Journey to Truth

EP 299 | Derek & Daniel: Who Are The Wingmakers? Time Travel & The ACIO

Originally aired on 4/11/24
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Wingmakers Original Website:
Wingmakers Revised Website:
Anderson Institute Website:
Jessica Morocco & Peter The Insider YouTube:
ACIO Official Website:
We are Daniel and Derek, the grandsons of the late Daniel Morris Salter, one of the 20 or so witnesses from Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project who went to the DC National Press Club Hearing in 2001.
Daniel M. Salter wrote a book called, “Life with a Cosmos Clearance”, where he discusses his military career starting in 1947 climbing the ranks to Chief Master Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force and gaining access to many highly classified projects as well as Project Blue Book. He eventually retired in 1969 and went to work under the ultra-secret NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) gaining a Cosmos Clearance, 38 levels above top secret.
Much of his story and testimony from over the years would be very difficult for most people to believe as he was cognizant of many ongoing hidden agendas that remain unknown to the majority of the population. As his grandsons, we are now dedicated to investigating and seeking the truth for ourselves.
We co-host a show on called Shred the Veil where we are trying to live up to our grandfather's legacy of disclosing the truth that finally needs to be revealed in so many aspects of our lives.

1h 28m
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05 Aug 2024
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It's a space station. ♪♪♪ Hey guys, welcome back to the show. Just a reminder, tickets are still available for our conference. Coming up this May, May 13-16, in Grafton, Illinois, Rebels of Disclosure. Here, we have an incredible lineup this year, including Derek and Daniel, who are joining us today, and we're going to get into that in a little bit, but I just want to remind you that you can still grab a ticket. It's not too late. There's four day passes, one day passes, and if you can't make it in person, you can get a live stream virtual pass, and we highly encourage that. We have a cool feature where you can actually ask questions to present there through the Telegram group. If you aren't there in person, you can participate virtually, so that's a kind of a cool feature. So, I mean, it's literally like, what, a month away, and we're-- Basically, exactly a month away at this point, yeah. Right, yeah. We're super excited about it, and we're super excited to have these guys there with us. And they are going to be sharing information from their grandfather's book, "Life with the Cosmos Clerants" and some new developments and some discoveries they're making as far as his testimony goes, but today, we're going to be getting into the wingmakers. And if you don't know who the wingmakers are, that's what this whole episode is about. We're going to go on a deep dive and just, you know, cover it from all angles and have a lot of fun talking about this. It is one of the most fascinating subjects in my personal opinion, and I've done a few deep dives myself, and every time you take away something new, so we're excited to bring all this information to you guys, and welcome to the show, guys. Thank you. Thanks for having us. Yeah, great to have you on. So, just for our audience who doesn't know, we've had you on the show before, it's been a while, but you guys host or the host of shred the veil, which is a podcast, I guess, for lack of a better term, and maybe you could tell our audience about what that is and what you guys do and kind of what your whole mission is before we get into this. Yeah, we originally started on infinite TV and we still have our content there. But since about a year now would be moved a lot of stuff to YouTube and, you know, a primary workout YouTube. And our show is called shred the veil, and we are really all about disclosure, and we're kind of following our grandfather's legacy. He was one of Dr. Greer's 21 witnesses in the original disclosure project in 2001. His background was in the Air Force and the National Reconnaissance Office. And he came forward with testimonies about his encounters with UFOs and aliens and. He had a cosmos clearance. It's the title of his book, which is like 38 levels of book top secret. And he was privy to a lot of information about extraterrestrial aliens, UFO crashes, particleization, time travel kind of aspects. And so we, over the last 20 years, been trying to just validate a lot of the information that he presented, because he passed shortly after he put his book out there so he never really got the chance to talk to him about. In more detail about this topic. So it's always, you know, been very on the front of our minds, you know, trying to understand what the real truth is, and to collaborate some things. And so that's kind of like what we're doing. And we started our show to share the information with everybody. Right. And so the wing makers is an aspect of what he talked about in the book. Am I correct about that? Yeah, the last chapter was just on the wing makers. Yeah. Right. So that's really interesting because just to have somebody in your family who claims to have a connection with the wing makers, which is one of the craziest, you know, conspiracies out there, which I don't think it's a conspiracy. I really do feel in my heart that it's legitimate and the ACIO, which is the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization, who is a department of the NSA, you know, and their involvement with the ancient arrow site, which is the site where the quote time capsule was found. Soon as I said that my ears started ringing. There you go. But yeah, so it's, it's a very, and that was near Chaco Canyon, if I'm understanding that correctly. And what I find interesting about it is on the, on the Anderson Institute website, they have a photograph of the NSA investigation site in the canyon. So I'm like, well, if you wanted to go look for it, you can just take that photograph and kind of go see if you can, you know, compare it because they don't give any coordinates, but you guys have done extensive research on this. So, whichever one of you guys wants to take the wheel and just kind of, you know, give us the background of, you know, what you've discovered as far as who the wing makers are and what this is all about. So this is what, yeah, to regarding the last chapter of our grandfather's book he talks about the ACIO and and the wing makers and he was the only member of the disclosure project that that actually talked about the ACIO at all. He brought it up in his testimony as a real organization that that was out there and this was back in 2001. We've since learned that he may or may have had some involvement directly with the ACIO. He didn't disclose that information at the time but we've had more than one source tell us that so kind of makes sense of why he wanted to include this in his book and thought it was important to save as a last chapter. Just don't want to, I just want to preface it with that and then I think Derek you probably best at explaining the ancient arrow site was a place to start. Okay, I'll do my best, I'll try. It's been a little while but yeah, I just want to, we do want to emphasize that our grandfather did say, you know, he did mention ACIO he said, you know, he was with the NRO which was secretive up until 1997. And then he said, if you pay your dues and you follow the rules, there's another organization called the ACIO that your, you or your government can benefit from that organization's information. So, I mean, that's crazy. Now that all the people talk about ACIO so much in the last 20 some years, he was, he was very tender, you know, very old, you know, in his, in his 70 something and I mean he was already kind of on his way out and he was just saying, by the way, this is important information. So it's the last chapter of his book. And so I think that's very relevant also. So, to get into the topic, like you said, it was a site found in Chaco Canyon. Now, the thing that's that people need to realize is when they go to the site, the website wingmakers. I believe it's You can go to and that gives you a whole plethora of information behind it too. But the original sites, or .us, sorry. And it's changed over the years since it first came out. And I think there was reasons behind that. And I think the creator or the original creator, whether they were involved later on or whether it was taken over by somebody else. This person's name was James Mahoo, who said he created all this information and he has a lot of information now that you can see to back up the original story. But the story has changed slightly. And so the whole book, there's a whole book, an eight chapter book on the original site that goes over how this time capsule was found in a Chaco Canyon tied to the Anastasi Indians, Anastasi Indians that were around in like 700 to 880, but kind of just vanished all of a sudden. So what was found there are artifacts or hieroglyphs, things like that were similar to what the culture back then looked like. So it's almost like some kind of remnants of that. But very, very, very advanced technology when they got to the actual site is time, supposed to time capsule. So when they go ahead. Yeah, we're just going to say when they first clarify on the website thing that is the updated version has all the additional information that he's added over the years, and some of the modified stuff but the is the one that was as there was originally in 1998 when it was first came up and looked and was on there. So if you want to look into that, that's, that's the one where that's the most of where we got that a lot of information that we're talking about with specifics to the site. The H&R site. But when they discovered the site, it was story goes, it was like some hikers that found one