Grace Covenant Reformed Church

6-22-24 - John 9 - Does Jesus Know You???

Erick Welsh preaches over John 9:35-41.   Grace Covenant Reformed Church Worship with us Every Lord's Day at 3:00 PM MST 3112 N. Thornton Clovis, NM  88101   About Us We are a gospel-driven, confessionally Reformed church in Clovis, NM. Our aim is to glorify God in our worship, evangelism, discipleship, and Christian charity. The Bible is the only inerrant, infallible, and authoritative rule for what we believe and practice.    Thank you for taking the time to watch, engage, and learn about the One true and living God of the Bible with us.  --  God Bless

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Erick Welsh preaches over John 9:35-41.


Grace Covenant Reformed Church

Worship with us Every Lord's Day at 3:00 PM MST

3112 N. Thornton

Clovis, NM  88101


About Us

We are a gospel-driven, confessionally Reformed church in Clovis, NM.

Our aim is to glorify God in our worship, evangelism, discipleship, and Christian charity.

The Bible is the only inerrant, infallible, and authoritative rule for what we believe and practice. 


Thank you for taking the time to watch, engage, and learn about the One true and living God of the Bible with us.  --  God Bless

Amen, it's good to be with all of you today as I said before happy Father's day Please turn in your Bibles to the book of John chapter 9 As you're turning there, I will come out and apologize to Riley I hope this doesn't mess up anything later on, you know when you when you're in a specific Book of the Bible that you're studying for things pop out at you and and there was one here that I couldn't help But preach but in my preparation for this sermon today here in John chapter 9. We're gonna be looking specifically at verses 35 through 41 in thinking about this sermon. I was pondering a Lot about the human condition Ever since the fall of man by virtue of the curse man has had difficulty Right he has had to work in order for the ground to bear its fruit And in the midst of that work, there are thistles and briars and insects Difficulties in the work that God has called us to do and it has been that way Foreman kind for a long long time Thousands of years. This has been a common theme for what it is to be human and nobody has ever gotten off easy Never there is there has never been whether your work is in the field or your work is at home with your children or your work is in Sermon prep whether it's raising your children whether it's in marriage. It's all the same There are briars and there are thistles Everywhere we look in every facet of our life all of us no matter what avenue we take This is simply a reality for all human beings and it is a reality for whether you know God or whether you don't This is a shared experience now I find it interesting if you were to look if we were to open up and go to the beginning of the Bible We were to go through you it only takes getting to Genesis chapter 4 They're kicked out in Genesis chapter 3 by the time you get to the beginning of Genesis chapter 4 and to the end of Genesis chapter 4 We have had all kinds of things happen because of the result of this fall of man. We have our first murder. Don't we? Brother on brother One is killed because the other is jealous about his about the sacrifice that's pleasing to the Lord and by the end of chapter 4 We have this Eve who is so Excited about this child that she was giving birth to at the beginning of chapter 4. But that by the end of chapter 4 the replacement child For the one who was killed is given and it's at this time men began to call upon the name of God They begin to pray they begin to Understand that this place that we find ourselves on this earth and this place that has been cursed by God is difficult and it's dark and The amount of work that we go in just to keep ourselves going the difficulties that go over and over I mean after every thing that we do everything is difficult and everything is dark And I got started thinking about mankind in general and and there is this truth Right that we we do inhabit this place that is dark this place that that that needs light and what man has Always tried to do is we have tried to create light whether it's in a physical sense or whether it's in a spiritual sense We are we are caught in this pattern of of creating things that that seemed to be light But in most cases for physical life for sure. We're limited by our resources We are limited by our ingenuity every light we can create physically is in every sense of the word temporary Even the physical light that God that God has given us is temporary, right? The Sun has an expiration date in a spiritual sense though It's even worse There is only one light that exists and we don't want to find it We don't want that naturally speaking This is something that mankind doesn't want even if we would be able to find it we wouldn't right So what we've always done is we manufacture these products of darkness and we call them light That has been the human experience Since the fall and the truth of the matter is is that in our natural state? We are spiritually blind as it gets The best we can hold for is blind leading the blind now. This is one of the beautiful things This is a a long introduction into the book of John. This is exactly what John talks about when he starts his gospel, isn't it? with this Meditation if you will on the darkness and it's need for the light As a matter of fact matter of fact He mentions the word light six times in the first nine verses of John every time this light representing a person the Lord Jesus Christ the light the giver of light and The message today is simply a look at his majesty and at his mercy There is no story, you know, and I'm I want to preach the sermon to those who are struggling with spiritual warfare You know we get from the scriptures that every man has difficulty