Journey to Truth

EP 273 - Daryl James: Why Izr@el For Last?: Off-World German Colonies & New Memories

Originally aired on 10/19/23
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Daryl James: Former US Navy:
Daryl's military career began in January of 1999 when he joined the Navy to serve in the naval mobile construction battalion 7 where he served in the middle east and as well as two years of service at the JMF Joint Maritime Force/ RAF Royal Airforce base at the Saint Mawgan Base in the UK. During this time, he escorted executives into the underground portion of the base; where he encountered grey extraterrestrials and exotic technology which could scan his bio signs. He also encountered Michael Aquino & children in cages. A quarrel with a reptilian resulted in a forced slavery punishment in the mines on the moon where he was recruited into the secret space program to work with Kruger, Solar Warden, and Dark Fleet.

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
04 Aug 2024
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Tickets are still available if you'd like to come and hang out and join us, it should be a lot of fun. They're going to have a costume party for Halloween. I don't know if I'm dressing up here or not, but tickets are available on That link is below. As you guys may know, we have announced our conference in the process of building a website now, so tickets should be available soon, and we'll be making all those announcements as far as details go very shortly as soon as all that's ready, but Rebels of Disclosure is the name of the conference, and that's the theme anyway. The dates are May 13th through 16th in Grafton, Illinois at the Piermarket Lodge, the same place it's been the last two years, and we're really excited to start putting our energy into that and promoting that, and we can't wait to see you guys all there, even though it's way early. One last reminder, don't forget, you can check out our webinars on our Patreon, we just finished our two-part Hollow Earth series, five over almost six hours of content, probably, or almost five hours of content, I'm sorry. About five, probably, yeah, anyway, it was great. We have some great feedback, and your support means everything to us that keeps us going, so we appreciate everyone who signed up, and his loyal, is a loyal Patreon, and the Patreon link is below, and you can check those webinars out there. Tonight, we are joined once again by our friend, Darryl James, he's been on the show a number of times by now, and he spoke at our very first Secret Space Conference, and Darryl and I have become friends over the years, and we've been talking recently, and he has some really interesting things to say in regards to Israel, and things that Robert told him back in, I believe, 2005, and even some new memories surfacing about life on the Japanese world, and I really want to get into what life was like on the German breakaway civilization, that planet, and we can just go wherever we would like, but we're happy to have you back here, Darryl, welcome to the show. All right, thank you, thank you, good to be here again. Yeah, so first of all, how are you doing? I'm great, that's great. That's great. Okay, autumn is the best time, yeah, fall is the best time in Florida, it's so hot all. Oh yeah, for sure. So the other day when we were talking, you had mentioned something about Robert telling you about Israel, it's perfect timing to kind of discuss that and share what he shared with you, just because of what we see happening right now. Well, I mean, yeah, the biggest thing he said was, he was telling me just about all the different events of the world, all these things that were happening, and the geography would change in the sense of the maps and things like that, countries, territories would become different, nations would become different. Like I said, Russia was going to take back the Slavic nations like Ukraine and things like that. And it was just because they wanted to protect the Slavic people, he said it wasn't really like in a sense of, they wanted to genocide them or anything like that. It wasn't like, you know, World War II with, you know, burning the wheat fields, the bread basket of Europe down Ukraine. But yeah, he went into like, I asked about Israel, you know, all the war that's always happening with the Palestinians and Israel, and he eventually said, yeah, Israel will be last. He said, that'll be the last thing that will happen. So it seems to me like, I don't know, because he did say he was saying things like enjoy the show and stuff like that. So it seems maybe that this, a lot of what we don't know happened has already happened. And this whole Israel thing has just, this is the end of it. Because he said that, he said Israel will be last and this war in Israel. And yeah, he also said it wasn't going to be like, you know, peaceful and you know, we're going to, he didn't say we're going to get help from the outside and there weren't going to be other ETS and stuff like that helping us. He said, he said it sounded like it was going to be, you know, a lot of war over a long period of time, but it would eventually lead up to something a lot better than what we had in store and to our original timeline, as far as the timeline can change. So I mean, yeah, this war is happening and I don't know, he really didn't go into great detail about it, but he just said Israel will be last and all these other nations are starting to get in. They're threatening to, you know, to get in if Israel escalates any further. So I don't know. And he said that like, you know, the negative, the Satanist, whatever you want to call them, they were going to like, try to start a nuclear war, World War three, things like that. But he said, like, the positive won't let them, because it's just like, it seems like they're in control, but they're not. And they're just letting them do the all these things to show us what they had in store for us. Like, you know, to show us all the carnage that was going to take place, if somebody didn't step in and stop it's right. So just for, just for maybe a new listener, can you just let the audience know who Robert is and why he was even sharing this stuff with you? I know the loyal fans know, but maybe just kind of briefly run through that. Yeah. He was the executive officer of my last command. I was stationed in RAF St. Morgan. It was called JMFRF back then, Royal Air Force Base. And yeah, he said he was from the year 2580. He told me he was around 400 years old. That's how many times he'd been age-regressed 17 or 18 times. That he came from an original timeline where everybody looked like Mike Pence is what he told me. Yeah, black hair. He said everybody had black hair, you know, usually brown, sometimes blue eyes, kind of like that turned up nose. That constant like scowl that Mike Pence has, he had that constant scowl. He said everybody had that kind of scowl. Everybody, you know, all the women look like Mike Pence's like wife and daughters, you know, even the daughter with blonde hair. You could tell she has that hair where it's jet black and she died at, you know, bleached it blondes. It has like that orangeish kind of color that happens when you try to bleach blonde jet black hair. Yeah. And he told me this stuff because he was looking down my timeline. In other words, like looking at my future, he told me he was genetically augmented in the womb to have like a very high IQ, be very psychic, to be very telepathic, things like this. And yeah, he was just making sure that I wasn't going to kill myself is what he said because he said that most people killed themselves within the first six months who have memories of the 20 yearn back. So he was pretty much just looking down my timeline to make sure I'd be okay. And then he was telling me things not only because I took part in a lot of these things he told me to help these things transpire, but he also said that, you know, it was like a way to like let me know, this isn't just something you're imagining. This isn't just something, you know, you're not going crazy, like these memories are real. Even though he kind of said like, this isn't you, as I was telling him about the memories I had and he kept on saying, uh, they're all that's not you. Like you don't understand that's not you. And he kept on saying that it was almost like he was talking about like a past life I had or something. And yeah, but he was just basically telling me all this stuff, not only to let me know, but it was