Get a 6-Figure Job You Love and Thrive

Ep #212: When Things Are Just Harder, Then What?

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05 Aug 2024
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Believing you haven't landed a premium role yet because the market is incredibly tough right now is giving all your power and control to something outside of you. People do tough things all the time. While there might be other candidates out there for each available position, there are still things you can do to stand out from the crowd.


You can't just sit there waiting for the market to improve, so tune in this week to decide on your next move in what feels like an impossible market. I discuss the value of accepting that the market is harder than it used to be, and I share how to get creative so you can create job opportunities, no matter what the market looks like.


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Welcome to the Get It Six Figure Job You Love and Thrive Podcast. This is episode 212. When things are just harder, then what? Stay tuned. Welcome to the Get It Six Figure Job You Love and Thrive Podcast, where I, Natalie Fisher, am teaching you weekly how to land your premium role that you love and thrive in it. Let's go. Alright, hello. I am, I think I already told you I'm back from Vegas. This is the second podcast I've recorded now being back, still like riding that high from all that awesome connection and inspiration and fun times. I feel like it's really important to go do something out of my normal routine and just go meet some new people, eat some different food, hear some different stuff and just get out of my house and out of my neighborhood for a bit. It was so fun and I'm definitely riding that high. So and I, I've realized I haven't done that in a while. So not since January, I don't think so. I think I'm going to decide to do that either at least twice a year, maybe three times a year. My partner and I have an arrangement where if I want to go do something and we have very different interests. So we will want to do a vacation together, I'm sure we've discussed like Mexico and we've been to Fino here on the island together and we've done family trips together to visit his family and stuff. But like we have vacation things in common that we want to do, but we also have very different things that we want to do. So for example, he wanted to go to a Maryland death fest, which is a is like one of the biggest death metal festivals in the world, I think, or at least in North America and or Western hemisphere, he wanted to go and I had no interest whatsoever in that. So I was like, you go, you have fun, he went with his brother and I've got things under control here. And then when I want to do something, I get to go do it and he gets to run things here, take our daughter to take care, do all the parenting and sort and do all the housework, do everything. So we have that arrangement, which I love. We kind of talked about it at the beginning of our relationship because we just have really different things that we want to do. And that was important to me that we were able to both experience those things. So I love that arrangement and yeah, we won't like say no unless there's like a really good reason or we had another plan or something already that we forgot about. So yeah, that's really amazing. So what I wanted to talk about today was that something I'm seeing a common theme that I'm seeing come up is things being hard, like the job market being hard, like one of the posts I saw today was like, don't beat yourself up. The job market is just hard. It's hard for everybody. And so like, yeah, I think there's there's truth to it. I think that there are more candidates on the market, more really good candidates on the market. There is more activity. There's maybe there's less positions for actual good candidates. I don't know. I don't know the statistics, but I'm hearing that as a common theme. And so I'm like, okay, what if that is true, right? Like before I was just like, it doesn't matter. And I still believe that like it doesn't matter to you. And I'm going to explain why in this episode. But it's something I want to address because it's a problem thought and the way that we think about it dictates whether we get through this or not, right? So the problem when we blame it on the market, and it's like, I asked one of my clients. I was like, well, does it feel good to think things are just hard for everybody right now? Does it make that, does it make you feel better to think it's not just you, you're not the problem. It's like hard for everybody. But basically the consensus was no, that doesn't make me feel better because I'm still not able to rise above it somehow and I'm still struggling and this is still a problem for me, right? So it's like, yeah, it doesn't matter that it's harder, it just sucks, right? So the consensus that I've heard talking to my clients is that no, it doesn't feel better to think it's just hard for everybody, okay? But if that helps you, if you do feel better about that, then that's great. The ultimate goal is for you to find thoughts, sentences that you can believe to be true, that make you feel empowered, powerful, want to go out there and do things that you need to do, want to get creative, want to get resourceful, be determined, eager, the feelings that you need to feel to generate, the actions you need to generate in order to get the results that you want or the returns in your life that you want, you need to be able to create those by conjuring up feelings that will help you to do that. And so