Every woman has difficulty on this earth But spiritual warfare is something that is specific to the Christian and Sometimes sometimes when you're in the worst of it opening your Bible and just reading the simplest thing Looking at Christ trying to behold his beauty is exactly what you need Is exactly what God plans to give you in order to pull you out of this place that can seem like a defeat or this place of darkness so Just real quickly here by the time we get to chapter nine a lot has taken place just explaining a little bit of the context a lot has taken place in Christ's ministry as a matter of fact, we're only six months away from him going to the cross and What is happened here is is really from John chapter seven until John chapter nine begins It really is this one instance where Jesus is in the temple It is the feast of booths and he has begun to taught these Pharisees and these Jews who are there he's beginning to teach about himself and Tensions have been rising and rising ever since he started having these conversations with people Because of what he's saying right in in in chapter Seven verse 37 and 39 Jesus likens himself to the water that there there's these There are these visual effects that happen at the temple in these days And Jesus likens himself to the water that comes out of the rock that right that Moses strikes He calls himself this water. He likens himself to the pillar of fire by night That these people I mean and what they would do in the temple is they would light Thousands of candles at night It was it was considered the festival of illumination and Christ in the middle of all of this candlelight the temple of God shining like a like a like a beacon He likens himself to being the pillar of fire by night who's come to lead his people and if that wasn't grand enough Christ uses the sacred name the tetrogramaton Yahweh And he applies it to himself in John chapter 8 verse 58 Jesus said to them truly truly I say to you before Abraham was born ego. I me. I am He makes himself equal with God and For that verse 39 says therefore they picked up stones to throw at him But Jesus had hit himself and went out of the temple now. Let's go ahead and read our verses We're gonna look at we're gonna look at verses 35 through 41 actually before we get there. Sorry before we get there's been a while since I preached before we get there What winds up happening is Jesus who hides away? He gets away from from these people who are wanting to kill him and he exits the temple now where we begin here in verse in chapter 9 is There is a there is a man here who is blind and with great risk to himself Jesus seeing this man who is in this born he's born blind. He's in this condition He then decides that he's going to heal this man of his blindness now What ultimately winds up happening is his blindness is healed. He is interrogated the work gets back to these Pharisees He's interrogated. He's brought in and and ask questions about Jesus even his own family is brought in and he's interrogated Asking these things about Jesus and what it says here in verse 34 The Pharisees say to him you were born entirely in sins and are you teaching us? So they put him out He was excommunicated for not testifying falsely about this one who had healed his sight What does that mean? What does it mean that this man had suffered excommunication? It was illegal for anybody to sell anything to him He wasn't allowed to come within six feet of his family or his loved ones And he was put away from sacrifices being brought to the temple on his behalf permanently and All of it was for a man who healed his blindness and he's still up to this point has never seen him Never seen him. It's amazing part of our story So now this is where our passage begins. Let's look at verses 35 through 41 This is the word of the Lord Jesus heard that they had put him out and Finding him he said do you believe in the son of man? He answered who is he Lord that I may believe in him and Jesus said to him you have both seen him and he is the one talking with you And he said Lord I believe and he worshiped him and Jesus said for judgment I came into the world so that those who do not see may see and that those who may see become maybe come blind Those of the Pharisees who were with him heard these things and said to him we are not blind too are we? And Jesus said to them if you were blind you would have no sin But since you say we see your sin remains So what's happened here? The word has gone down. This man has been healed This man has been excommunicated and the word has gone through the great vine We don't know how long after this man was excommunicated that Jesus has found out, but it says that Jesus After Jesus heard that they put him out now the word gets back to him And Jesus winds up seeking out this man and he asks him a particular question We're about to get this great moment right the man who was healed We know how Jesus did it he spit in the in the clay and made the made clay out of the dirt covered the man's eyes The man goes and washes comes back. There's nobody there Jesus is gone And we're about to get this great moment where Jesus and this man finally see each other They finally speak to one another and the question that Jesus asks him is do you believe in the son of man? Why is that important? Right well here in chapter 9 This man has communicated some of what he believes about Jesus already if you go back to verse 17 So they said so they said to the blind man again What do you say about him since he opened your eyes and he said he's a prophet? So we have this man who believes that Jesus is a prophet and at the very least if you go down to verse 31 Says we know God does not hear sinners, but if anyone is God fearing and does his will then he hears him So we have this the man who healed me must be a prophet He must be God fearing and must at the very