just kind of like a reassurance to himself that, um, you know, I wasn't going to take my own life and maybe kind of like a hope. He was trying to give me hope for the future to help me carry on and things like that. So I think that's what he, what he was doing. Yeah. And you mentioned on the phone to me that he told you because he looked down your timeline and he saw that you weren't going to talk. He knew that you wouldn't open your mouth. Is that accurate? Yeah. Well, I mean, not for a long time. I remember like being in the break room after he told me all this stuff. And I was like leaning against the wall and I was just like, you know, this guy told me I was like a king for a while in some world. He told me that Michael Jackson is going to kill himself and a couple are actually die of an overdose, I mean, but they actually murdered him in a couple of years. It was just the different things he was telling me about, you know, all these events that would transpire in the, uh, in the future and yeah, he knew like he was just able to look at my timeline and tell that I wasn't going to like say anything while I was stationed at that base, which he said is a good thing. Like I didn't tell anybody. And even though, you know, I was tempted to of course, but, um, yeah, he, uh, he, um, I remember when I was leaving the office, he's, he said, he said, and it was weird. Maybe he was doing this because he was a higher density being and he did it on purpose because he was pushed. Or no, actually the world he came from that year, he said the earth was already fit density by the time, you know, it came into 25, 80. So he didn't have to be artificially pushed up in the fit density like I did. But, uh, he said, um, as I was leaving, he said, you're not going to remember this. And I stopped and I said, yes, I will. And then I walked out of his office and, uh, he, uh, yeah, and it was almost like maybe a suggestion he was kind of putting into my mind the kind of almost helped me cope with this because higher density beings, they can kind of see the long game. They're better at like seeing what's going to happen in the future, how, even though this may seem cruel in the present, how can we help these, this individual or these individuals cope with this until the eventual outcome happens. And I think maybe that was like a way for him to help me. And I also remember like something I said to the commanding officer, which was kind of funny. And I don't think I ever brought it up. Um, so after I saw the XO, I saw the CEO and CEO was the guy I called stick. And, uh, cause I thought he was a stick in the mud. I called them stick on their world and on this other world, I was on and everything. And, uh, we didn't like each other. Everything I did, he just like, he just, you know, he didn't give me any credit for anything. I remember Robert said it was because he was jealous of me because he said, uh, they didn't accept him the way they accepted you. And that made him jealous of me. But, um, I came in and I was all very, because Robert just told me all this stuff about how I knew this guy and everything like that. And I came in and I handed him my paperwork for my discharge papers. When I first walked in, he looked very like scared, almost like surprised, almost like wondering if I remember him because Robert told me that they were, uh, he only smoked me telepathically and I asked him why he said that, uh, the Master Chief who was an off-world German and the CEO who wasn't, but he just wanted to listen. He said they were listening in. He said that and he pointed out the phone. He said the phones on speakerphone and they're listening to her conversation. That's why he wouldn't. He didn't want to talk out loud to me. And, uh, I handed him the paper, he signed everything and I said, "Thank you, Sarah." And I just smiled and I got to the door and I kind of put my head up so I knew my voice would bounce off the door. And I said, "No hard feelings, hustick." And I turned around and I looked at him. And this had to do something with a keynote with, uh, being tortured by a keynote on the underground, uh, caverns. I looked, I turned around and I looked at him. And I said, "Not so high in mighty now, are you?" And I just like walked through and I, I said, "No hard feelings and I walked away." But yeah, that was something I did to the commanding officer before I left, which is, I don't know, something I never really brought up. I just let him know that I, I, I knew what he did to me. And I remembered him. Right. They're probably not used to that. They're used to people being essentially mind-wiped and probably not remembering anything. Um, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. If Robert, if the XO hadn't told me these things, I, I probably would have thought it was all in my head and it probably would have, like, you know, in the long run hurt me. And I'm glad, you know, he did tell me these things. And sometimes I do think like maybe I should have got back into the chair, but, you know, too late for that. Right. Uh, you mentioned me one time that just working out at the VA gym in Florida, you overheard other veterans talking about the programs, which I found extremely fascinating. Yeah, it's actually a guy who's down the street, but, you know, in the neighborhood, I don't know, a couple blocks from me. And he looks like Mike Pence. He's got like the pure white hair. He's got black eyebrows and, uh, it was, as I don't remember, I was in the gym and I forget what the guy's rank was, but he just walked up right up to him and he said, you're from the future, aren't you? And, uh, you know, this older man with white hair, he said, yeah, how did you know that? And he said, we used to work with you guys. And it was just something very, it was just very in your face because I think a lot of these guys, they, they worked in, you know, above top secret facilities and things like that. And now that they're out and they're retired and stuff like that, they don't, they kind of let their guard down. And there is like a, I forget how many years it is. I'm not sure if it works with this kind of a high clearance, but I remember when I came back from Iraq, they said, you know, we know you're going to talk about the things you did and you saw, but just make sure you wait at least a year. You know, that, that way the mission will be changed by the time you actually say something, but there is a kind of a grace period that I think I think it's like 10 years or something like that where you can actually start talking about the things we saw on the, I'm not really sure if it applies to this kind of like clearance. I mean, that's pretty wild, in my opinion, to just be in a gym and a VA gym and just overhearing a conversation where somebody is like, Hey, you're from the future. Aren't you? He's like, yeah, how'd you know? Like, but so, so matter of fact, we having that conversation near you, I don't even know it. Maybe that was intentional, but I found it very interesting, you're going to say something there? Yeah. I just wanted to say, because the, the last time we had, you want to just remember a lot of, I saw some comments that were like not super fond of the idea of that being our future, where everyone looks like Mike Pence and it's this Nazi-ish kind of thing, you know, and I would have to agree with that. So just to be clear, like that's a future, because there is no such thing as the future, that's like an inevitable, set in stone thing, correct? Like there's multiple different trajectories or timelines that you could go on. So I'm assuming that's not really the trajectory now, maybe that we're headed on, or is that still a possibility? Well, I asked him, I said, he said that he came back in time to change the timeline because we weren't reaching our true potential. That's what he told me. He said, we couldn't go beyond fit density. And he said that once a world gets like kind of stagnant and doesn't keep evolving, that world will eventually die. But he said once you get to like night density, then you're fine. You can just stay there until the end, until Kingdom come, until Prime Creator calls us all back home and all this starts all over again, which might as well be infinity because it's so far into the future. But yeah, once you get to like night density, you can just stay there. But he said that they couldn't go beyond fit because of the breeding programs and there was just like this. Yeah, it was crazy amounts of war and nuclear war, and it was just like this. Everything