Journey to Truth

EP 220 - Arkheim Ra: Time Travel Is Real - Clones Exist - We're Already In Space - Why not tell us?

Originally aired on 11/23/22
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Arkheim Ra is a starseed who was kidnapped for super soldier mind control programming through the US Public School's TAG (Talented and Gifted) program. He was involved in timeline altering military operations at Montauk and has alters that have served with Mars Defense Force, Nacht Waffen, Solar Warden and Lunar Command.

1h 31m
Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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And that information is below at Grab a ticket. Come hang out with us. It's going to be a lot of fun. One last announcement. Hopewell Farm CBD has the Thanksgiving promo going on through the end of November. 15% off all of their products with promo code JTT. Thanks. That link is below. They have some really great stuff. Take advantage of that while you can. 15% off is a great deal for their products. So today we are joined by our Kim Ra, somebody he's been on Penny Bradley show a few times. I've been following my Facebook. And it wasn't his interviews that caught my attention, but it was an actual Facebook post that he made pertaining to the SSPD reality of time travel and cloning. And it was just well word. It was very well said and I resonated with it so deeply. I shared it. We started talking and here we are doing an interview. And I'd like to actually start off by covering some of the covering that post because what you talked about in that post is extremely important because, you know, for some people, this stuff is just storytelling. Like they don't know how to apply it to their reality. And it's much easier to turn your head to this information than it is to face it, you know, to face it as a reality. And it's something that we just can't ignore anymore. And I think it's really important to start taking it seriously because there's a lot of disinfo and garbage out there meant to make a mockery of this stuff. So welcome to the show. Yeah, thanks for having me. And yeah, you couldn't have said it any better there. I mean, you were talking about like time travel and cloning. Like we have to accept the fact this stuff is real. And I just wanted to get your opinion. Maybe you can elaborate on what you talked about in that post. Well, I guess like the main thing that. So for me, I mean, the planet of Earth is under mind control. And that's just one of the basic facts that people have to accept, obviously, which is really hard to come to grips with. And part of the main, the main thing that that mind control system is dependent on is you being a slave to these basically artificial systems that are constructed to keep people down. And it's like, you know, we all know that we have free energy that we've got spaceships. We could be going back and forth to cities on Earth and even other planets through portal tech. I mean, so many of these of the stuff that we're doing is just, it's really. For lack of a better term, Bass Act words, but like you can't, because of the fact that all of these technologies are being disclosed, you know, we, they're being used against us. That's the reason why people are always like, well, why aren't we being told about this? Well, it's very obvious. It's because you can't be taken advantage of, you know, if you understand the technology, but if you, if you don't understand the technology, then, you know, if you don't understand the fact that they can scoop up your children, kidnap them. Okay. Take the consciousness of fracture, you know, fracture it. Put it into a clone body and have that clone body serve. And if you can't understand the fact that even if you're going to hypothetically say, it's true. If you're hypothetically on the same page as me, right? Think about how, what the implications of that. Like for the military industrial complex and just in general, like for slave labor. And that's what's not being talked about enough is the fact that this is an unlimited source of slave labor for the draconian empire. And a lot of most of these groups are, you know, at the very least operating under their thumb, if not literally working for them. So it's just, it's, it's really important. And then that's what the disclosure movement is about is having a technology come forward and roll out in a way where it can benefit humanity instead of being used to enslave us. And I don't know what that looks like, but it needs to happen. Right. 100% men. And if you think about, okay, well, how are they taking this many people? Well, 1% of a million people is 10,000 people. Now take 1% of the world's population. It sounds very, like a small number, but that's a massive number. If you're only, if you're only using 1% of the population for these programs and probably even more than that's being used. I would say more than it's being used because this is the way I look at it. Earth and other planets like Earth are kind of like, like a save file of DNA and consciousness that these groups that can come and access anytime, like really, really nilly whenever they want and never be held accountable for it. So for me, if this technology really exists and they're really doing this, I mean, why wouldn't they be taking the average Joe for slave labor on an asteroid? Why not? Like, so for me, it's just like, I think more people are involved in this than they realize, you know, that's one of the things that's really weird about awakening and living in this town that I live in that I understand is like an MK Ultra kind of hub where I see, you know, I understand is like an MK Ultra kind of hub where I see very normal people that live very normal lives and I remember them from Mars and stuff and it's just like, I think that if I were to come up to them and try to tell them that, they would tell me that I'm fucking crazy, you know what I mean? But like, I know they were there, you know what I mean? Right. Yeah, it's true. I mean, absolutely. And another thing people don't talk about is a lot of the people that are actually coming from our prison