Journey to Truth

EP 310 | Jean-Charles Moyen | The French Secret Space Program - Archived Audio Files

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Jean-Charles Moyen - Lifetime experiencer & French Secret Space Program Whistleblower
South Shore Origin, is a feature film-documentary that combines fact and fiction inspired by real events.
CONNEXION ALIEN:15 Videos about my life, watch all in order before watch STARSEED REVELATION
 Life in French SSP Documentary
Website & Secret Codes documentary

1h 17m
Broadcast on:
06 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulley? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you wanna talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-granger, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - That's no moon. It's a space station. - Hey guys, welcome back to the show. We're just gonna jump right in today. We only have so much time with our returning guest, John Charles Moyan, who joined us for episode 185. And if you haven't heard his original testimony, he tells it there. And he's done a few films since we've recorded last, also, some documentaries. And he is, for those who don't know, he's basically a secret space program whistleblower, the French American secret space program. And he can tell us a little bit more about that. But why we're here today is because he has uncovered some cassette tapes from, that he recorded it, I think in 1988 or '89, basically dislogging your own experiences for your own purposes. And you, I guess, dug them out of a box. And now we're here today to talk about this because the fact that you've recorded this in 1988 says that you may be one of the first that was actually talking about this and we have documentation of him. Now we know there's guys in the military like John Lear and other people that we're talking about as far as the secret space program itself goes, that we don't have much of that until the 2000s, right? So 1988 is pretty profound. So welcome back to the show, let's just dive in. - Thank you very much to receive me again. I'm very happy to be here today. - Yes, absolutely. - Great to have you back. - So tell us the story, how did you even come across these tapes and what has this done, what does this mean to you? I know you've mentioned this kind of like the holy grail for you as far as having evidence that you've been talking about this stuff and that you're not actually copy caddying or stealing other people's information which you've been accused of. - Yes, exactly my friend. First of all, I was in my office and cleaning my office, not my desk. People say, your desk, my office room was in the basement. In the basement, I found a box with a lot of things inside. And I remember I moved in a different house and different apartments. And I was a problem with water and the water destroyed some memories. So I was very happy to find this bag. And inside this bag, there was two tapes. The first tape was right, John Charles memory. And at this moment, I don't remember what I record in this tape. And the second tape is my public broadcast in 1992 in a big radio station in France. And this station received a great, a UFO adjuster and writer called Jimmy Gu. It was amazing for me to explain what I leave since my childhood until my adult age. And each time I spoke in a radio, I was very be careful what I say because at this moment, it was very dangerous for me to talk. But I say, my name is John Charles and I'm here to explain my life. And I spoke about my treatment about men in black in 1992, imagine. And I explained what I live in my space, not space, my military service services when I was in a French Air Force base. And I explained what I saw with my friend inside. Some very special things, you know. At this moment, I explained something very strange happened in this base. And I explained what I live with my friend in a forest near Saint-Germain Saint-Germain it's a forest in France, you know. And in this forest, I explained, I saw something very bright in a deep forest. And I felt something very, you know, tingling and I minus bleed. And we live, we left of this forest and we are intercept by two riders, police riders. I guess it's a right name, riders. Yes. - Yeah. - Yes, cyclists, they were on bikes. - Yeah, yes, yes. It looked like a police officer, but, you know, it was dress in black with a big Google glasses, very futuristic for this time. And it was a one piece yellow, Google. And they never took each other. They just look at him and they ask us our ID and they recalled like this. No word, no sound like telepathic. It was very weird that these guys appears in the middle of nowhere at these moments when we were in this forest, you know. And it tells me with the vocal like a robotic, you know, it was special, it was not human voice, but maybe I can imagine this, but this is the fact is the voice was, don't look like human voice, the same tone, you know. And each time you look is a colleague. And after that, what do you do here? And we invent a story like we are astronomical guys and we look just guy and blah, blah, blah. And my friend tell to the police officer, to the rider, we, my mother of the treatments for a cancer and she used for the treatment ozone, you know, ozone. And the ozone can smell something very metallic. And the guys, the police look, the other guys and don't tell nothing, give us the paper ID and they left. And they let us in the middle of the forest, don't go to your car and blah, blah, blah. No, they disappear like a magic. And at this moment, we were at a few kilometers of the start point when we back a car. So we are barely moved in the forest far away. And each of us bleed noise at this moment. It's like, you know, the different blood pressure. When you are a witness of something like Yufu lying over you, there is all witnesses say the blood temperature, the blood change and you can bleed. Okay, so the next day on the radio or TV, I don't remember, I heard someone take a walk with his dog of testimony. There is something flying into the forest like Yufu. And so we were don't imagine it this, you know, it was really an observation of Yufu in this forest by another person at the same time. But I discovered there is many, many weeks by my friend Kevin, he's in a place together. Imagine in this forest, there are a base, military base inside. So, imagine this guy was sent to intercept us because we are too close of something they don't want to show or discover, okay? So, in this broadcast, I explained my meeting