Journey to Truth

EP 309 | Daryl James | Filling In The Blanks - Never Before Shared Memories - Solar Warden

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Daryl James: Former US Navy:
Daryl's military career began in January of 1999 when he joined the Navy to serve in the naval mobile construction battalion 7 where he served in the middle east and as well as two years of service at the JMF Joint Maritime Force/ RAF Royal Airforce base at the Saint Mawgan Base in the UK. During this time, he escorted executives into the underground portion of the base; where he encountered grey extraterrestrials and exotic technology which could scan his bio signs. He also encountered Michael Aquino & children in cages. A quarrel with a reptilian resulted in a forced slavery punishment in the mines on the moon where he was recruited into the secret space program to work with Kruger, Solar Warden, and Dark Fleet.

1h 12m
Broadcast on:
06 Aug 2024
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And before we get into everything, how are you doing over there, Aaron? - Good, how are you guys doing? - Great, yeah. - Good. - So the reason we're here today is because, with Daryl is because I've been hanging out with them, and we're just cruising around town, and he just starts telling me stuff from his 20 in back, and not even his 20 in back. This time in the military too, just memories and stuff that he's never shared before. Why have you never said it? So I go, I don't know, I feel like it wasn't time, or it was inappropriate, or just random stuff that he's been saying that, you know, we'll be driving and you'll see something that might trigger a memory. So I just been taking notes. - So this is gold, that's how it showed. - Right, yeah, so this interview is actually gonna be all over the place because all of these are just random memories, and you know, when I asked Daryl if he wanted to do this, he was like, what do you mean, kind of like filling in the blank? So I was like, yeah, that's actually a great episode name too. So that's what we're gonna be doing today, it's filling in the blanks on some of his testimonies, some of his incredible stuff, and you know, some of it's, I guess, controversial you could say, but we're gonna go ahead and cover it anyway. And anyway, how are you doing Daryl? Welcome to the show. - I'm good, I'm good, good to be here. - Yeah, so anyway, how has it been having me as a house class, it might be 90 years ago? - Ah, just a little bit, like I can't wait to get rid of this guy, yeah. (laughing) - You're earning your keep. - Right, yeah. (laughing) He's got me in the grass, he's-- - Mowing the lawn, helping out with fixing things like that, yeah. - He's doing all kinds of housework. (laughing) - Yeah. - Well, basically you do all of it in the slave driver. (laughing) - Yeah, right, right. - Slave driver James. So yeah, anyway, so basically, the other night, we'll start with the guitar story, I think, because that's what you first told me. And I was like, why have you never shared this? This is really good information. And I don't know, maybe I'll just let you explain kind of why you never shared this before, and then you can go into telling that story. - Well, with my guitar teacher, it was, I wouldn't say it's like a new memory, but a newer memory, I would say. Probably why I didn't share it. And it was basically, we just came back to Earth, it was full room and I, and we actually landed a small craft in his backyard, and it was cloaked, walked through the fence, not-- - And why were you doing this first? - Oh, well, I was teaching the children, their children, the Italian, the Italian children, the instruments, guitar, and I knew other things like violin, I knew harmonica, I knew piano, and these were the things that my guitar teacher knew as well. His minor in college was violin and things like that, but he was primarily a classical guitar teacher. And yeah, we walked through the fence, walked around to the, you know, to the front yard, so we didn't, didn't seem strange and knocked in the front door, and I said his name, and I said, do you recognize me, and immediately he said yes, and I said, can we come in, and he said yes, and we sat down at the kitchen table, and I pointed at Swaroo, and I said, you know, she doesn't look like on a stucciate, like her eyes were a little too big, aren't they? She's similar, but not quite, and he said yes. And I pulled out a smart glass pad, and I started showing him the, you know, star constellations they were from, when I was pulling images directly out of it, almost like 3D images and things like that. I told him that, you know, when I first joined the program, that things were difficult for me, and, you know, I went away into, you know, I was with the reptiles, the draconians, and I didn't know that was gonna happen in the beginning, and it was difficult. I promised them that that wouldn't happen to him. And I basically asked them that if he wanted to become like a civilian contractor, you know, for the Solar Warden Project, in the sense of being a music teacher, and to teach these people, and the children, and things like that, music. Because it was just too much for me, it was becoming too much of a daunting, you know, I was a pilot, and I was trying to teach music and everything else. And I wanted him to be like the primarily music teacher, music instructor. And yeah, and I just showed him everything. I told him about 20 years back, and I said, you're gonna see things, you never thought you would see again. You know, you never thought you would see. And then I said, you know, then we'll bring you right back here, and you won't remember anything. And that's one of the drawbacks to it. But I promised them, you know, no harm would come to him. And, you know, he would experience things that he had never experienced in his life. And he basically said, you know, and I'll be here. I'll come back right here right now at this moment. And I said, yes. And he said, can I, you know, call my family? And he asked me to call his kids and, you know, his ex-wife and everything like that. And I said, yes, and he called everybody up, and he agreed, and we went. And we just walked through the back door. I believe it was like a sliding glass door, and we walked into the cloak ship. - And so he actually asked his family, or told his family that he was going to? - He didn't tell his family he was going. He just wanted to make one last phone call, and tell him, you know, that he loved them and everything like that. And then we left. - And so was he, like, what was his reaction when you told him about all the stuff? Did he have any background and ETs, do you believe in that stuff? - I wouldn't say he believed in it, but I just remember as a kid, he was always a person you could talk to anything about. And he was kind of understanding, and he really didn't ever put you down in any of your beliefs or anything like that. He was just a very open-minded person to begin with. And at the time, I didn't really recognize him. I had to go through my own records, you know, because I really didn't, my memory was kind of choppy of my life on Earth and things like that. And I basically had to go through, like, records to find them and by tracking down, yeah. - So that brings me to my next question is, how many memories of Earth did you have while you were in the programs? 'Cause that's interesting, how many people talking about that? - Yeah, and I did have memories, and that was one of the reasons, because when I was in Dark Fleet, I had all access to music, because I was a musician and I played for them. Most of the other guys, I think they only had access to things like classical music and things like that. But I had all access, so on the smart glass pad, I would look at albums, and I would look at kind of genres and time of music, and it would remind me of my parents. It would kind of remind me of my mother and my father, and I'd be like, this is like a part of me, this is something who I am. And I think that's why music was so important to me, especially like in the '60s and '70s and even '50s and things like that. It was very important to me because it was a way to kind of get back to my roots kind of track who I was. And I would look at albums and things like that, album covers on the smart glass pad and things like that. It would remind me of my childhood. - So you actually had access to your records then, and you were able to go hunt down your guitar instructor from school, from here and there. So he already knew you from this life. And so whenever you showed up, did you look any different? You looked exactly like yourself, were you any, like did that throw him out with all? - I'm sure I was bigger and I'm sure I was probably, you know, in my late '20s when I should have been, you know, more like in my '40s, and I'm sure that was probably, you know, I'm something else or