Journey to Truth

Laura Eisenhower - Secret Space Conference - 5/4/22

Laura Eisenhower's presentation at the Secret Space Conference - 5/4/22
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Laura Eisenhower is a Global Alchemist, Researcher and Medical and Intuitive Astrologist..  She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide.  Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and she reveals Exopolitical information about his administration, that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Galactic History. Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop, False Archonic systems and Military Industrial Complex and exposes hidden agendas so we can take our power back. Feeling a calling regarding her mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through her wilderness adventures, psychic development and has been connecting major dots about how to guide us into higher Earth energies.  She has a deep understanding of Gaia-Sophia and our Divine Blueprint and how they connect to the Venus transits, Earth grids, Global Alchemy, DNA & ET races. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers.  
Laura's website:

1h 52m
Broadcast on:
03 Aug 2024
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I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun. For the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over 100 social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VQW Group, void prohibited by law, 18 plus, terms of condition supply. Save on a Riley Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of a Riley Break Parts Cleaner for just $8. Valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Riley. Auto Parts. [SCREAMS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [GUNSHOTS] [GUNSHOTS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [GUNSHOTS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [GUNSHOTS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [GUNSHOTS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [GUNSHOTS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [GUNSHOTS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [GUNSHOTS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [GUNSHOTS] Up next, we have Laura Eisenhower, great granddaughter of President Eisenhower. She has a-- [APPLAUSE] Thank you. [APPLAUSE] Talk about somebody truly on her mission. This is her life's journey. She's made it a point to disclose this information and truly bring the dark to light. Without further ado, Laura Eisenhower. [APPLAUSE] [GUNSHOTS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [APPLAUSE] Good morning, everybody. It's so amazing to be here. And just thank you so much, Tyler, and Aaron, Journey to Truth podcast, and everybody who's shown up, and just all the amazing friends and colleagues. I mean, this is just amazing because, I mean, just the name Secret Space Conference, this is stuff that we weren't supposed to know and find out about. And against the odds, so many of us have defied whatever plan they had to keep us from doing this kind of work. Because they knew that we would affect the timelines, we would affect humanity, we would bring to light what they've been trying to keep secret. And so I have a little bit of a different experience as far as Secret Space programs and things that relate to off-planet stuff. So I'm going to tell a little bit of that story before I go into the information that I know they didn't want me to bring forward. And a lot of us that talk about this kind of stuff, pretty much everybody who's speaking at this conference is bringing forward stuff they don't want us to know. So it's amazing to defy the odds. It gives me a lot of faith for humanity that humanity can defy the odds of this New World Order agenda and what they want to see happen with the human race. And there's a lot of reasons that they will be able to overcome this, including all assaults or whatever has been ingested from just what we've been breathing in with the come trails and just all the manipulations. People on the front lines that have gone through these experiences really proved that there's nothing that we cannot overcome and heal from, the power of the human spirit is everything and it's the greatest strength. So anyway, this is kind of my weird bio. It's like, geez, life experience, right? It's like, that's plenty, gave me plenty of information to work with, just like, whoa, soul journey just really just tapping into that, living as close and as much on a soul level as possible, really avoiding sort of the personality matrix and a lot of the programmings and really seeing through it growing up because mission energy really got downloaded pretty quick, you know, because I was just kind of looking around like, you know, how did I end up in this family, the Eisenhower family and Eisenhower's constantly like kind of visiting with me and just, it was just very surreal. So a lot of stuff came in real fast. So there was just a lot of realizations and epiphanies like, oh yeah, you know, it's like I was always kind of called like spacey, but people don't realize like when I'm spacing on I'm like working really hard, you know, I'm like, I'm like, you know, I'm busy up here, right? You might think I'm like spacey, but so just a lot of realizations and epiphanies and then when I ended up going to off to school I went into wilderness expedition leadership and that was like everything that really just helped ground me, it really helped me to just tune into the earth and energies and how energies work and just the interaction with animals and just the elements and everything about group dynamics and just being in extreme temperatures and situations. One of it was like 30 below building little snow forts and being like so in the heart of the wilderness that like, if you were to get injured, you'd have to be like a week and a half of just walking out or maybe having to call a helicopter. So that was really cool, but sometimes I'm like, oh my God, like it's so freaking cold. Like, but yeah, whistleblower testimony and research, just connecting dots, first sort of whistleblower that I met when I first came out in 2010, but I was in actually communication with people like Michael Sola right after the Mars recruitment. But one of the first individuals was Andrew Bishago and Alfred Lambert Webber, but I started communicating back in 2006, Michael Sola called me on the phone when he found out about my story. And I'm like living on this golf course in a rental like I never really live on golf courses, but I just remember pacing around talking really fast and just being like, oh my God, like I was still trying to get out of the situation. And it's just amazing, you know, all the experiences I've had with, you know, him and everybody just over the years, like all we've experienced together to set these conferences and just meeting amazing people like your support and love is everything. It's just so surreal and just so heartwarming. So I really appreciate all that. So yeah, just cosmic mythology is going into archetypes, astrology, tarot. I've always used in the etching, some say, etching, etching. I pretty much memorized in high school, like I did so much, like there are hexagrams all over my mom's like, what is going on, like what are all these lines and like on all these pieces of paper. And I did it so much that I literally didn't even have to refer to the book and there's like 64 hexagrams, the books is really thick, but it just helped guide me in. And I just really just wasn't really paying attention in school. I appreciated some of it, but I just kind of like became self educated and just entered my own little world. Some of my information comes from Ascension Glossary and this is sort of an older thing and it's not updated, but Ashiana, Deanne and Keelontic Science. When I came across that information, I was just like, yes, I mean, it just matched a lot of what was coming through. And I've formed a really profound relationship with Lisa Renee over the years and it's just been amazing to get to know her and just really be able to like talk and work a lot of this kind of stuff out. So anyway, that's kind of the beginning of just stuff, but this is just a few bullet points just to kind of go into maybe some stuff about childhood, pre-targeting before birth. And some of it I can't prove, but this is some of the stuff that was shared to me, meeting people along the way. Like Andrew Bishago, he's like, oh, yeah, they were talking about you in 1972. I was born in '73. I'm like, okay, a year before I was born. So I go, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, with the use of some of this, you know, technology. I mean, he was a child participant in the time travel programs in Project Pegasus. And what I was finding out about was looking glass technologies and how they use looking glass technologies to locate me in a past life. And I'll get into that in just a little bit, but there was some sort of pre-targeting before birth. They were talking about me in '72 and my affiliation or connection with Andrew Bishago who he thought he was going to be president and I was going to run as vice president. That hasn't quite worked out and I don't know if it really will. I just know that like we all have a leadership role and I don't know about doing it through that arena. So yeah, I don't know about all that. But I mean, I just feel like we're just a force, we're a unified group and we all have particular amazing, you know, roles and we get to connect the dots together and be a part of this greater conversation. And sometimes one has to sort of upgrade maybe the information that they thought might be close to truth and it's really important to be flexible. And so I've learned a lot along the way, particularly about Eisenhower's administration and I really feel that's the reason I incarnated into this family to express things that couldn't be expressed back then. And the amount of disinformation is just staggering. And there was stuff that I was sharing over the years knowing that it didn't feel like complete and total truth, but I never stopped digging that have to do with Eisenhower's relationship with Dr. Trestriels and things that happened during his administration. So there's a lot of updates on all that and kind of take what resonates, leave the rest. There's no way to like solidly prove it all, but it makes more sense than anything else on top of other people that have stated similar things. So we work really close and I know Val Thor is there. There's a quote from Elena's book of a message she sent to her to send to me and I'm going to share it. And it's just kind of like really seriously, Val Thor said that. But yeah, so sometimes I'm just like, just screaming out to the sky. We just have like a one on one and like, a little bit more of a, and then I kind of get the down like, you know, where we're here, but if we have too much contact or communication, you might get really homesick and you might just be too difficult or I'm like, okay, whatever, it's fine. I feel them there, I feel them there. But I love this earth and this is why I refuse to go to Mars and they presented it to me in a very different way than other people that have been pulled into projects and different things. But I did have a hidden weaponry on me since I was born really, and I think that's why my mom like was really determined maybe intuitively to birth me at home in England and they weren't really doing that back then. But she was like, I can't have her in a hospital for some reason. Maybe she knew that like they might get their hands on me and do something weird. And so that was kind of interesting and then, yeah, I always felt this hidden weapon but you can't really talk to people about it because people weren't coming together addressing these kind of things. So every time I tried to like share, it was just, it just fell on deaf ears and I was always interrupted. That's why it's so surreal to talk, probably why I talk fast because I can't believe like, I'm not being interrupted and being shut up. It's like, what? People are listening. I never thought like this would ever happen that I would have like a voice like this. I was just surprised if I could even survive the journey, right? So it's really, you know, surreal. And yeah, but I couldn't really express this kind of stuff and everything coming through. And that's not a criticism towards, you know, family or friends. It's just, this is just stuff that like doesn't make much sense. But I did end up going to a Clairvoyant Institute and I stumbled upon it. It wasn't really my intent to go. But they helped me to understand they could see what was going on about the hidden weaponry and the targeting and things that like, I was like, wow, okay, somebody's validating this. And because before it was like, okay, I'll just lead sort of a double life. I can't really express it, but I'm never going to stop doing this. It's like, even if I wanted to, there's no vacation, really. I mean, it just never stops and I'm sure a lot of you can relate. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today at Lucky Land. No purchase necessary, VGW Group, boy, prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. I'm actually getting a lot of rest here. I'm like, loving the room, I'm just like, oh my God, are you kidding me? So really beautiful venue and just an incredible experience. You guys really have done an incredible job. So I don't want to totally read from this. I mean, I've got some size that have a lot of writing on it. It's more maybe for a replay that you can reflect upon, but I'll kind of read it, too. But anyway, when I turned down an attempted recruitment to a Mars colony that I experienced in 2006 relating to alternative three, which I'll explain a little bit more, something that was set up in the Eisenhower administration between supposedly Zeta Grays, I was able to remember and access so much in regards to how I was being prepared for these times and their attempt to remove me from this earth. The alternative was proposed to the Eisenhower administration and the possible event of global catastrophe. That's the way they put it. Ryan Seacrest here. When you have a busy schedule, it's important to maximize your downtime. 