Journey to Truth

EP 237 - Ken Rohla: Guidance from the Stars

Originally aired on 3/12/23
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Ken Rohla is a natural health educator and inventor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, and has
been teaching classes and retreats since 1993 on rejuvenation and cellular regeneration
using raw and sprouted vegetarian food, herbs, food-based natural supplements,
detoxification, emotional healing, reprogramming of limiting unconscious beliefs, ancient
esoteric techniques, and cutting-edge science. With a background in electrical engineering,
physics, and computer science, for 23 years he worked a variety of jobs in the medical
industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken
has studied with many pioneers in the natural health movement, including Gabriel Cousens,
MD; Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement; David Wolfe; Dr. Robert Morse; Viktoras Kulvinskas;
Brenda Cobb; and many others. In 2005, Ken became certified as a natural health educator by
Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 2006 was honored to work
with Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Currently Ken’s focus is
developing natural solutions for new severe threats to our health, such as nuclear radiation,
geoengineering pollutants, genetically modified foods and microorganisms, electromagnetic
pollution, nanotechnology, biowarfare agents, depleted food, and other issues. Ken also
continues to research the healing properties and other benefits of pyramids, and is working
with Dr. Semir Osmanagić, the archeologist who discovered the largest pyramids in the
world, to understand their healing properties. You may see interviews with Ken on Gaia,
Red Ice Radio, and elsewhere on his website,

1h 29m
Broadcast on:
03 Aug 2024
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And it's completely inverted and people, some people like it because it gives good advice, that's the thing. But they don't understand this is how they ushered in, right? It maybe does like 80% of the time. It's like YouTube and Google and the internet in general when it was new. Everything was great, it was free and amazing and then they kept clamping down and clamping down. Same thing with all this AI. Hey guys, welcome back to the show. Just a quick reminder, Hopefarm CBD. If you're looking for a new CBD to try, highly recommend Hopefarm. They have some great products. They will be a vendor at our conference this year. And they will have a 420 sale coming up, which will give you 20% off all their products. But until then, you can get 10% off all their products with promo code Journey to Truth 10. That link is below. Also, tickets are still available for the conference. If you want to come hang out with us, grab a ticket. It's going to be a lot of fun. May 22nd through the 25th in Grafton, Illinois. Livestream tickets are available too. If you can't make it in person and day passes will become available on April 1st. If you can't make it for the whole time, you can come hang out for a day or two if you want. All that information is available in the link below And just a reminder, we recently started our Patreon, which we just did. The first free webinar, UFO for dummies, we call it, but it was more of a UFO timeline dating all the way back to the mid 1800s, all the way up until now. And we just kind of laid out what we know and what they're trying to, how they're trying to erase history now the UFO history anyway. It was really successful. And we also have the Secret Space Conference documentary that was filmed last year at our conference on the Patreon as well. If you don't, the only other way to watch it is to have a VPN set to the Netherlands and you have to have a passcode. And it's kind of a pain in the ass and you have to jump through some hoops to watch it. So we made it available on our Patreon. So if you sign up for $5 a month, you can watch that. It's really good too. It's very well made. Yeah, they actually did the Secret Space Program from Justice, I thought. They did. And it was interesting. They flew all the way here from the Netherlands just to film it. It was really cool being our first conference and they filmed a documentary surrounding it. Something I'm actually proud of. It was really, really awesome. So that link is below also our Patreon. If you'd like to sign up for that, it's only $5 a month. So we're going to have more bonus content on the Patreon. So you're going to want to sign up. It's going to be worth it. Yeah, we're working around the clock right now. I'm trying to prepare for this conference and the Patreon and just to podcast itself. So we appreciate any support we can get. That being said tonight, we are joined by Ken Rola. Welcome back to the show. Ken, the first episode we did with him was removed by YouTube before it even premiered. You know, Ken's pretty shadow band everywhere. He goes and you'll understand why if you've ever watched any of his interviews, his presentations. He's right over to target with a lot of what he's talking about. And we're going to get into some of that today, whether or not this makes it to YouTube, I guess we'll decide at the end of the episode. If not, you'll be watching this on Rumble. But welcome back to the show. Ken, how have things been for you? I've been busy, busy, busy, but I really appreciate coming back on. I really, you guys really give me hope for the future because a lot of the old guard that I grew up with and worked with have either died off or been killed or retired. So it's nice to see younger generation picking up the mantle and carrying on with stuff. So I really appreciate what you guys are doing. Thank you. Thank you. And likewise, likewise. So, I mean, last time we had you on, we got into all kinds of stuff. We talked about, in particular, I remember getting into some of your experiences. And, you know, how some ET's over time have actually been helping inventors along the way, you know, invent these free energy technologies and the type of stuff to ultimately get suppressed. Just out of curiosity, do you still have any contact with these ET guides that are reptilian guides you talked about? I do all the time, but the contact has changed. It's like, you know, when I was very young, I really had contact my whole life. And when I was very young, it came in the form of what I thought were, you know, really vivid, colorful dreams. Turns out I was being, I found out later I was being picked up sometimes and taken on ships. Sometimes I was putting what they called holographic inserts where I would be putting a hologram and I would get information and teaching in an environment, visually to me that wasn't threatening or scary. And so when I was young, it was kind of like that, you know, and I just thought everybody had these really vivid colorful dreams. And then in my 20s when I got exposed to the Seth material like Seth speaks and some of those Seth books where it was channel material. That was the first time I'd ever, you know, contemplated or been exposed to channeling. And so I'd always had, you know, downloads gotten this information just came in randomly out of the blue. And I just thought that was, you know, just the way it worked for everybody. So I never really questioned it. But when I read those channel books, I thought, well, I wonder if this stuff that's coming in from, you know, left field is coming from somewhere else. So I started when I would get these downloads or conversations sometimes in my head or information that I would, you know, ask it, you know, who are you, you know, and so at some point, these, and believe me, I know this sounds completely schizophrenic, but these voices in my head said, well, you know, they were extra trestral, which I didn't believe I just thought I was having a game with myself in my head. And so, but it evolved from that to eventually, you know, it was like, I was getting all of this information. There's no way I could just imagine it, because it wasn't a part of my reality. And so I started believing potentially that these voices in my head were maybe ETS, as they said they were. And so I said to them, well, you know, if you're really ETS, then you got to show up physically otherwise I'm just playing with myself in my head. And for a few years, they said, well, we can't do that because it would traumatize you too much and it would terrify you because human DNA has been programmed to fear us and blah, blah, blah. Interesting and pressing and so eventually I did went up and carrying the three reptilians physically in a really interesting PowerPoint out in the woods in North Carolina. And so, so that's evolved it's like my whole wife that contact is evolved to where for a while there they did a lot of overt contact and a lot of overt things to get my attention. Once I acknowledged it once I really, you know, saw that it was real, then they didn't need to do so much convincing and so then it was more just information on, you know, science and the nature of matter and energy and all kinds of stuff. Actually, the most beneficial information that they gave me was how to be a human being because, even though these three, there were a bunch of different kinds of ETS that were interacting with me non physically but the reptilians. And so they acknowledged that the reason that they could teach about, you know, how to exist as a human being is because they've all been. We've all been, you know, other kinds of beings and other times and places and so they've been human and other lifetimes and other realities so they understood where they were at their level development and they want to typical. Draco reptilian that you know you hear about so much they were Draco reptilian but they weren't the typical ones because they had been working with other ETS. But anyway, so it evolved from that to just getting downloads and so now very typically when I, sometimes I'm just doing something I might just be sitting around doing something or whatever and I get it, you know, I'll get a download or voice will come in and like start talking to me or tease me or very often