better trend would be going to, it's like having a mini social casino in your pocket, Chumbakocino has over 100 online casino style games all absolutely free, it's the most fun you can have online and on a plane, so grab your free welcome bonus now at, sponsored by Chumbakocino, no purchase necessary, VGW group, void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. The reason why I'm highlighting businesses owned and operated by original people is to stay true to my mission statement which is to provide positive frames of reference about our people and our culture and I feel the need to provide that particular frame of reference about our people and our culture because we don't have a lot of frames of reference of people within our culture owning and operating their own businesses, the very few frames of references that we have about people within our culture owning and operating their own businesses are tainted with degeneracy because they come to us in the form of scripted reality television shows and the producers on these shows want to put us out in the worst possible light as possible, they want to bring up degeneracy, they want to show us engaged in violence towards one another, they want to show us engaged in lewd degenerate acts such as foreign indicating on camera, indulging in controlled substances, alcohol, just being loud and messy and all for the ratings, they want to just have us making fools of ourselves and everybody they try it with making our fools out of ourselves, fools out of our parents or anybody they try to raise us and you know just creating cringe moments but yeah I bypassed all of that because number one I'm an audio platform and so what I'm attempting to do in the highlight section is basically walk you through an entrepreneur's journey, you know showcasing and highlighting you know entrepreneurialism that is possible to you know start your own business because like I said due to systemic programming and conditioning you know they got us believing that you know we have to be dependent on our government it's not possible to ever get off that hamster wheel so the firms of reference that I provide here in this section is just regular people that was passionate about something didn't necessarily have a business plan, didn't necessarily have all the education that it takes to you know be business owners but they just were passionate about something and they you know they dedicated themselves towards it and you know learned as they went and you know started the business so I'm giving you the frame of reference about entrepreneurialism that way without all the messiness without all the drama I'm just telling you their story you know where they grew up how they came up with the idea you know just all stages of you know of how to run a business that's what I'm attempting to give you in the highlight section but most of that some of that information is just not available like where they went to school and you know what towns they came from where they're I try to provide listening audience with all that basically give you the business owners bio is all that's important but everything's just not readily available you know sometimes just is what it is I can't find all the information sometimes but for the most part that's what I attempt to give you in this section you know you know where they were born approximately how old they are what year they started the business how they acquired their funds to start the business their mission statement you know everything that you know comes along with being the business owner also how I select people that I'm going to highlight I usually use this criteria number one first and foremost there you know original people owned and operated so like I said I refer to our people as original people as opposed to black or African American or Negro or whatever you call this I refer to us as original people on this platform but of you know of course if there are original people owned and operated they hire their own they give back to the community they are engaged in some type of philanthropy they either donate to a nonprofit organization or they are their own nonprofit organization they give some type of service back to the community and then last but not least they coincide with my theme and my theme that I've selected I was doing you know the seasons you know summer winter fall spring you know businesses synonymous with the seasons but then I'm like you know I noticed I was being repetitive with my content so now I've shifted from that and I'm doing just nationally recognized holiday so whatever the day is whatever the calendar day is you know a business that you know coincides with the nationally recognized day so having said that today on the highlight section today is August's 3rd and today is national watcher melon day I will be highlighting businesses that coincide with the production and selling of watcher melons so I'm gonna start off with a little fun fact or not so fun fact depending on depending on how you look at it there's a negative stereotype about our people overly in indulging in or liking watermelon so there's a whole lot of memorabilia here especially here in the United States of America you will see many tropes many figurines and products with featuring our people with extremely dark skin big pale lips usually like eating watermelon and you know taking the light in pleasure you know enjoying watermelon so where that negative trope came from was actually just hate was this it was rooting hate from the American farmer because it came it was born in the Jim Crow era so like right after slavery was here quote abolished and it never was it just really took form that's why I say here quote abolished but when slavery was abolished a lot of our people especially in the south became sharecroppers and then their prized crop of course was the watermelon now in sharecropping was sharecropping was where it's basically you were given you know land you cultivate the land and that's why I call them sharecropping because you're sharing your crops for profit and basically you're paying money for you know what you already cultivate you got to go sell the eggs and the and and the produce and the meat on your farm to people like the butcher and you know back then it was general stores or wholesalers you know to sell your product well of course with our people that would give us below way below market so like you know that was doing even white people dirty in the sharecropping business like you you know tenure of farm that probably give you like a nickel for a hundred bushels of wheat and like for our people that probably give you like two two cents or one penny for like a hundred bushels so but longer story short most of our people became sharecroppers and the prize crop which allowed them not to be living in complete poverty was the watermelon we came with that ancestral knowledge how to cultivate the melon because it was originally you know located in Africa and the lore goes like a whole lot of us you know on the slave ships when they went over there supposedly taking us from Africa like they bought seeds watermelon seeds and you know they cultivated the melon on the air quotes new world and you know they just they knew how to grow watermelon is where I went with it and our people became extremely gifted with growing watermelon and so over time the watermelon kind of replaced you know the cash cow which was cotton at the time you know the watermelon