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I'm like, if there was going to be a catastrophe, more than likely it's engineered based in the use of dark technologies, geoengineering, the ability to create super storms and artificial timelines in this and that. And a lot was coming through, and as it was coming through, I was sort of researching it. I'm like, okay, you know, there's got to be something to this. And I'd already heard things and knew about the chemtrails, but things about timelines and things about artificial timelines and the trajectory they want to put the human race on, I actively researched. And then the people that were involved in the recruitment, I wasn't able to meet with them one on one, but they got to me through a partner, and I'll explain that a little bit. Anyway, there's much more to all of this than how they presented it to me, and I was able to dig deep and see through the facades. It gave me firsthand experience in regards to what goes on in the hidden layers of shadow government, and also how long I've been targeted and how it made it near impossible to create anything in my life without some sort of diversion or control or force that wanted me to go in a different direction. And when somebody kind of defected and explained this, they said that they had a list of mostly men that they would put on my path as plants to completely trip me up, some that were under their control, MK-Ultra kind of control. And yes, I definitely like went through a lot of it in my poor husband, like I interrogated the crap out of him when we first met, and I'm like, you know, like every little sign that I was like, okay, you're an agent, aren't you? Like, why do you even like me? Like, why did you come and, you know, and he's such a saint, he's like totally like, he's like, I expected that we'd be going through all this, but he's like, I'm around you all the time. He's like, wouldn't I be getting a paycheck like, and like, and no, it's just so funny. So like, finally, we were, there's some normalcy to our relationship now, but he pulled me out of a very difficult situation. I was going through about five years ago, but I won't go into all that. And a lot of this is just part of the targeting. You know, they're trying to weaponize humans, and so if they can't really get you directly, they'll try and get you through somebody else, even though through some of their tactics, they are able to get one directly anyway. So I haven't had like, Secret Space program experiences, like a lot of the guests here, maybe like in previous lifetimes, or maybe there has been, I mean, I feel like there's an aspect of that to my life journey, but this particular incarnation was a little bit different. It was about being a permanent colonist. And the more I found out about it, the more I feel like, you know, yeah, it was a really good idea, no matter how they presented it to me to absolutely refuse to go. And it wasn't like just like, oh yeah, refuse to go, I was like, okay, yeah, see you, no. And it was like refusing to go, they're like, well, we're going to take you anyway, and basically that's what my partner said. But he would flip into different, this is where I really started to learn about, you know, altars because he would get phone calls and disappear for days and not remember anything. And there were times where he would be in a particular persona, and he would undo all the electrical equipment and the batteries in our phones to be able to share stuff with me, and then put all the batteries and stuff back and then absolutely deny he said anything. He said, there's cameras all over the place, they're listening to everything. But then he would flip and be like, I never said any of that, and I'm like, what am I dealing with here? So I bought a bunch of rare earth magnets, and I'm like trying to stick them in certain places on his body. He's like, what are you doing? I'm like trying to deactivate whatever, like, you know, you're listening to you because his whole thing is they put him on sort of a, he was going to be the person that was going to lead this Mars recruitment. He was having artificial telepathy with some sort of race that he called the patrons. I know that there's a lot of legit contact experiences in channeling, but I just knew it was artificial, and that the people that he was dealing with were behind this. And so anyway, real quick, I'll turn this one to in three, are three agendas recommended by Jason Society Scholars, and are related to different scenarios to prevent a possible future doomsday that is more than likely induced and not natural. Harp technologies and weather modification can control weather and induce super storms. So I kind of went into that and kind of revisiting in 2006, they attempted to recruit me. But this was starting in childhood, even before childhood. So the attempted recruitment was when I basically gave up, I couldn't create anything, I'm like, what is going on? And sort of feeling like, Tony, like, I'm just cursed, like, what have I done? You know, is this, like, I feel just like this constant force on me, no matter what I try and create, then I finally am like, all right, I'm just letting it go, and wherever that controller force wants me, I'm just going to follow it and just go. And that's when all this started to unfold, and everything fell into place to put me in this position because that's where they wanted to kind of guide me. So I was in California, trying to raise my kids, pretty much on my own, long story about their dad. But I was just like, even working a lot of energy at this Clairvoy Institute, you know, grounding, clearing energy, you know, having, you know, people like kind of helped me through it, nothing worked. And I'm like, all right, all right, let's have a showdown here, take me to whatever this energy is, then I ended up with the basement of my mom's house outside of DC. And I was just kind of like online, just kind of like, you know, writing and just kind of figuring stuff out. And then I just felt drawn to go to this little festival in Charlottesville, Virginia, and this man approached me. And I was just like kind of sitting around and kind of playing my drums and just like, oh, yeah, I've been out with people for a long time. And this man sits next to me and he's so familiar and I'm like, oh, you know, I know that dude. The affinity was like right away, but he wasn't like overly like kind of pushing himself on me. We just formed a friendship. We stayed up all night. We're just talking. And he's like, I'm like, wow, you know, I'm like, he's like, well, you know, you live outside of DC. It goes, I go to meetings in DC all the time. So I'll come by and visit you. So we kind of started seeing each other, then he told me more about the meetings. And the meetings were this with this particular group that I'll share a little bit about. And this was all about going to Mars. So they couldn't really present it to me in a way like you're going no matter what. It was very sneaky because it was like, oh, you know, they used him as bait. It's called like a honey trap. It's a version of it. And they're like, well, you know, if she falls in love with him, she'll totally go to Mars, you know, because she's all about, she's a Libra and she's all about relationships in Sacred Union. And because they use looking last technologies to locate us in a past life, they knew that I would fall for him immediately because just like we heard about the sort of putting you with a divine counterpart or somebody you have a strong affinity with, they pretty much did that with me where they located us. And they were like, OK, they definitely have a Sacred Union connection. The minute she meets him and they meet each other, they're just going to hit it off fall in love. They're going to totally be this familiar because if they put any agent on me, I'm not just going to fall for it. I don't care what kind of game you're playing. You know, like, if I don't feel it, I'm not going to go there unless I'm too drunk. No, I'm kidding. I didn't mean that. I didn't mean that. I'm totally kidding, but maybe not. Anyway, and we were totally like into each other, and so was he, but he didn't really understand how they were manipulating him. They propped him up to be some kind of hero. You know, we're going to go to Mars in the event of catastrophes to prevent the human genomes or to protect the human genomes. So he's all pumped up, feeling very heroic. He's a very well-intentioned person, a very beautiful soul, and it was like really hard because as he was trying to kind of say, you know, this is the target date, this is when we're going to go. I'm not allowed to tell anybody that's very secret. You know, I was just thinking, like, I just met somebody that wants to go to Mars, and I, you know, don't have to go. It's just something that he's doing, that's his thing. But then later in the relationship after we had one of those Celtic hand-fast, you know, a year and a day, we kind of got married in that sort of way, and I moved to North Carolina to live with him. Then it all kind of came out where, oh, I have to confess to you that you were a mission. I was assigned to go to this festival and meet up with you and pull you in. I'm like, seriously, we didn't meet in this organic way. And he's like, nope, sorry. And I'm like, seriously, like, I'm like, and I'm living with you, and I'm with my kids, and I'm like, okay, and I'm like, well, I don't want to go. And he's like, well, this is why I've been sent because you were going, whether you like it or not, they're going to take you anyway. And so I had to, like, for the next couple of months, like really fight hard to get out of it. And I actually had a dream before he confessed all this, very lucid. I was being taken up on the ship, and I was being taken up by chains out of the ocean. I was in the ocean. I could feel the water. And so I get taken up and I'm in the ship, and there's, like, agents are kind of like wearing black. They have the little microphone thing. And this voice from the sky, I have these dreams where there's a voice from the sky. You have a choice. Do you want to go with them, or you want to stay on earth? I'm like, I want to stay on earth. They're like, well, he's not going to join you. And this was before I really knew that he was sent to, you know, come get me. So I made the choice, and I fall out of the ship, and I land back in the water. And I'm like, well, I've got to go back and get him. So I try and shoot up into the sky, and there's lightning and thunder, and I land back into the water. And I'm like, man, okay, like, he's up there, and I'm down here. And it was like, there was no way to access him. And then the sky spoke again and said, you made the right choice. And all of a sudden, these planetary alignments happen, like, everything kind of lit up, and I swam to shore, even though I was alone, it was like, you made the right choice. Then I wake up, I'm like, I got to tell you this crazy dream I had. And I told him, he's like, you shouldn't have told me that. And like, everything started to really unwind, because they kind of knew I was on to them. They knew that I wasn't going to go. They knew I was starting to do research. I took the names of everybody he was talking to that I wasn't able to talk to you directly. And there's some names that people know of, like, Hal put off a physicist in Austin, Texas, I believe. John Alexander, who is connected to this kind of weaponry, I can't remember the name that went along with it. This was a group called the Aviary. The Aviary, they all had cover occupations, and it took me weeks to find evidence that supported this intuitive feeling I had, that not only had this agenda been infiltrated, but there was mass manipulation going on, and my partner is being used in mind control to act as bait to pull me in. And they wanted him there too, but they really, like, pulled him in, and he was having, you know, military abductions, and he was constantly bleeding, like, out of every orifice. I mean, it was just like, yeah, really bad, like, and I'm just like, kind of what's happening, he's just constantly being taken, but I realized this was more a my lab thing, and if you look at this particular website, artificial, this didn't come out until 2010, but it confirmed everything that I felt, because I couldn't find any information on them. I finally did, through a Paul Benowitz, I think his name is, he had some sort of case where he dealt with these guys, and under this website, it says they're gang stockers, they use psychotronic weaponry, and they do my lab, and they're just, like, really, really dark, but you couldn't really find anything. I had to search and search and search for weeks, I'm like, I'm going to find something out on these guys, and they all had code names. So the A.B.R.I. is a collection of strange birds, a group of key scientists, military men, and intelligence agents who share an interest, an intense interest, in UFOs, telepathy, remote viewing, parapsychology, mind control, and the creation of psychotronic weapons. They are known to be connected with my lab, gang stock, and a major harassment. These websites didn't come out until years after I broke free from it, but when I finally found some things that they tried to destroy, because you couldn't find any information, it was through somebody else's testimony, I was like, yes, and I knew they had their hands on alien technology, they're connected to MJ12, they're like a branch of it, but on the cover or outside, they look like just investigators, and they have something called the weird desk where people kind of get in touch with them and they share their UFO or abduction stories, and they act like they're interested. So with my partner, they actually invited him to be a part of the A.B.R., and they gave him a code name. One was salmon and the aquarium, and the other one was golden eagle in the A.B.R.I.E., so they all had code names, right? So, you know, and when they're talking to each other, it's just like, and I joke about this kind of redundantly, but they're all calling each other their code names, so there's owl, there's penguin, there's all this stuff, and like I'm literally, I'm like a freaking Batman movie, and there's gonna be like credits at the end of the day, like what is going on here? It's just like, you know, and one kind of defected and helped me through his name is Dan Smith, and he's got quite a story, but some of it was well-intentioned. They had this like core story thing, and they felt like this is what they really had to do, but of course there were dark players behind it that were really controlling everything that were implanted in that particular group, but I only was able to really deal with him. They didn't want to like talk to me, and when I demanded to be listened to, you know, 'cause I wanted to convince him to stay on Earth with me. I'm like, they're trying to control you, even his friend picked up on it, you know, you're turning almost like robotic. We tried to get him out of it, I'm like, you need to stay on Earth with me, and he just wasn't believing it or having it, and yeah, and then, you know, eventually I really ruined their plans. People started to get killed, so it was really, really pretty scary, and when I came out with the story, I just gave him sort of a code name to protect him, but then he came out and said she's talking about me, and kind of like, you know, I tried to like really help him, but I had to kind of call it out, and once I called him out, I felt a lot more protected. As long as I was like not able to talk about it, it was like the harassment and the targeting was to such an extreme, and so when I exposed it, you know, how put up kind of says, "Oh, you know, I'm being outed again," or something like that, and then they tried to befriend me, like, Jack Sarfati and a few of these others, they're like, "Well, we don't want to look like, you know, the bad guy here, like, now that you've like exposed all this, we can't really get at you now, so let's like do a video together and like act like we're friends. I'm like, I don't think so. I don't consider you guys the enemy either, but, you know, I need to just like move on with my life, and so, you know, they just try and get at me in other ways, just like the whole human race has started. We all have our experiences, anybody who's willing to speak truth, I mean, we deal with all that, but they never scared me, and, you know, I would tell them, like I even have the email saved, where I'm just like, you know, even if you do kill me, I'll come back more pissed off next time around, and it's just like you can't, I'm like, I have no fear of death, and they're like, why isn't she scared of us, you know, you're just a bunch of weak patriarchal cowards, and there's like, oh shit, you know, we totally thought we could get her through like love and this guy, and even though I was like really bummed out that like him and I didn't end up together, you know, it was just like, and when I say patriarchal, I'm not just talking about the male species at all, it's a program, it's affected both men and women, but