with these guys like Made in Black with the Google glasses and what I live and my treatment by the Made in Black, you know? And this state is dating at 1992. But before that, I'd 1988 and 1989, I explained when I was young, I make a little journal, personal journal, Devi, and I explained who I was before I came to the planet Earth. So that's weird. Yeah, so I have some questions and it's very fascinating. So, so just to recap, you were in 1992, you called into a radio show and you told this story that you and your friend had about seeing this light and having this feeling in the forest and then these two cyclists who were probably officers or they were working for this underground base, intercepted, they asked for your IDs. And then you also said that the area smelled like ozone, which reminded you of the chemotherapy treatment that your mother or your friend's mother was receiving at the time, that's how you knew what that smell was. So that alone is interesting that you have even that recorded. So the secret records behind you, the documentary that you just poured out, you can actually listen to that recording for anyone listening, where you call into the radio station. And it's very interesting because they do mention John Lear and a few other people. And he kind of, the host knows what's going on. The guy knows, he understood the big picture on a much deeper level than most people do. So whenever you were sharing his story, he didn't question you because he wasn't coming from the skeptic standpoint. So I just wanted to recap all that. And then you also had this tape from 1988-89 that you're getting ready to tell us about next. - Yes, exactly. And in this tape in 1998, I explained why me, because people say, "Okay, why don't you?" Because my abilities, since I was a child, and my first abduction at four, I explained to my parents what I live in space. But when I was 13, after my sunstroke accident, I was recruited in a secret space program, remember. But what I say in this tape, it was when I was young. And this program don't start at this moment. So what is this? It was before I came to earth. And that's the point, very important, because I explained who I was, beings before I came to the burial of John Charles. - Yeah. - And I explained I was in a mission in space with another beings. I was married with the beings, with the blue skin. And I explained I have a child with these beings. And I was a part of a conglomerate. And I rescue, slave, and save person and beings, exactly the same thing I drew before when I was John, in earth. So it was like, you know, like a deja vu. And my abilities was always inside of me when I was born, because when I was born, my mother called me Captain Tempest, because I was born during a very big lightning and storm over the room of the hospital, just over the room. And during this, I discovered what I explained in my documentary, there is a gamma burst, explode when a supernova explode in the universe. There is a, you know, a spray of energy, like sunlight, you know. But when a supernova explode, it's like a 10 billion power of the sun energy. And they, in the Los Alamos Observatory, they record at the same moment, the 7th of July, the date when I was born, an animal in a universe burst of gamma brainwave. Exactly the same brainwave was recorded to my brainwave with a device, with my dear friend, Dan Winter, in my documentary starts with the relation to. So everything is linked, my friend. You know, I say this, but we found this. And, you know, it's like investigation, and everything corroborates. And the next jump of gamma burst was recorded when I was abducted at four, in 1973, to the computer in this Los Alamos. So twice is not a chance. So when I was in the body of this extraterrestrial, called Luca, now this was before Earth. Yes, before Earth, I have the green skin and a red eyes, no hair, and I was a part of a conglomerate. And I said, and I rescued a slavery from Draco reptilian and no other beings, and, you know, I was very, very buzzy, but I was in a force, a space force, but extraterrestrial. And I work with a lot of beings, different beings, you know. And it's very interesting that I have this memory at this moment, because now when I spoke about my secret service, this is the reason why I was recruited, because these people are the technology and advanced, and they know who I was before, you know. This is the explanation, why me? You know, I'm not pretentious, okay? It's important to clarify. So people say, oh, why aim, why aim? This is the explanation, why me? And fortunately, before I found this tape, I was working into my book. I'm not number one for all. I'm specialist for special ethics and video editing, but not writer, I'm not a good writer. So I was stick on my page, and I don't know how to write a book, my friend, it's not my specialist. And I say to myself, I want to a sing in a universe, help me because I don't know how I can read, write this. And at this moment, to change my mind, I decide to clean my room, my office. And I found this tape. And at this moment, I realize, oh my God, you want a sing? You have a sing. This is universe. Send me this message. This time is the great moment to disclose what you found. And I remember there is many, many, many decades when I was with Jimmy Guell. It tell me, it go to my room, to my, it go to my apartments for dinner. And he explained to me, okay, John, I read everything you say, and it's not a good moment for you to get out the light. It's not, stay in a dark right now. It's not the good moment. - This is the radio show host you're talking about? - Exactly. - Okay. - And he say, and after that, we believe we are a good friend. We were a good friend and very close friend, and I invite him to my house, to a dinner, and I expose everything I say now. And I give him a copy of my life in a paper, in a file. And I say, I believe in you, don't give this to another, no, no, trust me, John, it's for me. But at this moment, I don't know. Okay, in the future, this file disappear. Now 24 years later, is dead. And this file disappear with all my information about me. - So you didn't have a copy of it? You gave him the original file? - Yes, I have a copy, but this copy was destroyed with the problem of water in my basement, in my old house in Canada. Fortunately, I have the tape. Because in the tape, I was reading what I write in my paper for global security. I write, and sometimes I record my voice with my write, you know? - Right, yeah. - But Jimmy have a big file with photography and lot of things, and hang on. - At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulley? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery, so you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. - Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - I give to him the little device of the Men in Black when they shoot me in my secret documentary, "Start to Revolution II", you know? This device, I give him to analyze with a friend in the laboratory. And when I asked Jimmy, what did you find? He said, "Oh, nothing, just a crystal, "a blue crystal inside with some technology, "but it's not important." And I say, "Okay, not important, a crystal? "Okay, can you give me my device?" And, "Oh, I must contact the guys "and the guys lost the device." And the guys was fired of this job. - So, can you explain how you obtained this from the Men in Black? And tell us a little bit more about what that targeting was, because I know you were followed. - Oh, yeah, yes, yes. - Yes, when I was in a 21 at this date, approximately, I was treated by Men in Black. When I was in a parchment of my parents, one day I get out and I was intercepted by Men in Black, on the basement of the underground subway. And they use against me a device. And in this device, I get out a red light like a laser against me. The first time this weapon, energy weapon, ricochet to the ground. And I realize, "Oh my God, they shot me." And the second time they shot me on the chest. I was projected and I fall on the ground. And I take my hand like this and something happened in my hand, a bright light get out and the guys disappear at this moment. But I was burned. My closest was a trans, transverse, everything, but I was a force field around me, protect me and I just want burn. My skin was burned at one degree and half, you know? It smelled a chicken burn. It was something very... And when I get out, I get out. I saw the little device on the ground and I say, "Oh my God, I take it and I keep it in the secret place." And my dad take a picture, fortunately, of these books. And when I met Jimmy, I explained to Jimmy, "What's happened to me?" and I give him to Jimmy, these little books. And this little book is, "I have a connection with different guys and I can to examine your device." And the weak pass and the spend of time and I say, "Okay, did you have the news?" And he tells me, "The problem is the guys, when I realized the book say, "Oh yeah, just a crystal, a blue crystal inside with a copper and some transistor and I don't know." But I say, at this moment, give me back my device because it's important proof, you know? - Right. - And he said to me, "No, not news about the guys and the guys was fired of this job." And after that, he tell me, he lost the books. And I was very, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You're kidding me." And he say, "I'm so sorry." And what can I do? Nothing. And I say, "Now, nobody believe me." And my dad, when I decide to make my second documentary started in relation to say to me, "Son, me and your mother decide to spoke in the light and we are very proud of you and you know, I found a box." And I say, "What?" And he say, "I found a box with a picture photo and the picture of the device." And I say, "No, you have kept this? Yes." It was, "If something happened, I have something evidence inside and he sent me the picture. And this picture of a device is in my documentary. Fortunately, my dad record, write, take a picture of filming when we can." So I'm very lucky about that. Right. Yeah, that's amazing. Aaron, do you have any questions for him before we move on? No, but I just want to say that this is, this is all huge. This is, I mean, this is massive proof, you know, not just of your story, but of all of the Secret Space Program information. You know, this is all huge. So thank you so much for. I have another evidence, very big. The second time I was in the apartment of my parents, I was in the supermarket and I walked and I arrived in the front of the door of, you know, there is a phone. You can take a number and you open the door. It's like, you know, in the front of the building. I don't remember the name. Interphone, anti-phone, interphone. Okay. Okay. And I saw two guys, two men in black, in another building. And I felt inside of me, oh shit, they follow me. I entered in the building and, you know, there was an elevator with a number, one, two, three, and I decided to take the stairs because I don't want, they know who I live, you know. And I was in the ninth floor and when I was in the ninth floor, the eighth floor door opened and there was not two black men in black, but two beings, toll gray. And I was like this, imagine toll gray in the stairs. With the device, the same device, they use it against me, but at this moment, before the door opened in my back, I felt my hand was very, very odd. And I say, okay, it's start. My protection is engaged. And at this moment, when he put the button, the first ray ricochet to the metal bar of the stairs, like this. And I take my hand like this and they disappear in a fairy dust, like this. Remember, the metal bar of the stair was melt. Literally melt. 35 years later, when I start to shooting my documentary started evolution, I call a friend called Chris Essen, he is a scientist. And I say, I trust in you. I have something to ask you, very important. I give you the address of my parents' apartments in France. Could you go to this place? I give you instruction in a zoom camera, in a Skype, okay? You go to this place and go live. I was in Montreal, Canada. And at the same moment, he was in the stairs in the ninth floor and explain everything he saw. I saw the impact. 