Journey to Truth

EP 253 - Laura Van Tyne: Update From The Astral Realm - Shadow War Tactics & AI Interference

Originally aired on 6/29/23
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Laura Van Tyne is a remote viewer, speaker, and author.
She specializes in Crossing Over, Entity and Parasitic Implant Removal, Quantum
Healing Hypnosis, Milab Recovery through Regression Therapy, and Soul
Laura’s focus has been the spiritual war and barriers that limit someone from
accessing their true potential, soul sovereignty and mitigates their free will.
She offers solutions for etheric protection focusing on specific tools and
modalities for spiritual protection and raising your frequency to optimize your
spiritual health.
In Laura’s book Soul Tribe, she shares insight on transitioning through this
spiritual awakening while expanding and growing your relationship with your
higher self and building your Spiritual Team/Soul Tribe.

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
04 Aug 2024
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Let's do that Okay Hey guys, welcome back to the show a few things before we get started Don't forget Aaron and I will be in Aztec, New Mexico August 25th through the 28th for the Sunfire festival Jan and Brian Barry Hill are putting it on. We're very excited to be there. We're gonna have our Experiences lounge set up. We're gonna be doing live podcast. Hopefully if there's internet if not We're gonna be filming the attendees sharing their experiences P UFO paranormal whatever it is if you want to share it on camera We're gonna compile it into a video uploaded on our channel after the conference It's always a lot of fun and the lounge is just a place to hang out You can just hang out and have fun. It's gonna be a blast all weekend. The resort is beautiful You can find all the information and and tickets at that link is below in the comments Also this t-shirt I'm wearing right now is available on our t-spring For and there's 20% off still I think on everything right Aaron like yeah Yeah, so this and many others I Always forget to mention our merchandise so guys if you're interested in some t-shirts We have plenty of designs available on t-spring that link is below well everything is 20% off And this is one to activate DNA t-shirts and I think we might actually be selling these at the Event in New Mexico. I'm not sure yet. We'll have to see if we can get some of those made But either way you get 20% off all t-spring products that link is below and the promo codes are below in the description as well Tonight we are joined by Laura Van Tine for the third or possibly fourth time on our channel We've had it. We've done a few episodes with her. She's been on a round table for some other conferences She's with the karmic path. She does some incredible work in the astral realm You might as well have an office set up there if you don't already And I know you help people remove dark entities, but you do so much more than that soul health coaching and among many other things It's very interesting to me right now what we're seeing in this spiritual war to shadow war I've been at the receiving end of these attacks from the astral realm for years and I've noticed their tactics their strategy More for over the years and they're getting a lot more then they're not they're clever. They're very clever. They're getting more Deceptive that tricks your energy. It's hard to tell it used to be very simple. Anyway, there's so much I want to cover today So welcome to the show. Thank you. You are so right in that I'm working on a book and I'm looking back at the history of what I do it is like gosh You know when I thought remove helping dead people cross over was like a hard thing, right? It's so morphed and changed and You know, I don't even know where to begin because we are at a tipping point night I'm realizing something and that is we're talking about the Bible talks about the revelations, right? I think we're in the revelations, but it's not what the Bible necessarily says. We're in the reveal the big revealing of things and As things are unfolding everything is getting uncovered and these the dark side many different species of dark side are really nervous and they're trying to up their game and Trying to shift things as fast as they can to attack and assault humanity Really, it's really about the pursuit of humanity. That's their end game and We have the ability to be stronger smarter and wiser than they are Mm-hmm. Absolutely. We do And it all goes, you know, always back to the inner work But not just the inner work more importantly knowing yourself and something you talk about a lot is how to identify if a thought is your Own or not because this is one of their their tricks They can put thoughts they can put negative thoughts into your head and it's it's a form of mind control It could be connected with AI. Maybe you can elaborate on that a little more, but either way This is how they're controlling people. Some of these thoughts that you're thinking these negative thoughts. You're walking along You're having a good day all of a sudden you have this dark feeling come over. You have these dark thoughts That's probably not organic and what have you what are you seeing in that realm? I See that all the time and their tactics are changing There's many different types of dark beings and we've talked about this before I call it the bucket term is the Luciferic forces Those that fell from the light of God God's source. They can be reptilians. They can be fallen angels. They can be anything It's you know, who's who in that spiritual zoo? Knowing how to identify them is key just because knowledge is power, but these thoughts that are being put in our heads This form of mind control is coming from many different facets. It's even coming from certain humans as well. If we look at humanity right now Everybody is so divisive Right, I don't know anybody who has honestly an intact family where the family members are still speaking to each other There's somebody who's kind of gone off the rails and they won't talk to anybody or associate with this person or that person This is what the dark side wants. If you're experiencing this Do your best to keep the connection, but don't compromise your soul You can love somebody from a distance And that love keeps going But as far as this mind control stuff is happening. We're seeing it play out on many different fields from the transgender agenda For example, that's a huge one because if you can grab the kids early They're much more manipulatable That's a huge deal. It's a huge win for the dark side We should be our children should be playing in sandboxes And learning how to read and write and you know, do some math and that's what our kids need to be doing They don't need to be having lessons in sexuality and kindergarten This compromises their soul health. It's putting thoughts in their heads These dark beings are feasting on that. That's just one aspect Another aspect of having these thoughts is if you have entities around you and What's really kind of unfair about all of this is that most people can't see what's affecting them Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there So if you can start to be open and Get a sense of what's going on that oh, this isn't my thought or I you know, I shouldn't be feeling this way There's something messing with you and there's a few strategies you can use one I talk about this a lot is visualize yourself pouring salt all over you all over your home salt cleanses in every dimension Using a green light at night will also help create a barrier if you're dealing with night terrors and things like that What does the green I do? Sorry, um the frequency of green at night creates a barrier for a lot of these dark beings um the the lower realm entities the A lot of the shadow people the bare frequency of green at night Will really help out a quite a bit. It's not foolproof for every entity, but a large majority of them Interesting. Yeah Sorry, I cut you off. I just never heard that so I'm like oh any time I hear about a new tool or a trick I'm like oh tell me more. Yeah, and I'm all about sharing this stuff. Just because we need to be here to help each other I'm not in competition with anybody as nor are you guys? It's here work to be of service One way we can start getting these thoughts These pre-programmed thoughts out of our heads that aren't ours is to start living your true life and I think Tyler you posted something on Facebook not too long ago About being your true self so that others can find you right? That's very profound When we can learn how to be our true selves we strengthen our soul we talk about Our physical health our mental health Our financial health our emotional health, but we never talk about our soul health This is a big one The only aspect we take with us when we leave these physical bodies is our soul We don't take our dining room table with us. We don't take our bank accounts with us We take our soul with us and the soul simply put is the energy that animates our bodies period That's all it is. This is god source energy These beings many many millennia ago Created a net when they left the light of god source. They're like, oh shoot. We need We need an energy source. We don't have access to this, right? Right. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and now they're like oh, they have the parasite Yeah, it's the parasite They have to and they want our energy. I deal a lot with etheric parasites too um We have to understand that when we leave these bodies we need to go straight back home to god source Whatever your word is for it. Some people call it heaven. Some people call it the higher realms But to let souls linger in the fourth dimension Is probably one of the most detrimental things we can do to humanity If we look back through time look at all these pre-program beliefs we've had about when somebody dies Oh, well, they were a jerk. They deserve to rot in hell, right? Well, that means the dark side now has access to that soul If we cross over that person who was kind of a jerk in life then they're in the arms of the creator of god source And There's where the soul healing and soul repairs happen When the dark side gets access to them They can reincarnate us just as much as the light side Where do serial killers come from? Right, so this is about strengthening the soul You know, they died before they died too young they're unfinished business or whatever these misnomers are The bottom line is every soul needs to cross over when we can start doing that Then we're going to change humanity. Then we're going to ascend We can't leave anybody behind so As they come back and they're getting desperate because more and more people are learning this truth to cross over And these guys are trying to create a trans human agenda within humanity Right Yeah, there's Going back to the transgender agenda. It's not just mind control, but it's also DNA manipulation It's things they're putting in the food to water the air the deodorants The estrogen levels they're trying to manipulate everything within the male and female and it's it's causing Neurological issues parasitic thought forms that actually caused these people to want to change their gender or whatever I know i'm going to trigger a bunch of people by saying that because some you know I'm not judging anyone for whatever they choose or whatever they decide, but At the root of all of it. I don't think it's organic I think it's it's from a long line of generational manipulation on a DNA and a mind And it's like the monarch programming. That's exactly what that is I want to ask you before we go on to all that stuff. What are some of the things you're seeing in your sessions right now? Um, is there anything that stands out to you that is alarming or concerning or just their new tactics I'm seeing a lot of different nefarious beings that I haven't seen before And i'm also seeing that they're starting to work together Where i'm just i'm just gonna use general terms with the grays and the reptilians are now working together That's a relatively new concept The anun keys which is my word for them because if you switch out The syllables a little bit of anunaki anun key and no energy Um, they're starting to work together. This is alarming They have created AI and i'm watching the AI When I work with somebody especially with an entity or implant removal Which is pretty much several times every day I'm seeing variations in these implants and the AI And i'm watching the AI also go down family lines So for example, let's say the reptilians maybe have a hold of joe's family his whole lineage These guys have been imparting their Force upon joe's family for many many generations If you can look at the spiritual dna Of joe, which goes into his family lines And you start to clear that up and you're actually look i'm looking at Their spiritual dna through a quantum field and i'm looking at myisms or spots on that dna And if we can properly remove them and heal them. They don't have access to us It stops that effort. It's a big deal Right healing is this it's the most important thing you can do because That's It's like the food source to them is the low vibrational emotions They feed off the emotions of fear suffering sadness grief anger So when you look at the control system on the planet Everything is designed to keep you in those states for a reason because that's what they feed off of it And that's how you're way more easily controlled and manipulated so these beings That's the food source. So the more you heal and the more you can raise your vibration And stay in a loving Unconditional loving state That's like kryptonite to them. That's that's the they can't stand right They can't handle it right you can't handle it. So it's like almost like Protection is important all these things are important, but it's almost like the most important thing is To make sure you're in a heat as healed as possible and in that state as much as possible I want to bring out you you reminded me of something there and so you're talking about that loving frequency that I uh, I recently I've talked about it a couple times now But I just had this like amazing thing happen I had this major heart expansion and I just dropped into my heart and I had these walls Come down and a way that I've never had before and it's amazing because you think you know what love is until you really drop into that But when I started having that breakthrough heart opening activation They started attacking my heart. Oh, yeah, and certain certain things would happen. It would just be heartbreaking and in in the astral realm in the dream time They were really targeting my my heart as far as Putting you in these false love scenarios and then stripping it away from you in the dream time and you wake up completely heartbroken Uh, this this is a obviously they've been attacking the heart for a long time And I think that's part of the agenda behind the, um the jab and All this myocarditis and everything that's happening with with the heart. It's not just a physical heart. It's the energetic standard energetic heart center um This is the next step. I think as people start to open their hearts They're going to go right after it And this is what i'm experiencing that and i'm seeing a whole new level of attacks on the heart in ways that you just don't imagine Um So it's just something interesting. I don't know if you're seeing anything like that laura Absolutely because and you know air back to air and talking about raising frequency That's a big deal because that also elevates the heart frequency They can't have that the sole reside the seed atom of the soul resides in the heart center of the body That's the element they're after That's what they want to control. I see a lot of devices and implants on the hearts lately um back to the jab real quick that jab created it creates a Separation between us and our higher self and god source. It does it basically creates a glass wall that we can't see We feel that disconnect, but we can't see the disconnect There's a huge difference in that and if you've had this You know medication so to speak It's not the end of the world. You can still heal yourself. The body wants to be healed. We have to remember that Yeah, I agree. There's nothing that can't be transmuted But you have to be aware on some level to even do it in the first place And it's not easy because as you can you can be on a healing journey and still get distracted and be pulled right off of that path and They have usually We have to know that we're not here to live a perfect life Right. So we'll we're gonna have missteps along the way, but it's our ability to