amazing to him. Maybe I saw a surprise. I'm sure he was surprised to begin with it. I was, you know, I was at his house knocking on his door. But, you know, I mean, I knew where he lived. He would have classes sometimes in his house and I would take classes, you know, in the dining room with him sometimes. But yeah, I'm sure he was surprised. - So you were just up there and you were like, hey, maybe we could go get this guy. And you, they came and basically brought him into the programs just to teach music. - Yeah, just as like an independent contractor, kind of thing. - You gotta say something there? - No. - No, that's amazing. - Right. - But the thing about that, you know, 'cause you're like, you're telling him exactly what he's getting involved in and it's his free will to choose to do it, which is so different from the like the dark programs where they just take you or they trick you into it. - Right. - And then you have no idea you're selling up to be a slave and all the horrible stuff. So yeah, that's how it should be, you know. - Right. And it reminds me of Tony Red Ridge testimony when he said they brought those sculptors and from, I think Europe or whatever to on sale, sculpt those two horses or whatever. So they're bringing artisans and you know, not only profession, I think it's brought into programs on some level. Yeah, maybe they'll come grab a plumber or something too. - That bad. - You know, yeah. - Right, right. - So this brings me to the next point where the guys on base, when he were talking about Pelton John and Billy Joel and stuff, can you tell that story? - Yeah, I was, I was petty off to the watch and this is after I came back from the programs and everything. And I was at the quarter deck and it was, I don't know, kind of late. It was probably around 10 o'clock at night or something like that. And there was the senior chief with the mustache, skinny guy with glasses. He was an awful German and the S3 who was a lieutenant, like fourth in command on the base and he was an awful German. He was actually the one that was the first officer on my ship that invited me to dinner, you know, on their world and things like that. And I had dinner with his wife and kids and everything. And yeah, the senior chief came up to the lieutenant, you know, and I was just sitting at the desk and there in front of me. And he basically said, you know, he's talking about a little John, like, wow, like, Elton John, he's something else. Like, you know, he was talking about him like he never heard of Elton John before. Like, they just got back from a class. - I didn't know that. - Yeah, and it was really strange to me and I was, but I remember like, he looked at me, the senior chief to the lieutenant, you know, and he said, isn't he supposed to be with us now? Like, he kind of said it under his breath. Like, he was surprised that I was there. He said, isn't he supposed to be with us now? And, you know, Lieutenant said, I don't know. I don't know why he's not with us now. But yeah, they were just talking back and forth about Elton John, like it was something brand new to them. And the senior chief came right up to me and he said, do you like Elton John? And I said, you know, I like Billy Joel, but I'm not really an Elton John fan. But I remember playing things like, you know, I started getting good at, you know, piano and everything like that. That same lieutenant, it was the first officer on the ship, the S3. He like befriended me and he started asking me, like, would you like to learn how to play other things? Would you like electrical guitar? Would you like, you know, a piano, a keyboard? He was kind of like getting me things because I was like their entertainment, you know, at their bar on the ship. And that's kind of like what I was doing. So I started learning other instruments and playing that. And yeah, they liked things like, you know, Rocketman and Yellow Brick Road and all that stuff, by Elton John, they liked all this. Yeah, so. - Yeah, so they basically, as if they'd never heard of them, which told you that they weren't from you. - It was really weird. Yeah, it was just, this was, I mean, you know, 2004 and these were guys in their 30s. And it was just, you know, at the time, you know, I was probably 26 or so. And I just thought to myself, like, you know, how did these, how have they never heard of Elton John? - How do you not know who Elton John is? - Yeah, that's impossible. - Yeah, if you're not from here, then most of our stuff that we take for granted is brand new to them and until they discover it, right? - And did you tell him like anything else? Did you say something about Elton John being gay? - No, no, the S3 said to that. He goes, you know, 'cause the senior chief was just, you know, floorbell and John, he was like gushing over. And yeah, the S3 said, you know, he's gay, right? And he said, oh, I didn't know that. He said, well, he still makes good music or something like that. So yeah, that was the conversation as well. Yeah. - So these were off-world Germans, basically disguised as US Navy? - Yeah, like one was, yeah, and they were khakis, the senior chief, yeah, they call them khakis. They're working uniforms for chiefs and officers. And yeah, the lieutenant, he was wearing his khakis as well. And he wore glasses, they both wore glasses. And this was something I was told as well as, you know, like the senior chief was very skinny, but the lieutenant had a build like that they would have. He was a pretty big guy, like, you know, he looked like he'd bench like 350, 400 pounds. So he's pretty, but he wore glasses. And I asked the, you know, the executive officer, Robert, you know, do they do things, kind of tweak their body to kind of help them blend in, make them, you know, speed up the metabolism, to make them skinny or give them bad vision and things like that. And he said, yes. And I said, why do they do that? And he said, well, we just can't have a bunch of Ubermen running around on base, can we? So it's kind of a way to help them blend in. Some are overweight, some are skinny. But whatever they're like, actually in dark flee, they're all just pretty big men. And they don't need glasses or anything like that. - So then this is all actually an extension of Project Paperclip. Does, you were saying how it actually goes a lot deeper than we think with their one-run bronze stuff, right? - Yeah, I mean, it goes a lot deeper in the sense that a good portion of the high ranking personnel on this base were off-world Germans. And they spoke with like a perfect American accent. I don't know if you ever heard a person, you know, from who's German speak English, they actually sound more American than, you know, an English person because our accent comes a lot from, you know, Germany, the American accent of English comes from a lot from the, was it the Hessians, the German mercenaries that the English hired during the Revolutionary War, that's where we get our accent from. So they pretty much already have like a perfect American accent. And yeah, it's like the doctor on base. I mean, these are like really, you know, close, you know, intimate kind of, they know everybody on the base. And everything about everyone on base, you know, these are these kind of positions. You know, the master chief of the base, who's third in command, the doctor, who's a lieutenant. He was an awful German. And yeah, I remember talking to the doctor before I left. You know, I told Robert, let him know who I am and, you know, tell him I know who he is basically. And whenever I came in for my final checkup before I left the military, you know, he was basically kind of looking down my timeline. He was doing kind of the same thing Robert was. So I caught him doing it. He was trying to see like he was like, just being quiet and kind of looking around, like I wasn't there kind of thing. And I said, stop doing that. I knew exactly what he was doing. And he basically like he could see how angry I was with them. I think out of all of them, they're the ones that keep the most of a grudge against, even more than the reptiles or the off-world Germans, because I see them as kind of like a very, it's betrayal, you know, it's like on a biblical level. They're kind of like Judas's to me to their own species. It's how I see them. And he said, you know, we're helping you, don't you? Like he was, he said that. So he kind of almost gave me an idea that there was kind of like a breakaway, the broke away from like the draconians and that they're actually trying to help her now. And you know, it's more complex than you did. And you understand it's kind of like how explained it to me. - Right, so this would mean that it can't be just the same mug and the has off-world Germans working as you as Navy, right? So I would imagine that a number of the military bases all over the country probably have off-world Germans. It's not just Germans that came from Germany in Project Paperclip, right? It's actually off-world Germans that were brought here and they're basically implanted into these bases probably for the reasons I was recruiting people into the programs. - I mean, I would say the underground bases are the only real on a universal level, like the universe, the game that the universe is playing, the wars that are actually going on in the universe. I would say that they're the only ones that are actually know have knowledge of what's actually going on. I would say a majority of the military bases, I mean, I don't know what they are to fund the military industrial complex, lush, whatever it is. But I would say it's mostly these underground bases as far as what I was told, because you know, like this underground base, it was, was it to track subs and the Arctic Circle, like the Russians and the Chinese and the North Koreans, that's what the guys were told who worked in the space. But I mean, the EXO told me, you know, it was just like a cover story. And the actual purpose for underground bases is for, you know, a slavery into the secret space program and adrenochrome harvesting. And those are the two main reasons for these underground bases. And it sounds like it's the same thing all around the world what he explained it to me. They all have like, you know, these caverns below them where they have, you know, adrenochrome harvesting and they all, you know, recruit for the secret space programs. And that's like their primary, you know, goal. And it's also all the stargates and things like that. All the looking glass technology. Every underground base has looking type of glass technology as well, which is just basically like a portal you can observe or you can step through the looking glass of it. - So you can actually step through the looking glass and you go somewhere else? - Yeah, you can observe. You can look, you can go in different points of time and observe and, you know, with a certain amount of accuracy like 94% but you can also step through and go into that kind of timeline and do the looking glass. - Wrong. So, and do you have any questions before we go on to the next one? - Well, I'm just thinking of like anyone watching this who doesn't maybe hasn't heard you before or doesn't know a lot about the secret space program. So a lot of times we just kind of were so used to it. We just say things and assume that people know what we're talking about. So I'm just thinking you're saying off-world Germans and people are like, what the F are you talking about? What is that? How can someone be an off-world German? Like what does that mean? But can you explain what off-world Germans means and how do they become an off-world German? And like, just explain that real quick. - Well, the way it's explained to me was like the point of World War II through Germany's eyes was kind of like the whole channeling with Maria Orsik and the real society. That was a real thing. They were actually getting like, you know, higher density beings that were looking, you know, at a higher like a plane of existence. And they basically told them, you know, go to Antarctica that they showed up. They told them the coordinates of where to find all these, all this different tech. They took it all the South America, the reverse engineered it. And the whole point of like World War II was just to delay the allies as long as possible. To get all this technology that they could from Antarctica and to South America. And then you had that famous photograph of like the glowing orbs over the White House. You know, it goes on the anniversary to the wonder. - In '52, yeah. - And that was Germans basically, you know, forcing the United States to surrender, you know, to them. And it was actually Germany that won the war. And that's another part of our project paperclip that people don't understand is. It wasn't just they did it like, you know, in an underhanded way where they infiltrated everything. They did it in a military way. And that was what that was, what those glowing crafts were about the White House. They went to the White House and they gave them surrender papers and they signed them. The United States surrendered to the off-world journeys. So they had these breakaway societies. Once over, you know, they reverse engineered the technology. It was basically like, if you're loyal to the Draconians, the reptiles, they'll give you things. So they gave them a world. So they have their own world. They probably have several worlds from them. And yeah, they're, you know, they reverse engineered this technology. They're able to go off world, as they call it. And they were able to inhabit different worlds. So yeah. - And also, do you know if these looking glass portals or stargaze took them to other planets as well? Could they traverse that way or was that on the square? - They could traverse that way as well. But I mean, on a smaller level, on a smaller scale, you couldn't really get the materials and everything you need through looking glass. And I don't think that would be it. - Right. - Justically, yeah, sound. - Right. So basically we have a German, the Germans and Maria Orsett. So she was channeling these higher density beans, getting blueprints for this free energy craft, right? These UFOs, these flying disks. And that was the technology that helped them get off planet and probably what the 30s and 40s? - Yeah, 30s, probably, at least 40s, definitely. - And I think that's where people have pause because they just don't, they can't wrap their head around the fact that humans were off world already in the 30s, established bases on the moon and Mars and in the shapes of swastikas and things of that nature. And it's just not what we've been told. And so even when they're off world, that might just mean they're from the moon or Mars. And I'm sure other planetary bodies that we're not even familiar with. - Yeah, they're just us, but they're genetically augmented in the womb. I was told they live over 800 years, which is what we should live. We should live over 800 years. And yeah, because things are poison. They poison our air, water, food. And they're also just a higher lane of existence so they live longer. And they've been genetically augmented the womb to live longer, to be stronger, to be faster, to be smarter. - Right. Right. So when you say they're looking around and seeing down your timeline, is this just like a psionic ability? Or like, how are they actually doing that? - Well, I mean, it's just the whole time and it's an illusion. It's real, you know, like time really isn't, it doesn't really exist in the way you think of it. As long as like, if somebody can do this, as long as they're in your presence, as long as they're like with you, they can actually look down your timeline. And if you're like a higher density being, and you know how to do this yourself, you can look down your own timeline. Like, I remember most ETs knew when they were gonna die, and it was just something they accepted. Yeah, maybe it was something they tried to change, but I mean, in the long run, sometimes you just can't change things, and that's just the way it is. But it was just a part of being in this higher consciousness that it really didn't frighten them, I guess it would in the sense that a third density being. But yeah, as long as you never, the really you never dies though, so why would you fear death, you know? - Exactly. - It is exactly nothing. - Yeah, the flesh dies. Yeah, the consciousness that lives on. - Right, right. - So, and then, you actually had, when you got back from your programs, and you're living in Florida, you actually had a roommate at one point where, - You saw her able to look down your timeline, right? - Yeah, yeah, I had a roommate, and I was helping her get a car on, like the Atlantic side of Florida. And as we're coming back, she was driving. And a lot of people can do this stuff too, when they're driving. So it's like she was driving, and she was like, wow, he was in the Secret Space Program. Like she was saying stuff that I had no idea that, like she knew. And I think this is when I did my first interview with James. So it could have been, maybe she was messing with me, she saw this, but I don't think so, 'cause I don't think she looked at things like this, but yeah, she was, and then he's gonna do this, and then that, she was just kind of like going through. And I was looking at her, and I could tell, she was like going down my timeline. But yeah, it was, she knew it. Yeah, and once I saw her doing it, and it's something I could do as well when I was younger, but it's almost like, for me, it was, as they say, like the higher self, you know, it's kind of like that part of you is doing it. And it's almost like you don't even know you're doing it, if that makes sense. You're doing it, but then when you kind of snap out of it, you really don't remember. And then maybe it might be like a day or two later, where you're like, oh yeah, I forgot I did that. 