least be doing God's will and his assessment is completely correct Jesus is in fact a prophet. He is Doing God's will and he is God fearing But we know that that's an incomplete understanding of the one who's healed him Jesus is not merely a prophet or merely somebody who does God's will he's far more than that But what this is demonstrating is while this man might have an incomplete understanding of who Christ is He does have an understanding of his to knock of his Old Testament He has a very good understanding of that why because he didn't ask the question who is the son of what's the son of man? If we were talking to somebody today who had little to no understanding of the Bible and I walked up to this person And I said who is the son of man or what is the son of man? They might say well, I'm a son of a man, right? Or I'm the daughter of a man They would have no idea what that means now for us to understand what the son of man means most of us who have grown up Reading the Old Testament or know the Old Testament very well know that the term son of man is a messianic title for the Lord Jesus Christ, right? But a lot of us and you know, this was the definitely the case for me years ago I didn't know where that came from I didn't know I didn't know where in the scriptures that term or the title for son of man comes from and we should know where that comes from It's used 82 times in the New Testament to refer to Christ 82 times he's referred to as the son of man However, if we started to look in the Old Testament where that comes from we could get confused Don't start in the book of Ezekiel is what I'm trying to say That term is used for Ezekiel 93 times and every single time that term is used for Ezekiel It simply means human being You're just a human You're a son or a daughter of man But in order for this man who has just begun to see To understand what Jesus is saying when he asks that question He must have had some understanding that comes from the title son of man from the book of Daniel chapter 7 verse 13 and 14 And I'm going to read that for you today. This is where the son of man comes from I kept looking in the night visions and behold with the clouds of heaven one like the son of man was coming and He came up to the ancient of days and was presented before him and to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom That all the peoples nations and men of every language might serve him His dominion is a there is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed That's the son of man And when Jesus goes up to this man and he says do you believe in the son of man this guy who has never seen He has never read he has never even been allowed in the temple. We'll get to that here in a moment Understands what Jesus means when he asks him this question. Do you believe in the son of man? Let's read verses 36 and 37 to see how he reacts. He answered and said who is he Lord? That I may believe in him and Jesus said to him you have both seen him and he is the one who is talking with you Finally the dots are starting to connect, right? This guy is starting to put everything together He's able to lay his brand new eyes on the one who gave them to him, which is an amazing thing Right, we can all picture what's going on in this event and it's beautiful He lays his brand new eyes on him, but it doesn't matter It doesn't matter and here's the reason why it doesn't matter because what happens next What he says after he lays eyes on his Messiah Lord, I believe and he falls down and worships him that does not come by virtue of this of physical sites We could have not seen for our entire lives be made to seen see Jesus and think that he is just another guy It doesn't matter What our eyes actually tell us what our eyes actually show us what we are witnessing here in this moment Is this man being given a second sight? He was given his first sight previously where he had clay erupt in his eyes and Now we get here that he sees the Lord Jesus in such a way that he had not seen him prior to He understands something about him He says Lord, I believe And he falls down and he worshiped him regardless of how brand new those eyes were That is not going to cause him to see what he's just seen He gives the only proper response To having seen the Lord of glory To having seen his work To having bit understanding that he is in his presence. What does he do? He worships him now for those out there for our our Cultist friends down the street the the the Jehovah's Witnesses and the and the Mormons who would then go on to say that Jesus is not God let me ask you where that's the question I ask you right. Where does it say in your Bible that Jesus is God? Well, how many other people do you know who are godly figures in the scriptures receive worship? the man is literally receiving worship right before our very eyes and It is the legitimate response that man is to give God if Jesus wasn't God he would tell that he would say to this man who was falling down at his feet to worship him The same as the that the angel does in Revelation chapter 22, right? When John is is showed these things and he's carried away and he falls down at the feet of the of the angel to worship And what's what's up? What's the angel say says do not do that I? Am a fellow servant of yours and of your brothers the prophets and of those who keep the words of this book Worship God and worship God alone. Jesus accepts the worship. Why? Because Jesus is God He's the second person of the Trinity he accepts the worship in the same way he does in Luke 17 remember that story where he heals the ten lepers who were calling out Jesus have mercy on us and They they come and he cleanses all of them of their leprosy and tells them to get up and show themselves to the to the To the priest at the temple and all ten of them run away happy because they've been cleansed except the one