counteract them and act and react and We're we're talking a moment ago. One of the best ways to raise our frequency is this so simple Is when we're in a situation that may seem volatile It's time for today's lucky land horoscope with victoria cash Life's gotten mundane so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to lucky land You know what they say your chance to win starts with a spin So go to luckyland to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem Some serious prizes get lucky today At luckyland No purchase necessary vgw group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply Take a deep breath pause And then react because when you when you pause You're giving yourself the gift of a moment of time So you can react properly so you don't entangle yourself and mesh yourself with a fight or an argument or Some hostile emotion that the dark side feeds off of Right exactly Um exactly Going back to the AI aspect of this You mentioned in one of your videos on instagram How the AI one of their goals is to create belief systems Can you elaborate on that please? If they can create a belief system within humanity That is false one a belief system such as You know, let's just talk about cognitive dissonance. All right, that's a belief system. The ability that something is so horrific it can't exist Where they're creating belief systems where and we see it in our political field all the time um You know, the the politics is a huge belief system if you don't believe like I believe then you're wrong um A belief system that child sex trafficking is not an issue right now. We have the The most world's most open border probably on the history of this planet right now And what that's doing it's allowing the flow of humans its money is not being made on the drugs That's just the the front of the whole situation the money is being made on the flow of humans human trafficking in particular sex trafficking And people don't understand that so the belief system is is that i'm just going to say it trump is racist Right, how many we've all heard it But nobody can really quote i'm saying anything directly the first thing that man did was build the wall day one Because he knew the flow of humans Was going to be detrimental to humanity not just the united states But they're coming from all over the world now through the southern parts of the states He knew that the belief system is he is a racist. So we have to hate him That is very detrimental because again the dark side loves those emotions So that's just one of the belief systems the belief system that you know, I can choose my gender back to that one Is another detrimental belief system If you look at people and by the way, I've had a lot of people angry and upset with me about my Social media posts on you know targeting those things Um that dylan guy. He's just a tool the dark side. I feel bad for the guy He has no idea what he's doing to create a belief system to protect humanity Explain to our audience who that is who you're talking about, please Dylan millivaney is the spokesperson. He's the transgender guy who's Had been a woman for 365 days and he's the bud light spokesperson and done a bunch of other Ad campaigns and biden promoted him Yes brought and biden brings him into the white house Well, what about some other world leaders or whatever? Because he's who why right? Yeah, and well, it doesn't make perfect sense So now if you don't believe in this transgender agenda, then you're transphobic, right? Right, right. That's a belief system that's designed to separate humanity. So there The separations of humanity started out bigger. They started out in wars. Let's in the united states the civil war happened north and south Right two factions. How many different factions of separation do we have right now? Accountless a lot. Yeah, we we could spend the next five days talking about all these factions of separation And that's what the dark side wants No You met Right once you on Your group is the righteous ones and those people are the enemy and we have to attack them and we And it's all ego separation and attacking and hating others Right and where's the love in that? Where's the healing in that? Exactly and you mentioned Dylan like he's not That is right. That is a perfect example of a victim of mind control manipulation Like he said, he probably doesn't even know what he's doing At on a you know, maybe you know He has awareness of his motor skills and he knows what he's doing in that regard But he doesn't understand the decision-making process and why he's deciding to do these things and that's where he's entities come in to say I comes in and the mind control whatever it looks like These people are groomed from a young age. Sometimes if not even created or grown in a lab I mean, this is this is the real scenario the reality what we're looking at Some people are never going to understand that truth They are not capable. The best we can do is offer them, you know, sending love. That's the best we can do I can't force something on someone that they don't want for themselves and unfortunately We are really at the point in humanity where we must choose a side If we don't choose a side One's going to be chosen for us and the light side Cannot and will not choose for us because that would violate our free will So what's the choice? Yeah Right Another thing I'm noticing so everything obviously is shifting before our eyes You know, even with the UFO topic, obviously I I believe it a large reason for that push and that arena is is as a distraction from Some of the other things that are being uncovered right now and exposed are examined like the whole Biden family and Epstein case and all that stuff. I don't want to get too deep into that because of uh YouTube, but um I think I forgot where I was going with that now uh Crap so you think got my mind Uh, right. What was I just saying right before that talking about how they want us to believe certain things about Certain family lines and things like that And UFOs. Yeah. Yes. Okay. So it's all becoming more visible now. You know, we're seeing we're seeing UFOs in the sky people are seeing ET's now, um, the vegas, you know, the vegas are crashing Their sightings immediately is talking about it every other week Right, but but it's not just that what i'm noticing also is when i'm being attacked in the astral realm if something happens to me That's becoming more tangible too. I can it used to be I just didn't know I couldn't see anything. I was just experiencing it Now i'm seeing them now i'm hearing them now i'm feeling their weight i'm feeling their presence It that side's becoming more tangible as well What are your thoughts on that? Have you noticed the same thing? Oh, yeah, they're getting very desperate I worked last week on a five-year-old child Whose soul was stolen out of that child's body And the parents saw that all of a sudden their child's eyes turned black This child had a robotic voice to it. I don't want to name male or female because I don't want to give away too many details But this is an important thing to bring up and the child goes Hello, Matthew. You must be my father In a robot voice And the child became very violent and threatening to the dad and to the siblings I worked with the parents and There was a nefarious entity in that child's body. It was a reptilian We removed the reptilian and by the grace of god. I found her actual soul Oh, I just said it And put that soul back in the body And that child has been fine ever since bubbly drawing and singing and this and that and this is scary stuff Right. This is really scary stuff and I want to scare people, but I want to scare people We got to solve this right together Uh-huh. It's not as uh simple as we thought it's not All over like I once thought like oh the war is won on some level maybe and like because time doesn't exist And we know it's inevitable, but um There's a long way to go And and we have to people are experiencing that and I've experienced things that I can't ignore You know, we have people saying that the grays are gone I I just had two nights in a row last week where I encountered grays in a way I never have a more physical tangible way If they're gone, how does that happen? Like it's just not what we're being told And this is what we have to realize at this point Uh, no one's going to do this work for