Journey to Truth

EP 274 - Kristen Bredimus: Beyond The Veil - A Glimpse Into The Spiritual War

Originally aired on 10/26/23
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Kristen Bredimus:
Kristin Bredimus is a Spiritual Counsellor, Energy Practitioner, and Ascension Teacher; formerly trained in London, England at the College of Psychic Studies (Angelic and Ascended Master Communications) and the School of Intuition and Healing (Advanced Psychic Development, Spiritual Counseling). Kristin’s mentors include Judy Hall and Penny King (Crystal Healing), Sue Allen (Spirit release), Edwin Courtenay (Alchemy), and Damien Elchols (Hermetic Reiki). Additionally, she has studied Shamanism at London’s AHO Studio. Her specialties include divination, quantum healing, intuitive talk therapy, space clearing, meditation facilitation, as well as spiritual and ascension mentorship and training.
 Kristin works virtually and in person in Salem, Massachusetts, servicing individuals, couples, children, and corporate clients internationally. 

1h 32m
Broadcast on:
04 Aug 2024
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So, with the early bird four-day pass, it includes a free t-shirt. And all four-day passes include a live stream link this year. They did in the past, but we didn't advertise it as that. So, if you get, I think the early bird, we're going to end it on midnight on Black Friday. So, if you take advantage of that sale, now you get a free t-shirt with your ticket. There is a live stream early bird sale as well. The live stream passes, I think, are $10 cheaper now until Black Friday. So, take advantage of that. And you do, I do recommend booking your room. The venue is already over half booked, and tickets just went on sale. People have been pulling the trigger on that. The people who have been the last two years know the venue fills up quick. So, if you do want to stay on site, I recommend booking your room ASAP. And we can talk all day about the conference, but we are super excited about it. And we can't wait to see all you guys there. And that link is below Tonight, we are joined by Kristin Bredemes. She is a spiritual consultant/medium, and among many other things. And we did, Erin and I just recently did a Zoom call with her the other night. And it was really interesting because she communicates with the other side. And I haven't seen one yet, but the other night, your room was filled with orbs. Like, there was orb traffic. Like, you were sitting in the middle of a vortex or something. And it was pretty wild. And you were just like, oh, yeah, no big deal. Yeah, yeah, it's normal. It was pretty awesome. But we had an amazing conversation and I'm excited to get into a lot of what we discussed. And first of all, welcome to the show. And how are you doing? Great. Thanks so much for having me on. And I love the title of next year's conference. It's perfect. Yeah, it is a fun title. It's really good. That hit me while I was driving. I was just like, hmm, I was thinking something like resistance rebels. I don't know, but it all came together and it works and we're excited about it. So thank you. So I guess just for the audience who doesn't know who you are, would you mind introducing yourself and just giving us a brief background of, you know, how you even found yourself in the midst of communicating with the other side. And I do remember you mentioned you grew up in a haunted house, which kind of kicked things off for you. Yeah, exactly. Thank you. So I feel like a lot of people come to the space in terms of curiosity about paranormal or metaphysics because of their own experiences and a lot of times begins with a really good ghost story, or it can also begin with losing a loved one. So my kind of origin story was a childhood of some interesting experiences that culminated when we moved into a haunted house in Newbury port, Massachusetts. And one of the things that had happened as soon as we went into the house, like the moment within minutes, there was an experience. And the account encounter was I put my first box into my would be bedroom. And when I came back with the second one, it was levitating. And that began probably about a year, year and a half journey of me telling myself that something was my imagination. So it didn't matter what was physically manifesting in front of me. I would always come up with a logical reason about why it wasn't the thing that I was experiencing. And then it all kind of culminated with an experience I actually had a friend who had been involved in a car accident. And the car accident claimed the life of his father, and it also seriously injured him, his mom's girlfriend at the time. And they were all in the hospital for a long period of time, but when they came out, he came and stayed at my house. What I later learned from a medium who became a mentor was that his vibrational frequency of grief of the trauma that he had experienced had activated the house. And what happened a short amount of time afterwards was I was alone. It was around 3am. And I heard my front door open, and then footsteps up to the second floor where I was. I didn't have any time to react so I quickly just became still, and the, the energy felt initially like it was human because I could hear the footsteps but as soon as it crossed the threshold of my room. My bed was shaking. There were loud kind of clashing sounds and bright lights. And that began a period of time, a short period of time where there was a tremendous amount of paranormal activity. I eventually contacted a medium who came to the house and as soon as she knocked on the door and I opened the door, it began to pour down rain and there was like a clash of lightning. And I kind of nervously joked about what a coincidence and she explained that her spirit team was indigenous to the land and that they would kind of come in and consolidate the energy when she was going into a space. So that whole experience, I mean I'd be happy to give you like all of the details, but to kind of keep it brief. It was, it was a moment where suddenly I was hearing spirit seeing spirit feeling spirit. There was an energy that ran through my body and knocked my breath out of my body. And it, it, it was my first experience where we essentially crossed over because what the mediums belief was what is that if there's a haunted house. It could be a few different things but, but if there is some type of sentience in the house, then this is an energy that wasn't able to cross over for whatever reason. And that essentially, it's the humane thing to do to assist the energy and crossing into a different dimension or space. Yeah. So, sorry. So I've heard that. I mean, I do believe that, you know, a spirit might reside in a house, but I do think they also follow people around as well. And it's the individuals attachment. So I think, you know, we're dealing with two different things but in this case it was specific to the house and not no one inside right. Yeah. So what ended up happening. There was a little bit of history of all of the, of, of the spirits that were in the space. So each one had like a backstory. So for instance, Newburyport is a port city. And there was a sea captain who had died at sea and had left a family. That was approximately in the space because that location had been multiple homes over the years. And so he didn't transition because he was leaving a loved one. So there was, there was another, there was a young boy who had been a slave. And he followed, like the underground railroad path. And, and the area had been a barn and that was one of the last spaces that he hid before he was killed. So each energy that was experienced had a connection to what the, what the location was. And so at the time after she cleared it, I thought, okay, thank goodness that experience is over because that was really terrifying. And what ended up happening was more spirit started coming into the house. And at that point, when I called her kind of panicking about what was happening, she said, I think that they're actually being drawn to you, and that you may have some psychic abilities. So at that point, she, she came over and once again she taught me how to clear the space. And we did some different different testings where psychometry and she would kind of give me objects to hold and I would tell what the story was or where the origin was. But the whole experience as, you know, a late teen young girl was really terrifying to me. And it, it set off a series of encounters where whenever I was kind of out in the world I was kind of constantly inundated by spirit, and they were becoming more vibrant to me that I walked down the street and I can see, see them. With my objective clairvoyance so objective clairvoyance is when you're seeing it right in front of you versus subjective when it's in the mind's eye. And I eventually shut everything down