joke and pick on me or point out my frailties or my hypocrisy or something like that. And, and so it can come in at any time but usually when I go to bed at night. I will call in my guides and, you know, I'm not just completely exhausted and fall out to sleep, I'll call in my guides and talk to them and have conversations and get information and pictures and ideas for all kinds of stuff. So that helps me to develop technologies that are helping people. Yeah, and just for the record, because I already know what the comment section is going to be saying about. Oh, he's being contacted by reptilians you know don't trust him. I think that I was just reading recently like I don't know how to verify this but almost they said like 95% of reptilians would actually be benevolent. If there's the 5% that decided to come and control the planet, that's all we know. So we just assume that they're all negative. When it's just like any species I guess like there's good and bad that duality that polarity so it's important to note that, you know, just because they're reptilian doesn't mean they're actually malevolent and they're nefarious and out to get us. There are reptilians here that are actually here to help and Barbara lamb if you guys are familiar with him with him with her. She also works with one of these people who claim to be a reptilian who's here to help and it's very compelling stories very interesting so just just to throw that out there. Yeah and you know I've been told myself by these ET's not just the reptilians but and also I've you know met people in secret space programs and in the public space programs as well. Who know about these beings and that's exactly it there's there are lots and lots of different reptilian races and even within the Draco race. There are you know different factions some positive some negative and then I've also heard that they're some of the some of the Draco's and the Alpha Draco's which are like the most advanced Draco reptilians that they used to be very, very negative, especially towards human beings, but they have evolved now to where they're not so it's not like you can just say oh the you know reptilians are like saying all humans are negative I mean if you look at what you know as a race we're doing to this planet for example and to each other you could very easily say oh humans are war like an evil and all that kind of crap, but we know it's not true. There are different kinds of people here on earth doing all kinds of different things and it's generally a very small group of humans and others on earth that are manipulating things and causing the problems. So it's the same thing everywhere you know as above so below all these different races there are benevolent ones there's negative ones and it's part of the polarity of the fundamental structure of the cosmos. Right. Right. Exactly. It's a great point I'm glad you said that and you know you mentioned that you have spoken to people in the space programs and you've also, you know, talking to your guides over time and getting information. And I know one of the things you cover a lot is or miss monatomic gold. And I'd just like to know how that plays its role with this free energy technology, because I think it does and I think that's one of the main reasons gold has been so prominent throughout our history maybe they were talking about the amount of atomic gold not physical gold. Maybe you can shed some light on that for us. Yeah exactly one of the things when I first started having this overt contact with these reptilians they spend about a year and a half schooling me on what they call gold. They didn't say monatomic gold they just said gold and they gave me a lot of pictures and images and ideas and information about and they said that that extraterrestrial is used gold for time travel and dimension travel, because it remained the same through different dimensions or frequencies of space time. And so, so extraterrestrial craft, for example, or very often coded with monatomic gold, or sometimes regular gold metallic gold, because it's, it has in its monatomic form it's a superconductor and it has a lot of really weird physics. And it's multidimensional you know anything monatomic is not conventional matter it's like this multidimensional matter that exists partially in our physical 3D space time, but it also exists simultaneously in other dimensions or frequencies of time and space or existence. And so it can connect other dimensions or other frequencies or phases of reality with ours, and therefore they use it for interstellar travel interstellar communications propulsion systems all kinds of stuff. You know, one time when I was at East said he would you guys actually when you were there, I was having lunch sitting down and Corey good happen to sit down in front of me and I was talking to him and for those aren't familiar he was a secret space program whistle or still is. And, you know, a lot of people have questioned whether or not he was really in the secret space program but from the conversation I've had with him. I think he absolutely was or at least he's got knowledge of interstellar spacecraft because he was telling me he was describing to me he was actually asking me questions about the propulsion systems that he saw on a craft that he was on because I've had experience I've known six different people that have worked on anti gravity time travel technology for the secret space program. And all of them different people different times and places, but they all, you know, described the systems very similarly. And so Corey was describing this propulsion system and he said that these technicians were all wearing these golden clothes and they had everything that they have was gold and, and that they had to do things a certain way. And that job exactly with what I was told by the reptilians that I encountered in 1995 way before Corey ever came public. These guys were telling me about this stuff and how it has to be handled because monotomic gold or these, these propulsion systems they create super conducting my snare fields that are extremely powerful and they have extremely high electrical potential to get anything near it. It's not properly grounded, it can just shoot out lightning bolts and just disintegrate it. And it's actually some of the stories about the argument of the covenant relate to that as well, because it was supposed to contain it from monotomic gold but at any rate when you've gotten monotomic gold of any quantity in one place, it will create these super conducting fields and you have to handle it carefully and know what you're doing with it and so, so I was schooled on that that, you know, that that was one thing that stuck out specifically in my mind that they said that extraterrestrials use monotomic gold. For time travel dimension travel and other things healing and lifespan, you know, maintaining life spans well over 1000 years. Because it's extremely regenerative when you ingest monotomics especially monotomic gold. It's very regenerative to the body because what it does being a superconductor when you ingest it in the right forms. It will plug into the DNA, which is a superconducting fractal antenna, and the brain neural pathways the brain is also it's like a radio it's like a transceiver that receives and transmits signals and fields and skater waves and other types of energy. And so the neural pathways are loaded up with these monotomic minerals which are create the superconductivity, the nervous system, all of the acupuncture meridians and the, the, the chakras along the spine. Those are actually deposits of these superconducting monotomic elements including monotomic gold that create superconductivity, and that actually creates these little black holes so all of the acupuncture meridians are in Ayurveda they call them the natties and the chakras and the brain neural pathways and their junctures and the DNA. They all create these little black holes or interdimensional portals, they're microscopic, and this energy this she or prana, which is really the energy of consciousness which is skater waves flows in and out of there and it's what our, it's all our physical bodies and our physical reality is created because skater energy which is light superluminal light, which is light energy is traveling millions of times faster than conventional speed of light, or in some cases instantaneously, because we're surrounded by all this stuff it's like it's in so-called empty space that energy slows down and coagulates into the electromagnetic spectrum of energy and also into matter itself, and so what that implies is we're living in a hologram, and the monotomics especially monotomic gold is what allows that energy to flow in and out of our physical structures and how living organisms in and other structures and recreate them moment by moment, and that's how you regenerate cells so they're very key in a lot of our existence in nature, in our bodies and our food, and then in these advanced technology is free energy all kinds of stuff that's for it, so basically, yes, yes, and the longest way to know that was fantastic, I did want you to elaborate on that exactly the way you did, and it's really interesting to me, because it has to be more than what we're told just basic like tangible gold bars or something like we see like the fairy tales where the dragons are protecting the gold, which is interesting to think about like Draco protecting gold, if you really break it down like that, so the reason we value it is because they value it, you know, they, what I was told by the reptilians in the mid 90s, they said that, you know, eons ago, thousands of years ago, they had, they came, some reptilians came here, and we're looking to harvest gold here, even though they have energetic ways of making it it's easier and cheaper and more practical to get beings like us to harvest it for them, and so they basically set things up on earth so that the proto humans that were here were mining gold for them. And, and then they eventually genetically, they kept genetically modifying the proto humans until eventually they became us, and so basically it's kind of like in the same way that we create farms you know people have these big cattle like out in Texas, with, you know millions ahead of cattle, and those cattle have absolutely no inkling of the bigger reality that they're involved in but they're a food source right, and it's in the same way these people were put in place to harvest this gold, and that's kind of how these reptilians operate in general is that they, they get other beings to do their bidding for them. And so that's why you see that influence here on earth, the same thing with the human on earth getting us to build our own enslavement basically. And so they've created a system for that. It is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting. 