Journey to Truth

EP 266 - Jessica Jones - Underground SSP Hub - Cryptid Breeding Programs - Montauk & Time Travel

Originally aired on 9/14/23
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Jessica Jones - The Cryptid Huntress:
Jessica Jones is a paranormal investigator and remote viewer based in northwest Georgia. She is an active field researcher and member of Enigma Research Group (ERG), Anomalous Studies and Observation Group (ASOG), and North Georgia Cryptid Researchers (NGCR).  All are action-oriented research groups which conduct field research associated with all things paranormal, particularly Bigfoot. These groups have obtained ground-breaking evidence at several paranormal hot-spot hubs in the southeastern United States, comparable to the infamous Skinwalker Ranch.  What sets her team apart from other groups is they are all trained in remote viewing (RV).  In addition to utilizing RV in the research field, Jessica assists in missing persons/cold cases. She has presented her field research at Disclosure conferences and is often interviewed on podcasts and radio shows across the globe.

1h 20m
Broadcast on:
04 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Well, it's the world from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. I'm Marco Went. And I'm Rick Schwartz. And we're your host for season three of Amazing Wildlife, a show from iHeartRadio Ruby Studio and the global conservation organization behind the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Listen as we dive into the efforts here in San Diego and spotlight the heroes working worldwide to care for the species, you know, and love. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm going to make him an orphan. He can't refuse with family, canoles, and spins mean everything. Now you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather slots. Someday I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather now at Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary. VDW Group. 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Hey guys, welcome back. Just a few announcements before we get started today. So our next webinar coming up on September 24th is on DUMBS. The Agartha network, Hollow Earth, we called a deep dive into the subterranean infrastructure. You guys are going to love it. We've been doing a lot of research so far. We're at 91 slides and it's still growing. So it's going to be another long one, the impossibility of covering the entire underworld in one webinar is it is it's impossible. But we're going to do our best and provide some whistleblower testimonies and some really juicy information. It's not really readily available stuff that we've just come across over the years. So if you're interested in that, we have that and other webinars on our Patreon. It's only $5 to sign up and that link is below in the description. Also, Margie Kay, you guys know Margie Kay. She reached out to me and asked me to speak at her conference coming up in Springfield, Missouri over Halloween, October 30th, 31st and November 1st. I'll be speaking on the first day. So I'm super excited about that opportunity. She just wants me to share some of my stories. And I'll be talking about some of my own inner Earth stories at that conference as well. And that ticket is available. Those tickets are still available and I'll have that link below in the description. And as you know, our documentary is finally publicly available as Jessica just, I was just on Jessica's show the other night and we talked about it. And Jessica, you loved it. You had some great stuff to say about. So I'd love to hear your feedback and maybe you could tell us what you thought about it. Yeah, oh my gosh, your documentary is fantastic. I mean, from the very beginning, where you guys had the drone shots of the of the mounds. I mean, it just pulled all this information together for me with the stuff that I researched and I've been a remote viewing. It pulled it all together from the giants to the E.T. connection to even in my field, I talk about dog men being connected and portals being around these mounds. Because I visit mounds pretty often myself, we have two of them near where I live. And yeah, it's just fantastic. If you guys haven't seen that yet, I highly recommend watching that. Because I can tell you guys put a lot of work into that and it's amazing. Well, thank you. We did and thank you. And if anyone is interested, you can go to and you can watch it there. That link is below as well. But tonight we are joined by Jessica Jones, as you know, the Cryptid Huntress. And I specifically reached out to her because I wanted to talk about a lot of her remote viewing data on the underground cities, the underground tunnels, domes, maybe even inner earth, SSP basis portals, all the above cryptid breeding programs. So I know you're constantly doing this stuff every week. You're getting blind targets handed to you from certain individuals, and aside from your own research and your own field investigations. And I know you have a lot to share. So let's just dive in and what's going on underground, y'all. Oh my gosh. Yeah, what's going on underground y'all and all these facilities and stuff. And here's the thing. When I first started coming across underground facilities and the SSP, mind you, I wasn't very familiar with the SSP. And I certainly was not going around looking for underground facilities. I was tasked with targets involving cryptids, people that were attacked, who were, it was suspected, potentially like a dog man might have taken them or killed them. I was also looking into big foot sightings and just usually my targets deal with unsolved mysteries. Okay. And that's how I kind of started off doing, I do those. I do shows on that actually on Thursday nights on my channel, The Cryptid Huntress, over on YouTube and across social media. And so I was looking into cryptids. And lo and behold, when I'm assigned these targets, I'm looking at the entire, you know, if it's an incident that happened or if it's just an alleged cryptid that's on that property. I'm looking at the whole property there. And I'm going up and down and all around this property and to see what happened. And I have stumbled across many underground facilities. And, you know, as a remote viewer, I have to be kind of careful where I'm kind of digging around, as they say. And so, but I've done some exploring and absolutely places that I've been tasked with, like just coordinates, basically, even geographical coordinates. Places that are national parks, a lot of them are government-owned lands. Most of them are actually, where these facilities are. I think the first one that I can remember, where I came across some secret space program information with one of my targets was I was looking into an alleged dogman sighting that another, there's a podcaster, an author out there. D.A. Roberts, actually, had asked me to remote view a property, okay, or this place is called the Joe Ball Wreck area, where he had had a, what he thought might be a dogman sighting, and he had a video of something peeking around a tree. And I had remote viewed that. And I found information, there was information in my data that said SSP. And I wasn't really sure what that was, but I knew that you guys talked about the secret space program pretty often. And it did correlate with some of the information that I had heard about with your programs that y'all do. And there's an underground facility there, and it said that it was a layover hub. If that's even possible, a layover hub for the SSP. But yeah, they had all sorts of labs down there, where they were working with dogmen and creating chimeras and all sorts of weird stuff was going on down there, according to my data. And where was this located? Missouri, I believe it's called the Joe Ball Wreck area. Right, that's way south, way southern Missouri, almost on the border. But that's interesting, and it doesn't surprise me. Missouri, the more and more on researching this area, it's like, there's a lot going on here, even in St. Louis. But we covered some in our documentary, but I mean, it's pretty wild. And it's interesting that Missouri got voted number one place to survive an alien invasion. And one of my friends, it was on the radio, I was working with my dad on this construction job where we were doing, and I overheard it on the radio. Like I was walking by and I had to stop, I'm like, wait, did I just hear that right? And then I did hear it right. So there's a whole list of potential places that survive an invasion. And for some reason, Missouri got voted number one. And I told this to my friend, and she's like, well, yeah, they wouldn't attack their own headquarters. And I was like, what do you mean by that? And she seems to think that there's a lot going on here, nefarious stuff, which I can attest to just from the frequencies here and stuff. It's just not always the highest vibe place, but it doesn't surprise me. Yeah, so. Absolutely, well, we get a lot of reports of Dogman in the Missouri area. And even the Ozark, is it the Ozarks howler? Okay, that's kind of like a Dogman out there. There's a lot of Dogman out in the Midwest, a lot of cryptids, period. Okay, a lot of cryptids. And I've heard recently a story of at least it's one to two Dogman in under the St. Louis arch being shot, okay, in broad daylight in front of people. Now that's secondhand knowledge. I didn't, I wasn't there, but