Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Be Strong

Broadcast on:
05 Aug 2024
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I wish of you, for you are God, for you are God, oh, by yourself. Somebody sing it to me, "You are God, you are God, oh, by yourself. You are God, you are God tonight, 'cause you are God, oh, by yourself." Somebody, God, we serve tonight, "You are God, oh, by yourself." I want to sing it to you, "My name, God, I bless your name, holy one, I worship you. My name, God, I bless your name, holy one, I worship you, for you are God, oh, by yourself." You are God, oh, by yourself, for who you are, bless your name, for who you are, bless your name, for who you are, I worship you, for you are God, oh, by yourself. The Holy Ghost is talking to somebody in this house, "He is saying to you, "Be strong, He is saying, "Be strong," look at somebody and tell them, "Be strong." Be strong, I believe it was the apostle Peter, the apostle Paul, who said, "Quit you like man, be strong." You got the Holy Ghost inside of you. Can you look at someone and say, "There is no way you can lose." I know that sounds contradictory to what you're going through, but there's no way you can lose. This thing is, look at, tell them this is fixed. This is fixed, that's why the apostle Paul, 2 Corinthians 2, 14, that's why he can say, "Now, thanks be unto God, who always calls us to try them." Come on, somebody, the apostle Paul said, "He always calls us." That means the mess that you're dealing with right now. You can be in the bottom of the ditch, the apostle Paul said, "God's going to call you to try them." Are you listening to me? I'm looking at a bunch of winners. I'm looking at a bunch of people who are about to get mind-blowing, mind-boggling testimonies that don't even make sense to your family members and employees that you work with. What God's about to do in your life is going to blow your mind. Are you listening to me? He is able to do exceeding abundantly, above all, above all, that we can ask or think according to the power that's working on the inside of you. Let me just remind you for a second who you are. You notice what he says, "It's according to the power that works in you." The apostle Paul says that the excellency of the power in 2 Corinthians 4 may be of God and none of us. Wait a minute now, what power is that that's working on the inside of you? What power is he talking about? That's the power that said, that's Jesus who said, "All power." Look at someone that said, "All power." I don't believe we get a hold of that thing good enough. He said, "All power is given to me in heaven and on earth." Let me ask you a question, where does Jesus live? The apostle Paul said he lives in me. Well, if all power in heaven and earth lives on the inside of me, there is no way I can lose. Come on, I wish I had a witness. I wish I had a witness. It ain't over. I know it looks bad. It looks hopeless. It looks like there ain't no way. It looks like there ain't no way. We were about to lose everything. Between 2016 and '17, we didn't have to break through that we had now on our YouTube channel. We had a couple of thousand people follow him, but nothing to talk about. And the African man contacted me from Nigeria, contacted me from Australia, said, "Pastor Sean, I came across your videos." He sent me an email. He said, "The Holy Ghost told me to bless you." I thought, "I'm going to send my bank account to Nigeria and Australia." But right hole you crawl out of your trippin' Negro. I study his email. You think you know. Man about three months after that, I'm screaming crying out to God, "Where are you?" But God, your words! Yes, someone's been praying, "I'm in somebody's house." I'm hearing them prayers go up, crying. The Holy Ghost said, "I sent someone to you, but you don't believe them." And the first thing popping my mind, "You mean the man from Australia, the Nigerian?" I went through those emails so fast, found the email, contacted the man. He said, "Pastor, I thought you would never reach out to me." I had been saving money now for the past several months. God told me to save the money. It is for you. The man wired us over $17,000. You better help me preach up in this place. I said, "You better help me preach up in here." I said, "You better help me preach in here." Can somebody open your mouth? I said, "Help me's on the way. Help me's on the way." If he got a user raving, he'll use a raving. If he got a user fish, he'll use a fish, but the Holy Ghost told me to tell somebody it's not over, because God is making a way for somebody in this house right now. You part to get a miracle. You part to get a miracle. Look at someone telling you about to get a miracle. It ain't over, it ain't over. I said, "It ain't over, it ain't over." They sent message to Jesus, said, "Lazarus, the Lazarus you love." It's almost like they're trying to manipulate them. You ever, you ever done that? My God, I pay my ties, you told me buy this one a car, you told me. My wife cooking that good barbecue, and when I was about to eat you, remember how you asked me to fast three days? Does anybody else talk to God like that besides me? You ain't got no shame in your game. Tossking you, "I'm ashamed for you, I'm embarrassed for you, just this morning." So it's your business, I mean, I might as well hang on this for a minute. They said, "Jesus, whom you love, your homeboy, is sick real bad? We need you to come, Jesus." Have you ever prayed them kind of prayers, Jesus? We need you to come and tell us. We need you to come and do your thing. Do you remember the blind body mess? Remember the one more day of your blood? Little leper, it's your boy Lazy. Look at someone who said, "This your boy Lazy need help." But the Bible says, "Jesus," he said, "His sickness is not under death." He said, "This sickness is not under death." But that the works of God might be made manifest. Now we have the benefit of knowing the whole story, Mary and Martha didn't. And I know they were thinking, "Is he tripping? All the meals we cook him, cook