The Wanderlover Podcast

197 ✧ My Favorite Abundance Mindset Quotes

Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2024
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I have a very powerful, expansive episode for you today! My intention is to get you to connect to the universal flow of abundance already within you, and help you feel at peace. Tune in for my favorite abundance mindset quotes to affirm that everything you desire is already on its way to you.


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Ever feel like you're falling behind on the latest tech? AI and all the smart devices in your life? That used to be me. Until I started tuning into the Kim Commando Show. It's on over 400 top radio stations and packed with the latest in the tech. AI, security tips, and tricks. Here's a secret I learned. If an Amazon package has the letters LPN, the item was returned. It's not new. Join millions who rely on Kim Commando. That's the Kim Commando Show. K-O-M-A-N-D-O. The Wandrelover podcast was created with a mission to enable travel and freedom through entrepreneurship. We're talking time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom. I'm your host, Danielle Hu, online business mentor for coaches and creatives, and full-time world traveler. You'll hear episodes recorded from Hawaii, Costa Rica, Portugal, Bali, and remote surf islands around the world. Tune in every week for strategies around online business, social media, mindset, and interviews with other inspiring entrepreneurs that will empower you to build the business and live the life of your dreams. Are you ready? Let's get started. If you've been enjoying the Wandrelover podcast, if you've been tuning in and finding inspiration and taking away value, it would mean so much to me if you could take a second to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. I continue to record these episodes for you every single week and take all of your comments and feedback to heart. Thank you guys so, so much. Hi everyone from Tokyo, Japan. I have a very powerful, expansive episode for you all today. We had such positive feedback for our recent episode, "How to attract money for wealth and abundance," and I want to dive even further into limitless mindset. My intention with this episode is to get you to connect to your inner feelings of abundance and help you feel at peace, knowing that all you desire is already on its way to you. This is one of those episodes you can save and pull up when you want to tap into this expansive energy. So without further ado, let's get started with my personal favorite abundance mindset quotes. The first that I want to share with you is "We don't create abundance." Abundance is always present. We create limitations. Raise your hand if you've ever tried to manifest something into your own life and you feel like you are forcing, you're asking so hard, you're asking over and over, you've made it your wallpaper, you repeat it to yourself, you're asking so desperately for the universe to give it to you. Raise your hand if you've ever been in that situation. And now ask yourself, the people with so much abundance in this world, do you think that it's the people asking the hardest or asking for the most or asking the most frequently? No. And you know why? It's because abundance is already all around us. I want to share a little snippet from an amazing book called "Dollars Flow to Me Easily" by Richard Dott. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend doing so, but he illustrates this concept so well. He says, "You do not have to force the universe to give you anything. You do not have to force the universe to respond. The need to use force comes when you believe you will not always get what you want and therefore have to try always and means to get it." There is no need to force energy to flow, it just is. You are immersed in the universal field, whether you know it or not. Trying to force your universal good is like standing in a beautiful field of marigolds and then forcing the flowers to come to you. That's absurd because the flowers are already here and in full bloom all around you. You just need to open your eyes to see them. How amazing is that? And just let that sink in. Abundance is already always present. You are already in the beautiful field of marigolds. When you are forcing, as if you don't have it already, you are actually focusing on the lack. You are focusing on the fact that your eyes are closed, that you are trying to imagine this abundance and to picture a marigold instead of just opening your eyes and seeing it already. And this concept might be abstract, but I'm going to plan the seed and I'm going to trust that the message hits you and you understand what I'm trying to say when the moment is most needed. But from this quote, just dwell in the fact that you do not need to force anything, you are most often the one creating the limitations instead of opening your eyes to abundance. And I just think that is such a powerful mindset shift. The next quote that goes off of this concept is abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. And I will preface this episode by saying that I do not know who said these quotes, who invented these concepts, but I have just come across them and they so well aligned. So I personally don't know who said this. I will try to reference the authors when I know of them, but this one I don't. This quote is just so powerful as well because it