Get a 6-Figure Job You Love and Thrive

Ep #211: The Closest Thing to a Job Hunt Shortcut

Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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If you're looking for a premium role that you love and you want to speed up the process, today's episode is for you. The closest thing you'll get to a shortcut is actually asking more people for what you want in a very specific way, which you'll learn to do on today's show. If you're willing to do this, you can create the results you want on the job hunt quickly.


I discuss why there are no easy shortcuts when making big changes in your career, but you will get results faster if you come up with better, more impactful, personalized reach-outs when you identify a new opportunity you want to pursue.


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Hello, and welcome to the Six Figure Job You Love and Thrive Podcast. This is episode 211, the closest thing to a job hunt shortcut. Welcome to the Get a Six Figure Job You Love and Thrive Podcast, where I, Natalie Fisher, am teaching you weekly how to land your premium role that you love and thrive in it. Let's go. I'm so excited to talk about this topic today. So as many of you know, I was in Las Vegas at a conference event type thingy and it was amazing. I did come back invigorated and super excited to help so many more people and to teach so many more things. And I just came back so full of like connection and my heart just felt so full and it couldn't have been a better experience, really. So this question came up at the event, so I went to go see my mentor of a long time. She asked this question. She was like, she asks herself, like, how can she get results for her clients, the fastest, what would help them get results faster? And because that's one of the reasons why people pay for coaching or why they hire a coach or why they sign up for coaching is because they want to get results faster. They want the shortcut if it's at all possible. And you guys know, I don't really believe there is any shortcut. I think, I mean, it's not like there isn't. It's like you still have to put in the work, but if you put in the work faster, more diligently and you don't skip parts and you don't, you know, like you can, you can get it faster, right? Like getting it faster is possible. It's just you can't skip any of the stuff that you're supposed to learn along the way and you can't skip the lessons that you need to have kind of thing. Right. So by that, I mean, like, like, there is a way to get it faster, but then there isn't, right? So hopefully that isn't too confusing. But so anyways, this question really struck me and then I was like, Oh my goodness, this is. So if I think about the quantum leaps in my business, the quantum leaps in my career, if I think about those moments and for my clients to what is the thing that actually has created that, right? And so that was like this, I was like, Oh my goodness, okay, this is so exciting. So I'm so excited to talk about this topic because the closest thing to a shortcut is actually asking for what you want to more people in a very specific way. So I'm going to get into it, but the problem is is people don't do it, right? So we know that most people are applying for jobs, just applying, sending things through the barrier of the internet. And they're not putting in time, thought and effort to connect with very specific people and to solve very specific problems because that takes more time. It takes more effort and it takes more brain power and it takes more courage and it takes a lot more from somebody to do that, right? And the most common objection I hear to it is I don't want to bother people, right? I don't want to bother people. So the reason why this problem exists, I think, is because like I said, it takes a lot more from somebody to do like a reach out to somebody that's really thoughtful, like really amazing, like something that someone wouldn't want to say no to. It takes a lot from someone to do that, right? And even if it's not that big of a deal, like, and this is where I get into like the things that used to work, don't work anymore as far as like just copy and paste template reach outs don't work so well anymore because the way that the market has been, it gets really like so many people start sending these reach outs that people just start ignoring them and they just kind of become like wallpaper in the background, right? Like people just kind of ignore them. Like, for example, I receive a lot of like cold pitches that people that want to sell, like the people that want to work for me and help me in my business and they will say things like it's like a copy and paste template. It's the same from everybody. It's literally the same wording and it comes across my desk so many times. And it's just like, it's just my eyes just glaze over. I just delete, like, I don't even respond to them. I couldn't possibly respond to all those because there's too many of them. And basically what they say is they say something like, "Oh, you're doing great work over at I can see that you're really helping people, but I can see that you have some