when we're thinking it's just hard and it's just harder, then we can acknowledge that. And I remember that my ex used to say he's like, when I was starting my business, when I was starting to make my first sales online, he would say, oh, you know, that's going to be really hard. And I would say, I don't care, I don't need easy, I just need it to be possible. And that's what I believed. I was like, yeah, that's fine. Like things are hard, like lifting a heavy weight is hard. It doesn't mean you can't do it. Like losing weight, building muscle, that's hard. It doesn't mean people aren't doing it every single day. Does it mean most people succeed at it? Probably not, because it takes a lot more than a lot of people are willing to give. It takes a lot more commitment, strength, discipline, mental toughness than a lot of people are willing to do. Most people will give up, right? Most people will give up in businesses, like most businesses fail, especially most online businesses fail. I don't know what the number is, but it's like 80% or like a bigger number of online businesses failed and succeed. And I would assume that most people fail at their health goals. And I mean, you can't fail if you don't give up, that's my mantra, but most people will give up, right? So does it mean that there isn't a subset group of people that are doing it every day and learning how to succeed on a deeper level? So the problem with thinking something like the market is just incredibly tough right now is now you are giving the power to the market and you are basically defining yourself by a statistical norm, right? So the statistical norm being the market, oh, the market numbers are terrible. There's lots of great candidates on the market and it's like, I'm never going to get through blah, blah, blah. This is so hard. You're just giving the power and control to something outside of you that you can't control now, right? When you think about it that way. So it's like, if that's true, if the market is really tough, then you're screwed, right? But yes, there's lots of good candidates, but there's not as many good candidates who are exceptionally good at communicating their value to a no-brainer point of view, like just like businesses. There's a lot of people who are so good at what they do, like coaches and healers and like chiropractors and dentists and all these people that are so good at what they do, that are really bad at marketing themselves, for example, right? And I don't know. Some businesses might be easier to market than others or they might just have people referring, but like, for example, an online business, you got to market that. Like I'm realizing I've got to find a way to market that feels good that I love and I've come to, I've learned that the way that I want to market is like community care. I want to feed the community with great value. And then I want people to come in because they enjoyed that so much that they want to be a part of something bigger, right? And that feels so good to me. It feels so congruent. So we have to find a way that we do it in a way that feels good and sustainable and we can do it forever until we get the results we want. And then we reach bigger things and then we're just having fun, right? And we need to find a way to do that in a way that works for us and in a way that we enjoy so that it's sustainable. And if you're thinking, oh, the problem is with the market and the market's just incredibly bad right now. But my fault, it's not anybody's fault, then that puts you in a position of like sitting there waiting for the market to get better because what other options do you have, right? So you can't define yourself by the statistical norms of the market. You can't ever do that because that leaves you screwed, right? So it's like, it makes no sense to do that because it's like, yeah, what are your options then? But if we say, okay, let's say that's true, there are a ton of more qualified candidates on the market and there are less open positions posted. Let's say that's true, then how do we get even smarter, right? How do we get even better at communicating our value? How do we get even better at getting through to the people that need our help but don't even have time to post a job posting or are just not like, they're not thinking about hiring but really they need to hire to get to the next level, like maybe they're spending their time on things that they shouldn't be spending their time on because they need to be in a higher level position spending their time on other things and maybe there's lots of people available that could come in and really help them, but they just don't want to put in the effort of interviewing a ton of people. Maybe that's like awful for them. So maybe we get better at that. It's like people saying, oh, nobody's buying anything right now. For a long time, people were saying, oh, nobody's buying coaching right now in my circles of coaches and I was like, I never found that to be true. People always need help, right? And this is a recent thought I came up with, I'm like, I'm going to be the person who does, and this thought stolen from my relationship was like, I'm going to do more than anybody would ever expect and that's going to get me my result. And if it doesn't, then I'm going to have to look at it again and switch like my approach, right? But it'll be a long time before I need to do that. And so with my relationship, he was like, oh, yeah, you're not doing enough. You're not contributing blah, blah, blah. And so I was like, okay, I will do more than you could ever expect. Then it was clear that the