the Satanists wanted to accomplish happen is basically what happened with the Mike Pence kind of timeline. Yeah, they had poisoned themselves so much and so much destruction that they were stuck now, basically. Yeah, they were just, they could not reach like a higher spiritual enlightenment to be able to ascend any further. And yeah, and I asked him, I said, well, was your mission successful? And he said, yes. And I said, well, what about your parents, you know, like he said, my mom's that gone, my dad's gone, my brothers and sisters are gone. And he said, you know, my, you know, my friends are gone. And I said, well, why are you still here? And he said, I don't know. And he really didn't know it was just, it was almost kind of like he was in the fold of our timeline or something like that and protected him. And he was still here, even though his mother and father never existed. And yeah, and it was, it was our, and he was like, it scared him. And I asked about his wife and he said his wife is from this time. And I said, well, then what will happen to your daughter? And he didn't know. And it really terrified him. It seemed like to even think about it. So it seems to me, if he comes back to change the timeline, then that's not the timeline that we're going to see manifest. No. Yeah. No, no, and I asked about alternate timelines too. And he said with what the amount of work they did with Kruger and how they were working with the looking glass technology, he said the timeline that he told me about was going to happen. And that was it. And I'm like, like that movie butterfly effect had come out like on DVD when I was in England. And it was like, I never really, you know, I thought about alternate timelines and how you could change your own timeline and things like that, which can happen, I guess, on an individual level. And so I brought that up, you know, I said, well, what about extra, you know, other timelines and things like that? He said, no, it doesn't work that way. He's like, once you like, you get to a specific niche, you can kind of like tell exactly where you're going with the technology they have, stuff like that, once you get to like a certain area. And so the nuclear, you know, Holocaust, all that stuff, no, that's going to happen anymore. And you know, it's, he told me it's going to be a much better future and a much, you know, we're not going to be centuries just being completely just, you know, a horrible for several hundred years working, it's going to be horrible, it's kind of like, but it's going to be much better now, he said. That's great. Well, for wine with the nukes, we're not just affecting us, we're affecting other dimensions that have nothing that, you know, are peaceful. And then we're, so everything I've seen has pointed to the ETS are here helping us because it's also helping them because we got our technology advanced so much beyond our spirituality that now we have nuclear bombs that we can not just destroy ourselves and the planet, but in that would, in that alone, if we just destroyed the planet, that knocks the whole solar system out of balance, which knocks other things out of balance and it affects all these other dimensions and all these other civilizations beyond most people's comprehension. So like, they're like here to make sure we don't do that. They're not allowing us to set off nukes anymore. And that's why, you know, you see UFOs shutting down nukes going back decades. I mean, there's proof of this going back decades. And I don't think it's going to be allowed. And of course, they're not telling the world, hey, we don't have the ability, you know, they're still like making it appear as if that's a possibility because they want the fear, of course, they, you know, for all the many reasons. So the whole thing with Israel and, you know, Palestine, they want the fear that there's going to be a nuclear war because that they want to keep that fear going, right? Because they, the dark powers that are trying to hold on still want that, but it's not going to be allowed so it does appear like we're being held in almost like a bubble of like protection where they're like, all right, we're not going to allow you guys to do that anything beyond this, but you're going to still have to go through some shit and work out your stuff, but we're going to contain it to a certain level because otherwise you're going to, you're going to affect way too much that, you know, you're, you guys are like little babies with machine guns, basically, like, you know, right? Yeah, and then they want us to have the fear too. I mean, even the positive beings, they want us, he told me it was, this has to be ingrained into our DNA memory is what he said. So it's going to be hard and they want the, like they want to show you what they had planned for us and they want people to be like, you know, scared and they want people to be, you know, disturbed, they want this because it's something where, if this happens now, like it's, he said that we could step in right now, we could fix everything, but it would just happen again in a hundred years, like it would just happen. Then we don't learn the, we don't learn the lessons. We have to learn anything. Yeah, we have to grow into like a, you know, a state of like beer and shock and something that's really disturbing to us, then that like it goes into your DNA memory. So that like your children's children will remember this, you know, your actual DNA as a memory and it just passes off from generation to generation. And like that's how it works. So it seems mean and cruel and things like that to do that to people, but it's like you have to do it. Like there has to be like a painful kind of birthing period to ascend to the next like, you know, level of, you know, enlightenment of existence. And growth always happens under stress, I mean, right. Another thing Robert mentioned to you that I found really interesting and I have more questions about is he told you that space isn't what we think it is. Can you elaborate on that, please? Well, I remember like the first class told me that when I first was taking it and but he didn't really know what he was talking about. What I remember, and this wasn't necessarily, Robert, maybe he did tell me this, but it's like space is like a cone, if that makes sense. And the sense that like, you know, it's big at the bottom and it goes up. And the sense that we're at the bottom of the cone. So like space is huge to us, you know what I mean? And so we're third density, space is just huge. It's impossible to get from one end of the universe to the other. It just can't happen, you know what I mean? All kind of enlightenment. And then you have like the fit density beings, which are like in the middle of the cone. And that's their space and their existence. So they still need things like craft and stuff like that to get from one end of the universe, but they can do it. And you know, fifth density, it's kind of like more of a spiritual and more of a technological advancement. And then you have beings that are like ninth density. And he told me that ninth density was the highest that they knew them. That's what he told me. He said even ninth density beings don't know anything higher than ninth. He said there could be, he said he wasn't denying that that could exist, but he said as far as we know, there's nothing higher than ninth density. And ninth density beings pretty much are at the very tip of the cone. So they just have to like walk out their front door and they're on the other side of the universe. So that's like it's like the higher enlightenment you are, the higher you up on the cone, the smaller space becomes, if that makes sense. I remember things like, you know, our Churians, like the people with the beings with like the deep blue skin, they were like ninth density. And they would like appear on our ships sometime, just like just appear. And there was like nothing that nobody could do. Like they were just beyond all the technology and stuff and they did nothing and stopped them from doing that. But they were peaceful beings, so it really didn't matter. Right. And you know, there are going to be people in the comments and say, oh, he's wrong. There's 12 dimensional beings and blah, blah. And I've because I've seen it all, but and like just to reaffirm what Darryl said, like he's not claiming that ninth is the ninth is the highest. So I already know those comments are going to be coming. Yeah. It's the highest that we know of is what he told me. He said there could be more. He's like, but we haven't seen it. You know what I mean? And even night density beings don't know of anything higher than now, but they don't deny it either. There could be something. Right. And my understanding is that the higher up in density, you go the more experience of oneness you have, because it becomes more obvious and apparent that we're all one and we're all connected to not just each other, but everything, the whole multiverse, right? Because that's we're all God experiencing itself. Everything is everything is the same energy, just in different manifested forms. So that's why it's really just pure stupidity to hurt something outside of you or someone outside of you because you're hurting yourself because there's no separation. And the third density, we just have the illusion of this supposed separation. And so we're in this like a very illusory dense state where it appears as if we're separate. It appears as if I can affect you and then has no consequence to me and I, you know, and if that's why fear is can be so rampant here because you fear what you don't understand or know when you're at this lower level of awareness. So, you know, that's when wars and all the rest of it that we see. And then that just creates that energy just feeds and creates more of the same. So what you feed into creates more of the same. Well, we're learning the lessons. It's like things are going to keep repeating until you get those lessons. So it's like, you keep feeding into the energy of fear, lack, separation, anger, hatred. You're going to keep getting more and more and more of that. So that's what we have to learn. That feeding into that energy does nothing but more, you get more of that. And that's what to me, that's what karma is, karma is just energy. It's just the natural law of how things work in the universe because you're because all one, so what you put out is what you're going to get back. That's just how it's going to work, you know. Yeah. Well, I mean, he said that, as I remembered, like the kids in the underground base, and I really didn't understand his part in it. But I just remember that. I remember him describing what the kids were useful for adrenochrome harvesting and how they're tortured and things like that. And I said, you know, you're going to hell for this. And he said, there is no hell. And he said, if there is a hell, earth is it. He said, earth is hell. He said we're being artificially kept in like a lower density, pretty much there's no other world like us left. There were other ones like us, but they were already free. But we're the only ones that right now that are being kept like in this lower density of like we're like the last place. The last bastion. Exactly. I've heard that from other sources actually, it's like earth is the last bastion of the dark forces that they're trying to still protect. They're trying to hold out as long as possible. So they're just trying to stall basically. They know they know the war is already there. They've already lost, but they're just trying to stall and keep this system going as long as possible. Well, there's delusional psychopaths. And right. So that's all they know. That's all they can do is that's through these beings are. So you create the Robert told you to create a social media account so they can monitor you. Is that correct? Yeah. He said, when I was getting out, he said, make sure you get a Facebook account. And I said, what's Facebook because this was like what 2005 and he said, it's like my space. He says, it's like my future. Yeah. And I asked him out. Yeah. Yeah. Well, maybe it was 2004. Yeah. Wasn't for is technically when it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because I arrived on the command two thousand three. So this could have been two thousand four. Maybe it was like coming out in a couple months or something. And he said, yeah, he said, make sure you get a Facebook account. And you know, he said, it's like my space. And I said, why? And he said, Bob, we want to be able to keep an eye on you. We want to be able to track you and make sure you're all right. So it was like, again, he himself said he wanted to be able to, you know, keep track of me to make sure, make sure I was okay because yeah, so that was my face. Well, Facebook is actually a DARPA creation. It was lifelong. And then they just changed the name to Facebook and released it publicly. So it's actually literally a DARPA. Right. So, I mean, it would make sense that why he would say Facebook because the military was already behind it. So shifting gears a little bit, you mentioned that you are slowly starting to have a few memories bleed through from like a Japanese world. And you said that Robert told you that these memories would come through in real time. Could you explain that? Yeah. He said that, you know, there's kind of like two of me, the one up in the program, the me right here talking to you right now. And it's like, you know, as this guy up here makes new memories, like I remember the beginning and I remembered the end. But as far as like stuff in the middle, I really didn't remember. And he said, it's like the me up here makes memories, you know, the me down here will remember those memories, almost like, you know, it's almost like I wake up and I feel like I have a dream or something like that, but it's like memories. And until, you know, the me up here goes back in time and then gets out of the time loop. It's like I'm in this constant kind of time loop. And then, you know, the me that is still hasn't, you know, hard to explain, sign the papers yet or, you know, it's being age-regressed while I'm signing the papers because that's what's like the first time I realized I was on a time loop when I was signing the papers. And the first class petty officer said to me, you know, they just signed the damn papers because you're already, you know, back there. And he let me know that I had already come back from the 20 year and back. But yeah, it's like you make, he told me that, you know, you make the memories as they happen in real time. So the one up there makes new memories and the one down here, this me, remembers those memories. And yeah, I remember, yeah, being on a Japanese world and it was, I remember it was very, like, Blade Runner, I guess you would say, it was very, what does that call it, like, I wouldn't call it Steampunk, but it's like cyberpunk kind of thing. But it wasn't like in the sense that it was like everybody had implants and stuff. It was in the sense that advertisements just kind of appeared in front of you and things like that. Like walking, you know, down the sidewalk, it would just be like, you know, like a woman would just appear in front of you and try to sell you something. And it was just like a hologram. And it was the very, a lot of holograms, a lot of 3D holograms, a lot of advertisement, kind of like Fuji, a lot of, you know, neon signs everywhere, the way, you know, Fuji is right now today. And you know, and I remember, like women with small dogs, they were like, it seemed like just about every woman had like a small dog, either she was holding it or walking the dog. But yeah, like, I just remember just, you know, a hologram of like women would just appear right in front of you and start speaking to you in Japanese. And yeah, like that was like, yeah, this is very fairly recent, like, yeah, this was like a month ago. Yeah, I kind of realized that I was, you know, on this Japanese world. And the military looks, they dress very much just like they did in World War II, kind of like the way the Germans do it. You know, they were that high collar and stuff like that, but just like you think of like the Japanese officers of World War II, like in their secret space program, they wear a very similar uniform to what they wore in World War II. And yeah, it was just, and yeah, that's, that's what I remember that right now. And I, I'm sorry, he said that I remember Robert told me that I, you know, the 20 years they gave me a three year extension is what he said, because I guess because I was in like the dark fleet, which really wasn't supposed to happen, I was supposed to go directly in a solar warden. So they kind of like awarded me like an extra three years, but then they didn't send me back a year early because I kept on saying, I still have a year, like you're not supposed to send me back. I still have a year. I remember the beginning and the end, but not really, I remember that at the end, me saying that. And yeah, so hopefully this spring, I mean, this coming up spring, I think is like my end. So I think that's my end because that would be an extra two years. Also, you're at the end of you're in the extra time over time. Yeah, I mean, like the extension that gave me because of a, you know, the mishap that happened in the beginning, I guess they felt like they would award me an extra three years. And there's no recollection as to where this Japanese world might reside. No, no, that's how my memories are. They're not really like, they're like, you know, situation scenarios, me, me walking down the street, me having a discussion with someone as far as actual, I remember the technology some of it. I remember how the ship worked. I remember the ship was basically just worked with a telepathic bond, you know, so it wasn't really like a lot of, you know, buttons and things like that. You're really more piloting it in the sense that you were controlling it through, you know, a different kind of like, you know, the way it, the interface was just, it was telepathic. It was just complete. It was like an extension of yourself. It was almost like you became kind of part of the ship. And only there was like a very large smart glass pad like on a, on a swing arm and you would use that for like docking and like the partying and things like that. You would use that to when you were docking onto like a space station, they have like space stations outside of worlds because it's something that big can't land. So how would you describe the firmament that people say that we can't break through? Oh, I mean, I would just describe that as just probably the, what is that called the magnetic field? The magnetosphere? Yeah. Well, I would probably describe it as that, but I do remember when I first talked to Robert about joining the program, I did ask, I said, is the universe constantly growing at the speed of light, like according to Einstein's theory, you know, of the big bang where it's just, it's, it's ever expanding at the speed of light, like for, for, for infinity. And he said, no, there's a limit. He said there is like an ending. So maybe that could be what they're talking about as well. The universe itself has like a limit as an ending. And I asked him how long it would take to get to the end from earth. And he said with the proper amount of jumps about 15 minutes. And he said, and then he kind of calculated in his head the speed of light approaching the speed of light. That's what they, you know, what he, what they say approaching the speed of light. I think he said it would take about eight years. So it's not nearly as big as we think it is. Or maybe it's just the speed of light kind of it is different than we, but I think he said eight years. I think he only said it would take about eight years to get to the end from earth. And there is an ending and you know, it doesn't, it doesn't grow like, you know, at the speed of light. So maybe that could be what the people are thinking as well. Cause I remember like, I've seen old medieval paintings of like, like a painting of Christ and he's holding like a sphere in his hand, like a silver sphere. And they said that that represented like the earth or something, but maybe it represents the universe itself. You know what I mean? That could be it as well. I'm not, you know, I've seen things like that interesting. So something that we've kind of touched on in past interviews, but I'm really fascinated with and, and I just, I just felt like it would be fun to discuss it further was what life was like on the German planet on the German world. And like how you ended up there, but specifically like some of the details kind of like the Japanese world, like the hologram popping up in the sidewalk, like those little details, I find very intriguing. And I was wondering, maybe we can just go into that a little bit and explain to our audience like how you ended up on the German planet and then what that was like. Well, I mean, on the German world, it was, they, I was getting everything the Germans wanted and I was doing very well and they liked that I played an instrument and I was like their entertainment. They had a bar on the ship where they would drink beer. And eventually I had like a high ranking German come up to me and he was like, I don't know, equivalent to like an Admiral or a General. And he said, well, it was after one of the reptiles congratulated me. There was like a team of reptiles on the ship. I remember that. It was like the head, the master of the ship and then there were like three others. And he said, you know, you're doing a very good job. I'll tell the reptiles, I'll tell them back, you know, on earth to be easy on you for the whole, you know, poking the reptile on the eye incident when I first went to a density chamber. And after that, the Germans kind of took me to the side in a different office in this very high ranking Germany said, they're lying to you, you know, when you get back, they're just going to tear you apart and it's going to be horrible. And he said that, you know, you're only living relatives or your mother and your sister. And we would like you to go into the dark fleet, you know, full time, just not go back to earth and just stay in the dark, dark, dark fleet. And I told them I'd do it, but I told them I wanted German citizenship. Like I wanted everything. I wanted to be able to own land and have a wife and have kids and have them to be citizens. And they talked about it and next day they came back to me and they said they asked and they agreed. So I got almost like a kind of like a green card to kind of be on their world. Like it was notarized, like a notarized paper, it was like one from this high ranking officer and one from like the mayor of this town. And I think it was like New Berlin, I think is what it was called. And yeah, it was this, it was very like tropical, had beaches, palm trees. I met a woman there, her name was Helen, I think. And yeah, it was just very, it looked like just like an old kind of German town, it looked kind of like, I don't know, like Munich or something like that, it just looked, it was very the architecture and everything else. The buildings weren't that, you know, extremely high. It wasn't, you know, they weren't four or five stories. It wasn't like something grandiose, they had like markets, almost like a farmer's market. I remember being at like farmer's markets. I remember not being able to speak German very well at all, but everybody knew how to speak English because it's like, they're all kind of taught to be spies, like infiltrators. And so like English is a very common language on earth. So it's like they could all be tasked to like come to earth and act as though they're American and things like that or act as though they're English. So they all speak English very fluently. And the man, eventually the guy at the market started speaking English with me. And this woman Helen there was with me there. And these two, like they were like constable, like German, like Greece, they came up to me and they said like, why don't you speak German? And I told him my situation that I was like, you know, I had like this visa, like kind of a green card kind of thing to be in this, on this world. And they said, what evidence do you have of this? And I pulled it out of my pocket and, you know, it was notarized and they were, they read it. And they had never seen anything like this before. And they were still questioning me. And this woman Helen just started like raising her voice to him and German. And then they just like folded the papers up and like handed them back to me. And that was the, that was the end of it. But yeah, it was like even Robert told me that he had never been to the world before. And that they're very secretive. And he was asking me what it was like. And I told them it was, you know, like the 40s, I told them that, you know, men wore suits and fedoras and women wear dresses and billbox hats. There was like a, there was like a public transit kind of system. There was like a tram. And that was mostly like women with children and things like that, one of that in elderly. And then there was like this kind of sidewalk system where there were like branches that you stepped on, they were slower and they would slowly speed up till you hit the center. And then the center, you were going like, I don't even know, 50 miles an hour. But it was like you were in this tube so you didn't feel it. You were inside of like a tube and holograms would appear in front of you and tell you like what street you were on, what destination was coming up, where to exit out. And then there were branches where you would just step off and you kind of like get lunged back a little bit, but it would slowly descend you until you got off at your stop. So it was like this moving sidewalk where it just, boom, you hit the center part in it, you just took off. And then once you went to step off, you just saw like a hologram appear where you wanted to get off and you would just step off. And then I think they used, had they had like a frank system. It was almost like a, like a kind of gold that looked like like their money. Yeah, and I mean, I remember getting a fitted suit and I remember being sized up for it by like an actual tailor. It wasn't high tech, almost like, I don't know if you go to like Germany nowadays, it's like, you know, you kind of have to pay to do everything, but they do that. So everybody has something to do. Everybody has a job. Everybody gets paid. So even like bathroom attendance at McDonald's, like there's a bathroom attendance everywhere in Germany. You have to pay to like go to the bathroom everywhere, but they do it for the purpose of giving everybody, you know, a job, something to do, something to be paid for, something to fulfill their life. But yeah, it was kind of like that there too. Even though they have technology, I'm sure they could just size you up. There was still a tailor there, you know, use measuring tape and everything like that to get your suit size. Yeah, I mean, it was the S3 of my command in England, the legal officer who was like the fourth in command. He was a lieutenant, but he was actually an off-world German too. And he was the first officer on my ship. He was like the number two German, ranking German. And I asked him for money, you know, and he gave me 500 francs, I think it was. But it was like, I bought like, I don't even know, four suits. I bought a couple suits, I bought like a bathing suit, I bought a towel. I bought all this stuff and I still have like 300 francs left over, so their money went very far. It was a lot further, so it was like, you know, probably like what the 20s were like or whatever. It was like a booming economy. That's incredible. I mean, that's the type of details that you just can't make up, like it's so fascinating to me. And so how did you end up getting off of that planet? What was that process like? What happened? Wasn't there like some dinner or something? Oh, right, right. Yeah. Well, I was with Helen and the guy who was the S3, who was the first officer. He invited me over to their house for dinner, both of us for dinner, he had, you know, he was married and he had two sons. And you know, even the kids, the kids were like, you know, very old-fashioned stuff like nickerbockers with the knee-high socks and all that stuff, they wore stuff like that. And they were talking to me and they spoke English very well as well, their two sons. And it was like very old-fashioned in the sense that they ate in the kitchen. They had like a kids' table in the kitchen. And they had one of those doors. I remember that very well, like the padded vinyl doors, like a restaurant door that swings back and forth when you go in and out of the kitchen with a small glass, you know, window in it. It was a circular window. And yeah, and we ate outside and the kids ate in, you know, in the kitchen, they had a small like kids' table and they ate in the kitchen. And I remember the wife said something about the reptiles, negative about the reptiles. And, you know, said something like, I can't stand them. You know, I hate them, I can't stand them. And I kind of was just quiet because it was almost like you were in this kind of, you know, prison mentality in the sense that you were like almost like in a prison camp where it was like in Korea or something, it was like you felt like they had such control of their life that they were able to step into your mind, you know what I mean? And know what you were thinking. So it was like you never like judge the reptiles. It was very, you know, you never had bad thoughts about them. You tried not to and he said, you know, it's okay. We don't like them either. You speak freely. I told them, you know, I hate them, you know, because they hate themselves, you can just tell they hated themselves. And that's why, you know, they hated everything else. And yeah, so I was just open about how much I hated them after that. But yeah, I thought it was very strange that the off-world Germans just openly didn't like they despised the reptiles. It seemed like it seemed like they maybe got into a deal they didn't understand they were getting into probably whenever they left or is what it sounded like, like, you know, they had to know they're eventually they were like, yeah, lining with Draco is a very bad deal. They probably had no idea. Yeah, yeah. And I think that's how they got their world. Because it's like one of those things where like if you're loyal to the Draco, then they'll give you things. Like if you prove your loyalty, they'll give you things. So that's probably where they got their worlds from. I think they had more than one, the off-world Germans, but yeah, and they didn't like it. And there was also like, there seemed to be a breakaway as well with the dark fleet where the dark fleet themselves maybe with Kruger or something like that. Because I know Kruger is like a Germany from an alternate earth. There's like, I think they told me there was eight different universes that we know of. And they have the technology to be able to go into different universes, which we don't have that technology here. Because how I remember it is, it's almost the same thing with the other universes where the Germans use the real society, the women with the very long hair, the channel and things like that. They channel that they first, they get positive ETs. The positive ETs offer them karmic weapons is what they call them, which is like say Berlin's getting bombed, it would send the bombs right back up and blow the plane up. So it would immediately stop the war because it would be a suicide mission for everybody. But the Germans from like our world, they didn't think that was enough. So they denied them. So then positive, I mean negative ETs came like grays and the reptiles and they offered them like offensive weapons. And the whole point of World War II wasn't to be won by the Germans. They were just trying to delay as long as they could to get all this technology. They not only got from the Draco and where they were told to dig in Antarctica and things like that and get it to South America as quickly as possible. That's what I believe World War II was actually about, just the old allies off long enough to get everything there. And sounds about right, but yeah, but this Kruger world, they immediately went with the positive ETs. They took this technology and they worked with like the positive ETs, Pleiadians and things like that. And they developed a technology that was able to go into different universities. And we don't know being that we know of this universe has that technology, the reptiles now, Pleiadians, nobody that we know has that technology, Kruger has it, and with these other ETs they work with. And they're trying to get all of these universes that they know of on the same page. They're trying to help everybody out, get them all to their truth, their fullest potential to eventually fight the AI. And the AI is like they have this technology too, as far as we know, and they're going into different universes and corrupting these universes. And that's what like the Draco use, they're filled with the AI. And it's in a different universe, so we can't fight it. So it's really like it's impossible for us to fight, but they can, but they can't do it on their own. So they're trying to get all these other universes together on the same page to just go after the AI all at once. And that's as far as like I can tell what's happening with that and what Kruger is. And so there is, I remember talking to the Lieutenant, the doctor on the base. And I was doing like my final physical before I checked out of the military and I saw him and he was an off-world German. And he started talking to me like telepathically immediately. And I said something like I was mad, I didn't really know what was happening and I just knew I hated the reptiles. And I remember I called to the Germans and stuff, I called the reptiles or gods whenever I got into like, you know, with the Pleiadians and stuff like that. And he said, you know, it may seem like there are gods and I said, no, there are a book, there are your gods. He's like, you don't understand. And then he said, like, we're helping you. You know, like I hope you know that like we're trying, like we're helping, we're helping Earth now is what he's told me. So it almost seemed like that there was like either he was part of Kruger than I didn't realize it or he was part of the dark fleet from our universe and there was, it seemed like there was like a breakaway, like a rebellion against the, the Draco's and the dark fleet itself. Wow. It's, that's so incredible that this information, I can listen to it all day. Just sitting here, like hearing what's just these firsthand stories. I just actually love it. So whenever you were going back to getting off to German planet, like you eventually, like you while you were there, that was when you were technically part of dark fleet. And then weren't you like saved from that situation? Well, yeah, I mean, I didn't really see it that way. That's like something complex about how it kind of works is, you know, I was kind of like, you know, I was like a nominee, I guess I select, you know, like a dark feet, fleet select, I guess you would say. I wasn't, I wasn't officially part of them yet, but I was kind of like selected to become one of them. This was something that really didn't happen a lot. So it was kind of new. So I was still kind of like in a probationary period is what I was with them. And you know, I was had their uniform, I wore the uniform they wore and I was part of them. And yeah, it was just eventually we got to the first officer came up to me and he said, you know, we're going to see the ones that we've been fighting and we're going to see them. And they're not going to attack the master, which is like the head reptile, he said, but just make sure, you know, just in case protect the master, you know, at all costs. And I said, yes, sir. And we got to the space station area and it was very like, I really didn't know anything else existed except for maybe like greys and reptiles and things like that. And yeah, when we got into like the space station area, it was like a United Nations kind of thing almost where, you know, different ETS and things like that would talk about, I don't know, peace treaties or negotiations, trade was big there, ETS are big on trade. And yeah, I saw it all. I saw, you know, the lyrens and, you know, the cat beings and the canine beings and most of it was small. A lot of the things you saw was very, very small and like maybe only a foot tall. And it was almost like an unspoken rule where like the taller beings, like us, kind of walked around slow, walked very slowly. So these smaller things can kind of weave in and out of their legs and they were just running around everywhere and looking around. Most of the stuff were like robes, most of it wore robes. Most of the beings you saw wore robes. And yeah, it was eventually like a man and a woman, Nordix. And I remember Robert told me they were called Tijettons, but yeah, they were Nordix and they came up and the master came up and we were just standing there and it was like, you know, the commanding officer, the executive officer of this, of Dark Fleet and myself. And I was somehow involved in this and I didn't know what was happening. And they were speaking to each other. First, it was the woman, it's kind of like how negotiations happens. First, the woman comes up and she kind of like, you know, cobblements them and things like that. And you know, it was something to the effect of, you know, the property belongs to us and you know what it does. And you took this property from us, you know, and you broke the contract. And the reptile's argument was, you know, we've invested so much time and resources into the property right for the belongs to us now. And then the man came up with like a smart glass pad and he showed him like the exact contract. And he said like, if you don't return the property, this will be considered an act of war. And the reptile read like every line, put his hands behind his back and read every line on the smart glass pad. And then he's kind of threw his hands up and just walked away. And the commanding officer ran right behind him, you know, and the executive officer was still standing with me. And the woman came up to me and she said, you're coming with us now. And I looked at him and he nodded his head and I looked at her and I said, can I get my thing? He said, yes, hurry. And I grabbed my thing. But yeah, that's how it was. It was like, I was still property. I was still like a slave, you know what I mean? Even with the positive beings, and that's something that's weird that people, I don't know, maybe it wouldn't like, but even positive beings, you know, deal with that. They deal in that. They deal in the slave trade. They deal in things like that. They deal in trade. You know what I mean? I had no say so. I had no rights still. So I had to go with them, even though I was engaged and everything else trying to start a new life, I had to start a little over again. Yeah, it's interesting. And that just goes back to my point where nothing is black and white, you know, we like to think of things in simple terms and sometimes it's very convoluted. And people, like you said, they like the Germans, they get into a bad deal with the reptilians. They don't know what they're getting themselves into. So then, you know, automatically they're the bad guys. Everyone thinks they're negative and the Nazis and all this stuff. And yeah, there are negative acts and there are things arguably that can, you know, we can say, yeah, they're not great. But we have to understand that people are getting themselves in the situation and say they don't really know what they're signing up for and nothing is black and white. So I think it's interesting when we get to hear stories like this. Yeah, I didn't know what I was getting into. That's for sure. And I signed a contract. So before I, you know, when I was still on earth at the base, I signed to go into the and I didn't realize, you know, the things I'd be doing, I just kind of did it. Right. I was trying. I thought I was helping. I guess, eventually, in the end, but in the beginning, it was horrible. Did you have anything you want to add to that, Aaron? All right, ask not really. Yeah, but so what? What do you see right now? So bringing it back to the present, like, does it look like we're on a good trajectory right now? Because you can tell it's just things are going to be chaotic for a little while until before they start visibly getting better. Well, I just, I just know what you guys know in the sense that, I mean, was it General Millie? They finally got rid of that guy. And that guy was a nightmare and they replaced them with another general and his middle name is Q, which I think is a funny like nod and wink, maybe, and I mean, it's just geez, man, the Biden's aren't they isn't Joe Biden, like being impeached, basically, like they're going through trial and things like that to impeach him. And I don't know, maybe it'll happen. I mean, maybe it won't. But to me, it's very strange that nobody cares. This would be like huge. This would be huge at any other time. And nobody cares. You know what I mean? And to me, that's a big, that's a big sign right there where it's just all these are happening right now. Yeah, it's really in recent years, it's been really apparent to me how, how just asleep so many people are, how not just brainwashing programs, absolutely that. But like, just asleep, just like, like, they all they can see is what is like their routine in their life right in front of them. And that's it. And like, nothing else they don't even like, you know, it's like things are right in their face and they can't even see it or understand what's really going on. Yeah, I think that's from a cocktail. But I think there is what's that I just think I think that's from a cocktail of drugs and poisons. You get the air, the water, the food, and eventually you're being, you're literally being mind controlled and you're right, you get to this frequency where everything's about instant gratification and people are looking for that, you know, those dopamine hits and the attention span is short. And so even when you do present the truth to these people in 15 seconds, they forgot about it because, or look, a squirrel, you know, right, like they're talking about the, like governments are now