Spirit Talk with Szil & Jay

Misconceptions about the subject matter.

Broadcast on:
04 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome to Spirit Talk. - It's so in Jay. - I'm Jay. - I'm Sil. - And welcome back to Spirit Talk. - All right. So today we're gonna talk about misconceptions. - Of like, you know, like certain car, tarot cards, you know, like the death card, for an example. A lot of people, some people, I shouldn't say a lot. Some people take it as like, oh my gosh, somebody's going to be passing away soon. That doesn't necessarily mean that somebody's going to be passing away. It all depends on your intuition and your interpretations and your impressions, right? So usually sometimes it means like something is about to end. You know, maybe something you've been struggling with for a while that's coming to an end and a new beginning or a new opening is coming. So it's just like, hang man. It doesn't necessarily mean that you're doomed. You know, like, it means to me, I take it as like, you've been stuck for a while and it's about to be cut free, you know? So things are looking up, you know? And that's how I kind of look at things like that. - And endings are never a bad thing. 'Cause there's always a new beginning. - Absolutely. Things aren't meant to stay the same all the time, you know? - Mm-hmm. - Like 666, for an example. A lot of people associate that with the devil or the, you know, the darkness. And that's not necessarily true. My interpretation is different than someone else's and how I interpret that is, you know, that to pay attention to something, you know, closer, to be aware of things. - Yeah, to take your attention, like pay attention to something. Yep. Absolutely. Yeah, the 666 there is all different numbers. So that's like the whole numerology thing. So you'd have to look that up. And if it's tarot cards, you need to really-- - And it's all resonates with you. - Yeah. - You know, not necessarily what? - Yeah, tarot cards doesn't mean it's bad. Just because, you know, you've heard it from numerous people that, oh, that's the devil and this and that. 'Cause there are people that don't believe in any of that stuff. But it's all energy. - And if you really dive into history and learn about it and things of that nature, like witchcraft and pendulums and things of that nature, it's not bad. It's basically witches or healers, depending on what you do with it. You know, and it all depends on the person, so. - And it's not like, you know, the movies. It's nothing like that. - Oh, yeah, the movies. - That's probably why everything is just so bad because they all look at the movies like, oh, must be this or that. - Yeah, it gives a perspective. You know, like one of my favorite movies is The Craft. And I resonate with that a lot. Also, you know, other movies too. It doesn't give you the full perception of it. And there's, from what I understand, like the show's psych. That's actually making fun of psychics, from what I understand. So there's a lot to it than just TV and what you see. You don't actually see like the big celebs that are out there, psychic mediums and stuff, what they actually go through on a daily basis and what we go through. You know, it's not just for show. It's, we actually have to go through processes to get ourselves in that right mind frame or we actually go through things ourselves. So there's a lot to it, like being an empath and things of that nature, I'm sorry. - Don't judge a book by its cover. - Exactly. - Yeah, you need to study it, you know, if you have questions and you're like, oh, I don't know, then study it, look up everything. Just learn everything about it. And then you'll understand. 'Cause with anything, you're not gonna understand unless you know about it. - Right, and you can't always read up on it either. You have to actually go out and experience it. Or, you know, what I do is I really pay attention to how my body resonates and feels about things. And that's how I know my truth. So somebody can write something and you can read up on it all you want. And if it doesn't make sense to you, then it doesn't resonate with you. And that's why, you know, it's just-- - Energy, everything is energy. - Everything is, yeah. - All positive energy will bring positive to you. So that's why all the good people do good things. Good things will come back to them. - Good karma, good law of attraction. - Absolutely. - All that stuff, please hand me in. - Law of attraction is huge, huge. It's all in how you think, what you do, what you do with it. - Your mind is a very powerful thing. - Very, yeah. So always look up everything. Always ask, always go to someone that knows about it. Maybe talk to them about it if you have questions. - Or talk to your higher up, your higher being, your spirit guide, your ancestors, your archangels, whoever you talk to. And then listen and wait, you know. Sometimes things seem like it's forever for it to come, but it's really not, you know, and everything seems to fall into place at the perfect timing. Oh my God, there are so many times that I'm just like, oh my gosh, I don't think they're listening. I don't think I'm getting