Get a 6-Figure Job You Love and Thrive

Ep #207: Transitioning into Software Engineering with My Badass MAMA Client: A Client Success Interview with Yi

Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
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Yi joined my program after working as a civil engineer but decided she wanted to shift to software engineering. She got laid off and had a difficult time finding a new opportunity to advance in her career. However, after just a couple of months, she landed her first offer, and she's found a role she truly loves.


Tune in this week as Yi shares exactly what it takes to land a premium role in a new industry. Yi is sharing where she'd gone wrong applying for new roles before she found me and my program, and you'll learn the mindset shifts and practical actions that are required for creating amazing new opportunities in your career.


Get full show notes and more information here:


Welcome to the Get a Six Figure Job You Love and Thrive Podcast. This is episode 207, transitioning into software engineering with my badass mama client, Yi. This is a really special episode, really exciting success story from someone who I've watched grow inside my program over the past few months, and I'm really excited for you to listen, and I hope you love it. Welcome to the Get a Six Figure Job You Love and Thrive Podcast, where I, Natalie Fisher, I'm teaching you weekly how to land your premium role that you love and thrive in it. Let's go. Hello, hello everybody, welcome to the podcast today. We have a very special guest. Her name is Yi, not only is she an extraordinary person, but she's also a badass mama, and I'm excited to have her here because she's been through the coaching program, she's just landed her offer, she's come a super long way, and I want her to share her story with you. So Yi, please go ahead, introduce yourself, tell people what you do and anything else you'd like to share. Yes, I was a civil engineering background, and then I switched to software, and during this time, a lot of things get laid off, and I had really hard time to get in industry, so that's why I started out for a Natalie program and helped me a lot. Everything a couple of months, I would do landing my first job, which is really exciting. Yeah. Amazing. Yes, we're going to get into that. We're going to talk about that. I can't wait to unpack your whole story. Let's start out with where you were when you first came across me, started listening to my podcast, because a lot of people are going to be where you were before, and so remind us how you were feeling, what made you decide to sign up, where were you at that point? If you can go back a couple of months in time. Yes, actually back then, I was going to go to a bank. I was going to sign up for $4.29 for my kid, and when I talk to the consultant and then say, because that's how I don't have a job yet, and then I'd only have saving, and then the consultant say, just don't do that right now. Go find yourself a coach, get your job, get in as fast as possible. Yeah, I say, it's never too late, just get your job, get your stay, and then come back to me. That's why. I see. Okay. So you wanted to save or put away money, and he was like, no, go get yourself the skills to generate money, basically. Yeah. That was actually really smart. Yeah, that's awesome. I didn't know that. Cool. Okay. So you came onto the internet. Tell me about the story. How you found me? I'm curious. And then after that, I just go search like coach, and then you, on a LinkedIn pop, pop up a lot, I follow a lot of people, and then they talk about their story, like how they're landing a job, and then they're kind of tagging you, and then that can't get me very interesting. So I go to your free section, and then, yes, that's it. Awesome. I think that's my question. Okay. Cool. And you saw other people had been tagging me and such. Awesome. Okay. So you said you were laid off with a lot of other people. Why did you end up in this situation without the job? The layup, I think when I first joined the program, I didn't go through, I just popped to people. I always just apply, put the rest of my in, and it doesn't got a lot of results. And then every time I go to coaching, and you told me, like, why don't you reach people? And that got me thinking, like, oh, yeah, I think that's one of my reasons. Because you check my resume, all kinds of things, you say, I'm good, so that should not be the problem. And then I start looking to connect with people also, connect with people the close circle I have. Yeah. I remember that. Yeah. So you had a lot of people, you had a lot of friends by this, like, from coaching you and going through this process with you, you had a lot of people that were referring you. How did you get that to happen? It was because you just reached out, or how did you make those things happen? Yes. Some, I just reached out, I haven't talked to them for a while. And then because they kind of sparked me and, oh, just go for it, just ask them, can we lose the action? And then they was really happy to help me. And also, other connection is not my friends, more like friends' friends, because they see me how hard I work and they so willingly to refer you. And they pass down, refer to refer and try to help me get a job. So yeah. Yeah. That was awesome. Yeah. I remember you had a lot of. And how would you say you utilized the coaching? Because I know you were very present, you showed up with your baby on the calls. We all love that. And how would you say, if you were to describe to somebody how you utilized the program to move yourself forward, what would you say? I was using that from beginning to the end, not only my mindset, I stopped with a mindset because that one I got fall back many times