of the first artifacts and it turned into be some kind of. decoded, they were able to code up some kind of home and device or tracking device to get to the Chaco Canyon. The actual ancient entrance. Right, so go over from there and use it to code it and figure out where it was. Yeah, it went from one agency to the next, you know, whether it was FBI or whoever at CIA to NSA and then eventually. You know, ACI, anything that's an alien origin or could be ET origin. They eventually take that over and start to look into it. And so they were even hiding stuff from the NSA and more of the, those that officially found the site in the first place. Also, the dates are different. Like, was it done and was this happened back in the 70s or early 80s or was it more in the 90s. That story kind of changed over time. Oh, they say it's originally the first discovery was made 1973. And then it wasn't until 1994 whenever there was the earthquake that caused the landslide it opened up to cave entrance right. That's like those are the two dates that I know of. Right. Okay. So yeah, it's good to clarify that too because it seemed like it wasn't fully discovered to later to like the 90s. That the gist of the story and why that information came out in the late 90s when it did. And so the person that came out with this information was Dr. Neruda, Neruda, and Jamison Neruda but originally in the original book and everything his name was Dr. Anderson. And we have the document our grandfather pulled off from the original site that is basically Dr. Anderson going through his story, or at least a memo within the, even within the lab and group itself and we'll get into what that is the lab and group. But just the background again, eventually these agencies came in, discovered this by the late night by mid 90s or whatever it was they actually found this, the homing, homing device, it was an artifact, but they later found it was a homing device, a homing beacon at the end of the day. And there was apparently this remote viewer, and this goes way into remote viewing and like the fact that our agencies use this, like this, that's very well known the technology is very wealth. Used throughout all since you know whatever since the, who knows how long since our grandfather started this in the 50s and was part of it too. I think he knew of that. And so, this, this really good remote our view or remote viewer RV person was able to kind of tap into that and the homing device homing beacon was very much. It's a security, it's a security device itself, meaning it will not let anybody access it or penetrate it unless they have the right signature frequency, whatever you want to call it, but they have to somehow have a relationship. And somehow, almost like a fingerprint to say okay, we'll allow you to access this information. And from what the story is not even, not even some of the others in the ACIO could tap into this so they had to use this certain person to gain access and figure out what is going on and they would only communicate to that person. This doctor Neruda also felt like he was getting personal information to him. And that later is why he ended up defecting and wanting this information out because he felt like being in the ACIO and the lab and for all they were going to do is pretty much lock all this information away. Never, never get it out to the masses so, so anyway this is a time capsule they found they they went into this, they went into this chamber. It was very pristine like it looks like there was no dirt and dust when they started going deeper into this, this cavern and so it was like this had to be of advanced origin like how do you, how do you build out and tunnel out a structure like that and leave no dust. No no, no traces, no debris, nothing like it had to hold miles away because there's nowhere even around the area itself, they couldn't find any where you know it been excavated. Right, and so the layout of this site is basically like it was just like a small little chamber they went down, they were going down into this like mountain like a like opening outcropping whatever it was, but they were going pretty far down to get to this anti chamber, there's maybe a couple of anti chambers before they got this huge opening it opened up to this pathway that kind of did a spiral and there was chambers, you know, one after the other up to 20 up to 23. So 23 chambers spiraling up to the very top, and then so the story goes I think there was maybe one other chamber or one other access point that went straight down to like 24 chamber. So it might have been tied to chromosomes human chromosomes is what we, what what speculation is right. Yeah, like the missing chromosome and also that spiral. I think I think you know this is apparently a time traveling group right, and I think the spiral is indicative of that. And we see that spiral petriple if everywhere in the Southwest, I definitely think that represents maybe time travel as well. I think it has something to do with time and it's the Fibonacci sequence and who knows like everything, you know. Definitely I think that all ties into that for sure. So, and then within each chamber to be more specific of what this website shows you is like each chamber has our artwork, these really vivid colorful paintings that are just. They're kind of like it made in a native way, but also very futuristic very like just kind of out of this world in a way, you have to kind of see it and engage it for yourself like what that is. So there's artwork paintings in each chamber, as well as an artifact. Now, yeah, go ahead. Try to share my screen real quick I have some images that might. Yeah, yeah, let me give you permission here. Okay, just and just to note that there's not many artifacts that were actually released on the website, all the paintings were, but not so many the artifacts and we can explain why that might be the case as we talked to Peter the insider on that. Well, obviously some of it's probably just simply classified. Right. Right. Okay, so I haven't seen this diagram actually. So this is like a top down view of what you know that shows you the entrance and how you get to the tunnels to the. The spiral part of it where it starts kind of on the outside and it kind of spirals inward as it goes up and you can see on either side. As you go through the spiral tunnel there's chamber one, two, three, four, and it keeps going up to the 23rd chamber up at the top. And I'll just some of the chamber artwork I can just move a little bit here. Right, which that to me indicates a womb or symbolizes a womb or a portal. A portal with your womb is a portal. Yeah. He actually went through there's all 23 pictures. We had a two part series with Jessica and Peter, the insider from the ACIO was talking about, you know, the meeting behind each of these and. Yeah, we go into a lot of detail or he tries to explain the best you can what each painting is. So please look at that. If you're more of the, I guess the overall theme from that was a lot of these are in a way like warnings to humanity. With respect to, you know, being more aligned with with our higher self or first source and less distracted by the matrix around us and, you know. Otherwise, there are consequences if we don't, you know, figure that out and start going down that path. So that was a lot. Look at, look at what we're unpacking these pictures are worth a thousand words. Like the one, the one you have on the screen that that central looks like magma or lava like shooting out of the earth. It almost looks like maybe like that one being looks like it might have a tail like I don't know if these people coming up from the underworld to the surface. We have portals, the spirals, the triangles. I mean, yeah, yeah, a lot going on here. This could represent different realms of dimensions. So yeah, yeah, that's just a taste. I mean, so if you go to that original website that, you can look at all the different chambers and it has the these original artworks like Derek said the other website. They've evolved a little bit. There's been some changes some modifications, but these are the originals. So let's talk about Dr. Anderson and what happened like he so he defected and found a journalist to share this information with a quote random journalist, which I don't know how random it actually was, but it's because. So he was, I think he was the top scientist who was able to decipher the optical disk, which was the big artifact that seemed to have like alien information on it, or maybe just historical information of this civilization, right? Right. On the disk in chamber 23 and it took him like six to eight months to decode it and they said it was, I mean, he was the sky was like the top linguist around the he knew a lot of ancient languages as well. And they had like some very into style text on there, but it was all different. That was the stuff they'd never seen before. Right. Yeah, apparently what he did was so they they actually use the paintings to decipher to figure out how to unlock the optical disk and, and he. So each painting like held us a word and a Sumerian text. And so he's he decided to speak all 23 words in sequence from each chamber in the Sumerian language. And that's what unlocked the disc apparent I mean from what I've read I don't know if that's actually what happened but. That's interesting. Yeah, I didn't hear that part but that makes that might make sense to it. But yeah, so he, so this is one thing to note when you want to defect from an agency. As, you know, as technologically advances this. One thing to note, okay, we mentioned the labyrinth group briefly. So, Naruda, obviously he had access, I think, up to the level 12. Once you get to level 12 within the ACIO, you have access to the labyrinth group. And what the labyrinth group means is that you are then able to know the technology, the pure state technology of these other, the other beings, extraterrestrial beings or whether advanced beings, not from this planet, obviously. And so there was a couple races that they were in touch with. Mainly what they call the core TM and I believe that actually that's what they say is the Anunnaki one or more or less. And then there's a whole subject about that but the point is that you have to access to that technology at those levels from 12 and then up to the highest is 15. But 15 is only accessed by one individual who goes by 15, who was brought into that program because he seemed to have. Hey everyone, it is Ryan Seacrest here, ready to heat up your summer vacation. Get ready, things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So, sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino. With yours truly, join me at Chumba Casino dot com and dive into a summer of social casino fun. What's the easiest choice you can make? Window instead of middle seat? Picking a vendor who sends a great gift basket, outsourcing business tasks you hate. What about selling with Shopify? Whether you're selling a little or a lot, Shopify helps you do your thing. 