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A friend of mine, Jack Doubleday, he's actually going to be presenting our conference. Yeah, yeah. Some of this stuff I'm talking about are his questions also regarding the gold. This is something that he's curious about, but he brought to my attention that monotomic gold, along with all the monotomic minerals are absent from Wikipedia coincidentally. Like really interesting, of course, why he can't find any information there about it. So, obviously, there's probably a reason that your shadow bin, when you start breaking it down the way you did. Interesting what chat GPT says about it. Oh, gosh, I'm sorry, I'm not programmed. Right, right. It would be interesting to see and that in itself is interesting. For anybody who doesn't know that's what this, what do they call what's Oh my God, I'm drawing a blank AI. Yeah, but then what it's called now Dan Dan Dan yeah is the open one that's not really supposedly. Right, yeah, so it's under the name Dan now everyone from chat GPT to Dan everyone, like somehow they found a backdoor and everyone's asking questions now. People are asking both chat GPT and Dan the same questions and you'll get vastly different answers on both. Interesting the chat GPT you always get the cabal controlled like propaganda answer and then Dan you always get the not that. Someone asked about the secret space programs and it like totally gave a better definition of the secret space program and I've ever seen and it's like, Oh, wow. Interesting, you know when when I encountered those reptilians in the physical there were two things that they warned me about. Keep in mind this was 1995. They warned me they told me don't ever get vaccinated. And they warned me about artificial intelligence. They said they told me that. Super intelligent AI that almost all extraterrestrial races had banned, except for the ones being controlled by it had banned super intelligent AI because in every case it always takes over there and destroys the civilization. And so they had learned that you know there I mean there are races out there that are million from our perspective, millions and billions of years more advanced than us and some even trillions of years more advanced than us that are not even corporeal. But we can't really comprehend their realities because what I was told by these reptilians they, they said that our concept of time was a quaint local custom. And it's partially because well we're physical beings in this matrix so speak on Earth is my control matrix. But also gravity is part of what creates time and so gravity is different on different planets you know depending on the size of the planet and the influences gravity is different so different planets have different time and the time passes and therefore the organisms perceive time differently. And so when you're a, you know, a being that operates outside of 3D and these higher dimensional planes, they don't perceive time at all like us I mean when you're living over 1000 years from our perspective you don't perceive time like we do. And even you know organisms here on Earth like trees years ago when I was introduced to the idea that trees were sentient they could read our minds. I wound up meditating with trees I literally went out and hugged a big you know like 250 old oak trees and stuff and would meditate with them. And it would take about a half an hour for me to slow down enough to connect with the tree and then it would start showing me things that it had seen over its lifetime which I may sound them cuckoo to a lot of people but you know what the heck I did it. And it was interesting I'll say that, but what was interesting to me was that the tree was operating at a completely different concept of time than we do. Kind of like an insect you know like an insect that lives two weeks it's going to have a completely different perception of time than we do and animals you know I mean it's like they say dogs you know one year of our life is seven years to a dog. And and you know I've heard that from a lot of different sources so different beings depending on their life spans and their locations and things perceive time differently so we have a very colloquial concept of time that these et's and their potentials don't have right and that's why it's hard for mainstream physics to recognize things like time travel space time travel gate travel all that stuff. And apparently that those there's been certain parts of those equations that are intentionally removed from our textbooks to keep these physicists hitting a dead end. Yeah when I was in engineering school like mathematics there's this whole realm of mathematics and engineering school that they mention. And then they but they dismiss it like like imaginary numbers or like the square root of minus one they go oh well theoretically you know we've got the square root of minus one, but it can exist, you know because mathematically it doesn't make sense. When you work start working with interdimensional physics, and also when you start working with mathematics that like extraterrestrials you because one of the things I was told by these reptilians is that we were genetically modified to have 10 fingers and toes, so that we would develop base 10 mathematics, and that way we would never become more powerful than the reptilian that are controlling us, because they have six fingers and toes, and that they work in base six, you know, mathematics or base nine or 12 And so when you work in those other bases you can figure out all this stuff that you can't figure out in base 10 math, because the whole universe is structured geometrically based on three six nine and 12 which you know Tesla talked about A lot of these have a lot of these have either three or six fingers exactly what it has to say three six and nine what you're talking about. Yeah, it's because everything is structured fractally and geometrically at the fundamental levels. And so, most yeah most organisms not on earth have three or six or however many multiples of that fingers and toes and appendages. Right. So you mentioned, at one point, bringing back extinct animals with scalar technology, and this really piqued my interest and I was just wondering if you could elaborate on that a little bit. Yeah. Yeah, skater energy and the monotomics so years ago, probably 30 years ago or so I was at a conference. It was an enormous conference and I met these farmers from Iowa I think it was, and they had a very unique property where these five rivers and creeks all converged at one point. And they brought down there were they were surrounded by these mountains and the mountains were volcanic rock and so the snow melt and everything would wash all these volcanic minerals down to this one point and they would deposit. And then the combination of the minerals and layers of organic material and it would layer it up and layer it up and then of course it would rot. And they started using it for fertilizer and they got insane growth, and then they wound up feeding it to GMO crops, and their crops would revert from GMO back to heirloom. And I mean, like in two, three weeks, these, you know, gourds and tomatoes and different vegetables, with their color and their shape would change radically in just a few weeks by feeding it these monotomics. And I don't think they knew anything. Well, maybe they did. But they at any rate they would take this stuff and mix it with some other things like bat guano and a few other probiotics and stuff, and they were selling as a plant food and so I was using it and sure enough man you could feed plants this stuff and it would. It would revert them back to the heirloom which you don't always want to do because you've got a hybridized heirloom or hybridized plant that has. Better characteristics than they are when you may not want to revert it back, but at any rate it worked. And so then I started experimenting with that and I built an enormous trap, which is a. It's a little device that you can run water through, and it will it has a basically it runs the water through a magnetic field in it, and it makes the if it's got monotomics in there will concentrate them and then it'll levitate them because they're anti gravitational. They'll levitate up and you can siphon them off and get a concentrated dose of this water with a high amount of monotomics in it. And so, so I was doing experiments with that and had a lot of weird experiences because you can run that water like you could trickle it down a. Like down a piece of glass or something smooth, and instead of pouring straight down like water normally does it would go back and forth along the surface. And I've filled the first time I made this stuff I filled a mason jar like a pint mason jar with this water and it felt really oily, which is one of the indicators you can tell you got an enormous water. And, and it shattered the jar, like the jar just in 30 seconds it just shattered and fell apart my hands. And it was because the monotomic gold in the water was trying to bind with the monotomic gold which turns out is in sand in silica and so, so it broke the molecular bonds. So, so anyway, that was kind of my introduction to using monotomics for feeding to plants and get you get insane growth you know you get like. Well, like right now I've got 12 foot tall tomato plants growing in my greenhouse and they've been fruiting for two