Get a 6-Figure Job You Love and Thrive

Ep #209: 1 Simple Shift to Speed Up Your Job Search

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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What's one simple shift you can make today to speed up your job hunt? I have one trick you can use today to start getting the results you're looking for, but be warned, this one might trigger some people. It starts with a simple question: when you're looking for new opportunities in your career, how often do you find yourself stating the amount of time you've been unemployed?


Discover how to speed up positive results on the search for your premium role. I share one simple shift that gets you focused on what's possible instead of how long you've been unemployed, and you'll learn the ways of thinking that will drive you toward a career you truly love.


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Hello and welcome to the Get A Six Figure Job You Love and Thrive Podcast. This is episode 209, one simple shift to speed up your job search. This is a mindset hack and some people might find it triggering, but it had to be said, so stay tuned. Welcome to the Get A Six Figure Job You Love and Thrive Podcast, where I, Natalie Fisher, am teaching you weekly how to land your premium role that you love and thrive in it. Let's go. Hello, hello. On this episode, I'm going to talk about one simple trick to speed up the job hunt and it might trigger some people. All right, so one thing that's been coming up a lot in my coaching container and hosts I see on LinkedIn a lot is this one sentence that people say that is just not helpful whatsoever. It has no like usefulness yet people keep saying it and it comes up so often like it's so important, but it's really the it's like a detrimental thing that you keep repeating to yourself that you don't realize that sentence is stating the amount of time that you've been unemployed or however you say it. I've been out of work for blah blah months, five months, 20 months, 30 months or two years or two months or whatever. I've been out of work or I've been unemployed or I haven't had a job in, right? That's people open a lot of their posts saying that and when they come to coaching, they will start with that. And so the problem, this is a really big problem, by the way, is just simply having that mental focus front and center, okay? And it's not like people do it on purpose, it's they think it's relevant. I'd be like, why is that relevant? And they'll say, well, it's just true, right? Like that's just what is happening. That's the circumstance, right? And so a few things about that. Things can be true, but they still might not be useful to focus on, okay? So for example, there are lots of things in the world that happen that are true, that we would have no usefulness in paying attention to focusing on or acknowledging, bringing up, for example, there are people that are murdered every day that we don't see on the news that we will never know about, but that is something that's happening. It would do us no use to be like, there were this many people murdered today, right? Like has no, we can't do anything about that unless we are literally going to go do something about that. But if it's already happened, it's like, there's nothing we can do about that. There is no point in focusing on it. And another way is kind of thinking like, I'm going to sit and look at this pile of crap and just stare at it and be like, there's a pile of crap here, there's a pile of crap here, there's a pile of crap here, like wake up in the morning and be like, there's a pile of crap here, it's kind of the same as waking up and saying, I've been unemployed for 20 months, I've been unemployed for 24 months, I haven't had work in 24 months, I haven't had income in 24 months, it just isn't useful, okay? And a few examples to drive this point home, and it's like, it's incredible how often people like to talk about it, right? I've been in several masterminds as a coach and I've been in several high level containers with a lot of other coaches, right? Some of them have been a mix of all success levels in business and some have been just some high level people. And I can tell like after they've made a certain amount of money in business and some have been just like everybody in the containers where there's a wide variety of people, like some people are just starting and some people are farther along. There's always a few people that come and when they present their problem, they will say, I don't have a client, I don't have clients yet, I haven't had any clients since this time, I haven't made any money yet, I am not making any money. And those sentences, while again, while they might be true, are never actually going to be helpful in any way. Because it's like, like I said, it's like waking up and saying, there's a pile of crap here, there's a pile of crap, oh, there's still a pile of crap here, it's like telling your brain, oh, you don't have a client, oh, you still don't have a client, oh, you're unemployed, you've been unemployed for 24 months, you're still unemployed, right? Like it's just not helpful, I don't know how else to say it. So my mentor, Brooke Castillo from the Lifecoach School, she talked about this and she she's actually the one who taught me this mind-blowing concept of just because something is true, it doesn't mean you have to think it, it doesn't mean you should think it, it doesn't mean you should even focus on it, it doesn't mean that it even matters, right? So she would say like her goal is to make $100 million in her life coaching school business, right? And she would talk, she was talking about that all the time, she'd be like, oh, yeah, I'm making $100 million and people had already thought that she had made $100 million the way that she was talking about it, yet she never explicitly said that she had reached that goal, she was just talking about it all the time in the energy and the momentum of how she was working towards it and she'd be talking about the things she was doing and the things she was trying, right? And she said, she's like, I would never say, I haven't made $100 million yet, she's like, because why would that ever be useful? She's like, it's like me waking up every morning and saying, I haven't made $100 million yet, I haven't