Front Porch Radio - Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price

Southern Middle TN Today News with Tom Price 8-5-24

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05 Aug 2024
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"Gentlemen, we went over the rules and the dressing room. I want to caution you to keep this fight clean at all times and do what I say you must obey." Live from the WKOM Studio in downtown Columbia, it's time to wake up and get woke. It's three dudes with a view. "Let's get it all!" Good morning, southern middle Tennessee. My name is Delp Kennedy. I am Dude #3, welcome in to 3 News with a View Monday edition. Looks like it's going to be another hot dry day out there, although we've had a hotter and we've had dryer. Anyway, Dude #2, Clayton Harris, good morning. Good morning, Delp. Good morning, everybody. Dude #1, Mr. Jim York is not with us yet yet. He'll probably come in in a few minutes. Might have a business meeting of some time. Regular special guest, Dude, 25 years my colleague in the US Attorney's Office in Nashville. Mike Road, good morning. Good morning, everybody. Wait, this is three dudes with a view. I may be at the wrong show. I signed up for White Dudes for Kamala. Am I at the wrong show? I'm sorry. Oh. Yeah. That's over on the, I almost said it. Okay. Nate's son, favorite son of Columbia, 77th graduate, Columbia Central High School, Ron Hart. Good morning. Good morning, man. Good morning. All right, folks. Let's see. We haven't been on since the election. You know, the two races that. Good morning, Mr. York. Good morning, Del, good morning, everybody. Welcome in. Mr. York, I was just going to talk about the election results last week. No longer that, Mike. What's that, Ron? Now it's no longer White Dudes for Kamala. Oh. Okay. Yeah. You missed Mike's joke. Yeah. He was being racist. When you're not here, Mike is an incredibly racist. I just, I just said that I didn't know this was reduced with a view. I had signed up for White Unbelievable, Mr. York. Unbelievable. Well, I, I'm sorry. Anybody took offense by that? I am sorry. I am a White Dudes for Kamala. That's right. Let me, let me say something right quick before we get in that discussion. Folks, today is the first day of school. We've got school zones. We've got school buses. And I've seen, and since I've been in this area, I've seen people pass school buses get too close to school buses that could cause the demise of a child. Be careful. Stay away from the school. Twenty feet. Stay back. And get school, if you've got it in such a rush, pick another route. Don't pass school buses when they stop. But the school zones are important. Our kids are trying to go to school to learn obey by the rules. And all these school buses have cameras now. So if you think you're not going to get caught, you're going to get caught. It's going to happen. Yeah. Well said, Mr. York. Yeah. I'll never, ever forget when I was in first grade at MacDowell. Oh, one of my classmates was run over and killed as he was leaving the school bus. And, you know, that made an impression that that will be with me forever. Yeah. Your message is well taken, Mr. York. Always reminded, too, that say what you will about pedophiles, they always slow down the school zone. Oh, I want to say something else, too, Del. Okay. High school that's opening in Spring Hill, Battle Creek High, I would encourage people to go visit. It's a wonderful facility. It's our taxpayer dollars well spent. And it's going to give the kids a quality education. I've had a tour with the assistant principal up there, Mr. Lee Thompson. And it's a beautiful facility for our kids to go. It doesn't look like a jail. It looks like a place to educate and learn. So I'm very proud of our directive schools and school board that had the goal to spend the money and get a first-class school for our kids to learn. Yeah, it's a beautiful campus. I was there Friday night. It's incredible. It's top of the line. Very nice. Yeah, but I'll tell you right now, their test scores won't be any better than anybody else's. Well, at least you give them a chance. I'm not sure that's what that's all a kid wants a chance. I'm not sure that's what's required for a chance. At any rate, it's there, and it clocked in at $110 million, something like that. It's there. All right, back to the election results from last week. The contested race is here, luckily, you know, Andy Ogles versus Johnson. What's her first name? Courtney. Courtney. Courtney Johnson. You know, Courtney Johnson ran a great campaign and made that a competitive race. But like I said, my rule of thumb is that an incumbent who voices and votes the will of his district is going to get reelected. And so that's what happened, Andy Ogles got reelected because he, I mean, a lot of the theatrics he does, I think, you know, a lot of the district can do without. But when it comes down to actually voting on the House floor, yay or nay, he votes the will of the fifth district of Tennessee. What do you say, Mike? Well, I think, I think you're, you're right, an incumbent is hard to dislodge if they have not done anything to, you know, to justify being dislodged. And I think Courtney's argument was that Andy Ogles had. I mean, his theatrics, as you mentioned, I don't think the voting record would have been all that different if Courtney had gotten in as to what, you know, Ogles, but, but, you know, her, her theme was I'll do it without the