because I was, I was too scared. Yeah, and this is leads into my next question so when you shut everything down like that did you have any physical adverse effects like how did it affect your life because I know when you suppress like your mission, your, it shows up and life things can become uncomfortable until you address it. Yeah, had I known that. So, so essentially, I was really terrified so I would do these exercises to kind of draw in my aura and really suppress my light body. And it wasn't until decades later when I had a health crisis. And I had like a mystery illness. I went the conventional medical route and there were lots of scary words that were suggested, but ultimately we couldn't get to the bottom of it. And then eventually I started going the holistic medicine route and, and it was basically determined that symptomatically it was chronic Lyme disease. And the illness had gotten so bad that I was bedridden and I even had a couple of occasions when I couldn't understand language. So at this point, I am, I'm in my 40s. So I'm 53 right now. And so I had like many decades, having some experience as a child, big accumulation, when I was in my teens, and a few peppered experiences, but really trying to suppress it because I was terrified. And then when life got so overwhelming with illness, I had to figure out something that was naturally part of who I was in for whatever reason, the conclusion I came to was, well, I had these paranormal experiences when I was young, and not everybody has that. So maybe that's naturally a part of who I am. And that set me on a journey, which initially began in, it began with saying yes to every single thing that was suggested to me, which brought healers into my path mentors into my path. And it also brought me an experience going to a spiritualist church, where I saw that the medium would go up and do a platform demonstration in broad daylight. It wasn't in the middle of the night. It wasn't terrifying. And I, and I, at that point, I thought there has to be a mechanism to turn it on and to turn it off. I can turn it on and turn it off. That feels much safer to me. Like I have some agency over the experience and I don't have to be terrified. So that, that coincided with an opportunity to move and live in London. And in London with their society, it's just much more open to metaphysics and paranormal and there are colleges and institutions where you can go and, and learn both like healing modalities and then a lot of esoteric subjects. So when I was there, I had the opportunity to study at the college of psychic studies and the school of intuition and healing. So the college was, it was originally started in Victorian England by a group of scientists and journalists and different esteemed professionals who wanted to disprove phenomenon. And what they ended up doing was proving phenomenon. So a big part of what they do is it's proof that consciousness exists beyond the physical embodiment. And so the college is very much, it's a institution that in a lot of ways is very conservative, because they want to, they, they want to maintain the integrity of work that is very controversial, depending on like what the belief system is. Right. So, I had the opportunity. I'm sorry. No, go ahead finish your sentence. Yeah. Just I had the opportunity to go and experience a lot of different subject matters. And then this college is actually where J. J. K. Rawlings did a lot of her research for Harry Potter. I was gonna, that's the first thing I thought of when you said that, you know, they practice it more openly over there in London. I was, I was like, yeah, Harry Potter, like it just, just rang a bell, but so it's really important to be able to control your gift. And this is something that we've talked about in the past, but maybe we can, or you can expand on how you learn to do that because I do know people in my own life who are learning that they have these abilities discovering these abilities, and it becomes scary and when you can't turn it off. They do what you did you shut it off and then you start getting sick and things happen when you have to learn how to control that and then we're all here for a reason we're all here to help each other and we all have gifts and if you can learn how to harness that in a healthy manner, then that's crucial. Yeah, exactly. And that was exactly what my own personal mission was in the beginning was to figure out how things work and that's, that's a big part of how I approach things to this day. One of the things that I initially discovered was the mechanism for how we're able to turn it on and turn it off and that is essentially through meditation and starting to learn about the light body system or the chakra system. So we can we can activate or expand our aura and this column of light and frequency. And then when we ground ourselves so when we're utilizing our intention, which is which focus focuses our cognitive energy. When we ground into the body and we ground to the earth plane, we are able to expand and reach higher frequencies and higher dimensions. And so a lot of it is, is, it's like, it's like a psychic workout that you're going, you're going in and meditating and you're, you're, you begin by first just learning that this is the root chakra and this is the sacral chakra. And then what happens over time, even if you think that you're not clairvoyant, you start to have a mental picture of what this looks like. So it's through repetition. And one of the things that that people don't realize is that every single person has this ability. It's a it's a natural part of who all of us are. And this is one of the things that I personally am really passionate about because I feel like our society has been so disempowered and enslaved because we don't even know who we are for what we're capable of. So we switch it on by grounding, opening our chakras, expanding our aura, and then we utilize our consciousness like a GPS. So we want to pull up earth energy and pull down cosmic energy and then we create a battery. And then we're able to tap in to different frequencies. Yeah, that's helpful. So, you began by communicating with deceased loved ones like this, just a spirit realm ghost, the parent, you know what we were considering ghosts. And then that that lead to anything else like the higher dimensional frequencies, have you encountered any of that. Yes, all of the above so so initially, initially, I was just in the space of mediumship because that's what my experience had been and through mediumship I, I learned that we had spirit goals and if we learn to connect with our spirit guide, especially our gatekeeper or doorkeeper, then that would help facilitate and organize our communication with different deceased loved ones. What is really interesting is when I when I came to the college of psychic studies I enrolled in a class on guides and guardians thinking that great I'm going to meet my spirit team, and then I'm off to the races. And, and what it what it actually was was communicating with the angelic grow. And initially, I was a little bit frustrated because I didn't necessarily believe in angels. And I also at the time, you know, it was, I was conflicted about anything that had a religious connotation. And what happened was our very first opportunity to meditate. I immediately saw an angelic energy and then what flashed in my mind was to near death experiences that I had. And those near death experiences, there was no reason why I wasn't not only no reason why I once survived it but also wasn't harmed. And I saw this picture of my guardian angel kind of taking me from one moment over to the next quickly. I had this moment of oh my god angels are real, and that became a journey of oh my god that is real, oh my god that is real. So, one of the things that I think is interesting about my personal experience is, I, in the beginning so many things were coming so quickly about the, I guess like the truth about reality and multi dimensional reality that I had these moments of thinking what is going on because I feel like so many things are so extreme that, you know, I believed in this and now I have this whole reservoir of experience and is your vehicle stopping like it should, does it squeal or grind when you break, don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly auto parts. I really believed that it was like bootcamp to, to prepare me for not so much like the decade of work I've now done but really the last four years. Because what I understand is initially my my mission was to, to meet the world's empaths and help unlock their super human powers, because being an empath is usually such a really trying human experience, and so many people are exhausted or overwhelmed by it. But when they realized you can turn it on, you can turn it off, they get to unlock their human potential. But as time has gone on it's