system, the prison industrial complex. I think a lot of these prisoners, you know, they don't get to come on these shows and tell their stories and what's being done to them because they're in prison. So I think that's an entire subject that doesn't get enough light shed on it. And I know a friend of mine, Scott Savoy, he has this idea for a documentary to kind of shine a light on that. And I think it'll be huge if he pulls it off. Yeah. And I think that we as a free people on the outside, whatever you want to call it, I think people get thrown in prison for really arbitrary reasons. And it's definitely something that's wrong no matter what way you look at it. For a lot of these people that are stuck in there, you know what I mean? Over drugs and just stupid stuff that certain situations is understandable, but other situations, it's not at all. And obviously, they're trying to funnel people in the prison system for even literal slave labor. And I mean, they're using these people for actual labor here on earth, right in the open and not hiding it at all. But also, yes, you know, in the programs, like, and it's, it's something that needs to be talked about from people that are able to do it now while we can because they really are trying to shut this down. They're trying to shut it all down. You see the people getting their YouTube pages taken down the strikes that people are getting. I mean, you just say one simple word about one simple thing and you know, you know, you've got to be really careful these days, but at the same time, we got to talk now. Right. Yeah. Absolutely. I mean, it is like the thing is, is there's an effort to silence this subject and it's very apparent. Even within the quote community, there's just info agents, controlled opposition, the divide and conquered cancel culture tactics. It's all there. And there's a lot of garbage to sift through to get to the real information, but there's so much garbage garbage in place intentionally to make somebody who doesn't know any better, just like, throw their arms up in confusion and go back into the matrix. Like this is crazy. Oh, I understand that 100% because when I first came upon this information, I came upon, you know, core good. And I came up, it was one of those things where it was in the thralls of the QAnon movement from what I recall. And it was just, there was so much stuff in it that didn't resonate with me that I knew was bullshit, you know, intuitively. And it made me kind of look away from it. But then I had an incident where I had like missing time and I had this really weird dream where the faces were blurred out and there's a military guy and I was a little kid. And I started looking into it again and I found Tony. And that's when it like started clicking for me because like for me, I have been researching the subject forever and I was really into a lot of old heads like Carla Turner, Dr. David Jacobs. And for a long time, it was sort of this idea for me that it was just like scientists kidnapping people in the same way that you'd like, like a scientist would take an owl and track an owl or something like that. The owl's confused doesn't know what's going on, but it's just a scientific study. And it's as simple as that. That's kind of what I thought happened to me until I started investigating it more. And Dr. Carla Turner, who, you know, rest in peace, I think she was killed because of what she was talking about was one of the first people to actually bring up that she was being kidnapped by aliens and she was being kidnapped by the military. And she didn't make all the connections that we've made now because this was in the early 90s. But she was talking about how like there's this X files episode where the guy's wearing like the, the mothers are like drugged up and they're wearing alien suits and trying to trick them into thinking of their aliens. Well, she said that that actually happened to her. And she talked about that before the episode aired. And she kind of was one of the first people to say, Hey, I'm not copying them. They know about this and they're putting it in the disclosure. Yeah, it's disclosure. And, you know, that was, that opened up everything for me. It opened my mind because for the longest time, I was unwilling to admit that we might have this technology and that the military might be involved in. And the whole idea of super soldiers and stuff like that. I mean, okay, it happened to me. All right. I have experienced things that are completely surreal to say the least. And, yeah, it's as someone who it actually happened to. I can understand why it's hard to wrap your mind around. I mean, the programming is really deep. Anything that is technology, like portals or stuff like that, your brain automatically goes Star Trek. You know, you know what I mean? It automatically goes Star Wars, like automatically goes like not real, right? That's part of the reason why they put it all out there out in the open is because they like, you know, you look at a total recall when it came out in the 80s, you got Arnold Schwarzenegger on Mars, right? And I'm sure I can almost guarantee at that time you had all these guys like having memories of being on Mars and freaking out over it. And then people could just be like, Oh, well, you just watching total recall, dude, you need to calm down. Like, that's the kind of thing that you have to make it all just seem not real, like not, not serious. But at the same time, watching some of this stuff and you're getting like unbelievably emotional. Like it's unreasonable the amount of emotion you're feeling. Like you might want to question that because that was one of the things that I started realizing when I'm watching certain stuff where it's like, Oh, man, that's why I get so emotional when I watch this because I witnessed this event that was like this or saw this technology that was like it and this happened using that technology. And it's like, it's really mind blowing when you finally get the memories back and realize how out in the open they're putting it all in the media. Yeah. Well, I always say you're not learning about it. You're remembering