The Cārvāka Podcast

Poopgate Canada

In this podcast, Kushal speaks with Daniel Bordman about the recent spate of incidents in Canada about allegations of open defecation. It started when a Tik Toker shared the news of people pooping at Wasaga Beach. This was followed by a video of an elderly man allegedly defecating openly at a gas station and in a parking lot in Brampton. All these claims have been denied. What is the truth? Has Canada suddenly developed a pooping problem? Or is this just an excuse for the far right in Canada to release their anger about increased immigration?

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#poopgate #wasagabeach #brampton

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1h 23m
Broadcast on:
05 Aug 2024
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Namaste, everyone. Welcome to the Chadwick Podcast. This is your host, Kushal Nara. I cannot believe that we're actually starting this series that is now going to be a regular feature on the Chadwick Podcast. There'll be more perfect. I don't know what else. Sometimes the universe conspires against you, sometimes it conspires with you. This is one of those times. For those who don't understand what we're doing is, Daniel and I, we are officially starting a new series that is going to be a playlist that's separate playlist on the Chadwick Podcast. Daniel thought of the name, so full credit to Daniel, not me. I was like, we need to create some kind of parallel to O Canada. He said, "Uh-oh, Canada sounds like the perfect name for what's going on in modern day Canada. The last, since 2015, we could have an O Canada segment almost every week, probably every day at this point. At this point, we could maybe do one every day, but we're going to stick to sort of every week or two. We'll go over the, can I say, craziest shit that happens in the country? I just got in control of my laughter. We're discussing poop at the last episode of what's happening in Canada. It's the number one thing on everyone's mind here in the country right now, who's pooping on these beaches and who's pooping, who's pooping where and why isn't it in the toilet? This is the question the Canadians are grappling with right now is who's pooping on the streets and why? Yeah, so just to give everyone a back, the background of other shitting, so it all starts from a Tiktoker who spoke about something that happened in Visaga Beach. Can you explain that bit first? First of all, for people in India, they may not know what Visaga Beach is. Just explain which part of Canada there is and then we'll take it forward from there. Yeah, Visaga Beach is one of the places like a couple hours north of Toronto. It's like cottage country in Canada. Most of our population is right at the southern part with the state. Then, for obvious reasons, because Canada is very cold, but Toronto is the southern part and in southern Ontario, Visaga Beach is one of those generally known as a nice sort of resort. It's half small town, Canadian values, we live up with SEGA Beach, then it also has wealthy people from Toronto come and have cottages there. It's always been that sort of demographic if you could hit it. Then, in the last few years, there has been a problem on Visaga Beach. People are using the beach as a toilet and either just pooping right on the beach or setting up tents and digging holes in the middle and using those as bathrooms and then covering them back up. It's just general chaos in terms of no one should figure out how to use the washroom correctly. In North America, there's different levels of like, there's two main different street poopings. One is like your classic San Francisco, which is, I went there 10 years ago and there's like queuing faces on the ground because they just let the homeless do whatever they want. This is like a homelessness problem. Just mass homelessness, doing nothing about homelessness and saying oh, you homeless have the right to set up a tent on private property because discrimination or whatever. Then they live outside, so the outside turns into the toilet, your entire city turns into a toilet. That's the San Francisco model. The other one is sort of the Visaga Beach one where this is sort of like immigrant populations not knowing how to use the washroom and you might go, how do they not know how to use the washroom? Well, we don't integrate anyone. Anyone who we don't integrate, we don't screen, we don't have any, we, under the Tudor era, we've just sort of taken this sort of like immigration is good and you're racist to be against immigration. And then because all immigrants are good because immigration is good, we don't look and say, okay, you know, well, this one has an engineering degree and has a has money in the bank account and stable employment set over. He's far more likely to integrate than this guy who got a degree in nothing from this fake university in a strip mall. I'm sure he's going to come, right? So there's no, there's no screening and then there's no integration on the other end because that's also racist in our country. It's racist to try and integrate people because lunatic lefties have taken over all our institutions. So this will take a beach incident. The Tiktoker basically said there's immigrant populations just coming and using the beach as a toilet. And no, none of the locals can now use the beach because it's disgusting. And there's shit everywhere, literally. And what happened though is in typical Canadian fashion. So every day, someone's on the streets calling for a genocide of either Jews, Christians or Hindus are the big three that and they'll put signs. And there are sometimes in their cars, you can see the license plate number. Nothing is done about this. But the lady who made the Tik talk about was saying, "The beach got a visit from the OPP, the provincial police, I believe." So the police immediately went zero to 60 to say, "Oh my God, we have a problem of someone talking about a problem." And then they went to go try and shut that down. So like, I throw that into so people will promote so they can see the mentality. What leads the mentality of the sitting on the beaches? Well, it's the fact that if you talk about it, the police are going to come to your house and threaten you. And then Tik Tok took down her account. So she had to switch to other social media platforms. But that's the problem in a nutshell. That's how things started here. And it's... Do you want to... I mean, you can give you an introspective of what happened next. So you know what I find fascinating about this is... I just can't believe our first... I still can't get over the fact that our first podcast of our new series is discussing the stupidest thing possible on Planet Earth. Why are people shitting? But when I started digging into this, it's very interestingly the Vasaka Beach, the government authorities and everyone... We did an investigation and we could not find any evidence of the same. So I think the first thing that came to my mind when I heard that they bottled from Vasaka Beach authorities is that what did they do? They went around digging the sand and looking for food. I was like, how do you even investigate these allegations? That's the first question that should come to your mind. Then how do you investigate? And then I was like, "Okay, so that was one thing." See, what I find very interesting is that, listen, public defecation is not a new thing in Canada. Today in this podcast, I'm going to show links from 2017, 2018, 2020. And this is a very common but rare occurrence in Canada. Common as in, you will always find news of some random serial shitter in Canada, where neighborhoods are traumatized by serial shittles. "Yeah, yeah, there's a news from 2018 where there was this man in a Toronto neighborhood going around shitting his way to glory, and he was shitting everywhere. And now we have a serial shitter in Brampton apparently. Now this is the... I have seen serial killers. Now we are having a serial shitter. Very Canadian, modern day Canada. Modern problems require modern solutions. Yeah, the new guy in Brampton is wearing it. So this is like the big part. This is where it gets like political. So until then, we just had this thing where like, that one viral piece, listen, everyone's... People have been talking about this for a while. Like last summer, I remember I was, you know, Ben Bankis, you had on the show The Comedian. He was doing a joke about people shitting on beaches, and everyone was laughing. He was like, it got coverage for the last few years. Like people have been talking about it because it's been noticeable. But then, you know, that thing happened. And then someone found a picture of a old Sikh guy or a guy in a turban, just allegedly, you know, shitting at a gas station. So that was, that was like, that went viral over the internet. And we're like, oh, look at this. Like that was like, you know, it kind of caught