Kingdom Community TV Podcast

Conflict Is Coming

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05 Aug 2024
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The Lord gave me a vision of the pending conflict taking place in the heavenlies. Yet he has given us everything we need to whether the conflict if we choose him over everything else. Discover the power and authority you operate in for it is time to be prepared!

Are you ready to go higher in the Lord? Well hello and welcome to a new level of weight you. I am your host Lois for Welling. We all desire spiritual growth, but do not always know where to begin. On a new level of weight you we provide steps to guide you into your divine assignment and reach greater levels of greatness in the Lord. New levels include receiving dreams and visions, more intimacy on a daily basis, deeper levels of understanding the word of God and his prophetic word and experiencing God encounters that will change your life. So get ready to go from glory to glory for new levels of weight. Let me just say this. If you want it, revelation of God is being poured out right now at a different level because I know what God's been telling me we're in a new season. We're in a new timeframe. Now I know you hear these prophetic words and I know that the big prophets share a whole lot of things out there and you're going always just another prophetic word. I learned a long time ago that I either can let those prophetic words drop or I can receive it and enter into it and pray into it. What does it mean for me? What does this mean for me? And when God tells me that we're in a new season, you're going to start feeling the shift of things. You're going to start noticing some things. If you take your eyes off in the world and off yourself for a little while, you're going to see what he's doing in the spiritual realm. And he is shifting things right now. And in this shifting that he is doing, I've been seeing a whole lot of things. I've been speaking about it on my podcast and I have been kind of sharing it some of it with you. Last week I did the divine, excuse me, a couple of weeks ago, a divine reversal. And that's what he's doing. He's taking you out of something old and putting you into something new. And everywhere I go, I'm feeling it, I'm sensing it. And it is like a drop. It can happen in an instant. So we have to be ready. We have to be prepared. And what I gave you a piece of it last week at the end after Josh's message about what I am sensing from the revelation that God gave me is that we're going to be entering into a major conflict. Are we in a conflict right now? I'm not going to tell you anything new. You should know this. We are in a major conflict. If you're not seeing it in the natural realm, then something's wrong. But in the conflict that God, when God gave me this revelation, he took me into the heavenly realms and he showed me what was taking place in this conflict. And there is going to be a new intensity that you have not, you think it's bad now? You better hold on. Because the intensity is going to be increasing. Why? Because they don't like what's going on here. They don't like what God when God steps down. And he's entering in and he is touching people. So they're beginning to stand up for things, stand up for various things. They're coming into their own identities in Christ. But when there's a heightening in these conflicts, have you ever had a big fight with somebody? Oh, you guys don't fight, right? No fight. Have you ever noticed that in the midst of the conflict, it will start out a little bit slow. And then it will, it will come into this level, this heightening of a level. And when it gets to that crescendo, that leveling of height, then all of a sudden something happens. There's a, I'll call it awakening. You can call it whatever you want, but there's an awakening that takes place. And you make a decision right then and there. Most of the time, it's like one of us has got to back off or else somebody's going to get hurt. Right. Right. In a fight. Well, what are you doing in that, in the middle of all that? You are making a decision that you're going to bully more and go forth more or you're making a decision to back off. Okay. We are coming into this heightening of a conflict between this in the spiritual realm between good and evil. And in that, somebody is going to back off. Who do you think's going to back off? Oh, come on. Who's greater? God's greater, right? So the enemy is going to start back and off. But right now, it's at this crescendo that it's going up and up and so what happens in this shift, what God is doing, God is designing all of this so that he can get his people to go, Whoa, wake up. You need me. You need to call on me. You need, and I am the only one, meaning the Lord, is the only one that is going to change your situation. And many, many, many, many, many, many people are going to bow their knee to the Lord as a result of this. So when you, and I'm praying that we all believers and those that come in to know the Lord will shift this so that they make a healthy decision, a positive, healthy decision to trust God at another level, at a new level of trust. Because you know what, I don't know about you, but the old just doesn't taste good anymore. The old doesn't taste good anymore. Has no flavor to me at all. I want whatever God is doing. I want the new thing. I want, you know, this turning back to the Lord in a new way and in a grow. So, and as we go forward, I want you to know there's a very thin line. I've taught on this before, but what I saw in the Lord is the line