Journey to Truth

EP 230 - LIVE w/ Derek & Daniel: Shred The Veil - Life With A Cosmos Clearance

Originally aired on 1/28/23
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We are Daniel and Derek, the grandsons of the late Daniel Morris Salter, one of the 20 or so witnesses from Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project who went to the DC National Press Club Hearing in 2001. 
Daniel M. Salter wrote a book called, “Life with a Cosmos Clearance”, where he discusses his military career starting in 1947 climbing the ranks to Chief Master Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force and gaining access to many highly classified projects as well as Project Blue Book.  He eventually retired in 1969 and went to work under the ultra-secret NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) gaining a Cosmos Clearance, 38 levels above top secret.
Much of his story and testimony from over the years would be very difficult for most people to believe as he was cognizant of many ongoing hidden agendas that remain unknown to the majority of the population.  As his grandsons, we are now dedicated to investigating and seeking the truth for ourselves. 
We co-host a show on called Shred the Veil where we are trying to live up to our grandfather's legacy of disclosing the truth that finally needs to be revealed in so many aspects of our lives.

1h 44m
Broadcast on:
03 Aug 2024
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So, you know, guys, if you are looking to come to the conference, tickets are still available at You can grab a ticket online or grab a live stream ticket if you can't make it. On-site lodging is sold out, as you probably already know. But if you want to come stay on site, you can still camp. There is camping available. It's beautiful grounds. I actually recommend it. If you like camping, it's a perfect place to do so or you can find the Airbnb or hotel nearby or get on the Telegram chat that is on the website and you can probably find somebody who's also looking for a roommate. Some of the cabins there actually have a lot of room, a lot of space. So if you're looking for a roommate, you might get lucky that way. We're really looking forward to it. Some great speakers this year. It's not strictly secret space program themed, which is a little broader spectrum encompassing the entire awakening and disclosure. So we're really looking forward to it. I've got a question about that. Yeah. Well, do I get one of those? Do I get a free shirt? Like those right there? If I go? Like this one? Yeah, yeah. Actually, these aren't our shirts. So we're going to be talking about this shirt. Our friend Katherine was not Katherine Mallory McKee. Yeah, Mallory McKee. Sorry. I'm thinking of Katherine Mallory. Our friend Mallory designed these amazing t-shirts and she sent them to us as a gift and we told her we'd rock them on the show. It's a mushroom sasquatch tea and I put that link in the description mushroom tea dot t-shirts or something. The link is below. But these are awesome. So if you guys want one of these t-shirts, you can find that in the link below. Nice. Yeah. They're actually, there's some really cool designs on their website, but she designs more than just this. Yeah. They're really cool shirts. Like in it. Nice. But this shirt has nothing to do with the conference, unfortunately. So no, we're going to get one. Okay. Man, except for Bigfoot and UFOs. Oh, yeah. It's going to be at the conference. Right. So it does do the conference technically. Well, I'd be able to get the webcast ticket. And I didn't know you guys do it on our mind. That'll be cool. Yeah. The live stream. Yeah, you should do it. Get the live stream. It's a really cool experience. The one last year, I don't know if you've caught any replays, it turned out awesome. One presentation had a little bit of a buzz, but we were still working out the kinks, but it was a really cool experience. This year, we're going to try to let some of the live stream people ask questions during the Q&A if we can, like, make it a little interactive for them. We'll see how it goes, but it's completely worth it and you get a six month replay. And everybody who purchases an in person ticket also gets a replay of the conference, too. So that's just a little added bonus. Very cool. And it's going to be some great vendors, too, where really the vendor experience this year is going to be awesome. It's not just vendors. We have, you know, healers, psychics, tarot card readers, artists, I mean, a number of people and a lot of the people who've been on our show, you know, so it's going to be a good time. It's going to be amazing this year. I can't wait. So grab a ticket, come hang out with us. Tickets are limited, by the way. But there's still plenty left. There's still plenty left. Plenty left. Plenty left right now. Okay. So guys, if you don't know who we're talking to, you're about to find out. This is Derek and Daniel from shred the veil over at They've been doing some great work. And if you read the description, you know, they're the grandsons of Daniel Salter, who wrote the book, what is it? I can't even think of the name of the book. Life with the cosmos clearance. Yeah. Yeah. And apparently your grandfather had 38 levels above top secret clearance, right? And I'll let you guys explain what that is and explain the whole thing and how you guys are even here, why you end up doing what you're doing today. So welcome to the show. Yeah. Thanks so much. Yeah, absolutely. Derek, if you just want to take it away and just kind of let us know how you guys got into this. Who was your grandfather? He was involved in and we'll go from there. Okay. It's quite a story. I mean, I'll try to condense it down a little bit, but I'll let you know, just to start with, I mean, our grandfather was in the Air Force. He started out his career back in actually 1947, just about when he got out high school. And basically, when all we knew growing up was like he was big into talking about all these disclosure topics like UFOs, aliens and, you know, all this hidden secret government kind of stuff happening. And he talked more about it even with our parents and my mom who's his daughter, but and my mom's just like this guy's kind of nutty. But, you know, as we as we get on, and I think Dan actually has more personal experiences with the information shared for me, it was like, I don't know, I feel over time, I have got a whole lot of experiences that kind of validated what he was talking about later on in my life. But this was long after he came out and even we didn't have any clue that he had a top secret clearance or cosmos clearance or anything like that. He said he went into the NRO back in 1969, just when he retired from the Air Force. So he goes into the book, which he wrote back in 2003. Now before that book even came out, there was the disclosure project with Dr. Steven Greer. That's a really pivotal point in any form of disclosure that were related to UFOs, secret, you know, hidden agencies, things like that where all this stuff is taking place. So that happened in 2001 in May of 2001 and our grandfather was one of about 20, 21 odd witnesses that went. And Dan Willis was one of them, we actually interviewed him. I was finally able to meet him, which was great at Mount Shasta last year. And anyway, so the disclosure project happened and that was kind of swept aside because 9/11 happened shortly after that. But our grandfather, we had no idea he was going to even go to that conference and or that press club hearing. We had no idea like he was involved with that extent. So it was amazing for us as teenagers, you know, about to go to college. And that that bomb gets dropped on us like by the way your grandfather was probably involved with some really high level classified stuff. So we were kind of already set in our ways, you know, we're going to go, you know, have normal college and then corporate type of careers. And so me and my brother both became engineers. We kind of live normal lives, but in the background, we've always had this information and we've always questioned what's really what how much of it is true. And only until the past, I'd say two years, especially 2019, 2020, when a lot, lots happened, you know, in the forefront in the public domain where all this conspiracy kind of stuff and disclosure information starting to come together and people are seeing it on a massive scale. So it just started to validate and confirm so much of what our grandfather share within his book. And the book is it is like the conspiracy. It's like the, I don't know, the culmination of all big conspiracies of the secret government underground bases talks about the grace talks about a particleization, which is like teleportation, mass particles to waves, almost like Tesla, that quantum energy technology, light technology, the Star Wars program weaponizing space, all the German technology, all the Nazi hidden secret space stuff going on the dark fleet kind of basically where that started. He doesn't go straight into the secret space program in the book, but he kind of leads in that direction. He's kind of like showing you this all happened way back in the 40s, 50s, 30s even and it all just was building up. So he's kind of saying, look, this is what they were doing then. So imagine what they're doing now. And just so many things shared in that book. It's hard to go into all of it right now, but but we can try to try to shed some light on some of it for sure. Yeah. And the challenge for us is that when that book came out in 2003, our grandfather had started having a couple of strokes by that time and his health was really deteriorating and he passed away a couple of years later. So at that point in time, we really weren't able to really have good conversations with him about the book or talk about it or have him elaborate or go into depth on anything. So it's really unfortunate the timing of all that of when we found this out. Besides when we were younger in the 90s and just some telling us stories when we go visit about New Mexico for the summer and hearing them talk about Nazis and Antarctica and different things like that, it was, at that time, I didn't know what kind of questions to ask him or I did if I truly believed it and I shared some of that with my friends one time and I remember they were just like their minds were blown and it was just like, I didn't realize like, people don't really talk about this kind of stuff, it's not really accepted or I guess as the truth, the people are really skeptical and so I never really talked about it growing up beyond the conversations that I had with him directly. So it's been a long journey for us, finally, seeing this stuff come out over the last 20 years and finding corroborating information and it's really exciting for us on this journey to have this backbone of this information from him and then just to see where everything lines up as things fall into place and we discovered more on our own. So tell us what you know, what did he share with you, I know Derek said you had more personal experience with him, did he pass anything on to you guys personally or did you learn everything from his book or what did that look? Well, I'll say like Dan, I kind of want maybe you share, you should share some of the stuff that he kind of said and it's kind of like, you know, I'll let you talk about it, but for me, it wasn't those one-on-one conversations, he kind of left me in the dark and he kind of just said, hey, you should go into the Air Force, I really want you to go, I was geared ready to go, like I was the alternate for the state of Virginia to go to the Air Force Academy and luckily that I kind of just, because it didn't happen, I said, alright, it's all or nothing, so I'm going the other direction, which probably saved my life in a lot of ways, but anyway, after 9/11 happened just at that time I was graduating high school, but I'll let Dan talk about, he's like more conversational pieces and then I'll tell you about more personal experiences, I guess that makes sense. Yeah, that'd be great, yeah. Yeah, so like I said, this is going from the memories over 20 years ago, when I was a teenager and one of the main stories was about the Philadelphia experiment, about time travel using the radar, you know, underwater in the 1940s and people coming back with parts of their body and the ship's whole and, you know, deep particle, he's trying to tell me about particleization, deep particleization and what ended up being time travel through that event, that had been the first time I'd heard anything about that, he told me about like a hole in the ozone layer down in Antarctica from atomic weapons testing that the Nazis were doing and that they also had built UFOs, they had their own craft and technology down in Antarctica and the secret base is down there. There are a few other stories, my mind's kind of blank now, but a lot of that