Made for More with Amanda Kolbye

Mini Moments Ep 88: My #1 Focus to Start Making Money ASAP If I Started Today

Broadcast on:
07 Dec 2022

In these "Mini Moments" we pull some of my favorite and most impactful mini lessons from past episodes of the Made for More Podcast to give you a quick digestible lesson in under 10 minutes.

If you liked this mini moment, check out the rest of this full episode here -



Starting a business is tough work, and we all love to think we can do it all by ourselves. We like to think it’s us against the world and we have to tackle the hardest parts of owning a business all alone, but that is simply not true. While working almost all day, making no money and trying to figure it out all by myself was my strategy (which I am not recommending) there are so many resources now to utilize and take full advantage of that can truly help you. I will be the first to say that owning a business is not for everyone, but if you have the drive and passion to make it through those tough points in your first couple years, there is magic waiting for you on the other side.

Our Favorite Quotes

“I was just lost, trying to do everything under the sun.”

“I was working 10-12 hour days, and I didn’t even have a business. Half that time was spent researching stuff because I wanted to know it all and this is definitely one of my worst mistakes.” 

“Something that I would do if I was starting over is make sure I had at least one offer even if that was my only offer that was over $1,000.” 

"I had built a personal brand, where I showed up every single day before I even made a single dollar."


Thanks for listening, and if you like what you've heard, I would greatly appreciate you sharing this episode with your friends or on your Instagram stories (and tag! There are so many amazing women who need to hear this message and who are working to build their dream lifestyle, and I'd love you to help me spread the word. 


Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

Laptop Lifestyle Co Links:



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