BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 864. Eating Plain Flour of the Five Grains: What Is the Correct Bracha? Eating a Complete Grape.

Eating Plain Flour of the Five Grains: What Is the Correct Bracha? Eating a Complete Grape.

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04 Aug 2024
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Eating Plain Flour of the Five Grains: What Is the Correct Bracha? Eating a Complete Grape.
Welcome everybody, here number 864, getting back to our hulkus brachus. Okay, we want to get packed out with simmon, believe it or not, reich res, which we are actually in the middle of, we got off on a tangent going through various different halakhas, which come up in hulkus brachas. So, like we always mention, we try and go back and forth, even though we sort of finish the subject, but we, or a Indian, we always go back to it, especially something like Shunai mokka in these type of things, which come up constantly in the constantly new questions, do shaylas that come up, and we try and discuss them. Okay, so interesting, I just want to explain, in simmon, reich res, it's sort of like split up into two different parts. The first part, we pretty much covered to an extent in reference to the grains, the five grains, right, the, the five various different grains, how it works when they ground up, if you're eating a whole grain, if you're eating it ground up into a flower, if it's made into bread, if you have the flower put in, as mezonos and tastes and sustenance, if it's only there for, you know, to keep the mechanics of the food, all that. So, that's sort of like the first part, the first part of reich res. Now, the second part of reich res talks a little bit more about the, something which we started talking about, to an extent, and that's the bracha, bracha achas meyenschalish, and the bracha achas meyenschalish, and the very, in other words, in various different instances, you have, it's basically three different types, and number one, you have in reference to, you know, regular alamikhi, which we all know, personally, it's a piece of cake, whatever, you ate the right amount, which we've been talking about constantly, and reviewing constantly, which we will continue to review constantly, these things come up, and we have to constantly remember, and it's something that we all forget. So, you have the regular alamikhi, you have the, on the shivis aminam, right, you make alawaitval preweights, and then we have, of course, on wine, or on grape juice, where we make alawaitvam, al preagefin, so those various different halachas are sort of in the second part of simileschas, which we want to get to, just a few more odds and ends to cover up, to finish the first part, really, so we spoke about, we spoke about, again, just the chaz real quickly, we spoke about the grains, we spoke about the grains right in the flour, if it's a regular grain, all that stuff we spoke about in general, interesting thing, which we spoke about a little bit in sif, hey, if somebody wants to eat plain flour, which, I don't know, too many people do that, but regular plain flour, right, you want to eat plain flour, what do you do with that, what type of broch is it, now the flour is not, it's not a grain, right, we spoke about that a little loss, it's not a grain, and it's, but it's not made into anything, if I take the flour, I make it, and I bake it, then I make it into a bread, fine, so you have a moiety, if I make it into a snack-type food, whatever the case is, even pretzels or whatever might be, right cake, so then have the zonas, but let's say I just want to eat plain flour, which, not too many people can eat, but if somebody does eat it, the makhabad does say in sif cotton, and sif, hey, kamak kafulu shalikitim, maverh love shahakul, vakhra burnifoshe, so you'll make a shahakul they make it burnifoshe, afterwards, it's not, the michibre explained, we spoke about the michibre actually, no, that was a diff, that was a diff, again, the michibre says, the thing is it's not, again, it's not, it's sort of like in the middle, it's nishtahin, nishtahir, it's not made, it's not a grain, and it's not made into bread, right, it was not made into mazonas, so therefore, what do we do, we make a shahakul, the sifir is a locus wants to say possibly no broch, if it has no taste at all, well, why is one eating it, but if somebody has some sort of pleasure, let's assume like that, why would a person eat it, but if somebody has some sort of pleasure, some sort of hanas, so they would make not more than a