had to do with like the history part of it, like the World War II stuff and the Nazis and the development from there and the technology and how that came to be, and then his encounter, he had, so I guess we can talk about that, he talks about it in the disclosure project with Dr. Greer and in his book, his first encounter in the Air Force, he was at, what base was that from? >> Warner Bob's. >> Robin's Air Force base, yeah, in like '99, and he was working a radar team and they were supposed to be having Strategic Air Command doing these, just testing and running things to see if they could pick it up on radar, and they saw three ships flying out over the horizon visually, and then they went down and they caught it on the, several sweeps on the radar, and then they were watching it on the, you know, completely vanished and disappeared and they were able to calculate based on the radar sweeps that it was probably over several thousand miles when it left the area, and they were told never to speak of it again, and he eventually from there became a part of the original Project Blue Book and on that team of, you know, disseminating false information and convincing people that it wasn't real, you know, when they saw these things with the military. So, I do remember him talking to me about that, and that was the bulk of it, a lot of it just blew my mind, and I was like so baffled and didn't know what to believe. >> Right, well if you don't have a reference. >> If you don't have a reference for any of that stuff, it is mind-blowing, you know, especially if it's coming from a family member, grandfather, you know, it's interesting, I've heard that, I forgot who else talks about the whole neo-zone layer was created from an atomic testing, you know. >> Yeah. >> But I think who knows what they were actually doing. I think they might have been more than testing. I think there was part of a battle that was going on that had something to do with Operation High Jump. From what I've heard, I don't know exactly what's going on, but, you know, you can't talk about the Secret Space Program without going to World War II. So, it's interesting he had all that knowledge, and we really have to remind ourselves what we already know here, you know, we have people like him, and like the old-timers, like William Tomkins and stuff, they were talking about this stuff, you know, in the latter years of their life, you know, and they were, which means that they were involved in this stuff at a very young age, and this has been happening for a lot longer than we think. So Derek, what were some of your personal experiences with them? >> Well, I'll tell you, yeah, I'll tell you a couple, but this, there was one, well, for me, one, like, get this, like, think about it, now you hear about, you know, who Phil Snyder is and talked about the Deep Underground basis? >> Sure. >> Oh, yeah. >> Well, just imagine you're like a teenager, and I was definitely like, even maybe barely out of middle school, and just hanging out. I go over there, we summer to Taos, New Mexico, where he lived, and when I was sent about that age, and there's a couple friends of ours that were about the same age. We would hang out, run around, and just have fun. I learned how to drive out there before I should have been driving, which was fun. But so anyway, I'm like a young teenager, and my grandfather has a lot of strange, interesting people, I'd say, come by and visit and talk these discussions about these random topics, and kind of like more the hippie movement, it was kind of that way out there. It was kind of like New Age, what, if you want to call that, all those people that were not accepted in mainstream society, that's where they would basically go and create these earthships. Yeah, Taos is like a mini Sedona, basically. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Especially the 70s, 80s, and early 90s, it was still very much that scene. So anyway, I would remember just seeing these people come to the house, and one time I remember watching like a VHS tape of Phil Schneider talking about the dumbs, and just going deep into it. So that's, it was like probably right after the conference where he gave this talk. So I mean, I knew he was, my grandfather was heavy into that stuff that early on. That just stuck in my mind, and I knew, wow, I mean, now this is a big deal once it came kind of mainstream in the Scottish world. But I remember going to a lot of road trips with him. We went up to Delcy a couple of times, and I remember one trip, he was, and he would say little things, you know, like, I don't remember how long drawn out conversations, and like my brother said, I wish I knew what questions to ask. I wish I just knew because it's one of those things where unless you know what to ask, if you don't ask the question, he's not going to just come say the whole thing. So that kills me to this day. I'm like, my God, we could have great discussions if I was in my right mind and aware of what was happening. But anyway, going to Delcy, he's like basically said, you know, there's a lot of interesting stuff that happened out here, you know, I think that I just want you to be aware of that. That's kind of why we're heading out through this area. And as we get in towards Delcy, this unmarked, like big SUV starts coming straight up behind us, like right on our tail, and my grandfather's just like, okay, that's a sign we better take. We better get out of here. Like, he knew, like, that was them saying, get away, like, get out, and I'm pretty sure he knew he was probably always tracked throughout his life and just later on his life. But I remember, like, even like, I think there was a helicopter in that situation. I remember maybe once, at least, and maybe twice, but I remember, like, black helicopters kind of situation where I was in some area. And for no reason, it seemed to go fly by, like, a couple of times wherever I was. That happened once or twice, and that I remember. But one of the more strangest things that have happened around my grandfather, and this wasn't, well, he was with me, but I was at his house, and it was the middle of the night with the friend I was talking about, I would hang out with. And we literally saw this, it was about three in the morning, full moon. He lived out in Pot Creek, I'd just say, that's where, that's where his house was, and it's just little, this highway, the small highway out in the middle of the mountains, out way out in the mountains, like on his high desert house. So heading towards the mountains, we walk out to that highway and look towards the full moon, right above the highway, we start walking in that direction, and we just see this, like, figure this, a silhouette, because all you can see is the silhouette with the moon shining from its back. And so it was just this upright lizard, that's all we can say. It was a giant, like, upright, at least six foot, whatever, but it was like running towards us. I mean, you can't mistake that for like a bear or some other, like a deer or something, like we, we, they hunt all the time, I've been around the woods long enough to know the difference, but we saw that thing, and we were just like, we got to get out of here. So we booked it and it was like, you know, that was when I was like 15. And what do you do when you have, when something weird experience happens in your life, you kind of just forget about it, right? You kind of just block it out or just say that didn't happen. So that's basically what I did for most of my life until you start hearing about people talk like David Icke and others talk about reptilians and things. I'm like, okay, well, that makes more sense, but like, wait, this stuff is real. Yeah. Right. Yeah. If that happened, I could have titled this episode chased by a reptilian at age 15. Yeah. You know, they, they count on, on the masses to forget what they see, you know, we were just, I'm just listening to some old Captain Mark Richards interview. And that's what he talks about. They count on the masses to forget because they know that we have a fear of not fitting in. So, um, we want to fit in and don't be ready for it to be too afraid to speak out about it. That's what I mean. Like, you know, you had an experience, but you're like, no one's going to believe me. They're all going to think I'm crazy or on drugs or whatever, so you just don't never talk about it. And then every, and then it creates this false illusion that, oh, no one's experiencing these things. Cause no one's hardly anyone's talking about it, but they're all afraid to talk about. Right. So fear of not fitting in like you don't, because you want to be accepted by society, you don't want to be an outcast. So you don't talk about this stuff. Yeah. Yeah. It's really interesting. Just think about all the people that do have these experiences and we're like, I'm crazy, but like a lot of them are, they're young. They're probably doing like smearing me with drugs and taking drugs. So people are just like, oh, you were just high or just on this or that. But I can tell you for sure I didn't do, I didn't smoke anything then I wasn't even drinking at all then. So we were totally in the right mind. I had a witness, my friend that said that happened, you know, so yeah, that's the program response because I just did my first ever radio station interview here in St. Louis. It actually went into a studio. You know, it's being, you know, broadcasted on FM radio, whatever. But the first, I started telling one of my stories, the first question they asked me, were you drunk? Were you high? Right. You know, they immediately want to like get that out of the way first because it's like, I don't know. It's like, let's where everyone's mind immediately goes like, oh, you must, you must have been on drugs. Well, how many times does this stuff happen to drunk people even? Exactly. Like, it's not, it's not common even if you were doing, if you were, yeah. Yeah. So can you explain maybe the, your understanding of his clearance, 38 levels above top secret. Like what does the president have in regards to that? Yeah. I think comparison, sorry, actually I have a little image that would be perfect. Yeah, I found a chart that I looked up at one point in time, but the president is like, it's 17 level 17, you know, like restricted, restricted confidential secret top secret, and it keeps going up and then the president's in the mix up there somewhere in the, all the secret crypto faction of it. And then there's several ones near the top of like cosmic and stellar and majestic is like the very top, but, right, and I've heard that it was clear. And I've heard there's even more like even one above majestic, you know, and it's, and that's the thing that people don't know. Yeah. People, it's so compartmentalized. You think you're at the top, like he thought cosmos was the top level, like you don't know about the other stuff above your, you know, your head. So that's why it's like learn to some people, like I guarantee the president of the United States doesn't know what, you know, it hurts over her, right, right. It's funny you said 38 levels because David Wilcock would always say he would get from insiders. There's 35 levels above the president. So that's close to that number. So it seems like it's somewhere around. That's a lot of levels above the president and it's funny because the illusion, the illusion we're sold is that the president is at the top of the chain and that's so far from the truth. It's not even funny. Right. They're at the, they're like way down, way down. They're like a middle, somebody called a presence or like middle management that are like way down the chain. Right. And I would guess that, I mean, I don't know if this is true, but I've heard people say that Trump was probably read in a little higher than the average. I believe that. If he was involved in the whole Q operation and all that stuff or don't yell at me guys for mentioning it. But there's, but even him, there was still so, so much above. So I can reach actually this real quick. He had a whole Star Wars city chart, which I think that some colonel came out within late 90s that actually shows like Cheyenne Mountain, a NORAD, all the connections with the president Magi National Reconnaissance Office, which they in a row that he claimed to be a part of. It says here, there exists a cosmic Q, level 33, this is Magi, M-A-J-I, which came first. Then there is Majestic 12 and J12, which is level 32 and came later. I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary, VGW Group void prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. In aircraft secret manufacturing, there are directors at 31, level 31. Then on level 30, we have the officials of the Wackenock Group, the double boys, followed by a elite group of the Snatcher Snuff, who gets orders from the secret service. There are 38 levels of top secret, so kind of explains that a little bit. Right. Even