'Cause it's almost, it's not like the consciousness that's here, it's like the one above you. Right, yeah. So I guess let's jump to the part where you actually saw a therapist when you were retired from the Navy, right? And they say you're up with a therapist and tell that story and how that worked. Well, yeah, like I went to a therapist and, you know, I went to one before from the VA, and that was the man I talked to from the Army. And he was the one that completely like, you know, he's like, I believe you. He's like, you know, he pretty much knew what the military does you, how they use you and everything else. And then, you know, I had other, he got transferred somewhere else. And that was like the difficult thing is they, in the VA, they get transferred after like four to six months sometimes. So you're always seeing like a new therapist, you're really not making any kind of, you know, headway as far as, you know, you're healing in my opinion. And so I hadn't seen anybody for years. And then eventually, you know, I went back to the VA and I had said, I'd like to get a civilian, you know, I'd like to get contracted to the outside and get a civilian therapist. So that way, hopefully I can stick with this person for at least a year to try to get these things figured out. And I talked to him and I told him I was writing a book and he's like, well, tell me what the book's about. So I started just telling him about it. And, you know, he was saying certain things, I don't know, liability things, you know, like things like that, like legal liability. And so I talked about the 5G tower and everything else like that. And so basically you told him your whole story of everything that happened. - Pretty much. Yeah, like all the way up until the point, you know, where I first saw the reptile and he said, our time is up. You know, and, you know, the hour was up. He's like, oh, I can't wait to hear more. And, you know, I'll just go online, make another appointment and I'll see you in a, you know, in a couple of weeks. And I said, okay, I went online and made another appointment and I got an email background saying like something to the effect of do the circumstances of your situation. I can't see you any further. Like I'll call the VA and have them find another therapist for you. And as soon as I heard that I called the woman that I talked to and then she never called me back. So it's just like after like I told someone about this that was very, I'm sure it was probably something, you know, if they just thought I was crazy then they'd try to give me another therapist. But I think it was just something that they actually kind of believed and I was breaking some sort of protocol. So they just completely, you know. It was like, yeah, they didn't want to be complicit and get in trouble with you kind of thing. Well, yeah. Or they just didn't want, yeah, exactly. Like it's some things from a top secret base and everything like that. And I've talked to another therapist before about Michael Aquino and the torture and stuff like that. And immediately he was like, whoa, like this happened. And yeah, I said, yeah. But then as soon as I mentioned it was an underground base and top secret, he just kind of dropped it. So it's like they act like they care. But as soon as they find out that you're like a certain level of secrecy, then they just drop it and they don't care. And it seems to me like, like they don't want you sharing this information to this therapist that's real information. And now, I mean, essentially you're red pilling him. And then if he starts to believe that then that changes everything because he's going to have questions. And I think they wanted to stop that ripple effect, right? Oh, yeah. I'm sure that's a big part. I mean, we do have like a shared consciousness and once enough people start waking up, then you know, everybody will start waking up. I'm sure that's something they all want. Yeah. It's already happening. It's fair enough to stop it. But you know, they're going to try. Right. So this is just a quick side note that something you told me while we were driving the other night that a lot of people say that they remember you from the programs, right? And then you ask them a question back basically to test them to see if like it's a legitimate memory or not. And you asked, well, what was my name? And they tell you what your name was, but you actually had a different name in Dark Fleet. So that's how you know if the person actually had a true memory of you or not. And so maybe you can tell that story and what your name was. Yeah, like, well, when Robert was explaining to me, I was in Dark Fleet and he said, they changed your name. And I said, why do they do that? He said, they take away your identity. That's what he said. And I said, well, what was my name? And he said, the same as mine. His name was Robert. And he said, but it was pronounced robot. He said, your name was robot. And I think it was like, like, Klugel or something like that? Robot Klugel, I think, is how he pronounced it. And yeah, and that was like, a lot of people will say, you know, hey, I remember somebody named James, you know, in the programs in the Dark Fleet. But that wouldn't have been my name. My name would have been something more to the effect of like Klugel and not James. Right. I just thought that was an interesting side note. Yeah. Just be, you know, for anyone who's like, yeah, I remember you, Daryl, but you weren't even actually, that was a different name, different identity. Right. OK, so going down the, having the ability to see down your timeline and actually telepathic ability, which you still have, which I didn't know that, but if the other person can use telepathy, you're still, you're able to communicate with them even today. Yeah, and it's also like you have, you have to find kind of like their emotional wavelength as well. I mean, you could find someone that's on the same emotional level as you. You can immediately and they can do it. You can immediately do it. But if there's like somebody's kind of like in a different frequency than you, you got it. You kind of have to find their frequency before they can do it. And I've heard people say that it's a lot. It's all emotion and things like that. But no, like the way my family did it. And I met like, you know, my mother's wake. You know, I met my half brother Chris. And he was with his girlfriend. And I invited him over to our table that, you know, talked to us and they sat down and we're they were just very quiet. My sister was mostly talking to other people. And I heard him say, you know, to his girlfriend, can you do it? Can you do it? He just kept on just saying that. And I looked over at them and I nodded my head. And he said, you can do it. You can do it. So it was like, you know, we immediately already had that kind of same emotional wavelength to where it wasn't typical. I knew exactly. He was just wondering if I still remembered how to do it. And he was like one of my half brothers from my father's first marriage that, you know, knew how to do those things. And your dad taught you how to do this, right? Yeah, and it was just very natural. It was just, I think all kids can do it. If their parents can do it, I think all kids have the potential of being able to do it. Right. And it just seems like as you get older and, you know. Yeah, and the reason I'm bringing this up is because there's a story from their childhood and actually doesn't have anything to do with the programs. But I find it very interesting because potentially, so this lady wanted you to marry her daughter because of who you were. She was able to see either your bloodline or at a soul level who you were. And she wanted you to marry her daughter for that reason. And she did something to you. Can you tell that whole story? Because I think it's actually important. Yeah, um, there was this girl who was in high school. And I think I was in middle school. She was a freshman. She was my sister's friend. And, uh, yes, she spent the night at the house. And I think I was like 11 and she was like 14 or something like that. And I saw her like, you know, she had her head kind of like that on the bed, like laying on her stomach. My sister walked out and I was in the bedroom across and I walked in and I immediately knew she was a telepath. And I said, you know, and I was asking her things if she had a boyfriend, if I could kiss her and things like that. And she was like my first kiss. Anyways, it came up to be my sister's birthday, which was Halloween. So her friend invited me, you know, over to the house, you know, for Halloween, like a, you know, like a slumber party kind of thing. And so we went over and we all went over it and she immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me into her mom's bedroom. And her mom was like putting on kind of like an outfit, like look like a cross between like Stevie Nicks and Elvira. She's like in the mirror, like putting on makeup and things like that. And at your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. 