Oh Boy: A Time Travel Podcast

Oh Boy! Deadpool & Wolverine & Nate & Brian - MCU

Nate & Brian dissect Deadpool & Wolverine to see if underneath all the jokes and cameos and cameo jokes... it even counts as a time travel movie.

1h 10m
Broadcast on:
04 Aug 2024
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Nate & Brian dissect Deadpool & Wolverine to see if underneath all the jokes and cameos and cameo jokes... it even counts as a time travel movie.

Your little cinematic universe is about to change forever. I'm the Messiah. I am. Fireful, Jesus. Oh, boy. It's a time travel podcast. My name is Nate and making more than a cameo appearance is Brian Martin. Hello, everybody. Hello, Brian. Now we're going to preface this episode with the fact that you've just come back from Galaxy Con. That's right. With the ill effects of such an event. Yeah, you know, Con crud is real and con crud is a medical term that's applied to a wide variety of bacterial infections. What it basically means is you feel like shit the week after you come back from a convention. Yeah, I've had it once or twice myself. You're just in this morass of humanity. And I mean, obviously you're going to catch a thing or two. I've made me gone to comic book conventions. And I assume it's all the germs going through those long boxes, you know? Yeah. So Galaxy Con. Like smallpox. You know, the stuff that you. Long box. You get smallpox from the long box. The long dead diseases you can unearth by like thumbing through a dusty long box. Yeah. But yeah, you went to Galaxy Con, which is not, were there comics there? Yeah, there's a whole ton of comic creators there. I'll be honest with you. Uh, I did not investigate the guest list for the comic pros at all for this show. Just because I needed to not have more to spend money on at this show, whether it was art or you're going to discover them once they're there. Aren't you? I didn't even really go through the area. I know Ed McGinnis was there. Oh, so there's like a whole wing for comic books. You just didn't walk into that room. I mean, I walk past that a few times Jim Starlin was there. How do you walk past the comic books section? There's a lot at this con man. A big portion of it is celebrities and voice actors. And then they've got this kind of smallish, but still like some big names. Not unlike Ernie Hudson. Ernie Hudson was there. Yeah. We had some quantum leap alums at the show. Yeah. You were just telling me about Deborah and Wall. Deborah and Wall from fellow travelers and also Daredevil. Right. Brendan Routh was there as well. Did he talk about quantum leap at all? I don't know. I didn't meet him and I did not see his panel. He was on a panel with Ellen Wong who played Knives Chow in Scott Pilgrim. Oh, that would have been to the two of them. We're there together, but I missed that one. That would have been fun to listen to. That's a fun movie. Oh, it's one of my favorites. Yeah. But Ernie Hudson just every bit the guy you expect him to be. Kind, warm, handsome. Buff. Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. One of the funny things he said during his Q&A was, you know, he's always had to wear jackets and stuff. He said, I've had the same physique my whole life, but they always put me in jackets and things like that. And then finally, I take my coat off and everybody's, you know, on the press store for frozen empire. I don't know. I don't remember him looking that good on the crow. Wasn't he a cop in the crow? Yeah, but he was kind of dumpy walking around in his boxers and stuff. I thought he had a real Carl Winslow kind of yeah, a little smaller than that, but I'm going to go back and look. But I've always liked Ernie Hudson. Love the crow. Well, that's cool. That's fun. You had a good time then, mostly. Yeah, it was great time. Great time. Got to meet all sorts of people. They take photographs with a lot of people, you know. Nice. So check out Brian's Instagram is what we're saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a lot of photos on my Instagram with Charlie Cox. Yes. You know, I think this podcast is dangerously close to just becoming a daredevil podcast. Yeah, right. When that new season starts. Yeah, I don't know how they'll work time travel into that, but like Sam Raimi, the director of Evil Dead and the Spider-Man movies. And yeah, strange too. I also met him. Nice. I'm not the kind that gets like tongue-tied or nervous meeting any of these people, you know, like it's just kind of a cool experience to have. But I will tell you, I had like legitimate flutters in my stomach when I met Deborah Anwall. She's just so beautiful. I'm just like, yes. It's hard to talk to pretty ladies. It's a pleasure to meet you, man. Yeah, man. I still handle myself well. Don't get me wrong. Yeah. And then my buddy German and I, just snacking Jackson to paprika listeners out there. No, him. Well, he and I were the ones there meeting her and he started asking about his celebrity crush Rosario Dawson. And whether or not she was going to be in daredevil born again. And then the three of us just kind of talked for a second about how hot Rosario Dawson is. This could not have gone better. Yeah. Well, I would love to cover that show. When that show comes back, man. Oh, yeah. Can't wait. Can't wait. Very much looking for it. It's got about as much time travel as what we're covering tonight. I don't know. I found an angle, Nate. I found an angle with this one. You're not going to like it. You're going to be like, that's ridiculous, but it's true. And we'll get there when we get there. We'll get there. Yeah. So we had a whole plan. Last couple of episodes were Loki season two in preparation for all the time traveling that was going to happen during Deadpool and Wolverine. Well, I mean, to be fair, the TVA, and that's the real reason I wanted to catch up on this was to understand what's the TVA up to at this point, because we knew that the TVA was going to fall into play in Deadpool, Wolverine, and they are all over it, the time variance authority. So I think that makes this fair game. Well, I would say that it makes watching Loki not a waste of time. Well, it's a bad way to put it, because it's not a waste of time in it. Yeah. But it was good that we did it before this. Exactly. That's what I'm getting at. It wasn't wasted time to put in in preparation for the movie, because they are in a different place, and they pick up where they left off. You know, it was good to know that stuff going in, but having seen it, having seen it. Whoa, wait a minute, talk. Are you trying to tell me that my mother has got the hots for me? What was this movie about, Brian? Oh, my God. All right. So I've got a, spoilers are full steam ahead, guys, just so you know, if you have not seen Deadpool and Wolverine yet, take some time out of your busy life to do so, and then come back and listen to this afterwards, because we are going to be talking about a lot of very plot spoilery details throughout. Right. So when we last saw Deadpool, the famed Merc with a mouth, he had just teamed up with Cable and Domino to save the life of a young mutant and alter the course of the future. Deadpool celebrated this success by time traveling into the past and screwing it up in so, so many ways. When he goes back and saves Vanessa, he goes back and kills Ryan Reynolds before he can make Green Lantern, goes back and kills the mouthless Deadpool in X-Men Origins Wolverine. I don't see this one sounds like a time travel movie. Yes. Oddly enough, all those shenanigans aren't what bring the TVA literally knocking at Wade's door on his birthday. TVA agent, Mr. Paradox. Great