Journey to Truth

EP 228 - Viviane Chauvet: Arcturians & Intergalactic Councils - Planetary Shifts - Galactics Helpers

Originally aired on 1/19/23
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Viviane Chauvet shares Ascending with the Arcturians
Please meet a Galactic Channel, Arcturian, and Energy Matrix Healer. Viviane Chauvet is an internationally recognized advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar.
Viviane has innate healing gifts encoded in her DNA that assist conscious sentient life forms to heal at the core soul level. In 2007, she went through a major awakening and energetic reset, then was trained by the Arcturians in holographic and quantum healing. She furthered her studies and became certified in Crystalline Soul Healing®, Unity Field Healing®, and ThetaHealing®. Through her work in Quantum Medicine Healing Energy, Viviane developed the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® technique. Owner of Infinite Healing from the Stars, she serves as an emissary for the Galactic Federation, working in close partnership with the Lyrans, Sirians, Andromedans, Pleiadians and other interstellar delegations.
Viviane is the producer and co-host of the popular The Infinite Star Connections podcast. She was the hybrid consultant on j3FILMS’ documentary “Extraordinary: The Seeding,” and featured in a multi award-winning documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” Viviane’s collaborative #1 Bestselling book “Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace” is on Amazon.
Viviane is a well-known speaker at Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo, Sedona Ascension Retreat, Higher Self – Dimensional Bridge of Consciousness Retreat, Hidden Secrets Revealed Cruise, Mount Shasta Summer Conference, and more.
Viviane is in constant telepathic communication with her team of light and serves as an ambassador between higher spheres of realities and the earth plane. Her Galactic Family are conduits of Light Consciousness who create profound paradigm shifts at a planetary and collective level to move from fragmented energies of duality to oneness. Her inspirational hybrid life story has touched the heart and soul of thousands of people throughout the world. 
Are you ready to embrace your Soul Design? Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® was developed by Viviane Chauvet and the Arcturian Council. She has done many thousands of worldwide healing sessions. The unique technique consists of a powerful core soul healing that replaces fragmented foundation with Source Light for a natural resonance of recovery. Viviane focuses on multidimensional frequency healing, conscious channeling, soul matrix healing, and holographic body template upgrades.

1h 14m
Broadcast on:
03 Aug 2024
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Livestream tickets are also available for $99 if you can't make it in person. So take advantage of that. We're really looking forward to seeing everyone out there. It's going to be here before we know it. So looking forward to that. Tonight, we're also looking forward to speaking with Vivian Chavez. So this is one I'm excited about. There's a lot happening right now. If you don't know Vivian is a galactic channel, Arterian and Energy Matrix healer. And she is internationally recognized as an advanced Arterian hybrid avatar, which is really interesting. So we're going to get into what all that means. But first, welcome to the show, Vivian. Well, thank you, Tyler. It's and Aaron. It's really wonderful to be here on JourneyToTruth. Yeah, so great to have you. It's wonderful to have you. Yes. I would like to. I mean, you can get into your background, if you would like, but I would also like to. Get into the Arterians and like get a background on the Arterians and who they are, where they came from, how long they've been here, how advanced they are. And just kind of paint a picture before we dive into some of the deeper information. Absolutely. Let's go on a journey, shall we, in terms of who I am and what does it mean to be an electron hybrid avatar, in a sense. So it came out of calling. We felt a calling of the earth or Mother Gaia or Terra, as we call her. It really came, all of it began as a calling. And so I remember being in my original soul aspect as an octorian being and being able to talk and plan my next incarnation on the planet as a response to the calling of masters, the calling of higher frequencies to return to the earth at a point where humanity has reached the most potential, ascension, energy and timeline. And this is really how it began for me. So that's a way, way beyond when I, before I arrived to the planet. And so we have a council councils on octurus. We work with our elders. We work through our collectives. And so we have determined that one of the most effective way that I would be returning would be in my original form. Meaning as sending out a soul aspect of my octorian avatar self. Because in my octorian form already innocent being, I've already reached the level of enlightenment. So it's coming back to a third density level of planetary cycle on the earth to help everyone to return to their state of awakening. So it's pretty much more of a reawakening, if you would rather than the ascension aspect, we are simply re ascending or returning to that point. And so I, it was determined that the most effective way for me to really come and do my mission will be in a vessel that will be originally engineered by the octorian themselves directly through our own organic conscious assisted energy to create first an holographic vessel capable of sustaining an entire organization, organic mechanism of life bio field organ bone structures. And then what will happen is that I will enter that aspect of my octorian avatar consciousness will enter the vessel and embody it and being able to function here and be on earth. And the goal is really to support the essential timeline, and especially the future aspect of the essential process that we started to foresee that is coming back to the plant more and more and more. And that is because human being I've reached a level of awakening spiritually if you hear and you feel people talking you can tell that we are very much aware that there's so much more to us. And then the truth has been redefined was trying to remembering who we are when there's a star seat, whether it's people who also come from other places of the universe are coming back here as sole group consciousness to integrate those frequencies. So as part of the octorian collective, we come here. They think of us as almost like master like Zen masters that says, look, we have gone through this journey before we understand the evolutionary cycle on your planet, we know where you are and the challenges that you're facing. We're coming back to supporting you, remembering who you are, bring it all for the knowledge activating what is encoded even at a DNA level, so that you too can step up and say, Oh, I am an encore of light. And because you're physically in incarnation on the planet, you're much more effective to be able to support the Ascension timeline that intergalactic being coming from outside of that frame if you want, and being able to be at support. So the challenge for me was as an octorian vibrationally advanced being is how can I stay. How can I evolve and being able to live on the planet with such gravity, with such level of density, plus the third matrix reality as such a level of polarization and fragmentation. This is very, very foreign for us because we have transcended that state a