Journey to Truth

EP 214 - Billy Carson: Ancient Knowledge - Lost Technology - Space & The Future of Humanity

Originally aired on 10/20/22
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Billy Carson:
An M.I.T. alumnus with his Certificate of Science (emphasis in Neuroscience), Billy Carson is the founder of 4BiddenKnowledge and two-time best-selling author of “The Compendium of the Emerald Tablets,” He currently owns and manages over a dozen social media accounts, with followers totaling over 4 million. An expert on topics ranging from Hermetic sciences to hidden technologies, Carson has been featured as a regular guest on Gaia, Travel, History, and Discovery networks. Exploring Secret Space Programs, ETs, ancient anomalies, and potential human origins, Carson contributes to Deep Space, Ancient Civilizations and Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia. Combining forces with the top anomaly hunters in the world, Carson co-founded the United Family of Anomaly Hunters (UFAH) with the mission to provide evidence of civilizations past and present within our solar system. The UFAH claims to have pioneered two new fields of science: Archeo-Astronomy and Astro-anthropology, which Carson feels will become college courses in the not-so-distant future. As the CEO of First Class Space Agency (based in Fort Lauderdale, FL), Carson is involved in the research and development of alternative propulsion systems and zero-point energy devices. Carson is also a contributor to Entrepreneur Leadership, Thrive Global, a registered International Journalist, and the founder of Pantheon Elite Records.

1h 8m
Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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And my favorite thing about him and what he does to make some stand out to a lot of other people is he's in a situation where he can actually travel the world and has traveled the world and has been to a lot of these ancient sites. So it's not just him regurgitating or sharing information. He's read. This is stuff he's had hands on boots on the ground experience. I think that's so cool because there's a lot. I mean, talk about doing research. That's one of the best ways to do it. And if you're in a position where you can do that, I think it's fantastic. And there's a lot to talk about. He just got back from Egypt. So welcome to the show. Hey, thank you. Glad to be here. Thanks for inviting me. Yeah. So let's just jump right in. I'm curious. I know you've been to Egypt a few times, but is there any new information? What was this last trip like? This was an amazing trip because this was actually my very first tour. In other words, the first time I toured other people. So I've been there three times prior, but I've never toured anybody. I've just gone out with private guards and Egypt, Egyptologists, down on some dig sites and some, you know, just exploring the ruins and so forth. But this time I took 65 people on a tour. Plus our team total of 70 people all together. Huge undertaking, one of the largest tours to ever come through Egypt. And we had to have two full tour buses, military escorts, the whole works. So for me, this was like the most amazing trip because I got a chance to actually teach on this trip. Yeah. That's amazing. That's, that's cool. And you get to go a lot of places where I don't suspect normal tour got our tours get to go. And inside some of these structures and pyramids and temples or whatever. And I think that's really cool. And I just, like the one question I have is. The energies that you feel when you're there, like I know they were dealing with a lot of healing technologies and frequencies and stuff. But when you go into like, let's say the halls of a mentee or even in the pyramids, what does that actually feel like? Yeah, everyone was feeling some type of energy. People were getting very emotional. A lot of people were crying. Almost every time we went to a site, like people were getting really, really emotional because the energy is just that strong. And it's a combination of two reasons why the first reason is if you look at these, these, these temples and pyramids, they're located directly on top of energy vortex is coming out of your magnetic fields. If you take the magnetic field map and then overlay it on the grid, you'll see temples and pyramids and ancient sites all over the world seem to synchronize will be built directly on top of these things so you have that natural magnetic flow of energy coming up through the earth. You're there inside of a structure which is built to harmonize that frequency. And a lot of these structures also have magnetized crystal granite inside of them. So you have this resonance that's going on. And the energy is real. You can, it's palpable. You can really feel that energy. Right. And I almost wonder if there's like, I guess you could say cosmic downloads or however you want to say like, like the magnetosphere around the planet is dissipating right now allowing those cosmic rays in and from the sun and the central sun, the black hole, whatever that's activating our DNA. And I feel like that same energy is replicated within those pyramids and I think the same thing happens there as far as, I don't know if you want to call it downloads or whatever you want to call it activations. I feel like that's part of the reason people get so emotional and they might even be having like past life memories and stuff coming forward. We had people with past life memories, we did meditations inside the great inside the king's chamber of the great pyramid. People were meditating in different temples in the in the holy of holies and three different temples. And they were just getting all different types of information. Some people were feeling like they were getting downloads. Some people were open to receive whatever the universe could provide. Some people were having epiphanies and now finding their pad their new path on how they were going to walk through life the rest of the way. It was really a life changing event for the majority of the people. And then at dendero, we got to go into a place that's been closed for decades. Nobody's allowed in there except for people on the board of antiquities. And the temple priest and the person that actually is in charge of that those grounds gave me the key to open the door to take my, my, my team inside. And let me tell you something what we saw on the walls was mind blowing no cameras allowed, no videotaping allowed a guard making sure you don't pull your phone out. Technology on the walls inside of that temple of Isis on the property of the temple of dendero. They gave me the key and let me unlock it and open it for myself and then bring everybody in so it was so it was so powerful then outside. There's this underground aquifer where you go down this narrow shaft of staircases that go underneath the sands. And then you get to this cold water and people and then you like yourself baptized yourself. It was amazing people, their lives will be changed forever after this trip. Wow. And we say technology on the walls. Can you describe it all where you were looking at. Jeds so they have the JED which we know it's like a Tesla coil picks up wireless electricity. The same kind if you look out in your neighborhood on your electric pole, the little thing with the, with the little headlines in it. And then connected to electrical cords or cables that have insulation on them that were then connected to other devices connected to light bulbs, and so forth. So they really had a lot of electricity and electrical devices in ancient times. And also the more proof of this is the fact that we have found now thousands of pieces of electric plated gold from all different eras of the dynastic period and even pre dynastic so we know that electricity was used even pre dynastic during the land when it was called the land of camp. Yeah, which is where we get alchemy, the way alchemy comes from and all that. So man speaking of that, what fascinates me a lot about the halls of a mentee, and the chambers down there, what we will call regeneration chamber. Apparently, there's a number of them down there weighing upwards of 80 tons I've heard. And could you explain that and what you've experienced walking around on there what that was like, and I know like the show Stargate SG