because I remember before it and I got rejection as that and then wait for a long time and then go back again and then take me lost a lot of time. So I start from there for the program and then I go to the skillset. Yeah. And then the skillset is like how to like follow up, email and then connection. And then yeah, because also like when I, with the connection also, you have to keep follow up. And then even though sometimes it's not happening, also be grateful. Yeah. And also the one you told me because I was one after I was waiting forever for the recruiter. And then the person who referred me just don't know what to do. And I just, I just take him out, yeah, I just take him out for the lunch. And then he just like, oh, what's the recruiter name I could just text for you? And yeah, it was big. That was awesome. But that was a great idea to like an inspired idea that you had. Yeah. But just so we fill everybody in, you was saying that she felt kind of bad. You felt bad. You were like, I think you felt bad to correct me if I'm wrong, but you were like, I don't know what to do because I'm waiting for, I'm waiting for this, but this person referred me and I'm not really sure what to do in the meantime. Anyways, is that correct so far? I don't want to work on that. Yes. Okay. And then you were like, what do I do? And then I said, basically, there's nothing you can do except for be grateful for this person who referred you and just make it clear to them that you appreciate what they did, right? And then you took it a step further and said, oh, I appreciate it. I'm going to invite them for lunch. And then he texted the recruiter from there. So it's kind of like what you give, you get back always, not necessarily from the same person, but in this case, you did. So yeah, just to kind of give everyone some context on what that coaching was about. But yeah, like just a little shift like that, like, oh, what do I do? Well, you can be grateful. That's what you can do, basically. And you totally took that coaching, ran with it, took action and created a result, which was awesome. Okay. So you said you started with the mindset and then you dove into the skill set in the action, which is exactly like what I recommend and exactly why my program is different is because I do a lot of mindset stuff. Was there any particular mindset shifts that you can think of that really resonated with you, like any particular mindset shifts that made your actions more successful that you couldn't think of that you didn't have before? Yes. Don't overthink. I do this so many times. Yeah. Yes. I overthink when we're doing interview, overthink after interview and so you're not alone on that. Awesome. Yeah, you're not alone on that. And in fact, we just coached on that yesterday in the call and I think I was giving out thoughts that we're saying you're taking imperfect action because that's what it requires for success. And I do know you came a lot with like, should I do this? Should I do it this way? Should I do it that way? And then we got off the call and you ended up just going for it after that so you were able to remove those blocks. But yeah, that's a great point. Overthinking. You're not alone. I'm sure everyone listening to this can relate to that too. So after you kind of got over the overthinking, realized what to do and we're kind of moving through, how did you start to feel after you kind of started to get into the groove? Because it's still an up and down process, right? You're still waiting. You still don't know. But how would you say your confidence was raised throughout the process? Oh, I would say life to you at the beginning. And then I'll put that always saying, nigh. Nigh. Nigh. Yes. I love hearing that. Yeah. And I could see it too. It's so fun because you came to the calls and you were just like, I have my question. I got to ask my question, which was amazing. So why do you think worked the best? Like what was the best, the things that you did afterwards that with mindset and action worked the best? Yes. And I remember saying, just keep moving forward because the overthinking kept feeling my time and then just stuck. But yeah, and then because after, because the waiting period so long and I can apply different job, just have like back up in case the job's not coming soon enough. And then I need support my baby and I just keep moving forward, forward and just get interview, interview. Yes. Because that's something that that line of thinking right there, it's like, I just need to keep going. I need to keep going. It was kind of like, I don't have time for this not working. Yes. Yeah. Yes. And I especially you have a baby like I don't have choice and I have to keep moving. You don't have much time. Just keep over thing. Yeah. That's the mindset right there is like, I don't have time to overthink. I've got to keep moving. I just got to do it. I just got to like, I just got to keep going until it's done, right? That's the mindset right there for people to take away from that led you to your success, one of them. And so advice for people in the position that you were in before, what words would you recommend to them or what would you want to tell them? Definitely that which people that was, I'd be missing for so long. I didn't know I have so many connections until you go through it. And then also your heart was showing like, because I was doing a lot of stuff. And so it's because during that time, I was not only like looking for a job, doing part time job while having a single mom, like working by myself to raise a baby and also learning that my parent highlights and then people saw me like how hard I'm working. And then they see the, they see me how hard and they want to refer me. Even just like, I talk to random people and they just stop like