Journey to Truth

EP 301 | Jackie Kenner: "THE FIVE" - Lifelong Relationship with an ET Race & NEW BOOK!

Originally aired on 4/21/24
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Jackie Kenner:
Jackie Kenner is a medium and spiritual connections teacher with memories of off-planet experiences and lifelong contact with extraterrestrials. A psychic since childhood, Jaci had an extreme expansion of her connection abilities at the age of 29 - which she attributes largely to her relationship to an ET race. She shares her abilities professionally through one-on-one sessions and teaching programs for those looking to connect to the unseen world and enhance their own abilities.
Jackie asked all who are searching to remember these truths:
You can find her at:
NEW BOOK | Parked By The Exit:
What if spirits had been trying to reach you for your entire life?
Psychic medium Jackie Kenner was confronted with this truth one unsuspecting summer day standing over the scene of a brutal homicide. She was suddenly faced with the realization that the voices she'd learned to brush off as imagination were, in fact, spirits from beyond.
In her debut memoir, Kenner pulls back the veil between worlds, revealing a lifelong connection to Spirit and encounters with multi-dimensional and extraterrestrial guides since early childhood. Not afraid to tackle subjects at times dark and unexpected, Parked By the Exit is delivered with raw honesty and style described as direct, concise, and unfiltered.
Amazon Bestselling co-author Jackie Kenner navigates the challenging terrain of family disapproval, societal ridicule, and her internal struggles and hesitations on her path to mediumship. It is a journey of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and the profound connection that exists between the seen and unseen.

1h 27m
Broadcast on:
05 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Hey, it's Ryan C. crest life comes at you fast, which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time enter Chumba Casino with no download required you can jump on any time anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes so treat yourself with Chumba Casino and play over a hundred online casino style games all for free go to Chumba to collect your free welcome bonus sponsor by Chumba Casino no purchase necessary vgw group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply save on a Riley break parts cleaner get two cans of a Riley break parts cleaner for just $8 valid in store only at O'Reilly auto parts Hey guys, welcome to the show just a quick reminder the conference is 20 days away 21 days away something like that. It's right around the corner. We cannot wait to see you all there. Tickets are still available. If you want to come in person, you can show up at the door and buy a ticket. You can get a four day pass or one day pass and if you can't make it in person. The virtual passes are available for ages. It's really cool. It's a really cool experience and you get to ask questions to presenters at the end of their presentation. If they take questions, it's a really cool feature. It'll be done through the telegram group, which is on the website. So just take advantage of that and we can't wait to see you all there and Jackie is going to be one of the presenters as you may know already. And she has a new book that just came out today, which will get to a second because I also have to take a look at the presentation. Which will get to a second because I also have to announce before I forget, a Hopeful Farm CBD has a 20% off 420 sale going from now through 430. So you get 20% off all of their CBD products with promo code JTT420 and that link is below in the description and also on our website where you can sign up for our brand new newsletter, email newsletter, which Jackie helped us set up. So thanks again for that, Jackie. You're welcome. And Jackie's book just came out today, parked by the exit, which is going to tell us all about. I think it's something about parking near the exit of like big concerts and sporting events so you can beat the traffic and way out. But actually, that's what gave me the idea is I always parked by the exit. This whole program you've been doing, which is amazing, which Aaron was a part of that our audience might not know about. And I think it's amazing what you did because you really, so for those who don't know, she started a book program was it six weeks. Yeah, a six week book program, which basically kicked lit a fire under everyone's ass who was under the program and got them to get their books off that they've been writing for what six years, four years, you know, people have been putting them together. So it was amazing what you did and I'll turn it over to you and let you explain that and, you know, and Aaron, you can share what your experience was like as well. For sure. So I actually started parked by the exit last year. And I started it before Project Starmaker, which I co-authored with Tony red rigs. If you're not familiar with that book, I know you guys are. And I kept sitting down to write it and stopping and sitting down and stopping. And I put thought into it and I realized both series colony cavalier and project starmaker. Were the writing time was a matter of weeks. It was the accountability. It was the difficulty. It's the emotional fatigue. And I have this idea. I was like, okay, if I could write this in six weeks, what's stopping me? And I was like, I have no, I have no deadline and I'm not suffering with anyone. I mean, I was a little with Tony for both of those, but so I was like, what if a group of us did this? What if a group of people who already have their concept ready, most people in the group, I would venture to say all of them have this idea for a book brewing for years. And we got together in a group and it worked. It was six weeks to publish and we had weekly quota for word count. It's actually how you do it. How many words you've written instead of page, because when you're writing in a word document, I don't want to geek out too far on this, but it doesn't translate to the exact number of words that will be in a book. So when you write a book, you actually go by word count to estimate how long it'll be. And we met each week and we had assignments each week to prepare ourselves for self publishing because there's a lot of information and images and stuff that you need to have ready. And we did it. And it was awesome. The last week of the book program looking around realizing, you know, 10 books are going to be published out of this. And they're all within this community. They're all some form of disclosure, or that really they're all some form of disclosure, either of. I don't think of disclosure just being like UFOs and aliens, like, I think of it as like, yeah, just closing the truth of what's actually happening on this planet and so in that way every book in the group is a form of disclosure and it's really. It was inspiring too to be together and I think because I was driving the group I knew I had to show up every week and have my assignments done and I got it done. So, that was the program and then I have my editing copy of the book here that's why it has this across it but the book is done it was released this morning. And the nick of time I was stressing because I had asked you guys to come on and kind of promote it and, and I was like it's not Amazon held it up for a while but it's out, it's out there and it's live. Yeah, that's yeah so so neither of us have had a chance to read it or skin through it or anything so I just bought it today just bought it today but still got here. We're kind of going in blind here but from what I understand what you sent me and what's the title of the episode it's it's primarily about your lifelong relationship with ET's and interdimensional beings and, and I think it slowly starts segueing into the time your time and the programs right but I don't know anything about it so maybe you can tell you more. Right you can fill us in you know about what that was like because you know we've only interviewed you about your time in the programs and not so much on your childhood experiences and this group that you call the five which I'm really interested in hearing about. Yeah, so the book if you know the audience here is familiar with me from past interviews there is zero reference to experimental programs but they are perfectly set up dropping a hint. So another book's in order, but this is really starts all the way back from my childhood where I had plenty of visitations from ET's or ultra dimensionals. I share about some of those more, you know what, at first when I was writing the book I wanted to just I didn't want to lose anyone. I was worried somebody is going to read this it's unbelievable it's you know and then actually like scrapped 40% of the book on week five of our program and decided I'm just going to tell the truth. About some of my childhood experiences of levitation of being tested by ET's without any I didn't know anything about space programs at the time I didn't even know about space programs and tell my twenties until I was likely back from any experimental programs that I've been in. Then there was this I so it's this is important. My connection to what I call the five which I call them that because I don't want to give too much of the book away but when I asked them their name it was a sound that I couldn't easily replicate so I just said may I call you the five and that's what happened. They didn't come to me and say where your Ete sacred council of five they actually showed up to me first is voices that sounded like my intuition. And this is why this is important because a lot of us have little nudges that were like I that could be my intuition but it feels like something more it feels like there's a stronger guidance behind it than just my internal biological drive. And if I hadn't if I had just accepted that and stopped there. I believe that sometimes things are revealed to us in the capacity that our nervous system can handle