one. They talk about the sarcophagus to the gold, gold used and it's the exact same thing it's like a regeneration chamber. Same thing I mean that that whole series of Stargate in the movie. They took it from these ancient texts and tablets and obviously these ancient sites, because if you go to the Serapeum at Sakura and go into this underground area, you are in the halls of a mentee that are talked about in the animal tablets. It's this particular one is owned by Ian key. And these, this chamber first of all the way the halls are shaped. They're literally carved out of the stone underground in a way that doesn't allow the stone to collapse. These these specialized halls so the people who work this material had a good understanding of engineering construction and this material itself on how to engineer it and how to work it in a way that it won't collapse. Number two, the way the tunnel is created, and the way the halls are created, they look like they're vitrified rock looks like a boring machine if it was modern times will be a nuclear boring machine that would go down there and it would cut the rock and vitrified at the same time so you wouldn't have to do anything from there. So, you know they created this incredible thing and then also in each one of the halls, there's an 80 to 100 ton sarcophagus inside of each one that could not be maneuvered in there no there I just no way you can actually get it in there. The way that these halls are cut and the angles there's no way to move something that dig into those halls so they had to be materialized into those those places that's the only way to get them there, you know, being me up Scotty type technology teleported into those spots. So, when you go in there the energy is again palpable you could feel the energy, you're talking about crystal granite. I've got inside of these things. There's no bodies never been any animals or bulls inside of like the mainstream media tells you. There's obviously you can clearly see that inside of these things used to be something along with just a sarcophagus it was some type of technology. So, these are the halls of a mentee that though, and his father, Enke talks about where you go in you put your body in, and then that body rejuvenation that chamber, and they would transfer their consciousness from body to body. And the thing that's pretty cool about it is the fact that they have, like this whole one row of halls underground was only for one person, both had his own other hall underground underneath the Great Pyramid which they found those also. They would have bodies in each one and they will come back every hundred years and flip out into a new body and then they said they will walk amongst men but unlike a man. So you know so they're not cloning or stealing bodies from the streets and not stealing our bodies they have their own bodies that they're hopping into and then and then walking around this is crazy stuff but we're now duplicating the same technology today. Right, I mean, we know cloning is possible, but they're, I mean they're a master geneticist and who knows what they were doing, and they seem to have much longer lifespans then I guess what's that lifespan now like 120 years max or something like that. 120 is a max of a human being 120. So yeah I mean and we hear these stories from the Bible and ancient cultures of these people live in thousands of years but if you have a technology such as that. Or they were actually it just had a longer lifespan there's so many possibilities but a lot of this ancient technology seems to be coming, becoming relevant again, and the knowledge. It's like we're at a time now we're we're able to receive this we're even like even a year ago, some of these concepts and ideas, the collective wasn't ready for. So I think it's really exciting time as far as that goes. Oh, for real I mean you have right now. Now we can bring science facts to people and real data points they look DARPA has something called the avatar project which I wrote about my book compendium of the animal tablets, and the DARPA project by, you know, the avatar project by DARPA is they're taking a soldier who's in the underground bunker somewhere and connecting his consciousness to a field robot, and making that symbiotic conscious link and he controls the field robot from the bunker hundreds of miles maybe even thousands of miles away, be a satellite up link. If the robot is blown up or dies or you know gets destroyed, the soldiers fine, the link is just severed. And that's something they've already achieved. And then you have the 2045 project coming out of Russia, Ray Kurtz wheel, and so they've already transferred a monkey's consciousness into a computer. The body is gone dead, the monkeys in there eating bananas climbing trees, it's alive on the CPU. And they said by 2015 which was already passed it we're going to transfer consciousness into a robot which they've done that already and now by 2045 the ultimate goal is to be able to transfer it into obviously a cloned avatar, which they're going to do if they haven't done it already. And obviously the movie avatar shows it depicts exactly that. I mean a little bit different but it's the same technology. Yeah, this is why the pharaohs were mummifying themselves. People have taken this whole mummification thing completely out of sort they don't really understand exactly what was going on because a lot of people haven't really dug into the text. These pharaohs were promised by the anunnaki their handlers that they were going to be bought back to life in a new body in the third dimension, not in some weird skyboat other multi dimensional. This is what I took all their gold, their cats, their women their maids, everything all their riches were buried with them. Now any person would common sense even back then would realize this stuff is not going to go to the afterlife for me. So why were they doing it because they were told that they would be brought back here in a new body in a new kingdom, and they'd have all their riches with them now obviously that never never really happened. The whole purpose behind it was to preserve their DNA. That was the purpose. Right. And that goes back to being the geneticists right they understood the human potential and the human body much more than we have. And a lot of that's been lost, obviously. And we're like, let's face it like right now we are technologically advancing but like the spirituality, like when the technology outweighs the spirituality advancement then you have a problem and that's like how all civilizations in history have ultimately failed. Because you need to be just or not destroyed themselves. Right, you need to be more spiritually advanced than technologically advanced or at least even. And I know you've talked about that before but if you want to add to that. Yeah, definitely. I mean you hit it right on the head. The problem we have right now for example we have this AI technology which has been developed and working already in different systems right now. The problem with this is that the minds that are putting this code together to create the AI software, they're not even conscious they're not spiritual. So the aspects of their consciousness is now being transmitted into the AI software. And as a software these robots become sentient and have this AI capability, but it's still taking on a fractal of the consciousness of the person that programmed it. If you're not a conscious person if you're not a ascended consciousness person that understands the power spirituality versus technology or how to make the two sink and work together effectively. Then everything that this AI that they're working with is going to put out eventually. A lot of it was going to come to darkness because why a dark mind is the mind that programmed it. And so it's going to take on the consciousness of its creator. So this is the problem that we have so we have to like you said we have to get that balance and needs to be there. We have to rise up spiritually. So that we can connect with the, you know, meet up to the technology because right now technologies here spirituality I don't even know if it's on the map in most cases. And so you know we're starting to get better though because I see people waking up all over the world. Well we got a lot of catching up to to do to the