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And I remember I heard the girls outside screaming who were like in the living room, like a TV room, they started screaming. And the woman kind of shook my head and snapped me out of it. And she said, you know, you're a powerful little boy, don't you? And I said, yes. And she said, good, now go play. And then when we went out, I remember all the girls like my sister didn't see it. Cause I think my sister was this kind of shut off the things like that. But like two or three other girls said, did you see that? Did you see that? Look like the whole house is on fire and they said, yeah. And so it was the next day. And she said, Jen, why don't you, you know, have the girls go outside and play out back. She said, I'm playing. She said, I want to talk to Derek. I want to talk to Darryl. And so, you know, we started talking and, you know, there was a car and I could do things like this. I remember there was like a toy, like Corvette on the on the shelf. And I said, can I see it? She said, yes. And I started looking at it and I said, your husband had a car like this. You know, and your husband hurts people. And I, you know, I found out later from my sister that, you know, he was high ranking like Italian mafia that like lived close to our neighborhood. And he was coming down from New York and had a vacation to kind of house in Florida. And yeah, he would hurt people and I could look down his timeline and I could see him like, you know, hurting people and doing things to people. And yeah, she started telling me about her faith. She was Jewish. She was a cabalist and all this other thing. She practiced this other kind of alternate, kind of a Jewish religion. And she said, well, she, she wanted, she wanted me to marry her daughter. She said, I did something to you. I don't know what I did, but I did something to you. And it was, she was right. It was like for years after that, I felt like I was hallucinating. It was just like, colors were different, sounds were different. I felt like I could see people that weren't there. I felt like I could see different things. And I found out later through Robert and things like that. He said, that's what was the reason why the density chamber didn't put me down in a third density property is because she put me partially into fit density on accident. And it wouldn't happen. It was weird whenever the whole thing happened with the oral exploding. And it felt like what it felt like it was, I could see, I think I saw like, you know, mother, like the elder, like I get in a woman, like the 80. And then I saw like others kind of surrounding her. And it was almost like something it felt like the day we're kind of doing to me to kind of like get me ready for this or whatever this was. It was like they kind of like, even though it was like difficult and kind of screwed up my life a bit. It was just something that had to happen to go to the next level. And so yeah, like I looked down the timeline to see if I married, you know, her daughter, what would become of this? And eventually, like I dropped that of high school, I think at 15. And I married her. I think she was like 18 or 19 or something like that. Or 18, I think I was 15. She was 18. I married her. We went to New York. We had like, um, you were 15. Well, yeah, we had like a girl and two coordinates. Cause I was like a freshman and he was like, this is this thing. It actually happened. This didn't actually happen. But when you go down the timeline, it's like, yeah, you're this. You're actually like living that. That's how it felt to me. It was like, I was, I was in this life. This was the life I was in. It was to do this. And this thing is just interesting. Why a, you know, in that timeline, you guys would have gotten married so young. Like that's, there's something to that. You know, yeah. Well, I mean, her, her mother's like, her mother seemed to have this kind of idea that whatever I had in my bloodline, she wanted in hers. And when I locked you down quick, yeah, it was like the mom's idea. Cause even after this happened and like I was kind of after I saw, well, I saw the timeline. I looked in the timeline and went to New York with them. And I became kind of almost like an advisor to the father. We would meet like in warehouses or docks. And I remember I told this to Jen later on before she left New York. I told her I saw all this, all this stuff. She said, yeah, a lot of business happens in the dock. That was the woman's name. I should, that was the girl's name. But I was trying to say it. But yeah, I told her later and yeah, we would go to the docks and everything like that. And the mom would be like in a different room in this warehouse. Like maybe like just a small room, I would be telling her things telepathically to her. Like if the guy had a gun on him, what his intentions were, because she got me really good. She like, she knew how to like heighten all my abilities. And she would like practice with me and make me better and better. And I was getting better at it. So I would tell everything to her when she was in a different room and she had a microphone and the husband had a, you know, an earpiece and she would tell everything to him. Like, so he knew exactly what was going on. And I guess people got wise to it and eventually I got shot. Like a guy, I said that there's, he has a gun above his right ankle going for the gun. And it was too late and he pulled out a gun and he shot me in the chest. You know, he shot the man back, the man died. But I remember I could see my own funeral. I could see, you know, like, you know, him crying over me and things like that and Jen crying over me. And then I went to my father had the heart attack. So that kind of seemed like that was part of his fate, no matter what. But that time age I was at ninth when I would have been 19. And then after that, my mother committed suicide through pills and then my sister was all by herself. And it was just like this horrible kind of fate, this outcome. I kind of saw happening to my entire family. It was going to ruin my entire family. And I looked at her and I said, like, I can't be with Jen. There's like, no way, like, there's no way I can do this. And this is possible. I can't do this. And she would still try to like kind of like do things like, why don't you go in Jen's room? Like if I was over the house, because I was, you know, I used to play with her sons and things like that. And she would do like kind of weird stuff. Like, why don't you go talk to Jen? Like, why don't you go into her room? It was just like trying to manipulate you to be with her. It's still, yeah. Yeah. And I even told her I looked at her and said, I can't be with Jen. I'm sorry. And I said, this is going to destroy my family. I said, no way. I can't do this. And what was her response to that? Well, she said, well, she said, we'll help you. She kept on trying to convince me. She's like, we'll stop it. We'll help you. And I kept on looking down the timeline. It still happened no matter what, no matter what. I don't. And I said, I can't do it. Yeah. She kept on saying, we'll help you to stop this. So then, so you got out of that. That, I mean, you just went a different, chose a different path, I guess. And I mean, it was still just as interesting of a path, but you're still here, luckily. So, I mean, that's all that's all absolutely fascinating. Now, you know why when I'm driving around with Daryl, he's telling me all the stuff. I'm like, dude, we got to work, right? Like, why have you never said this? Listen, it was just normal stuff, you know, but I also wonder who this woman was and what she did to you and how she had that ability. You said she was a cabalist, right? And so she, I just wondered who she was, really. I mean, I don't know. It's just, I think once you get. I mean, I've heard of that once you get really high up in the Italian mafia. A lot of times they do want you to like marry into like a, you hear that a lot, you know, with like good fellows and things like that. You know, Henry Hill, he had a Jewish wife. It's like they want you. And even when you get higher up in the mafia, it becomes almost like kind of like a Catholic about black magic kind of thing when you get really wrong. So, yeah. So every, I mean, when you really, you know, know what's going on the planet. Every single institution, that includes every mafia at the top of the pyramid is what's is connected to the deep state, a cabal, Illuminati, whatever term you want to call it, that does black magic, that does all these occult, you know, things. And they have this knowledge and they're used, but they're using it for the negative, like