The Sword of the Spirit Podcast

God's Answer to your Problems

1h 42m
Broadcast on:
04 Aug 2024
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And you know, folks, as always, whenever and wherever you find yourself listening to us, it's always my prayer that you also find yourself in the grace and in the mercy of our Lord and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to the Sword of the Spirit Podcast. [APPLAUSE] All right. Thank you very much to our not-really-hear studio audience. Thank you so very much. Hey, folks, we are coming to you live once again from the Asylum Studios here on the pimple on the backside of Texas, the beautiful city of Eagle Pass. And it is a beautiful day here, a beautiful, beautiful Sunday afternoon, 100 degrees at start time, and just a beautiful, absolutely beautiful day out there. And I hope you had a good weekend, I hope you had a very relaxing weekend. But I also hope that you made it out to church today. And at church today, I hope that your pastor preached a message to you that just set a fire in your heart for the Lord that just renewed your love for His precious Word. And of course, renewed that burden that we should have for the lost and the dying that we come across every single day in our travels around whatever the sphere of influence is that you and I have. It's just an incredible, incredible time that we're living in right now. You look at what's going on in the world here politically. Economically, it's just folks, I say it show after show after show. And I know I sound like a broken record, so I'm sorry. But we are living in the last days of the last days. And it is so incredibly important for us to be living right, doing right, being right, thinking right, acting right. And of course, talking to our family and our friends and our loved ones about the Lord Jesus Christ. It's incredibly, incredibly important today to be doing this. Because again, we are in the last days of the last days. The Lord is standing at the door. You can expect the Lord to show up any time now. We need to be prepared, we need to be ready for that. And the best way to do that is to stay in his word. Keep yourself in prayer. Get yourself to church. Stay in fellowship with the saints. And if you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, if you are not saved, you need to get saved. And the best way, in the easiest way, and honestly, the only way to get saved is by putting your full faith, trust and confidence in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. So I'm going to ask you today, I'm going to ask you right now, and I usually do this at the end of the show, but I'm going to ask you right now, are you saved? Are you saved? Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? You can do that right here today. You can settle that issue right here today. And I would hope that you would. It's an incredibly important decision to make. It has eternal consequences. It is not a decision that you should just pass off. There's nothing that you can do right now to prepare yourself for eternity. Nothing. There's absolutely nothing you can do. Your baptism, your good works, your donations, none of that is going to save you. None of that is going to get you into heaven. The only thing that's going to get you into heaven is putting your full faith, trust and confidence in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I hope that you've done that today. Now folks, I'm just going to ask you, do you have troubles in your life? I'm sure you do. We all do. Everybody does. Do you have difficulties that you are confronted with on a daily basis? Well, of course you do. Of course, everybody does. We all do. I got a myriad of things going on right now around me. I have a leak coming in for, I think, from my water heater that I found this morning. And it's leaking out into the studio right now where we are. And I got fans and I got towels and all kinds of stuff down here. So I'm trying to dry it up. You know, I have family members and friends. They're sick that COVID, believe it or not, COVID is still around. You know, and I'm, of course, I'm concerned about them. We all have financial difficulties. We all have problems, don't we? We all have problems. And they manifest themselves in many, many different ways. And the problems that are out there are just numerous. There are just so many things going on out there. Well, today what we're going to do is we're going to examine six things that trouble people. And we're going to seek to answer those troubles from the Word of God. But, of course, as always, before we get into the message for today, I'm going to ask you to do just a couple of quick things for me. If you would, why don't you head over to our website, That's And when you get over there, look for the contact section, open up that little web form and why don't you send us over a message. Let us know whatever's on your heart, whatever's on your mind, any questions, comments, cares or concerns that you might have. And also, please, don't forget to send over your prayer request. Your prayer requests are really important to us, folks. I mean, you know, the Bible tells us that we're to bear one another's burdens and one of the ways that we do that is through prayer, intercessory prayer. And as long as you give me the okay to mention it on the air, we do that. And it's something that's important for us to do, to remember each other in prayer. So send them on over to us. And if you don't like to use the web form, that's totally fine. You can always email them to me directly at That's Also, while you're on the website, if you would, head on over to our support button on our homepage. You'll see a little pancake up on the upper right corner. Click that. Go to support this podcast or support this show, rather. And click on that thing. And just want you to remember that this is a modern podcast. We are a value for value podcast. And basically that means that if this podcast has been a blessing to you in any way, if you've received any value whatsoever from the Bible studies or the sermon Sundays, you can contribute to the show in three ways. You can contribute your time, your talent, or your treasure. And you can do that very simply by doing a treasure donation. It's just by clicking on that PayPal button on our support page. Send us over a donation in any amount possible. Any amount possible is a help. But if you want to shout out for it, you had to hit at least $16.11. $16.11 gets you your name. Shout out across this beautiful flat plane on which we live. Or you could donate your time or your talent. And you could do that in a number of different ways, whether it's you do graphic design or you write music, you sing, you play an instrument. Maybe you're good at writing. You can help us out in many, many different ways. So let us know and if you have something that you would like to contribute to the show, that would be wonderful. We would appreciate it. Just send that on over to us at And I also want to remind you guys that we do not run paid ads. So when you hear me talking about the war tribe armory at the end of the show, you hear me talking about armory one, contra radio network, they're not paying us to do that. We're doing that because they are friends and they're actually in some ways they're contributing value for value through it. So that's those. We're not monetized anywhere. We're not on YouTube. We're not anything like that. Yes, we're on Rumble. But we're not monetized anywhere. We are totally dependent upon you, our listeners, for the financial support to help keep this whole thing going. So if you're on the fence about it, if you haven't made a donation and you're kind of thinking about it, pray about it. If the Lord leads you to do it and if you feel the Lord leads you in that direction, we would really be very appreciative and very thankful to receive your donation. All right. Now, like I said, at the very beginning here, people have troubles. And it's not something you like. I'm sure you've noticed it, that everybody has their own particular set of troubles. I guess one of the burdens of ministry is that you hear about a lot of the troubles, but also on the other side, on the flip side of that, one of the blessings of being in the ministry is the counterbalance of that, is that you can show people some solutions. And if they activate those solutions, they tend to get a lot of relief from that. And that really is a blessing. That's an absolute encouragement. So the Lord has some answers to our difficulties. He does. And I know, like I said, there's a bunch of them out there. We're only going to address a few of them here today, but there is a bunch out there that really do bother people. And I understand that. I mean, I have my share of them myself. You know, over the years, I've heard lots and lots and lots of stories of trouble. And for some of you that are listening, that I know personally, maybe I've heard some of your stories. Maybe I haven't, but I'm here to try to provide you with some solutions and some answers that God has instituted in His Word. To understand a little bit about us, you have to understand the Bible concept of who we are and what we are. Now, the Bible says that we are three parts, okay? We're three parts. Now, theologians like to use fancy words to impress you. So they would come along and say, well, you know, you are a tricotomy. A tricotomy. Well, that's just three parts, okay? It's kind of like, you know, doctors and lawyers, you know, you know, the bigger the word, the more money they can charge you for it. It doesn't really work for preachers, though. And I still don't understand why that is, but it just doesn't. But you're three parts. You're three parts. And the reason why is God said way back in Genesis chapter 3, let us make man in our image, us and our, us and our, not A-R-E, our, O-U-R. Well, who is the us and the our? Who is the us and the our? Well, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Remember, God's a tricotomy. He's three parts. And so let us make man in our image. So man turns out, and when I say man, I mean mankind, okay? Man and women. You know, so mankind turns out to be three parts. Now Paul actually addresses those three parts very specifically. You're a