on. Then, you know, some big, you know, right-wing person, I was picked up, you know, Keenan and Kat Canada and others, like, picking up. So it got good attention online. Then, Raj Gurwal disgraced former liberal MP jumps in and says, hey, I own this gas station. This is AI generated its fate. And then people are going back and like putting it through AI, testing things and say, it's not AI, it's legit. Like we ran through this website or whatever, then he went after. And then like a video emerged of like the guy's shitting and you can see the license plate. And then Raj Gurwal like released a video of like claiming it to be that same, you know, Sikh grandpa or whatever. And here he is wearing pants and he's not shitting. Ha ha, I'm right. And then like, that's where we're kind of were like, it wasn't AI was a fight. And then, I don't know, yesterday or two days ago, this exact same guy with the same car is found at another part in Brampton pants down, just sitting on the road, just just in the middle. Was that a road or a parking lot? I could have figured that somewhere, just somewhere, same car license plate that was quite obvious, because people could compare the license. Yeah, yeah, same license plate. So it's like, okay, it's the same guy. So we had Raj Gurwal lie. And I always said the most interesting part of the entire poop getting to me was, how did Raj Gurwal afford to buy a gas station? And for those, he had to resign because he had a $6 million gambling debt that became public. And that was a big scandal. But then a day or two later, he announced that he no longer had a gambling debt because the claim was the community came and paid it off. What a community to have. I don't know of any community in the world. That would come together to pay off someone's gambling debt. This is the stuff that passes the smell test. But again, he's a liberal. He's been connected with people accused of being calisthenes before he was in that crew with Navdi Baines, Patrick Charter, armored jit. So G, Hargent Saj, and he was in that crew in the liberal party. Now it was so bad for him because, listen, the liberals could ignore, because the Toronto Star or whatever could ignore this, but they don't control the entire media. He still beats some people in the national post in the sun, would be like, this guy's a six-minute dollar gambling debt. What's going on? So it was even so bad that he had to get out. Yeah. So right now, this is what he's doing. So in 2020, the RCMP charged him with four counts of breach of trust and one count of fraud over $5,000. The crown alleged that Grayville offered access to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and helped with immigration files in exchange of large loans that went forward toward his gambling debt. He was acquitted of those charges, apparently. And in a statement of claim filed in the Ontario Superior Court, Grayville's counsel alleges that Mounties were negligent in their investigation, and that the crown breached his right to a fair trial by unreasonably pursuing the prosecution. So that's a very stand with this as of now with Raj Grayville. But it's very interesting is, what is the response after that? Now every claim is Raj Grayville's tweet being memeed is like, I own this road. Yeah. I own this. It didn't happen. Yeah. So like these are the types, it's just kind of fascinating that like some former, it just happened to happen at a gas station owned by a disgraced former calisthen or, well, former disgraced MP still, I'm sure he's still currently pro-calisthen. But it's just, it's just so fascinating that it just happened to be at Raj Girl's gas station. He got caught in an absolute lie. And then this grandpa that was in the middle of the thing, he couldn't just take the hint and be like, I'm going to use the bathroom inside from now on. Like, nope, just going back at it, like, in public, like, I'm just going to go drop another. And I think the reason why this is such a big story is like, the two, I said, the two big reasons is kind of one, like homelessness problem and two societal breakdown and failure of integration. And these are two major problems in Canada right now, like we are feeling this societal breakdown. So I think there's like, there's hyper focus on this right now, because it, this is a story like a lot that goes viral for all the things that surround the story, not so much story. And then you have like the crazy image of, you know, people just pooping on the streets and then people are being forced to deal with it right now. But I think the story is like more, it's forcing Canadians to kind of take a look at a lot of the cracks and flaws in society that like the Trudeau philosophies have put on us and do people want to, you know, go the way of San Francisco by just, you know, and that's what we're doing with the increased drugs on the streets and safe injection sites and migrant hotels and homeless encampments, you know, it's going to turn the city into a toilet. And the other end, if like on the mass migration side, if we can't get mass migration under control, this is going to continue to be not going to be able to integrate these people. Canada was 30 million people and Justin Trudeau took over. It's now 40 million people. Like that's, that's a huge growth. Like one in four people, you go around like don't have deep roots to the country, like past a decade. Like that's a problem because, you know, when new immigrants come in and they like, you know, the, the, the Canadians that they see are people who've been here for three years, like how many millions of Canadians know what Ken was like before COVID? Like this is, you know, you have these problems. So even if these immigrants are coming in and they're not like pooping on the streets, right? They're, they're, they're using the washrooms, right? You still have the thing where they're coming from other country. Maybe they struggle with language. They don't know about Canadian culture and how to implement it because they're immigrants. Like they've been here for a few years and then, you know, then they become the veterans two years into their stay because then they're looking around and there's more coming in it. And no one's really integrating in, in it's sort of like a modern day tower of Babel situation we've got going on here. And one of the outshoots of that is Wasaga Beach is now a toilet. Yeah, see, see, I don't know how where do I classify myself because am I a Canadian immigrant? Am I an Indian Indian? Because I live in both parts of the world consistently, right? So I kind of get the perspective. So I just want to share a few links with people of both Indian and Canadian origin that list, guys, you will always have these odd cases of a serial pooper. For example, this one mystery Toronto pooper. But this is from June 6, 2018, he was going in people's backyards. This guy was not, he's like, oh, good, you're backyard. And I'll shit there. This guy, there was a neighborhood alert about a serial pooper in 2018. This man, I mean, when I read this story, laughing so much, you can't help but laugh at shit like this. You cannot help but laugh. I don't care how much of an immigration hawk you are. But if you need anything, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to go. I'm not going to share the photo of the man is because I don't like to shame people, right? I don't know why this man was doing this. He's not of Indian origin, ladies and gentlemen. But I don't want to share his face. And I'm going to show everybody. So funny. I was like, what is happening? Why, why is this happening? Why are these people discussing this? And I think Daniel has hit the nail on the head. But I want to show these articles to give everybody. Again, this is from 2019. Okay, this news is from the national post. It was to be seen through the man. Oh, do you remember this one? Yeah, the poop thrower. Yeah, he was hurling poop on people. He was trying poop. You know, at least our Brampton serial shitter is not hurling poop on anyone. Hey, he's got manners. He's not hurling poop. This guy was like shitting. Why are people so weird? Why are they throwing shit at people? Okay, as if this was not enough, then why I have a metaphorical gold mine. I have a gold mine here. Look at this. We finally know why angry Tim Hortons pooper poop. What the hell is happening? He just pooped and threw the poop. And these are stories after stories, after stories that you can see of random people doing this. Like, why is this? What I'm trying, what I'm trying to tell people is, listen, you come to the Charvok podcast, because you know, Cushal Mera is never going to get swayed away by random anecdotes. Why I'm sharing anecdotes? And what I'm trying to say is, I don't want to blame any particular community, whether it's the Sikh community, whether it's the Hindu community. First of all, listen, ladies and gentlemen, I live in Canada. Random