Journey to Truth

EP 298 | Susan Manewich: Life Before Earth - Extraordinary Contact & Government Surveillance

Originally aired on 4/4/24
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Susan Manewich Substack:
Susan A. Manewich M.S. is currently the President of New Energy Movement, 501C3 and Director of the Nui Foundation, a community interest company (CIC) in the UK and focuses on conscious leadership for the positive evolution of all life. She has spent 20 plus years in the areas of leadership consulting, emotional intelligence, resonant technology and better understanding human dynamics and social systems to successfully transition through these global changes.
Susan currently works to bring ethics, integrity and cohesion to the field of new energy technology. She has experience with the Resonance Project Foundation. She was involved in key organizational strategic initiatives and also led major communication strategies. Some of Susan’s professional accomplishments are in the field of conscious leadership development and Emotional Intelligence where her work has been consistently well praised by her clients around the globe including Harvard Business School, Yale University, University of Chicago GSB, London Business School, Singapore Medical School and many corporate and non profit clients.
Susan recently has appeared as a speaker at the 5G Crisis Summit; Awareness and Accountability 2020 & 2019. She has been a featured on a series of interviews with Collective Evolution, 2019 regarding consciousness and technology. Appeared at emotional intelligence conferences in London and Toronto, and at the ESTC (Energy Science and Technology Conference) in Hayden, Idaho July 2018 and July 2017. She spoke at the Tesla Science Foundation in NYC January 2017 and the Leadership Series in Encinitas, California.
Susan serves as an advisor for TPS (Tipping Point System), a research advisor for CCRI (Consciousness and Contact Research Institute) as well as an advisor for ICF (Interstellar Community Foundation).
She has recently co-authored the book Hidden Energy with Jeane Manning, 2019 and has contributed a research chapter with colleague Jon Klimo PhD to the book The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non Human Intelligence, July 2018. She has also published work as a lead author on a contribution to “Applying Emotional Intelligence”, lead developer and author of a series of activities, reflections and exercises titled, “Teaching Emotional Intelligence Skills to Others” and a co-author of a chapter in “Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life.” Susan also contributed to a chapter titled “The Earth as Goddess” in “The Mystery of Woman” by Gabrielle...

1h 51m
Broadcast on:
05 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] That's no moon. It's a space station. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, guys. Welcome back to the show. Just a reminder, the conference is right around the corner. It's almost here. Finally, we cannot wait to see you guys there. Rebels of disclosure in Grafton, Illinois, May 13 through the 16th. And tickets are still available at We have four day passes, one day passes. And if you can't make it in person, live stream, virtual passes are always available. And it's a fun experience. If you join the Telegram group that is on the website, you can actually participate in the live Q&A if the presenter takes questions at the end of their presentation. So that's a cool feature. But all the information and more is available at It's not too late to grab a ticket, and we hope to see you there. Tonight, we are joined by Susan Manewich. She is an author and a contactee with an incredible testimony. And we're going to be getting into some of that. And she has memories of her life, her soul before her incarnation here. And it's mind blowing, honestly. And some of the stuff that she has experienced along the way is very profound in her takeaways or even more profound. And I think it's very crucial to not just tell your story, but share what you've learned from it. And that's something that she does and kind of takes it to the next level. So we're super excited to get into all that. And kind of what she's been dabbling in today, which is, I guess, some of her thoughts and opinions on the current state of affairs here in the situation that we're on globally, actually. So welcome to the show. Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here. I'm excited. Yeah, yeah. Great to be on. Go ahead. Real quick, so I saw your collective evolution interview-- actually, a few years back. Whenever Joe started his streaming platform for it, I signed up back then. And I remember watching the first interview you did with him on there. And I was blown away by it. But then I'd kind of forgotten about you. But then I rediscovered it not too long ago. And I was like, oh, yeah, that's Susan Manolich. And then I picked up on more details from the first two interviews that you did with Joe Martino. Yeah, I don't-- And I sent it to Tyler. And he was blown away by it, so. Yeah, I don't do a ton of interviews, you know? I mean, so a couple here and there it seems. And I'm glad that Joe was great. Yeah, and well, he asked good questions. And he liked to go really deep into the-- like, he would ask the hard questions. But you know, you had some beautiful answers. And we listened to interviews. And we interview people all the time, right? And there's just something about what you were sharing that felt a little different to me. And I really appreciated that. And that's kind of why we're here doing this today. So maybe for the audience who doesn't know, you can kind of give us a rundown of what you've experienced and how that led you to where you are today. OK, sure. So my-- let me just do this, maybe my current life. So I do consciousness research. I am an author. I do research. I'm doing another independent research project right now. And I've worked in the field of new energy technology, published a book on that, ran a company. And it's still in the process of being run at this point. But we're just under cover a little bit for new energy technology. And prior to that, I had a career in organizational development, emotional intelligence. I actually worked with the people that developed-- the real research of emotional intelligence. So it's popular now, or maybe it's popularity is fading, but it was popular back in the day. So I was doing it as it was becoming something. And that was always a really great experience because, to me, emotional intelligence relates a lot to consciousness. And so just to share that piece. And I worked with a lot of corporate clients and taught at Harvard Business School, University of Chicago Business School, so taught over the globe the topic of emotional intelligence. And yes, I happen to be-- I guess the popular term is a contactee or an experiencer. But I think maybe we can get even a little bit deeper than that. As both of you know, and maybe some other people know, I'm one of these people that came in. I just innately always remembered my incarnation. I remember where I was before this body came into form. And that wasn't something that I remembered when I was 20 or 30. That wasn't the case. I remembered it as a baby in the womb. And I remembered it when I would speak to my brothers and my sister. I'd always tell them I'd be like, I mean, here's the joke. I would say, oh my god, I can't believe I came out of the same womb as you people. Because I just was different. And I'd love only at the same time. There was these differences in me and my siblings. They were loud. And I grew up in the '70s. And it was, like I said, it was loud, and it was busy, and there was a lot going on. And I would literally go hide in my closet and meditate. I was a two-year-old just to get that quiet, centered, calm space. And my family was not into meditation or spirituality. I mean, they're like a really typical American family, you know, just making do with what we had. And there was always a lot of chaos in the house because of a loud older brothers and an older sister. And you know, we had kind of a small house, and animals, you know, like dogs, cats, and things like that. But yeah, I always remembered that. And I would tell my brother, I would just say, I remember being a mom's womb. And I remember what I came from. So the kind of the running joke was like, you know, Susan, although they had a different nickname for me, Susan was just different, right? And so yeah, that's how I came in. And because of, I mean, I remembered even a lot in utero, the first thought I had when I remembered being in my mother's womb was, oh, no, not this place again. Because of the density, right? I could feel the density in my body. And the second thought was honestly, it was about human beings in this, I'll call it the cyclic human condition that had to do with negativity. You know, jealousy, anger, ignorance, greed, you know, it was that. And I was like, oh, you know, we're gonna come back and deal with this again, right? But that that was truly, you know, what I had remembered. And, you know, going to the beings, when I saw them as a child, I had been waiting for them. Like it was like this winter. It wasn't so much of a thought of when are they coming. It was just this, you know, like this magnetic feeling of, you know, call it your cosmic family, or call it, you know, whatever you wanna call it, but it was just like, okay, here's my physical family. And I love them and they're beautiful, wonderful people. I love my mother dearly, you know, mom is your center point of your life and is your baby and a young person and your dad and your animals. And, you know, but there was this sense of what there's more to me than that. So maybe that helps to give a bit of a descriptor. - Yeah, and I think it's, so before, prior to your incarnation, you described being, can you describe what you remember, like did you have a physical body? Was it just an energy body, you know, for the audience you haven't heard your story? - Yeah, and I didn't, I don't think I've shared this too much publicly because I do remember a lot. And if I just sit in meditation, I can have a little bit, you know, more of that come in. So maybe if I take a little bit of time, just going a little slow in this explanation, then I'll share more. So I remember feeling close to God source. Like that was my first first, call it the first thought or memory. And I remember I was connected to this other being, but it wasn't a being like a human or an interdimensional being. It was like this cosmological being. Call it a, you know, you can call it a nebula, you can call it a gal, whatever you wanna call it, but it was cosmological. It wasn't a person, so to speak. It was an energy source. And I remember that I was like connected, like my, you know, call it energy cells were fused with this other celestial body. Okay, that's what I would say. And I remember literally unpeeling myself from this celestial body. And I took my feminine form with me. I don't think I've ever shared that before. So it was as if like my energy cells were fused with this being that did have what felt like male energy, you know, it's such terrible terms 'cause like our, you know, dense earth plane to say male and female, right? - If limiting, yeah. - Yeah, it's limiting, but you know, that's the sense of what it was. And as I was pulling away to begin my incarnation in this body, I felt that feminine more fully, if that makes sense. And I remember that there was these, the next thing I saw, like the next scene, so to speak, is there was these golden beings. And they, I make a joke and say they're like the foot soldiers of source, they were getting the very whole in golden and they were getting their direction from source, but not in language, it was in energy form. And so it was as if they were getting an understanding of what needed to be balanced out on earth as it relates to, you know, God or source. And it did look, you know, God's source looked like like the grandson, by the way, like the grandson. - Right, yeah, yeah. (laughs) - That's what it looked like. And I knew that I was connected to this golden pod of beings. And when I say pod, it's because they also worked in concert with one another. And I knew that I was a part of that. Like, even though I was seeing the being doing that with source, I knew I was connected to that in some way. And there was this group of other beings, like the next scene was this group of other beings and we were in this circle, like, celestially, you know, this is all celestial. We're in this circle, so to speak. And, you know, literally what felt like, you call it a wormhole, call it a black hole, whatever you want. The next thing I know is I am literally, like, leaving that space. And I can feel myself what feels like, and again, bad terms, bad language, like traveling through the universe to drop into density. And I can actually feel my energy body slowing down, like it was real fast at first. And I can feel it slowing down. And then I then heard your job is to understand how they live on this planet. And then the next thing I remember is I do remember being energy in the corner of my parents' bedroom. And it was that night. And yes, my mother and father were on the bed. I don't think I've ever said that, but I do remember that. And the next thing I know, oh, oh, I'm sorry, let me back up. So I was energy in like the upper corner of their bedroom. And I was like kind of this loose ball of like, you know, charged energy. Like I could, I felt it, I was in. And my next memory was when I was actually in my mother's womb, probably about seven months. And that's when I had that thought of, oh my God, not this place again. 