decision was that it was never going to be good enough no matter what I did. And I had to leave, right? So those of you who don't know my story, I should actually record a podcast on that story so I could direct people back to it because it's so, it's got so many parallels with just, you know, what we tolerate at work, what we tolerate from people, the treatment we tolerate and such. But anyways, so if you are looking for your next job in this market and you blame the market, you learn nothing new. You don't get better, right? It's as simple as that. So I wanted to share an example about the housing market. So my sister and my parents have bought lots of property. It's kind of how they've built their wealth. They just bought properties. And so I have a lot of vicariously living through them experiences of property buying. So they bought in really low markets where it's really been like a buyer's market and they've bought in like high markets where it's like a seller's market and it's really difficult. So my sister, she's like the property queen. She has several properties and she's bought in like in the conditions where it was a really high demand for houses and people were offering well over asking price. The houses were selling almost immediately and it was very challenging for most people and scary for most people to get a house. And so she was actually buying her second property and then she bought her third property that they now live in in this market. So she was telling me she's like, well, it's very difficult to just like you can't expect to get the one that you offer. So she's like, so we made offers on five houses and she's like, and we got one accepted. So this is the one we're getting and this was an investment property for her. So she had done the research, she had done the math, like this investment going to pay off with the rental income that can be expected from it, the maintenance that it needs, the age of the property. Like she's really smart that way. She did all the math and she goes, so yeah, we did that research. We went to go look at houses and we just put offers on five houses. And that way we are likely going to get at least one accepted and they did. And so I was like, okay. So some people are thinking, oh, the market's so hard, we're never going to get a house. And she didn't have to pay over her budget because they couldn't, like they just couldn't pay more than they could pay, right? So she just, I guess, diversified, right? Or whatever you want to call it. So anyways, there was that. And then there was the, when she bought the other house, the one that she lives in now, she was like, oh yeah, we had to get our realtor to like get an in. She was calling this other woman, the other seller, realtor every moment to make sure that we got one of those houses. It was like a new build that was going up and they were really in demand. And they got this other house. So part of it is belief, right? Part of is belief like we can do this. We can get a house and we can do it with what we've got, right? Cause she didn't have unlimited budget. She had budget. She couldn't go over certain amounts. And so as part of it is belief and that's huge in the job search too, like you have to have a belief that like, yeah, I can get through this. I can do this. I can figure this out. I can like, I can tweak and adjust how I share my value because obviously I've got work to do here and I've got a purpose and I've got value to add and I know someone's going to benefit. Like you've got to have that belief in those thoughts and everything that supports that. But then you also have to get creative because that belief will actually fuel your creativity. So it fueled her to be like, okay, well, I guess we're putting offers on five houses. And if none of those offers had worked out, she just would have put offers on another five houses, right? Cause there was lots of houses. There was just like way too many people making offers on these houses. And it was like, it was, it was harder to get a house now, like so right now, not so many houses are selling cause the interest rates were higher. And so now it would be easier to get a house, right? But at the time, that's, that was it, right? So, so my sister put an offer on five houses and that might seem like a lot of work. So she had to do the math on all the houses. She had to look at all the houses and she had to do it all fairly fast. And so that was more than a lot of people would be willing to do, right? And more than most people would do. Most people would just say, oh, this is too hard. They might apply for one, then get rejected, then, or not get their offer accepted and then get discouraged and be like, oh, this is too hard, blah, blah, blah, blah. Or like just the, the default of our brain is to have a, a negative attitude because it protects us from disappointment. Our brain thinks it protects us from disappointment, which it does, but we can't really get anywhere without having some disappointment along the way because there's always going to be nose and there's always going to be things that don't work out. And we just have to learn to kind of just get through those things and realize that the next thing is always around the corner. Hey, so if you've been listening to this for a while and you've been really enjoying what you hear on the podcast and it's been really helpful, but signing up for my program and diving into the material in there, getting personalized coaching is going to literally 10x the results that you get and the feelings that you feel from already listening to this podcast. If you're