name. Yes. They always are. Mr. Paradox wants to offer Deadpool a place on the sacred timeline, and we know from Loki that that sacred timeline is the main timeline of the MCU. I also thought that it was gone. Well, the sacred timeline? Yeah, like I didn't think they considered it a sacred timeline anymore. No, we still have to let the viewers know where we are. Yeah. This is really sweet music to Wade's ears or whatever is left of his ears. As he tried and failed to join the Avengers six years prior, as we see in a scene early in this movie, the problem is that Wade's universe is collapsing after losing its anchor being, who naturally is Wolverine, who perished on screen in 2017's Logan. Now, you might expect Mr. Paradox and the TVA to be sympathetic towards this after where the agency was left in Loki, but you'd be wrong about half of that because Paradox is kind of a rogue agent here, and he's building a device called the Time Ripper designed to prematurely end timelines that are deemed failures, such as Deadpool's, which is now collapsing without Wolverine there. I'm just going to pause here and say that's really funny given how much the X-Men movies relied on Wolverine being like the quote unquote anchor character of all of that. So it's like Logan's dead, so we can't make any more X-Men movies. This kind of the theory here, which is really funny, which is not necessarily off base either. Not at all, not at all. Deadpool isn't crazy about his universe collapsing, and stealing Paradox's tempad, he goes to mention hopping looking for a Wolverine that will, one, help him stabilize his reality, and two, thwart Paradox's potential pruning spree. Unfortunately, just as Deadpool finds a Wolverine who's even more of a sad sack than usual, they're both pruned by Paradox and sent to the void at the end of time, where not only do they have a close call with Allioth, the cloud creature, from Loki season one episode five as Deadpool observes, but they also meet all manner of pruned beings in that void. Most important among them is Cassandra Nova, Professor X's twin sister, who was pruned when she was a baby and has lived her entire life in the void, and is also kind of hot and weird fingers in your head kind of way. Upon learning of Paradox's time, Ripper Cassandra hatches a plan to seize the device and use it to destroy every timeline, leaving only the void, and only Deadpool, Wolverine, and a whole lot of cameos are standing in the way of her and that goal. Okay, that's what the movie's about. It doesn't make it any more clear to me. I mean, it does. It's simple, but almost too simple for what it wants to be. What this movie is setting about to do is, to me, very similar to what Spider-Man No Way Home did, but it's less concerned with telling a story with weight and more concerned with making you smile and laugh. Yeah, it's definitely a comedy, obviously, but overall thoughts. How did you feel coming out of the theater? I'll tell you, I laughed. I think I laughed more persistently in this than I did in either of the other two Deadpool movies. Oh, no kidding. All right. There was a lot to chuckle over. There was a lot to smile at. I don't know. Did you manage to avoid spoilers for the most part on this? Yeah, largely. Yeah, so there were a lot of cameos. There were a lot of moments in this that I had no idea about. And when they popped up, I was like, "Oh, shit." And the "Oh, shit" was someone very specific that pops up. The theater really went wild for that. Yeah, and I don't know if that person was in the trailers or not, but I kind of stopped watching trailers after the first one was released. Yeah. I was like, "I'm not even going to watch trailers for this." I don't think he was in the trailers. Probably not, because it was kind of a big deal. Yeah, number a big deal. I don't believe that most of those cameos were spoiled in the trailers. I don't think that happened. Probably not. I think that we should create an entire segment in this episode to discuss just the cameos. Right. So you let me know when we're ready to get there. I don't think we're ready yet. But overall story, this is the kind of movie you go to, and it's a lot of fun while you're sitting there watching it. And the second you try to pick it apart, I mean, it holds up, but like you observed, there's really not a lot to it, right? If you strip it down to its bare bones idea, it's nothing we haven't seen before, even, right? This rogue agent who wants to end reality. How many people have wanted to end reality in these Avengers movies recently? You know what I mean? Yeah, I agree. It's about the personalities that you meet along the way. Absolutely. And that's not to say it's bad. Not at all. It's definitely a good time. It's a lot of fun. I don't laugh a lot out loud at movies, and this one got me once, but... Once. And now I'm going to spend the rest of the episode trying to figure out what was the line. That got the line. But I say that... Was it the vocal coach being a minion? Was it that comment? No. No. I laughed at that. I mean, that was good too. But the guy's skating uphill? The guy's skating uphill? I clapped at that one. No. So here's the thing. I enjoy all of these things. There's just the outright laughter, the L-O-L. I don't do that at movies very often. Sure. But it doesn't mean I'm not amused by it. You know, I'm kind of like maybe internally sort of laughing and just kind of having a good time with it and stuff like that. So it definitely got me in that regard. Plus the action, it's so spectacle. The characters are all really good to gather. All of them. I feel like as far as just an experience watching a movie, it's a really good time with regards to is it engaging, sure, but is it weighty? No. No. The fate of every timeline is at stake and like, you don't care really. Right. You don't even really realize that that's what's at stake. Deadpool's not taking it seriously enough for us to take it seriously. Right. The way that Loki did and Ouroboros did and stuff in the prior episodes that we covered. That balanced the silliness and the seriousness. Yeah. The difference with Deadpool's character is that he's coping with all of this by making jokes deliberately. Obie's funny, incidentally. Right. And Loki's funny, incidentally. But they don't consider themselves funny, right? Deadpool considers himself pretty funny. Exactly. And he knows that he can't shut up. And it's all compensatory. Not that the movie challenges you to think about it like that. No. At all. I mean, only, well, there's one moment where he kind of that's true spells that out for us, basically. But yeah, it sacrifices any kind of real engagements in a narrative. But for me, when they're ready to get to just about the big final fight scene, I was like, no, wait, what are the bad guys up to again? What are the stakes here? It is kind of unclear because like all of that stuff's the least interesting thing in the movie. Exactly. Right. Exactly. Because every time we're not with Wolverine and Deadpool, we just sort of want to get back to Wolverine and Deadpool. Now, that's not really a shot or a knock against Emma Corrin as Cassandra Nova, who I think does a really, really good job. Sure. Of being creepy and menacing. Did you know this? I didn't know this. She actually has prosthetic fingers in the movie. I didn't know that. So she would have really creepy, long fingers. Oh, well, she's wearing prosthetic fingers. And I mean, the fingers are a big, big part of Cassandra Nova. And the effects make your skin crawl. Yeah, they do. She is a wonderfully, wonderfully creepy character. I understand that Hugh