missed opportunities to reach more people and get some more leads and sales. Because I have three proven strategies that will help you do that. Should I send them over your way? Or do you think this is worth a conversation? It's the same thing, like the same wording." And so me receiving that, I think, "Oh, well, of course, people who are in high up positions are receiving the same kind of message, which is like even the one that I would have as a copy paste template that worked really well like a long time ago isn't working so well anymore." And it's like, "Oh, hey, my name is this. I'm transitioning to this. Your background and experience looks really intriguing. I'd love to have a chat with you if you have 15 minutes. You have time between this time and this time to chat with me about possibilities in the future or something like that." Like, that's a generic template. You can send it to anybody, basically, and it's the same thing, right? And so people are receiving to cut and paste templates and they're not responding to them, right? And so it's because they're getting too many of them, right? They're getting too many of this and it's not standing out, right? So what people are doing is like, it's the same with the resumes. This kind of seems to be our default brain mode. It's just like, "Oh, well, that's not working. I need to do more. I need to send more of them. I need to send more reachouts. I need to do more of this." And it's not enough. It's not the right type of activity. It's low-level activity. It doesn't take much from your brain to do that. It's like, "Oh, I'll just repeat the same." And yes, it's the definition of insanity, but for some reason, people keep doing it. It's happening right now. Millions of people are applying for jobs and just applying and applying and applying and they're feeling disheartened and unhappy and unwanted. And it's crazy and it's awful. And it's leading to people just not adding value in the world. They're sucking value out of the world by being depressed and unhappy. And so it's not them, right? It's not their value. It's not what they can do. Because, yeah, if many of those people get into a job, they're going to work hard and they're going to do great. And they're going to do their very, very best to add value. And most of them probably will, right? If you're listening, you're probably one of those people who works really hard and it's very committed and will add a lot of value. So that's not the problem. It's not the actual value that the person has. It's the way that they are approaching it. So with that, it's like lazy reachouts, right? And I mean, I'm not criticizing or judging anybody for this because, hey, it used to work and I used to do it too. And like, but it's not, it doesn't work anymore. And I see it because I'm getting all these. I'm like, oh, these messages are literally the same. Like, they're all following the same guru who's telling them to send these messages. I'm like, do they know? Like, do they talk to each other? All the messages are literally copy-pasted. So I'm imagining that that's what's happening, right? Like, when you sent out a reachout, that it probably sounds pretty generic, right? And even some of the ones that I get where people are like, oh, I listened to podcast episode 68 and it was great. I really liked this, this, and this. It's still, like, it's still not enough, right? Like, I'm just, because I'm so like cynical to it. I'm like, yeah, yeah, I know. You're just saying that. Like, you probably really never listened to my podcast, right? Like, it's hard for me to actually believe. So when I get a really good one, like, it really, really does stand out. And so I was talking to my friend about this and it's kind of like on a dating site. So if you've ever been a woman on a dating site or even a man on a dating site, I don't know what the experience is for men because I'm not a man and I've never been on that side of it. But if you have been a woman on a dating site, you know that you will get a ton, a ton, a ton of messages, right? And most of them will just be crappy. Like, they'll be very low level, very low effort messages. Some of them will just be, hey, that's it. That's the whole message. It just says, hey, or like, how's it going, right? Or that's it. Like, and it's like, if you get a hundred guys, just to say, hey, how's it going? Then it's like, it's not great, right? Like, hey, it would be nice if someone would put in some effort, right? It would be nice if someone noticed something specific or it's just like, oh, hey, you're beautiful. It's like, yeah, you could send that to anybody and it wouldn't, like, it's, again, can it be sent to anybody? Is it a copy-based template? So, anyways, my friend was saying she's like, it's like the Craigslist penis effect as, as worded by Ramit Sadie or as coined by Ramit Sadie. And he was saying, he's like, yeah, it's like, when women post, and I don't know where he got this idea from, but it kind of, it drives the point home. He says, yeah, if you post a dating site profile and a whole bunch of men send you dick pictures, and then one, like, guy sends you a really nice, well-thought-out