is getting thinner and thinner. And either you're going to stay in the, the water down old way, but it is delusion. Or you're going to step into the very truth of who God is and embrace all of it. That line is getting so thin and I'm going to, I wasn't going to say all this, but here I am. But there is that delusion that is coming on and it is is coming on. It's been coming on very subtle right now. It's going to come on stronger, but that line is so thin that many believers aren't even going to know that they're in delusion. Why do you think there's that scripture that says, Lord, you know, Lord, Lord? And he said, who are you? But I did this for you. And I did that for you. So we have in this defining moment where we need to know, we need to know his voice. We need to understand who it is. We need to be able to function in every single tool that the Holy Spirit has given us. We need to be become Kingdom influencers. And I'm not talking about discerning angels and demons and all of that, but I think we need to begin discerning the very presence and the very power of the Holy Spirit at a different level. You know, sometimes many of you have sitting there and God started to speak to me because usually he really affects my body. You know that. You see me shaking all this stuff. And I really sent. But as I'm sitting there, the Lord says, I'm doing a new thing in you, Lois. I'm here, but your body isn't going to react to me in the same way. You know why? Because I'm becoming so familiar with him, that he is going to do this. And I don't need all that other stuff. If I get it, I get it. But if I don't, he's just going to give us this power where we're going to be such strong influencers for the Lord. Are you agreeing with me in all this? We've got to get this. So this is why I'm going to Ephesians chapter one. And I'm going to start out with verse 16. Okay. I believe 15. For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in all my prayers. I keep asking that the Lord of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you. The riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints and in his incomparably great power for those who believe. Now I'm going to just stop there. I know you guys have heard this. This is a prayer, a scriptural prayer that has been read over people many, many times. But I'm going to ask you, do you really understand what he's saying here? Do you really know the depths of what this all truly means? You know, Paul is writing this and it's interesting when when you see that that Paul understands the journey that we are on. What do you remember about Paul is that he was going totally, totally against Jesus. And I believe that there's many who are totally going against Jesus today that are going to come into the fullness of who he is. I believe they're going to have Paul experiences. Paul encounters when their eyes are going to be opened and the scales are going to be removed. But when he says, you know, when he says, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you. Yeah. We need to start giving thanks for the body of Christ. For those that are in here in the body that may not walk in the same flavor as we do. We have to stop fighting amongst the churches and and this is right or that's right or this theology or that theology. We have to what Paul is saying here, it's about the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. All that other stuff is minor unless it's a demonic theology. But God is going to work in all of these different denominations and he's going to pull them together. God's been speaking to me about I've had to go various places, various churches and I kind of, I'm thinking, Lord why do you want me to do this? Why do you want me to, you know, enter into this particular, what do I call it, denomination or whatever? And you've got to realize I've got a background, I grew up Methodist, I was in a Baptist church, then I went to an independent church, then back to a Baptist church. I understand the differences in some of their theology and then I got filled with the Holy Spirit through the Lord Jesus Christ and then my whole thing got changed again. I don't know what I am and it doesn't matter. All I know is that I love the Lord Jesus Christ and I'm going to flow with him. I'm going to walk with him and what are you saying here is that we got to stop fighting. We have to become in unity ever since I've heard of your faith in Jesus Christ. I am excited that you know him. I'm excited about what he's going to do in your life, in our lives. So this flavor that I went to the other night was kind of interesting. I didn't know some, I didn't know the songs, I, it was whole totally different because I had been in it once in a little bit but it was totally different and yet the people were precious. And the evidence of their loving Jesus Christ was so amazing to me. I don't know your life story and what you've gone through in your journey but I know this. We got to rise above it and like Paul says we have to pray for the whole entire body of Christ. Then he goes on here and well let me back up here. I believe, I know I get on a kick sometimes but it isn't about just believing for salvation that I'm going to go to heaven someday and that's where many in the church are, oh I'm all set. I can go do this, I can go do that and I'm all set because I'm going to go to heaven someday. We are in a time, a new season where we've got to shift this over into, like I said that thin line, you got to be all in. Paul went totally against the Lord. Paul got knocked down, he bowed low, I mean he was murdering people