Jackman had CG arms. Is that right? The part where he's not wearing sleeves. There's some internet theory that they are CG arms. Oh, wow. I don't know if I'd be willing to ask you Jackman that question in person. But no, you're not wrong about Cassandra Nova. I don't know anything about that character from the comics. She's always been very old, much like Aunt May. She's always been very old, but here she's presented as young and sort of hot. Yeah. So I'm all about that in the MCU. They did the same thing with Ag of a heartness. You know, she was supposed to be all old. I think you're young and hot. I mean, this is Hollywood, baby. Yeah. I mean, Marisa Tomei is considered old by Hollywood standards at this point. Yeah, but that's a good looking woman. Yeah, really, really fantastically. One of the women I find really attractive is in this movie. Oh, is it Marina Bakkeran? I don't think so. It's not. Which one is she? It plays Vanessa, Wade's girlfriend. Oh, no. Oh, man. I always confuse her with Row Lauren. Oh, oh, oh, yeah. Okay. Michelle Forbes. Yeah. I mean, they're generations apart. They are. Like, if they were going to recast Row Lauren today, I feel like she'd be a good body double. I guess that's true. They play, on their respective sci-fi shows, they play polar opposite characters. Row Lauren being this militaristic pejorin, and then Inara on Firefly being a space prostitute. Like, two totally different characters. Escort. I should say Escort. It's not fair to say prostitute. Yes, it is. Right. Fancy. I think they have like the same smile or something. They do kind of have a similar smile, I guess. Yeah. Anyway, who the hell are you talking about? If it's not? Well, we'll have to wait until we get to the cameo segment. Oh, wait. Yeah. Okay. I know who you're talking about. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. Oh, so says you. Well, we'll see. Yeah. Wesley Snipes. Anyways, the heart and soul of this movie is right there in the title. Deadpool and Wolverine. The movie opens with a scene that is, I think, remarkably funny in that Deadpool does some voice over and talks about how Wolverine died in Logan, but he has a regenerative healing factor, and that's not how a regenerative healing factor works. His theory is if he just digs him up, he will be alive again. Right. And then, of course, he digs him up and it's just the decompose skeleton of Wolverine. Yeah. And pretty soon, it's just Wade sitting next to him like, "Fuck!" Like, it didn't work at all like he thought it would. Right. No, that's pretty good. And it's funny because I always thought the same thing. His powers have just slowed down to the fact where he can get punctured by a tree now. Sure. Yeah. I don't know. But then we get a really great opening titles montage, which the Deadpool movies have always been about. Deadpool dispatches a team of TVA agents using chunks of Wolverine's skeleton that he's hurling at them. That's right. Set two, buy, buy, buy, which he also intermittently dances to. Right. Yeah. Good choice. I mean, you wouldn't think so, but it works. It really sets the tone well. It does. And what got me about that start, too, was that the TVA, when we saw them last, were the good guys. Right. Yeah. And I was like, uh, what? Feels kind of bad seeing all these guys just slaughtered. Right. Like it's not like they're there to prune people or destroy a timeline. So I was wondering like, wait, okay, what's going on here? Because we want Wade to be the good guy, even though in the comics, I don't think he has any qualms about killing good guys or bad guys. No, not really. I mean, he's been a hero on occasion. Yeah. It's hard to do a comic book about a villain. That's the issue. That's why they all become anti-heroes, like your venom's and your dead pools and your, you know. Yeah, it turns out the only brain that Venom wanted to eat was Spider-Man's and everybody else is kind of okay. Unless they're really bad. Right. Right. So let's talk a little bit about the TVA in this movie. Very familiar setting that we find ourselves in in the TVA, not a whole lot of very familiar TVA related characters, but I think that's okay given where we left off. It doesn't seem like Mobius is necessarily coming back anytime soon to work. Right. And it's much larger than the TV show would let you believe. Like, if you really think about it, the TVA is freaking huge. So it makes sense that we never would have met Mr. Paradox before, played by Matthew McFadden from Succession. Yeah. Yeah. I think he's a pretty fun character to have. He provides a good counterbalance. He's a villain that's got an agenda, but he's clearly not the heavy. From the moment you meet him, he seems like a real pencil pusher kind of guy. But then he also is at the end. See, like, I'm still a little confused about- He's just a weasel. Like, he to me is the weasel character. Right. Like, he's just a weasily guy. He's obviously not acting under orders from the TVA. We know that immediately having seen Loki, because what this guy's talking about doing was not the mission statement of the TVA anymore. Well, he was supposed to oversee the decay of a timeline. Right. And he's just trying. And basically, Paradox is trying to get home from work early. Yeah. He's like, "Well, if I just collapse it now, then I got the rest of the afternoon, right?" Yeah, basically. Yeah. They said it could take thousands of years. Tell me if I'm imagining this, but I felt like the TVA in Loki had a very green feel. Isn't everything kind of like a green tint and right? And then in this one in Deadpool, it was all red and- I was thinking like it's orange. Yeah, like red and orange kind of thing. Redish tint, yeah. I thought that was interesting that they would make that change. And I kind of don't like it for the aesthetic that we were getting with the show. They didn't quite keep with like the 70s pencil pusher kind of look. Right. I mean, it's fine. I think it has more to do with this movie's palette. Yeah, right. That's what I was getting at. Yeah, they kind of mirrored the colors of the TVA with which characters they were interacting with. Yeah, exactly. Which character was that it was lit differently because, you know, now it's all cinematic. But it's unmistakable. You know, a lot of the readouts look the same. They probably just used the same sets, to be honest. Did they? Maybe. I don't know that main walkway chamber. Yeah, that one doesn't feel like- It looks like it was repurposed though. It looks familiar enough. You know what was repurposed? That city block was repurposed. Yeah. Who were it's times? I liked them in this movie and I'm still- He wanted to control a time ripper. Was he building the time ripper? Yes. Yeah, I think they were manufacturing the time ripper. They were. Okay. Him and his team of people. Right. Okay. So that he could destroy timelines more quickly. Kind of a mercy kill kind of thing. And Deadpool says, "Well, those are my friends. What are you talking about mercy kill?" For that timeline, I get it. But was there a larger goal than that? Look, it's all about efficiency. It's about doing your job efficiently and doing it well. I think he wanted to take over the TVA and run it differently, right? I mean, I'm sure that was his goal. It's always their goal, right? I mean, of course, he's got aspirations. Sounds to me like a time ripper might have solved their problems in Loki. Could have. I guess they didn't want to prune all those timelines. Yeah, eventually they didn't want to prune them anymore. So what was his deal with Cassandra Nova then? Why does he even care about her being trapped off in the