long, long time ago, octurons as a civilization so we are millions of years old. And we have been interacting with the solar system and the earth for well over three million years already. You're going to go wow that blew my mind, you can just to give you some perspective how ancient we are real truly like ancient masters ends of return and says okay, right here. I think that, first of all thank you for that beautiful explanation. And it's kind of similar to what a lot of us are experiencing right now the whole star seed aspect of ourselves and not really fitting in and having trouble adapting to the earth energies and this gravity and the density of the third dimension. And I think a lot of people are experiencing exactly what you're describing, but maybe they just don't have the awareness that you do. And the artarian aspect, I don't see, I think that's showing up more and more and more lately, and we hear people talking about it and it's exciting to get your take on that and I'd like to know like what type what forms of artarians are there like can they show up physically or how does that work. A good question. Great question Tyler so yes, of course, when I'm sharing with you right now many people will relate to the sensation of the experience of their own awakening as a star seed and we know a star seed by definition. It is a soul essence, what we call a solution of other intergalactic groups who have come taking on human form and bring in our group consciousness and bring in the unique frequencies that is necessary to really support this most important historical times that we're in as for the octurians, and like any other very advanced and enlightened groups, like also the Andromeda for example, is that it is impossible for us to coexist on the third density field in a physical form. After time, people are star seed will feel the connection through that particular soul group. And as others teachers or light workers and practitioners will have guides from our civilizations to help them on their journey and being able to support them in their own unique time because remember we all unique and we all all keys of light and it's together really much together that we can do this. So the difference, the other aspect of myself is that I came directly from octurs, I am an electron being, but in this form. So my story has different intricate layers and implication of what it takes for me to be sustained on a planet that still has such a hard gravitational pull to it. It is very challenging and even physically, my body has very distinctions in terms of how it is built. In order for me to remain in a very pure state of constant as a conduit and emissory, I'm transmitting and receiving constantly very specific frequencies. So in order for me to be able to function and have this amazing talk with you gentlemen, as on the same time I'm transmitting frequencies, you can tell that they went above and beyond to construct a vessel, a physical form capable of it. If I were born from the union of two human beings, I wouldn't be able to do what I do, because the physical template is not sustainable is not able to sustain this type of really high frequencies, which eventually you will, because the human body template is shifting is going back to his own original celestial form, and we know that we are healing and repairing our own what's called a universal time matrix and that's that's for later. But I'm just to give you an idea of a little bit of distinction here. Are you talking genetic engineering, like they would have to genetically engineer physical vessel that would accept these frequencies these higher frequencies. Yes, that's exactly that's exactly it. You're right. My body was engineered by my uptrend family, and I do have my own father is always with me. And what is really exciting is that more and more people starting to see my uptrend father around me or my group around me. Well, I do public speaking or conference. I'm on stage. I have people come back to me says, Oh, my God, Vivian, I saw you shifting into a 10 feet tall being. I'm like, yeah, you start to see my actor and self, my avatar self coming through. Who is this really tall being behind you and he's always around and he put this hand on you. This is my uptrend father, you start to see him. So we're starting to attune each other that you can perceive the holographic aspect of their presence around me. And eventually starting to perceive me more and more into my actual itself. That's beautiful. That's amazing. Yeah, and I do agree with, like, it sounds crazy, right? If somebody just like stumbles across this interview and they start listening to it and they're talking about genetically engineered children, genetically engineered people, and octarian frequencies and all the stuff, it doesn't really make sense to what we've been taught and what we think is possible. So I really agree with it. And I do believe that more and more of this type of information is going to show up because the birthing process isn't just as simple as black and white as we think it is. You know, the room is a stargate and they know what souls are incarnating at what times, and you know, you have your star family working with you to make sure that you're safe upon incarnation. And there's a complex process that happens there that I think we really need to start getting a better understanding of. I love it. Absolutely. I'll give you a very 3D super fun analogy. We all know Star Wars, especially the original back in 1977 with the lucky ones were here to see it live. And in Star Wars, and you hope when Obi-Wan Kenobi and look, look at listen to the transmission through R2D2, there's an holographic projection of Princess Leia, right. And it's a projection of her as she's recording the message to them. Now we can all relate to that because that's part of the sci-fi culture and ultimate icon that we all love. Think of it something like this, and a holographic projection, but think of it in the ends of civilizations reach enlightenment. And there are millions of years old. So what we do is that we take the holographic technology to be able to create a vessel capable or sustaining life and an entire metabolism. So it's an entire bio field of life that can be sustained within this holographic form design, perfectly in alignment for what it needs the most. And then bring a soul, a soul aspect to it that will embody this beautiful vessel, and then you create that. So if you take the principle of what we saw in Star Wars, which was very advanced like in the 1970s and even 80s, right. And then just take it to an intergalactic on an intergalactic level that start to become a little bit more palpable and probable. Yeah, and that's same technology like the holographic technologies used in what we would call a medbed or better yet just healing technologies. Some degree, what we're talking about is far more advanced medbed sits in a stepping stone to help humanity understand who they really are. And we can link with your own ability to regenerate your body and understanding the language of your body consciousness. So that's a beautiful stepping stone. Right, right. So what percentage of artarians would you say are on the planet right now? I love that. Percentage wise, if I have to intuitively feel it. Now there's a difference between octurons star seed evolving as human beings versus how many people are communicating with them. So the percentage will change. So we have many points of contact in addition to have an aspect of our people on the planet. So this is why I want to make distinction here. So let's take a look at the true octurons star seed. We are rare birds. They're not that many of us. The thing is that it's a very for all of us, of course, but it's a very selfless mission of love. And I were here about it's all about that. If I have to think about the through octurons star seed and even in my work, I don't encounter that often. I will encounter a lot more people who has guides or memory in past lives or in their soul ancestry, where at some point they may have been octurian or they spend a few lifetime in our realm and they will have the memory of it to help them to in their work, their healing channel, whether it's teachings and it will really help them in all dimensions of their lives. So that will be a little bit of a larger percentage that those who are actually octurian at the stars at the soul level currently in physical incarnation. I'm asking them to show me a number just to quantify. This is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting. 