interested in up leveling and getting a new job and earning some more money and making a change and you want some support with that, I would love to get to know you a little bit better and see if we are the right fit. So please go to and that's just the word application spelled out and I'll ask you some questions so that I can get to know you a little bit better to see if we would be the right fit for you to get the best results possible inside my program. I can't wait to see your application come through. I read it personally and I'll get back to you. So most people wouldn't be willing to do that. And it's the same with the job hunt and with the market and how we look at the state of how many positions there are available right now, maybe listed and how many great candidates there are on the market. Even if we had statistics for that, which I don't have exact numbers, so we don't have any factual evidence of any of it, we can easily use the things people are saying about it to make us feel like we aren't going to succeed in a market like this. So we can't do that. That's the secret to success is to be, is to thinking differently to everybody else. And so the way that we do that is maybe we accept that things are just harder, right? And then what, that's where the magic is. So if we look at it that way and we're like, okay, things are just harder. Now what? It means we have to get smarter, right? So let's use an analogy here, say you have to move a huge boulder to get out of the way to get home, say there's, there's a big boulder in the middle of your driveway and you can't get through, but you can't lift it. You can't lift that boulder. It's not possible to, right? So and I don't know how it got here, it was just here when you got home. There's just a big boulder in front of your door and you got to move it. So human strength won't do it. So what, then what? I'm going to say, oh yeah, it's just this boulders here. I can't move it. So I'm just going to sleep outside my house. I'm not going to do anything. There's lots of solutions for that, right? You could be like, okay, I'm going to get in the back door. I'm going to get in the window. I'm going to get, I'm going to call somebody with an apparatus to help me move this. I'm going to use levers. I'm going to leverage some, another, like the laws of physics to move this. I'm going to call someone who might have some ideas around how to move this, right? Like, we're not just going to sit in front of the boulder and say, okay, well, I can't get into my house. So I'm just going to sit here, right? Or I just, I'll just go live in the forest because I can't get into my house, right? And like, that's what people are doing with the job market. They don't know that they're doing it, but that's what they're doing when they say that. When they're like, it's just incredibly hard. It's like, okay, yeah, it's hard. So what now, right? It's like just thinking it's incredibly hard isn't useful unless you also believe that you can overcome hard things. If you just think something's incredibly hard, I could just feel my muscles weakening if I think, oh, this is so hard. Like, yes, it's hard, but part of me enjoys the hard. Like I've been doing weightlifting now for four months consistently, at least twice a week. I tried if I do it four times in a week, I'm like super proud of myself, but I've been doing it at least twice a week. That's what I've been able to keep up. And I make sure I push myself because there's nobody holding me accountable. I've just been doing it on an app on my phone in my basement and I've just, I've had to push myself. So I've been very honest with myself. I've been like, okay, you know what? This isn't hard enough. I'm going to go heavier. This is how I know I can make this exercise harder. I used to be a personal trainer, so I do know the modifications that I can make. And I know when I'm just doing something that's too easy and I know I could work harder because my thoughts around it are, I'm only doing this for 40 minutes. Like this is a really quick workout. I love the app because it just gives you like 35 minute workouts with some breaks in between. So it ends up being like 40 minutes altogether, but it's like, it's 40 minutes out of a day, right? It's not a lot of time, right? So then showers, 20 minutes, an hour altogether, maybe a little bit more, maybe an hour and a half, but it's not a lot of time in the day. So I think to myself, okay, I'm going to use this time and I'm going to put my all in. I want to be super tired. I want my legs to be shaky after I want to be sore in the morning because it's not a lot of time I'm spending on this. So I'm very honest with myself about it. And instead of saying like it's hard and like a whiny way, I say, oh, it's so hard. Yes, but I want it to be hard because I don't want it to be super easy. Like I don't want to lift the easy weights and then be done and be like, okay, well, I didn't really feel anything. I don't really feel accomplished. I just kind of went through the motions, right? Like I want to require more of myself to actually be honest and put in the effort. So like the equivalent of that is like doing easy reach outs. Like I actually just got off with a client now and this is a perfect example. And he didn't know he was doing this. So it's and I am like, there's no judgment. I'm not getting, I'm not getting upset. It's like if you're, if you're lifting easy weights and someone told you to lift easy weights and you're not getting results and then you're like, well, why aren't I getting results? And then someone tells you, oh, that's because