Mindset & Motivation

Shoshin Mindset: You Don’t Need to Be Great to Get Started

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08 Jul 2024
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One of the biggest hurdles you face when learning something new is the pressure to excel quickly.


In doing so, you often overlook that the process of learning is just as important, if not more so, than the outcome.


On today’s show, I want to share a concept from Zen Buddhism that I incorporate into my life. This concept helps me reframe how I think about achieving my goals and brings a greater enthusiasm for life.


Join me on today’s Cabral Concept 3076 to explore the Shoshin Mindset and understand why you don’t need to be great to get started. Enjoy the show, and please share your thoughts with me!


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(air whooshing) Welcome. All right everybody, brand new Cabral concept. This is our mindset and motivation Monday show of the week. I wanna go over a concept with you that may be brand new to you. If not, great. I want you to dive deeper into this topic. It is a concept from Zen Buddhism. It's something that I've tried to incorporate to a much larger degree into my life because every time I do, every time I revisit this, it increases my level of happiness. But not only happiness, actual enthusiasm for life. I'm gonna go through that with you here today because a lot of times we do talk about goal setting. We talk about goal achieving. We talk about reaching our potential. We just talk about enjoying life, right? Like all the different things that go into growth and happiness and relationships and health. And so that's what I wanna talk about. But I wanna approach it from a different frame today. So sometimes what we need to do is explore more of these concepts and to begin to rewire a mind in a different way because it's not always going after our goals full speed ahead, you know, if there's a wall in our way, not instead of not going around it or maybe over it or coming up with a better blueprint, but we try to run through it oftentimes. And when we do, it can lead to burnout. I'm not saying it won't be successful. And sometimes, honestly, it just needs to be stubborn persistence to get to your goal. That's true, but not all the time, not every time and it will burn you out. So one thing that I've really been exploring, especially over the last couple of years, is this term called shoshin. And shoshin, again, it's a Buddhism-based terms and Buddhism term and it literally stands for beginner's mind. So every time you hear shoshin, I want you to think about beginner's minds, but not a beginner's mind necessarily from, oh, you've never done this before. You're completely new at. Now it could, it could be that, but truthfully, when sometimes you look at a child or a new team member at work or whatever it is, sometimes when they come in as a beginner, they're not looking at it from a beginner's mindset. They already want to be the expert. That's the opposite of this Zen Buddhist term or concept. What I want you to think about are the aspects that make up this overall philosophy. And there's approaching any task or new goal or maybe the work your life's work with a level of openness. So it's embracing new ideas and new concepts and not actually feeling that you have all of the answers. So it's fascinating because if you're already an expert in a topic, you might always want to be able to give the answer you've always given. But instead of doing that, it's stepping back and saying, what might I not know? Or what angle am I not thinking about in this argument, debate, investment, whatever it may be, right, depending on your career. And the other part I like about this is not just being open, but being eager to learn new things. So if you're going after a new goal, whatever might be again, a lot of our IHP is starting a health coaching business. Great, so you know a lot about helping people to get well. No doubt about that. But you may not know like, okay, well, how do I set up social media? How do I set up a website? How do I get my first client? How do I do all of those different things? And instead of being nervous about it, instead of being worried about it, look at it as saying to yourself, this is the only time I'm going to be a beginner at starting out as a health coach. That means, 'cause you will look back on it with a sense of joy and pride of what you've accomplished, but you also can enjoy the startup process of getting from A to B and B to C, the beginning steps, the same goes for health. Everybody wants to get healthy overnight, right? Just like everybody wants to lose the weight overnight or gain the muscle overnight. But that's not always how it works. And the fascinating thing is that if we can explore day to day, not just the actions that we do, but explore how we're going to get there, it can increase our eagerness, which means when we wake up in the morning, we're excited to go after our goals. So one thing I just want to share with you is I just started, again, I don't have someone that doesn't necessarily have a whole lot of free time, but I've created my life to be that way. And some people don't like that and I totally get it. I've scheduled my life in a way that I get to do all the things that I love to do, but my schedule's pretty full. But one of my daughters was looking to learn Spanish. And I said, "Great." We had a family friend come over and they were actually learning Hungarian. So they were learning another language that is just totally, like, totally far into them, literally, right? And they were learning it because that's what their spouse understands the same with the family, right? And so they were learning that for great reasons. Well, my daughter is going to be taking Spanish. She was taking French. And I said, "You know what, I took seven years of French." And although it was great, good to take French, I guess, right? I have just haven't used it. That's the truth. Like literally a bit of France once used it very, very little. Seven years, I can still understand it to a degree. I can definitely read it, but I can't speak it 'cause it would just, it just takes so much to get back into it. But I said to myself, I always wanted to learn Spanish. And I think it's more applicable for more of the places that I travel to, more of the people that I meet, et cetera. But I said to myself, "Okay, I'll take it with you." And so we're learning it on the Doolingo app before she goes back to school and then she's going to be taken to her in school. So I said, "You know what? I'm going to dedicate 15 minutes a day." And so I do 15 minutes before the workday starts. That's basically just kind of how I set it up. And that 15 minutes I go in not saying that I need to become an expert in speaking Spanish overnight. I can actually look at it as since I don't need to accomplish it this week or even next month. And I look at this as, I could take this 15 minutes a day for the rest of my life. And I'm pretty sure at some point, right, as much as I might stumble over my words and all of that, at some point I'll become proficient. And it's a great way to look at this is that if you don't get overwhelmed with moving into a process, it's like a previous podcast that I did, then success is inevitable, right? So if you've never created a health coaching business before, well, there are only so many ways to literally mess up, right? So like that's how I look at it as well. Eventually you're going to figure out all the right things to do. And especially if you have a coach or a mentor or a business plan or any of those things, the likelihood of success is even greater. But again, it's always 100%. Like your likelihood of success in life really is 100% if you're willing to stick with it. Now, if you set a goal of just saying like, "Oh, I want to win the lottery." Well, that's not necessarily within your control. I'm saying doing things within your control, you can definitely accomplish. If you're willing just to simply put in the effort, put in the time, take the action. The overall concept of be-do-get, right? And we've talked about that. I can link these shows up if you're new to the mindset of motivation Mondays. So that's one thing that I've looked at. And I also, it builds some humility, meaning that I'm not great at learning this new language, not by a long shot. And so my daughters are taking it, we're joking around, stumbling over words, trying to put sentences together, but it's fun. Coming at it from a beginner's mindset. And we can do that even with more serious topics. Now again, I know how serious the topic health is. It's one of the reasons why I try to do this Monday show is because as hard as it is and the relapses and the stumbling and those types of things, it's important to lock in with that mindset. And it's something that I didn't have for those 10 years it took me to get well. I didn't get well overnight. And I certainly didn't have a positive mindset about it. I wish I did, right? And yes, you might say, well, it's easy to think that way in hindsight, true. But if you think that way earlier, you actually get healthier and well earlier. And the reason is is that you drop all of the stress that comes along with having and needing to accomplish the goal. Remember what I've shared with you about the difference between the inevitability, the belief that it's already here, that it's simply a matter of time. It is yours versus, I don't know if it'll ever happen. I need this to happen. I want it to happen. All of those things push it further away. You're telling the world, you're telling the universe, you're telling yourself, you don't have it, right? And I know it's difficult because it's not there right now. But as I said before, success is inevitable. It really is. Let's just take an auto-immune issue. Okay, you have an auto-immune issue like Hashimoto's or rheumatoid arthritis. Well, for the most part, all of those things are very fixable. The only thing is that's just not gonna happen in the next four weeks. You can start to feel better in the next four weeks, typically three to six months. Why? Because you need to rebalance your gut flora. You need to also reduce the SIBO, the Candida Overgrowth, parasites or H.Pylori, seal the gut wall. You'll wanna reduce heavy metals. You're gonna work on the sympathetic nervous system dominance, the fight of flight, the stress. You'll look at any viral-based issues. So it's just things to work on. And your body's an organism. Think of it as like a plant. You have to tend to it. It needs sunlight and water and carbon dioxide and all the different things for that plant to grow. And your body needs some of those same things and a little bit others. But what it needs is good input. So improving those deficiencies and removing the toxicities. And in time, the cells turn over and they become healthier. All of this is just simply a microcosm for a greater macrocosm of your life. I wanna share with you though, a few other benefits of this beginner's mindset is that when you go into it with more of an open mind, more relaxed, you learn faster. Think about it. Again, I try to share this with my daughters. If you're stressed while trying to study or take a test, you're in more of the fight or flight. And the problem is you can't absorb as well. So you don't comprehend as well. You're not relaxed. You're not open to different ways of doing things. The different tips and tricks to solve these different puzzles and equations. And then you just, it's a vicious cycle because you get more stressed, right? So you see something, you're not accomplished it right away. You get stressed. It becomes even more difficult. You become more stressed and the cycle just repeats. So at some time, you just need to step out of that circle of displeasure and just say there has to be another way. Let me get a little bit more creative. Let me play a little bit more with this. And when you do that, you also become more resilient 'cause you simply say to yourself, I will figure this out. I haven't figured it out yet, but I will figure it out. There's only, as I said, so many different ways not to get it right. And the right coach, the right mentor, the right course, the right certification, the right blueprint, the right book, the right podcast, you're going to find that answer. So it's just putting in the reps over and over time. The other thing that I like is that if you can apply this to relationships, you can say, you know, what am I doing well? What am I not doing well? Where could I improve? How could I improve? Why is this person reacting in this way? What did I do improperly? Or why am I just seeing it maybe from a different perspective than they are? Just kind of go in with that open mind where it's just not you against them, right? You against the world. That it's, oh, maybe we can multiply. Maybe it can be me plus you, right? Equals an exponential results, especially in work. You know, if you look at it like, you can do something on your own, but if you get together two or three strong people on a team, you can do the work with then far more than those two to three, right? 'Cause you just get multiplied efforts, especially from the input of all the creativity, all the new thoughts that you would never have just on your own. So what I want to share with you is this. By exploring this shoshine concepts, I believe that you're going to have more curiosity for life. I think it's going to increase your eagerness, which always up levels your energy, gets you more excited to start the day. And truthfully, your confidence will build because you're going to be able to get after and accomplish your goals that much faster. So as I've said before, it's not necessarily the accomplishing of goals that I think truly brings you happiness. I believe it's the process of growth along the way where you see yourself become literally a different person that ultimately leads to the enjoyment we get out of life. So hopefully this was helpful. Thank you so much for your support of the Cabral concept. I appreciate you. I thank you. And of course, the show was helpful. Do feel free to share it with anyone you believe, it was so. 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