Who recognizes halfway and is sprinted towards the temple he comes back and he falls on his face before the Lord of glory and he worships him He accepts the worship Because Jesus is God He is the great I am in verse 858 and he now uses this opportunity this moment where this man has been given sight a spiritual sight and He explains something to him and he explains something to us by extension of that It's a bit of a shift in the text actually. Let's look at verse 39 It says in Jesus said for Judgment I came into this world so that those who do not see may see and that those Who see may become blind now? This man understood that the first part of Jesus's comment perfectly Right Jesus says that I came into the world so that those who do not see may see this guy has a better understanding than even we do I'm pretty sure nobody in here was born blind and was given sight this guy understands exactly what he Means by that but what about the what about the last half of that that Jesus explains? But I came that those who say they see may become blind This is a hard teaching Right this is a teaching that is antithetical to what we usually hear right so hard this this teaching is so difficult That these eavesdroppers right these Pharisees who have followed along to see what's happening here They have come up and they comment on it. They can't even help themselves They're not even being spoken to and they come up comment on it. Look at verse 40 Those are the Pharisees who were with him heard these things and said to him. We are not blind too. Are we? I? Love our provisionists brothers and sisters, but I honestly don't know how they can possibly interpret this text The idea that God in his when he speaks his word that these same words will open the eyes of some and will harden the hearts of others It's not even like the word is being spoken of twice. You could just say it once I can throw one gospel proclamation from this pulpit right here in the middle and for those who do not belong to Christ They will walk away further hardened in their sin But for the one who does belong to him will be cut open will be freed they'll hear the truth and the truth will set them free I Don't know how a provisionist can possibly explain this text and furthermore I don't know how a provisionist can street preach and Not see this very thing happen in front of their face this last September I need to thank everybody out for because of the church. I was able to go to a a Evangelism workshop in Alabama, and it was a it was a neat experience I it is I'm not ever been one for street preaching I've never been one who's gone out to the street corner and do that well up there We did and we did it at a crimson tide football game, and I I'm from look. I'm from Clovis I've never been to a professional football game. I have never I have never been somewhere and seen 250,000 people on two streets like literally one block It was this and this and there's two hundred and fifty thousand people just jam-packed sardines And we stood out on this corner right across the street from the stadium And we sat out there, and we preached Christ crucified in the deep south It was hot and humid. It was an interesting thing, and I will tell you That the words of Jesus Absolutely will open the eyes and the ears and the hearts of some and will harden others And you can see it happening on people's face Ryan does this all the time out at Texas Tech like I said not my forte I'm usually a teach the people of God that's kind of been my little pattern hero my little route But when I got out there, and I began to preach Christ crucified I began to preach law and gospel to these people who are walking by I got every single range of Reactions that you can possibly get I got the fist bumps. I got the hugs. I got the thank yous I also got particular fingers on hands. I also got Somebody cursed out my mother which I thought was interesting and my kids You know I hate to say that my my kids took a lot of heat and that even though nobody knew them But the thing is I got all different kinds of responses from all different kinds of people I saw people when I was proclaiming the gospel who wanted to hide their heads away And then also we saw a woman who had no intention on listening to us heard the gospel preach She stopped where she was walked in front of Malik our brother and stayed there for 20 minutes while he proclaimed the gospel One in 200,000 that stops and heard the call of the shepherd God's words absolutely Can blind the eyes of some and open the eyes of others? This is a biblical this is a biblical teaching Matthew 11 25 Jesus says I praise you Lord of heaven and earth that you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants He could have said I'm glad you've hidden this from those who think they can see All of these metaphors right for those who are lost those who think they can see but they are truly blind those who think they have So much light but they're in darkness those who think they're so smart But they're fools In John 12 just a couple chapters past this John quotes Isaiah He has blinded their eyes and he has hardened their heart so that they would not see with their eyes and perceive with their heart and be converted and I heal them That does not sound like Provenian grace to me That God just simply extends this grace to everybody equally and it's up to us whether We're just going to uh, whoever is a little bit more in tune whoever's a little bit smarter Whoever's a little bit more humble whoever's a little bit more this or that? I'm gonna react to it and it's for that reason that I'll be saved that is not what's being talked about here today Since these Pharisees think they can see their sin remains a Physician doesn't come for the healthy does he he comes for the sick But how can that how can we how can they you know? We have a way of reading this in hindsight