void? So Cassandra Nova had bargained to remain in the void and not be consumed by alley-off, right? No, he was bargaining with the monster though, not with paradox. No, I think paradox was aware of this because the TVA pruned her as a child. Right. Because she was going to be so dangerous or something. So the TVA knows she's there. Right. And she's aware of them. And there's this sort of truce there. I guess she could pose a threat, but she seemed uninterested in going in a particular place until she had the means to exact revenge or to make the void the last remaining place in the but the only reason she wanted to do that was because paradox tried to kill her. Yes. But why? Why would he do that? Why does he care? I don't know. To see this. No, you're not wrong. I don't get it. That's why I'm unclear what the motivations are. Yeah, what his motivation is. I know what her motivation is. I just find it really, really, really weak. Like really weak. Like how do you get there? Like why do you care? You've never cared about any of these timelines before. Why do you suddenly care now? Well, I mean, her brother did try to strangle her in the womb with an umbilical cord. Even if that's the case, though, I mean, you've got she's been bitter since she was a baby. But she had already. She'd already let go like she didn't care about the timelines because she even said that she could go somewhere, but she didn't want to because she was in charge of what she had. I'm just trying to find an answer out there in the void, Nate. I don't don't make excuses for the movie. I just confused by I understand that she decided she wanted to destroy all the timelines so that there would be only the void, but then the void's not going to be filled by anything new. So you kind of shitting where you sleep. Enrollment is capped. No more void. And then when the monster eats half of your people, eventually it's just going to eat the whole thing. That's true. I don't know. Those are my gripes with the story. Something more might stand out to us on a repeat viewing too. That's fair. Yeah. We've only seen it the one time. Yeah. Too much dog pool. Too much dog pool? Yeah. I have that written down. You know what I couldn't get enough of? Dog pool. No, the Wolverine cameos. Okay. Well, are we moving on to cameos now? I think we should move to Wolverine. One of my favorite cameos is a Wolverine cameo. I think you know which one that is. I think I probably do. So to set this up, Deadpool starts jumping from universe to universe looking for a new anchor being for his reality to find a Wolverine who will agree to go back with him and leave his universe behind. And on the way, we just get an absolute smorgasbord of different Wolverine versions from throughout the comic book years. We get to see the classic John Byrne Brown costume, which Deadpool refers to as the burn costume. Yeah. Didn't you fight the Hulk in that thing? We get to see the Hulk reflected in the blades. Yeah. Like that classic Hulk cover by Todd McFarlane. Yeah. We get to see patch his alter ego in Madrapour with the eye patch and the white suit. We get to see the age of apocalypse Wolverine that's missing a hand. That was that's the one. How cool is that? It was so cool. I couldn't believe when that showed up. I like I I should have believed it. You know, right? Like clearly, but that was really cool to me. Just absolutely unbelievable. We see a comics height accurate Wolverine in a bar who looks like a member of the goddamn lollipop guild coming off a bar stool and saunter and on up five foot three inches of nothing. And Deadpool just starts making fun of him. It's pretty great. Yeah. Yeah. The cameo, I think, that got the biggest laugh from me was cavalry. When all the rumors about Henry Cavill taking on the role of Wolverine in the MCU and then we finally get to see Henry Cavill as Wolverine working on a motorcycle. Yeah. See, that didn't make me laugh. It just made me think, Hey, I guess he could do that pretty well. Yeah. That was my main thing. Like kind of like Dr. Strange too, when they finally got John Krasinski to play Reed Richards. Exactly like that. Yeah. And I was like, Oh, yeah, I can. I'm on board with a John Krasinski Reed Richards. I know some people that are not, but Steven, your arrival here confuses and destabilizes reality. The larger the footprint you leave behind, the greater the risk of an incursion, incursion, an incursion occurs when the boundary between two universes of roads destroying one or both entirely. I was kind of hoping he would play him in the MCU outside of this little cameo thing. I think it would have been quite good. Yeah, me too. And now I could buy Henry Cavill as Wolverine if you wanted to do that. Yeah, absolutely. I think my favorite though is Harry Potter. Have you seen him mocked up for Wolverine? What's that kid's name? Oh, you're talking about Daniel Radcliffe. I think that's actually really pretty cool. I think it's a good look. And it'd be enough of a change from Hugh Jackman because if I'm honest, this was fun, but I don't want Hugh Jackman as my MCU Wolverine. No, not he's done enough. And we've seen enough. He's gonna have to do it till he's 90. Yeah, that's evidently they're gonna make him do it till he's 90. But here's the other thing. Like given all of these cameos we saw what's left for him to show us as Wolverine, we even got a shot of him crucified on the X from that classic Mark Sylvester X-Men 251 cover. That's a deep cut too. Yeah, there was literally nothing left on the table to show us that we haven't seen out of Jackman's Wolverine at this point. And this movie carried 90% of that weight. And I don't think he's really that interested in doing it again. I think this was kind of a, okay, let's have fun. You and I, Ryan Reynolds and he or Buddy's, I guess, and yeah, and just wanted to do it. I'm all in favor of that. You know, moving forward as the X-Men actually kind of show up in the MCU, more interested in seeing something else. Yes. Yeah, same here. As we mentioned earlier, both Deadpool and Wolverine are pruned and sent to the void at the end of time where he who remains used to live, you know, our favorite wasteland. Which I thought was neat because in Loki, you didn't get the sense that people were living there. I mean, I guess there were the Loki's that were kind of stuck underground or whatever. Yes. Yeah. This was more like, okay, it's an area of existence. Like you can drive cars there. You can, it's gotta go to a diner there. It's got a real Mad Max kind of vibe to it. In fact, they make a Furiosa joke in there. Numerous times. And that's where Cassandra Nova has kind of set up shop in the carcass of a pruned dead giant man. That's got a pretty good gag too. Oh, hey, Paul Rudd finally aged. Yeah, that was good. That was good. Definitely got a big smile from me. Oh, oh, I've got the smile. I can't really want to know what you laughed at. So in this void, of course, Ali Off is there, but we also meet a whole bunch of pruned heroes that we've seen in past movies and villains. The trailers made no secret of the fact that Aaron Stanford was back as pyro in this movie. Now, A.A. Ron. Where are you? Where is A.A. Ron right now? No A.A. Ron, huh? Well, you better be sick, dead or mute A.A. Ron. Here. Oh, man. Uh huh. And he's kind of the lieutenant, the chief lieutenant of Cassandra Nova. But there's a ton of other characters too, like Death Strike from X2 is in there. Lady Death Strike, yeah. Yeah. Were you surprised at all that this was very box driven and not MCU driven? No, not at all. I was a little surprised. I thought, okay, let's get him into the