us and it's really all about the awareness right now and being self-aware because That's how if they control your mind. They control your body and That's where the issue lies You're right and there's a lot of dangerous information out there honestly um If the grays were really all gone, so would the other species be right? so and also They can read I mean They the grays are unique in the sense that they can replicate their consciousness. They are I've done a lot of work on the grays removing replicators and things like that from I'm going to call them spaceships for lack of a better word. I sound like a crazy person saying this out loud, but whatever They Yeah, right. They have the ability to replicate their consciousness. These guys are the ones that Created our economic system the stock market the monetary system because they use credits and debits to gain assets. So they can earn enough credits to replicate their consciousness. So now they are over here and over here at the same time interesting and We have to and there's many different species within the grays. It's not just the tall whites or whatever um But we have to be able to understand and say no and the grays are the ones that are Primarily responsible for abductions of humanity This is their deal. They like to experiment on us to create hybrids to create that trans human Form they can't survive they can't replicate themselves In a god source fashion. So they're trying to utilize us to do that That's why People are like why don't if they just hey, that's why don't they just wipe out humanity They actually need us in so many ways. They can't survive without us as much as they hate us. They can't live without us That point I want to really quick So the assumption that oh if there's a negative race It's like a very simplistic view of oh, they would wipe us out. They would attack overtly No, what they would actually do is is use its feed off of us and use us for their benefit but they They don't just do it by overtly attacking. That's a really dumb Thing to do what they do is they infiltrate and they do it sneakily. They know we're Programmed to stay in this in the five-sense reality and not really know who we are Not really even most of us know about the spirit world at all so That's a prime opportunity for them to eat to have that advantage over us to feed off of us Through All the things that we've been suppressed from and to and to keep us in a They're like, oh, we'll infiltrate the system and make the system Enslave themselves and keep them in a fear in a low vibrational state And it just as as batteries. Yeah, we keep tweaking They keep tweaking things little by little so we aren't fully aware that we've been enslaved. Right, right All right, and that's I think that's something we're I'm hearing now Joe Rogan's podcast is talking about this slavery stuff to 40-hour work weekly It's becoming common talk And that that he reaches millions of people so I think on some level it's good that people are becoming aware of that, but at the same time It's like well, what can I do because people like it's the system set up To where even if you understand that you're a slave You still can't get out because you have to pay your bills and it's very difficult It's that poverty consciousness. They want everybody in that survival mode that mentality And I know it's easy for us to talk about but the reality of this situation is even being aware you can't sometimes get out and I don't well, we're we're here to change the system from within So you the more you heal yourself and awaken and stop feeding into the system the more of us to do that It's going to collapse on its own. It already is Well, let's talk about how do we heal? I think this is a big piece of it because I see a lot of people talking about all this stuff all the time, but there's there's no solutions being offered and in fact I was talking with a client Lynn yesterday and she asked us really the million dollar question yesterday And I said, hey, can I ask I'm gonna be talking to Aaron and Tyler tomorrow. Can I Um, can I ask this you mind? Oh my god. Yes, and she's like she loves you guys by the way Um, how does the soul know where to go upon death? How do you change that factor? And she says this person says this and this person says this. Well, how do you know? The first thing we need to understand is that we got to build our spiritual team And we have to vet to make sure we're dealing with the good guys These beings will come in let's say I can't tell you how many times people say oh, I channel Archangel Michael and oh, I know who my spirit guides are well, I know who mine are too But i'm never going to trust that when they present themselves that they're the real deal because I know shape shifters happen It's no different than the pedophile priest everybody loves this priest. Oh my gosh. She's a pedophile same concept different dimension So we want to vet our spiritual team. We want to call in the angelic realms The angels from the higher realms And it's literally as simple as i'm I'm requesting a team of angels to be with me during this meeting with my boss or whatever your circumstances Once you do that You're going to visualize yourself pouring salt on you them the room You can pour visualize yourself pouring frankincense oil on them The christ child was gifted frankincense golden mar he was not gifted sage for a reason. It's not high enough frequency It was good enough for christ. It's good enough for us, right? Yeah, right. Right. Yeah, and learn how to identify and feel your spiritual team That way when an imposter comes by You know you've dodged the bullet your team is going to be grateful that you're vetting them Yeah, because they don't want an infiltration to happen and all it takes us for the dark side You know very fortified and title you're talking about how you're being messed with, right? You've got a high frequency. So how are they getting to you, right? All they have to do is just take one punch Through your veil and it creates a weak spot a chink in the armor so to speak And they could slowly siphon off energy and get access this way So we have to know that when we're dealing with certain elements that we can work on reinforcing our force field and erin You were talking about raising frequency. That's a big deal too. So how do you do it? It's different for everybody Do what rings true for you if you believe and feel that crystals work for you? I mean, I I've got my fair share. I've got a small farm of them basically Me too Oh, yeah, I mean you can't have enough, right? Right, right, right Never have enough crystals. No Go ahead, finish first Know what rings true for you and one of the best ways that we can connect to God and we need to remember this Ask yourself this question Am I in service to self or am I in service to others? Right Exactly. It's pretty basic. It's pretty basic at the end of the day. I want to bring Something up you mentioned Christ I'm not trying to get super religious, but we've heard Darryl james other whistleblowers talk about you. It's forbidden to say jesus christ in an underground military facility In a in a dome. I don't even maybe above ground even I don't know Um, we've heard a number of people say this now Why would that be if if there's not dark entities running that show? And what I finally tried like after all these years was I I was being attacked recently and I decided to You know calling jesus and use the name jesus christ as protection calling jesus And it was potent and it was like the quickest I had ever seen a result I don't even even in the moment. It's weird How I remembered it or even what I said exactly but I know it worked And I'm like, okay, and I started thinking about now There's a reason whatever is going on with that named energy behind it the energy signature behind saying that out loud It's so potent. They don't even want you to say it in a military base. Why why is that? Or yes, she was his real name, right? But everyone knows him as jesus. So that works obviously to be right Offer not valid in all state or where prohibited by law loans are subject to lender approvals. He website for details Meet brian brian seems pretty typical hardworking lives modestly, but has gotten a little behind with bills Except brian just got five thousand dollars deposited into his bank account Yep, five thousand dollars and it was actually quite easy. 