and looking at these Pharisees and you know There's nothing good about them absolutely nothing. There's nothing good about us either right Romans chapter three We have a way of looking at like how could these guys miss it? If I would have had the Lord Jesus Christ standing in front of me saying all of these things I know me and I would absolutely respond to the things that he's saying except he doesn't Except we don't That is the point of the scriptures Since these Pharisees think they see their sin remains But how can we know that we are sick if someone doesn't show us? If someone doesn't explain it to us Of all the healings that happen in the New Testament, this one is the most Significant and it's not even close Healing blindness is a significant thing and it only belongs to God I'll ask you all the question Have you know how many people who are healed born blind from the New Testament from the Old Testament? The answer to that question is zero It doesn't happen It's not anywhere in the Old Testament. Nobody who was born blind is given sight in the Old Testament At all as a matter of fact the only case of blindness being healed is found in 2nd Kings chapter 6 When Elisha is being attacked they're being attacked by the Syrians and there's this group of men who are attacking the town that they're mistaken They're attacking the wrong town and what does Elisha do? He puts his hands together and he prays to the God in heaven Well, God please blind these men so that they don't do what they're about to do and God strikes every single one of them with blindness And after everybody calms down, he then points them to the right city for them to go attack and he takes them over there and What does Elisha do? He puts his hands together and he prays to God and says God please Unblind them and God hears him and unblinds them Only God in the Bible makes men blind and heals blindness God in Exodus chapter 4 says who has made man's mouth or who makes him mute or deaf or seeing or blind? Is it not I Yahweh? He is the only one who can heal blindness. He is the only one who can make blind and Who is the one who is making someone see in John chapter 9? God Yahweh God gives the sight here in in verse 9 brother. I want you all to understand something This is very simple. This is gospel 101 stuff if you belong to Christ. Do you realize that he has done that for you? Do you realize? Like this man who was born blind This man who was only ever qualified to be somebody who was blind He was not allowed in the temple. This is from the book of Leviticus It's a misunderstanding of the book of Leviticus But they wouldn't allow blind people or people with blemishes or people who were imperfect They wouldn't let them beyond a certain place in the temple. They were outside. This guy has no qualifications Nothing he can't read Braille was not invented yet. He'd only ever and by the way, it doesn't it doesn't demonstrate that he has a very good Family either. He was begging for money. His family did not support him He literally had to sit out in front of the temple could not hear the teachings couldn't hear anything. This guy had nothing to bring to the table but his blindness And we have a way of looking at ourselves and saying well I think I bring a little bit more to the table than that the Bible says no you don't Do you realize? That your eyes have been opened by the Lord of glory And I'm not talking about the physical eyes. I'm talking about the spiritual eyes And I would argue that that is only the second most beautiful thing about this passage in Scripture I Didn't give it any attention. I breezed over it on purpose But the most beautiful thing about this passage of Scripture is found in verse 35 Jesus heard that they had put him out and Finding him Finding him That is the most beautiful part of this text. That is exactly what Jesus came to do He came to seek and to save the lost it is an essential part of salvation It is the essential part of salvation because if he does not seek and he does not find it will never happen for us In Romans chapter 3 it says the words verbatim no one seeks after God so who then must do the seeking and Jesus is the one who does that I Have seen what happens when man seeks for God I may or may not know somebody who responded to an altar call after hearing this this amped-up message about about Throwing casting your cares upon the Lord and his emotions were riled up And he got so in his feelings and they gave the altar call after the guy the guy was an Horrible debaucher. I'm not talking about myself by the way There's somebody that I know that this person is caught up in this in in this life And he responds to the altar call and he stands up and he goes before everybody in the church And he says I am ready to seek after God. I would like for Jesus to come into my heart I'm ready You want to know what happened after that 13 years of the worst debase debaucherous lifestyle There was nothing that happened inside of this man nothing He went on to for the best years of sin that he could possibly put together for 13 years after this happened But when Christ found him When Christ found him and put me new heart and a new mind in This person When that heart of stone was taken away When his spiritual blinders the darkness that every one of us is born into when that was removed and light was shown on this person There was something effectual that took place When Christ sets his mind to save a man or a woman or a child He does exactly that He goes out and he saves them. He doesn't make salvation possible What we would all hate more than anything in this world is firefighters that only made salvation possible We don't want the guy who kicks the door open and says hey, if you want to come out of here I'm gonna need you to go ahead and stand up and come on out I realize you're passing out of smoke inhalation and there's