theatrics. And of course, you know, Mr. Ogles, let's face it, does have some ethical issues. I mean, that have been alleged. I'm not casting judgement, but certainly that he's got some allegations about. Well, Courtney's campaign was basically a campaign against Andy Ogles style. Yeah. Pretty much. Yeah. And I thought she had a good shot. She's sure. I live in the district. You know, everyone knows my voting preferences. But I know the way the district is aligned, it's going to be a Republican representative in Congress and of the two, I would have rather had Courtney Johnston than Andy Ogles representing me because, you know, if we had her on the show, she seemed like someone who would at least listen to the other side and work well with others, whereas Andy Ogles doesn't give you that impression at all. So anyway, I'm disappointed about that. But it is. Most of the races these days, Mike, I would argue that it speaks our polarization. Most of the races you're so safe that the primaries only think that most of these politicians care about, right? Yeah. And I think that's part of the problem that we have with our pollination. Yeah. Most extreme on the left. Most extreme on the right. Exactly. Go to a primary and they get elected that there's no getting. So if you, you know, because of the gerrymandering, I guess, and over time, these seats are just so. Yeah. And here's an idea. How about drawing? If you go on gerrymander, I believe in drawing straight lines as much as you can. We follow natural, you know, lines of rivers and county lines and things like that. But to the best, you can draw straight lines. But if you're going to gerrymander, how about gerrymander to make a purple district? We need more purple districts because purple districts. Yeah. I guess. You're telling me why. Why it's because the state's rights, the reason that the state legislatures have the right to draw their online time. Unless the state has opted into like an independent, independent body to draw the line. Let's let Ron ask his question. Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead, Ron. I'm just saying I'm asking Duncan, you guys, why I guess gerrymandering lines are a let alone because states have rights to do it and the feds don't defend or the Supreme Court has ever gotten involved in that, right? You set up on a racial basis, if it's a criminal basis, if it's a criminal basis, that's fine. The blacks from voting or whatever, then they'll intercede. No, it's been held many times, Ron. It's perfectly legal to gerrymander for political purposes. In Alabama, they got in trouble where there was an allegation that apparently the court accepted that gerrymandering was done for racial purposes. But as long as it's done for, you can gerrymander Republicans all day long because they're Republicans or gerrymandering Democrats all day long because they're Republicans. And Douglas, and Douglas, right when he said before that this has always happened, Democrats used to do it back in the day when when they controlled most state legislatures. That is true. I would just say that the difference is it's become a lot more scientific with computers and such. We really are getting up to the point where the politicians are picking the voters instead of the other way around. Yeah. It's being scientific. I bet Ogles knew he had that ratio. Everybody's wondering last week why he wasn't in the district. He knew he had it. I think you're probably right, Ron. What was the final percentage? Ogles about 14 percent, I think. Wow. Good grief. Wow. And then, yeah, I mean, you know, he does have an opponent in the in the general election. And you're right. She'll have a she'll have a very uphill battle. Mariam and I forget her last name. I apologize, but I'll learn it. And yeah, she'll have a she'll have a tough right up. Yeah, she has a base in Davidson County, and she did she'll have to build from that. But you're right. It's a it would be it would be a tough haul for her. Yeah. She's away out there, liberal. I think there's a chance you could get a Bratison or a net rate meant were maybe elected in that area. Well, Heidi Campbell was a was a very good candidate two years ago, and if she couldn't do it, it's it's probably not doable, but, you know, I don't think it's doable in today's environment. And, you know, of course, being a conservative Republican, I'm perfectly satisfied with that. The, well, you never know what happens in an election, no, don't call it too soon. I think things weird things can happen. I mean, there's no it's like the old NFL thing about any given Sunday and any politician can be beat. It just depends on the right circumstances, the right candidate and so on. But, um, but you're right, Andy, you'll probably do any realistic lead. No, she doesn't have, um, she doesn't have much of a chance. She has a chance, but not much of Andy will be like, since he's when he'll be like, he'll be like Kamala. He'll be in the candidate candidate protection program, so you just don't let him out there to mess up. Oh, wait. Why didn't Vincent so Vess went in Lewisburg? I wonder. You know, he's on the show and he was, uh, touted as being the next hope for, uh, the people, but he got beat pretty handedly. Miss York. I mean, I mean, what was his name, Charlie Morris, Chris Morris, I mean, yeah, he got a lot of votes, uh, in, uh, and beat, uh, Victor, what was his name? Vincent. Vincent Spress. That's the surveys, surveys, uh, from Lewisburg beat him