Journey to Truth

EP 207 - Jen & Brian Berryhill: Star Knowledge - Spirit Animals - Ancient Teachings - Giants - Sasquatch

Originally aired on 9/8/22
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Jen & Brian Berryhill:
Jen and Brian have been on the journey of love for 20 years!  Through thick and thin; through loss and heartbreak and a triumphant return; to the birth of their son Blaze; the one thing that keeps them together like glue is their Divine Path.  Their love of ceremony is a walk in beauty that they love to share and bring light to others seeking Spiritual connection and truth.  Together, we continue to anchor the Divine Light Codes coming from our Great Central Sun to enliven the Heart of Mother Earth and all who wish to sync up and thrive in these new energies!
YouTube: Moons of Ascension:
Jennifer Crystal Eve (Jen’s Facebook)

1h 26m
Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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[scream] [music] Hey guys welcome back a few things before we get started don't forget about our promo codes if you're looking to try a new CBD hopeful farm CBD is amazing you get 10% off all their products with promo code journey to true 10 that link is below in the description I highly recommend it I use it every day it's incredible CBD some of the best I've tried if you are looking if you are looking for some emf protection our friend Mason fury makes these beautiful organ pyramids this is the largest one they come in a number of different sizes his website is below in the description as well you can get 10% off of these with promo code journey to truth all caps and then the Omni a radiation balancer which you can see right here on the microphone we have it on our computers our phones it's a emf protection but it really doesn't block the radiation it balances it and harmonizes it into something that's actually beneficial for your body and they sell these penance to actually balance and harmonize your own energy field there's some really next level technology great products a lot of people seem to love them you get 10% off those with promo code truth all caps and you get 20% off all of our teespring merchandise with promo code 20 and back and this is one of our new shirts activate DNA. It seems to be a favorite for a lot of people so go take advantage of that sale I'll still going on but we'll probably just keep it going indefinitely. That out of the way today we are joined by Jen and Brian Berryhill some of you guys may know them from the setty conferences they've participated every year. Playing some absolutely beautiful music they presented there a few times. They used to work a lot with chief gold might eagle we've had him and Jen on the show unfortunately he has since transitioned, but his spirit is with us today I can assure you that. If you might be able to see him behind them right now, hanging out. But welcome to the show guys I'm excited to get into this you guys obviously have been doing some great work. You guys run a sweat lodge up where you live and just to start knowledge and ancient wisdom the spirit animals like all of that type of information is is really crucial because that's that's the direction I feel like we're moving back to because we've gotten away from living in harmony with nature. And I just kind of want to cover that and how we can get back into that way of life and I think it's extremely important right now so welcome to the show. Thank you appreciate it great to be here with you guys thank you so much for the invitations here with my wife and we'll talk to you guys catch up from. Last time we saw each other out there any settings so, and thanks for the invitation. Thank you really great to see you guys again and excited for this conversation today. Right, it's going to be beautiful. I know it and actually the last time I saw you was in Florida for the solstice in December, and we did that ceremony on the solstice and if you remember we had a day sighting we had that ship come. It was there for a while, and it was pretty awesome I thought. And, and I just think that proves the importance of even doing ceremonies because they show up they understand you know they appreciate when we put in the effort, and we take advantage of those days. So I think I thought that was really awesome, but I'll turn it over to you and let you guys kind of introduce yourselves a little better, and let us know how you got into this work. You want me to start well gosh I know it's like where do you start. We've been on a pretty hyper drive path. So I think our journey really really did start on a spiritual level when our son arrived so we have a son named blaze and the way that he got his name was kind of what really catapulted us onto a new path. We were you know we weren't sure if we were having a boy or a girl we were letting it be a surprise and the day that baby was coming it was kind of a cloudy overcast day. And we're in the you know the room there at the hospital with the you know west facing window. And the clouds broke and a beam of light shined in the window onto the baby's head as babies head is crowning. And it's like this miraculous like moment you know and so we're like I said like if it's a girl we should name her son or your sunshine and Brian's like it's a boy we should name a blaze. We should go up to the boy so we have this amazing star child that you know he just he came into the world and