technology to prevent us from destroying ourselves. And that's absolutely. And that's the argument I make a lot. People are demanding this free energy technology that we know has been suppressed and the patents have been suppressed and all the stuff. But at the same time if we're not appreciating this technology and respecting its sacredness and what it's actually capable of it will be abused and it'll get into the wrong hands again. That is an entire, is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Oh, oh, oh, oh, O'Reilly Auto Parts. America, we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 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Everything needs to be looked at. How can it help free the burden of man's labor and not for capitalism? See, capitalism has dominated the planet. We have to take capitalism out of everything, not everything, but almost everything. And if you have capitalism in robotics and AI technology, that's okay. But if the people who are losing the jobs to it still have to find a way to earn a living, then it's not okay. Yeah. So if you're going to do the AI, if you're going to do the Roblox and automated driving and everything else and remove the truck drops, remove the cash from stores, remove this, remove that. Okay, do that. But the people that lost those jobs, they need to be free of having to go to work and their bills and their basic needs should always be met. Right. We haven't gotten to that point where we realized that the burden is to be freed by the tech and the AI, not that we should also now put people out on the street because we're using it for capitalization. And a multi billion out of company becomes a multi trillion dollar company, while the people that lost those jobs are living on the street. Or be enslaved by the technology where it's used to track us and keep us. Right. Like put chips in people and oh, your money is digital, I can just, you can shut it off if you say something we don't like, you don't do what we want you to do, you know, the control aspect, which is, unfortunately, what it looks like there isn't agenda there going on as well. That's where it's going. Yeah. Yeah, unfortunately, but I do think that we're seeing a pushback and there is this awakening up though, there is this awakening happening and it's like an inevitable process and it's not going to look pretty. It's just going to be, it's going to be a mess until we eventually evolved and get through this but I want to go back to your time you've spoken about spending time in Australia with some of the aboriginals. And that's fascinating to me because, you know, they're, they claim to be the first human seated on this planet. And there's some really ancient and fantastic information coming from those groups of people, even there's the Egyptian hieroglyphs pliadian hieroglyphs like what did you experience why you're over there. It was amazing was during the fires, if you remember those fires that were going on. I have been trying to get to Australia prior to that for like three years, and the fires were getting really close to where these proto Egyptian hieroglyphs were discovered. And I was like, you know what, I need to get out here before this burns down at least document it get my own photos touching with my own hands, and just verify it's actually even real. So I've booked the trip I raced out there got out there. I got some guides. I got, you know, we went out into the into the we got the approval approval from the aboriginal elders to go out into the area. And it was an amazing journey. I mean, first you have to hug a tree before you can go in and talk to the tree and say a prayer with the tree. And then the guides, they had to call out to a bird and the bird had to respond, we had to wait for the bread, respond, we had to sage ourselves with fresh leaves from the bush and all this stuff it was an amazing transformational journey. After going miles out into the outback, we come across this, this makeshift proto Egyptian ancient temple, the roof had been long collapsed. And on one side is Egyptian hieroglyphs on the other side is pleadian nobody to date has decided for these pleadian glyphs. The aboriginal is there they said these are pleadian nobody will be able to decipher them. What's incredible though is that it shows up what looks like a mothership with a whole bunch of little UFOs coming out. And now both sides of this have been dated back to as much as 5000 years because of the growth in between the crevices of the glyphs. That's biological material, and so that was able to be dated. And so the dates are confirmed. The glyphs have been confirmed by the Board of Antiquities a proto Egyptian glyphs by the Board of Antiquities of Egypt, the Cairo Museum, we have that verified now. But these are real proto Egyptian, you know pre that NASA era hieroglyphs in Australia. And the aboriginal said that the reason why they're there is because the Egyptians were coming here to learn knowledge and wisdom from the aboriginal elders they were coming to get knowledge and wisdom. And so they were there was an exchange of some sort with knowledge and wisdom. And it only stopped about 500 years ago because two Egyptians came across to talk to them and then somehow they were there's some they have a lot of secret stones they showed us some some sacred stones that they said if you touch this stone like for example one of the stones if you touch it, you would die. And these stones were incredible they were multi layered metallic different types of different types of alloys, but these Egyptians had stolen two sacred stones. And so from that point forward they were banished from ever coming back, and they had never experienced that time. Yeah, the the Pleiadian history there. Uluru, are you familiar with Uluru right? Oh yeah. There's that rock is sacred within itself and it's said to come from the stars and there's like a Pleiadian history surrounding that and if not, who knows what else. But there's so much more over there, then I think people understand. A lot of, I think our true origins might even stem from there, obviously there Africa, you know, depends on where you want to look but I think we have different groups of you can even say they're VT's I don't know all over the planet. They originated in one spot but I feel like they had technology to move around freely like we don't today. And then we somehow lost that technology and kind of regressed back into more the primitive stone age what we're familiar with. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. And the, the elders there, you know, they claim to have the, like you said, have been seated here the first people ever seated on this planet, but not the only people, and that earth is an abandoned seed colony. Oh, I have heard that before. Actually, yeah. Yeah. Well, there are the main and seed colony I've also, I'd like to get your thoughts on the holographic universe concept, because that's something that we hear more more and things really do appear to be a simulation sometimes I'd like to get your thoughts on that. And so it's interesting, the aboriginals also talked about that they call it sleepy time. And that we're in the state of sleepy time in the third dimension that this isn't this world isn't real. And that when you die you wake up so it's very interesting. It's kind of a take on the holographic universe which I have a book coming out soon called fractal holographic universe, and where I'm talking about the fact that if you look at the fundamental structure of the actual time itself that we're living in this soup that we're living in that creates this known universe. It's actually fractal and holographic by nature fractal meaning. If you take the smallest part of one piece, you can see the whole in it. And you can step that down into from many different levels and hermetic principles as above so below. There's so many ways to analyze and look at it. But when you look at a light matrix, and you take us tiny piece out of an image, you'll find the whole image in the smallest piece the only thing you lose is resolution. In quantum physics we discovered that, at the very core of nature, everything is made of light. And when you analyze the smallest particle, you can see the whole in the smallest piece so they realize now that we're living in a light