thinking he was doing the right thing and then what happened? The scales fell off and he started to get visions, he started to experience the Holy Spirit at a level that he never could imagine and we're going to start experiencing the level of the Holy Spirit like you have never imagined. There is going to be a greater depth in all of this. You know I spent quite a bit of time with my grandchildren so I had my granddaughter the other day for a couple of days and round me and she said to me I don't know why she just started to ask me about whether I could see God and it stopped me up for a minute because I you know you guys know I'm a seer but it stopped me up because what she was asking me can you see God with your natural eyes and as I started to share with her I said you know I see God in many ways. I said but I hear his voice. I can sense him with me. I know his presence. I know when he's there to help me and protect me and guide me. Then she asked me this she said does he talk to you often and I said yes every day. Every day God talks to me and of course this let us down a whole other flow of questions but what was she really asking me. She was saying how do I live my life in close proximity to this God that I cannot always see feel or hear. I think that's a real question that many of us need to look at and examine. We need to learn and know what she also was asking me is he real. You know why she was asking me that because he wasn't necessarily answering her prayers like she wanted him to. So she was saying is he really real is this stuff real. So this is why this scripture came out to me because here's the prayer that Paul had. He asked that that we receive a spirit of wisdom and revelation. What is that going to do for us. What is what is it that what is that going to do for us. What do you feel like you have a spirit of wisdom. I hope so if you don't ask for it get it because but the spirit of wisdom is more about knowing God than it is about knowing the things of the world. He's given us this wisdom so that we can manage our lives better. We can live our lives through him so we ask him what can I do what do I do in this situation or that situation and so forth. But the revelation is really interesting. You're going to be receiving revelation dreams visions insights like you and I'm just declaring this over you guys even right now it's going to come at a different level here for you because this is what God wants to do. But he tells us here he said that your eyes of your heart may be enlightened. What does that mean it means to know the hope to which he has called you. We are losing hope right now. We are losing hope because the things that are on that evil side is becoming so strong against us that we're losing hope for the things that God has for us. Let me tell you that's a strategy of the enemy. He is trying to pull as many of us away from the Lord as he possibly can. He's sucking the life right out of a lot of people. He's putting things on tick-tock and all these other things that are causing you to be deluded. The teens he's right after the teens big time and kids wake up and see what's going on here. What about the riches of his inheritance? Do you know even what you have received what your inheritance is? Do you even have a clue what that is? Do you know what God has for you in the storage houses? If you don't you better realize that it is beyond all measure. Now I just went through as you know the death and so I had my experience with some of this. Some of this stuff we had no clue what was available what was there. Things that you know of course I was married what 49 years. Things that we had done when we were in their 20s that we had forgotten all about lost track of and then all of a sudden I realized the inheritance that I had. I think we have forgotten what God truly has given us and we're so focused on ourselves and introverted to the point where all we see is what was me poor me I can't do this I can't do that God's not with me all of the lies that the enemy is putting inside of you that you're not actually seeing what you have many times we look around and we just see in the natural oh that's not good this is not good look nobody likes me I don't know the list goes on and on and on all of our excuses and yet God hasn't it has an inheritance in there that is stock full gifts and talents wisdom counsel knowledge that is beyond your imagination and when we begin to tap into that instead of the woe and me of what you can't do and start focusing into the very things that you can do through him you get over yourself I've had to get over myself a few times and I move forward and then I start operating in the things of God if we go on here he says here that your eyes may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you the riches of his glories inheritance in the saints because you're a saint and his incomparably great power for those who believe well what about that power I've been weak and I've been strong physically I've been weak in the Lord but strong in him my thinking when I was weak was totally off base but when I recognize the strength that I had in the Lord to do all things it's amazing what takes place he says here it's the power this is what the power means is it's you've got more strength than you ever could imagine you've got more strength inside of you to accomplish and do things than you could ever imagine but what happens is we just look at our own fleshly strength we don't look at the strength that we have in him let me share with you this kind of goes along with the power he said same power that raised Christ from the dead what and seated him in the heavenly places to the place of the highest the highest do you want to even can you even comprehend what that means I talked to a lady yesterday she's a pastor down in Massachusetts she's living in the God sent her there several years ago right into the cult place where the major cults are and the Lord said to her I want you to come in here and plan a church and and then you do what I tell you to do she said when I first got there and they found out I was there she and her husband and others she said when I first got there she said I did not have a clue two things number one I did not understand what I was getting myself into and number two I didn't understand the power of the Lord you know what happened to her she almost died that she said I think I did die and her team came around her and started to pray over her and she was raised from the dead two things see we focus on oh the enemy can take us out the enemy can attack us the enemy can can do this this and this we focus so much on that that we forget about the power that God has now whether you believe in people being raised from the dead or not doesn't matter to me I know he has and I know that God's power is there for that why because you're sitting here believing that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead do you believe that God's power could do that you must if you believe in if you call yourself a believer and a Christian so why are you denying the very power that God you know can raise people back up now what happens is is that he may raise you up from whatever the situation that you're in he may raise you up above whatever circumstance that has taken you down he said to the Saints to those who believe to those who call on my name that great power it says fire above all rule and authority power and dominion we have to stop walking this out being scared of every little thing that's out there and we start have to start recognizing that that Jesus Christ what he did on the cross placed us fire above every ruler and king that is on this earth every authority that is on this earth he has that power is way above any other power according to Ephesians 6 you know there's different levels there but all the enemy did was snatch he he kind of mimics what God does he's above every power every territory every dominion that is out there now you believe it here but what happens is we don't believe it here for our own lives we need to start believing it here we need to go all in and trusting God and focus on God more and understanding the power that he has this power is far above every title that can be given do you understand what he means by that not only in the present age but also in the one to come titles don't mean anything Jesus Christ is the name above all names don't allow other people because they have a position or a name demean you and put you down and say that you're this or that when if you know Jesus Christ I'm telling you he's above every title out there every title out there and then it says and God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church which is his body the fullness of him who fills everything in every way we have all of this and this is what Paul is telling us I'm gonna close this out Paul is saying to us we've got to know God beyond our current relational status I don't know what your relationship with the Lord is right now I have no clue but just like we get an update on our phones and just like we get an update on our computers we need an update and that's what the Lord is has been revealing to me we need to start pushing the update button and give it some time because you know you have to wait a few minutes maybe so much time for that to go completely through you know you think you've got it you're gonna go from here to here just like that it takes a little bit of time why because we're shifting our mindsets on what's what and what we believed in and what is is we're kind of looking at is this God I mean I'm shifting from side to side I don't know and my is this God doing this and so we've got it we've got to shift this sometimes if you ever done the update and you're looking at you go I'm not sure if I should is it gonna infect me is it gonna do something you know is it gonna do okay it's the same kind of thing but when you trust the Lord say Lord I want an update I want a new relational status with you then you know what he's gonna do he's gonna give you an update he's gonna interact with you he's going to have this higher level of communication he's not gonna just be your savior he's gonna be your friend he's gonna be your confidant he's gonna be everything to you and when you allow that to happen then you're gonna see this shifting take place we must also become enlightened to the hope of our calling and you know what I talk a lot about your identity in Christ but it goes beyond that it is more than just about our identity it is about trusting God's call in our lives and for our lives it's putting it into action so many times I've seen people oh I know I've got this call and I need to do this and do that and I'm so excited can you hear the excitement in it I'm so excitement about that call but they sit back and wait for God to do something it's not about God doing something he's already told you you've got this identity you've got this call now what are you gonna do about it we are in a season today that we need to put things into action and when we refuse to move forward maybe this sounds a little bit harsh but when we refuse to step out into the things that God is calling us to do no matter how