'Cause I could hear, I could hear the loudness. I could hear my brothers and I could hear my sister. And I knew my mom was standing in the kitchen. I just knew it and I could actually see the kitchen without like, like I could see what it looked like before I actually saw what it looked like, you know. - Like almost, almost through her eyes maybe you were perceiving what she saw or just, it was just, you know, there is no physical body yet. - Technically, like you were still growing. So it was just, you were still more of a consciousness. - Yeah, maybe I never thought about that. I knew that though, I did, I remember, I put my ear, my ear, like I remember literally jockeying my ear up to the wall of like, you know, her womb to hear better. So somehow with that hearing, I was able to see where she was standing in the kitchen. And, you know, again, these are, I know it sounds kind of weird. These are things that, you know, you don't really think about too much 'cause there's so much that's going on in this world right now that it's like, you try to use this mind, whatever it all came in for, you know, to figure out some of these other things, right? - Right, right. - Yeah, so that's what I remember. And yeah, so much to say about that piece, but. - So would you say that, do you have past life memories of anything else, or do you think this was like your first incarnation here? - No, no, no, I, you know, again, I didn't grow up spiritual. My family liked nature. My dad and mom were real lovers of nature. They weren't activists or anything. They were just literally like, they would go sit outside and, you know, look at the birds and they were just, you know, they loved them. My dad loved fishing. And, you know, so it was, my family loved nature. Thank God. But, you know, again, not spiritual. So I started to have these innate memories. Well, I didn't know they were memories at first. And it was like one after the other. Like, for example, when I was a kid, you know, we weren't taught about Egyptian anything in school. I mean, I went to a pretty basic public school. And I remember drawing the eye of Horus, like over and over and over. And I draw the beings over and I draw the ships over. Like I would just draw, you know, that and always had this real strong connection to the eye of Horus in my drawings. And it was, I don't know, when I got into college and I remember seeing the eye of Horus, I'm like, oh my God, I used to draw that as a kid. What is that? You know, and honestly, a lot of this was innate. So I remember several past lives. One, I was working to protect the energy technologies that were in Egypt. See why I worked on the new energy technology in this lifetime, right? I do remember a couple of other past lives. And ironically, some of those played, a lot of them played out in this physical reality. It was almost like picking up where I left off to do what I didn't do previously in those lives. And it's like, okay, you're in this 3D form now, you know, so now you have the opportunity to do these things you didn't do previously. And oh, I wasn't a queen, I wasn't Isis. I wasn't that, but I, yeah, I do remember several. So a couple, you know, like more than, I can tell you it's less than six and more than three. - Well, the reason I asked is because you have memories at source before this incarnation. So I just, I didn't know if you were implying that, like, I don't know, like you had just, this was your first incarnation. But so whenever you, whenever you, I guess, after you were born and when, how long was it until you had your first experience with the beings? - That I remember probably around four or five. I used to say in interviews five and the more I started to really like kind of like, you know, go back and think about it, probably around four. And I do remember being a toddler in my crib and standing up like over the rail and having an awareness that they were there as well. But I don't physically remember seeing them at that point. I had an awareness that they were there. So that was probably around two. But yeah, about four or five is when it was like, game on, you know. - So, so what happened? Did they come and like take you on to a ship? Did you, did they, what was that experience like? - Yeah, you know, something just came in. So I want to say that first, if I can. - Of course. - Okay, thank you. The very first being that I ever saw, I'm not religious, okay, zero. I grew up like bad Catholic. Like not doing the things I was supposed to do. I put my like feet up and shy was not well behaved. The first being that I saw was Jesus. And we had no Jesus signs and, you know, signs, sorry, no crosses in our house. We didn't have anything like that. Like I said, we were bad Catholics. My grandmother was an amazing Catholic. And it just didn't transcend to the rest of my family. So I always get, you know, mad at my dad because of that. Anyways, so I did see that and I want to share that because there's something about that, that relates to, you know, the beings. And as you're growing up trying to figure all this stuff out, it feels like it's all these separate chunks. But then you actually realize, oh, wait, you know, this whole thing is like part of the one. So I remember when I was, like I said, maybe around two or so I had this feeling that it was like my energy was being like pulled down to the, like pulled down to the floor in a way that felt like I was just going down was the best way to describe it. And I don't know where that came from. I remember I was literally standing in the den of my house that I grew up in. And my first inclination was to like reach my left arm out to ask God for help. And I remember literally seeing in the sky, the sky turned pink. And I remember seeing, you know, what we now know is Jesus. Like literally it enveloped the entire sky. Like it was enormously large. And then that feeling of, you know, the feeling of love came over and the feeling of you're going to be okay. And, you know, I just want to share that piece because that was the first experience. It wasn't seeing the beings. That was what I would call the first, you know, what do you call it, you know, call it an interdimensional experience. But that was the first one. And subsequently when I was, like I said, about four or five, I remember I was sleeping in, my sister and I shared a bedroom and we had bunk beds. And I was on the bottom, she was on the top. And I remember laying in bed. And I was awakened by this feeling of this, now I have the words for it, this deep electromagnetic charge. It was like all the cells of my body had become alive and in charged and they began to separate. And it was weird. It was like a super strange feeling. But I knew as I was laying there in bed and I was facing the window, I knew they were coming. I could feel it. And it wasn't like excitement or being scared. It wasn't. It was just like, okay, this is happening, right? Like, and it was primordial. For me, it was primordial. It was like, you know, it's deeper than your day-to-day experiences that you have, much deeper than that. Deeper than a dream, you know, primordial is the best way to describe it. And the next thing I know is my sister jumps to the window because the ship had come over the house and it was above our tree in our backyard. And I hear my sister who's facing the window. She says, oh my God, Susie, what is it? And I'm 10 years younger than she is. So I'm like, what's them? You know, like, but I can't say that consciousness wise because like, I know my sister doesn't know. And you just, it's hard to, again, it's hard to explain because you know these things, but you're still a child operating in a little body with like your consciousness may be like big on some level, but you're still like aware that you're a little person, you know? - I mean, just to interject for a second, we do the same thing today. If we, like, if you saw something in the sky or whatever it is, you understand what it is, but you know the people next to you don't, you're not gonna say, oh yeah, that's an interdimensional being from a ninth density planet and a plating, whatever you, like, like, I mean, I'm saying, you can't but your autopilot kind of kicks in and you're like, yeah, I don't know. You just kind of play along with it. Like, I don't know what it is, you know? - So did you know, did you immediately know who the beings were at that age when that happened? - You like just innately already knew that you're still a family? - I wouldn't say, I didn't say my thought process said this is my star family. It was more like, this is why I'm here, you know? It was like, well, this is why I'm here, this is why I'm in this body. And that's what I mean by that primordial piece too. It was like, and it was more than, this is my job. It was like, it's more than that, you know? It's just, it's more than that. - It's hard to put into words, right? - Yeah, because it's about evolution and it's about cosmology. It's about the way that these natural forces work. That's what I felt was in my body, that I was a part of these natural forces. And this is how it is. - So you saw him out the window and what happened then? - Okay, so my sister was out the window and my sister says, oh, Susie, what is it? And again, I'm going, well, it's them. And the next thing I know, because, you know, not everything is a perfect little scene of like, it does this, this, this, this is, you know, so there's these chunks that are still there. The next thing I know is, I'm basically, by the way, let me describe the ship. It was a light ship. It was beautiful and I could see it, you know, out the window and it was, you know, circling like counterclockwise and then clockwise and it had all these beautiful lights on it. And the colors were, you know, exceptionally gorgeous. And there was this light on the top as well that, you know, it looks like a crown chakra. I mean, it looked like the colors of the chakras and it looked like this crown chakra. And it was just beautiful and it had this gentle hum to it as well, you know. So this is what I mean by primordial as well. Like, this is, you know, something that was just exceptional. And yeah, it did, it gave me a charge as well. And for them, it gave me a charge. There's so much that's coming in. So I'm just trying to slow it down. One of the next things that I remember, 'cause I had so much contact as a child, that it's, it's like, this I believe is the next sequence on this contact experience. The beings, I remember them coming through the wall into the house and my dad happened to be there and my sister was there. And unfortunately, my dad has now passed, but my dad and my sister were there and I remember my dad being quite scared and he was sitting in a chair and I remember my sister was there and my sister was like panicking. She didn't know what was going on. And I remember thinking to myself, will you please calm down? There's no need to be like this. And I couldn't say that, but that's what I was feeling. - Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino. Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible. Chumbak has hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new game releases each week. Play for free anytime, anywhere, for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun. Sign up now at, sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group, void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub bully? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you want to talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - And the next thing that I remember is... By the way, there was a group of nine of them. And I have a picture that I use. If people go to my sub-sec account, I'll see it. But I have this picture, a friend of mine who's a graphic artist did and there's this configuration of these nine beings in how they move and work with groupthink, in group part, in groupmind. And they can separate and they can work independently. And that's what they were doing. And one of the beings came right up to me, a little taller than I was at four or five years old. And it gently took my hand, this part of my hand right here, really, this part. And it took its two fingers and touched me very gently. And I said, "Everything is going to be okay." And I knew and it was almost as if I was looking at myself. There was no fear. And the feeling that I got in my body was this incredible love, this warmth, this protection. And it was as if I was getting, my central nervous system was getting to feel what that love felt like in this physical body, 'cause we have our energy body, but the physical body feeling that. And I knew that that's what that was about at that moment. It was about that connection, how critical that connection was for me to feel that physicality in my body of love. And again, I had very loving parents, there's love that you have from your parents that feels amazing, some of us are blessed to have that. And then the love that I experienced in my body was on another level, which was incredible. So yeah, and I knew also, I think this was another experience and not that this one that I'm speaking about. They were testing, they were doing, they tested the water, they were testing the food, they were testing air. I remember literally they were concerned about, and I won't say environmental, maybe it was energetic, but there was this concern and they had to work really fast to get out for whatever reason, which I think we now understand why. So that's what I remember. So when people say to me, they're like, well, was it physical or was it a dream? It's like, it wasn't a dream, it was physical. I was physically touched. My sister has a recollection, right? And what I saw is this, when they worked in group mind group think, they were illuminated. And when they worked more independently, they were more in physical form, and their skin was very soft and super delicate and almost like powder, it wasn't powder, but that's what it was. So my belief today is that they can come into this shared reality for a short period of time and to do what they're here to do. And so for me, and I know other people say, whatever they say about their contact and hopefully all of us have a right to have our own understanding of what our own contact is, that mind was a continuation from what I had remembered coming in. - Right. - And it hasn't deviated from that. The only thing that has is the interference from the government. - It's interesting to me that they came and were testing the water and stuff. I think in a previous interview, they said, they tested your pool water, which-- - They did, that's what it was, it was a pool water. That's what I remember, it was pool water. And I'm like, "Why are you in my pool?" - And they're probably be like, "No, you can't swim in that." - I know. - They do this toxic. - Right, but, and it makes perfect sense to me that they can only spend so much time here for a number of reasons. For one, energetically, it might be too dense, it might be difficult for them to actually exist in this reality in that form. And secondly, I think that if they do decide to show up and do some work and gather samples and stuff like that, I think they might be on the radar of whatever groups are here, like governmental groups monitoring. So it's like a hit and run, like they got to get in and out type of thing. I think there's a few reasons-- - It's safety. - Yeah, and my own safety, you know? And you talk about density. I mean, I struggled with the density on this planet. I mean, that was the first, right? And it's silly because like I'm a lot older. I should've figured these things out, but like it really hit me, you know, just as I go through my life in certain places, I can be in certain places, I can't certain people I can't be around, you know? It's not easy. And so you have to work, right? To constantly increase your vibration, you know, your physical body, to handle certain things and to, you know, do what you can to be here and be of this world while keeping this energy. And that's why I think that's probably why I shared with you the story of, you know, reaching out when I was like two, 'cause I felt like I was being like pulled through the floor. And then what I now know is Jesus, right? And was it Jesus, was it? I don't know, you know? The bottom line is it helped me tremendously. And someone was there when I was struck to be here, you know? - Yeah, I mean, I still struggle with the really physical body and this density. I mean, it's especially now, since we're bombarded on all fronts, you know, from all the poisoning and everything. If you wanna be healthy and raise your frequency, we have to work overtime right now, I feel like. Really, yeah, full-time job and overtime, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, it is, exactly. (laughs) 100%. - Before you get out in nature, as much as possible, away from the big cities and away from all the EMS and all the stuff, I feel like, 'cause nature is a lot closer to source. It's a lot pure and the more you're out in that you're connecting with that, it's naturally gonna help raise your vibration and protect you really. - 100%. And that's, you know, I know people say this, people say, well, there's no real nature anymore. - That's not true. No, look at the animals, you know, where I live, there's bears, there's moose, you know, there's deer and, you know, and we have people that are loud around us as well, but, you know, that's where I choose to have my focal point is they're doing it, you know. - Right, I mean, there's nothing, honestly, there's nothing that makes me happier than observing wildlife and observing animals. I put such a smile on my face just to watch them live and just wonder what their thought process is. Anyway. - No, I thought it, it's, they're amazing. - Right, so I guess fast forward, you tell a story about something that happened to you at age seven and you pull out of school and it's really, actually, I think that's a crucial part of the story because of, it just gives us an example of how people like you are being monitored and how long people like you have been monitored for. - Yeah, yeah. - Insipressed. - Right. - I'll share that one too. Yes, so I'll tell this story. That when I was about seven years old, I think it was second or third grade and I was always the youngest person in my grade because of my birthdays in September. So, you know, the way it worked in public schools, like your cutoff was somewhere around September, you know, so I was always the youngest one. So I don't know if it was, you know, a second or third grade, but I was around seven years old and I remember I was sitting in my classroom and I always had a hard time paying attention to the teacher. I'm not interested in it. And, you know, typical, I remembered like looking at the clouds 'cause they were pretty and, you know, like fluffy blue, like blue sky with the white clouds, you know, it's just really, really pretty and we have these huge windows in my elementary school. And the next thing I know, I become really disoriented. I feel this like, like, like, frequency or something in my ear. Like something came in like a wallop, not physical, but, you know, it's like, like I can hear it and feel it. And the next thing I know within a very, very sharp period of time, I feel sick, like I'm gonna throw up. I feel super disoriented. I begin sweating. My palms were sweaty. And I didn't know what was going on, you know, like I'm sitting in my classroom and I know what's going on. And I must have raised my hand to go to the teeth. I think I'm gonna throw up, like I need to go to the nurse and I didn't even say it and she looked at me and she goes, "Go to the nurse." And my elementary school wasn't big, but it wasn't small. And I remember opening up the door. I remember the first thing I noticed, there's no lights on in the hallway. Like it was the lights were off. And sometimes they would do that to say, it was the 70s. You gotta remember they would save money for electricity. There was like a shortage at the time. There's like this, you know, energy crisis that was going on. That just hit me. That's probably why those lights were off. But it was weird 'cause it was dark. And, you know, here I'm walking down this super dark hallway and all I need to do is walk, I don't know, maybe like 50 feet or something like that. And in my elementary school, there was three people in the administration building. There was a secretary, a principal and a nurse. And there was a separate door to get to the nurse's office. I went to try to open up the door to go to the nurse's office and she was a sweetheart. She was lovely. Everybody loved her. And if you weren't feeling well and not a tummy ache, that's where you went. So, you know, thought Mrs. Crandall is gonna make me feel better. So I opened up the door and it's locked. And so I'm like, you know, like, okay. It was like one thing after the other. So I go around the other door, which is an access point to get to the secretary's office. And when I walk in, the secretary is on the phone, smoking a cigarette, which they did at that time. And she looked pan-extricant. She was standing up and I just remember her just being super out of sorts while she was on the phone. And then she told me to sit down and I remember just sitting there. I'm thinking, I just wanna get to the nurse. And she's like, the nurse isn't here. And I remember the principal was out that day for whatever reason. Somehow I knew that or she said that. And I remember waiting there for a while. And then she said, I can't get ahold of your parents. Someone's gonna take you home from the school. And I remember I didn't have, truthfully, I didn't have anxiety. I didn't even know what anxiety was up until that point. And I remember just starting to feel anxious and even more sick 'cause I'm thinking, my mom's a stay at home mom. Why am I being sent home? And as a kid, you feel like you did something wrong. Like, like, oh my God, what did I do? You know, like what's happening, what's going on? - And they don't always just send you home immediately. I mean, they didn't even check you, right? - No, well, she was a secretary, so she probably couldn't. But for some reason, I got sent home, right? - Well, home. So, and I remember being concerned, and I was always very quiet as a kid, very, very quiet. I wouldn't say I was shy, I was just cautious of the world around me in the sense of like, you know, who's what, if it's not your family, like, who is it? But not scared, just cautious, you know, having awareness. And the next thing I know, she tells me to go way outside. And her office has a window that you can see the parking lot is basically right there. So she says, go way outside. And I thought that was strange, you know, of course. But I did it 'cause I'm told what to do. So I grabbed my little jacket, put it on and, you know, like off we go. So I'm standing outside, I see this town car pull up, it's got the town emblem on it. It's like this old, you know, station wagon. And I went to go get in the backseat and that was intentional. 'Cause I didn't know who this person was. And I'm thinking, why is my mom or dad not picking me up? That's not the way we do this as a family. Like this does, you know, we have a close family, this is not how we do these things. And... - Hello, it is Ryan. And I was on a flight the other day, playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me. I didn't know what they were doing. They were also playing Chumbacassino. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumbacassino's home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere. So sign up now at to claim you're a free welcome bonus. It's and live the Chumbalife. - Sponsored by Chumbacassino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - But I had, you know, no cell phones back then. So he tells me to go get in the front seat and I knew, I mean, I started to have awareness that this is not, this is not good. And so I got in the front seat and I immediately put my body up against the door. And he won't look at me. And I won't look at him fully but I'm giving him the side eyes so I can see what he looks like. See his shoes, see his pants, see his face. And then he says to me, he says, you see those beings in those ships too. You see those beings in those ships. And immediately I have this like rush of, you know, like, - It's not good, yeah. - This is not good. And I knew he was lying. That was the first thing I want to share. I knew he was lying. I knew he was pretending to be a friend or be a, someone in the know, I knew he was lying. And two things happened and I don't honestly remember what happened first, but we hadn't even left the parking lot at this point. Okay. And I lived a half a mile away from my school. All you had to do is take a left out the school parking lot. There's a stop sign and then I lived to have a mile away. And I, this happened before we left the parking lot. Oh wait, no, sorry. I'm remembering like the specific detail. Before we left the parking lot, I remember taking, it was like I took part of my energy and moved it to the back of his head where his, you know, where like where his skull and his spine meet. And I said, if he ends up going any way other than taking me home, this is really, really bad. And I don't know why I did that, to this day. I don't know, you know, I would love to talk to somebody about that. But that's, somehow I did that. Then why, how not entirely sure? Like maybe I was reading something or whatnot. And instead of going straight through the stop sign, he takes a right and he says, "We're gonna take a little ride." And at that point, I get, "Don't say a word, don't say a word. Do not let them know who you are." And I'm like, that, what I heard was not a voice. It was me as if, you know, I'm a mom. So like you say to your kid, don't go across the street. Don't go, you know, don't do this. It's like you're giving a command because you're a parent trying to protect. And that's what it was literally as if my higher self came in and started taking, you know, like moving this thing for protection. And it's not like I hear voices or it's not the case. Like it's not, it was literally like the higher self coming in to like, you know, for protection. And the next thing I know, I do remember being taken down a side street. I will, I do remember a lot more. So I'm not sure how much I'm gonna share. I'm careful about that. But I do remember being taken down a side street. I do remember there was a struggle. I do remember I was, something was put over my mouth to knock me out. And then I do remember being taken somewhere very close by and subjected to some things that were not very nice. I'll probably leave it there. But what I try to do is I try to take that experience and the knowledge of that experience. And I try to put that forth in my writings. Because so much of what happened to me as a kid, even in those like those hours that I was there, I've watched played out on the public, especially these last couple of years. So, you know, whatever we wanna call that, is it MKUltra, you know, what is it? But for me, I'll share this one thing and happy to free to ask questions. For me, you know, like, I got the sense when I was taken that they weren't interested in understanding who I was. They knew that people like us exist and were a threat to them. That's what I knew, 'cause I thought to myself, how am I like this scrawn, I was super skinny when I was a little too, like how am I a little seven year old kid threatening to you? Why do you feel like you have permission to do this to me? And I talked to Dr. Edgar Mitchell. He was Apollo 14 astronaut. And, you know, 'cause I said, I'm like, hey, I wanna share the story with you. I had five hours in the car with him alone one day. I was bringing him from a conference to Boston Logan Airport from Maine. And I told him my story and I said, you know, do you think you can help me understand how did they know it was me? Like, how did they figure that out? And he said, they've had that technology for a very, very long time. And I said, yeah, but you know, this was like the 70s and are you sure? You know, he said, oh no Susan, they've had that technology for a long time. And that, you know, was one piece that I just said, whoa. And since then, since, you know, my brain likes to do research, I've been able to find things through FOIA requests that I have yet to share that are pretty, pretty accurate to that. So I'll just leave that at that point 'cause like it's not a, it's not completely, you know, I haven't written about it entirely and I'm putting together some of these pieces, but it's there. - Right. You mean-- - Right. - I include requests. - You mean finding information that supports a theory that they're monitoring us in ways that we don't understand. Like that type of information? - Yeah, that they've had technology to do some serious high level surveillance for a very long time. - Yeah, there's many insiders that have talked about that they can, I mean, not only can they track you and everything you do or say or think while you're incarnated, but they track star seeds as they incarnate. They know exactly where they are, who they are, you know, they're tracking that. And like you said, it's been going on way longer than the 70s, it's been going on a long time. - Yeah, and I try to, any, you know, a lot of my writings, like I try to have everything really grounded. I do respect the process of intelligence and logic and in reason, you know, it comes from like, understanding things philosophically, right? Like, you know, philosophy and logic. Like, you know, there's these things that our brains and our minds are, it's like a, you know, just a higher form of intelligence. So you try to have everything be grounded, because I think in that, oh, I do anyways, because I've realized if you're, if I am going to open up my mouth or write something, I want to be able to have it be well sourced, because, you know, I think that piece is important, so. - Absolutely. - Yeah, so how did you get back home from that experience? - Yeah, so here's the deal. Because I lived a half a mile away from the school, what I remember, literally, I remember, the door opening, that car, I remember the door opening, I remember my foot, I could see my foot getting out, and I was like, you know, woozy and not clear, and my foot getting out like stepping on the ground right in front of my neighbor's house, and you could hear the kids, 'cause I walked to school. I could hear the kids behind me, like probably about 150 feet, maybe 200 feet, I could hear them, and so they were walking home, so they had just dropped me off right at that time that I would have gotten out of school, and right in front of my neighbor's house, and the neighbor's house faced the road where my house was next door that faced the actual, like it was on a regular street, if that makes sense. So, you know, I walked home, you know, 20 feet to get to my house, or 30 feet, whatever. So, and no, I didn't say anything to my parents 'cause I was scared, absolutely and totally scared, and I knew this is the truth. I knew this wasn't for my parents, this wasn't my parents to do, this was my to do, and it sounds, you know, like, oh, well, what do you mean, you're seven, you're a little girl, it's like, no, I didn't come in as a little girl, you know, like, I came in with this knowledge, and it wasn't anybody else's to hold but mine, and I knew that, you know, it's almost like, in retrospect, I think what I was understanding was like, I don't wanna say it like you're at war, but like, you're not wanted here, and that's what I understood. - Yeah, well, we're a threat if you're a few, you are a star seed for lack of a better term, you're a threat to whatever game they're playing here and all the suppression and, you know. - The system, the control system. - Yeah, the control system. - Yeah. - And the question is, why haven't they just taken us all out if they could do that? Well, not I think we're being protected, right? 'Cause why wouldn't they just take you out? Why did they do that little game? And like, you're still here, obviously, you're speaking truth, you're waiting to do blood, like, okay. - I think, yeah, sorry. - No, I'm just saying, like, they would have if they could, so clearly they can't. - They learn from us. - Because they learn from us. I think that's the thing. I think that they lack such creativity. I think they are really on that destructive cycle, like that is who and what they are. And I think that they lack creativity, so they learn from us, so it's why they copy, it's why they mimic, it's why they-- - But they also wanna switch it around to keep us suppressed and enslaved. Humanity, in general, I'm talking about it. - Absolutely. - It's enslaved, right? - Yes, that's the inversion, right? They have to learn from us to know what to invert. - Right, right. - There you go. - Yeah, I think you nailed it, exactly. - Well, I think you nailed it. (laughing) You know, and here's the thing, you know, try saying this, you know, a long time ago. And, you know, it's like now it all makes sense, right? Like, you could actually see what's going on in the world. Like, you can see, you can see it. It's so much more obvious. Do the ops are obvious, the lies are obvious, and, you know, like, you can see it. But back then, you know, it was like, well, why are they doing this? What is going on? And the more light that comes in the planet, the more we're seeing, you know, that the icky dork that's there. - Right, it's very true. Yeah, it was more of a mystery back then. Now it's like, now it's, now you see it, and you're like, damn, they'll try anything. - They're not even-- - They're not even subtle a lot more, right? - Oh, yeah. - Right. - Oh, no! - They'll openly do anything. - Yeah, they're not being subtle. They're being, it's in your face now. - Right. I saw a meme. It's like, it's like, if you still don't see what's happening, and like, you're choosing the wrong side of history or whatever, it's like, you're failing an open note test right now. Because it's-- - Open book test. - Yeah, open it. - Right. - Yeah, it's true, because it's right there. And I don't know, but that's a whole different conversation. - That's what fear and programming does to people, you know, it can be so obvious in your face, you still won't look at, or see what's so obvious, and want to believe it, or, you know. - It is. - You wanna believe the false reality, 'cause that's your identity, so tied to that, you're so in fear of losing that, so. - Yeah. - It's not how obvious it is for the people like that, you know. - Absolutely, and you know, when I did all the work with emotional intelligence, I did that for a long time, almost 20 years, and I would see that, and I would come up with all this training material to try to help people, 'cause we work with like emotional intelligence tests, and then you'd work with this, you know, come up with these training exercises to help people increase their emotional intelligence, which worked. And one of the things I saw was like, people's, whatever they valued was tied to what their emotional state was, right? So then you take that, and then look at like, you know, people's paradigms, and they're, you know, their view of the world. And yeah, you know, that proves the point that you can see something that's right in front of your face, and then somebody will justify it and go, "Oh, well, no, they're trying to help," right? Oh, it's for the greater good, or, you know, it's just, but that is tied to the values for sure. It's not just like willful ignorance. It's like their values are, you know, they believe that they're acting in a way that that's in a betterment of something. - Right, right, exactly. So. - Yeah. - It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. - Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at - No purchase necessary. BGW Group void were prohibited