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So anyway, there's a technology transfer program taking place or TTP, they call it with the groups at those higher levels. So Dr. Neruda, one thing to mention, what I was trying to get at is that he had a hesitancy about breaking away because, well, first of all, at those levels they enhance your intelligence, like they have the ability to do that, right? So that's one great benefit of being involved at that higher level that they can actually go ahead and enhance your television. But the other thing is that if you try to defect, they can completely wipe your mind of being part of that program. And I think we have other whistleblowers that have come out that probably have gone through that. Zars probably one of those you can mention is somebody that he probably was only seen so much and only allowed to retain so much information. And the rest of it was just like they don't remember their day-to-day going to work. It's like they completely give mind wipes for what they were actually doing, right? He was a very controlled, intentionally controlled disclosure whistleblower. They wanted him to blow the whistle, but only in a very limited way, and they made sure of that. Absolutely. Yeah, so that's what he was worried that he was almost confident that if he defected they were going to blank slate him and he wouldn't remember anything. So that's why he found the journalist right away and shared the information with her. I believe it was a female. Yeah. And she created a website and shared it what she could, but she left pertinent details off the website. And her name, I don't even know if anybody actually still to this day knows who she was, but or is. It was originally she was then and then she changed to Sarah. Right. But the one thing that I did remember reading was that he warned her, Dr. Anderson warned her of not going to the NSA to don't pursue an investigation. And he said, because for one, they'll probably give her dis info and send her on a wild goose chase. But two, he said, he explained to her about the remote viewers. He explained her the importance of the remote viewing program to them and what and how they were using it and they could track her anywhere she was. So they, you know, he kind of suggested that she just kind of leave that part alone. No, that makes sense. So, so yeah, there was a, at least there was a long, a lot of sessions, obviously of them talking and her recording the whole conversation. So there's, there were originally four interviews on the website and then they released the fifth interview later on. So that also goes to show like how much of the fifth interview is the original information or maybe could have been altered at some point. I don't know, but it's just weird that they would have these little changes and some are more significant to letters, but I recently just went back and looked and they show you indeed. They show you pretty good comparison. I like, I guess from the interview paragraph by paragraph, what the first one said compared to the later version. So some of those main changes are like the information about the central race, which maybe wasn't quite mentioned to heavily in the beginning and the original. And the fact that these time capsules, whether they, they later were like, well, maybe they aren't time capsules, we're not sure, but they're defensive security measures and that was later put out while the original, according to this website post was, it was more related to just. I guess gaining knowledge from within going with fan and trying to enhance your spiritual abilities and help awaken the planet more or less. And that's what those sites are for. And maybe as a defensive mechanism, that kind of is ultimately the goal. It's just, it was just kind of a narrative switched on that. I think that's that you just said the key word narrative. It feels, it feels like they were trying to control the narrative at some point. Like, we need to, you know, we don't want people to start, you know, looking at this stuff too deeply. So let's, you know, tell them this, whatever. You can give them a little from a little bone to appease the public. Right. Right. Rather than they continue searching. You know, it's like, Oh, yeah, here's the truth. You just stop there. They do that all the time. They do that stuff all the time. Right. Right. Yeah, misinformation, anything that's been put out before they can alter it here and there. And then you're like, well, what's, what do I really believe what is really the truth. And it just leaves it out up to the up in the air, basically. But like even like the distances, light years away from these other beings and races, like they went from like 15 light years, 15,000 light years to 15 million or whatever it was. So little things like that little changes. The one other thing I want to mention, we can go in so many different directions, but the other thing I mentioned is like this, this group that's coming eventually to come and, you know, harm us. The animus is like the antagonist in this whole story. They call it the animus. And more or less it's a synthetic race that's more than likely not even from this universe, but it's come to this universe. It's basically AI. And that's kind of like the final, kind of the final battle or what's what we have to come into terms with or deal with in these kind of end times that we're in right now. It's kind of what's happening right now. I mean, yeah, seriously, it is, you know, the near link and all that stuff. I mean, it looks, I was just listening to something on Twitter spaces the other day, talking about how the AI is taking over the technology itself. So if you have a Wi-Fi router in your home, the AI is so intelligent. At this point, it can start doing things with that Wi-Fi router on its own that it was never even designed to do. And it's like this crazy takeover and it's extremely sentient, right? Whatever, if that's true or not, I don't know, but it's like, you can see the threat, right? Yeah, definitely. And so Carrie Cassidy goes into a lot of that. She's being on the AI and she, I recommend her if you haven't heard her. There's so many like different little narratives and avenues you can go down to people and research that have been out and like this whole Anunnaki story. There's a lot of, there's factions among the whole story in itself. If you go back to the mythology or the whatever scriptures and writings that have been around since smarians. You know, document and all that. It's a huge, it's a war against the huge family, basically. Ananu is supposedly the creator God, basically. And in this whole narrative within the wing makers information in the site, at least now, it talks about Anu as being maybe the creator of this universe or this matrix, more or less. So he's acting as God, and there's many layers of deception within our, what we call reality, which is less an illusion. A lot of people are finding out that aspect. Right. Yeah, I was going to say that's a, yeah, definitely a path that we can explore in this conversation. I would like to actually talk about the Anunnaki part of it and the systems that they have in place, the suppression system. But I don't know if we're ready for that yet or if they want to finish talking about. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah, there's a few more things I want to bring up. First of all, it's, so this is supposed to be the wing makers are supposed to be a group 750 years from our future. But the stuff in the cave, the time capsule, right, is all dated back to the eighth century AD, except for the optical disc, which didn't fit in to any time period, because it was just so advanced. But what I want to bring up is many of you guys have listened to our interview with Katie. Katie Weiss, she channels a group called the chorus. And they're like outside of this universe, right? And it's just like this extremely like zoomed out perspective on life itself, the existence, you know. And she was, I showed her the wing, the wing maker site and she just kind of compelled to start looking through it. And what she found interesting what she was drawn to was the poems, the poems on the site and she read them all. And she was flipping out because the poems were, she had written two books, channeled information from this group called the chorus, right? Well, when she was reading the poems, it was the same information that she channeled from this group. And even some of the same verbage, like same phrases and stuff and she was like, whoa, this is the craziest connection. And she just kept reading and she was like, oh my God, oh my God, like it was just this profound thing. This isn't just, there's so much encoded within those poems and that artwork about our existence. I don't think people quite understand that. So there's a lot, just, there's a lot to unpack outside of the interviews. And I think the reason the