the, when I had birthday make the photo shoot and then when I talk to them, they just so inspired and they shoot willing to, I don't know her for a long time, but she willing to refer me at the spot and then send me email so much you know before. So yeah, definitely reach out. You could just talk to random people. They could just refer you because they could see how hard you work. And yeah. Yeah. That's amazing. So did you tell them everything that you were doing or like, how did they know that you were such a hard worker? Yeah, I do tell them what, what I working on and then yeah, everything I was doing and then they know and they just so really because she's, they saw how you work. Yeah. Yeah. That's so good. So that's like an identity, right? It's like, because a lot of people work hard, lots of people are doing really impressive things, but they don't, they don't go out and tell people about it. They don't make themselves visible or known or reach out to people so that they can, like they don't give themselves the opportunity to have the result that you did. So I think it's worth breaking down that mindset. It's like, you know, you're a hard worker. You identify as somebody who can, who has the capacity for a lot. You take on a lot. You are a mom and you, and you do with these other things like your pilot license and you're working part time and, and so you go out, you were also like, with all that stuff, you're going out and telling people and then they're like, oh, how can I help you more, right? Like, how can I support you more? And so, and not also that mindset of like, people see how hard I'm working and they want to help me. Like, that's the thought you had and that, that became what you saw in your reality too. So amazing. So good. Hey. So if you've been listening to this for a while and you've been really enjoying what you hear on the podcast and it's been really helpful, but signing up for my program and diving into the material in there, getting personalized coaching is going to literally 10x the results that you get and the feelings that you feel from already listening to this podcast. If you're interested in up leveling and getting a new job and earning some more money and making a change and you want some support with that, I would love to get to know you a little bit better and see if we are the right fit. So please go to and that's just the word application spelled out and I'll ask you some questions so that I can get to know you a little bit better to see if we would be the right fit for you to get the best results possible inside my program. I can't wait to see your application come through. I read it personally and I'll get back to you. And so ultimately what you were able to create here, what would you say if you, if you had like one thought that helped you create it? What would you narrow that down to or give us one thought to create a connection if that's easier for to come up with because that is a milestone result that people need to do is create connections like you did, even with strangers. So connection with offer, yeah, you have to be grateful to the connection you have is really good because you never know like he could help you like the one I get offered because I was being grateful I treat him back and then he take him his time during our lunch and he tax him personally because I was talk to the recruiter like I want to get follow up because I already like three or four weeks and then because he tax the recruiter a while away and then he reply me like the next day and yeah so be grateful even though I still have other connection even though it doesn't happen he tried to refer me to his company but his company didn't get me back and he tried to connect me without his friend to tell me like go apply for his company he could refer you. He would pass down me to other people so you could just be grateful to connect with them and they would just just helping you. Even if nothing comes of the first thing that they try to do the gratitude brings on more yeah there's a saying it's called what you appreciate appreciate like it increases like what you're grateful for you get more of and I think you're the perfect example of that like showing that and also like I think most a lot of people are like we're not truly grateful we are grateful for people doing that but the expressing of it right like sometimes we don't say it enough or we don't make enough gestures to really make that known so I really love what you did where you were where you invited him to lunch and that was like the perfect example of like appreciating something appreciates what people are willing to do for you. Amazing. Yeah and I remember like the holiday also a good thing like to reconnect with them like happy father's day happy father's day happy mother's day and I gave my Starbucks gift card and these. I love that. I used to do all that stuff too I used to do all that stuff too like thoughtful gifts thoughtful little gestures it really makes a difference right because people don't normally do that so I love that you're saying that because I'm like yeah I used to do that too I totally forgot about it but yeah absolutely people remember that for sure okay so if you had to do this again if you had to like go find a job again in the future or you're gonna move up get promoted or whatever what tools or what what mindset do you now have for reaching your next career goals. I would have to summarize that like don't overthink yeah that what is really important too yeah yeah how are you able to stop the overthinking because it's easier to said than done right so you I saw you and I saw you doing it you came to coaching you kind of cleared what you were overthinking but if you could explain to people how to not overthink what would you say. Oh yeah