you know superseded cotton so it became like the most valuable produce in the United States and you know other farmers people that didn't look like us they couldn't properly grow it their melons compared to our melons were inferior they just couldn't figure out how to grow the perfect like watermelon so basically it was just like a propaganda machine to discourage our people from wanting to cultivate watermelon to create basically shame for like you know enjoying watermelon and watermelon is super healthy it's good for you it has like cocaine it has so many health benefits hydrates you hydrates your cell supercharger cells helps you lose weight helps you feel full you know helps you feel full help lose weight helps regulate your body body's internal temperatures keeping them you know regulated keeping your body heat regulated good for your urinary tract good for your gut health just so many benefits on top of benefits on top of more benefits from enjoying water but basically you know they try to vilify or just basically try to stigmatize you know enjoying watermelon so that was an attempt to get black farmers to stop cultivating watermelon so that's where that negative stereotype came from about us and watermelon but anyway so the two businesses the first business I'll be highlighting in the highlight section of the narrative podcast is a business that specializes in the production and of selling watermelon and watermelon smoothies and juices and all things watermelon and this business is called black seed brothers black seed brothers was established in 2018 by brother by the name of Terrell Dixon and Keanu Miles they both noticed a lack of food options in that area in the area is like a Queens New York so to accommodate that they would take trips to various farms down south and sell seeded watermelon so just kind of like a little food truck selling them whole selling them by the slices juicing them making smoothies from the watermelon like using like the entire watermelon making it readily available as you know if you're familiar with New York City it's pretty much kind of a food desert there's not a whole lot of clean food they have like bodegas and you know most of that food is super processed some of them do sell like deli sandwiches and the chopped cheese and all that bacon a cheese but you know that stuff is not good for you then the whole lot of them ain't even sanitary that you slept through your alarm miss the train and your breakfast sandwich cold sounds like you could use some luck I'm Victoria Cash and lucky land is where people go every day to get lucky at lucky land you can play over a hundred casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes go to luckyland slots dot com and get lucky today no purchase necessary vtw group where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply that flat top that they cook that stuff on got 90 years of grease on it deep fryers they probably got a hundred years that I'm probably ever filtering drain the grease in the deep fryers and then the product themselves in the actual grocery part of the bo-degas like out of date product out of date chips everything still on the verge of spoilage got that funky smell to eat but on anyway so that's why they presented you know fresh food options to you know counter the area being a veritable food desert and then wanted healthy clean options for themselves and their people so thus seed brothers was born they sell you know the entire watermelon you know as I said in south it was swine they would be like from the rudder to the tutors so like that's the same principle for the watermelon they sell it in this entirety they sell the seeds they sell the flesh of the watermelon they even do stuff with the rind of the watermelon so you know it's it's a completely sustainable product very easy to grow you know it's not so easy to grow indoors so if you're not a homeowner it's kind of eh if you're not like if you're you know it's going to be hard to grow watermelon indoors it's what I'm saying but now like you know you can probably like grow them on the roof you know if you have a terrace or something like that but indoors nice and no go but um it's definitely well worth it you know you can like juice watermelon you can make smoothies out of it you can eat it straight up I love it I can't I can never get enough of it I will share a little little overshare growing up long long time ago this is due to systemic programming and conditioning I was just four and five I didn't know about stereotypes but I just kind of felt weird so it was like super hot I think it was like the second week of July it was a little bit out after a little bit after the 4th of July weekend so it's like 678 I was over my grandma's house and you know super duper hot outside rambunctious you know how children are like so I'm just you know she's like go outside and play it like you know I'm just you know all over the all over the house and so I'm in the yard she's like don't leave the yard okay you can play outside but just don't leave the yard so I'm in the yard it's hot super hot so my grandma she sliced up a watermelon she said you want some of this watermelon it's you know it's cold and refreshing and I'm like okay I'm thinking I'm about to go inside but no she still kind of had the picnic table out from previous 4th of July just you know we had all our stuff the little canopy and everything so I meant like kind of got shade but not really cuz super hot outside long story short she brings the water just I don't know why I was just like I didn't know about stereotypes and all that cuz my grandma she knew I love watermelon so I was just like I didn't want to eat the watermelon outside so my uncles they're back and forth to the tennis entry so they're they like super militant and then my grandma she couldn't she was like puzzled she didn't want to knock their girl why they want to eat it she like and then she uncles like mom and he don't want to eat it outside it's like why and then he was just like and then he just kind of shot her look and then it was just like an unspoken like thing in our culture and then she finally put it together like so I got to eat the watermelon inside you know it's sad that you know they did that to our people but anyway so back to these brothers the mission statement is to encourage people to eat nutritious foods and take care better care of their bodies elevate the community to help and wellness and also to empower and impact the communities in a positive way their blood related brothers so I'm giving you the you know positive frame of reference of generational will if you want to know more visit part me sometimes I can't read my own handwriting got really messy handwriting so hundred in the physical address is a hundred thirty nine and Lenox Avenue in New York City let's put our hands together to give these two brothers Torel Dickson and Keanu Miles a warm narrative podcast round of applause and I forgot one section Black Sea Brothers was established in 2018 now next business I'll be highlighting highlight section of the narrative podcast is a business called sister seeds sister seeds was established in twenty I don't think the article did say what year I'm thinking twenty eighteen by a one by a sister by the name of Amina Mitchell she got in the agriculture at a very young age she grew up on a farm in Georgia she got involved she did a whole lot of moving around in their early years so taking it beyond one