people are not shitting on the streets in Canada all over. There is no, this is no San Francisco. We don't have a poop map in Toronto. Even in Brampton, these are random incidents, but what this shows is, sometimes, and look at what happened in England, irony of avenues. And I'm not going to discuss England. We are going to stick to Canada, but I'm only trying to explain. Now, there was this unfortunate murder of three young kids. Now, what has happened after that in England? Now, somebody might say, well, the person who actually did the murder was not a Muslim. He was a Christian immigrant of practicing Christian parents. So why is the anger being taken out in a different way? Sometimes all you need is a trigger. All you need is a trigger is what I'm not justifying happening in England. I'm trying to explain there are things festering underneath the surface. And they are always there. And then the poopoplix happened. I was going to use the England analogy too, because then something happens, and then it's no longer about the original thing. In this case, Raj Gurwal says, I own this, this is a lie. And then it became your racist for talking about it and your lives and you're making things up. And then it became, well, look at this, we're not lying. Then it became not so much about who it is and all that. Whereas the UK, it was about the sit-stabbing of the girls. But what it's really about now is two-tier policing and double standards where, you know, when three British girls die, the police and the say goes, oh, it's bad. I don't know what happened. This and that. And the media shows pictures of the attacker. And because he is not white, they show him as a little kid and said, oh, he loved Yu-Gi-Oh cards or whatever it was. Right? They do. And then people are mad that the media is sort of whitewashing it, and then they get on the streets. And then Pierce Timer says, you're all far right, get off the streets. Well, you have jotties on the streets the same. Now it's about why are the police coming after us? But they're helping the roaming, there's mobs of Islamists with two by fours running around beating everyone up, and the police are helping. Now that's what it's about. Right? So it's the thing. It's like these things, like there's something under the surface, right, which I think we identified as sort of the fear of societal breakdown for various reasons, breads, geopolitics. It got a catalyst of a boot gate and then Raj Burwell got involved. And now we're all spinning out of control. And eventually, whatever this boot gate thing, whatever this energy is, will be transferred into something new that fills that void of like, hey, it's the sort of, we feel like we're losing our country and our way of life type angst that that exactly. And then as if that was not enough, and this is where the serious stuff comes in, who gate was just it's just the tip of the iceberg. But then I think if this was Bratony that shared this on Twitter, this I think Bratony was the first one. Look at this video. No, I don't have the sound because they will write for copyrights, right? It's a huge problem. But basically, there's Punjabi music playing in the background. And this is some wedding in, I think this was in Surrey, if I remember correctly. Yeah, it was. In British Columbia. And these people are brandishing guns openly in a wedding. Now, is this legal in Canada? Absolutely. Do you have these guns? No, no, absolutely not. Listen, I'm more American. So if we had a set, like I'm after watching the last 10 years and especially post COVID, I'm also pro guns. So I'm pro I'm pro second amendment. You know, but all of that is incredibly illegal in Canada. If I did that at a wedding, and the other thing is I hear, I mean, I might ask, you know, the Punjabi lyrics because you're from the region. But apparently, like the re the lyrics of the song playing while they're doing this is like, you know, guns about a Pakistani song. It's like our guns or reach from Canada. Right? It is? Yeah. Yeah, it's a callous. It's a violent calisthen song. So the song in there. So, and also, it's like, there's one gun with like a barrel of magazines on it. Like, and again, I don't have a problem with this, but every liberal in our country thinks that should be a war crime. Like every liberal in our country thinks you should go to jail for this. There's handguns, which are illegal. Like, I think it's silly that a lot of this is illegal, right? If you want to, but also they're brandishing guns with their fingers on the trigger. Like, this is just bad guns. I feel like everything they're doing is irresponsible and illegal in the country. And they're doing it to violent calisthenian music. And as we said, the real problem then becomes the police were only forced to investigate because it became a Twitter thing. They confiscated some guns, but no charges were laid. And for a while, the police were lying saying, we don't know where this is. And people are like, it's in the video. And then they showed the guy, the guy who did this and put out the video and was behind it is a member of seeks for justice. That's pontoons organization. That's the violent calisthenian group who organized the referendum as well. Like, it's two-tier policing. If you are a voter for Justin or chag meat, no matter how radical or violent your ideology, there are none of the laws applied to you in Canada, none of them. You could do literally whatever you want. It's it's less affair. Do what you want. If you are not part of a demographic, that votes are true, though. If you are like me or anyone and you're going to get if you go on the streets and hold up a sign that says, I miss the Stephen Harper presidency, and you do that in front of a roaming mob of jahadi's, you're going to be arrested for breaching the piece. That's that's where it is. That's where Canada is is people who vote Trudeau, laws don't apply to them. People who don't vote Trudeau or chag meat, anything they do, they're very existence constitutes breaching the piece. So yeah, that's where we are. Yeah, Bratney shared another another video. I want to play this too, and this has, I think this has sound. I don't know. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I'm going to try to make a video of this video. I don't blame Daniel, it's not his language. As a Punjabi, I get this, right? I listen to it, I understand what they're doing. Jat music is always about misogyny, castism, gun violence, gang violence, but the complete opposite, people don't realize 32% of Punjab is Dalit. When you listen to what is called Chamarpa or Chamarpa of the oppressed classes of Punjab, yes, Punjab has a huge casteism problem. You will see aspiration. We want to go to colleges. We want to go to universities. We want to do something with our life. It's, it's, it's, it's polls apart. And what this paper beautifully explains is how different societies at different states are doing different things. Canada has a calisthen problem. When will Canadians wake up to this? And this, this entire nexus is very interesting. You have the logistics industry on one side, right? Then you have the music industry on the other side to give cover fire, literally to give cover fire. The logistics industry is used for all kinds of activities allegedly, and you don't have to trust me. You just have to look at the articles where published by Edmonton police, Peel police, Ontario police, RCMP, and you can literally look at the connections. You don't, you're not going to be a genius. And, and some of us who were famously called Uncle Tom's, D.C. version. D.C. Uncle Tom's, right? People like me. And, and I'm not the first one. In 1980s, it was Balraz Dale, the great Canadian Balraz Dale, who was beaten up by the same lot. Or, or another great Canadian, Ojaldo Sanj, a former member of parliament. You can disagree with Ojald ji's politics. But you cannot deny that Ojaldji loves Canada. He loved Canada. And he was beaten up by the same lot. And, and you have this drug trafficking, human trafficking, which needs logistics, cover fire given by this masculine music, which, which glorifies violence and, and recording studios. Do you know what they're aping Daniel? They're literally aping East Coast, West Coast, violent gangster rap that happened in America. That's exactly what they're aping right now in Canada. I mean, I can believe that. Yeah. And you see the results of it, right? I mean, this all ties into, you know, the fraudulent student visas or people get into, you know, go to a college or college that is five different colleges in one room of a strip mall with no classes or teachers. And instead of, you know, then you have a, you have a choice, like work as an Uber Eats driver and live in a student housing with 20 other students living on, living on the floor, or, you know, going to life of crime and violence and, you know, maybe get a fancy car in an apartment to have your own. You