36 years later, it was at the same place. The metal bar was melt. He analyzed this and tell me, the power used against this metal was equal to 21 kilowatts of power to melt this metal. It's impossible, you know? So it was a huge evidence something happened real in this treaty, not in my mind. Or I remember something saying, no, no, no, no, it's real. When something happened to me, it's real with witnesses, with scientific proof, with evidence, with a lot of people who was around me. You can leave something strange in your life once, two, three. But when you are surrounded by a lot of thousand hundred, what do you want? Experience, you can stay alone. My parents was there. My best friend was there. When the men in black came to my job and threatened me. My best friend was there. Any testimony in my movie, I remember I was close to John Charles, these guys know him and know his abilities. So it was an imagination or something, no, no, no, I swear. I was close to John Charles and this guy tell to John Charles, do you want to work for them? So did you ever get a close up look at these men in black? Did they look human? Or were they like kind of weird looking? They look human. The first time it was like a human agent. But the second time, it looked like, you know, the face was very white. The hair was like, you know, pulls hair like, you know, like a wig? Exactly. And no bros. No eyebrows. Yeah, no eyebrows. And each time there was a glasses, black glasses. Maybe it was to protect his eyes. Maybe I don't know, but it was a characteristic. And they use a Bentley or Jaguar with a tent glasses. It looked like a movie, yeah. It's weird because when I was with my parents and we were when we were chased on the highway in Paris and my dad drive very quickly. It was, you know, you can't forget this. And my parents live together again at 82 and they remember like yesterday. Well, yeah, so I mean, this is all fascinating. And I think that, like Aaron said, it's so important that you have this stuff documented the evidence. So many people share stories. Like he said, it was just a dream or a memory. But when we have something tangible to grab onto, that's going to go a long way, especially moving forward when people want to see something. So I think that's all fascinating. But going back to your time in the French Air Force on that military base you were staying on, you mentioned seeing some stuff and you kind of briefly talked about it, but you didn't go into detail. What did you see on that base that gave you pause that made you realize something else was going on? Yeah, I see different things. The first thing was a big triangle UFO like a football soccer. Um, you know, it was very and no sound just fly like this. It was a huge. And it was in Easter holiday because I remember, um, we, we, we, we, me and the guys stay in the base on the base because we don't have a good cleaning room. And the prenition was you stay there. No permission. So me and the guys will stay in the room. And there is no flying, uh, helicopter or it's, it's a vacancy. You know, it's, it's, um, it, you know, nobody works at this moment in Easter for, for France. And this night we saw with the guys, this big triangle, black triangle flying over the base. And the next day we, we asked to, um, super your, uh, sorry yesterday, there was a, some thing strange and no, no, no, no, no body work, nobody work. Uh, excuse me, but no question. And I say, but, uh, is not your business. I say don't insist. If you insist, you go to the prison. Okay. And every guys and me shots, uh, you know, so just was curious. And the other time I saw with the guys, something very strange. They bring, look like human in, uh, you know, in, uh, that bag for, uh, for that people inside, uh, you know, the black bag with, uh, right. Okay. A body bag. A body bag. Yeah. Three or four times. And I remember at this moment, some. Guys disappear strangely and all of the left or the abundant, uh, the training because I was in the command of a Rashutist and it was very, very hard to train him. Okay. So maybe, but when I saw this with the guys, we shared this information and we were, we were afraid and, uh, what is this guy is not alive. He's in the body bag. No explanation about that. And our superior tell we don't have a secret weapon here. We are something beyond your imagination of human inside this base. And of the subject. Okay. And I was going, Oh, tell this. We have something beyond the human imagination. What do you mean by this? It's not a futuristic armament or a weapon. No, no, no, no, not weapon, but something beyond the human. Don't, you know, when you, you tell this world precisely beyond the human imagination, what do you think? I think some, I think Stargate or portal, but I mean, at that time, what year was this? Uh, I can't see my resist. No, that's fine. But I would imagine, um, some sort of jump room technology, maybe. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. In the, in the target, like, um, uh, Andrew Vasiago tell they use, um, special child because the adults can resist to the travel sign. And, you know, I was a special because, first of all, when I was young and I bleed in my nose, it wasn't red. It was green, bright green, and it was a lot of dust and, um, spots over my pillow and my mother, uh, cleaning my, you know, I'm a kid. So I clean, she cleaned my bed and it was very problematic because you can say to a doctor, my, my, uh, my, my boy, my son, uh, bleed. Okay. It's okay, but it is green, you know, they, they put the tech me and, uh, uh, I disappear. So it was. Secret, you know, maybe it was a solution. Intravenous in my arm because I was in a space or something else. And, uh, my blood changed the, the color. I don't know, but I remember this. So I was very special and, uh, the child was used because only child can travel without a problem of health. Right. This is what, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So, so you think something like that was going on at the base. You were stationed at? Yeah. I remember when I was in the base, uh, they, you know, they, um, they test you with your blood, uh, your toe. And I was in a, um, you know, um, in the medical center and I was afraid to discover my blood was different. So they put my blood in a bottle and, uh, take in the, you know, in the little, uh, dwarves and I go secretly inside and destroy the bottle in the toilets. And when I opened the garbage, all the cotton inside was green. And I say, oh my God. And after that, they don't. At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulley? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call click Granger dot com or just stop buying Granger for the ones who get it done. Save on a Riley Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of the Riley Break Parts Cleaner for just $8. Valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Riley. Auto Parts. Tell me, uh, we want, uh, again, uh, stop. Maybe I was protected at this moment, my friend. I don't know, but I was very lucky. And during this training, it was a training for commandos. So it was a, uh, training, usually training, not a special training, you know. But during this training, I was a big injury in my shoulder. And I was hospitalized in a French hospital military. And when I arrived in this hospital, we have some, um, advice. Don't spoke with these guys in this department, because it is a psychiatric department. And this guy is crazy. Don't talk to him. And I say, okay, I want to talk to him because I want to know what they say. And they explain something weird. Each night, they saw military, put a guys, military guys, on the stretcher and go down to the basements. And in the basement, the elevator opened and someone received the guy on the stretcher. But it wasn't a human. It was a tall reptilian beings. In the basement of the bay of the hospital. And I say, okay, I want to check myself, you know. So I go and I was in the front of guard and the guys, what do you do here? And I say, oh, sorry, it's a wrong floor in the way I'm lying. So I go to my room the next day. I go down again because I want to know. And I see the same thing, stretcher, the guy, the elevator. But this time, it wasn't a tall reptilian. It was a tall gray. Wow. And when I go to my room, I cross the doctor and I say, sorry, I have a question. Where are the guys of the psychiatric? Why you ask me? Because I don't see today and I want to know, it's not your business. And I say, but no, it's just a question. No, it's not your business. Do you understand me? It's not your business. If you continue, I write a report and go to this medical center because you are a treatment for your shoulder. And I say, okay, no problem. And the guy disappeared. I never saw these guys again after. I go to my treatment and they use a new medical treatment with a new device called Excalibur. It was a treatment with an infrared to reduce my painful and accelerate my healing of my muscle. And it forgets me into the device and burn me to the seagull degree. My skin was burned and it was painful. So they use a morphine for the pain. And in a night, they came to my room. I was dizzy because it was a lot of medicine inside, you know. And they go down in the basement with me. I was on a stretcher and I felt a tingling, a sting in my neck. And like, you know, like a powerful and I was, oh, no pain. It was very strange, you know. And I was down of the stretcher and there is a little table and a woman say to me, put your hand on this little box. I take my hand. It was like a neon, like a photocopy. And she tell me, it's your DNA signature. And she tell me, go to this light. She has a portal, you know, a portal. I go inside and something happened inside these portals. Because now I feel now, it's me. I was intercepted by another thing during my travel through the time, through the portals, you know, maybe something can take this frequency. And because it was a good person, bring me into another room. And I was in a secret space program to begin my training. When I was young, at 13, it began my training when I was a child. After that, I grew. And after that, I was the final mission was adult age when I was in a secret space program, adult, you know, it was in two points. Right. Yeah. Yeah, that's incredible. And you might have already said this, and maybe you didn't, but what military base was this? Or do you not want to disclose that? No, I can't, my friend. I never can tell this. I say it's for my safety, for me, for my family. And each time, I can say. Okay, no, I respect that. Makes sense. So in your documentary, you mentioned parallel universes and planets having the same name in parallel universes, but looking different. And I find this, in particular, this is a very fascinating topic to me, just because I truly believe in this. And I know there's a reality to this. And I think even aspects of the secret space program take place in parallel universes or other dimensions, other timelines. Maybe you can explain how you discovered this information and what you know about it. You know, the interesting thing with my documentary is not to explain. I am the first to spoke. It's, it's a key. It's a trigger for a lot of person. They believe I'm crazy or blah, blah, blah. I explain inside the reincarnation of a star seed in a body. Here, some people say, okay, the reincarnation is only. I was in Earth at the vicking at the, you know, Atlantis and blah, blah, blah. No, you can have a reincarnation, but not on Earth in other world, in a parallel world, in a lot of things. And this is important because my documentary not explained just for me, but explain a lot of things about some people, other people. And I think there is a lot of parallel worlds. And you know the certain in Switzerland, they play to God, okay? They play too much. So they open different reality. And I be careful what I say because of strike, you know. So you understand what I mean? During these three years of darkness. Yeah, the CERN use the powerful collider, Algern, and they change reality. Some people say the end of the world arrived at many, many, many times, but it never changed each time because they change the reality. And you know, when you have a deja vu, when you are sure, you are on, or my friend Tyler, you leave this, but you remember the same thing like a mandala effect. You're not crazy because you can swear you leave this and you remember this, but something changed because it's like a layer. In the time palette, there is a different Tyler, different Aaron, like a multiverse. Why Hollywood made a lot of movie about multiverse? Yeah, it's everywhere. One, okay. But it's now 12 or 13 movie in three years. Marvel, multiverse, because they disclosure softly what's happened in reality. And there is a different Earth, different Antares, like I say, different Mars. And when people say, oh, I remember I was too, uh, uh, Antares and someone say, no, no, no, you lie, Antares is that no, he don't lie because maybe in his Antares is different. Yeah, so I don't say every people say the truth. I just say if people say something, are very sure of this say and you say, no, no, it's not my information. Ask a question. And if it's, it's yes, but it was in a different timeline. And when you open your mind with this solution, my friend, you understand a lot of things happen in your life. How it's possible to have a, uh, uh, same memories, thousand people of a movie of something else. And you are a fan of the movie. You saw this movie 20 times and, and I'll say, no, no, no, no. It's not a new version. It's never happened. And you say, you're kidding me, like your village people. I, I have a, a friend, a gay friend, a spectacle in the nightclub was village people. They want these guys like this. And there was a suit. And I don't remember. Maybe there are five suits. Okay. The Indian, the