we had to get our act together. There was no more screwing around and our lives completely did a 180 and you know during that kind of time frame. Soon to be mom and seeing the state of the world, you know I wasn't a lot of fear. And you know we were just like you know how can I bring a child in this really chaotic world. And you know this is 13 years ago and holy crap you know it got really great. So you know we discovered ceremony we discovered learning sacred ways and then we eventually met chief golden light eagle at a star knowledge conference. And that really is, you know like the root of where we're coming to you now from you know because we just we learned so much. And it's just him working in the ways of ceremony and learning the star knowledge that he's been teaching for the last 25 years, and really integrating that into our walk. And it's just been life saving honestly, and you know we're still really dedicated to continuing the legacy of what he brought through. So we need this work, we need this information, and without it, I don't know how I can stay sane in such a crazy world that we're still in so I don't know you want to share more on that. Sure. Yeah, like coming, you know, Jenna and I used to have a company and we sold these shirts all over the country and we met, we met us and people that, that new people light evil, and have been doing ceremony with us. That's how we kind of, you know, heard about him in the first. And, you know, we were busy we were married and out there, you know, kind of living like rock stars, you know, and going all these rallies and it was a lot of fun because everybody's on vacation so I was just proving to be a little too fast of the lifestyle for parenting. Anyway, yeah, after meeting to phone light able getting a chance to do my first sweat lodge, really it was intriguing and open a lot of doors. And yeah, I really didn't really didn't never see myself actually winning ceremony or to the level of what I have learned over the years, you know, with all the time that we spent with you would encourage me so much over the years to, and he learned these songs, you know, I was starting to push, I didn't feel like I could sing. In other words, it's hard understanding a different language and I'm like, I don't, I don't seem well, I don't really had a job. He's a Brian, it's not about you, it's hard for the people, and it just kind of helped shift my focus about what we were doing and what my contribution matters together to do ceremony everybody's presence as a signature and a vibration. We're coming from whatever experience we just had or whatever things are in our field. And so it all affects ceremonies. So, and so when we do ceremony, we like to do as much as we can to help kind of verify and being that space so that as people come, you know, that they're not thinking about stress and worry, you don't want to bring those things there among me, you want to just be very high vibration. And, and anyway, it just it was really kind of what that that hook was the the brought us in and made us feel like we were we belonged and, and you just spend that much time with him was really incredible. Yeah, that's beautiful. It's amazing. I think the very first time I ever met you was at East steady and I don't know if you were presenting or if you were just saying a little something on one of the panels. I remember exactly I think it was a panel but you were sharing the experience you had out on the field there. And you were trying to connect, you know, like everyone else you're trying to connect with an ET or craft out there and then you had gotten the message. Like why are you trying to connect with us, you should be trying to connect with the people around you and the nature, and that was so profound it stuck with me, because it's so true, so many people are like looking for that, that star connection But we're not we we stop trying to connect with the people in our lives, and yeah, yeah, yeah, it was a very humbling experience, you know, because, you know, sometimes when we hear those thoughts or, you know, we'll ask or we'll send a message like that, and we might get an answer sometimes we don't know if that's just our own thinking or our own answer kind of thing but it just came strong as I was in this loving place I was just really like, Oh, hey, you know, this welcome So welcome here beautiful to meet you come down here this is a place of love, and they were like, you know, why are you even trying to talk to us when you haven't tried talking to the relatives right next to you. And it didn't make me just think of the people around me made me think of these and the ants and stones and there's there's consciousness levels. All of those things, and I heard that for a while before I actually had some experiences that were like, Oh, that's, they mean, a wonder they understand and can pop up these things and it's because real and once you add that experience. You don't miss one of those things. Exactly. Right, exactly. And it's, and it's beautiful and, and even remembering that everything has a consciousness because we do that we forget that you walk outside and you know how how many people are actually talking to the trees and the plants I know a lot of people do and the animals, but there's a number of people that don't and even me when I know it's possible and sometimes I do. There's other days where I'm just cruising around focused on what