to empower themselves and enslave humanity and aren't humanity and blah, blah. So yeah, the mafia is definitely used by the cabal. So that makes perfect sense to me when you've said that. I'm like, oh, yeah, of course, well, of course they're connected to that. And she she's trying to recruit you to like be with her daughter. And because of your abilities and stuff and who you are makes perfect sense to me. Right. So yeah, this is incredible stuff. We're going to jump around again to a new point in time. So I guess this was when you got back from the programs, you were on base and you saw something that maybe you shouldn't have saw. I don't know the person that was wearing all black. Can you tell that story? Yeah, like I kind of befriended this. You know, we started drinking earlier in the day. And it was just one of those kind of things that I befriended like this English guy. And we went up to his room and he had all like kind of this American football, you know, paraphernalia. He had like actual helmets, like bucking ears and giants. Like back in those days, they were like $800, like the actual NFL helmets. And he had real jerseys, you know, pinned to the wall. And we were watching, you know, just shorts and eager movies or something like that. We're watching die hard in the action movies. And we're sitting on a couch and there was a window right behind us. And he was on the fourth floor of the barracks, the top floor. And he said, look, he turned around. He looked up the window and he said, look, and you know, they were cracked open. And there was somebody with a black hooded like sweatshirt with black gloves, black sweatpants and even black sneakers. And he had somebody like it looked like a body rolled up in a like a military blanket, like one of those wool, those dark gray wool, military blankets. And he had them over his shoulder and he was carrying them. And immediately I said, should we help them? You know, it looked like a guy like carrying a corpse over a shoulder. And he looked at me and he said, no, it's too late for him. We can't help them. And it was strange. It was like kind of like a chill one went down my spine. And what that was now that I looked back on at the time, I didn't know, but that was somebody who came back from the 20 year and back. And that's how they bring you back to your, your bed. You know, they wrapped you up in this blanket and they wait till like two or three in the morning and then they take you back to your room. And I think that it was probably that first class petty officer with the blonde mustache, the overweight guy. Cause I think that's what he did. That was pretty much his job is he would bring people back. And I met that guy in a bar, like that. And that was like the day, like the Sunday, you know, like I said, I left on Friday. I missed Saturday and I came back on Sunday was when I, you know, I came back. And it was Sunday evening and I saw him in a bar. And, you know, first I went up to the goth, you know, because she was talking to me like on Thursday or something and she seemed really interested in me. And so I was like, you know, I had a buzz and I was kind of flirting with her. And she immediately got like really scared. Cause this is the woman I was, I told her I was going to kill her in the future. And she just walked away. She looked really scared. You walked away and I started walking through the, through the pub. And I saw this first class petty officer sitting in the booth by himself. And he started laughing. He said, man, he said, Aquino fucked you up, man. He started telling me all this stuff. He's like, I carried you back to your room, you know, and he shouldn't have done things like that to you. And he was like, yeah, and I, I, I felt bad for what he did to you. So I helped you out. You know, I gave you a lot more muscle tone. And, you know, you're, you should go to the gym and keep it up. And then when I woke up, like I said, I was very tone, very muscular when I woke up in the 20 year back and he was the one, you know, he felt bad for me for, you know, being tortured for two days. So he thought he'd kind of like help me out, put me in a med bed, you know, and tone up my muscles and everything. But yeah, like, I mean, that was, I believe that was the guy. And that's how they returned them, at least on this base from the 20 year back, they would just wrap them up in like a military blanket, walk them back to the room and just put them in bed. Yeah. That's, that's incredible formation. I think we're just getting more pieces of puzzle and it's all coming together. And the fact that you saw that is no coincidence. And, you know, and you had the memory of the guy or the experience of the guy telling you, yeah, I carried you back to your room. So obviously you can connect those dots, but I remember, well, I remember too, there was a guy from who was a, he worked in the mail rate. And I was out on the barracks and he kind of, like, I was out in the hall of the barracks walking somewhere and he was like in the hall, like talking to someone, he was saying like, you know, I had, you know, I was in these minds in the moon, you know, and he was like talking about it. And I hear that's common for someone to remember like the first day or two. And he was like, you know, this was real. This happened to me and he was kind of like going through, you know, almost like, you know, and I don't know how to explain almost like a panic attack. He was like really freaking out. He didn't know like what to do with this information he had in his head. But I mean, you would see things like that every now and again of guys who would remember, I remember the, yeah, other guys who remember the first day or two and 20 years back. Right. Wow. This is incredible stuff. So we're going to jump to the next topic, which is, OK, so when you were working out at the VA, Jim, you mentioned you over here in conversations of other people that were like essentially time travelers are in the programs as well. And one of the guys actually was talking to you about investing in hydrogen. And I just, I find it's very interesting because I think there's something to it. Can you tell that story? Yeah, I mean, that was, it was a guy who looked like Mike Pence. He lives in Mike, like my neighborhood, like a few blocks from it. And he was at Bay Pines VA, which is where I went to like work out and things like that. And yeah, this, this other gentleman probably was like a retired officer in these programs. He said, Hey, you're from the future, aren't you? And this guy looks like Mike Pence said, how did you know that? And he's like, I used to work with you guys, you know, on the base I was on. So, you know, he's this, he's this alternate timeline that I don't believe he's going to happen, it seemed like Robert was part of that Mike Pence timeline. He said these things changed and everything else. But for some reason, I remember like Robert telling me about this guy because as he was looking down my timeline, you can kind of see a doubt on other people's timelines, if that makes sense, like people who I interacted with in my life, he could look down to their timelines. And he said the way he got like this time travel technology is his brother worked for a company that had it. And they realized that the timeline was going to collapse. So they both went back in time to like where we are right now, today, from around 25, 80 or so live. Yeah. So it's so interesting. It's so crazy that people from an alternate timeline that collapses or that ends up not even happening can come back in time and actually live in a different timeline and still exists. Yeah. This, because it's like, well, wait, if their timeline never happened, how are they still alive, but it's, there's, it seems like that's possible with time travel still. Yeah. And I, I saw him in front of his house one time and we were talking about investments. And he said, he said, listen to me, he's like, all this solar power and wind power. It's nothing. He said, it's going to be nothing in the future. He said, hydrogen is it. He said, the hydrogen is going to be the key element, the key, you know, power source of the future. He was just trying to like put this in my head. He's like, you should invest in the, you should invest in the, you just kept on saying that to me. Right. And like, please stress in the importance of, we don't realize how important it's, how important it's going to be in the future. So he said it's going to power everything. And, and interestingly enough, countries are growing hydrogen. Germany just went all hydrogen, right? Or they're growing transitioning hydrogen or their cars anywhere, hydrogen, Australia as well. And then I think Billy Carson has been talking about a lot about. It talks about all the. Yeah, he's like, by 2030, the hydrogen car is away in the future. He's like the electric car is trash, which is, that's what that guy told you also, right? He said solar and electric is trash, basically. Yeah. He said that's not going to be used in the future. It's not efficient to the hydrogen is the way to go. What did he say was wrong with solar? Did he say? He said it just wasn't efficient enough. And this wasn't, you know, for the amount, he didn't go into detail. But I'm just guessing for the amount of what, and that you need for all those solar panels and the power that you get. And, you know, the reason it's not, it's not. And to build those things, the materials you need to be like, it's just not an efficient or sustainable thing to do. If you're going to go, you know, I mean, there's so many other free energy that we already have. That's the problem and this hydrogen is one of them. That's the thing, but at least they're doing at least one of them is happening. But there's, I mean, going back to Tesla and even early before Tesla, and obviously, in ancient times, you know, there was. Free energy being used, zero point energy and there's many different ways to extract energy from the zero point. 