this. I'm, and the next thing you know, it takes some time, but then you're like, oh my gosh, looking back, like it did happen, it did make sense. Everything happened the way it should be. And everything was the way it should be in a positive way. - And everybody has to go through their things to be able to experience, to learn their lessons too. And some people are like, well, why, you know, have this been happening for so long to me? - And listen to that. And I feel like it has a lot to do with the way you think and what you do about it. And a lot of it's not just sitting back, it's actually taking action and doing something about it. And there's some things with me where I still struggle with some things that I question and searching for answers in different ways of going about it and. - Well, another thing is, what are the misconceptions of like readings, for instance? And your type of work where you read for people, is there anything that? - You'll, and I'm a skeptic too, folks. And you'll get a lot of skeptics or testers, you know, that are out there to see what we're made of. And they're waiting for what John Edwards is one of my mentors and I watch him quite a bit. And one of the things he says in that I say a lot too, and it resonates with me, is that everybody expects, not everyone, sorry. A lot of folks expect to hear from their A list. You know, like if their brother just passed away, they want to hear from their brother. You know, not somebody else that comes through like dad or great grandfathers sometimes comes through. Like, and that's a lot of things that a lot of folks tend to. - Well, like for instance, if someone says, okay, well you're a psychic, so can you read me? Or they're asking a question. It doesn't mean they're going to get the answer. - Right, or the answer they're looking for. - It doesn't happen like that. - No, and I've had a lot of times where folks have come to me two or three years later, and had said, do you remember blah, blah, blah. And I don't, 'cause I read for a lot of people, so I don't remember everything. But I remember certain ones, and I don't remember some of these, but they're like, yeah, this happened when you said it was going to, so I don't always know, and we were taught to give what we get, and not to do doom and gloom. So, that's one of the things. The other thing is, we're psychics, right? Everybody is a psychic. Everybody is. And a lot of people tend to not understand that, that they are, and that they have the ability to. - It's a lot of work that goes into-- - There is, and some are more natural than others. And, but a lot of folks tend to think that, because we're psychic, we know everything, and that's not true, because if we did, we would be God. And we don't know everything at all the time, nor do I want to be there all the time, because that is very energy draining, and that's not a place where I want to be. I don't want to read people all the time. I want to be able to enjoy my own life, too. Yes, do I get impressions throughout the day? Absolutely, all the time. But it's not something that I want to tune into all the time and put my mind and my focus in that area. - Yeah, you're not going to walk into a room, and then you know everything about everybody in there. It doesn't work like that. - Right, yeah. Sometimes you have to get in that right mind frame to be able to tune into that energy, so. - Absolutely. Same thing with face to face. A lot of people think like, well, how can you read over the phone? It's like it's all about energy. It has nothing to do with being close to that person physically. - Right. And just like, you know, I was brought up, and it's something I have a hard time talking about is religions, you know, and I don't want to offend anybody or anything. And I just know from my own experiences and what I've been brought up and things of that nature and what I've experienced from others. So that being said, you know, being brought up by this, we were taught that, you know, mediums are devil work. And I just, I kept feeling that that's not right because I am thinking to myself, well, if that's devil work, then why would God give me something like that? To be able to see, to be able to communicate, you know, and I look at it like it's a natural ability. Like in some people, not everybody's a medium, not everybody's a healer. I happen to be naturally all three plus a witch. Thank God, you know. - All in all, everything has a good and bad. - Just balance. - Yeah, so anything, I mean, it depends on the person. If the person's a good-hearted and they have high vibrations and they're doing good, they're gonna use their gifts for the better. If you don't have that person and their mind is very negative and just down and they're very low vibrational, then they end up using it for not so good. - Yeah, and that's why a lot of times I gotta be extremely careful around a lot of people and crowds and things that nature because it depends on the environment that I'm in. And if it's low, I pick up on that right away. There's been times where I've actually had panic attacks and I had to leave because I couldn't breathe. A lot of times, you