Get a 6-Figure Job You Love and Thrive

Ep #210: 5 Totally New Mindsets to Increase the Results from Your Interviews

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22 Jul 2024
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Are you approaching your interviews with the best mindset possible? People often ask me how they can prepare for interviews, thinking they need to cram information about the company and have all their sample answers ready to go. However, the mindset you take into your interview is the most powerful thing you can prepare in advance.


Discover five new mindsets to increase the results you're getting from your interviews. I share why you don't need an answer for every question that comes up, how to show up with more secure energy in your interviews, and you'll learn how to bring the exact mindset and energy that will help you land the kind of role you're looking for.


Get full show notes and more information here:





Hello and welcome to the get a six figure job you love and thrive podcast. This is episode two, 10, five totally new mindset to increase the results from your interviews. A lot of the times people ask me, you know, how can I get prepared? What can I do? I have an interview coming up and they want to like cram for the interview. They want to be so prepared and they want to know exactly what they should prepare to be in the best possible shape for the interview. And so this episode is kind of like that. It's, but it's, it's about how to think and how to feel going in, which has created some incredible shifts for clients when they kind of completely turn on its head, how you're used to preparing for school and how you can actually prepare in a completely new way that has exponential results, like a lot more than practicing sample answers or trying to rehearse what you're going to say ahead of time. It's much deeper than that. So I hope you enjoy this episode and I hope that you find it really, really helpful. I know that a lot of my clients have already utilized these mindsets for lending offers. So I really encourage you to listen and listen again if you need. Welcome to the get a six figure job you love and thrive podcast, where I, Natalie Fisher, I'm teaching you weekly how to land your premium role that you love and thrive in it. Let's go. Hello, hello. Welcome to today's episode. Today, I'm going to be talking about five mindsets to take you into the interview that are going to shift your energy before you go in. So a lot of people come to me and they'll be like, what should I do before the interview? How should I prepare? I don't have very much time. I need to prepare. I need to figure this out. And they get kind of panicked because they're like, I got an interview coming up. So if this is you, if you have an interview coming up, you're in the right place. This video is going to help you kind of relax a bit, calm down, and give you some really helpful things to walk into the interview with, okay? That I don't think you would have heard before because I do things a little bit differently. I'm not focusing on specifically what you're going to say. I'm not going to tell you to practice a bunch of sample answers. I'm going to give you some mindset shifts that I really want you to feel in your body, okay? Let's get into it. So the first one is if you're there, you already know what you need to know or you wouldn't be there, okay? So if you have, and this is depending on your level of experience, right? Factually speaking, if you have a few years of experience doing the job that you're interviewing for and you do already know what you're doing, you've done it before. So I'm thinking of some examples of some of my clients. So if you're a program manager and you've done program management before, even at one other company, or you are a customer success manager, you've done customer success before, right? You don't have to frantically prepare and go crazy and try to have whiteboard notes all over your wall. Like, because you already know, and when you're trying to do that, you're overcompensating for your mistrust in yourself and your own abilities, okay? So that's what I want you to kind of take in is like, I do already know how to do this job, or I wouldn't be here in the first place. I wouldn't be in this interview. I am where I need to be, okay? And that's, if you do find yourself frantically thinking you need to prepare and write down a whole bunch of stuff and have scripts ready, that is an indicator that you are not trusting yourself to have a dynamic conversation, okay? Because there's no way you could figure, like, you could predict everything that we're going to say. They're not going to give you the questions ahead of time if they do great, but that's very rare. You're going to have to count on yourself and trust yourself to have a dynamic conversation that's useful to them, okay? So that's the first part. I already know what I need to know or I wouldn't be here, okay? Second, you don't have to have 100 percent answers to everything, okay? If you think that you do and then you don't, that's going to be a key moment in the interview where you're going to be derailed, okay? So when we change the mindset too, I don't have to have 100 percent answers to everything. It's the overall experience that will get me the job or not that will make the decision, like that will guide them to a decision is the overall experience. It's not going to be one question, then it's not so much pressure for you, right? So I've had clients who they're very smart, they're going to the interviews and they get tripped up on a question, right? So what I recommend here is, first of all, realize that an interview is a very on-the-spot activity. It's not going to be like that in your job. So when you go into the job, you're not going to actually have to come up with an answer or you're fired on the spot, right? It's not going to be like that. You're going to have resources, you're going to have people to talk to, you're going to have training, you're going to have things you can research, you can Google, you can read books, you can reach out to people, you can use LinkedIn Learning, whatever, you're going to have so many things you can actually do to find the answers that being in an interview and expected to have that answer right away is not always realistic, okay? Now, sometimes if we're talking about like a very basic question that they ask you about computer science coding and you don't know the answer to that because you're less experienced, then that's just a learning moment for next time, right? But what I'm talking about