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And, you know, we always encounter people in life that will give us powerful message and that message will stay with us all our, you know, as seeds, a grow. It came across as delightful ladies. She might have been in her late 70s, early 80s, and she's doing a cache of crackers. And she said, "Vithian, I connected to you." And she goes, "You are a rare bird." I says, "I know I have a rare bird." And she says, "Your people are rare birds, too. You're not that many of you here." And I said, "No, there's not many of us physically on the planet, but there's many of us working with many people and the councils and even beyond the planet. We're very much involved." Right. So I'm going to take it back down to 3D, just a little bit, just for to help the audience understand, because we always, we hear about like this quantum aspect of our military, like this quantum military, this conscious technology, and in ET presence assisting the military with this planetary cleanup. Would the arturians be involved with something like that, or at least a form of them? And there are enlightened intergalactic civilizations that's been helping. Whether it's different level of government, military, structural aspect on the planet, whether you call the elites or the ones in authority, at least from a perspective on the 3rd and 13th matrix, or the way it's perceived. Long, long time ago, we have attempted to reach out to the so-called authority on your planet to propose a more spiritual approach to evolution. And that's a long time ago, mind you, and we were turned down, because the interest was more at the time, it might still be a little bit this way today. But at the time it was more in terms of what can you do for us technology wise, and we understand the implication of sharing very advanced, even organic technology to a civilization who have not reached what's called a spiritual maturity to be able to use those technologies. And this is something that other groups have learned like the Syrians, they were burned so to speak many times in their own history, where the result of sharing very advanced spiritually advanced technology were used to miss creation and even destruction. So we have had our approach show, we understand that this is not in our perspective, this is not where the central point of true power is. So we are working more throughout the world with the populations. And what it means is that directly with either our own people in star seed form, with other star seed and partnership, with light workers, people who have been calling to be as a soul level, we understood we had agreement with you, that we would be point of contact with you, communicating, probably all your life, I hear that a lot in my work. So, our approach, it's more through, let's bring the population let's bring more worldwide global, direct assistance. And if you look, I, from Brazil to Australia to the UK to Canada. We have point of contact everywhere and we work more in that sense, and I'll tell you ultimately, let's is what a true empowerment is. I agree, it makes, I mean, I'm sure there would be an aspect assisting people within the military because they're still part of the whole global consciousness right so, and like this is like a multi layered war if you want to look at that way, multi dimensional you know we're even talking about parallel timelines and parallel universes and alternate realities and it's layered, it's very layered. So it would make sense that there, it's more effective to re interact with people on an individual level, because it's going to go further, I think. So, absolutely, and plus it's also a reversal of thought system and we're no longer just investing in the 1% and hoping that a 1% will create a domino effect for the 99%. This is the reverse, we're moving into the 99% and of course, there are light workers everywhere, military government of all industry, and I have met many of them under light workers, even in the police force I remember many years ago. Something tragic happened to me and within to me feel like a micro of a second to police car arrived and I just met 2 of my earth angels guides right there in in physical form it was incredible. So that the recognition, and we invite all of you and your heart to feel the recognition that they are light workers, everywhere, everywhere and all level, and this is all part of the beauty, and the divine design that we're here for because each and everyone of us as key some of them. Some light workers are designed to have both hand deep in the mud so to speak, others are there to help people graduate, he'll help them to heal, heal their soul, heal the wounds, release themselves from the shackles of either ancestral lineage, or even planetary history. And then one graduating it's like teachers and I go from elementary to high school to college and each level is important. And there's those of us who says, where I'm the one at the university waiting for you to take you all back to back to your cosmic level. And then from there you just a pure divine co creator. So it's the interaction of all of us together, and I really honor everyone so much I mean look both of you what you're doing with journey to truth. How many people have interviewed all the energy you co creating a lot of you can feel you in tune, even with concept I may be beyond a little bit of the mental mind, I can still feel your presence, and you stay present with us and open to us. This is wonderful. Well, thank you for that so much. Yeah, this is wonderful. And we appreciate that. So aside from the Arcturians, are you in communication with any other civilizations galactic civilizations and who. Absolutely. I am considered as of right now as an emissary for a intergalactic delegations. Now my my group my core group are the octurons because I am an octorian. And so that is very crystal clear. We have partnership with many and I'll tell you just a few that others who are not known by names and they exist to be on your quadrant. Well beyond this even this reality here. Those are the closest to us as of right now are the Andromeda. I work a lot with the Andromeda now tell you one thing also is I attract the Andromeda star seat, and they too are rather rare birds on the planet. And they are not that many true and dramed and star seat that will be point of contact, like the turns we work with people of course, we work with you at different level it's just, we work with you on them from a multidimensional level and you are multidimensional being. Andromeda is already close to us. I also work