been much more of a, of a, like an epic spiritual calling to try to figure out what is going on. And what is going on in the matrix, how did we get here, how can we get out of here, what are, what are the side offices so, so to answer your earlier question, I have, I have literally been in contact with lower dimensional beings with demonic energies, I've been in, in communication with angels, ascended masters, star beings, it has been like the array of experiences which have left me realizing everything is real. Every single thing is real. Exactly. I love it. All right, we can end it on that note. Right. So, I agree with you, and I think it's incredible that you started understanding, like, well that you started even communicating with the lower realms and the higher realms, because that's the only way that you're going to gain a perspective on what's actually going on and what's taking place. What is the spiritual war that we hear about, and through your experiences, what is your opinion, what are you seeing right now, what is happening. So, it is a spiritual war that that everything that is happening, it comes down to light versus dark, or everything is about the dissolving of polarities. I want to say that, like, one of the things that I have learned is, you know, first of all, I'm sure that with your subject matter journey to truth, you've come to conclude that that truth can be non binary because there are many truths depending on what reality dimension you're existing in, and that as you expand in that expansion is actually light. So, enlightenment is actual light. As you are either knowingly or unknowingly, if your light body is activated, you are holding more light in your body, which raises your frequency. And the reason why I'm kind of starting with that is because part of it is understanding that, that there can be a truth in one moment that doesn't exist in the next. And that's for several reasons, which includes time lapse or timelines collapsing or timeline jumping. So part of what kind of leading up to this culmination, which I believe, I believe that this year that we're in right now is where outside of time and space that is right before the main event and the main event begins as we move into 2024. And we have a finite amount of time to, you know, conventional time to change the trajectory of where human consciousness as it's embroiled in the matrix where it's headed towards but, but I'll skip to the end of the story, the lights already won. And I can tell you why that is, but it, but it really begins with my personal, like, quantum purpose propelled the December 31 of 2019, when I was doing my spiritual practices because I wanted to create like a really clear canvas as we were going into a new year. And as I was in a minute. Really quick, and you can continue with when did Kobe officially like officially hit what month was that. So March 2020. Yeah, this was pre, this was pre covert 20 Okay. Yeah, so so it's, it's, it's pre it being in in mass media. So essentially, I'm doing this meditation and in this meditation, it was really about healing. And I was given awareness is about healing on a whole new level and it was essentially how everything creates everything. And it was just this awareness of like everything that you consume, whether it's content, whether it's food or drink, whether it's environmental it all comes into the body and then that's what creates any disease within the body. So it's having this moment of all of these epiphanies where I was shown different moments in my life, and clearing the energy, and then it was like this program is now being interrupted. And I went into this stream where I was essentially watching movie. And in this movie, it was a combination of images, feelings, words, and I was essentially what was expressed to me was that we were on the precipice of a global pandemic. And that there was a virus that was deadly. And that I was kind of shown like chaos and control across the globe. And as I was watching it, I was kind of shown time, having a linear visual representation. And what I was told is that it was going to be immensely challenging one way or the other. And then there was like the sliding scale, where it was, it was showing like what is the really hard difficult challenging moments or what is the apocalypse. And it kind of slid and then it just slid just beyond the apocalypse. Because this image or vision was ending, I heard, do not take the vaccine. I'm getting chills just thinking about it. And I, yeah, I, and at the time I was like, what was that because my whole ethos as a spiritual consultant is to bring like light and positivity and empowerment. So my messages are usually very uplifting and I hadn't had a message like that before. And I harbored that message in secret through January. But at the time I happened to, when I went back to school to do my metaphysical studies, I had an online job where I was monitoring health communities, both patients and doctors, and one of my communities was infectious disease with a global doctor group. And so in this little window of my part time job, I started hearing doctors talking about the coronavirus. And that's when I realized that like what happened to me was real, that this is really coming. So I was really hesitant because I didn't want to incite any fear in anyone. So I was trying to kind of leave breadcrumbs for my community via my newsletters and I was trying to give some messages because we started to have news about what was going on in China. So I was kind of like trying to tap on the shoulder and point to the news and then I started just really boosting the immune system with vitamins and minerals for my family. So that became like, then the point of trying to figure out what is really happening, because within that it didn't feel to me that this was natural or organic. And one of the things that I've learned through my own psychic development. And one of the reasons why I was able to, to advance a little bit faster than some of my classmates was because I asked questions. So, when you ask a question. Sometimes you have to ask 100 questions to get the answer, but the information flows. So I would go down these rabbit holes of trying to figure out what was happening and I was given a few different possibilities, which I actually think are either parallel timelines, or because it was almost as if it wasn't fully formulated what exactly it was. But, but it was, it was both related to like the explanations always fell in the categories of bio weapons, and also the typical advancements in terms of like the frequencies of the, the non natural EMFs. So, and then, yeah, sorry. Well, go ahead. I mean, I want to hear the whole thing and I have plenty of questions but like 5g, for example, would that. Yeah, exactly. That it, that it was creating these like bio storms in the body and, and impacting immune systems. And so it was kind of like this, this perfect storm that was happening. But if you both remember there was also a lot of things that were happening that year so although our news was all kind of one track. There were also fires in Australia. Oh yeah. And remember that. And that became like that was really interesting to me because of my psychic development, one of the things that we did when we did an exercise for astral projection was to astral, astral project to errors rock, which is the solar plexus or I believe like some of the chakras of the earth are migrating to different locations, depending on what dimension aspects are, but at the time that was the solar plexus. And in my experience, all of my classmates like did a nice little truck and went to the plateau and meditated. And I went in to a Stargate essentially. And I was brought in by a Aboriginal man who gave me an entry way and I was seeing these, these different, I mean, I can only describe them as Stargates because they were entry points to, to different planetary systems. So when the fire started happening, I thought, what's going on here, because is it transmutation, is it that we are in this like spiritual crisis on a global level. And so is the earth naturally transmuting because the solar plexus is where we absorb all of the lower dense energies. So is that happening, or is there something else happened. So, a bunch of questions. First of all, I've been seeing the orbs, you know, they're growing crazy. Yeah, lots of orbs again. So the rock in Australia, that's not really is it like it is. Okay. Yeah, what are you doing or Ayers rock, that's a few different names. Yeah. Yeah, so that I mean there's tons of like, like star star history star being history there. The Aboriginal is very sacred place and a lot of people connect with it so that doesn't surprise me but it's also beautiful that you were able to see like what is actually why it's so sacred. It's like an entry. It's a gateway to Stargate. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so there's a lot that you said that and I forgot like half of my questions already but the fires. Yeah, yeah, the earth naturally transmuting the energies or was it something else, would they like maybe man? Was it more about like the vision of the pandemic. Yeah, maybe. Well, I'd love to hear more about the experience of the Stargates and the planetary systems like were there any specific planetary systems or specific groups of ETs or beans that you saw or was it just kind of like a general thing. I wonder all because again this was the very first time I did anything like this. And I was kind of with the mindset of like, I have messed up the assignment because all of us we were, we were all in different locations around London and we were astral projecting to Australia. And when I when I sat in class and everyone shared their experience, I was like, I totally did this wrong. So, and when I shared with my teacher, she just smiled at me and nodded my head, nodded her head. So, I, you know, I later I did have different experience. I mean, I, I've had, I've had one specific experience with. I'm not sure exactly what the species is. I, well, actually, I shouldn't say I've had one. I've had one contact that I was aware of in London where a being that was a drone essentially had a huge head, very small being big eyes had made contact with me earlier when I was doing some inner child work as part of my spiritual counseling program. And I had a really bizarre experience where you're essentially, you're communicating with your unconscious mind and the mechanism of doing it is kind of asking a question, writing it down with your dominant hand and then allowing the answer to come in intuitively and writing it with your opposite hand. And in doing that, I had three different perfect penmanship with three different energies. And again, like I wasn't doing the assignment correctly because I was supposed to be connecting to my inner child and it started out, then I went to a different place. And my teacher at the time, when I went and said what just happened, he said, well, there was an extraterrestrial that that came into your field as, as you were doing this don't worry I'll take care of it. And again, like I didn't have experience so this is very much of that I'm open to it, but until I experience I don't know about it. So that was that those were all in the early days of that but one of the things that I since have had a lot of experiences is, is really identifying when somebody is a star seed or star being not to the level of some of the people that I know that that you all have communicated with, but it's because it's more from an intuitive space and particularly palladians and octurians, or the are the star seeds or star beings that I've had the most contact with. So whenever you were encountering or communicating with the lower dimensional demonic entities. Did you, did you get an idea of their game and what they're here actually doing and how are they spilled the beans to you, or did you see kind of like behind the scenes on what they're actually doing I know they're working through a lot of these politicians and a lot of the people, the elites and stuff. So, again, the way that I'll explain it is I feel like I was given like boot camp so I have like snippets of a lot of things. So one of the things that I, I do is remote views, and I would remote view when I lived in London to my home. And my mother was living there at the time and what I saw was an entity that was feeding her nightmares, and then was the fear that was created within her, the entity was sucking it off of her as as food. So, and I have other experiences but but there is, there is a species of dark force entities that their whole, their whole existence is to propagate fear, and fear is what keeps them alive. And they're like black on black, like if you went into a room, and your eyes adjusted, you might see them as like literally a black, black on black in the corner of the room. Actually, you know, I don't know if you know much about my story but I've been under attack since my mother passed away in 2011, and it got intense and I learned I got control of it until recently you know every once in a while you let your guard down something comes in something happens, and they went away, they stopped forever, I mean not forever, it seemed like forever for me but they stopped for months I guess, and I was like wow I'm sleeping I can't believe like the attack stopped it was incredible until I realized why they stopped it's because they had a hold of me and they didn't need to attack me anymore and I was like operating in this lower frequency, I'm operating in this lower frequency even my dad noticed like other people kind of knew me could feel it you know, but it's hard once you're in it you're almost blind to it until I went to Colorado and I had this session with this amazing healer which was incredible this that's a whole story in itself but the night before that that morning as I was waking up before I was going to see her for the session was one of the worst attacks I've had my entire life and in the dream the experience it gave me was I was walking through this door and it was like hiding behind the door and it like pounced on me and like in the most demonic voice ever it said not this, it said not this time you dirty motherfucker and it jumped on me and started trying to be attacking me and I woke up in bed with this entity on top of me and I couldn't get out of it this time and it was horrifying and I know that was no coincidence that I was getting ready and that entity has been since removed in that session it was beautiful and I've been fine since but it was it new to its time was over and but when you said you saw that feeding off of your mother like that's I know that's been me for years but anyway I understand it yeah and also to so that experience that you're talking about as you know our spirit attachments and and that became I mean you know especially when I lived in London because I feel like London is the epicenter of the world the veil is very very thin in London in terms of you can walk down the street and you can basically like look right through and see beyond their human disguise what what these beings are particularly in London which was I mean it was pretty it was pretty amazing and also terrifying and even like having people would come for readings and I remember this this one this one star being came into the reading and was just first did you see like just took just a woman who's coming in to ask for a reading and then all of a sudden one of her eyes turns all the way black and I'm whenever that happens when someone's eyes turn black then I know that I'm about to be psychically attacked because it's it's it's like that the entity the possession wants to challenge you and it was different with her though because she was conscious of what was happening because a lot of times the person has no like they know something is happening and their anxieties through the roof are terrified and and they've oftentimes experienced extreme trauma that that then because that's another thing about attachments which a lot of people don't understand you can't have an attachment unless you've left your body for some reason and that's probably trauma related from the physical medical psychological etc so so but but the but the attachments that's another part of the whole agenda because it's a it's a there. So I think that that a lot of times what happens is the individual that comes here for a big spiritual purpose and you know pro tip for everyone who's still breathing that we're all here for the for this moment and we all have volunteered to be a part of this moment which is the most epic moment in the history of the planet which is exciting so what oftentimes happens is these these lower demonic energies come for people that have tremendous light and maybe haven't awakened to their purpose the dark is trying to extinguish the light before the light even has the opportunity to shine right so it always correlates with that and it's like they wait for you to break programming and as soon as they see a glitch in the matrix they're like art you know it sends off a red flag and then they send in reinforcements to keep you suppressed to feel like and it's really interesting and everything you're saying resonates just because I've experienced it but and real quick real quick I want to I want to highlight the point that you made about fear and that they feed off of that because that is that is it right there and what I realize yeah and that's what I realize is like this whole false matrix that we're in runs off like these entities are behind it and they're making sure it keeps generating not just fear but like all the low vibrational emotions so fear sadness anger guilt shame you