I'm doing and you're just walking by all of that stuff without appreciating it. So taking the time to just acknowledge it. And that goes back to some of the old Native American teachings where, you know, their school was nature they were sent out into the field and told to have a conversation with this rabbit, or whatever and they didn't understand as a child but as they grew up they would understand that the rabbit was actually telling them something and they learned how to communicate with the animals in nature. And that's one of the things I wanted to get into also is the spirit animals, because I know that's that's huge doing the work that you do so which one of you guys mind touching on that aspect of it. Well, I'll just say real fast what I've seen with some of these children, you know, the girl up with adults that aren't filtered and aren't all walled off and bailed. Those children tend to see things very early on, and then they kind of don't know what they're experiencing or seeing and so cool parents are like, oh, that's just such and such and I don't know any attention to it if it doesn't, if you don't like it or, you know, so not like that's not there they don't sit there and shut the children off and so the children kind of already have a natural telepathy if you will. And so when you have parents that aren't like oh that's crazy talk and encouraging the child with what they're experiencing, then I see that developing that much more with them so I just wanted to say that and I would imagine a lot of us can actually identify with, you know, maybe having forgotten our connection on a telepathic level. And so, you know, a lot of the star knowledge teachings kind of go hand in hand with, you know, awakening that remembrance again and helping us to remember how to be telepathic again, because that is the original language and that's the language of the star nations. And so, you know, to have contact that's that makes sense and is meaningful. You know, there needs to be a little bit of an ability there, you know, clairvoyance for audience telepathy and all of that needs to turn back on again and so a lot of our focus is, is that work. And, you know, there's amazing animals that come as earth guardians to help us with that activation the reactivation and remembrance and I remember when we were on the show with you Tyler and you know chief and I were sitting with you. You talked about the visit that you had with the deer the albino deer. Yeah, that was so powerful, and you know he shared with you just the power of not giving your heart away. Yes, I remember that message vividly yeah. Yeah, and so I mean there's there's simple teachings but they have so much meaning, and we can really, you know, we don't even have to be in nature to see a deer in order to be connected with nature. To be in a meditation, and we can call upon that spirit animal to come in and, you know, ask ask them for some clarity ask them for some help. You know the deer is like that power to be, and you know they work with our entire shocker system that you know deals with the emotional body. And so you know we can once for you know more you know able to travel in our existence on a neutral like place like zero point you know where we're able to navigate our emotions really in a healthy way. You know we can begin to emanate the color from our chakras to help other people in their processes and you know kind of help tune them up a little bit too. So you know becomes like the symbiotic relationship much like a natural deer would have with us we can start to have that with another human. And so like we're all in this together, and we're all doing it's like a ripple effect. So you know I just it's so fascinating to me and and that's just one example, you know there's many earth guardians that we speak of when we work with the star knowledge and so as we're working with it each month. One earth guardian that we are working with for that entire moon cycle, and currently in this moon cycle right now we're like we call it the 10th dimension and we're working with the bear. And the bear is such a powerful, like animal to come in and help us right now because they work with opening the gates that have been closed so like the gates of the mind. And it's really about facing your fears and being brave enough to take on what scares you the most, you know what is your biggest challenge, and the bear can come in and help us with that. And so you know as we're doing more conscious work with it. And more becomes clearer, we get a greater understanding, and then you know it's like totally leveling up, and it's so perfect because I'm looking at your shirt. And I see your DNA and I see the word activate, and that's exactly what the work is. Great shirt. Yeah, yeah, he designed it too. Right. Put me down for a week and certainly we can certainly send you one. Yeah, yeah that's absolutely fascinating. That was beautiful beautifully said beautifully. And the one thing I noticed is that. Pay attention to the animals around you, because they're trying to give you a message most of the time, and sometimes we're not focusing on it right. But if you stop and start observing them, they all have something to say. And we all have our phone we all the internet and if you don't know and you don't know what to do just Google it look it up and look up to meaning the spirit meaning of seeing an owl or whatever animal or bird or whatever