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Find your purpose at GCU, private, Christian, affordable visit Let alone just hydrogen or other things that we don't need to be paying to live on the planet that we're born on, which makes no sense unless it's enslaved. That's a good sign to me that we're going towards something that means that is a very positive timeline that we're on. Yeah, I think investing in hydrogen wouldn't be a bad idea. And because I was talking to somebody who said that these companies are being forced to go green, like they have to go green in certain tax breaks, which means they have to be a certain percentile of like you have to be so green or you don't get this tax break, right? And the only, but they're limiting, they're expanding those restrictions to the point where it's like, unless they're being forced to go hydrogen or otherwise they won't fit in that bracket, right? So what's going to happen, like they're not going to, they're going to have all of these major corporations because of the climate, folks, they've actually, they're forcing these people into going hydrogen. And there's more to help as we know that are not combustible. So what they're doing is it's going to be regardless, it's going to be the way of the future, I think, and all these major corporations are going to go hydrogen, which means all of us are going to go hydrogen. So investing now, I think that guy was on to something because we're already seeing it play out. So yeah, and we all know the story of different people like Gary Webb in the 80s who who made the thing where you can run your car on water, which is high. And then they killed him, obviously, and he's not the only one, by the way, who's invented that and it has been taken out and then it just disappears and no one hears about it again, you know, it's like, so finally we're getting somewhere with that where it's like, you know, that that's a really good sign to me because the control system doesn't want that obviously they want to keep the gas cool and oil, but here's the problem with that is like, that's not sustainable for the planet. Because the planet is dying from all the stuff we're doing to it and it's, well, that's why the cabal, you know, they had all their plans to like, you know, we're going to build these underground bases, start a nuclear war, kill everything on service and then come back up later and, you know, it'll just be us or whatever, but we're not on that timeline, obviously, like, that's not, that's not being allowed to happen. So they have, and they're realizing, like, we have to switch to a sustainable thing and we're not being allowed to do all these crazy new old order plans. Right, so all the indicators are pointing out that right, and all the indicators are pointing to that being hydrogen. So anyway, right, right. You know, I mean, we're not telling you, this isn't, this isn't financial advice or anything like that, but it's just interesting to take note of. So, well, I mean, it makes it, we live in a planet that's what 70% water, you know, so our bodies are basically around that percent water. Like, it's just the most logical next step to go to a hydrogen base energy, you know, just the most logical next step. Okay, so jumping forward, when you were talking to Robert, he told you a couple of things health related that I found interesting that I don't know if you've ever spoken about live or not before, but he talked about waterfalls and sunscreen. I'll let you expand on that. Well, yeah, he told me that something about the frequency of a waterfall, like if you stand under, you know, like a small waterfall for an hour every day. And even for just a week and every day for a week, many illnesses would be cured, including like cancer and things like that. He said, there's something about, yeah, I don't know, this the constant pouring water pouring over the sound of it, but the entire just, you know, the entire experience of the standing under a waterfall. I mean, he said, if you do it for like an hour every day, even even if it's just like for a week, it can cure just about anything, you know, like a waterfall itself just standing underneath it and letting the water, including, including cancer, which I think is incredible. And so what did he tell you about sunscreen? I mean, he told me that sunscreen, he said it's like, you know, that's what gives you skin cancer as a sunscreen itself. Yeah, they're getting like sunburn, some really do it to you. He said, if you are going to wear something, wear something zinc, like something zinc based, you know, like zinc is fine. He said, I know they are starting to make ones that, you know, they're diluting it with, you know, other kind of natural materials. I think it's tallowy zinc, like a mixture of tallow and, like, things like that would be a lot better as far as the sunscreen. But sunscreen itself, he said, that actually causes cancer. That's what gives you, because your skin is a mouth, your skin basically swallows anything you put on. You're baking chemicals into your skin. How did we ever think that was a good idea? It makes no sense. Of course, it's going to give you. Ridiculous. Right. Yeah, and does that whole conversation we had about the sun when we did that roundtable, which if anyone wants to go back and watch it, we discuss all this in depth. It's called what they don't want you to know about our sun. We just did it right before the conference, right before the eclipse, actually. So if anyone's interested in that, I'd recommend checking that video out. And then I guess the last thing that we have on our notes here is probably one of the most controversial things. But he told you something about the gay rights movement and why that was started, and maybe you could explain to our audience what he told you that's all about. Well, he asked me if I ever heard of Harry Hay, and I said, "No." And he said, "Harry Hay started the gay rights movement in the 1950s." And he said, "Harry Hay was CIA." And he said that the entire point of the gay rights movement, and he said that Harry Hay marched to the front of Nambla, which is an ask what that was. So they didn't know. And he said, "North America, man and his wife is an associate." Yeah. And I said, "That's legal." I was really surprised at the time. I said, "That's legal?" And he said, "Yeah." I said, "Why?" And he said, "They want it to happen." And he said he marched to the front of Nambla in the '70s, '80s, '90s, like all the way till he died. And he said that the point of the gay rights movement from day one was to eventually make pedophilia acceptable to the American people. And because he said once the civilization accepts pedophilia, it falls within 100 years. And he said that that's how they implement things, is they do it slowly over decades. They just don't do it all at once. "Oh, let him have love his love, let him get married and be miserable like everybody else." And then it becomes the gay rights parade where bringing children to things that they shouldn't see. And then it's now like little kids getting money thrown at them and gay strip clubs and stuff like that. So it's kind of like up to that. Yeah. It's like the frog boiling in the pot of water that they have to slowly, if you turn it up really fast, then it jumps out. But you normalize these things. You get people program more and more conditioned more and more. So then it just becomes, "Oh, yeah, this is just normal." And that's exactly what they've been doing for a long time. And the fact that those guys came back to this timeline tells me that it doesn't work. I mean, because obviously they're not going to come to another timeline that's going to collapse. So it might seem dark and it is dark what they're doing. We just did the episode "We Array," which was another controversial episode, but I think there was something there that people should pay attention to. And I think the fact that we're even talking about it and recognizing it is how we change the timeline. If we did recognize it and it was all still being done, like a sleight of hand, which they can't do anymore because we're just calling them out every step of the way. So I think it is dark, but it's the start. It's what the beginning of this positive timeline looks like. And it might not be the beginning that the ideal start, but it's the start. And is there anything else that we didn't cover that you'd like to talk about before we wrap this up? No, I mean, this was just like I said, yeah, the fill-in-the-planks to kind of like, you know, this different things I talk about with people I know that I don't really talk about on the shows. That was the whole point of this. It says you've been living with me for almost two weeks now. You've heard this, the different things I kind of recall and talk about, and I really don't bring up in the shows very much. But yeah, I think we achieved the goals of the show. Yeah, I think so. And yeah, it's been more than interesting riding around with here and just hearing all those stuff. I'm literally in the passenger seat of the car taking notes as he's talking. We're going to talk about this on the show. Yeah. We can't forget about that. So yeah, I mean, thank you so much. This has been great. And yeah, we just got, like I said, Daryl just filmed his part for our documentary, which is coming up, which is about the earth based side of the secret space program and the recruitment process. And we're trying to interview some of the people who have boots on the ground experience and military credentials. And we can like people like Tony Red Ridge, where we could actually go to these places. They remember and prove things and actually bring some evidence to the table. And it's going to be a, like I said, it's an ambitious project, but we're going to do it. And I think it's going to be amazing. So thank you for being a part of that. And Aaron, did you want to say anything else before we wrap this up? No. Guys go buy your book. Yeah, everyone buy my book. If you haven't yet. And thank you so much. Oh, and so the secret space program documentary, we're working on it. I don't, there's no, there's no scheduled like date yet for it being released. So we're just kind of like whenever it's done and whenever, you know, whatever happens. So it might be this year, it might be next year. Probably I would say early next year. And the reason is for more than next year. So one, we don't want to rush it for two to actually interview these people in person, takes traveling and money and, and time and, you know, coordinating schedules and, and there's just a, to do it right, it's going to take a little time. But I also feel in my heart that the world is going to be ready for this whenever we release it. And, and this is going to be one we're going to try to do on my Amazon prime or wherever we can. We're going to try and do a little bigger and better than the last one and to reach one. And I think that the way things are going right now, like we just saw that with the, all the mainstream media platforms and not to Harvard's university studies show that aliens may already be here disguised as humans. I mean, come on, like the station is changing on this planet. So by the time this documentary is done and it finally hits Amazon, I think it's going to be widely accepted. Actually, I have a, I have a very strong feeling about that. So, and we're not going to scare people off with some of the crazy details. We're just going to keep it earth based and let people know that, Hey, these black programs exist and this is what happens and this is how it happens. You know. Yeah, and even secret space program stuff specifically I'm seeing talked about a lot more now and I'm seeing it on like bigger podcasts and bigger shows them having SSP people like I just saw Chris O'Connor was on. I think it was Jeff Mara podcast, which is a big, big one. I was like, wow, that's huge. Oh, and the and the Y files recently did a record. The Y files did a whole, you know, which we had a little cameo in there. We had a three second cameo in. Yeah. But it's happening. It's slowly but surely happening. And I mean, people like Danica Patrick, who has her own podcast now, she's interviewing people like Elizabeth April and I mean that. I mean, it's the and Joe Rogan, having Terrence Howard and Billy Carson on like Carson. I know everyone has their opinions about all these people, but regardless, I think there is nothing wrong. Like when did raising the collective consciousness become a problem? You know, it's, it does. I see all I see nothing but positive from all this stuff. Yeah. A lot of people get so caught up in the details that they miss the bigger picture of what it means that this is being talked about on a big platform and this is being talked and getting out there. Like, that's the most important thing. The details, if it's, oh, if some of it's not 100% accurate, like, who cares? You know, it's like, but that people, you know, the ego wants to get so caught up in details and what's right and what's wrong. Yeah, the accuracy of things. But like, if the overall message is something positive and that is revolutionary that needs to happen for the collective consciousness. It's getting that's huge. That supersedes everything, in my opinion. You know, and that's what that's happening all over the place. Now I'm seeing it. So it's, that's huge. Yeah. Well, well, any last words though. No, I mean, yeah. I'll be here in St. E Beach in July for the disclosure now conference. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Great plug. Yeah. So anybody who doesn't know about that event, it's right here in St Pete, St Pete Beach, I think Brian's saying, and I came around a few others are putting that on. Karen and I were originally going to be a part of it, but we have prior engagements somewhere else, and they changed the date so we couldn't be there. But they're a little bit speaking, Tony Rodriguez, a number of our friends. They have like 34 plus speakers. And they're there's, you know, under some extreme censorship right now online, social media, which we've experienced with trying to promote a conference. It's very, very difficult. They don't want people getting together. So we'll put that link in the description below. So go, you know, grab a ticket if you want and go support those guys. Yeah, Facebook banned the URL for the conference website. So if you try to share it, you can't share out the URL and Facebook. They did that with our Q webinar, I remember. Yeah. I mean, that's right. Yeah, they did. They just, that tells you, you know, and, you know, people can be reporting, and they might be some drama involved. We don't know, but regardless. I know it's never a bad thing when all these people get together and that's still one thing they don't want. That's, that was the whole purpose for COVID. So go come see now where he's going to tell. I'm sure more of his story there and it'll be an amazing presentation, along with many others. So. Yeah. Do you know what day you're speaking yet? I was looking at it. I don't remember it offhand. Yeah, but it's in July. July 15th through the 18th, the 18th. Yeah, yeah. I couldn't find the calendar, but like as it spanned on Facebook, as I said, yeah, right. Right. Well, well, and there's the day of being, which is right before it, which is awesome. Yeah, yeah. And yeah, so we're going to wrap this up. Thank you guys all for being here. We love you. We can't do this without you. And I know we haven't done a webinar recently on Patreon. We've just kind of been taking a little break after the conference and, and, you know, life happens. So we will be coming. We will have another webinar and it works very soon. So stay tuned for that. But we are still uploading content content over on Patreon. So it's only $5 to sign up when we appreciate your support. We can't do this without you. So thank you guys all for being here. We love you. And until next time, have a great evening or day wherever you are. What happens when water is exposed to EMF or wireless radiation? Here's something you may not know. Water is conscious and it responds vibrationally to whatever it is exposed to. At Omnia we've done an experiment where we froze and photographed three samples of water. Water which was not exposed to EMF radiation, the baseline looked like this. Water which was exposed to an EMF field, a 5G radiation field in fact, looked like this. And water which was exposed to EMF that is balanced by the Omnia radiation balancer looked like this. See the difference? Remember your body is 70% water. And here's a special offer for the journey to Truth crowd just enter the word truth in caps at the checkout for your 10% discount.