The Wanderlover Podcast

198 ✧ Make 6-Figures as a Mindset Coach Starting From Scratch

Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

One of my clients just hit 6-figures as a Mindset Coach in less than a year. Today, I’ll be sharing a step by step case study for a behind the scenes look in how we built her thriving business from scratch!


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(upbeat music) - The Wandrel of our podcast was creative with the mission to enable travel and freedom through entrepreneurship. We're talking time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom. I'm your host, Danielle Hu, online business mentor for coaches and creatives and full-time world traveler. You'll hear episodes recorded from Hawaii, Costa Rica, Portugal, Bali, and remote surf islands around the world, tuned in every week for strategies around online business, social media, mindset, and interviews with other inspiring entrepreneurs that will empower you to build the business and live the life of your dreams. Are you ready? Let's get started. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) If you've been enjoying the Wandrel of our podcast, if you've been tuning in and finding inspiration and taking away value, it would mean so much to me if you could take a second to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. I continue to record these episodes for you every single week and take all of your comments and feedback to heart. Thank you guys so, so much. Hello, my loves, welcome back to the podcast. I am recording this episode back in Rotate Island, Indonesia after an amazing birthday week in Tokyo. If you guys haven't been to Japan, it's one of my favorite countries and I'm definitely going to be recording a Tokyo recap episode for all of you. But today, we are going to be talking about how to make six figures as a mindset coach starting from scratch. One of my clients just hit her first six figures as a mindset coach in less than a year. She started from zero in the Start Your Business Intensive and then graduated to private coaching and has built such a thriving business that's changing so many lives. I'm so proud of her and everything that we worked on is obviously very fresh in my mind. And so I'm really excited to share her journey and the steps she took to achieve this incredible milestone. And so today I'll be going through a step-by-step case study so that you can see how we built her online coaching business and if this is something that resonates with you that you want to get started on, you can check out the links in the episode description. So let's first start with what exactly is a mindset coach. A mindset coach is someone who helps people change their thoughts to empower and transform lives. They often help individuals overcome limiting beliefs to achieve success in their business, in their career relationships and ultimately success in life. So people who work with mindset coaches report feeling more confident and clear about their goals. Another question that is often asked is do you need qualifications to be a mindset coach? And so my answer is there are no qualification requirements to become a mindset coach or start your mindset coaching business but you do need to be able to successfully deliver on your promises as a mindset coach, right? So you need to successfully evoke change and be able to get your clients the results that they expect. And this often comes from going through the transformation yourself or helping someone else in the process. And so if you actually don't know how to lead your clients through that transformation, you're probably going to need to take some courses or enroll in training programs to get that qualification. And over time, you will want to improve your coaching business by signing up for lessons or courses and improving overall as a coach. So to sum up, there is no formal qualification you need. I think as long as you're able to get your clients the results, you can get started. There's no point in waiting for a magic moment when you have a qualification, when you can start helping other people. If you have the experience and what it takes, you can get started and you can get those qualifications as you go. They can occur simultaneously. The first thing we went through in the Start Your Business Intensive when she was starting from scratch was we got crystal clear on what her niche was and who her ideal clients were. The first step is to have that clarity. And when people are starting online businesses, there are so many options. There's so many different paths that you can take. It's important to start on the right foot. My client identified who she wanted to serve and it ended up being corporate professionals who wanted to ace their jobs and land their next promotions. This was a market she had an unfair advantage in because she came from a corporate world. So she knew exactly what it felt like to be really lost in the promotion process and to need that confidence in order to land that promotion. So when you understand your ideal client, you are more aware of what specific problems you can solve because you have the experience. This clarity is so important because it kind of allows you to tailor your messaging online and tailor your services to attract them. You know exactly how they talk and how they feel. So by niching down into a market that she was already familiar with, we were starting with an advantage. And if you want to start from scratch, ask yourself, where in the market do you personally have an unfair advantage based on your experience, based on what you've gone through, based on your daily activities or routines, what do you know more about than the average individual? If you ask yourself that and start from there or even start from what people are naturally gravitating towards you for what are they asking you, you're gonna have an advantage from the beginning. After we got really clear on the business direction and the ideal clients, we worked really hard on building a strong personal brand online. So think of this as your online storefront for yourself, for your own personal brand. So how this works is we created a professional website where people could learn exactly who she was, what her experience was, how she could help all of her services, as well as a consistent social media strategy. And the main thing I want to reiterate for all of you is that you do not have to be active on all platforms in order to be successful. You're able to just choose one and it can be one that you're already using. You don't have to learn a new one from scratch. If you've never been on TikTok before, you don't have to start a TikTok account just to make your current business successful. So after we established that, we chose LinkedIn because LinkedIn was a platform she was already using. She had thousands of followers on and it was just the natural path for her to grow on. We do not have to reinvent the wheel. And so on LinkedIn, she was able to show up as an authority. She was able to continue sharing valuable content that showcased her expertise and brought in all of her experiences, listed out on her profile. And we were able to then easily introduce her services and her offers and her opt-ins to her warm audience. People buy and sign up from those they know like and trust. And so if you are