handily. Did he even beat him in Marshall County, Miss Shore? Well, I don't know what, what Marshall County had. I hadn't looked at that, but I know he was way over the top and, uh, in, in the Murray County area. Yeah, Chris Morris, uh, won handily with a lot of sport and I'll be Clayton. Can you figure that one out? You know, Debbie brought up something the other night during the, uh, the broadcast. I thought maybe there's some, there could be some validity to, I mean, people had to skip over his name to go to Morris. Yeah. Yeah. And I think a lot of it is he has a foreign last name. And I, I know that, that may sound out there, but, but a lot of us agreed the other night during the broadcast that there could be something to that. Oh, it was plenty to it. That's all a good explanation. I've heard. It's plenty to it. I think, you know, low information voters, uh, you know, who don't, and I don't mean that disparagingly these people who don't follow politics, you know, they just go uninformed and they don't know about the candidates and, and yeah, I mean, they see a foreign sounding name and they may not pick that lever. I can't. I mean, I have no other explanation for what happened there. I mean, I, I mean, it would imply the number of votes that Chris Morris got would imply that people actually knew him and we're voting affirmatively for him because they knew him. And I just don't think that's the case. I know. No. Because they had to skip over Vince's to go to Chris based on the ballot being an apolitical order. Yeah, and so they had to, you know, go, Oh, no, yeah, no, Vincent. People do it all the time. No, Clayton, they skip over, you know, that, that was in the last election. A lot of people skip at the top of the ticket and voted the down ballot. I guess. I, I. And Clay come up with the only explanation that I've heard for what happened. The foreign name is, is very important as much as people talk about immigrants and illegal immigrants and immigrants voting that that's a big part of the, the, the Republican party's platform. Okay. We've got one of those primary. The primary. Scott Spickey. Yeah, my question, my question on that, I'd like to ask Scott, what message did Jeter send him or did the people of Murray County send him or with that close election? He only won about 300 votes. All right. Let's come back. You may have heard our previous commercials about compression hosiery that we carry at Holland's pharmacy. Well, we've recently expanded into a full line of knee braces, back, wrist, ankle and other support wear. We will gladly help you get just the right fit for these items and, of course, special order items to ensure the proper fit. 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See me follow you back. The empty time of a small fire, but I'm not the same. You're the teammate. Alright, we are back. Great day to the view, by the more edition. School has started, I think, for everybody. Private school, public school, school is in, you know, what's today? August 4th, 5th, August 5th. That's child abuse people. That is absolutely child abuse, sent children back to school on August 5th. You know, when the swimming holes are still open and, you know, the fishing is still good. You can go after school, Dan. It's out. It's child abuse, Miss York. That's all it was. You got to get 180 days in, man. You got to get 180 days in with bad weather. The whole concept of breaking school in the summer really dates back to when we were more agricultural society. The kids had to work on the farm, but, you know, it's become sort of commonplace now. And it's set in, but I think gradually they're creeping it earlier and earlier. Yeah, they were actually a little later this year compared to the last couple of years. So that is one, one positive. You like agriculture because in Louisiana, there's strawberries. They grow strawberries, so they let school out in March and start back in June. I grew up in Arkansas over here. They don't do it anymore. They used to do that back when they had, they used the kids for labor. Take the strawberries. All right, dude. Number two Clayton Harris. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. Dude number one, Mr. Jimmy Orr. Good morning. Good morning, Dale. Good morning, everybody. And Dave, son, favorite son of Columbia, Ron Hart. Good morning. Hey, good morning. And 25 years, my colleague in the Australia's office in Nashville. Mike Rotten. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. All right. Let's see. We're going to take up the other race, the contested Republican primary. Scott Sapeki, the incumbent for the 64th district versus Ray Jeter, the challenger. And it, it, it was a very, it turned out to be a close race, didn't it? Yeah. I think it was about 700 votes is the last number I saw. So, yeah, I mean, it was a close race. 656. 