you're not lifting heavy enough. You have to challenge yourself and you honestly just didn't know that. And this is what I'm telling you here in the job search. I'm saying you need to challenge yourself more and many people don't know how to, right? So with weights, it's easy. You're like, oh yeah, I'm supposed to live heavier. Yes. But with say you're doing, you're reaching out to people that you either know or don't know. And in this case with this client, he did know this person and she didn't get back to him. So I said, okay, how did you reach out to her? What did you say? And so he said, oh, I sent her this message that, and he sent me the message that he sent. He said, hey, I'm back on the job market again, due to another layoff. I'm thinking I should pursue more education to get where I want to be, which is strain engineering pivot bio is my top choice company and I'm curious how your daily life is there. I hope you don't mind me reaching out and asking about your experience. So this is a common reach out and it could apply to anybody at that company. And this is the equivalent of lifting an easy weight nowadays. We need to get better at this, right? And this is what I'm doing. By the way, I'm teaching this class. It's called cocktail party and we're going to be making these reach outs really juicy, really awesome for people so that they will be more likely to respond, right? So these reach outs are getting very low response rates right now. Okay. This is a very generic reach out. It's very focused on the person sending it. It's not focused on the person receiving it. So that was the top thing I said was how like, even if you just took away, how can I focus it on them more than that would change the game for you? If it was just focused on them, concerned about them, looking out for them, even praising them specifically, giving them some specific information that you noticed about them, that would already raise the bar, like that would already mean you're lifting a much heavier weight and you're going to get much better results in the long term. So most people, they're just like sending out these easy reach outs to people that say something like, I'm back on the market. This is where I'm at. This is what I'd like. Do you have a few minutes? Can I talk to you? And the people who are receiving these reach outs are just kind of blanking them out like wallpaper. They're like, yeah, like they're not really jumping to respond to these things, right? It's kind of like when I get, I get a ton of requests to be on my podcast because my podcast is growing and it's got quite a few reviews and it's doing really well and people want to be guesting on the podcast. And so I got to reach out just the other day. It says something like, I've been following your podcast and I have been genuinely impressed by the insightful content you share. Now, if she thinks she's being specific, this could apply to anybody. She says, your recent episode on how to strengthen your internal advocate really resonated with me, especially the strategies you discussed for empowering oneself in the job search process. So generic. Now the person doing it, this pitch is actually better than most of them, but it's still not enough for me to want to invite this woman as a guest. So I like inviting clients as guests to share their stories. And I like inviting people who I personally know to come onto the podcast. I don't accept people who I don't know, especially because there's really nothing in it for me, right? Like they, they haven't, like they might share it with their audience, but it's not, it's like they're the ones highlighted. They're the ones who are the guests. And so I'd have to do some research. I'd have to go look at her stuff, see if I like her. And I have so many people reaching out every day that want to be a guest and I could think off the top of my head of people that I actually like that I already know that I want to invite us guests. So this isn't probably like I didn't respond to her, but she probably thinks she's being original in her reach out, right? She's like, I've been following you for a while, but like it's so what she said it could apply to anybody, right? She just slipped in the name of an episode that anybody could do without listening to it and just left it at that, right? And she doesn't put anything personal in here other than then she switches it to be about her. She's like, I would love to be a guest on your show. I would like to add value. I would like to share about this. Here's a little bit more about me. And so then it's all focused on her after that. And so that's great, but I'm not jumping at the chance to have her on my podcast. So if anybody's listening and you want to pitch my podcast, you got to do better than that. Okay. So this brings me to when you are pitching or like, even if you're just pitching to have a conversation with somebody or you are reaching out to somebody, even the people that you know, you got to put in some effort. So this client, he had worked specifically with this woman that he was reaching out to. And that message did not get her to respond, even though they had worked together. He said they were kind of friends. He knew a few things about her. And I thought, Oh, that's great. And so the new message that we rewrote for her. And this is not, this was me saying, you know, this is just a few up levels that you can do because she didn't actually have any information on her LinkedIn about anything specific other than her work history. She didn't have an about section. So it was kind of challenging because, and also I couldn't