MCU. I assumed that we'd see a little more of that. We almost don't see any of it. No, aside from the earliest cameo in the movie where Deadpool recounts the time he came to the MCU and tried to join the Avengers and met with Happy Hogan, which is also doesn't make a whole lot of sense if he was trying to do it so that his girl would know that he mattered. Why would he do it on an entirely different plane of existence? Yeah. Hey, let's move over to this other timeline where I'm a hero. This movie plays fast and loose with common sense. Yeah, obviously. And logic, I guess. We talk about sometimes continuity and like you should never let continuity get in the way of telling your story. Deadpool movies are more like you should never let story get in the way of telling a joke. Yeah, you're not wrong. It's pretty accurate, actually. So who do we meet in the void? Well, very early on. Should we start with who's your favorite? Who's my favorite cameo? Should we do it that way? Okay, all right, let's let's start with that. All right, so we're going to talk about the cameos that most of which crop up during Deadpool and Wolverine's time in the void. Yeah, and honestly, folks, this is the movie. This is the reason we showed up. Yeah, and in the most delightful moments are from this period of the movie. And what's great about it is that it never feels superfluous. No, either it's for a really great joke, or they end up serving some kind of purpose in the movie. Yeah, you know, so it's not done poorly. You could very easily just have a cameo fest feel like what am I here for, you know, but this was handled very, very nicely. Despite having five screenwriters, they pull it off pretty well. Like there's enough time given to our leads that these other things they don't get lost, really. Yeah. But yeah, so the void, the cameos. Okay, so we're starting off a favorite cameo. Should we? Did we come up with a system for them? We should have come up with a system for this beforehand. I don't think we need a system for it, although it is tough to narrow it down to one. But from a purely fanservice perspective, I think the cameo that got the biggest reaction from me and the biggest reaction from a lot of the people in the theater was Blade portrayed once again by Wesley Snipes. Yeah, that was pretty shocking. Blade comes out because here's the thing, Blade was not a Fox character. Blade movies were new line. Okay. So I did not expect Blade to be in this movie at all. And then here he comes just strutting on out and he has a substantial role there in the void too. He does. And he and Ryan Reynolds historically do not like each other. Rumor has it they did not get along during the making of Blade Trinity. And Deadpool makes a joke about that at one point, right, that I chuckled at. There's a lot of jokes in this movie that are really dependent upon your knowledge of behind the scenes stuff and just the intermascinations of Hollywood. So, you know, the sorts of things we talk about on this show, where we think our fans too informed about the process of making movies at this point, that every little thing, oh, reshoots are needed on Captain America, Brave New World. And suddenly everybody's like, Oh, no, that movie's going to suck, right? We just too well informed. Well, so much of this movie is dependent upon us being that over informed about the production of movies. I wouldn't use the word dependent. I think there's another level you can enjoy if you know it. Yeah, yeah, I think a lot of the jokes are dependent upon it. Now, the movie itself is probably not but there are plenty of jokes that don't involve that that I'm thinking of one missing something if you don't know. But one thing in particular, there is one major thing in here that is a behind the scenes thing that general audiences probably don't even know about, and it might leave them thinking, huh? I can't imagine that too many of them would just not take it in stride given everything. Well, it's different than the Flash, where they do the very similar thing. The Flash is the most egregious because they pull an entire moment out of a story that Kevin Smith tells in a 20 year old DVD. In a movie that never got made. Right. With regards to this movie, I'm talking about Shannon Tatum's cameo. The name's Gambit on me. Remember it. As Gambit. It's the same idea. It's the same idea as the Nick Cage Superman, except they actually got Channing Tatum to be in their movie, unlike the Flash, which just sort of computer generated something that vaguely looked like Nick Cage. Yeah, that's fair. But at the same time, I think that it's an interesting comparison because it works in a Deadpool movie. Because it's silly. This is all just very silly. Right. And the way it doesn't work in a Flash movie. Yeah, 100% agree. And there's also the added benefit that Channing Tatum is clearly enjoying himself as Gambit. And we are subsequently enjoying it too. Well, I kind of cut you off as to what you were explaining about Channing Tatum and Gambit. That there was never going to be a Channing Tatum Gambit movie. Well, fans knew that. But fans fans knew that. People just go into movies and taking it all in stride. I don't know that they knew there was a Gambit movie in development with Channing Tatum in it. I doubt it. For like, forever. Does it matter? I guess probably not. Because here's the other thing. Because he's still funny. There are cameos in this movie that people probably don't remember from the movies that did exist. Azizal shows up. Lady Death Strike, we mentioned her toad is back. You know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning. Same thing happens to everything else. Yeah, right. Cylock shows up at one point. She's not played by, you know, attacking Olivia Munn, but she's there. You know, it's same with Juggernaut. I'm the Juggernaut, bitch! The Vinny Jones version of Juggernaut, who's not Vinny Jones in this movie, but these characters are still there, right? Yeah. They're just not all a focal point, like Gambit is. And I got to hand it to them. They give us a cinematic. The Juggernaut is, in a sense. They give us a cinematic version of Gambit that is pretty much exactly what we've always wanted to see. Yeah, right. Well, no, I mean, in terms of the way he behaves and the way he looks, I'm not saying I ever really wanted to see Channing Tatum as Gambit. I happen to think Taylor Kitch should have gotten a second shot at it. Because if you look at that guy now, the man looks exactly like Gambit when he debuted. Yeah. Yeah, I wish he had a fair shake at it. Yeah, because Channing Tatum doesn't have the build or the look for... No, he's got that linebacker physique and Gambit's more like spindly and lanky, you know? Yeah, yeah. And that sock that he wears on his head did not look good. Yeah, but I think it's kind of not supposed to part of the joke, right? Like, look, we gave you exactly what you asked for. Isn't it kind of silly? That's kind of what it's saying. I don't think anybody was asking for that, though. But I think that's the beauty of a Deadpool movie. It's going to give you whatever it gives you. What's kind of fun about it, too, is fun, but also it didn't land as a joke for me. It was almost touching. I've been here so long I may as well have been born here. Yes, yeah. You know, I think that's a joke, but for some reason it landed with me like, "Oh, that sucks for this guy." It's meadow. I mean, it's definitely met. So much of this movie is going into that meta kind of... But it almost pulled at my heartstrings. Yeah. It was a joke. And I think that might be me. I don't think it was