it's very much what they are explaining to me, at least the defector of this agenda, they didn't expect the mother energy to return, and that's returned through all our hearts and souls, it has a lot to do with cosmic and earthly events, but we all have that within us, and they didn't expect that we would wake up to that, or that this energy would be grounded again in the earth, so I'll go into it, I don't really want to read this word for word, but basically my mission is related to freeing us from the captivity that we are born into, and by a guardian activator, oh, and like, just sort of with the guardians as an activator of our divine template, we can only live as examples and inspire by doing the work ourselves, the greater mission was something I was being prepared for, it was greatly activated by my relationship with Ike and my love of nature and deep sensitivity to the programmings and distortions, there was always a deep urgency I was feeling and what part I was to play, both relating to strategies regarding timelines and the deeper soul journey that is more kind of mythical, like, because on a soul level, these archetypes are a part of us, but we are script writers of where these myths go, and so anyway, I learned about the deeper layers of the military industrial complex, through the recruitment to Mars, and of course all the amazing individuals that I've met that are here, my focus has been my deeper soul journey in shedding layer upon layer to live as my true authentic self, even if I'm not doing okay and struggling, I would rather be honest and inspire us all to embrace this healing path, then pretend everything is going great and I'm just fine, so that's why you kind of hear me a lot, it's alert doesn't seem okay, I delete some of those videos and interviews, but I mean, it's not easy, this path is not easy, and it's really hard to witness friends and family that want nothing to do with this, and just to maintain the love frequency no matter what in the face of that, and know that there's not really a right or wrong decision, kind of dropping that sort of dualistic perception, even if like we know there's dangers, but I just know being inspired by folks like Tony and Johann, I mean just, the list is so long, I mean I really feel there's nothing we can't overcome, and this particular window period called an ascension window period, that is defined very differently by people, there's a quality to this particular window period that I feel can neutralize these weapons and release all this weaponry has done to the human nervous system and the mind, and there's a way to overcome it and alchemize it, and so like years ago when I didn't really know I was going to be a public person, I mean I wasn't, I was just, I don't know, I just knew that like this stuff has to come out, I'm like well I don't know what I am, like you know everybody's like this, I'm like I'm a global alchemist, like we're all global alchemists, so it's so funny like being introduced as like lovers of global outcomes, I'm like oh my god that actually stuck like okay, but it is just like turning the lead of this human experience into gold and then seeing all the backup and validation that's happening on a cosmic and earthly level connected to the planetary alignments, it's just been reinforced like yes, yes, it's not just some like hopeful thing, it actually is happening, and I'm going to go into that a little bit because I know that's what they don't want us to know, it's like why would they want me to be off planet? And I think it has a lot to do with, you know, wanting to ground this energy, doing the grid work, working with people, activating this stuff, staying really devoted and very true to this path to really help that correction and that healing of the sofionic body which is Mother Earth, and understanding the galactic history behind how this earth became earth. And I go into that in other presentations, I'm not going to go too deep into all that, but anyway, my focus has been on connecting the dots on all levels and exposing anything under the sun that I possibly can, my focus is soul architecture and helping to initiate us into our galactic chakras and awakening dormant strands of DNA. Creation is a love story that we are healing, we're learning to divorce, to divorce the imposter and find true authentic love within our own being. So ultimately the war is one within ourselves, are we still energetically courted to the old paradigm, are we energetically courted to dark players and controllers that we don't realize we might be courted into, are we dependent on the system, I mean, we have to cut those chords and realize that we're divorcing ourselves from it, and when we divorce ourselves from something toxic, we are setting ourselves up for the synchronicities that will take us into true love as we learn to cultivate that within. And to me, our DNA holds this love story and the different levels of our dormant DNA that scrambled fire codes that we can unscramble tells this greater love story right into the Christ consciousness and the plasmic light of the Christos energy and the Christ Sophia and that reunion and how that integration of polarity, look at births, that magical child, mother, father with the Christ Sophia child, and when you look at like religion and everything throughout history, it's like people are like, who the hell is Sophia? Nobody's like, you know? And when I heard the name and it was coming through and I was a kid, I'm like, nobody talks about this. They might talk about Mary Magdalene, like, you know, who's a redeemed prostitute, which is like completely off. But yeah, it's like, what about the mother? You know? I mean, we're on like Mother Earth and the planetary grid network is all about the masculine and feminine, the electric magnetic. One doesn't exclude the other when it comes to the mother energy, but that is such a lost concept that it's been really important to bring that back in the understanding of the planetary consciousness and the divine blueprint within all of us and how that integration is switching our dormant DNA on because if we look at it, the personality matrix, if we just stay dependent on that or plugged into it, look at all the distortions coming through, everything under the sun one can imagine has made it very, very difficult to have harmony and integration within ourselves and with each other in a unity consciousness kind of way as well as we see the divide and conquer agendas and all the different psyops that are really, you know, pulling us apart. And what I love about this group is like, we're not going to have it. We're defying whatever odds, but it's like at the same time, just staying connected to spirit and grounded with Mother Earth and just being true to ourselves, it's not that difficult to just, you know, kind of overcome this, but I think witnessing people that refuse to is difficult because it's like, I mean, I just can't even believe, you know, just some of the things that we see on social media and just even just like looking for a second on the newsfeed that Facebook prioritizes its headlines, it's just like you have got to be kidding me, you have got to be kidding me, but anyway, we're kind of used to this level of insanity, and it's increasing and increasing, but at the same time, it's pushing people to the edge to have that breakthrough and people are one breakthrough way of being able to change everything, and one has to like be humble enough to say, okay, maybe what I thought was true isn't whatever one has invested in and really believed in, you know, it's not like you have to throw that all away, just make an adjustment. Remove yourself from the manipulative part of it where you being used for your skills and talents and abilities and be more sovereign because we're going to create community that utilizes all those skills and abilities and build from the ground up, pool our resources together, grow our food, homeschool our kids, take care of each other and like starve that beast because that's a dangerous and destructive relationship and we're divorcing it, so, thanks. And that whole you'll own nothing and be happy, you know, we're going to have like guards like protecting our property and we're going to be all armed and it's just like, no, you're not entering, you know, you're shwabi, wob, whatever, we're not going to have it. And this is what I love, you know, that we all share together is this strength to overcome this and not bend to that will, not be fear based in thinking, you know, it's like we're not victims, this isn't doom or gloom, we've taken our power back, we're speaking truth and we're making it, no matter how much they're trying to get in our way, the power of spirit completely overrides it, it's the override frequency and it's the substance that creates the alchemy. So anyway, after getting a good handle what alternative three was about, I thought about alternative four, which was where I was feeling like being creative and it's from what I knew deep within them from nature, it's about connecting with the organic timeline and the divine birthright of our incredible human potential as the unified species and as individuals. We can work with the higher dimensional races as well, of the cosmos and recognize that we are those beings too and they are very advanced children being born and, you know, we come into this human vessel but these higher dimensional levels and galactic chakras and dormant DNA connects on a frequency vibratory level with a lot of these guardian groups and a lot of the more benevolent beings and that's why we have to locate it within and really switch it on because they're not going to come and save us but if we can meet them like on a frequency resonance level, we realize how much is there supporting us. Just like our immune system, we have to take care of it, we have to support it. If we just trash ourselves constantly, it's not really going to be able to show up for us but it's always there, spirit is always there but we can turn the other way and it will constantly remind us like hello, I'm here. So you kind of get my opponent but yeah, so anyway during this window period we're in we have an incredible opportunity to achieve ascension which to me is just human advancement, blossoming of our consciousness, our ability to switch on dormant abilities and anyway there's much that we are still up against that we have to be aware of so that we can cross the threshold and begin to shift this human experience. The Venus transist is what my path is all about, you know, understanding and the return to the sacred union of the divine masculine and feminine, the Christ Sophia, which is a personal initiation that all the planets and all the alignments are assisting us with and because they have knowledge of the occult and they want to keep us from that information by saying it's a pseudoscience or like trying to just kind of like push us away from this information or a new age bullshit, I mean there is a lot of new age bullshit, don't get me wrong but you know what I mean, like they just want to keep us from that, it's not like you know you go to school and it's like oh period three I'm going to go take galactic astrology course, there's nothing available so it's like what's the point of being going to school, they are not teaching the stuff that we should know and it's talking to the tax people too, I'm like you know you guys told me I was dyslexic and I had learning disabilities so how do you think I'm going to figure out how to do my taxes, I was dropped on my head, I have like all sorts of like you know, inability to do this, can I plead insanity, like they're like oh my god, but it's just like you know what, you created like these stigmas so here, I don't know how to do this, I can't read correctly so sorry, but anyway that's hopefully that'll work out, anyway so just kind of getting into a little bit of you know galactic stuff or history, the world was once far less dense than it is today and when we dealt with galactic wars, cataclysms and the collapse of the higher dimensional civilizations caused by exploding planets, that rapidly changed everything, we were dealing with abuses of free will, hybridization and the manipulation of incarnate consciousness and our DNA, it has made it so much more difficult to maintain a multidimensional embodiment and connection to spirit because of all that has taken place in our galactic history while in physical form and this profound window period we have the opportunity to return to these higher planes of existence and really like lighten the heavy density and that's part of like the lead into gold which has a lot to do with Saturn, I'll get into that, anyway during the Atlantean Cataclysm about 26,000 to 30,000 years ago, this is when the planetary stargates, the planetary grids and ley lines became controlled by the negative alien races such as the reptilians, the Anunaki, Nephilim, the Alpha Draconis, Orion groups, they had his grades and some Nordics, okay, so this is like Keelontic sign sort of Lisa Renee material and this makes total sense to me, it matches with so much other stuff and I don't question what they have to share but I never like fully, you know I like to connect dots and not fully immerse myself in any one thing either but it's like because our DNA and our chakras are connected to the planetary grid network, it only makes sense that there's this overlay on the organic circuitry of Gaia and the history really makes sense and my book's coming out soon, I get into all of it and hopefully it'll be out by the end of the year or beginning of next year and I'll keep my website updated about all that but yeah, I mean when Tiamon exploded it was considered the Dragon Queen and Sophianic planet and when that exploded that whole idea of Akimov and the Baphomet and the reversal mother energies came out of that trauma and embedded itself into the planet to the point where they're harnessing that energy and using it as satanic ritual abuse to keep harvesting and using the mother womb energy and turning it into kind of like a hell that they kind of like they're kind of like the dark lords that like, you know, hoard all the wealth and all the power and kind of like try and make us experience sort of like a hellish experience on earth so the whole idea of this plutonic energy that I'll be talking about and going into the dark night of the soul and into the underworld is to return it to the creative cauldron and the mother womb and kind of like move through a lot of those mythologies where you hear about like an on and going to the Seven Gates of Hell, Persephone getting abducted by Hades and you know the Magdalene energy that had to expel all the stuff going into the Seven Gates, Seven Chalk was basically where you clear yourself from the gatekeepers. This was very much a part of what took place in ancient, you know, cultures is this initiation. So these initiations are in front of us but they're weaponizing it or trying to confuse us causing us fear of death, trying to mask us and do all the symbolic stuff to really just like cut off our capacity to breathe in the breath of life to get these activations and to you know go through the plutonic cycle even though we've all gone through it multiple times in our life but as a collective go through that initiation they're completely like okay this is the perfect time to pull out this particular card, cause everybody fear about a virus and I'll kind of get into that more but anyway the control of the planetary grid network is also what generates. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin so go to that's and get lucky today at luckyland no purchase necessary VGW group boy we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply artificial timelines because basically all the false narratives all the propaganda all the mockingbird kind of stuff all the intelligence that they have when it like about human psychology so that they can create constant psyops is part of that harvesting energy where we give our power away and they're able to battery up and keep these artificial timelines alive but it goes like way back in our history and there's so much information in regards to that but anyway mass biological and mind control devices exist well beyond the technology of implanting tiny physical chips into humans which accompanied many of the abductions by the grays and non benevolent zedas and also are an impending application of such electronic devices by the one world government to the population even brain signatures radiated by government harp and guentours are relatively superficial compared with ancient existing global grid systems which can be used for manipulating the evolution of all life on the planet including the planet's evolution itself so this is global grid systems and mass mind controlled knoll-huntly PhD talks about this and it just lines up with everything else about planetary grid network manipulation they actually unplug certain parts of it the albion and cathar body near Glastonbury where the masculine and feminine electric magnetic energy is supposed to connect they've unplug that that whole circulation's been thrown off the dodecahedron platonic solid was put in reversal and the symbology of the inverted pentagram is sort of like the ether going into the ground and that's fine because we are we did come into physical matter but it has to be flipped back up so that we can reconnect with the ether and I'll get into like the corrections that have taken place but basically all that symbology has to do with that you know the contamination of the elements that the four points of the star represent earth air fire water without access to the ether the contamination and pollution and toxicity gets to be too much of the point where we're dealing with the humanity that has an epidemic of cancers and neurological diseases autoimmune disease you know I mean we're struggling humanity no doubt right and if we are connected to truth and not like some of the mind control that truth frequency would inform the body of like how to maintain health so we're all figuring that out deprogramming and finding empowerment and our health and our food choices and the help of herbs and stones and crystals and and just like being real with ourselves to understand okay what ancestral pattern what programming what wound or trauma do I need to release not just because of maybe the mind control part of it because I think we're all pretty darn clear when it comes to that but just some of the stuff that keeps us looping and that maybe keeps our frequency in a place that keeps feeding into that so I know we've all been through an incredible journey when it comes to maintaining health and wellness especially with being targeted and all that kind of stuff but anyway we all know about this but this is just in tandem with the manipulation of the planetary grid network the ruling elite have devised chemtrails as a means of covertly microchipping us all in order to create antennas inside of us via nanotechnology so as to make us totally controllable via a psychosivilized electrically mind controlled society using hard microwave antennas the national security agency can establish a seamless computer link direct to our brains the first they're using chemtrails to get the nanoparticles into us which are reassembling in our bodies to form the antennas and okay so we know like there's certain other ways to get that into our bodies GMOs you know our water being contaminated everything that you know we're hearing about with you know even the spike protein I won't get into all that but it's sort of like when you're not in the programming or the mind control part of it it's we can de-weaponize all this if it was just enough to blast us with weapons and put this stuff in our food and in our air and in our bodies they wouldn't bother with the propaganda they'd be like we don't need that because we're we're filling them up with all this crap so we don't need to worry about fake news or distortions in Hollywood or having monarch program people be in these influential positions to socially engineer society we wouldn't need all the manipulation and aspect of the medical industry of course it's not all bad and we wouldn't need these weird government puppets if it was just enough to blast us with all this they need us to buy into the social engineering and mind control for the weapons to even work so the minute our frequency is beyond it the body gets spiritualized it recognizes it as foreign because the mind's not playing into it the brain computer is not agreeing to it the body's just like gets rid of it or alchemizes it and I know this and the stories like of people like Tony I mean look at what he's overcome I mean his stories yesterday were just so mind blowing and I've interviewed him a bunch of times and I've heard so many of them it's just like it's just like sorry I don't mean to like hi there um but uh you know it's just it's just like amazing the technology like the the lengths that they go to and the power of our ability to remember and be above that and also you know grounded and anchor it you know we can also activate other people we can neutralize the technologies and as you know the assaults might get a little bit more amped or a little bit more severe our capacity to reach higher levels in the face of it becomes like more available it's like that's when a spiritual athlete a warrior does in the face of obstacles and adversity you get stronger in the face of it you access more in the face of it instead of be victimized and and weakened even if we have you know some of those days that it's just like so anyway artificial intelligence systems have been designed and weaponized specialized for emotional and ultimately spiritual harassment so that's what they need they they they they need us to be kind of broken depressed anxiety ridden they definitely want to get in the way of partnerships having harmony they want to break up family and friendships and and once we allow that harassment to get the best of us the AI signals become a lot stronger and we sometimes get linked into that where the false solutions the problem reaction solution kind of like brings people in like okay that's going to solve it something outside of myself is going to solve it or like maybe that pharmaceutical will treat my depression it's just like no being depressed and angry is a very healthy response to all the BS we're dealing with so we're going to have those kind of days and I'd rather I'd rather be bedridden and depressed for like God knows how long then like mask it because we have to experience that the earth has like water air earth fire and I mean we have to experience these elements because on the flip side of anger depression anxiety is our mission is our calling is the reasons why we're affected and then it gives us the wisdom of okay so let's get up and do something about it whatever we're depressed about we're meant to stand up and do something about it you know sort of like nobody we can't expect somebody outside of us to do it but we can answer to it and understand it like I always say like interview it like what do you want why are you like this and when I did that in in some of my darker years it unveiled like purpose and like you know get up and do it you know because if you don't you're just going to be miserable and even the anxiety which you know I still struggle with but you know just of course I mean it's hard not to get bummed out about a lot of what we're seeing but but but our call to action is the flip side of a lot of these harder emotions and to me the alchemical aspect of it is that we feel into it we know it's not something that we're going to like be dealing with long term but if we understand it we're going to move through it that much quicker and rise like the Phoenix and come out the other end okay and this is kind of the growth period humanity's going through in this sort of life review and this sort of madness of being sort of held in the birth canal kind of like stunted like kind of locked in the cocoon with that fear of death you're afraid of the transformation death rebirth alchemy and transformation are the properties of Pluto so once people get over the fear of death part then the transformational part can come in and we can die multiple times in the same physical vessel and become more in self mastery over all these tactics to just create that sort of paranoia so I mean like there's many ways to die I mean like and and like I hope you know I'm not redundant with some of the things I say but yeah it's like when you choke on peanut butter or tortilla shit I'm like is this really how I'm going to die like after all that I've been through a tortilla shit's going to take me out okay like and then I it's just like and then I start laughing I'm like now I'm going to die of laughter it's really and sometimes like I laugh so hard I really feel like like I'm stop breathing but that's why yeah anyway so anyway like I was saying about AI this is so the emotional and spiritual energies get lower to the level that a machine can entrain follow mimic match record modify and replicate that energetic blueprint so we're kind of looping in patterns we attract people that trigger those patterns and we're kind of like in this you know loop and and that's where the AI really like has a grip because it's artificial intelligence nothing really to fear because if it's artificial there's divine wisdom and intelligence that we can switch on in the face of it and defy those moments where we might feel like it's putting its hooks in us so anyway if our consciousness is above this and not in the programming we aren't as impacted and to me it's like we're gardeners of our own soul we have to yank weeds we have to do daily maintenance we have to do that in our own kitchens if we don't clean up after a meal and we just leave it all on the counter we're gonna attract germs and mice and rats and roaches and like all sorts of we know that okay I made meal clean it up so I can make the next meal so we have to do that with our minds our brains our emotions constantly and realize okay we're overloaded or we took on too much or we're falling into a weird patterning like we just have to do the maintenance some kind of new age BS I think you know it's just you reach a state of enlightenment and then you stay there and remain there and if you slip it's like oh you know you're not really on your spiritual path anymore it's just like anyway I'm not gonna put down anything like that but it's it's just to me and and maybe that's not other people's truth I don't have the ultimate truth but I think there's sort of a danger in some of that and we become hard on ourselves and when we do slip into sort of negative emotions and this is their tactic and I'll get into that as far as the spiritual attacks that happen once we start to get above the seven chakras but anyway this is a just there's the artificial tree of life 10 based distortion is draconian that has been overlaid on the planetary grid network the artificial tree of life that's part of all these reversals and disconnects and then there's the true organic timeline which gives us access to our 12 strand DNA the 12 tribes the 12 stargates is all connected with this the 13th gate which connects us with the core diamond heart within the planet where the location is Uluru Australia that's what the grid work and the healing has been all about and also recovering our divine template when we're in the 10 D based distortion we're digressing we're feeding a vampiric system and it's the phantom matrix overlay and the ai timelines so some of these things just need you know correction if you find that you have a picture of a tree of life and it has 10 spheres don't worry just because that symbology might be in your life it doesn't mean you're being controlled by it but it's just like you know it just brought you more spheres it's like the 12 sphere our 12 strand DNA and because if you google the tree of life you'll find that a lot of the blueprints that they sell or that they have are based in the 10 sphere which means that two of the gateways stargates are blocked which keeps us from that greater consciousness but we can override it Jermaine's gonna really be getting into that which is gonna be awesome and and there's so much more you know to all that so you know it's symbols don't control us but they are symbolic they have a subliminal effect on people but those that are awakened I mean we can create those corrections in our head and in our minds and relate to a patterning and actually you know maybe you know do repair work and that's what doing grid work is all about so okay round two name something that's not boring laundry oh a book club computer solitaire huh ah sorry we were looking for Chumba casino that's right Chumba Casino dot com has over a hundred casino style games going today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes Chumba casino dot com. Yeah okay and so that this is from Ascension glossary this is where I got this particular picture and I just really I mean it's amazing when you think about it because the Draconian energy compromise or DNA on purpose they can't have direct connect to source energy because of it they block the ability for anybody to come in and heal their bloodlines and even one of the reasons these dark technology were put in place because there was rebellion towards the attempted healing of those bloodlines as well so it doesn't matter positive or negative blood it's also related to the positive charge of the magnetic and electrical energies and that's why unity consciousness is important when we put the positive and negative together you know we all have different blood types right when we put that together we're integrating this stuff and the root races the seven root races and five oyster races add to 12 that over the course of time the root races will come together we'd help switch each other's DNA on but this is why there's Holocaust and genocide because they don't want that when a particular race comes in or comes into like greater power it's like usually that's when they're about ready to wipe out a whole race now they're looking to depopulate and kind of wipe us all out but yeah so anyway descending hub low frequency it's unstable makes one vulnerable and when you talk about bifurcation I don't like me I don't know how to really visualize it but what I see is sort of a splitting but a bridge between the two timelines because a lot of people that are in service that still want to help and assist that aren't just going to be like oh I'm bifurcating away see ya you know there's going to be a lot of people that have an agreement to still kind of interact and stay close to this bifurcating timeline maybe as a spirit guide maybe as some kind of source of helping that person to recover once they're like okay wow I feel like I'm losing my soul we're going to be able to find great tools and modalities they already exist to help people recover from these assaults and I think a lot of people have a commitment to do anything it takes I'm trying to create a healing center and a way to help with the damage from a lot of this and yeah so I just see more of a bridge some people will move on because it's time others might not but to each their own there's no right or wrong move at all as long as you're