by law, 18 plus, terms of condition supply. - I don't know much of your story after that. You had contact since then. Is it continuing? Is there any moments that stand out that you'd like to share with us in the audience and what have you learned from that? - Okay, I'll do my best. Please interject as you feel okay. - Yeah, okay. - So I had, so it wasn't just that the, you know, we see ET, but really, you know, to me, it's, it's, you know, it's, these are very high energy forms. And, you know, there's a lot of what I feel is celestial. Call it the grand overview effect, right? Like, like these beings, at least that I'm connected to, it's like they have this grand overview effect. Like they are in the cosmos on this, this, you know, more subtle level of energy. What I believe is what we're moving towards. Like the earth is moving towards this. And I think humanity is moving towards this. When I was, when I was 21, which was a while ago now, I ended up having these beings come to the edge of my bed. And I was with my, it was my daughter's father at the time. We were just, you know, college students. And he was there and he experienced part of it, not the whole thing, but part of it. And these beings were extremely tall. And I remember they were just looking at me. Like they were literally like scanning me and looking at me and I'm thinking, what are they looking at? And why do they know me better than I know myself? Like what is this, right? And the next thing I know, I'm literally being like, zipped through, through space time. One is on my left, one is on my right. And I can now say that it was like I was in a Markaba. And they were showing me like a baby growing universe. And they were telling me, and they were sharing these formulas and they were telling me that our scientists had the Big Bang wrong. But what I was understanding is that the universe that we're in condenses works to birth a new universe. And they came back about 12 years later and then showed me the evolution of that. And I worked with Dr. Rudy Shields, who is a Harvard astrophysicist. So I started very early on, 'cause I was a part of Dr. John Max group at Harvard. You know, 'cause I had just graduated with like my degree in psychology from college. And I'm thinking, oh, well, someone's studying this. And I know about this. So, you know, hey, I wanna be part of not your research to be studied, but be part of creating the research. Unfortunately, I was part of the research to be studied as it went at the time. But I share that because, you know, I had this experience about this cosmology and about the energy of life and our experiences, positive, negative charges. And, you know, this seems to be kind of moving into the one with this planetary shift. And so that was really different, you know, than what I experienced growing up. It was like there was an evolution to my contact experiences. And I thought I got a little bit older. And by the way, there's an interview that a friend of mine did, Dr. Rebecca Hargassle, right with Dr. Rudy Shields, where he acknowledges that and shares that, you know, freely in his interview with her about my stuff. So, you know, there's validation, you know, on that piece. But it was great because, you know, here you had the scientist that was open to listening to people that had contact, to try to understand, you know, from his world, from an astrophysics standpoint, like how this stuff was possible. And, you know, what I think is important in that piece is that, you know, just because we're in this physical body here on Earth, doesn't mean our spiritual evolution stops, right, like, like I got the sense and it took me ages to accept this, by the way, like, 'cause this stuff happened, you know, 21 and then like 33 years old, that I'm not better or worse because I have this. It just is, like, and I wrote an article recently. It's like the cosmos is gonna evolve. Like the Earth is gonna do her thing, you know? The cosmos is gonna evolve. The sun's gonna do its thing. The central sun, you know, like, like, like, you know, all of these different cosmological bodies, I believe are sentient and have, you know, consciousness. They're gonna do their thing and they're very, very big, you know, and we may be connected to it, but they're going to do their thing. They're going to go through their cycles and we, as human beings, you know, are a part of that. So, you know, people are like, well, what does this mean? You know, what have you? And I said, well, I just know that this is part of wherever I'm going next, especially when I'm not in this body anymore. That's part of where I go to next. So maybe I got a little bit of a, you know, a flash forward of, you know, the cosmos and its growth cycle. And maybe it does relate to what we're going on here, but, you know, I know that that piece is for something, you know, for my spirit, right? My spiritual, you know, growth and taking on maybe something new and different in this next phase. So that happened. Seeing different beings come in, teaching me about healing that I then worked on people for about five years out of my home, taking care of all, doing these energetic healings. And that was all, you know, private. Like I didn't advertise anything. It was just word of mouth. And when I was done, I was done. The next thing I know, I had the gods on us truth. I had ships come over my house. It was October 2011. And I knew that that meant that I needed to then go work on new energy technology. And I did that for, you know, over a decade and I'm still involved in that. So, you know, there's been a lot of guidance with this. And I'd probably say the most important part recently is what I call this heart entrainment process that's gone on where, if I can share an example, 'cause I feel like I may be talking too much, a little more example. - Of course you can, yeah, absolutely. It's all fascinating. I mean, I have a million questions, but keep going. - Okay, so the, what I've seen, you know, like I've had, most people don't notice, I've had a pretty hard life in the sense of, when I said hard, my dad died of cancer. I have a family, neurological genetic disease that's impacted a lot of my family. My brother died, my mom died of it and I have siblings that are impacted and affected by it. So, I share that because, you know, working to get out of this cyclic human condition of this short life and these negative emotions and feelings, right? Like, you know, the negative is there to guide us to work through and move through things. And so, the beings, this is where the ships and the beings relate to it. There's been this, what I call this entrainment process of my heart. There's times like, you know, I get angry upset if people are not taking care of themselves properly or, you know, fall onto the whole fear and ignorance thing or hatred, you know, it's awful, it's awful. It's awful to feel it, it's awful to witness it. And, you know, there's a better way. And I have had, I have had, like I'm divorced from my daughter's dad and, you know, there was a moment, I, you know, sometimes you just don't get along with people that you were formerly in a relationship with, you know, no matter how hard you try, you just kind of like, it's just not really there. And I was looking through these pictures and I saw a picture of myself, my ex-husband and my daughter as, you know, when we were in a family unit together. And, and I had this feeling of love in my heart, like just, you know, it's like the center point in your heart, you can feel it and it just kind of like, is it, you get this like pump of oxygen and it just like feels good. It's almost like it flows in a different way than it was flowing a couple of minutes before. And I innately just step outside and I look up in the sky and boom, there's a ship, right? It was just like, here, that. And that's gone on a lot. It's gone on a lot. - So when you see, when all these beans come back and teach you stuff and you see the ships, is it always the same ship, same beans? - No, no, I mean, no. The, the, the, the one that provided the healing was a lovely, what felt female and it was a singular individual and I wasn't able to see their face, they asked. And I said, yes, at first and then I said, no, 'cause I got scared. And then, you know, that the, they still presented what they presented. I felt like that was, again, not foreign. It felt like that could have been a different version of me. I'm not saying it was, but it was so, it felt like this higher dimensional energy that if, if I had to put it, you know, in some type of a classification, it felt like it was being an energy, was it? I don't know, but that's what it felt like 'cause it was just so loving and wise and patient and yeah, so, so no, but what I see a lot now is I will see the flashes in the sky, but multiple, it's not like it's just one flash. And then, you know, there's times that when I know that I'm with people that want to see, like I've had family that has wanted to see. So we go out in the backyard after having a nice dinner, doing a nice little, you know, like everybody say grace and hold hands and, you know, just being good, good spirits, be thankful. Let's just have fun, go outside, play in the yard. And then, you know, that happens, like we'll see. And one fun thing is I remember singing and the ship like powered up to the height of my sound to brightness and then I started as I went, you know, down singing, it was incomplete in total unison. So, you know, there's play back and forth, you know, but it's part of what I'm calling like an entrainment process. And in my senses, if I can be so bold, is that, you know, we are embodying this, this is like a transfer, that not that they lose anything, but like there's a transference that is occurring with us. And I think that's part of the shift on the planet as well. - Right, I agree. Just looking at my notes, something I wanted to ask you at the beginning, when you're on your first experience, you mentioned you felt like they were testing your central nervous system. - Oh yeah. - Can you elaborate on that a little bit? 'Cause I think that's important. - Yeah, I forgot about that. So thank you, see, I can't remember. There's so much to it, you know? Yeah, so I remember when I was on the ship and again, it didn't move, it was above the treetops, even then I knew it was above the treetops. But I remember there was this other being that was there and what I was getting, the senses, they wanted to test my empathic resonance to test the central nervous system for that, for the empathic resonance. And again, the sense that I got was that there was this attunement process. I sometimes wish I wasn't so empathic 'cause I am. I can't watch a movie with violence, like I can't do it, like I do it. So yeah, that was the sense that I got, that it was in attunement to the empathic resonance. Was it, I don't know, but that was the sense that I got at the time. And also being able to feel uncomfortable, like uncomfortable emotions. - Making you familiar with the uncomfortable emotions so you can like withstand it down here, is that what you mean? - That's a great point. Maybe, you know, 'cause there's wisdom in being able to feel things. There's wisdom in being able to feel. Like for example, I watched my mom die. She got this genetic disease over, you know, over a decade. And if I didn't feel maybe part of what she felt and didn't feel the pain of a daughter losing her mom, and I lost her, you know, like I said, when I was at a young age, like if I didn't feel those things, then it wouldn't have inspired me to do the healing that I did on myself over the years that I did it. 'Cause I did, I went to Peru were shamans, like well, before it was popular and things like that. 