body, a soul, and a spirit. All right? Those are your three parts. Now, everyone understands, you know, this part here, you know, because this is the part that you're aware of, right? When it's hungry, you say, I'm hungry and you eat, right? When it's tired, you say, all right, I'm tired. It's time to go to bed. When it's, you know, when it's sick, you say, I need some help. You know, and I'll be honest with you. I started feeling like this on Thursday. I think I mentioned it on Thursday, feeling it right now. I feel like I got a dose of the crud coming on. So, so I'm finally going to, you know, I'm going to do something really radical here. All right? I'm going to go to the doctor. And I hate going to the doctor. I do. It's not the most pleasant thing in the world for me to do, but, you know, once in a while, you just got to, you know, kind of wave the white flag of surrender and you got to do it. So that's just, I guess it's just the way it goes, right? Now, you understand the body because that's what you are. You know, what's the word, aware of, you know, perpetually aware of, you know, your body, right? Now, but you're also, you're also very aware of your soul, even though you might not have labeled it that way. All right. Now, your soul, your soul is the real you. Okay. That's the, that's the real you. This stuff here, you know, this that you can see I'm pointing to. I'm looking at myself on the monitor looking at the full, but, well, the foolishness of preaching, right? We talked about that Thursday. This stuff here, this isn't you. All right. All of this stuff here is going back to the dirt. Remember, from dust thou art to dust thou shalt return. The preacher says when you have the graveyard, doesn't he? Sure he does. All right. So, so that's not you. All right. That's not you. That's just a temporary tabernacle that, that, that it lives in. All right. Now, now Jesus said what should, what should it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, but lose his own soul? Well, you better take care of your soul. You better take care of it. You know, we, we tend to get far more concerned about, you know, taking care of the body. Generally speaking, then we do our soul. All right. Now, you know, within the framework of your soul, you have a heart. You have your heart. You have your mind, right? And you have your will in Bible language. Now, the heart is the seat of your emotions. All right. The mind is, of course, is where you do your thinking, your thought processes. And, and the will, the will is where you make your choices or your decisions. All right. And that's all within the framework of your soul. Now, now, there are things that arise in your soul that give you problems. Now, I don't know if you've ever noticed that. I mean, you probably have. There are things in your soul that are, are, are, um, soullish in nature and things like, uh, and look, I could probably list 50 of them, but, you know, they're, they're, but so many of them are just extensions of the basics. So we're going to, we're going to hit six today because, you know, I'll be lucky if I get through all the scripture that, that, uh, we have to address those six, but, uh, but we're definitely going to try. All right. So, uh, so let's talk about a few of these, these things. These six, these six troubles. All right. How about guilt? Guilt. That's a big one, right? Guilt's a big one. Uh, you know, some people have what they call perceived guilt. And some people have real guilt. All right. Now when I say, um, perceived guilt, uh, uh, I say perceived, uh, uh, imaginary. Uh, you know, sometimes people, uh, get guilty over things that, that, um, that they shouldn't even be guilty over. All right. Like my sister came to me one time and she said, um, she goes, you know, you're never guilty, are you? And I said, no, actually I'm not. Now, of course, you know, I had me being me, me, me being the, uh, the, the twister that I can be. You know, I had to get, I had to get really theological at that particular point. And I said, because Jesus took care of it all for me at Calvary. Amen? Amen. Amen. You did. But I mean, you know, guilt, guilt's a biggie. Guilt's a big one. It really is. And, uh, like I said, sometimes it's perceived and imaginary. Uh, sometimes it's real. All right. Well, how about worry? Worry. Now, I've known people that, that worry just because they love to worry. You know, it was kind of like a, like a hobby for them. Like, uh, like one guy, you know, said, um, what did he say? He said, uh, he goes, why pray when you can worry? Right? Some people are beset by a variety of doubts. Doubts in their spiritual life. And, and, and of course, in other arenas of life. And then, of course, there's fear, right? Fear. That's, that's, uh, that's a, that's a real big one right there. Uh, fear is a problem. And then you have, um, you have anxiety, depression. You know, these are all things that bother people. And, of course, you know, what goes on, what goes on up here has a direct effect on what goes on down here. All right. In fact, doctors actually have, and I've read material on this, and they'll probably disagree as to the percentages and so on. But, uh, but some of them say as much as 80% in their estimation of what goes haywire down here starts up here. All right. Uh, and honestly, we'll never really know the percentage of that. Uh, because it, it probably really varies from, uh, individual to individual. But the whole idea of the thing is, is that everyone knows that what goes, what goes on up here, left unabated, left unattended, is going to bring problems down here. Okay. Now, you know what they call that? They call that psychosomatic, psychosomatic. And, and yet, you know, I would probably say that, that the majority of doctors out there don't really know what the term is or what it means. I know what it means in their vocabulary. Um, and, and, and they know in their vocabulary, but where exactly did we get the phrase psychosomatic? Well, psycho or psyche is the Greek word for soul. Somatic is the word for symptoms. So do you see what they're really saying? Symptoms of the soul. All right. Now, I, I suppose that, you know, if you've lived more than 50 years or maybe even 20 years, you've had some psychosomatic difficulties in that you've had problems here and there that were generated, you know, up here and they affected here. Okay. Now, the, the psychological community, uh, knows about this, but, you know, of course, they won't call it soul. Um, you know, if you go to college and you take a, a basic, you know, psych 101, uh, they'll call it something like the id or ego or, or something like that, you know, but God, God calls it your soul, your soul. Now, uh, now they know about this and, and, and, and, and they know that there's a relationship between here and here, but you see, the problem is, the problem is that, uh, the, the psychological, uh, uh, Freudian types that, that, uh, you know, the problem that they have is basically that they don't have any genuine real solutions. They don't, but do you know where the solutions are? The solutions lie in God. They lie in God. God's got, God's the one that, that, that's got the solution because God's word is the only authoritative book on the planet that'll tell you that you're not two parts. Okay? You're not dual in nature. You're a tricotomy. You're a tricotomy of three parts. And the third part, of course, is called the spirit. All right? But there's a problem there. There's a problem there. There, there's actually, there's a huge problem there. And here it is. And that's, and that's why a lot of people can never find relief for these things. All right? Um, you know how relief is generally prescribed today? Pills, aren't they? Pills. There's a pill for everything, you know? Take, take, take this pill for this and take that pill for that. You know, take some Prozac for, you know, if we can just drug you up enough, if we can just drug you up enough, you won't be worried about anything. You'll, you'll just be, you know, as, as dopey as a red and yellow loony bug. So, but, but is that really living? Is that really, is that really living? Is it? Is that finding the joy and contentment and happiness that God intended for His people? Of course it isn't. Of course not. All right? Now, now, here's the problem though. The Spirit. The Spirit in its natural state is dead and trespasses and sins. Ephesians chapter two talks about that and says, you know, we're dead and trespasses and sins. Now, how did that come about? How did it come about? All right? Let's go back to the beginning. We'll go back to the beginning. Adam said, or God said, let us make man in our image. All right? Body, soul, spirit. Now, remember what Adam, remember what God said to Adam and Eve? He said, "In the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die." Well, the body didn't die. It kept on living for hundreds of years. The soul obviously didn't die. They still had a heart and a mind and a will to function and to operate. So then what was it that died? What was it that died? It was the Spirit that died. It was the Spirit that died. That's the part. All right? So God didn't lie. God told them the truth in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. And of course, they did. Now, that sinful DNA was passed on to all of their progeny from then until now. From then until now. You and I got it. Now, it's not that we were born in sins and trespasses. You know, that's not what the Bible says. That's not what the Bible says at all. But you were born with a sinful nature, a sinful DNA, which dictated that there would come a time in your life when all of a sudden your innocence would just disappear. Now, you know, maybe you have a little rug rat crawling around your house, you know. And they're just as innocent as they can be. You know, they're just innocent. And God doesn't hold them accountable for their sin even though they do sin. Now some of you are probably thinking, well, how can an infant, how can a baby sin? You don't believe me? Well, they ball and they scream and sometimes they don't need anything at all. Amen? Little sinners. All right? They're little sinners. Well, where did they get that from? They got it from you. They got it from you. That's where they got