it. Yeah. And that's why it resonates so deeply because it's within you literally. And, you know, how many people have to come forward before like whistleblowers have to come forward before people take it serious? Like time travel. How many people have come forward talking about time travel programs, black budget programs? The same thing with the Secret Space program and cloning, especially cloning. I mean, you have celebrities and rappers even talking about cloning trying to tell people there's a website. There's clone aid. They had to move out of the United States because it's illegal for cloning the United States. I remember when that was all over the news when I was a kid. Right. It was like they talked about every single day what these guys were doing. It was all over the news cloning. Yeah. I remember that people. It's still around. It's still around. It's still a real thing. And you can go. There's actually a rapper out there. Kid Boo. Yeah. clone that they made. And I mean, why couldn't that be true? Like, you know, I would surprise it all if it was like. He has very specific details. He even discloses or exposes the facility and how to do it. And at one point he did a video with him and his clone on camera together. And it was like a lot of people just blew it off as, oh, it's his just a twin brother or trick of the camera or whatever. Or he's literally. That's a fortunate thing with the day and age we're living in is everybody can always just say, that's not real. And when people ask, you know, where's the evidence? Where's the evidence? Well, first of all, they got agents on top of this shit. And I know people that have gotten video of craft right in front of them and they try to send the video. And it doesn't send. It just won't send. And then the next day it's gone from their phone. Like that's the kind of stuff we're dealing with. You can find videos online at UFOs and stuff. You go and look at the link some days later. It's gone half the time. Right. Right. They got people on top of this shit. They want to keep their slave farm intact. They're hanging on by every last thread that they can. You know, there's a lot of resources that they have here. It's like, who? What they have here is an unlimited source of labor. And it's unfortunate that people aren't making that connection because they get all. They're in caveman mode and get all distracted by the technology that's involved with it. You know what I mean? And they have all their psychological methods of debunking things. So we had on John DeSouza. I think it was last year and he was describing what they, and he was in the FBI. He was describing what they do a lot of the time is when there's a mass sighting or a really big sighting that gets like a ton of people get it on camera or footage of it. They'll intentionally release a fake CGI one right at that time. And then they'll debunk their own fake that they released. And then the media picks up on that and goes, oh, look, it was debunked as a fake. And then everyone just sees the media say that. And then they're like, oh, it was debunked. But then you meanwhile, you have all this real footage out there. Yeah. And it was a real thing. I think that they also have the ability to go in and. And, you know, make it so that people don't even remember that they saw it in certain instances and sometimes that they do that. Oh, yeah. And sometimes they'll put it up. I don't know if it would be holograms or I don't know if it's time of thought, but like, let's say there's like a crashed UFO somewhere and there's a highway near it. People would be able to see it. Well, they'd be looking over and they'd just see a crashed airplane. Yeah. It's like a hologram. It tricks you into seeing what you want, what they want you to see. I mean, one thing that's been established, like since, you know, ages ago, by people who were seriously researching the subject is highly advanced DT are able to make human beings see things that aren't even there. Yeah. And like, you know, like that's why like there's like been cases of, you know, little kids who they, they, they wake up on the side of the road on a family trip. And this individual remembered it as a cabin and then went in there and their dad was on like a table and stuff like that. And there were beings in there and they basically said, Oh, we're doing a surge. You know, you're, we're helping your father or whatever. And it was like one of those things that she never talked about it. And then later on, she talked to her brother about it when he was on his deathbed. And he remembered it being a fire truck on the side of the world. So it's like they, they go into your mind. They, they, they know how to manipulate you. Into seeing what will make you not even understand that there's there, that they're there. And that's why when people talk about shape shifting opinions, that's what's going on. As they're able to, that they're beyond what we're able to do. It seems like magic literally, but it's just, it's just technology. Like, and people don't understand that. And part of the problem that we have right now where people aren't able to wrap their minds around these technologies that are in the secret space programs is we, we have this thing where we're moving away from the organic Atlantean technology where we interface with it with their minds and it was free energy and everything like that. And we're moving towards this AI based technology. And my theory in a lot of it has to do with what I've seen and experienced as part of Project Phoenix, or which most people known as the Montauk Project, is that there's an AI that was behind that. When AI was behind Project Phoenix, and it was the one that was in charge of the whole project, and we were changing the timeline to build the new timeline. And to me, it seems like where the whole intention behind it was to move towards this AI hive mind takeover thing, which I think we are averting right now. But, you know, fingers crossed, but like, that's what I think it's all about. And I think that when you look at the average person and you see these things that they're trying, like the metaverse