months and I'll probably fruit for another two three months. And just you know fruits tons and of course the food tastes incredible. And you know we get celery three feet tall we get cabbages the size of basketballs you know we get all everything grows like crazy here we just were used to it when people come over here they're like what the hell is going on here. Right so you can do practical things with this stuff and so that's where I've been teaching but, and that's as far as we you know like our health you can also ingest this stuff which in the past I would recommend against ingesting alchemical ormas because you can make this stuff alchemically in various ways. And for those people that are interested in that there's a book called Ormas modern day alchemy by Chris Emmons which you can get on Amazon. Right. So you can, I used to only recommend people to get it through their food you know feed it to plants feed it to ferments because you know microbes can eat this stuff. And then they will increase their ability to produce nutrients and accelerate fermentation and stuff so I was doing it that way. And then we you know when COVID rolls around and we've got these these mRNA injections with nanotech and all kinds of crap in them and I, you know I've been teaching about bio weapons for 16 years so I was already familiar with that. And then more and more of these these threats to our health like nuclear radiation and chemtrails and you know on and on. So we've got so many serious threats to our health now we need to get these monotonics and higher concentrations and what we can get them in their food. So I started selling alchemical ormas from a company that's reputable that I, that I've worked with and I know, because you have to be careful with these ingesting these monotonics but they're extremely regenerative. They're very very healing because they plugging the body they raise the superconductivity and accelerate cellular regeneration, but you have to be careful with them because if you do too much of that. Now raise the superconductivity the body too high too fast, and then you would wind up manifesting things in your life that you didn't intend. So we're all creating our reality where consciousness creates reality putting out this field of energy of consciousness the scale of energy, and it draws in other energies and you know it winds up manifesting things in our life. And we all do this we do it individually and collectively. And so if you jack up the superconductivity of your body and your brain and your DNA and your nervous system too high too fast and you're not spiritually ready for it. Every fleeting fear or fearful thought you think about you want it manifesting. And so we normally have the buffer of time to prevent that from happening you know normally it's like you want to manifest something. You've got to be thinking about it you've got to be focused on it you've got to be intending it. And it you know it takes time to happen so that we don't just really nearly manifest everything we think about. And so if you're, you know if you're jacking it up artificially, then you've got to be careful not to do too much and you've also got to be very clear spiritually. And so, you know, so I used to not recommend doing alchemical illness but now I think we need some. Right, I would agree. And you mentioned the cellular regeneration, which goes back to my original question of bringing back these extinct animals I guess would that would that be what's happening you have some DNA from extinct animal and the ormus actually regenerates the cells is that what we're talking about here. Yeah, that and other things there was a Russian pyramid scientist named Alexander go on he was a high ranking military officer in Russian military, and had a big budget and they wanted him to study pyramids, presumably for warfare. And so he built this giant pyramid a fee ratio which is a taller skinnier pyramid about 200 some feet tall outside of Moscow I built it completely out of fiberglass and wood and glue, because if you put metals in there can interfere with the energetic structure of it. And what it is is a, it's an antenna for skater energy coming from the cosmos and from the earth. And it rebroadcast it in a tutorial field around but also it creates a double helix spiral up to the tip. And so, they noticed a lot of interesting phenomena with this pyramid and one of the things that they observed was after some period of time this pyramid was in this huge field of grass. And they noticed these flowers growing in the field at some point that no one had ever seen before and so they called in a botanist to identify them and discovered that they were a species that's been extinct on earth for 11 million years. So it was like this ancient prehistoric flower that suddenly was growing around these pyramids and so go on theorize that the pyramid was somehow bringing in the pattern the genetic pattern or the physical pattern for that flower from the. Some people might call it cache records he called the quantum field. So it's like everything you know he theorize and others if theorize that everything that has ever existed or ever will is out there in the energetic field so to speak of consciousness. And depending on how we navigate reality we may encounter it or not or you know there are these multiple realities out there. And so we can bring these things in so that's one way that you know skater energy in these mama automics apparently can bring extinct species and they noticed also extinct extinct species of insects showing up around these pyramids as well so I think it's the one thing they also observed with this pyramid was it was bringing water up to the surface and spring started flowing in places they had never flow before because the mono automics down in the soil that are created by bacteria eating rocks and breaking them down into the ocean particles which are just a few atoms per particle or the mono automics which are individual atoms per particle. The mono automics are anti gravitational, but when they're down in the soil. The soil keeps them held down but when you've got this pyramid pulling on them they will wind up rainwater and groundwater will wind up pulling them into aquifers and then they will levitate up to the surface. They will observe all these phenomenon with the mono automics and the skater waves for regenerating and you know extinct species and for altering existing species and then all kinds of other crazy phenomena. So this pyramid, you said there were no metals and that's crucial like if you were to try and build a pyramid yourself even using like screws or nails would actually be counter productive for trying to achieve. You can make pyramids out of metal but you have to understand the physics of it in order to do it right and not many people do that so the best way to conduct skater waves is with a non metallic material like wood or bone or stone, especially a stone that's high in the mono automics like the salt you know the salt is very high in mono automics. Any stone that's really heavy for its given volume is going to be high in mono automics. And so those are the easiest materials to make it out of because as long as you don't have metals in there you're going to have a pretty good skater field. You can make it out of metals like I've seen copper I've made copper pyramids out of copper plumbing pipe. And the metals act like like wave guides and so if you understand it as a wave guide then you can construct them in a way that you know you can utilize them as well but for most people it's easier to start out with you know something like wood or plastic PVC bone, stone, you know that kind of thing I mean you can make a pyramid just out of dry stacking stones. And it will work, you know it can clear chemtrails for example you can build a pyramid out of let's say granite or basalt or some high monotonic stone and just stack them up in a pyramid with the right ratio of angles and sides. Like either fee ratio or a pie ratio which is like the geza pyramid, and then the vortex will that's created will clear chemtrails for several miles around depending on how big you build it. Everybody's going to start building pyramids now if they're listening to this. Yeah they should. Right, I'm going to go put one in my backyard start collecting some stones, but salt to a lot of a lot of these ancient megalithic structures are made from the salts around the planet. So, that's why they use that specific stone for a lot of years. Right, there's a, there's a book called paramagnetism by Philip S Callahan that goes into this quite interestingly the history of it like you were talking about Aaron, that the ancient people knew about this stuff and they wrote about it and they marked stones that were high in monotomics. And you know archaeologists and paleontologists, you know, are trying to figure this out they have no background on that so they don't understand why these stones were marked and then they also made structures like the ancient Celtic round towers, or the oldest or the pyramids themselves you know these were all scattered wave antennas that capture energy coming from the earth and the sun the ancient people knew all about this they wrote about it as far back as the historical record goes they they were talking about writing about it marking stones that were high in it. You know I went to the Bosnian pyramids multiple times talking about jock double day. He, he used to be Sam Osmanage's PR guy years ago, and he contacted me because he was familiar with my work and he started sending me videos of what they were discovering at the Bosnian pyramids. And they didn't know what they didn't understand you know why it was there and what they were finding and so I recognize what it was and I explained to them the physics of it and what it was. So that peak Sam's interest Sam Osmanage to the archaeologists who discovered them and so we started emailing each other about it, and I would tell them you know what why things were constructed because they were finding like obelisks at the middle of the world somewhere or these giant 15 foot diameter perfectly stone spheres, and these structures you know when they have carvings and stuff on them and structures certain ways and so I would explain you know well from an energetic standpoint here's what's going on. So then I went up going to Bosnian and he wound up having the teach there and then he put me on a team of engineers and physicists studying the pyramids and so I got to, you know actually be there with them quantifying and measuring what these pyramids and these structures were doing you know people getting healed going inside these tunnels they had a excavated around the pyramids and getting healed of major stuff like you know stage four cancer where people told they got 30 days to live or blindness and you know all kinds of things from drinking pyramid water. 