add her to my Facebook because that would be weird, but he could add her to his Facebook because I said, I suggest like go find these people on other platforms, get to know them, make comments on their stuff wherever they are online. And like they'll start to associate positive vibes with you. If you are supporting their content, making comments about their life, showing interest in them as people, they will start to be more receptive to you. But otherwise, most people are going to ignore you, especially if the message is mostly about you, not, and has nothing to, to really offer to them. So I deleted the message, unfortunately, but I put it in the chat with our session. And it was something like, cause she just got promoted. So we knew that. So he's something that was specific about that saying, Hey, I saw you just got promoted to associate scientist. That's pretty huge. You must be feeling very proud right now. That's not something everyone accomplishes. And then he, and then we had a conversation with my client like, okay, what would you know about her? Blah, blah, blah. And he's like, Oh, she was, she was very humorous. She always brought a really fun tone to the workplace and she had this cute nickname. She called her husband and so I was like, Oh, great. Okay. So we can put that stuff in there. We can say, Hey, I really, I just want to let you know. I really am really happy for you. And that you really brought a fun nature to the workplace. You really up leveled the culture. And I really appreciated the joke that you told about your husband. And I'd love to, if you have time, sometime, I'd love to connect with you. I'm really interested in what you want to do next. And then he, he could ask something like, are you interested in moving into a scientist position? Whatever you do, I wish you well, I'm super excited for you. And I understand if you're busy and don't have time to respond right now, I just wanted to let you know. And then in case you were wondering, this is where I'm at and no pressure either way, right? So something like that is already going to be 10 times better than starting it off with, I'm back on the market again, due to a layoff. I'm thinking I should probably pursue more education. This company that you're working for right now, that's my top choice. And I'm curious how your life is there. Hope you don't mind me reaching out to ask about this. Thank you, right? Because it's all very, I, I, I, and there's like, I'm not judging because everybody's eye focused, right? Your eye focused, I'm eye focused. When we flip that switch though, when we're able to be more focused on the other person, that's when it all comes spilling back to us. Right, so yes, we want something, but we got to think of other people first. And think of it, if you're on, in the shoes of the, like, if you're on the person's shoes and you're getting this message, are you going to be more enthusiastic to respond to the first message or the second message that I used as an example here? So this is just a little tidbit of what we're going to be doing on the in cocktail party, which is the class to get enthusiastic yeses from reach outs that feel really good. And this is an example of how you can send a message to somebody that you already know and that isn't necessarily like guarantee to respond. We kind of think, oh yeah, people are just going to respond because they know us because we've worked together. And it's like, well, they've moved on and they're busy and they don't necessarily have time to respond or they might not necessarily respond, right? So we have to do better than just like the lifting the easy weights. We have to put more thought into it, more intention, more purpose and more genuine care and thoughtfulness into the things that we write to people. And we will see a much heightened response. So I just actually reached out to somebody who I wanted to have on my podcast. And she said, yes, she's also a coach and she helps people in their new jobs. Like when they land their new job, like she helps, she specializes in helping people with imposter syndrome and helping them with the challenges that arise when they have a new job. Anyways, I sent her a reach out asking to be on her podcast. Actually, I was like, let's do an interview that we put on both of our podcasts. And I could offer this because I'd watched many of her YouTube videos and I already knew that she was somebody I'd want to have on and that we share a lot of the same kind of intentions with our clients and she's a good person. So I just wanted to have her on, but I didn't know that she would say yes. And I didn't take for granted. She didn't know me at all. I just knew her because I'd been following her for a while. And so I sent her a message and she said, yes, and we're going to record that interview. It's scheduled now. So I'm really excited to do that. And I did it not taking for granted that she would just respond and be like, oh yeah. But I put thought into it. And because I'd watched her YouTube videos and because I had created like a kind of a thing that I wanted to have to make her feel like seen and heard and appreciated before I sent the message out, she responded with a yes. So in cocktail party, I'm kind of being like, we're mixing drinks for specific people. That's what we're doing. And this is what I did. I kind of mixed a drink for her and I offered it to her and she responded with, oh yeah, that sounds fun. Let's have a chat. Right. So it's like, and it's like there's never any like obligation, like say if you go up to someone in a bar and you do bring them their favorite