know, I've learned how to protect myself over the years and be more careful with that and not put myself in things of that nature and also respecting my boundaries and stuff like if I start to feel uncomfortable, it's time for me to go, it's not time for me to stick around and feel even more uncomfortable and, you know, taking the positive chance of, you know, ruining it not only for others, but for myself too and, you know, everything else. - And make a lot for everyone, not just a psychic medium. - Right. - You know, if you feel uncomfortable in an area, there's a reason, you know, pick up on that. That's your intuition, that's something's telling you something's off. - Right, right. And I believe that those are higher powers, you know, gifts to us, you know. And I really don't like the word gift either 'cause a lot of people have abilities. And it just depends on whether or not you dive into 'em and you study about 'em and you practice 'em and... - Absolutely. - Go about it. We have a little news, like next week, I believe so is gonna be taking off. My best friend's coming up here for the weekend and I think that'd be fun. It'll probably be definitely explicit and it will probably be well over an hour because him and I just like to talk and, you know, reminisce a little bit. And, you know, I was a 25 year truck driver, you know. So I have a lot of that in me and I've only been doing, you know, this professionally for 10 years now. And what part time, so. - He's a truck driver. - So, yeah, I've got the potty mouth and I've kind of seen the world in front of me and stepped into it every day. So I look forward to that and that'll be fun. And I can't wait to just sit back and listen. - Yeah, it is. - It won't be in it. - You'll probably be hearing chuckles next week. So that'll be a good one. - Speaking of hearing things, if you hear something that's unusually, could be the cats, they love to play and wrestle. - Yeah, right now it's their awake time. - Yeah, one of them's kind of sleeping but the other one's still awake, playing around. But oh my gosh, they are phenomenal creatures. They're just full of love and just want to love you. I can't believe it. Lay on your lap. - Yeah, I agree. It's just really good for your soul. - Mm-hmm. Very therapeutic. - Absolutely. - So we want to talk a little bit about today, about deja vous. - Well, yeah, how about that? - Okay. It's funny 'cause I started a kind of a job that I won't get into but something that I've been doing and I'm surrounded by other college kids and stuff and it's kind of cool being the older person who's experienced life in life terms and it's got this kind of like background, you know, behind me too and things of that nature. So whenever I hear somebody kind of like make a comment, I kind of get a chuckle inside and get warm and fuzzy and I'm like, oh, I can touch on that. I can talk about it. So one of them brought up deja vous the other day and what was going on and when I said to that person, I said, yeah, deja vous or unanswered dreams. He goes, you know, that makes a lot of sense. I never looked at it like that, you know? And there are a lot of times what happens is we dream about them and then all of a sudden when we're conscious and we're awake, they happen and they seem very familiar like, yeah, you know? So a lot of times we get what's called deja vous and reoccurring dreams. - Yeah, I was wondering about that. - I thought it was kind of funny when we were taking class when we were talking, discussing on this subject and I said, yeah, there's been times where, you know, I've dreamt that I smoke weed and then I woke up and I felt high, you know? And I didn't do it though because I couldn't 'cause I was driving truck, you know? So, and then there was like, there was times where I was paranoid 'cause I woke up and I had a dream that I was with some guys or something and we were like robbing a house or something and then I woke up feeling paranoid like, did I actually do it? There was actually times in my life where I felt like I needed to like, like, handcuff or something like my hands and my feet 'cause I was afraid of going anywhere, waking up feeling paranoid a lot like did I actually do these things in my dream? Gosh, I hope not, you know? So, oh my gosh, dreams are, wow, there's so much into it. There's so many things you can take out of it and in reality, it's about your feelings as well and, you know, pay attention to how you feel in your dreams and the symbols and people but also like, for instance, like water and this and that, like things that are unusual, unusual in there that you kind of, you didn't understand why it was happening. - There's so many things that just go hand in hand, you know, and deja vu covers a lot like as far as like, familiarity is too and like even past lives and all of a sudden you can go somewhere brand new and never been before and all of a sudden it feels like it's familiar, like you've been there before and you can put your finger on it, you know, and you know you have it and all of a sudden later on, you find out information and stuff like that you were there at one point in time or there's been