already active on a platform, stick with it. You are at an advantage if they already know you versus if you start a new account from scratch and you're posting your first few posts, it's inevitably going to take longer for you to build up that same authority and that same trust and that same audience. After step two of building a strong personal brand online, we then developed her high value and high ticket services so that she was able to take your clients from point A, being lost and confused in the promotion process to confident and clear and landing that promotion. So high value and high ticket services. In order to develop her own confidence as a coach doing this, she offered free workshops and free coaching sessions to build credibility, get testimonials from her clients and develop confidence in herself and her abilities. I call this beta round and beta testers because you are essentially developing your own workflow in exchange for testimonials. So it is a win-win. These initial sessions were so helpful for getting insights into a client's needs and for refining her own coaching methods. You do not need to start charging high ticket and charging that for your first ever client. You wanna kind of ease your way into it and do it in an aligned way. The next step that really catapulted her success after we had built her business, gotten her first few beta clients, was that she continued investing in mentorship and coaching. After the start your business intensive, she moved on to private coaching, which provided her with the tools and strategies she needed to hit her first six figures instead of just having all of the momentum in the beginning and burning out. It gave her the accountability to stay on track and continuing with private coaching is how you can work with a successful mentor to ensure your own success. The strategies and the tools and what I teach in the start your business intensive is so different than what I work on with my private coaching clients because when you're making more money, you need to be learning different strategies to scale. - Have you heard about the 2018 study that showed half of prenatal vitamins tested had unacceptable levels of heavy metals? No, well now you have. I'm Kat, mother of three and founder of Ritual, the company making traceability the new standard in the supplement industry. I remember staring at my prenatal vitamins and finding all these things I was trying to avoid. High amounts of heavy metals, synthetic colorants and unnecessary ingredients. So at four months pregnant, I quit my job and started Ritual because I believe that all women deserve to know what they're putting in their bodies and why. I'm so proud of our prenatal vitamin. The ingredients are 100% traceable, it's third party tested for microbes and heavy metals and recently received the purity award from the Clean Label Project. You see, we trace like a mother because let's be honest, no one cares quite like a mother. But don't just take my word for it. Trace for yourself with 25% off at - Which brings me to our next step of how we created a six figure coaching business as a mindset coach, we created a scalable business model that was aligned to her business goals. So in order to scale, we knew that we had to step away from one-on-one coaching. We knew we had to expand and develop another offer. This is usually where I encourage my clients to either think about an online course, a membership, digital products, so that we can step away from the one-on-one coaching. And for her, it made sense to start her own online course. With a lot of my clients and depending on what business you are in, it makes sense to just package everything you work with your clients on from a one-on-one offer and package that into your first online course. It is more scalable, you have the results and the testimonials to prove that it works. And so it makes sense a lot of the time. Having an online course opens up the door to reach more clients and customers without increasing your workload. So because you create it and create these prerecorded modules, upload it all to a platform, you create it once, it is a lot more scalable than having it tied to your time. So thinking ahead and thinking about how you want to grow your business in a year's time is so, so important so that you don't get burnt out. Next, after we created an online offer that is scalable, we learned how to leverage paid advertising to get more clients, more emailless subscribers and more enrollments. Similar to how we want scalable offers, we also want scalable marketing strategies because if you are using a marketing strategy that involves you having to manually post every day and only have it reach a certain number of new people, you don't have a tried and tested way to bring in cold leads into your business, then your marketing isn't scalable. So it is really important to leverage paid advertising in addition to organic marketing on social media or in her case, LinkedIn. You can leverage paid advertising on Facebook, on Instagram, on Google, on Pinterest, choose one of these so that you can just increase your ad budget when you find a winning campaign and therefore you can reach more and more people. So we spent a good two months setting up ad accounts and testing ad creatives for her private coaching, for her email list growth and for her course until we found winning campaigns and now all we have to do is scale the ad budget. If you're relying on organic marketing to scale one on one offers, it's going to take a while longer than if you invest in paid marketing to get that positive return on ad spend. And last but certainly not least, the main factor that I personally believe was her key to success was maintaining a positive mindset and taking consistent action. She rarely focused on the problems and always thought about solutions. Entrepreneurship is a roller coaster. There are so many ups and downs in having the right mindset. A rock solid abundance mindset is so crucial for overcoming challenges and staying motivated. We have this little mantra, "Everything is figure outable." So if something isn't going right, if you're not getting the number of email list subscribers you want, if you're not getting the amount of enrollments, we always thought critically, how do we get to our goal? What can we be doing differently? And maintaining that positive mindset that you are able to figure it out and taking action from there, it's going to yield the results that you desire. She was able to hit her for six figures within a year. And I know that if she is able to, you are too. So these are the key steps that my client followed to build a successful six figure mindset coaching business from scratch that is only growing from here. It's just the beginning. This journey requires clarity, consistency, and the willingness to invest in yourself and believe in yourself. So if you are ready to start or scale your own coaching business, I invite you to join the Start Your Business Intensive. You do not have to do it alone with the right support and guidance. You can achieve the same incredible results. Thank you so much for tuning in and you can DM me on Instagram if you have any questions. I will see you guys in the next episode. Have an amazing week, my ones. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [ Silence ] [BLANK_AUDIO]