it was you just saw. But then eventually you won't need to look it up you'll start to connect with that animal and you'll know when you see him what that means for you in your life. It's that it's something beautiful but I just want to remind people to pay attention to that because sometimes they're out there trying to get your attention, but you know you're just too focused on something else. You know, I'll share another experience with a stone. You know, because there's, you know when you speak of these things that you might get like a woodpecker right is just knocking and really catching your attention. And it is it's good to find you know that that that teaching and kind of go down their journey and do whatever reflections might speak to you around that. So when you hear of people that are talking about consciousness stones and being messages from stones is a little a little harder because they're not making some clicking audible thing going on. And so it was elusive to me but, you know, we went and got stones and wood for a lot of my name. And she's brother John was with me and I'm standing on top of this pile rocks, 5,000 rocks right and I'm just trying to look for the right size stones. I'm just trying to look for sweat lodge, which one john, you know, does it does it to me. You put that on your altar and about the size of a base, I'll maybe a little bit bigger right. Is that okay so that up the fire and put it on the altar and she came out. I said look at this stone that the john said it should put on the altar. And I got real big he says, Oh, that's a good thing to bring it into law tonight, great with it. So, so I did I was the last one to come and lodge and I brought it in with me so also pray with it when you're done praying with it put it in the bucket of water, bucket of water in the sweat lodge, you know, we just put on the stones that it up in there. Anyway, so I put that put that stone in the bucket of water. So I went on to honor the stone nations. So anyway, he said all that. That's almost to give you a doctor. So go ahead and he wants you to pull it out out of the water, and it's going to heat up. Wherever on your body feel like you need a doctor. Oh, yeah, it's cold water, you know, I got on bucket at Home Depot right so maybe full of 10 inches of water in there. So I grabbed it and this is like grabbing a cold rock out of the pond or something. I started pulling it up and while it was still underwater that thing lit up in my hand. And it got so hot I could barely hold on to it. So what's going on here and it took me a few long seconds to oh yeah I'm supposed to get myself a pottery. And now I'm in that kind of Oh yeah, I'm just going to say, Oh yeah, that hurt. Yeah, geez, where don't I need it. Right. All over myself, but to have that experience. A stone that heats up on its own. While it's immersed in water and for you to have your hand on it. It just felt like God touching, you know, and that really brought me to the level of understanding the level of consciousness that some of them are healing doctoring stones and Native Americans are a lot of these these telecota people that we had the chance to spend time with understood this, because they're fairly common. And so anyway, but you're right. That's amazing. When we were in Florida you handed me that stone I still have it that I was holding because I wasn't feeling the greatest and it was like extremely hot and now I know where you got that from but I remember it was like really hot at one point. It didn't make sense to be that hot because it's pretty cool out. But I believe in working the stones and crystals and all that stuff and they have a consciousness as well. I had a dream recently that I was a time traveler and I was using the local rocks to time travel because they store the memory of the entire history of that area. And so I would use somehow connect with the rock and I was able to go back to go to any point in time in that location. So it's really interesting to think of it that way is also being like a time machine. Well, they've been, they've been here longer than generations of people and, you know, birds, animals. I mean, the rocks have seen everything. They know the story. They know, they know the truth. So that's part of the, you know, when we bring those stones in from the fire into the sweat lodges. That's what we're honoring is what they have to share with us. The ancient truth and knowledge. Yeah. It's cool. Right. How the ancestors come in because all of our bloodlines are our DNA. Those are our ancestors. Those are our children. Well, you know, we're going to care about them no matter if we pass over energetically they're part of it. Right. And so our ancestors have that same love. And, and, and so they want to support us, even though they're crossed over when we call in and ask for help. Our ancestors was better than anybody. Right. Yeah, exactly. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So I want to kind of talk, we talk about the star knowledge of star teachings. Let's talk about the star people. You know, where all this stuff comes from, you know, ancient cultures all over the world. We're in communication with the star people or et's. They know they exist. They knew they exist UFOs. It was all common talk and it's depicted in hieroglyphs and pictographs everywhere all around all around the world. What is your experience with seeing craft and being visited by these star people? Or do you have experience like that? More can you share? Well, you know, Brian's got some pretty amazing contact or experiences we could say. And, you know, just to preface that I feel like, you know, we all have a little bit of a different way of how we receive or perceive connection and experience. For me, it's more on a telepathic level when I'm either a meditation or in sweat lodge, you know, when we're calling in for what we're, you know, the ceremonies. And so, you know, it could be all kinds of different experiences in that way. But, you know, to physically see them with your eyes. Like, for some reason, I don't always see what everybody else sees, but I see it in a different way, which is, you know, like as light or energy or often colors. And, you know, just a feeling, a very, very strong feeling of a presence. So, oh, Brian sure has good stuff. Well, then, you know, I'll go ahead. I was just before you go into that that's a great point, because if we have this preconceived idea of what we want contact to look like, you might be disappointed. But like you said, it could show up in any number of ways and you might see the energy or the light body of that craft when everyone else sees the physical craft or whatever the case may be. And it could be, they could be communicating to you via an animal or whatever the case might be. So it might not look like what you want it to look like but be open minded enough to receive the message from anywhere. Yes. Well, we all have different gifts, right. And, you know, I love what you guys are doing. And I applaud your podcast and trying to bring these types of topics around her for people to at least, you know, here are other people's experiences and engage the conversation because there's so much reality, the more, the more like we peel back the veil, the more we're just, gosh, you know, I really don't think we're ready. A lot of us are ready for what's really out there. And I only say that just because, you know, having that experience of the rock heating up and there's ceremonies where a man gets tied up with the spirit tool and by that man, we've been in a number of those ceremonies. That happened when the spirits come in a lot of times they come in and they will light up so you see these things light up. I've seen the light orbs, which, which was how I first learned about the SETI ranch was like, gosh, and years ago. And 10, 11 years ago, I think we just got them to insert this mirror and that's this park and I've been seeing these light orbs, moving around and then couldn't stand. Yeah, that was, that was kind of one of those first things and that kind of led me to find James Gilliland and the SETI ranch just with a few days after that. But most recently I had a really powerful experience and, you know, when you've had some of these experiences, you're like, okay, if that's possible, anything's possible. Right. If that rock can eat up in my hand like anything, because that defies any scientific, you know, there's things that are out there that can't break down logic. So I had had a couple pretty, you know, awesome dreams about giants. And it was one of those that really stuck with me. And so it was the first day of Sundance and this is early August. And it was the first morning and we had to get up and get going pretty early so I woke up at like a quarter to five. And so I went and sat in my truck for a minute and I noticed a shooting star. And that was the, what was the meteor shower going on at the time. The Perseids meteor shower was at that time. Yeah, it's going on. So it really made me want to just pay for attention. And so I'm looking and nothing, nothing's happening. Nothing's happening. I'm looking towards the east because it's so pretty dark. And I just think to turn my head to the north. And I did. And it was so big that I don't know how big. Let's just say I'm guessing a minimum of a mile long, but maybe upwards of three to five miles. Why? I mean, this thing was crazy. You're talking about a craft. This was a craft. Wow. It was a scale like, I mean, my jaw hit the ground. I mean, I looked around quick to see if anybody around was, you know, was, was awake yet and nobody was. Jen was actually in the tent. She was awake, but she was still in the tent, you know, and he didn't go, Hey, Jen, come check this out. I never know how you're going to react when you see something like this. But if I had, you know, it was hard to tell how far away it was and how high above the ground it was. This thing, like I said, I've got some three miles, and then I'm trying to be conservative and try and not over exaggerate this thing. It's three miles. You know, it doesn't sound pretty enough, but it was like a chip like a capsule. It had a bunch of windows that looked like starships like the one we would see a bit. You said any of the real bright ones. Right. And you can tell the difference between the satellites and kind of faint plan on the ones that will power up and really, really. Oh, yeah. But this, this thing had 50 to 100 all lined up windows. Wow. Inside like reflecting out, like I watched it go behind the cloud and it was reflecting white off the cloud. It just so hard to describe what I saw. And I, and I maybe had a minute, minute and a half of visibility wallet went to the east and eventually went out of sight. It was a cylinder and it was almost like glass like, but maybe Chrome or reflecting the colors