that's just a story that's going around right now in the community. That, you know, potentially that St. Louis arch is a portal or something is what I've been told. Yeah, I mean, we've. From many sources, yeah. Right, we've heard that, but the Dogman thing I've never heard, except from you, if that was true, if they were shot in public, this would be one of those situations where I can imagine they would like mind wipe all the witnesses. I mean, I don't, I don't, I don't doubt that they do that. If there were witnesses, you know, they could easily just, you know, whatever they need to do, just erase that little, you know, give you a false screen memory or whatever. We've heard a number of people talk about the arch being a portal that I've never heard about Dogman coming through. I've heard the story where somebody did sneak through the portal and they had to detain them. And apparently there's a gatekeeper that constantly watches the portal. And he is disguised as a homeless person there under the arch. Who knows, like, who knows, right? Yeah, this world is so strange. And in this actually, so that Dogman story, it goes back, it circles back around to something that I've heard about. There's a gentleman that goes on one of these podcasts is called, it's Jeff Nadoni's channel, okay, and it's called Dogman and Paranormal Research or something like that. And, and there's a gentleman that goes on, he claims to be a part of this thing called the Dogman Breeding Program that is here in the United States. And this gentleman, and now this is coming from that channel. So I can't, I don't have firsthand knowledge of all this. But he says that they've had this breeding program going on with Sasquatch, werewolves, and Dogman since the 1950s. And that man, I think it was one of those, those Dogman allegedly could have been part of that program that were shot there, because they have these Dogman werewolves and Sasquatch, they say have handlers, they're chipped, they're collared. I'm not going to say it's the government, I think this guy says it's the government, okay, but it's, if it's not the government, it's some kind of special agency that do utilize cryptids allegedly for military purposes, for wartime, for even domestic defense here in our country, and also to go after people. Like let's just say assassination, and things like that. Right, it doesn't surprise me, yeah. There's an old James Caspal interview where he talks about this specifically, with personal firsthand knowledge of a mission he was involved in with Dogman, and he talks about exactly everything that you're talking about now. This was years ago that he was blowing a whistle on this stuff. And I, if I can find that interview, maybe I'll link it, but I sent it to you actually, I don't know if you watched it, but it's, I think it's all highly likely. Yeah, anything's possible at this point, okay, because the things that I've seen personally, I mean, I'm a field researcher, so I'm out in the woods all the time. I have never come across a Dogman, or a Dogman has never come across me either. So not that I know of, I've never seen one, but I know they're out there. I have too many people who I know personally, who have experienced them. You know, I was just talking to somebody this morning, who's a good friend of mine, who lives up in Kentucky, and they have an enormous amount of Dogman sightings up there. That's another place that I was tasked with a target, a remote viewing target of a family, who back in the 1980s was allegedly maldedith by a Dogman. In the land between the lakes, I believe that's a national park up there. And this was in 1982, there was a whole lot of, there's evidence to support it from eyewitness testimonies that happened up there. The North American Dogman project had done a documentary on it, and brought in some eyewitnesses from some things that had happened with the, you know, conversations with the police officers that were the area. And so, but people were still there, there wasn't like super solid proof, but there were eyewitness accounts about it, where a family, there was a husband, a wife, and a son and a daughter, they went to the wrong place at the wrong time, apparently, in there. Yeah, and so this would explain now, like we hear about Sasquatch being these benevolent beings in a dimensional high frequency high vibe. So if we're talking about some government or shadow government, grown genetic experiment, right, some breeding program that's being released to be aggressive, and these would be the creatures that are attacking people, I would say, over the, like, regular heart centered Sasquatch, I guess you could say. So I think that's the difference. I think we have organic beings, and then we have grown laboratory experiments. Well, actually, I think there's a whole bunch of different categories, because we've got the clones. Okay, so that's something totally different. And then with the breeding program, from what I've been told, and I did run, but this was, this was tasked to me as a blind target, just the dog man breeding program alone. And, and, and they say that, according to my data also, they're, they're natural, they're, they're bred, like dogs will be bred, like dog readers do, that kind of a thing, they're not genetically spliced, and all that, according to, this is according to what that guy says on the, on the, on that channel. But they are not, they're not like clone, they're not genetically modified, they're actually, like, from planet Earth, I guess, they're from here, they're organic, and, and they just breed them. But then we've got the clones, which I do believe that's happening as well. I think that cryptids are being cloned, and gosh, Lord knows what, you know, they're putting in them, and we've got the whole demonic aspect that comes into it. And, have you ever come across cloning facilities in your remote room? Oh, I have come through across the underground facilities, have cloning facilities in them, I do believe. Right. Yeah, I think so. A lot of, like chimera actions going on in some of these facilities, I have stumbled upon that. chimeras are a big, a big thing. And actually, as a matter of fact, when I was at y'all's conference, which was amazing, by the way, thank you for letting me speak there. Thank you. Our friend, Daryl, Daryl James, came up to me and said, hey, I gotta tell you about some of the human animal hybrids I experienced down in some underground facilities. And of course, I was like, oh my gosh, yes, please, you know, I gotta hear about this. And I ended up bringing him on my show eventually, after we got back home. Which was an excellent episode. I recommend everyone watch that. Thank you. It was one of my favorites. I mean, all of my shows are my favorite. Okay, I love all my shows, but that was one of my top favorites, where he talked about, and he's talked about it on your show as well, about, I think it's called Max. Okay. And it's like a human spider hybrid, which is terrifying. Okay. But he was saying that pretty much any kind of animal that you could think of has been mixed with human DNA. Yeah, which is really scary. We're going to cover some of that in our webinar, as far as Dulce, New Mexico, and Nightmare Hall, and what's going on in those levels underground there. There has been, you know, firsthand whistleblower testimonies about horrific things. But Aaron, were you going to say something just a minute ago? No, you already said it. I was saying, I think clones, I think is there, you know, they have, as we know, you can clone a being just from having its DNA. So all they need is DNA of the Sasquatch, or dog man, or whatever, and they can clone an entire being, and then they can control it, you know, and make it do whatever they're beating or whatever they want to do. So I'm sure that's going on. Like you said, the breeding programs as well. Um, and then there's the organic benevolent or the organic beings that, you know, are obviously there as well. And, um, yeah, I, I like, uh, do you know about, you know about Sunbow, right? Or have you ever heard? Sunbow. I don't, I'm not familiar with that. Okay, we had him on the show a few months ago. Oh, I did see that. I saw that and he, he communicates with the Sasquatch. Yeah. Yeah. And he's written three books called the Sasquatch Message Humanity, where it's like channeling a Sasquatch elder, supposedly, and it's giving, like the first book is, is amazing because it's just giving all this information about them. And they're giving me information about us. And, um, it's talking about how they're in, and they're, they constantly talk about like, they call them the Dark Lords, which would be like the Cabal or the, the evil, you know, forces on this planet and how they're, their race is constantly under attack by, by the Dark Lords, as they call it, and as well as us, obviously. And, uh, they're like, that's basically the main reason why we have to stay in hiding so much. And we can't just like openly come out because, um, for one, they're under attack directly by them. But then we're, most of humanity is still like, mind-controlled in the system to where. Buenos dias world from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. I'm Marco Went. And I'm Rick Schwartz. And we're your host for season three of Amazing Wildlife, a show from iHeartRadio Ruby Studio and the global conservation organization behind the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Listen, as we dive into the efforts here in San Diego and spotlight the heroes working worldwide to care for the species you know and love. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on the iHeartRadio app Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW Group void rep prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. It's not safe as well, you know, so it's like until until like the awakening reaches a certain point, then they'll be able to like fully come out with them. That's another good point because they talked about how like the normal Sasquatch they get hunted down by the government and the black helicopters and we've heard the sightings of that as well. If there's a Bigfoot sighting sometimes the black helicopters come over, they're hunting them down as well. Have you come across any of that Jessica? 100% absolutely. It's very sad actually because I feel like Sasquatch are just big hairy humans in my opinion, okay. But I've actually been sent a video of it was either a military or law enforcement of some sort. I don't know in a helicopter and they had a thermal device that had Sasquatch in its sights and I didn't see the part where they they eradicated it unfortunately from what I was told, but they were hunting them down. Now my team, my guys have been out in the field up in let's just see national parks, potentially in North Carolina, okay. And men come out in full military SWAT team kind of gear and when the guys asked say what are y'all doing out here, they looked at them and said we're doing the same thing you're doing and smiled and walked away. But fully armed was all their full regalia on. So they're out there doing this. It's not the same thing. It's not the same thing. Not the same thing. My guys weren't out there hunting down Bigfoots and stuff, but they were out there looking for them. Yeah, right. Completely different motive, right. Totally. Yeah, but they're out there. So yeah, yeah, this happens. And circling back to that Dogman breeding program that allegedly is going on that I've heard about and my buddy, Nick Sylvester came on my show and is the one that brought this all to my attention. And so I give him credit, but he got it from Victor and that other channel. And so to give everybody credit, okay. So Jeff Nodoni and Victor and Nick Sylvester, okay. So that's where I'm getting my information from. I don't know this first hand, okay. So let's let me reiterate. But they said that. So recently they've decided to eradicate all of the assets, let's just call them, the werewolves, the Dogman and the Sasquatch. And I'm not exactly sure why. Either it's to cover the program up. I don't know why, or maybe they've just gotten out of control and some of some of the beings, like some of the Dogman potentially have gone rogue and they are hunting down and hurting humans, killing humans. There's different numbers that go with that. I heard like 140, 150 people were confirmed deceased killed by some of these assets, let's just say, over the past year. And so they do go out and have what I like to call critter control and go out and have to take care of those rogue cryptids, okay. And so and I actually had a band that came on my show about a week or two ago who has a team that goes out there and does critter control, let's just say, because there are a lot there. They are a danger, some of these Dogman or danger to people. So so rogue. Yeah. So it happens. Rogue cryptids. I like that term. And I think so I wonder if that's like that sucks for their actual Sasquatch, right? The one it does. The rogue cryptids are being hunted down. So now they have to watch out. Maybe they and maybe they don't know who's who when they're hunting them down. So anything that they come across. But I think the I think, you know, some of them, they might be able to just interdimensionally, you know, hop through a portal or whatever, which I know you've remote viewed portals as well. Maybe you could talk about that. I know you've talked about it on our show before, but this is the first time we've interviewed you for a solo interview. You've been on with other people and roundtables. So maybe we can get into the portal aspect of what's going on in some of these areas, even like the national parks too. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. And so I've had blind targets that were just Earth's natural weaponized portals. Okay, that was one of my targets that Barry Littleton gave me. And you guys know Barry. And he comes on my show. We do a lot of work together, actually. So I give him credit for some of these really awesome blind coordinate remote viewing targets that he gives me. And I just, I just love it. It's like my favorite thing to do is my favorite hobby is remote viewing. If y'all hadn't noticed, others in big footing. Okay. But yeah, my team, my team. Okay, so for the people in the audience who are not familiar with my background, I am originally a Bigfoot field researcher. I've been researching in the field since 2011, and I'm on three separate teams. And I work with people from all over the country. But my focus is in the southeastern United States. And I'm out in the field all the time with my team and with my friends. And we are, one of my teams is pretty well known for one incident. Well, we do a lot of cutting edge research, but we had an incident where we had a portal show up in the field. We didn't know it was a portal, but it turned out to be what we consider to be a portal. A big cube. Okay, this is, it's called the meadow project. And some, some people may be familiar with my head of my team is Trey Hudson. He wrote a book called the meadow project, explorations into the South Skinwalker Ranch. Okay. And so our research is in that book. It's ongoing, of course. But but we have this, this thing that showed up. And two of our team members were sent over to check this thing out. And as they walked up to it, they were guided over to it over our ham radios. They got over to it. They didn't see anything. But as they walked up to this cube, their heat signatures disappeared. And they said the environment changed. And from the the stars disappearing to the vegetation changing on the ground from being grassy and brushy to being smooth, stars were gone. The temperature dropped a little bit. And they said it was like walking into a black velvet curtain. And so they knew something was off. Both of them stepped back and gotten out of it. They didn't know they were getting out of anything because it was just a open field. It was just a little off. Okay. And and so when they came out of it, their heat signatures reappeared. We have this on video. Okay. And it hasn't been released to the public yet, but it's been shown to the public at conferences and things like that. But you know, the thing shrunk down, by the way, as soon as I got out of it, it shrunk down and then it moved and it disappeared. All right, which was odd. And so us being remote viewers and things like that, we determined it was a portal. Now, had those guys not stepped out of it, would they have disappeared with it? Hey, maybe, you know, maybe so. Did they experience any health effects or anything of that nature? Both. Yes, they did. Both of them got sick with pretty major health issues within, you know, a short while after, within a year or so. I mean, this this portal was five years ago. Okay, so it's been a while. And one of them got an aggressive form of cancer and he's still kind of battling that to this day. And the other gentleman, he got a bad heart condition and he has since passed. So yeah, and there was a spike of radiation. Usually there are spikes of radiation whenever we're out in the field and we have any kind of paranormal activity, go down like UFO stuff, light beings, orbs, Bigfoot stuff, whatever's going on out there, we'll get a spike of radiation. And there was definitely a spike of radiation. So we don't, we don't say, hey, that's why they got sick, but we have our suspicions over that. So my interest has definitely been in portals. Yeah, how could you not have suspicions about that? So have you come across any holographic or hologram entrances or mountains or anything of that nature, that sort of tech in the field? Yes. Okay. So that's interesting because those portals seem kind of holographic. Okay. And that's not the first time that anybody on our team has experienced something like that. In another location, we do, we have bases like where we go and do our research, whatever I'm calling bases, but in the field, base camps, whatever you want to call it. And there's one up in another, actually another state. One of those gentlemen that walked through that portal that we have on video, he experienced another portal with another one of my teammates up in another state in another area. And it was almost like you could kind of see it like an archway kind of thing. Kind of almost holographic would be a good way to describe that. Yes. Now I have remote viewed. One of my blind targets was the holographic mountain. I want to say... Mount Adams. There's something Mount Adams. Yeah. Maybe those Mount Adams. One of those that very gave me, I have so many targets. It was. I remember you specifically in that video. Yes. Yeah. Holographic mountain. I mean, there's UFOs, bases, inner earth connections to these things. It's way more common than most people would ever assume. A lot of holographic stuff. Yeah. Yeah. That's... I