being true to yourself and we all have our agreements our past lives and just you know when enough is enough kind of deal and I'm sure like many mornings we wake up like enough already but that's like okay so this is the full tree of life if you see it broken up into you got the 3D123 that's where they want to keep us in sort of the 3D thinking that's a personality matrix when the personality matrix is open to the rest then the personality nature the third chakra is able to bring in spirit energy and soul energy so the personality really holds that as a frequency like when we meet each other we feel that soul connection and familiarity some people are like oh hi and like oh yeah like what's last time I saw you like I haven't never met you I'm like oh my god you're so familiar you know we're accessing each other on a deep level because we're all much soul centered right and we're we just have this ability to kind of meet each other but access something much deeper than just an engineer personality like so anyway we can go beyond 3D this is not a 3D planet that's just the program when we talk about 5D we're moving into the soul matrix dimensions 4 5 and 6 it relates to our throat chakra because this is where the power is if we're spreading propaganda and narratives and mind viruses then we're going to be expressing it we're going to be sharing it with our friends and family we're going to be expressing it and it creates a sort of magic and an enabling of a future we don't want it you know it's kind of like a accidental sort of like magic of choosing words that aren't in alignment with truth when we go into 5D we have an empowered throat chakra we're speaking truth that truth frequency activates people and we're able to really blossom into the rest of ourselves so to me the 5D has a lot to do with throat chakra and the fifth element ether when we are connected with that ether it purifies all our chakras particularly our throat and we're able to speak on a level that inspires people activates people helps them to feel more like themselves like they have permission to be themselves that's when we're really in that 5D energy because we're soul centered and then it goes you know on it's just you know beyond that 7 8 9 10 11 12 when we go into 7 8 9 we activate galactic chakras and I'll show a little bit more about that but the thing is we jump around all the time as is a lot of people are accessing the 12th dimension 13th dimension and working on maybe anchoring and grounding it like in any given day we can pop up there but it's like the physical body we have to be consistent and really anchoring and grounding it so that we can eventually figure out how to advance this human vessel and eventually it's going to turn into a starship mercaba kind of thing and we're just going to be like floating around just like hey you know it might take a while but uh you know I can see like that when we gather in the future that you know we'll be showing up in our starships and you know but we all have like a different affinity depending on our astro chart rate whether we have more earth signs or maybe more you know but we're helping each other share these energies so that we can rebuild the DNA architecture and once we get to a certain place the charts don't matter anymore because the whole idea of understanding the patterning and growing from it and finding how to breathe through the initiation and what's actually available then we move into the zero point unified field and the patternings don't matter so much so as an astrologer I kind of look at it as a treasure map and I want to help people find that treasure that zero point energy that neutrality and that um you know ability to to feel the whole zodiac because we're every element we have all of it we're just given a certain map or things to kind of work on and also bring to others to switch all this on because we're helping each other switch this on so unity consciousness isn't just like community and just love and like you know I mean but that's important so that we can switch each other on we have no idea how much we're impacting each other when we give each other hugs we shake each other's hands we look into each other's eyes we all have a gift to give one another we all have a purpose in that so that's really amazing so um you hear the quote from Lisa Renee the mother aspect the mother god aspect of wisdom Sophia is the embodiment of that inherent truth within the natural laws which cannot be replicated or falsified and matter because it exists with the eternal state the planet and its peoples cannot go against mother nature the natural laws forever without a correction or annihilation in the timeline this is the inner conflict of which humanity now faces so you know kind of like it expires but they're using transhumanism and dark technology um to to have a life cycle so they require us as a food source for that reason even if they want to depopulate part of the population they really do require um you know the use of this technology to have a life cycle and to defy the death to be able to jump timelines go you know you use time travel technology and stuff to escape the whole death process and that's why you know Adrenochrome and these rituals and all these different mechanisms they use in order to you know stay alive and to stay in power and to stay the wealthy ones while they're trying to dumb us down and cause us to forget the most important thing which is who we truly are so our emotional body is linked magnetically to the earth so humanity is now learning how to dispel all beliefs and behaviors that don't fit into the new paradigm zero point is the breaking point beyond which the insanity of the old timeline will no longer be able to survive so when we just do that within ourselves and find that zone we don't have to really worry about like oh you know are we on a negative timeline or are we at the mercy of the unawaken humanity that's like really just you know if they don't like figure it out are we all screwed i don't see that or feel that because what we access has a lot to do with what we manifest and also the synchronicities and things that we draw to us that's why we're all here together because there's nothing that was going to stop us it doesn't even matter i mean the tires were slashed on the plane before i left who the hell slashed the tires like and they had to jack up the plane and change the tire and and i thought it was a flat tire but then it was like going on everybody's time it's like no they slashed the tires so it's just like you know so what we're a little bit delayed and i'm just glad they didn't mess with like the mechanics but you know we all have stories of how difficult sometimes it is to get somewhere but there's when we're in this certain synchronicity or frequency i just feel like you know there's no way anybody's going to stop us no matter what it takes even if yeah regardless yeah the energy is so much lower like if somebody who's you know really out for dark purposes it's nothing compared to the love and spirit energies so i'll just talk a little bit about the Saturn moon matrix stuff i've talked about it quite a bit before but just real quick a black cube matrix is the core of the planet Saturn according to certain sources it makes sense in what i've learned in astrology in studying galactic history every planet has different octaves and different levels there's a shadow side to every planet there's kind of a higher octave to every planet i'll get into that a little bit more but anyway it siphons life force from living systems and beings and routes it back into its black hole system this is the time loop dark technology is placed in the earth grids implants and other methods are how this is successful five default ascension programs are transmitted through the Saturn black cube as well as things to trigger events and trigger us the Saturn moon matrix is basically the patriarchal programming impacting both men and women we're tyranny rules and we are cut off from our own innate divine power and so we're relating through the filter of distortions and social engineered expressions there are dark technologies we need to gain a greater understanding of so we know what we are dealing with the earth holds a diamond heart and as we are aligned with the galactic plane we are able to activate our inner divine blueprint and generate a lot of pure light into the world not discounting the integration of polarity with the dark the creative cauldron and birthing center so true dark is that womb energy that which is within men and women and the light energy is the higher consciousness the seeds of our higher consciousness that creates visions and dreams that we plant in the soil in the womb to generate reality to generate just our reality and that's our ability to manifest so the duality and the kind of fear of the dark and the things hiding in the dark we have now brought to light there is no more secret space program it's been exposed by these just amazing strong individuals that have brought it to light and just getting out of this recruitment and understanding this and the multi levels of all this is just like really well the compartmentalism is something else so anyway as we know media has an important role in spinning this information and targeting humanity in a mass mind control operation of course you know through things like you know project paper clip and things that happen after the second world war and i've come across amazing information that really helps explain what happened in ways that i haven't even heard but it matches with other things and i just if somebody could give me like a 15-minute warning before i need to end that would help because i i sometimes sit on a slide for too long but anyway it is directed psychological and an emotional operation used against the public it intends to incite people into violence and tell you how to think it is used to derail important facts and cover up the news we need to hear i mean this is all something obvious to all of us um cosmic and natural law are encoded with our ability to create alchemy and transformation mass healing so you know we we all know this we all know this um and also know that our devices and different things that they put in people can turn them into i mean if you look at some of the headlines you know it's like they're getting worse you know mother killing their kids you know people just acting out people doing things that they don't even remember doing um and it's just just really alarming um and some people are like i don't know what took over me and we've been seeing that for a while but um with the latest attempt to just really compromise a person with this mind control uh it's going to be a lot to to move through and and witness along the way but um i know we're going to pull our resources and we're going to just have our treats and we're going to just there's so much in store um and and we'll just figure out how to uh just uh get to the other side and help humanity break free as much as possible as we clear false and inorganic architecture from suppressing and impairing our consciousness we are extracting the alien enslavement programming alien implants and mind control in order to embody our true inner Christo spirit and return to the zero point unified field the heart of the god gateway leading into the seven higher universes so this has a lot to do with our chakras the zero point field has a lot to do with the mother energy as well and the cosmic trinity so okay i don't want to read this whole thing but i've been talking to somebody named dang kuber he was supposed to be at this conference um with certain individuals there's always maybe some red flags or something that don't quite resonate but there's always like major major nuggets so i don't know what your guys' experiences are and if you have come across some of those feelings um there is some legit stuff that i definitely want to bring forward that he shares that connects with other things that i know but i i mean i do understand that like not everybody's gonna have a hundred percent and he admits that too he's like well some of my assessments might not be correct but this is just what i think and he goes you have to know the difference but there are some things that i know and i'm going to share those things with you so um i just want to kind of bring it to light this is a bit about him he professes to be an expert researcher a talent that he honed through 20 years of performing legal research uh he claims that his knowledge of these uh historical events described herein came originally from both of his two nazi s s commanding officers who commanding him during his 20 embaxed stint with the nazi's dark fleet um these two nazi s s officers related and often bragged about their personal participation in the battle of dc july 19th 1952 where at the nazi's defeated the united states and forced them to surrender unconditionally to them he also claims that his personal knowledge of the fifth the sixth and eighth fundamental forces of nature guided him in for edding up the actual historical developments of the technologies employed in the unacknowled secret access program to the united states he claims to be the senior advisor to the earth alliance and um so uh i was just on a thread under a video i did with dan willis and i believe michael solid it was an interview i think elana was on that one and uh he posted the video and we're just commenting underneath it just kind of like having a conversation dan cooper jumps on and he starts talking about this stuff he wasn't directing it at me and i'm like yeah i'm like whoa what are you saying and uh so anyway i got to know him recently after he put some comments under a video interview roundtable i did he never reached out to me he never asked for money for his time when i was beyond intrigued about what he was sharing in the comments under a video i did with dan willis and elana i began to ask questions he directly answered me in the comments um and and what was interesting is like i know that we are destined to meet and he acknowledges that but he never like like some people do like go out of their way to just get your attention um and from that kind of position i mean that's fine if somebody does that of course but sometimes you know it's can be sort of questionable when it comes to certain people because i've dealt with a lot of plans and a lot of disinfo kind of people doing that but he just kind of like sat back and i'm like here's my email you want to communicate so yeah and email me right away he's like it's dan cooper so i'm like okay so i probably have 80 screenshots and 10 to 20 pages of exchanges back and forth with him and asking any question on his son he immediately responds i'm i was like thank you for your time like this and that i'm like i won't bug you too many with you know questions he's like no bring it on i'm like okay so anyway um i then said in my email and he contacted me right away saying hi this is dan this unconditional surrender that took place in 1952 was something i wasn't very familiar with i was familiar with the ufo's flying over around that date um and certain negotiations that happen with the nazis almore birds defeat and uh you know um uh operation high jump and uh you know some of the things that took place after the second world war and how the war wasn't really won but i was still just hearing a lot about et government treaties ishan hauer signing with the grays first meeting with the nordics and i was just trying to understand all that for a long long time but i came across other research i kept digging i'm like i know there's more to this and i just don't understand how it was