it from. You see how that whole thing works? But there comes a day, and it may be six. It may be 10, 12, but there comes a day in every individual's life when all of a sudden the consciousness awakes and it awakes to the point. And you can read about this over in Romans chapter 7 and verse 9, where all of a sudden, all of a sudden we're going to do something that's wrong. We're going to violate our conscience and that conscience is saying to you, don't do it. Don't do it. And you did it anyway. And that was the day when you died. The commandment came, sin revived, and I died, the Apostle Paul said. What died is your spirit. So now your dead and trespasses and sins and consequently Jesus came along and he said, you must be born again. All right. Now, what part of you was born again? It's a good question, right? What part of you was born again? Well, your spirit. To be technically correct, you know, theologically, technically correct. It's the soul that saved. All right. Now, talk about have you been saved, right? We asked that question. I asked it at the very beginning of the show. Have you been saved? Are you saved? It's the soul that saved. It's the spirit that's born again. All right. Now, when a person trusts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and says, Lord, I'm putting a hundred percent of my faith and confidence in you and your shed blood and your redeeming power. I am trusting your grace to forgive this old rotten sinner and take me to heaven and give me eternal love. And give me eternal life. At that precise moment is when a person is born again. Now, it's a very precise thing. Like, for example, you have a birth certificate, don't you? We all do. You have a birth certificate somewhere. And that thing is funneled right down to a minute, isn't it? I was born on November the 20th at 2.26 p.m. That's when you were born. Well, most of you anyway. A couple of you that I know they're listening, you know, kind of just crawled out from under a rock. But most of you were born, you see? And you have a birth certificate to certify that birth. All right. God's got a birth certificate in the courthouse of heaven. And he said, at the precise moment that you trusted Jesus Christ, he instructed an angel to write your name down in the Lamb's Book of Life. There it is. You know, when I hit the golden gates, the pearly gates, rather, I guess, you know, in that, you know, all the jokes, you know, are, you know, St. Peter's over there waiting, you know, at the gates to let you in. You know, that's not true. That's just a joke. It's not the way it's going to be at all. But just, you know, presuming that it was for a moment. And old Peter said, why should I let you in? You know what I'm going to say? I'm going to say, check the books. Check the books. My name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Amen. Amen is yours. Is yours. All right. Now, upon receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior, some truly tremendous things take place. And one of those things, one of those things is that the Holy Spirit of God, the third member of the Godhead, moves into you and takes up residence inside you. Remember the Scripture says, you know what? No, you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are his. So he moves into you. He takes up residence in you. Now, all of a sudden, this spirit that was dead is now made alive. It's been born again. And it's able to receive something. It's able to receive something. Folks, dead men don't receive anything. You know, there's, there's a cemetery just really around the, around the street from around the corner from me. And, you know, I could go over there and I could preach my lungs out today and you could help anybody. It's not going to help anybody. Dead men don't receive anything. Only live people get stuff, right? All right. So, so you got to be alive. All right. Now, so once you're born again, now all of a sudden you're for, you know, for the first time in your life in a real, genuine position to receive truth. Jesus, Jesus was talking to a woman in John chapter four, the woman at the Well of Samaria. And she was a woman that had, you know, all the tread marks of life all over. You know, she'd been down all kinds of bad roads and, and Jesus was talking to her. And in the midst of that wonderful conversation, he said, God is a spirit and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. Hold on a second. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I want you to really think about that. All right. I really want you to just think about that in spirit and in truth. You know how most people are trying to worship God today if they're even trying at all? They're looking for a soullish experience. They're looking for an emotional experience. All right. Now, I'm not trying to suggest in any way that, that emotions don't sometimes accompany worshiping God in the spirit and in truth because they can and sometimes they do. But if that's what you, if that's what you're predicating your faith on, then you're on the wrong platform. God is a spirit and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. But you see, people are looking for a heart experience. They're looking for a heart experience. Don't do it. Don't do it. Look for a factual experience. I mean, has your heart ever lied to you? I mean, didn't Jeremiah say the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked? Who can know it? Let me quote that again. The heart is desperately wicked above all things and who can know it? The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it? I knew it didn't sound right. And you know that your heart is fooled you. It's lied to you. You remember the first time your heart said, you're in love, boy. You remember that? You're in love, girl. Love is wonderful. And you come to find out that your heart was lying to you all the time. You say everyone's talking about it. You know the heart is deceitful, so don't trust it. Don't trust it. But you see, that's what folks are depending on way too much. Way too much. Now, Jesus countered that by saying that God is a spirit and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. Well, how is that accomplished? How is that accomplished? The spirit feeds us truth. The spirit feeds us truth. All right. Now, what is truth? What is truth? Well, John 17, 17. Thy word is truth. So that's what truth is. Thy word is truth. Someone says, well, I think it doesn't matter what you think. Someone says, well, I believe, well, it doesn't matter what you believe. What matters is what God says. That's what matters, you see? All right. So truth, Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. And calling himself the truth in John chapter 1, he identifies himself with the word. So I really, I don't care which route you want to travel in the Bible. Truth always ends up being the word of God. The word of God being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. You see, God planted a seed in you, which is the word of God, which resulted in a birth. All right. And folks, that's biology 101. Amen. All right. So, so here's a fellow over here and here's a lady over there and you know, you're suffering from, from, you know, one or two or, or, you know, you know, some disease. And I'll bet every single one of you have heard these words. What you need to do is build up your immune system. Amen. You need to build up your, and it makes sense. It makes perfect sense when you really stop and think about it. That's really, it's just basic logic, isn't it? You need to build your immune system so that when any kind of illness or any kind of a disease attempts to attack you, your immune system has the capability of fighting off that disease. That's, that's why God put one in us. All right. You know, I, I wish I had the immune system of, of, of my dogs. I, I do. I have a friend that works at a doctor's office and she said to me one time, we were just having a general conversation. She said, you know, your dog has seven times the immune system that you've got. And you know, I started thinking, well, how, how do I, how do I do a transfer? You know, how can I, you know, I mean, think about it. They're, they're impervious to all kinds of things that would, that, that just kill us. Right? I mean, did you ever really study what a dog eats? Well, maybe not so much my dogs. I mean, and, and those of you who know me personally that, that, that might be listening, you know what I'm talking about. I mean, my dogs get, my dogs get a home cooked meal every night. You know, but I'm talking about the average dog. All right. They just, they just don't seem to be bothered at all. They're just happy as a clam, you know, going down through life, you know, roadkill. I mean, you name it. You know, it's wonderful. It's wonderful. Well, you know what you need to do? You need to build up your spiritual immune system. You need to build it way up. So, and so that when these, you know, you know, emotional, soullish diseases attack you, your immune systems in a position to ward them off. All right, now, now God has God given us the ability to do that. Well, yes, he has. He absolutely has. He's given us truth that feeds the spirit that will fill our spiritual immune system. All right. Well, I said all that by way of introduction and it's a long introduction, right? Let's, so let's take a look. Let's begin to take a look at some of these things here, right? Now, here's where sometimes, you know, I'm just trying to show people this general concept and this is, you know, sometimes where I fall short and giving them some very specific examples. And that's kind of what I want to major on. Oh, that's so good. Coffee is so good. I think I'm going to need to refill by the time I go to the break, but we'll get there. All right. Now, one of the things I want to major on today, I want to major on some specific examples in the word of God that God has in place. All right. Now, I've chosen one passage only for each of these, but, you know, honestly, folks, if you really study this, you can come up with hundreds and hundreds for each one of them. You really could. And to be quite honest with you, as an individual Bible believer, you should say, well, boy, you know, I'm really beset by fear. You know what God says in his