it. So if I hadn't said I actually think this is more let me figure this out and really set my intention and set my willpower to understand more because then they started revealing themselves as purple orbs. And then over the time the purple orbs started showing faces that were uncomfortable if I had just seen these faces. The first time I was connecting with this guidance it probably would have freaked me out I would have shut it down the kind of stuff we see in scary movies. And then ultimately I see their full form and their Ete's period they look like Grace. And they've been with me my entire life they've been teaching me and guiding me since I was a child. And only in my really adult life when I was fully ready to embrace that that is a reality for me and not only embrace it but not hide it not question myself. Not be ashamed at the moment when I was like. If this is my truth this is my truth I saw them in their entirety. And so the book is really about breaking down the scary parts of that. Ways that I found that was easier to connect with them which is basically a deep transcendental meditation is the easiest way to see them I hear them all the time but if I want to see them there's a process. And how that developed me and equipped me to live on earth as a medium really I believe that the way that we communicate as this Ete race is what gave me my medium abilities, meaning we use something like a transfer, a non verbal transfer of information that encompasses everything from smells to feelings emotions you can experience a year of someone's life in a flash if you if the other person intends that for you. And that's exactly what my medium connections are like and I believe it's because I was this form and still connected to this Ete race to this day. Wow, so you basically answered all my questions. Okay, go back to what you said at the beginning of that trying to distinguish between the difference between your intuition and these voices how did you how did you ever figure out exactly that it wasn't your intuition. Well, a lot of times I hear voices and stuff and I just you know write it off as like my higher self or something like I don't know what drove you to keep pursuing that to figure out that it wasn't your intuition. Well I think I think they are our guidance is a part of our intuition it's just do you want to stop there. I think that we're wired to be connected, and we're also as humans set to forget. Meaning when we wake up every morning we've got to do some work to remember that we are actually massive energy bodies deeply enmeshed in the cosmic forces that are that just are. So for me I kept asking I kept asking for help, and I kept saying I don't believe that the beliefs of my childhood are my truth. They can be some people's truth because I actually think this reality can handle a lot of truths and they can all be true, but they're not my truth and I kept asking for help and I kept hearing it and this is where it gets important. You know how right now if your mom came in the room or your cousin came in the room and started talking you wouldn't have to look at them but you'd know who was talking. The more you work with your guidance and what you're receiving the more you can develop that kind of delineation between which is which. So it's like this is my intuition I don't see it you know it that that way that's my intuition oh that's my higher guidance oh that's my guide oh this is the five. And you can actually develop a relationship where those tones are so distinct that you know exactly where they're coming from and I think mediums are tuned into the distinct tone of spirits past. And I think that over time I developed the ability to hear clearly the distinct tone of the five. And they work through my intuition but they're not my intuition. That's probably the easiest way to say it a lot of these things work through your intuition so you could stop right there. Or you could say but what's behind my intuition and start to there's exercises that can help you in this. But the main point is that you need to work to understand from where the voice is coming I'm saying voice, which is a human sense attribute to something that doesn't fit. Do you know what I mean you're not actually audibly hearing a voice you're hearing it the way you would hear a thought. Right. That actually happened to me two nights ago I had a wild experience, a dream experience you can call it but as I was waking up. I heard a voice in my head that said don't worry Tyler it'll just be a few seconds and I was paralyzed for a few seconds I was trying to fight my way out of it and I got out and I don't know if it was good bad or whatever but the reason I'm bringing this up is because when I heard it at first. I thought it was my own thought until I thought about it and like wait that wasn't my voice. And I wouldn't refer to myself in the third person I wouldn't say don't worry Tyler maybe I would. You probably wouldn't yeah right so either way it was really interesting that you know I had to think about it I'm like oh that wasn't my voice but so along the way. I would you didn't ask this but I'll give this by example for anyone so if we were working together to really enhance your connective abilities I would say. First of all you can reenter you can do a reverse quantum reentry of that moment and I would say please go back and ask who is this. And people don't realize that you can ask you can actually ask and you can reenter moments or experiences and many of us trust this through regressions or hypnotic work but we're we have the capability to do this ourselves. And so I would say you know if someone's wondering well how how do I do this you reenter and you ask questions. Who's speaking to me. Do you have good intentions. Are you a part of my guidance team is this nefarious are you natural or unnatural because I'm not going to pretend there's not unnatural interference with their intuitive abilities as well. I mean we could because it's actually something I think that people should be aware of especially the newly awakening souls who are just getting into this and tapping into their abilities who don't have really an understanding of what of the lengths that the dark will go to to manipulate you and steer you off your path. I think it's important to actually touch on that if you want to we don't have to go there but yeah definitely. And I think it's the same thing in the same way that many things can come through our intuition many things can come through our block shouts and fears. So we might just go I'm afraid of that but there's actually a driving force behind it. And that's why I'm important in the same way to say why am I afraid of this. What is this where is this coming from is this mine that's one of the highest questions you can ask is this even mine. Yes there are very dark things. I make a bold statement in the book. As many dark things as I've encountered in the astral. I haven't found anything darker than what's going on on this planet. So if you can handle being here you can handle growing your consciousness self and working and I'll call them the astral realms. I don't want people to be afraid like they can't handle it. Any human being existing in today's environment can handle it. But we also need to remember that we're way more powerful. And I think that that's not necessarily a given truth in this community a lot. There are people who don't believe we are. It's been my experience that we actually are more powerful and that we can choose who or what we are interacting with. So if it's dark and you ask questions and you realize it's not highest and best for you you either tell it to leave. Or as Jerry Wells taught me brice ourselves this is a wild suggestion. You actually eat it. So you say you're you're either going to leave or you're going to become my energy. Oh, eat it like literally. Yeah, you're right. We are, we are so much more powerful than like you're right. It's like, that's the, that's the whole key to everything. That's, that's it. It's like, that's what they don't want us to know. That's the only reason they can even control or manipulate or do anything in the first place is because. They've convinced so many people on the planet that they don't have any power. Or kept them suppressed their consciousness suppressed so that they don't ever wake up to a certain level to where. They're actually creating their own and utilizing their power and stepping into their sovereignty and power. Like the second enough of us do that it's it's like. Bye bye everything over. Yeah. And it's already happening. It's, it's, you know, it's, it's already happening and it's just inevitable that at a certain point. We'll start to see the more manifested version of that. But right now they're still hanging on by a thread and they're still throwing their, well, they're desperate. That's why there's so much chaos because we are waking up. Consciousness is rising. We are starting to take our part back and they're freaking out because they can't have that because their whole. Parasitic existence depends on they can't parasite off of beings that take their power back and aren't giving it away to them. Right. That's like anathema to them. So that's why they're freaking out and throwing out everything they can right now. And that's why there's so much chaos. But there's this big split happening where there's all the people that are like they can't they're not at a level to do that. You know, they're getting more seemingly negative or more agitated or more. If you hear based and then there's like people that are raising their consciousness becoming more loving, more sovereign. Right. And one, somebody said like one person who steps into their sovereignty is and is connected to source. I mean, we're all connected technically, but you know what I mean is more powerful than a million, a million people who are not. That's how powerful we are. Right. Yeah. I really believe it. I think that people hit blocks, fears and doubts when they hear that because they're like, I can't be. There's no way it's and it's because of centuries of programming. You're in programming. Yeah. And it's in our, it's in our genetic. I think. Yeah. I think what you said, the bold statement in the book, I think it's the magnitude of that is more powerful. It's more powerful than you might even realize because when I heard that it's like, it gives you all the hope you could ever need. When you realize like nothing you've seen out there, like what's what's going on here is worse than anything you've seen out there. And if you're here, you can handle it. Yeah. All of a sudden, it gives you this confidence boost like you're right. I can handle it. That's not shit. You know, I mean, that's impactful, I think. And yeah, that's a good, good quote. Yeah. So along the way, did any of these experiences become tangible, physical, like, did they, did they go from voices to be like, Oh, that's a gray in my living room, or, or, you know, did that all, did that all come with their programs. Um, so the very first one specific childhood memory that both my sister and I have, and even my mom who happens to be here right now. She remembers the night, but my sister and I remember it differently. Hey, everyone. It is Ryan Seacrest here ready to heat up your summer vacation. Get ready. Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino with yours truly. Join me at Chumba Casino dot com and dive into a summer of social casino fun. Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary, VGW group. Forward, we're prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Save on a Riley break parts cleaner. Get two cans of a Riley break parts cleaner for just $8 valid in store only at O'Reilly auto parts. Oh, oh, oh, oh Riley. Auto parts. So I'm always very careful to openly admit when something is a clear memory recall and an awake conscious state or when I've gathered information through deep meditations or hypnotic regression. So when I took that memory into a hypnotic regression because I was not able to remember anything other than the moment leading up to. And then it was blackout and then I woke up on the floor to my mom screaming. So I took this memory into a regression and in that regression, there were. E an ET two species two short ones one tall one that took me from my bedroom. That's one incident and then there are two incidents in the book that I share about where. What I would call flying saucer prior to my researcher understanding in my adult life landed in my backyard to human looking beings that weren't human. They had a yellowish glow to them as if their muscles were yellow. It was like coming through their skin gave me this ball test. It started pretty basic and ended up advanced where I would either levitate or not to keep the ball from touching the ground. And then there's one really sweet being that taught me how to tie my shoe. And my mom had friends over for dinner and I came out and said there's a purple being in my room look what it showed me and I tied my shoe for everyone and I was three. So does that answer your question like there have been physical visitations. The thing is this was interesting writing the book when I really thought about this. I was fearless as a child. I didn't doubt them. I didn't question them. It was so natural. It was just like oh this is there just this is what happens because I was going to bed one night in the midst of writing the book and I thought to myself. A purple blob materialized in my bedroom right now. I would like I literally lay in bed and was like what would you do right now with a purple blob being that talked to you material I would lose it. Right. And not trust it. Yeah. No. Get out of here. Get away from my son. Pardon my language. Oh we're on rumble right. I can say we're good. I can say whatever you want. Yeah. And it's interesting because I would like to pretend that I'm enlightened enough and I'm chill enough because my own guys look like ETS but if any ET other than the five. I showed up in my room now. I would lose my I would lose my I don't know how else to say it was lose my shit. Right. I wouldn't be cool. I would be freaked out. So it's interesting to think about how clearly I have these memories and how there was no panic or terror or even questioning of what are these things doing here. It was like normal to me. Right. Well, and that's prior to age seven whenever you your programming hasn't really. Developed. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So you're in a part of you probably even knew who that being was or maybe had some subconscious memory and you felt safe and. Yeah, children know if the energy is safe or not. Yeah. And so you can just go by that. So let's take this conversation. Let's talk about the greys a little bit because this is something that a lot of people have problem with. People that believe that there are no good grades at all. They're all drones. And we talk about this a lot. It comes up a number of times on the show, but I'd like to hear your opinion on what you think the difference is beside, you know, the difference between the government. Drones that are working for the black projects, the drones, meaning grays, the people. The P I logical robots. Yeah, the program life forms. Yeah, compared to the grades that you experienced. And would you say they looked very similar or were like, you know, obvious differences. It's like saying, Oh, it's a white chick. Well, right. Green eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes, red hair, brown hair, blonde hair, large spectrum there. Yeah. So for me, it's like, there's that many, but first of all, I don't stay that hip with the current speculations of exo politics. So I'm not sure what what people are offended by or upset by it, but I'll say this. I remember my life on this planet with these beings, and it's really difficult to explain to human beings because a lot of our life is based around striving. We're striving for something, even if it's not our natural state, the human experience in this era in this day and age, we are striving for things. And there's something about human nature that does better when we struggle and we work for something. The sole purpose of this existence was community. Period. We were a community. We were, we lived a lot longer. We were all, it wasn't even our consciousness. It was like our biology, even though we weren't combined on a physical level. We were all intertwined. We had the ability to, oh, so this hit me writing the book. We had whatever we wanted. I know I was mentioning replicators right before we went live, but imagine that you had through your consciousness, the ability to create anything you wanted, as if you had a replicator, but not just material things, entire experiences. So if you, if you want to go to this corner of this galaxy and see this thing that your friend told you about, you could do it. That's the ability of this race. But we often didn't, because when you can have anything, your focus goes back to who you are inside over enough years of doing it. And we did. You did do it. But after a while, your, the purpose of existence was community was to understand each other was to increase the amount of community and compassion that exists in all that is. We, you know, it's, it, there's so many things tipping the balance throughout the physical reality. And we, you know, some people believe it's only humans. It's definitely not. So this race was doing the work to grow the vibration of community and compassion. And I can't figure out anything bad or wrong with that as hard as I try. And we weren't kidnapping people. We were all the same race on this place where we existed. And, and we have this beautiful ability to transfer experiences in our communication so that I, I could love you so deeply because I could see everything you've been through in your whole life. And I could approach you so differently because I could harness a response within myself without us ever talking. So I just, I can tell you, I think somewhere in there, you asked me, oh, this is what I was going to say. There's a lot in my brain I want to share. So let me try and keep it in order. I got that, but there's been writing a book. I said, so my husband was like, well, haven't some of your CIA, you know, if by the way, if you want disclosure, just go to the declassified CIA documents. I know you guys know that. But having some of these documents proven that it's known that we're living in basically a replication of something and we have the ability to alter our realities with our minds. Allographic reality, they really use that word. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that my favorite, I always go back to the analysis and assessment of the gateway process. There's so much information packed into that one document that really you can kind of just get a general feel of what's going on through it. And my husband said, don't you believe that? And I was like, yeah, I do. And he was like, so we're not different than that race. Yeah. And I'll like, oh my God, I need to, I need to work on this. I need to use this more and hit me. This is like two weeks ago, by the way. I was like, I believe these documents are true. And I remember experiences of being able to do this and I brought some of those skills through my energy. I think that our energy lineage is a very real thing. So I brought the ability of telepathy and mediumship. Through into this body, surely I have the energetic imprint of the ability to manifest in that way. Right. And the CIA telling us that it's true and possible. So that was a big breakthrough in writing the book was like, holy crap, I need to, I'm like, I set my mind to work on it. So watch my life, watch my life in the next two years. I'm kidding. They even share documents about walking through walls and, you know, shifting your frequencies. And I mean, a number of superhuman abilities. Well, we would consider super human abilities. And I was just having a conversation with a friend of mine today. And he was talking about one of the things he likes to do in groups of people is he likes to bet them whether or not they can look at a cloud and make it disappear. And he said, he actually has made money by getting people to focus their intention on a cloud and make it disappear when they didn't even know they could do it. And he said, oh, he goes, I guarantee you, it works. If you, if you set that intention, like pick a small cloud, but it'll literally disappear in front of your eyes. Yeah. My partner, Amanda actually talked, she does that all the time. And she freaked out people in her family by doing it. I mean, that's just one simple example. You actually did that. Yeah, she does it all the time. Yeah, it's amazing. And what you said also about being able to do whatever you wanted to do on that other planet, but you just, you know, why go explore whenever you, you know, we're constantly, what do we want here most on earth? Love and unity, right? Community. And that's so true because if I was given the opportunity to go have anything I wanted, yeah, I could travel the world that we really wouldn't be fulfilling if I was empty inside. If I was bored of something, if I was missing something, you don't have to travel to go find that, you know, and I think once you have that doesn't matter where you are, that's where happiness lies. It's interesting to consider giving freedom and limitless possibility that a race would come back to focusing on compassion and community. Compassion is not quite the right word. It's like a hybrid of empathy, compassion and community in one, but that's what that's what everyone came back like in the end. That was the focus. Right. I was going to, I wanted to say these grays, the five, they're not gray. Actually, I've described them before, maybe on your show. They look like the color you'd expect someone dead to look, a greenish, blueish gray, uncomfortable. You can see their veins, especially in their heads. And they look emaciated slightly on with four fingers instead of five. So, I mean, how many people describe grades in slightly different ways, because there's probably, I mean, in their growing, we, like, we know, we know about DNA modification, we know about hybridization. There's no reason why there wouldn't be new species being developed endlessly forever. So, we probably don't even have any kind of real idea of how many different species of grays there actually are. And the gray hybrid program, which we talked about a number of time, we've interviewed people and it's a real thing as far as I'm concerned. And if that's true, I truly believe that a number of the population, a number of the children being born today probably have extraterrestrial gray DNA from these experiments in them. And I would say that, you know, they're walking among us. Oh, yeah. And even the kids are age. Right. And if you look at the physio, like, the people have changed. If you look at a yearbook from the 1970s, a high school yearbook compared to now, like the people in the 70s, they all look like they were 30 years old and high school. Yeah. And body shape has been changing and that's not, like you can say, natural evolution, but I think it's more likely genetic experimentation. Unbeknownst to us that you're constantly manipulating our DNA and we are shifting. We are changing. You know, it's look at the Trump's like his child is like eight foot tall. Baron Trump is like, and he's 17, 18 years old. And, and Ivanka is just as tall and they look like ETS. I mean, like something's going on here, you know. Well, a lot of people say Melania is a palladium. If that's true. So what are your thoughts on that? Or do you have thoughts on that? So I would say before I had information about programs, like before I knew about Indian, I only really came to understanding of experimental programs within the past seven years. So prior to that, I would have said as a psychic, solely a psychic. I've never believed we're all one race hunter. There's just no way. Right. I think that there's been hybrids and that there's a continuation of hybridization since Earth's inception, honestly. But there are periods where, can you guys see my blunt? I'm just kidding. It's my. Right. It's my essential oil diffuser. Yeah. You're smoking weed over there? Yeah. No, but I can't say that smoke come across the screen. It's just a eucalyptus diffuser. I think that there have been periods in Earth's history, though, where it kind of froze. Where you kind of like hear about things and you just, who knows how much of history is true, but you just get this sense of like, where did everyone go? Where did all of our E.T. ancestors go during that period? And what was going on? So I think it's. In Earth, 11 at the last cataclysm went into in Earth and are still there, or there were there before that even. And then a lot of them went elsewhere. And yeah, it seems like the last. I don't know, seven to 10,000 years. Or maybe less than that. We've kind of on the surface been left alone, at least like visually, you know, like not really, not really, but. As far as like, not everyone knows the eighties are even real, you know, they've kind of like. I think like the story about that is they've stepped back to see what how we would humanity would act seemingly left alone, like by ourselves without. Over E.T. intervention or living amongst us or control over control, right? And we kind of. That's gone. Yeah. But, but now the ascension's happening and now it's like everyone's being forced to choose and you're either going to go with the planet or you're going to go somewhere else. That's, that's where we're at now. But anyway, sorry. Yeah. But yeah, supposedly, though, going back to the E.T. genetics thing, like, supposedly, we have at least at least 22 different E.T. race is genetics in us. So we're, we're considered genetic royalty, supposedly throughout the, at least our galaxy because not most beings do not have that many different species genetics and that, you know, 22, at least, if not more. So we have like basically all those races. I mean, the story goes is that they gave us like the best of each one of their genetics. They seeded them into us, you know, and right now, you know, the junk DNA that's not junk is just dormant. So we started activating that we're going to start activating all those genetics that are currently dormant within us, but they're, they're within us. Right. Yeah. Yeah, that's more or less my psychic sense that I had long before, and then, and then as I started understanding experimental programs and what's going on. It's like, just proof to me. That that's the case. So. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, so how does it feel to finally put out your own book, not co-authoring. You finally got this officially launched today has to feel pretty amazing, you know, and, and the two books that you've co-authored have been best sellers. So. Yeah. What's it like? It's wild, really. I've gone through the high and low of every emotion that I've ever known in the process of writing this book. Even it feels incredible to tell you, I learned something, by the way, I always had visions of myself writing my own book. And. I never had visions of the kind of, you know, home I wanted to have the wedding. I want to have things that are a little bit more stereotypical of females, you know, but I knew I was going to write a book. And in between me and this book, there was a lot of emotional stuff, but also a lot of willpower things that came up for me. And the moment I press the minute I had this, this realization of there are some other things that I envisioned for myself. And now I know. What's needed to get there? What's needed to bring that future potential reality into. My present moment life. And that's something that not I don't know that everyone gets to experience. Like if you don't push through on a dream or a vision you have for yourself all the way into fruition. You never really understand what it's all vibrational work, right? They're all vibrational resets to get myself, get rid of this doubt, get through this thing, get rid of this block. Build my confidence, believe in myself, that get me into the vibration of the person who writes the book. And all of a sudden I became very aware of these other visions that I have for my life, exactly what I need to do to get into that vibration. And I felt like it was training. It was training for bringing in those other visions. And it also was one of the most spiritually confident, confident boosting things I've done because I realized I can. Right. You understand. Yeah, exactly. You understand what you're capable of once you hit submit once it's done. It's very similar to the feeling that we had, you know, hosting our first conference or putting out our first documentary. You know, it's like, wow, I mean, it doesn't even set in right away, but I understand. Yeah. So while you were writing this, did the five come through, were they, did they play any role in the writing of this book as far as, I don't know, were they there assisting you, do you think? Yeah, many times, definitely. Many times when I wanted to not share something, and they were like, tell the truth, which I said in our book program a lot, tell the truth. Tell the truth. Tell the truth. Who am I? They make me the best version of myself. And so all I should care about is who I am in spirit and in relation to my guidance. I should not care what a person on this earth thinks about me. I know that's a little stoic and extreme, but it's not. It's actually very enlightened. You know, as long as I'm operating with compassion, let's say in love and consideration, I'm not being just an asshole, but if I put my truth out, it's not my business, what someone thinks. And there were so many times I would feel them and hear from them while typing, tell the truth. Tell the truth. Tell it all. And I even got this vision of. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today. At America. We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By honoring your sacred vocation of nursing, you impact your family, your friends, and your community. At Grand Canyon University, our online RN to BSN, MSN, or DNP degree programs allow you to balance online coursework with local in-person clinical, practicum, or immersion hours. Find your purpose at GCU, Private Christian Affordable. Visit Some event happening, and I don't really do future reads, although I've had some very accurate ones, so I'll say this. Some event happening where people are going to be searching for books like this to get answers. Yes. And I was like, this needs to be out there, and also because, you know, this particular ball game where I had to levitate, I have shared it with someone before, and they told me that they had the exact same test. And this person is no longer in public about their account, but I thought there's no way it's just two of us on Earth. So I need to tell the truth, because there's 7 billion people are going to think that I'm nuts, and there's 30,000 that are going to be like, this was me. I'm not crazy. I'm not alone. This happened to me, and everyone said I was crazy, and those are the people that matter to me. I mean, everyone, in a sense, everyone matters. Not really, you know. It's going to resonate with the people it's meant to resonate with, and it doesn't matter for the people that don't. It's the most important thing. And if it triggers somebody else, it still plans to see the trigger is still planning. Exactly. Regardless of what it looks like, and it's something that we all have to go through. We, like, going into this, becoming a semi public figure, you know, and whenever you're from you, like, we're coming from a world where we're programmed to care about what people think of us, right? So there's a whole process there. You're going to get the comments and you're going to really, like, self-evaluate, and you have to learn how to, like, roll with the punches, essentially. And to, you get to a point where it just kind of bounce off you, like, ping-pong balls. You stop hearing. So that you're like, oh, there's one of those comments again. Yeah, people can be ruthless, ruthless. And I've gotten some ruthless reviews about my contributions to Starmaker and series colony, have a leader. And so I was like, well, they didn't kill me. So they're going to do it on my book. They're going to do it. Still live. Yeah. I've read books I don't like. Yeah. Right. Okay. Well, so you didn't like my book. That's okay. Right. Everyone's going to like it. Yeah. And maybe you don't tear me to shreds in the comments. Right. It just shows you where the person's at. It has nothing to do with you, you know, especially if they feel the need to leave a nasty comment on, like, Amazon or on social media or whatever. Like, that just shows you where they're, you know, it's like a place of fear to threaten. Right. Right. But going back to speaking your truth, right? So that's not a question that people ask me sometimes. And I'm sure Aaron gets this too. You're like, they're like, it's not not so much a question as it is a comment. You're like, it's amazing how confident you are talking about some of these crazy subjects. And you just so matter of fact, we, you know, have these conversations and you don't. I don't ask people as a skeptic, I ask them to understand and learn more about what they're saying. And I realize that it's because. Like, I've experienced it. I'm just, I'm interviewing from my truth, right? I've experienced all crazy amount of things that everyone, like, I know the programs are real because I have memories. I know it's like, I've experienced that I've lived it. So whenever we're interviewing people, I don't have to ask questions as a skeptic and have them prove it to me. And I think that's the big difference is, is you're coming from like, you know your truth and you speak that truth. And when you come from that place, that's when all the magic happens. And that's why they come through while you're writing a book. And it's like, yeah, speak that truth because someone else out there is going to resonate. And you get to have a conversation on an entirely different frequency and set it instead of the, you know, contact the skeptic, you know, yeah, that doesn't get you anywhere. No, even if I don't fully believe in someone's story, I still ask them questions because I want to hear where they're coming from. And, and you can, you can learn a lot that way. You can still learn things, even if you write, it's like people, it's not black and white or it's like, oh, okay. I don't agree with this one thing they said so I'm just going to throw it all out or I don't even believe what they're saying there. They actually had these experiences. So I'm just going to throw it out like you can still learn from every from everyone. So it's like, don't throw the video out the bathwater and don't take anything personally if people say things. It's, it's coming from a place that they're at. And you can even understand that better by like, like, I'll examine like, what is, what is the circumstances that's making a person say these things are act this way. And I've really gotten to like learn the how humans, a lot of people operate and why they do the things they do, why they say the things they say, even if I'm like, ooh, I don't like that, that person, you know, it is like a very, I get a negative why. But I like, I can now understand why rather than before, oh, they're bad and I just don't want, you know, I just, but I don't, I didn't understand, but now I understand why they are that way, you know, right. It's huge. It helps for sure. It helps yourself. Right. So go ahead. Well, as the book, it was, for me, taking on skeptics on two fronts. There's two fronts for that in the book, one being on the psychic medium, and here are some of those experiences and the other being, and I believe it's because I'm connected to an E.T. race that I lived in the past life. And I really found myself trying to separate the two. It was like energetically and emotionally, I only wanted to take on one level of skepticism. And I definitely think that the five were guiding me to just move forward, face forward so many times I heard them say square off shoulders forward, face forward, eyes forward, take on both fronts, like just do this. And those words are meaningful to me. They may not inspire others, but that kind of like square off lift your chin and walk forward with your face and your head held high and just tell the truth. And that was hard for me. I really wanted to pull out my experiences and just talk about the medium experiences so I could be in them. For people who like mediums, I wanted to be in the Teresa Caputo, the Tyler Henry's, the, you know, I wanted to be there. And it's like, but that's not, it's not my reality. And you're going, you're going, you're stopping halfway up the ladder. Right. Yeah. And, and I also feel like sometimes I watch those people and I listen to things they say, some of the more well known mediums that have been like, you know, made well known through Hollywood. I sense in their eyes, they're not saying everything like I sense, they've seen things, they know things. And so, I'm going to just say the things that they're not saying because they have the handcuffs of Hollywood. Right. And you're 100% right whenever you said that there's going to be a wave of people looking for books like this. And that's exactly why, like there, the five is like, tell the truth, square off, tell the truth, because it's like the Teresa Caputo, you know, cable network show medium thing that's like, that's old news at this point. You know, people, in a large believe in that, right. We need to talk about the stuff that's going to push the boundary. And, and it's being pushed every single day. So when people find this book, I don't think that you have to even remotely worry about how it's going to be received anymore because we're moving into a time where it's going to be, it is going to be a true bestseller in the sense that that many people will be buying it and it doesn't have to be pumped up in any algorithm, you know, I hope so. That's my hope. I mean, I think every all material. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's the awakening is happening. People are, people are craving this type of information now. That's just a fact. Like, I'm seeing it. Like, yeah, they're all parked by the exit. I was doing our podcast and our conference. You're right. Like, like, 20 years ago, you did not see what is happening to, like, just in that amount of time, like, you're seeing people so many people. It's like the paradigm is shifting between, or, I mean, from, you know, the old world that we were moving out of, like, this stuff is fringe. Oh, it's weird. It's, it's a, it's only for, you know, it's, or it's BS or, you know, it's like not something most people are into or believe. No, no, no, it's the opposite of that now. It's like everyone is waking up to the fact this is all real and they're craving and people are having their own experiences and they need to know they need to, like, realize there's other people having them like you and connect. Oh, my God. Yes. That's validating my own experience. You know, that's why it's so important. So, yeah, so why park party exit. For the title. Yeah. I really do always park by the exit, even if there's 500 spaces available. Because I would rather walk than sit in traffic to leave. Right. And one day I was, I was walking in my car from Sam's and I was laughing. I was like, there are literally 200 empty parking spaces for meeting it to my car parked by the exit. And I felt the guide say, but that's how you live your life, too. You're kind of parked by the exit. And that's, that's more a nod to the medium side of who I am. Communicating with people who have left right through whatever exit is actually there or not there. And just kind of hanging out there and actually writing the book, I became so aware of how many spirits I sense and how much is going on. And that's just the way I live, trying to