that was super hard it's because now I have like my last experience like how I do it so I could look back at it saying like oh if I don't overthink and then I gonna keep moving forward and then get a result instead of wasting so much time I don't get a result but why not add the spot is really hard because I don't have past experience how I do it so you like try to yeah yeah you don't only so because you utilize coaching to get you through this part do you remember any coaching moments that any coaching moments that made you think okay this overthinking is the problem I understand because it was like an intellectual breakthrough where you're like okay I realize this overthinking is gonna be the thing that makes this take forever yes you remember any moments like that that helped you get through that. Yes I always bring up my situation to the coaching call and then you stay out loud the situation and ask brainstorm for other people like interact say if you are in this shoe what you think about like if you're the recruiter what you're gonna think and then and a lot of people write down their comment and then it's just really normal thinking not like how I think like I think too much like did I do this one did I do that one for all other people because you're for everybody from the outside look at the story they just think it's nothing you did wrong you just normal process yeah totally okay so that's a really good point so the reason why people overthink one reason is because they're afraid of what people are gonna think about when they receive a message or when they like you're over let's say you're overthinking a message to a recruiter or a message to a connection right and so he was that was thinking oh what are they gonna think is that gonna be weird are they not gonna like that what if they don't respond and so then I posted a group I was like well if you guys receive this message what would you think and then people put their comments in there they were like oh we'd be happy to connect or we'd be like there were positive comments and then also another one I like to say is and so if you send it and you don't get a response then what and it's like well you're in the same place you are now anyway so it doesn't there's nothing to lose yes yes yeah I remember you saying that and then just help me a lot yeah so like there's really no point in this overthinking it's really just slowing you down yeah that's a huge breakthrough that I think definitely a lot of people could benefit from like taking and running with like you did okay so this over this like clearing overthinking being grateful these are like the main the main breakthroughs for you I think that you've mentioned so far what do you think if you were to create a process for somebody else with mindset and action what would that look like or where would you start with the mindset and where would you start with the action or somebody to do what you did yes there's not ever ties but definitely go through that really program because from the mindset program I go through a lot and I still repeat in this day because because all the rejection it get you so sad yeah and then yeah especially the mindset the video about the confidence you know afraid to fail you really yourself to fail and you learn from it and that it cannot help me a lot to go through a process at the beginning to throughout the process because you get rejection and you come back again and you keep going and more yes those are great and that you and also like you haven't talked a lot about your the fact that you did get rejections because that was part of your process and so your ability to handle them so how did you think about rejections before and how did you how do you think about them now because you said before you would wait a long time to get back started because it would make you sad how do you think about them now well just like it does the matter yeah yeah I remember yeah you did tell me the advice if you look bad like if you get a just one job and all the rejection it just doesn't matter why not I get to the position I do feel that feeling yeah totally and it's easier said than done right but in the moment you're like oh this feels so horrible but you get to the point where you're like it doesn't matter that's the goal right the goal is to have rejection not matter to you but it's hard for it's hard for our brains to do that because we want to be accepted and liked but you've reached that goal which is pretty insanely amazing okay let's talk about your new offer your job so how did that come through what is it like what are you excited about yes why now I'm still on like waiting for the training so I don't know how that gonna be but I super excited because the people really nice sometimes you just have the feeling like yeah this matching your vibe exactly yeah was this the one where the interviewer was very straightforward that you like that was that yes yes yeah awesome yes so how did the offer come through how did they offer to you did they call you email you yeah they email me and then also I remember the one I also waiting for the offer because I know when I get the into real I was because they so straightforward say they think would be a yes but I was waiting I'm not sure and then I also remember you told me like imaginations thinking like yeah you're gonna the imagination you're working for the company and I would just imagine the day before and then like how I'm working with the team while I do every day and in the next day they send me the email say yeah but yeah that's another tool that we use it's like spirituality and visualization like getting into the feeling of it and I was like that's what I think you need right now to push through that waiting period because they basically already said