book about fear? He says, he says two little words about fear, fear not. He says it 77 times. That's a significant number, 77. He says 77 times fear not, fear not, fear not. And if you didn't get it, fear not. And he has those words encapsulated in all kinds of circumstances and scenarios and situations. Well, if I was just overwrought with fear, you know what I think I would do? I would study all 77 of them. That would be a good idea, wouldn't it? All right. But now, you know, let's begin. All right. Guilt. We started off talking about guilt. So guilt's first up. Guilt. That's the biggie. All right. That's what we said. That's the big one right here. Guilt. Going to Psalm 51, Psalm 51, not Psalms 51, not plural, Psalm 51. All right. Now, the first thing that I want to say about guilt is be glad that you can still get guilty. Be glad. All right. Don't get so callous that guilt doesn't bother you. All right. Now, look, when I told my sister, you know, no, I never get guilty. I was just messing with her, you know, be glad that you're still susceptible to guilt. You know, that means that you're not so calloused over that your conscience isn't seared with a hot iron like the Apostle Paul talked about, amen? Be glad for it. Now, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to let it control and dominate your life? Well, I certainly hope not. I hope not. Now, in Psalm 51, the psalmist said, and this is David. All right. This is David. Psalm 51, he said, "Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness, according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions." Now, now this is on the heels of David's sin with Bathsheba, all right? That's when this psalm was written, after Nathan, the prophet approaches them about his sin. All right. Now, David says, "Man, I am nailed. I did it. I'm nailed. You got me." Wash me throughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me. You know something? That's a pretty good confession. It's a pretty, David was a great sinner, but David was also a great repentor. David, you know, he engaged in some pretty heavy stuff, pretty heavy stuff, but he did know how to repent, all right? For I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me against thee, the only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight, that thou mightest be justified when now speakest and be clear when now judged. So you know what David's saying here? He said, "I don't have any excuse." "I don't have any excuse." It's like an old preacher said one time. When you hit the judgment seat of Christ, there's really only three answers. That's all there is, just three. Yes, sir, no, sir, no excuse, sir. That's it. That's all it is. "Behold, I was shaped in an iniquity and ascended my mother conceived me." Now, he's not blaming his mother, all right? He's just stating a theological principle, all right? "Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part, thou shalt make me to know wisdom." All right, so what's the remedy? What's the remedy? Well, he's laid it out, really plain and really clear. God knows that David knows that God knows. Now, so, so now, he begins to arrive at the solution, thou desirest truth in the inward parts. So, in other words, the only remedy, the only remedy that David can come up with led by the Holy Spirit of God is truth in the inward parts, all right? That's what David needed. All right, now, watch this. Now, this is wild, all right? Watch this. Watch me with hiss up, and I shall be clean, wash me, and I shall be wider than snow. Does hiss up ring any bells to you? Does that jar any thoughts? Do you remember way back in the Passover, excuse me, in Exodus 12, and remember what God said to Moses, and to relay the message to all of Israel, he said, "You take a lamb without spot and without blemish, and you slay that lamb, you collect the blood in the basin, and you take some hiss up, and you dip the hiss up." All right, now, hiss up is like an oriental kind of brush, all right, or a bush, rather. Now, if Moses was here in Eagle Pass, where I live, he probably have said like tumbleweed, all right, but he said hiss up, all right, you dip the hiss up in the blood, and you put the blood on the door posts, and the door lintel, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. Now, what David is projecting here, and a prophetic tone is simply this, he's saying the blood washes away your sin, the blood washes away your sin, you know, David couldn't anticipate everything that Paul wrote, would have written, or would write many centuries later on, but the Lord knew, the Lord knew, and the Lord knew that someday Paul would sit down, and Paul would write the blood of Jesus Christ, his son cleanses us from all sin, in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins. So the blood spilled by the lamb, God himself, Jesus Christ, is the ultimate remedy for your forgiveness and the washing away of your guilt. You know what you need to do when you're feeling guilty about something, confess the sin, confess the sin, get squared away with God, say, God, I did it, you know it, I know it, I have no excuse whatsoever, God, none whatsoever, but I'm going to pray that the blood of Jesus Christ, his son will cleanse me of that thing, and you know what, just like that, it's gone faster than a laser beam. Now that's essentially what we do at salvation, now when you repeat that, it's not for salvation, it's for restored fellowship, there is a fundamental difference, alright, so he prays to be washed, he's purged, alright, the application of the blood is made, now believe God, believe God. Now here's the difficulty, it's one of several, I've dealt with so many people over the years, and they would just burden and they were plagued and they were worn down of guilt, you know, of something that they've done in their past, right, and so one of my questions, one of my questions is, well did you ever ask God to forgive you, and you know, the most common answer is, oh yeah, yeah, hundreds of times, well that's your problem, that's your problem right there, you've really, you've just compounded the problem, God may have forgiven you, and in fact, you know, I'm sure he did, the first time you asked him of that sin, but then you continue to sin by continuing to ask him for forgiveness of the same sin, because now you're participating in the sin of unbelief, you didn't believe God, and that's what Paul's chastising the Hebrews about over there in the book of Hebrews, they wouldn't believe God. You know, if God, I mean, if you ask God to forgive you, the question comes down, did he or didn't he? Did he or did he lie? You know, when I lead people to Christ, I very frequently, after we're all done, I'll say, now look Romans 10, 13, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Did you do that? I did. You did, and I heard you with my own ears, all right? I heard you do that. Well, did you mean it? I did. Are you sincere? Yes, I was. Then one of two things is true, either God saved you or God's a liar. Are you willing to believe God? Okay. So guilt, God has a program in place, if you will, to eradicate it, confess it. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. You know, you don't have to sit around, you know, wring your hands and stew about it forever. You don't have to do that, all right? How about this one? Worry. It's another big one. Worry. That's another big one. Philippians 4, Philippians and chapter 4. Let's pick it up in verse 4, Philippians 4, 4, rejoice in the Lord all way. And again, I say, rejoice. Well, if you're rejoicing always, you're not down in the dumps. You know what I mean? If you're rejoicing always, you've got to be, you know, kind of sort of pretty good. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be being known unto God. Now, this is one of those few places in your King James Bible that has a little bit of archaic language, obviously not enough to write a whole new Bible on it. I'll guarantee you that. Be careful for nothing. Do you know what that means? In the old English, that means full of care or worry, full of care and worry, all right? Be that way. Don't be that way. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. All right. Now, what does God say? God says, God says, if you're not full of care, okay, don't be that way. But then he says, well, okay, here's how you get rid of it, all right? Here's how you get rid of it. You replace care and worry with thanksgiving, all right? You replace it with thanksgiving. It's what I call replacement theology, not the usual replacement theology, but replacement theology, replace your worry with thanksgiving. Have you ever prayed a prayer this way? And I recommend you do it. I recommend you pray at least one prayer this way every day, every single day of your life, at least, you know, pray this prayer this way, all right? And that prayer is no requests, no supplications, nothing in the prayer, but thanking God. That's all. Just thanking God. God, thank you for this. God, thank you for that. Thank you for this. Thank you for that. And you know something, that'll change your heart. That'll change the heart. Thankful, thankful, folks, do you have anything to be thankful for? You know, thankfulness. If you study Romans chapter one, very carefully is the root of, I'm sorry, thanklessness. Thanklessness, I mean, is the root of all sin, not thankfulness, thanklessness. You know where sin began as far as the Bible's concerned with Satan? With Satan? No, what his problem was, his problem was that he wasn't thankful. That was his problem. He wasn't thankful. That was the whole deal, all right? Thanklessness is the root of sin, all right? Let's go over to Matthew chapter 14, Matthew and chapter 14. And while you're heading over there, folks, this is the sort of spirit podcast, don't forget to like, subscribe and share it with your friends, your family and your followers. That way you'll help us spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don't forget also that this is a live show every Sunday at 3 p.m. central time and Thursdays at 7 p.m. central time. You can find us on, all right? Matthew chapter 14, Matthew chapter 14. I want you to see what's going on here, all right? For every one of these things that weigh us down, God has a