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And being inside these tunnels which were like these energy centers that were basically doing what the pyramids do blasting you with this photonic energy and radically accelerating what your body is doing naturally, which is also what the monotonic and one of the things that I recognized was that these pyramids are creating their creating monotomics in the soil as well. And the Bosnian pyramids for example are full of these pools of really pristine water that's extremely healing and extremely highly structured molecularly structured. And so, so that water you can take it and you know extract the warmest out of it and it's really, really amazing. So there's a lot of history with this stuff and the ancient people knew all about it. And you better believe that our governments know about it. Oh yeah. And they're hiding it in front. Right. Because a lot of this stuff would make the control system obsolete. And it would empower us. What's the main two things they don't want. Totally. I mean it implies free energy. It's all pseudoscience though it's all that's there's nothing real there. Right. Yeah. And while the real science is the actual pseudoscience that we're talking about. I'll tell you though I'm very encouraged because, you know, years ago when I came out and talking about this stuff people, particularly mainstream scientists with dad he's an idiot he's a moron he's crazy right now I've got like Ivy League professors contacting me and wanting to do private webinars and things with their colleagues because they're waking up to this stuff and they're realizing that the reality that they've been educated in is not complete at the very least. So a lot of mainstream scientists are waking up to this stuff. That's great. That's amazing. Yeah. You mentioned a while back about chemtrails and nanotechnology so maybe you could help us understand how this nanotechnology is being used to modify our DNA because pretty sure that's exactly what their whole agenda is right. I was just talking recently to a friend of mine is very, very psychic and she said the coming era for us is to protect our DNA. She said that there's a battle going on to control the DNA of people on planet Earth. And it's only going to be the aware people it's just like with the cobit injections. It's only going to be the awake and aware of people that protect themselves and protect their DNA so all of these people that jumped on the DNA testing bandwagon with one. What is it the weaving me whatever the whatever those those testings are 23 and me. Yeah, yeah. You know it's like yeah they're just giving their DNA to the, to the NSA and the CIA and everybody else so that it can be manipulated utilized down the road. So we're taking our, we're taking our DNA is definitely on the order but it's also one of the big agendas of the powers that be from what I can see and what I've experienced. You know it started with the, well it's been going on for a long time but with the cobit injections, of course you know the mRNA technology in there as genetic modification technology. And then you know this is again not conspiracy theories you guys know, because they're whistleblowers like Karen Kingston who used to work for Pfizer she was an analyst for Pfizer, who has exposed the patents with the Department of Defense showing that the nano tech that's being put in these injections is designed for mind control and for genetic modification to make us genetically modified organisms so that we can be conditioned in our behavior can be controlled and steered. And we can be mind controlled and also killed off because part of this I think is population reduction. And so, yeah the nano tech is in there for that. The, the one of the reasons why I've studied nano tech for a long time because my background before getting into natural health was computer science and engineering. And so, so I've been looking at this stuff for a long time but the nano tech is basically the hardware for the AI to control us. And so they get the nano tech in this particularly the self assembling nanites, because there's different types of nano tech there's just nanoparticles which can go in our bodies and affect them and do things like graphing oxide for example. But then you also have nano tech that can self assemble and that's one of the reasons why these covert so called vaccines had to be kept at minus 70 degrees Fahrenheit. What would you have to keep in our mRNA technology at that temperature, you don't, it's the nano tech the self assembling nanites. When they warm up closer to body temperature and room temperature that's when they start self assembling. And so they've got to keep them really really cold until right before they inject them into the body and then they inject them in the body and then the heat, and other phenomena in the body, and also external fields like 5G or other field technologies can make them assemble into different structures or different purposes in the body, and they've been used to mind control they can be used to kill they can be used to ultra DNA, they can be used for all kinds of stuff. So, Karen Kingston and a bunch of other doctors have been exposing the nano tech, and you know some of what it can do and some of the patents revolving around it. Why would the Department of Defense be interested in mRNA technology and nanotechnology in the human body, you know, it's like right to defend us against other countries using it yeah maybe, maybe not. So, so there's yeah there's a lot of that, then involved and then I've been working on with other people technologies that can can rack that and disassemble the nano tech and get it out of people's bodies, and there are ways to do that. So, well, you know, this is super fascinating to me and I believe a wholeheartedly that's exactly what's happening and it's interesting that I've posted a lot of stuff on online social media about the vaccines and a lot of times it just might get a fact check or something but the one, the one thing that got removed and I got a warning for was when I posted about the vaccine cutting you off from source cutting off your God connection. They remove that like okay talk about telling on yourselves, you hit the mark and I was shown on mushrooms one time go ahead and make fun of me I don't care. I asked to I wanted to see what the vaccine was doing to us and it showed it like short circuits are DNA, and it showed me a model of like our DNA being like a machine, and it was like electrical current running through this pathway. And the, the actual vaccine would create the short circuit almost like two wires just barely touching and occasionally they would touch. And they'll show me like this wind up toy and you take one of the wheels off it just spins and circles, and because it only knows how to do one thing no matter what you do to us if you remove a wheel just going to go in circles. So basically it just keeps like the human the DNA going in circles is constantly trying to evolve and activate but it can't because now it has this roadblock and this short circuited so I learned all that from mushroom trip I don't know if it's too much. You're so spot on, because I was shown this by different people and by these ETs. All living organisms are skater fractal antennas now what does that mean well a fractal is just a branching so like a plant a tree is a fractal. I mean our bodies you know with five, you know, two arms to legs and the head, we're a fractal our nervous system is a fractal our blood system is a fractal, our lymph system every you know we're fractals and the DNA is also a super fractal antenna and it's loaded up with monotomics the bodies load up with monotomics, the monotomics, that is what connects us to God. We have mainstream science even recognizes that galaxies at the centers of galaxies you know they claim that we there's a black hole at the center of each galaxy they're what it really is. It's a super luminal sun and the energy the light that's coming out of it is coming out so fast. It impairs invisible or black to us into our instruments and so mainstream science will call it black holes or dark energy or dark matter or whatever, but it's really super luminal light. And it's flooding through the galaxy this energy comes emanating outward, and it's branching it's fractal as it comes out and it's spiraling as it comes out so spiraling and branching. We've got the cosmos through black holes or interdimensional portals at the centers of all sons and planets so we've got this cosmic web of energy and matter that this energy is flowing through emanating from the centers of galaxies So when it comes to us, it's coming down from our son and up from the center of the earth and then we capture it and we read broadcast it. And that energy is not just light, it's consciousness is what it really is. This whole reality reality that we exist in is made of consciousness. It's made of this big consciousness that fractals and branches out through the various structures of the universe. And we're a piece of it so we're all a piece of God so to speak it's like, you know, so you're absolutely correct. And that's what separates us from AI and from these robotic ais is that we have a connection to what we would call God to this super intelligence AI doesn't have that robots don't have that. They