that's what we see all this contradicting information, because some people forget, especially the guys who have a clearance, they forget that it is compartmentalized. They think that they're read in and they know the ultimate. I would know about this. We just talked about this in our last episode. We have to remember this when we're sharing information, when we're learning stuff here and from people, and like, "Well, this person said this and this person said that." Yeah, but they're getting information from two different, completely different levels. Yeah. Yeah. That's such a big deal. I want to make sure we try to say that when we have guests or when we're talking about any subject. It's like, don't take a word for it. We don't have all the answers for sure, but every one of us has a piece of the puzzle, a piece of the story. There's no one person with all the answers. As soon as you hear that person say that, then you run the other direction because it's bullshit. It's complete bullshit. I'm sorry. It has to be. No matter who you are, all the great masters say, "I'm just an oppressed, I'm still learning. I'm a more student than a teacher." All the great masters will tell you that because that's true. That's how life and ascension and progression all come into play. Exactly. Well, and the master understands that their student is there to teach them also. Right. Right. And the more knowledge you gain, the more you know how much you don't know. It's almost like your awareness of your ignorance increases the more you know, and the more you grow and knowledge and wisdom. So the fact that anyone is saying it would be alluding to like, "Oh, I basically know everything." Or if that was true, I would know. It shows you how like unevolved they are. I mean, I'm sorry to say, and they're massively like their ego is consumed. Yeah. Yeah. So in regards to this symbol that's behind you guys off camera or before we went live, you told us this actually has something to do with your grandfather? Can you let us know about that? So this is actually how he got his initial encounter that I just described earlier. But he had further introduction to classified programs through big mom Mandelbrot. He actually worked beside him under him while he was in the Air Force in his early part of his career. And that's how he gained confidence within that group that they were allowed him to know more and gain access to higher level projects as he went through through the years. But it started with him and they were working on a climate control type stuff in the... In England? In English? Yeah. Yeah. The tenure they have down there for climate control operations. Wow. What Air Force base did you say that was a cutout for a second? It's in England. That's in Florida. Yeah. Florida. EGLA. There's a lot down in Florida. The entire coast, L.A., California, there's a lot under sea bases there, portal, stargates. That's what I think of whenever I see that too. I think of like a grid system of portals and stargates stuff too. Right. Now, I was just going to say too, because of, I mean it's a very, I'll just tell you, it's crazy. The stuff he said, I always said back when I read the book, like, if 2% of this information or 1% is even true, it could change the whole world. It could change everything. You know, how much is tied into him? That's still the question and we're still trying to find that out. I'm actually still going to the Freedom of Information Act and trying to get evidence from NRO and Air Force. And I think I'm making progress, so I'll just maybe get an update to you guys later. But just to say, like his background, when you're adopted or you're a foster child like he was, when you don't, you don't have as many ties. And I think back then, when there were so much of the sightings taking place, maybe it was easier to try to bring people in or just, you know, do the assessment and see where they're at. But he was also amazing. We know that because our mom was actually part of like the East Sister or the Eastern Star or whatever the further women that would do that. We have his apron that he did have, he claimed his great grandfather was a 33rd degree mason. And I think that was on his adopted side, his foster side. So like, there was these connections he had and I think that, especially with the masons, if you have any connection like that, you're going to usually get ahead or you're going to get accepted a little bit quicker. Well, and being adopted, that fits the mold, whatever I'm trying to say, perfectly for the secret space program, description, fits the description, whatever I can't think. But it's true. I think that they target people who were in the foster care system and we know this actually because a lot of the whistleblowers and experiences talk about this, you know, and it makes sense. Well, there's a whole theory about children in the foster care system and the pod people. I don't know if you guys have gone down that rabbit hole. We might do an episode on it coming, but essentially it's like the theory where a lot of the people in the late 1800s and early 1900s were actually grown in pods and that's where like the whole cabbage patch kids actually represents like children being grown. Wow. Yeah. And there's actually a lot of evidence to support this and they were even even the world's fairs like had children and incubators, they were on display like they had the technology. So we know it's not the technology is not a theory, but apparently it was a lot more common and widespread and that's where all these foster homes like they just put these children in foster homes because they were literally growing them. Now that's a crazy theory I understand, but it's possible and it does no doubt that some of these people of when you don't have a family, you can be used for anything. No one's going to know you're missing, you know, don't be looking for you. Right. Yeah. Definitely. All these missing children like you, I hear it like when Tony Rodriguez was talking and some of these people that they just remember as kids like how many would just disappear like thousands of kids like and it was normal like how in the world is that normal and how is that not like addressed on a massive scale across the nation like hello like can we stop doing all this other shit and figure out what's going on with the kids like that's great. That is insane. But that happened and it probably still happens. But back then it was definitely yeah, it was known it was known like far away. So in the book now I can't wait to read this book. I wish I had read it before we'd done this so it could be a better interview, but I'll just let you guys explain. Did he get in detail about like races of ET's or did he go that far or not? Did he even talk about the presence? Yeah. Dan, I don't know if you want to say much about it, but I think more or less he talked about the grace and I'm not sure how much he said there was different races. He said there was the Pleidians, the Zeta Reticuli, the Orion groups, he did list them out. He didn't go into a lot of detail, but I know in talks there's interviews of him actually we found later on much later from the 90s where he's giving some testimony and he talked about the grace more than anything. So I know in the early days that's what they were dealing with those crash retrievals in the late 40s, 50s, mainly it was the grace in that those agreements that happened one where another behind Eisenhower's back with MJ 12, things like that. So he addressed all that, but I think the grace is what he really talked about more or less because that's really the technology transfer stuff was taking place in the early early days too. Right. Right. Maybe some of the Trojan horse stuff too, you know, I think that's happening. Right. Can I add to that, Daniel? I know he had jogged my memory a little bit about, you know, talking about the grace. When I was, when I was in college visiting over the summers he would tell me about the grace quite a bit and that was like a lot of what he, he was really familiar with, was working with the grace and, you know, I also remember now him showing me VHS sets of like actual UFO footage, it was all like black and white, I don't know. I don't know where he didn't. I don't remember where he said it was from, but I remember him showing showing me that. And yeah, definitely he talked about ET's all the time. That was, that was his main thing. Did he ever give his opinion on what he thought the grace were like that or not? Like not personally to me, but I do remember the videos he's talked about how they were. Most of them were droids, most of them weren't really actually biological, like they were just suits that they would wear to come here. They would, it was almost like androids, that's the only way they could, you know, get around in our atmosphere, stuff like that, different, different topics like that. Right. And Captain Mark Richards used to talk about the blue grays. He said the blue grays aren't the same droid minions that we hear about, they're actually an organic gray that most of the time they live in undersea bases. So it's really in work. Right. No, just saying the term gray, I think gets used a lot, but there's all these different types of grays or Zeta reticulins that get all lumped into this one term gray. Right. Tall grays. And there's like the Android ones, and there's the ones you're talking about, the Eben's, the Ponte that you walk through, there's all these different races and some are more the microservice to sell for our next who called negative and some are actually benevolent or, or at least neutral, you know, so and I don't like people always just trying to, of course, we, we, we discriminate against our own, our own human race. So of course, we're going to do that with any alien species. So I don't want to say like, Oh, when it's good, one's bad, like, of course, there's, you're going to find a mix of everything, you know, reptilian same thing. There's a Draco and the negative, well, and the negative ones, and then there's actually benevolent ones. And the interesting thing is, if you listen to people like Mark Richards, Max Beers, James Caspal, they talk about at the very top, the white hats, the black hats are reptilians on both sides. They're just a good reptilian and a positive reptilian are negative. So and like one of them has aligned with the humans. The other one is like the draconian is the Draco. So we don't ever consider that. We just think, oh, all the reptilians are bad when technically some of them are, we're actually aligned with some of them. And the way they describe it is it's a war for the planet among a bunch of different ET groups. And then we're just kind of caught in the middle of it. So and we're like, we're the other side of that war. I guess it's up to us to like overturn all of that. And you know, take the plan back for ourselves. But this is just concepts that we don't really consider most of the time. We just want to paint everything as black and white, you know, good and bad. Sure. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And he actually said, I remember, I remember he had like a hot tub. He'd go out in the back of his back porch and he'd get in the hot tub and he smoked his cigar. He loves his cigars. And he would look up and you'd see a Ryan spell and I remember he said, that's where I came from. That's, that's my home. Something like that. So he, he, he aligned with a Ryan somehow for one reason or other. Yeah, he was very spiritual, he was very into like Native American spirituality, being out there. He had some Native American ancestry in him and he was really proud of that. And so he thought a lot of that and it tied a lot into what he was, you know, doing in the UFO side of things and in the cosmos and the stars and associating it with that spirituality side of it. How old was he when he passed away? He was almost at Alice Stadium, I guess. Yeah. You slept through your alarm, missed the train and your breakfast sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash and Lucky Land is where people go every day to get lucky. At Lucky Land, you can play over a hundred casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. No purchase necessary, VGW group, point where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Well, yes. In the 70s, I think he has some runner. Yeah. Well, it says in the obituary, because I had to just go look it back up. He said he was born in 2027, so he died in 2007, so 28 or 20, so yeah, but he was already 80 then. Yeah. Are you 79, maybe? Right. He said he was 75 when the book came out in 2003, so he was really on his way out as that time was already approaching. Like we said, by the time the book came out, you couldn't really make sense of anything you said, if it was half true or what, because he was degrading so quickly, mentally and physically. Sure. Sure. This makes me look forward to the future, because these guys talk whenever they're retired. Mark Richards did that. Well, he was wrongfully imprisoned, William Tompkins, your grandfather. This is all post retirement. So imagine what we're going to get from the guys who are active now that are once they retire. Like by the time we hear about all this stuff, like they've already moved on to so much more, they don't even care that we're talking about this. Exactly. I think that's where, honestly, that's where we're at, and I think there's no way they can hide any of this. The floodgates are about to open up. So yeah, I think if we can see that happening all over the place, yeah, just in a nutshell, but I totally agree with that. That was something else I was going to mention about. Oh, the first time he talked to us about this stuff, I remember he sat us down. I was only like 10, and my mom said, "Hey, come into the kitchen." We probably have something to share with you guys about his UFO experience or some experience in the military. So that's when he officially first came out, at least with the family, and said, "I was a part of this back in the late '40s, early '50s," and he talked about that first experience. And of course, as a kid, we listened to that and we're like, "Oh, that's crazy. Okay, I'm going to go back out and play outside," and I had no idea what to do with that information. So it's planting that seed, though, at a young age, which I wish somebody would have done for me. Oh, yeah. Because we all find our way eventually. Yeah. But being introduced to Phil Schneider, it's at a young age, I mean, I didn't learn about him until way down the road. And by the way, there is a great documentary that tells his entire story. It's called Operation Underground, I think, on Amazon Prime. It's by Darcy Weir. Yeah. It's fantastic documentary. It just tells the entire Phil Schneider story, and it includes gruesome photos surrounding his death. But, you know, because he wasn't, he didn't kill himself. Of course. Very-- It was taken out. Right. Yeah. He explains that. The book. Darcy Weir's other documentaries, Secret Space UFOs. Yeah. I highly recommend those, just tons of information. He did another one on TR3B. TR3B is one. Which is really good. Sorry. Good. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah. Now, he does explain that how Schneider was basically strangled with piano wire rubber. And it's supposed to be a suicide. It's like, how is that possible? Yeah. And he goes into Forest Hall, a big into the MJ-12, how it started. How Forest Hall wanted to basically expose it all. And that's why they threw him out of the mental hospital in Baltimore or Bethesda, wherever that was. He never, he was, he, they said that what he said in the video, he said, you know, he, he never, what it was, he was alive when he, after the fall, he was still alive. Well, the fall didn't kill him, but they never let him get up alive or something like that. Like, that's how we framed it. Sure. But that's another thing. He talked to me when I was a teenager about majestic 12 a lot. Like, everything was about majestic 12 at first. And I really didn't know what that meant, or I'm sure he tried to explain it to me, but at the time I couldn't, I didn't really grasp it, but that my concept of the government was not that evolved to know where that fit in or what anything really made sense. So kind of, I remember that, that, that, that language and majestic 12 though, and I'm talking about it, you know, these people in there in charge of UFO is and all this stuff. And that it just didn't click for me until obviously, you know, now. You know, yeah, it's hilarious to me that we even have to have a debate with some people on this subject, like on the possibility, do they exist, you know, like, we're so far beyond, you know, it's like, wait, there's people actually still trying to figure out if UFOs are real, like, that's such a real, yeah, like, we're still trying to figure out a problem. Come on, guys. Let's move that like, yes, it happened. It was real. It is a real. They're here. Let's move past all that. Because like, it could easily be introduced into the education system, and we can learn about it. And it wouldn't even be a question because it's coming from the schooling system that people are already trusting. But since it doesn't come from the universities and all that, we have to argue about this and debate about it. But it's everywhere you look and books like this one and the information that's out there, it's overwhelming. The evidence is actually overwhelming. It's laughable that some that, you know, people still don't believe in this stuff, but I think, I mean, obviously, I think every day that percentage is getting higher and higher because right, I mean, you just not going to be able to ignore it at some point. That's such a good point. I mean, we've all been brainwashed through our education system. And we're, we see how how they're literally dumbing us down every generation by generation. It's so obvious. I don't know how people, of course, we see it, but I mean, some people just say, no, no, we're still the greatest nation in the world, you know, the USA, but we'd never harm our own people and do wrong to, you know, that just, that irritates me, of course, it frustrates people that see the damages done, right? So yeah, and we don't want that to happen to our kids. And that's, I think that's me, why me and my brother now are fighting to really talk about it because we're at that point where we have to raise our kids in this crazy world. And like, so let's try to fix it now as much as possible, right? Right. Exactly. And you know, that press club in 2001 was a pivotal moment in ufology and disclosure. And that, I mean, that's undeniable. I remember watching that online in like 2010 or something when I finally found it on before it's Yeah. I remember that. That's right. I'm back. Yeah. I'm so blown away back then, just like, wow, you know, it's a, it was a pivotal moment. And people like have a problem now with Greer being tied to it because, you know, Greer has this narrative where there's no negative ETs and obviously like, he might be controlled opposition. Yeah, he might be. But if he doesn't think there's negative ETs that would that, yeah, that's a kind of a big red flag. That's a big red flag. But that being said, he does a lot of amazing work as documentaries are amazing. You know, he, he did that, he did disclosure project in 2001. So don't throw the baby out of the bathwater, you know, with any weird doctor. Greer is definitely a badass. I wanted people to know that he is a badass and he's fought for his life to stay alive. But I do feel too, like, you know, he's, he's careful what he says and what he, what he shouldn't shouldn't say. And I think he comes out with information when he, when he knows he's okay to come out with it. And maybe this push, the push he's in is, is what they've allowed him to do. They said, well, we'll let you run with it. But you know, you can't say this. Yeah. Yeah. Don't do this. Don't do that. Like, I think it's obvious the way that that's being played out right now. Right. Like John Warner just said in our last episode, he, he heard that Linda Moltenhal was told she could talk about the cattle mutilations, but not the human mutilations. Like, so they're like, Hey, you can talk about this, but not this. She was probably threatened. I'm sure, like, if you go outside this box, you know, you don't want to do that kind of thing. A lot of people. You know, we don't actually know what's going on behind the scenes. Right. So we can't just like paint anyone as the enemy or control opposition because there's a lot more involved than just that. Right. Yeah, definitely. And I remember I met Greer. I was trying to get information about our grandfather and like the actual unedited versions of the, of the film footage she had, which he kind of just struck me off because he had his contrast. The premier, it was the, whatever you call it, the premier of the Sirius in LA and I was in the, the after party event or whatever. And David Wilcock was there of all people. Oh, no, I know. And my God was an idiot for not like realizing how a connection he had with a factual event disclosure project. And the fact that he interviewed a grandfather, I had no idea when I saw him there and said, Hello. And I said, Oh my God, thank you for all you do. I didn't ask those questions because I would have gotten so many answers. So we're, we're still trying to find out to this day certain information that David Wilcock knows that Emory Smith knows because he filmed our grandfather in this disclosure project. And we talked to him, or he Smith one on one and kind of just haven't been able to contact him again. So all these little pieces that are there and they're like, got our grasp at our fingertips and we're like, Oh God, okay, we'll, we'll get there someday. Yeah. And David always thought, I forget which, which David will, this is African, which David Wilcock book it was, but he mentioned, he referenced our grandfather like three different times throughout the book. It was, I think it was a real book. Yeah, centuries, centuries, centuries. Yeah. That's an amazing book. Yeah. David always talks about how he was at disclosure project in person. And he said, that's where a bunch of, I think multiple insiders like came up to him after that, or at that, and started, and like one guy, I remember he said, came up to him. He's like, you're about 85% correct or something. And he's like, if you go get, go get some food with me and I'll tell you the rest. And then he started talking to him and yeah, he always talks about how he was there. Did he say who that person was? I remember that, but I don't know if he's, I can't, he did. I think in the book, I think in that book, he does. Real, real quick. I want to thank Maya. I believe that's how I would say that for the donation you gave earlier, I didn't get a thing. My job. My job. Thank you. Thank you so much for the donation. We really appreciate that. Jack, I was reminding me, Jack said, do you have enough to buy eggs after donating? It's funny. Yeah. I mean, that's an interesting topic. It's clotted in your blood. Actually, we probably shouldn't eat eggs are going to be the next word to get us censored on YouTube. Right. You can't date. You can't. Right. Yeah. Well, we actually, we briefly met David Wilcox at Contact in the Desert in 2019, and he signed our grandfather's book for us, and he was telling us that he remembers meeting him and talking to him at the disclosure project, and we only had like five seconds to talk to him because then he, the next people had to come in, but we'd love to have more conversations with him on, on anything about our grandfather, because it seems like he did have some, some more interaction there that, that we would, we would love to know. And the same thing with Dr. Greer, I'd love to, you know, hear about it. Yeah. If you guys can get us some content every time we talk to someone, we're like, anybody have a connection with these people, so we can actually get some answers, like, we try to get connected and we were like, you know, he's a hard, he's a hard one to get connected with. Right. That's the only thing. Yeah. You know, and everybody has their opinions about a lot of these guys now, but like you said at the very beginning, everyone has a piece of the puzzle, we always say it too. And you know, they've done a lot of groundwork to pave the way for us, and we can't forget that. And we have to be grateful for that. Yeah. And no one's perfect. Yeah, exactly. And it's, it's actually good to hear about this stuff because it reminds us that we're all human. We all make mistakes and we don't need to be so hard on ourselves either. Don't put anybody up on a pestle. Don't make them your Messiah. Like, that's the whole, that is the opposite of what that you're supposed to be doing. And, and apparently that's when a lot of these other, these higher, and highly evolved, um, advanced beings that are trying to help us say, like, you know, stop, stop trying to worship us, that we did that for 1000 years. Let's, let's move on to the next level where you guys just are one with us. We can, you know, start, you know, having real conversation, sit at the big boy table, stop playing with nuclear weapons in the sandbox, like a bunch of little five year olds, like not killing each other. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Like, that's how I look at it. It's crazy. That's it. Right. Right. Yeah. Yes. Exactly. I wanted to say when we were talking about, you know, Phil and people being killed for talking about this, um, I didn't know this until just recently it was. So if you can't tell, I've been, uh, rewatching all the Captain Mark Richards interviews, but apparently he was friends with Robin Williams and he says that Robin Williams did not kill himself. Hey, it's Ryan C. Chris. Life comes at you fast, which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time. Enter Chumba Casino with no download required. You can jump on any time anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes. So treat yourself with Chumba Casino and play over a hundred online casino style games all for free. Go to Chumba Casino dot com to collect your free welcome bonus sponsor by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary VGW group void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Wow. Yeah. And Robin Williams wife was actually getting upset with Robin because he was communicating with Mark in prison because Mark's been, you know, communicating with everybody via prison. He's a life sentence. Right. Yeah. Cary. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, but he was friends with Robin Williams and he says that there's no way he killed. He killed himself and there's a lot that doesn't add up there. And his wife didn't want him talking to Mark because he, she was afraid of that. So it's really interesting that, you know, we're, we get to so freely talk about this stuff now. Yeah. Yeah. Because people were being killed. But now people are just being mind controlled and, and it's a different way to kind of take it for granted now, where we, yeah, that's just how it is. Like most people now can, there's too many of us talking for one thing. There's no way like, like David Wilcock, we always thought he's like, he's like, you have nothing to be afraid of because there's, there's no way that you're going to be able to take out everyone that's, yeah. And there's too many. And they also don't want to make, they don't want to validate, especially if you're an insider speaking out, well, now that you're out in public, the second they take you out, they're going to be validating all of your information. That's the last one. And you know what I'm thinking about. So they're not going to do that. I'm thinking about too though, like somebody like Robin Williams, like Mark Richards said that he knew secrets, obviously if he knew Mark, he knew stuff. But when a celebrity talks, it holds a lot more weight than any of us saying. Exactly. Exactly. A lot of influence over a lot of people. Just like what Elon Musk, like him or hate him, like what he's doing with the Twitter files right now, we can do a hundred episodes about it and it won't get any attention. The fact that a big name says anything, like it goes so much farther and it has a global impact. So that's why those people are probably targeted a little more than us. And definitely on the subject of child trafficking and all that, that's well seen. That's all the main, all the main musicians and actors, like you said, the ones that are really gotten killed lately are the ones that we're going to speak about that. But they get them before they start speaking about it. That's the key here. They hadn't, they hadn't come out yet. If they already had come out, then they killed them, then they're validating everything they're talking. Notice how all these suicides happen before they're able to come out talking. Right. And there's the key. Right. And there's a difference between us sharing what we've learned as compared to somebody sharing inside information that they personally experienced. And they're like, listen, here's what's going on. And here's the names of the people involved. Those are the ones who are dangerous. First hand. Right. Inside or right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. So that, that just brings up one real quick note that during the disclosure project during that post, and he like Dan Willis told us what happened and he said, he literally just rose and just started to do this high pitch like shriek, like, ah, and they just had to walk them off. You're like, sorry, this old, you know, this guy just, he kind of broke down. He completely broke down and did not want to say what he had to say. He left early. He called my mom and said, come get me. I don't want to be here anymore. Like he left early because I think he knew like it was not good if he said anything else. Like wow. That would do. I mean, luckily, in the disclosure project, you know, DVD cassette thing, or if you get the videos that Dr. Greer put together, you do have footage of his interview, some of the interview before they went into the press club. But yeah, he was definitely terrified when he got up there for some reason. And I almost wonder if that was somebody triggering that within him too. We know that they have, if somebody is involved that heavily that deep, they probably have implants and they probably can be controlled. And like, who was it Clifford Stone used to fall asleep? Was it Clifford Stone? Yeah. He would like, every time he would try to say something important, he would fall asleep. It was almost like a trigger or something that was like embedded in him to stop him from talking. Yeah. And Tony Rodriguez talks about this a lot. Like sometimes as soon as you're like, yeah, thinking about something, it does something your brain like, it's almost like a problematic response. Exactly. And it like makes you all of a sudden, like the way Tony describes it, he's like, you'll be wanting to talk about this. And all of a sudden you're horny and you want to go, you got to go take care of that. And then you forget about what you were doing. So like, or you're in pain or you start feeling sick and this is our calling sleeve. And this is definitely verifiable if you understand mind control, trauma based mind control and voice of God technology, because that's not just voice to skull. They have the ability to affect the entire body and nervous system and do things exactly like that. Can I, can I read this one paragraph rejection sums up in his, in this book, I just, I find gems in this book all the time, I'm like, holy shit, he wrote that. But like, so he, he was just talking about listing all these bases. He said, Bill Schneider knew 129 bases as of 1995. And imagine how many there are now, he listed at least, I don't know, 30 of them. But some of them we know, it's like pine, some pine gap Australia, there's a whole bunch. But after that, he says, there are projects within projects within projects, bio weapon reach, genetic engineering, cloning and implant technology, intelligence controlled medical facilities, genetic population control, mind control, remote engineering, remote technology intelligence, sonic weapons, beam weapons, plasma weapons, and so on and so on. Like he just was saying all like, it's there, like, and imagine, imagine the capabilities. Yeah. Yeah. Right. He really did. I don't know. And again, we, how much he, he had firsthand knowledge of is what we still don't know. We might never know. But the fact that he had all of this compiled somehow, and he, and I always say, he wasn't like some guy sitting behind a computer when the internet just came out, like searching for all these files. Like he, he must have had some of this access to some of this already somehow. And it shows. Yeah. A little bit. Exactly. I mean, like, showing, showing us video VHS stuff in the 90s before, you know, even had a computer, the internet was even a thing. So it's like, right, you know, he knew a lot of this stuff. And as far as like being triggered and having that response that he did when he was at the press club, we talked with Dan once a little bit about it, but they're very potentially they could have, you know, activated that somehow or even been responsible for the strokes that he suffered like multiple times after coming out with this information. And you know, it's, yeah. Yeah. Right. We question that too, about the many strokes if that was triggered from him starting to talk too much a little bit really. It could have been. And that's how it would look nowadays compared to like, you know, literally killing somebody or murdering them. Like they don't need to even be involved. This can all be done from a satellite via space, direct energy weapons. Right. They can target you. They can target you through the plant. I mean, they don't even need to have a direct line of sight, apparently. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, in this. Only other thing was the license plate band. Did you, well, that's another thing that I just thought of the license plate he had. I don't know if it can be seen. Like so he said it was like a gift from the inner row when he hears his cut down on your screen. No, no, it looks like you're showing us cloaking tech now. Yeah. Check out this cloaking tech. Yeah. Oh my God. Okay. No, but but apparently he says it was a gift from the inner in our row when he and when he left, and it says he was in the department of the NRO that he was in. He was a member of the scientific and technical unit of interplanetary phenomena in Washington, D.C. And that's actually we never we never heard any reference to that anywhere except recently we had Brad Olson on our show and Brad Olson had that in his in one of his books. I think it was, the August so Terry and she was referencing it from Captain Porto talking about Roswell that unit actually went in and was responsible for, you know, covering up a crash that happened a couple of years before. And they were they were active back in the late 1940s, quite a bit and that's, you know, that's where he claims that he worked in the era and in the National Conference Office at the department. Yeah. So a lot of information that Clifford Stone talked about in those projects like Project Grudge, Project Sigma, Blue Book, obviously. And then he talked about Moonfly or Moon Dust or something. But a couple of them is what our grandfather talked about and of course was in the early days that take place, right? Yeah. Every project you just mentioned is in the John Lear report that came out in 1987 also, which I have a copy of. It's fantastic. Actually, there's a link to it for anybody who's interested. There's a link to that report on our website, which is in the description. The John Lear report has more disclosure in that report than anything we've gotten in the last 30 years. I mean, yeah, there's a lot in that and that he's is another one, you know, what's really happening, he just recently passed, you know, John Lear did, you know, we should do like some sort of commemorative episode for all these, all these guys and, you know, compile some old interviews and like, it would be cool. Because there's a lot, man. A lot of these guys paved the way for us and definitely, you know. And I feel like I always say it. I mean, especially if they were CIA at one point or another or any intelligence agency, like they, I think they knew where they could go, where they were allowed to take some of the information and where they knew they, they should probably back off, like I could, you can see it. Everybody has their like lane that they stay in for some reason when they talk about stuff. So I feel like that that's on purpose almost. I don't know. Absolutely. Well, some of it's based, like that might be all they know, like, but then other people like will say, I can't touch on that, you know, and it's interesting you mentioned your grandfather had a certain way of like these military men, they speak a certain way and they don't tell you things unless you ask the right questions. And I know that from dealing with some of these guys. And yeah, it's true. Like if you don't know about something, like if old, it's only, you know, after the fact when you're like, damn, if I had known to ask that, yeah, it's almost like they know they're not allowed to tell this stuff unless you ask, right, unless I acquire about it. Right. Right. Yeah. That's part of the, what do you call it? That's part of the code of whatever it's almost like, and I feel like that's almost a Masonic thing too. It couldn't be any way like did you know, apparently it's a stipulation of some NDA's like you can't talk about it unless you're asked directly. Like you can eat if somebody says, well, you know, about aliens, you can't say anything. But if somebody says, well, you know, about the tall gray Mitra who signed a treaty. Okay. Like you have to ask, you know, Zach. I want to give a shout out to Bill Cooper too. He had a lot of praise to Bill Cooper and I followed him very heavily, you know, the fact that he was killed shortly after exposing 9/11 and saying, you know, you know, this was all done by our government and also we've been lot and was going to be the, the target is the scapegoat. And then of course you got he died right after that, but right after that, right. Yeah. But Bill Cooper was huge inspiration. My grandfather said he knew Bill Cooper and he was kind of a mentor to our grandfather in a way. So, yeah. You know, you're going to have to send me some of the old videos with him. I've never seen any interviews with Bill Cooper. No, no. Oh, with their grandfather. Salto. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We kind of, I've compiled a few like, can I even try to like slice them and put them into my own so I can try to get you that and we're, we're even trying to get the, even in his book, there is a bibliography in references his own UFO files from 1995 in VHS format, which I don't think it's only his only little stack of VHS that he had. I don't know if it was the copies that Nancy Redstar probably has who helped write the book, but anyway, we're trying to get that still off VHS into digital. So my brother's haven't. I have. I have. Yeah. From my, I'm starting a bunch of things for my mom and I found a lot of just like a treasure chest full of VHS tapes and old books and notes that he had and stuff from his career in the military. And I'm trying to convert these VHS to a digital format. I've been striking out like every little bias I buy to try to do it. So eventually I'll get there and now we cannot find the shared information, but you know, it's cool. You guys are carrying a torch. You know, I'm sure he's proud of you guys and you know, you have a mission. You have an actual mission to get this information out and figure out everything that he knew and everything that you can, you know, I'm sure you could read that book a few times and learn something new every time and like, you know, light bulbs will go off. It's going to be an interesting journey. Yeah. And we didn't touch upon the last chapter. That's the last thing is the wing makers. And I don't know if you guys are familiar with that. Dude, tell me everything, you know, right now I'm so fascinated with the wing makers. It is. It's a rabbit. That is a huge. I'm going to Shaco Canyon in a couple of weeks because and that's where the cave there is where the original wing makers materials found. And I've been called there. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So tell me everything. Well, he tried to go there himself from what Nancy Redstar said, he tried to go and they basically just told him get out, you know, you're not allowed here. So he was big into that and he knew he made that the last chapter of his books. So we know that it held a lot of weight and the ACIO in that organization, he, he mentioned that the only one in the disclosure project mentioned them and give that, you know, some, some validity there and that we're trying to really search for answers there to go to the wing makers. It's too much to, to even begin, like we think for sure it's linked to, you know, the NSA then to the ACIO and blank slate technology. I think all that was the onset of what the secret space program stuff became and the 20 back programs, I think it all sort of came out of that, a version of that anyway. I think it's all linked and a lot of sense to that, to that topic. I know you've read the wing makers website you had to have, right? Sure. Of course. The new reader interviews, the new reader and producer, great information set. We did a whole se, go watch the some of our shows. We did two episodes on the wing makers exclusively to try to deep, you know, decipher all this stuff. It's still like, you know, at the end of the day, you use your own discernment. I think they're trying to hide the truth in plain sight and they're trying to make it look like, you know, a nice artistry, creators story. And of course, James has changed the story from the beginning of the site. And somebody's done a very good job of telling you how it's changed over time and how James has kind of said, you know, this is just all, just all my work. I came up with this just for your benefit. You have to finally go to the original link, the original wing makers that hasn't been edited to get the best meat of the information, I think. Yeah. We used that way back machine to find the original website and find, you know, the exact, the original that came out, yeah. And I put that link in one of our, under one of our recent episodes where we were talking about it. Yeah. And I don't remember now. But if I find it again, I'll throw it under this one that in particular, you know, people have heard me say this before, but the reason I found wing makers was because of a dream I had. I didn't even know what these were. The wing makers was a thing. I had this dream or what felt more like a recall, it was so real. I was on mission on another planet with this group of time travelers, we called ourselves the wing makers. Oh, wow. And we had, we were flying one of those dragonfly craft that you see in Dune like it was identical to that, except this was a water planet and like all this, all the facilities were out on the ocean, like on stilts. And we had been caught and we were being taken to like held as prisoners at just one facility and we tried to escape it didn't, we didn't, didn't work anyway. And we, but we would use rocks, like we would use like local stones or crystals as actual time travel devices. And like, because each, each crystal is data, it's a record keeper. And that's how we would time travel in this memory and this was truth of that. There's so much truth to that. But when you go to the wing, the ACIO website, they talk about the extremely advanced device, like a stone that they were, that would be used as a time travel device. And like all these bells were going off and I was like, these light bulbs were going off. And then I was synchronistically guided to Chaco Canyon and like all this stuff. And I'm like, there's no accident, like, I don't know if I have a connection or what, but I have to go and find out, like maybe I'm going to get a download while I'm there. Right. Yeah. Yeah. That's, you should definitely follow, follow your intuition, man. Do it. I hope, I hope you're safe though, whatever you do. Right. Right. Yeah. You're not supposed to go over there. I don't care. Yeah. Yeah. Come back. Right. Now that's the one thing that we don't know, and maybe you're curious too, because they mentioned that there's seven of these around the world that the Chaco Canyon is just the first that was discovered and we, and my grandpa said, we find the others when it's time to find the other ones, but there's a lot of talk about these space arcs. So I'm always curious, like, is there a direct link to that or is this another version of that same activation that we're supposed to all, you know, as a planet find at the right time? And yeah, there's so many links that, you know, I don't know how they overlap. I don't know. It's interesting. Yeah. And I've heard about that, like other caves, but they specifically said other caves, didn't they? Like we're. Yeah. Other sites. And then the new, and that said, I don't know, because it's the newer site that actually shows you all seven of where these sites are. They listed now. Oh, I didn't even know that because I haven't gone to the new site. I just kind of, I was like, I don't even want to like, yeah, myself with that, just give me the original stuff. So that's how I've been forever. Yeah. But I think the most fascinating thing for me was the philosophy of it, where they went down. When, if you read the interview that Kerry Cassidy did with James, the guy who was like the webmaster, it's, I mean, it's amazing how they go through and they include aspects of the Anunnaki and this whole thing and about, you know, our souls, incarnation and everything like that and our spiritual journeys and what we're doing, it's, it's a, it's a pretty epic philosophy to, to learn about it. It's, it's really amazing. Yeah. I mean, the material is, yeah, it's something definitely better. And I'll tell you, I'll tell you this much too. Like, think, if you want like a, if you want to really, really step back and like, you know, there's like layers upon layers of deception and misinformation and these other higher dimensional levels that we hopefully will get to, there's still, there's still a lot of misinformation, this information among them, among them, these beings themselves, like how, how far we think it goes, we, you know, we can't, we can't assume that we, we know and it's just, there's just too much. There's so much to talk about on that. So I think it really opens your eyes up is what's really possible. Yeah. What's, what's really out there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The misinformation is interesting because like, where does the truth start and the lie begin? That's for, that's why the individual journey, you have to just go on that path of self discovery and like kind of let your body tell you what's true and what's not, you know, right? And that's the other part of this, like, there's no one correct way to go on the journey. This is your own personal journey. Everybody's has a different path. They have to go through to validate or confirm like, this is, this is true. This is my truth. I just found it. That was a trigger for me or this book or this, this video, whatever it is, like, their, their, your life is meant for a purpose to go and find those things that hear us journey that you have to take to find that. And so I don't know. I've had to definitely go through that. I've had some crazy experiences and like I've had a Kundalini experience that happened like after the conference in 2019. That was pivotal moment like that kind of validated like everything that just happened. And I was like, something, something was coming down to tell me, like, you're, you're on the right path. Like keep doing it. Like, this is, this is the truth. You're, you know, you don't second guess yourself. Things like that. So. Right. Yeah. Like, just direct knowing is like a James Gil and says it and I love that. It's like a direct knowing. I always see those big foot stickers to say, believe. I just want to, I just want to see one that says, like, no, yeah, yeah, and we can connect with all these beings ourselves. That's the thing. Like some people are waiting on disclosure and waiting on them to be like out in the public, like, oh, I can go and talk. Well, you can already connect, you know, you just got to figure out, do that, you know. And Dolores can, and like that reminds me of her and the fact that she had so many cases. Of course, she didn't have her own direct channeling. It was all information from her patients from all the hypnotic sessions. Yeah. All the sessions she did. And she, the way she said it was like, you know, if you wanted to communicate with us, if you're an advanced big race, how better way to do it than to incarnate into these beings themselves and say, Hey, you know, you know, well, basically they're integrating into us and saying, okay, this is why we're waking up and just saying, I know this. This is a part of me somehow, you know, one or another, but exactly. Exactly. We have that direct soul lineage, that connection. We can't quite put our finger on it because of the amnesia, but we know like, it's in our DNA. It's in our makeup. So there's some things we hear where you try to explain to someone else, like how you know it's true. You can't really, like, man, I don't know how to tell you, even if I told you you wouldn't believe it anyway, but some reason, like, I just know this stuff's real and you can't tell me otherwise. Right. Right. And some of us might have, like, bleed through our subconscious memories of being in these programs and stuff and maybe blank slate, like maybe we've all been blank slated. The wingmaker's guy, the reason he came forward and found that journalist is because he was quitting the organization and he made the stipulation for quitting was to be blank slated, but he didn't align with what they were doing anymore or whatever the story was. So he went and found this journalist told her everything because he knew he was going to be blank slated. Right. And he might be walking around like no idea who the wingmakers are, you know, but that's why. That's exactly why it's like hard to know is James really James or did Naruda actually get blank slated and he's, you know, that's why he got it out when he could. You know, now it's now it's a subject direction that's going on, you know, I never thought about that. Yeah. That's why Carrie Cassie told us we interviewed her the last time and we talked a little bit about wingmakers because she had that interview and she said that James is Naruda. She thinks that he is the guy. Oh, so maybe the updates on the website would be a little more valid if it was actually him. Hey, could be again, this is all, it's all up to you. It's all up to you and our discernment, take it as you want. But yeah, we just did Carrie Cassie interview. I think was really amazing and we touched on like AI and some political stuff too. But that's the one reason we're postponing to get you guys. We did do a show with you guys and we're going to have it out and swear, but it's right after Carrie's, we're coming out actually Monday, actually tomorrow. So, yeah. Nice. I'm about to go on a trip to Egypt with Carrie Cassie and. Oh, actually. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. That's so cool. I know. There's so many connections. I'm Victoria Cassie and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to That's and get lucky today. At Lucky Land. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Boy, we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. I love this. I love being in this community. I'm so grateful for this, like, honestly, like we don't take this for granted one bit. Like, we're not even just like being in touch with you guys and doing what you're doing and being able to share it on your channel. This is amazing. So thank you so much for that. And thank you. Thank you guys. Please tell our audience a little bit more about your channel and how they can find you and what you guys are even doing just because they might not know and we didn't really touch on that. Okay. Yeah. We're on Infinite TV and we, it shows called Shred the Veil and we go through anything that has to do with disclosure, you know, the Great Awakening type stuff, spiritual stuff, kind of the whole gamut of just trying to go behind the scenes and wake people up to what really might be happening in the world and kind of following our grandfather's legacy to the disclosure and trying to get stuff out there to people so they can hear these things. And I'm kind of just stumbled into this, it was, I think, Derek, you had a contact with Laura Eisenhower and she had you and Dan Willis on one of her shows or something like that. And I had been, the only reason we, I didn't even know the creator of Infinite TV, Erai Beckman personally at all, I have randomly tried to reach out to him on Facebook because I followed Emory Smith from when we saw him at Contact in the Desert and I had this new tropic supplement that he was selling and he was actually partnered with Erai and I was, you know, I just ordered that stuff from the website and I saw, it was called Conscious Vitality at the time was the name of the website and, you know, I saw some other content when Emory was with him and I think they've parted ways now but I reached out to them at Erai at the time and I was like, yeah, my brother just had an interview with Flora Eisenhower about our grandfather. He was in the disclosure project and we thought, I thought, you know, it might be something that he could have on one of his shows or something and he turned around and said, okay, do you want to have your own show about it and talk about it? I was like, oh, okay, alright, so it's kind of kind of happened, you know, it's sweet. Yeah, pretty awesome of a sense, yeah, and that was, I guess it was 2020, spring of 2020, maybe? Yeah, end of 2020, I guess, maybe, yeah. Yeah, we started the summer of 2020, yeah. Great, man. Well, that's incredible. It's always exciting to, you know, connect with other people on the same path and the same journey and, you know, we all need each other right now more than ever, yeah. And also, I was going to say, I don't know if you have a couple minutes, but the ACI connection is pretty cool. And I don't know, like, I don't know how much you guys listened to Peter, the insider and that side. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I've actually talked to him personally recently and he had some really interesting stuff to say, but... Sorry to have followed him some things, you know, character, yeah. So he did tell us, like, I mean, he's willing to talk to us a little bit more and I think and working with Jessica, who has that basically, I think she helps run that facilitate the site. Yeah. And I think there's an Anthony Zender that he's on there a lot, you know. So I think it holds a lot of... I think there's some truth to that for sure. I think that I know it's very out there even into our world, it's a little bit out there, but I think people are going to start seeing where these pieces fit. And I know you've talked to Tyler about soul splitting and fragmentation and things like that and how that is maybe all of us have gone through that a little bit, even if living in this world we live in, we have to have gone through that because we have to go through the normal day to day stuff that we're told. But at the end of the same time, we might be playing video games just to distract ourselves to go into another world where we might be into all this UFO stuff and have a grandfather like ours that just kind of like put us on a path like that. So no matter how you look at it, we all have these fragmentations of what our reality is and we have to cope with that, whether a dream state, waking state, all this other stuff. So I thought that's interesting. I wanted to get you guys to stay too because we're talking to Peter now and hopefully get him on the details. We had a great episode with Jessica from ACIO this past summer going really in-depth about some past life experiences she had because she's very intuitive about the real society and the Nazis and the pre-World War II stuff and it was really cool. She went really in-depth on a lot of the things that our grandfather talks about extensively in his book as well, so it was a nice connection with her. Yes, she's great and I've talked to a lot of people who, because at first when you hear about Peter the insider, I was skeptical, I'm like, okay, what's the case here? But everyone I talk to is like, no, he's the real deal, there's something to this. I haven't encountered one person that said, no, he's full shit. I'm sure there's people that think he's full shit, but the people would give him the time of day and actually talk to him, I had a one-on-one conversation with him, how he has access to the ACIO database and he can pull up files and stuff and he shared some information with me that may or may not be true about myself and things, programs I'm involved in, but when he told me my whole body started having this reaction, I almost had an anxiety attack, like I was remembering some of the stuff and I had to stop him actually, it was too much. And having that experience, you have to ask yourself, who is this guy, what's his actual involvement, but I've heard that he's possibly controlled also, who knows, who knows what's going on, but what they're at the work they're doing, like him and Jessica, their channel is awesome, it's really deep, it's really out there, you have to have some reference or baseline understanding of this information before you jump into the lengths that they go to. A lot of parallel realities, parallel lives, time travel stuff too, it's crazy, but that's what I was going to say, he even told us that, actually, Tyler, he said something before we started our show and he said, "By the way, you and your brother might have been in this or that involved in something enough, I'm not going to go into that, I want to get more validation before saying anything." I'm the same way, I'm not even going to talk about it, but that's exactly what he told us, and I'm like, "Oh, wow, okay." Unless I remember something, I'm not going to talk about it, because it's irresponsible, because if it's not true, you want to know for sure. What's the channel name somebody's asking? I can't think of it, Jessica Morocco, that's her name, but what's her? That's, I think, is still- No, no, no, YouTube, her YouTube channel, is that? No. With the one she does with Peter all time. Yeah, try to talk, try to talk, and try to net something, try to net something, or something. I don't think that's gonna help people, but yeah, that's the YouTube. When you go on YouTube, that's the actual podcast she does, like, and try to net talk or something, and try to- I'm trying to make people. Like I'm subscribed to it, but I don't know- In Jonnetox, that's where it's in Jonnetox. Okay, in Jonnetox. In Jonnet? No. With Jessica. Yeah. Oh, come on, there's gotta pop up. Anyway, guys, we'll put the link- Yeah, we'll find it, we'll put the link. It's not super sold to talk, like, the stupid notifications come up all the time. Yeah. I'm using my phone as the video, so I can't pull it up for you guys. Oh, I'm looking. Let me see. Subscriptions. Search. Search. Christians. Jessica. It's, yeah. I think I got it. Yeah, it's Jessica, Jessica Morocco, and Jonnet- Jonnetox. He talks. Jonnetox. Yeah. Anyway. We'll put that in the description for you guys. Yeah. Yeah. So I think that's the, that's kind of the direction we're trying to find out more about for sure. The link makers are a big part of this one way or another, I guess, too, so. Thank you. Asher's place. Yeah. She put Jessica, Ariel, Morocco. Thank you. And Jonnetox. Yeah. Or ETox. But yeah, that's the YouTube channel. Thank you, guys. Yeah. We had the Ace, that's channel two and They go deep into, like you said, they go into like how disclosures in every, all these video games, certain, even Netflix shows. And it's amazing that there's a lot of connections for sure of people looking for that. No doubt, video games, everything. And shows. Yeah. Captain Mark Richards talked about how he, he knew he claims it like, without, beyond a shadow of the doubt that he said, at least James Cameron and George Lucas were fully read in, not fully read in, but read in on the ET presence and some of the secret space programs and extraterrestrial life and other planets. And that some of their movies, if not all their movies, are funded by actual certain groups of ETs. And the profits from those movies actually fund the secret space program and that the, those ETs are involved in. He said a lot of the Hollywood blockbuster movies are funded by ETs and the profits go back to the ETs for their programs and working with Earth. It's really right. I mean, he says this like matter of fact, Lee. So I don't know. I can tell you, I can tell you one thing, I don't know how they would have made Avatar unless that was the case, because I'm in a way like you don't see any like disclosure movies like that where like the aliens are the good ones and the people are like, right? Like, you know, so like, how could they do that and spend billions of dollars? They must, James's getting helped somewhere. I think I personally think that the Avatar beings that we see are like maybe identical to an actual ET, like maybe like we're getting a documentary from another planet that we just think we write it off as sci-fi, you know, right, right, right, for sure. And our grandfather, that was the other thing he would say to off the cusp, like certain movies like go check that movie out like this is a big one. This is a big one for disclosure. He would kind of into those things. So he said that a lot of movies were intentionally made with, you know, ties to government and tell, you know, as far as when you make this movie that has to have this in it. Yeah. Yeah. Like Jupiter ascending. It's massive disclosure. Whenever he said movies were funded by ETS, I thought that Jupiter ascending. I'm like, that's a total ETS movie and apparently who knows if this is true, but some scenes are actually filmed in underground bases or even off planet. Now, that's obviously here. I would doubt it. But like sometimes we might actually be looking at a real ET, a real off planet civilization or a real underground base, right, we're not supposed to know about, but we just think it's a movie set as Stargate, Stargate SG-1, right, total disclosure. Right. Right. Right. And Kerry Cassidy said the raptors are actually in Jurassic Dominion, they are the new ones. The drafters are actual. They say the actual actors of the these reptilians, that's what she possibly could be. I didn't hear that. I knew she said that they like to come in the movies, but I didn't know that which draft the Dominion. Yeah. She heard that. She heard that. So who knows if it's true, but I heard it from John Whitberg. He said it also, if you know who he is, he's an SSP guy that we're in talks with Heaven on the show, but he talked about the raptors being actually in the movies as well. And you just wouldn't know. Yeah. Yeah. Who knows? I mean, I think that's what disclosure really is. We don't think it's happening, but guys it's happening and it's going to happen. Like it's something speeding up quickly and I, we always talked about the fake alien invasion in that part of how it's going to play out. And we talked about that with Kerry, because Mark Richards or no, Randy Kramer said that even the good side, the White House might even be the ones to invoke this and cause it. I don't know. Like I, you know, who knows, but like either way, like we have to be ready and cognizant of what could be possible, what could happen soon. At this point, I think anything's possible, like, like everything's on the table. Like, I don't count anything. I wouldn't be shocked if any of it happened, you know, and I wouldn't be shocked if none of it happened either. Like, who knows? Yeah. Yeah. Maybe this is going to be just a big, who knows, but like, I feel like we're here for reasons saying this stuff and there's more of us coming together and