counterbalance, all right? He's got it, but you have to get it from the word, all right? Now, you know, building your immune system, you've suffered from some illness, some disease, some malady, you know, maybe it was cancer, you know, maybe it was something else, you know, and the doctor told you that, you know, what you got to do is you got to build up your immune system. And here's what I want you to do, all right? I want you to take, I want you to take these vitamins or I want you to eat this kind of food, you know, whatever the case may be, all right? And then, and so then you go home and you, you know, you kind of, you kind of think about that thing, you ponder it, as they say, and you say, okay, so the doctor said to take this vitamin, all right, I'm going to take it one day a week, all right? I'll take my vitamin on Friday and I'll eat the prescribed diet, you know, one day a week. Well, how's that going to work out for you? Do you really think that's going to do anything for you? You think that's going to help you a whole lot? Probably not. Right? Probably not. You know, in fact, you should just forget about it, but you know, that's the way a lot of people approach their spiritual immune system. Well, I'll go to church on Sunday morning, you know, get a little dose. Well, your immune system isn't a whole lot stronger. You know what you got to do? You got to, you got to do it daily. You got to do it daily. Now, of course, you know, most churches don't have church daily, you know, you don't have a preacher feeding you stuff every single day. You got to feed yourself, you got to feed yourself, you see, and you know something? You got to book, that'll do it, all right? Now Matthew chapter 14, and did I give you the verse? Matthew chapter 14, 22, Matthew chapter 14 and verse 22. In straight way, Jesus constrained His disciples to get into a ship and go and end to go before Him unto the other side while He sent the multitudes away. And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up into a mountain apart to pray. And when the evening was come, He was there alone. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves for the wind was contrary. All right? Let's just stop there for just one second, all right? Do you suppose that when Jesus constrained the disciples and He constrained them, which that means that He persuaded them, all right, that He pushed them, He convinced them with convincing words to get into the ship, all right? So do you suppose that when Jesus did that, that He knew a storm was imminent? Do you think there's the slightest chance that maybe Jesus knew that the waves would get boisterous and the wind would get wild and crazy? Do you think Jesus kind of sort of knew that? No, of course He did. Absolutely, of course He did. Well then, if He knew that, why would He send them out into the mother of all storms? Has to have a reason, right? He must have a reason. And if Jesus allows you to face the boisterous winds and waves, He must have a reason. He must have a reason. And on the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went into them walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled saying, "It is a spirit," and they cried out for fear, so fear is dominating them, all right? They're all worried about this thing, but straightway, Jesus spake unto them saying, "Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid." And Peter answered Him and said, "Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto the on the water," and He said, "Come." And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid. And beginning to sink, he cried, saying, "Lord, save me." And immediately, Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught Him and said unto Him, "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" Well, I'm not blaming Peter, all right? You know, I'd probably have doubted too. I mean, I'm walking on water. Remember the problem with old Peter would have been the same problem I would have had. I'd have started concentrating more on my feet than looking at Jesus. I would have said, "No, hold on a second, what am I doing here? What am I doing?" Folks, have you ever taken a step of faith and then all of a sudden asked yourself that? "What am I doing?" "Oh, Lord, this looks dangerous." I mean, this is not good. Jesus said you're full of doubt, and that's the problem. Now you know, when we read stories like this, and look, you know, and the Bible's like just chuck full of them, you know, when you read stories, you know, how God comes through in the most precise moments of time, when our desperation is just about maxed out, you know, it's just there. These stories, I mean, these stories are here to remove your doubts and build your faith. You see, doubt, replacement theology can be replaced with faith, with faith. Now, faith doesn't have a bad effect on you, all right? Faith has a good effect, just like the other things that we've talked about, all right? Well, how about fear? How about fear? Now, this is one of my favorite passages actually, Isaiah 41, Isaiah 41. Now, look, each one of these things that I'm showing you really, you know, probably could produce its own sermon, you know, but we're just kind of like flying through these things. But Isaiah 41, and I love this, all right? I just love it, I don't know, maybe it's because it appeals to my sarcastic, you know, cynical sense of humor, I don't know, but I want you to see it, all right? Verse 10, verse 10 of Isaiah 41, fear thou not, all right? Fear thou not. Now, let me just back up here and just say this, all right? The context and the direct application for this particular passage is God's care for Israel during the Great Tribulation, all right? That's the immediate content, all right? But, you know, that Bible says that all Scripture is given by God, is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction and righteousness. So if that's true, if that's true, there's something that I can derive from this as well, all right? Now, here's the question, if God's going to take care of Israel in the Tribulation, don't you think He's going to take care of you in your Tribulation? Of course He is, of course He is, all right? Now, getting back to the Scripture, 41, 10, fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed, for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness, behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded, they shall be as nothing, and they shall strive with thee, and they that strive with thee shall perish, thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contend with thee, they that war with thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of not. Now I want you to notice something, it says they and them, they and them, they and them, it's not particularly prescribed as the Egyptians, or the Persians, or the Syrians, or anyone else, it's they and them, and do you know why God uses that kind of language? Because they and them could be your, they are them, all right? Verse 13, "For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not, I will help thee." Now here's my favorite verse, fear not, thou worm Jacob, don't you just love that, don't you just love that, Jacob, you're just a worm, that's all you are, you're just a worm, and you know something, if you study Jacob's life, there's a lot of wormy things about old Jacob over there, all right, you're just a worm, that's all you are Jacob, thou worm, and the men of Israel, I will help thee say at the Lord, and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel." I mean it's, look, it's no wonder that that guys like John Newton and others have, you know, they utilized that phrase in some of the hymns that they wrote, right? All right, now, now to expand on that just a little bit further, and this, this might go over some heads, but some of you are going to grab it, you'll grab a little piece of it, especially as the trail's by, but in Psalm 22, in Psalm 22, do you know what Jesus Christ became for you? He became a worm for you at Calvary, he became a worm for you, all right now God says, "Jacob, you're just a lousy low life worm, but in spite of that, I love you, and I'm going to protect you, and I'm going to take care of you." Well if God would say that to a worm, what would He say to his bride? If you're saved, aren't you part of the bride, aren't you part of the bride of Christ? Don't you think that God has provisions to take care of you? Fear. Now like I said, 77 times, fear not, fear not, fear not, fear not, fear not, if you're just manipulated and monopolized by fear, you really ought to start searching those things out, get your concordance, get your Bible, and get to it man, just get to it, all right? How about anxiety? Genesis chapter 12, Genesis chapter 12 is another great story in the Bible, and folks, these stories are here not just so that we have a grasp of biblical history, they're here so that we can personally benefit from it, all right? But the trick is you've got to read them, you've got to read them, right? You've got to familiarize yourself with these stories, you've got to adapt them, assimilate them and digest them into your spiritual immune system, and if you do that, it'll build up, it'll build up. Now, Genesis chapter 12, Genesis chapter 12 and verse 10, and there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there, which is a bad move, that's a bad move, and you know why, because anytime you find Egypt in the scripture, Egypt is always a picture of the world, it's always a picture of the world, but there he went, for the famine was grievous in the land, and it came to pass when he was come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai, his wife, "Behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon, therefore it shall come to pass, that when the Egyptian shall see thee, that they shall say, this is thy wife, and they will kill me, but they will save thee alive, say I pray thee, thou art my sister, that it may be well with me for thy sake, and my soul shall live because of thee." Abraham, you're just a rat, man, you're just a rat. Now, you know what this is really all about, or actually what's really amazing about this, I should say? Now, of course, if you leapfrog all the way back to those days, you know, people