artwork and those poems were put out there is for people like her to read it and read between the lines because what she was, what she was translating or deciphering from it was something completely different than what I got out of it the first time I read it so. Right. Something interesting to note. Yeah, same chamber had poems, the artifacts, there was artifacts, there were paintings, there were poems and supposedly even somehow like music of some kind. I don't know how that really. Oh, but yeah, every chamber had a different one. So it's, I'm sure I've never really looked that deeply into the poems. I'm curious now to check it out though. Yeah, I remember looking at them like a long time ago and I don't even know if they're the same as they used to be but I was intrigued and I was like, these are definitely like ways to trigger something or activate people if they're not. You know, there's many avenues and you look at the overall view of this website of the websites like if you're into the more, you know, practical ways there's practical ways of, you know, using teachings or whatever spiritual and lightning and things like that. There's just more of just the poems and more like I guess artsy or like or esoteric ways of looking at things so it's whatever draws your attention to it. There's no right way of looking at this material, so it just depends on the person and what they're drawn to really. And, yeah, there's a, Kerry Cassidy did an interview with James Matthew, who is the web owner of the of the website. It was through email she wasn't able to talk to him live or anything, but he said that the original websites came out and was meant to activate people. What was the content of that website was there to activate people and he has it. Now it's been evolved so many times and all the different philosophy and deep different things that he's added to it. But there's this lyricist website there's all these other different aspects that are out there in severity and depth. That kind of information has been put there to for people who were activated by the initial website to further develop their understanding of and to evolve and kind of use that as their. I get through the material and kind of really embrace everything that they had to say so that's how he explained that evolution of it. Doesn't Kerry think that Dr Anderson or whoever like didn't she doesn't she think she knows who that is. So she claims that that James that James my who this curator of the website who he never said this but she thinks that he is Dr. Neruda he he he he he's the one who defected from the ACIO. Okay, interesting. So you mentioned this 15 character earlier Derek can you expand on that a little more I'm curious. Sure. Sure I'll do my best so he he he was there's a lot of interesting things about who he might be and and all good into that too but apparently he joined like in the late 50s or like 58 something like that. He joined he joined what they the ACIO okay so he was put into the say around that time. Just a side note on this like our grandfather. Obviously he started his career and like actually got in the military in 47 but officially in there like their force and radar and all that 49 and. I think to his book was part of the project blue book and all these alien encounters are crash retrieval type stuff. A lot of what like Chris Clifford stone was talking about he might have been involved early on. But he mentions he met 15 at some point I think all the way into the 80s like he was in our grandfather. He met him at NASA and in this guy 15 just kind of had like long hair didn't have any like like official like clothing like like a scientific or professional clothing is just like in sandals and like hanging out. But his mind was so brilliant they would use him. A grandfather said they used him to help get Paul 13 back to earth like those, those types of things where they needed a brilliant mind to do that. So he was working, you know, obviously in that area. And just on a side note are my grandmother was working at NASA and our mom was working at NASA during the Apollo landing in 69, even though she was so young, but I think our grandfather was amazing. And another reason why he's probably tied into this I mean my brother, our masons but she brought our mom into that. So I think that was also why they're tied to NASA. That's just a side note, whatever but he said he met 15. So 15 was involved from that early on through through up into the 90s and and so, like I said, he more or less had some connection with these beings he was a high intellect already he didn't need to have that enhanced intelligence that they were eventually given but he kind of had a kind of like the midway point to gain this access and gain the trust of these beings so he gets very quickly. Now there's a there's somebody called a R Borden and some people believe that he might actually be 15 or he was 15 and I think he died in 2013 from what the research looks like. So if you want to go on that whole trail of information, look up Michael Lee Hill. He has a lot of information who say that name again. Michael Lee Hill. Okay. And he's actually a musician and he started to work with the 432 Hertz frequency and that's his whole whole deal and he said he's been getting information from the Anunnaki he didn't even know what Anunnaki was he didn't believe in any of this stuff but he was getting these messages or information and eventually proved that okay this is this is something to it but how he's tied to it. Certain people claim that they are part Anunnaki themselves, maybe 15 is or was and that's also why he was chosen at that position at the higher level. So it just means to know that. You mentioned when we were texting something about dragonflies and tied to 15 can you explain that? Well, why don't you explain what your ties that because I, all I can say is that I was just looking up random clips about okay who was this 15 and how was he tied to our Borden. And it was just a really weird probably done 10 years ago of a video and I thought it'd be a lot more insightful but it just showed pictures, the one picture of 15 that appeared in the 70s maybe in Hawaii on a retreat. And then they are bored and tied to that but then it was just like some music and all these pictures of dragonflies and I was like, what is the dragonflies have to do with any of that. So, yeah, if you notice the thumbnail I put the dragonfly craft, I forgot what they call it from from the movie Dune, I put it on the thumbnail and the reason I did that is because before I knew about the wing makers. And before I saw Dune, I had this recall this crazy dream recall experience, whatever you recall where I was part of this time travel group, who called ourselves to wing makers and we were flying around in one of those dragonfly craft and we were on another planet. Well, what what I perceived as another planet. And it seemed to be like a water planet and there was like, if you've seen Star Wars episode to the Clone Wars when they go to the other water planet and they have like the bases in the middle of the ocean that's kind of what it was when we were flying to one of those bases anyway. I knew very clearly that for some reason we were called the wing makers and this craft and I have this whole memory and we were like, whatever it's this whole thing I don't have time to tell all now. Then I learned about I saw Dr. Salah do an interview about the wing makers and I'm like, wait, what is the wing makers are actually a thing and then I started going down that rabbit hole blown away. Then I saw the movie Dune and I saw that dragonfly craft I'm like, wait a second like what is like what is going on here. And then you look up that guy and there's a dragonfly connection. I don't know I really do think that the that craft is disclosure of a real technology. And the book we covered in our inner earth webinar the law city of Manoa when the guy actually goes through a portal into this Atlanian outpost. He sees craft that mimic our insects and dragonflies and grass like all of their technology mimicked mimicked mother nature, because it's already perfectly designed and aerodynamic and everything. So it's I do think that those types of craft are what we might expect to see in the future anyway. Yeah. I think it's amazing. It was such a coincidence. Right. Right. Right. But yeah no I guess I mean there, the fit teams in enigma itself, more or less. I don't. And so I don't know where else to go with him other than he yeah he kind of is the head of this labyrinth group of the side oh but there are these tears there's another image I wish I had it. That shows that like the unofficial unacknowledged access programs. It's a really good image that shows the NSA. Well, first of all, whatever other intelligence agencies but the NSA and the government and then also above level one or into level one access. Clearances you have the unacknowledged special access programs you have the military industrial complex. You have, you know, special research institutes or labs basically. And then you go to second the second level. There's like a barrier between that and to the second level which is the ACIO. You know, and you know as hard as it is for us to believe our grandfather was even involved in that level up to you know whatever levels but then with within the third level or the other level. The other level. The other barrier before you get to the third level is the 11th group. So that's the, that's as high as it gets as far as. And what I said by pure state meaning that they have all of the pure state technology that the racial technology as it as the these beings were communicating with them. But all of that has been trickled down into the military industrial complex to these private sectors to get out to the human population. To us, but just just so diluted in so much like hundreds of years probably at this point. Like behind where they are now with the original technology. So just know that like the day after Roswell by Philip Philip Corso is a great book that explains all that. And I'm going to find references that also. So you mentioned Peter the insider earlier and him giving you an explanation as to why all the artifacts weren't shown on the website. Can you explain who Peter the insider is and what his affiliation is with the ACIO and what your experience was with him. Yeah, Dan, go ahead. Okay, so Peter is a static mentioned once you're in the level 12 classification of the ACIO that you have that clearance and get access to the lab of group, which is a, you know, technology transfer group with. Awesome. And so he has that level. And he is very much part of the secret space program and kind of, he still goes on missions and things like that. And he has access to, you know, these. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the lucky land hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today. We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. At Grand Canyon University, we believe in equal opportunity and the American dream starts with purpose, to serve others in ways that promote human flourishing and create a ripple effect of transformation for generations to come. Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University, private, Christian, affordable, visit Pretty in depth databases of, you know, anything you can think of that, you know, with different timelines involved and other dimensional type of stuff that he's involved with. As far as anyone that we are aware of that's active in the ACIO, these the highest ranking person that we are aware of. And so yeah, our experience with him started with, you know, getting into this wing. That's how we kind of connected with him and Jessica who's at the sixth level. And we talked about having them on and going into depth about the wing makers material. And so he acknowledged that, yeah, the ACIO is definitely a part of it. He validated a lot of the story that they're involved with the ancient arrows site and collecting the artifacts. He didn't go into a lot of detail about the artifacts. Do you remember what he said about the artifacts? Yeah, yeah, I want to tie this in with the artifacts. Like, the really the only artifact that was shown was this crystal, like, or it's crystal. It's just kind of like, one was more like cut to a certain, like cut to a certain angles and whatnot. And the other one was just kind of just random crystals. But there's a tidy that because we did a whole episode about crystal technology with Dan Willis from the disclosure project to Metagramfather. And, and he was working with Marcel Vogel, like the head of IBM at one point. And Marcel Vogel went deep into this crystal technology and cutting it to a certain angle. And it's called the vocal cut, but that allows you to enhance, like the, the natural frequency almost of, I don't want to know how you want to call it, but like of the universe, but the frequency that we can give off if we, if we interact with these crystals, and we put our intention behind it, we can somehow activate or enhance our own of psychic abilities or abilities with that all humans have, like when you meditate basically so you get enough people meditating together. You know how that can affect, like that can affect the Earth resonance frequency, the human resonance and all that and that's been measurable and that's been seen David will talk talks about it. Dan Winter, other people have talked about it so this is true stuff and so Dan Willis has been doing this with Elena Denon actually, in many ways in her contacts that she apparently has but just to mention all that Peter says, Peter the insider said, we, some of the technology, we don't really even know what it is or how to use it. And one of those reasons that wasn't shown is because just for that reason, we don't want to just, you know, reveal something that we can. They're scared of what they don't understand so why they're not going to put that out because they might be showing the public something that might be far more significant than they realize and they're kind of giving away the secrets, maybe. Right. So just keep that in mind because a lot of what the site talks about or the Wingmakers site website talks about is tied to our own abilities, activating our own frequency and abilities. They can go in a little bit more detail of that if we ever get to that but I just want to mention that they call something that learn our light encoded reality matrix. So, a lot of people talk about that and how that's basically how we create things and how we manifest what we want, right. And so when this ties to our grandfather and the fact that he talked about particleization and I think in some way he knew about this technology and had access to it, that it's about turning your thoughts your frequency to mass like particleizing or manifesting what you want basically having that ability. And all human have that I think humans are very unique because they can do that and a lot of races are aware of that and that's why they're almost fearful of us. And that's why. Yeah, yeah, our pineal gland is as unique to humans as he put it, a lot of the other species do not have that ability to have that. Oh, wow, so I hadn't never heard that actually. Yeah, yeah. So, are you guys familiar with the Transylvania and sunrise book series. Yes, yes. So do you think there's a tie between that Dr Anderson and the Dr Anderson with the Wingmakers. I think it's very likely I think there's, there's got to be a tie with what the whole series is about and the inner earth and those, those other bases around the world. And yeah, I believe there's, there's definitely a tie to that. So yeah, and for the people who don't know it's the in Romania, the, in the besetji mountains apparently in the mountains there was a sphinx discovered a whole cave site it's very similar to the wingmaker story the ancient arrow site. And there's this guy involved named Dr Anderson who claims to be a part of a time travel research group and, and there's all these ties to time travel in this Dr Anderson and you know we can get into that if we want, but I just, I just don't think it's a coincidence. I don't know if, and if they are really time traveling and interdimensionally traveling there's no, there's no doubt in my mind that they could easily be one of the same. And this brings me to my next question, you guys are familiar with that there is more than one wingmaker site how many are there apparently seven. Yeah, they said there's seven of them and if you look at the newer site actually has the locations I believe you can see what the locations are the city at least the cities they call them out so I assume they've been discovered that there's that I haven't seen any other information on it. But it's interesting that one, Carrie Cassidy and her that you guys shared recently. Sean Ashiana Dean. Yeah, yeah, she brings that up a couple times I actually, not like after the little thing but she calls them ancient arrow sites and she says there's actually 24 of them are around the world. And they have, they kind of tell a lot of what she's talking about with the different gateways and pathways and openings that are exist on the planet. And the way that we can, you know, what we used to be able to transcend through these different portals and in which the higher levels but they general sites were a big part of that she said there's 20, 24 of them so I don't know. She knows those locations are they've been identified but I think she probably does she had like maps of all that stuff. Right. And I wonder why they decided to name it the ancient arrow site like what what prompted that nickname right. And if they're if they really are 24 of them and Ashiana Dean other people are tapping into that name in particular. I don't know if it's just a random name they threw at it for a project name, you know what I'm saying. Do you happen to have on hand the other locations of the wing maker sites. I think I have the text that you sent me there I can look that up if you don't have it on hand. I don't have it in front of me but I think it's something let me scroll through one second actually here it is yeah it's right here. Ancient arrow sites New Mexico near Shaco Canyon, but it's basically every continent Antarctica was one near Lake Vostak. They have names for them actually. Milan in Antarctica, Mauu, Mauu North Central Africa in the vicinity of Lake Chad, Jumala, North of Helenski, Finland. Adia, Adia, I don't know South Central Australia and Zionia Southern China near Canton and then Hakomi near Cusco Peru South America. Yeah it's interesting and they have all allegedly been discovered at this point that's how obviously they know where they are. Yeah well and also there's the document Dan if you want to briefly mention this because we found the document on our grandfather have this in this collection and I just found it last summer going through the material and I was like, well this is interesting it has a prediction for 2023. So this is cool information so we did a whole episode on that but it basically said by 2023 all those sites would have been discovered and we would be at the point that we're ready this culmination of what's happening right now. And you kind of like the prediction was like are there'll be like the nodal points with along the whole earth grid or whatever you like almost like the internet itself. Coming together to like we're going to be more tapped into interstellar communications and whatever means you know whether it's telepathic but also, you know, through the through the internet itself and how we're able to communicate so fast with each other. You know I think all of this is also a warning as we said about the paintings and the ties to AI becoming like we are developing so quick and humans have so much access to information. But but basically AI is kind of and the technology is what we're using to do that. And if we're not tapping