know, so I don't break down. That's, you know, that that's sort of the, the problem we have with, you know, mass migration in Calistan and, and, and all of a sudden. So, like, again, I think we did it. Like the, the, the poop gate is sort of just, it's, I think it's, we have these things, all these deep issues and it's not just Calistan, but I think there are many issues to the level of Calistan in Canada, maybe not to the local. But there are many issues sort of like Calistan. In the sense they're like them that we all kind of know about them. We all kind of see them and go, oh, if we don't know what's going on, we kind of kind of get what's going on here. But we all know that no one's supposed to say anything. They're all should be scared. It's something that we know we're not allowed to talk about. And then when something makes it through the crack, it's just that explosive enough. Like, you know, sex and bodily fluids. That's something that, that always, it turns some heads, right? So people, you know, pretty girl on TikToks as people pooping on the beaches. Right? That, boom, hit that. Then, there, then you have a picture of a guy in a gas station. And, and then all of a sudden, because something sensational happened within this little forbidden circle that's allowed some light to shine into it, it becomes like a bigger thing. And, and that's, I think that's where we are right now in Canada, where, you know, I think it wasn't a good thing. He took a dump at the gas station. I think so. I think, but I think that uncle has, has helped Canada in more ways than he could ever think of. First of all, I really feel bad for that uncle. I want to say that again and again. Notice how I did not share the photo. I have never tweeted it out. I never shared any video. It's because I truly feel bad for him. And by the way, my standards remain the same if it was a white uncle, a brown uncle, a Chinese uncle, a Korean uncle, a Japanese uncle. It's just my culture. And Indians in the live stream will understand when I say, listen, when elders have a problem, we try to be sympathetic to them. That's just, that's just our culture. I know it's gross what that uncle did. We still have a sympathetic bent to our elders. That's just our, our, our way of being raised. And, you know, we are raised like that. I am not judging any other culture. I think other other cultures have valid arguments. But in India, the live stream will bear, bear, bear me out right now. In India, we'll have a very different way of looking at an uncle. What will happen is somebody might go and, you know, in Punjabi, they'll be like Babaji Kiyoya as an old man. What happened? And, you know, why are you doing this? They will not attack him. They'll try to counsel him. That's just our way of dealing with things. I'm not justifying it, but that's how Indians do. But what is a real problem? What is a real problem is this? The Brampton Guardian. I'm not even going anywhere else. I'm going to the Brampton Guardian. Brampton had up to 80 private diploma mill colleges using students as an ATM. The mayor of Brampton said that this is the Brampton Guardian. This is not some Indian media house now, Daniel. And the mayor of Brampton, Patrick Brown. Have you ever seen a foreign radical ideology? He has not pandered to. So if Patrick Brown is saying something, it means the problem has got way out of hand. Because Patrick Brown, I'm pretty sure has been politically benefiting off of all of this for the last. For the last 10 years or so. But we can go on. But again, the fact that it's Patrick Brown saying this. Just imagine how much this was published on May 8th, 2024. All right. Patrick Brown is talking about this. Listen, I want to read some excerpts on this article. It seems rare when all three levels of government in Canada agree these days. But one such issue, at least in Brampton, is covering so-called diploma mill colleges. In January, federal immigration, refugees and citizenship minister Mark Miller announced a two-year cap on new student visa starting this fall. Miller said the decision was, at least in part, aimed at eradicating private post-secondary educational institutions he described as quote, "The diploma equivalent of puppy mills and quote fly-by-night operations and backdoor entries into Canada with dubious academic standards." Listen, since when have the Indian community been shouting about these diploma mill colleges? The Indian community was warning Canadian politicians. But why did Canadian politicians, both liberal and NDP, not talk about it? There you go. They were greasing their palms. It was a billion-dollar-plus industry. They were making their money. All the Indians who were warning these people about these diploma mill colleges and overwhelming number of students from these diploma mill colleges all come from one province in India. Punjab. Almost an overwhelming number of them. After that, you have Gujarat and after that, you have a smattering of a few southern states. But an overwhelming number of these students. So, for people in India, let me explain. This is for my Indian audiences, right? Not for the Canadians. The Canadians know what's happening. So, in Canada, we have different things. So, Indians in Canada, you have university, which is called school, but because we don't use the word school. We say college for everything, right? So, when I would go for my bachelor's degree, I would say I went to college in India. I don't say I went to school in India. You're Americans. Americans call everything college. In Canada, universities are like queens. Harvard is a university to us. A college in Canada would be something like, "I'm going to college to become an electrician." So, colleges for smart people, universities for dumb people. That's in Canada. Yeah, so the reason I'm discussing this with Daniel is young kids from India who's watching this. I'm going to first say this in Hindi. Then I'm going to say this in English. If somebody is selling you a diploma degree in India, don't come to Canada. They are scamming you kids. Please don't do it. You are being scammed by scammers in India who are subsidiaries of scammers in Canada. All these people are of Canadian passport holders. These are Canadian passport holders, greedy assholes who have scammed young Indian kids. Do not come. Please do not come to Canada kids if you're getting a diploma milk. So, this is how the scam starts. There are these plazas in Canada, ladies and gentlemen, where one plaza will have 10 diploma colleges. Are they here for the last one year? No, they've been here for a while. Everybody in the community was screaming and telling politicians like Patrick Brown, Justin Trudeau and many others, Mark Miller. Everybody was screaming. A lot of these people were being told, "What are you guys letting in?" 1.2 million people come every year in Canada. Canada cannot handle that kind of pressure. The capacity of building houses in Canada at its best is for 250,000 people at its best. You're getting 1.2 million people in. Housing is 250,000. Do you know how these students live kids? They are 20 people in one house and they don't even pay for the room. They pay for a cart in Punjabi. We call it Manji. Manji like pass it there in a sat-sour dollar Canadian May. We are paying $700 Canadian a month for a freaking cart for 12 hours. That is what is happening in Brampton Ontario. This is a human trafficking scam. Now, Daniel, I hand it over to you. No, no, this is the back one of the Canadian economy under Justin Trudeau. Literally human trafficking and immigration fraud are our number one economy because it boosts up the GDP. So we can say, "Look, our GDP is growing." And then we can ignore the fact that we've been in a recession technically since before COVID. But it's been kept alive and the media doesn't report on it so we can all pretend it's not there. We pretend it's all COVID, but we've had this for a while where just influx of student visa immigrants, whatever it is. But again, I feel bad for them because they're getting scammed. Now, they sign things that say that they have to leave Canada after the student visa. But the immigration consultants in India tell them that, "Oh, no, there's ways that we can help you around it. There's ways around it." So you come in, then you're kind of screwed. So you then have to do what they say to do and then, you know, either you can pay more money and then they claim you're a calisthenny refugee, so now you're a refugee, right, and all these different things. But essentially, you're coming in, you're giving tens of thousand dollars to these random educational institutions. So money's coming into the economy. These institutions are run by people who make political donations to the political parties. They get a nice hold on this and their traffic through to whatever unions are controlled by the mafia. They get a cut of this too and they create fake sin numbers