it seems to be speeding up for reasons. So I hope we're getting prepared and helping people get prepared one or another. Yeah. No doubt, man. There's a huge wave. Like the ripple effect that we create just by having these conversations, having conferences, it goes a long way and that's why they get attacked and that's why channels get attacked. I mean, they know they understand the power that we have. And you know, disclosure, like John Warner just said, he, after all his research, he finally fully understands disclosure has to come from the people. He's not going to get it from the government in any way, shape or form, like no matter, they're going to give us what they have to tell us, but the real stuff, what's actually going on, like that comes from us. Well, that's the control system. It doesn't make any sense. Why would the control system actually, like it's when you understand how things actually work and how this, you would, you would laugh at the idea of disclosure coming from the government for any government or the intelligence agency and like, no, they're there to cover it up and keep this control system going, the disclosure is going to come from the people that aren't in that or that are not attached to that system that are having these experiences and speaking. Right. And like I always say, they all have blood on their hands in this cover up anyway, and they're not going to tell them themselves. Right. So they're tiptoeing around trying to figure out a way to do this without telling themselves and, you know, incriminating themselves, right? Right. That's the other thing I didn't say. The CIA did approach me when I was looking for work, and they did want to see if I would be interested to join and I definitely, I was definitely like, uh, that's probably not going to work for me. So, but it was an interesting way to get in. Yeah. You're definitely in the secret space program. There's no way. Totally. Maybe one of my alters is I have no idea. That's what I mean. Like consciousness, like part of your consciousness somewhere, you don't get like the family connection, you know, almost joining the Air Force, like check all the boxes. Right. Exactly. Yeah. I think, I don't know if it's crazy. It's, it's, I'm still, but, but I'm so like nuts and bolts and I always have been, I haven't had like, you know, these things that happen where I had this being talked to me at night when I'm sleeping. Like that doesn't happen to me. So it's just very, I try to stay like with like what I can say as evidence is proof that, you know, this happened, this happened, but that's the safest way to do it and the healthiest way to do it, you know, and smart. And thank you Rob Sullivan for the donation. Thank you. Thank you, Rob. Appreciate that. One, one other cool little thing. If you guys want to check it out, I, another thing I didn't share is like I had JFK experienced on a Norwegian board and I swear people think that's crazy, but like I had a full blown like conversation that lasted, that was like 10 or 12 questions that went on. And I was with good friends that you've had no idea who, what kind of questions I was asking. So I know they weren't just like messing with me, but this was crazy. I have no transcribed. I talk about on the show. So people feel free to see that episode. Conversation with JFK. That's amazing. Yes. Right. That one. Yeah. I want to hear that. I mean, you can tell us about it right now unless you don't want to talk about it. Yeah. I mean, like just to briefly say, like some of the key things he said was I asked, what's the main thing you want to share with, with, with everybody, you know, and I didn't ask that. I too killed you because I think it's kind of obviously to that. Well, yeah. The guys that tried to hire you. Yeah. Yeah. So, so no, I asked, so what's the one thing you want people to know? And it read dark money. It was dark money. And I said, who's dark money? And it was just the abreation EST. And I assume that just means the establishment, the deep state. And so that's, that's the one thing he knew that was probably going to come. It's going to be the downfall because it was the deep state money. It was the CIA that was obviously wanting to do whatever any intelligence that had that access that he wanted to dismantle. He wanted to break up to say in a thousand pieces, as they say. So like all that came to a head and with the UFO that the UFO disclosure, he wanted to go to the moon with Russia. He didn't want it to be, you know, a race. He wanted to be, you know, a joint venture. So like all these things were culminating right before he was assassinated. So that was one thing he mentioned. He, he, I talked about, I asked about four stall and Eisenhower and four stalls. He said, Eisenhower said something like not to talk, basically Eisenhower said not to talk to him. Four stall was like, I do a lot of things. He did a lot of things off radar is what four stall, what's he said about four stall anyway. He went on a rant at the end and I swear, this is exactly what I was seeing as it came through and what, well, after asking the questions, but it was a rant towards the end. And it was something like votes don't matter for the people no more garish, which I don't know what normal garishes and the great, great be Barnabas, some name, which I can't decipher still to this day. So if people want to help me out with that one, but it was just like a rant towards the end. And it was kind of just saying like, look, yeah, votes don't matter. You know, this is, you know, it's, it's all a fake control. It's a show. It's a show. Right. I just recently learned, you know, the Tavistock Institute, who's responsible for all this mind control. And you know, they really done a lot of studies on this and implemented around the world. Well, they've just, they discovered in their studies that the colors red and blue overlaid create the illusion of alternate reality. And they describe, they kind of describe how it works. But then I, then they use examples of like the 3D glasses, the red and blue when you put them on, it, it creates an overlay of an alternate reality that you can't see without the glasses. Oh, wow. That the same thing is being done with the government, the red and the blue. It's all like an alternate reality that's like an illusion. It doesn't exist. Like the whole political arena is like a distraction. And what's the color of police lights? Right. Right. Right. Police. Yeah. Red and white, red and blue. Yeah. Right. You know, really interesting, like, I definitely think everything we're watching is like a movie script. Sometimes it's so actually, I mean, for crying out loud, the White House is literally a movie set now. Yeah. Right. I mean, you can't even argue that they've even showed footage, like it's not even a theory. So they're telling you without telling you, like, guys, you are literally watching a movie. And this is a scripted, like everything scripted, like the tweets from the president, everything it's all part of the script and people get irated by it and they're like, trigger events that are designed to get you emotionally react when it really holds no weight in the meaning of life at all, like, there's nothing to do with anything. Bring out the killer piece or bring out the next pandemic or whatever. Yeah. I say bring out the quicksand pits. Yeah. Yes. What's the meme like, my childhood made me think that quicksand is going to be a much bigger part. Yeah, the next one. Yeah. And they also, they also said that Red and Green were, they found Red and Green coupled together is the easiest way to program somebody. So I thought immediately Christmas. Yeah. Oh, wow. I think of the programming surrounding Christmas and like, oh, yeah, like the illusion of that. So man, nothing is what we think of this. Yeah. Yep. Jordan Maxwell. I love this. Jordan Maxwell. Nothing works the way you think it does. Nothing. Directly. Yeah. Big shout out to him too. Right. Yes. Exactly. Man. Well, thank you so much for joining us tonight, guys. This was a lot of fun. It really was. Yeah. This is black. Is there anything, any last words you'd like to add? Actually, there's something I would like to add before this. I wanted to say about the Ouija board, a lot of people have a problem with that. They think, oh, you're so many demons. You can't trust it personally, what I think and I don't care what anyone thinks about what I think. I think it's just another divination tool. That's the tool. I think it's no different than using a pendulum. Like, I really think it's the same thing, you know, tarot cards, even essentially like your opening portal. It means you got to be wise about how you're using it. Exactly. Exactly. Now, the Ouija board has been demonized by Hollywood. Maybe that's on purpose. So no one messes with it to connect to the other side because they think there's so many demons, you know. This used to be normal. You guys realized how normally it was 100 years ago for people to do sances and do others. And like you said, you cannot just play with this stuff. Be very careful. I wish I would have said that too and I wouldn't play with it again, to be honest with you. Right. Thank you, UFO Mark. Thanks, Mark. Thank you. Exactly. Be very careful. Like, if you're using any of this stuff, like actually, there's people that teach classes on this stuff, like how to properly use it safely, like you, like if you're picking up the pendulum, don't just haphazardly start asking questions. Like you have to have your own little protocol. Yeah. Ask, first of all, is it okay to ask a question now? Like, and if it says no, don't, that means the energies aren't right. Right. And then when you store it, keep it on, like, they recommend keeping it, like on Selenite or something to keep it cleansed because you're literally opening a portal every time you do that. It's not just like some, we don't understand what we're doing. It's not a toy. It's not a toy. We had to clear space, like they did other sessions where their house was started, the house became like, I don't want to say haunted, but like a poltergeist, they had to clear space through the house. Like, if you aren't careful, you'll let the wrong energy through and it's not good. So yeah, please don't go try this stuff, guys, unless you're, you know, you don't. Yeah. Exactly. Guys, if you missed out on the beginning of the episode, that if you're wondering about the T-shirts Aaron and I are wearing, our friend Mallory McKee designed these and they are available at, the link is below in the description. If you like and go grab a T-shirt and support her work, these are incredible and she gifted us these. She's a fan of the show. So thank you Mallory. And guys, thank you so much for joining us. Is there any last words? Thanks so much. Anything you'd like to add before we wrap this up, either of you? Dan? Just, you know, thank you guys so much for having us and letting us be a part of your community here. It's definitely a privilege. And for people spelling infinite TV, it's I-N-F-Y-N-I-T so a lot of people get confused with that. I have that link in the description also, so. And it's free to subscribe, yeah, it's free to subscribe and then see, but you do have to subscribe and have a log in to see all the content. But other than that, like, yeah, keep an open mind, obviously, follow your heart, follow your intuition and discernment and do your own research. Don't listen to anybody else. But, yeah, you'll find the answers if you search for it. That's it. Amen to that. Exactly. Yeah. And when you start searching, they kind of present themselves sometimes. Exactly. Like, they show up when you're not looking- You got to meet them halfway. Exactly. Love it. Love it. Love it when you are looking. Love you guys. You guys are awesome, by the way. I really like this. Yeah. Thanks so much. You guys are amazing. Yeah. It's too bad you can't make it to the conference. It would be awesome to hang out with you guys. Yeah. We'll do this again, you know. I can see us working together in the future, for sure. And, yeah, any new information? Let us know. We'd love to hear it. Sure. You guys. Yeah. We'll have you on to it for sure. Thanks again. Yeah. Right. Good night, everybody. Thank you for the donations. We love you all. If you want to join us at our conference in May, grab a ticket, If you can't make it, make sure to get a live stream pass for $99. It's going to be a lot of fun. We look forward to seeing you guys there. Really excited about that. So, until next time, guys, have a great evening. Good night. Good night, guys. Good. All right. All right. And we're off. Judy was boring. Hello. Then, Judy discovered Chumba It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby. Mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa. Take it easy, Judy. The Chumba Life is for everybody. So go to Chumba and play over 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details.