drink, for example, they might say, oh yeah, that's great. They might still not want to have a conversation with you. They might still not want to hire you. That's their choice. Right. But you get to do it in a way that feels great. And if you do that enough times, you will be hired, you will get opportunities, you will open things up much, much faster. So that's what I'm teaching. I'm going to be teaching how to mix these drinks for the specific people that you want to work for and get enthusiastic yeses. And this wasn't hard. It wasn't hard to do, right? And so I've shared a couple of examples here, but I want it to become easy for you to, okay? And I want it to become second nature and a natural thing that you do, because no matter what you're doing, no matter if you're starting a business, no matter if you are having a party, no matter if you're getting a new job, asking for a promotion, like we often take for granted what's going to be required of us to actually get these yeses. And there's so much we can do to up level it. So when things are hard, we got to get smarter. And this is the number one way I could think of to start with that would give people some very easy wins. So if you have been reaching out to people and not getting responses, this class is going to change that, you will start to get yeses, I guarantee it, and you will start to see how much power you actually have to generate opportunity for yourself when you're doing it a different way than everybody else, okay? So my whole thing is we get to create for ourselves and creating is not sitting back and waiting to hear, and it's not applying for more jobs and not talking to anybody about it or complaining about how that's not working, okay? That is the death of us, that is not going to work, it doesn't work. If it works for you, if you apply for jobs and you get high quality interviews consistently, then don't listen to this, you don't need to do it, although if you add this to your toolbox, it'll definitely increase your yeses and your opportunities, but if you are doing something that works, don't stop doing it, yeah, that's what I wanted to share. So when things get harder, we have to get smarter. If we blame our failure on things getting harder, we don't learn anything. So if we blame the fact that the weights are too heavy, we don't get stronger. If you blame the market, you don't learn anything, right? You don't get any better. So yes, sometimes things are hard, let's just get smarter. Let's be the people who get smarter, okay? So join cocktail party, the link is in the show notes. It's and the class is two hours long, you'll get the replay of the class for life and you'll get the workbook with all the examples and I'm going to share with you everything I know about this topic and all the yeses I've gotten over my career. I'm sharing that on my email list, I shared how I got a job at a law firm with no prior law experience, I shared how I up-leveled my business with one yes from one person who I never thought would respond, first I added about 200 people to my list, that was like my first breakthrough and then I added like 600 people to my list and then I added like a hundred new clients and then like, and this was all because I was actively reaching out and basically getting help and collaborating with people who had more clout and more established establishment in the marketplace than I did, right? And so when you do this with people who can hire you, you will be essentially shortcutting your job hunt and it doesn't have to be icky, it does not have to be gross, it does not be transactional, it can be fun, it can feel good and it can be something that you like are proud to do, right? So the reason why people don't like this is because they think it's bothering people but when you bother somebody in a way that is really like, it's like you go up to someone and you offer them their favorite drink and it's like, hey, I got this drink for you, I know you like it like this, would you consider that bothering somebody? I wouldn't, right? If they don't feel like drinking, so like, that's the thing, you gotta look, research them, look for what they want and give it to them, essentially, not all at once, obviously you can't do that but like, you can do a very good job of highlighting things that they haven't heard before, that they wouldn't expect you to know, it's not difficult to impress somebody. We just have to try a little harder and require a little more of ourselves than we do right now. Okay, so with that said, I hope to see you at cocktail party, the ticket is $97 and it's on the website, it's ready to go, so we will be starting on August 8th, that's when the class is and I will see you then! Hey, have you left me a review yet? If not, leaving me one now comes with an awesome bonus perk, I'm gonna give you access to my $97 course, it's titled 8 Reasons Why You Get Interviews But No Job Offers, this course is normally $97 but when you leave me a review, as a thank you, I will give you access to it for free. And it's helped many professionals like you land their premium job offers and make more money just by simply going through this 4-day training that I did, I received so much feedback on so many of the results just from this $97 training and I'd love to give you that for free. So all you have to do is leave me a review on your favorite podcast platform, preferably iTunes, screenshot the review, email it to me, the details are in the show notes of the episode and I can't wait to read your reviews and send you access to that course! Thank you so much! [Music] (gentle music)