documentaries on YouTube and things of that nature with past lives and walking in that direction. So I never dismissed anybody who feels like the pole to, like they say to me, I just feel like I belong in Egypt or something, I have all this Egyptian stuff in my house and whatnot and I'm like, wow, and I'm getting chills right now talking about it. So I remember this class that we were doing that and I came up with, your spirit guide is, you know, an Egyptian woman or however I described it and they're like, that makes a lot of sense and then they told me, you know, they had a lot of stuff in their house and whatnot. So for me, it's always been ever since 20 plus years ago, I took a trip down south. As soon as I got off the plane, I felt like this is home and I knew right there and then that I needed to get back there somewhere or another and I've been trying to get back there and I'm determined and I'm going to get there. I just always sensed that once I got there that everything would fall into place. Up here for me personally, I just feel like I'm fogged and I feel like there's a lot of weight lifts or light, I'm sorry, a lot of weight on my shoulders and I feel like there's just a lot of that I'm taking on and stuff like this and I just feel very heavy up here. So I feel like we're not meant to be like born in one area and stay in that area for the rest of our lives. I feel like we're supposed to venture out like we were given dreams for a reason and likes and passions and to me, passions are like purposes 'cause you love them. You know, you don't feel obligated to do it. You don't feel forced, you don't have to, you know, it's not a job, it's something that you actually enjoy looking forward to getting up for whatever to do. And you should work on everything that is that you're passionate about, that you want in life, that you dream your perfect life would be, you know, it's possibility, you just have to go for it. - And that's the key, you brought up a good point. So, and that's a really good key as far as like manifesting and that's for me personally what works a lot is I'm a visionary, so getting a vision board or a manifestation board, however you want to call it. For me, I go out and I get magazines and I clip out pictures that I want to manifest. And it's something that I can look at every day and then visualize and the more you and visualize something, the more you put your energy into something, the sooner it's like you're telling God or the universe, this is what I want. And the more you think and put your energy into something, the more of it it comes. So, that's why they say be careful what you not only wish for, but what you ask for. So. - On that note, when I started getting taking classes in interior design, I learned how to draft a room. And right after that is when I started looking for a salon, a space for a salon, and every place I looked for, I needed to know the dimensions and I drafted it. And let me tell you, I even put the seats, everything in there, and I envisioned it. And I made sure that I envisioned even the space, like, okay, this is two feet, this is three feet. Can I walk through this? Can I, how is it sitting down in the reception area? Like, I envisioned everything. And it is phenomenal what you can sense and feel and you know what the right thing to do. - Yeah, it's just like. - That is not right, then you move on. - Perfect example, like, you want a house, you visualize what it's gonna look like, what it smells like on the inside, how it actually feels like to sit down somewhere, or lay down, or take a shower, or whatever. And colors, the more you put detail into something and your energy, the more and faster things come. So, on that note for me too, like, I've always wanted a specific car, and I know my mom, I would hear in her background, 'cause she had passed away 14 years ago, and I would hear her sense, 'cause she was in areas, so she was kind of aggressive, and anyway, she would tell me all this time, you know, say if you want it, go get it. So, that was her mentality, you know, like, and I kept wanting this car, and so, before I bought it, I went to a dealership. I actually sat in one. I am visualized and pictured myself sitting in a driver's seat, holding the steering wheel, and driving, and I put my energy into that, and it wasn't like, but a week or so later, I saw one pop right out that said, like, get me, you know, and sure enough, I was able to do that, and I got my car, so, that's how things work, just like last year, you and I manifested each other, and here we are, so, and my book, and everything else. So, the more you put your energy into something, the more it'll, and sooner it will come. - Yeah, you do the right things, you know, just be positive, yeah. - And that includes too, I mean, taking yourself out of bad situations, if you have to, things that, like, clog your mind, you know, you need clarity, you need to be able to be yourself, and not feel controlled, or manipulated, or anything of that nature. You have to be able to breathe, and meditate, in one way or another, whether it be actually physically meditating, or going out of nature, or focusing