shahakul on plain, simple flower, assuming that the flower was, you know, checked and sifted and whatever the case is, a person has to be careful as far as bugs and trussim and these type of things, so the makhab it tells us interesting, that it doesn't make a difference, if it's thicker flower, thinner flower like this, if it's very thin or thick, flowers flower, and that's a yeshboy tam, shahakitam like this, shahakul or like we said, if mamish somebody has no hanor at all, it'll be no broch, so it brings down the sifir is a locus, okay, so he brings down also the sifir, locus, I'm sorry, sifir is a locus, sifir is a locus It's a good gimel, I was simming Rachshas, I was simming Rachshas, I was simming Rachshas, I was simming Rachshas, I was simming Rachshas. That, at the end, he says, "We'll go on all the five grains, not just flour from wheat, that's how much is smine and other, red to all five grains, spilled, whatever the case is, oats, one is screander, plain flour." So, like the Mishabur said, it's not Nishtahin, it's the hair, it's not baked into anything, but yet it's not a kernel, it's not a grain and so on. Okay, so maybe it has a maverick hold there, it's only if you have Hanava, "Blav Haqi, any maverick, I love clung." Again, an iced gimel, Rachshas, and say, "Rachshas, I love hos," and he brings this from the Birkhaz Habais. Okay, I don't want to spend too much time on this because, obviously, I think not too many people are eating flour. Now, one other thing that we did talk about, just to review real quickly, was the rice issue, which is also brought down in Rachshas. We went through the ins and outs of that. Okay, and also, we spoke about the different times like Kedairchilos Pras, and how much one has to eat in the right amount of time. Okay, let's just, I just wanted to review the, at least the subtitles, the titles and subtitles, some of them, of the first half of Rachshas, as we move into the second half, which is really a totally different set of halachas. Okay, so, to start off, the "sif-yud," right, and "sif-yud" in the "makhaba," the first nine were what we spoke about, and "sif-yud" says like this. "Brahshas-yud" is so called "Braha Akorona," "Brahshas-yud" is in which we spoke about quite a ways back that it's considered, it's really all, it's sort of like three "Brahas" in one, from benching, and so on, and we spoke about those details. In a while back, but he goes like this, says the "makhaba," "Brahshas-yud" is from where the "kunds-larets," from regular "kunds-larets," who say "mah-larets" for al-hah-pay-race. Oh, so now, let's say a person's going to eat, a person's going to sit down to eat, what are they eating? They're going to be eating one of the fruits from the "shiv-a-saminim," okay? The "alamik" part we spoke about in quite a bit of detail already, but now they're going to be eating the fruits from the "shiv-a-saminim," and we, a person has to make a "Brahshas-yud" in shellish, okay? Let's say, for example, grapes, they ate the right amount. What we'll have to talk about is another issue, which we have to talk about, what's called "barrya," which some people brought up, and we have to get into those "balachas," if it's a whole "makhalakis," if somebody ate a complete item like a full grape, and it's a "makhalakis," and we'll try and get into that, but in general, one should try and stay away if they're eating, let's say, for example, grapes. I do want to mention this very strongly, that if somebody's eating grapes, not to just eat one full grape, because that is running into a "makhalakis," whether you make an "alamikya," or not, if you're going to make an "alaritz-valapares," on that one grape. So it is a "makhalakis," that it gets complicated, so in general, won't you be careful to eat the right amount of grapes? We've spoken about how many in the past will try and get back into it to cover all grounds, if you want to call it, okay? Okay, but putting that aside for now, we'll try and get back to that. But so, it tells us the Mahabish Al-Pair, is the Khuzla, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuzala, is Khuz eat the fruits from Eretis Rol, the same shivis aminim, then you're going to say al-Hara'et-Falpei-Reisserha, instead of saying al-Hara'et-Falpei-Reiss, right? Instead of saying al-Hara'et-Falpei-Reiss, from the land, from the pay-reiss, where if it's in its trouble, we're going to end up with the al-Hara'et-Falpei-Reisserha from its pay-reisserha. We'll continue next time going, getting more into detail. Thank you for listening us, Lacham Brokal to the