had a longevity that we don't have today, all right? Do you know what Sarah is right now in the story? She's about 75 years old here, and she looks about 30, you know, she's a dish, you know? I mean, man, she's a hot mama, man, you know, I mean, she's got it. It's 75, whoo, not bad. And Abraham knows it, and Abraham knows it, and he says, you tell them, you're my sister, so they don't kill me and take you. Well, don't you think that Abraham was suffering from a little anxiety, don't you think? I mean, anxiety just covered him up, you know, it just totally covered him up. He was so concerned about his own wife that he said to his wife, why don't you lie for me? Why don't you lie for me? All right, well, verse 14, and it came to pass when Abraham, when Abraham was coming to Egypt, the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair. The princes also of Pharaoh saw her and commended her before Pharaoh, and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house, and he entreated Abraham well for her sake, and he had sheep and oxen and he asses and men's servants and maidservants and she asses and camels. And so, you know, dumb old Abraham, you know, he's sitting over there accepting all of these bribes, you know, I mean, his wife, his wife is off with the Pharaoh in the Pharaoh's house, in his harem, or whatever, and all of a sudden, Abraham's getting rich, you know, because that whole deal, you know, some of God's greatest heroes were absolute snakes, I mean, I mean, you know the difference between this book and every other book in the world, God always tells the truth, even about his heroes, always tells the truth, and that's one reason that you can know that this is the Word of God. You know, I think that every other book that I've ever read, the hero is always, you know, the hero. You know, the hero is usually very untarnished, you know, he's just a hero, you know, but that's not the way it is in God's Word. Now, so anyway, moving on, verse 17, "And the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, Abraham's wife, and Pharaoh called Abraham and said, What is this thou has done unto me, why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife? Why saidst thou she is my sister? So I might have taken her to meet a wife. Now therefore behold thy wife, take her and get out of dodge and go thy way." Well, Abraham's covered up with anxiety. Now, wait a minute though, as we, you know, read the rest of the story, we figure out, you know, God, you know, God took care of the situation ultimately, but don't you think that he could have taken care of it a little early on, right? Now, dumb old Abraham, and folks, honestly, I say that generously speaking because I probably would have been dumber, but dumb old Abraham didn't learn his lesson the first time. You get over to Genesis chapter 20, yeah, Genesis chapter 20, and he tries the same trick with King Abimalek, the same deal. Dumb old Abraham, he pulls the same trick a few chapters later. He still hadn't come to the place where anxiety wasn't a huge difficulty and a problem with him. Abraham's a slow learner, but you know something, I'm a slower learner. But how are you doing? How are you doing? Now again, I'm not blaming Abraham, believe me. I'm not blaming Abraham, but by the time we get two chapters after that in Genesis chapter 22, God says, I think Abraham has learned some things now. So he said something to Abraham that would just create and cover up the average person with more anxiety than you can possibly imagine. And Genesis 22, he says, Abraham, I want you to take your only son Isaac, and I want you to take him up to Yonder Mountain and sacrifice him to me. Man, you talk about anxiety, but Abraham said, you got it Lord, that's it. And then you get over to Hebrews chapter 11, and God expands in that whole event by telling us that Abraham learned how to walk by faith. He knew that God would somehow in his grand omnipotence remedy of the situation. All right, let's take a look at one more, the last one, Psalm 31, Psalm 31, and I'll be done, Psalm 31, you know, people say I'm depressed. Why? Well, you know, just so many things in life, you know, well, okay, all right, and look, I'm no one to talk. I struggle with depression from time to time, you know, but do you think David was ever depressed? How about it? Do you think David was ever depressed? Oh, man, if you don't think so, just sit down and read, you know, read the Psalms, man, you want to talk about melancholy. I mean, man, but by the time you get through with some of those Psalms, you're going to want a whole bottle of Prozac, but I'll tell you this, if you look, if you look, God always turns the light on and gives you the solution. All right. Now, in Psalm 31, Psalm 31, let's pick it up down in verse 7. Psalm 31 and verse 7, "I will be glad and rejoiced in my mercy for thou has considered my trouble, thou has known my soul in adversities, my soul," you see, David knows exactly where the difficulty is. He pinpoints it. He says, "The problem is in my soul. That's the real you, the soul," you see, all right? And has not shut me up into the hand of, and has not shut me up into the hand of the enemy that has set my feet in a large room, have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble. I honestly don't know how you could say it any planter than that. My eye is consumed with grief, yay, my soul, and my belly, so do you know what he's basically saying here? I'll translate it for you, all right? Because of my soul, I've got ulcers, I've got stomach problems, I've got indigestion problems, you see what he's saying? For my life is spent with grief and my years with sighing, my strength fell with me, fell with because of my iniquity, and my bones are consumed, I was a reproach among all mine enemies, but especially among my neighbors, and a fear to mine acquaintance. They that did see me, they that did see me without fled from me. I am forgotten as a dead man out of mind. I am broken like a vessel." How does religion sound very good, does it? No. No. "For I have heard the slander of many, fear was on every side, while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life." All right, let's skip down to verse 19, all right? Verse 19, and let's launch into the solution here. You see, the problem is David is depressed, I mean, that's undeniable, right? It's undeniable, I mean, he is down for the count. Verse 19, "How great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee, which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee, before the sons of men, thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of man, thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues, blessed be the Lord, for he hath showed me his marvelous kindness in a strong city. For I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes, nevertheless thou hurtest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee." You know what gave David solace, real solace, solace and strength and the ability to carry on, he finally confessed that he knew God heard his prayers. You know, sometimes you may feel like your prayers are kind of just bouncing off the banister of heaven, you know, that the heavens are brass, but God hears, God hears and God knows. I mean, do you think Jesus ever had a reason to be depressed? He promised, he promised that he could strengthen us and sucker us and help us. Now, folks, you could allow these things to dominate your life and essentially, you know, ruin your life. I'm not going to do it. I'm just not going to do it. You know, I want to enjoy every little piece of life that I possibly can. You know, these things that ordinarily ruin so many lives, you know, folks, you can get victory over and you can get rejoicing and you can get contentment and happiness by filling regularly your immune system and feeding it. Now, look, and that's not to say that these things won't continue to attack, but a good immune system makes you reasonably impervious to them. Now as we wrap this up, as we conclude all this, I'm just going to ask you a quick question and this is where we started at all. Is your spirit still dead? Have you been born again? Do you know? Do you know? Well, if you don't know, you can settle that right now, right here today. You could be born again today by asking Jesus Christ to do for you that what you cannot do for yourself. Get safe. Get safe. Heavenly Father, thank you for today. Thank you for the message, Lord. Thank you for the preaching and the teaching of your holy word today. Father, I'm going to just ask the question one more time. If there's anyone that's listening under the sound of my voice that does not know the Lord Jesus Christ, would you please put your full faith, trust, and confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation? Father, I pray that the Holy Spirit, we bring conviction upon those that are listening that are not saved. And Lord, that today that you would use this message today to draw them to yourself that they might be saved. Father, we thank you so very much for all that you do for us. Please bless us as we continue on and we'll thank you for it in Jesus' name. Amen. All right, well, folks, we're going to take a break here. And when we come back in this break, we'll get into our prayer requests. We'll do some announcements and then we'll wrap this thing up for today. All right, folks, this is the sort of the spirit podcast. Please don't forget to like, subscribe, and share it with your friends, your family, and your followers. This way you'll help us spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don't forget, folks, this is a live show every Sunday at 3 p.m. Central Time and 7 p.m. Central Time on Thursday nights for our Thursday night Bible study. And you can hear us live on our website, on many of the modern podcast apps, also live streaming on rumble as well exclusively, nowhere else. And check us out, give us a like, subscribe, follow, and we look forward to having that fellowship with you. All right, folks, once again, this is the sort of the spirit podcast and we'll be back right after this, just stay with us. Sing to the King who is coming to reign, for we, to Jesus, the Lamb that must reign, life and salvation is empire shall bring, and joy to the nations when