and they siphon money off the government too. It's a giant, giant, giant mess. But the reason we have to do this in Canada is to keep up the GDP because the Trudeau government came in and said, "You know what's really bad for the world? Energy's bad, right, when it's made in Canada." So we're going to shut down. We have a resource economy. If you know anything about Canada, it's really, really big. There's lots of trees, there's oil, there's gas. We have stuff that you need. Like, I would like to, you know, sell natural gas and oil to India, let's say. But that is racist or homophobic, transphobic, environmental racism affects trans people. Who knows? What's coming out of the Trudeau environment ministers? But the point is, all our industries have been shut down because they're racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, greenophobic, they climb a change to mine. Whatever, left to euphemism you need, all the industries have been shut down. So to keep GDP up, human trafficking and smuggling. And radical Pakistani activism, radical militant Islamism, communist, Chinese party police stations. All the doors have been open to all the dark money and money laundering because we need money in the economy. So it's now money laundering and human trafficking that are the bulk of the Canadian economy. And there's no negative downsides whatsoever. No consequences. We'll all be fine. Yeah. And you know, these, and I just want to, I apologize. I usually avoid swearing on my podcast, but I'm going to swear today. These guys are bastards. These bastards are causing such irreparable damage to both Canada and India. These selfish bastards, whether they are in Canada and India, is this how a human being is supposed to live? We've seen cases like this on a regular basis, Brampton, Mayor of Sayyas. 25 international students were found living in a basement and now he's pushing the feds to provide more housing. All a few pieces of shit, whether you are a company who has this diploma mill in Canada or whether you are that asshole selling pipe dreams to people in India. You are responsible for what has happened to these poor students. You know, my heart was broken, just one funeral home in Canada, just one funeral home in Brampton, Ontario. This is the news. This is the net result of this. Why do eight bodies sent back home every month? This is how Indian youths are struggling in Canada and these selfish bastards for their personal financial gains, whether it's Canadian federal politicians, whether it's Canadian municipal politicians, whether it's Canadian provincial politicians, whether it's company owners in India and Canada. These bastards are responsible for all these innocent kids dying. These bastards are responsible for that. All these innocent children are dying. Who's happy about this? Nobody's happy about this. The average Canadian is not happy about it. Well, think of the average Canadian here because, okay, there's 25 students living in the basement, and it's not just the Indian community. I've busted other nefarious actors here, but just think of it. You have 10, 20 people living in a house in a basement. They all can pay, you know, going right for an apartment. Let's say it's like 1500 a month for a half decent thing in Canada or what should be in Toronto. You know, it's getting up to 2000, maybe more. There's a number on the exact average right now, but let's just say 2000 a month is the average. Okay, well, what do you think is going to happen and who do you think landlords are going to rent you? Because society is broken down and this all goes against the rental code. But if you can rent to 25 students at a house of, let's say, even, you know, 700 bucks each, so they can, they all pay half of what, you know, they would be paying for something more reasonable. Now, no one can afford housing because we're being, Canadians are being outpriced in the market. Because Canadians won't live in a basement with 20 foreign exchange students. Like, it's, like, it's not going to happen. And if you do put a Canadian in that situation, the Canadian just go, all right, I'm going to report you to the, to the housing tenant. Like, I speak English. What you're doing is illegal. I'm going to take you to court and tell the police about this. So they won't rent that to a Canadian. Canadians don't get this because one, we wouldn't accept it to. It's illegal, right? But to these foreign students who come in here, like the landlord, I'm sure is most likely, either owns a school or is the cousin of the guy who runs a school in some way. And there's an implicit thread here that, oh, they don't know they can go to the police. And if they do go to the police, then these landlords are connected to someone in, in, who got them into the country and they threatened to kick them out or, or screw them over or all that. So they're being kept here. And, and this is driving up housing and renting costs because, you know, what 20 foreign students can pay collectively is going to outprice what a 23 year old Canadian who has just got their first job can pay in rent. So they have to stay home with their parents and they can't afford to move out because the market's oversaturated. One, by just population, two, by people pooling money together to outprice them and three, we can't build houses because there's too many restrictions on building houses, because, again, random bureaucratic lefties have complete control the system. And, you know, everything's environmentally protected by some lunatic and, and, and even if it's not under environmental protections, everyone, there needs to be just the levels of bureaucracy you have to go through to put up a tree house. And, and, and so we can't, the demands out of whack the supply can't catch up. And we keep throwing fuel on the fire and, again, when these are the problems people are really concerned about and people feel scared to express them for obvious reasons. And that when some seek uncle is caught pooping in a gas station, this becomes a lightning rod for everything we sort of want to say because now it's in front of everyone's face all of a sudden. It all sort of comes out. And, and you know the worst part is these kids are being abused, the tragedy of this entire episode is that the students are the real victims. The students are the victims and, and, and then somebody has given this pipe dream to these students that oh, immigration is a right. No, no immigration is a privilege. Yeah, and like you know you don't want to be the bad guy you know and blame them all these students are coming like no they were sold to bad goods but like. It's the point where like a lot of them do need to be deported at the end of their visa like after their fake schooling is done like they kind of need to be sent back for the health of country it's like. Listen I get it you were scammed coming in here but you did sign a piece of paper saying you'd leave when you would be done so you have to go. And again, Canada is a country that was around 30 million people and that's kind of our Canadian infrastructure and it was still overstressed 10 20 years ago. Like there are always stories about not enough medical staff and wait times and this is in that and classes I remember growing up in in Canada and this stories of oh my god school sizes now classes have 30 to 40 students in them in public schools we can't handle this. This is always the thing and that was at 30 million. All our infrastructure is designed for 30 million Canadians. We are now at 40 million and rapidly growing and not only is like I don't want to you know this will sound racist to say they're not natural Canadian verse right coming by that I mean like. Women in Canada gets pregnant nine months later because someone comes out is Canadian this is immigration most of the just people coming out the words which means they grew up in a different country with different sets of values and different whatever it wasn't Canadian so they're being brought into these systems. They're being brought as like young military age men they're being sold to you know bill of goods and then like the other thing that's driving people crazy here is like so we take the overly sympathetic thing which like oh my god. These people have such hard times getting jobs and getting set up we don't want that to happen. So all the government is prioritizing hiring non Canadians like people who are either student visa temporary workers or illegal immigrants there. You get federal incentives and money to hire non Canadians to work for you which means again the 18 to 23 year old Canadians are coming in and looking for their first job are totally priced out of the market. Because why would you ever hire a Canadian in Canada because if you get federal subsidies and you save money by hiring a non Canadian. And that's driving Canadians crazy because they get into the work market and realize oh, I can't get a low skill