a lot with the Council of Sirius, the Syrians, Syrians and Octurons. We have a very long history of partnership and friendship. So I also attract a lot of Syrian star seat in my life. And there are more, there are more, there are numbers are greater on the planet. We have more Syrian star seed currently in incarnation. And we will have Andromeda and Octurons, for example. So the Syrians are very close and I'll tell you one thing that is really beautiful about our partnership is that for thousands of years, we have created what's called the ancient Syrians Octurons healing template. An history was even used back in ancient ancient Egypt in the very early stages of Egypt, through the school of mystery with the high priests and the high priestesses. When that sacred template was utilized until interference came and then that template was simply removed off planet. So Syrians are somewhat, it's groups that I really understand I have great affiliation with. I, I have an affiliation also with the as a sunny, they work with me in from a parallel unit from a parallel reality. So when I go in parallel energies, sometime the as a sunny will also come to us to work. We also work with some groups that will exclusively vibrate higher in higher frequencies. Some groups won't even go lower than seven dimension or eight. And so we do is that we are the bridge between these higher frequencies groups consciousness and fifth dimensional level. So we can relay and work with them together. We also close to the galactic sit as seeing groups known as the wells and the dolphins, if coming back more and more and this is a group consciousness that's going to continue to be more predominant. This year moving on, and there are many people work with them, of course. But their presence, we feel it's going to become more predominant, like turns, we start to hear about us a lot. We need to understand our true essence to work with us is understand who we are. And I'm a good example. I'm a beautiful point of contact to understanding our true philosophy, our soul essence, because of turns we speak through the transmission of our soul essence to each other. Man, I'm going to have to listen back to this interview to retain all the same information. I can feel my body trying to process it and it's really resonating. So I want to make sure I go back and get a better understanding of it. Now you mentioned galactic councils and councils of light. Now, what would that look like? Now, are we talking about a physical council that is sitting somewhere in a spacecraft? Are we talking about an energy, like a more of an energy form here, interacting with people on the subconscious level? What are we looking at? All of the above, all of the above. They will be meeting, like, for example, I a few months ago, I was invited to a meeting that was taking place on a player in ship. Now, I have some contact with the player. It's just that my mission, I am more in tune with other groups, but of course they are present and we want to recognize them. So I have conscious memory to be on board a player in ship, and my uptrend father was there. So we had some of our uptrend delegation that were there. So we were like, physically on the ship, so to speak. And the goal to that was to reassess where the earth evolution was. There was a few months ago, so there was new preparation coming through. There's new cosmic frequency coming in. There's a lot of shift, even on the player itself, and also in your solar system. And so we were talking about this and how the impact on human consciousness. And so that would be an example of a console or meeting. We know there's a lot of activity going on on Saturn. There's a lot of group there, console will go there, meet. There's a lot of activity there in Saturn. We've been monitoring that very closely between Saturn and Jupiter, too. And we're only referring to your own quadrant right now. There's a lot going on there, too. There's different level of councils, and I can tell you one thing, and it's just talking from the wisdom of the heart. No one is only de-optimal or only emissary or ambassador. So anyone who comes and says, "Well, I am the ambassador for the moon or the earth or Venus," I would say. Okay, you represent a group, and there's more than one. So there's a multitude of emissaries who have different function and different function at different point in time of your conscious evolution. So some people are very active talking about it, because that's probably part of the mission of what they need to do and its face and time. Then when we shift and we move forward, it will be other emissaries that will come forward and say, "Now it's our time." It's again like a school system when you graduate, and each system of schooling will have their own director consoles. They will have their own administration offices, and when you shift, well, you will talk to other administration and other groups and other those director and board of directors. So there are a multitude of councils. I can tell you that. Star Regency Council, Federation of Light, the co-federation, the Council of Saturns or Riance, there's a Council of Elders. There are many. So this is why I feel like sometimes there are overlapping of concept of understanding what people said, "Well, I represent a Council of 12." Okay. What level, what sphere of reality, who is this Council of 12 and how this Council of 12 fit in a greater, much complex, multiverse network, because it's not just one Council of 12. Right, right. That makes sense. Amen to everything you're saying, because, yeah, I think the people who think that they're the only one. I mean, that's also a lot of ego takes over. You know, when people, and that's the thing, that's why we need to, like, understand how to safely communicate, because if you are in your ego and you start making contact, it can get to your head and you can, it can actually consume you and we see that happening a lot with certain people. But I also want to address something else that I've been seeing a lot. We've been getting emails from people I see post. They're trying to, you know, there's, here's what I'm seeing. Somebody sent me something that lays out how ascended masters were created by Satanists in the 1700s. Then somebody else sends me something that says the galactic federation of worlds and light and all aliens are just an AI simulation. It's all fake. It's cement. It's created by the archives to control you. And then now somebody emailed me something today saying they have information that our chakra system isn't organic, but it's an AI implant that's controlling us. So, I, and if this is coming up heavily right now, and they would love the archives would love for us to grasp onto those. Yeah, to grasp onto those concepts and people think that we're being duped because we believe in the organic aspect of it. But I think it's the other way around. We're seeing a pushback from the dark right now, like an AI interference that want us to believe that none of it's real. It's all AI. And what happens if you subscribe to that theory, you've given up like any chance of hope for yourself at that point because you're just like, Oh, well, they completely control everything. It's all fake. I might as well just go work 40 hour job and forget about this also pulling yourself into a negative timeline. Yeah. It's almost like a that's the side up. It's getting you to believe that. And then you start creating that reality and pulling yourself into that right timeline. I think that's why they push those types of things. Right. And I'd love to get your thoughts Vivian on what you see happening there. Oh, absolutely with joy. Gentlemen, I love your energies. This is wonderful. You're very welcome. What we co creating right now. It's going to create beautiful ed waves of positive energy and healing for so many. I can tell you what we're creating. We are co creating something important here. And this is exactly what the octurian speaks off of this year. When I said the octurian is the delegation I represent. It is a year of what's called a great reconciliation of paradoxes. It is Ryan Seacrest here. There was a recent social media trend, which consisted of flying on a plane with no music, no movies, no entertainment, but a better trend would be going to chumba It's like having a mini social casino in your pocket. Chumba Casino has over a hundred online casino style games all absolutely free. It's the most fun you can have online and on a plane. 