into our own own you know but identity we are where we came from that becomes very dangerous right connecting to our own spirit and our spirituality. Then you become out of balance and that's where problems start happening when you develop too far technologically but not spiritually and then that's been usually civilizations destroyed themselves right. So it's like right now we see like it's almost like a split happening we see a lot of humanity going that route but you see a lot of humanity also waking up and growing spiritually and along with technologically you know so. Right, it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out. And that's what it's what the letter that we found from from from it was it was basically saying that the the wing makers mission is in culture bears on our planet and to kind of drive us into understanding that we are all. So the singularity that is the first source and direction was that the internet would like 23 would be the focal point to facilitate us with to have this further cultural understanding so that we can all understand this alignment that you know even still appreciating our individuality and diversity that we have respecting that but you know recognizing the higher truth. And you know once we are able to collectively get to a point of awareness on this planet then we can. That that knowledge actually opens the gate for us to connect Galactically with you know other other other species as a collective not just. So what what was the date of this letter. That was in 98 19. Yeah. Your grandfather's letter. It's the one he had from the website like we. It was on the original website if you go way back and we he put one the first page in his book and I was like, okay, that's cool, but I didn't realize it was the he had the whole 10 pages or however many of the actual memo. So he had it in his possession and you've read the actual 10 page memo. Yeah, yeah, now when you can find it on the site but I guess it was just it wasn't apparent to me that that he had it this whole time and that was like a key piece of the information that he was trying to share at the time, right. So in 1998 this memo said that by 2023 all the sites were discovered and according to what's available now on the internet they have been discovered. And this whole AI takeover thing that you know that's all within the wingmaker material itself but it's all seems to be happy. It's like this culmination point right and we're at this precipice and who knows what's going to happen. I think it might be kind of emphasize this point Derek if you wanted to go over that like human 1.0 human 2.0 and 3.0 that they talked about in the different paths that we could potentially. Yeah, we make our philosophy of what they talk about. Yeah. I'll quickly go through that and it's interesting when I this is the first thing that I have I put some slides together about this actually a while back and we when we did our episode but it states in those interviews or in the material that you know our art the earth itself is a very special place. And it's like almost the animaaki knew that when they created us it's so dense basically and the gravity and everything here that's why we still are tied to the third dimension in so many ways we don't have access or many people don't have access to those higher dimensions but we realize that's our ultimate goal and that's kind of if we get information one or another. But you know whether it's part of our own you know coming from us with internally or a higher self or some other advanced beings but it's coming from like obviously higher density right it seems to be. And so the animaaki put us in this kind of this prison prison plan it I mean we heard that term before, but more or less that's what it is and it's like the human mind system that was created when they created us that kept us into this creating our own illusion of reality of what what we call reality physical reality at least and what's on it. So the Q and 1.0 in the in the what do you call it the genesis of creation of how we became, according to the wing makers material is like human 1.0 and Dr. Nagruda was talking about this. One point it was the lower intelligence where we could not reproduce we are more like cloned bodies were slave workers down in a story. I'm not going to go into that but it's about them trying to my gold and use instead of having to mind it themselves create a human race to slave race that could do it for them. So that was how we were created more or less genetically engineered from the prime mates and I guess the natural, natural mammals and what not apes that were here but also using a higher advanced higher evolved beings like themselves and maybe other genetic material to create humans. Human 2.0 then became later on they're like okay, and it depends on the factions who you want to believe did this and you know and keep verses and little, but 2.0 was to create a more highly evolved version of humans that could then obviously reproduce but they then be built this belief system into them also like we became more conscious and aware of ourselves and our surroundings is upgrading put in the program that was God and will one day return. So all of these mythologies about God or whatever religion you want to buy into. Not that it's bad but it's just it's dumbing down the reality of everything I guess in a sense and you know spiritual there's always there's something we want to go to and say like I want to know there's there's some truth to this but it's somehow it's distorted always like the and that's the law of one material also says that you know the mind body spirit complex it's a distortion of the sort of first source or first creation of what we're trying to get back to so we're trying to get back there. But that 2.0 and the way that Anunnaki kind of influence does kept us in this kind of mindset so human 3.0 is where we're trying to evolve now. It's the infinite human of the earth plane to be able to evolve to the next evolution. And these scenarios could play out with human 3.0 it can either be. It's the split between the AI transhumanism form, where you're based on frailty weakness disease, etc. The human 3.0 sovereign integral version and sovereign integral is a very term that should be known within win makers it's the whole volumes about that. But it's for the win makers assisting us to have immortality through spiritual developments that I am or the we are of, you know, of existence that the knowing that we're first source that we have direct connection to first source we don't have to go through anything to get there. And more or less, we find our way to get there ourselves. Yeah, there doesn't need to be a middleman like a church, you know, you don't need a middleman to reach enlightenment. Right. And the winkermakers talk about that to pass of, you know, spiritual mastery one through religion is looking for the savior complex to, you know, that needs to be here to complete us to allow us to evolve and everyone is, you know, going within, you know, or like a certain traditions kind of thing. Right. Yeah, and that programming that you were talking about the jack double they calls it the thought control matrix, like, it's, it's literally like yeah we're programmed with these belief systems and all this stuff it's in our DNA it's in our genetic makeup intentionally. Yeah, they talk a lot about that they call it the human suppression system and if there's a lot, there are a lot of different parts and pieces to it and it's like, almost like a programmable thing that they can insert. You know, what was into the, and this is what, I don't know, the, and they're not created when they, when they did this, but it's, it's all designed to keep us from evolving, basically, so that we can, we can maintain down here as. And that time it was for slave purposes, but you know, that was, that was, you know, to maintain control, always at people to make him a control. Just to expound upon all of this, like, it's funny, it brings me to the prediction, the material, the memo that we, that I found, like, it, it, Naruto, remember, was writing that explained, he talks about apps like he totally talks about apps as that as we know them but like software programs like in the back of our minds, there's the software programs running, like, and we don't realize it but we've, like, it's, it's been a, it's been ingrained in us and like sometimes they're just waiting to be activated based on other material information and whatever are the time just to be right for us to, to awaken to, to those programs to allow those to then spark our spiritual development or whatnot, but like there's all these other apps that are probably, you know, they're kind of, they had their purpose serve their purpose for us to evolve but now they need to, they must have known that even using the terminology within the site and how they explain things, they would be targeted by what, by AI, looking at, okay, is this information need, doesn't need to be censored, doesn't need to be stopped from the public knowing about it, so that might be a reason why some terminology is used, they talk about, you know, the elites and stuff but they try to make up boards like the Inik, Inik, Inik, Inik, Inik not be allowed instead of like Illuminati, like things like that or the Triad of power and so you'll see a lot of terms used but talking about more or less the same thing and meet my, meet ways of controlling, controlling us. Right. Were you going to add something to you? Well, I was going to go into more of the suppression framework, just the high level of review about what they call the different things and how it works and a little bit on the background and how it all came to be. If you guys wanted to go down that. Yeah, for anyone who wants to learn more about the wing makers before we move on to this deeper topic, wing makers, what is the exact website that you recommend you, I know you said it at the beginning but