Jesus is King. Come, let us sing a song, a song declaring that we belong to Jesus, He is all we need. Lift up a heart of grace, sing now with voices raised to Jesus, sing to the King. Lord is returning, we watch and we pray, we will be ready, the dawn of the day, we'll join in singing with all the redeemed, when Satan is vanquished and Jesus is King. Come, let us sing a song, a song declaring that we belong to Jesus, He is all we need. Lift up a heart of grace, sing now with voices raised to Jesus, sing to the King. All worship the King, all for your summer and great will we sing, this wonder of the love. Our shield and defender, the ancient of days, a hallelujah, his blender, and her dad with words. Come, let us sing a song, a song declaring that we belong to Jesus, He is all we need. Lift up a heart of grace, sing now with voices raised to Jesus, sing to the King. Come, let us sing a song, a song declaring that we belong to Jesus, He is all we need. Lift up a heart of grace, sing now with voices raised to Jesus, sing to the King, sing to the King. This is Jared Misha with the Modern Apocrypha Podcast and author of the book Brightstar and you're listening to Sword of the Spirit Podcast on and [Music] Rock of engines, clear for me, let me hide myself in thee. Let the water and the blood from thy rib and side which flows in thee. O be you sing, the double cue clears me from its guilt and power, nothing near my hand I breathe, simply do that cross I breathe, nothing in my hand I breathe, simply do move my cross I clean, make it come to be for dread, come to be for dread, helpless, look to be for great, oh look to be for great, my all I do, the fountain fly, wash me safe, and save your all I die. Rock of vehicles, clear for me, but for me, let me hide myself in thee. Rock of engines, clear for me, let me hide myself in thee. Amen, amen and amen. Welcome back to the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, this is Jerusalem and we were talking today about answers to our problems from the Word of God, God's answers to our problems. And it was a blessing for me to study and prepare for it and I hope that you got something out of it. And again, if you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ is your savior and after the message today you've made that decision to come to Jesus Christ, why don't you let us know, head over to the website, drop us a line through the contact form that's, you could also email us directly at All right, and let's see, we're going to get on to our prayer list right now. Now folks, if you have any prayer requests whatsoever, just send us an email or go to the website and let us know through the contact form, it's very easy to do. And just when you send over your prayer requests, just please make sure you indicate whether or not you're okay with us mentioning it on the air as we're broadcasting. All right, we don't like to do that. If there is, if there's any objection to it, all right. So now first and foremost, excuse me, first and foremost, we always pray for the folks that are in need of salvation. And we have three folks on our prayer list for salvation. We're praying for Micah, we're praying for Candy and for Eddie for their salvation. And we always do that first and foremost because, like I said earlier in the show, you know, your decision, whether or not you accept or reject the gospel, whether you accept or reject Jesus Christ, has eternal consequences. You know, you accept the gospel, you accept Jesus Christ. When you die, you'll be up there in heaven. When the rapture of the church, if you don't die before the rapture of the church, once the rapture takes place, you'll be raptured out with the church, you'd be part of the bride of Christ, and you wouldn't be going through the great tribulation period. If you reject the gospel, you reject Jesus Christ, well, when you die, you'll find yourself in hell. And if you don't die before the rapture of the church takes place, you'll find yourself going through the tribulation and having a really, really hard time. Now will you be able to get saved during the course of tribulation? Yeah, it's possible there in Bible indicates that there will be many that do. But why are you going to let yourself go through something like that when God made it so very, very simple right now to get saved? And all you need to do is put your full faith, trust, and confidence in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to do that. Just call upon His name. That's all there is to it. So we're going to pray for Micah, for Candy and Eddie. Going down our sick list, we're praying for Yisanya, who is struggling with cancer with Maricella after a triple bypass, her recovery, Rosa with heart trouble, Lorena, who is battling cancer, a return of cancer, Emmanuel, who is fighting cancer, Laura, my sister for healing from her surgery, and we're praying for Ruth for various health concerns. Also going down the list, we're praying for our general prayer list. We are praying for Henry for direction and clarity in his walk with the Lord. We're also praying for Angela for direction and clarity. We're praying for Ashley for peace in her life and soul. Larissa for employment opportunities, Claude for direction in his family life and career. Also praying for Eddie, the same Eddie from our Salvation Prayer list. Praying for Eddie for his addiction problems. We're also praying for Ed for his overall health and well-being, I know he's recently diagnosed with COVID and also we're praying for Isabel, a mom who has some unspecified needs. So let's go to the Lord in prayer. Our Heavenly Father, we want to thank you so much for the love, the mercy, the grace that you've poured out upon us each and every single day. God, we thank you so much for the gift of Salvation and that you made it so simple. God I pray for Micah and Candy and Eddie today, Lord, I pray that the Holy Spirit would bring conviction to their souls. God I pray that they would call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ today and get saved. Father, we also pray that you would raise up some folks around them that could talk to them about their soul, talk to them about salvation. And Lord, we pray that they would receive that message and receive it well. Father, we pray for those on our sick list. Lord, we lift up, you send you to you, Lord, we just pray that your healing hand will be upon her and God, we pray that you would help rid her body of the cancers. Father, we also pray for Maricella recovering from a triple bypass surgery. We pray for Rosa, who is still experiencing some difficulties with her heart, Lorena, who's fighting cancer again. Lord, we also pray for Emmanuel, who is diagnosed with bone cancer. We lift him up to you, Lord. We pray for Laura, who is healing from surgery and Lord, we also lift up Ruth, who has various health concerns that are in need of prayer. And Father, we just pray that, Lord, that you would bring mercy and comfort and grace, Lord, that you would wrap your arms around each one of them, Lord, that you would give them wisdom and discernment as they decide the course of treatment for themselves. God, we just lift them up to you today and we just pray that you would bring healing. Father, we also pray for Henry, for direction and for clarity in his walk and in his ministry and his family and leadership, Lord, we pray for his family, we pray, Lord, that you would just hedge them about and just put that hedge of protection around them, Lord, and we pray that you would just bless them immensely. Father, we pray for Angela, for direction and for clarity in her walk, and we just pray that you would just be a blessing to her there. Father, we pray for Ashley, for peace in her life, and Lord, for the struggles that she is going through. God, we just pray that you would give her wisdom and discernment in the decisions and the course of actions that need to be taken. Father, we pray for Larissa for open opportunities for employment. Father, we pray for Claude, our producer, and Lord, we just lift him up to you and we just pray that you would open up his eyes and his ears to the direction that you would have for him, give him discernment, give him wisdom as he makes those decisions. Father, we pray for Eddie, for the addiction that he's struggling with. We also pray for Ed, who's dealing with COVID, Lord, we just lift him up and we pray that you would just bring him health. Father, we also pray for Isabel, we lift her up as well, and Lord, we just pray that you would meet her specific needs. And then Lord, we also pray for anyone that's listening tonight that does not have Jesus Christ as their Savior. Father, we pray that they would be saved, Lord, and we pray that you might even use us as a vehicle for that great moment. Father, we also pray for any unspoken prayer requests that are out there. Lord, folks, have needs that maybe don't feel comfortable expressing. God, I pray for them and I pray for their particular needs. And Lord, I just pray that each one of those needs will be met according to your perfect will for them and for their lives as well as all those on our prayer list. Father, I just pray and lift them up to you and I thank you so much for all that you do for us in Jesus' precious name. Amen. All right. All right. All right. So folks, again, if you have any prayer requests whatsoever, don't forget to send them on over to us at Open up the web form, send them on over or by email at All right. How about we get to some announcements? All right, and I told you I was going to get some more coffee on the break and this is such good stuff and it's really good. I do think I drink way too much coffee though. I mean, this is a 12 cup pot that I put up, the second pot that I put up today. And this is probably the last cup or two that we had in there, so way too much coffee. But is there such a thing? I don't know. Especially when it's good coffee like this, black out coffee. Amazing. Amazing. All right. Announcements. Thursday nights, our Thursday night Bible study every Thursday at 7 p.m. Central time, 8 p.m. Eastern time. And we have been studying, we started a new series this past Thursday evening, we started to talk about wisdom and we started looking at the book of Proverbs. So it's going to be a good