anticipated. The void is basically the island of unwanted toys. The island of misfit toys from Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer, you know? Yeah. Nobody wants a Charlie in the box. There are plenty of cameos, this and Dr. Strange, where people were crazy for Anson Mount to play Black Bolt again. Yeah. People hated that show and that Black Bolt. But then when they showed up, "Oh my god." And it's kind of the same thing with Jennifer Garner's Electra. People are like, "That movie sucks. That's the worst." And then they're like, "Jennifer Garner, hey look at who it is." Look who it is. And consequently, that one is my favorite. Of course it is. I didn't even see Electra. Oh really? Yeah, no. Jennifer Garner to me is... Do you want to talk about a beautiful woman? Oh, she's... Yeah. She does it for me. And I never watched Alias. Well, how did this happen, Nate? I don't know. Alias was it for me. Yeah, I don't know. I've just always... Oh wait, 13 going on 30. I have seen that since. Yeah, okay. All right, okay. My wife likes that a lot. Garnier Fructease adds really piled up for you, huh? Maybe. I don't know. I think it's just her smile. Her smile. Yeah. Can I give it to you straight? That airline credit card you have, it could be better. It's time to shake things up. Her smile is infectious. It is. I think that's what it is. And the first thing I really remember watching her in was Juneau. Oh, the mom. That's the way she did one of the child. One of the... Jason Bateman's wife. Yeah. I loved her in that. And then I saw that movie Peppermint when she was trying to make her comeback. Yeah, yeah. It's basically the Punisher, but a mom. Anyway, I don't know. Some of the things that I have seen her in, I just have a real fondness for Jennifer Garner, even though I haven't seen a whole lot of things that she was in. I completely, completely understand that. And then we get in that same scene where we're meeting these people who have hunkered down. We also see Daphne Keene return as Laura X-23, last scene in Logan. Boy, she's grown up now. Actually, we last saw her on Star Wars The Acolyte. Yes, both of us did. Yes, of course. So I was talking earlier, like, maybe some of these characters will translate over to the MCU. I don't know, but the one character that I really would like to see again is X-23. I would like Daphne Keene to come back in some capacity in the MCU. Do we think that that's the same X-23, or is it just from a timeline that's really, really similar? Well, here's the thing. Her timeline is theoretically still collapsing right now. So why would she have been pruned? Now, the movie clearly wants us to believe and feel that that is X-23 from Logan. Right, because of the sunglasses. The sunglasses are there. She has that touching moment with the Wolverine that's tagging along with Deadpool this whole time. Right. So narratively, in this story, is that intended to be the same X-23 from Logan? Yes. In my head, yeah, that is X-23. Why is it X-23? I don't know. I don't know what she's doing there. I don't know why she got pruned. I don't know why she's there. But yes, that's our X-23. I think it's easy enough to say that it's an X-23 that's remarkably similar because timelines can be just barely different. In this world, beast is left-handed. And outside of that, everything's the same. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. So, like, I don't know. What do all these universes mean anyway? You know? Well, ultimately, I don't think they're going to mean anything. Well, yeah, by the time we get to Secret Wars, I don't know. You think this is kind of? Oh, the moment this was kind of shutting the door on, hey, this is not working. Let's wrap this up. Welcome to MCU, by the way. You're joining it a bit of a low point. Do you know that Fantastic Four takes place in an alternate reality, right? I guess I do now. Yeah. I mean, wasn't that the overwhelming theme of this movie, though? That we're shutting the door on alternate universes? Yeah, like, this isn't working and stop it? No, it's not about shutting the door on the multiverse as far as the Marvel cinematic universe is concerned. It's about shutting the door on the Fox X-Men franchise. Yeah, that's what this movie is all about. I mean, that's clear, too. But I kind of got the idea that they were like, all right, we're shifting gears here. But I guess you're right. If Secret Wars is coming up, then... Speaking of the Fantastic Four, though, this is another one that really got a good audience reaction, as far as Kamio of RDJ as Dr. Doom? No, at Hall H. Yeah, we could record a whole podcast about that. But that's some shit right there. Yeah, I don't know. But this one, Deadpool is convinced. We're led to believe that Chris Evans pops up at this move. Chris Evans is back. Yeah, as Captain America. No, not as Captain America, as Johnny Storm, the human torch from the Fantastic Four movies. Yeah, I was really tickled by this, man. You like that, huh? I thought that was, what a great switch up to play on your expectations. Like you see, oh, holy shit, Captain America. You know, I love when a movie has an opportunity to really fuck with its audience. Yeah. And that moment did. It did. And I've discovered I like Captain America so much that that really just disappointed me. Like seeing Johnny Storm wasn't enough to be like, "Oh, it's not Captain America." Because I would love to see Captain America lead a siege against that compound. Yeah, yeah, it would have been a lot of fun. Those movies, the film stories, Fantastic Four movies, when they came out, I was like, they're not good, but they're not horrendous. But Chris Evans is out of all the people cast in that movie. He was the one cast the best as Johnny Storm. Michael Chickless, great thing. I think young Gruffeth was a pretty good Mr. Fantastic. And you know, Jessica Alba looks great in Tights. But Johnny Storm and Chris Evans, that was a real good match. No pun intended there. I like it anyway. That was kind of cool to see him veering back into that, even if it's only for a couple of scenes. Yeah. And it's fun to see him play against MCU type. Like he's a real dick. Yeah. Yeah. Really delivers on that end scene. Oh my god, I was gonna say the credit scene delivers a punchline you didn't know you were looking for. Right. From earlier in the movie. Right. Just perfect. So yeah, like a lot of really cool cameos out there in the void. Yep. Good stuff. Which gives way to a third act where we return to Deadpool's Earth and Cassandra Nova attempts to commandeer and use the time ripper. And for some reason. And part of the plan there is to sick the entire Deadpool core on Deadpool and Wolverine. All of the disparate dead bulls from across the multiverse. Yeah, I wish I knew them a little better. So I don't know how many of these are from the comics. How many of them are just movie specific. I know dog pool. I know a head pool with the little beanie lady pool who is in fact played by Blake Lively. Yes. Movie, which is cool. What about nice pool? Oh, nice. We didn't talk about nice pool. It's nice pool. The pretty one with the lovely dog. I mean, is he real? Is he comic? I don't think so. Probably not, right? I don't think so. He had a really good joke too. Fourth wall breaking. Oh, yes. I can do that too. The proposal. Is that what you think I do? That was really great. That almost made me laugh. Almost made you laugh. Hey, friggin Matthew McConaughey shows up as cowboy pool in this movie. That's kind of fun. I mean, obviously I found that out after the fact. I was like, could you tell sounds like Matthew McConaughey. I wasn't 100% sure