entry level job. Because if it doesn't matter who moves the boxes from point A to point B because the government's going to pay. You know they're paid this company to hire raunchy who just came off the boat can barely speak English. But if he can move thing from point A to point B and you can do that you can get that all federal subsidies I'm more like that's insane that the government's incentivizing capitalism kicks in right capitalism only cares about the bottom line nothing else. Yeah, and like listen if you're running a business and you're struggling business in the economy where all this stuff is are you going to hire someone that you don't get like you're going to hire the people that the government gives you a subsidy to hire because it's just it's maybe you're like again small businesses are hard to run I don't blame the business owners here. Right it's hard to run like you know the the inversion should just be like okay we're actually going to if we're going to incentivize anything it should be incentivizing hiring Canadian citizens over non Canadian citizens. Like you get you if you if there's any subsidy given it should be to those with Canadian citizenship having jobs. Right that's the thing or know what right or we just don't subsidize any of this stuff I'm like the market take care of it fully and if there's a you know there's a 22 year old Canadian who's willing to work in the warehouse he gets to. And he can work in the warehouse and if there's a 22 year old Indian who's you know doing this as a summer job while trying to get a degree and hopefully something real Indians tend to get real degrees less less sociology more engineering. Right if he's doing this is a summer job to pay for engineering great like. Again that's a cannon that's a cannon that everyone wants like that's the cannon everyone wants where like Steve from brand Steve from you know Steve from Brampton who was born there gets to work with ronji who's living in Brampton for the last three months and they all get along that's what everyone in Canada wants to hear right but the way the government and incentives are now working. It's all pitting us against each other because you know any of any of the prime ministers fanning the flames and anyone who notices this is instantly called a racist. But again if you pile up all these different policies we've talked about right it's it's just pitting different ethnic groups and intergroups right against each other and favoring some and demonizing others. And it's gaslighting everyone into insanity and then someone poops on a beach and we all lose our minds. Yeah which is why that uncle is a hero. That uncle is actually a hero long live pooping uncle I love him. Yeah yeah he did and listen. When there were 20 diploma mills in Brampton Ontario that should have been the alarm bill. It took them to take the number to 70 or 80 that's when they thought oh my god what are we going to do now. And and what the hell is wrong with these people. How does the system get gained right. Please again people in India try and understand now the international students program has been weaponized to just convert international students to permanent residence. And what happens when you have I'm going to explain the dark side of how human exploitation happens. Again a new segment. This is Edmonton this was the global news. Edmonton police charged six people in project gaslight arson extortion case right. This was in the news recently. Look at the name. Jashandip Kaur 19 Gurkaran Singh 19 Manavir 19. Perminder Singh 21 the new earth 19 and a 17 year old male are all facing serious criminal charges according to the police. These individuals prepared for their crimes by researching their victims before allegedly committing the extortion's arson and shootings. They are accused of pack and said. They are also allegedly being paid for committing these crimes. We believe that the individuals identified today represent the core members of this criminal network. However there is a strong likelihood that more people will be charged as this investigation continues. People said that the six people face a total of 54 charges including extortion. Aarsan intentionally discharging a firearm break and enter assault with a weapon as well as a number of charges linked to committing an offence for the benefit of at the direction of or in association with a criminal organization. Canada white warrants have been issued for Manindar Dhaliwal 34. It is our belief that Manindar Dhaliwal or as Punjabi's will say Dhaliwal before somebody accuses me of mispronouncing. I'm just doing it because of obvious reasons. He is affiliated with brothers keeper organized crime group of the lower mainland Patton said. However as far as our investigative team goes we refer to this group as the Dhaliwal crime group. Police are unaware of Dhaliwal's location but are working with federal law enforcement partners to locate him. Officers believe he may have changed his appearance since the below picture was taken. While Patton said Dhaliwal is from Edmonton and as ties to the city he added court. Investigators believe Dhaliwal has been orchestrating the extortions from overseas and EPS is working with our federal and international counterparts including the drug enforcement investigation to locate him. I want to take all of you back to the age of all the other people who are charged. 19 year old 21 year old 17 year old what the hell do you think is happening when you have so many young kids coming young kids coming they don't find anything. It's what we said it's like I feel bad like I feel bad for you know we should the kids right your human traffic into here your soul to build a good you're told it's Canada it's the West it's the country you have this this image of it in your head. Oh social services free health care like I'll be able to get this and this and that I'll go to school I'll get a diploma. You know I'm going to trouble work a few years I'll find a way y'all be able to white picket fence blah blah blah you're sold that dream it's a lie and you relied you by scammers where you have to go back. So now you're forced either to do an ethical things to stay or do you want to live you know you're 17 you're 18. You want to live in a basement with 20 guys, you know good luck and a girl. Right okay and we all remember being 18 19 20 right you know not having a room to yourself is is it means you're no girls going to touch you know now. Hey, the same people are trafficking in a guarantee the people running these running illegal or quasi legal diploma mail stuff who the people of enough moral character to lie to you and steal your money to get you into the country. I think they know someone who's in something like the brothers keep or some gang whatever so it becomes a sort of you want an easy out to this. You want to click out of the basement. You want to quick roll a cash you want to oh look at this guy from the dolly wall group see his fancy car. You want that. Okay, here's your corner here's your same gang so every other thing and then boom crime problem gangs want why you know we're importing this and we're creating the situations that's obviously going to lead to a gang violence problem. And then you know you throw Calistan on top of that you throw political corruption right you know you know the Muslim Brotherhood also has gangs like all you know all a lot of gangs in Canada, you look they a lot of them have connections to foreign ideological because they're just allowed to set up and money launders here it it like it works in sort of snow walk like we have a term for it money laundering can is called snow washing internationally because it's so easy to do. Like I always find it I always found it funny when Canadians would be like like I'm good on foreign policy so I was never on this like Ukraine. I'm Russia's bad guy like I'm an old school Reagan was right at communism, you know is Ukraine a perfect country no, but when Canadians are going, the money laundering in Ukraine Ukraine is money laundering. It's like probably but those in glass has this guy's okay, one as a proud Canadian, I utterly resent the fact that you're calling Ukraine the money laundering capital, okay, for decades. We have been laundering money from various criminal enterprises at a much higher rate than Ukraine has okay and we're getting away with it so I dare you to claim that you're a Canadian patriot and say another country is that this is the money laundering capital, sorry, we worked hard that is us okay our society is broken, not yours. So that's, it's all, it's all like it's just so broken and there's there's such easy fix we do when to get rid of these diploma mills, we need to put foreign students, you know, to actually go in and clean out some of these ideologues from from the political parties and talk about it like there are steps that we could do to take a step back from the abyss but