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AI has been here for a long time. It puts thoughts in our heads It gets us to do things that our soul would never really do I have seen when I work on people where the AI is so strong within the person And it goes back for several generations within that soul. They literally look like the board They've got these these black encasements on their arms and they I mean i've seen it Removing the stuff is really difficult, but it's doable And when I work with somebody we work together as a team because that way you understand what's going on too And I because I can tell you anything, but how do you know i'm right, right? Yeah, yeah, exactly and This also gets into these apps that are out now, which I know you're aware of that They they're like spirit guide apps that help you connect with your higher self or whatever spirit guide whatever it is They want you to connect with You don't need an app to do that now. This is super deceptive What are you seeing as far as that girl is? I I've been talking about this a little bit The concept of spiritual bypassing. This is a gross form of spiritual bypassing An app is not going to do these things for you and the app is going it's no different than the charlatan psychic They gave you just enough truth to hook you in So now I blindly believe them and now I don't even Geesh, can I should I go to the restaurant now or should I go to the restaurant in an hour from now? I start not making my own decisions based on whatever this magical app says, right? um This is a problem. We have to understand that AI is here to stay Countries are utilizing AI in many fashions that we don't even know about right now But what we need to understand is if we can look at AI with wisdom and discernment It's the game changer A form of AI is simply voiced a text in a way or predictive analytics when it's predicting the next word That's AI too, right? But if you can detach yourself from it And understand that this is just one small aspect versus getting hooked into it And I think there's also a lot of AI in video games that our kids are playing Because video games are extremely addictive, especially for I'm going to say teenage boys in general, but male and female Video games are extremely addictive if you can't put your video game down for two days without thinking about it nonstop There's an addiction. What is the AI that's coming through that Wi-Fi in your home? Yeah, well, there's hypnotic frequencies mind control frequencies There's when we interviewed Cyrus Parson a long time ago. He talked about proximity sensors in these devices There were yeah where people would actually it would it would literally create a phobia The further away you got from the device you would panic. This is actually the tech working in tandem with your body It's not just a natural response And there's been studies done on just the amount of screen time on children You give us a children an iPad for five minutes. Take it away. They're okay 10 minutes You know, they they complain a little bit, but they ever after 15 minutes is when they start throwing a fit And they start becoming violent and they'll throw a tantrum Why is that it's not just there's something there beyond just looking at that screen And these are these are issues that people don't really think about they don't realize How detrimental it actually is to our soul health and these things are rewiring our kids brains The adult brain is pretty much hardwired for the most part But kids brains are very malleable, right? They they are changing and growing so fast And this is also true with adults and cell phones, right? Yeah, right, you know, you take your cell phone away and you start twitching. Okay, but not Well, that's what I mean by the proximity sensors Like you give the farther away you get from your phone like some people panic. I see it Even me sometimes. I'm like, where's my phone? And then like and then I relax. I'm like, oh, I don't need it Now I get to the point where I intentionally go to the grocery store and go shopping without it And I'll leave it somewhere on purpose And it's weird at first, but it's so freeing. It's amazing. It's like it is right And like and people are like, well, if there's an emergency I'm like there's like a million everyone has a phone like I'll find I'll find a way and I feel protected anyway, you know Well, and what do we do before this constant contact, right? Right, if there was an emergency way to figure it out. So yeah, right Yeah, you're gonna say something online, right Yeah, we didn't all have computers on us at all times where we could yeah, it's like it's like it's like everyone's It's like we're being a train to never have any silence or Illness too because it's like every second of free time you have to like pull out your phone and be like doing something on it right and that's a part of The degradation of the soul also right is if because what it does is these things emit irregular energy waves so And they they poke at us there our auric field we all have or In theory we all have an auric field right that force field around us that Protects us that guides us. I mean we The the more we can create a healthier soul the larger that field becomes so that way I can sense danger Even before I'm in the room or wherever I'm at because my field is so big and strong That's another aspect of it and these things break apart that force field And you know, I'm guilty of it too. I've got my phone with me almost all the time Yeah But I leave it at home every now and then right Right. I mean it's we all do we all have our phone on us all the time at this point There's there's gonna be people in the comments right now like not me. I don't carry a phone That's great. Like some people have a lifestyle where they can get away with it I mean start working towards like if you feel it you see a texas come in or you To to not react on that impulse immediately of like, oh, I got to check it. I got to check it I got it, you know, right. I got to check it on the flip side of it We can look at it and if we're trying to strengthen our intuition You know predict who's going to try to call or text us too, right? I mean our intuition is Literally our most profound psychic ability. It's definitely not the easiest one, but it's the one that keeps us safe Well, the intuition creates that healthy soul now you just brought me into the next topic Everything is designed to manipulate us away from our intuition And this is something this is the reason all these tactics are in place Like you said they want to think for you. Can you please elaborate on that because I know you you have thoughts on this Yes, we so Our intuition connects us to our higher self our intuition connects us to our spiritual teams our soul tribes are intuition connects us directly to god When we hand over that authority to someone or something else It severs our connection fast and hard We have to understand that we have it within us We need to practice this Doctors have practices lawyers have practices. We have spiritual practices the visualizing of salt is a spiritual practice the ability to trust our intuition Is another spiritual practice and we're not going to be right 100 percent of the time But more the more we practice The stronger we get and there's ways to practice building our intuition like you know Predicting maybe who's going to be calling us or whatever, but also Take three pieces of paper and write three words on it and feel The words to see which one you get or three pictures or three, you know cards And start feeling you can feel it with your hand energy our chakras are in the hands This is why we shake hands with people is so we can feel their energy. Oh, does that person feel good? Or am I recoiling from that person? That's why we shake our hands with people as a custom throughout humanity So learning how to do those few things can really help boost the intuition because that's what keeps us safe It's what gives us that wisdom and discernment um And our intuition is a gift from god and a lot of times People as children have that broken down Right the parents or the whomever don't they discredit you as a child Especially psychic kids or kids who are very sensitive. They can see your sense things and oh, that's just imaginary friend Is it really