study. It's going to be a kind of a short one, seven weeks, seven studies, but definitely check it out. It's going to be a lot of fun to do and looking forward to next Thursday evening, Lord willing we'll be able to get there on time and get the show going. And also remind you of our sermon Sunday broadcasts, Sunday afternoons at 3 p.m. Central time, 4 p.m. Eastern time. And you can hear all of it live on our website at,, or you can check us out on any of the modern podcast apps like podcast, And you can also catch the live video stream on rumble at slash S O T S podcast. All right. Now, folks, if you are in the Eagle Pass area and you're looking for a good King James Bible believing a Bible teaching church, why don't you consider paying us a visit at first Baptist Church of Eagle Pass. We meet at 664 North Monroe. Our Sunday school hour starts at 10 a.m. Our worship service begins at 11. Our Sunday evening service is at 6 p.m. and our Wednesday night Bible study is at 7 p.m. Now, for more information, all you need to do is visit the church's Facebook page, only just log into Facebook's church for First Baptist Church of Eagle Pass. Once you get there, you're going to find a lot of really helpful information and also information about the podcast. And as always, this is not an official ministry of First Baptist Church of Eagle Pass. This is I am just a member of the church who happens to have a podcast and the church is gracious to allow us to use the Facebook page to promote the show. So thank you so much to the folks at First Baptist and of course to our pastor and our friend John Monk. All right, folks, now, if you are planning on missing the rapture of the church and you're planning on going through the tribulation, well, you know what, you're going to need to be prepared. The best way to do that is to start now. Listen to the Contra Radio Network. The Contra Radio Network is a single podcast housing nearly a dozen talented podcast and vidcast hosts and artists from around the country who release Content Daily. The Contra Radio Network releases 15 to 20 shows a week depending on current events and there are no issues that are off limits to any of them. All right. You want to break down the current events, they got it. You want to know more about preparedness and self-sufficiency, got it. You want a guy driving around, ranting like a lunatic, got it. You want to hear more about politics, sports, camping, firearms, do you want more Bible studies? The Contra Radio Network has it all covered. Head over to their website,, that's or you can find them on all of your favorite podcast platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcast and more. That's the Contra Radio Network and of course, we're thankful to be part of that network as well and we look forward to continuing that relationship with them. All right. How about the War Tribe Armory located right here in Eagle Pass, Texas? War Tribe Armory is located at 3037 US57. You could head over to their Instagram at wartribe.armory or Facebook at War Tribe Armory. War Tribe Armory is a veteran-owned and operated business right here in Eagle Pass. They offer services like CERECOT, engraving, cleaning, stippling, restoration, refinishing, repairs. Also, they do custom builds, gun sales, magazines, holsters and trade-ins. Head over to their, like I said, their Instagram with their Facebook page, you get more information. They do really great work. I think you'd be very, very pleased with them. I know a couple of our listeners have used them and are very happy with it and all of their work is on their social media pages, so definitely check them out. Also want to tell you about Armory 1, my friend Carl's business. Carl provides Texas license to carry certification and leverages over 30 years of military and law enforcement experience in instructing students in the safe use of firearms. Armory 1 also offers numerous courses on self-defense with a handgun, active shooter preparedness, home defense and so much more. For more information on classes, just head over to, that's Alright, also don't forget to sign up for our programming announcements email list. Very simply, we send out email notifications, let you know about any changes in our programming schedule. I'm not going to spam you. We're not going to send you a bunch of marketing things and stuff that you're not really interested in. We're just going to send you information about programming, so we don't really send out very many of them to be quite honest with you. It's been, I think we sent out one last week for the first time since, I think it was April if I looked right. So definitely get yourself on the mailing list. This way you'll get information about showtime, showstarch changes, anything like that. We do have a text group that we are looking to kind of sunset here at this point. So if you're listening and you're part of the text group, shoot me over an email, let me know. This way we can get you onto the email list so you don't miss any updates about the show. Our socials, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, getter, truth social, that's where you can find us. And again, we don't have a Facebook page. We use the church's Facebook page so you can find us at the first Baptist Church of Eagle Pass. All right. We don't have any birthdays that we're going to shout out today and we don't have any shout outs for donations over $16.11 or at the $16.11 mark. But to those of you who have contributed below that, thank you very, very much for your contributions. God bless you. We really do appreciate them. And trust me, folks, I'm going to tell you none of it goes in our pockets. Everything that we get in goes right out to keep everything going here and for what we're doing. All right. Let's see. Oh, we also have some folks that are streaming sats to us on the modern podcast apps, which you can find at also at You're going to love the modern podcast apps. You should definitely, definitely try them out. My favorite right now is podcast guru. I love it. It's great. It's just a great little platform. And I love the fact that you get transcripts, you can get send boosts, you can send little notes and messages through it. And plus you also get to hear the show live on their apps. So definitely check them out. There's also apps like, which is a great app, really good app and has many similar features. You can check them out. There's You can check out very, very good app, very good platform, and there's just so many of them. So if you want to see more about them, just head over to the or All right, folks. Now, if you are listening and you want to contribute one of the three T's, like your time, your talent, you can easily record a little promo or a little verse or maybe you write music. Maybe you want to sing for us. Maybe you want to play an instrument for us. Maybe you want to grab the design or artwork or perhaps you can write or maybe you could do web development or maintenance or anything along those lines and you'd like to help us out. Just shoot us an email at and we'll give you all the details on it. We would love to have more people involved with what we're doing here to help us grow and expand. And the best way to do that is through your involvement. So give us a shoot us an email and let us know what you think. And if you want to be able to help us out, we'll let you know how to do that. All right. And then finally, before we say good night, I just want to say thank you, of course, to the Lord for the gift of salvation. I can't say it enough and we just thank Him so much for providing that very, very simple gift for us and it's never too late. Well, I can't say it's never going to be too late, but right now it's not too late to get saved. Just call upon the name of the Lord and thou shalt be saved. I also want to say thank you to the Lord for giving us the opportunity to serve Him in this capacity. This is wonderful. I love to do the podcast and I love being with you guys twice a week. It's a blessing for me to study and prepare for it. And I hope that you're receiving something out of it as well. Also, thank you to all of you who have been praying for us. Thank you so much for God bless you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for the show, for the ministry, for our producer, for those on our sick list, for my family, for myself. And God bless you and please continue to pray for us. Also thank you to all of you who have been supporting us financially. God bless you for your financial support and thank you so very much. We really, really do appreciate it. And again, it goes a very, very, very long way. And we wouldn't be able to do a lot of the things we do without it. And of course, we want to say thank you to all of our listeners. Every single one of you who have been listening faithfully to almost everything we've been putting out. God bless you for that. Please continue to do that. Because when you do that, you help us to trend and you help our algorithm. You get us up there on the charts, like on Good Pods, we're at number one still on five of their charts on that platform, which is fantastic. It's a blessing. And thank you so very much for it. Also by liking, subscribing, and sharing, and telling your family and friends about it. You just help spread the word, you help spread the gospel. You boost the algorithms for us, you make it easier to find on web searches. So thank you so very much for it. And God bless you. We really, really, really do appreciate all of the work that you guys have been putting into it. All right, folks, well, I think that will just about do it for us for tonight. Just want to say thank you again so much for taking the time to be with us on your Sunday afternoon. Head on over to our website, sort of the spirit, sort of the spirit Click on the contact section. Send us over any questions, comments, cares, or concerns that you might have. Also look for the support tab, and if you can help us out with a donation in any amount, we would really appreciate it. All right, folks, make Bible study great again. Go podcasting, keep us steady stride, and win the lost. No matter the cost, God bless you, good night, goodbye. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] I'm hungry. Let's get a taco. [BLANK_AUDIO]