know all of it but fear you could just kind of say fear encompasses all of that in a way so they need to keep us generating those low vibrations so for one keep us at a low vibration and then keep us generating those emotions emotions are just energy and motion which they feed off of that energy so it's a big it's like a big system they've created of energy creation that we're doing unconsciously not realizing we're feeding these other entities like we're we're unconsciously pushing that they've they're like you know we're the ones creating it that's that's the craziest part of it but they've just manipulated us into creating it and then keep creating it and keep sustaining it. But on an individual level like you said these entities can come in like they try to scare you because they know you're going to be afraid and then you're going to give off all this we call it loose energy you know some people call it loose fear energy and then it feeds off of that so it's getting like a meal basically and that's sustaining that being because those beings are basically cut off from source so they they have to parasite they don't have that source energy that's sustaining them like we do right so they have to parasite off of us so they have to scare us and get us to generate their food source essentially so Tyler like you said like they realize like oh crap he's waking up we got to lock him back down you know because it's almost like they view view as this like food source they can't lose but once you raise up above a frequency that they can they can attach to it's game over for them they can't get anymore. You're out of their reach so that's it and it's incredible like the stuff that I learned in that session that I had that day about like generationally like something that I was experiencing that actually was passed on from my mother when she passed away and just a number of different things that it was like you know you think you understand things and then like there's this whole next level just waiting and it was like a new download and I'm still processing a lot of it and and I'm sure there's more above that but we can only one step at a time you know so it's not like overload and you fry your system because that can happen too if you're not ready for all that information so and going back to what you said about you know you saw like the whole bio weapon like it was very much of like a war like scenario on us and like building the immune system where I noticed last year last year I love being in the sun like I'm always you know sure it off outside sun everything but last year when I went out in the sun for the first time after winter my skin started I started getting a rash like from the sun and it didn't make any sense to me I'm like why like I like I couldn't be out in the sun and I'm like something and I knew innately it wasn't anything with me I just know something either with the air that you know the chemtrails the sun is I don't know what was going on but it's not the same and the same thing happened to me this year like I became really sensitive to the sun all of a sudden and I've never been like that and I just I feel that there's something you know suspicious about that Well there's a few things going on with that so one of the things that you know as you go down the rabbit hole wherever the rabbit hole is because when I'm asking the questions why and if it's a spiritual war I want to know more about that and why now and why this moment and why has it been prophesied so a lot of it comes down to astrology and planetary alignment and you know part of what is happening is that we have entered and I'm not an astrologer but what I my fundamental understanding of what has happened and also what I've been what has been communicated with me because I think like when you awaken it's kind of one existential crisis after another because you have to come to terms with things that are really hard to come to terms with terms with because I think that you know humans are basically really good gentle kind people so it's really hard to believe that these things exist and that these things are true and that there is a darkness that is as dark as what we unfortunately know to be true. So, so part of it is that we are in the natural it's it's the natural disaster cycle of the earth so roughly like right around 27,000 years, the earth always goes through these cycles and the cycle is brought on by the galactic climate so the galactic central sun within the Milky Way and then the sun within the ladies and earth sun, it becomes this this time when there is tremendous amount of gamma rays coming to the planet so so part of what you are experiencing is the is the intensity of light because that is our enlightenment and because you know we've been told stay away from the sun you're going to get cancer put this on your skin, put sunglasses on all of these things. We have not cultivated a relationship with with this energy source that is responsible for all life. So, so that is a piece of it and and that was something that I started to notice years ago I had studied photography so I always take a lot of photographs, and I was always seeing that when I was photographing I was catching rainbows but there wasn't any water to go with with with that combination and I realized like oh this is all coming from the sun. So, so that is a piece of it but but that is the mechanism, the sun is the mechanism for mass enlightenment. And that is one of the reasons why there's so much going on with what weather modification to try to block out sun, and we're told that it's a climate crisis and and it's not to say that you know we haven't abused the earth because we have we've lost a conscious connection with the earth, but additionally it's it's the natural cycle of the earth. I agree. And we have lost the conscious connection. But I guess right now what that wave of light would be doing is coming in and bringing that conscious connection back or it's bringing conscious thoughts back into people maybe and helping them realize you know reactivate I guess. Yeah, and that's the part when I said like the good news is even though it's a spiritual war of light versus darkness the good news is that that that the light has won. The reason why I'm saying that is because there is an alignment that is happening, but it's a it's an alignment within the cosmos it's bigger than any one thing on earth and any, you know, organization or cabal. What is also happening is that the earth is a sentient being and the earth is ascending literally geo biologists, which is a branch of science that started in 2017 that they have tracked that how the earth is evolving how the frequency of the earth is literally ascending, and it ascends at every cross quarter so every solstice or equinox, and it multiplies. So since 2017 it keeps multiplying and, and, and the calculation is that by December, winter solstice of 2024, the earth will have completed her ascension process. So physics teaches us that like attracts like so if like our mother if our planet is in an ascended frequency, then then every sentient being will ascend even though we're all on different frequencies and different scales of our ascension. Yeah, that's beautiful. And that's a great picture to paint for, you know, we always always always people saying the light has already won, but it just has to play out physically but you just painted a great picture to help us understand that so you mentioned earlier that 2023, you believe exist outside of time and space, and you mentioned something about timelines collapsing as well and when you had a 29, 2019 vision, you saw like maybe parallel timelines and stuff but they weren't like the permanent timelines. So maybe some of those were collapsing I know this is a loaded question but I'll let you expand on that. No, I can, I can explain. So in that original vision, when it was going it was showing me that 2020 was going to be really hard, but that like the hard continued and it actually got harder with each year. And one of the things that I, you know, in addition to that as I was trying to figure out what's going on how is it going on. Why is this happening. I was also constantly receiving messages. So I created this group of people in 2020 called evolutionary light warriors and so initially we were doing different metaphysic teachings because it, I really felt like it was important to get some mastery over our intuition and start to make sense of of what was happening and I was kind of given different clues. So it was part like one clue was Norse mythology, and really the reason why there's that template is because within that belief system there is no time it's not linear. And, and then so it was putting like together all of these clues. And each year I've been given a different message so 2020 2022 was really about shadow work, and it was