made $100 million yet and it's like, in order to get to $100 million, that's not where your brain can be, it's not where it needs to be, right? So, and it's the same for me, like, she taught me that and I never come to a coaching call now saying, I haven't hit my goal yet, I'm really far off from my goal this month, I haven't done this, I haven't done this, like, I would never do that now, I used to do it, so I'm not judging, I used to do it all the time, I used to come up with what's not working and now I come with what is working, right? And then I build on that and that's so much better, but she would say, I would never say that, because it would never be helpful, because it never feels good, right? Even though, yes, it might be technically true, who cares? Basically, that's the concept, right? And it's very difficult for people to grasp it, right? It's like, but it's true, but it's true, it's like, okay, it's true, so what? So, I then asked, I'm like, okay, so what do you want to be thinking on? How do you want to be presenting your situation when that is still true, right? So, the answer is this, you want to be focusing on what you're doing next, because you know that you are going to get there, you know it is inevitable, you know you are on the path to it, right? Because what happens when we focus on, I don't have it yet, I've been unemployed for this long, I'm not, it doesn't have, it's not here yet, I don't have the job offer yet, it's really hard, everything's really hard out there, blah, blah, blah, we lower our belief with those thoughts, right? We cycle in a belief of, oh, it's probably not happening, and then we look at all the reasons why it's probably not happening, right? Like, we don't wake up thinking, I could be expecting a job offer today, I could be having an opportunity today that will lead me to a job offer next week. Like, we don't, we're not waking up like that, we're waking up with like, I've been unemployed for 20 months, and like, that sucks, right? It doesn't feel good, it's awful, it's not useful. So, not useful, not useful, not useful, doesn't work. So, the way that you speed up your job hunt is you wake up with a different thought, and that different thought could be anything that is 1% better than I've been unemployed for 20 months, I don't have a job, I don't have an income, right? It'd be anything that's better than that. So, it could be there are lots of opportunities available that I can find today, there are opportunities everywhere amidst chaos, there's always going to be opportunities, they're just rearranged, I talk about the economy and the rearranging and shifting of the economy, the prime example is during the pandemic, when everything kind of shifted, like, lots of companies stopped hiring and froze the hiring, and lots of companies ramped up their hiring, and the first thing I did was Google company starving in the pandemic, huge list came up of the stocks that had just increased considerably, the industries, the things that were now booming, which is totally different than what was there before, but it wasn't just like, oh, there's no jobs, there's no money, everything's dried up, nothing is, it's like everyone went into the scarcity mindset, and it's like, no, it just rearranged. So, you'll notice that the people during the pandemic who pivoted, who had that mindset, so I was like, okay, I told my clients, I'm like, go Google companies driving during the pandemic, make me a list of 100 companies that are thriving right now, and why? And all my clients during that period landed jobs, and it was because I had to keep their mindset on track, right? Because otherwise, like, they were like, oh, nobody's hiring, oh, my interviews are canceled, right? And it's like, we can't focus on what we don't have, and for how long we haven't had it, okay? Because again, it's literally like getting up in the morning and saying, there's crap here, there's crap here in front of me, and I'm just going to sit here and look at that crap, and I'm going to be sad about it, and demotivated, because it sucks. And that's just what I feel like doing today. And I know you're not doing that on purpose, I know people that are not doing that on purpose, but essentially, by stating, by keeping at the front of your mind, I've been unemployed for 20 months. That is what you're doing. Hey, so if you've been listening to this for a while, and you've been really enjoying what you hear on the podcast, and it's been really helpful, signing up for my program, and diving into the material in there, getting personalized coaching is going to literally 10x the results that you get, and the feelings that you feel from already listening to this podcast. If you're interested in up leveling and getting a new job in earning some more money and making a change, and you want some support with that, I would love to get to know you a little bit better and see if we are the right fit. So please go to And that's just the word application, spelled out. And I'll ask you some questions so that I can get to know you a little bit better to see if we would be the right fit for you to get the best results possible inside my program. I can't wait to see your application come through. I read it personally, and I'll get back to you. So another way that I would coach on this is, in those 20 months, or whatever the time frame is, doesn't matter, how many emotional risks have you taken? How many times have you gotten out of your comfort zone? How many times have you done something scary? How many times have you elevated yourself and like required yourself to do something that you wouldn't normally do? So for example, if you are, if for those 20 months, I'll just use that as an example. If for those 20 months, all you've been doing is easy applying, easy applying, applying, not talking to any human beings, that requires very little of you. It is very low level activity, okay? You're not entitled to a big result from doing low level activity like that, okay? So somebody might say, oh, I've been unemployed for 20 months, and I might say, oh, what were you doing in those 20 months? And they'd be like, I've applied for 2,000 jobs all the same way, the old-fashioned way, and I haven't gotten anything back. I'd be like, well, obviously, you're still unemployed, because that strategy hasn't been