police officer and burger. And the guy opened the box and there is five. And he said, never six men, never. So it's a proof, something changed because the guy is, it's evidence. They play a spectac. They play this role in, in, in a show. Right. So, and no, no, no, no, uh, there is a black guy's in, uh, in the army and, uh, who is this guy's? And he text the record, the disc, the, in the navy and the, he showed, and the guy is inside everything. There are guys painter the statue of Liberty to the point where he's a statue of Liberty, you know, the place where she, she was different in Ellis Island and Liberty. And the guy say, he, he, he drew, he, he paints in a nozzle place in a big, uh, garden in another place. And he said, no, no, no, it was there. No, no, no, he not was there. He's already there. Is and in a Google Earth, we discover something hidden at the place where the statue will be maybe at this place, but it was removed. Remove for what sometimes I think someone play with a timeline, my friend. I wondered what personal show I was witness about about to sing. I know someone have an accident when he drink a bottle and, uh, you know, um, the capsule on plastic capsule was blocked into his neck and he go to hospital and with a device, they remove this. Okay. And it was my, uh, the father of my ex-wife. We remember this story. And one day we say, oh, you remember when you have the problem and they say, what? I never leave this. And I say, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that you remember that because you are in the surgery, they are removed the plastic. You know, my friend, I swear he never leaves this and his wife too. But I have a witness, his daughter, my father, my mom, remember in detail what's happened to this person. And it's not a problem of memory. It's, you know, it was very, uh, uh, angry. Oh, no, no, no, no, I don't leave this. Stop this, stop this. Uh, don't do that. And I say, okay, I leave something like this. And someone, uh, um, see me, saw me in, uh, Chansé Lise in France. And the moment he hugged me and I wasn't there. It is quite my car. It is quite my wife. It is quite me when I was dressed. But at this moment, I was in a family diner with my grandparents. And it wasn't me, but it was me. Right, right. Yeah. Yeah. So I think either people are playing with the timelines intentionally, or I don't think they even understand the effects on the timeline that their experimentations have because, uh, you know, CERN might just be one, one, one hydrogen collider, right? That they're using, but there's probably multiple around the world, which I believe there are, and also jump rooms and just in the early days, when they're experimenting with the technology, they're creating terrors and space time. And I think that the timeline is being changed all the time. And because so many people are playing with this technology, not having, not having any understanding of how they're affecting the timeline. And, uh, Aaron, were you going to add something to that? Yeah. I think, I think the answer, like, almost always is all of the above. There's a lot going on right now. And I think, I think you're absolutely right. I think there are people messing with the timeline. I think CERN's a part of it, probably. I think, uh, Tyler, what you said, which is "Disclose in the Sands of Time" books by Sean David Morton, where, uh, in other places where they're going back in time and messing with things and tearing holes in the space time continuum and doing all kinds of stuff. That's messing with the timeline. Um, but I also think there's an organic merging of timelines happening right now, because we're at the end of a, of a cycle and, and this, uh, the raising of frequency of the solar system is happening right now, the ascension, whatever you want to call it. I think that's having an effect on the timeline. And that's kind of like merging timelines along with all this other stuff. I think there's, I think it's all going on. And that's why I think the Mandel effect is so crazy right now, because it's like in the last like 15 years. Because before that, the Mandel effect has been around a lot longer than that. And there's people that report even going back to like the 70s, experiencing Mandel effects, but nowhere near to the level in the last 15 years. And I think that's because all of everything is kind of ramping up in that, in that time, especially like in the last five years or so. Right. Um, and I know many, I've had my own personal Mandel effects. I know Tyler, you've had yours. I know other people that have had personal ones. Tyler and I have a mutual friend actually, who I hope she's okay with me saying this, but she- James Bond, the movie James Bond with the Moon Riker, you know, with the ring into the teeth of the blonde girl. I remember it was, I won my best movie when I was young. And I remember she has this. And now she never had this device. So it's crazy. Oh yeah, there's so many. There's so many. And I keep discovering new ones all the time. And I'm like, what? But what I was going to say is we have a friend that who claims she experienced the same year. She claims she already experienced this year up to July. And then her consciousness went back a year, 2023. And now she's like reliving the whole last year again. Right. Which is insane. Yeah, the important thing is that the time is different in space. You can disappear in Earth's time. Really, one hour here, well, when I disappear in front of my parents, they spend one hour to search me. But in space, it can equal to 10 years. Yeah. And people don't understand why it disappeared 10 years. And the parents are not afraid. No, no, no, no, no, for my parents, he's really one hour, really one hour. But up there, up there, it's not the same time. Right. Right. Right. Right. So I think the important message here is that there is multiple timelines going on. And a lot of these secret space programs can happen on different timelines. And when people share their testimony, they might be talking about Mars from the third dimension. Somebody else might be talking about Mars from the fifth dimension or whatever. And both could be true. And, you know, obviously, like you said, that doesn't mean that everybody's telling the truth. But we have to start asking these questions and understanding that it's far more complex than we can even comprehend at this point. So, right. Is there any more that anything else that you would like to share as far as that goes? And I know we're running out of time, but I have a couple other questions. Oh, yeah. Go ahead. You have time. So the gamma ray burst whenever you were born. You talked about having your mom, I guess, giving birth to you on another planet. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Yes. Exactly. Thank you for the link. Yeah. Yeah. So can you explain that? Because I find that very interesting. And I know it's confusing, but at the same time, it sends to me. Yes. When I was in before I came to Earth in the body of Luca, it was the green skin with red eyes. I was part of Ontarian and Ultimian beings. My mom was Ultimian, and my dad was Ontarian. The other baby, me, but in, you know, to the pregnancy, it's only three months. And when the day come, the day important for the birth come, there is a lightning, like a fairy tale in over the belly of the mother. And my mother, when I was Luca in my past life, extraterrestrial, was in a crystal cavern on on terrace because in on terrace, there is a lot of crystal outside. And it was, she was there at this moment. And when the fairy light appeared in over the belly, there is a gamma burst, a supernova explode. And the cavern was, you know, swim by a light. And she was surrounded by light and the belly by the light. At this moment, I was created. So in my DNA, I was transverse by this bright and strong energy. After that, when the baby came is taken in, I don't remember the name in English, like a egg, you know, like an incubator. Yeah, incubator, yeah, incubator. Okay. And it spent a few days and you grow. And after that, you get out. For me, I had, at this moment, a particularity, because I was inside my body, the power of the supernova. This is the reason why they call me super star seed. Because during these processes, you know, when the star died and explode, something happened inside the universe and something, when something died, something rise, you know, and I was in the middle of these processes. And I have, I had a telepathic and telekinesic abilities, but I had something else very strange. I was able to teleport myself physically without device and travel through the timeline in different world. I was, yes, you were able to physically teleport with a device or physically without a device. And I jumped into John Charles body. This is what I had when I was young, the teleportation. I can explain in little words for people, follow us now. When I was young, I was on the school during an exam and I decided to go to the toilet and I was my hand. Nobody asked me, nobody answered me, sorry. And every people was frozen. I go to the toilet. I'm a kid. Okay. We are in a full flow. No windows, just a door, a closer door in my back. And so my, my head turned. I feel tingling and I lost consciousness once again, very, very, very, very quick. When I opened my eyes, I was in a dark. So I saw the button. I opened the button. I was in the toilet, but not the toilet of the school. I was in a few kilometers of the school. I was in the toilet of the apartment of my parents. Okay. And when my mom get out and get into the apartment, I explain what's happened. And she was, you know, she know the East Sun is a special. So she takes the phone and must slide to the director and say, I was sick and blah, blah, blah. She invents something. But they call the guardian of the building, the lockers miss. They opened the door of the toilet. No john char inside, no issue, no get out possible. We are in this full flow. All my stuff was stay on my desk. My, my code, my ID, my keys, everything. I live in Paris in a building in a nine floor. So this was really teleportation. And the characteristic of my energy was the same as Luca. And during my birth in Earth, I was the same thing. Gamma burst again. You know, everything is linked. This is the explanation. Why me? Why I have this? Because I had this baggage abilities before. And I keep this inside of me. In real 3d, real, real. It's not like people say, it's not as well travel. It's not, it's not the cooperation. It's real. Because when I was young and I dream, I was in the Bahamas when I wake up and I was six or seven, I was with my pishamas. And I was pan on my face. And I was white sand in a bottle of my bed and white sand between my toes and my parents testimony of that. So it's not a dream because I bring something in your dream. You can bring something. You have a lot of memories and wow, it's, it's, you feel, oh, it's like a real, but it's really a great because I bring something. So nobody can explain this. And during my brainwave test with the device of my friend, Dan Winter, he discovered when I'm concentrate about the same state I was when I was young and I teleported myself, my brainwave explode on the screen and he get out the charts out of the charts and he never seen that before in his life in 51 years of research of the gamma brainwave humans. So again, a proof, again, scientific proof, gamma brain rate, again, gamma brainwave, you know, wow, that's wild. And have you, did you lose this ability as an adult? Was it only happening while you were a child? The ability of what the rotation? Teleport, yeah. No, it's different now. I can stay like this and project myself. I don't know what's happening at this moment because I'm staying here. But people saw me in the on other place and remember me. People report people report seeing you know, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, they saw me and they tell me something and I can bring something when I was over under those things when I was young and I discover some gallery and spaceship under those things. I write this I was seven or eight in my little journal and there is one year or two years they've discovered something very special gallery secret under those things. So I was really here. You know, when I wake up with a sand or I wake up with my pants was wet or, you know, and the best thing happened when my dad tell me, okay, son, if you can travel like this, maybe you can test something more for and I say, what do you want to tell me? And he say another word, another planet. You know, I'm a kid. When you are a kid, my friend, everything is possible. Okay. This is important. If you keep your soul, your soul, kid, you can do some everything. And I say, okay, and I wake up in the planet named Antares with a lot of beings with crystal and I was, oh my god, and the particular team, I find it weird because I was dressed like I sleep, my pajamas, my t-shirt with a Spiderman or a world. And I say, it's curious. I'm in my dream and I really