'Cause I was like, oh my God, I'm not accepting this death sentence if I have this thing. So like, I think there's a wisdom in the capacity to feel things that are uncomfortable, but your point that you made was a good one too. - I mean, seemingly negative, seemingly negative experiences have those blessings hidden within them that you don't really usually realize until later on, then you look back and go, oh my God, because that happened, now this amazing thing happened or now I get in this wisdom from that or, you know, that happens all the time, you know, and that's what you say, like God works in mysterious ways, the universe works in mysterious ways, that at the time you don't know what's happening until you have a greater perspective from later on, you know? - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - So there's the, you know, the pain and the experiences, it's a part of that, you know, you have to feel it, right? - Yeah, and even, you know, even go back to the kidnapping experience, 'cause I was, you know, when I was taken, what they did, they didn't do anything to me, other than, you know, kidnapping me and yes, putting a thing over my mouth that, you know, allowed me to not see exactly where they were taking me, but what they exposed me to, it was meant to really split my, split me, didn't, ha! (laughs) But even that experience, you know, I thought about it, I'm like, wow, I incarnated in to be able to have that happen. And I think that that was part of, you know, it was part of the understanding, was it, did it, of course it was terrible, it was awful, but it helped me to understand what has been played out on the public now, on a mass level, you know? My husband is a, he's a medical investigative journalist a minute, can I talk about COVID here or no? - Oh yeah, absolutely, sorry about that, yeah. - The minute it happens is that they're gonna vaccinate everybody, and the second words out of my house, my mouth in our house was, it's behavior modification. - Yep, yep, yep. - Anyways, among, yeah, among many other things. - The other things. - Oh, yeah. - The vaccine agenda. - We just interviewed somebody who, she was a massage therapist, and she had to stop taking clients that got the jab because they were carrying entities all of a sudden, and she's an energy healer, and she could see, like it was like an open invitation to allow an entity to take the driver's seat of their soul, and that's kind of what happened, but going back to it, going back to what you said about the learning through feelings, I mean, that's the only way we actually learn, actually, forget the information. It's not about the information, it's all frequency, it's all emotion, it's all feeling, that's why you tuned out in school, you were on a different radio station, you were not tuned into that station, because you knew it was bullshit. Some part of it was you, but that's how we learn, and I think that's amazing whenever you're able to be so in tune, because the amount of data that comes through those feelings, it's not like you have to read a book, or be told, or listen to something to be educated. I think the true education comes in forms like that. - You're reminding me of something, so I used to do, I love this conversation, thank you both, and you're reminding me, when I used to work with a lot of clients around the world, like doing this emotional intelligence work, and I'd do a lot of one-on-ones, and a lot of it was like executives, and professors, and things like that, and somebody said to me one time, and my husband, so I have a husband. (laughs) As I mentioned earlier, he's the medical investigative journalist, he said this, and then this client said this, he said, "You have a tendency, "once you find something that's uncomfortable in somebody, "you go in there and you grab it, "and then you just keep going in, and going, "to try to get it explicit, and make awareness around it, "so to take what's unconscious, to make it conscious, "so he feels awful." He's like, "But it's like you're good afterwards, "you know what I mean?" And so you're reminding me of that piece, and the criticalness of being able to take those micro-expressions that come out, that leak, right, through people sometimes, and to really figure out what's there, you can do it through hypnosis, and through lots of different ways, but in real time is usually the best if you can manage to make that happen, so you're right, you're just reminding me of that. - Yeah, I mean, to me it's important. We can read somebody like a book without them opening their mouth, you know? And if they tell you everything, just by the energy that they carry, and the energy behind what they're saying, it's not necessarily what they're saying, and that's something we talk about a lot on this channel, but-- - Yeah. - Right. - Because we like to help. We don't want to just, like the whole purpose for the show isn't just to tell people what to think. If we just explore, like actually I would say, we kind of promote critical thinking more than anything, and like-- - I don't want people to just believe what-- - Right, exactly. - What is gonna be-- - Exactly. - Just because it's set on the show, that's the opposite of what we're about, right? - Yeah, so-- - We need to become your own, yeah, sovereign being, to figure out for yourself, what is-- - That's why I always want to discuss, like, what, don't forget what this influencer's saying in the UFO community, forget this, forget this galactic update and everything, what's the overall message behind it? What's the energy behind it? And we, I like to just make people aware, I'm like, how do critical think, how to approach this, and don't just take everything at face value? Because we have to, so many times along the way, where we have to, we're challenged, our beliefs are challenged, and we have to let go of that, we learn and let go, learn and let go all the time. - Yes, 100%, and I mean, and that's, I guess, why you guys are titled "Journey to Truth", because you have to come to their own conclusions, and that's the way that we get there, you know? Absolutely. - Mm-hmm, right. - Absolutely, I mean, even the teachings that I've received from, you know, these beings showing me things cosmologically, they were never, like, the second time that they had, I had that experience, like literally experiencing what it was like, the evolution of this, this birth and the cosmos, they didn't tell me anything, they wanted me to tell them what I was picking up, what I thought, and then they nodded in approval if it was correct. You know, so that's how we learn, right? Not to being, shh. - Exactly, exactly. - So have you, from these experiences, have you gotten any foresight into the future, and where we're at right now, what the hell's happening on this planet? Like, is there any information that comes through surrounding that, or even your own opinion, if you want? - What the belief is going on? - What the-- - What the-- - Going on. Well, you know, what I, okay, so like a lot of contactees, I received, first of all, I seen with my incarnations to always come when there was a big transition on the planet. I remember that in multiple past lives, right? So, and it's weird 'cause I'm born on like the cusp, I'm born on the Equinox, like fall equinox, like between summer leaving and like fall coming. So I seem to see like, like I'm like a transition person. So it is my belief that in our lifetime, we will experience this great planetary shift. And I think there had been a lot of preparation and assistance for that. And you know, like those golden pot of beings that I saw, I think like myself along with others, you know, we're here to help stabilize as much as possible while we go through this shift. Because there's so much chaos right now that's happening. And you know, chaos is okay to a point, but you know, a lot of people can get taken down in chaos and never come up that maybe are supposed to. I write a lot about the electromagnetic changes with the sun. I seem to be super tuned in with the energy of the sun. I believe that the sun is sentient and it's helping to create this huge shift that we've got that, you know, continues to happen. So with that piece being said, you know, a lot of the visions that I got as a kid are happening now. And you know, before in my younger mind, it was, oh God, you know, like what's gonna happen when this happens. However, it does seem that the more that we can, you know, raise our vibration and really continue to raise our vibration while we're in this chaos. And it's going to become even weirder and more strange. But if we can do that, we don't necessarily have to experience the same reality that people that haven't gotten out of that chaos will experience. - Right. - That I believe is what this big shift is about now. Is it all about that? No, God, of course not. Like I only know this and I share what I know. But that's why I think it's critical that we learn how to, you know, it sounds cliche, but it's the truth, like be your own creator, truly be in love, be honest with ourselves, be honest with others, live a good life, as best as we know how protect ourselves and honor whatever journey that we really have here because the more that this planet shifts with, I mean, with an eclipse coming up shortly too, the more that this shifts, I think you're going to find there's going to be a greater division between density and, you know, things that are not as dense, like things that have more of that light, you know, in there. So that's what I think. And I do, it's going to sound a little wild, but I do believe that we will be able to have more, you know, communication and communion with these other sentient life forces. And I'm going to include animals in that as well. You know, you've got, we've got sentience here on this planet, you've got the air, you've got the elementals, you've got the trees, you've got all of this intelligence that's actually there that responds, you know, to us. So, and that's one of the other pieces of the teachings, you know, what I'm calling this entrainment process with the ships and the beings is that it's, there's this great collaboration. Like when that ship came over that tree, there was an agreement with that tree that was okay. - Yeah. - It's not a little weird, but like, you know, these are the types of non-violating things. This is all agreement at this micro life force level. I've heard people call it microvita, right? Like the consciousness at this mini, mini life level. Like this all has to be in collaboration and agreement. And I think that's that subtlety that we're moving to. - That's beautiful. So there's an agreement with the tree to allow the craft to see even hover over the tree. And it's all like they understand, they understand things at a far higher level superior level than we do obviously. - Right. - It reminds me of whenever I was in Colorado and I was with a friend and there was his Sasquatchi's forest people energetically that showed up and she's in tune and she can channel and she was communicating with him, but I couldn't see him. And I asked, I said, can you shake a tree for me? So I can like perceive you and they started laughing. And she was laughing, but I thought she was laughing to me, but she was laughing on their behalf. And for one day said, we're not hiding, but we're not hiding, we're right here. It's up to you who perceive us. And then two, they said, why would we hurt our friend? Why would you shake your friend, the tree? And it was like they couldn't, it didn't compute to them. Like why would you shake the tree? Why would you shake your friend? That would hurt them, you know? - There was a scientist, like David Wilcox goes over this in his first book that did all these studies about like he would like do things to plants and trees and stuff and then he would... - Lucky land slots asking people, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? - Lucky in line at the deli, I guess? - Uh-huh, in my dentist's office, more than once actually. - Do you, I have to say? - Yes you do. - In the car, before my kids' PTA meeting. - Really? - Yes. - Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? - I never win and tell. - Well, there you have it, you can get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now, are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary, VGW group would be rewarded by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - They would like scream and quotes, like whenever he would do that. And then not only that, so like it proved that plants and everything is conscious, like, so you would do that and then the same person that would do that, like him, would walk back in the room and the plant would do it again, just when he would walk back in the room. Like, you know, in anticipation of it happening again or something, you know, like everything, all these plants are conscious, now not just the animal plants, the planet itself is a conscious being. - Yes. - That is sending, like, everything is alive and conscious and that's what we're waking up to and we're realizing we're all, we're connected to all of