though. I'm terrible at that kind of stuff. I can never tell. There's so many different dead bulls. A pirate dead pool that shows up. There's Deadpool 2099 shows up. There's a Canada pool in there. Baby pool. Baby pool is in there. It's wild, man. And it makes for a good fight scene. I mean, they go down that city block and... It's a great fight scene. It's a good fight scene. You know, the MCU has gotten a lot of heat since Endgame, but there have been a few really, really solid fight sequences in these movies that are like... I tend to zone out a little bit during the big action pieces because it just gets to be this like CG hodgepodge and I kind of lose interest. Usually the finales. But this street scene, the hallway fight in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, the bus fight in Shang-Chi and then the scaffolding fight in Shang-Chi, the whole Shang-Chi movie, there's been some really, really good fights delivered in these movies. And this is up there, I think. It's fun to watch Deadpool and Wolverine, two characters who have healing powers plow through a bunch of dead bulls that also have healing powers. Right. And also the fight in the minivan. That's really good. Close quarters, just knife slinging blade stabbing. Yeah. Yeah. The street fight with the Deadpool core also allows them to fit in a Stanley cameo. Right. You notice that on the side of the bus? The side of the bus, yeah, right? And the Rob Liefeld joke. Oh, the Liefeld's just feet. Yeah, just feet. I love that Liefeld saw that and he cracked him up. He was absolutely delighted by that. I imagine the paycheck has something to do with that. Probably. Yeah. Do whatever you want. Yeah. I really did enjoy this movie, but how many fight scenes can you start in slow motion to a 90s pop song? This is what I'm talking about. Slow motion action sequence. Who knows if you live or die? Oh, man, that's. And that's like four times. We're going to have a really hard time explaining this to people in about 40 years. Like, why is every movie like this? Yeah. Because it is every single movie. I mean, if I had like a nickel for every time no sleep till Brooklyn was used in a movie that came out in the year 2023 for a slow motion fight scene, I would have at least 15 cents. Yeah. And that's weird to me. It happens multiple times in this movie. And it really just feels like save that for the finale. It's cool. I mean, it's really cool. But you don't need it like four times. Yeah. So it kind of lowers the impact of your finale by doing it twice prior, but you know, speaking of finales, though, there is one cameo we haven't talked about yet. Running it through my brain. This is the big one. I would consider blade the big one. No, no, no. I mean, this is the big one for us in terms of what we've been doing this month on the podcast. And that is Hunter B 15. Ah, who shows up at the end of the movie to apprehend paradox and end his sort of little side project there with a universe collapsing. Who's evidently been promoted to a judge? Yeah. Yeah. We saw it. Like she's just running the whole show now. Yeah. Yeah. So cool to see her. Even funnier that she is very quickly smitten with Peter, right? One of two only surviving members of Deadpool's X force team. Yeah. From the second Deadpool movie, but him and Deadpool are working in a used car a lot in this. But yeah, Peter shows up also dressed in a Deadpool uniform and B 15's a little bit. I think she likes what Peter's laying down. Well, I think she likes what he's packing. Yeah. So, so that was a great moment, I thought. And it was really, really cool. I was at that point, not convinced we were going to see anybody from Loki show up. And I'm really glad it was B 15 because that's the character that makes the most sense. Definitely makes the most sense. Yeah. And I also saw that there is a TV, a comic book coming out. There is. Yeah, there's a TV, a comic with a gosh, who all's in it? A spider winds in it. My name is Gwen Stacy. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last two years, I've been the one and only spider woman. Miss minutes is in it. Miss minutes. And it's my job to catch you up before you stand trial for your prize. B 15 is in it or a Boris is in it. Hey, how are the other guys doing? What are the guys? What are the guys? Just don't be. Just don't be. Mobius, isn't it? Are you calling me? Obvious. Some pretty cool name. And then Loki has to be, right? Uh, Sylvie's in it. I want to try everything. So yeah, there is a TV, a comic coming up. They announced that at San Diego. So that looks like fun. Well, you pick that up and tell me if it's any good. And if it is, I'll read it then. I'll report back. I will definitely be reporting back on that one. Wait, how do we rate this movie though? Oh, how do we rate this movie? I heartily endorse it. Yeah, I think it's fun. It's a recommendation for me, for sure. Going in and not knowing all the cameos and all the little fun throwbacks really enhance the experience. I keep going back to no way home. And that's a movie I will go back to again and again and again, because it's not just that we got to see Willem Dafoe back or Alfred Molina back or Garfield or Maguire back as Spider-Man like that's all icing on the cake. You know, it's still a movie about Tom Holland being Spider-Man. Yeah, and having some written goal, you know, like something that is genuinely affecting him emotionally. And there are so many moments that hit so well in that movie from Peter's final sacrifice and Dr. Strange saying, "I won't remember you." And finally coming to terms with the fact that he really, really cares for him to Aunt May's death. Like there's all of these emotional beats in the movie that resonate so much. And Deadpool is really just about Deadpool seeing all of these cameos and all of these callbacks and commenting on them in a meta way that's designed to make you laugh. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I think it's fun, but it's not a move. I think I will revisit as often as I will no way home. Yeah, the thing about this movie is that the emotional arcs of each of these characters are there. Both of them have emotional arcs. Wolverine coming from a universe where he not only was absent when the X-Men were killed, but he then went on a killing spree that turned humanity against mutants altogether in this world. Someone I follow on Twitter made the observation that it's funny that this is the third movie where we've gotten a Wolverine who was present for the deaths of all the X-Men. And it's like, when are they going to get it through their heads that we'd like to see an X-Men movie? Right. That's good. And of course, we touched on it briefly, but Deadpool's arc being, "I need to matter," which is both meta and an interesting driving point. Yeah, a driving point for the arc. The real issue, and I think the reason that you're not getting the same effect that you would with a Spider-Man 3 is the fact that all of that stuff is off-screen. You know? Deadpool, he loses his relationship off-screen, right? And Wolverine's entire existence was off-screen. Right. This isn't even the Wolverine that we have known in the Fox movies. Wanna talk about what's haunting you, or should we wait for a third act flashback? Right. I feel like the arc's work for the characters by the end, but it's solely on the performance of these actors. I think the one scene in this movie that I would single out as a scene that really hits emotionally and effectively is the scene, again, between Wolverine and X-23, out by the fire in the night. Yeah. Like, that's the only time I feel something akin to