around it that give it like a camouflage. Just I've seen some crazy things but nothing, even remotely close to that big. Right. That's beautiful. And what's interesting, what's interesting is I put a cylinder craft with windows on the thumbnail. That's like without even knowing that you had that experience. Yeah, if you see the thumbnail you'll see I put it in the sky don't even know why I decided to. That's why. It wasn't like, so there's the stock. Look now, there's the stock photo. And then I added this little cylinder craft UFO with windows and you can pull. All right, so just, so like, so picture a lot, like a whole other role windows underneath those. But the thing was massively 10 times 20 times the size of that. Wow. Give you the perspective. Wow. It was, it was huge. It was mother mothership. It was kind of more of a dark grey skies or some clouds. Right. Well, I think those ships are around more than we think every day. I feel like we've always heard if they. They unclocked all the ships. It would just look like a Star Wars movie or something. We're just air traffic. Yeah. There's many experiences I've had. I mean, I just, I was speechless. You know, and one of the things that the chief would always say, he's like, he's like, hey, you know, when you're out there like watching the sky and you're looking for the ships and all of a sudden one will come and boom, you know, and flash at you or something. Everybody goes, whoa. He's like, you know, he's like, you're calling the star people that he's like, so they're coming and introducing themselves to you. Can you imagine if you went up and said, hi, my name's Tyler. Oh, right. He's like, try to get beyond that reaction. Yeah, I'll introduce yourself. Oh, hi. Right. I'm buying, you know, just kind of take it simple. So that's a good mindset to have. Yeah. A lot of people, they just, they're purely seeing and reacting and then they're not thinking about. They're picking up on our, you know, everything. They're watching me go. Yeah. Yeah, just frozen. Yeah. It was nothing like, oh, hey, hi guys. Yeah. If you saw a giant, you know, like you dumbfounded. The stream I had, I looked up and realized it was two giants. I thought they were like trees and then tree trunks, but they really ended up being to, you know, do diet standing next to each other. And as soon as I saw how tall they were and they looked, they looked down at me right as soon as they realized they were giant. Right. And that. Yeah, I just like. Hi. And giants and giants are one of my favorite topics. There's evidence of them all over the world. The Smithsonian has admitted to, you know, burying the evidence. We have old news articles, ancient buildings that have gigantic doors and steps that don't make any sense. Some people claim that like the Egyptians, they, all their statues and all their sculptures were built to scale. And it's not exaggerated. And some of them are gigantic. And the Native Americans talk about, you know, the redheaded giants and stuff. And there's even like stories of them capturing them and taking them down. You know, there's this, there's this whole myth and legend, we can say something. But the skeletons that they found like there's really old newspaper articles and right stuff that like showed it back then before it was super controlled, you know, yeah, the New York Times in the late 1800s or 1800s. Yeah, late 1800s, you can, you can find numerous articles at the New York Times. They were finding them all over the world, but then the Smithsonian would always swoop in. Right. Like, oh, we're going to take this and then no one ever sees a dangerous stuff. Yeah. Yeah, it's dangerous to the narrative. That's what yeah. And then they try to do this. Oh, they never, that's a myth. That's not real, you know, and they're describing all the ancient texts, but Bible and everything else, you know, like, it's all over the place, just like everything else. Yeah. And I've heard that they still exist in parts of inner earth, who knows. And that's something that the star people are the Native Americans, they talk about a lot is the inner earth beings that aunt people and stuff in the Grand Canyon area. And a lot of their people were brought on their ground for safety, allegedly during like whatever catastrophe was happening on the surface. Does that type of information ever come up in the work or the teachings that, that you guys explore? Um, you know, just one, one comes to mind. I'm not really good at retelling this, but we did a visit and it was actually, it was too cold and light eagle me and two other people at the time and we made a visit over to chocolate canyon. And we were really tuning into the land there and the ruins and, you know, the key buzz and, you know, just really just seeing what's there and it's an old matriarchal society that used to live there. But according to what I am remembering and that I heard is that they chose to go into Middle Earth, like they chose to kind of exit this realm and move themselves inside, so to speak. Um, but there's a video out there by twofold and light eagle. Um, and I can send you guys the link because it's really fascinating, but he had a story where he actually visited some of the native people that were living near chocolate canyon. And just, you know, casually talking to these two people that had lived there their whole lives, and they were witnessing, you know, this like kind of like clean