for him?" That's why Jesus loved him. I mean, come on, Jesus know who can help him up, come on. So they're thinking, "This don't make sense." And Lazarus just has helped just steadily decline, steadily decline. By this time, the flesh would have kicked in and me I'd have been like, "I mean, this preacher's just after my money, I mean, what's up?" He prophesied to everyone except me, "Don't the Holy Ghost talk to him? Do you ever felt like that, because the Holy Ghost in charge?" So Jesus said, "This sickness is not under death." But that the glory of God might be made manifest. Finally, after Lazarus was dead and in the grave for four days, as far as Martha and Mary is concerned, it's over, it's too late. And somebody in here feels like, "I'm in the Holy Ghost here." Somebody in here feels like that this morning. You almost feel hopeless. But the Holy Ghost told me to tell you, "It's never too late for God." I said, "It's never too late for God." And then Jesus finally showed up. He told his disciples. He said Lazarus' sleep, the disciples said, "Well, if he is sleeping, he should recover then." Jesus said, "No, he's dead." Well, how do you know you weren't there? Like if someone said, "The Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost." So when Jesus decided to show up, the first person he met was Martha and the first words out of her mouth, "Lord, if you had been here," come on, who know what I'm talking about in here? If you had been here, Lazarus, she's actually accusing Jesus. She's saying this is your fault. If you had been here, he would not have died. Jesus said, "Do you believe?" She said, "I believe that he will be raised up at the last day." She had faith for the resurrection of the dead saints. Jesus said, "No, no, no. The resurrection in an event. The resurrection is a person. I am the resurrection and the life. If a man believes in me, though he was dead, yeah, shall he live?" I dare someone to send my problem about to resurrect. My problem is about to resurrect. Somebody, look at somebody and tell them, "It's not over. It's not over. It's not over. It's not over." It's not over. It's not over. I'm talking to somebody in here. Wait a minute. Didn't Mary got the news that Jesus was there? You know Mary who bought that expensive oil on him. You can see how hurt she is now. I've bought that expensive oil on him and just say, "He going to treat me?" An expensive meal and that's how he going to treat me? Right? Mary said she wept on his feet and then Jesus was stirred. Jesus asked this question, "Where have you laid him?" Take me to the place. What made you cave up? What made you begin to doubt my work? Take me to the place. Who made you doubt me? Take me there. Take me to the place. What made you begin to doubt? What made you begin to question my work? Take me there. Take me. Take me to the place. Put, put, Lord, but by this time, by this time, he stinks. I specialize in stinks situations. I specialize in rotten situations. Take me there. Look at someone and say, "Take him there. Take me into your stink. I'm about to give you a miracle. Mary I'm about to blow you in Martha's mind because little let you realize you're only moments away. You're just moments away from one of the greatest breakthroughs you have seen in your entire life. God's about to do something in your life you ain't never seen. He's about to do something in your life that ain't never been done for nobody in your family. You are the breakthrough person in your--I dare summon the point of yourself. I say, "I'm the breakthrough person in my family." I am the breakthrough person. Wait a minute. He said, "Take me there. Take me there. Take me to the place. Take me there." But, but Lord, but Lord Jesus, he just brushes human reasoning aside. It's the same time that makes sense, it's time to make faith. Come on, somebody. He's walking by faith and not by sight. There comes a time reasoning has to go out the window. Come on. When the Holy Ghost listen, you can reason all you want and that's fine. But once God speaks reason and goes out the window, are you listening to me? And they took him to the place where Lazarus was laid, the Pharisees were there, the Sadducees were there, the Herodians were there, his haters were there, he prepares a table before me. "In the presence of my enemies, are you listening to me?" Yes, Jesus said, "Now I need you to do something. I'm going to give you a miracle, but I need you to do just one more thing for me. Lord, have mercy. Come on, somebody. Jesus said, "I just need you to do one more thing. I just need you to do one." I dare someone said, "I'm only one more thing away from a miracle. I'm one more prayer away from a miracle. I'm one more fast away from a miracle. Come on, somebody. Are you listening?" Jesus said, "I need you to do just one more thing. Take away the stone, Lord, have mercy. Take away the stone. Wherever that doubt is taken away, come on, somebody. Let go of your doubt, I need your faith. My God, you don't have to have the greatest faith in the world. He sees what you went through. He said, "If you have faith, the size of a green mustn't see in my God." He said, "Take away the stone. Why don't you look at someone and say, "Take it away. He wants you to take it." You know what it is, whatever your it is, you need to take it away. You need because it's hindering your miracle. Come on, somebody. You know, Larry, you know what I like about this right here? The miracle depended on my obedience. I love it. I love when it's just between me and God. Are you listening? Because people will screw you up. Come on. They will jack you up. I dare someone to say, "This one's between me and God. This one is between this one, this one, Jesse. This one is between me and God. Are you listening to me? This is between me and God. This is between me and God. I just got this one thing. And God ain't asking an army to do it. He just needs somebody. He's willing to take God on his word. He just needed you to step up to the plate. I know you've been depressed, but he said, "I need you now. I need