no one seems to have the political and now I'm going to play a video, Puneet had shared this video with subtitles so that you will also understand this, the scam is brilliant. So you get these students here on the student visa, they join gangs. Now how do you make sure they stay here forever, find a member of parliament in India to write a letter that they are oppressed in India and there is some, you know, seek oppression happening back home in India. So just listen to this former member of parliament of India, shamelessly talking about it to an interviewer, just watch this. [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] [speaking in foreign language] Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to understand what is happening here. This is just one member of parliament who's openly stating the obvious. Try to understand how many must be doing this in Canada and India combined. What happens is you get a letter from a member of parliament in India, from Punjab, it's always Punjab, you know, my people, such amazing people. I love my people. They make great music, by the way. I have to give it to them and great food. But, so this exploitation racket happens like this. These kids are gotten here on student visas by these exploiters. Then they're stuck. Now I'm here. My father sold his agricultural land for, let's say, 15 lakh rupees, 17 lakh rupees, 30 lakh rupees to get me here. And now I need to get away. So they'll be like, find this member of parliament in Canada or India. They go to them. Then they say, okay, we'll charge you this fee of writing a letter that you're oppressed in India. Then that's not good enough. Then you have to find someone to certify that yes, I am a leader in Canada. Yes, Daniel, that also happens. A leader in Canada certifies the leader in India. It's such a dark get in. Yes. Yes. This is such a beautiful racket that is happening in front of our eyes and nobody gives a damn. And innocent kids are committing suicide every month in Brampton Ontario and these sons of bitches don't care. Because the amount of money that has been raped in the last 15 years by these diploma mills is mind blowing. Then you know they own the houses which they rent out. They own the diploma mills that they teach them. They own everything. They own everything. These are blood-sucking vampires. They own the house. They own the schools. Maybe sometimes it's the same guy. Listen, you can get away with this. I'm the same guy. Sometimes they're smart enough for it to be a cousin, right? Or another employee that's on degree. But yeah, they have this entire ecosystem of it's human trafficking. It's a human trafficking money laundering scheme. And it has serious, serious consequences for Canada, both economically and culturally. Like it's not good for social cohesion to have these rackets and exploitation rackets going, because, you know, what's the image of Canada going to be at the Punjabi people? It's going to be crime. It's going to be crime in Uber Eats. That's what it's going to be. Because that's what we're creating. And it's a tragedy. Yeah, you know, this has to be shopped. And the Toronto Star had shared this number where they had said the annual number of people who sought protection pre-COVID was 64,000 in 2019. It reached 91722, 1 lakh 43,000, 143, 580 in 2023, just in 5 months of 2024, 77,725 claimants have been reported. Some 186,000 claims are pending in the system. I mean, there's a quick fix this. We just should just say that India is a safe stable country and you can't declare asylum or persecution from it. There's no persecution from India. But if they do that, if they do that, they lose the Pakistani vote. They can't lose the Pakistani vote. Someone have the balls to it. Pierre do it. I know Tim Upple would be unhappy, but do it. Like you're not going to get the Palestinian vote anyway. They already vote liberal and NDP. And I think you'd get a lot more votes from the Canadian public if you fix the immigration problem. Like if Canadian, if Pierre gets in and he does enough of these things where people at least see these numbers are going down and the pressure is being put on them by all this crazy system is going down and there's some things being done. You'll get more votes from the general population. You would be from outraged, Pakistani criminals. Yeah, but what scares me the most about this entire shit show is that nobody seems to understand the level of radicalism. Once again, and now I'm going to address the last issue because I think it is, it has to be addressed. This entire episode has exposed me to the underbelly of racist Canada. I'm going to say it as I see it. You know, some of the races are having a field day on social media. I've come across two kinds of people, racists and racist adjacent. I have come up with a new term, racist adjacent. If they can call me white adjacent or something as a Hindu, I can call them racist adjacent too. It's funny how these people are having a field day attacking Indians and obviously, you know, this is not a very educated lot. They don't really, I don't know how to say this, but they're not really educated. They're not very bright. They don't study anything. They don't know how to study numbers. They don't know which community does what and they really don't know much. And I want to share some numbers with this illiterate lot about Indians in general and the Hindu community in particular. And these people really need to do some learning if I was to be very kind to them. That this is the actual number. Okay, this was 2012 Pew. How common is religious extremism. There are the Jews in the Hindus. I can't even find them. Hindu is the very bottom. Yeah, even less than goodness, even lesser than goodness. This is the percentage rating religious extremism among inmates of each religious group. Okay, and it doesn't end here. I want to show different countries so that people understand that I'm not making this shit up. These are actual figures that you can go and check for yourself. And then we look at our own dear country, Canada. This is by 2022 by stats Canada. And they shared these numbers by 2022. Look at again, it's fascinating how communities can be exposed by data. Look at this distribution of adult population and federal correctional services in Canada in the fiscal year of 2022 by religion. Obviously, Christians will be the highest because they are the overwhelming majority of Canada. Look at where Hindus are. Even restaurants are more violent than us. I did not even know there were so many rassafarians in Canada. Canada had so many rassafarians. Now, a question over here is that the Sikhs are 0.8%. I don't think people know that Sikhs are actually lesser numbers in Canada in absolute numbers compared to Hindus. I think they're 300,000 lesser than Hindus. But why are they three times more in the crime database. That's a question that should be asked. That's Callistan. And I'll tell you, this is where people don't understand. If you remove the Callistanese and you create a separate category where you say, Callistan, and then you say Sikhs and Hindus, the Sikhs and the Hindus will be the same number 0.3. The Sikhs and Hindus will shoot and beat all the others. There's also, because this is Canada, there might be a statistical flaw in the measuring because traditional Aboriginal spirituality, which is at 7%. A lot of people in Canada, it's kind of like, the number one thing, if you're accused of a crime in Canada, if you're a man, you probably want to say you're a woman. So you can get into a woman's prison. That's the smartest thing to do. But you might have to just have a thing and not like that. The second easy thing to do to get a lower sentence or to avoid punishment is to claim you're some sort of Aboriginal, you follow Aboriginal spirituality because all of the woke stuff. That way, instead of being put in a jail, you can be sent to a native healing lodge. So instead of like jail, you just like go to a school lodge. Yes, native healing lodge. Yes, that's so I'm not sure how many of these people are actually Aboriginal and how many of them are just smart enough to say they're Aboriginal. So they're also scamming the system like the consternies. Yeah, this game of the jail system. Yeah, listen, if you live, I'm going to give the calisthenies watching this who are really mad at us some advice. You're eventually going to go to jail for your crime. When you go to jail in Canada, you got two moves. Okay, kids, one, claim to be a woman, and then you get to go to be the king of women's prison or the queen. Two, claim your Aboriginal, and then you get sent to a day spa for a few years or a couple months instead of a national prison. How nice, how nice. I love this game, Daniel. I love this game. I want to be a part of this game. It is insane, the level of bullshit that gets peddled in this country and people think it's just fine. And Canada is not a serious