explain to another person your inner workings, your mental process or, you know, I don't, I'm not even a big believer that our thoughts are coming from inside our brain. I'm not a believer at all. I don't think they're coming from inside our brain at all. They're not your, you're pulling a man. Yeah. Yeah. And how much of my day to day is spent by this sort of exit. Right. Go really constantly talking to spirits. And I would have know if you asked me before the book. Right. Well, that's incredible. And this brings up a good conversation. So, pulling in thoughts from the outside, I've just had this conversation with somebody the other day. I think that's what that's what happens. Like it's impossible to retain everything like inside. I think we tap into this field. Maybe they're caustic records or whatever, but it's some sort of field and the information's there and as you need it, you pulled in and verbalize it, but also this brings up a good point. That's actually somebody asked in the comments. How do you know the channel is positive? Some of those entities have abilities far beyond their ability to discern what is their agenda. And I would say that could show up as intrusive thoughts or intrusive entities. You might think your channel in a positive being, but maybe you're not. What would you say to that? That's a great question and it's super healthy to ask that and to consider that and I never let it lose, leave my mind. I never let that question go. And there is no guarantee. Period. There's no guarantee that I don't want to connect to anything bad and I do very strong person intentions before my connections. But at the end of the day, I could be deceived. I don't like to say it, but that's just the reality and that the only way that I can build any kind of safety end of that is I tell my clients, I'm not an authority. I'm not an authority on the other side or the unseen realm. I can only perceive with my highest intentions through my human experiences because unfortunately it is going through this translator of the brain for me to take from my consciousness and to get it into verbal format. It is going through the translator of my brain. And while I do my best, I'm so human and I'm not an authority. So you have to take my information to your heart center and you have to decide for yourself if it feels true for you or not. And spirits are not in any way. There's no question. If you're like, so first of all, I don't, I will only connect to loving guidance around someone or their relatives. And if that person has somebody trying to deceive me to get through to them for it, I would say it would be really difficult because I always validate with information. Either this is what they're showing me. This is, you know, and it's, and sometimes people are like, I don't know and I'll say, well, please find out because I want to know that this is the spirit, because this is how they're identifying themselves and these are the details. And I do that in every single session. Beyond that, I can only believe that my work is pure and believe that I'm connected to purity. And it's just an uncomfortable truth and reality of the work. If anybody's not willing to admit that don't work with them. Right. Exactly. You actually stay away from the people who are overly confident in what they're channeling and bringing in. But that's almost a telltale sign they are being tricked and deceived when they're right. They're like, no, this is definitely, they're like resistant to even being questioned about it. Yeah. That's a red flag. Exactly. I mean, you always have to have and have the humility to self correct or something like that does happen. And you can, you know, go just face looking yourself in the mirror and realize it's okay like spiritual people for one or the easiest to trick because they're all looking for that experience. And they connect with something where after they start going through an awakening. And most of the time they get so excited about the experience, they never stop and vet the source. They don't question who's on the other side. They're just happy to be connecting with somebody on the other side because it's a new ability. They're like, lacking, lacking discernance. And yeah, they can flatter your ego. And then you just like cling on to you're like, yes. And without ever questioning. Wait, where is this coming from? It's actually something good. That's just using me. You got to, you got to test these things, right? So I was just sitting here racking my brain. Have I ever been tricked that I'm aware of? And you know what I came to as you were just speaking Aaron was only by my own ego, not by the spirit world. You're only by your own ego. Yeah. Only by me desperately wanting something so bad and being so emotionally biased that I skew my intuitive connection or I skew my guidance to bend it to what I want. I'm the only one who's ever tricked me that I can think of off the top of my head right now. Right, right. It's like the person craving a UFO to see a UFO and there's something that could be something and they tell themselves it was. You know, it's because they skew it. They want to believe that's what it was. So they, you can convince yourself of the thing you want. And it's almost like a self-fulfilling. Correct. Yeah. I've taken to be more worried about that than the spirit world, honestly. Right. Absolutely. Right. Well, I've taken videos of what I thought might be craft and I've seen things that might be a craft and I don't even share share it because I'm like, I just don't know like that looks to me like it could be a UFO. And I don't know, but I don't know that it is, you know, so there's a lot of stuff I just don't put out there anymore unless like it's 100%. The times I really felt like I've had a real experience. You don't just see it. You feel it. It's an emotional connection. There's some sort of interaction. And that's how I can determine whether or not like it was something real or, you know, I don't have to sit there and say, hmm, was that a UFO or whatever, you know, you just know. Yeah. Right. For me personally too, I wake up every morning like is today the day that I'm no longer a medium. What do you mean? I have that much like humility to know like that I'm a human being. I'm a spiritual being inside of this human body on earth and I wake up every day, not sure of myself. Instead, like let me go try and connect and see if it still works. Before every session I've done over 2000 sessions. And I sometimes tell my husband I'm worried someday I'm going to wake up and this gift is gone. So I don't know why I just felt compelled to share that with you, but I don't think that I'm. You don't take it for granted. I don't take it for granted and there's a very strong. It's more of a vibration of gratitude that I get to do this. And I think that if you stay in that gratitude and if you stay searching and seeking every session I ask for the highest and best truth. I think that there is a level of protection that comes in with that. It's when we get arrogant that things. I think you can get tricked. It's the ego. That's all I'm, I'm formulating an answer to that question as we go, but I'm feeling good about my response. It's true though. I mean, I always, especially I started off my awakening started off after my mother passed away and I started getting all the negative attacks and I started off negative negative negative for years until I realized I could do something about it. It's not a story, but it. Are you going to put it in a book? Yeah, oh yeah. It caused me to. Seemingly negative. Yeah, seemingly negative, but it was actually. But in the moment it was seemingly negative. Yeah. Right. But so anyway, it caused me now the second guess everything and be skeptical of anything, like any, any channel or anything because I'm like, man, like, I know what you're saying, but I've seen the dark. I know what they're capable of. And actually, I believe I signed up for a lot of it as almost training, like to understand what they're capable of. I still go to and and the crazy that they're so I'm sorry to say, but they're brilliant in some of their ways that they can trick us not smart us. And I realized that not just because it's a synchronicity doesn't mean it's a good thing because the dark can make, you know, there could be negative and positive synchronicities and a dark being can manipulate your path just like a white being can. And you have to learn how to, you know, determine what is what and navigate and do these times, whatever. I understand like, like you have to second gas yourself all the time and I just get that because at any moment I realized when I did let my guard down I'm like, when I became over confident. That's when I would be duped or tricked or, you know, so you have to, it does become like spiritual hygiene or energetic hygiene. Yeah, it is hygiene is a very good word for it. Yeah. Yeah. And it's just, you got to work that muscle kind of constantly. And ask for help. I was thinking as you were speaking about, maybe I was lucky that the the depths of my darkness actually were in my very early twenties before I knew about the spiritual world or programs or artificial darkness as well. And it was sort of overtaking me and I remember asking my grandma, I was being medicated. I was just in a dark place. What do I do? And she said, in that very moment, when you feel it the most when you feel the attack is how we described it, which is so accurate. She said, pray to anything you can think of, pray and ask for help. And I remember this turning point on my life walking over a bridge at my community college from one class to another and just this fucking darkness. Terrible thoughts, feelings, everything. And maybe like, I can't go on feeling like this, hearing this, living like this. And I just stopped on that bridge and was like, please help me. Please. I was actually probably 19. It is Ryan C. Chris here. 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So I'm just putting that out there. If anybody can resonate. I had to think, I just had to think back 20 years to remember this, but I'm glad we're talking about it because that helped me. And it stuck with me. And that was one of the first answers I gave about the five is I kept asking. I kept asking. I learned. And then in there on that bridge, I can ask for help and it's going to show up. And then I was like, what is this help? Right. Yeah. I've heard many people talk about that where they're like the light beings and we all have guides and things, you know, and angels watching like guarding us essentially, but they can't. They can only do so much without our consent. Yeah. So we, and they're like, at any point, like you can reach out to us and we will come in and help you, but you have to, we have to be the ones to reach out. They can't just do it. I mean, there's a lot they can do, but like, a lot of times it's like, it's a consent. It's consent. Right. Or, or it's something that on our soul on the higher, or higher self. Wanted to experience. And then the little us doesn't like it, obviously, but it's all for a greater, you know, on a higher level. It's, it's where we wanted that contrast or that certain experience to experience. I want to experience what imprisonment is like, I want to experience what this is so I can, so I can have the expansion of the contrast of that. You know, that gets more esoteric, obviously, but like, so a lot of our experiences, we wanted, we wanted on a higher level. We're orchestrated. We orchestrated, perhaps, even, you know, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you like have the realization one day in a shower when you're thinking about it, like, damn, I got myself, I did this to myself. But you know, so an interesting point you're talking about walking across the bridge and getting the dark thoughts and then asking for help. So this is something that I should bring up. I was an atheist, basically, before I woke up and I wasn't not like I practice anything. I just was born into religion, and it was forced on me and I hated it. And as soon as I got old enough, I broke free. I found some people that didn't believe in all that stuff. And it was a breath of fresh air for me. Like, I don't have to, like, sit there and just follow all those, whatever. It was just like guilt, you know, so I just hung out with these people, and I just kind of caught on, I like, I got caught in that airway, right? And I started disbelieving. Oh, they're, you know, evolution and there is no God or whatever. And then when I started having my experiences, I didn't know what was happening because I didn't believe in any of that stuff. And what I'm going to say is that even atheists, even people who don't believe in anything in a time of danger, you do believe in something because you always ask for help. And you'll pray to God, even if you don't believe in it, because part of you knows. And it kind of reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld, Aaron, where George... I do for the bad things. He's like, "I always knew God would punish me." George says, "I always knew God would punish me." And Jerry goes, "I thought you didn't believe in God." And he goes, "Well, I do for the bad things." Meaning like, when it gets bad, he asks God for help. Yeah. What's the saying? There's a common saying of what is it? No one's an atheist in a foxhole or something like that, or no one's an atheist in battle or something like that. And a bear's den, yeah. A lion. Because you're in war and you're facing death constantly, and like everyone, like no one's an atheist in that moment, you know, because you're in that situation. Well, and what I realized was, you know, I never prayed or anything because of it, and I never asked for help. Even I was too arrogant to even ask for help. Even when I, unless I was like getting attacked. And then finally one day I decided to pray for something, and immediately, like the prayer was answered. And it was like one of the most magical moments, and that's when I started. It didn't take me long to shift out of that frequency because it was bullshit and I knew inside. Like it was almost like a switch was flipped and like, oh yeah, this is all real. I was just suppressing it within myself. And it was just always there. So, but it was interesting. Like, I didn't realize, like, oh, wow, like prayer works. I can ask for help, but you know, and it was a major, major realization for me revelation to understand that we have that power. And it sounds silly, but coming from a place where I understand now the atheist agenda, they make you think that there is nothing you can do. And you're just here, you know, you might as well screw everyone over while you're here, because you're not going to have to pay for it. And there's nothing. There's no karma. They don't believe in karma. They don't, you know, so it's just interesting why I understand why they push that. And then you're like, oh shit. Yeah, it makes perfect sense when you understand what's going on. Right. Right. It honestly doesn't sound that far from some sex of Satanism. It's not. It's really very much like serving as very self-serving. Kind of the same thing, really, which makes perfect sense of why they're self-serving. Yeah. Right. Right. Yeah, it gives everyone a free pass to be a shitty person because it's like, it's ego worship too. It's like, it's literally the ego. Trying to be God instead of realizing that it's a part of God. You know, it's your small self trying to be God thinking that's all that exists is the ego. Right. Which is like an inversion of reality. You know, it's like, no, that's not the truth, but that's like the program that that is. It's like, it's like, that's what the dark, the dark, you could, you know, this gets more esoteric, but the dark forces, even though they're God too, but they've like forgotten that and they're trying to be God forgetting that they already are God. So it's like, that's like their whole MO, I guess you could say, is like rebelling against life and God and against the natural order of things, trying to be its own God rule, rule by violence and force and things like that, rather than working with the all that is. Right. But that's what the ego, the ego is like in fear because it doesn't understand those things. So it like needs to control things outside of it. Yeah. And that's what a lot of atheists, you can see it like the way they live. They're like so in fear. And they, it's like, or they, or they try to play it off is like, oh, well, it's fine because death is, you know, we just go to nothingness and all that exists is the material five since reality and. But it's like, I think deep down, if they, they're, they're afraid of going too deep, because then they have to start like. Yeah, you'll see they exist on this very service. Yeah, they're among those circles living among those circles, there are no such thing as deep conversations. They don't go there. They don't talk about. They want to explore. Yeah. They're afraid to go there. Right. Because they have beer. Right. Let's talk about the conference. Right around the corner, Jackie, you're going to be speaking with Tony. And I don't know if you guys have come up with a game plan on what you're going to do. But is there anything you'd like to share about that? Yeah, so I actually am going to fully commit Tony to this because, you know, my book came out today, Tony's book is coming out within the next seven to 10 days, I would imagine, which is basically the history of remote viewing and how a shortcut. It's the cliff notes for remote viewing as well. And I said, like, why don't you. Let's do a target. Why don't you do it in front of everyone? And he said, okay, well, so that you can expect that. And also one of the most powerful conference speakers I ever sat through did a group pass life regression. And so I really want to, I've been saying this since last year when we first talked about me coming, I really want to use our time to empower people to give them tools. So we will update on what's happened for both of us since our last conference and a little bit about the books, but I have a feeling it's going to be very educational and even experimental, like if you would like to practice remote viewing right here right now we're going to do a group remote view and Tony's going to do it as well. So I don't know if that's allowed. Can we do that? No. Okay. That's our plan. I think it would be incredible. It will be. Yeah, bring it on. I think I'm excited. And it breaks it up. You know, we, it just something different than the typical presentation, right? And I think it's cool. And, you know, there's, there's going to be plenty of that. And I know it's going to be amazing and exactly what it's supposed to be. So I'm excited about that. Yeah. And then the Q and the Q and A time I love. So we'll leave time for that as well. I think really, really great conversation and topics come out of the Q and A time. Right. Yeah, absolutely. So you were there the first year. You were part of the inception. You were part of the first conference. So this is number three and we're excited to have you back. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I tell people is the best conference is my favorite. And I, I have been to several as a speaker now, but I've been to a lot as a guest. And this venue and this group and this lineup and the way you schedule the timing so you can actually get to know the other people there. I just think that the conference is smart. As far as the itinerary and then the speakers are phenomenal. So that's my plug and I'm coming as a speaker. But I feel like I'm coming as a guest as well. Because I look forward to the itinerary just as much and the other people attending. Right. Yeah, we're super excited to have you there and you will have physical copies of the book there. Yeah, I'll bring copies. And I'll be at my table. I've said this. I'll do. I'm going to be open to doing many reads if I can help anyone while I'm there. I know it's getting harder and harder to get time with me. Especially I'm sure I'm. I hope that the book creates more of that even though I know it's harder to connect. But so I will be doing that there as well for people. So you'll like people can book a session with you meaning like at the event. That's really cool. Yeah. Free to free. Free. Yeah. Reads for free at the conference. Free with the purchase of a book. Yeah. Right. Exactly. No, you don't have to purchase a book. I'll still do it. Yeah. That's amazing actually. That's that's very beautiful and. And for people who are unsure of stuff like that and maybe somebody has never had a session with the medium or head, you know, they don't always want to spend money on something that they don't understand. So it's really cool and to get people in that way. That's that's amazing. That's really cool. Yeah. Happy to. And the book is available on Amazon. Correct Kindle and paperback. As of this morning. Yeah. As of this morning. Yeah. Last night. You're like, Oh my God, the book is not yet. Are we still going to? So I submitted so like well in advance just in case and then. Well, so I'll share this. I had an aunt that's read all of my works, even ones that I contributed to, and we would go and meet for lunch and we would discuss. How I did. And she actually passed in November. And we buried her ashes yesterday and I wanted the book to come out yesterday so bad, like in her honor. And I was really sad last night. I was very disappointed. And then I woke up this morning and at one twenty one, it was. Put through. So yeah, it was just a really meaningful day for me to be like, she's, she's, I know she's reading it from the other side, but. She's trying to time everything so that it was special and. It still is. Of course it is deep inside. I was like, this is electronic stuff is spiritual to me. So I just turned it over and was like, every spirit of ever helped all guidance around me. You have to manage this because I'm heartbroken right now. Yeah. And then I woke up and it was all fine. Yeah. Well, she's like, she's like, girl, I've been going since November. Don't worry about. Yeah. I mean, it doesn't matter. Yeah. Yeah. It was a silly thing, but it was very meaningful to me and I was happy this morning that it, that it worked. So I'm happy to be here tonight. And thank you both for having me on to talk about the book and all of our topics and the conference. I'm looking forward to seeing you both in three weeks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's, it's, it's here. It's here and I have a lot to do still. So. And thank you for your, your book horse that I took that forced me to finally get my book. I know. Are you, were you going to do a similar episode? Well, can I flip the mic for one second and ask how the process was for you. Sure. It was intense. I mean, I've been, I've been trying to write this book, talking about writing this book for like six years. And I would write like, you know, once every like. Six months or four months at least. I would get like the inspiration to write like a little bit and then I would like go months without right. And at that rate, you know, it never would have come out, you know, or would have taken forever and. It just forced me to do it. So thank you. Like that's one. And then you were just so amazing. Your leadership and your, your guidance to it is, was phenomenal. So I just can't thank you enough. So yeah, thank you. Yeah, I'm glad you're in the group. You're a great contribution to the interview. And so there's a story you might not even know, Jackie. So Aaron was going to be presenting at the conference. I was supposed to be presenting originally. And he said, and he said, this is before I knew about your book program, right? Yeah, me too. Before I knew about it. Oh, no, I'm sorry. But you knew. I knew. So this is what happened. This is what happened. You texted me about your book program. And I think I said, you had me in mind, right? But I'm like overwhelmed at the moment. So I had the link that you sent me. I watched a little video. I'm like, this is really cool. If I know anybody. And then the next day, I think Aaron says, Hey, I don't, I think I'm instead of speaking at the conference and working on a presentation. I'm going to work on my book and try and have it released the conference. So I was already planning on doing it before the conference. And I was like, well, ironically enough, Jackie just sent me this link and I sent it to him. And next thing you know, he signed up for it. And now it's here. It all manifested like exactly how you wanted to do it. And like, I don't know. I don't know. Like if you might have still done it without her or not. I don't know. Yeah, that's the question. Do you think you could have done it? Yeah. It wouldn't have been as good. I don't think though. I don't think it was as good. If I would, if I would have, right? And I don't even know. Maybe I wouldn't have got it done in time. There was something about meeting as a group and checking in and hearing like everyone's feeling. Accountability. Yeah. Yeah. You're forced to, you have accountability to stay on track. It's like a workout partner. Basically. Yes. Yeah. Right. Right. It's huge. Because otherwise you can just make excuses and be like, Oh, you know, go a whole week without writing anything. Right. You know, or months. Yeah. Or months. Yeah. Right. And be like, Oh, I'll just do it after the conference. That's fine. Yeah. I'll just do it next year. I'll get it. I'll get it for next year. Yeah. Well, it's just, yeah. Anytime they, yeah, it's all accountability. And then you sign up for something. And you're like, well, I don't, I don't want to like make this a waste. I want to make it worth my time. So I'm going to do it. Yeah. Right. Yeah. But you were very like, there was so many things. I'm like, Oh man, that was so, I mean, just doing it in Google Docs. Because I was doing it in just Word and, you know, that's fine. But like, it made it so much easier doing it in Google Docs. The autosave, the available anywhere, anytime. Yeah. Anywhere, anytime I can click on the chapters and go right to it. Like, I don't have to do it in order. I can just be like, Oh, I'm going to write. I feel like writing this chapter today. Right. And that made it so much easier. There were so many things. Little hacks. Yeah. There's little hacks that make writing a book easier. Right. Right. And just walking through getting it on doing the Amazon self publishing because I would have had to figure all that out on my own. It would have taken a lot longer. Are you going to do that course again, Jackie? I don't know. How's that? Okay. I want to see. So I was the first to press publish. There's nine others. I want to see what comes of it. You know, like, I'm going to collect accurate data. So the experience of writing as a group and six, the six weeks program. I loved, but I don't know if this is a success until people start pressing publish. Right. How's that? Okay. I'll ask you at the conference. They're in a community in front of everyone. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Well, this has been amazing. And for anyone listening who is interested in coming to the conference tickets are still available rebels of that link is below. You can get a four day pass or one day pass. And if you can't make it in person, you can join virtually for $88. And it is a really cool live stream experience where you can ask questions to presenters through the telegram group, which is, I think, a really cool feature that not many conferences have for the live stream and it's replayable for six months after the event. And all of the four day passes come with a live stream pass as well so you can go home and watch any presentations that you missed or if you want to be outside and join a son at the conference, you can still have the presentation going on your phone. It's a cool feature. You'll get the link as you arrive so you can watch it from your room or whatever. You don't even have to be in the presenter hall. So I think that's a cool feature. And yeah, bonfires Jackie. What did you say you liked about it? So I loved, so I did sit out a couple times when I was there. I was super pregnant and I had to sit down a lot, but I love the coffee and the tea in that main room overlooking the river just chatting with other people at the conference. Either between speakers after lunch getting there early in the morning. That was some of my favorite time that in the other speakers and just the vibe that yeah. If you're not a well I was really pregnant so I was going to bed at like 830 but if you're not a bonfire person there's still really incredible time with people where you're going to have mind opening conversations for sure. Right. That's that's almost my favorite part is the bonfires and the sky watches at night. It is hanging out. I'll be sipping tea inside by the roof. We'll drag you out there. Yeah, I'll come out this time. Yeah, it's a good time. Okay, well, we look forward to seeing you all there and thank you again for joining us. Yeah, thank you both for having me. Yeah, absolutely. And don't forget guys, we are doing our Illuminati in the music industry webinar next Sunday April 28 on our Patreon. $100 to sign up that link is below and it's also on our website journey to There's going to be another good one, you know, there's tons of stuff right now, like it's all hitting the surface right now just happened to be perfectly timed with us doing this webinar so there's a lot. We're unpacking a lot. There's a lot to unpack I should say so sign up for that and join us there if you would like and until next time guys have a great evening we love you all. Good night guys. Good night. With the Lucky Land Sluts you can get lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved. We're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No, Lucky Lane Casino with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case I pronounce you lucky. Play for free at No purchase necessary. 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