are some of the questions that most candidates are not going to get, right? Because maybe they're meant to be trick questions or maybe they're just kind of throwing it in there to see how you handle a question that you don't know the answer to, right? So what I recommend is you confidently just say, "I don't know the answer to that. This is how I would go about finding it if I was in the job." Because like I said, you won't be put in a position on the spot where you're like, you either know this answer or you're fired in the actual job. So it's kind of unrealistic to expect everybody to know all the answers 100% of the time. And I'm proof that I went to lots of interviews. I did not know the answers. And I think what actually got me the job was I was confident enough to say I don't know that. And I wasn't trying to BS it. I wasn't trying to backtrack myself into something that I didn't really know how to answer. I just would confidently say, "Am I paused?" It might be like, "Hmm." And then I might be like, "Honestly, I don't know the answer to that." And being able to confidently say that you don't know is a congruent, honest, authentic, whatever you want to call it, behavior, right? Which people really appreciate, okay? Hey, so if you've been listening to this for a while and you've been really enjoying what you hear on the podcast and it's been really helpful, signing up for my program and diving into the material in there, getting personalized coaching is going to literally 10x the results that you get and the feelings that you feel from already listening to this podcast. If you're interested in up leveling and getting a new job and earning some more money and making a change and you want some support with that, I would love to get to know you a little bit better and see if we are the right fit. So please go to And that's just the word application spelled out. And I'll ask you some questions so that I can get to know you a little bit better to see if we would be the right fit for you to get the best results possible inside my program. I can't wait to see your application come through. I read it personally and I'll get back to you. So one, you already know what you need to know or you wouldn't be in the interview. Two, you don't have to have 100% answers to all questions. That's unrealistic. It's never going to be possible, okay? Three, number three, keep the focus off of yourself. So what I mean by this is a lot of people will go into the interview with that, I need to get this. I need to get this right. I need to get the answers right. What if they don't like what I have to say about this? What if they don't like something about me? Like very, like very common thoughts. And if you're thinking this, you're not alone is like focused on yourself, right? Or focused on what you can get. Like, oh, I would get the experience here. I would get this. And some of that's okay because we do want to win-win situation. But in order for you to give your best interview, what that looks like normally is you focusing on them, right? Getting curious about them. So instead of being performative, which is like, oh, I'm going to try to get things right. I'm going to try to put on like my best performance for lack of a better term, you want to be curious instead, okay? So think of it like this. If you're on the other side of the interview, you're the hiring manager and someone comes in and they want to do like this really great song advance for you versus they come in and they're like, hmm, I'm really super interested in what you're doing here. And I'd love to know how I can help you if I can help you if I'm the right person to help you. And that's what I'm here to discover basically, right? It's two different vibes, okay? And I find this is a huge shift with my clients. It's huge. Like when you can go from, I need to get it right. I need to be perfect. I need to get all the answers to be like, I'm curious what they're doing here, how I can help. Do I really align with their mission and values? Do I really like what they're doing? Do I want to be here 40 hours a week of my life for the foreseeable future? Do I want to make this commitment? And would it make sense for me to be the person who they hire here, right? Like taking a neutral stance just from curiosity, right? Because not you're not meant to get every job. You're not meant to be hired in every position, right? And that's the mistake we make. We're like, oh, we need to get the job. And the goal is not to get the job. The goal is to find a win-win because take it for me. You can go in there and put on a great song and dance and get hired and you might be in the wrong job. So that happened to me. I had to quit three months later, slowed me down, slowed down my whole career. And I would have just been honest and upfront from the beginning. And I would have used this curiosity mindset instead. Okay. Okay. Next one is you're there to you can you can put on a consultant hat. So as my client Elizabeth says, she's like, I'm putting on my consultant hat. And what that means is if you imagine that you're already hired and you're just there to go in and figure out the game plan for how you would solve the problems for them. How would you do it? What would you need to ask? How what attitude would you have? How would you go in there? Imagining that you're already hired, right? And you're this is a meeting to figure out how you would move forward. Okay. And so this can bring you even deeper into that problem-solving mode in the curiosity mode because your job is now to find out how you're going to figure out what what they really need and a game plan for how you would provide it and what you would do next, right? And so that's where the best conversations are had are when you can really get into the nitty gritty of like, okay, so it looks like your department is doing this. And it looks like you're looking for someone to do this. Is that correct? Right? And they say, yes, then you say, okay, great. So this is how I would approach it. This is how I've approached some of these things in the past. These are some of the key metrics, some of the key things that I see. You might ask them like, where do I want to find out what your bottlenecks are? What would you say your bottlenecks are? What do you think is preventing you from getting to that right now? Right? Like, you can actually create a dynamic of a conversation where you are now the consultant, where you're like, okay, I'm putting this together for you, I'm creating a plan for you, I can do this, right? And so some people might argue that this is free advice that you're