really possible um and so i got you know kind of a lot of answers i and again i said i wouldn't read the whole thing in the last slide and i did anyway but i'm going to kind of skim through this um so he says to me okay so about this 1952 unconditional surrender agreement um but this wasn't something i was terribly familiar with and i was wondering what ix position in all of this was since mostly what i'm hearing for quite some time was that he signed a treaty with the grays in 1954 called the griada treaty i've done presentations about it but i'm like i don't have solid proof and something's always nudging me to dig deeper so so you know just there's going to be more to this conversation and and over the course of many years i've added a lot more but then this is just recent so anyway he said ike had no choice but to openly comply with the official instrument of surrender the unconditional surrender of the united states of the nazis signed by all of congress and most of the prominent businessmen of the period of july 19th 1952 when truman was president of the united states so ike opposed the instrument of surrender of 52 secretly by establishing various military and civilian covert units for that purpose one of them was ike's force also known as the united states marine corps special section or usmc special section for short which survives today in fact that u.s military unit is the most successful military unit opposing the icc nazi draconian empire alliance today by far um he ordered the first attack on the grays deep underground military base at dulce new mexico this is not the dulce words we hear about with phil snider this is earlier uh knowing that he would lose that battle just to learn more about his enemy and to test his best against them they the u.s army rangers also the green brays lost 30 to one back then this battle at that deep underground military base of the grays occurred more than a decade before the one reportedly to have occurred in 1969 and was a much larger engagement several thousand u.s special forces troops engaged against the grays forces then and nearly half of them lost their lives in that action i also established the white hats the first of which were texan u.s generals and admirals that's where the name white hats came from like ike's white hats are the ones that brought ronald reagan into the fold right after the icc nazi dracon alliance had him shot for attempting to disclose the secret space program fully it was reagan in the white hats that had me convince china to do business and to teach china how to do business to make them a powerful ally in the fight against the icc nazi dracon alliance and of course this is deeper layers than the communist kind of china that we see in other words it was like that established the earth alliance if it weren't for him there would be uh there wouldn't be an earth alliance today in the position to defeat the icc nazi dracon alliance braco obama also made an attempt but we know he's compromised i know he got pulled back in there's a whole reprogram that happens with some of these people he was supposedly in the mars training program with andrew bishago under the name berry satoro and when i was opposed to actually beyond mars the date that they set um i ended up at a conference uh with star knowledge right at that location and saw the venus transit over the sun right at the college asiskeys where the mars training program was with andrew bishago i was like this is like major synchronicity here and i'm like like flipping on people like like what i'm like i was supposed to be on bars i'm watching the venus transit and i'm like right on top of where the mars training program was they're like wow what like it's just like and it was so synchronicity because i ran into somebody they're like oh yeah we have a telescope you know come on over they weren't even part of the event so that was really cool kind of interesting synchronicity is like the story that um so anyway uh his attempt failed they the icc nazi dracon alliance actually reverse time to counter that attempt with another special unit a civilian one established by it he also ensured that numerous photos and videos of nazi spacecraft another secret space program technology will continue to resurface and reach the people in the mass and alternative medias so it's just so great this dot connecting of how we've all come together and how we've been able to expose what they weren't able to expose and after you know him carrying the weight and burden of this accusation of selling us out to graze it's really wild that he might have started all this stuff that we hear about but then it's like they're not going to do it for us though and it's like kind of like well where are they would you know if mass arrest really happening you know what kind of operations are taking place they're like most of that is disinfo that's not happening we haven't really invaded the underground bases but again he's one person in the whole mix there might be more um and i take all information with the grain of salt but when he was telling me this it's just kind of like you know when you feel kind of like truth it just feels grounding then i could just feel like the like energy in valthor just being like ah yes you know you're finally in touch with this information and you know part of my mission is to sort of exonerate and not on a bias level or oh you know because it's a family member we're a global family to me i mean he loves the human race and and to me we're all related to each other so i don't have any like oh because i'm related to him like any kind of but i know that like i was tasked with making sure that this information came out and i would never stop digging so anyway according to Dan Cooper the u.s. surrender to the nazis unconditionally on july 19th 1952 this was under the Truman administration and something eisenhower wasn't willing to go along with his two nazi commanding officers in dark fleet and his white hat u.s. navy vice admiral told me what the terms of the unconditional surrender instrument of the u.s. surrendering to the nazis on july 19th 1952 were one term divested the power to sign treaties with alien species into the hands of mj12 hence do i cannot have possibly signed any agreements with any alien species he did not have the legal power to do so he wasn't even allowed to attend the negotiations what's the speak of being made privy to the terms of those agreements that's how i know what elena said to you about mj12 going behind iceback is true so that's another validation and and also lisa renee since the majestic 12 and zeta gray alien trade agreements were made about 85 years ago earth inhabitants have been aggressively experimented upon with hidden technologies used to implant thoughts as one of the many prongs of social engineering programs so for the last decade ever since i've been a public person the amount of mail i get of your great grandfather sold us out to the grays is like so mind blowing like the amount and comments you know under videos and it's like okay i can take it whatever i i know there's a point of the story but it's just like you know for somebody that has done so much for the human race to carry that you know burden of like being at fault for this i mean he tried to defeat the nazis and and even if you know i was thinking even if you know there was a signed agreement you know maybe his hands were tied maybe he's he's threatened maybe they had him under some sort of control um because i could just feel like it is just like trying to help me sort this stuff out so um anyway mj12 yeah and uh they just use these cover stories to hide behind um and also just you know people are like oh you're great ground for the star millions of germans in this and i'm like okay i know there's more to the story than this and i researched you know the book by bach and i researched all the everything under the sun about the different um what do you call policy or whatever the things he had to answer to i did a presentation i never presented yet but i got to the bottom of it i'm like there's no way that that happened and that somebody just came out with a documentary i think his name is mark feldman or felden on that exonerates eisenhower as well so that didn't happen and here's what really happened and um so i am you know hopefully that lifts a lot of the you know hatred and he's a war criminal and he's you know did this genocides worse than hitler you know it's just like it's nice to just feel like a lot of that is just cleared out of the way you know because um you know i just know that like he's you know with us and same with you know people like valthorn i don't want to share this like you know because he's saying i'm special i don't feel fucking special so i'm not sharing this like oh but i'm just like i couldn't believe this i'm just trying not to f bomb here but anyway elena denon that engages in direct communication with valthorn and this is a part of her book there's so much more like incredible information in there but the only reason i'm sharing it is because sometimes i'm like why aren't they like visiting me and like you know like can i just go up on the ship and like have like a one-on-one like i was saying earlier but it's so it's interesting to get a message you know through somebody so anyway elena says commander val after i met you for the first time um she says to him i had the privilege to connect with president duite's great grand daughter laura we spoke about you and about what happened with the treaty she knew the truth deep within herself and she was glad you confirmed it valthorn replies laura yes i know you were talking about i met her once but she didn't know it was me i vowed to look after duite's descendants and you know laura is very special she came to restore the truth she needed to learn about the faces and the plans of the enemy but i always protected her all along and so did duite until this day laura holds a guiding light which will be followed by many given my salutations and i'm just like you know oh man because most of the time like i don't i don't i don't walk around like with my presentations like completely anchored in me i'm like a bumbling like human like oh okay i'm like deal and uh you know it's just like i mean it's like yeah that's why i love coming to conferences because it like reinforces the things that i just really have to know in my heart and i it's not like i ever lose it but um yeah but yeah it's just like nice to just like feel that because i wouldn't say i go into i don't go into self-doubt but like sometimes i'm just i don't even know what to call it but so that really meant a lot to me and um but but you know part of me is just like this is a joke but i'm gonna accept it and it means a lot to me because it's just like sometimes i'm like oh you know and i talked to Lisa Renee recently and just with some stuff going on sometimes you know when you're in kind of like a i wouldn't say a dark place but maybe dark place you know it's like have i failed the mission did i just not do it like what what if i you know it's not like i want to put you know that weight on me we're all carrying you know a piece of that weight but um you know and it's just the confirmation is just like really cool and like you know and like i'm really proud and i'm like oh i'm like i just hope they're not always like watching me because i'm like really like i'm like i don't want to scare them off you know like oh my god um anyway i know they're like now maybe we'll just leave her alone right now like let her have a little freak out because i am like a raging volcano sometimes and like i'm like it's nice to have deaf neighbors because they wave at you and you're like oh good and i'm not like raging towards anybody but like you know okay so anyway the Pluto returns is happening in the United States the Pluto will return to the exact same position it was in when the United States was born on three dates in 2022 February 22nd July 11th and December 28th it's peaking as this Pluto returns we have never experienced this before however the energy of this cosmic phenomenon has been felt for many years already uh seen with the tumultuous clash between political parties the covid 19 pandemic um so this is you know from an astrologer Kyle Thomas anyway so when we're in an initiation like we are this is a very significant thing stunting our growth is what they attempt to do you guys know who they means anyway and we're in this Pluto and Capricorn death of the matrix control it's a transformation it's really us removing ourselves from old paradigm and lower Saturn energies Saturn rules Capricorn the shadow side of Pluto is suicidal thoughts heavy energy darkness feeling stuck in the birth canal not wanting to get out of the cocoon what happens when we resist these energies our our immune system is lowered we get hijacked our energies get psyched and we feel hopeless lost and confused we're in survival we're reactive we're ungrounded so we need to increase our spiritual immune system heal our mental and emotional bodies and the physical will follow so we got to move through the initiation you know i'm sure people are experiencing some kind of life review or some sort of release of something maybe even a job or a relationship you know there's putting a person in like oh my god what is this mean for my future and this is where we have to radically kind of trust ourselves and trust um the greater cosmic natural laws and knowing when we step into our calling and mission the synchronicities really begin to flow and my life proves that you know living on the road for so long raising kids out of vehicles and uh like leaving so much behind and just feeling like i don't know what to you know i don't know where i'm headed where i'm going but um the synchronicities every time i dropped sort of the feeling of like i'm totally screwed um everything that i attracted and manifested was a completely different thing i would just be in the now i'm like abundant like everything's gonna be fine even if i have like you know less than five dollars in the bank i'm still abundant and like everything's where it should be an unbelievable stuff would happen i'd pull money out of the ground i'd meet the right people and i just felt like wow you know things were really beginning to it's time for today's lucky land horoscope with victoria cash life's gotten mundane so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to lucky land you know what they say your chance to win starts with a spin so go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes get lucky today at no purchase necessary v qu group void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply well in the place and like there's such a greater thing when we step away from that matrix and that dependency and and uh sometimes we have to wing it for a while but like it doesn't matter even if we have to live out of vehicle and we're low on money um there's something else going on and we all have each other as well to help each other through some of these changes that might not feel very comfortable to people um but that's kind of why i think i had the background i had to help people kind of transitioned and that's why i want a healing center not just for healing but to have a retreat place so if people lose their jobs or can't pay rent or like are stuck that they have a place to go for a while and take a breath and like figure it out um so i hope that all works out so anyway um growth of pathogens are connected to mind control because the mind is no longer connected with truth stunted in birth canal not able to go through transformation cycle due to fear of death pluto actually rules viruses also transformation alchemy transiting pluto is like a psychotherapist so it forces us to like really dig deep and come to terms with a lot um and we're entering a pluto returns we already are there and last time this return happened was the revolutionary war so anyway this whole kind of dark night of the soul it's like going into hell to move past gatekeepers and controls to restore their womb like i talked about um dark night of the soul when it's time to face our own darkness it gives us an opportunity to clear programmings and all the things that we've been unconscious to um that is leading us astray and this is how we overcome our chronic controls patriarchy negative et agenda it's the full experience and that's why the crone archetype is all about finding that lantern of wisdom when you're in the dark when you feel nothing's there supporting you when you feel cut off um and you know a lack of guidance well that's when we have to really uh find wisdom and illuminate the inner lantern to guide the way and that's why i got the labyrinth because i'm like oh man you know after like a major dark night of the soul and anything i'm done like oh yeah i think you're done with the dark night of the souls i'm like no it's like it's like for like endless um but anyway but i'm like i'm like i just went through this you know and i got to write that down and it's the labyrinth and um and uh yeah it's very symbolic of just kind of unwinding from all this kind of stuff and rebirthing and that kind of thing so anyway the labyrinth harmonizes the DNA of the individual with the earth's elemental patterns the labyrinth as a path is the gateway to the underworld and this day and age it's a literal hell that needs to be purified back to the mother womb this is a path about planting seeds and it creates global alchemy going into the lead to turn it into gold um the old thing came about the underworld and how it relates to the labyrinth is that they're both easy uh to get into you will more than likely get lost they are dark you will more than likely die and it is the land of no return and actual fact is the place to die and be reborn like we see in like Avalon and Glastonbury it was very much about that initiation and the goddess energies and just like being reborn and the land was like designed all around this kind of thing um anyway in a world that is void of assisting us with these transformative initiations and in a world where darkness is more of a place where control agendas hide and where our shadow self is inflicted with the wounds and behavior patterns that need to go we avoid it it's the place no one wants to go so people do anything to avoid that initiation of going into the underworld or the dark night of the soul because it's so challenging at first but once we start getting used to it we can kind of speed up the process and not like really freak out and um and and that's where we really find sovereignty uh is to just kind of get through it and and get to the other side sometimes we have no choice those who came here to really do the inner work for the planet cannot avoid this as events line up to throw us into this process not like oh my god I want to go into the underworld and dark night of the soul um it just happens because of an event that takes place maybe you know even an injury and accident a breakup a loss of something um or just like hitting like a platonic transit or if you have Pluto next to your son and like I do in my chart it's kind of like you know kind of a regular thing so getting out of the captivity of Hades and dark overlords of the underworld and the deep state cabal we need to connect with this mother energy the kakate energy the transformational process that needs to take place we can free ourselves through divine wisdom and become the crone Persephone is almost like humanity captured by control forces like Hades you know stuck in the underworld but like as spring has hit and we are in the season of Venus and Mars being an Aquarius plutas eventually gonna move into Aquarius and all this spicy and energy Neptune Venus and Jupiter this is like you know we have this chance to like really move to the next level as a humanity as we're doing it ourselves individually we are relieving historical patterns we are relieved reliving ancient myths it just dresses itself differently but it's the same challenge to rise and to be reborn like the spring and all of its beauty and abundance we do not need to stay chained to the underworld under the control of death and the fear of life when we break these chains we shift the pattern and a living myth that exists within the soul is returned to the earth as a sovereign being and we're rising with this you know energy Pluto Hades is the god of last resort called on by those who already feel they've lost everything its realm is extreme transformation and those in states of agony despair and grief that have crossed the threshold into the underworld find an ally when they're on their knees when you've lost your fear of dying you are ready to meet the purifying fires of the Pluto Hades energy then you begin to remove yourself out the chains and then Hades really has no control or power anymore I remembered like being young and like really connecting to these archetypes and just being like I shouldn't need any pomegranates because that's what got us in this you know like having to visit the underworld I was like but now I drink pomegranates all the time I'm like so I don't know it's like really good for you but anyway so here here's where it gets kind of weird so psycho spiritual warfare is radically increased when a person is entering the integration stages of the 789 of the monadic spiritual triad because this is who when we begin to achieve hierogamos and ascension this is what was lost in 70 earth also in Tiamen exploded there was no separation from these higher higher energies before so this is from a essential glossary the Lisa Renee's this is just such an incredible chart to look at if you see the morphogenetic chakra 8 is gold and the morphogenetic chakra 9 is silver and it's all about male female balance to really begin to switch on the dormant DNA it has to do with integration of polarity so it can feel complicated like how do we switch this stuff on but when we see it as a love story and we know it's about divorcing the impostors and embracing this greater true love we really begin to switch this on and when we begin to switch it on we begin to galactivate identity to multiple awarenesses of star intelligence other identities and lifetimes and like I said the psychospatial warfare is radically increased when we begin to switch this on because they know that they lose a grip on us once we begin to activate this so they do everything under the sun to trip us up to try and make us feel defeated so that we feel like we're failing on our spiritual path and where some people like so I've been meditating I've been eating like really good and you know doing all the spiritual practice and then they feel completely slammed and back at like ground zero like what did I do wrong and then they might pick up a bottle of vodka and like start to give up and it's like no no no just got to breathe through this like like attack because it's like super and this is what humanity is in right now this level of attack with the psyops and the pandemic and this is the ultimate attack because humanity is about to move past that threshold of the seven chakra and the implants that have distorted us through false teachings this is why humanity is dealing with this with this tremendous initiation of this plutonic energy when we get to the other side of it humanity is ready to switch this on and they're like doing everything under the sun to prevent it so anyway the neutron window is what creates a 13-star gate portal as 12 becomes one and that processes what aligns us to our mother arc and to the Milky Way core 8D which phase locks into Andromeda core 90 which is the infinity spiral around our head and the star gates connected to that are in Tibet China in the China area and so when these link together this is when the 13-star gate portal really begins to amp up this has a lot to do with Orion system has a lot to do with clearing that and where that fell into the Orion war so that that energy and connection with the zero point can restore the Orion system and the duality that came from it that we're dealing with in the here and now because those wars obviously stepped down into the physical plane a lot of us remember those lifetimes and are still doing that kind of work but anyway these are the different levels level one building wings six and seventh chakra you can see the love story level two crystal lotus heart eight nine and you see the love and then level three high rose gamos crystals hydroplasmic light 10 11 12 this is the avatar consciousness these is all about sacred marriage right so when we attract people that we feel soul mate some even say twin flame we know that like we're moving into that and sometimes those relationships are really challenged because of the level of attack and because sometimes people are just not really able to want to hold that you know kind of energy I'm very careful about like you know when I do readings like oh yeah that person's your twin plan very careful about some of those terminologies but this is something we achieve within ourselves to switch all this on so when we can imagine it as a love story then yeah I mean that's what I do I'm all about the love story so I know people know this chart from power versus force David Hawkins and we know like yeah we're going to drop down into those energies but instead of trying to avoid them at all costs how about when we drop down we give it unconditional love and we like love that part of ourselves and forgive that part of ourselves because we're humans we're not going to be able to avoid going into those zones so when we go into it we can come out the other end and give it courage neutrality willingness acceptance reason love joy peace and then enlightenment but we we can't expect that we're not going to visit these zones so I just feel like when we're in that zone you know we have each other's back we love each other we're going to help each other through we're going to help ourselves through and not like fear it or shame it or think oh you know I mean to me unconditional love of these parts of ourselves is key to raising our frequency and that to me is what going into the dark night of the soul is all about so oh thanks okay so epigenetics sciences proving that our body's ability to heal and repair itself is greatly affected by our beliefs thoughts emotions and intentions for they have a profound vibrational effect upon our continually evolving genetic code we're the programmers of the code DNA activation is our software upgrade so if we just keep checking ourselves that's why they want to bombard our minds because they know like we can enable a reality that we don't want by consenting or being somehow linked to it or believing in it on some level they know that you know we will manifest the future we don't want they don't they all they have to do is just stimulate it and as much as they might steal and siphon energy and try and harvest it really how they do that is by getting to our minds and our beliefs and obviously whether doing children in the trafficking and the satanic ritual abuse is something that we're stepping up to expose and do anything we can to protect children and those that have been trafficked and abused but our job as a humanity is to make sure that we don't get distracted by all this other crap because that truly is the priority and that's why it's so crazy to see all these other things in the headlines and that celebrities go go ballistic over you know certain things that they really stand for but they know what's going on under Getty Museum and and children are being trafficked to these individuals and barely anybody is really saying much in that industry and so it's incredible that folks like us are because we really are on the front lines not not a lot of people who know this stuff is happening are really you know saying anything and people like Ali Carter people that are exposing it they hardly have a voice but yet you know when you see these news feeds how ridiculous it is and so I won't keep going on anyway um the a fiecus energy the 13th sign the sun started moving through it in 2010 this is when a major timeline shift happened okay perfect um and a fiecus is the 13th sign and it's actually ruled by the ether this is part of the correction that when the sun started to move through the 13th sign um that activation of the ether energy became strong it began to help with the corrections uh and and gives us this access so it relates to and it's November 17th to about December 10th I believe and it's right between Scorpio and Sagittarius but it overlays it's not like you have to change your chart but if you're born under uh after 2010 you would want to include it um but anyway creatrix connectivity pure transparent crystalline light divine mother and the cleansing power of cosmic love recoding the DNA aligning to the cosmic heart of lyra and andromeda universal center rebirth and cleansing the blood breath and mitochondria so when we look at all the kind of clots and all the kind of weird symptoms you know in the masking this is to cut us off from breathing the breath of life and accessing this energy because the ether and and all of this is part of the breath of life and the tree of life and so they they want to cut us off from that they they want to separate it from that and each other because this powerful activation since 2010 is so strong it's actually ruled by kyron which is an asteroid so when we like seek to really connect with it we have to be really honest about our wounds and and not act out those wounds we have to be responsible towards our triggers you know and i'm and i'm getting really good at that like when i'm triggered i'm like especially with my husband i'm like it's totally me like i totally like i don't i don't want to project this totally my wound that i'm dealing with but i have to be honest about it because i'm like all coiled up and constricted and just like an agony because um but instead of just being like you know blame or like projection um and i just know that this is just what really just helps me stay aligned it's just like acknowledging it and being responsible to it and holding myself accountable and then knowing the difference too and maybe somebody's being a legitimate schmuck it's like okay that's different um anyway like boundaries right so so anyway this phase is the solar alignment with the cosmic ether which is at the core of the galactic center which represents the pouring of healing spiritual waters into the earth and humanity from mother god previously these waters were corrupted by entrapping the mother principal and gold racer from on earth so divine fire water and um this is uh uh some of this comes from lisa's information and some things that i um added to it so anyway this also relates to the dragon lines each of the dragon lines are woven into primarily 12 main sections comprising the world grid over the last year more dragon lines were created to reflect the changing zodiac patterns interacting with the earth grid during afias this interface is directly with our dna to have the thirteenth sign come in means the thirteenth gate is being activated and it's truly the return of the mother force and the fear uh alliances are connected to this i believe the guardian groups and when and we talked about the mother sounds separate from the father but the attention being on the mother