mean, I agree and I think that a lot of these entrances to these bases are disguised by holographic technology. So you'll... It'll look like I'm just a solid mountain to you, but if you could go up and walk through it. And I had a friend who told a story over in Columbia or something about they had this like shaman guide that took them into the woods or whatever for like seven days. And he ended up disappearing and they were trying to find them. And they... There was like this weird like rock in the middle of the whole jungle. And these really like 12 feet tall beans just came walking out of it. And they told their friends what happened. They said he's with us. And there's like this inner earth. There's like a whole other dimension inside of this mountain. And somehow or another day were taken inside. And they said it was like there was no... There was no... They weren't inside of a mountain. They said it was a sky. It was a whole other reality that led to like an inner earth civilization. Anyway, that's a wild story. I had one of my friends heard the story and she went out there personally to go check it out herself. Didn't find anything. Didn't see anything on the last day. She swears that she saw a actual unicorn that came up and actually nudged her. Wow. And a white unicorn. And she thinks that that was like confirming like, hey, you know, you didn't get to see what you came to see, but we're here. This does exist. So... Wow. I love that. Okay. And so with the holograms and these portals and all the stuff that people are experiencing out there, it kind of leads me in the direction of, you know, that's where a lot of these missing people are going out of our national parks. You know, and I know that's a little more on the dark side of things when you're talking about like inner earth and stuff like that. But that's a real issue that we have right now. We have so many missing people in these parks and you guys know better than anybody. There's something nefarious going on, like super nefarious. But people are unwittingly walking into places that look like the tree line in a forest and they're ending up in a whole other world somewhere else. And maybe it's not all nefarious. Maybe it's just, you know, it's just the way it is. I don't know. Yeah. Right. It's very confusing. Not knowing all the answers. You almost wonder if like those if it's hologram technology or if you're portals that are there already that are known and that's why they made it into a national park to protect that area. So I mean, if anyone's guests, I'm sure there's people out there in the know, right? Oh, yeah. I think so. You're gonna shift gears a little bit. Well, I guess for before I do that, inner earth itself or have you come across any data or anything that would suggest that some of these entrances lead to a massive underground city? Yes. Absolutely. Okay. So I've got, I've remote view things from High Brazil, the Phantom Island. Okay. There's a Phantom Island that came from inner earth, according to my data, something that is super, super interesting, the giant of Kandahar. Okay. And a lot of people are familiar with that. And I was going to bring that up when we were talking about cloning a while ago, because that was one of my blind targets as well. And the giant of Kandahar, that's an interesting story because people have heard these stories. And, and I got to say, after I did the show on this, I had a gentleman contact me who, in private, who told me that his child was actually, it's not a child as an adult, had been part of one of those groups that went up there to get that giant. Okay. And that my data was correct, he said, according to what he had been told. But that the military sent some teams in to go, they're up in Afghanistan, in Kandahar. And, and they were, well, the story didn't go like they were hunting down a giant, you know, that they happened upon a giant, according to the story. But with my data, my data suggests that they were on a mission to go obtain a sample from a giant there. They, they had a helicopter ready to go with a net. This is what the second team that went in to go look for the missing first team that went in to the mountains. And when they got there, they had, I mean, the diets were waiting for them and were ready to attack. And I was picking up the giants were actually from Inner Earth. There was an Inner Earth aspect, like they came from Inner Earth. But they were there, they were waiting for those guys and they fought back. And, and the second team that came in and didn't manage to kill one of them. And, and they took it for a sample. And what my data was saying was that it was a sample for cloning purposes. And I mean, you just got to assume our military's making super soldiers out of these things somewhere. Or they're injecting the DNA into regular humans. I mean, who knows what they're doing. Right. All the above. All of it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've heard that. I've read that account about the, you know, them attacking the giants in the cave. And there's actually detailed descriptions online out there. And even artist depictions of the giant being carried away in a net and a helicopter and all that stuff. It's all, I mean, that's a, I mean, it's a pretty interesting one to dive into. But what I was going to ask is something I don't hear you talk about much. But I know you've talked about it is the undersea underwater cryptids and the underwater bases are undersea bases as well. Can you share any of that data with us? Yeah, I can't remember if I've done an underground base yet. I don't know if I've done that. But I have done water cryptids. Okay, like aquatic extraterrestrials and, and oh, in the campus at a Japan, that was my show from last week that Barry gave me two different targets. And of course, I went to the lake this weekend and I was terrified to get in that water. Okay. After this show. But, but anyways, yeah. I'm trying to think if I've done an underground base in the undersea under sea under sea. Yeah, that's what I meant. Well, what kind of underwater cryptids have you come across our ETS or whatever. Um, from what I can. Okay, the most recent ones were the the nomo. Okay, the nomo are creatures that they're like mer people, like mermaids and mermen. But they're not pretty ones. Okay, they were a little terrifying that the nomo that know the dog on tribe, I guess down in Africa, had encountered. And so Barry was interested to see if those were even real. And, and that's a funny thing is like Barry will give me Barry Littleton. He'll he'll task me with some coordinates. And he doesn't know if these things are real or not. But he gives them to me to see if I can get some data out of them. And, and so yeah, I got some data out of those. I mean, I mean, I was picking up on on mer mermaids and stuff. Absolutely. And so I do believe those are real. I do believe they even exist to this day out there. And in the campus, that's so strange. When my goodness, they were like, they almost look kind of human, but they're they have like a bird beak. And they have a turtle shell. And they're savage, man, they're savage, like they'll they'll drown people, they'll eat them. Are they kidnapped kids? They assault women like they're horrible. Were they called again? Capas K a P P a a Kappa Kappa. Yeah. Yeah. Have you heard of those there? I have not. I haven't heard of that. So there's like a like a ninja turtle, like with a turtle. It looks like. Yeah. Somebody in the chat actually said during the show, they said, this looks like a ninja like some of the base ninja turtles off. I was just gonna say that's where they got it from. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, man, that's that's a hole of the rabbit hole with the ninja turtles because they've got, you know, my son watches them sometimes. And they talk about the multiverse and they have all the different dimensions of the different turtles every season. They're a different dimension. And sometimes they overlap and they meet each other in person. Wow. It's a little bit different. Yeah. It's a lot since when I was a kid watching. Yeah, right. It was like just underground sewer dwellers whenever we were right. Yeah. But it is still a genetic mutation. It is an experiment. Essentially, they they make it seem accidental on the show, but maybe it's like hinting at a real program, right? Yeah, or just real creatures. And they're trying to put a backstory to it before we before we see the real thing. Right. I mean, there's a reason that these things go way back for centuries and centuries. I mean, they have statues like ancient statues of the campus in Japan. Right. Okay. And and even the like reptilian lizard people and things like that. I mean, they go back for centuries stories of them. They didn't just come out of nowhere. So have you come up on their on their water portals? Well, you know, not not in remote viewing data that I can recall. I always suspected that the Loch Ness monster might be coming out of a portal under the water. So I don't know. But I have not been assigned that target yet. So I don't know where that's coming from. Are you are you able to talk a little bit about how you're how you like achieve a blind target? Like what data are you working with? It's just just specifically coordinates or do you get other information? Buenos dias world from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance. I'm Marco