probably not? Well, uh, sherry div band. Uh, she's just just spoke at our conference And I think arum froze up or he's back. Um She just did an incredible presentation at our conference, but she talked about how Whenever your child like if you're introducing your child to somebody and your child is like hiding behind you or does not want to interact with that person But you still like force them like no, it's okay. They're a friend like shake their hand whatever You're she said in that moment you're teaching their child to ignore their intuition not trust yourself and not trust yourself and instead of honoring that you know and Just a simple thing like that happens all the time. There's always some adults somewhere that a kid doesn't want to be around But their parents are in a situation. We're like, oh, it's okay. It's okay We're so far removed from Feeling into things and seeing things without with our heart and without our eyes That we don't understand the situations we're getting ourselves into sometimes and that's why I think it's important to discuss all the tactics and strategies and what to look for right now because like you said all they need is a chink in the armor and you don't know what that can lead to is Even even spiritual people are the easiest to trick sometimes too Absolutely. Yeah, because just because they think they're protected and they think they're connected Sometimes they get over confident and that's whenever they become infiltrated Compromised manipulate whatever and if love light and sage really worked we'd have a much different planet, right Very pessimistic, but Well, it's the spiritual bypassing version of love and light that is Yes, exactly. That's and the spiritual ego that comes with a lot of yeah And that's a thing. What's a really good point, Aaron? We got a we got a really look at where is my ego in this? Where is What am I trying to to prove or disprove? Where's my ego? Now I want my surgeon to have a really healthy ego, right? I want them to know that they're not going to do any wrong but in most other elements of life When the ego gets too large and I can't tell you how many people I've talked to that say oh, I'm in 5d I'm in 5d all the time and I think to myself I've tried to punch you in the face and probably pop you right out of 5d wouldn't it? So, you know, and we got to understand that frequency ebbs and flows it goes up and down The higher we can build our baseline of our frequency when we get hit The hit we don't fall so hard And when we can teach our children these things at a young age and trust that our child knows What's going on? Trust our child that they don't want to shake that person's hand All you have to do is say oh, they're just, you know being shy for the moment or something or Don't force that onto your kid because You never know down the road that kid is not going to trust themselves and now all of a sudden They're in a very compromised situation Right if anything let it be an indicator for you to take a second look at this person Exactly and watch your animals too Are and I hate to call them pets Because they're more than that to us but watch the animals and The animals are really good indications of if somebody's a good person or not Yeah, or if you've got something in the house if you're your animal is staring off into space or growling or hissing or something at quote-unquote nothing Chances are it's not nothing. It's something pretty significant And if you have somebody that comes over and your dog can't stand them You want to know first of all, maybe the person's a good person But maybe they have dark entities attached to them and that's what your animal is trying to protect you from Yeah, right Exactly. I've experienced that firsthand and that same person has come back at a later date and the dog has no reaction So they they don't hang out forever Maybe you never know how they're removed or they just leave or whatever happens that you know That's right. We don't want that baggage to be left at our door step either, right? Right, right. Exactly Um So what about you personally? I don't know if you want to share anything, but what kind of personal experiences Do you see any do these things happen to you or are you only getting this information from clients? um both I have been Literally sat down by my team where they're laying out the AI agenda and how nefarious it is And I am constantly vetting that information. Is it true? Is it not true? And I've you know creating maps and things like this because it's spreading exponentially at this point in time I will also get feedback and I think this is where my guys come into play When I'm working with somebody I was working with a person from australia where Through this person through this client They were being told they were telling me exactly what I heard earlier today earlier that day because it was so like what So they work through my clients at times with me just to make sure I get the message and They're working with me on how to remove these Faster and easier and quicker and making sure That there aren't any elements missing what i'm seeing a lot of lately Is there are these implants on the heart heart chakra at the That area And then they have these tiny little filament threads that maybe go down to the gut or maybe go up to the brain And so it's connecting the whole body. This is something relatively new So when i'm removing these we have to make really we have to be sure that we get it all And i'm never gonna I will never be cocky about it I will always go back over and over and over if I need to Because these little thin filaments would get left behind and so we'd have to remove those as well because they can regenerate ai regenerates ai Does not is not Reflective we are reflective beings, right? We can analyze etc The ai is just programming Now Just to help our audience understand i'm pretty sure I have a good understanding of this But when you say an implant in the heart with the filaments, this is all on an energetic level Ethereal level underneath the level I have seen physical implants in people that those are harder to remove because they're physical They usually will show up a little not nodules or something that you know two days ago They weren't there, but now they've got these two little hard nodules, you know, maybe on their hip or somewhere But these etheric implants Are very real. It's an unseen world. It's not fair that we can't see them. We can't see this unseen world It's not fair, but there's no fair in war right? It's right beautifully said um I mean that's yeah great quote. There's no fair and more But really quick the higher you raise your frequency the more telepathic you become the more you'll Empathic Your intuition raises and then you can start seeing and sensing Beyond the five-centre only way way easier Yeah, and I you know you bring up a good point another point is is to the ability to be able to detach from Something that may cause you Like to fall over the emotional waterfall, right? If I'm working with you know sex abuse children I have to have detached compassion. I think detached compassion is key When it comes to our frequency because I can't fall over the waterfall with my client Because it doesn't help them Right. They said furnished by nizmitage llc Offer not valid in all states or prohibited by law loans are subject to lender approval. 