realize I dream. So do I dream? And I wake up. I explain this to my parents. I was in a river with a crystal inside and I say, oh, next time I can bring something like the sand between my toes. And I dream with my little backpack with a bottle of plastic empty. And I say, if I wake up, can I, I can feel it. And I wake up again with my the same singer with a pajamas and on my shoulder, the bag. First of all, I open the bag, I take the bottle and I feel the red water with the ground of crystal. I close the bottle and I continue my journey. And I say hello to failing beings and a lot of beings. And I wake up. When I wake up, I say, wow, it was a vivid dream. No bag. I say, I dream. And when I get out to my bed, I saw my bag on the bottom. I take my bag, I check my bag and I heard block, block. And I say, no, no, I open the bag inside. There is, there was a bottle with a red water and the crystal inside. And I say, okay, I succeed. I go to the kitchen and I say to my parents tonight, I was there and my dad and mom say, yeah, yeah. So I'm okay. Okay. You know, okay. And I say, look, and I put the bottle on the table and my dad and my mom was, you know, other kid, I live in the night floor. I wake up in the morning with the bag with the bottle and, you know, it's, it's weird. And my mom burn his hand in a second degree in Hoover, because she, she made a cake. And instantly, I don't know why, by instinct, my dad take a bottle, a little piece of cotton and take the water into the injury of my mom. And instantly, she heal, no burn, no scare. Everything was removed from the water you brought back. Exactly. After that, my dad decided to tap water. He killed the water. She turned black. But he decided to take a picture of crystal and keep this photograph in a secure place. And one night, the box with the crystal disappear. But not the picture. And when my dad say, hey, son, I found a photo of the device of the men in black and the crystal, I say, oh, my God. And I say, okay, I put this new evidence in my documentary, started the version two. So each thing I say, I have a proof, I have now my record proof, my recording proof with my voice. And it's a huge evidence of what I live, not in my head, like you know, now, and I have a lot of witness. And this, this is why I say I found the grail. Yeah, I love it. Yeah. And you know, just based on intuition, you know, we wouldn't have you back on the show if we didn't feel you weren't telling the truth anyway. And it's just, I definitely believe that you're one of the legitimate ones sharing this information. And we appreciate that. And you know, it's, it's, I think the secret space program is going to, it's starting to become a little bit more mainstream. We're noticing the conversation is changing throughout the collective, right? And I think in maybe a year's time, less than a year, it's going to be more common. It's not, you know, that's why we're doing what we're doing, because there's a lot of ridicule surrounding the subjects these days because of certain individuals and things that have happened. But we're not going to let that destroy something that we know is true. And we're just doing our due diligence to keep this information going and interviewing the legitimate people and having these conversations. And it'll have a ripple effect. And you're playing a huge part as far as that goes. And we thank you for that. So, thank you to you to receive me again, my friend. I love you. You are very important for the disclosure, because your show is unbelievable. You receive a lot of people very interesting each. And you do a good job, my friends. Very good job. It's important to me to say the truth, because you're the truth. And you know, there are a lot of people are very bad or take a good thing or bad thing. It's not normal. We work on the same path, the path of the truth. And I don't know there is a division between each people say this is, we don't have the truth. We don't have each a piece of truth, each people. And together, gathering a picture of what's maybe, but share. And you do a good job for that. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. And thank you. And can you please let our audience know where they can find you and how they can watch your documentaries and all that stuff? Yeah, in my website, www GC Moya M O Y E N slash E N like English for the English version. Each movie is dubbing in English. And for my last movie record, secret records, it's the part is English dubbing, but the part of the footage French audio recording is in French to keep the authenticity. But it's subtitle in English, in French, in Brazilian, Portuguese, and Italian and Spanish. No, so you can understand everything I say. Yeah. And for anyone listening, if you want to listen to these audio recordings, they are in this documentary, the secret records. And I think they're the second half of the film is where you where you just play the audio. So if anyone's interested, go check that out. I highly recommend it. And thank you. Thank you again for joining us. This has been great. And Aaron, do you have any last words before we wrap this up Aaron? No, thank you so much. This. Yeah. You do do an amazing work. And thank you for for speaking your your story and your evidence and all of it. You're you're you're a huge help to the movement and to the awakening. So thank you so much. And thanks for joining us again. So good to have you on again. Yeah. Thank. Thank you so much. And very important. The love is the keys. And if you have a children with the abilities, please listen, listen, and don't go to an institute of psychiatric or nothing else, because the future is a children. Yes. Yeah. Thank you for saying that. Yeah. Absolutely. I know what the children are saying and believe them. You know, yeah. I mean, I guess kids could make stuff up. But I mean, honestly, most of the time they're they're sharing what they're experiencing and and love is the key. I agree with that 100% and and that is the way forward. So thanks again. And for anyone who wants to hear more from John Charles, we had him on episode 185. So you can go check that out where he tells us full story. Yeah. So this has been great. Thank you so much. And until next time everybody have a great evening. We love you. Good night. Thank you. What happens when water is exposed to EMF or wireless radiation? Here's something you may not know. Water is conscious and it responds vibrationally to whatever it is exposed to. 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