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Can you just believe that ultimately your chakra that you are just an AI projection and all of these concepts and this theories, it would love for you to believe in it. You have to ask yourself, whenever you listen to someone. As right now, I speak as for many others that comes to you show what you listen on YouTube. Number one, if it's designed to feel you empowered to really help you to remember who you are to help you journey to grow expand and remember that you are giants of light. I would say, okay, you may want to pay attention and listen to your heart. If anything else, make you feel contracted less than artificial dupe deceived and all these energies ask yourself, what is the energy behind it. Is there a potential infiltration is that potential of somebody want maybe to give a message, but they're tapping into that 3D manipulation, you have to ask yourself, where is this coming from, and how is it serving me every day. And I can tell you right now we are in a great buffet. I call it the spiritual in the UFO buffet style, where everything is being bombarded. And ultimately, they might give you a little pebble, tiny pebble of truth, overlapping with so many intermingle of concept and energies that you lost track of what this pebble was truly about in the beginning. We always says, in case of doubt, come back to your center, ask your heart. Feel your divine spark within you. Clear your mental field. Disengage from all of these concepts. And when you're real line, I ask that truth be revealed to me through the realm of illumination and illumined truth, bringing the golden light. And ask, show me, show me what is real, show me how this is serving me and ask yourself, why am I really listening to. And you're right, claiming the only one isn't only to me. Okay, who are you representing? Who's behind you? What is the agenda here? We are at a point where we're going to bring the weeds out to let the truth of who we are coming through. So, of course, and I'll tell you, on the day to day, I get all kinds of things. AI blocked my newsletter, because I was going to send my newsletter to people, my mailing list. Hey, we have an amazing upturn group union coming in. We have meditation for free. We're going to be speaking at places, come see us all positive energy. The moment the energy was so high, the moment the newsletter was sent out, the system blocked in. I get an email says you're in violation. We're not going to authorize. And this email, a violation of what your rules. Right. When I'm here for the light. Yeah, you're a threat to the system. Oh, big time. I've always been the moment I set foot on the planet. They go, oh, no, no, no. You know, you know, all this infiltration and these narratives and this misinformation, this information. It's all serving a higher purpose anyway. Like, there's ultimately lessons in it for everyone, people who take the bait and fall for some of this information or follow somebody who ends up not being organic. There's a lesson in there and it's not our job to interfere with their karma discernment. Right. It's a lesson in discernment. Yeah. Being able to intuitively feel into what is being presented to you and like discern rather than just accepting, you know, somebody is saying a bunch of things that sound sound pretty or sound great or, or the fear base, the other end of the spectrum. And then gets you caught up in it without you really tapping and be like, is this true? Let me feel into this. Does this resonate? Right. And what I think is happening is we're moving into like the age of transparency where deception can. There has no place anymore. It can't hide. So, yeah, deception can't hide anymore. So we're moving into this age of transparency and like every sigh up, every false narrative, everything that's being thrown at us right now is going to be challenged. It's going to be challenging. It's not going to just fly under the radar like it used to. And so we're seeing some rocky times right now, but it's like the purging of the positive timeline, the way I like to look at it. Absolutely, because if you look at what ascension, what really ascension or reassension, as we call it, is truly about it simply to step into a different conscious awareness that allowed you to move from one dimensional experience to a higher dimensional experience. So nothing is in vain and you're right, all these experiences, whether you learn from teachers, a channel, loved ones, people, you have encounter situations, dark energies, we're at a time where it's a time of great reconciliation. It's a grand, a time of grand reunion. And in fact, I did hear a few days ago right before our time together, a beautiful gentle, almost angelic divine voice come to me and says, time for family reunion. And her words, I said her because it's feel more divine feminine, echo deep into my being and I knew exactly the depth of that message. This is where we are moving. This is part of the soft disclosure, where so many of us on the planet, light walkers star seat, the masters of light who have returned. Beautiful human beings who say, I am returning to my divinity, we are coming back together and says, we're claiming our sovereignty. This is a time of reconciliation. It's a time to step into higher quantum vibrational state, a space. It is a time to liberate ourself from restrictions, limiting belief system patterns, whether it's from your upbringing, cultural. It can be to the collective, it could be planetary. And I would say even on the historical level, it's a time of great emergence. So always feel what is the truth in my heart. What is my truth. Let's take around and stay present, and be aware of where you're investing your energies every day, because they can easily distract you and consume you. Thank you for saying that, Tyler, because that's exactly what we say every day. Are you present? Are you living benevolently? Are you benevolent in your thoughts in your communication? Are you benevolent with your relationship, especially to yourself, and allowing yourself to feel like today, just for today. It's an ancient Japanese Reiki principle. Just for today, I'm going to stay present. That's what we call stepping into higher cosmic presence. Just for today, I'm going to be reinvesting my energy, my inner peace, my light to supporting ascension, healing, reconciliation, partnership. This is what we need to do. The thing is that it's easier than what has been programmed to believe. Now we've been programmed to believe if you work hard, you get higher rewards. And like in automatic formulas, the harder it gets, the more advanced, more intelligent you