explains that the way of the universe defaults to abundance. So it's not something that we need to get or acquire. It's already within us. It's inherently in our universe and our species. So we need to tune into the abundance. If you look at nature and the natural world, without human manipulation and interference, there is abundance, right? There's an abundance of life and abundance of plants, of resources. It's all around. Therefore, naturally as human beings, we have the inherent ability to default to abundance as well. It's already within us. It's programmed within us. And so many humans, myself included, we try to force the limitations and we try to seek externally for something that's already within us. And that's where we go wrong because when we're seeking it outside or from other people or from other businesses or from anything outside of us, we create limitations. We create anxiety. We lower our vibration. So when you are at a higher frequency and a higher vibration, you take the actions necessary and attract the opportunities that will mirror your internal world. Have you ever noticed that when you are in a really inspired state, you get so many creative downloads, you feel like you're on top of the world, that all comes from within us, right? We're able to kind of tune into that energy at any time. And when you bring it to surface level, that is when the opportunities present themselves to you. That's when you notice certain things that you don't notice before. That's when you respond to other people, to other events differently because you are on a higher level. And that is what we want to remind ourselves that. Abundance is not something we acquire from our external world. It is something we tune into. And so now you might be wondering, how do we raise our vibration? Which brings me to my next favorite abundance mindset quote, "If you look at what you have in your life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in your life, you'll never have enough." And this was said by Oprah Winfrey. So focus on what you already have. You will realize that you have everything you already need. Within your life, within yourself, within your circle, within your resources, you already have it all. But if you're always focusing on the lack, focusing on what isn't present. And if that is what you're focusing on, that is what you're going to attract more and more of. Just more and more lack. So this quote is such a powerful reminder to me and my clients to practice gratitude. Gratitude is this life force energy that really raises your vibration and it inherently helps you focus on the good in your life. It helps you focus on what is going right, how blessed you already are. And that is where more blessings are going to come to you. I don't know if you've noticed in the past, but certain times when you focus on certain things, you will produce corresponding feelings. So if you are looking at an empty bank account, corresponding feelings of anxiety and maybe even physical manifestations of choking or your body tenses up, that is a byproduct of focusing on what you don't have. But if you can take it to another level, which I'm encouraging you to do, maybe you're like, but Daniela, like if I have an empty bank account, I can't pay my rent. I can't pay my bills. And all of this happens. And you're trying to justify that lack. But I want you to know that your current reality is just a snapshot of the thoughts and the actions that have taken you to this point. If you are seeing the same things in your life over and over and over again, it means you're having the same thoughts over and over again. And you are focusing on the same things over and over again. To change the future reality, you have the power to change your thoughts now. You have the power to plant different seeds that's then going to yield a different result. Another way of looking at this, and I'm just going to kind of attack this from all ankles until something makes sense to you, is if you are planting a seed for every thought that you have that is based on what you are lacking in your life. So let's say you look at your bank account and you see a negative balance. And that is a seed planted in your current reality. And from that, you then pick up any odd job just to try to quote unquote make ends neat. That is another seed planted. Then you focus on all of the bills coming in and that is another seed planted with all of those anxious thoughts. So day after day, it's this hamster wheel of all of these seeds planted from this scarcity mindset. And it's going to manifest a month later, a year later into reaffirming that negative bank account balance. Do you see where I'm going with this? However, at any point, you always have the option to focus and raise your vibration on what is going right and planting seeds from opportunity. So maybe you are super zen. You are not checking your bank account. Instead, you're tuning in to the resources available to you right now and focusing on the blessings you currently have. Maybe that inspires you one day to plant the seed to start a business. Maybe you plant the seed to start writing an ebook and charging $20 for it. And maybe the next day, you're still not looking at that trigger, right? You're not looking at the bank account and you feel even more grateful, more confident and you start selling and self-promoting this ebook along with other offers to then create a new income stream for yourself. And that is