on a passion of yours, that you really love doing, or whatever, 'cause to me, that's very therapeutic too. It could be as simple as weeding, you know, and gardening, and things of that nature, but that's what I mean. Everybody needs to be able to be themselves, and the one thing that I wish that, again, you know, I bring up every so often, is somehow we can form some kind of community, or something, where we just take money, and throw it out, because I just, that's what holds a lot of people back, and to be able to experience, 'cause life is short, and I really got that after my daughter passed away, like, life is short, and... - Don't know when you're gonna die. - I wanna be able to enjoy life, how I envisioned, you know, and be able to experience different things, and do things, you know, and not feel like it's all tied back, because I can't do it because of money, you know, and... - You gotta be a go-getter, you have to, you're changing your mentality, you know, just because right now you might, you may be in the dumps, doesn't mean a year later, you're gonna be in the same place. You're not gonna be in the same place, you meet in different places. - No, it's only temporary. - Yeah, but if you're positive, you can be in a very, very good place, but if you keep negative, then you're gonna still be in the negative space. - And here's a lot, for some reason, I feel compelled to really talk about this right now, because I feel like I've been picking up on it a lot lately, and seeing a lot of people down now, I normally have a seasonal depression that starts, you know, somewhere in between September and August in there, and goes all the way until the end of April, beginning of May of every year. This year was extremely bad for me, and it was really hard, and the one thing I didn't do was go back to, like, addictions, like, drinking and things of that nature, and I'm really seeing that lately, like, I'm not against smoking pot, guys, that's, you know, I'm for it, actually, I support it, in municipal ways and not abusing it. There's a big difference. I can't stand hearing people smoking all day long, you know, they have to get high and stuff like that. There's limits, you know, and you can exceed that, and then you're just abusing it, and it doesn't really do nothing, so it's basically a waste. I'm talking about alcohol. Alcohol is, to me, an extremely depressant, and I've been noticing it a lot lately, you know, with people that we were associated with, or work with, or whatever, were constantly, I call them Debbie Nounters, and they're really depressed, and they tend to push people away, and he's done it. Now, I'm not saying that people don't, in general, but when you contribute alcohol to it, it's like 10 times worse, and I know this firsthand. And you can't help someone if they don't, if they're not willing to help themselves, or receive help, and that's sad. And the first step is a meeting that you have a problem, and a lot of people are in denial that they haven't issued. Everybody has problems, everybody has issues, everybody has things that they might not talk about, and you have no idea, because you put on that smile every day, and it's important you leave things out the door if you're going to work, leave things at home. The same with work, you come home, you leave that work. Work goes, work belongs, you know. - Yeah, I... - That's just what, you know, you kind of have to do that, because if you push yourself in that frame of mind, where you're always, your mind's always on the negative, always on what's going on, what's going on, you're never coming to get out of it, there's not gonna be a way out, because you're basically putting it in there. - And I consider them small cries of help. - Oh gosh. - When people use drugs, or bombs, or live on the streets, I don't know how you wanna call it. There's so many different things of acting out, there are cries for help, because they're missing some kind of need, or they need some kind of nurturing in some area, or something, it's a cry for help. And I feel that we do need to be more compassionate, more loving, more understanding, more helpful, because there's just so much that's going on in today's world, and it is crazy, but we can all help it, if we just help with more kindness and... - If you know someone that's your best friend, or someone in your family member, that needs help, you should reach out. If you can help in a little way, just let them know, I care about you, and I've been noticing this and that, how can I help? Or is there anything that's wanna be here for you? - Well, even with the lifestyle that I lived, and the way I was brought up and everything, it takes me a long time to trust somebody. And sometimes you may hear something that said, I'm thing times throughout your life, but it only takes that one person to say it, and it hits home. So sometimes, it just takes the right person to, or right place, or right thing, to be able to help you get out of whatever you're in. But the key is to keep fighting, keep moving forward, keep pushing, don't give up, and go find what you need that's going to be able to help you get out of whatever