656. Okay. 656. So. Yeah. I mean, 54 to 45% I think that's, that's a close call. I think it qualifies as a close call. But again, rule of thumb, you know, an incumbent who has voiced and voted the will of his district, which Scott has, is, is going to be reelected. He probably did lose some votes over the school voucher notion, which seems to have a lack of, it seems to be unpopular about both in conservative and liberal circles. But. There's a message in that vote to help, and I, I'd love to hear what Scott had to say. What message did he glam for the, for that close election? Well, what are your own vouchers, right? When the voucher driven? It may be more than one issue. Well, you know, Ron, we've talked about it. Scott was a primary proponent of, as chair, chair of the House Subcommittee on Education, he was probably the primary proponent, at least in the House, of a voucher bill, which ultimately failed. This last legislative session, they're been, the Clayton's over here, not in his head there. I was also chartered schools, chartered schools. Well, but there was no new legislation on charter schools, was there? No, but he was pushing charter schools in this county heavily. You know, when you, when you take on teacher, a lot of teachers in every county, it's one of the biggest employers in most counties, right? You take them on in terms of vouchers and or charter schools, they really turn out in small elections. You can, can make it tight, right? They're mostly Democrats, but they can cross over and go after you. If it's organized, I think Scott may have got the brunt of that. I think you're right, Ron. I think the leaked audio of him saying that he was going to throw the public school system in the trash or whatever the, whatever the quote was, that did not help. I'm sure that that did not help. Ron, I think the voucher bill probably made that race a lot closer about your issue. And I mean, no disrespect to Mr. Jeter, who I, there was a very nice guy. We had him on a couple of times, and when I was on, a very nice guy. And if, I think if we had the lesson that maybe learned is if, if there had been a more experienced candidate against Scott, Scott Kapicki, it might have been a different outcome. You know, we never really were able to break down the boxes as they were coming in the other night. They came in in groups. So I would be interested to see, you know, Scott's always done well in Spring Hill. So I'd be interested to dive into the numbers and see where he really, you know, hit his high marks head. What I would be more interested in, of course, right, the voucher issue, I think was a, a live wire issue in that race. But right Jeter said I support school choice. Yeah. I mean, he, he was pro voucher, you know, and so the more interesting issue is if, if a Republican had run, who said I oppose vouchers, do other issues though? Delk was the tax cap, go ahead, Mr. Short, but I think I'll say two other, two other issues was that the county commission's cap to raise taxes, he pushed that. And then there was the issue of, of, of getting the facilities tax, which actually passed, but the county commission had to pay a lobbyists to assist in getting that passed. And they spent $75,000 tax dollars for a lobbyist to, to help assist in passing that facilities tax. Well, I hear you, Mr. York, again, though, what would be, what would have been interesting to me is to see a Republican who was opposed to vouchers run against Scott Spicki, who, of course, is a proponent of vouchers, I'm not sure who would have won that race at all. It would have been interesting. Yeah. I think. Clay, what do you think? I don't disagree. I think that would have been the big separator or divider between the two candidates if one had been an anti voucher, but like you mentioned, that, that just, that didn't happen. So, I mean, so, I mean, rage eater didn't, as far as I could tell, didn't attempt to contrast himself with, with Scott Spicki on the issues, they seem to be almost in agreement. So, I really wonder, you know, I mean, the school voucher issue is not going to get a Democrat elected now, that district, it's just not going to happen. Well, it's hard to say we might have an interesting example of what will happen in the, in the general race, because he'll now face, uh, I leaned along straight who was a guest on the show. Yeah. And, uh, who won in what many think it was, was an upset. Uh, yeah, I kind of thought, uh, the young man, Mr. Pierce would, would win that one. I was, I was watching that one. I, I really thought Mr., uh, Mr. Pierce would win. Uh, so, um, yeah, um, we'll see. Yeah. The Democrats are not going to be elected. I, I, if you had, if you had a Republican, it would be, it would be, uh, a difficult challenge. A pill battle. Uh, I would never say never, but, uh, your, I acknowledge it would be very much a, uphill battle. But, uh, for two, which I'm trying against Kamala, there'll be a big turnout on the presidential election town. It could be because you can speak up and beat somebody off, off your elections. I don't think during the big year elections, everybody's focused. It could be the year of the women. I mean, if women turn out in, in, in great numbers, uh, for, for Kamala, um, you never know. Uh, I'm not saying, you know, that either Mariam, um, in, in the fifth district or Aline in, in, in this, uh, state house race, well, create an upset, but they might, um, they might beat expectations. Yeah. I mean, if Rachel, we still didn't get it. Go ahead now. Sure. I was going to say we still didn't get it. That an adequate turnout to represent the people in the election, 18.39% total percentage of voters. That's all. So that, that wasn't represented. That's just a trickle of the, we got six to 6,000 voters in Murray County, Mr. O'Connor. How does that compare to other primary elections? It's, it's pretty much the same that there's a lot of voter apathy and I'm, I'm still picking my head. How do we get people out to vote? I don't care who you vote for, but get out and vote, uh, and, and Murray County has always been in the low twenties, uh, and, and under 20% of people wrote. So you got a minority of people picking representatives for your livelihood and you don't seem to care. What's the percentage? Sure. Don't you think a smaller group of more educated voters would be better than a big group? You say, just get out and vote, you know, you don't even know what you're doing to get for both. I don't like that idea. I'm not saying, I'm not saying, I'm not saying that Ron, maybe they should vote. I'm not saying that. I'm saying people need to be mindful of who's running for political office in their respects. Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, they need to get out and vote. I'm not just saying get out and vote, but they need to be informed. In a prime doubt, in a perfect world, we'd have a more informed electorate, uh, that there wouldn't be that large and uninformed vote. I mean, there's always going to be people who go to the polls who don't know anything. I mean, that's going to happen on both sides, but in a perfect world, yeah, we ought to get more than 18 something percent, uh, uh, and that's where they send those crazy flyers that say the other side, these outlandish things they say about the other side because a lot of different things. That's, that's on both sides, Ron. It's not a visual, vigilant press. The fourth is state's dad, the Gannett papers, way left wing, daily Harold's not helpful. It's going to be left wing. And then they got the right wing stuff that's heavy heavily entrenched on the right side. So people don't know what to believe. There's not a neutral arbiter of truth. People need to be responsible to investigate and find out who's running. You got school board people that will run in this time. Get out and find out who's running in your respective districts and then make a decision. I'm not just saying go out there and vote for anybody. That's how a, a, a republic operates. If you go send a representative to anywhere Washington or whatever, you need to know what kind of person you send in to Washington. Yeah. That's the other big thing that we have a talk about though is the school board. How did the school board shake down, Clay? Um, I, you know, you, we had the results on, on Thursday, uh, and the Frank Bellamy one district to David Moore. I think one district five, um, I don't have the, I don't have the list in front of me, but I mean, it was, it was a complete turnover from, um, I don't believe any of the incumbents ran again, um, from this last term. So it's, it's essentially a new half of the board's new, uh, there was an uncontested race to Mount Pleasant. So, um, yeah, I mean, there's some new faces now. Well, yeah. Davis and run district six, uh, Bellamy one district two, uh, four was, uh, Darrell Morton, uh, five was David, uh, Moore. And let's see, uh, I said eight was a Brenda Babcock, uh, ten was, uh, Lisa Webster Dawson. Yeah, that's the ones that were running. Uh, am I wrong that does that leave us with basically a, a very Republican slash conservative school board for the most, we don't know for the most part. I would say I don't, I don't believe just 10, uh, rep is, I don't believe that's a Republican, but, um, again, a lot of folks, uh, you know, didn't, you know, we had a lot of people run as independent because they didn't want to be, you know, they didn't want to label themselves as a R or a D, uh, when it comes to school board. So, which is correct in my perfect world. A school board shouldn't be political, but I, I know in this day and age it is. I don't think the school board, county commission, the city council should be partisan. If you, if you lean a certain way, you lean a certain way, but you shouldn't advertise that you're strictly one way or the other, you, you're supposed to represent all the people. It's a whole different issue, but I, I do support bar solutions and, you know, uh, precisely. You know, as a majority of the district, you wouldn't be saying that. What's that on? Uh, if Democrats were a majority in Murray County, he wouldn't be saying that. I'd say it no matter what, all right. All right. I mean, you don't have Republican kids or, or Democratic kids, their parents may be. You know, two different fundamental ways of a, a philosophy by education, a binary, pretty much between the Democrats and the public, but they're not going to honor these other names, make it the number of the first to find out what's going to benefit you, because you can get a little bit of a job like that, but I think they're going to hire you two guys next year. Well, maybe they'll do a good job and investigate. All right. Let's take a break and talk about it. This is Barry Duke, and you're listening to 101.7 WKOM, Columbia. Hi, Terry Tillis from Tillis Jory. When you think of diamonds, what do you think of rare, precious, timeless, sparkles like the sun? They're timeless and nothing like them on earth. Then do you think? Where do I buy local to buy the perfect ring, maybe a diamond pendant or earrings or maybe a new diamond band? Look no further. Tillis Jory carries all your diamond and jewelry needs. Stop by and see our wonderful collection. And remember, if you don't know your diamonds, know your jeweler. Tillis Jory downtown Columbia. This is Mark Kerry at the trailer store. We are a local family-owned business. Every day I work with my wife, Susie, my mother, Becky, and my son, Justin. We offer a full line of lawnmower trailers, utility trailers, stop trailers, and a full line of trailer parts. We also offer service. Come see us at 1021 New Lewisburg Highway. Call us at 931-381-2795. 