yes but you were waiting for the written offer so amazing and so tell us what's what's the position and what you don't have to tell us what the company is but what's the position and what are you most excited about getting to do it's a junior software engineering position and then I'm more excited because this is a consultant company you dick they have a lot of different team that have have a I team all kind of team so I could go through like different team to learn stuff if I want to and that's what they told me so that's I really exciting about yeah and so you said you were switching from what did you do before to now doing software engineering it's a civil construction related stuff yeah to software and then it's so hard at the beginning because I don't have any connection in your software engineer here and main slowly building the connection yeah so that's yeah tell us a little bit about that because that's something people would say like oh I don't have any connection in that industry and then they think oh it's gonna be impossible for me to get a job in this industry like is this yeah tell us about that and then another question I had was is this your first software engineering job as a title or have you been a software engineer before yes this is my first one the last one I don't think it count or but a first question like some people I do not have connection actually you have connection everywhere it's the person you talk to the class you take up everywhere is opportunity because I connect back to my book cam people they already got a job and that's how they help me out with a job and they refer me and yeah and also your school people your school have like your friends friends because I don't know personal yeah I don't know people are full software engineering like close to me but I know my friend's friend is already in an industry so I connect with my friend telling that can you hold us up set a coffee shop or let's go shopping together and so I could have some time to ask them how you get a job or yeah that's such a good idea let's go shopping together that's a nice invitation like an invitation and inside the program of talking about like asking people to do things like like tiny asks tiny invitations I'm like you're like let's go shopping together let's go to lunch here's like thank you so much here's a Starbucks gift card I'm like that's it sounds so fun that like the process I'm just like oh like people would be like wanting to be around you say yes to you like be like oh how can I help you back like it just sounds like such a nice way to go about this process instead of sending in like applications and not hearing back applications not hearing back which is what most people are doing so yeah gotta commend you and your energy to you're just like oh yeah there's connections everywhere and friends of friends and like this is like you totally took everything to heart and did it and yeah I just wanna congratulate you tell you how proud I am of you and tell you how awesome it has been to watch you grow and work with you and see you take the tools and run with them and and yeah it's just been an amazing experience and it's been great having you with the program yeah so those are all the questions I had is there anything else you wanted to share or let everybody know I think that's pretty nice but definitely it's really worth it to set up Natalie program I before it take me a year or more than a year when I'm looking for a job and then because you could have like personally one to one coaching because you go to group you could like teach me one to one about my personally problem so it get me faster to the result yeah and you showed up for it that's the thing like a lot of people signed up and they don't come they don't come and raise their hand so that what he's referring to it's like it's a one-on-one in a group so we're basically sitting on zoom and I'm talking to you one on one whoever raises their hand and then everyone else is there but they're supporting you cheering you on in the chat and people don't always come and raise their hand sometimes they feel a little bit shy to and so you came at like almost every time even with her baby on her lap and he was so well behaved by the way he was like sitting there like oh yeah mom's working I'm here I'm chilling and so I was supposed to say that's the commitment that you had to come and ask questions and show up and all that like really contributed to your mindset and everything that you did so right back atcha it was really great great experience to coach you because you were really good or a discipline yeah like you're like I'm getting what I came for I'm coming for it so thank you thank you so much and for your kind words about the program as well alright so that's all I had today well I can't wait to get this out to people I think it's gonna add so much value and thanks again for coming on thank you hey have you left me a review yet if not leaving me one now comes with an awesome bonus perk I'm gonna give you access to my $97 course it's titled eight reasons why you get interviews but no job offers this course is normally $97 but when you leave me a review as a thank you I will give you access to it for free and it's helped many professionals like you land their premium job offers and make more money just by simply going through this four-day training that I did I received so much feedback on so many of the results just from this $97 training and I'd love to gift you that for free so all you have to do is leave me a review on your favorite podcast platform preferably iTunes screenshot the review email it to me the details are in the show notes of the episode and I can't wait to read your reviews and said you access to that course thank you so much [Music] (upbeat music)