you're in. - You know, you might keep saying, no, no, no, but one day it's gonna be, you know what? I do need help. - And that goes back to a point too. - Absolutely. - Do you get tired of being sick and tired? And that's when you eventually do something about it. - Absolutely, yep. Well, we went way off traffic. Traffic. - No, traffic. (laughing) - Wait 'til next week, guys. - Oh, I can't wait. - That's gonna be fun. - That's gonna be a lot of fun. So, yeah. So I think that should be, do you wanna talk about something else? Let me see. How's it gonna be talk about all sorts of things? Oh, yes. Remember we were talking right before the show about art, like adding RE in front of words, kind of like a mercury retrograde, and you were touching on something. Is that what-- - Mark, I wrote it, for instance. - Well, that's a good topic too. - Yeah. - But I think we were talking about 666. - Yeah. - With the number. - Uh-huh. - So basically. - So again, folks, it depends on how you go and look at things, like 666. For example, we were talking about, you know, it's kind of like putting RE in front of words, like a mercury retrograde. That's what you do during mercury retrograde, right? So you take RE, you put it in front of words, rethink, you know, reschedule. Things of that nature kind of slow down. So, a mercury retrograde to me is like a three week or so of nonstop full moon. Like people are just acting nuts and crazy and doing things, you know, drastically. And the things of that nature. - Energy is just, everywhere. - It's everywhere. And it goes on for three weeks. I personally can't stand, you know, mercury retrograde. But I understand what they're there for in the purpose, but it's still, you know, I don't look forward to them. Yes. It affects electronics, communications, you know, they. - Oh, God, in any sort of way. - And I've noticed this too, this, you know, when you, if you get into a relationship during that time too, it tends to have issues and problems and stuffs to lead. They say during a mercury retrograde, not to do anything drastic as far as change, getting involved in relationships, starting new jobs, signing contracts. - Basically rethink it, you know, just rethink everything. - Yeah, take that time to. - You really need to do or, you know. - Really think about it. - Absolutely. - So. - Yeah, that would be a good topic though, mercury retrograde and all the different planetary. - Yeah, and not every sign it affects, you know, like, and everybody tends to, I'm doing it again. And I really need to catch myself on that 'cause it's not everybody and I don't mean that. - Yeah, it's just the wording, that's all. - Majority of people that I've noticed tend to not consider. They think when you say Zodiac sign, it's automatically, you know, you whatever's like Amataurus, your Scorpio, you know. They tend to think that that's your moon too and your sending sign and all the other signs and it's not 'cause your birth chart and you have to know your specific time and where you were born to be able to get that information. So just because my son's sign is one sign, doesn't mean my moon sign is gonna be the same as my son or my ascending. Now for me, particularly my son and moon are both in Taurus. Typically they say Taurus and moon is exalted from the emotions and things of that nature. To an extent, but at the same time, I also feel like it intensifies everything too because I know for me when I was out on a road driving, I could tell people starting to get off. They were starting to act crazy and then come to find out, you know, it's like, oh yeah, full moon, you know. Full moon's not just a one day thing. I've found for me, that's a five day process. There's two days before, there's a full moon and then there's two days after. So it's a five day process. And wow, during those five days, I'll tell you some of those months or, ooh, but I really feel that the law enforcement are really learning that and understanding that better. Oh yeah. It's gonna be a crazy one. You know, this weekend is blah, blah, blah. Yeah, yeah. I think they know, some of them know. But birth charts are something phenomenal too. And co-star is an app that you can get for your phone. It does it absolutely for free. There's a lot of other sites that do it for free. So check that out. You know, I really, and I really strive on telling folks too, it's really important I feel to for me in this lifetime is to understand my past and where I come from. Because I definitely want to break the patterns and the cycles and know where I'm coming from. And why do I act or who I, you know, why do I do things the way I do or things of that nature? So the more information you learn, the more you open up to or become open-minded to, the better. Okay, so I believe that that will conclude today's segment on Spirit Talk. Yeah, and we're looking forward to next week, next weekend. Yes, his name is Pat guys. So look out and it's gonna be a good one. It's gonna be a good one. All right. So take it easy guys. Have a great week. See you next time. Bye. (upbeat music) And that concludes today's segment on Spirit Talk. I'm Jay. And I'm Steve. [MUSIC PLAYING]