knowing like what what she went to do as she became an adult she was involved in a project out in Boston called the food project and she was only for fourteen when she participated in that project and that was kind of the catalyst to sent her you know to starting her own you know farm and then from there she studied environmental set environmental science at Stelman College and then after that she moved Philadelphia to learn more about you know farming and earned her a degree in the horticulture from the temple university in Philadelphia and then from there she opened seed sisters seed sisters you know with the initiative growing up in her roots you know that beachy culture in Georgia you know she studied you know the best bread like all the plants that they're using beachy culture like the okra and tomato and stuff like that how to cultivate you know how to farm and cultivate the vital produce that we need to sustain our bodies and by our I mean original people you know things that kind of you know the living sources of energy we need to properly stay in proper nutrition so that's essentially why she created sister seeds so what they do is they sell seeds they also have a few already full grown but it's mostly like vegetation like you know heirloom tomatoes and okra and those greens the VP Kamala Harris says she specializes in they got those kind of should be washing in the bathtub but yes they just do a whole lot of fresh food and then of course you know and strive with my highlight section and strive with the topic of the highlight section which is water melon because watermelon day she also sells watermelon seeds she says a variety of seeds to you know plant and among those are watermelon seeds so if you want to know more about what she does at a sister seed go to sister seeds dot com and you can read more about the project you can also donate as well if you want to donate your money or some time to you know help out with that organization they grow and cultivate seeds and then they sell them and you know they buy little plots of land as well to employ people and also to educate them and also you know share sustainable food with the community that's free of toxins free of pesticides and other harmful things so you know support the cause go to sister see and that's sister not sister S.I.S.T.A.H. her S.I.S.T. yeah they H I can't spell it now but you know this sister not sister seeds and join me in the given our sister that created the program and meet an initial warm narrative podcast round of applause then my next section on the narrative podcast is a spotlight section this section is dedicated towards this is a the positive reinforcement section and then this section what I'm doing is I'm giving positive reinforcement to impactful people within our community doing positive things in our community and impacting our community in a positive way with their platform giving back to to our community do you know philanthropy or you know advocacy or you know social activism or awareness or just carrying and conducting themselves in a positive way on a public platform so yeah that's why the whole nature of the spotlight section exists it also exists to promote you know positive reinforcement set the tone and trend for utilizing your platform to say something positive about a brother or sister giving them their roses for doing something positive instead of you utilizing your platform to you know say something negative about a brother or sister which unfortunately a lot of us are programmed and conditioned into doing that the powers of shit be got us believing the only way you can accrue money online is to be missing online here you know degenerate content talk negatively about your brother or sister put them down make negative comments slander the names here our dirty laundry you know go back and forth in the comments you know it's literally like a billion dollar a year of business and unfortunately our people it has become the catalyst of that business because like I said through you know psychological systemic programming and conditioning that they've been doing to our people you know we fuel that industry so what I want to do on this platform is design you know this section the spotlight section at the narrative podcast is basically to you know encourage the listening audience to use positive reinforcement you know what's the old saying you attract more bees with honey that so that's my ideology it is Ryan Seacrest here there was a recent social media trend which consisted of flying on a plane with no music no movies no entertainment but a better trend would be going to chumba casino calm it's like having a mini social casino in your pocket chumba casino has over a hundred online casino style games all absolutely free it's the most fun you can have online and on a plane so grab your free welcome bonus now at chumba casino com sponsored by chumba casino no purchase necessary vgw group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply on that is to basically uplift and edify our people with positive reinforcement giving them their roses for doing something positive now when I start this section I used to just only do celebrities so like celebrities and public figures like recording artists comedians actors actresses athletes religious figures youtubers tiktakers you know just like social media influencers those are the people that I used to highlight highlight section I've moved away from that because I don't want to play into the negative stereotype of you know that's all we know how to do is entertain so lately as of late I've just been trying my very best to highlight regular people I might start highlighting celebrities again because our celebrities we get they get done really dirty you know the only time we see them is when they're going off the jail or involved in some type of scandal some type of love triangle some type of something criminal some type of criminality you know some involving guns and violence or you know lewd sexual acts that's the only time we're seeing celebrity celebrities within our community you know that's what they want to focus on not all the positive things they do and people they help and you know the communities they try to uplift but anyway I will say I think I've been doing a lot of good on my platform because I see I know for a fact that I created the way for spotlighting because before I started the spotlight section on my platform the narrative podcast nobody nobody was spotlighting anybody now all of a sudden we got a spotlight sex a spotlight bit spot like that spotlight spotlight spotlight you know which is cool because like I said I'm here to uplift and edify our community so now that so many people now are spotlighting that makes me feel good because even though you know the stats are saying I'm not being impactful I obviously am I know I got a whole lot of you know famous influential people it's kind of down with my program that just give me a little you know a little nod a little wink wink that they're listening because if they wasn't you know my you know my content wouldn't appear in their content like all my nuances I have on the narrative podcast you know the things I say and the way I say the things I said people like are doing that and they wasn't before so the internet makes the world small I got a whole lot of people listening to me and I'm changing the narrative I'm impacting the culture so you know if I was in it for just the money I'd have