that. We're not, there's no separation, so. - Why would you hurt yourself? It basically is what it comes down to. You wouldn't, when you become conscious, right? - Exactly, exactly. And, you know, like speaking about like the ships, like one of the things that I've learned is that like this agreement process, like this is what's been shown over these last couple of years and I've got pictures of this. And I put it in like a mini presentation. I did it's like two private groups. Nobody paid for anything, it wasn't like that. It was just, you know, to share the information. And you can see even the clouds are in agreement. Like, this is what, you know, this is what's opening up. So, you know, when people, you know, are like waiting for the ET to come or waiting for a ship to come or whatever, it's like, just go and connect with your local, you know, like your backyard, you know, wherever you live, wherever that is. Like your favorite place, a place that you feel called if it is in your yard or whatever. But like any, those natural, you know, sources to be able to, you know, just, just connect and to continue to have the relationship and to continue to, you know, cultivate that relationship because yeah, it's all in concert with one another and that's the coolest part and, you know, that's what I see. So yeah. - And you mentioned from a previous interview, you said it's not survival that fittest anymore, it's survival the most conscious. And I thought that was clever. - Right, right. - Because it is, it's not, we're. - What's that? - Go ahead. Well, if you like to add on. - No, no, no, go, go, go. Say more. - No, I just, I just thought it was clever because it's true. We're all in survival mode, right? But now like you can either just survive and be fit but now being conscious, consciously aware, that's a whole new level. And then that's when it comes into like dropping into your heart and being balanced and in alignment with nature because then you're gonna be open to receive whatever you need to help you navigate these times. And it's just, it's crucial. It's crucial to do that. And I just thought it was clever, or clever kind. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I guess, you know, 'cause again, doing the emotional intelligence work, you learn about Darwin and survival and, you know, things like that. And I'm like, I remember teaching it, you know, teaching emotional intelligence. And because there's like, like the amygdala is like the primitive part of our brain and their prefrontal cortex is like that higher consciousness, right? And it's like, wait, you know, we're not, it's not about like building the fire and, you know, do we need food to eat? Yes, do we need protection? Yes, we need those basics. There's no doubt about that. But over focusing on that, it's already been done, you know, like cycles and time over and over. You know, this is the time where we are able to meet the greater cosmic community. And if you actually look, you can see that the earth is moving, the solar system, the galaxies, moving to a different place in the universe. I mean, that's what's happening. And so you look at that and go, well, there's a lot more, and if you actually look and see where, you know, where we are in relation to the whole, like, alleged whole universe, not that we can actually really know that, but you know, based on these models, you know, there's a lot more action that's going on as you get closer to this, like, you know, this middle of a plane, you know. And I think that's what the ETs have been trying to tell us. They're like, hey, the old way that you guys are doing it is not gonna work to what's really happening with the energy of your planet, your solar system and your galaxy, folks. Like, time to get on the picture, you know? Like, time to get into this thing because that's the real energy that's happening and going on. And I think maybe, you know, when we're like, oh my God, this is great shift. It's like, because we've been so sorry, I think I'm going off here. I think we've been so told such an inverted story, right? Yeah. It's like, for a long time, we've been told this inverted story. And it's like, oh my God, you know, you got to rip the whole body bandaid, you know, off at once right now. Right. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah, it's not-- Awakening is like, it's like on super speed, right? It's like happening so fast because it has to, you know, like, it's all happening now. And it's like, you either got to like, raise up with the planet that's ascending that we're on or you're going to have to go somewhere else. And a lot of people are having a very intense, quick awakening. Yeah, and the sun's not going to slow down. You know, we're in the height of solar cycle 25. Ooh, ooh, ooh, you know, it's going to keep going until it needs to, you know, it needs to not, you know, go anymore at that point. And I feel like this next year or two, you know, we're on go here. It's like we're being supported by the sun for this great wake up. Right. And so, you know, I do believe we've got a little bit of a time issue here. And I tell people, you know, I give everybody advice on this. I'm like, don't wait. Like, if you've got something to clear out, do it now. Like, stop drinking. Right. Sorry if, like, there's certain things that are not going to help depending upon where certain people are. You know what I mean? Sure. 100%. Yeah, I agree. I mean, we take responsibility for your own shit and heal it and, you know, seek healing. Do the inner work, you know, seek connection with people. All these things, like, a lot of people want to blame everything, play into the victim, right? And blame everything on everyone else and not actually take any responsibility for themselves. Well, we can't do that anymore. That time's long gone for that. We have to start taking responsibility and doing the inner work and, you know, raising our consciousness. I would say, like, you can't do that anymore if that's your path. Like, if you're-- If that-- right. Because everyone, literally everyone, is a different place in the game. Depending on the person, right? Yeah. So if you want to-- if you want to ascend, let's just say, and transform, guess is a good way. If you want to move on and shift with the times, then you have to start acknowledging all that stuff and be self-aware. It's your choice, right? So you got to-- you don't have to do it, but you're going to choose to stay wherever you are, you know? Right, right. 100%. Like, let me give you an example. I don't judge people that drink. Let me just share that. I have a 21-year-old daughter who's in college. Like, goes out and has fun. And there's no judgment there. Because the bottom line is like, well, how do you feel afterwards? Like, are you OK? Like, are you-- I mean, for me, you know, OK, a couple of years ago, I would have, like, you know, a little bit of wine or whatever, like, here, their champagne on the holidays or whatever. And I couldn't touch it. Like, it got to a point where literally my body was treating it like it was poison, right? It's like, well, that wasn't part of my path, right? And I think that's, you know, kind of like the bottom line here you guys brought up is, you know, there's certain people that are feeling this niggle, right? Like, oh, you know, time to shift this or do that or wake up. And then, you know, if they're not, then things are getting worse in their life. It's almost like, hey, it's showing you that if you don't do X, Y, Z, yeah, but it's not for everybody. I mean, I think a lot of us who have been in this arena for a little while realize it's not for everybody. Right. No, then they're not maybe not supposed to do whatever we're doing. Exactly. And your body does-- when you're listening to your body, it starts recognizing it as the poison that it's always been. But now you're at a frequency to where it's your body, like, last time I decided, I'm going to go have some drinks with some friends, some old friends. And it was-- I could look at it as the biggest mistake or the biggest lesson, because it was amazing. I was able to see how much, like, I did not belong on that timeline. It was completely over. And that was, like, if there was such thing as a final straw, that was it, because now I understood on a new level, why I can't play in that realm anymore. Like, it was just over. And my body, the amount of recovery time it took, and everything, just from-- it's insane. And it's a whole thing that I observed while doing it. And I can go on and on. But you lower-- Oh, no, it's-- I think it's good. I mean, like, even-- you know, I went to have-- I drink caffy-caff-aff regular coffee, right? Like, coffee. And not for the caffeine. I just like the smell and the taste and the whole experience. There you go. The whole experience. OK, right now. Right. And, like, a week ago, I'm like, a minute I took a sip of my stomach, my stomach's like, what are you doing to me? You know? And I'm like, what? You know, like, no. And that was like-- you know, and I look at it and go, OK, we're upon an eclipse. I think my body is gone. Clean, you know, super clean, none of this, none of that. You know, whatever clean means, you know, at the time. And, you know, I'm just kind of hoping, like, eclipse is over. Then I can go back to having a little bit more. Right. So it's such our body when we listen to it, right? Because there's the microbiota that's in our body. These little cells, like, I make jokes and, you know, saying my body is telling me. Like, it's like, no, you know? Or yes. Yeah. But, you know, we listen to it. Listen to your body, yeah. Yeah. Yes. There's people more loudly than I'd ever ask. Right. The way I see it is it's all energy. And we don't have the luxury right now to misuse our energy like that. I feel like we should really be hyper focused on what we're doing, where we're putting our energy and who we're giving our energy to in exchange for whatever else, like, everything's in exchange, right? And I just think it's important to be hyper aware of that right now. Because it's detrimental. You start feeling things at a different level. Your energy body is like the energetic hygiene that has to take place is right. So it's just as crucial as the rest of the hygiene, right? But if not more. Totally. I absolutely, I mean, my life is very abnormal. I would say in comparison to most people on a daily basis, probably not to both of you, but like to most people. And it's because of that, like, I, you know, I came in being able to hear, hear, right? Like this connection, call it to source, whatever by how to yourself. I came in with that and it started to get challenged because my, you know, growing up was like my house was loud, with my siblings. And I would, like I said, I would go on the closet and I would like literally cover, like, like, put covers over myself to hide. And it wasn't hide and go seek. It was literally like, I needed to hear my, my higher self. And that was the only way I knew how to navigate, like, my day to day, right? Because the beings are going to do everything for you. It's like, that's how I knew how to do it. And I've actually, I don't hide in the closet anymore, but like, I will do that a lot. I'll just sit in silence just to be able to like, you know, hear and hear and hear. And I think that's what a lot of us are being asked to do, right? Is to, and I think these solar energies are doing that too. Like they're, they're asking us to just sometimes sit and listen. And it's just to ourself and maybe ourself as connected to. You know, yeah, something bigger. Like maybe it's our, our eternal self. You know, it's a world I want busy all the time. I was going to say, we live in a world that wants us to be busy. You know, I mean, how many times do I get you doing? What are you doing? I'm like, well, what if I'm doing nothing? Is that OK? Right. It's OK with me is OK with you, you know, right? You have to really get to a place to where you can be OK with doing nothing because we're trained to think that we're, you know, we're wasting time if we're just, you know, we're being lazy or whatever. Or, you know, but the thing is, is if you're being, quote, lazy and giving yourself time and space, that's what you're not going to get sick nearly as much because you're listening to your body now. But if you're constantly going to go in and go in because you don't want to be lazy and you want to be busy and you should be making money and doing this, you're ignoring all the signs, everything your body is trying to tell you. And then your body is like, oh, you're not going to rest. Well, guess what? Now you're going to rest and you're going to be sick. Because you can't get from an empty cup and you're going to be healthy when you're right. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane. So shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW group void were prohibited by law. Eighteen plus terms of condition supply, especially. Yeah. We're beings. We're not doings, right? We're human beings, not human doing, but like society wants the program. You think, oh, you're worth comes from what you do. So you have to just do all these things and their son, like imaginary, you know, like, oh, now you're good enough at the certain level or something. It's like, no, that's all program. That's all mind control program. It's all about like you, you cultivate your being and then your actions come from that place to end out, not out to end, which is completely inverted, you know. And you've got social media that's constantly showing you what other people are doing for you to have a comparison to that, right? And I think about the kids that grew up with social media and that's all that they knew. You know, again, they'll refer to my daughter. It's like, you know, we have conversations about this and how that impacts her, her self esteem and what she feels like she should be doing and not be doing and think that she's got a pretty good, strong sense of self because, you know, like, it's hard for kids, right? And adults. Like, yeah, so the funky little society that we've gotten ourselves into with them, you know, the capacity to just listen to yourself and hear yourself authentically. Exactly. Right. They're programming everyone with socially constructed insecurities and to make them feel like they're not good enough if they don't look like this Instagram model or this self-made millionaire or whatever it is, you know, they give you this mold that you're supposed to feel like you need to squeeze into or otherwise you don't fit in. And that mold actually is lacking purpose. There is no purpose. It will like you unless you're this and that's yeah. Right. And the research that's come out, you know, since then on a lot of this and, you know, on the social media piece, I mean, like it's there, right? And this, I put him in my last article and I think he actually just had an interview on Taco Carlson, there's a, um, he's a MD and I think he's got his PhD to Michael Nels. He's a talks about neurosts and, you know, like the neurogenesis, like your brain is supposed to be, you know, learning new things and doing new things. You know, this is part of our, our natural level of evolution. And you know, when we're constantly giving a, given a construct of a story of what we're supposed to believe, right? And then you've got the programming of fear constantly, constantly, it's actually like shrinking your hippocampus, which means that somebody else can come in and rewrite that story. Mm. That's part of like the MK ultra stuff as well, you know, and, um, anyways. So like, like, you know, this is where it's like, you know, break out of this garbage that is, oh, is slowly, you know, um, um, um, atrophy or our natural capacities, because we're out of time, like, keep saying this, we're out of time that these natural capacities, I think this is why they have to work so hard to do this because our natural capacities are able to really, you know, pop and, and go forth during this time. I think we are living at a time of great evolution. I think the sun is, is assisting us on that. And I think these abilities that some of us, you know, have, whether we came born with or, you know, because of contact, whatever, um, I think we do all have these abilities to be telepathic and to be into it. So I think I don't think it's extraordinary. I actually think it's just part of what makes us, you know, alive and sentient. Yeah, I agree. And not only does everybody have the abilities, I think everyone is in some form of contact or communication with higher density beings anyway, but that contact looks different for everyone. Yes, it can show up in so many different forms and ways you're not even really consciously aware most of the time. Yes. It's so true. And you know what, you guys, I won't do it now, but I have to show you a picture that I took this morning of something that like it will just be fun to look at because things do appear in ways that you can't even anticipate. Is it something you want to show here on this? No. Okay. It's too new, but maybe after you can drop the inst, but really, like, it's just so, it's so unique. You can't. Yeah. Right. Yeah. That's amazing. This has been amazing. Thank you for joining us today. And can you please let our audience know where they can find you and what you're up to now and all that stuff? Okay. First of all, thank you both so much. I didn't know what to anticipate. I'm so grateful that you guys are doing what you're doing and you have the awareness that you have and you're not holding back on things. So that means a lot and so thank you because like you guys are honestly like a dream come true for, you know, getting a more accurate view of things out. So honestly, I've been deep, deep gratitude to both of you. Well, thank you. I feel that. Thank you. Thank you so much. You're welcome. You're welcome. So I, I write on sub stack. So it's it evolved at sub or dot sub And you just have to sign up to be able to read the articles that are there. That's it. And it is free. Let me see what else. So I'm also involved in a, I started a research project that I'm super stoked about. And the title of it is evolutionary adaptive abilities and looking at the relationship with the sun. So I just started that project and I'm in the process of collaborating with a couple of other groups and one university as well to be able to do this and it would, it's a good university. It's not one that will take our information and, you know, put it in places and spaces or try to stop it. And I'm not doing it as part of a PhD program. So it can, you know, move more freely. It's just basically making sure that there's good, good science that's there to be able to do this in an effective way. So I'm super excited about that. And, you know, obviously we'll be sharing results with people and just go on a minute about that. I think the work that was done in emotional intelligence, I think this is this next phase of what we can, you know, do with some of our capabilities that are coming in. Sometimes if you just make things more explicit, you know, the next thing, you know, it's like we're all, we're all working in doing this and that's really the hope and the goal with this research. So that's, you can find me on Substack. I don't have a huge Instagram or anything like that. But I think Substack is probably the best way to find me. Yeah. And I did just read the article he sent and I watched a little video with it. And, and I watched the movie, what is it called, Jules? Jules. Yeah. Because of your article, I watched that movie last night and I was, I was planning on putting it on the fall of sleep and I was like, was stuck to the screen, you know, okay. Have you seen it Aaron? Jules? No, no, I ought to check that out. It's about this UFO crash lands in this back in this guy's backyard and he basically takes the ETN and keeps it safe and like houses the ET while he repairs his craft to leave. Anyway. Oh, nice. It was really good. And it didn't have the negative twist that I expected like from most ET movies. Yeah. It was a sleeper. I saw it on a plane and I went, I mean, husband and I saw it and I'm like, who made this movie? Right. So cute. And, and, you know, it's not going to get any attention, but it was nice to see something like that come back, you know, on the screen, even if it was just a little blip, right? There's all the other stuff we've been seeing for these many years. Yeah, it was, it was, it was empowering and it was, it was very, it was good. It left me with a good feeling. I was not expecting that. Hmm. Same year. Same year. Yeah. So we'll watch that. We're going to see it, Aaron. Yeah, I will. Thank you. You would like it. Definitely. Primer. Where is it? It was on, I found it on primes on prime. Yeah. You can like buy it or rent it, you know, yeah, I'm sure. It's called just jewels, right? Cool. JU LES. And I did put a link in the article for people to, you know, try to make it easy for people to access it. I don't know anything about the backstory of like the person who wrote it or anything like that. But yeah, so many times I was gasping like, Oh God, you know, like, please don't let the deep state come in and get him. Right. Yeah. Right. Exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was good. I'm so glad you watched that. Thank you for, I mean, if you hadn't, if I hadn't read your article, you know, so keep writing because it leads to something like you picked up that part as opposed to maybe some of the other stuff I was like, I mean, all the stuff. Actually, I had a bunch of questions about stuff that you wrote in that article. We didn't really get there. But I mean, it was, that's also an important conversation. So I encourage everyone to read it and I'll put all the links in the description as always. So yeah, but yeah, thank you so much. This has been amazing. And thank you guys all for being here. We love you all. We can't wait to see you at the conference. And if you haven't decided if you're going, you should, because we're going to have a lot of fun and, you know, always take advantage of an opportunity to go meet with soul family and hang out by the bonfire and skywatch and just tell stories and laugh because that's what it's about. We're activating each other and all the information and the presenters, that's just a bonus. It's amazing and I think we forget sometimes how crucial it is to actually connect with each other and hug each other. God, you know, it's amazing whenever you get to do that, everyone's still distanced nowadays. So anyway, if you want to join us, you can find tickets at rebels of and that link is below. We love you all. Thank you for being here and have a great evening. Good night. ♪♪♪ ♪ Another turning point of fork stuck in the road ♪ ♪ Time wraps you by the rest directs you where to go ♪ ♪ So make the best of this test and don't ask why ♪ ♪ It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time ♪ ♪ It's something unpredictable and in the end is right ♪ ♪ I hope you add the time of your life ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ So take the photographs and still friends in your mind ♪ ♪ Hang it on a shelf and get out then good time ♪ ♪ Tech to some memories and dance, get on trial ♪ ♪ Through what it's worth, it's worth all the while ♪ ♪ It's something unpredictable and in the end is right ♪ ♪ I hope you add the time of your life ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ It's something unpredictable and in the end is right ♪ ♪ I hope you add the time of your life ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪ It's something unpredictable but in the end is right ♪ ♪ I hope you add the time ♪ ♪ Actually, I was quoting Sherry ♪ That's the last time Brad will ever quote me. ♪♪♪ Hey guys, we hope you can join us this year at the Rebels of Disclosure Conference in Grafton, Illinois at the Pure Marquette Lodge and Conference Center, May 13th through the 16th. As you can see, we have tons of fun. We made some great memories and we just wanted to take this opportunity to extend the invite to all of you who've never been. It's so much fun and it's so important to connect with Soul Family and we just really look forward to seeing everyone out there. Yeah, I hope to see you all there. It's a blast. It's really something that you have to experience to know how amazing it is and it's so much more than just the speakers. It's just an amazing time and it's amazing to connect with Soul Family so we hope to see you all there. And all that information is below at, so grab a ticket and join us. We hope to see you there. With Lucky Land Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved, we're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No, Lucky Lane Casino with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. 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