big or small we are in a spirit of rebellion and God's church has been in a spirit of rebellion too long and he wants us to now enter into this place where we're stepping out of that rebellion you know what rebellion is it is but it's when you have strong opinions when you make judgments and then there's a little action that goes along with it oh you're right into the hand of where the enemy wants you and God is saying no more we need to be enlightened to the hope of our calling we need to enter into his goodness for our lives regardless of what other people think and we need to trust God and say yes to him more often number three we must comprehend and take hold of the riches of his inheritance we're not going to grow we're not going to change if we don't tap into his inheritance see his inheritance I've already talked a little bit about it but it's bottomless it's multifaceted but it's also mysterious but that inheritance is who he is and his love for us and what he wants for us see Paul understood all of this and when Paul got struck down he went three days at first trying to figure it all out and then he entered into a period of time where he was being discipled see some of us think that we can get hit and then just immediately enter into something big for the Lord no no God has prepared us and what did Paul get prepared for everything that he went through everything he if you read what he went through wasn't easy was it and in this conflict that we're going through we're going to go through some things but we're going to be sailing through it if what if we understand these things that I'm telling you about and then Paul reached thousands and thousands for the Lord Paul planted churches for the Lord Paul you know what mentored leaders and people and and helped them to rise I mean come on Paul is the most unacceptable person I want to be under and yet look what God did and he didn't do it just oh he had to he had to take that's why I say when you push that update button don't stay in it but let it process let it prepare you receive from the Lord and then action go for it go for it and then number four the last one is it was we must seize onto his incomparable power now here's some verses Acts 1 8 but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses you know what no more of this well I don't want anybody know I'm a Christian I don't want to use that word you know Christian has a bad word right now we're so caught up into all of this terminology but it's all just lies I want to be proud of who I am in Christ let's go after it John 14 12 whoever believes in me and do the works that I do we'll do even greater things in these oh my goodness if you looked at what Jesus did he healed the sick he cast out demons whoa whoa he let thousands of men so many people to the Lord we're gonna do greater things he even raised the dead and then Luke 10 19 I've given you the power to tread upon the serpents and scorpions and upon all the forces of the enemy and nothing shall ever harm you we have that kind of power folks we need to move forward so here I'm going to just enter and with this I've got some bees be an imitator of Christ be in constant communication with God be filled with a Holy Spirit be obedient to his commands be in the word and be expectant for what he will do through you this isn't just a word today this isn't just a message there's power on this there's power coming down from heaven on this and I believe there's a fire on it that to ignite you into that new thing that new season so let's stand as I close up here now get yourself in an expected place now Lord you shared this word you shared oh this prayer Lord God in Ephesians which has great power upon it Lord God I feel that there's a depth on this prayer there is such a depth Lord God that will ignite us and so Lord God is I close here today I ask Lord God that you will give every single person that here's this message and here's this prayer the spirit of wisdom and revelation Lord God increase increase increase Lord God take us out of our stupor and enter us into the wisdom that you have in store for us to take us away Lord God out of the delusion Lord God of the world and enter us into the very fullness of who you are Lord God I pray that that every single one of us will go deeper in you and we will know you even more and even better that the eyes of our hearts will be enlightened Lord God that we won't be just entering into that hope of a calling but we will actually enter into the very calling that you have for us in our lives and that Lord God you prepare us because great things are coming and you have things for us to do take us Lord God out of this place of complacency out of the place of inaction and put us into that active place where we grab a hole of everything that you have for us Lord God pour it down out of heaven pour down your rich inheritance I speak to every gift that every gift every talent and I say come forth right now in the name of Jesus come out and come forth rise up and let them be used of the Lord and finally Lord God I thank you Jesus that your you have just poured out your power upon us may we receive even more understanding of what you did on the cross for us more Lord God of what you did when you rose again more Lord God of what you did on that cross for us and cause your power to flow through us in a mighty way Lord Jesus may we represent you well may we represent you well begin it now and Lord God I pray that we will all push that update button that you will begin using us mightily in your precious name we pray amen amen (upbeat music) (upbeat music) You