note, it doesn't even have to be that amazing. And you're still going to pay more attention to it and feel better about receiving that than all the, because all the other stuff is like spam and gross and you don't want it. And you're like, totally turned off by it, right? And like, honestly, that is how I feel about these sales pitches that I receive, right? I'm totally turned off by them. I'm like, yeah, you don't know me, you're just spamming, you're sending this message to everybody. It's literally like the guy at the bar who will take anybody home, they don't care who it is, they just have one thing in mind, a sale, a lead, whatever. It's like, you're not talking to me like I'm a human being anymore, right? And I'm not saying that that's how it comes across, but it's just how our society, how things are starting to go, because more people are doing low-level activity. And when more people do low-level activity, it means that more people receive these low-level messages and they just start to tune them out, you know? So you don't actually have to be that much far above the bar to actually get some yeses happening, right? So there's a couple of examples for you. And so what ultimately happens is people end up just thinking it's their value, that it has to do with them, that they're doing it wrong, or that the market is so terrible that they have no chance. And this is a huge mistake, right? It's a huge mistake to believe that because the market is bad, that determines your fate. Like, that is the biggest mistake you could think, right? Like, it makes me, it actually riles me up. I'm like, okay, so because the market is bad, you are making that mean that that somehow is going to determine what kind of job you get or where you end up. You are one person with your unique ability to think, and what you believe will become true. Oh my God, don't even get me started. I'm like, don't believe what everyone else believes, because then you'll get the results everyone else gets, right? Like, yeah, it fires me up. So anyways, the alternative solution is write better reachouts. So I am really excited about this topic, and I have a lot to talk about on it, and I have actually many stories of how I've done this, and this is what actually got me started because the question was, how do clients get results faster? And I was like, if there is a shortcut, this would be it, right? And going deeper on this topic, getting better at this, this would be it. So like, and it's not just copy-pasting the same one every time, it's like, it's actually going deep and getting, like, putting certain ingredients into this reachout that would create the effect of like, I want to respond and even create the effect on the gatekeepers. Like, if you have to bypass the gatekeeper, having the gatekeeper be like, oh, they're going to be mad if I don't show them this, because this looks like a really great opportunity for them, right? So, and I always say like, in when times are tougher when there's recession or whatever, like, we just need to get better. It's the opportunity to get better, because if we only know how to do well and succeed when things are doing great, then that leaves us very vulnerable. We need to get better when things aren't so great. And it's actually an opportunity to succeed above a lot of other people, because a lot of other people don't put in the effort, they're not willing to. They're not willing to learn. They just want to do low-level activity and get the bad results, and then they want to complain about it. Like, we see it all over LinkedIn. People want to complain and they want to be left there. That's okay. So, you're not that person, obviously, because you're listening to this. But you can create something that is so amazing, that it makes the people feel full, the person that you messaged, feel honored, feel appreciated, feel excited to respond to you. So, and it works better, because you're taking matters into your own hands. You're not saying, "Oh, I applied to a bunch of jobs, and I'm just sitting here with twiddling my thumbs waiting to hear back." And I'll apply to another hundred tomorrow, and then I'll just wait to hear back, even though I've never spoken to anybody. No, you're taking matters into your own hands. So, it does involve more work. It's going to involve more research. It's going to involve more from you, more brain power, more thinking, a little more time on each one, right? Or a lot more time on each one. Some of them, like, the long game is totally worth it. It's like, one, yes, can absolutely change your life, change your career. So, yeah, and I have like five of those stories of where this is actually quantumly me in my life, right? And I've actually been doing it. I'm like, yeah, I've been doing this. And it's partially because my dad pushed me to. He was like, yeah, go do that. Like, go ask for that. Go ask for it. Like, if you don't ask, you won't get, like, close mouths, don't get fed. And if you don't ask, the answer is always no, right? So my dad was always instilling those messages in me. So I kind of grew up just being the person who was like, ah, that's uncomfortable, but okay, I'll go do