absolutely no function that you have left in your bodies I'm just making it available for you in case you would like to be saved We want the firefighter that chops the door in half that comes in and grabs the person who cannot respond the person that cannot seek We want him to find us. Nothing is gonna stop him We wanted to pick us up and put us over his shoulders and carry us out of the house That's what Jesus does for his sheep He finds them When we are lost and we are in the darkness and when we are sick He finds us Do you know That he has found you I Don't want to hear about I saw after I've found God. I don't I want to know if God has found you We can find God in whatever it is that we're looking for people find God in the weirdest places and you know 99% of the time. It's a God that looks exactly like them This is where we find God But we're only gonna look here if God finds us What is it? What does the Apostle John say? Does he say I you love me because I loved you? No, he says I love you because you loved me first God has demonstrated his love for his people This curse that we have this curse this place that we find ourselves in this place of darkness We will struggle. I began this sermon talking about spiritual warfare And what I'm doing here folks is I'm trying to get you to see that so many times we can think our way back into the darkness It's because we forget We forget how dark dark really was That's the horrible thing it is about being a human being a Fallen human being is that you can be given a gift that is so great But because of our sinfulness because of our hardness of heart This is even after we've been saved we can take this thing that was given to us as a gift And it can just become the thing I Use this example all the time with my kids, especially when they were growing up and and you know, it's it's human nature We're never satisfied with what we have we're never satisfied with what we've been given. There's always better There's always more that we can be going after And it gets to such a degree. I I never forget this it blew my line I was listening to this rich guy talk one day and he was talking about It was on a podcast or something and he was talking about he finally got like a Lamborghini a ventador he finally found one and bought it and This is the guy who has everything by the way. He was so happy with this Lamborghini He spent two weeks just tinkering on it and and adjusting everything and getting it going and he take it out And he drive it but two weeks later It just became his car It wasn't that thing that he desired so much It just became his car and he was thinking about the next one that he wanted to get We're not talking about a car We're talking about You were dead And your trespasses and in your sins But God being rich and mercy Right who caused you to see So often when we fail in our spiritual worship, it is because we are not going back and we're looking at the beauty of the gospel The beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ who knew us who saw us who sought us out He is the good shepherd and he loses none of his sheep The best example that we get from this in the scriptures is found in the book of Luke and every time we go to these Parables every time it's without fail Luke chapter 15 We will always cut straight past the lost sheep and we'll cut straight past the lost coin And we'll go directly to the prodigal son won't we? Because that's the guy who was out in the muck and in the mire Right we forget about the fact that he knew the father already Right it's communicating something a little different right We'll skip past the parable of the lost sheep Where that sheep was out in the wilderness and because of the good shepherd and His love for that sheep that he goes and he keeps he travels the distance And he finds that sheep and what does he do when he finds the sheep? He doesn't say come on. Let's go you're gonna need to follow me all the way back He picks up the sheep and he puts it across his shoulders and he carries that sheep back to the fold Do you realize that God has loved you with an everlasting love? With a covenantal love now look at your spiritual warfare Now look at the difficulties that you face We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength and Sometimes we have to just go back to the scriptures and look to see what God has done for us It's all of him It's very little of me the only thing I brought to the equation is the sin that made his sacrifice necessary in When you understand that you are now ready to give the only response The only proper response the only legitimate response to the work into the presence of God and that is worship Let's pray Father in heaven We come before you oh God and we thank you That we were lost in that you when your infinite mercy In Christ in his infinite beauty Lord God that you had the mission that you would come in that you would seek and that you would save us and even us who were not a part of the original sheepfold Lord God that that you found us in all of our different areas of life and Whether God whether it is that you found your people in in the comfort of their own living room with a family and Claiming the gospel and family worship or whether you found somebody on the the gates of hell on the floor of a prison and Everywhere in between oh God that you get glory for yourself that you are the good shepherd that you are the the You are our only hope Father we thank you for this mercy for this great mercy that you have shown us Lord God may Christ be lifted up Not only today and in our words and in our singing Lord God, but may Christ reign in our hearts Lord God I pray for your people that we would sanctify him as Lord in our hearts that we would be See that we would seek not only to be saved by him but to be ruled by him Do a work in your people Sanctify us we pray in Christ name amen Amen