let's just say it again. What we will show you what the website looked like and as it was in 1991 was first. Okay. And then there's there's the wing which is the newer version and then there's also the Anderson I don't know if you are familiar with that but there's tons and tons of information about the wing makers on there too. You can look up that website as well. Yeah, but let's go into the suppression and everything that I guess is ultimately still part of the wing makers material. But yeah, this is like their mythology. This is this is kind of their creation story and everything. I just going to read this one little summary just to kind of. It's pretty interesting how they describe it. Lucky Land Slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli. I guess I'm in my dentist's office. More than once actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car before my kids PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You can get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW Group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions. But some of the things they talk about one term is called the sovereign integral and basically that's the term used to describe our. Higher selves as part of first source and taking on our individuality and the companies, our soul spirit body like all of us. And I think that's the main thing I need to. Define before to. So it says, as first beings, the sovereigns created a mind of that so much separation could occur. So talking about the creation of the universe and the first source decided to create sovereigns to have this diversity amongst itself kind of. Similar creation stories you may have heard before. But the sovereigns created a mind of us all in which separation could occur and from that moment individuality was born over billions upon billions of years. The sovereigns of the mind created the universe as we know it. They created the dimensions of the higher mind and this mind creation gradually manifested creations of a lower mind. It was within the vibratory field of the lower mind that the sovereigns began to lose their memory of their existence as first beings. They would look at the words of creation and wonder who created this universe who was behind this magnificent and magnificent and magical world. And yet it never occurred to the sovereigns that it was they who created universe and whose very reflection of nature, very reflection is nature itself. And so the sovereigns began to create God or a concept of a screen being as one behind creation. God was creator of all in nature throughout the multiverse. The sovereigns became diminished of power and their sense of responsibility to nature was also reduced. The concept of God separate from us was thus born as sovereigns divided into races of interdimensional beings. They developed a near infinite diversity of creations and only the time in the interactions of which is known to humanity through symbols and fragments of stories that have most been, you know, blessed off its mythology, then Anu's forefathers appeared, Anu from the Anunnaki, and with them, the creation of the human instrument began. This was though it was crude when compared to modern day humans, the human instrument of this era was nonetheless willingly conceived. When Anu began to create the next evolution of the human instrument, he realized how sovereigns were forgetful of their origins and had cosigned creation up to a supreme being. The sovereigns that had become the interdimensional beings known as the Atlanteans were the perfect choice to power the human instruments that Anu was creating for the Atlanteans despite their spiritual prowess were inexperienced with deception. And this might, I might add, is a theme worth noting the spiritually focused are often more easily manipulated because of their innate sense of trust. So this was before, like, the Atlanteans embodied the human bodies that were interdimensional beings and the Anunnaki came and basically tricked them into becoming human. So the Atlanteans through the trickery of Anu were seduced into inhabiting the human instrument, and the sovereigns became humans. However, not every Atlantean was captured and subjected to the process of human enslavement. There were some who predicted the outcome of the human project that Anu was executing and they fled within a dimensional pocket upon Earth, deep within what is now called the Atlantic Ocean. It was these Atlanteans that became known in the theological terms as illohim workshining ones and these are the same as we know today as the wing makers. These beings have been watching the human family since its initial footsteps on identifying planet called Earth millions of years ago. They have been the benevolent resource to humanity because they are human in every sense except they do not have the human mind system, which is part of the suppression structure. Those programs and systems were the human instrument that distracted and diverted the sovereigns within the human instrument from realizing they are present. The wing makers are not guides, angels, ascended masters or gods that exist within the dimensions of the human mind system. They live within the interdimensional fields of the higher mind and likewise elders to the human family. They provide the paradigms of sovereign integral and the grand portal, which is how we remember the sovereign integral and get back to our first point of existence. Focus exclusively on these two paradigms because from these come the first point that enables the individual to dissolve the programs that can seal the one equal and truthful from itself. So that's basically the overall. I mean, that says it all right there. That's deep, but it's very similar to information like the law of one or even Katie and the chorus and the wing. It's all, I think, we're finally at a point and are in humanity and our civilization here on Earth where this information is going to be more and more prevalent and we're going to all start to realize this stuff. And then obviously start with small groups of people and conversations like this before their collective catches on, but I do think that we're at that point now. Yeah, and they talk part of their suppression system. They have like all these different components. I mean, it goes into a lot of detail and there's a lot of acronyms and things like that about it. Yeah, the hologram of deception, all the layers behind that and yeah, the God, God spirit, so complex and all those things. Yeah, I mean, these are all the different programs or apps as they say that was when the human instrument as they call it was created and that includes not just our physical body but our spirit as we know it our soul, because they have even there's like a matrix within a matrix. So we live in this 3D matrix. That's our physical body and everything. But, and then we think when we when we die, we escape the matrix and we go on to the next thing. But they said that even like the ascended masters and the people who are in the next realm beyond that is still an illusionary matrix so that they're living in, you know, and that they don't even see the full the next level of the entirety of their sovereign and of ourselves there and not even aware of it to connect to that first point so the wing makers are apparently outside of both of those realms though and that's kind of what this says how they've been kind of helping us a guy as he trying to get us to these realizations so their definition of ascension isn't really like an ascension it's more like a realization or remembering who we are. Right, and this would make a lot of sense if Naruto or Dr. Anderson was having communication with the wing makers, why if he was understanding these concepts why he would want to defect if he knew that they were going to hold on to this information right, and that's what I'm just reading right here on the Anderson Institute websites is an early 1997 the ACIO scientists who had originally discovered the access code for the optical disk became strangely sympathetic with the wing maker's mission. He was convinced that the ACIO would never share the discovery with the public and he was certain that it was too significant to withhold. He also claimed that he was in communication with the wing makers and that they were watching the ACIOs progress and would at the appropriate time make the time capsule and its contents available to the public. It's just all it makes perfect sense to me like this is stuff obviously they know is going to break us free right if it gets out so I understand why they want to keep it a secret, but not anymore. You know like John Warner the fourth said in an interview he said they're going to keep it secrets but not that good because we're talking about it. So well they can only do it for so long and so much there's only so much they can do when when we start waking up that's when it's game over you know we're the we're the key to our own consciousness like they can only keep control if we stay asleep if we stay at that very low level of consciousness so that's why they're terrified of us waking up and they do every single thing possible they can to try to keep us there but it's inevitably happening anyway we see it it's happening you know and nothing can stop what's coming in the words of a certain thing. So right there's only so much they can do and I think they're just trying to delay it at this point because they know it's like it's like what Bill Wood said like two chess players one they both know it's game over the one that's already lost. He knows he's already lost all he can do is try to delay as much as possible so that's it's not if it's just when we're going to start really seeing the big grand you know things start happening. Yeah and I was kind of hoping we well it's interesting we're having this right before they close because I think this month is going to be so crucial as to how these cars are going to be played and who's going