important to excavate as much of the shadow because the more that you bring to the surface, the more light you can hold. And as we started to approach 2023 because now it's this time that each as we go into each year I receive a message with my instructions, because that's one of the things that I always say like this isn't me. I just, I just get my instructions and I, and I've cultivated my discernment, which is really important, and we can go into that if you want to, but I follow my instructions so whenever I'm being told, and then I was told that 2023 exist outside of this time in space, and this is a year of self mastery. So everybody needing to choose their adventure, and to be really aware that everything creates everything. So having much more mastery over your thoughts over your emotions over your energy and much more accountability for your energy is, we are all creator gods, and we are unconsciously creating the chaos. So with that, it was definitely like, that and down the hatches so, so ceased to receive negative imprinting from mass media. So, and, you know, that was a big part of what I was also witnessing was all of the, all of the synchronized messaging, no matter where you were in the globe, there were sound bites that were the same that are were being repeated. Since I've lived in a few different countries, I noticed like, this is a colloquialism for England, but it's not part of what like even jobs and arms as an example. Like that wasn't an American phrase that now is completely an American phrase. So, so basically this year outside of time and space, and everybody, everybody is invited to gain more accountability and responsibility for themselves. And, you know, obviously there's a lot of people that are in a different dimension than we are, even though we can see each other and communicate with each other, but we can't really access each other. I agree, I agree 100% I've been saying that ever since 2019 everything, ever since this pandemic started it's become so clear and obvious to me that you can be standing next to someone on the sidewalk and be existing in a completely different. I guess you could say dimension I was going to say program like you can see their programming, you can see this person's program and you can see that it's like you're not even in the same world, you know, and you try to talk to them about this type of stuff and it's like you're talking to a brick wall. Like, it's like this huge disconnect of like what all they're interested in, and all you're interested in, or all you want to talk about and all they can like comprehend or want to talk about. Yeah, you're on to completely different frequency. And do you think that has to do you think that goes along with I don't know if you're a fan of Laura Scanon and that all or if you know much about her but she would talk about the kind of she talks about in terms of an earth split where like, there's two different major timelines where one, they were stays in 3D and it's more of a negative kind of thing and then one's like the 5D Ascension timeline and that there's a long there's a period of time where we're all coexisting even though we're on we're on those two different dimensions but, but like you said we're all still seeing each other and interacting in a way. But then, but then as it gets farther and farther apart the less and less you're going to even perceive each other until the split like fully happens. And there's a lot of you know there's people that agree with that and disagree and blah blah but like, I think we can all agree that there is an Ascension happening there is a, you know, the earth is ascending you know and we're, we're on the earth so we're going to go with it or we're not basically. Yeah, I mean, I, I conceptualize it as on the precipice of the Golden Age. So the Golden Age is somewhere between 2030 and 2032, which is also kind of correlates with agenda. So, like some of these timelines are these timelines of control and, and this year exists outside of time and space but it's seating. But timeline, we enter in 2024 so I guess like I had been calling the timelines, the, like living organic, and, and then the matrix or the control, but there's a third timeline, which is emerging, which I think is really interesting because it's, it's like a timeline that is beyond linear human consciousness or comprehension. And, and that timeline started to appear really just in the month of September, a lot of times what I'll do is I'll connect to the collective consciousness, because I know from the work that I do that there's a lot of governments that know about consciousness and are seating consciousness with fear, because fear is control. And if I, if I go in and I transmute the energy and the collective, then it's a way to support the collective. So as I was doing that I started to see that beyond my imagery of the collective, there was this golden consciousness. And I started to see that over time it was almost like an eclipse, and, and the golden consciousness. Literally, overlaid with the consciousness that is the controlled consciousness at the, the solar eclipse that just passed. So, a lot of times this time of year is very, very, very heavy because the veils are really thin. And the, the, the dark energies have more influence, especially because in so many different, especially in America, it's Halloween so we want to be scared, we want to go into all of the horror stories. That then starts to permeate consciousness. I also think it's really interesting that the exorcist true believer is out now. And I knew nothing about the movie but I was in the movies and the trailer came on. And it was like literally a demonic incantation. And I was, I was like with my child, and it was immediately like bringing in angelic energies to clear the theater and try to, you know, safeguard the audience from that. Somebody said that I saw online on Facebook or something. Somebody said, if you go see the exorcist, you'll need an exorcism afterwards. And they weren't joking. And I saw part of the preview, and I literally turned it off. And it was so disgusting. Like I was like, wow, like they, and I know how they manipulate. It's all black magic and, and the black mirror technology and the frequencies that you have extremely low hypnotic frequencies that come through the movie. They bypass the conscious mind into subconscious mind and they program you open portals in your home. I mean, there are so many things about scary movies that people I just don't even touch them but even that, but that one in particular. And then the theaters are rerunning the original, like there's an agenda there it's not just like, oh, let's just have some fun scaring people like it's not something to take very seriously in my opinion. It absolutely is, because again, this year exist outside of time and space and so anyone that that understands that or any consciousness that understands it. It's an opportunity to manipulate as many people as possible, because what we, if we are not choosing the choice will be made for us. And so, so for, for the people that for whatever reason, whether it's your mission, whether you know it's happenstance whatever it is anyone that is on any level of awakening. It is, it is time, it is time for action, it is not time merely to have conversations or research which is really important, but it's also time to consciously create. Because this, this moment, then seeds, what happens next. And, and again, that like, are we going to do it the really hard way, are we going to do the destructive way. So even though the light has already won, it can still, it could, that, that like victory could be decades, and it could be after much more human suffering. So part of it is bringing consciousness back to thought, meaning like so many people, they don't realize that all day long, they are thinking negatively, they are believing negatively. So when we start to really be accountable for our thoughts, our energy, when we start to realize that fear is an illusion. So yes, there are life or death moments and those are real, but most people are not constantly in a life or death moment. And then otherwise that fear is about the past, or it's about the future. So the present does not contain fear. And if we understand that it's an illusion, we can start to create the space within us that we can hold our own field. That pendulum that's going faster and faster to more extremes. So, with that, that like golden consciousness, a third timeline is coming in. So the way that I see it's almost like these two timelines that are in parallel. And now there's a third one that's kind of flowing forward to meet us. So, I mean, yeah, it's beautiful. I think, man, I lost my train of thought what I was just going to ask you prior to that. So this third timeline coming in, like I like what you said about like the war, you know, the