quit a long time ago but that's cool that I'm kind of changing the narrative and steering our people away from being messy online and being more productive and one positive solutions and positive relationships using their platforms for positivity instead of negativity so you know then on that note you are now listening to the narrative podcast with Halsey Allen the narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time and the real what so now on on with this week's spotlight of the narrative podcast this week's spotlight goes to a brother by the name of Rashan Miller Rashan Miller because he started the organization called U-stress Incorporated in 2013 U-stress is a nonprofit organization that deals with mental health so we have unfortunately we have a lot of mental health crisis within our community lack of proper facilities to receive mental health and acknowledge when you need therapy for your mental health because within our culture fortunately you know religion plays a big role in that because we've been you know with the Jesus programming that all you gotta do is pray and don't do nothing on your end you know we we our people original people we receive a whole lot of psychological trauma from childhood on into adulthood and a lot of us can't deal with it and whole lot of PTSD and just from having them damn folks play with us in our face you know with the systemic programming and conditioning and it's just like all that violence happening around us all that negativity on television and you know music all that negativity we absorb a lot of us is just walking around ticking time bombs and a whole lot of us unfortunately self-medicated medicate ourselves to deal with it you know whether it's through alcoholism illegal substances barbitchiwits whatever we're having sex some people you know everybody got a little vice but food but whatever this particular brother he created this program because he had a plethora of mental health issues you know among them he had like several I think his biggest one was like depression in schizophrenia his he himself was a recovering at it and addicted to alcohol and I think as bio said some drugs too but he didn't he somehow found a strength to you know pull out that nose dive and lift yourself up and find the strength that he needed to reach out and help people that was on the same path to destruction he was and so like that's really good because a lot of people not just our community even when they do pull themselves up when they fall down and you know get their life right they'll just turn their back disassociate themselves with anything any people like that and look down on people this one through the same thing that they went through but you know this brother he just he stayed down under earth and said hey I'm going to be a part of I'm going to be the solution and he's going to be solution based I don't want any he didn't want anybody to suffer the way he was suffering so he created that program he said like okay well how can I impact my community in a positive way how can I tell my story you know and he created you stress and he has helped a whole lot of people and turned a whole lot of people's lives around and his motto is be who you needed to be when you were younger so I'm guessing that means like you know be the person that you needed you know you need it like when people go down on a downrope where it's fire you know they need somebody to be the helping hand to reach in and help them up now I say this this is like kind of a double-edged sword with that is sometimes you can't help everybody because like some people don't want to be helped and some people in that position they're just some people got to hit rock bottom as if you reach in and help them they'll be dependent on the help and they won't get themselves right so some people you got to stand back and just like unfortunately let them suffer especially like loved ones because all of us got loved ones it's just like you know lost in the sauce or whatever and you can't do nothing but love them from afar you can't like give them the help they need because they'll abuse your health so you've got to just like of course like you know I don't know like pay all the bills for them try to you know make sure they got a proper nourishment and their basic necessities but you can't be around them you know what I mean so we all got people like that within our you know our loved ones in our family really close friends in that type of situation but sometimes you just can't love everybody but anyway so if you want to know more about his nonprofit organization go to and it's E-U-S-T-R-E-S it's pronounced U-stress but it's spelled E-U-S-T-R-E-S-O-E-U is on the link for his nonprofit organization he's a public speaker he does TED talks and hosts all kind of community events and mixers where he's keeping a conversation of mental health and it's a much needed thing within our community so you know as in the therapy world the only way to get help from the problem is to acknowledge you have a problem and its brothers keeping the conversation of having a problem not be a problem by acknowledging it you know what I mean why you can't get the help if you don't say you need the help so he's creating a space for people that needs help to verbally say I need help and you know help me and that's what he's doing with his platform so go over to they have a donation button go find out more about that find out how you can be a help or how you can use their resources to help somebody you may know that's going through something so let's give our brother Rashawn Miller a warm narrative podcast round of applause for being the spotlight recipient this week on the narrative podcast weekend edition and next section is called the health and wellness section in this section I'm talking about health and wellness tips because I believe health is wealth the reason why I'm doing this section is because our people unfortunately we are very sick people largely to do with we're being singled out they're putting things that are very harmful in the air toxic in the water toxic in our food and then psychologically attacking us attacking our finances attacking our spirits yeah spiritual warfare is real and so in this section in the narrative podcast I'm giving tips did to help us our people original people armor up in all the areas that we're being attacked so we can live prosperous how happy healthy productive lives a disclaimer before getting into the health and wellness tip of the day well first of all I'm gonna give examples of the types of tips I give but I'm just a disclaimer this podcast is for anybody listening to anybody from any background you can listen to that this podcast if you have an open mind and you consider yourself progressive and you want to learn about different people's cultures and everything and try to educate yourself and be a part of the solution not part of the problem however my target demographic is my people original people and I don't subscribe to the narrative that it can get lonely climbing Mount McKinley so to entertain myself I go to Chumbah Casino dot com at Chumbah Casino I can play hundreds of online casino style games for free like online slots bingo slingo and more plus I get a daily login bonus it's just too bad that up here I don't have anyone to share my excitement with with the temple life anytime anywhere play for free now at Chumbah Casino dot com we're just you know we're all one in this kumbaya and