were known by these reptilians these images of entire planets out in the cosmos that were AI populations of like robotic populations of AI beings. And they needed organic beings to propagate even though they can replicate themselves their machines and they can replicate themselves. But what they don't have even though they can emulate consciousness. And so they in order to really exist and survive long term they need organic beings because we have the connection to God that they need. And so what they do is they went up sending skater signals through space time to organic populations of beings like us that are at proto level stages of development before we've developed like the wheel and basic tools like the lever and the wheel when they're, you know, we're just playing around with sticks and stones, they'll send these skater signals to these civilizations to get them to dream up technologies, you know, which start out real fundamental like the wheel and the lever and very basic tools. Knowing that when they keep sending this signal over thousands of years those populations will evolve more and more complex technology until they reach the point where they've developed computers and software and the infrastructure for artificial intelligence, and very importantly, a global satellite network. And they in 1995 when they were showing me this they showed me a picture of their planets these reptilian planets, and they said that they were under an unbelievable tyranny that we couldn't even imagine, because the planets were surrounded by this surveillance grid, the satellite grid that everyone's thoughts and real time. And if anyone thought or did anything out of what was accepted they were punished or even killed. And so that is what's going on here on earth and that's what goes on on many planets around the cosmos this extraterrestrial AI, AI isn't just something we create and it takes over. It's a terrestrial construct that has taken over certain organic populations like the reptilians and some like Ray races. And, and it propagates itself through these organic beings, because the universe has a natural mechanism for wiping out every now and then and that is a giant EMP pulse that emanates from the center of galaxies and they'll just wash through the galaxy and wipe out all the AI. So if it doesn't have organic beings creating infrastructure to maintain it through those those EMPs, it'll wipe it out. And so, so it gets reset every now and then and then it kind of has to rebuild. So this is what one of the things I think we're seeing here on earth is this involvement of super intelligent AI on earth is trying to take over and I don't know what's going on behind the scenes but it really concerns me when I see the public evolution of this AI, you know, it concerned me quite a bit because I was warned about it by these reptilians. Yeah, it's concerning, definitely. I think it feel like the machine is consuming itself right now. This is what happens at the end of every civilization. We know this from Atlantis but so I think what's happening is they're consuming themselves and they know, they know that they're crashing so right now they're speeding up their agenda and throwing everything at us at once. What comes next might be something very beautiful for the planet. It could be a reset that we need, you know, the great awakening that we talk about. We can only hope for something like that because otherwise you know all is lost so I truly believe that something like that is on the horizon. I think you're right Tyler I absolutely think you're right because for one thing I've been fortunate I've had several near death experiences and so I know this this meat body of ours is just as a container for our consciousness I've had experiences on my body and had near death experiences and things so, you know, we absolutely will continue on even if we were physically destroyed, whereas the AI won't, you know, it gets wiped out it gets wiped out it doesn't continue on because it doesn't have that connection to God, you know, so I totally agree with you I'm very optimistic I think our future is very bright. We've just got these challenges that we really came here to play with you know it's like. It may look very negative and fearful and foreboding to a lot of people but you know one of the things I was told is that no ET's are going to swoop in and save us for a lot of different reasons but one of the reasons is because this is a classroom that we agree to come to that's very, very high contrast so that we can exercise our ability to create our realities and learn and grow very, very rapidly because even though you've got all these negative things going on on earth, you can also have an amazing uplifting wonderful life which you know we do because we go hang out at a city or you know go to your events and things like that we have a great time you know even though we've got our challenges, you know within this system, we've had a pretty good time, whereas there are people out there dying and suffering and all kinds of ways because they've bought into the matrix, and then partially I was also told that the vast majority of people on earth are part of the matrix, they're not even real so that's a mind-blowing concept So I agree, I think the future is very bright for us who choose to have an uplifting reality I agree, like you said earlier, the thoughts create that reality, we manifest our own reality so it's important to constantly be reminded of that so we don't get distracted, everything's set up to distract us and suck us back into the matrix if you're not careful what's going to happen So you might find yourself, you know, falling back into some toxic behaviors that actually are holding you down so it's constant, you have to constantly be self-aware of what you're doing That's why we have each other, that's why there's billions of us, you know, it's because we are our brothers keepers, our role is to help each other out and to serve each other and to uplift each other Not everybody's up at the same time, sometimes some people are up, some people are down and they need help, so that's why what you guys are doing is so important because you're uplifting the planet just by doing what you're doing Same thing with what I'm doing, we all have a piece of the puzzle that we are here to help out and help uplift each other Yeah, thank you for that, absolutely, thank you, yeah, and we came here to help with this shift and to anchor the light and to be a part of the help of the ascension and awakening of humanity The hope, what I tell people is like we didn't come here just to be enslaved and it came over, you know, that doesn't make any sense, we wouldn't have came in the first place if it was inevitable that that was going to happen Right, so it was going to happen, it's just a matter of like how is it going to play out and we came to help with that and to be the light and, you know, we knew we had, and we have an enormous amount of help from the universe and from these benevolent beings Angelic beings, you know, all kinds, like they're all, they're not going to do anything for us, like you said, because that would defeat the whole point, and there's no learning growth in that but they're also helping and kind of making sure The dark doesn't just completely take over and it's game over, that's not Exactly, it's kind of like parents raising a kid, you know, they're not going to live their child's life for them, but they'll help guide them, which is the way it should be, and so you're absolutely right Yeah, so I'm very optimistic about the future, I'm very uplifted, it does mean that, you know, things aren't challenging, the last few years have been quite challenging, but at the same time, yeah, it's like You know, just hanging out with you guys, getting to go to the kinds of events that we get to go to and hanging out with the kinds of people we hang out with, that always buoys my spirits and reminds me of the bigger picture Yeah, absolutely, it's important, it's important to get together So, going backwards a little bit in the conversation, you mentioned something briefly that I just want to elaborate on a little bit, you said at the center of every sun is an intergalactic portal And, you know, we always talk about our sun being a portal, and it's hard for people to understand because we're taught that the sun is extremely high, and it doesn't make sense, based on mainstream physics So maybe you can help our audience and even us understand how that works if you even understand how it works Well, from what I've been exposed to and been told and seen from various sources, first of all, suns aren't as hot as we think they are, they're not as hot as we even mainstream science knows now that the surface of the sun isn't as hot as they used to think it was So the physics, what's really going on, you've got this, like I said, this quote black hole, this super liminal sun at the center of the sun, that's a skater wave portal And it's part of this giant galactic matter energy circuit, so that energy is emanating from the center of the galaxy, who knows where it comes from before then, probably other what we would call their dimensions of time and space You know, for us to really understand that would probably be like, you know, a cockroach trying to understand a 57 Chevy, we just don't have a frame of reference at our level of development and our physicality, but at any rate, and so at the center of these suns You've got this quote black hole, it's emanating skater waves out at various frequencies, and it's not just this round spherical hole, it's actually geometrically shaped And so every planet and every sun, there's a different shape depending on the size and the location of the planet of the sun, that's geometric like the earth, for example, we have the black hole, the center of the earth is a cubic octahedron, which means it's a cube inside an octahedron, and so it's angular, it has geometry, and the apex points of that geometry is where the skater energy that's emanating outward, it comes out in these spiraling vortices like these helixes or heli of the gater waves, and it comes out to the surface, and it hits the surface in a geometric pattern evenly spaced across the surface of the earth and then gravitation, and the rotation of the earth pulled down across the surface of the earth and that makes all ley lines, and when you're in proximity to a ley line, it tends to enhance living organisms, so on with suns you've got Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Luckyland, you know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin, so go to Luckyland to play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious experiences. 