literally coming out and saying, Hey, UFOs are real. We found ET bodies, ETs are real. They're here. Like, this should be, this should be the number one thing on every news. Number one thing talked about on the plant, but, but what is like most people just like, Oh, cool. Okay. Whatever. Let me just go back to my job and, you know, the news isn't telling anyone anything. This is the stuff. Yeah. The news isn't telling anybody. I mean, it might be like on like a little snippet here and there, but it's part of the cover up. They're part of it too. Right. But it's still out there and it's one thing it should be on the news more like it should be. But like, you know, and then, but then most people, even when like I try to talk to the average person about the stuff, their eyes glazed over and they're just, or they just like they put up this wall like, Oh yeah, that's what that sounds like BS to me. That sounds like fantasy, whatever. It's probably not true because they haven't heard it on the news because they weren't taught it in school because their parents didn't teach them, you know, it's like everyone. People have this like expectation of like truth is going to just be handed to me on a platter. It's like, that's not the world we live in. And if you can't understand that you're, you're still super asleep. You haven't even gone, but it's like, but it's not their fault. We're born their fault. We're built into we're born into this nine controlled. Right. And everyone's at where they're at, but it's, but it's like it just shows you how long of a way to go. So many people have. And it's like, I'm curious how things are going to play out when you still have so many people on the planet that are, that are at that level, like do things have to get like really, really bad to like jolt them awake or like, I'm just curious, like how is this going to play out? I don't think anyone has the answer to that. I mean, I will, I was, I was actually told that like they thought like, like Europe and stuff is more on the ball, but like Robert told me, like the United States, this is kind of like, I don't know, maybe demoralizing, but it's going to happen anyways, but they kind of wanted the awakening to happen more in America. It's happening in Europe and the rest of the world, but it's not happening so much in America. So America has to be like, kind of pushed through the door, like the American people in general. We've just been, you know, brainwashed for so long and he's like, yeah, like the United States, they're not really, you know, it's not unlocking what they hoped it would lock in them. So they kind of just have to just shove them through it. While the rest of the world, it's working for them, but for America, it's really not working. But you know, whether we like it or not, this is happening in the sense of like, we're going to be, we're going to go into a, you know, a more enlightened form of, you know, just consciousness or consciousness is going to be raised, whether we like it or not. We're going to get our butts kicked. Yeah. Yeah. If we're not. Do things. Yeah. Do things happen in your life, Darrell, that might be indicators that Robert or somebody else is watching you still, is monitoring you still, do you ever get indications of that? I mean, except for the incident where I had with like that row and things like that, which I talked about one of the past videos, I mean, that was a big one. I mean, if you want to go into that, I just meant like, like, are you ever just driving down the street or something like something that will occur in your daily life for like, you know, it's like a nod, like them just letting you know that, you know, we're still watching you. I mean, no, and that's like really maddening for me in that sense where I wish somebody, I mean, you know, I wish that they would. I wish that they would. And yeah, I mean, maybe it's for my own protection. Maybe it's for, you know, I don't really know. Maybe I couldn't say, but you know, I'm not really on a channeler. I don't really talk to him. You know, I'm not, I don't talk to the pliadians. I don't really talk to Robert. I mean, when he was looking down my timeline, he said there were instances when I was present with him in the office where he kind of like stopped me. I was trying to talk to him. He said, wait, wait, wait, wait. And I said, well, he's like, you're talking to me right now. So maybe like I am, but I don't really know it. It was almost like he, he kind of like, there were times where I was kind of speaking to him, where I realized he was there. Sometimes maybe I think I do do it, but it's just like, I'm not sure. I mean, I have doubts, you know what I mean? I mean, he did say that, you know, we're behind schedule. As far as when he was looking at my timeline, he saw things were going to happen quicker, but he, but you know, through what he saw through looking glass technology. But when he was in my presence, looking through my timeline, he could tell that we're about two years behind schedule is what I think he pretty much told them. And like I said, he said that, you know, the negative beings, they can slow things down, but they can't stop it. Like it can't be stopped, but it can be prolonged. I think it can be. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's all they can do. Yeah. Right. But they can only do that so much. And then it's, yeah. Yeah. Well, this has been incredibly fascinating once again. Is there anything else that you'd like to share with us, Daryl, before we start wrapping this up? No, I mean, but just have hope, you know, have a positive view. I mean, I think positivity is very good. It's always good to have a positive view. You know, whether, well, you know, where there's life, there's hope. I mean, that's something, you know, like a Roman general one set or some cheering. So I mean, never forget that. That's like very important. It's always good. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Well, thanks again for joining us. And this has been, it's always a pleasure to have you on. And I'm sure, you know, one day down the line, we'll be doing this again. And, you know, keep it up. And we appreciate everything you're doing right now sharing this stuff is important. It's crucial and we have to, you know, the secret space program topic in general, they're trying to sweep it under the rug and we have to keep it alive, you know, they want people to stop talking. So just by you doing these interviews, it's actually, I think it's doing more for the timeline than you might realize. So thank you. And yeah, thank you guys all for tuning in. And don't forget to go check out our webinars if you haven't. That link is below. And I hope some of you guys might become in the Springfield and see me at the Xcon. I'll be speaking there to sharing some of my stories and some new stuff I haven't told yet. So if you're interested, those tickets are below on X And that being said, I have a great evening. We love you all and good night. A lot of this information has been kept, sort of locked up or kept undercover because of the Asian of the Smithsonian group, they back in the 1880s. What actually happens is it's not taken to preserve it. It's taken to hide it. And about four and a half miles from here, a cave was discovered. It's not really a cave as such. It's a man-made cavern system. But how the hell do you get that much granite? Does the granite on the base of that damn near ways? What the dirt on the top of it weighs? Nobody knows what's underneath it. I've heard a theory that there's a spaceship underneath it. There was copper and steel-plated artifacts that depicted men in armor with shields and helmets, including right here at Coke. There were reported two giants with double rows of teeth and six fingers and six toes. Extra vertebrae or extra ribs in their cage, these are different races of people. They're not just regular humans. Definitely is a stone burial chamber. And there's a large body in it bones. I would say 15 to 16 feet. I saw different types of extraterrestrials here with the Native Americans. The peoples of the cochochia mounds actually saw the bird man as some kind of cosmic being and not a humanoid being. So this bird man was the last and the pure and the true of his kind. So yes, there were rituals or there were dances and celebrations and people would dress up like the galactic beings that were visiting. But there were actual physical galactic beings that were visiting. [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]