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That's get cash dot com get cash dot com You slept through your alarm miss the train and your breakfast sandwich. Oh cool sounds like you could use some luck I'm victoria cash and lucky land is where people go every day to get lucky at lucky land You can play over a hundred casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes Go to lucky land And get lucky today No purchase necessary vgw group void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply And that's a hard thing to do because I hear some awful stuff sometimes Yeah, that's difficult anytime. I you know everyone right now is discovering gifts and tapping into their abilities But that's the one thing I know this is when you're so empathic and you start doing this work You take on those emotions and that trauma from someone else if you don't learn how to Detach so maybe you could help like the people listening. What did you do? Give some advice. Yeah, okay This is really true for reiki and all these other healing modalities because We don't teach our cell. They don't teach in those institutions how to clean and clear yourself between clients And the ability and I and I can do it so much faster now than I could in the beginning But I would do all kinds of stuff to clear myself. I had to figure out what would work I would burn frankincense and mer resins and dragons blood resins to clear physically myself and I would do Um salt and those types of things and if you're struggling with detached compassion Orange essential oil can really help shift your brain chemistry quickly Um if you find that you you've got some deep sadness is that you can't quite That you don't know where they're at where they're coming from or whatever that is or you do know where they come from Just taking a bottle of pure orange essential oil and just inhaling it can really shift your brain chemistry fast Running cold water on your wrists will help Especially for massage therapists. You never want anybody's energy to get past your wrists You want it to stop? Because you don't want somebody's breast cancer to come on to you. You don't want anybody's gunk on to you So you stop it at the risk and you can literally just imagine a barrier It sounds simple and it's hard at the same time But again, these are spiritual practices the more we practice The easier they are and I will never assume that i'm always clean and clear There have been times where I have had to say to my Future client that day, you know what I got nailed. I don't trust that i'm clear. We need to reschedule Yeah That's just a fair thing to do. It's I you know, it's like going to the doctor's office and the doctor is I don't know Let's say the covid or whatever and he's like coughing all over you. It's the same thing. Right Yeah and Just to clarify so you from what I gathered You're telling me that you can pick get breast cancer energetically from touching somebody or why would you say that? I'm okay. So These things are hereditary they're contagious, but maybe not as they seem And let's just talk about breast cancer for a moment. First of all, the month of october Is breast cancer awareness month? Okay, let's have everybody raise their hand if they've never heard of breast cancer Right everybody has Now you've got this concept and everything is energy Many times women who died of breast cancer do not cross over Their life was cut short. They miss their loved ones. Maybe they have children or husband or whatever They don't tend not to cross over not all the time But most of the time they don't cross over now you've got this Three-day march for the cure where everybody's fundraising and for three solid days. You've got this group of 100 people Walking in unison thinking about one thing and one thing only breast cancer cancer is a low vibrational frequency You are surrounding yourself in this low vibrational frequency and it can be any illness. It doesn't have to be breast cancer Disease right disease disease right and so one we can cross our loved one over and make sure they've crossed over And this is where ego gets in the way. Well, I just know they've crossed over. How do you know? Especially true for children. Don't assume your child is crossed over You can um, I'm just going to plug the book soul tribe navigating the spiritual war That has the crossing over souls prayer and a dark entity removal prayer It's very very helpful. It will help you help your loved one Because we need this to stop and so breast cancer can be hereditary but by different means that we may think So you you're just saying it's like kind of like a hive mind It's it's almost like everything everything is energy ultimately, so the if you That's why when people heal and heal these energetic things their diseases go away like Dolores canon how many sessions does she have with people that were healed immediately after the session because they heal the energy that was causing that And she would always talk about this. She said cancer and all these in every disease is actually caused by an energetic thing And then you got to figure out what that is or are you holding on to anger resentment? guilt shame fear, you know, like and that's actually going to manifest physically as some kind of disease and it's also Goes down the family line the family's energetic signature of anger or whatever it is because As we look at family lines, we see certain family patterns that are detrimental when we can break that family pattern We free the family of that pattern also Right. That's and yeah, that's what's the first thing that doctor asked you. Is there a history of heart disease in your family or whatever the case is Interesting. Um, yeah energetically you could break all that and end all that um, this is Disclaimer. This is not medical advice. I was just gonna say that Disclaimer But um, I there are a number of people out there now that claim that you can cure stage four breast cancer in 30 minutes with honey bee venom And there are studies on this and there are people talking about this if you then you can't find that information online if you're looking in the right places I'm not telling anybody that that actually works because I don't know them for myself, but I do know this is Something I have looked into it and apparently this is the case Yeah, so there are ways mother nature provides everything we need. Um, big pharma. This not big pharma provides everything. We don't need it, unfortunately. Um, yeah But we have to change the subject for you. We use our channel, so Right. That's my theory. I was gonna say that's my theory. Right. Yeah. Yes. So do not try honey bee venom For breast cancer doesn't work. Definitely do not do that But you know, knowledge is power. Go do your own research. Right. Um, yes So I want to Get back on topic as far as what were we started them does The spiritual entity attachments and attacks and stuff of that nature and the concept of dream walking you're familiar with this And this is how I think it happens. Um, it's been described. It's a real sciatic ability. Anybody can train themselves to do it You pop out of your body and your into your astral body and you can just imagine Um, people dreaming like a neighborhood of houses in each home is somebody's dream and you can Infiltrate dreams that way when you're in the astral realm And when they when when one of these entities like all these dark entities that show up in our dreams This is how they're doing it. I believe And when they show up they can show up in any form they want they can look like a loved one They can look like a demon. They can look like a normal per everyday person Every shape and size of any creature critter Anything you can imagine it's possible for them to show up as And they can show up invisible at completely cloaked and they can show up as an item And you'll be drawn to that item. They have so many ways to deceive you now It's pretty insane and i've experienced just about all of them and i've learned to navigate that and then they try something new They're always testing the fence, right Um I know you just recently mentioned that like what you're seeing now is more like different forms of this than you've ever seen before I don't even know if i'm even asking a question right now, but this is just something. Maybe you can share your thoughts on You're absolutely right it it's also a form of remote viewing um When we astral travel at night and there's remote viewing institutes out there They never teach us how to protect ourselves while we're remote viewing because there's all kinds of beings out there These entities can also read our minds They can read our hearts desire so they can say oh, I miss my grandma so much you say I miss my grandma so much I remember when she would do this. You're thinking these thoughts. They can read our thoughts. They can reproduce that Right again, no matter especially you're talking about this type of of astral travel. It's very real And they're getting more and more brazen with it because they are feeling the chokehold Because of conversations like this Because of the knowledge coming out and I I do have to say that your guys's service to others is Critical and paramount so I understand why you're getting attacked If they can slow you down, they'll slow you down, right? That is Then that doesn't I don't want to deter anybody