that deeper emotional arc happening in front of me. If I had to pick a beat like that, it would probably be just before the minivan fight. I'm about to lose everything that I've ever cared about, and I have no idea how to save it. But you do! Trust me, kid, I'm no hero. This Wolverine let down his entire world. Well, my entire world needs you. Shaker. Yeah. When he shows the photograph to Wolverine, and really the only moment that Deadpool is genuine. Yes. Yeah. Yes, I lied, but here's why. And you actually understand that he's not just flippant all the time. He does care. That's probably the moment for me. But, like I said, the arc's work, it's just all the heavy lifting is done by the performance. Yeah. Yeah. And not the storytelling. So, not a real strong story, and I am a little confused about what motivations these characters had for destroying what they wanted to destroy all in all a good time. It's all in all a good time is the best way to rate this, I think. Yeah. I even laughed once. What did you laugh at? What was the joke you laughed at? Wait, okay, I got one more guess. Okay. Was it the joke where Deadpool says there are like X number of bones in the human body? But there's one more when I'm watching Gossip Girl, because that's the show that Blake Lively was on. Yeah, I mean, I get that, but no, I'm not one for like that was a boner comedy. I didn't think it was going to be the boner joke. It's not for me. No, mine's way stupider than that. So this was all dimension hopping, right? Or was it? I did like the fact that they used the spaghetti effect again. Yes, the spaghetti effect, the spaghettification of Deadpool's universe. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, continuity. Yeah. Keep it all the same. But you know, time travel, a time travel podcast. Well, here's the thing. All right. If you're going to build a time machine into a car, why not do it some style? Are we ready to get into the time travel method that we'll be ranking in this episode? I'm ready for you to tell me what it is. Yeah. There is time travel in this episode, and not just because the TVA exists outside of time. I'm not looking for a cheat like that, but something exists at the very end of time. And that's the void. Sure. So when Deadpool and Wolverine and heck anybody else, Ren Slayer, Loki, when they're pruned, they're sent to the end of time. So my proposal is that the method of time travel in this episode is the TVA's pruning, I don't know, fuck wand. The TVA pruning staff, the pruning stick. Whoa, whoa. Is that supposed to be scary? Pagging isn't new for me, friendo, but it is for Disney. So yeah, yeah, that's the method of time travel in this movie is the pruning wand. Okay. I'll take it. I'll take it. Because I mean, that's what it's doing. It is moving you to the end of time. It's kind of ripping you from time, but yeah, for the purposes of this, the through thread to our entire podcast here, sure. All right, let's do it. All right. And it looks awfully painful. Looks really unpleasant. People grimace when it's happening. So I have to believe it hurts. Yeah. And like the. Go ahead. I was gonna bring up pain sticks from Star Trek. Oh God. Yeah, those pain sticks. No good. But it also sends you to the void. Yeah. And sometimes you meet cool dudes there like blade. Yeah, but you don't want to go to the void. Sometimes you get eaten by a cloud monster. Like that's the only reason you're there is to get to getting by the cloud monster. So yeah, this is going to be going to be low on the list. It's going to be pretty low on the list. I think I'd put it just above the clock that went backwards. It's. Your clock does not go. Does it ever go? No, I think I put it right underneath the clock that went back. Thank you. Okay, good. Like definitely better than the clock stopper watch. It's it's better than the clock stopper watch. Yeah, you'd rather be pruned from time. You're sent to a sent to avoid wasteland than where the clock stopper watch in public in front of people. Even if there is like one South American girl that kind of thinks it's cool. So, you know, I just went to Galaxy con, you know, a lot of cosplayers there. I think a cosplayer would be much more inclined to carry a TV a wand than where a clock stopper watch and do any clock stopper cosplay. So just aesthetically speaking, yeah, aesthetically speaking. Yeah, I mean, it's kind of a cool idea too. If you're going to have an organization like the TV a what kind of weapon do you give them, right? A Billy club that vaporizes you. Yeah, like what are you going to give them a little ray gun or something or like what? It's an appropriate weapon and it's a lot of fun. It makes for a good fight scene. It does because you always want to see people fighting with clubs before you want to see a gun fight and there's stakes involved. You let that thing graze you and boom, you're gone, right? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I mean, sucks for time travel, but as far as we were talking about creativity and, you know, is it a good idea and whatnot? Yeah, I dig the pruning stick. So we've at least rated something. Yeah, there's your pruning stick. So that's it for Loki. We have no other methods of time travel from Loki to rate at this point, I don't think. Yeah, the only other time travel in Deadpool is from Deadpool too. He does use the little watchy thing from cable. Yeah, yeah, but maybe we'll get to that at some point. Deadpool two. Maybe we go back and watch Deadpool two again. Or a wrinkle in time. Ooh, a wrinkle in time. Did you see that movie? The the most recent one with Chris Pine in it? Yes. No, I didn't see it yet. Yeah. I don't know why I'm thinking about wrinkle and that's good. Like that book is good. Maybe. Yeah, maybe. Well, I think there was also an angry cloud in that. Wasn't there? Yes, I think there is an angry cloud in that. Well, folks, you guys want to hear us cover. Yeah, you know, you can always let us know, send us your ideas for things you want to cover. Hey, do you have a way to explain to Nate and me, honestly, what Cassandra Nova's intentions were in this story? Also, I want to know if you like me, found there to be strangely alluring. Anyway, you can email us at with information about that. But hey, I'm just going to get out there and say, it's just a yes or no question about the the alluring thing. I don't need a whole fan thick thing. I don't want to read your erotic fiction. Okay, about Cassandra Nova, just just a yes or no, leave it at that. Yeah, we've been getting enough of that in our mailbox. Be sure to subscribe to the feed so you never miss an episode. Find us on YouTube where you can, I don't know, watch is watch the right word for it. I mean, you just have to listen there, too. You have to listen. You can't watch. There's nothing to watch, but it's still on YouTube. And you can subscribe there and comment on episodes. You can find us on social media. Of course, I'm at Captain Byrne on Blue Sky, your new social media of choice. Oh, well, threads. Yeah, I'm Brian dot Lee dot Martin on threads and Instagram. And I am at action date on both Blue Sky and threads. Wonderful. Well, folks, thanks for listening. And till next time, I'm Brian. And I'm Nate. And we'll see you in the future. And thanks for struggling through this episode, Brian. Now go to sleep. Yeah, go, go take it. Any guy need a lozinger five. One more. Please give me one. gubernatorial. My favorite joke on the whole thing, the only one that actually made me audibly laugh in the theater was gubernatorial. Yeah, that was good. That made me laugh. That was good. That was pretty fun.