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Hi, I'm Matt Parralis, Manager of Murray County Equipment. We help you with all your agricultural and construction equipment needs. We carry a full line of new haul and tractors from compacts to high horsepower. We have a full line of gravely morn equipment. We also have new haul and construction equipment, attachments, and accessories for your tractors and a complete parts department. We are locally owned and operated. Come see us at 1075, North James Campbell Boulevard, or learn about us on Facebook. Our contact is at 931-490-8183. This is Telecaten, a front porch radio. Today, I am at Foodland in beautiful downtown Koolong, New Tennessee. It's a newly renovated store, got new floors. It's got everything you can imagine that a grocery store should have. I'm speaking with Bobby Hal, your hometown grocer. We've got a new circular out with specials that run through Tuesday, August 6. Bobby, what's happening at Foodland this week? Well, we got T-Bone Stakes, $5.99 a pound, buy color or yellow corn, two years for a dollar, luxe beans, 79 cents a can, Folger's Coffee, 22 ounce, $7.99, and Coke, Sprite, or Dr. Pepper, 12 packs, $6.99. There we go. Here's a sampling of the mini specials. In this circular, you can pick one up out of your local newspaper or at the front door here at Foodland, and as always, folks, Foodland has the best meat department in Murray County. If you're griddling outdoors this summer, come to Foodland. Bobby, have a great week. Thank you and God bless. Come, Senators, Congressmen, please heed the call. Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall, For heed that gets hurt will be the one who has stole. There's a battle outside and it's raging. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls, For the times they are a changer. Okay, y'all, we are back three-dinch with a few. My name is Delph Kennedy. I am Dude #3. The times they are changing, we all know who's going to be elected president, which direction this country is going to go. The stock market is tanking as we speak. What that means or why it's happening is not... One day. One day. Well, I... I think it's too early to say it's taking. It went down. What was that wrong? People took their... The four and a half percent of the day, the NASDAQ is really off the last two. Ever since Kamala took the tie in the presidential race, the market's point off eight to ten percent. Pretty bad. It's recalibrating. People took their profits, Ron. You know exactly what happened. They took their profits. The same thing in Japan? Jim, you had no idea. I mean, that's not it. You know, it's obviously due for maybe a retreat a little bit, but it's the end of that great of years. You know, like all of a sudden these Democrats are all about the stock market capitalism. You guys trash it mostly, but one little metric in this system helps you. You know, so you're talking about all the stock markets, little guys. Let's let Ron talk, then. Go ahead, Ron. Well, you guys tell the stock market what it helps you. And no, you got nothing on the border, got nothing on anything else, you know, last year. Also, the stock market kind of creeps up a little bit where it was pre-COVID, a little bit above there. You're all of a sudden you're Warren Buffett. You guys are capitalists. You're touting that when it's the only thing you got to tout in the arsenal thing. You can't tell the border. You can't tell, you know, about crime. Republicans aren't the only people that own stock, right? Well, I know that obviously that's an obvious statement that you always make. Yeah, but you guys trash capitalism and big companies all the time as evil and greedy and bad and terrible, all of a sudden you say, oh, no, it's doing great now. All right, my question. We are. Some of them are. Well, both things can be true, Ron. Both things can be true that there are some predators out there in the corporate world, not all of them are, but there are some. And then you can also still believe in capitalism as I do. I'm a capitalist. I believe in the capitalist system. It's not perfect, but it's probably better than any other economic system the world's ever seen. So, you know, both things can be true. You can say, look, here are some predatory practices in the corporate world that we need to address and perhaps have a little regulation on them, but at the same time we agree with the basic system of capitalism and, you know, FDR safe capitalism. They did so by injecting just a little socialism in there and we prospered, didn't we? We prospered. Yes. I think that's a narrative is untrue. I think there's a lot of scientists and a lot of political scientists and economists have said that we would have been the same place without all that intervention by the government. Yeah. Yeah. Y'all tell that is a great savior of the. This country has 80 recessions in the history of this country. We come out of every one of them. We would have come out of that one. I want to agree with this, Ron. We came out of the last one. The economy is the economy. I don't think, to a large extent, any president or party deserves credit for when it's good or fault when it's bad for the most part. There are some things that you can do around the edges to keep a rally going and to hurt things as well. But for the most part, it is what it is. Ron. Okay. Well, go ahead, Clay. Ron, did I, I'll make sure I read this correctly. Is it true that Buffett and what's the name of his group that he has? Berkshire, I have to wait halfway. 