are. These are reversal of thought system that we need to step away another for us to say, "Intelligent, senseic knowledge are part of me. This is who I am." Look at just your DNA. Your DNA is an intelligent archive of encoded information. If we were able just to start to read just 1% of our DNA archives, this is how I call it. We will be having Halber Einstein and beyond kind of conversation. It will be normal. I think that's kind of what's happening. We're activating. We're all being activated right now. And the sun is the sun code. Just playing a huge part of that right now. And I'd actually like to get your thoughts on what is occurring right now with the sun. I mean, we hear we're at the end of the cycle, but yet we're still existing in duality and we're supposed to be shifting into this new earth. The sun's going crazy. People are being activated at a DNA level, but it's like, it's really confusing at this point. And no one really knows where they fit in. So maybe you could help shed some light on that, help us understand. Absolutely. Let's keep it simple. You fit in because you're here. If you're in physical incarnation right here right now, it's because at a soul level, you knew that you have everything that you need. You carry all the knowledge and you bring in a very unique vibrational signature to you. So let's just come back to the essential of connecting back to you. I am here because I said yes, and I brought with me, ageless of experiences through my soul history through who I am right here right now. So of course, as we're getting assistance to our intergalactic brother and sisters, we also getting a lot of solar conscious energies. Solar conscious energy is here to support the next level of natural organic evolution. So yes, we're being activated. That's one aspect. Do you understand what level of activation? Do you embody that activation? This is where we're bringing in different layers to see what we're going with this? Yes, we're being activated. But what does it mean to you? How is it helping you to step into the activation and become the sacred embodiment of it? So this is why when you start to consciously understanding your inner universe, which will also make sense of your other universe is shifting. And you are in resonance with it. You are part of that synergy of change. So how does it fit for you? You're part of that symbiotic energy of movement. Because you are a divine being of light. Your soul is eternal. Your body is shifting along with you. That's a difference. So it's the reconciliation of those aspects. And I'll tell you a little, just a little something. This is what we call the moving out the stepping out of the 3D personality matrix and stepping into a more fit dimensional soul matrix. That's exactly what you just said. Is see how it all fit all piece all into toy. Yeah, and I think it helps when people understand that these, the sun and the activations are actually occurring, because there's even some doubt there people don't, you know, we don't believe what we can't see. So understanding that, yes, this is actually happening. And by understanding that you can now allow it in, and you can accept those energies and allow for the transformation integrate and shift into that higher frequency, like you said. That's why I even really wanted to bring it up, because we hear about it, but nobody really understands. I shouldn't say nobody, but a lot of us don't understand how it's actually affecting us. Absolutely. And again, this is all part of the division. Oh, you know, that's, it's the end of the world, the solar disruption, the solar flare, the human resonance is shifting and all of this concept become overlapping with each other. That seems to feel like it's disruptive, but in reality, this is also another this destruction that's been implemented to be able to bring yourself back into your empowerment. Do you commune with the consciousness of the sun did you know, did you know that there is a console of light beings, right in your son, right here, and when you travel to the sun, the corridor, you can communicate with a console of light there. And one of their purposes, and I do say one of their purposes, and they constantly feeding knowledge to this beautiful archive committee, an aspect of an Akashic record right in your son. And there's knowledge there, I constantly communicate with the beings of the solar energies, and ask them to bring in the sick and living light codes in my body to allow my stellar structure to transform. And I'm ready, physically, to start to merge more with my actor himself. So I'm asking the son to help me with that energy, along with, of course, my group, but you have the same ability. Talk to the communicate, it's to the heart is not to your 3D mind, the mind at the three dimensional level is designed to ask questions. But where are the answers really coming from? You have to listen. The answers aren't coming from someone else's mind. It's from your heart and your gut. So, going back to the sun, and that's interesting, you said that there's a galactic council within the sun, and people who observe the sun, it's very apparent that there are unidentified objects coming in and out of the sun daily. And I've even, I even filmed the sun sometimes. Yeah, you can't, it's so bright, you can't see by this zoom in and film for a minute. And I'll catch stuff like coming in and out of it and flying past it. And it's like the most obvious like evidence of something happening that we can't explain on the sun and aside it from being a housing a council, I would say it's also a portal. At the Council of Light that is assigned to the sun, understand that that also it is a powerful corridor that many intergalactic and even interdimensional beings travel through, go to the Great Central Sun, and even beyond. So, there is this beautiful corridor of solar energy that many, many, like beings and even ships will travel through it. I have seen them myself. So, when you speak of Tyler about taking picture and seeing an object, or even seeing an object or like, right, you can tell that it just came out. It like almost like merging with the sun through the picture. And I'll tell you one thing I've seen a lot is when you communicate to the consciousness of the sun as a solar being. When you take the same pictures, you will see almost the sun turn into a being, a conscious being, and I've seen that, but I'm also put a crown of light that communicate to you. And then tells you, yes, there's also corridor naturally that that was a no brainer. There's a lot of movement. So, so when why putting so much energy and effort to create fear around the sun, what do you think is that? It's just another layer. But here's the beauty about a dark light. I always use the slingshot analogy. The more they push the push the push the push in a dark polarity fragmentation polarization, the bigger the counter response in the light is. And they have realized that, especially on the last three years, the last three years or so I've been crucial. And they have realized that they have pushed so much out that they have generated the counter response in the light, which we see in our reawakening coming together, stepping into our light. We start to reconnect more with our in the galactic part of ourselves, and so forth. So, truly, what it comes down to from our own bowl perspective is again, the reconciliation of the paradox is the grain return to bring everything back to the light as a point of reconciliation. Yeah, that's a beautiful explanation. So, what do you think, I know this is an impossible