spiritual war is already born right but it could be however long before that actually manifest so like taking the action right now and consciously making decisions. And it all comes down to choice to like, like every single choice you make all day long, like steers, like that. That's how you navigate these times right now. And it could be something as simple as whatever you decide to eat or decide to watch. But if you keep making that same choice, the wrong choice. Maybe it's not wrong, but maybe it's the lower frequency choice. If you keep making that same choice every day, you're not really doing yourself any favors. So you have to consciously break that programming and break those habits because it does become habit everything that we do. So I do agree with you that like now is the time to take action. And I actually needed to hear that myself because the dark thoughts, they can consume us sometimes and I really feel like I needed to hear that so thank you. Yeah, where you put your energy is what you're going to create more of and what's going to show up more for you. So if you're, if you're always focusing on how bad everything is and how negative and all the darkness, if that's all you're ever focusing on, or mostly all your than you're feeding into that actually and that's what they want. So what I noticed is that they don't care whether you are super super against all the darkness and everything going on or super super for all the agendas. You're still feeding into it either way, because all your attention is going on those negative dark control things fear based things. So you're feeding into it, whether you're super against it and you think you're, you know, yeah, you might be raising awareness, but if you're feeding fear into coming from a place of fear and anger and hatred and all that, well, you're actually, you're feeding into it and everyone who is following you. You're also feeding that into them. And that's just perpetuating more of the same because that's how it works. So you need to get back into yourself and cultivate love and joy and all of the good things that you actually like, you know, like focus on what you actually want to create. And, and then doesn't, doesn't mean don't be aware of those things. We need to be aware of it. We need to acknowledge what is and we need to be aware of it. Absolutely. Because you can't spiritually bypass either. That's the other end of the spectrum than people. Oh, I can't even look at it. No, it's not my reality. I don't want to talk about that. Look at it. No, because now you're in resistance to it. And that's not how it works either. And that means there's something in you that needs to be healed. Yeah, it's. But at the same time, we need to not be feeding it. And I see a lot of people that are feeding it. And they don't even realize it. They think they're fighting it or calling it. They are in a way, but they're actually feeding it. That's what I was going to say. Like, it's actually not everyone's fault. Like the people that are subconsciously feeding it. Like, it's not their fault because we don't, we're not really taught about any of this stuff. So we don't have an understanding of how, we don't have an energetic understanding of what is actually occurring when we react in a situation. Or when we take a breath and respond from a healthy place. Like, it's a totally different frequency. And it really creates your reality. So, and it's no one's fault because we're not taught about any of this stuff growing up. We're all wrong stuff that doesn't matter. Like, like, come on, let's learn about Lewis and Clark and then Columbus and Christopher Columbus. Or what matters? What does that matter? Or just taught to like, you know, get a job, get in a bunch of debt, chase after money, chase after sex, chase after all these materialistic things. Yeah. And then you're not. So, so these things, you know, it then perpetuates us as part of the energetic food chain. Right. Yeah. So, so, but you need to be in a healed state. So that's like, first, if you're not, if you're very on healed and you have a lot of trauma and wounds going back to your childhood or whatever you need to heal first. And then you can, then you're in a healthy state that you can actually, which do a lot of, but that's step one. A lot of that is the shadow work you were talking about like in 2022. Like that's what was coming up for lots of people. I mean, just from hosting the show, I know that like, yeah, so many people, like the inner child work and ancestral trauma was servicing and it was being addressed in the sill is this year. Which brings me to my next question reincarnation, the soul trap. Do you think there's a soul trap. This is something that comes up over. I know. Well, this is something, because again, my experience, because part of what I have done as in spirit release is that that like my awareness is that. When I have seen the soul leave the body, it's like this euphoric experience. And I've been shown like everything for a millisecond is black and then it becomes this long stream of, of like rainbow white light. And then it goes out. Now, when there has been an energy that is needed to be sometimes it's it's healing that needs to happen so they can cross over the way that it's shown to me is a tunnel of light. I'll, I'll call in angelic energies and we'll kind of stand outside of the light. And then there will be energies that gather on the other side of the tunnel. And then the, the disincarnated being will go into the light. But you know, the truth is something that can evolve. So that is a question that I am unsure of. What I have recently been shown and taught was that if we think about past lives parallel future lives, everything is happening simultaneously. And I have this awareness every morning I do this sunrise meditation, where I'm building in different energetic things for everybody to follow and do within like 10 15 minutes so that no one has a reason not to be in a grounded energetically protected space. But when I was doing that I was told to call in this energy this this being Joe feel who can help gather soul fragments. And as I was gathering soul fragments for myself, I had this moment where I was shown, I was told there is no death. I mean, and we know that that that there, you know, that consciousness is eternal, but that there literally was no death. And what I was then shown was all of these deaths are there occurring in all of these multiple dimensions in reality. So it's like, whoever the embodiment that has the highest consciousness is like the winner of the game as a way to to explain it so as as I was shown this, I could feel all of these versions of myself simultaneously dying. So it was this moment of like, Oh my God, this is so crazy, but I also understand like I have to harness everything, because my consciousness now, maybe the consciousness that, that has like the most awareness of this, of this, the space that we're in in terms of this light versus darkness. So, so that was a piece of it of, of collapsing everything. The other thing that I also just wanted to say, when Aaron when you were talking about like all of these extremes, where people are unconsciously feeding these things. What I have been told, especially whether it's Russia in the Ukraine, or whether it's Israel and Hamas, it is, it is literally, whether it's Biden or Trump, whatever these polarities are, it is two sides, same coin. So to create the space of neutralizing your reaction so it's not that you don't have an opinion, but you're, you're bringing love into every moment and you're really trying to cultivate your mastery. And, and also your guides will give you lessons 1000 times a day. So every time you're triggered for whatever reason, this is a lesson and an exercise and mastery. And we are human, even if we are also divine. We allow our human grace that whenever there is this moment, it might take 1000 experiences before we realize that, okay, I, I can be accountable, I can ground, I can breathe, I can come back to a heart centered space. We would be in tested all day long every day and that does happen and I view the world that way as soon as anything happens, I immediately. No, I'm like, okay, this is, there's something in this for me that I'm supposed to learn. And sometimes I'll catch myself and I'll react, I'll allow the trigger to take over and I'll react in a certain way. It's not even extreme like it was when I was younger, but like is something as simple as like a negative comment on under one of our videos or something like it'll trigger you, but then I stop and I'm like, no, that's a vampiric parasitic energy like that. I can't even connect like today, but you know, like I have to remind myself that like I'm not going to even like, they're not going to perceive what I have to say because they're at this, this lower frequency already