working for you for a long time, and you've continued to do it, right? No judgment, just that's not the way that you're going to land your job, or you likely would have already, right? Somebody else might say, oh, I've been employed for unemployed for 20 months, and I'd be like, what were you doing? And they might say, I've talked to 100 people, and I'd be like, okay, great, tell me about that. And then they might be so frustrated, and they'd be like, yeah, but nobody's giving me a job, nobody's giving me a job, nobody's helping me, nobody's referring me. And if they do refer me, they get, I get ghosted, and it doesn't work. And that shows me again that their mindset is in a place where they are not paying attention to anything that has worked. They're just telling me what hasn't worked. Right? And again, they might say, it's true, it's true, it's not working. And I'll be like, okay, you win then, it's not working, right? But it's not working is the primary thought they're having, which is making them feel frustrated, and like probably a bit transactional when they're doing this, because they're like expecting this result, like feeling entitled to this result that they're not getting, and they're feeling frustrated, and they're going into a loop of more and more and more frustration. And then because they're focusing on what's not working, okay? So it has to be a shift, it has to be a turnaround to, and I'll recommend you watch my podcast episode on non transactional networking, like networking from commitment versus transactional networking, I'll put it in the notes. It has to come from a specific place that you are putting yourself out there and networking and talking to people. And it has to be done in the energy of expectancy of this is happening for me, and I'm willing to do it as many times as I need to for it to happen. But I know it's happening, so it's not a big deal. And it's like, I'm not expecting it from you, or you are not expecting this from any specific person. I'm just here showing up because I know it's happening, okay? So that's my rant, basically. It's like, if you are talking yourself into existence, or you're talking your life into existence, don't use the past as a predictor for what's happening next if the past is unfavorable, okay? So if you've been an employee for 20 months, your brain wants to predict, right? It wants to be a prediction. It is a prediction machine, and it will be like, well, I've been an employee for 20 months. I'm probably not going to be employed this month is probably not going to work. And like that, again, it pulls you down, it sucks, okay? So it's like, takeaways from this episode. Do not focus on what's not working. Don't state how many months you've been unemployed. Measure it by how many emotional risks you've taken, how many times you've gotten out of your comfort zone, and how expectant you are, and how in belief you are, that it is happening because of the action that you're willing to take, because of the action that you're willing to go above and beyond and take, okay? So inside my program, we have a lot of different ways to take that action that takes you out of your comfort zone that gets you into the right energy, helps you to focus on exactly what has been working on your secret superpowers, on your success blueprints, and you will get driven forward by those ways of thinking, okay? It will not be by saying, I've been unemployed for this long, so I never want to hear anybody say that again. It doesn't matter how long you've been unemployed for, okay? It really doesn't. And I know that some people might not like that I'm saying that, but that is how it is, okay? It's like me saying, oh, I've been in business for four years, and I haven't made a million dollars yet. I would never say that. I would be like, I've been in business for this long, and I have done this, and I have done this, and I have discovered this, and this has worked, and this has worked, and this has worked, right? And over the course of my business, I don't even know how much I've made, probably over $600,000 over the whole course of my business, right? And that would be damn proud of that. I'd be like, that's evidence that I can get to a million if I want to. That's evidence that I can keep going. That's evidence that all these things that I've tried that have worked and all the ones that haven't have all brought me here, and that is showing me who I'm becoming and what I can do, right? I would never sit and say, I haven't made a million dollars yet, and those things are working. This doesn't work. I did a presentation the other day, and I put my heart and soul into it, and nobody bought. It didn't work, right? And that's happened. That has happened so many times, and it couldn't be me going, oh, that didn't work. It had to be me going, I'm curious what happened there, and then letting myself sit with that question and allowing the answers to come in, and then getting excited to do something else again and try again and do something else again, and be like, how can I serve at a higher level? How can I help more people? How can I say things in a different way? It has to be that, and it can't be like, okay, well, it didn't work. I guess I'm done. It's like, if that, if I'm giving up that easily, then I shouldn't be in business. It wouldn't work anyway. So that's where I'm at, my friends. I hope you appreciated this episode, and I will see you next week. Hey, have you left me a review yet? If not, leaving me one now comes with an awesome bonus perk. I'm going to give you access to my $97 course. It's titled "Eight Reasons Why You Get Interviews But No Job Offers." This course is normally $97, but when you leave me a review, as a thank you, I will give you access to it for free. And it's helped many professionals like you land their premium job offers and make more money just by simply going through this four-day training that I did. I received so much feedback on so many of the results just from this $97 training, and I'd love to gift you that for free. So all you have to do is leave me a review on your favorite podcast platform, preferably iTunes, screenshot the review, email it to me. The details are in the show notes of the episode, and I can't wait to read your reviews, and send you access to that course. Thank you so much. (gentle music)