this uh resolve the the reversals the baphomet the inversion the misuse of the womb energy to birth parasites and archons and all sorts of things to really get in the way it's a reclaim that you know energy um and it's part of the planetary consciousness so anyway i don't have a whole lot of time but rna's primary responsibilities to make proteins according to the instruction sense a coating within a cell's dna however in rna the nitrogenous base is made up of nucleic acid cytosine guanine adenine and uricil also each of the rna nucleic uh nucleic acid is connecting to the elemental substance of the planet as air water fire and earth and both dna and rna the mitochondrial dna serves as the fifth principal element of cosmic ether which is sourced only from the mother thus through uh the mitochondrial dna damage humanity is grossly addicted to consuming everything in the external world to fill this energy void within ourselves so multiple sources lisa and husband and wife team hager and becker so we our dna is elemental earth air fire water now with the ether energy we're healing the mitochondrial dna our connection with the mother which is connected with the ether which just wonders to our dna it purifies the toxicity and the earth responds to us so in a way we clear the oceans in the skies when we do this in our work because we're elemental beings and now with the fifth principal the mitochondrial dna healing to mean this is where the elemental kingdoms uh kingdoms will rise will purify and and alchemize all this toxicity because the ether energy is a purifier and the unconditional love of the mother is like infusing our body with like this this greater love than what we learned from like these lower creator gods and the punishing gods and just all this other nonsense anyway if we hold on to programing your belief systems that are not in alignment with our higher self uh we begin to get more assimilated the cleansing power of ether will help us to move energy and not just move it and release it but bring in substance a substance that can dissolve the fences and seals in our dna the frequency fences and when that happens we start to step into our avatar consciousness in a rebirth cycle we're presented with choices what are we going to allow die and what are we going to allow to be birthed so in every moment we can align we can step away from all the crap that we're being bombarded with and know that this is available it's happening on a cosmic and earthly level if we can just stay in tune with it and really breathe into it recognize our wounds and traumas write it out express it do whatever um there's nothing that is going to prevent us from being able to massively upgrade and be that override frequency which will activate the collective conscious and help other people to do the same so that they can release all the weaponry the mind control and if they're willing if they can take that free will and make that choice and devote to it there's nothing that humans cannot overcome or heal the willingness has to be there though so yeah just to you know this is also um what Lisa has shared and again I do quote her a lot but I've been in such resonance with everything she brings forward the malkisadex or the genetic hosting race of the earth's ascension cycle for the last 35,000 years as of 2009 2012 right with 2010 right in the middle our planet went beyond this to prepare for the return of the 13th gate pillar of mother arc the return of the goddess energy the planetary consciousness um according to my research the 13th blue ray was previously under the control of the fallen malkisadex hosting of our planet they became fallen in patriarchal and were highly manipulated by the Orion group since the Sumerian Egypt invasion the mother arc aqua blue ray was not in the earth core hence therefore the earth had lost her mother of god and female christ sofianic body principal so that theft that disconnect you know not having that there is the reason it's been so hard to be human but now that that energy's back um it's just amazing it's changing the nature of everything and when that energy wasn't available it was all in the dark reversals and the baffomet and and the planetary grid network being overlaid with the artificial tree of life they were doing everything under the sun to just engineer these world wars and these trades with et's and their technologies and so this is a time where we're awakening it within ourselves we're feeling it with the earth and cosmos and that divine blue burn of you know the masculine and feminine within ourselves um anyway so this is a personal letter that you know when i was just like oh my god like i'm losing it i can't really handle this or that like i've reached out to her and she said it's okay to you know share a portion um but this is about you know the mother energy and how it's been for thousands of years uh she said the level of hatred misogyny and dripping vittoral they have for her is unparalleled they never wanted her to return they did everything unimaginable to torture rape and steal from her body siphon out every last drop of animating holy spirit the most sacred essence of life lives and breathes inside of her they both covet this and despise it so right masking we're supposed to be breathing in the breath of life we're supposed to be activating this finding that mother energy within ourselves and literally every dark agenda under the sun is to keep this from happening to keep her from returning they never thought she would and who's she it's the aqua ray energy it's something within us and it's something that um yeah uh it is unstoppable and they're just they know that um they're not going to get away so much because of this but people have to be willing to heal and step away from this manipulation and um and if they do you know that's going to be just wonderful so we can only like pray and do our best to just maintain the love frequency red pulling at a certain point it's not going to go anywhere but just stay in this you know unconditional love for friends and family and um yeah so this is just uh medical astrology i do medical astrology if you see each zodiac sign connected to um parts of the body you see a phyicus at the bottom uh a tailbone fetal cells um and stuff related to kundalini it's the golden chalice energy and all the rest you know it's very interesting so when i do a chart and somebody has health issues you can kind of understand the patterning behind the symptom and when you understand the patterning and the body breaks that patterning then the symptoms begin to disappear so that's my favorite part of astrology and that's what when the north node recently was in jama nai and the south node was in Sagittarius um in medical astrology it's ruled by lungs right so we see like the virus stuff in the lungs and and they weaponize the nodes because that's the greater growth period of humanity so we saw the suppression of truth, strength, and growth and weakness in this area um and makes us vulnerable to disease because people don't realize that a lot of the reason people had lung issues regardless of pandemic stuff or labeling it is because the grief of the old paradigm dying people don't know how to process the dying world that they've attached themselves to you so the lung stores grief and so there's a lot of unexpressed emotion and grief and depression that people can't put their finger on because we're transitioning into you know a whole another thing that is so much better than what it was before but it doesn't mean people aren't mourning it like you know people mourn even a divorce with somebody that they don't want to be with anymore and there's always a mourning process where I really feel like that's why the lungs have been vulnerable and and yeah sure bioweapons and other things but once the body has sort of mastered understanding where symptomatic stuff comes from doesn't matter if it's coming from a bioweapon or a virus or whatever we gain greater strength in our physical body to keep these areas that are being targeted strong and and we can nullify bioweapons and viruses when we can like be like okay it's the lungs that they're targeting it's the blood it's okay blood clots okay masking okay so so what is are the signs what are the energies connected to that that we can begin to empower and illuminate so that we can overcome whatever side of it all that we experience I mean even the spike proteins my husband had a blood clotting is like in a rash for two months just being exposed so uh you know it's like understanding okay where's that vulnerability it's not just we're just at the mercy of all this we have to understand maybe something deeper so that we can strengthen that part of our being because energy comes before the physical so I'm not going to get into Saturn Square Uranus but it's basically the power struggle of the old tyrannical dark Saturn and a square as friction with Uranus which is all about sovereignty and liberation the higher octave of Saturn is self-mastery so once we get over the tyranny and go through the trials and tribulations then we're in the higher Saturn which is self-mastery and being a teacher because we can't like get rid of Saturn but the rings are starting to dissolve and the whole nature of the Saturn moon matrix is changing and this is the power struggle right now of like them wanting to compromise our freedoms but as long as we stay on the side of Uranus and we refuse that dark Saturn is going to flip around because we're going to be self-masters of this manipulation of BS so anyway I talked about the zodiac kind of guiding us back in the zero point these outer planets which are the great initiators always have a shadow side so I talked about Pluto the example of Uranus is shadow is panic attacks nervous breakdowns we lose connection to higher guidance we might feel a lot of PTSD coming up but and it rules shocking up people but it also wakes us up because when we face the trauma we can uncover memories we can begin to understand things so every shadow part of these outer planets you know have the flip side if we can just breathe through it and and do the shadow work and get to the other side so I'm about to wrap this up talked about all the pysine energies right now it means we can really tap into the collective consciousness or the creative imagination and really decide what do we want to manifest and create we have major major resources to tap into dreams and visions and everything like that and with Uranus being so close to the sun in the partial eclipse we just had in the new moon that electrical energy can nullify also and break down the dark weapons because it's all about sovereignty once we get into that sovereignty and we're not in the mind control we've de-weaponized the weapons so sometimes I look at the weapons or the chemtrails and I'm like thank you for reminding me of how powerful we are instead of being like pissed off like fricking chemtrailing the sky which I used to be but now it's just like thank you for reminding me because you're not a weapon I can turn you into a tool to remind me of who we really are because I'm not going to let you be a weapon I'm going to transform you with my mind so I'm about to wrap it up but yeah the arcanic nature is just an imitation the original creation it doesn't hold any real power over it unless we personally allow it to so we can be plugged into one of two things source energy or the electrical controls and yeah I've shared that side a lot it's possible clear the AI signal from your nervous system brain and body when you become aware of it however one must change their consciousness and elevate one's frequency and we know that AI signals are basically reversal and energies that generate artificial timelines and it's based in our unconscious disempowerment and we can we're not on that timeline we're witnessing others that might be choosing that but you know we're not going to give up on anyone and and I know something's going to really become more obvious on a planetary level that's really going to shake people awake and we'll help them as much as we can to overcome from you know these level of assault I know when they break the mind control and their body is truly spiritualized the body will release all this foreign substance I truly just don't want to believe in anything else if I have the power to choose a belief that like I want that's where the creative imagination comes in and there's certain beliefs that aren't going to fly because maybe they're not aligned with truth like disinformation but that's a little different than really knowing our potential and what magic and goodness we can create in this lifetime and the war between good and evil is ultimately one within we have to decide what we're aligned with what we're going to stay courted energetically to and the war is on consciousness so of course we can only win it within ourselves and the reptilians might be taking a chance by connecting humans into their collective via the implants connecting them into the reptilian sort of agenda via the implants it may be possible to turn this into a weapon against them for providing that we stay within the direction of divine grace so no matter what they're putting on us even the implants they're trying to send and if we defy that what are we sending back to them it's just like so we can turn this into something that puts an end to this we don't have to fear all these different tactics because ultimately our higher mind and spirit holds dominion over physical matter and is the greatest power in the universe with love so we've totally got this the inverted pentagram or five point star so prevalent in satanism is also symbolic of this unbroken time cycle the vibrational prison the fifth element ether connects to alchemy and our throat chakra it's the key to overcoming this and upside pentagram represents being trapped in physical matter we have been in the process of turning it upright again we are born into a huge wound we each are called to come and heal and so the storylines we live out are there to help us wake up and heal personally and things way beyond ourselves we all live our storylines and go through whatever we go through because that's our mission to come out the other end come out the other side and all of a sudden help bring people along with us and that's why we have such extraordinary crazy paths and yeah so this is upright with spirit and Venus transits and Pluto returns in this lifetime to me also signifies the return of the mother turning it upright astronomers and astrologers have noted that the orbit of Venus draws a perfect pentagram this is part of the sofianic correction and the sacred geometry of a rose and that's what the Venus transits have been doing so that's coming from the heart of the mother the Venus energies the Venus architects are connected to a lot of the mythologies of the divine feminine so her way of still participating with the healing of the earth and her ability to ground back into the planet has to do with how her heart has been interacting and creating the sacred geometry to correct the reversals to come back into the earth body to come back into the core sun and to be that mother arc energy vibrating throughout the planetary grid network and holding unconditional love and support for us she's been working this whole time to come back in when she wasn't able to be grounded and anchored and they created all this darkness and all these wars and all these different things that have compromised us but the unconditional love of the mother never left us and that's something to always be reminded of so that's it um thanks oh 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