we're all one blood and we're just not that's not how the creator made us wherever you call yourself believing in God Jesus Allah Buddha if you believe in vibrational frequency energy the ancestor whatever you call yourself believing in we were not created or equal we're not all one we have different cultural things that separate us we just have natural nuances about us we are vibrating a different way culturally we all have cultural dietetic needs whereas like you know within one culture a certain group of people can eat that food every single day and it will sustain their lives well into you know hundreds of years beyond the year that they were born and be operate totally healthy whereas another group they can eat it you know if they eat it more than one day more than a week they'll start developing you know severe problems within our culture we are the people of the sun you know the sunlight nourishes us the more we're exposed to it the healthier we become the clearer our skin becomes we'll become more mentally cognitive you know our hair get longer we'll become more focused we'll just be you know ourselves to get supercharged the more we're exposed to it whereas other people they don't possess high concentrations of melanin you know they develop skin diseases their skin a pill and flake and they'll become physically ill from getting exposed to the sun so we're not all the same people we all got different needs mentally physically and spiritually on the spiritual side of it you know we are acknowledge the higher power a certain way we are you know tap into that higher power in different ways there's all kind of different denominations of Christianity of Islam of you know Buddha Buddhism of Hinduism of all the isms like everybody got a different take an interpretation on that you know higher power whatever you want call it everybody got perceive it differently and you know I can't you know one circle can't go into another circles way and you know be have be in perfect spiritual harmony doing it their way you know what I mean so like we're not all the same we are we all have different mental health needs we all have different mental triggers so you know to stay in good mental health we have to look at it a certain way I can't view it the same way you view it you can't view it the same way my culture music so said all that say we're not all the same so in this health and wellness section of the narrative podcast I get health and wellness tips years specifically for my people original people so you know yeah teach their own I'm going to my own so yeah the types of tips I gave in the health and wellness section is like on the physical side of it you know plan herb extract elixir vegetable fruit roots compound that you can ingest or apply topically to increase your physical health or a type of physical exercise you can perform to increase your longevity on the mental side of it you know way that you can stay in I give tips on how to stay in perfect mental health spiritual side of it like I said spiritual spiritual round is real and we are being attacked through the spiritual round you know especially us though those of us living here in America there's a whole lot of demonic type stuff activity happening and you need to be aware of it and recognizing how to you know guards or spirit against it so I gave tips on how to do that yeah so yeah I think I covered it everything you need to know about the health and wellness section of the narrative podcast without any further ado getting on into this week's health topic health and wellness tip so I'll be talking about the health benefits of coconut water so coconut water especially those in Caribbean culture you know this is a life giving fruit I believe it's a fruit so coconuts are a fruit a droop actually which is kind of you know in botanical terminology a fruit I don't know why don't you just call it a fruit why they gotta call it a droop but it's a fruit so it's a life-giving fruit it's juice it's nectar or water it's highly advantageous to people that consume it it's good for your skin health skin hair and nails you can eat the pulp the flesh too and then for the shell you can use it to like hold stuff in so you don't have to throw away any of it the drawback is only grows in like tropical type climate so here in the States we would only see coconut growing in places like Florida maybe Texas the cultivates you had to any for else you would need a hot house to cultivate coconut California I believe probably got coconuts as well but it has to be like a extremely hot like borderline tropical for coconuts to properly grow here in the States it's good for your digestive health good for your urinary tract helps with your you know your nation also good for gut health good for the number two bone health bone density and improves your heart health regulates you know the trans fats and keeps the blood flowing to the heart unclogs all your arteries packed full of potassium magnesium and calcium and also supercharges your cells and replenishes your electrolytes so keeps you hydrated antioxidant and if you know what antioxidants mean basically that's a fat burner so if you're trying to lose weight coconut water will help you do that help you burn the fat the biggest plus of it you can drink a lot of it and you won't like you know you won't flesh out any vital nutrients unlike water just plain water water with water to tends to do is it fleshes out you know all that harmful stuff but then it fleshes out you know the vital nutrients the minerals the flesh is out the minerals too when you drink a lot of water as we're all supposed to be consuming H3 O2 which means you're supposed to be like eating your water but we're coconut water you can actually drink it sick on it and what you want to do is go for the pink when you're consuming coconut water if it ain't pink don't drink because pink is just basically is healthy it's oxidation so real organic coconut water when stored is supposed to turn pink if it ain't pink don't drink and like the best brand my go-to brand is harmless coconut everything else do not consume it if it says coconut flavored drink do not consume it if it has sugar in it do not consume it if it has a God they syrup in it do not have consumed coconut water if it has anything other than coconut water make sure it said if it doesn't have any other ingredient it shouldn't have no benzide no benzene no none of it eats none of the ice none of the ice no chlorides no nothing you should just say coconut water and it should be pink if you want to drink it that it's not out of if it's not out of the coconut itself the only other thing that beats pink coconut water is the actual coconut and you tap it and you drink out of it so like I said you can eat the flesh of the coconut as well drink it eat the flesh all those same benefits you'll get full taste wise I don't know what to tell you like healthy stuff you know that's the double-edged sword of healthy stuff it doesn't taste the greatest coconut is just like I used to hate coconut as a child I could not stand coconut still hate the taste I just but now I don't mind it so much cuz I consume it so much but I could not younger like I just hated it I got a sibling she always like well I can't believe after I start stop eating me I just can't believe you like coconut now but you know for the health benefits you know you're just gonna have to you know suck it up if you want them health benefits is there's not just coconut in my opinion it does not have a pleasant taste there's nothing pleasant tasting about coconut but for the health benefits you know yeah I mean a lot of cultures they shred coconut in their like cuisine like coconut fried rice and you know nays and culture that make something called Tom yum soup coconut milk so like coconut is just it's a really versatile food super food super healthy super good for you super clean in coconuts another thing about them a factoid they're just naturally resilient to radioactivity natural resilient to pesticides how cuz they're outer shell kind of protection protects the actual coconut from it so like it's brown on the inside so like you know bugs never really get at it you gotta like take you know like when you see them on the television when they gotta take it the machete down and bust a coconut open it's a lot of work to get to it for people so you know it's a lot of work for like pestice for like bugs and stuff to get to the coconut animals you know you know they're especially like nature equipped them to deal with them to open the coconut up like you know the monkeys they got that super strength they can get the coconut but there's not too many bugs sticking like getting side coconut so you know coconut has a natural resilience for pesticides and radioactivity so it's a forever clean food it's not nothing really they can do to a coconut to you know take it out of its natural form and now of course they can bio engineer anything they can grow anything in the test tube but you know when you're dealing with a real authentic coconut versus something that cloned in the lab and again if you're gonna drink like already coconut water you know don't drink if it ain't pink because natural coconut water iodizes so yeah that's the only way that can happen now there they probably will at some point start adding the peak step into the world of power loyalty and luck I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse with family canola's and spins mean everything now you want to get mixed up in the family business introducing the godfather at Champa casino dot com test your luck in the shadowy world of the godfather slot someday why we'll call upon you to do a service for me play the godfather now at Champa casino dot com welcome to the family no purchase necessary vdw group we were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply color into some company some wicked evil diabolical entity will eventually start adding the artificial pink to make trick people into thinking that you know it's natural and it's not but you know more over you know pink is a good thing when you're consuming coconut water so that's been the health tip of this week coconut water and now for my next section our next section is basically current events current news was currently happening in the world today I call it my speaking points and my speaking point usually is something globally something nationally to make national headline news something that makes global headline news or something just trending within our community and the purpose of me doing that is to control the narrative because the media go out of this way to have us looking and sounding crazy so this is me just unpacking it from our perspective whatever's happening in the world from you know our perspective so this week I will be talking about the brother of a brother that got gunned down and unlived in his residency and his younger brother his 16 year old brother uh a brother by the name of Andre Fortson Andre Fortson is the brother of Roger Fortson so if you're unfamiliar with Roger Fortson Roger Fortson was a US Airman that was gunned down in his home by a police deputy in um Florida now his younger brother allegedly was caught in a crossfire in his apartment complex and so like a four year somebody was having to shoot out in the four year and allegedly he um in Dakela County and he allegedly got caught in the uh crossfire and I'm saying allegedly because this happens um you know in July his brother got unlived on May 3rd and now Caleb got um gunned down within the three month time span of his brother and whom you know the sheriff department of that state is being investigated now it said that somebody in the building that was having a firefight a shoot off or whatever shoot out and he just happened to be in the line of fire and caught a stray which is kind of uh fishy to me so you said he was in a uh debris's way apartment complex in Florida he said you know allegedly they're saying um they're chalking it up to gang violence um they're saying you know two groups of people have had a uh existing like beef or whatever and had and they'd been on on site every time they see each other so they said they got a young lady in custody involved in the shooting um they're not releasing a whole lot of information and I'm really from my perspective how I'm from the outside looking in to me it seems like you know the police of that county targeted this young man because it's getting hot you know one of their own was caught on camera and alive in you know a hero to our nation and you know the whole reason why he was pushing himself in the military to be so hard was to be a mentor to his younger brother to help change his trajectory in life he didn't want his younger brother to be consumed in street life it's really rough living in Florida it's extremely violent um you know many parts of Florida is like a third world country like they have a lot of cultures mixing especially like Spanish culture Haitian culture like they got a lot of cultural little gangs in cold in Florida but you know it's just super violent but it's just it's not making sense it's just not adding up you got caught in a crossfire in the um so there was there was just having to shoot out like the okay corral inside an apartment complex in Florida is this not it's not adding up to me you know I could be wrong I don't think I know everything and I know you know it can't happen like innocent people often do get caught up in the mix and um to receive something they signed up for you know receive something that they didn't sign up for you know that's why I always tell my younger family be careful about who you're hanging out with and you know the type of environment you're in because you don't you never know accidents can and do happen um I just don't think that was accidental because you know he prided himself into being a mentor for his younger brother to me it seems like a retaliation type deal from my perspective they can't really focus on it right now because they're trying to you know get justice for Roger who is unlived by the police this incident doesn't have any clear linking to the shooter and probably will never have clear shooting linkage to the shooter especially if the shooter was a police officer so they just saying they got somebody in custody involved in the um in a shooting that happened in that apartment what they're not saying was you know the bullet from that shootout you know you know was that uh because I guess they got they had the firearm on the young lady was the bullet from that gun the one day on the live um Andre that's what's not being said so to me it seems like a clear case of retaliation you know that brotherhood of the blue stuff because if you didn't know the police are like the biggest gang in the world especially in that part of the world they have people you know the gangs pay for uh cell drugs for them the gangs get other gangs out the way for them they offer their services they paid under the table you know I don't think that's out of the realm of possibility that you know the police had somebody working for it in to send a message to uh the fortson family to you know call off their uh lawsuit because you know he was so close to his younger brother his younger brother was his world so you know that definitely to me it doesn't seem like out and around the possibility that the police would target his younger brother and try to make it appear as though it was he was just another just a statistic of gang coaching you know he was just caught up in the crossfire it seems like really convenient just not even a two and a half months after roger gets in the line then his brother does no suspects no witnesses because they know they messed up with the uh body cam footage for the first one and I think they're going to keep on applying pressure to the family until they drop the law so that's my own personal unpopular uh theory but you know I don't I just I can't conceive it just being an accident he was in the wrong place at the wrong time the time is too off but um anyway that's just my synopsis of it um with this data conclude this episode of the narrative podcast um join me again next weekend for another odd new episode of the narrative podcast where we get your podcast information from remember to download this episode and I previously reported episodes of the narrative podcast to keep up to date with the latest uploads of the narrative podcast following me on youtube I'm hosie out on youtube hit the emphasis of the subscription button and notification button on and then um like share and uh leave me a comment on my youtube channel um and then also on x and the reason why you want to follow me on youtube and x is because of this platform that I'm broadcasting on automatically uploads to youtube and x after I'm done um uploading episodes um yeah so do that now x probably is the best place to you know download the episodes because when you hit the link on x it'll uh take you right to you know my podcast and you will see all the options to download you'll see the little heart shake light button you'll see the comment box and then you'll see the little three buttons off to the side where you can share it to you know whatever platform your preferred platform of choice um so yeah either youtube or uh x whatever you do make sure you hit the download button the little arrow pointing downward download this episode not previously reported episodes of the narrative podcast uh next thing I want to promote is I have written a book titled the black card the black card is a 30 page book of poetry chronicling our um our experience as a culture as a people um all the nuances of our culture all our experience both positive and negative um written in a real creative insightful look at us it's basically like a snapshot of our people in poetry form um a how-to or a survival guide if you will so yeah real creative real witty it'll make a good coffee table read a good gift you can just really immerse yourself in it definitely see yourself in it if you're an original man or original woman people outside of our culture they can enjoy it as well if they consider themselves progressive and open-minded and like learning about new things um so yeah go check it out go by purchase the book today uh currently it's only available on one medium and that's has their own virtual online bookstore uh four-word members of that community if you're unfamiliar with basically it's a community for novice writers writers of all genres um the predominant genre is of course poetry it's in the name um but you know it's basically like for hobbyists looking to become professional writers but it's open to all forms of writing poetry um novel writing like you want to write a novel essay writing um even journaling if you like the uh no journal even that form of writing is welcome in that community short stories uh whatever type high cools whatever type whatever you like to write well i guess high cool is upon but you know what i'm saying like all forms of writing are welcome in that community um but like i said um has their own virtual online bookstore the book store all the books in their uh bookstore are um books written by people in that community so to access my book the black card simply go to uh go to their uh virtual every day when you log in to chumba the ultimate online social casino you get a free daily bonus imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life i chose french fries overloaded french fries i asked stewart from accounting about his weekend even though i don't care i updated my operating system without having to call tech support collect your free daily bonus at chumba now and live the chumba life btw group no purchase necessary void reputed by law he terms and conditions 18 plus online bookstore and look for my title the black card and purchase it under thirty dollars good good price great book you'll love it you'll enjoy it go cop it now the black card or get your black card revoked next thing i want to plug is my personal poetry blog on um it's called harz's poetry corner the link is www dot mr harz's and what that is is a collection of my personal poetry um the unique thing about my my poetry folks posting on that blog is that uh wrote all my poems spontaneously in the moment so what you can do is like um you can enjoy it and uh it's for everybody um all walks of life i have uh quite a few little over a dozen uh specifically for our community but for the most part all my poems posting on that uh poetry blog are for everybody like any any any scenario anything in life you can think of is um you know on that poetry blog and then to support the poetry blog you want to uh click the uh oh wait and then um also another unique thing about the poetry blog is uh i think i already mentioned it it was just spontaneously written in the moment and um you know i didn't contemplate or any of the poems written on the poetry blog i just wrote them as there was coming to me like they're so intricate and so detailed you would think that uh you know i spent a whole great deal of of time writing the poems but that's not actually the case they're just spontaneous in the moment the way you can support the poetry blog is go to uh at hoses blog either share the link to hoses poetry corner or a poem featured on hoses poetry corner across all platforms and then um you know also they have a comment box please when you get to the link leave me a comment in the comment box on hoses poetry corner and then also click that little hardship like button you know that helps a great deal and then the tagline for my poetry blog is called hoses poetry corner poetry with a passion poetry for all occasions and you know when you read one of my poems you'll see they live up to that tagline because i literally have a poem for every conceivable thing in life and every conceivable thing people go through in the experience in life but you know that's all my projects i want to promote i went a little bit out of sequence you guys because this is a super late upload and i'm kind of tired so i started at 11 so it's now sunday but it was like 10 when i got started um one last section of the narrative podcast before i bring it to a close uh is my final word of the day i mean um yeah wise word of the day pardon me and my wise word of the day just is uh self-explanatory is just something uh witty something