country. I'm convinced. And now the last figure. And this is literally from 2024, the United Kingdom. All right, see the pattern is universal with Hindus. This is the religion of prisoners and the general population England and Wales March 2024. This is the most granular data you can get percentage point change in 2020 2002 and share of the general population. Hindus are 2% of the population. There's 0% of the jail prison population. Muslims are 7% of the population. They are 18% of the prison population. Sikhs are 1% of the general population, 1% of the Jain population. Sikhs, Sikhs, again, they're slightly more violent than Hindus. But this are violent, which is very interesting. Jews, again, just the same. This is England. So what is the universal pattern you see over here that when it comes to following the law, there is only one community that ends up following the law the most in Western societies. There is only one community that has the highest overall educational qualification when it comes to being this. I mean, the Jews and the Hindus, I'll be fair there. The Jews and the Hindus are the most educated, the richest, the least violent. The best when it comes to integration into society, they are your lawyers, they are your doctors, they are your nurses, they are your engineers, they are your scientists. Why are the races after the one population that actually helps their society? Here's my question. My answer is always in saying I get it, cowards, right? It's a reason, and it causes internal struggles in our communities as Jews and Hindus too. Listen, people are scared to go after calisthenes, because they'll threaten to kill them. People are scared to go after radical Islamic fundamentalists, because they'll kill them. People are scared to attack a roaming mob of communist, black, black people, because it's scary, because they're violent and they'll fight back. It's easy to kick Hindus. It's very easy. I can literally go around Brampton, go into each temple and start just kicking Hindus. Will the police care? Maybe will the Hindu community come to my house and beat me up? No, right? So it's easy to kick them, metaphorically, whatever, because a lot of the racists are stupid and cowardly. They know that it's safe to go after Jews and Hindus, because what are we going to do? Write a letter, complain, and then, "Oh, we complain, we call them racists. They don't care about mine." To their in-group, they can be like, "Look, all the browns and then Jews are complaining about me. I'm so tough." It's like, "Oh, okay, you're really tough? Go after the jottys. Complain about the jottys." They're saying they want to destroy Canada. Everything you claim to complain about an immigration. The Muslim Brotherhood rally right there. What are you going to do? Right? But then all of a sudden, that's a bit scary for them. So it's easier to take your kicks at the populations. You won't threaten to kill you in response. We'll maybe write a letter or appeal to the police. And the police won't do anything because they don't care. And the police won't... The reason the police will enforce... There's a recent cure-stimer in the UK immediately said, "We're using public funds to protect mosques after 10 months of synagogues being harassed and destroyed and vandalized." Because if they don't protect a mosque, the mosques will send violent thugs into the police station to burn it down. The Jews won't. The Hindus won't. That's why they get what they want. And this shouldn't be the way things are. This should not be a society's run. It should be equal and fair for everyone across the board. But certain groups threaten violence and promise and keep the promises of the threats of violence. And that gives them the right to rule in a weak society. So here we are. You know, I don't like to take names of certain racist, adjacent Canadian Twitter handles who have been milking, bashing Hindus and Indians. They'll find that random TikTok video of someone scamming something or something. Why don't you go to a calistheni area and do some real journalism, eh? You know who you are. You go to a calistheni area, huh? You'll never do that. Yeah, I mean, listen, if you want to go after some, you know, Hindu, if there's some Hindu stuff, like, listen, I can, I have more to play with the Jewish community than anyone else in the world. But if you're going to complain about immigration and this and this and that and all these complicated things, great. But until you're willing to go after, like, communist proxies, the Muslim Brotherhood and the calisthenis, don't talk to me. Because those are the three big problems. And those are the actual ones. If you're willing to talk about them and go after them, okay, then then I'll hear you out when you have something to say about someone else. But, like, you know, just like, oh, you're just going to make memes and just pick on Indians because they're, they're, they're easy and they're not going to come after you. Like, I see, it's just, you're just being coward, like, you're going after the easiest thing possible. And, like, yeah, there are problems with immigration. I can go on, like, yeah, we could, I can go on about immigration problems. And because I'm, I do it pretty level head, I can go to a room full of Hindus and Indians and complain about the immigration problems from India to Canada. People will be like, listening to it because it's reasonable, all these people reasonable concerns. And I think I have the reputation where, like, I can say, yes, okay, here's some problems in the community, but also like, okay, I'm, I'm not going to gaslight you and say that, like, this mosque or this politician who's bringing in Pakistani senators to reignite the 1947 isn't a bigger, that's a bigger problem than, like, whatever, so here's where we are. Oh, Canada. Yeah, they want a perfect way to end today's podcast. This is going to be a regular feature. Ladies and gentlemen, we'll have every once in a while, we'll find all the news surrounding this great nation. And we will share them with evidence and we'll try to have discussions around them so that people in India, because whether we like it or not, Indians are 5% of Canada's population. So even Indians should know, or people of Indian origin should know what's happening in this country. They should know what's happening under the guise of, oh, we just, we just, we're asking questions. No, you're freaking forward. You're just, you know, you have a blue tick. And when you abuse India, it gets good engagement. You just want to make money, at least be honest. And you're too scared. If you do it to the Palestinians, they'll really harm you. Yeah, people like us who actually get threats. We still do it. We land there, but Dan, this was fun. I hope the shit does not get real. Might hit the fan. Yeah, it might hit the fan. So ladies and gentlemen, if you're listening to the audio version in the description of the podcast, or if you're watching this on YouTube, in the description of the podcast, you'll have Daniel's Twitter handle or X handle and also Daniel's PayPal link. So if you want to directly send donations to Daniel, you can send Daniel donations, his PayPal link is going to be in the description of the podcast. If you want to support me and the Char work podcast, I will request all of you to join the membership program of this show. Yes, please don't, I'm trying to save up enough money to buy diploma mill school. If you can't beat him join him. Okay. Yes. Yeah, we will have a Daniel and crucial diploma college. You'll be the most woke school ever. You want to, you want to, you want to super gender studies degree? Yeah. Just giving me gender studies degrees from people to Pakistan. Well, I think there's money put out in the Canadian budget, something knows American one. They're putting millions of dollars into gender studies in Pakistan. Anyway, so I'll be the captain. I'll figure out a way to be the number one gender studies expert in Pakistan within the next few months. Exactly, exactly. So guys, please help Daniel out. Anyways, so if you can do join the membership program of the Char work podcast, I don't do ad reads for a reason that I don't want to be bought over by a buddy. So if you can do support my membership program, the moment you join the membership program, it creates a brick wall for me to take all these issues on. I don't care if an Indian gets pissed, a Canadian gets pissed off or an American gets pissed off, a Kalistani gets pissed off or a Islamist gets pissed off or Hindu gets pissed off. If you join the membership program, it gives me that strength. So do consider joining it. If you can't do anything, just like this video, subscribe to the Char work podcast YouTube channel, follow Daniel on Twitter. And if you're an audio listener, just leave a nice rating on an audio platform. I'll see you guys next time. Until then, namaste. Take care. Bye bye. [MUSIC PLAYING]