256 billion to sit in there. Yeah. It's a half their Apple position. They sort of, they sort of, they see this comment. This is all Kamala. I mean, no one wants to be involved with the, with the president who's essentially a communist or self-socialist. Ron, why did she raise $300 million if we had all Kamala? Look, where it comes from, Mr. York comes from tech oligarchs who are going to be left alone. Who's making money? And it comes from those teachers unions and other people like that. It's not coming from Horatio Allen. Individual donors. Ron. Ron, how much does it have to do with the job support that came out for July? The job was up 110,000 jobs. It wasn't terrible. Expectation was 170,000 jobs. It wasn't that terrible, you know, at all. I think this, look, it's not coincidental, the Kamala serves six points in the polls. Trump goes on the odds in Vegas of 72% chance of winning to 51% chance of winning in the market tanks. What's the mathematical probability of those coincidental things happening the same week? I would say this. I think the market does not like uncertainty. So right now, it's pretty uncertain as to who's going to be president. If one of the two of them starts pulling ahead again and it becomes more certain, I bet the market makes a rally. But the most businesses are supporting Trump because they are looking ahead for possible tax breaks that might expire in 2020. We'll be a tax guy. When I wanted to get a tax cut, I think they'll just keep what he did before Kamala's already stated. She's going to get rid of his tax cuts and his estate tax. When you get rid of the estate tax, people have to sell their businesses. They have to sell their assets to pay a state tax. Yeah, they don't have to say, you pay 40% on your income as you make money your whole life. And if you're above a certain level, you pay 40% when you die. It depends on what you mean. People aren't selling their businesses wrong. What? People aren't selling their businesses to pay tax. So you have no idea what goes on. You have no idea. People aren't selling their businesses. There are some terrible examples of people having to sell their family farms and things for the estate tax. But I think those are isolated. But in any event, it depends on what you mean by changing the estate tax. I think there's some things you can do around the edges that we're going to take it back to. You know, exemption will take exemption down low. People will owe, yo, within one year, you think it's fair to tax someone at 40% as they earn money and then 40% again when they die? I think what do they make? What do they make? And Ron? Yeah. Got to make you know, $3 million to get in that level. You mean? Yeah. So so they pay 40% and nobody's paying for nobody's paying 40% here they are 3540 where the tax bracket, you guys want to take it up to 50. I'm sure if you have a chance you make you get paid 40 50% as you make it. And these are our people like your people that are limousine liberal Democrats. They have trust, they have, they have, you know, inherited money from the past. They don't pay them. They only have capital gains like buffet and check oligarchs, right? They don't pay big taxes. There's people that earn it along the way of 35 40% and you make this thing make 10 million and you pay four million in taxes. You got six. You die. They get another 40% of that. Is that right? What about the little old lady that makes $800 a month and got to pay 9.25% on food? For taxes. Yeah. The sales tax. That's fair for everybody. I buy pays that. Illegal immigrants. The law lady making that $900, $800 a month, it's like a fair tax. I mean, that's fair. I mean, at least everybody pays it as a percent of a, as a percent of rent. Who makes $800 a month anyway, by the way? There's people on social security make $800 a month or SSI that makes $800 a month. Well, of course, they're retired, right? Look, nobody likes taxes. They are disabled. Nobody likes taxes. This is the part of the, or the admission price we pay for a, a, a good society. So nobody likes taxes. We have a good study in 1776. Okay. But I think what we're talking about in 1910 in the, in the tax code came in at temporary tax, it became a permanent tax. That was a good society that though was not your society to charge an admission to. You know, why don't blame Kamala for the market? Yes, don't. Why is the market tanking? You know, Ron, what is the call? I just read with the term tanking, delk. It went down the other day. Yeah. See what it does. I mean, it's three days, it's going to be like a skydiver. Oh, yeah. They ever. And I don't, yeah, I, I can't, to your point, Mike, I mean, I can't quite go along with Ron and, and saying that, uh, uh, the presidential election has to do with what's happening in the stock market. You know, I've been through Iran has to, uh, you know, Democrat, Republican, uh, administrations. And you know, the, the stock market doesn't see red or blue, uh, it just sees green and uh, exactly. And they say consumer confidence is down. Yeah. But you know, under Obama and Clinton, both of the stock market did well, you have maybe a change of the rules, but hey, the, you know, one, one thing about these big money guys, they don't sit around, you know, having esoteric conversations about something being