it. And then because of that, results would come, not 100% of the time, but like maybe 50%, even 25%. One, yes, changes the whole trajectory of your career. Hey, so if you've been listening to this for a while and you've been really enjoying what you hear on the podcast and it's been really helpful. But signing up for my program and diving into the material in there, getting personalized coaching is going to literally 10x the results that you get and the feelings that you feel from already listening to this podcast. If you're interested in up leveling and getting a new job in earning some more money and making a change and you want some support with that, I would love to get to know you a little bit better and see if we are the right fit. So please go to and that's just the word application spelled out and I'll ask you some questions so that I can get to know you a little bit better to see if we would be the right fit for you to get the best results possible inside my program. I can't wait to see your application come through. I read it personally and I'll get back to you. So what you will need are the necessary skills to write to construct these reachouts in a way that are making people feel honored and respected and like elated and excited, right? Not and that is not going to be a copy paste that somebody received because they were told to copy paste the template. So I have these templates in my program, but to be quite honest, I am moving away from them and I always tell people to change them to adapt them to them, but it's so much more than that. It goes so much deeper than that. I'm going to be sharing the exact examples of the reachouts that I did, like the letter that I wrote to the law firm that got me a job in the law firm when I had no prior experience in the law firm. There was a time when I walked into a bakery and I asked for a job and they gave me one. There was a time that the one that changed my business and the change the way that I do marketing was I reached out to an influencer who I never thought would respond. And that changed the trajectory of my business, right? And I can't imagine if I had not done those asks, right? And if I had not done them properly, and if I had not done them in a way that was actually going to make a difference and stand out to that person in their inbox. Because I know that these people get thousands of messages, I don't know, maybe hundreds, I don't know, but it needs to be better than what we're doing for it to work. Okay. So the skills you're going to need are, I'm going to be teaching them in this masterclass that I'm doing. It's a cocktail party. It's going to be so fun. So the reason why I called it a cocktail party is because it's like, you can make somebody the perfect drink that they love. And they're going to be like, Oh, my God, like, imagine if someone walked up to you at a cocktail party and handed you like your exact drink preference, right? Like maybe it's like a strawberry Jackery with like a twist and a lemon wedge and like two things of ice or something, right? Like imagine or if you don't drink a coffee or tea or whatever, imagine if someone came up and handed you that exact thing. And they didn't know you and you were like, Whoa, thank you so much. Like you went to the effort of knowing this and maybe they might think you're a bit of a stalker. But if that's available, if that information is available somewhere, you took the effort to go find it or you looked it up, you researched it or you asked somebody about it. They're going to be like flipping impressed and they're going to, you're going to have their attention. Okay. So imagine if that happened, right? And instead of if somebody just came up to you and handed you a beer and you're like, Well, I don't drink beer, right? Like it might work some of the time, like maybe those pitches work some of the time, but it's like imagine spamming everybody with like a really like low quality watery beer. And everyone's like, Oh, thanks, like, either I don't drink or that's not my choice or if I did drink, I wouldn't drink that or like, like people are not going to be really excited about that, right? Unless maybe one person happens to really love lucky beer or whatever lucky is the one here that everyone makes fun of for being like a low grade cheap beer or something. So it's like maybe one person, but it's like, if you walk up to someone very thoughtfully and give them the drink that they would have ordered, they're going to be impressed. You're going to have their attention at that point, right? So that's the difference. So that's why I called it a cocktail party and it's themed that way because we're going to put the ingredients into the cocktail so that you can go and hand it out to people and feel joyful and excited about it, not like you're bothering them, but like you're excited to go take them their favorite cocktail. So then the results that you're going to create, are you're going to get a heck of a lot more. Yes. That is just how it's going to go, right? And I've proven this over and over again. I feel so strongly about it. And I couldn't be more excited. I think this is going to be some of the