from going on that spiritual path of service to others But it's a hard path And service to others can look like many things that can be helping a little old lady with a grocery cart that service to others But the more we're in it the more skin is in it so to speak they will try to thwart us at every moment and The nice part is is that the light side our guides our teams get to learn also how they act and react Because this is all new this The dark side the dark entities have been around for millennia The game changer right now is that we're at this pinnacle point. We've they've got this AI stuff going on They know that the potential for their end days is near Which is why they're joining forces, which is why they're attacking key figures To try to break them down Exactly Oh my god, and they just stole another thought out of my head I was going to add something to that um Aaron say something Yeah, you're you're spot on the the reason You know to to put it simply they're a they're On their last legs because it's the system is crumbling because of the energy coming in because of the time that we're in right now The planet the planet is ascending gaya is a living consciousness That is ascending with or without us. So basically yeah, they're gonna either go with the planet or we're gonna have to go somewhere else Right and this is we have the best-looking planet if you look at all the other planets. I think we have the best-looking one Oh, yeah, absolutely fashion show Right Yeah, I wanted to um mention also shoot. I just lost my thought now But but the dark so the dark is trying to lock down there's as many people and souls as they can right now because they know The time's up basically. They know the jig is up. They know that They They are losing access to the reincarnation cycle, which is a big deal That's key and we have to remember to help each other our loved ones Even are not so loved ones to make sure they cross over You know, and I talked on your show before how he had that prayer on my website um I was slammed with a DMCA which is guilty and proved in it until innocent uh by a former business partner who we Did everything gather and I had created my own version of this that of something we created together And I came to the conclusion. I didn't want to spend five thousand dollars to put it back on there It's a free service. So in my book soul tribe navigating the spiritual war those prayers are in there 100 of the proceeds goes to the foundation that I have to build Areas where people are going to be able to help help parents of psychic kids and things like that So the prayer is available there. I wish I could keep it on my website But it wasn't worth the five thousand dollars to get it back up because I did nothing wrong Right even even there these attorneys said there's nothing wrong so Yeah Yeah, it doesn't make really any sense. Uh, this is where Greed right? Yep. Somebody got infiltrated and greed and envy took over Um, but just know that there's help out there and if people want to email me That's fine too. I'll send it that way as well Yeah, I mean, that's a great the great example and I I was Mentioned this when we had karaoke acidion. I'm talking about you don't need to kill a whistle blower anymore But you can mind control man and we see a lot of these people who have done amazing work blowing the whistle or exposing said program and then all of a sudden Being taken over by something that causes them to be not the not the person that we met originally, right? Yeah, and you'll notice by the fruits of their labor that people that are trying to sue people and Lawsuit this and lawsuit that and anything low vibe that Sucks you down back into the system. That's not organic. Those are not organic thoughts That person's getting bad advice from someone around them or something's working through them And unfortunately, this is how this is how they're silencing people now They're discret making people discredit their own testimony in their own stories And this is just another form of mind control that we're that we're uh noticing It is and it's it's really heartbreaking too because the whole purpose of this is to help people cross people over. Yeah, it's free Yeah, right. It's not like i'm charging for it. That's a free service It's really sad that someone would fight you over that like you're providing that to people Like that's what's so needed right now, but someone is like, no, that's my thing I actually own the copyright to it. And then there's i'll tell it Right just I have a physical copyright in my hand Right. Yeah, that's yeah Man, I really wish I remember what I was gonna say earlier felt important, but oh well Um Well, thank you so much for joining us today. This has been incredible We covered a ton. Is there anything else you'd like to share before we wrap this up? I am just really grateful for this opportunity. It's always great to spend time with you guys on top of it but This information that we've been talking about I think is really really important. So thank you for that Yeah, yeah Thank you for doing everything you're doing and guys don't just be aware Just make sure that you're uh anytime a thought pops into your head Ask yourself. Where's this thought coming from? Sometimes it could be something as simple as craving something that you know you shouldn't be Intaking Sometimes, you know, they that's where these cravings come from. They're not your own so Just be self-aware and ask yourself Is this my thought or is this is this an organic thought? And that's why you have to know yourself and you have to know when it's you or an infiltrator Um, there's nothing more important. It all starts, you know with the mind so Um Can you plug your website and everything once again? Oh sure. Thank you It's the And the book I talked about a couple of times a hundred percent of the proceeds goes to the foundation that I'm building right now to help others in need Um, it has the crossing over soul's prayer and it has the dark entity removal prayer And it has a bunch of tips on how to create a healthy soul At the end of the day, it's about creating a healthy soul because the healthier it is the less that the dark side has access to us And what social media platforms are you on if people want to follow you The karmik path on instagram and facebook also twitter those are like the big three Yeah, and like youtube channel youtube channel the Um, I've been working so much with clients. I haven't had a chance to keep up with the youtube but I take snippets of client sessions and Describe what's happening and how the dark side gets to us because knowledge is power Mm-hmm. Yes, it is. By the way, I love the shorts that you do on instagram And you might put them at other places too. Um, they're just a couple minutes, but uh, keep up Keep up with that because I like it a lot. It's very helpful Um Okay, I think that's it. Um, thank you guys so much for tuning in Don't forget if you want to hang out with Aaron and I and Aztec new mexico in august All the information is available there If you want some CBD you can get 10% off of hope well farm CBD with promo code journey to truth 10 That link is below the omnia radiation balancer a patch you put on any radiating device It harmonizes the frequency coming in. It doesn't block it. It turns it into actually something Less harmful. It's not if not beneficial. Yeah. Um, so it's it's kind of a next level of technology It looks insignificant, but it's been tested. It works Um, so if you're interested in that you can save 10% off their products with promo code truth All caps that link is below. Aaron's wearing the pendant Um, it's like the patch the same concept of the patch, but it it uh works with the energy field of your body Um, what else? I don't know. I think that's enough Good night everybody. We love you all and until next time have a great evening Thank you Um It is ryan seacrest here. There was a recent social media trend which consisted of flying on a plane with no music no movies No entertainment, but a better trend would be going to It's like having a mini social casino in your pocket. Chumbakasino has over a hundred online casino style games all absolutely free It's the most fun you can have online and on a plane. So grab your free welcome bonus now at sponsored by chumbakasino. 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