you. I need you. I need you. I know you've been let down. I know you've been hurt. I know you've been bruised up pretty bad, but I need you. I need your faith. Man, you've got a personal relationship. I need your faith. The Holy Ghost is talking to somebody. Go help me, Sami." I said, "The Holy Ghost is talking to somebody." He said, "I need your faith. Do you still believe? Are you willing to give God another chance? I know you've felt let down. When Lazarus was sick and he didn't show up and then Lazarus died, and he didn't show up and then Jesus didn't even come to the funeral, Lord have mercy, and when from bar to verse, I'm prophesying, as a prophet of God, the pastor's mental has been laid aside right now. I'm speaking as a prophet of God. I'm here to tell you your situation, I'm in your house, I'm in your life, and it went from bar to rest. Well, I'm preaching too, but the Holy Ghost told me to tell you it's still not over. I need you to give God one more chance. Who am I talking to? I'm talking to somebody who almost quit on God. I'm talking to somebody who started to question their own faith, started to question your own ability to hear from God, to know the voice of God. You know what He said in the corner, He said, "My sheep know my voice, and a stranger, they will not follow." You ain't crazy, you know the voice of God, you ain't crazy. You are His sheep, and the Bible says, "Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost." God said, "I'm living, I'm walking them, I'm talking them," touch somebody, and tell them it's God who spoke to you. You ain't crazy, it's the Holy Ghost, and God is about to prove to you that God is not a man, that He's alive, not the Son of Man, that He should have to repent if He said it he's going to make it good if He spoke it, he's going to bring it to pass, touch somebody, and tell them God is about to open the door, God is about to answer your breath, God is about to turn your finances around, but God need you to take away the stone, somebody grab a chair, say, "I'm moving my stool," someone, come on, come on, come on, I don't care, grab a chair, push that thing, say, "I want everybody," that's believing God for miracle, grab a chair, and shove it around, I'm moving my stool, I'm moving my stool. This is a prophetic sign that my faith is alive for the Bible says, "All things are possible to those who believe the Bible says, the Bible says, with God absolutely nothing shall be impossible," the Bible says, "Fate without works, fate without works, fate without works is dead, being alone, I'm gonna demonstrate my faith by my works, I'm moving my stool, I'm shoving my stool, I'm moving my doubt, I'm moving my past hurts, I'm moving my bitterness, I'm moving my unforgiveness, Jesus, I've done my part, somebody open your mouth, say, "Jesus, I've done my part, I've done what you asked me to do, now it's your turn, it's your turn, I hear the Lord said, tell my people, they've done their part, now it's my turn, it's my turn, I'm your God, I never lost a battle, I never lost a case, is there anything too hard for the Lord," Jesus said, "it's my turn, I guess somebody to open your mouth and say, you just enter the season, it's God's turn, it's God's turn to prove himself to be God, I'm the God of Abraham, I'm the God of Isaac, I'm the God of Jacob, here he comes, he stands up in the front of last grade, the spoon has been rolled away, he looks up to heaven and he said, Father, I thank you, that's your always, hear my prayer, somebody open your mouth, I'm say, God, I thank you, you always, hear my prayer, you always, you always, and he stood in the front of the tomb and he said three words, Lazarus, Lazarus, come for somebody shout, Lazarus, somebody shout, to the top of your voice, Lazarus, Lazarus, Lazarus, Lazarus, help them, Lazarus, help them. Lazarus is coming, just have to tell them your Lazarus is coming, your Lazarus is coming, your Lazarus is coming, your Lazarus, your Lazarus, your Lazarus, your Lazarus, your Lazarus is back, your brother is back, the thing you lost is back, your breakthrough is back, your prayer life is back, your ability to hear from God. It's back, your ability to read the word and understand what the Holy Ghost is saying is back, the presence of God, the anointing of God is back, I guess somebody to open your mouth and say, I recover all, I recover all, I recover all, I recover, be strong. You can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that I address is ministries. You can also give through the ministry app, many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account, the ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, shanpinda ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 4888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shanpinda ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070 and listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. May it pass to Amy, say, thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world, continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you, deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless. Bye bye. Get ready to experience the extraordinary in Plano the Lamb of God, the Lion of the Lamb of Judah is headed in your direction, you are getting ready to get a miracle. Shown. Pastor Sean and Amy Pinder are hosting three nights of miracles in Plano, Texas. You found devil of sickness. Come out. Come out. Come out. This young lady had fiber of my algebra. What's wrong? But what happened tonight? I got healed. Now there's no more pain. No. Go run across the platform for me, say, come on somebody, come on somebody, come on somebody, come on somebody. The dates, August 13 through 15, doors will open at 6 p.m. 90. The event will start at 7 p.m. Nightly, venue, the Plano Event Center, 200E Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, Texas, 75074, join hundreds in this life-changing encounter to experience the extraordinary and witness God's power. Click on the link below and register free today. the next time. (dramatic music)