best work that me and my clients and everybody that joins has ever done before in actually creating their path forward, right? Because first of all, there's no shortage of people that you can reach out to, that you can research, that you can get in contact with. We have the internet at our fingertips. It's a beautiful time to be alive or we can actually do this. And there's nothing getting in the way of this. Like, there's a few barriers here and there and I'll answer all those questions on the class at the party. I will answer those questions about how to get through the gatekeeper or what to do here or if you can't get in contact with the person or whatever. There's a few barriers that I've had to get through too. But really, we're in a time where we have access to virtually so many people, right? And it's a beautiful time to be able to have that so that we can actually create our paths forward. Because I mean before, we literally had to go into actual physical places, which I think is also a great idea. Like, you go into an actual physical place. We remember the days when you used to drop off resumes and speak to the manager. That little trick worked a bunch of times for me too, right? Like, I talked about the story when I got hired at thrifties and I would go in and I wouldn't just apply. I would go and ask to speak to the manager and this was my dad who got me to do this. He was kind of like, I imagine him just behind me with his hand on my back just saying, "Go on, go on, go on." Right? And I'm like, "Well, what if the manager's not there?" And then he's like, "We'll find out her name and then go back in and ask for her when she's working. Go find out when she's working and then go back and ask for her." And I'm like, "And then what am I supposed to say to her?" And he's like, "Well, just tell her that you applied for the job and that you'd really look forward to working there and tell her why you'd be good for the job." And I'm like, "Okay." And this was my dad's claim to fame, okay? He grew up in England and he put on, I don't know where he got the idea he could do this. Maybe it was my grandpa or I don't know where he got this idea. But he's like, "You just have to look good and then you have to go in and you have to just have the guts to keep asking." And so he put on a suit and tie, he walked into debonings department store and he got himself a job as a salesperson. And after that, he got a lot of really high paying jobs as a salesperson doing this strategy. And this was before the internet, so this was his strategy. Anyway, this is a little bit of a tangent, but it's funny because now he's a woodworker. He's called the English cabinet maker and he builds cabinets and furniture and that's what he does and he loves that. And I love that too because he's built my furniture in my house and stuff, but he actually was a terrible salesman. He hated sales. He just did that because he thought that that's what he was supposed to do. And I should ask him more about this, where his beliefs came from or who told him to do that or whatever. But I think it was his dad, my grandpa told him, "You're never going to make any money at your woodwork." So give that up. That's just a hobby. You're never going to make any money at it. Well, that's not true actually because he's actually doing quite well now as the English cabinet maker. But it took a long time for him to actually follow his passion and do what he really loves now. But anyway, that's where I got all this from. Yeah, so it works because you are actually going in, you are getting people's attention. And when you do it in a way that isn't sleazy, pushy, annoying, isn't like everybody else, isn't copy and pasted, doesn't make it really hard for other people to have to do all the work. Like if you send a message and you're like, "Hey, let me know when you're free." Like a very busy person or a person who doesn't respond to many reachouts, they're not going to probably respond to that. They're probably going to be like, "Oh yeah, maybe I want to, but I don't know when I'm free. I have to look at my calendar probably a lot. Like they probably won't do it." So can't look like everybody else's. Like if it doesn't pass that test, like if there's nothing very specific, unique about it, like it won't work. Or it's less likely to work. I shouldn't say it won't work. Hey, it could work. That guy could like the watery beer. He could be the one guy who likes it. And then it has to be something that doesn't require the other person receiving it to do all the work. And it has to be genuinely heartfelt and real and congruent as I talk about a lot in my program. So those are the necessary skills that you're going to need. And the results created are just going to be more yeses, are going to be a faster trajectory, are going to be more happening faster. Like one of my mentors that I've just started listening to, and I call her my mentor, but I've never paid her for anything. Her name is Michaela Jay. She has a podcast. And she talks about this batshit crazy actions idea. She's like, "What's the most batshit crazy action I could take today, right?" And this is one of those batshit