Went. And I'm Rick Schwartz. And we're your host for season three of Amazing Wildlife, a show from iHeartRadio Ruby Studio and the global conservation organization behind the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Listen as we dive into the efforts here in San Diego and spotlight the heroes working worldwide to care for the species you know and love. Listen to Amazing Wildlife on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcasts. Ryan Seacrest here. When you have a busy schedule, it's important to maximize your downtime. One of the best ways to do that is by going to Chumbakasino has all your favorite social casino games like spin slots, bingo and solitaire that you can play for free for a chance to redeem some serious prizes. So hop on to now and live the chumbalife. Sponsored by chumbakasino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. I get a set of eight numbers. I get two sets of four numbers. So that's what I usually do is called coordinate remote viewing. And so and I've been trained on several different modes of remote viewing but that is the main mode that I use especially for the the targets that I do for my the show that I do so that I can have some actual data written down for people to see and see the process that I use for these. And plus like let's just say for instance last night the head of my team will send out in a high priority target occasionally. And it's just a set of numbers. And when I get a high priority target, it's usually like a missing person or a cold case or someone's it's a mysterious death or something. And so last night was a tough one. I'm not going to get into details about it but it was someone who had died. And so so with the with the remote viewing, I am given coordinates and we call them coordinates even though they're not usually geographical coordinates. They can be but they are just a set of numbers random super random but they're assigned to a target. Okay. Just like the target for the campus was like the Japanese campus. You know like what are they? Right. So so basically if I wanted to give you a blind target, I would I would have the place in my mind. And I would assign numbers to that location without telling you. And I just give you the numbers. And based on the intention that I put into the numbers, you can collect data from it. That's it. That's exactly right. Yeah. So yeah, I'm going to expect a couple of targets from you now, Tyler. Okay, I got them lined up. Okay, be sure. Yeah, you too, Aaron. Yeah. Now I don't want everybody sending me targets, y'all. I'm just telling Aaron and Tyler to know. Yeah. Yes. So you just recently got back from Montauk. You were on a trip at Montauk Camp or Camp Hero, right? That's what it's called. Correct. Yeah. And how was it? Can you tell us about it? Did you have any interesting things happen there? Yes, it was amazing. It was it was such a great trip. It was so interesting. So I went with a group of people including James Rink, who I met at your conference. Okay. A big group of us went up to Montauk, New York. And for people who are not familiar with that area, that is where the project Montauk allegedly took place up there. And I say allegedly, even though I was with a whole bunch of survivors of that program. They're about 25 of us, I think. When we had two big houses full of people up there. And some of our friends were from like Czechoslovakia and stuff like we had people from all over the world that came up and joined us. We even had one of one of the sponsors of our trip was Bob Estes with ST satellites and stuff. I mean, we had such an amazing group of people with us. And I had some of my big footing friends come and meet us like Long Island, Bigfoot, Mike, and Brian from Montauk is strange on YouTube. He he had the entire history of Camp Hero down pat like he he was like our tour guide that weekend. It has a very dark history. Okay, Camp Hero is where this project took place. And it was full of, you know, MKL through mind control, kidnapping children, drugs. I mean, basically the Stranger Things TV series was based off of Project Montauk. And it was like a watered down light version from what we do now. Very much. Yeah, we had our Kim Ra with us and in James Rink and several other people, not everybody wanted to be named. Okay, they were there anonymously. So, but yeah, it was, I was actually a little worried going into this trip because I was worried it was going to be really traumatic for a lot of people. And I don't believe that I was ever a part of any of those programs. But I was here for support. And I was also there because there's, well, there's different reasons I was there. But for one of the reasons they have a Sasquatch allegedly on that property. And my friend Mike, who I invited up to come hang out with us, he had pictures of this thing. It's called they call it Junior. And Junior was part of the Montauk project. And he still roams the area there. And Mike has had some contact with him. So, yeah, and as a matter of fact, Mike and some of the guys got a video of a Sasquatch on the property while we were there. Really? So, yeah, so we were there for that. I was there for that. In addition, also, it's like, and wait, there's more. It was the anniversary of the USS Eldridge potentially showing up in the ocean right there at Camp Hero. Every 20 years. Oh, this is this is like the coolest thing ever. Every 20 years, there is what they call a bio rhythm, biocamp portal that opens up there at Montauk. And they say that if you're posted up on the beach, or there's like a five mile span of like where this thing could show up. And it's a portal and it's the USS Eldridge from the Philadelphia experiment stuck in a time loop over and over and every 20 years. Apparently, this is like what they were using to teleport the ship. And to make it go invisible back in 1943, they were utilizing this biocamp rhythm, this portal that was going to open up, it's like this burst of energy. And so, we were going to be there to go witness this ship showing up. Now, there was a group of us that rented a boat, they had a big, a big boat. And some of those guys were out on the ocean, guys and ladies, like eight or 10 of them were out in the ocean, that morning of August the 12th, it happens every 20 years on August the 12th, that was on a Saturday. And I hear in portal as well, which is interesting. Yeah. So, that's what they were utilizing for that experiment. And so, on August 12th, 2023, we were all there. And some of us were out on the shoreline. We were posted up along the beach up in Montauk and in Camp Hero. We had a group in the boat. And the strangest thing happened, you guys, that morning, I mean, the weather had been so perfect and so beautiful and the skies were clear. And my friend Brian and our team, Ra and I were in a car together. We were going to drive out to where the ocean was to go see this that morning. And this strange fog rolled in. And I'm not saying fogs are not natural, okay, it's totally natural to have fog out by the ocean. But it kind of came in a little late in the morning and it stayed all day. It was so bad, we could not see anything in that ocean that morning. And around 3 o'clock the afternoon, 3 30 p.m., the fog finally rolled out. And the sky cleared up perfectly. But it was very odd because we had been there for like, we were there for almost a week. They were hiding something. They were 100% hiding something. And we all had the same feeling about it. It was very unnatural. It was weather manipulated. Okay. And it's almost like they had fog machines that just kind of blew it in because there was more than just us out there looking for it. I think other people knew about it. But we were there for it. The people in the boat, they said that, okay, and I had remote viewed it. Another part of my job ago in there, I was remote, I remote viewed what was going to happen that morning and where that the USS Eldridge would be. And like what to look out for. Okay. And my data was suggesting it was the waves would be moving perpendicular to each other almost like in squares. Okay, like square waves. And it would, I was just seeing like square clouds, square waves, something like things crashing together. And the data was saying, watch out for that, like watch out, like it could be dangerous. I personally didn't want to get sucked into a portal. Okay. I have experienced portals now. So I did not want to be in that boat. I just went that way at all. And but the people that were in the boat, they reported seeing green and blue lightning. Okay. And but they couldn't see like where it was going or where it was coming from. But they were seeing very interesting odd lightning out there. And they said that there were square formations in the clouds up there. And the water was doing it as well. And so they took pictures. I have never got completely debriefed on what all they saw out there. But we didn't get the action that we were expecting because we couldn't see. But they did have some action out there. And we believe that it was a very high possibility that the ship did reappear that day. We just couldn't see it. And I mean, if if they know if the government whoever knows it's going to reappear, of course, they're going to just, you know, roll some fog in. They're not just going to let probably witness that. They know exactly where it's going to be. Yeah, exactly. It was it was a little cover up. I mean, that was just our feeling. I think all of us had the same feeling. So they were just covering it. They knew you guys were out there. And you thought, all right, we can't let them see it. We're going to do this. Yeah. Yeah. They put a hologram up. I don't know what that was. I have pictures of the fog. It's super thick. So have have you looked at Montauk itself? How deep does that facility go? Oh, yeah. The idea interesting is I was tasked to target after the fact of that for my buddy Michael DHP, Michael Roser. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Michael was in. I was in Belize with him for 15 days, actually. Oh, that's right. Oh, he told me about that. Y'all and Jim Goodall. I heard all about that. That's my dance partner. Yeah. Okay. So, so yeah, he was with us on the trip. He was in Montauk with us. Michael was. And we had a really cool time with Michael. And so he had tasked me with the target of where we did a healing ceremony. Okay. So this is something I had not gotten into. We actually were there doing a healing land ceremony there, too, with all the survivors of the Montauk program that were there with us. We spent, it was actually on Saturday that morning, when the fog had rolled in and we couldn't see the ocean, we went to Camp Hero and did a big old ceremony out there to try to help release some of the souls and all that negative energy and just to just to heal it and heal the people. Okay. And yeah, where this circle is, where we were, kind of in a roundabout in the barracks area, they say that that's where, I don't know if that's where they were doing teleportation and all that kind of stuff. I mean, it was really, really interesting because some of the survivors, when we were standing out on the bluff, they call it the bluff. It's like the super high edge that like looks out over the ocean. There's like a 100 foot drop off or more that goes straight down to the ocean. And there's signs that say, stay back 25 feet. Of course, everybody's like right on the edge looking down. And they were telling us about how when they were children in this program, they would jump off that cliff for flying lessons. Wow. Kind of like Peter Pan. Yeah. A lot of super human experiments were done there. And I think that's partially how a lot of those kids lost their lives here too. But I'm probably doing stuff like that. Yeah, I don't doubt it. Yeah. But as far as the underground parkos, like did you get a sense of how deep is this just like a surface like a few miles, a few levels below the surface? Are we talking about an extremely deep dome here? It was very deep. Okay. So I was tasked as a target of remote viewing that circle. Okay. And to find out what's going on there. And I didn't know what this was. And my data was like teleportation. There was all sorts of like, I was actually remote. My data first of all was like full of metals and copper and minerals and things like that. And then I was getting into metal and I kept going deeper and I was going straight down apparently in this target. And there was like generators. There were crystals down there. I mean, there's all sorts of like interesting stuff in this area, which is some of the same data that I'd come across with other targets like the Bermuda Triangle. Okay. With some like crystals that were down underneath the ocean that were basically used for power generating and things like that. And the dark pyramid of Alaska too. Some of the same, there's some of the same data for a lot of these targets that I do. But yeah, there's definitely some sort of big power generator down there. There's just a big facility down there too. And I don't know where it goes. Once I started realizing that I was poking around and something I wasn't supposed to probably be poking around in, I got out of it for my safety. And I don't blame you at all. Have you ever encountered like, are there securities or stuff like, or I guess facilities that you can't mean what view like, is there some sort of block or something like a firewall? Do you ever encounter that? You know, I haven't yet. I mean, but here's the thing like, I am very intuitive. And of course, when you're a remote viewing, I got to go with my gut. If something feels off and I don't need to be looking at something, I pull out of it immediately. And so that's why I have to be careful who I allow to test me targets. I have to be able to trust that person and they have to know the parameters, like where I'm going and where I'm not. Right. Right. Yeah. I mean, there's nothing that is, yeah, go with your gut. Simple. I mean, that's 100%. It'll keep you alive. That's how all of us making should be done. Yeah. Yes. 100%. And I've learned, I've learned nothing else at all past few years. It's just to go with my gut. Well, and that's why what we see right now on the news and propaganda and everything, they're constantly pumping you with information. So you're in your head over thinking everything and you don't even know how to tap in your gut anymore. And that's what they want. And that's why these people are seem like they have no common sense anymore. I mean, they're literally being manipulated away from using their intuition. So. Yeah. Oh my gosh. The checking the facts and all that kind of stuff. Like, so that we don't use our our rational brains. Right. It's all my control. Yeah. It is. A lot of MK ultra going on here. Totally. Yeah. Mine control. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, it's interesting about that is the alley Carter, the female who came forward dropping all the names. She was a trafficking survivor and you know, making allegations about Joe Biden, Obama, all these celebrities and stuff. And she talks about the underground tunnel network that goes to these celebrities houses and and what's actually going on. But she talked about something I've never heard before. And it's the MK ultra blueprints. And she talks about a blueprint. She's like a physical blueprint. It's broken up in the quadrants. And this is how they monitoring your altars and create your altars. And like it's each each MK ultra victim has a set of blueprints. And they can like basically track that person through life and steer them in certain scenarios and whatever they want to do. Like that person doesn't actually understand they have no free will if they are a victim to this. And the movie the adjustment bureau kind of shows the same map in the book, you know, Aaron, you know, I'm talking about like, yeah. Yeah. I'm like, I first I thought that map that book in the movie was just like a sci fi aspect to it all until I heard Ali Carter talking about this. I'm like, oh, they actually have blueprints and they're actually monitored these people and track them. Like, I don't know, it's it's completely wild. Anyway, that was just a little side note, something. Oh my gosh. Well, Tyler, I hadn't I hadn't even heard of a lot of this stuff before. And you know, and I do the remote viewing and which is a form of mind control and it's controlling my mind. Okay. And but I wasn't super familiar with the, with the altars and all that kind of stuff until I went on this trip to Montauk and I was with James Rink in our kimra. Okay. And I spent a lot of time with these guys. It seems like I've gone to the state. I live in Georgia. I went out to like conferences and events and even to Florida and stuff, you know, to the day of being. And everywhere I go, James is there. Okay. So like, I've become really good friends with James. Yeah. Well, you're there too, Tyler. You were at the Florida trip. Okay. So, um, so yeah, we're we're kind of, I guess I'm kind of running into my, my soul tribe, you know, and we're, we have a lot of things in common. But these, but they were James and our team really opened me up to the, the mind control in the altars and, and all these secret programs and stuff that I never in a million years could even fathom being real. You know, 10 years ago, I would have been like, whoa, okay, it's possible. But now, now I believe it, like, um, it's a deep, deep rabbit hole. And that's why it's important. That's why it's important that you're doing the work you're doing. And actually, we milk viewing these targets, because it brings another layer of credibility to the testimonies. So like guys can come forward with these memories. But when they say this happened to me here, and then you remote view it, and you're like, Oh, wow, this isn't underground facility. I do see this. And the data matches, like this, that's really important in the time where everyone's getting ridiculed. So I think, I think it's really crucial, actually. Yeah, I think, and I think that that's how I kind of connected with a lot of those guys was I had remote view of things that they had been talking about for a long time. And I didn't know these people. I'd never met them before until I went to your conference. And, uh, and so there is a connection. And yes, there is just a natural, um, connection between us and, and, and me and them and the work that they're, I'm doing and the things are talking about. Um, and so yeah, it's, it's actually, it works. We work well together. And you guys had some Sasquatch activity out at the conference, right? We did. Well, we went up and we're stargazing one night. Uh, the last night we were there. Uh, I know James had had more activity than the rest of us. Uh, but yeah, we were up there looking at the stars and we had, we had some interesting activity up there. I think, um, James got some of it on, um, he recorded some of it, I believe, but there was definitely something in those woods for sure. Yeah. A lot of people had, like even, even my dad had an experience where he had like whistling and other people had experiences where, you know, when the first conference too, like they, or somebody every time has some sort of communication with the Sasquatch via telepathically or the hearing sounds, uh, whatever the case is. So I do believe there's something going on out in Grafton all the way as well. Man, there's so many cryptids out there. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to That's and get lucky today at Lucky Land. No purchase necessary. VGW group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions applied. Right. I mean, my goodness. What is that thing that was on the side of that mountain? It was like, uh, oh, the Piaza bird or whatever. Yeah. It was a bird. Yeah. That was something crazy that, um, clearly they drew what they saw, you know, like it's one of those things like that. Oh, yeah. That was a real, you could call that a cryptid, essentially, you know, it's whatever that was. Yeah, it's like some sort of winged bird dragging with horns and claws. Giant though. Yeah. Yeah. In eight people, eight humans. Supposedly. Yeah. That's the whole story about how they captured it was that they actually used the human as bait at the cave entrance and they were able to, that's how they ended up killing it. Um, by using the human as bait and they might have even lost somebody in the process, but they did end up killing it. That's the story, right? Oh, yeah. So one last topic before, uh, we wrap things up. Have you, have you encountered any bases or facilities on other planets or planetary bodies? Absolutely. I sure have. Um, and which, which could potentially relate to the secret space program. Uh, I believe two of them, as a matter of fact, uh, one of the, and these are blind targets. Okay. Um, that I've gotten and that Barry Littleton assigned me. So I want to give him credit. Um, Trappist one star system. That's one. And then the other is, uh, the dwarf, the brand, the dwarf planets of make, make, Sedna and Jaimea, I believe were the names of them. Some people call it maki maki. I said make, make, I don't know how to pronounce sounds Japanese or something. Yeah. I know what you mean though. Yeah. Yes. Okay. So well, yeah. That's my southern pronunciation. Okay. The American. Yes. Americanized. I'm American. Okay. But, um, but anyways, yeah. Um, so I was assigned these targets. Now it was the, okay, the, the ones with the dwarf planets, that was actually the target was E. T. bases on those planets. Okay. I was remote viewing E. T. bases on each of those planets. Um, I was picking up on, well, let's go to Trappist one. Let me start at that one. Trappist one star system. I thought when I got done with that target, I usually will, uh, send Barry my data. Okay. All the stuff that I've written down, um, after that session is over. And I, when I got done with the target, I thought that I had remote viewed Earth in the future. And, uh, and Barry got the data and he said, wow. He was like, okay, so what did you think? He always says, what do you think this is? And, uh, and I said, well, it appears to be Earth in the future. But there's a lot of slavery going on. I said, it looks kind of bleak. Okay. And, uh, and he said, okay, well, that's very interesting. And, uh, because I was seen, um, high rise buildings, mid rise apartments, vehicles, uh, humans, and humanoids. Okay. So I wrote down humanoids, not only humans. Um, I was seeing, uh, road systems, like highways and, uh, you know, vehicles, like vessels in the air and whatever they were, I don't, I can't say they were completely like airplanes, but I didn't know what they were. Um, but yeah, I just thought it was Earth, but in the future, potentially. Um, but people were being held there against their will. And, uh, and I picked up, I remember picking up on top brass, like military, like people, like generals in our military and things like that were there, like a whole lot of military action was going on up there. Um, and so that, that was a very interesting one. There's a whole lot of data on that. I have a show on it. If you might want us to see it at the Crypto Hunt Trust, just go to my playlist. And this is the trapez, this is the trapez one. Yeah. Trapez one star system. Yeah. Um, the first thing that I like for my sketch, for my stage three section of my, because there's like, I usually go like five stages, usually on my remote viewing targets. And my stage three is a drawing or a sketch. And on that drawing, it looked like a set of stairs, like a staircase or a escalator or something. Uh, I don't know what the significance of that was, but I do remember drawing that. But, uh, but I had something to do with, there was a lot of like mining going on there, mining and like digging and something for natural resources. I guess mining for natural resources was going on there. Sounds about right. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Are y'all familiar with that one? Uh, well, no, I'm familiar with that. Like people have testimonies where they're mining on other, like, Tony Redway's is mining on, they're doing mining on a series colony. And then we've heard that near our eyes leads going to the moon, uh, mining on the moon. And it just comes up in testimonies a lot. A lot of these S S P testimonies lines up. Yeah. Wow. I actually have a memory. I could, I could say it's a dream experience memory, whatever, of being on some sort of planet or some planet somewhere mining as a slave, we're mining and we come across something so significant. And I remember reporting to the authorities, what we found. I don't remember what it was. And, um, everyone's like, what is it? What is it? What is it? And then I heard someone else. I overheard someone say, I don't know what it is, but it's so significant that Bill Gates is, is on his way to this planet right now. It's something really, and just, yeah, with Bill Gates. And I don't know, it could be, it might not mean anything, but if let's just pretend it was true. I mean, these elites and these people, like they know about these programs and they're probably involved and they probably are going on trips all the time. And we heard that Andrew Bishago talk about being on Mars with Obama and like, yeah, and being part of that time travel program, they all know they're all in the know, and that maybe, you know, it's compartmentalized, but this planet is nothing what we think it is. Oh my gosh. Absolutely not. I mean, I've, I've actually been assigned a time travelers as a blind target. Okay. It was like the keepers of our timelines and time travelers. It's, yeah, nothing is what we're taught whatsoever. And, and it's, that's why I just love doing these remote viewing targets and looking into things like this and these off, off worlds, off planets. They're, but there's, there's humans there. And, you know, and maybe, I mean, the humans are considered to be like ETS, but they're just like humans too. So I don't know. It's a little, it gets a little muddy there, but they look like us. I think you're going to come across the five star human figure all over the galaxy. I really do. It's part of the template for this reality. So obviously an intelligent life form is going to take that form, but not in every case. I think it can appear just as just like any insect or bug or aquatic animal we see in this planet, you could probably find an intelligent version of it somewhere. That's right. And they're going through portals and stuff too. And I forgot to mention, when we were first talking about portals and I had mentioned I had remote viewed Earth's natural weaponized portals. I, I immediately started off that target on the sun or in the sun. I was coming out of a, I was being sucked into a portal and out of a portal through the sun, which I thought was weird because I didn't know what the target was. It was blind. Okay. But, but Barry said that was very interesting that I actually was on the sun when I was remote viewing a portal for the earth. Yeah. So a number of people talk about the sun being a portal and I can film, I talked about this in the last episode. I filmed, like you can film, anyone could go out and film the sun in the middle of the day when it says highest point, zoom in all the way. When you watch the video of zoom in again, you're going to catch most of the time. You can see things coming in and out of the sun. Like it's, you can catch it with your phone. I don't know how it works, but I mean, I've seen it and it's pretty wild. Yeah. It's not what we're taught. Yeah. That's for sure. You know, and I have a kid, I hate to be his teacher and hear all the things that come out of my kid's mouth, knowing who his mom is. Right. And all the things I'm talking to with him about because he knows when I do these targets. I mean, I'm, I teach him as I go, you know, and that I'm sharing information with him. And I'm just like, okay, this is not what you're going to learn in school, but this is what mommy remote viewed. So, but you still got it. You still got to take your tests and listen to your teachers. Okay. Right. Long while you're there. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my gosh. That's amazing. Yeah. That's amazing. I have the courage to do that. You know, some, some parents might, well, not everyone is as confident in their information as you are. So they don't know what to tell their kids, you know. And it's tough because you don't want to like interfere with their path and whatever they're supposed to, you know, encounter. Anyway, but I think it's incredible that, you know, you have that kind of relationship with your son, so. Oh, yeah. There's no telling. There's no telling what he's talking about right this minute, actually, his school. Oh, nice. Have you heard of the Montauk Surfer, the time travel, time traveling surfer that appears? I think that that was mentioned, but I don't, I'm not familiar with it. Okay. I didn't know if you're familiar. Apparently, like, it sounds cool. Apparently, there's a lot of surfers in that area, but there's like this people have like experiences where the surfer will like show up in the room or like come through their computer screen or whatever. And there's like this, there's like this mysterious photo where this like modern day young guy like look like he's from now is in this old photo, like as a surfer, he just doesn't belong. And the people say that he's a time traveler. Anyway, I don't know if you had heard of that. Oh, yeah. No, we have so many time travelers and pictures right now and stuff. People holding up cell phones at like a boxing match from the 19, you know, 60s or something. I don't know, like Apple iPhones and stuff. I mean, I think there's so much more, there's so much time travel going on right now back and forth. I mean, I used to listen to Art Bill and all those time travelers he had on his show. And now, you know, when I was out in the field at the meadow where we do some of our field research, I was walking into the meadow when I was hiking in with a couple of my well, one of my teammates and his daughter. And I heard somebody scream from across the creek, from across the water source, time travel, like really loud. And and I and nobody else heard it. Was it a female or a male? Well, it was a female. And I was I was so taken aback by it. I was like, did you guys not hear that? Like, it was a super loud voice. And it took like a week or two later, y'all, maybe a month. I realized that was my voice. That's what I was just going to say. She said that. I said, that was you. Like, I felt it. Yeah. Yeah. It was 100% my voice. I've heard stories like that where the person will come and like, let themselves know that time travels real, you know, it was me. I have goosebumps right now, thinking about it. It was so profound. It was it was confusing when it happened. But then when I realized that was my voice, because you know, I thought about it for a long time. And I was like, what was that? And then one day it just dawned on me. That was me. So when I was I remote viewing myself and doing like a deep mind probe, maybe, you know, and letting myself see what it sounded like to do a deep mind probe on someone maybe, or did I time travel? Or you time traveled? I think I time traveled. I hope. Yeah. There's no doubt doing what you're doing the field that you're in, like, yeah, who knows what our future timelines look like. But like, there's no question that you or any one of us could end up stumbling into like a time travel, like discovering stumbling upon time travel and come back. You know what I mean? Like, it's like a movie. I've already manifested it now. So I'm gonna have to. Yeah, it's happening. And did you want to ask her anything before we wrap this up? No, I was just going to mention. So Sean David Morton has a book series called Sands of Time. I don't know if you've heard of it or read it. No, I haven't. It's based on, I think he said it was like, it's supposedly based on a real story that he got a hold of somehow. And he had to make it into like a fiction, you know, story, even though it's all real. So he sent Tyler and I to book one. And I'm still actually reading. I'm like halfway through it. So but it's dealing with Montauk and the stuff that went on there in like the 50s, the experiments with the center centers around this main character who they bring in as a scientist to work at Montauk. And then he ends up doing all these crazy things. And then he finds out that there's this like shadowy group that's controlling it that they like he gets in trouble, you know, for what he did, basically, because he realized it's like, oh, this isn't just like, they're just trying to do experiments and figure out things. It's like they have a gender, there's a shadowy group that has these specific agendas that they're very nefarious and all this kind of stuff. And it kind of goes from there. But it deals with time travel. Like, that's like the biggest aspect of it. Yeah, he he did send us that book. I haven't read it yet. Now I have now. You you need to. Yeah. It's I'm only halfway through book one, but it's amazing. And there's I forget there's like at least four books. I think in the series. Yeah, there is. And guys, we have to acknowledge Aaron's hat. This is the introduction Aaron was going to say first time wearing a hat in the podcast, but it's awesome. It's a Sasquatch run premiere of the Sasquatch hat. I like it. Yeah, it's awesome. My my partner gave this to me actually. It was a gift. I love that. I saw him walk up to the sunfire fest wearing it. And I didn't I was looking for you in the crowd of people and I didn't even register you because I never seen you in a hat before. Oh, Aaron's wearing a hat. That's a weird. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's funny. Anyway, this has been incredible. Can you please let people know how they can find you and what shows you host? I know you're doing all kinds of stuff. Oh, yeah, I stay busy. Thank you. Yeah, the easiest place for people to find me is my website, the All of my shows are there. All my social media links. It's a great way to get in touch with me. There's a little box that pops up as soon as you go to the And it says, hey, do you want to talk to me? So just type in something. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. But also, I have a really great YouTube channel. It's called the cryptidhunterus. I do live shows there every Wednesday and Thursday, Wednesday at 1 p.m. Eastern, Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern. Thursday night is my remote viewing show. And I talk about cryptids. I talk about all the stuff, time travel, teleportation, whatever. It's all there, whatever I feel like talking about is there. And then on Saturday and Sunday nights, I'm a weekend host at space dot radio. I have a show there called Off the Trails. And that is at 10 p.m. Eastern, 9 central every Saturday and Sunday at night. So you guys can find me there. And yeah, any events I'm going to be speaking at, they're all on my website. So I go to Bigfoot festivals and things like that. So small small town stuff, usually that's what I got on my schedule for the rest of the year. Awesome. But yeah, thank you for having me. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, I'm glad we finally got to lock you in for a solo interview, because we got to really dive in. We haven't gotten the chance to do that. So I appreciate it. And guys, I was just on space dot radio with her last Saturday. So if you want to check that out, go over to space dot radio. And yeah, so go check that out if you feel compelled to. And thank you so much. Don't forget our webinar is coming up. Our documentary is available. I'll be speaking at the X con X con sounds funny. It's supposed to be like unexplained conference, but the X con conference at the end of October in Springfield, Missouri, and that link is below if you want to come out and hang out. So our market, it's like her conference, right? Yeah, yeah, Margie K's. Yeah, she's behind it all. And so yeah, there you go. I think that's it. And thank you guys so much for tuning in. We love you all. And until next time, I have a great evening. Good night, guys. Bye guys. A lot of this information has been kept sort of locked up or kept undercover because of the Asian of the Smithsonian group they back in the 1880s. What actually happens is it's not taken to preserve it. It's taken to hide it. And about four and a half miles from here, a cave was discovered. It's not really a cave as such. It's a man-made cavern system. But how the hell do you get that much granite? Does the granite on the base of that damn near ways? What the dirt on the top of it ways? Nobody knows what's underneath it. I've heard of theory that there's a spaceship underneath it. There was copper and steel plated artifacts that depicted men in armor with shields and helmets, including right here at coke. Yeah, there were reported two giants with double rows of teeth and six fingers and six toes. Extra vertebrae or extra ribs in their cage. These are different races of people. They're not just regular humans. Definitely is a stone burial chamber and there's a large body in it bones. I would say 15 to 16 feet. I saw different types of extraterrestrials here with the Native Americans. The peoples of the coke and mounds actually saw the bird man as some kind of cosmic being and not a humanoid being. So this bird man was the last in the pure and the true of his kind. So yes, there are there were rituals or there were dances and celebrations and people would dress up like the galactic beings that were visiting. 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