matrix a matrix of light and we're fully immersed in it. And that solidity is actually an illusion. Solidity is slowed light waves light waves that have been slowed down to give the illusion of solidity. And in electromagnetic forces repelling each other to give the illusion of separation. There actually is no separation everything is all still connected. And everything exists as a wave of light until a conscious observer collapses those light waves into solid matter or the illusion of solid matter so it's pretty interesting. People will write in ancient times in the Bible and all these other texts to say we're living in a creation. The method of the creation is actually a light matrix. Yeah, and it's really interesting because I've seen like really advanced holographic technology displayed at like conferences or wherever. And the latest one I saw was this iguana that was so realistic you should it felt like you should be able to reach out and touch it. And it was actually able to affect the environment around it by appearing to eat an insect off of a plant and the plant would actually move. And it was so physical, you should have been able to touch it but your hand goes through it, but it's created by the light waves and they explain how it's literally just a trick of the light that makes it appear. And so we're talking about the same stuff being recreated now on a smaller scale. And they found a way now to make holograms that can actually have physical touch. In other words, the, the electromagnetic field around the photons now can affect what we consider to be physical reality. So, all of a sudden now you'll in the future you'll be able to shake hands with a hologram, you know, you'll be able to touch without your hand penetrating it because the only thing that really stops your hand from penetrating something is repulsion. So, if you look at your hand you go, I can see my hand, but actuality we know that atoms are 99.999% empty space. So if you should be able to put your hand right through the table that you're sitting at what stops your hand from going through the table is repulsion of electromagnetic forces. So they found a way to enter to tune that part of the hologram up to get a hologram to actually interact with with us and with structures and with things around it in the real world so pretty interesting. Yeah, and that's amazing reminds me of the project blue beam technology that we what that we hear about. Yeah, it's all out there. And yeah, be a tangible hologram that's actually scary thinking about what they're capable of, and how they can deceive us on even like, like mainstream media you don't know what you're looking at anymore. And you have all these deep fake technologies and you don't know if this person's computer generated are they a clone or they a hologram. It's really hard to really trust in what you see these days. That's why it's cool. If they want to they can bring a savior back. And it'll appear to have all these powers and all the knowledge in the world, whatever Google's tapped into right on the internet. Yeah, and it'll be able to regurgitate all this stuff and it'll look like it's got all big and fly and whatever. That's you know technology. Yeah, well that's what well. That's, you know, ETS in the past have been. It's been mistaken as gods and as magic when it's just advanced technology that those civilizations didn't understand because they're primitive. And that's the interpretation, and even now like, you know, think about how advanced so many ETS are that if they would come here we would we would think of them as angels or as doing magic because we just so many people don't have an understanding of what's possible. Yeah, what's possible exactly it's just it's just higher technology. That's it exactly it. Right, well that's all that's like I've heard you talk about before like us being in a mental prison and our thought patterns, and how they trap us and like how we're like the whole goal right now is to break free from that move forward and step into your power and take you know take all that back. And I'd like to get into that a little bit because you know of the DNA activations and what's happening right now. What are you what do you see taking place. And I've been noticing because I started, you know, working on this this field of, of a consciousness or whatever you want to call it, you know, tech understanding technologies and everything else and, and paranormal and spiritual and aliens all that started for me back in the 70s. And so I've seen this gradual process of people, of course not being able to even talk to anybody about it. And then this gradual process over time of eventually seeing conspiracy VHS tapes and talking to people and quiet and private. And then things moving into cassette tapes and then DVDs and then, you know, eventually into web forums and websites now blogs and mainstream TV. Yeah, so I've seen this elevation is constant flow up. I'm like, wow, it really is taking hold. I mean I'm talking about the stuff on mainstream TV now I'm on the travel channel, the history channel, the discover channel science channel, talking about aliens and consciousness. So I could see that it is changing times are changing. For us, it seems like it's moving so slow because human beings have a very short lifespan. But on geological timescales it's been like less than a blink of an eye. And so we're moving very, very rapidly in the right direction, I should say. And so it's a good thing. It's just that we have to be all of us will get more, we'll get frustrated from time to time because it's not happening as fast as we want or some people aren't seeing it or different groups of people aren't catching on quick enough. So that's where we have to exercise patients and understanding. And we have to also then begin to realize that people are getting enlightened and different phases with this cosmic shift right now. And some people are getting enlightened based on their DNA coding in different areas. And so what I like about this though is I can learn from everyone why, because everybody has a small piece of the puzzle. And take that those pieces and put together a masterpiece of a painting. So, if we look at everybody as if this person doesn't know what I know so they must be dumb or they're not woke yet. That's the wrong way of doing it. Instead, we have to look at people like, what do they know that I don't know yet. Maybe they don't know what I know yet now it's my job to impart that to them. And for me to try to extract from them what I don't know yet there's something that they've got a jewel that I've maybe been looking for, they might have it. And if we look at it that way, I think we'll begin to even move a little bit faster. So, I agree wholeheartedly I've said it all time. Everyone has something to say everyone has a piece of the puzzle. And when we go to these conferences and stuff, you know it's always about the presenters but everyone in the audience is there because they have had an experience and they're going through an awakening. And there's no doubt that each one of them could get on stage and share something profound that they've experienced. And we just have to give everyone the opportunity to share that and we can't just freeze people in time because they're not where you're at and we have to lose that. And we once they're also one point in time, you know, right, everyone's where they're at and they're packed like that's, that's all there is to it. I'd like to talk about what's happening right now with the masculine feminine imbalance, because this is something that is actually really important. You know, they've been attacking the alpha male, they've taken all the women out of power. And, you know, you've discussed this before you have men who have been making all the decisions on this planet for a long time and we're way out of balance. And I'd like to get your thoughts on like what you see there and how we can kind of get that back where it needs to be. This is a significant attack on masculinity, and I mean it's hardcore. And the thing that is kind of messed up about it is hard to even talk about it the way that you really would like to, because then it can be, it can be misconstrued and then all of a sudden you get attacked right. That's a very touchy topic as we all know. And heterosexuality is being attacked. And so it's almost like if you have heterosexual pride, then that's like you're, you know, it's a knock against others when actually it's not I mean, to be honest with you, without heterosexuals, the others wouldn't exist. You wouldn't be producing them for you. Right. Exactly. You should love us. You should be happy for us. You should be encouraging us. Right. And so even the way that the whole thing is gone with the attack on masculinity and I identify this, I identify as that. That's all fine. But don't forget about us because the heterosexual people are the ones that help them produce new people that you can now have, you know, be a part of your community. So if you eradicate us, then where's the reproduction there goes to civilization. I'm trying to say so I mean there's got to be even that's out of balance. They don't even I don't think they realize that oh wait a minute, we need them. You know, so the attack has been pretty brutal and between that the micro plastic the poisonings and all the foods and everything else. The hormones have shifted and male testosterone testosterone has gone down significantly. And we're looking at a world right now where men are literally struggling for their own identity to find out and know who they're who they actually are. And it's starting from a very early age and even earlier and earlier in age as we can see now people starting to get confused that in their preteens as to who they really are. It's a delicate topic a delicate situation, you know, and also then we have the other end of the spectrum where at the tops of a lot of the major corporations that have the billions of dollars or trillions of dollars to lobby with government to get laws and rules put in place that damage the world and damage the safety of human beings on this planet, as well as all the wars that are going on consistently around the planet all being ordered by men. Rich men that never leave their office but send all the poor people out in their nice fancy military suits to die. And so, you know we've got to realize man there's something way off here we got this into the spectrum of that in the spectrum we don't have anything really in the middle. And so that balance needs to be brought back. I just came from from Cairo like I said you can see the masculine energy there so strong women have been completely oppressed. And you know it's just now that trying to beautify it a little bit but boy still way off everything is still brown. And that's not because they only have the color paint of brown it's because it's like a giant bachelor pad. It's not cleaner in the last couple of years but man it's still a rough place to be around for myself for I'm used to being very clean environments. And so you realize wow this the masculinity that's overthrown the woman's the feminine energy and because the balance is gone, you can visually see it on the outside it's like it's overflowed out into the third dimensional reality. And so we have two paradigms one paradigm is the paradigm is attacked on the masculine and, and feminine energy is kind of it's not real feminine energy it's a fake feminine energy, but it's being pushed hard. And then the other spectrum, it's just straight domination and control the balance is way off. It's like toxic masking toxic version of masculinity and toxic femininity correct exactly that's exactly what I wanted to say that's perfect thank you. And so we have to find a way to balance this and only thing we can do is continue to work to educate and talk, but also still have to find a way to have respect for both sides. And finally, find really ingenious ways to reach them where they are because as I'm getting better and learning more and more you know I went to MIT for neuroscience and it's really not to work on brains is to understand how brains work. And I'm starting to realize okay, to turn to tap into specific groups of people. I need to understand them better and I have to figure out where they are consciously. What's their main focus what's their main agenda, how they, how do they operate and what are their triggers and what are their pluses the things that don't trigger them but actually excite them. I can learn how to maneuver my way in and tap into that and work my way into this gradual seed dropping process, so that I can eventually see where they're going and maybe nudge them and directions and kind of time travel that way where I'm nudging somebody in a direction or a group of people in a specific direction, not being able to see the outcome at this moment but I know that in the future. My consciousness has traveled out, and it's creating a whole nother reality and hold on the paradigm in the future it could be 10 15 could be 20 years. So we have to become more. We have to become scientists. I mean I hate to really say we have to become we have to understand how to talk to people how to deal with people how to get to them on their level where they are how to, how to have how to communicate with them, not in a fake way in a realistic way where it's a face to face but we're communicating and we're sharing information back and forth, and we're imparting both of our, you know both of people are imparting what their feelings and emotions are, but that we're doing it in a way that eventually maybe we can, we can control some of the outcomes we can we can get them to see some of our perspective and we can see also some of their perspective as well. We can even take to get this balance of feminine energy back real true feminine energy not toxic feminine but real true feminine, we have to get it back and it's going to first start with us respecting women, understanding that all men came from a womb. Nobody came from magic star dust we came from a womb. We're all made a star dust, but there's no sky daddy writing around with a magic wand going, here's another man here's a man, and here's a woman coming out of his rib and all this other crazy stuff. We really got to understand we came out of them. They are should they should be considered the goddesses of the planet. We should listen to them more and we should he to them more, you know, I was in have it have jetsets temple and in Egypt, have jetset was a king, a pharaoh, a woman that ruled as a man. And she did it under the offices of that her father was a god and she had the right to rule, and the people bought into it she pretended to be a man, but she had the most amazing rain over Egypt that no other pharaoh had changed things reinvented things. They created new trade routes, defeated enemies brought wisdom and teaching and arts and crafts and everything else. The farming and it just just completely flipped the whole country around in her reign. And then when a man came back in and went back straight to domination war dirt control, you know, so we have to bring that from an energy back. Right, you just pick that mic up and drop it if you want. And you're so right about the room because the room is like the closest connection the closest thing to source and creation that we have and it's so sacred. And that's gotten obviously suppressed as well and sacred sexuality and all that stuff is all been suppressed for a reason, you know, obviously for the dark controllers but that has to come back and that's what like all the sanctioned knowledge. All the ancient civilization there were women, there's these priestesses that we hear about, and these goddesses. And what happened, what happened now that we don't have any type of structure like that anymore and we need to get back to that. And I fully agree because we see what happened to humanity by letting men and suits make all the decisions of based off their own greed. Yeah, that's crazy. All the domination, although we bring democracy to every country right. Yeah. Once we bring democracy, it's just dust left behind, you know, and people living in tents and huts. Yeah, yeah, that was also well said. I want to shift gears just a little bit. Let's talk about space and life on other planets in our solar system. I think this is something real. Obviously we're told there's no life on Mars and Pluto and all the stuff but there if you go back and look at some old photos you can even find evidence of it. And in some cases, like we should be expecting to not run into ET's but even humans are humanoids, another planet's not just like to get your thoughts on that. Yeah. Oh, there's life right above our heads everywhere. Yeah, they keep saying, Oh, we found this exoplanet 20 million light years away orbiting a star in the Goldilocks zone and it's got everything it needs potentially for life and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Let's see if that can you daydream man I wonder if there's people on that planet. Meanwhile, right above our heads Mercury Venus Mars series, which is the next planet after Mars I've never talked about most fresh water on earth more fresh water on that planet Earth series, CERES that through the moons of Saturn the moons of Jupiter. There's life right above our heads and I'm not talking about microscopic viruses or bacteria. I'm talking about people. I'm talking about actual people. There's images that have come down from the, the NASA servers the Caltech servers, University of Washington servers. You know, all these different servers that house a lot of the rover and the the global surveyor data that have gone to Mars we've now spent between us and Russia trillions of dollars going to Mars. Not because it's a cold dry rock but because it's an actual habitable place with life and remnants of ancient technology and the reason why they keep it a secret is because they want to scoop up as much of this ancient tech as they can, which is more advanced what we have on on earth, or had on earth, and they are looking to probably reverse engineer some of it capitalize on it weaponize it monetize it whatever you can think of if they tell us it's up there, then we're going to want a piece of it we're going to want to know what kind of ticket is we're going to want to know if there's life up there and I'll be violating that life. So in order to keep it hush hush move everything into private corporations shut down NASA NASA is just an observer. But the other companies are the ones who really do the exploring now when the private corporations explore we can't get a Freedom of Information Act now. You can't get into their records so everything is hush hush, you know, and so now they can go do all this exploration without telling us exactly what's going on how it's going on. The send us back some photos to keep us satisfied they try to obfuscate some of the images, but it's so much stuff up there they can't even obfuscate all of it. And the stuff that we catalog over the years it's just incredible it's now been well over a million images downloaded over 60,000 anomalies coming off these rovers and satellites. And it's showing one main thing that there's evidence of past and present life on Mars, not only Mars mercury, I've put up images of structures on Venus coming from I provide all the links all my stuff you guys know. And it's just amazing that all this is up there right above our heads. And they keep talking about 20 million light years, hey, there might be something out there. Right, are we get this like half ass UFO disclosure on the news. Yeah, the same little fuzzy tic tac over and over and over and over and we don't know what it is what is it yeah it's a joke it's a joke they're mocking us. And they're in and not going to blackmail themselves and not going to tell on themselves. And so they're trying to release the stuff in a way to make it seem like oh we just discovered this. They don't want to say oh, but it's a threat so give us more money so we can do it like it's the whole threat narrative and we'll be afraid of these scary opposed that we have no idea what they are so we need more of your money. That's what it is. That's the play that's the money play. Right. Yeah. This isn't something I was planning on going a direction I was planning on going but what are your thoughts on what's happening financially on this planet and you see like a collapse or happening and where we moving as far as that goes. And so I'm really interested right now because it's such a question mark as to day by day what's going to happen. You know they're saying that we're going to be in a recession all the big time experts will already in a recession so I'm scratching my head I saw a funny quote by Rashad from Earn Your Leisure. He said saying that you know there's going to be a recession while we're in a recession it's like standing in water and saying that you're getting wet or something it was so real real funny. It's rather like I'm standing in the ocean and it's raining on me. Yeah, he made a funny quote but Rashad below, but it's just like man I mean we're in a recession. So what do you mean there's one coming. I'd think that there's some type of major scoop up or buy up that's getting it happen by billionaires and rich people. So they figured out you know what, we can really push this thing to the max with the fear factor because the stock market is based on emotions it runs purely on emotion. There's nothing else. Yeah, pure emotion. And so since it runs on emotion. If they keep pushing the fear button fear button fear button it's going to dip. So they're looking for the big buyback. So they're waiting for it to get to its ultimate level to where they can go. Now it's time to buy everything wholesale we're getting it dirt cheap peanuts. So if they're buying a buy a buy a buy a buy up. Then they say oh everything's great again the world is looking everything's phenomenal. And then here comes the numbers again and now they just clean up they've now made maybe trillions of dollars. So it's this mind it's just they're playing a Jedi mind trick with the stock market right crashing it based on fear and then bringing it back up based on hype. I travel nonstop as you guys know I'm everywhere I'm at any given moment I can be anywhere on the globe. I literally traveled last year I spent six months in hotels to give you an idea six months in hotels. And everywhere I go people are spending money like crazy fights are full first class is full business class is full booked out five star hotels is all I stay in they're always full they're always maxed out all over the world everywhere I go. You go to the mall down the street it's packed right now with people they're buying stuff like you wouldn't believe. I don't see the recession like people are seeing this recession are people out there struggling I believe people are struggling our gas prices are single parents struggling yes. People would you know with basic jobs making minimum wage or middle income jobs yes, but I'm telling you there's a lot of people here making making a lot of money. And so this thing this whole stock market thing is really a lot of fear hype and fear mongering and they're going to bring it back with hype so I think that they're making a dip on purpose. So they can buy buy buy and then they're going to bring it back roaring into the next election. Yeah, obviously there's political agenda behind it too. Yeah. Yeah there's always that. But I also wonder like, like the current currency that we have like it's not really sustainable it's more of an illusion than anything like it's fiat so I would like to just print it forever. But I wonder like moving moving into the future like the new earth like we talk about you would have to see that like completely collapsed and something else take its place. That would look like. Well you know I've been hypothesizing on what that would look like for a long time. And when I come up with is this a society where money really doesn't exist this based on a certain type of a credit system, not credit like your credit report, but credits like you have certain number of credits like you may get 10 credits here 15 credits here for doing something or maybe to go on two three weeks trip to to see the rings of Saturn. But the way that I see it moving into the future. Let's say let's say we were going into a golden age. This monitors all monetary systems will completely collapse. Spirituality would catch up to technology technology would then be used to free the burden of man, the right parameters and the right kind of programming will be going into tech and AI to give it the capability of thinking more consciously dark, more light than dark, and then brings burden of man from almost all types of jobs with the exception of jobs that are specialized skill sets that you can't really give to an AI or robot, or that would only accent or help or not. So that the way your status, your new status will be in your civilization or in life, will be how good you are at what you do. And then working in these particular fields that do need people would be optional, and that people would volunteer for this. They volunteer on Star Trek those people get paid $0 but they're passionate about it because they are passionate about what they're doing that exploration. And then you would have people that have the option to then travel to learn arts, learn music, different languages see the world, and those kind of things and then still have a specific number of hours they have to volunteer every month to do this and to that. It's more of a moneyless society, and only maybe there's certain levels of credits that you get for how much service of others you do, and then service to others that you do and then your ranking will be based on how good you are at what you do. And so that would be an interesting society to be a part of. Sounds like a much better system that we barely have that's right. It's more of, it's more like he said, but if, and in balance with nature as well, we're not destroying our environment like we're not destroying each other like, it's a lifestyle that people want to help and work. You don't, you're not working because you have to pay your bills and pay your water bill and like otherwise your electric is going to get shut off. Like you're working because it's a survive essentially and that's it, you'll be, you'll be now working to contribute and to a community that is going to grow and become beautiful and harmony with nature and thriving, because everyone's on the same page and working together. Instead of divided and arguing and hating each other and trying to one up each other, you know, that's where we need to go and I agree, I agree it's going to look, it would have to look something like that along those lines. Eventually, it's a, it's a transition, but I think we're on our way. Like you said, we're going to get there. We definitely going to get there so it's only a matter of time. Right. I agree. I agree. This wouldn't be an interview with you if we didn't at least mention the emerald tablets. I know that's your forte and even a book about it. And a lot of that. The reason I even want to bring it up is because the knowledge in those tablets is becoming relevant now. And like I said earlier, it's a, we're at a time we're in a time where I think people are ready to receive that information. Yeah, absolutely no doubt that the emerald tablets are really powerful. It's written 36,000 years ago, but it's written, written for our time, our people, the people that are here on the planet right now this exact moment. This is a moment of time that it was written for it was written, it was a time capsule of knowledge that was just waiting for us to arrive here. And now we're here. And some of us have been here many times waiting for this to arrive at the, the epiphany of the knowledge and the epiphany of the knowledge now has arrived. And it's telling us how to live, how to be. How to have the service to others. The secret of life is loving yourself and loving one another. The power is within sight of all of us. Every single person is divine. Every single person has the affinity within them. Every single person is eternal. This is the message from the tablets. It goes against all conventional religious thinking. And it turns it around and says inside out instead of outside in. It's about the capabilities and the powers that we all have and our ability even travel to multiple and higher dimensions, and to even learn how to incarnate at will. So it's really powerful powerful stuff and that's why I had to really analyze it, break it down and write a book about it because they don't think a lot of people were recognizing, recognizing what the tablets truly were saying on a deeper level. And it really are key to unlocking the movement toward as a civilization and movement towards a golden age. And that's why I had to write the book. Yeah. And I think it's fast name because we're having, I mean, it talks about, like you said, everything, the human potential stuff that we should be capable of that was basically robbed from us by these religions, right? And it's stuff Jesus actually taught. He, he, so he got, it got changed by, by the twisted. Yeah, twisted. Yeah, he didn't, he didn't preach. He was the Savior or you need a Savior. Or, I mean, sorry if I'm sending Christians, but I'm sorry, he didn't. That's not what Jesus taught. There you go. I put Jesus's words side by side to thoughts words in the end of tablets so that people can see the peranic list of verses so they can go back and do it themselves to go find out guys what he's talking about. He's saying the same thing that was said 36,000 years ago. Yeah, right. Right. Exactly. Right. And I think like a lot of the civilizations right now are held back by those religious beliefs. And because it's, you know, there's a lot of great things within religions. But there's a lid on it. And it only allows you to go so far where I guess you could say spirituality if you wanted, that can take you in infinite amount of places. You're not restrained by any beliefs. But if you're expecting a Savior, you're giving your power away to save your outside of you, then you're completely disempowered. Yep. And then you can't waiting. You sitting around waiting for the sky daddy to arrive. Yeah, right. And it's also relinquished us of taking responsibility for our own actions. Right. It's a big, big problem that we have on this planet. Yes. Everybody wants to go. Oh, man, it wasn't me to devil made me do it. Oh, please forgive me. And now I'm good again. I'm good again. And then I'm good again. And you don't ever learn. You don't ever grow. Yeah, you're stuck in that loop. Yeah. And then they're happy with that. Come on. That's not growth. That's just, that's just tempting the system. Right. Exactly. Right. Exactly. Well, it's true everyone that and that's why we can't have some of this technology because if you give people a healing technology, the healing journey goes away. People don't go on that self discovery journey because now they can go hop in the med bed and heal themselves and go make the same mistake again. And you're not learning lessons anymore. And you're not growing and you were only here for our souls evolution. And if you're going to introduce something like that that's going to slow that down. It doesn't make any sense. That's why we have to. It's a process. This is why there's a prime directive with these beings interacting with us. So what you just said, coming here and interacting on a massive scale, massively with everybody, like just landing in front of your yard and walking and knocking on your door and saying, Hey, I'm here. That is a process that's reserved for when we arrive as a fully grown being. In other words, we're only really one entity. You know, the separation is an illusion. And we're learning. We're trying to learn how to crawl as a species on this planet. We're barely walking. We will walk and eventually we will run and it's going to get messy because as you've learned to walk, you fall, you get up, you fall. Walking is just a series of control falls. But when we learn how to walk properly and maybe even begin to jog a little bit. That's when the open communication will occur. There's a prime directive. We're not ready yet for these interactions. No. And I think it does happen individually to certain people. Yes, it does. Yeah. Oh, it's been for forever. Yeah. Yeah. But on a mass scale, though, they're waiting for us. They're waiting. Right. But it has to happen individually. So individuals can wake up, receive those codes, get the messages. And whether or not you're out there preaching it or not, you're, it affects your frequency and your resonance. And when you go around, you're affecting civilization and everyone that you meet. And there's this ripple effect. And like you said, it might not, you might not be able to see it now, but 15, 20 years from now. Something that you did or a conversation that you might have had. You don't know how you're what you're staring a timeline or where you're staring to future civilization, you know. And for people that doubt that look at Plato Plato wrote the Timmies and the crittiest based on an account of Atlantis, a very long time ago. And based on Plato's work in Timmies and crittiest. I just did a whole one hour and a half lecture in front of 400 people in Colorado, just a few weeks ago, based off of what he said, hundreds of years ago. The effect of what you're saying now, the work you're putting in the energy you're putting into something now and dropping those seeds now, it travels far into the future. Yeah, right. Yeah. Well, that's why we are the importance of planning the seed always. Oh, is it even you know you see where someone is at sometimes and you know they're like I can start talking about all this stuff and I'll just sound like a crazy person. But what you can do is gauge where that person's at, and then you could meet them on their level and give them a nugget of information that might help steer the direct steer them in a positive direction. And a lot of times that starts with, you know, suggesting a different diet maybe, or just something simple that they can grasp, because obviously like you said earlier to foods play a huge part in the pollution of our mind and put this in that mental prison. And you can start those subconscious thought patterns that keep us looping over and over. And it just you have to meet everyone is different. You know, you can't just go out there with a fire hose and shoot everybody down saying alien's a real, you know, you have to meet them where they're at. And I think you can do that. Right. Yeah. Well, go to Alex Jones and everyone. Yeah. So you hit it right on the head, you have to find a way to meet people at their level and drop the seed so many people they get beginning to get some knowledge, and they want to go everybody anyone to go boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and they go, nobody likes me. It's not it's the way you're presenting the information. It doesn't work that way you have to give people only what they can swallow and a lot of people can't swallow that much so you got to give them small tidbits amount you got to spoon feed them a little bit of time then wait for them to come back and ask you a question in about two weeks. They'll come back and give them a little bit not just a little tiny bit more, and you gradually you bring them along and I've done this for so many people now. And I've got people who are, you know, hardcore religious people that didn't believe this and that and I was worshiping the devil and now you know they got my books they're coming to my events, you know, they like the content and they're researching on their own. And so, but it was a gradual, very slow and tedious process to get them there. Right. Yeah, and it's extremely important is extremely important to do that. I feel like everyone like I said everyone's eventually going to have a piece of the puzzle so don't count anyone out. Yeah, and that's that's the big thing I it's so hard to walk around and see these people and like not count them out because sometimes you wonder. My, my super Christian dad watches ancient aliens now. He's obsessed with it. Yeah, that's huge step. I couldn't believe it when I was like what. Yeah, so I mean, if my dad can get start watching ancient aliens and be interested. And he had I talked to him about he's like yeah man, like there has to be life over the place it doesn't make any sense. Yeah, for God to just he still has the, you know, God. Yeah, that's okay. That's where he's at. Yeah, that's where he's at. But he's like, that's pretty good. But he's getting like he's like, why would God just make life on this one planet in this vast, like that doesn't make any sense. Yeah, like exactly. And then he, he sees when they talk about the ancient structures and how there's evidence of ancient civilizations that were advanced and he's like, yeah, he's like, oh yeah, of course, of course there were. Of course there were. And because there's the inner knowing within all of us. And when you open that yourself up to it, it's, you just, you're almost remembering it. And it's not so much like learning it. Yeah, exactly. Exactly it for real. And we have to also, this is something I see a lot of people do is we get to a place where people get to a place where they think they know, they think they know something but you can't. I don't think we ever actually know like once you think you know something there's a whole another level to it that needs to be unlocked and our higher level of understanding. So I don't think that like we're never going to reach the finish line. I think it's a constant journey, a constant awakening. Yeah, it is constant. It's always it's never ending journey of learning and growth. And as like, both says in the animal tablets, the ultimate knowledge is unutterable, you can't even speak it. Yeah, there you go. Bingo. Well, is there anything else you'd like to touch on or anything else you'd like to cover before we start wrapping this up. I just like to tell everybody, you know, it's listening to this. And we talked about a little bit of doom and gloom with a little bit of ascension and wisdom and knowledge just keep in mind that everything is a process. We're not fair mongering or trying to scary we're just trying to wake people up to the reality that surround us so that we can become more aware and understanding like hey, some of the things we're doing in certain ways aren't right we have to make some changes. To teach our children better because they're the future generations, the other ones are going to be making the decisions in the future. We have to bring them up a certain way. We don't want to beat them down with dogma but we want to give them an opportunity to become researchers and learn and ask questions and be intuitive and give them an option to see things both ways so they can make their own decision. And hopefully going into the future, we can have a new generation of people in positions of power making decisions on this planet that really matter pressing the right magic buttons behind the right doors to free up the veil, lift the veil and free humanity. Hey man, I agree and it starts with the children always that's that's actually the most important topic right now. And if you're if you have little star seeds around you I always, you know, you always pay attention to them they have something to teach us to. Can you please let people know where they can find your book and any projects you have anything you have coming up. Yeah, definitely. My books are on Amazon and also on four billion knowledge with the number four four billion knowledge calm. You can get them there. If you go with a four billion knowledge calm you can use coupon code for bidden for BID and and also my have my forbidden knowledge TV, which is now on Apple TV, Roku Amazon Fire TV, the iOS App Store Google Play and the web. And it's got over 6,000 streaming shows up there and my newest documentary, which is just got its first acceptance into a award is the black night satellite beyond the signal. You got to check that out I'm talking about an ancient satellite that's been orbiting Earth for an estimated 11 to 13,000 years. There's 20 of us researchers, scientists, physicists, archaeologists, historians digging into this information and trying to see. Is it real is it fake what is it and what does it mean so you got to check that out as well. Yeah, that's great definitely and check that I wasn't aware of that but I will definitely and that's on forbidden knowledge TV or forbidden knowledge TV you can get the app you can watch it for free, you get a free three day trial. Just get the app on your phone or any iPad or tablet. Samsung Android or Apple, and you can watch it for free. Yeah, that's great. And we'll have all those we'll put the links below for anyone listening. Thank you so much for joining us this was great we covered a lot of short amount of time, but it was always, it was fantastic. Yeah, it really was we. Yeah, some mic some mic job moments there. Now there's really good stuff. Thank you guys all for tuning in. We love you. We appreciate all your support we can't do this without you. Go check out his website go check out forbidden knowledge TV his books his documentaries. Some great stuff. Thank you for joining us Billy. Thank you guys. We love you and good night. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] You