crazy actions. It's like reaching out to someone who you never thought would respond, who you never thought you would ever talk to. Like the CEO of Home Depot or something. Like putting in like the absolute most care and thought into getting in touch with him with a message. Even if that's like a handwritten letter, which I did also do, I wrote that a handwritten letter was to the law firm, which got me hired there. So the result is just going to be a faster track, more yeses, and you will feel more control over what's possible for you. And it's, I'm like, "Oh my God, I can't believe I haven't been teaching this sooner. I can't believe I didn't like dive deep in this sooner, but we're doing it now and I know that the results from this class are going to be amazing." So the class is August 8th. You can sign up for it. It's $97. And anybody who's already a part of my program, who's already part of the community, they do not have to pay for it. So don't purchase it. If you're already in, you will have it in your portal. It'll appear as the cocktail party inside your portal and you will have the information, including the Zoom link and everything in there. So if you're new, you don't know what my work is. You haven't done anything with me really. You've just kind of really loved all the free stuff. This is the best place to jump in. It is going to be the most off the hook thing I've ever done. I'm so excited. So I've got, I have drinks. It's a cocktail party. We're going to have drinks and not like real drinks because we're on Zoom. But we're going to make sure that on the call itself, like during the party itself on the Zoom, you will actually be implementing this as we are in the class. So it's going to be like party workshop, party workshop, class, all of it. It's going to, like, it's going to result in some freaking amazing results. And I could not be more excited. I can't wait. Okay. So that's what I have for you today. Sign up. If you want to sign up, the link is in the show notes. I don't have a super easy link to say yet, but it is in the notes. Or you can email and we will send you the link to sign up if you'd rather do it that way. It's no problem. So it's $97 for that. You're going to get the entire class. You'll get the replay for life. So if you can't attend life, there's no problem. You will get the replay and you'll get the workbook that goes with it. The examples of all of the reach outs, the cold reach outs that I have done and the quantum leaps that they have given me. And we will be breaking down the ingredients that will go into the perfect cocktail for your person or for the several people that you will want to do a cold reach out to. And we will help you select those people. And there's basically no way that this wouldn't work for you when you implement these steps. So come and join us for a drink, for a party. It's going to be amazing. And if you're listening to this after it's over, you can purchase the self-study version. You will have not missed out on anything. You will have it all and it'll be available for $97. You just have to email And you will be able to get to the link to purchase it. Yeah. So the fastest thing to a shortcut in your job hunt. And if you want to share this episode with anybody who is currently in their job hunt, anybody who's just applying and applying and applying and complaining, send them this episode, please. Okay. Because I just can't bear it anymore. I can't bear to see another LinkedIn post with somebody who's really struggling when there is a better way, a better mindset, a better path for them. Anybody who functionally can think, who knows their thinking, who has a functional human brain, this will help them. Okay. And this is not just for a career. It's for business too. It's worked in business. It's like the principles are the same. It works in anything like it works for if you want to get freelance work, if you want to get clients, if you want to get on podcast, if you want to get speaking opportunities. It's a universal strategy that when done right with the right mindset, of course, it will fast track you. All right. I can't wait to hear your feedback from this episode. I can't wait to get started and sign up for the class in the comments. I will see you for that drink. Hey, have you left me a review yet? If not, leaving me one now comes with an awesome bonus perk. I'm going to give you access to my $97 course. It's titled eight reasons why you get interviews, but no job offers. This course is normally $97, but when you leave me a review as a thank you, I will give you access to it for free. And it's helped many professionals like you land their premium job offers and make more money just by simply going through this four day training that I did. I received so much feedback on so many of the results just from this $97 training and I'd love to gift you that for free. So all you have to do is leave me a review on your favorite podcast platform, preferably iTunes screenshot the review, email it to me. The details are in the show notes of the episode and I can't wait to read your reviews and send you access to that course. Thank you so much. [Music] (gentle music)