question to answer, but I'd like to get your thoughts on like what this next year, this next few years hold for us. It's a wonderful question. I like it. We always says we talk about potential. At this point, we're past any predictions, because predictions will be relating on fixed point, whether it's through astrology or numbers and astronomy and all of this and I respect all of that. And this point is that there's too many changes, everything is a constant flux of change. We can talk about the potential of what this year is about and would say, 2023 the way we perceive it. It's more of a binary year, because 2023 has already a parallel and energetic parallel to 2024. So in reality, there's a lot of work or seats and you'll be planting this year that will germinate and blossom more in the other corridor of time. So we're looking more at how these two corridor of times that you declare that you think of calendar years are evolving. This is why, for us, one of the main point, and I do say one of the main points this year, is that point of reconciliation. And we can feel that the first portion of this year is truly we're still moving to the oscillation between what's real, what's not, where am I, you know, where do I fit we kind of moving to the third, the fifth and we're coming back and forth to find our own equilibrium. And where we started landing more in terms. Oh, I am on those higher frequencies. And this is a trajectory that I'm going to stay on. So there's more greater potential of manifestation something after, if I want to quantify time, I would say, around the spring equinox. There's something between spring equinox and somersosis. This is those are two markers through that timeline that you call 2023. And you have to think about, we perceive time from outside the third linear construct. We're not bond by the 3D reality. We coexist with you outside. So we're going to perceive time a little bit differently for now. We're going to see the teaching that you're coming back to set yourself free from linear time. It's an illusion. And we know that many, many have talked about this. But 2023 does a really great potential. And spring equinox and somersosis will be more like end of March, rolling into April, even May. We've thought manifest faster. So be mindful of what you're really aligned on what you, what is it you wish to read to live. What is it that you want to bring in. We can still this a very distinct acceleration. And, and even on my work level. Yeah, my team has quite an agenda for me. This sending me to Hawaii to reawake aspect of the laborian energy, then they're going to send me to Shasta. To bring the Lemurian and the Telosian, they said it's a grain reunion that will take place around the summer solstice. Now they're sending me to class to bury to work right at a poor level of the earth and to reawaken certain of the ancient side. And also the ancient codes. And then they're sending me on the ocean. So we can transmute those codes throughout the oceanic life and bring it globally around the planet. Just to give you a taste of what 2023 has potential. Wow, like you said, people are constantly trying to predict the future, but like nothing's happening. And the way you explain it, the fixed points in time, don't really work anymore because everything's constantly changing linear time is an illusion. Like you said, so it doesn't, it doesn't make any sense to think there's something set in stone in the future because the future is just now moments that are constantly, it's different now moments keep changing, you know, but it's always the now. It's never not the now and that's where things happen. So you can't, the future really doesn't exist. It's you can't predict. And that's why, you know, even technologies like looking glass, it would constantly be changing because it's based on the current now moment trajectory of where things are at. But that's always changing based on what happens in your decisions and everything else. So yeah, the most important thing is to like we are the ones creating the reality, you know, that's, that's really what's happening here. So, and together, because remember when we look at, again, I respect everyone because everyone play a role. And we need all of our keys together. So when I'm always very very clear about that. People says, Oh, and you're so humble. Yes, I am on both because I recognize your light as I know I am also recognize your light. So when we look at all Pluto would be conjunction in the house of Ares and that's going to be a period where Mercury will retrograde and Venus, I would say, allow yourself more of a higher interpretation of what that potential might be for you at this point. But it's no longer designed to be taken literally. And that's part also of the reawakening process, where we start to understand how all the elements play out together and shift even the blueprint of the next level of evolution. So every day, where you invest your energy consistently, you believe in, and there's a continuation. This is what we repeat a lot of the messages that we offer, because it creates a continuous form of an energy imprint that is really far more powerful to help everyone from where you are on your journey. But also remember, it is true, the community. We're becoming back in that community here on earth, because you are part of a very vast community. What they know about you and what I mean, they can be all the intergalactic groups, the beings of life we work with the masters there's so many, you're part of a very vast community of light. So as above so below, let's bring it back here on the earth. And this is also part of living in a fifth dimensional mentality and frequency. It's more of a community frequency. I can support you, you support me. It's an exchange. I don't need to feed off your energy. That's exchange. That's a continuous flow. Yes, and that's a transition that needs to happen, because everything right now is designed to feed off of your energy, everything, you know, extraction of the fear. And like you said, repeating a message. Look, so that it's like programming us. Well, that's what the dark's been doing for millennia. They constantly repeat a lie until we create that reality for them. Well, we can use that same science to create our own reality, everything that's been handed to us is inverted intentionally. It's everything is inverted into an anti life agenda, basically. So we need to bring it back. Let's bring everyone back and respecting us so that ultimately also evolve. So one thing that the rounds of life has taught me because I also work with the masters. I work with masters and then the master Buddha come to me. And I remember the first time he came to me just appear on my bed smiling at me. He was just looking at me smiling Buddha I said why me I'm not Buddhist, he said it's off. It doesn't matter. I know you are the sole level. And so I said, okay, I welcome you in my life. You're welcome on my path. And one thing that the masters and the realm of light has taught me is that ultimately dark light polarization. Wrong right all of this. This is part of the healing where we returning to the one line of creator. We are all a graphic projection from the one line of creator, and we are simply have evolved throughout a multitude of lifetimes throughout creation to different points if you look at just a liar and that's another group we work out with. I want to bring back to the galactic the liarance. They're the ones who bring a print the secret principle of the triangle under reconciliation of the positive and the negative polarities back to neutrality. And when it's neutrality the zero point of divinity coming back into the point says, well, your darkness has taught me a lot has been challenging but it taught me a lot. And because of it, I'm carrying even more light today. And so, let's this point, that point of what the upturn says at the beginning and that's why they've been talking to me. Take the time to reconcile what needs to be reconciled within you, because at that point you becoming a very powerful, balanced anchor of light. And this is how we do is like a domino effect we activating like, like trees, I like a series of light on a tree has started to get a little in this is what we do we're returning, finally returning to says, oh, I thought that this identity was me it's just a role I'm playing so I can learn from it. Okay, I'm on board now. Yes, exactly. 