not saying I'm above them, but like some of these negative comments are coming from a lower vibration and the only way for me to respond to that is stooped down to that level. And I have to catch myself I'm like, no, I'm not even going to feed that and this is part of the test like if am I going to allow this to pull me off my path today and get swimming that dark energy, or am I going to stay above it and I love that it's constantly a road rage another thing that's something I've learned to really like I don't have road rage anymore but it's a test I'm like that's a test. I'm like okay, how are you going to respond in this situation Tyler just breathe. Do you mind if I share something with you Tyler. Please. So as as you're talking I'm just like filled with so much love and gratitude for you because I am and ps I have it for you to Aaron and I'll share that too but but but one of the things that I just want to acknowledge is I'm really really aware of how epic your mission is, and that there is a container of human experiences that you embody that so many people resonate with. And I appreciate like the tremendous burden that is placed upon your heart and soul because there is like, you know, there's a palpable sadness to your energy field because I'm aware of like the things that you endure and experience. So I want to thank you for volunteering to do what you're doing. And I also appreciate how beautiful it is that this partnership between you and Aaron because Aaron's energy field is different. That energy field I think is like this like real steady bright light and, and this tremendous empathy. So like, whatever your human experiences are, you can't go too far into the darkness because you have the soul brother with you, who will anchor you and bring you back out. So it's, it's really beautiful what the two of you have agreed to do and I hope that's not too personal. No, it's not. And I really appreciate you saying that. And I've always said that like Aaron, like there's a balance there, because we are different energies and you're not the first person to say that. And I've been saying that since day one, and we've been getting comments like that. So much. Right. And I don't know how to respond to the comment where you said my sadness is palpable but in, in a way you're right because I like there is a lot that I go through and people have heard me tell my story and there's been a lot of traumatic stuff and, and I'm not I never, I never try to play the victim to that ever I always just try to learn from it but there isn't like an underlying like sometimes I really have to like ask myself like man, what did I sign up for you know what what am I doing but doing this show has been therapeutic for me in a way like this is like save my life actually because it's that every weekly reminder every week that I'm doing something right you know so I really appreciate you saying that yeah. Well, thank you and I also want to just say that for you know what both of you have agreed to do and what you do with your platform in terms of really kind of challenging the way that people think about things and bringing in a lot of conversations and a lot of perspectives so that people's minds can be open or curious they don't have to like come to the same conclusion that you come to but but I also feel like you know you both are doing such high level spiritual work that there's the space of you know with everything that you understand about the nature of reality there's there's opportunities for for both of you to just take a little bit of time out in your experience and day for all the work that you do for everybody for yourselves. There are different things that you can do so that you're because you know we perform magic every day we just don't realize that we do so so magic is our thoughts or intentions plus our emotions. So if we perform magic for ourselves can we can really call into our lives, all of the things that are really important to us so I know that when I got on my path. I kind of made a deal, I will do this as long, and I needed, I needed like my family to be protected and safe and I, and I needed like this safe loving container. So I would just invite, you know everybody who who has a mission and who has agreed to it to also give themselves permission for that that self care, because the self care and the self love etc. It doesn't have to be self care in a traditional way it's just kind of honoring that, that like I'll call in abundance, so that I am, or I'll call in love or I'll call in whatever it is that that I know is needed to bring me to a state of homeostasis. Yeah. Thank you so much for joining us today. This has been incredible. I feel like we really I wasn't expecting half of the stuff we covered but I think it was all beautiful and I really kind of blown away at your vast, the vastness of what you have experienced, because you really, you really understand it. I feel that so, and I guess that makes you fit to be a spiritual consultant. Thank you for joining us. Is there any last words you'd like to end on before we wrap this up. I would, I would just really encourage everybody because I know that that that you both have a really wide audience. I would just encourage everybody to understand that it is, it is now. Now is the time so we, we, we enter the space. If you are doing shadow work or self care or self love, becoming more aware, allowing yourself to learn about discernment to learn about your intuitive abilities because what happens is we go into the flow. And we, we naturally go into the direction that is going to bring us, you know, universal peace, universal love. Yes, universal wisdom. Yeah. Well, this has been a pleasure. Thank you for joining us. Can you please let our audience know how they can follow you or find you online or your website. Yeah, thank you so much. So, Kristin Brettamis, it's my full I see people individually. I have a very busy practice. So the likelihood of any sessions is, is unlikely, but I have a platform on patreon, which is again patreon and my name. And I do a lot of virtual teaching and meditations and I'm getting, I'm actually getting ready to launch a 14 month program that is basically like if you, if you didn't get the memo about what this year is to quickly catch you up to speed and to create these opportunities of spiritual self mastery and self care and co creation and shadow healing on the collective as a group. So they can also find me on YouTube with my name or on Instagram with my name. I'm the only one with this name so it's easy to find me. So everyone, so everyone, sign up for her patreon. Right. Sign up for a patreon. Well, and we'll make sure to put those links in the description also. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah. Well, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you all for tuning in. We love you all. We can't do this without you and don't forget tickets are now for sale for our conference. Next year next May 13 through the 16th rebels of disclosure we can't wait to see you guys there and make sure you take advantage of the early bird special with which ends on black Friday at midnight so if you want a cheaper price and a free t shirt, I would jump on that. And don't forget to book your room as soon as possible because the lodge is filling up quickly. That being said, we love you all. Good evening, good night. A lot of this information has been kept. Sort of locked up or kept undercover because of the invasion of the Smithsonian group. They back in the 1880s. What actually happens is it's not taken to preserve it. It's taken to hide it. And about four and a half miles from here a cave was discovered. It's not really a cave as such. It's a man made cavern system. But how the hell do you get that much granite? Does the granite on the base of that damn near ways with the dirt on the top of it ways? Nobody knows what's underneath it. I've heard a theory that there's a spaceship underneath it. There was copper and steel plated artifacts that depicted men in armor with shields and helmets. Including right here at Coke, there were reported two giants with double rows of teeth and six fingers and six toes. Extra vertebrae or extra ribs in their cage. These are different races of people. They're not just regular humans. Definitely is a stone burial chamber and there's a large body in it bones. I would say 15 to 16 feet. I saw different types of extraterrestrials here with the Native Americans. The peoples of the cochlear mounds actually saw the bird man as some kind of cosmic being and not a humanoid being. This bird man was the last and the pure and the true of his kind. So yes, there were rituals or there were dances and celebrations and people would dress up like the galactic beings that were visiting. But there were actual physical galactic beings that were visiting. [Music] [Music] [ Silence ]