planting another seed. Then because you are in this high frequency, this high vibration, you then attract into your frame of reference some podcast episodes that really help you with your investments, with your budgets and you plant another seed from that space. Over time, after a month, after a year, your reality, your snapshot is going to look so different than from a year ago when you've planted those previous seeds. Do you see where I'm trying to go with this? On top of practicing gratitude, you can also change your thoughts by being aware of them. Awareness is key. Awareness of when you are thinking these thoughts and they exist. And then the next step is slowing them down. So not trying to replace this bullet train going in one direction. Like if you are racing down a rabbit hole, don't just try to pull yourself out and be like, I'm grateful, right? It's not aligned. You first want to slow yourself down. So if you are going through a rabbit hole, really fast into one direction, maybe you're venting it to a friend or a family member. And you are just increasing the speed. You're venting. You're feeling. You're really going one way really fast. Do you think that's speeding up or slowing down the thought? Do you think exponentially growing it is something that you should be focusing on? Or can you just try to slow it down? Can you stop yourself in the middle of the vent session and be like, Hey, you know what? Like, let's just tap out. Let's come back to this and let's talk about something else. That is already planting a different seed because you're not repeating the same actions, repeating the same thoughts. You are now planting seeds that come from abundance. The next abundance mindset quote that I want to share with you is what I live by. And it is when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it by Paolo Kellogg. This is a quote from his book, The Alchemist. And after I read the book for the first time, something just clicked within me. And I just never even tried to believe anything else. Like the opposite or fighting against it never even occurred to me. And now it's just so ingrained within my being that whatever you want, the universe will help you get it. I always say like, if you default me into factory settings, if you reset me, this quote is going to appear. Like when you default your apple phone to its factory settings, it's like hello for me. If you default me, it's going to be when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it. This has manifested in my life, in my client's lives, over and over again. All we have to do is set the intention. Sometimes you don't even have to. The universe picks up on clues of what you want. You don't have to ask any harder. You don't have to force it to happen. Just know, deep down, ingrain it into your subconscious that whatever you want, it's already coming to you. It is already yours. Oh, it's honestly my favorite abundance mindset quote. The last one I have for you guys today is you are always one decision away from a totally different life. I believe in the butterfly effect. The butterfly effect is the idea that small, seemingly insignificant, trivial events, they ultimately result in something with much, much larger consequences. So it could be a matter of smiling to a stranger in a subway. That would exponentially grow that seemingly trivial gesture, right? And this goes for any decision you take in your life. Whether you stay in the same position, that is a decision you're making on a day-to-day basis, on a second-to-second basis. Once you have dialed in your inner frequency, now is the time for you to take inspired action. If you are not happy with where you are, but you're able to tune in, believe that the universe has your back, that everything is already yours, you are able to take different actions that will lead to a totally different life. And at any time, right? It doesn't have to be in three months time. It doesn't have to be one year's time. You can start putting all of the pieces into motion right now. If you want different results, you must take different actions. And this is why I'm ending this episode with a nudge to practice all of these quotes, and then put it into practice. Put all of it into motion. When I was working my corporate job in New York City, I knew that that was my choice. And I felt so inspired to change my reality. And had I not believed that I could create a different reality for myself, believed that I was capable, focusing on the lack. I was focusing on the opportunities and what I could do each and every day. I was saving money. I was planning. I was starting my online businesses. I was putting everything into motion so that I was able to hand in my letter of resignation and quit my job. And I never looked back. And that was a result of all of the seeds planted that were so different than the seeds planted that got me to that corporate job in the first place, right? So when you plant different seeds, you will see different results. These are my five favorite abundance mindset quotes. If you want even more of this energy, I recommend you check out my ADA abundance affirmations so that you can really affirm these and manifest them into your own life. I am sending you guys so much love from Tokyo. I'm really excited to go back to my little island paradise and remember guys, the best is yet to come. And we'll see you in the next episode. Love you all. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]