to uh just basically have you ponder and think and um you know reflect on life just critically think about something and ponder its meaning depth and complexity that's what the wise word of the day is so the wise word of the day is trust um trust isn't something that you should just give away trust is definitely something that needs to be earned uh you have to prove yourself to be trust worthy in order to have productive relationships productive friendships um acquaintance relationships in a relationship you know whether you know you're with a woman or you're a woman you're with the man and everything in between i'm not going to address everything in between um and the other thing you know you need to trust is yourself a lot of us don't trust ourselves to make the right decisions we don't have enough self-confidence entrust ourselves to not let ourselves down and we'll sit up here and second guess you know our ideas like now we'll talk ourselves out of doing something because we don't trust ourselves we'll have a like a really good idea and then won't do it because we'll second guess um um but the biggest thing you need to trust is trust the process and i and i i i really don't like quote things i come across online but something uh i don't know that i could i want to write this uh the content creator's name down but i forgot his platform but uh basically he had this like a motivational video he does motivational videos and you know he was talking about you know people say public transportation every day you'll get on the bus every single day but you don't know anything about the bus driver you don't know his uh current driving records you don't know if you ever been in he or she ever been in the uh you know accident in their life but you get on you get on the bus pay your fear and sit down and don't worry about it all you think about is your destination um people and then he said people uh don't know anything about uh pilots you know when you're traveling by air but you'll get on a plane you don't know anything about the pilot you don't know anything about the cold pilot you don't know anything about the uh the airplane in general how many times it's been serviced you don't know about you know the uh cold pilot like you know if they're qualified to fly the plane or not but you will sit you know in the plane and trust the plane and then he just he went through the whole gamut like boats and everything restaurants like all these things that we don't really think about but we partake in and engage in every single thing uh every single day pardon me so said he said all that to say you know you trust every all these other things that's you know beyond the uh scope of what you can control but you won't trust the process and i was like whoa that blew me away so i just want to tack on to what he said you got to trust the process we trust everything outside of ourselves you know we trust like um everything and then especially uh us living here in the united states we trust our government more than we trust ourselves we trust our government more than we trust the process a government that's lied to us let us down consistently and over and over again use this over and over again but we keep trusting it but we won't trust ourselves we won't trust the process so whatever you're going through in life you have to trust the process and believe that you're on the right track so whatever you're working on and it's not going to be our peaches and cream you're not going to get you know the confirmation that you're seeking that whatever you're doing is actually working but it's there it is working because you're doing it every day if you're consistent with every day you will produce the results that you need to see eventually because we all got a different path we're all here for a different purpose we're all being used by the higher power for a different reason whatever the higher power is that whatever you call it we're all here for a different reason we're all being used for a different reason you got to be you got to trust the process and trust your path trust your instincts you know don't hesitate move on your first instinct mistakes will be made you will have your short companies you will have your downfalls but you have to trust is going somewhere in the right direction now you know there'll be things there's exceptions to everything in the rules so if you're not going the right way you will get you know you will get a sign that you're going the wrong way and you got to take heed to that sign that something wasn't meant for you or there was a door that wasn't supposed to be open but you got to trust it you know when the when a door closes that was the best possible scenario for you it wasn't because you didn't try hard enough it wasn't because you weren't good enough it was just there was a clearer better path for you so again you got to trust the prep process when things are removed you got to trust it was better for you but anyway wise word of the day is trust i've plugged all my projects now this is usually where i would plug the projects but i plugged the projects before i did my final word of the day that's how i usually do my own weekend format so remember to download this episode no i previously record episodes of the narrative podcast be looking out this weekend for another full edition of the narrative podcast i am going to try to do it you know Saturday indefinitely this weekend was my far like i had all my notes together i took a nap i legit took a nap looked up and it wasn't the time i procrastinated so that was my bad you know i'm taking accountability before that i got equipped putting stuff off because i had everything done this time had everything research had everything done had everything written out like and i just kept on blowing it off and blowing it off and as in result saturday's episode ended up being sunday's episode so if i would have just did it you know at the regular time if i were to start broadcasting it like six or seven then you know it would have got you know at a decent hour but um anyway join me next weekend for another full edition of the narrative podcast so we're going to say saturday's slash sunday but uh tuning in to me uh throughout the weekday too so you don't miss weekend editions of the narrative podcast wherever you get your podcast information from and remember i have two different formats i have a weekend format and a weekday format so i'm uh over 300 episodes in just go through my episode log and you will see the difference between my uh weekend and my weekday format there's different as night as a day but still a good show still sharing positive frames of reference we're going changing the narrative together go out there have an awesome week enjoy the rest of your weekend we're gonna dominate the new week together we're gonna change the narrative um i'm halsey allen i'm changing the narrative one episode at a time i'm asking you to help me change the narrative by becoming a narrator and while i'm changing the narrative on my end one episode at a time as a narrator you can help me change the narrative on your end when social media posts at a time until next time halsey out in the narrative podcast signing off in the slight day so uh gas you are now listening to the narrative podcast with halsey allen the narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time it is ryan here and i have a question for 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