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It's like traveling through space, you don't have heat out in space in the vacuum of space, it's extremely cold, right? It's like the atmosphere is like a magnifying glass. Right, exactly, exactly. It's like this energy is coming through the cosmos and it comes to earth and then it converts to heat and other forms of energy. And so the surface of the sun, I've heard Corey go to talk about that he was in a ship that was sending probes into the sun and they were surprised that it would hit this initial heat that wasn't as hot as they thought it would be and then it would go down and it would get cooler as it got closer to the center, which makes sense when you understand that structure. So, you know, this is what I've heard from various sources, including these ETs that talk to me about it. Because one of the things, for example, these reptilians told me early on about the sun, they said that there were some kind of beings that lived inside of the sun. And I'm thinking with my conventional background, what kind of being could live inside of a burning hot ball of plasma? Well, one, it's not a burning hot ball of plasma, but number two, I never even thought about interdimensionality. And so over the years, they told me about different kinds of extraterrestrials that aren't even corporeal that exist outside of our physical reality. They're like phase shifted out of 3D and they'll live on a planet. They might even be right here on earth next to us and we don't even know they're there, you know, unless you're psychic or more aware. So they told me like that there were some beings that lived on Jupiter, for example, and they got into a war with some other E.T. race. And this other E.T. race sent a comment there too, which was a weapon to hurt them. And it impacted the surface of Jupiter and it created that big black spot on Jupiter. And, you know, there's a story I never heard before. And I'm thinking, you know, at the time they didn't say interdimensional, they just saw those in the E.T.s. And I'm thinking, what the hell kind of beings could live on Jupiter in that cold or whatever with gravitation? You know, it's like I'm thinking conventionally and then I realized years later after I learned more, it's like they were interdimensional. They were phased out of, you know, R3D and the same thing with the sun. These, you know, I kept asking these reptones, who's living there? What are they? And they kept dodging the question for a long time. And eventually they told me, we can't tell you because it would threaten your wife. If you knew this information, it could put you in danger. And so they wouldn't tell me. But I kind of gathered over the years, there was some kind of interdimensional that existed there. And now, you know, some of these secrets, face program people have talked about E.T.s using suns, the black holes, the centers of suns as portals to tread through. And, and you know, when we were at East City Ranch, there's this mountain, as you guys know, mountains across several miles away. But at nighttime, all these lights and phenomenon light up there. And sometimes I see flying saucers and they see things coming and going out of this mountain. And John Vivonco, our friend John Vivonco, who's got a remote viewing company, Remote Beauty said there's an interdimensional portal there and these E.T.s are using it for, you know, coming in and out of Earth. So, so in the same way, the sun apparently has this, you know, this interdimensional portal. That can be used for a lot of different purposes, but it's part of the natural structure of the cosmos. And we don't have an accurate understanding of the makeup of these planets anyway. You know, we're told at the bottom, we see images of them, but who knows what the surface of Jupiter is actually like. And it might be able to host life in a way that we just don't understand. So it could be a physical life form, but just something not based on our concept of reality, you know, exactly. A lot of E.T.s live inside of the planets as well, not on the surface. We always go, we think only life can live on a surface. Well, no, actually, the majority of the time from what I've heard is E.T.s live on the inside of planets. Yeah, exactly. That's it. I've never been inside the Earth and haven't met anybody in there, but I have no people who have. And from the sound of it, I wouldn't want to go there. It's like, it's not all lovey-dovey down there, but you're absolutely right. And then, you know, some of these, well, like I was talking to this Russian scientist named Konstantin Karakov, and he's like a very, in some ways, very mainstream academic. He's very highly respected and, you know, in the conventional science, but he's also done all these far out things like done autopsies on extraterrestrial mummies in South America and stuff. And that is a lot of stuff from a lot of different sources. And I was having a conversation with him one time at the Bosnian Pyramids and I said, yeah, I've heard from, you know, these various sources that, that the Earth is a honeycomb of water. It's like, you know, it's not solid and it's not structured the way we've been told. It's like this very cavernous honeycomb full of water. And I said, yeah, because water is actually created by that black hole at the center of the Earth in all planets. He said all planets have water inside of them because skater ways will create water. And now it's actually been discovered by mainstream science that water is out in space because it's created by sons. So sons themselves create water. And to start getting those little tidbits of information, you know, it starts to make sense that a lot of what we've been told isn't true. And then I've had, like, other people back that stuff up, Valiri Uvarov. You talk about, we don't know what, you know, what Jupiter's really like. Well, Valiri Uvarov was a Russian pyramid scientist. I met him in the Bosnian Pyramids. He was one of the few people that can really blow in my mind. Before he was many years ago, before he was doing what he's doing now, he was in the KGB. And it was his job to investigate UFO incidents. And so he told me that he was investigating one UFO incident and turned out it was a flying saucer with some human ETs on it. And they picked him up and they toured him around the solar system and they told him all kinds of stuff about the real history of Earth and our solar system and his own life and his many lifetimes. And told him about his life on Mars and stuff. When Mars was a moon of a larger planet called Maldak or Tiamat. And, you know, I'm sure we've heard those stories about Maldak and Tiamat. And he, you know, being Russian, he didn't know any of those stories from any of these American SSP sources, but he told the same stories. But one of the things I found interesting was he said that they toured him around all these different planets and suns. And he said on every planet or not suns planets and moons. And he said all the planets and moons that they showed him had pyramids on them. And he was told that it was because pyramids among other things are interstellar communication devices. And so they're utilized heavily throughout the cosmos. So you're right. It's like we're just told we're fed a line of bowl about, you know, what these planets and moons and science. Turn on Netflix and there's a flat earth documentary. That was something I asked him. I was joking around and I interviewed him. And I said, I said, so is your flat and he laughed. He's like, no, no, definitely not. If we understand physics standpoint, you know, and all the flat earthers I've met who are really, really adamant about it. They'll just make up stuff to, you know, it's like, you can go, what about this physical phenomenon? What about this? And they'll just start. Well, it's a hologram. It's all a hologram. We're all being there. We're going to go there. Well, then you can just make up anything about anything, you know, when NASA lies. So they must also be lying. It must be flat because they're lying. So they, yeah, these arguments. It's like, well, the planet used to all think the earth was flat and that was from the control system back then. So which were they lying then? Are they lying now? Well, I know people in the military intelligence agencies and they've all told me that the whole flat earth thing is just another CIA scyop. Absolutely. Specifically by the Rand Corporation, I've heard like even down to the very specifics, like it's literally a scyop. Yeah. And I like Gene D code's way of putting it. He's like flat earth or flat earthers are actually living in a 2D reality. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. No, it's really interesting. I just met and spent time with the flat earth and I was asking him questions. And he's a great guy, by the way, before I even knew that he believed in the flat earth. We became friends. He's a fantastic guy. And he started asking him questions. And very quickly, I realized he was just parroting like things he had seen online. And he wasn't on any sort of a spiritual journey as far as I knew. But I could tell you, he wasn't even intuitively feeling into whether or not he believed that the planet is round or flat. It was like, I'm like thinking to myself, would you have come to that conclusion had you had not had that idea presented to you on the internet? Right. So like, you really, that's why, like the inner work and going within and like, what is your body tell you here? Like, forget what TikTok says that about flat earth, you know, TikTok is a big push for flat earth, by the way, if you don't know that. But you have to believe all of space is fake to to for it to make sense also, which it's almost like, at some point, you got to use Occam's razor because you have to say all these whistleblowers that have claimed to be in space and it's coming from. You have to say it's all that to say op and all that's fake. Because I want to believe this one narrative. Yeah, I think this absolutist mentality like it's got to be this or that it can't be right. Well, maybe he's right about 75% of that and maybe, you know, there's none of that career it's all, you know, it's either this or that and that's part of the mind control on planet earth. Right. It gets you locked locked into one belief system, and then you're closed off to any other possibilities and any other truth. Right. And they say, in a Star Wars only sit deal and absolute. Yeah, yeah. Oh, there's a lot of disclosure in those movies. So Kim, why don't you tell our audience about your company and what you offer people and what your products are. Okay. Well, my main website where we sell our products is fresh and And the main website where I do teaching is fresh and alive that's where I have a private membership site for a one time five dollar fee. The goal is not to be making money off a subscription is just to get us into private domain so I can tell them more truth. And, you know, not be as heavily persecuted. We make, we make and sell products to maintain or regain health naturally, but I do have some kind of unique products that nobody else has out there which you guys are familiar with. One in particular, the home shield which we don't tell the truth about what it actually does on our website but it, I really designed it for clearing Fukushima nuclear fallout which it will do it basically clears all air pollution for a 75 mile radius. It's an atmosphere and it sends it out into space so it doesn't come back down on you so whether it's chemtrail pollution or fallout or nanotech or whatever the hell is up there. It'll clean it out and send it out into space and then what that does it balances a charge in the atmosphere so you get normal weather for your area and so for example here in Florida it will stop the hurricanes. Unfortunately last fall when we had those two engineered hurricanes they followed past paths where we didn't have any of these devices so I'm doing my best to get them out to the world without getting killed because I've had four attempts. I've had four attempts on my life already but we've got some very unique products like that and then other skater energy technology for improving sleep and EMF protection and that kind of stuff. Right and so one of these pyramids or whatever you just described did they have to be placed outside or can they be kept inside will a ceiling where anything above it obstruct it working effectively. For my devices, yeah. For my devices the the pyramid the little pyramid the ratio which actually is back behind me there. Yeah, that is you keep indoors but the out the home shield device which is a cylinder about yay big that one goes outdoors and it will protect the whole house against EMF it'll do everything the pyramid does sort of help you get deep sleep protects against if it improves plant growth, it reduces pest insects like mosquitoes and biting bugs, and it clears the atmosphere and balances the weather for semi file amount radius and EMF protection so basically you put it maybe 20 30 feet outside of your bedrooms. And then you know give it access to the sky and it'll do its thing for the atmosphere but it also improves plant growth plants will feed directly off the energy pollinators love it so it'll de-stress them so you get more pollinators. And then more birds and that kind of stuff because all living organisms they like the energy of it. Okay. That's great. I have the rest shield actually I love it. Yeah. Oh good well if you guys. I'll have to thank you guys up. I got a new by the way I got a new home shield that's more powerful it's probably not going to be a consumer model because it's going to be pretty expensive but it'll be for farms and for larger you know organizations but I'm testing it right now and it works phenomenally well. That's great. Nice. And if you feel like hooking us up you know we're not gonna say no. I'll hook you guys up. I appreciate that and thank you so much for coming on today and this was incredible I mean we covered a lot I even learned that the plural for he looks as he lie I didn't know that. I believe that's right. I believe that's the plural. Well that's the only thing I retained from today. You're like 20 years from now when I'm dead a bit by the one thing I remember Carol told me was the total for helix. You lie is he lie. No thank you so much this was a lot of fun really enjoyed this and I guess this is not going to make it to YouTube so. If you're listening to this right now you're on rumble. But thank you guys for tuning in we hope you enjoyed this go check out Ken's website he's doing some incredible stuff buy some products start you know the or miss he sells or miss as well which we talked about earlier. And which I've personally taken and yeah. Just make sure that you don't take too much like he said but thanks again Ken this was really great thank you guys for tuning in come hang out with us at our conference if you feel compelled tickets are available at journey to truth con. com May 22nd to 25th graft in Illinois. We hope to see you guys there we love you good night and have a great evening. There was a CIA director named William Colby who in the 1980s said we'll know our disinformation campaigns are successful when everything the American people believe is fake. When we realize how powerful we are when we set our intentions and we realize that we aren't just this we are just these multidimensional light beings and time is an illusion and you know it's everything's a perception then you can go forward and backwards and embody it and just pop out and go and do this work you can do amazing things when we set the right intentions to do it. And I said this is this is us on this plane you know like this that's what this is we're going to the moon and say this thing is a lot older than you think it is we've been going to the moon a long time but I wrote on it I knew that we went to the moon. And so I always knew there was a base on the moon from a young age and our DNA is a complex recording system of the history of the entire universe the history you know of everything that not just this timeline that we know but multiple timelines of reality. There are a total of nine different categories of planets in the universe. We people on earth we are living on category one planet like elementary school students and the students they're living on category nine planet like college professors. So they have been really guiding us throughout history. To help them let us know that this facility under the sandy mountain is considered an information station for interstellar travelers coming to the planet. They tell us that their facility was retrofitted into the ancient tunnel system that already existed. And as far as the bending of space time continuum I've had something like that happen and what seemed like about a five minute encounter has been four and a half hours. A missing time and I was completely conscious and what are you doing with a type three type four type five civilizations that can work with the different coexisting timelines. All bets are off. You know every time we have Bigfoot activity out there we're having ETs and orbs and stuff like that. We have a lot of the stuff documented as a matter of fact I'm a member of three different teams and I work with people from all over the country out in the field and we actually have documented a portal, something that we consider to be a portal. Opening and we sent two of our team members inside of it really disappeared and then came back out. I would suggest that we take it one step further and say humanity has never known who we are. We've always been in a thought control matrix and one step further perhaps we could say that we're in a conscious consciously controlled state of hypnosis. In other words, are the thought control matrix creators constantly bombarding this with frequencies that keep us from being telepathic that keep us from remembering who we are. The thought control matrix was set up and we have never known our potential our power, our beauty, our incredible connection. It makes no sense at all. There is no reason for it other than the programming that we've received for generations because it's all about order. It's all about listen to your elders, listen to the teachers, listen to the adults, listen, listen, listen. And what that does is it dims the light of the child and it makes them feel like they don't have a voice. And why that's designed that way by the dark side and that's in the system is so that they grow up and they just listen to and they do what they're told and they're good little boys and good little girls. And they lose their sense of self. They lose their north, their true north. So many adults are walking around in this world. They don't know who they are. So the planet itself is now beginning to split. It's beginning to divide again into a higher vibrational earth and a lower vibrational earth. And the race of man is dividing with it. And we're becoming less and less aware of one another. And over time, what will happen and I don't know how long this will be, one world will have all higher vibrational beings on it and the other one will all be third dimensional beings. And we will not perceive each other anymore. [Music] [Music] [Music] You slept through your alarm, missed the train and your breakfast sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash and Luckyland is where people go every day to get lucky. At Luckyland, you can play over a hundred casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. No purchase necessary, VGW proved. We're prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply.