Journey to Truth

EP 212 - Alexia Icenhower: Spell Casting - Are You Under A Spell? - Identifying Magic In Plain Sight

Originally aired on 10/13/22
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Alexia Icenhower:
Alexia With RikiLeaks Biohacking Channel on Rumble and Telegram. I assist anyone willing to learn in finding VARIOUS censored anti-parasitic protocols from Doctors who have been censored FOR DECADES. Anti-parasitics can range from herbal remedies, minerals with light, to Oxidizers; all that can help all in a safe effective way, to treat most parasitic diseases that cause human ailments. I joined forces with a Master Healer to take the Rikileaks audience to the realm of Biohacking the human body to break free of any slaves restraints done unto us.
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Where to follow antiparastic protocols I cover-

1h 55m
Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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First thing is, first, Starseed Adventures in Sedona, Arizona, December 11th through 16th. Get your ticket now. It looks like it's going to be amazing. Unfortunately, Aaron and I cannot make it this year, but we were involved in the Starseed Adventures in Cocoa Beach. And it was amazing. We had a blast. I mean, it was. Tell them it was awesome. It was awesome. It was incredible. Yeah. Liz Lori puts on fantastic events. And a lot of our friends are going to be speaking there. So we were like, yes, absolutely. We will help you promote this. We are glad to. We wish we could be there. The price sounds pricey, but $555, but that's the full experience. And if you go to the website, that includes a lot. There's a lot included in that price. I highly recommend it. It's a great holiday trip. If you want to go make it a Christmas gift or whatever, that link is below And so when we had made some theory on the show, talking about black glue and all that stuff, I mentioned that that black onyx that fulvic acid face mask. Everyone was asking where they can get it. So this is what it is. It's by young Jevity. It was originally on the market as something that you could digest or not digest ingest. And they took it off because of a lawsuit, then they brought it back as a face mask, but you can still. It's the same thing though. It's the same thing. Yeah. It's the same thing. It just re-labeled, right? Yeah. So it's young Jevity. I will put that link below, but as the universe would have it, a scent nutrition who we just partnered with partnered with, they sell this stuff in pill form, humic and fulvic acid. It is the same exact stuff in pill form. And this great for parasite cleanse, which Lexi always talks about and heavy metal detox and all that stuff. And it even says, as a loose powder, it can be mixed into drinks, smoothies, shampoo, facial scrubs and foot baths, which is exactly what this is. So we're going to have two options in the description below, because we've had so many emails and so many questions on what that stuff is. So there you go. Those links will be below. And one last thing, the Hopel farm CBD. They have a 15% off limited time sale going on right now for all their 1000 and 2000 milligram CBD, which is a great deal, 15% off because that the higher milligram costs a little more. So take advantage of that with promo code ultra JTT 15. That link is below also. Okay. So welcome back. We have tonight, we are joined with by Alexia Eisenhower. Everyone loves the episodes we did with you. The original one we did, I think, was the, the, what was it the royal bloodlines royal bloodlines and then we did a little witchcraft one and ever since then I've just been like, Oh, I should have said this on the show. And now we can talk about it. Yeah, so I'll explain how this all happened. I was watching the Queen's funeral Queen Elizabeth funeral and they did that wand breaking the wand of office or the wand of servitude ceremony and I'm watching it at the gym and it was on the TV so I don't even really watch that stuff And I'm like, they're oh my god, how obvious could this be this is black magic this means so much more than just some tradition right and, and how did they say it's the, it signifies the end of service to the Queen as sovereign right so there's that and they say it's the first time the public has ever seen this or witnessed this which I thought was interesting also and I tagged Lexi in the post I made on Facebook. She was like oh my god I'm in the middle of working on this magic and plain sight presentation, and then that's how this started and we're here and we're going to have some fun today, and we're going to talk about magic and plain sight so welcome to the show. Thank you for having me you guys. And that was hilarious I was literally just putting all this together because where I'm coming from is I do my daily videos and it's a lot of bio hacking and like you said the parasite cleanse and bringing in human can fulvic acid very important we'll talk about all that stuff here shortly and I go into it greatly and my channel Ricky leaks on rumble. So basically, I get really upset when I'm trying to tell people like hey this is how you get your body back doing what it's supposed to do. And they're like you're a witch. Oh my goodness you're giving me herbs you're a witch and I'm like you're telling me that while you are using your black cube device called a cell phone or a TV or tablet. This is why five signals which is the airwaves of the Prince the dark Prince, while using runes, which is your Bluetooth logo which using a pentagon which five pentagram g five g, like everyone like you're yelling at me for using magic but you're using 10 forms of magic and if you used any pharmaceutical drugs today that's like dark magic. So I was like these people don't even realize that they're playing with magic. And unless they're Amish Amish people are the only ones that are doing pretty good right now. The rest of us are we're manipulating elements basically and we don't know what that means in our day to day lives, but it, it's doing something to us so just knowing about the occult and this is very much a cult and the cult means just looking at something that's hidden means it's not hidden anymore means it's not a cult anymore just looking at it is what's important and a lot of people freak out, and don't even want to look at it and that's like ignorance is bliss but we're at the 11th hour. It's time to start talking about some of this stuff. Right. And once people are aware of how a trick works, it loses power over them. And that's what, and we're going to get into some of that with your presentation and obviously talk about this magic which happened with any, any major world event that's televised there, that is some form of black magic, the whole certain thing, they need your, they need us to comply they need our consent to even pull this stuff off and it's, it's all. It's not random it's like a systematic corruption, all on every level, and we see this with every major world event even celebrity deaths and rituals, there's something behind all this. Literally black magic and I just a little glimpse he showed me of your presentation, I was like yes we have to do this because you break it down so well, and I really want people to understand how to identify this so you don't fall for it anymore and it doesn't affect you. And also, so there's a fine line I want to, and I start off in my presentation and I'm like, I don't, I believe in you shouldn't idle anything. Don't, if you learn about magic, you don't start idling the goddess and make an altar like just learn about it, live through it, let it pass you keep it in your mind like okay, that's a thing we have to look out for so when I see it in society. I don't know what they're doing but don't start like immediately go and worship a son goddess or a book or that like things could go bad technically so that's the thing with wisdom and if you're going to have power to be careful and to respect how dangerous yet important the information is in Solomon that's like the we talked about that in our first video. It's the oldest story of which some of the oldest stories of witchcraft go back to Solomon and it didn't do really well for him like we think of this obtainable knowledge is something scary because we think a lot of bad stuff came from that but I think a lot of good things were implanted as back doors for every magic for every black magic there's a back door for good. Right, and we, and we talk about that all the time don't give your power away to anything any information any external source of that's one that's a great first step, you know, into not into not falling for this stuff. Before we get into your presentation can we talk about that that one breaking ceremony just a little bit, because I call it a blonde breaking ceremony it was a funeral but it's like it's more of a ritual to me than a funeral, especially the way it's like the goats there that day right a ghost, they had goats like yeah yeah like okay, tell me you're not Luciferian. They're not trying to hide it. So yeah, remember on Harry Potter when in order to kill the black or the dark Lord literally Harry breaks the wand like it's an extreme it's a known ritual so that's why when we saw it we're like what the heck is that start for the future what does that implement now. Very interesting right yeah so you think it was actually like defeating the dark Lord by breaking the wand you think it was a positive thing. No on Harry Potter it's not even a positive thing necessarily when he breaks the wand it's just ending a dark Lord's air era basically so if we don't know what that one was. We would just saw it we don't know if it was something she used daily we don't know if it was an heirloom that was passed on to her because that could mean something way more. So we're just seeing shadows on the wall and like trying to make guesses with a lot of this stuff, but I mean it, it means it can no longer work a tool that can manipulate masses which has been used by the royal family can no longer work anymore. I'm taking that for a win, but what does it mean exactly we won't tell you yet at least. Yeah, exactly. And it's all like the thing is is like this all part of the illusion also it's what they want us to, they want that reality for us. And like to get our consent they put this like fantasy reality on TV and they get everyone to believe it therefore making it a reality when in fact it actually has nothing to do with what it means to be a sovereign human on this planet. It's just what they want you to be doing. And we, I know you talk about that a lot. Yeah. I don't know if you want to add to that before we get into the presentation but. Yeah, I mean the what they do is they put out what they want you to believe and create and then. You people believe it and create it. It's really simple as that. And they, they create these perceived authorities that you just believe blindly without question and the. You know, like the media, like the mainstream media and CDC and. Doctors and all these things it's like well these people are all getting their information from somewhere. When you research it you realize the vast majority of that is corrupt is controlled and there's a big agenda being pushed through those avenues to manipulate humanity, get us to believe in certain things get us to not believe in certain things. Get us to act in certain ways, inject certain things into our bodies. Do behave emotionally manipulate is a big one they love to manipulate our emotions get us really angry or really fearful about things and that's what false flags that's a huge part of false flags and mass events is to create an emotional reaction. So it's a problem reaction solution so they create the problem, which is the false flag get the emotional reaction. So, so then we will accept the solution which they already wanted to do in the first place but they needed. They needed to set us up to accept it. Right, and we just saw an example of that in Florida with with the hurricane, they lost internet. Oh no, and here comes a lot more people saved a day with his free internet star link internet. It's a perfect solution right. Obviously I think that hurricane was probably organic but then, but then steered, we get into that too you guys I have a whole weather manipulation page. That's great. I want to, I want to go off of what you're saying because I think I took this part out of the presentation because like I didn't want to go there but you know what you're already with there like we're given what to think. And even as truthers were given what to think so like you as a researcher doing what I do and that's I didn't put this in the slide. I did research and I realized that, like, Ivermectin is completely paid for by Bill Gates. And everyone's taking it and I like Ivermectin for like the end of my parasite cleanse because it's so good at cleaning up our systems but if you take it too early, or if like someone who's never even taken full of acid or anything like anything detox wise if they take Ivermectin. I'm talking about older people who have cancer they're not going to handle it very well but it's funny that Bill Gates pushed to that one and it also doesn't kill a whole certain species of bugs. So it's like oh we have this bug problem everyone's talking about the bug problem and Bill Gates funds $1.3 million campaign like two days before the Joe Rogan show, which is one of the most talked about watched conspiracy podcast in the world and he's talking about it which is not censored. So he even gives us truthers things to bite at and there. I've found this with like three or four different Bill Gates products and that's going to be my own channel whenever I get to them but like this Ivermectin one was one of the huge ones and I, you can't go in with my mind that isn't ready to hear some of this stuff because we're not going to like some of this stuff also when you do start waking up and listening to all this you hear about the story where the devil met a jazz singer down by the crossroads and he told him here's this great life just sell me your soul that's the only thing you ever hear about when you hear about the crossroads. If you don't hear about hecate who is the Sophia energy who is literally supposed to meet someone and tell them if you go this direction, this is going to happen if you go this direction. She tells you all your choices and yes, one of those choices will be like if you go with that little goat guy. You can get extreme fame really quick and it's high karma but you could also go this way this way this way crossroads have four different intersections not just one we always hear about crossroads and we think of this devil story. No, he has stolen the job of someone who's supposed to be like telling you all of your options and we don't have that right now we only get the devil's what they he wants us to see but there's more options. Right, right. Exactly. And it's all psychological tricks to make you willingly give up your freedom like you have to consent to giving up your freedom and, and then they take away 60% of it then they give you 40% back you're like Oh, thank God. Whatever it is you know gas prices go up to $7 and they're back down to $4 and I'm like oh man finally then, you know, a break but they forget people forget that it was at less than $2, you know, it's that's all part of the manipulation. So, just go ahead and take it away show us what you got with your presentation and teach us something. All right, follow me friends. I think you should be a little share okay yeah. So we have magic in plain sight magic. Whenever you look it up alchemy is going to be what comes up. And then we're going to be relating elements, changing elements from one thing to another or moving them to do what you wish and that is in every part of our life that we're not even used to it this is so funny because I read Harry Potter in 2016 I reread all the books I read them as a kid but I reread them recently, and it's not magical anymore now that we have tablets and cell phones and Wi-Fi reading Harry Potter is not like what it was reading Harry Potter in the late 90s because we already have newspapers that you scroll and moving pictures like that's not a weird thing we know that you have to play secret bricks to enter a secret society that's why they're masons. Like there's a bunch of things that it's not even when you're reading the books you're like I have something that would do it easier than that spell. So that's how much we like if you talk to the Amish they think we are doing magic and that is why they say no to electricity, and the librarians is a wonderful magical series that explains that yes basically magic is just electricity humans conduct magic that's why they're parasites, parasiting our energy from us which is something electricians in the real world tradesmen have to worry about when you are dealing with electricity you have to ground the energy. You have to, you have parasitic literally it's called like parasites on the electric system if you don't have it grounded right or the right amount of insulation. So this is all stuff we deal with daily Wi-Fi is literally accessing data through the air sending it very much a willy wonka type situation of moving data from one point to another. The printing press per Mark Twain is some of the darkest magic we're dealing with, and we were talking about wants this this is a graphite wand that everyone has used it's graphite inside of a wood. And at the very end there's a rubber element which stops the conductivity because you can stop conducting electricity if you have rubber so it's a very stunted wand that we are all made to use a special one. And if you've been a part of this journey you've probably seen stuff about like magical typewriters being if you write. This is like a really big thing that the witches always talk about like they are all about their typewriters Tom Hanks had a whole weird Instagram post with this typewriter early on during this and if you write a story on this typewriter it will come true. Same thing goes for the printing press because like you said, Tyler if you tell everyone a scary story and everyone believes it, then now it's going to happen and that's kind of why we have to deal with the Bible when you have people going, and I'll listen to the Bible it's edited. It doesn't matter if it's real or not so many people have read it now it's going to become real just because it's in everybody's like, yeah, everyone knows of it everyone knows the stories everyone knows the prophecies it's going to happen for that reason. And we talked about earlier everything we're talking about is kind of a cult but a cult is hidden so if you just look and observe at what we're seeing. Like on the double slit experiment explains we will be able to see situations change just by like looking at it. And this is categorized in the observer effect which is also what the double slit experiment shows do you guys know the double slit experiment. Yeah, I'm not really familiar with it but maybe the audience isn't either so go ahead and can you explain it because. Yeah, they did an experiment where they shot, what is it like electrons. And when they observed it, they would just, it would just be an electron hit. And then when they didn't observe it, and then they checked to see where it hit, it was like a wave, a waveform that that went through as if it was like all possibility, you know, because it was unobserved. Yes, the observation is what's actually locking in a certain reality, certain exactly the photons were a chaos mess until they actually looked from a different angle. And then they noticed the photons were making a wave pattern and only but only if you looked at it if you didn't look at it it looked chaotic so just quantum physics. Like it proves that we do create an observer effect, which is literally just like home field advantage. This has been proven millions of times with every home game from high school to pro. If you play at home you're going to have more people rooting for you, prayers are going to be literally be said to make you win and they're going to be in the vicinity versus the people who are not playing at home. So that is kind of how we're dealing with it in our society prerequisites I always tell the protection we're going to go into mine in a second but you use whatever is strongest protection for you. Understand the elements, a lot of cheap magic that we've been allowed to have talking wicker and stuff. It's very watered down to the point they even make us think to only bring in four elements whenever you're dealing with creation. Because you do need elements to create stuff if you are in any field you have your tools of the trade and those are elements and then you create stuff but they always usually leave out the spirit which is very interesting. Intention, what are you going into the ceremony that you're creating with if it's I'm talking if it's for work, and you're getting paid to do something for the deep state and your intention. This can go very, very far because then your intention is going towards money and this is why we are not supposed to like idolize things we'll get into that later. And then it's just, we have to deal with these elements all day every day anyway carbon you are the carbon they are trying to get rid of in this world, and carbon is ironically a lot of this suppressed healing not only for like humans, but also for the earth like if we're getting carbon back into our grounds, they're becoming fruitful for the first time in years, and we're noticing that again. On the macro so I always do the whole armor of God before anything before the show before a dig before whatever the case is a suit up. Right, when we do that before every episode also I mean I always clear you know everything I do won't disclose it because you know but we still is you have to you have to actually. And it's actually, especially doing what we do there's a lot of eyes on us anyone who's an influencer right so there's a lot of you have to really protect your energy when you're putting yourself out there, and your voice is you know. Take it for every one of your viewers double that has two eyes on you from each viewer that's a lot of people watching you a lot of eyes on you and a lot of energy coming your way so anyone who's doing this type of work. The first and foremost thing you should be doing is protecting your space before you ever go live or record or anything. And I've seen, I've seen things go bad when I forget, or like when I do stuff and you can tell that you get messed with, and the stream will cut you off and like throw you out on a zoom and everyone else is fine so i've seen it go astray if I forget. And then, if you yeah. Oh sorry I was just saying this is where black magic comes in, people do it without even understanding that they're doing it so even negative thoughts towards somebody. If you're if you're hating on somebody you're thinking about oh I wish this was happened to them that actually energetically affects them in the in the now right. And it's so subconsciously it's happening to everyone, you know, and that's, and that's why it's just so important. And people, I just read it mean people expect evil to show up as evil but it doesn't it shows up as your friend it shows up they don't show up and say hey i'm evil here's my intentions. If you hear me. No they show up as your friend and somebody who's going to slither in like the snake in the grass deceptive deceptive and we see that in the world stage we see that in this community influencers and we see it in your real life. Seeing a lot in this community with certain influencers and certain celebrities in the community right now. Also parasites literally parasites take over so this is why i'm so big on parasite cleanses and this is why I don't mind following Trump, because he literally told everyone like i'm taking a parasite cleanser and if anyone has watched the faculty on MTV back in the 90s. It's about parasites taken over the administration they take over the fire departments and the police departments then they take over the world. So the only way the kids can like trust each other is if you do a parent like they call it caffeine but like i'd be like okay drink this glory dioxide, and if they can't drink it or if they have a really bad reaction like go away we're dealing with things. And these people might be genuine good hearted people but they anyone can be taken over especially military or targeted individuals we have like implants and stuff that you have to corrode and get out of you. So you can't be taken over. Exactly thank you for saying that and, and a host sometimes doesn't know that they're a host for the parasite right or or entity or you can take it wherever you want an entity attachment or possession. Most of the time the host doesn't understand that they're being influenced. Are their thoughts aren't even their own thoughts and their intrusive thoughts and that's that all comes like there's an episode of Stargate where they talk about how this parasites affect your thought waves, and your thought forms. And you can actually manipulate your own mind by just having a literally an insect inside of you. Yes I just posted last night my zombie episode, I go over a series of seven, I just started seeing seven and all of these fiction stories so I started like delving into fiction on my channel rumble forward slash Ricky leaks. And we cover how zombies in real life are playing out in the world stage and literally the ability for worms, there are blood worms that can take over a human to make them commit suicide and we know this is a huge thing. But we at those worms are still in military bases and we wonder why we have 22 military suicides a day, but like we know that the science is there that this one toxoplasmosis Gandhi parasite causes suicide it's just crazy. Right, I continue with this slide here. Definitely, anyone can just screenshot this, it's some affirmations that I've noticed worked really well for me and your words are spells were spelling our universe were cursing people like very much is part of the Babylonian magic that we are in And just saying I am my name, my master that I work with he doesn't even want you saying your married name, he wants you saying your birth name but like just say I declare I am whatever my name is, I am willing to love myself I'm willing to be compassionate You know where the whole armor of God I just say all these different things and you will become it because no one's going to advocate for you you really have to advocate for yourself, or even things like I am healed. And you know instead of I am injured or whatever that's something I really really really work on with having a lifelong back injury but I don't say it like that anymore. Ask me you know if I what's wrong I don't tell them I have a back problem I say oh I'm on a healing journey or I'm healing my back, but sometimes I forget to say that and like all my back you know I'm like I catch myself. It's not easy we have to break those thought patterns. That's wonderful I'm so glad you brought that up it's true we have to just the last thing you want to do when you're feeling bad I will give sympathy and credit like my husband was sick last night and I'm trying to put this together and like you feel so sick and I've been there but he's saying like the stuff that we say not to say like don't allow yourself to get grumpy just go through it go to bed take some salt and you'll be fine. Salt we'll get into a little bit later but basically like I am 100% sure that the reason you so many people feel better the second they go into hospitals which keeps them going back is the fact they put a saline IV on you the second you walk in. Most people are so drained of salt and salt is like so needed in our system for so many different things. The second you put enough salt back into you with like saline drips your adrenals for the first time will be. They're going to come online so you're not going to be in fight or flight and for this first second you're going to calm down and you're just going to feel calm and you're going to feel good and that's like the black magic of hospitals that is what's making you feel better is that salt saline IV and then they start their black magic immediately after that. But literally salt is legit salt is also a great is great for warding off evil spirits to. And I mean that's a little it's it is the same but it's not but it's great for that. There's something I didn't want to say I didn't want to go there because I don't know if you are ready or not but basically pentagrams come up a lot in magic and it's a very fearful symbol but it's something that I don't think any of us can get rid of because our body is a pentagram we have a head we have two arms two legs, and we are a star so if you have enough salt in your body. I think we're being used because we are pentagrams that create salt we are the salt of the earth, and that's why these parasites are like latching on to us I believe is because we are the tool that they need. And you don't need to bring in that tool because you are it is kind of what I think there. Well it's all intention it's all intention to with any symbol every most of them have all been hijacked anyway we talked we talked this on talked about this but even like. Talking about a Ouija board like right now Halloween. Everything's heightened right now, all the veil standing it's all being promoted all this you know black magic is very apparent whatever is going on Ouija boards are back on the shelves, people are exploring with them. And Hollywood has told us that it calls in all these negative spirits and stuff which you don't know what you're getting into, but it's still a divination tool just like anything else that you use. Just like you know it's still you have to I don't recommend it but I'm just saying like you have to be very cautious when you get into this stuff. Yes be cautious know it's there and that's why I start off with a prayer and bring God in, and like the new stranger things that Kate Bush song is like the best. They're doing it when she's possessed, they're telling you bring God in when things get hard just, I know so many people who are willing to bend over and like you're like oh I'm a play and I'll do this for the play it is do. I'm from Venus I'll do this but like no one will be like hey I believe in God God like come in, and if you he's the strongest force I have tried a lot of different things and God is always like the number one source to pull from. I always go to prayer which is also you can prove this, there they took it away from us and in Harry Potter a lot of this goes back to Harry Potter. They took away defense against the dark arts, the second they infiltrated the schools and like on faculty they get the students oh like real life. They go for the kids they go for the schools, they go for the teachers and the secret curriculum so we're dealing with it right now in America. And like project Veritas is blowing that extreme out right now but basically to look at what the schools are doing and in real life in the 60s in America and on Harry Potter. The reptilian corrupt government takes over the wizarding world, they immediately take defense against the dark arts out of wizarding schools, and literally prayer is the number one way to defend yourself against evil and they took that away. So they did in Harry Potter so we kind of always have to look at the schools and what they're dealing with because if demons took over the school the demons are not going to allow us to fight them or know which we need to do to fight them basically. Can you go back one slide. Yes. So you have the, the praying hands on there which is something I find interesting because I've heard I think maybe Laura Van time talks about the praying hands being created by the church because it actually closes off the circuit. You see like mother Mary or Jesus and all the old original depictions. The hands are always open. They're never, they're never like this. This actually closes the circuit so actually like it makes your prayer ineffective. So I see that makes again they put out what they want you to do right follow it. Just like on Rick and Morty, they tell you the flipping off is the piece. But look at all the old biblical depictions no one's doing this they're very open. Very interesting thank you even my master does that that's so cool so hey take it from even that is part of the deception here so thank you for bringing that up. It's not by accident you put the word censored under those hands. You already knew that's true. I love it. Oh my god that's so funny and they teach us the wrong ones when they do teach it. All right so tell us what's in the cave. Last time I actually told you what's in the cave. We're going to really quickly go back story. The story Solomon testament of Solomon that explains that Solomon went into some cave underground area, and he found seven demons hiding out, and he's like, and he asked the demons what are you and they explain that they were actually sounds like the seven sins, each of them had its own sin it would make humanity do. And they're very similar to the seven since check out that whole testament of Solomon story. It explains that the demons explained to him. Don't worry. There's a equal part to us usually an angel that can reverse whatever we did. So that's why we're in the cave because the angels who can who hate us who can reverse everything that are stronger than us are out there on the surface. That's why we're hidden. And then Solomon gets a pentagram and he can control the demons, and this idea of being controlled by a pentagram ring is really big in fiction and whoever controls the ring has influence to control the world. And of course does that make the ring bad itself know whoever holds it can control the world if it's a bad person who probably will do anything to get the ring yeah that's kind of bad but if a good guy has the ring. Do you see what I'm saying we don't know exactly what's going to happen with the tool itself and apparently Constantine, they're coming out with a second Constantine but the first one says that the only rules of heaven, hell, is that God Satan Jupiter Saturn is basically who gets to influence the population into doing their will. And it's really easy. That's why we see Lucifer pushing his stuff or that kind of Satanism stuff. On is because they hit hard they're everywhere, and it's very easy they're playing on lust they're playing on our lower chakras being unhealed because so many of us do have trauma from childhood from embarrassment simple embarrassment in high school could cause trauma I've heard people say we have more than 12 alters each, just as a normal human being who doesn't even realize they have 12 alters, and this is all from different trauma events through life and that can really aid in where we make our decisions later and we really saw that from 2016 until now, play out in the world world. Yeah that's really interesting about the alters. That's something that doesn't isn't quite understood enough like we talk about alters and throw that term around but like you don't realize it all it takes is a certain trigger word or whatever the case is to switch you into that alter and embody that energy and become someone different, even if it's slightly like all of a sudden like different aspects of yourself come to the forefront, and you react in differently in a different situation If you know you're the closest to be like that's not you, this isn't you right now and it quite literally is like an alter. And that's hard for me right now because I'm a very much millennial I was a very liberal millennial So my alters that I kind of go into in situations where maybe I'm out with people, I can feel myself changing into this much very much like millennial fat like just not all there, that kind of attitude Even though I'm not like that any other time so that's really hard to deal with right now just as I'm talking to so many different people if I'm out and about, I can feel myself take over and then you have to be aware and pull it back in and you're basically making you're living for the first time, all over again because we automatically go into these alters we've made of ourselves when we're in certain situations it's really weird, especially when you go back around an old group of friends like you said You become the person that you know that they know, like they don't know the me now, but they know, they know this version of me and you subconsciously do it it's not even like you're trying to. Yeah, exactly. This, they're salt all throughout this presentation because it's that important. There's this Christian song actually Christian it's a Matthew West, and he this whole song is about doing something, and like we always go, oh my gosh how is God here like how are we in this mess with children's slavery and all this stuff going on and cannibalism and blah blah blah and like slavery of humankind, and the thing we don't realize is what if we were sent here to undo it all and like we forget that's the whole thing about this realm, we forget why we were sent here. So we think that we have to look without but like God might be hoping that we wake up because he said us here so just always be aware to do something what can you do exactly what we're doing now talking on a podcast getting truth out there. That's literally what air magic is the airwaves is going to give us the ability to speak to larger amounts get music out to the masses, whether is in the air radio waves frequencies this is all going to be air magic and we were talking about elemental projects, and most magic is a couple different elements combined but we're going to kind of put the different magic in our realm into these categories like air water, earth, all that fun stuff. Right, and it was that when you were talking when we were talking about the hurricane earlier as far as the weather manipulation aspect air magic right. And when I find interesting is sometimes you look at the sky and you literally see like the ripples right it's like it's like a, it's like a, it's a waveform from a from a vibration right we don't know what that vibration is some people say, oh you're seeing the human resonance hit that waveform, it follows it right, other people say that's harp because harp is doing a very, an organic thing of that so it could be your witness seeing the weather manipulation frequencies in real time whenever the cloud is the clear sky you don't see them but when the clouds hit them, it affects it and this has been recreated in the lab I've seen experiments of people recreating exactly this. So I know when I look up and you see that unnatural formation. It's a frequency it's a resonance now is it natural or is it manmade. So yeah that's wonderfully put and you also brought up something that we don't know like being a researcher being a truth or being a conspiracy theorist we always go towards negative for where always like oh it's harp it's doing negative but you guys like what if just what if just for one second. Always imagine we haven't heard the end of this we don't really know what's going on what if Trump took over and made his own 5g oh wait, good America does have its own 5g what if we took over more installations what if we're using these bigger facilities for good stuff even though they were in the bad hands and I hate to say it black goo graphic graphic oxide, it has been made to do horrible things like we know it can do horrible things but it's also been used for good things too. It's a tool, and it has to depend on the source where where the magnetic frequency what is controlling the black goo, and that is going to make it either a good thing or a bad thing but technically there's graphing oxide and heavy metal, heavy metal filtration systems and it's going to be a large bodies of water but you wouldn't want to put that in you because then like really toxic people are going to have heart attacks and aneurysms and most of the other people might live and it'll be okay but like it's going to kill a couple people even if it's being used for good so we don't know what's actually happening right now. Yeah, and I want to always tell that to everyone. I think you hear both ends of the spectrum I refer to something about chemtrails some people say that some chemtrails are good some are bad whatever like we don't know but we have to be open minded to not just giving everything a negative spin. And it's hard to do because we understand we've been lied to for so long. So what I'm looking at here is a bunch of free energy structures. And basically the beautiful I think hopefully we see more in our future but I'm basically exactly what we're describing, it can Dr Emoto already proved that you can manipulate matter into these gorgeous designs and all he did. Dr Emoto, if you don't know the experiment he spoke wonderful things to water and then he froze the water and lead, and he looked at the different snowflakes under microscope to see what happened and then. And he saw these beautiful snowflakes that we see on the screen what you think of the metrical and then he spoke bad things to the water and he froze that water and all those snowflakes came out really really ugly and like they don't even look like snowflakes. Yeah, so that's important to understand when dealing with any of these frequencies and we can see it with different little architecture I believe we've all heard that they used flutes to move rocks and all this stuff and we don't understand how that could be but we do understand and we do use in real life now I didn't even put slides up it's just coming to me, but we do use frequencies to move things all the time usually on smaller levels, but if this could be happening in bigger levels and we're looking at like this could have been molten rock that a symphony was played to and it made these like huge structures, and then it was frozen during the mute the movement of the music so it's not really like moving rocks the way we think that you see a big old mountain moving it could have been making alchemy is changing the form of the element so making a mountain into volcanic sludge manipulating that sludge freezing it really quick and then you have this beautiful architecture and then what could that architecture do what could it do with free energy stuff of that nature. Right and that makes so much sense because some of this stuff it does it looks 3D printed right it doesn't look like a sculptor did that and if somebody could do it with that incredible accuracy like even to replicate that today. It's it's damn near impossible and not worth the time it probably could be done. But if obviously we're given a false history too so everyone tries to fit the exponent they try to explain these structures with our history that's handed to us, and you can't explain it that way so you have to like really unlearn everything and just start thinking outside the box is crazy as it sounds like what you just explained makes a lot more sense than the mainstream narrative you know. This is why they keep it hidden from us otherwise we'd be making these huge old sand castles everywhere because it's free and it's insulation and it's everything you need could be done for free that's what I see when I see those kind of things. Before you move forward so talking about the water way back early on we had a guy in the show Dave Pace he talks about the GANS plasma water and all the stuff, and he shared the story of an experiment I think he was involved in, or he knew somebody involved in where the mojo obviously you speak to the water, and it restructures it right positively or negatively, well they tried to do this at a distance, like, states, states apart. They would have three people triangulate they would, I don't know if they were triangulated but they would all focus on they knew the spot they were focusing on where the cup of water was right. And they would always send these loving thoughts loving thoughts loving thoughts, and they were able to achieve the experiment at a distance not even in the same room. And they did it so much today they did it so much that they realized when they were putting the glass of water in that spot, it was automatically restructuring itself without them anymore, because they had set the intention so much for that spot. And it was structuring itself with those symmetrical patterns, without the need for them anymore, and I thought that was so incredible. And we don't even understand we can do this all time I know I'm talking about this right now and I don't even do that like we forget about this stuff so much. And our salt gratitude is what my master says could heal us all because if he does like extreme healings like he does the extra systems right then in there. And it's so cool because what we teach is like if you can go back to the gratitude and hold the gratitude you felt when you last felt good it can even be in your own life like if you drink saltwater and think the last time you were able to run on the beach with your kids or something with your own gratitude, it's almost like the butterfly effect movie with Ashton Kutcher when he looks at a picture of himself and he goes back. That's what we can really do and it's just like what your friend said, all of that intention was set there if you can just get back to that moment, even in your mind your physical elements will go away you can get rid of a headache that way you can get rid of little things in your water salt gratitude and of course if you can get sunlight that's great. That's a great add on. Okay so this is going back on air that I don't want to spend too much time on it but but basically it doesn't matter if you believe it or we do back in the 60s. There was a lot of movement into our programming. There's a lot of movement in the 60s and the 60s and it's explaining how the military industrial complex really got into our lives they got into our lives through music, the British invasion literally happened happily we let in the British invasion they even told us what it was and we were like okay and then that's when this really heavy music even cute little pictures of the Beatles are sitting there with like decapitated babies. We're all in the name of this facade of truth like the early wave, and we let in this evil programming and that goes into the activism and the military industrial complex stuff that also happened in that same time frame when the 60s were bringing in this weird music and all this might sound scary so I always tell people like there's ways around it. Take out your ear ear pods that's like the worst thing that I see this new generation doing they're all little zombies and they literally have microwaving appendages on their ears and the Bluetooth that is going through their head it's just not good. And just hear everyone out like don't if someone says something don't go oh my gosh they're my savior now put everything into one basket just hear everybody out. Literally there's going to be someone saying that literally I've seen every side of every argument and I'm sure you guys have to like just keep your ears open and always hope for the best especially if you're wearing the your eyes to see in the ears to hear you will be able to discern what is right and what is right and I'm so glad you brought that up I mean the air the air pods or whatever. I always say that I can't wear them. I know people that wear them and I get the convenience of them I really do and that's how they get you right, but at the same time you're it's Wi-Fi it's a wireless connection Bluetooth and it's pumping that frequency right into your skull. Essentially, obviously it's happening all the time but like we can do little things but not using them are using something alternative. Some people I know it can't get away from it but it is and can you explain what this journey to truth podcast is I'm seeing on the slide. They're just some people I know that share wonderful truths and you guys get so many people on and I'm so proud of you guys and I love just hearing all aspects of this weird truth movement that we're in. Thank you. Thank you. And we know some of these people around. I have a wonderful group of people on my Facebook that just know of this alchemy stuff. So when I was putting all of this together, I kept going to Christina Lee Dobbs and our wonderful raising star seed family and I believe Mason Perry is on there too. Oh no, so basically, all of us have different forms of emf deflection basically and there's masons masons pyramids. Oh, it's beautiful. Yeah, so I'll put a picture of it up on the screen anyway because I know it's very small right now but yeah you get 10% off of those guys are right on the screen promo code journey to truth. Perfect. Thank you. Thank you. I was gonna say I have an omnia pageant of all Tara I've done a lot of. Like my husband's in construction so we actually have these tools that you can like see if our F is doing any kind of drop. And all Tara black shungite like alone will bring down a lot of this emf radio radiation and people who work in hospitals you can bring some of the stuff on you, and where some of these pieces of jewelry or small organites or I like all Tara personally, and also life wave patches and carbon are like my favorite thing so shengite. Rash on guy a lot of people use these in Oregon. If you can even have it in drinks, a lot of people have the powder of shungite and they throw that in their water, and it's going to do key lady and have heavy metals and that's why everything I talk about is like water treatment stuff. So if it treats the water, like a lot of those carbon shungite filtration units do it's going to do the same thing to your body. And I have two videos on this one where I go into carbon in nature and bringing back our wildlife and everything and then of course carbon in the body for biohacking. You are the carbon they're trying to get rid of so carbon is kind of a really big element I like to work with. Interesting so the carbon footprint is means a lot more than just. Yes it does. Fire magic passion creation weather I put weather under fire magic just because I go into the lightning and volcanoes a little bit more, but like I said a lot of this magic has elements of like all the elements. Okay. I love this song so much but I love the video if you if anyone gets a moment to check out the video for this. It's explaining it's Kate Bush the same singer for running up that hill, but also she does this song and it's explaining how this grandfather figure made an organ machine or an organ generator, and he's removing all the fake clouds that are above her and the. It's a beautiful song and then the feds come and take away the organ machine and like take away the grandfather, and she, and apparently rumor is that it's a real organ machine in the music video. So this little girl knows her stuff about breaking free of a matrix because she knows that whether manipulation is happening. It's a true cloud buster. Does it come to a little cell cloud busters. I think so. Right, the cloud buster pyramids yeah I don't know that it's interesting that is a really I mean it's a real technology though. Well that's an organite right that's you know he basically invented that. And people make the cloud buster the little hockey puck like organized right things that supposedly. I have seen what I have seen actually work on real life cloud busting I went to St. Louis to go down one of the rivers with a girlfriend and it we show up and it was like the most nasty day ever. And it wasn't like pretty puffy real clouds it was like just the sludgy clouds and like pollution kind of thing. That we played Dr virtual he's here on YouTube and a lot of people are like I don't like listening to subliminals I have seen this one like channel do miracles and within five minutes the entire sky was cloud free I've seen people on tick tock. Hydrogen peroxide and soak like a towel in it and leave it outside and right above the towel of soaked hydrogen peroxide after a few minutes there's a whole in the clouds right above it so I've seen different little things work for this too. Interesting. There's so many things that that's. And we know it happens we can do it on a small level you said earlier like I've seen them move like smoke or whatever which creates a cloud like we've seen it happen on a small scale to think it can't can't happen on a bigger scale is silly to think. So fixing whether I always think of Jupiter, the Greek mythology of Jupiter is this whole idea of the storm bringer, and if you can like make lightning happen that could also start volcanoes. So if you can control lightning specifically, there's always lightning right before there's a volcano eruption and that's always interesting. So again I always tell people look into these things that these like elite schools which you and I talked about last year on our witches episode we looked into the seven sisters which are a seven a group of elite schools that used to be women only. And all colleges have Greek like if you go into any kind of Greek program you're going to be getting your that's your ticket to society basically, and a lot of people get their jobs after college depending on what their Greek life was there's initiations and rituals, little mini like a lot of many Epstein island type scenarios are witnessed at these weird Greek like initiations. So if they care so much about these characters again I don't want anyone to like fall in love and like started praying to someone but I want you to know what their stories are really important Greek stories everyone should look into is Orion and Artemis who are the hunters that's like this long going on Jason and the Argonauts isn't to get the golden fleece that's an important story that like the Kennedy's kind of have a big hand in and they cared about Artemis I call her kakate but basically she's the hunter that is also meeting you at the crossroads telling you all of your outcomes not just the bad outcomes. So I just tell everyone to look into those because they come up a lot more than you would think and it's good to know about them. So there's become the hunted stuff like that. Oh, there we go. Yes, okay so this is a probably the main reason that I wrote about this hecate is actually in this Scottish play and it depends if we are currently on the world stage like William Shakespeare or Francis bacon as others know him as, say we are if you are on the world stage then you cannot call it for its actual name but there is a Scottish play and it is the story written by William Shakespeare again could be Francis bacon and we'll go into that in a little bit. That's a very long deep dig and I highly suggest everyone check out like the three hour long explanations of Francis bacon editing both the Bible and William Shakespeare's. And you're talking about Macbeth just for the people who you're not supposed to say but yes. It's very bad like I'm not allowed to say it so you probably can't that's fine. I'm sorry I thought I had a little big so yes Macbeth is this idea of a Scottish okay so the whole thing is. He's a rightful heir of the throne that was dethroned by I believe it's like an uncle, and he thinks that he can now be the king of Scotland, but he talks to these three wise women and they are the mat the women the we're sisters they can tell the future. It's very much similar to the fates and a lot of stories and they're like hey you can take over the world you could do all that just know that if a little boy is born from a C section, or is a girl that pretends to be a boy or whatever the case is if she doesn't come from the mother's womb and isn't a boy then this won't apply to him but if all these scenarios happen then that person will kick you off your throne. The rightful heir of Scotland will go back to the rightful owner, and it's this whole idea of a 0.1% chance of the rightful heir going back to the owner actually happening. You can see the rise the stood the ceiling of a Scottish crown, the ruling under a bad king who is not the rightful heir of the Scottish crown and then at the very end of the play. Sure enough everything happens all those coincidences just happen ever so perfectly that the Scottish ruler is able to take his kingdom back, which means everything happened as the fates explained it would. That's a story that I very much see playing out in real time right now. A lot of the stuff does go back to Scotland, there's a lot of besides just Macbeth. There's a bunch of different Scottish plays about royalty taken from the wrongful heir you have the real life story of the Mary Queen of Scots you have sleepy. And there's no white is a Scottish story swan lake or swan princess, and Odette being taken that's a Scottish play like there's all these weird stories that are all explaining the same thing. And that quote right there as the strength of their illusion, the strength of their illusion shall draw him onto his conclusion that's confusion confusion confusion I mean, black man it's working. Like the strength of the illusion. And that's what they are doing every single day via the media. Yes, exactly. Let's go I think the media is right after this it is. That was perfect. Thank you. Okay, so I called this air magic, because they are using the airwaves but really the earliest form of media per Mark Twain there's this. One of the stories called Mark Twain wrote this story that never he never published he wrote four different versions and they just found it in his house after he died. And the story is basically the first two versions explain how a falling star named Satan came to this little boy in the 1500s, the little boy was working in an early print shop they didn't have the print press they were like writing stuff. And he's like oh he's doing all these little like really cool magic tricks and like bringing life easier living to this like kid living in the middle ages and he's like what are you doing all this magic like what is it. And he goes oh you don't even know the real magic that comes in about 200 years it's called the printing press. It's the real dark magic and it's a really weird story and he explains how angel, he comes to you with everything you want like Satan is not going to be mean Satan's not going to be bad you said it earlier he's going to come dressed as everything you want. He's going to be be dazzled because it's freaking Elizabeth Hurley, as Satan like that's what Satan's going to look like he's going to be everything you want, and the truth is are going to be making you mad. The real truth is going to irk you Satan is going to make you fall in love with him. Right. And the whole broadcasting like casting the spell broadcasting it's going through the air. You're watching programming yeah that's interesting I didn't know that Mark Twain story. It's very not like they have it on YouTube they made it into a movie this is the creepier part of that story is they made it into a movie and the second two versions he made he doesn't call the falling star Satan. Oh wait Lucifer I think he calls it I'm pretty sure it's Lucifer or Satan the second two versions he calls it 44. Like item number 44 but I think that's weird if you think of presidents because in Mark Twain's version, he changed Satan's name to 44, which is weird. Oh, if 44 is supposed to be an angel number also there again they're inverting their prime number yeah. Okay so programming broadcasting literally I do look at programming this is probably the most fascinating magic that is being used against us right now and there's just not enough time to go through it but basically everything we use is programming and macros. And this is a little tiny book that doesn't get enough recognition, and the very first like couple chapters of this little book is this programmer who always pulls up. I don't even know what it's called the part of the website that you usually hit on accident and it tells you all of the data and HTML for that website. And he always looks up his name and he like to see if his names associated with a certain website, and he does it once and he finds his name and he sees his location like on latitude and longitude he sees his height his weight, everything he's like So he changes his height, and he's in his seat on his computer and he jolts up with two inches, and he's like oh my god like he realized that he can change his reality with this code that he just found searching the internet basically. And he, everyone adds money to their bank account which immediately alerts the feds that you learn how to manipulate reality, so never go to pence magic which is money. Never use pinch magic if you're trying to hide from the feds because they can find you that's why they like look at our accounts and everything so he's going to deposit over $10,000 you will alert someone so the kid immediately gets followed by the feds because he found this matrix, and he immediately has to run away because now the feds are breaking down his door so he goes to Camelot well London in like the 1500s and he's like no one's going to ever see a wizard. No one's going to know what the heck I'm doing and he programs his phone to like lift him in the air and change his like height and distance and he's like I'm going to go blow everybody's mind so he ends up in London. So we already have a couple of your type and they're better at magic then you and they're like what and he finds out that every programmer boy who knows about magic code gets in trouble by the feds and has to run away and every programmer boy goes to Camelot and the whole does the whole medieval London theme and every girl that programmer that figures this out goes to Atlantis, which is very much what we see when we're awakening you see all the guys talking about the King Arthur story which is very much like Macbeth, and then you see the girls go in like I'm a deity and I'm from Atlantis and like yeah that's what they do in this book so you have these programmers who had his hide out basically in the past because they got in trouble in the it sounds really cool. It sounds really good actually so it's called off to be the wizard by Scott Meyer this is the book you're talking about. Off to be the wizard by Scott Meyer I believe there's like five or six books in the series really the first book is enough to understand the magic that very well could be happening it's just really cool the way he goes into it. It's not fiction. Just like a lot of a lot of books out there, like the episode we just did about the book that the uber prophecy. In order to have that book published in Chinese even though it's published by the author as a non fiction book. The only way the publishing company would allow it in China is to be published as fiction. So they have to they had to change it even get it published, otherwise, because you can never share something like that as truth right. You can never so that's why I always look at fiction that's why I have series of seven, where I look at fiction because if it's truly fiction it shouldn't have science that backs it up like if it's fiction I shouldn't be able to look online and find the exact patent that this person is talking about. And then even I was on true social the other day and Trump has something and he can't get this thing published. This is how we see real proof even coming because he can't get like simple numbers published by anyone and this is how but if you call it fiction and also Mark Twain describes in that book. He describes how if you know sorry not Mark Twain Benjamin Franklin. I'm reading the history of him the biography, and he says, if you want to talk truth and not get sued for libel. Say it's from a satire website, and that's one of the hardest things that like truthers have to deal with early on like 2016 18 real truth would be a satire website. The first comments you see it or anything. Oh, it's a satire website it's a sat there doing that to keep themselves legally able to get the information out they have to call it a satire website and like Benjamin Franklin explains how satire website or satire pamphlets had to be made and that's where most of the truth was. Tablets. Yeah, right. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so water magic. This is kind of my realm and I'm not going to go into it too much just because a lot of this is what gets me kicked off of everything. But this is microorganisms and bio warfare and our your body is 75% water. If if a biological agent was let loose and it was able to traverse through your bloodstream, that would be the number one way that would be the number one ultimate bio weapon. And then it would add a bombs if we can control everybody basically. And then sees and law that it pertains to sees that's when it starts getting fun to me so really quick. Look up on your own I highly suggest not using a Google browser but definitely look at the screen right now. And these imaginal imaginable can be traced back to a parasite viruses are called obligate parasites but they don't want you to know that's what they are they calm viruses. But if you look up bacteria their parasites if you look up fungi their parasites so a lot of this. Black magic pharmaceutical they do is to avoid you realizing what the real problem is so that you can get a new pharmaceutical treatment and get those. The pharmacy companies are what pay for we didn't even bring that up. All of these media that we're looking at what's paying for the media, every single is a pharmacy at nowadays. So that's what's pain. Yes, single commercial you cut out for a second. Yeah, every single commercial in between especially if you're watching mainstream media, always a pharmaceutical and then it's always some lawyer. But if you were injured by this drug, call us. Yeah, it's like the problem magic solution right there in front of your face. And it's so funny because I listened to what the people are complaining about I'm like oh yeah, one of my things will cure that I already have proof I already have clinical study oh yeah I treated someone for that. But they don't you don't get all the side effects if you just get rid of it they want you to have these side effects and that's where their magic comes in. So definitely look all these up. These are definitely just don't be scared of a lot of these things chances are they're in your water filtration systems anyway just traverse through miles and miles of rusted nasty. Disgusting pipes that we shouldn't even have pipes in our system for water carrying, but that's where a lot of this stuff is getting dirty immediately the second it leaves our water treatment facilities. All the stuff you've had before your body completely makes two of these oxidizers that I talked about. And, and you can go follow me for more information on parasite removal. So, yeah link tree for slash beyond the bio hacking. And let me see what's for oh okay so water magic on the bigger realm and why it could be a bigger ordeal so when we talk about the elite schools, called the seven sisters and everything. Those schools all have well all of the elite schools have huge law programs. So you have a lot of witches that actually are in Greek fraternities and covens in these schools are also dealing with law. Why that's important is going to be maritime law and an understanding of maritime law because like if you were to live in the American and buy a boat. You could go to the Canary Islands, and if you sign up your like boat, if you register your boat in the Canary Islands, you get the Royal Navy as your protector so if anything happens if you're out at sea, you can call the Royal Navy and they'll come and pick you up and take you, but also if you get charged for something really bad at sea, then you're under maritime law and you won't be a lot of people aren't going to be charged because these laws in and of themselves have been completely taken over by magic. And when you talk about this they they explain how there's covens up the school they explain this law and magic seminar was like something at the Thomas Jefferson School of Magic. That just happened when I was doing this like they explain how these codes and statutes are being used. Well, and so go back to the previous slide please. That's interesting you have the Epstein Island on there why you have that slide there. So the problem is, and it's not just Epstein Island we do have to deal with this with a few different places in the Caribbean I personally, the reason I'm hearing you're hearing me talk. I woke up because we were except we were a foundation that was moving money from Hillary Clinton campaign funds and McCain saving the children funds to save Haiti because during that time there was a lot of like hurricanes. So we were like sending a lot of American funds from the richest people in the world to Haiti and these little Caribbean islands. And throughout history the Caribbean for as long as we know has always been a slave trade spot. It's like if the entire part of the Caribbean explains the slave trade route. It's kind of early starting taking the place in the Caribbean islands it's always been a huge spot for human. If you wanted to buy him as you go to the that area so recently we have seen the same thing come up again in our history and the most recent is going to be little Saint James Island. There is a structure there which we as of right now we just have pictures of it being rated officially. We've have proof that has been closed off apparently there were tunnels under it and there's proof of concrete being sent over there to us, assuming we cut off tunnels, and a lot of different rumors are fine around as to what it is exactly. One of the last times we ever saw McAfee was him and his private yacht circling and showing that was being rated so we know. Thank goodness some of these truth there's out there with money are doing some of the hard work that they could have just like swept under the rug and none of us would have known. It's coming out for full fractals so we're seeing it. So there's a there's a girl on tic-tac who came forward from she escaped this ring somehow. And she's been talking about not only Epstein Island she's like guys and she explains like the horrific details that we don't want to get into but what she was involved in how they do these auctions with children, and what they do during the auctions are absolutely unimaginable but she said it's not just Epstein Island she's like Mark Zuckerberg owns an island Joe Biden owns an island. There's a whole island chain and they're all the exact same thing and they're all. It's like a circuit. So I wonder if there's a way that you could use weather manipulation. This is just more if you're into understanding law code. It's funny if you can manipulate weather. There's always lightning before a volcano erupts so if you can make it lightning in a certain area that you want a volcano to erupt and make land. Now you have land and that's alchemy of land and like like you said there's look up every celebrity that owns an island. Chances are they're like really close to this little area. And like you said they're all within a skip pop in a jump freakin just like Maxwell has her own scuba life or not scuba submarine license like people don't just have submarine license people. No, right. It's actually pretty comical and going back to the court, the court system and the law like, obviously, it's like the people say the system is broken but no it was actually designed that way. It was actually designed exactly to be broken or to appear broken and to work in the favor of these corrupt individuals every time. That's why these cases didn't know where and they get so drawn out. And there was like this guy that was recently busted for the largest child porn collection ever. And he only got like, you got like less than six months. Like 190 days in prison. That was it. Yeah. 180 days. And, and it wasn't even actually like the charge was something else. It wasn't even for the porn. It was just, they obviously they they're, it's built to protect and defend their horrible acts. Exactly. And it's unconstitutional. Like, so that's why everything if you were to be brave enough and like tear it all down. You would have to go improve the courts are dirty. Literally, I was just watching a 1942. It's a really good movie. So I married a witch. And it explains how whenever there's a rigged election, like whenever there's cheating in an election, the witch goes, Oh, you can always blame a witch for that. So literally to prove that an election was cheated on is the number way to bring everything down. So you would almost want them to do an election. Take four to eight years record it all because literally the entire enslavement process. That's the only way it can be unraveled is through proving election fraud, because that proves that the jury that the judges are dirty. And then immediately all laws go back to like sovereign folk and that immediately shows we need to prove that the courts are dirty. And that's the number one way to do it. And that's kind of what we're seeing happen right now. Okay, so this kind of okay time travel. We're going to be looking at sand and earth magic. I'm a Virgo. Most of my chart is Virgo. I can talk about earth magic all day. So, sands of time. And when you're talking about alchemy and stuff, because the time is this recurring story that if you can control the sands, you can control not only space travel, but like time travel, and bricks are made with clay. There are stone masons and those seem to be much stronger than like brick made masons but there are like the red bricks we see made out of college campuses and stuff. That is going to be sand that was compounded together baked and now you can build something with it. Now, if they're red bricks, then they have iron in them and that conducts electricity, and I'll go into that. I actually had to go into this with my husband because he's in the construction field so we did a whole thing on masons in like the Lego movie and Harry Potter and how it's like real life so we go into it more but basically sand and lightning. If you hit an area of a beach with lightning, it turns into glass. So that's going to now give you the ability to make glass and mirrors from sand time traveling sand and if you were to deplete earth of certain minerals carbon, then you're not going to be able to create these connections with sand and create portals. Okay, so if they're yellow bricks, they might have gold gold is still a conductor, and whenever bricks are touching, this is like known science you can look it up. bricks conduct electricity as long as they have like iron or gold in them. And we know like the oldest alchemy trick that has ever been done is like, oh, can we turn lead into gold like that's the number one trick they've always tried. And yeah, we can do that and guess what it uses turn to do it. So it's interesting about lead to that they made lead paint illegal, because lead actually naturally blocks radiation. They wanted into our house they wanted us to get the lead out and our food to. I think there's a conspiracy there with all of our dishware used to have lead in it, and they didn't want us eating off of that and they said like, Oh, let poisoning but there's a bunch of people who have eaten off of this lead and it might not be as bad as they say it is. Right, a lot of stuff. And apparently they still do make non toxic lead paint that you can purchase somewhere but whether it was there might have been a factor of it that actually was toxic, maybe. Yes, at the same time. It was made or how it was made, but you can make it non toxicly and if that's worth toxicly. You can make it that way and paint your home and protect yourself and that would be like the ultimate emf protection. You can do a job and they coded the facility in a shungite paint it literally had raw shungite in it. And it was for a major facility that meets gift rooms basically. And it was it worked so well that he couldn't text me anywhere near the building like if he was in the building and that's what I talk about all terror, which is my favorite emf brand. I'm gonna unplug my altaras in order for my internet to run faster like when you have a true emf detector, you're going to notice like you have connectivity problems that's how good it disrupts the emf fields. So that's actually because it's almost a blocker instead of one of those cages called fair day cage yeah that. I've heard I've heard other people say they put powdered chungite in their paint that they paint the inside of their house with. I was going to say, it's like an ugly color so it's not going to be your top paint but you it's like your primer. That's a great idea. It's a great idea actually is. It's interesting he said that about the job size because I was in commercial construction for 15 years. I don't know what goes on or what it is about these these job sites but it doesn't matter if you're next to a cell phone tower. Your phone does not work on it around this building material, something's going on there. And then I don't know if it's the paint or what it is, I find it I always thought it was strange I'm like how does the phone just not work on every job site. No one can call home no one can do anything. I like that yeah it's interesting. And they tell you I remember early days when internet was like first a thing and like cell phone people were barely getting cell phones I remember they would say like don't use your cell phone in the hospitals don't use it on the airplanes. That's a little bit more lenient, but I really think it messes with all their stuff and they're dealing. I mean they're dealing with magic when it comes to both airplanes and hospitals and cruise ships like there's some dirty stuff with all of the testing. They do because cruise ships are awesome if you want to test like experiment on people and if anyone remembers. They started from a cruise ship like that like one of the very early early signs there was this huge cruise ship where there were three or five people with COVID so they shut down the whole ship. And then everyone got sick and then all those thousands of people were led off in the world and because it's Cruz they're from all over the world. So like there's a and cruise ships get the first five g towers to be tested, and like all this kind of stuff it's really weird same thing with hospitals. I feel so nasty when I just go see a friend who had a baby at a hospital or something like. Getting next to it and if you look at the towers in the antennas why does why, why do they need why. It's not for for apparently being a healing facility it's not welcoming and warm at all, which is what you need to heal like you need at least the atmosphere right off the bat. Like, exactly feel comfortable. They, and they do that, they do the exact opposite of them. It's just cold life life was feeling yeah. Right. And I do think people know about the gold thing Trump's tower of I've always thought that's weird the glass are the facade is plated in gold and I don't think that has something to do with ego. I think it has something to do with this conductivity and technology somehow. Yeah. Earth magic okay so sands. Think of Prince of Persia think of Dune they it was literally the. Space minerals within the sand that they moved and they were able to traverse time or traverse like go space travel and they didn't have to move at all they basically use. Worms and sand and we're able to get electricity so that's why whoever controls the spice and this spice thing is coming back in full force. Star Wars, the new Star Wars they're talking about spice trades. It's really interesting to keep an eye out on that spice narrative with what we talked about with just like Maxwell and kind of stuff. Right. I mean everything like we are the title is are you under a spell. I mean, yes would be the answer. Yeah, I think for everybody because even though some of this stuff might not seem like we're talking about magic. This is the very stuff that's controlling us that allows us to be under the spell. Yes, and like everyone thinks of magic as I was probably in Wiccan and yes that's definitely there. Yes, true. But it's very high karma I would never use it. There's other stuff in other ways that you can work. You're manifesting again I always bring in God and I ask him what will you give me and then he usually gives me a sign within a few days or hours so keep that in mind. Oh, I already said this so yeah lightning hit sand it makes glass this looks this makes me think of looking glass technologies or these like mirror mirror on the wall and being able to get information through this like molten. Different shape of sand then we're used to it another form of doing that is volcanoes and you always see UFOs flying in and out of volcanoes it's one of those phenomenons if you look it up on YouTube there's just time. That there's a documentary on Amazon Prime about UFOs and volcanoes, and it has some of the most incredible footage you'll ever see. I mean if you're looking for smoking gun evidence of UFOs that to me is it like you can't deny some of that footage. And I don't know what they're doing are they going in there to like are they are they traversing because it's liquid sand so maybe you go in there and maybe it's a portal to a different time and place. Or do you are they going in there to gather like, fill up their battery like to get energy I don't know right or are they trying to mitigate the effects of it like maybe you never know I think there could be like all the above. Yeah, exactly. So that's always good to look. I think all this I think we're done. Let me see. We're not done because I know there's something I mean we haven't brought up yet. Thank you. Well I'll let her go to the next slide you see first. For some reason it stopped and I'm pretty sure I had a couple more sites what were you thinking of darling Hollywood. Oh yeah. I did take that one off because that slide gave me a problem. Yes, Hollywood. It was around my, what is it called my media slide and Hollywood magic when we're talking about influence. The amount of influence that you can have with just some of these stories of the Greek gods. Some of the like that it that is going to make you think if Jupiter's the good guy or if Saturn's the good guy. You have these Masonic rights and stuff, for example, the two huge Masonic facilities, a lot of people know of, is going to be the Scottish right and then the York right, but both of those individuals are given the opportunity to become a Shriners, but the weird thing with Shriners is it's Mecca, it's all giving its look up like if you literally look up Shriners it says it's part of it just everything goes back to it being Mecca which is huge Saturn influence and Islamic influence which is really weird because a lot of the Scottish right in York right people are probably Christian like that's just What they are, but if you can now get them under the Saturn influence now they jumped from literally the Jupiter to Saturn story and that's how you can like get these people onto the wrong team and they don't even know which one is the right team. You put into the masses. Okay, so it's really cool Steve Mnuchin. He's a part of Trump's team. He, I don't know what he did for Trump but Trump had two executive producers. Again, it doesn't matter if you like Trump or not. It's important to look at what he's doing because he has Sydney Powell and Steve Mnuchin both of which are Hollywood executive producers Steve Mnuchin has made things. He has produced things like the Lego movie which explains how yes there's a bad master builder race in charge but the people on the outskirts are going to be the master builders again once they overthrow this huge bad force. He has made a King Arthur video which is really cool and that goes into the Macbeth story of getting the rightful air back in thrown and like that's a really cool Mac. Night to the round table version is all these people but they don't make like extreme high amounts money and that's where Pence magic comes into play and Pence magic is money magic. But the money that goes to something is makes that spell stronger. If you have James Cameron, making the highest film, the highest rated films, then his Pence magic is going to give into that the creation of whatever he's pushing. And that's how Hollywood is totally embedded Hollywood calls us humans, they call us civil civilians so they're in bed with the military industrial complex that's like a really big art knowing gets right. Well, the name Hollywood so Hollywood is the wood used in wands correct. In the traditional magic one yeah druidic wands magic, they use Hollywood. And it's called Hollywood, and it's like pretty just the name alone is telling you like we're casting spells and well that's meant and people claim that movies actually open portals under your living room and there's this whole thing allowing these energies into your home which manipulate manipulate you and then it's another form of magic. And that's why. I'm not super upset with movie magic only because, and especially like a lot of people like oh my god I hate Disney. I totally understand it, but at the same token, a lot of their movies that they're still depicting depicting have a good outcome. So I do think there is something said yes there's been programming but most movies have a good outcome where the underdogs do when it just is going to get to literally a precipice every movie every good movie gets to a precipice moment where you're like I'm going to die I'm going to die everything's bad okay, and you give up everything and that's like the true freedom when you think when you're faced with like I'm going to die. And then what is that human capable of now because we do we hold back from a lot of things because we think we're going to die. But if you're faced and if you're faced as a humanity with that scenario you see people fight ways they wouldn't have fought before they find something in them so I do believe the Hollywood spin on everything is we are going to have to go to a precipice moment for people to wake up. Right, at the same time it's them telling you what they're doing to get your consent there's a lot that there's a lot to break down with that in essence though it really is magic on some level. Movie magic they literally call it that they use the heroes journey which is what you're what you're describing is the most journey. And they use that because that's literally like are the blueprint of creation so it's like built into us. So, like I heard like David Wilcox used to talk about this where he found out that they literally won't you could like bring them a script that's amazing. And if it doesn't follow the hero's journey to a tee they won't accept it. Because it's part of the formula or they'll have to or they'll have to change it to to follow that to a tee exactly the hero's journey. He's like every single movie that's successful formula for the spell to work. Yes, it's a formula that they have to follow like, because otherwise like we won't connect or resonate with it, I guess. The spells won't work I guess is the view I had that right. Yeah, that's really interesting and then the movie. It's just a focus perfect movie to bring up right now. Halloween. They're literally talking about magic. And I actually screenshot of this because a friend of mine made a post. She was watching the movie and noticed some stuff and she just wrote down some of the quotes from the movie. And this is just for perfect example of how this stuff is in your plane type so once I suck the life from all the children, I will be young and beautiful again. Another movie, what do we know about a dream and all that, you know, that whole thing. Another quote from the movie their spell book was given to them by the devil. It is bound by human skin, a dream come and put affiliate they both are yes and another quote they call Satan master. So those are three quotes quotes from hocus pocus a children's movie right. And you're right over there. And I'm asking who wants to see was bedmiddler ever gorgeous. I mean, back when I was young and gorgeous. I think we also be just gone, but this is the type of subliminal messaging that goes into children's movies also that may have that good outcome but they're still telling you. Exactly what, what's going on. Obviously we don't take it as truth because you think oh it's just a movie, but it's not just a movie which. Like, agenda with changing changing genders and lgbtq whatever, right. It's like everywhere now and especially Disney is like hardcore pushing that. Yes, and they're like there's an agenda there. It's not just, it's like yeah if you want to if you're, if you're gay if you're whatever. That's fine. That's your own, you know, that's I fully support that but it's the agenda being pushed with it to get. And you see now all these kids are now watching these shows and movies and now. So many kids I see it there they all want to be gay now like oh like I have to be gay to fit in and be accepted. It's almost like. There's a straight person you're straight oh my gosh he's straight like there's less straight people in these girls and there's something that I came across and when you're a researcher like it doesn't matter if you like the knowledge like I was a super liberal there's so many different pride parades back before this like I've had a girlfriend or two, but you notice something you notice that there is a lot of research that explain how parasites in the wilderness can take over species they think there's like mass D pop in order for frog like frogs have been known to do this crabs have been known to do this, and it's already shown itself in humans that there is a certain parasite which depicts what a child's sexual preference is but it can only be changed while the person is actively in puberty so like I had LGBT a lot of different mentors tell me how to parasite cleanse, but they're older they're not going to change because they're cleansing after the fact but if a someone who's still under the age of adolescence, you can manipulate their sexual identity based on parasites there's multiple parasites that do this so that's something to think of now that they're trying to bring people out of puberty like they're trying to bring people back into puberty with the trans so all these older humans are like going back into puberty again and that can meld that being in puberty is the most multiple time of someone that you can like program them so that's something that you have to be careful with I tell everyone to cleanse but like if you are underage just be aware things might be changing, right and you wonder how some of these ideas get into these people's heads and he was born like that or is it possible they're born with a parasite or something mom and dad or from mom and dad or does it has something to do what happens to them immediately after they're born and the stuff that they're injected with and whatever is automatically altering their DNA from that's all my channel we just went through all the insect larva that is put into immunization. It technically causes a neurological disorder which makes you think something that actually goes against source and goes against natural creation and it doesn't not saying that it's wrong we're not like I'm not dissing or talking shit on any of these people but it's just something that we have to be aware of moving forward Metal Gear Solid 5 is a really really good video game that everyone should check out, we talked about it on the last episode I think. Yes, and I tell everyone there's a 26 minute mark vocal cord parasite and it explains how we are all products of this Babylonian English, well Babylonian language parasite, which we spell when we speak and stuff So apparently we were all evil humans were able to speak before they were infected. To me that reminds me of Sodom I think all humans were made into these slaves in Sodom because if you can put one of these biological weapons literally through the anus that's the easiest way to take over the intestines and there are things out there if anyone wants to look it up There's a lot of brave browser look up how parasites change a sexual preference also how when a human has a thought, it is shown either in the heart or the stomach before it shows the head having the synapse understanding of the thoughts so your thoughts can come from your heart or your stomach or your head, which is fine unless you have a heart or stomach bug, then that bug can be making your decisions for you. So that's another thing to keep up. Yes 100% it's all stuff to be aware of so parasite cleanse is always I'm actually doing another one right now so I see things in public that I have to ask how do we get to this point and nothing against anyone because I understand everyone's here doing their own thing for their own reasons their own lessons, but I have at the grocery store there's a girl that works there who has a beard and I'm not used to seeing a girl with a beard and it's just okay and then my neighbor had a friend visit from Alaska and he shows up and he wearing a full on female dress and he's like but you know you see the stuff and like this even it makes me uncomfortable and maybe there's something wrong with me, I should I'm accepting of it and I would never treat these people poorly, but I have to ask myself what's going on where is this coming from what's going on is it is it a truly genuine place or is it something else is it programming is it is it emotional I can kind of speak on this, it's a little bit of I've noticed this with people of my age on right before I woke up I was very much a part of this millennial group that we were all trying to out each other like out do the other person like I would wear I had like half a shaved head like I would wear crazy stuff and it's all to out do because we're so desensitized by everything that we're trying to be seen and I think a lot of these people we're trying to be seen we're trying to be heard and the only way we know how to do that is like peacock literally peacock and we are it's also like the hunger games we as a nation are very much privileged I'm not going to say we are the we're not in the tunnels right now we're not having the hardest part of this war necessarily so a lot of us are the implicit called the capital the capital on hunger games all these slaves go to the capital and they like oh my gosh you guys are like you guys are just trying to do each other you don't look good you guys look crazy the hair like it that's what we are seeing we are seeing a lot of these people like almost we're in the capital and social engineering yeah exactly yeah it's and it's pre and it's well socially conditioned insecurities also so there's a lot of insecurities there that people are trying to address the system plays on people's unhealed traumas and wounds and programs and that it all works together in conjunction with that but yeah people don't even realize that's what it is that's that's what keeps you stuck is you don't even know you're unhealed some people might but they don't they're too afraid they're too scared to address it they're married to their sickness as someone who deals with sick people they'd rather be sick they'd rather keep and it sucks it sucks so bad because the broken system is making these people so guess what a lot of these people who are sick that I know the stuff that like could make them feel better you're not going to get there three four thousand dollars a month from what is it called social security like disability so they're like and they tell me they're like I can't like I won't have disability and I haven't worked for ten years and that's not the person's fault they're socially engineered to be a slave of the system so I'm not going off of them but this is what we're facing people don't I have I've seen old people not want to get better because they don't want to have to have to keep paying mortgage off on their like I could die like honestly that's what it is like I don't want to have to keep this will to keep going so a lot of people have different reasons yeah you don't know you're under a spell until you're not under the spelling and then you look back and like oh my god and that's what we're that's what we're seeing right now everywhere these people are literally under a spell spell wouldn't work if you knew you're under a spell that's part of it and then that's why and then once they get challenged you start defending you don't defend yourself you defend where this came from where this information came from and you start defending whatever it is whatever source that you rely on you start defending that and that's where the meaning manipulation comes from but you're talking about the old people they they rather died and keep paying on their mortgage I was walking in the trail the other day and I just briefly overheard a conversation is two older women sitting on a bench and I heard the one lady say, girl I've been paying on that thing for years and she goes, well you're doing really good though I'm proud of you she goes I'm doing good because I'm afraid I'm scared I don't know what will happen and I kept walking so I don't know what she was going to I don't know what she finished saying yeah I'm like that's a perfect example like she's literally in the endless cycle just paying those bills because she's scared she doesn't know what happened like we came and imagine a life we don't have to do that and what would happen if you stopped paying you know, you would have time to get rest everyone is I promise you everyone is sleep to deprived if you are watching this, you are sleep deprived everyone should just go take a nap with some saltwater because we are all living like we are so bad off, it's hard to explain to people because these 40 hour work weeks you can do what you do in a 40 hour work week in a 20 hour work week you you need to spend time with your spouse before the kids you need to have a strong foundation there before the kids even become a part and this whole since the 60s it's been putting the kid is first in a weird way that does it that breaks apart the family unit in a weird way that gets rid of the dad and if you only have a one income household that's going to add on so much stress and like we're always in this fight or flight so literally if we have the ability to not have to make rent on the first or the car payment on the 15th we would be able to relax and have two days where you just sleep it off and then you start rebuilding the minerals that you need And these your body will start detoxing for you you don't have to take anything crazy if we had the time to do so right right and the 40 hour work week is turning into actually 60 hour work week and 80 Yeah, it's over. I see that 12 people working 12 hours just and the reason the eight hour work day was even created because early studies show that a person becomes ineffective or less efficient after eight hours. So even these people are making them work this long they're not even getting the productivity that they're looking for. It's all it's all the illusion. You're just stealing their time. Yeah. And then people and people like that they don't have the time to think about researching or disclosure or the awakening because every time or energy. It takes all your energy. Their mind is consumed by thinking about work. You get home and you all you want to do is rest. Yeah. And usually people watch TV which is another mind control, which is the worst part thing they could do exactly. And that's another thing working for the weekend goodness forbid if you have any addictions. I go into this in my channel but if you work until to drink on Friday and Saturday and Sunday, then you're, it was me too. And you're not even feeling good from your hangover until Tuesday afternoon and you're planning to go on Friday again and it's just the ring them and roll. Like I literally worked for the weekend and then until I became a homeowner, then I was like, I have two days off and I'm over the whole time. I got to stop because I can't even take care of my house on the days off and do the things I need to do. But that wasn't that was one of a number of reasons why I stopped. But, yeah, I mean you actually, I realized I was part of a program when I, when I quit my job, my alcohol cravings went away. It was, I would get those cravings so strong on a Friday afternoon. It was actually scary. Like I actually would like, I had to go get a beer on the Friday. It was like this program I was in. And I was actually really concerned. I thought, Oh man, like, how am I ever going to get out of this when I quit that job and got out of that literal program. It stopped. It went away. And that's when I realized how much of a simulation all that is. No, that's so, and earlier you said, after eight hours, everyone becomes less like they just can't do as much if you've been on a construction site, you want to push off lunchtime as long as you can because nothing's getting done after lunchtime. Everyone just kind of gets sluggish. So, it's that it were zombies and I just put out a video, like they, they put things in programming also for when you go to look it up, only fiction comes up. And this happens all the time with Harry Potter Nicholas Flamel was a very real person he did very real acne and he worked for a lot of different governments all around the world. So it was really interesting to like get to look into him, but you can't find anything that's not Harry Potter when you go to look up with Nicholas Flamel same thing with this zombie is them. When you a zombie smells bad, they, their heart doesn't beat. Literally humans, if you stop wearing deodorant for a few days you start smelling like horrible because yeah you're decomposing and you're pushing out toxins that are making you a dead person. Corpses are full of worms, corpses eat humans, look into human genome into our crops, look into the pink go that is found in like a lot of different meats, not just McDonald's like this, we are already zombies like it's very real. Yes, unfortunately. So let's end on a positive note. Sorry. No, I mean, reality, but we're obviously doing this so we can break free from it and like I said earlier, once you're aware of how a trick works, it learns it loses control over you. And you can become aware of this stuff and you can start to do something about it and start taking care of yourself. And I'm speaking to myself right now also because we forget we can talk about this stuff all the time but applying it is something completely different. And that takes practice that takes consistency and it takes discipline and something I'm really working on because it's not easy. It's not easy. You have to go to extremes right now because of the extreme conditions. Thank you guys for having me on. Yeah, thank you. Thank you for your amazing presentation. As always, it was fantastic. I really enjoyed it. I learned a lot. Some great stuff and I know the people listening enjoyed it as well. And guys, if you're listening to the audio version of this I apologize but there's a beautiful slide show she showed to go back and check that out. Let people know where they can find you please. Mostly on rumble forward slash reguleeks are I K I L E A K S and then in one of those slides I have my link tree, which just has a comma, like the steps in which I would take to biohacks safely and I use a bunch of different doctors protocol so I'm not just trying to force me to one way so. Yes. Guys. Go check it out. Go check out her telegram channel and her website and everything. She's doing some fantastic work, really important, if not the most important. If you're talking about healing and carrying things that we're told can't be done. There's nothing more important than that, in my opinion. So, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you guys for listening. Thank you for all the support and the donations. We appreciate all of it. We love you guys can't do this without you. And we're doing this because of you. We love you. Good night. Have a great evening and we will see you next time. Thank you. [Music]