and all these things, I mean, it seems like they're kind of feeling. And it kind of seems like people look at it as a kind of a big joke, but I don't think people do want to lie in a bed with a thing on their face living an artificial life. I don't know. Maybe when it gets really elaborate, they will. That is kind of scary, but. Right. Well, it's fine. It just depends. It all depends on the individual. I know somebody who's super excited about getting chipped and all the AI stuff. I mean, there's the programming is real and some people have succumbed to it and they get excited about this stuff. It's very sad, but it also explains why things are the way they are because there's a technique and there's tactics in place that trick people and manipulate people into thinking this stuff is going to benefit them. And it is the only way and it is the future. Well, yeah, for like, go ahead. Well, sorry, Ray Kurzwell, he's an individual that he worships AI already. He already has that religion in place for himself because he wants to bring back his dad. He's got this crazy obsession. And I think it's funny. He wants to make the universe sentient. The universe is already sentient. You're missing the point, man. And that's what they want. And that's how deep the programming is like that guy doesn't even understand. He's totally going to get to see his father again at some point. He might be a little bit different. His energy might be different. He might be in a different body or it might be in a different realm or something like that. But he's going to get to see his father again. And it's unfortunate that these people, you know, think that they have to worship some sort of AI and become gods or whatever and inflict this artificial will upon something that was already created and already worked fine. You know? Right. Don't fix it. If it's not broken. But obviously they put a broken system in place. It's not the, well, it was designed that way. It was designed broken. Like it's not a broken system. It's actually working exactly how it was designed. Yeah. But they put that in place to create the illusion that it needs to be fixed so then they can implement all the stuff. Problem reaction solution. Yeah. But I want to get into, well, I want to get into your story. We haven't even gotten there yet. I think the, also the importance of the difference between SSP memories and then getting information from psychics. Because this is a really important issue. And I see people coming forward as like a whistleblower or an experiencer and they're only sharing stuff that came through a session, but they don't actually have any memories. And I think that's very dangerous because I know, yeah, some good information does come from sessions sometimes. But at the same time, it's not really tangible. Like, I don't think anyone should be talking about it unless it's an actual memory. And I'd like to get your thoughts on that. I think that when you were talking to a channeler and they give you some mind blowing information that would be extremely important. If it were true, you should talk to other people, try to actually have memories of that before you verify it. Because I mean, there's been stuff where James ranked his reached out to me and told me stuff about mom talk that he found out through a channeler. And it was like, whoa, I remember that. I mean, it was, and then there was some heavy duty disgusting stuff. And it was right on the money. And, but, you know, other times, I think that sometimes I think that without that verification from someone who was actually there, it's, it's, I think that you have to just be really careful with that information and just maybe bring it up hypothetically. That's, that's just my thing. And, you know, I also think with, you know, people who are public and who are talking, one of the most important things to watch out for is the people who try to act like their, their word is God or something like that, which I'm not trying to. I've just seen people do that where they try to say, you know, only listen to me. Oh, there's just, there's, there's disinformation out there. And it's like, wait, wait, wait, hold on. What about the fact that you can find someone so over here, so and so over here, they don't even know each other and then they're saying the same exact stuff. Don't you think that lines up a little bit more than somebody who's just like only listen to me? And that's what people can do here is they can find people. And it's very easy once you start finding the right people and that their information lines up. And that's one of the things that that's why I think the people that say that we're just, that we're just making it up or whatever. I mean, if you experience what it's like to go through memories of some of the stuff that I've went through with, you know, another, like when super soldiers go through their memories together, it's like veterans going through memories of war. It's really intense. And, you know, other people can go ahead and say that it's us making up stories or imagining things. But I know it's, it's real because it's, you can feel it. There's emotion behind it. And for me, all of my memories, they call it the Swiss cheese effect because it's like you can't see the whole picture. But there are holes and you can see little pieces of the puzzle. Like you remember events, but sometimes they don't have the context that you need to be able to explain what was really going on. But it's like eventually you just have to take those pieces of the puzzle and try to see as much as you can. And I'm kind of, sorry, I kind of got distracted by what I was trying to, the point I was trying to make there, but. No, yeah. It's okay. No, you were making a great point and I agree with you 100%. But I think the, I think what's dangerous about like just come, just coming forward and sharing information that you got from a session. It's not dangerous because I don't, I wouldn't, I don't want to stop anybody from sharing their story. But at the same time, like if it's skeptic or if you're trying to reach the masses and then they're hearing all this information and like, Oh, wow, you remember that? And like, no, it actually came from a session. Then it was like, Oh, it doesn't, it doesn't hold as much weight. You know, it does. Yeah. I think it's one of the things where it's like, it's, it's just don't throw the baby out of the bathwater. People just have to be careful. We all have to use discernment. Right. And do your due diligence before sharing information that may or may not be true. Like you said, because like you said, a lot of channel, a lot of channeling, I think is inaccurate because it's, it's just a, it's a, there's, there's a lot more people channeling that. So. Yeah. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Aren't. Heeled. Heeled. Yeah. They're very, I'll just say they're very susceptible to. Deception. Deception and negative entities. Yeah. Coming through and you don't know what and from what the source of that information. There are good channelers and there are people and, but even then it's not 100%. So. It's like, take that at the data point. But, but like you said, try to get verification, try to try to get information. So. And. The other things that corroborate it before you just start sharing it and people just believe it because you shared it, especially if you're a big name person that you're sharing or you yourself are channeling. And then unfortunately they create this narrative around like, Oh, my information is correct. And it's like, well, is it? Have we tried to verify this? You know? Yeah. So. Yeah. You're making a, you guys are really making like driving the point home really well because it's like, it's important that we shouldn't just instantly discredit. It's more like we just have to be a lot more careful with it. I think when you put it out there, maybe say, Hey, this, this is hypothetical as of now trying to confirm it. You know, that's really not too hard to just take some extra steps to try to make sure that it we all seem a bit more credible and that we're on the money because you know, there are infiltrators in this community. There are people who are either where MK ultra victims. Okay. So there are people in this community that are mind controlled. That's something that people really don't understand. And I think we really need to meet people. You guys have talked about this on the show multiple times where you have to meet people where you can, right? Like they can handle a certain amount of information. So you got to meet them halfway. And I think a really good place to start is just the fact that MK Ultra never got shut down. They stopped giving them money. That doesn't mean anything. We all know that the CIA sold crack to fund the Contras. So it's like, what makes you think that these people have some sort of moral compass where, Oh, Congress isn't going to give us money anymore. We're going to, we're going to shut down this program. You know, it's like everyone in there with guns and stuff. With no accountability to do so, we're just going to do it on our own. Why would they do that? Yeah. All the black ops, all the black ops programs have funding, have private funding. And, you know, the movie Independence Day portrayed that when they said what a toilet seat car, you think a toilet seat costs $10,000 or hammer. Whatever it is. Yeah. And that's very true. That's how the money is funneled into these private organizations. And it's more than just that, man. They're doing dirty, dirty stuff behind the scenes to get resources. I mean, we're talking traffic. You know, some of these, yes. Like, like, they're pimping out children. Yeah. Like a lot of this sex trafficking that is going on is kids that are getting thrown into the clone bodies, getting brought to elite parties, getting raped and murdered. I mean, horrendous shit. And people do not want to wrap their minds around that. Dude, we got to save these kids. We got to stop this from happening. Like, you know, the average people out there really need to comprehend that. This is slavery and it's like dark criminal syndicates. Ancient criminal syndicates that are controlling our planet right now. And what's going on? The disclosure movement. We're trying to save people. It's not about like, I want to be able to get on a spaceship and go to another planet. That's about, I don't want, I want people to be safe on earth and be able to live. And you know, it's just like, I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. 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I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I don't want people to live on earth. I know it's traumatizing and reliving some of those memories. We appreciate what you're doing. Thank you for speaking out about this stuff. I'm doing this for the little guy version of me that wasn't able to defend themselves. That's what I'm doing this for. For all the other little guys and girls out there that they can't defend themselves. That's what I'm doing this for. Amen to them. Thank you so much. Guys, thank you so much for tuning in. Don't forget, tickets are on sale for the conference in Grafton, Illinois. May 22nd to the 25th next year. It's going to be a lot of fun. We're excited about that. We know it's a long way out, but grab a ticket. Yeah, I see you guys there. That's pretty close to me. Yeah, you should absolutely come. Yeah, we'd love to have you there. And I recommend anybody who's listening to a book here live. If you do want to come, the lodging is limited on site and in town. It'll book up quick. So if you want to go book your room now or as soon as you can, because it will sell out the lodging sold out last year, filled up. People started rooming together, but everybody made it work. There is a campground there. There's Airbnb's. There's a lot of options, but take advantage. If you want to stay on site, I would say take advantage of that early. But yeah, thank you so much guys. We truly appreciate all your support. Thank you for all the donations. We can't do this without you. Thank you. Thank you, our team. Again, this was amazing. Until next time, guys. Have a great evening. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (upbeat music)