to play right. So yeah it's going to be interesting we'll see what happens. Right. Well, we'll know by the time this airs we'll know what happened. So, but, but let's you know let's you are intent to because we're, we're a part of this co creation right so we stay out of fear and stay into what we actually want to create and put our energy. That's what's going to start manifesting more right. Right. Right. That's the key. Exactly. Is there any other areas of this that we didn't cover that you want to cover or before we start wrapping this up. Yeah, Dan. There was the whole thing about the six heart virtues and this is just a whole other like, kind of like a philosophy and more into the, like a practical uses of this information and even the quantum pause and and Dan I know you know about that too is like the breathing. So, you know, it's just an interesting question just like we were talking about our intention and our breathing and, you know, having appreciation and gratitude all these things these are all like philosophy parts of the philosophy of the website so there is a lot of useful information here. The six heart virtues I'll just say that the six of them that you can keep in mind are appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding and then valor. The whole document and paper about how you use those but like any event in your life or relationship, a problem, a goal or inspiration. You just take into account how like, how do you, how do you take these six heart virtues or use them in any particular situation. It's just not one, one size fits all or one way to do any of it. It's just how can you apply those in your life. How can you take time to kind of meditate or focus your intention on what you want, how to react or, you know, use, use those types of characteristics in your life at any given time. You know, take a step back and look at that and how you can better yourself and prove yourselves, you know, spiritually obviously that will then hopefully give you better connection to in the end for source to create or to what you want to manifest and achieve in your life. So that's that in the show. I hear you said, yeah. Yes. Well said. They really, they go in depth because they want to not just paint this picture of gloom and doom but like how can you, how can we do something about this. So they talk about like Derek said the breath work. This what they call a quantum pause and then, you know, focusing on these aspects in your life and putting it into action and not just knowing it but actually doing it. Right. Yeah, absolutely. So let's talk about briefly what are you guys going to be sharing at our conference or what your presentation is going to be about and we'll start wrapping it up. And it looks like Derek's phobia gun. So you can start Daniel. So we intend to go through start with the background on our grandfather and go through the highlights of his book. A lot of subjects that he, he touched on. And then we want to talk about what we're really excited about is some new information that we've found out from various different sources that we haven't really shared yet with anyone else. So some different remote viewings and, you know, other, other insiders that have come forward to us about some information so it's going to be pretty cool for us to share that with. Yeah, I can't wait to hear it all and I can't wait to see it all presented and. Yeah, and for those who don't know you guys are going to be presenting on Thursday, the final day of the event. And because I know everyone can't make it for the whole time so if you wanted a day pass to get a day pass and come out and meet Derek and Daniel and I think, do you guys plan on having copies of the book at the event. I think we will talk about that but I think we'll have a couple dozen maybe available for our interest in picking it up. Yeah, Aaron's holding it up right now, Aaron always plays a prices right model for me. I'm always on the prices right model. Yeah. Nice. There you go. Yeah, there you go. Oh, that'll be good. But no, like Dan said, like, there's so much new information that we're just now coming across. The fact that we even got the, you know, our talking to Peter Lee insider and Jessica and I recently got to meet Jessica in person. Actually, it was kind of amazing, just random coincidence, but all these synchronicities happening. I have so far, I know Tyler, you're working with me to hopefully get some RV related information that we want to share. Even, I think you've been Tony Rodriguez is going to help us with that with his group. He's doing a whole RV group talks with Tony. If you don't follow him, you should follow him on Patreon too. And then I've already gotten pretty amazing information through a pretty well known source that I don't really want to disclose yet without their permission. But they apparently got direct contact with our grandfather and he shared quite a bit and could confirm a few things. So, yeah, that we talked about. Yeah, that'll be a great presentation. I'm super looking forward to that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So thank you guys so much for joining us today. This has been a blast. And I mean, we barely scrape the surface of this information. Like I said, I'll put all three of the websites, the, the and Anderson Institute websites in the description and you guys can all the audience can go down their own, do their own deep dive. Because what is super, super annoying about the wingmakers and the ACIO. If you try and Google this stuff, if you Google the ACIO, good luck. Like, they just don't have, you need the links to the websites, even the wingmakers. It's not easy. That stuff is buried. And I even went to other like brave browser and stuff. It's just not that accessible. It's there, but you just have to know where to look, right? Yeah, definitely. Yeah. There's so much references that we've, we've said in this whole interview, but I think it's such valuable information. Definitely check out the people we've talked about in reference to. There's so much more. There's so many more to you. Right. And just for people who don't know, Jessica, that you're referring to is Jessica Morocco. She has a YouTube channel. I don't know. What is the name of the YouTube channel? Do you know off the top of your hand? And I'm tops. What is it? And Jonathan talks or and drawn to eat talk, something like that. Okay. We'll put that in the description as well. But that's where her and Peter, the insider, they do a show together and they share a lot of cool information. So. Yeah. Anyway, we look forward to seeing you guys. Well, we look forward to meeting you two at the conference. Sorry. And we've met before at an event, but look forward to seeing you again at the conference. And we can't wait to see all the new faces, new faces, new faces and familiar faces at the events in Grafton. We're looking forward to it. And you can find all the information for that at rebels of And really quick, Aaron and I are going to be. What was the date we decided on for the webinar, Aaron? April 28. April 28 is going to be our Illuminati in the music industry webinar. And it's going to be awesome. You know, it's going to be another lengthy one. But we're really excited about it. And it's coming together better than I thought. And we were working on it hard yesterday. But yeah, April 28. Stay tuned for that. And if you want to be there live for that and be able to participate, you can join our Patreon for only $5 a month. And that link is below in the description. And it's on our website journey to, where you can find everything about us, including sign up for our new monthly newsletter. So take advantage of that. And can you guys please let our audience know how they can find you guys? Yeah, you can find a lot of our content on infinite dot TV. That's I N F Y N I T dot TV. And then on YouTube, our channel is called clear thought CL are thought. Nice. And we'll have those links below as well. Thank you guys for being here. This has been great. And we can't wait to hang out with you guys here in a month. So, we'll see you at the event. And thank you guys all for tuning in. We love you all. And until next time, have a great evening. Good night. [MUSIC] Another turning point of fork stuck in the road. Time wraps you by the rest directs you where to go. So make the best of this test alone as why. It's not a question but a lesson learning time. It's something unpredictable. And in the end is right. I hope you at the time of your life. [MUSIC] So take the photographs and still friends in your mind. And get on a shelf and get out that good time. Take two some memories and dance. Get on trial. Through what it's worth. It's worth all the while. It's something unpredictable. And in the end is right. I hope you at the time of your life. [MUSIC] It's something unpredictable. And in the end is right. I hope you at the time of your life. [MUSIC] It's something unpredictable. And in the end is right. And in the end is right. I hope you at the time of your life. That's the last time Brad will ever quote me. [MUSIC] Hey guys, we hope you can join us this year at the Rebels of Disclosure Conference in Grafton, Illinois, the Pure Marquette Lodge and Conference Center, May 13th through the 16th. As you can see, we have tons of fun. We made some great memories and we just wanted to take this opportunity to extend the invite to all of you who've never been. It's so much fun and it's so important to connect with Soul Family. And we just really look forward to seeing everyone out there. Yeah, I hope to see you all there. It's a blast. It's really something that you have to experience to know how amazing it is. And it's so much more than just the speakers. It's just, it's an amazing time and it's amazing to connect with Soul Family. So we hope to see you all there. And all that information is So grab a ticket and join us. We hope to see you there. 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