right or something being wrong. They just, you know, what are the rules and where I invest? That's all they want to know. And, and, and back to my point, I, I think it's, it's more uncertainty. Um, Nate Silver, who is right more than he's wrong. Yeah. Hey, yeah. Uh, he has Harris at a 50.5% chance of winning the election versus Trump's 48.8. So it's pretty, pretty even. And so I think that uncertainty is what is probably driving the, uh, the market right now. It's just, they don't like uncertainty. Well, one is the Fed. How the Fed is going to deal with the interest rates also, you know, the Fed's kind of hedging on whether they're going to lower the interest rates and let them stay the same. And that's what investors are looking at also. So they take profits right now. Okay. Well, I'm not sure about that, Mr. York, but I agree with Mike that the market does not like uncertainty. Uh, I don't, you know, I mean, I don't see this as a profit taking event at all. Uh, it's, it's a very real event, but I, I'd go with Mike on an uncertainty. Yeah. But the interest rates by the Fed, that's uncertainty. Three, three or four days down 11% the NASDAQ, which is really nice. It's really become the market. It's kind of weird, but it's become the market because of Apple and the video and all these bit new Google Amazon, they're all in, in the NASDAQ. So that's kind of been the template that was a little bit less because, sorry, so I did my part to, uh, to help Apple stock. Well, then we'll show up until next week. I bought, I bought some of the video stock. All right. What's happening on? I'm just saying it's down 11% and actually it's down 11% about three or four days. I mean, the, when Kamala went ahead and the polls, I don't think it's coincidental. I don't think they want her as president on the economic basis. I mean, here's a person that no one hurt her clearly. She doesn't have the chops in the economic sector. She comes from California, which is a disaster economically. People are fleeing there. Uh, it's not a good situation. I think people are a little bit scared. I've been, and there's uncertainty, I guess, to some degree, Trump, you know what you have. You have four years of him. It was good. I think people in, in, in, in, you know, they probably, the jobs number, I don't think was that bad the other day and it went like a huge, I mean, they were all by 60,000. That's not 10% correction numbers. See what you're well about California though, but it is the fifth largest economy if you, if you, if you, if California were a country, which I'm sure you'd like for it to be. Which is shit. It's the fifth largest economy. I'll be here. And true, people are fleeing California, but they're also fleeing to California. So, you know, it's kind of they're net, they're net losing people as is New York, as is most Democrat strongholds are net losing people have multiple reasons why they move a change locations. If they are, they're moving south and making it more purple. Exactly. To Republican dominated states. Yeah. To, and they're making it more purple then. Can we talk about, can we talk about the abuse that Bill Lee got from, from Trump in, in a, in a tweet? Yeah. Yeah. What about that? What do they call social media postings? I don't know. I, I use tweet, but I'm using it generically. I don't know. Well, well, Clayton, what do you call them? Orano? Yeah. He called, he called Bill Lee a rhino, but y'all, you know, I mean, this business about people not leaving California, y'all are just trying to gaslight us on that, you know, Tesla left and over the weekend, Chevron, which has been in California for over a hundred years announced that they were moving their headquarters to Texas, California is, and, and I've had long conversations with people who have moved their families and their businesses here from California, and the stories they tell are just horrifying. They just say it's impossible to do business in California. It's so over regulated, so pervasive that they can't do business. And so they're moving to Tennessee where they do have the freedom to do business. The main, I doubt the main was, you know, must move ex, you know, ex spaceship there and ex Twitter there, so all from California to Texas, so all his exes are in Texas. Right. Right. Right. You got a lot of people in California. Yeah, it's hard to do business where you got more people. When you come to a small little country town, you can do a lot of things that you can't do in California. It's not about sure you're also losing people to New York, New York's losing people as well. It's an oppressive regulation law that is the entire business, and that's what it's all about. And they'll, you know, they'll do like Detroit when the last storefront is shuttered, they'll still be looking for a super grand persona. I don't think you don't see that in California, it's too, that the breath of California is so wide and so deep, it's not going to fail. I want a brand of their independence, or no, I want to, I tell you what, I want to sell California to China. Yeah, they got what? A hundred and south. How many, how many electoral votes they got? Russian South. Russia sold us Alaska. Why can't we sell? I'm going to electoral votes. China. Well, I don't have the cash. We get rich that states are losing population by the California, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan. They're losing people more than anybody else is looking for. Well, that always happens.