giving them, but honestly, free advice, and it's kind of like a free sample, right? It's like, I make these free videos, I make a free podcast, I give out a ton of free advice, and it's the best thing for my business, right? It's like, yes, I do that, but it's because the right people want more, the right people want to come in and actually work with me. So my philosophy is giving value ahead of time is never a bad thing. I don't think we should be gatekeeping it because then we lose the opportunity to actually let them see what it is that we're capable of, right? And yes, some people might take that and run with it, but they don't have you doing it, which means that they're not going to get the same result as if you were there implementing it, right? And they probably wouldn't be able to do it as well as without you, right? So that's my philosophy on it. You're welcome to disagree. Okay, I've lost track of the number that we're on. I think I had more than five, so you might get a bonus here. But the next one is what I called the VCVC method. So it's VCVC stands for value creation and value communication. So you want to have some points that you're going to talk about where you have created value, and then you have your very intentionally communicating that value to them, okay? So and that will result in monetary value that you've produced for the previous company that you worked for or like time or money saved, right? And so in my program, in my signature program and in my method, I walk you through a process like an actual formula in order to create that in order to have your own VCVC method mapped out so that you know how you can present that very intentionally when you go into interviews. So essentially, it's just a formula that you use to say, "How did I monetarily create value for the places that I've worked previously?" And this can be done with soft skills. It can be done with anything. It's just it comes down to a formula. So value created, value communicated, okay? Yeah, that's all I had. Those are the ones. I think there's five. There might have been six that I mentioned there. But anyways, what I want you to take away from this is it's not about trying to predict what they're going to say and mapping out all the answers to the questions first. That is very low level activity. It's very like writing a test for school activity, right? And this is not what that is. This interview is not a test like it is for school. This is a meeting of matching like matching up. So it's like you're sorting, right? You're going to this interview and it's like you're sorting out. Am I going to be a fit here? Do I think I'm going to be able to fit here? And then do I want to present this information to them because I do have the skills and I can help am I a fit here? And then we're going to come to a mutual win-win or we're not, okay? Oh, okay. There was one other one. So this one is what I call now energy. And I'm going to do a whole nother video on this actually. But I'll put this in here. The timeline. So a lot of people will go to the interview and they'll just be like, so when when do you think you'll be deciding? When do you think I'll hear back from you? You know, leaving it all up to them completely like. And what that's doing is it's kind of like showing an undertone of, yeah, whatever, you know, just let me know, you know, whenever you're ready, I'm ready kind of thing. So what I like to do is because I don't like this, I'm like, look, if you're a candidate, you're going to be actively interviewing. You're going to be actively getting offers. You're going to have to actively make a decision soon. This is not like wishy washy call me whenever, right? So with that said, the now energy that I recommend my clients bring to the table is you say something at the end of the interview, you say, look, I really enjoyed this. Regardless of what you decide, it was great to meet you. I will let you know that I am actively interviewing. I will need to be making a decision by the end of next week. And so I just want to let you know that so that you can adjust your timeline if needed. And let me know either way regardless, very happy to have met you, very happy to have had this conversation. Something like that, on a case by case basis, depending on your situation, this is something I work with clients on too. But we want to be in that now energy. Okay, we do not want to be in that wishy washy like, yeah, let me know whenever. Okay, great. Like, because people do need, they need a little bit of a timeline. They need a little bit of a deadline. Okay, so that means you can be responsible for creating that for yourself. Okay, it's like, there's things like when there's a deadline to do something, I'm going to do it. If there's not, if there's no rush, there's no consequence for not doing it, I'm probably not going to do it. It's just human behavior. It's just the brain, right? The brain will just do the easiest thing, right? So if there's a deadline to purchase a program that I wanted to purchase already, and they're offering a deadline with a deal or with a bonus or something, I'm going to probably do that if I was already going to do it. And it's just a little push I needed versus if they're just like, yeah, you can sign up whenever. No problem. There's no there's no reason for not signing up now or whatever. You have to give them a reason to see that you are in demand, you are actively interviewing or serious about this, and that you don't have time to just wait around for whenever they either respond or don't respond, right? So lots more on that. Oh my god, I can take this. Now I'm like, okay, now this could go on forever. But that's the end of this episode, and I will see you next week. Hey, have you left me a review yet? If not, leaving me one now comes with an awesome bonus perk. I'm going to give you access to my $97 course. It's titled eight reasons why you get interviews, but no job offers. This course is normally $97, but when you leave me a review as a thank you, I will give you access to it for free. And it's helped many professionals like you land their premium job offers and make more money just by simply going through this four day training that I did. I received so much feedback on so many of the results just from this $97 training, and I'd love to give you that for free. So all you have to do is leave me a review on your favorite podcast platform, preferably iTunes screenshot the review, email it to me, the details are in the show notes of the episode. And I can't wait to read your reviews and said you access to that course. Thank you so much. [Music]