100% airfully said, assigning ourselves false identities is something that all everyone does in the matrix, because everyone was looking for purpose. They want to feel like they're a part of something. So they'll join a club or a group or the military or whatever it is. And they label they give themselves think that is right. Yeah, they give themselves that label. And when you ask somebody who they are what they do, they only tell you the physical aspect. I'm their job their occupations. Exactly. They tell you religion. So, yeah, learning how to shed that false identity and learn who you really are in the path of self discovery like that's something I struggle with every day like who the hell am I what am I doing here, you know, and it's, it's tough. If you don't constantly ask yourself those questions, you fall into that trap you get you get caught up into the matrix and you're not self aware, what are you. So, I really appreciate everything that you're offering everything that you're that you're doing for humanity right now and thank you for all that. Before we wrap up I know that you've already touched on this throughout the episode but maybe you can consolidate it if somebody listening to this would like to try and communicate with their star family. What's a good first step. You know we we talked about the healing journey but in a nutshell could you kind of lay out how somebody couldn't achieve communication. Accept first is to accept that there's more to you that is human identity and being an earth human being. It's one of the most challenging lifetime the soul will ever have so that demands greater respect. If you want to communicate with your star family, accept who you are, accept you, and of course, clear the mind disengage from any mental entanglement. The principle in the process of communicating is easy. It is a return to feel to your heart. When I'm afraid what will happen to me is their fear, your group will know and they will respect that. Well, no fear, only light, you communicate through your light through. I walk in the certainty of my light. I accept that I am a being of light and I'm going to continue discovering that truth about me and I'm asking my intergalactic families to support me on my journey. The moment you said that to yourself, whether it's out loud or in the power of your thoughts and you feel it in your heart, your message is sent, it is on the speed of a thought form. All of your thought forms are received, believe us, we can see coming from the earth, waves and waves and wave of thought form energy that carry all your requests, the energy, the imprint, the intention, and we can see what part of you speak the loudest. So, for example, I wish to connect with my Syrian family. Okay, I breathe, I close my eyes, I clear my mind, I'm here. When you feel there's some part of you here that some fear, I'm not worthy, but what did it come, what will I say, if that's kind of energy that is still lingering in your field, they will know, they will respond to you. There will not be no way that you think, but I want them to come and materialize themselves right here. But remember, you're looking at intergalactic beings that exist beyond your 3D reality, they may come to you physically, they have the capacity for it, or they may project, an holographic aspect, a light body aspect of themselves, which is just as valid as tangible physical manner. So, yeah, again, release concept expectation of what this communication will look like, it's consciousness connecting to consciousness. It really is. Thank you for that that helps tremendously and I agree, like, like, get rid of your concept, your idea of what you want it to look like. Yeah, I feel like that will go a long way, because we hear other testimonies and other experiences, share their stories of communication and contact. We want ours to look like that are we expected to look like that. And when it doesn't were let down, but you might be missing the sign that's right next to you, because you're looking for something else. So, I appreciate that. Thank you. Well, this has been wonderful. You've shared so much today. Thank you for joining us. Can you please let people know how to find you. Of course, with pleasure, the best way is really to our beautiful website, which is called infinite healing from the stars. Dot com infinite healing from the stars dot com. We have a lot to offer. We have an essential library. We're building a beautiful library of free meditations. It's a competitive reader tool to assist everyone every day to really clear yourself reaffirm today. I take a deep breath to my heart. I am ready to be of service and service can be even from your home. Even for those who are retired or work from home or have families, you can be of service. Everything is an invitation to awaken, even when you brush your teeth. I have the greatest experience when I brush my teeth, because I'm so present. My mind is completely out. I don't think about anything. I'm just here. And next thing I know I look above me. Oh, there's a portal opening up. I see Mark turns ship opening and they're looking at me. And they said, okay, remember, we're here. And I'm like, yes, thing. I'm glad that you are. They're like, you missed the spot. Don't forget to use mouthwash. And you go like, your gums are sensitive. You need to plus. And like, I know I know. They do help me. They help me navigate through life. But remember, assistance guidance is available to anyone. I am no exception. The only exception about me is how I came back to your planet. It really is. Yeah. Well, thank you again. This has been beautiful. Thank you so much. I really enjoyed this. Guys, go check out their website. And any of you know, this is one interview. So I encourage anyone listening to this to go into some older interviews that she's done because there's just a library of knowledge there and infinite supply of information. And there's a lot to learn from Vivian. So thank you. And if you feel compelled to join us this year, May 22nd through 25th and Grafton, Illinois, come hang out with us at our conference. Grab a ticket at And we hope to see you there. Thank you for tuning in. We love you all and good night. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] It is Ryan C. Chris here. People always say it's good to unwind, but that's easier said than done. The exception, Chumba Casino. They actually make it easier done than said, or at least the same. Chumba Casino is an online social casino with hundreds of casino-style games like Slots and Blackjack. Play for fun. Play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Sign up now and collect your free welcome bonus at Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply.