The Wanderlover Podcast

202 ✧ How to Become a Digital Nomad

Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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Do you want to become a digital nomad but have no idea how to start or what it entails? I’ve been a digital nomad for over 6 years now and have seen so many different ways of full-time travel by meeting other digital nomads and within my communities. I explain and share them all with you in this episode. Learn my framework Learn, Plan, Go! So you can start making your freedom dreams a reality!

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Ever feel like you're falling behind on the latest tech AI and all the smart stuff in your life? That used to be me until I started listening to Kim Commando today. Every episode is packed with the latest in tech AI security tips and tricks. I just learned how to find hidden GPS trackers in a car. Look inside, but check the undercarriage for magnetic holders. Join the smart listeners who start their day with the Kim Commando today podcast. That's Kim Commando today, K-O-M-A-N-D-O. The Wanderlevver podcast was created with a mission to enable travel and freedom through entrepreneurship. We're talking time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom. I'm your host, Danielle Hu, online business mentor for coaches and creatives and full-time world traveler. You'll hear episodes recorded from Hawaii, Costa Rica, Portugal, Bali, and remote surf islands around the world. Tune in every week for strategies around online business, social media, mindset, and interviews with other inspiring entrepreneurs that will empower you to build the business and live the life of your dreams. Are you ready? Let's get started. [Music] Doors to the Wanderlevver Business Academy are officially open for a limited time only. If you are a new coach or creator and you want to start your business in 2024, then this is for you. The Business Academy is our tried and tested online course designed to give you the tools and strategies to build your business and, of course, to create your freedom-based life. You get trainings, tools, templates, live calls, accountability, and 24/7 support from me in our Facebook group with so many lovely people there to celebrate every single milestone with you. Check out the link in the episode description where you can get started for just $97 a month. And, of course, DM me with any questions. I hope to see you inside. Today's episode is sponsored by Safety Wing. Safety Wing offers travel medical insurance that is specifically designed for the needs of freelancers, remote workers, and digital nomads. It gives you peace of mind on your travels no matter where in the world you are. Hello, my loves. Welcome back to the podcast. I have a very matter-of-fact episode for all of you today how to become a digital nomad. This is step-by-step what we teach in the digital nomad society under my framework, learn, plan, and go. So if you're not in the society, this is going to be a sneak peek into what you will learn when you join and give you a sense of whether or not you want this lifestyle for yourself. So let me first start by defining what exactly is a digital nomad. A digital nomad is someone who leverages technology to work remotely while traveling the world. It's about having the freedom to work from anywhere and being able to just pick up your life in a destination and go somewhere else that you feel called to go. Or you can even stay, right? You can extend your stay. But it's all about having this time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom. I've been a digital nomad for the past over six years and I've stayed in destinations ranging from a few weeks up to a year or over a year and I never know where I'm going next. Like I don't know where I'm going to be after the UK this month and I've learned that that's okay because it's so easy nowadays with the internet to book flights and book accommodations online. I just really love the spontaneity of being able to go anywhere I want without feeling like I'm limited and I'm the type of person who feels antsy after staying in one place for too long. So I really enjoy the flexibility. I remember when I was living in New York City and I had to sign year-long leases at a time, it got to a point where I was like I just want to leave. Like I don't want to be here anymore. I would go on trips to like Ireland or to the Maldives and be like I just want to stay longer. Can I stay for a few months instead of just a weekend? And so personally that is what lights me up having full freedom and I will also mention I've never bought furniture in my life. I've never stayed in a place long enough where I was like I'm going to spend thousands of dollars on very nice furniture because I always knew that I was leaving. Like when I was renting apartments in New York City I knew that it would be temporary and I found a place that was furnished. Same thing when I travel on Airbnb's I always look for furnished places because it's easier for me. I don't have to go through the whole process of shipping it and then also selling it after I leave. It's just things that I don't want to deal with. So if you don't want to deal with certain things that come with home ownership you don't have to. Also currently I'm in the mindset where I know that once I have a family in the future eventually maybe I'm gonna stay in one place for an extended period of time. I loved having my solid group of friends growing up and it was threatened a few times because I was always moving as a child and once I found my group of friends when I was like nine years old and my parents like wanted to move again when I was 11 I broke down and I'm so glad I did that because I'm still best friends with them all today so I can understand that as a child you'll want to stay in one place. So anyway this is so many years down the line but eventually I'm gonna maybe stay in one place for a long time so the time is now to travel. Until then I am young and I want to explore the world so why not and if you are at a place wherever you are in your life if you know that exploring the world is something that you just want to dive into right now you don't want to wait any longer you have the power to become a digital nomad. Let's dive in to the exact steps how to and I'm going to break them down into phase one learn phase two plan and phase three go. Phase one is learning all you can about the lifestyle so that you don't get blindsided if unexpected medical expenses come up or a tax bill that you weren't expecting to budget for all of these things we teach you inside the digital nomad society because you can learn from other people who have walked the talk you don't have to be figuring all of this out by yourself. So the first is to learn what the digital nomad lifestyle entails how you can save money on things like monthly rentals and how to generate income online. Personally for the past over six years I've been growing my online business it's my own I don't work for anyone else I don't have to report to a boss I don't have to report to an employer I don't have to work certain hours of the day or within certain time zones it's all controlled by me I generate income online through many income streams including private coaching this membership courses ebooks advertising revenue sponsorships there are so many ways you can grow your income streams when you fully own the business yourself and in the society I explain how you can either live off your savings right that is one very valid way to become a digital nomad is save up a chunk of cash and living off of that that usually means budget traveling and trying to extend that lump sum for as long as possible you can also work for someone else so you can have a remote job but still be an employee there are many people in the digital nomad society who do this and who love it it's not for everyone but I think it's just a sign that there's no one size fits all strategy right we really want to build this lifestyle in a way that is most aligned for you you can also freelance you can go on Fiverr or Upwork and offer your own services however in all of my programs I am going to encourage you to start your own online business with your own products and services go from a consumer to a producer and creator mentality sell what people need and make your own money this is the most scalable it is the most sustainable in the long term because there truly is no limit in terms of scalability it offers the time freedom location freedom and financial freedom it has worked the best for all of my clients and myself so I know that if they can do it you can too a word of caution here I do recommend not joining any pyramid or network marketing or multi-level marketing schemes anyone who is a part of this they are immediately deleted from all of my Facebook groups I just think the marketing and the structure is so predatory and scammy and it's just not something that I want in my groups so take that with what you will right if you are being called to enter a business model like that it's totally up to you but I do think that having your own control of your income in the long run it's going to be the most sustainable you get to keep a hundred percent of your income you don't need to pay out to any higher-ups and there's no one to take your income from you as a full-time digital nomad I personally have been using safety wing for years and recommend safety wing travel medical insurance if you are a remote worker or digital nomad safety wing keeps you safe while country hopping whether it's catching a bug getting in an accident or getting your passport stolen their insurance was created by digital nomads for digital nomads and they have a truly ambitious mission to create a global social safety net for everyone with safety wing you're covered all over the world with one policy it's a monthly subscription so you're continuously covered for just a few dollars per day and you can turn it off at any time they also launched a new version of their nomad insurance product with a zero dollar deductible and a new claim process that takes less than five minutes to fill so if this sounds like it'd be right for you and your upcoming adventures check out my link in the show notes and make sure you save it for your next trip which you can buy even if you're already traveling now back to today's episode the next phase after learning how to become a digital nomad we are going to plan out your exact digital nomad vision some people you know they don't want to do this full-time they maybe want to just take a year off it could be you you might just want to take a few months off and see how you like it you might not want to give up your apartment or you might not want to be a full-time entrepreneur whatever your vision looks like for you you need to map it out we work through exercises like how much money do you have saved how many clients or customers do you need how much money do you need to be making per month to sustain your ideal digital nomad lifestyle what is your freedom number what is the number you need to have in the bank and you need to be making any every month in order to for you to feel comfortable living this lifestyle and this looks different for everyone some of my clients have super high risk tolerances and they're all in some of them they work their full-time job they feel really at peace knowing that they have the income in and they're setting aside a part of their paycheck every month to make their quit date happen so all of us we have quit dates that want to quit and I hold them accountable to it some of them are mid 2025 others are at the end of this year some have them set for 2026 what is your vision and you also need a plan what are you going to do with your current home or the place that you're living in right now or renting what are you going to do with all of your stuff we're also going to walk you through things like your income and your expenses in different destinations that you might want to travel to so you know exactly how much to budget for in terms of accommodation transportation extracurriculars food whatever it is to live your ideal digital nomad life we're also going to plan is there any wiggle rooms you want to go to an area with the highest cost of living first or do you want to budget that for a few years down the line and in the meantime you can go to places where it's a little more affordable we map out the exact strategy in alignment to your income so whether it's starting your online business and starting from scratch whether it's growing your existing income streams how are we going to make this all happen for you the other thing I love about the digital nomad society is the community so if you watch our call replays with all of our members you'll see that our members have different businesses they live different lives they're from all over the world but they are making their digital nomad dreams a reality so some of them have already gone from corporate to now traveling full time and it just makes it that much more accessible to you in your mind seeing other regular people just like you and me seeing them do it and watching them grow and that's going to give you the motivation to do it yourself as well and then the last step to become a digital nomad is to follow the plan we have set out for you and to go go full throttle into this new chapter surround yourself with other digital nomads embrace this lifestyle and then adjust to what suits you this is where you're going to learn about so many more networking opportunities we have a database of co-working spaces around the world with networking events with lots of opportunities to meet other like-minded entrepreneurs and we also have daily interaction in our digital nomad society community so that you can constantly be surrounding yourself with all of these travel lovers and business owners if you have any more questions about this lifestyle i'm always more than happy to answer i don't think any other type of living would make me happier than the life i'm currently living now and that's obviously very evident i've traveled to over 60 countries and i don't think i'll be stopping this anytime soon i love not having a plan and just letting my desires shape my future so if you want this for yourself please do not hesitate to reach out and i hope to see you in one of our programs stay safe and don't forget to get travel medical insurance if you're starting your own digital nomad journeys i will link safety wing in the show notes i'll see you guys in the next episode have an amazing week my loves (upbeat music) [ Silence ]