up like, like, you could picture like the Smithsonian people showing up and they're putting bodies that they excavated into these boxes that they were going to transport somewhere else. And so when the trucks arrived to come pick up these boxes. This wind came, and it was like a little dust double spun through. And the boxes literally like disappeared. They just vanished. Yeah, there's a little all-star kind of stuff. Yeah. That's amazing. So he tells the story in the video and it's pretty cool. I'll see if I can find it. Yeah, that would be great to share. Yeah, it would be. Yeah, that's incredible. That stuff's always fun to listen to. It's exciting. And we know it existed if you feel into it. You know, chief brother Sherwin got a chance to go visit an indigenous group and I won't say where this was at, but the, the, the chief of that indigenous and this was, this was overseas. Sherwin, if, if he would come to one of their sacred sites and look at some. And, and so Sherwin agreed. And so he went and, and they basically took into this place that, you know, had a lot of brush and trees grown and things like that, but he could tell it's kind of like the somewhat of a mound or a hill. And they moved a little bit of stuff out of the way and all of a sudden there's this opening and ground. And you little, you know, opening. And they just, they just pointed at it. Oh, when there. And, and you look down, so you get hit. Like this on his elbows and it took him a while to get back in there. He got all the way back in there and he's like, Brian, I was red at a giant. And you just like dead, but maybe just sleeping like fully preserved. Maybe fully, you know, like he was just sleeping, but no breath, no movement whatsoever. And he, he took a bunch of pictures of it and he talked about it, you know, several times with us. And I got to find those pictures and show it. And he never did before he crossed. I don't even know what ever happened with pictures. You know, he saw that right at a giant, you know, first hand. Wow. Yeah. That's amazing. Hey, we've heard about. Yeah. We've heard them being in stasis being discovered in stasis. They dug up a couple giant skeletons with double rows of teeth and those newspaper articles have been scrubbed, but they were that. Yeah, and that's a massive site and they less than 1% of it's been excavated. Then they stop excavation. That's why they stopped excavating. And apparently to preserve the historical value. Right. Yeah. And then they. I love it when they put a big fence around the mound and they stick an American flag on top of the mound. Yeah. Exactly. That's something also I'm looking forward to seeing come to light is the true history of what happened in this nation. Like I shared something the other day of the Mount Rushmore. So it was actually the, what is it, the six or seven grandfather stone of the. I don't actually know the history, but it had native American history. And then we come in and you know, just cover it up. And that, that just kind of goes hand in hand with what happened to this entire nation. And I'm excited for that true history to be revealed as we move forward. And just. Right. Go ahead. I was saying me too. You know, um. You've probably heard of like some of the hieroglyphs and Egyptian type artifacts that have been found along the Grand Canyon type area. Some of these ceremonies that the Native Americans do, you know, they say go back to. And so, you know, you know, we don't know how recent or long ago that that timeframe. Really is because I'm getting more and more convinced that we've been. Most severely lied to in the last hundred years alone. Yeah. Um, the, I don't know how much of whatever they've telling us about history. I can believe, you know, it's a great cover up story to not talk about giants and not talk about advanced civilizations and advanced societies and a logical things that they had. I mean, look at this. Look at the theatrics. I'm a builder. You guys have worked with pile and stone my whole life. And that's hard stuff to cut and polish. And when I see some of these cathedrals and megalithic structures and, and, and it just, it just poggles my mind how they can. And so it's, it's almost laughable that these horse and carriage guys even here in America where he will build some of these. And he has buildings, you know, Hey, man. Chime in about that. Yeah, I agree 100%. I'm in construction as well. And I get what it takes to cut a stone and set a stone and all that stuff. And even something small, sometimes it takes four guys to move, whatever. And I knew, and I was in Mexico, a Chita Nica, two years ago on the winter solstice at the pyramid site on that day. Interestingly enough, it was the only day on the whole trip that I saw chemtrails in the sky right above the pyramid cross. Of course, they were doing whatever they're doing, but so they have most of the site, you can't really go and touch the stuff, but they have loose stones that were just, they found laying there. Like the whole site was just abandoned. So it was like mid construction, a lot of these big stones are laying there somewhere about waist high, I don't know about yay round. And they're probably the small stones on the site like everything's massive. And I wanted to see like if I could even budget, like just to see what it would take. And like the reality of sitting there trying to move this stone. It's not being able to budget at all, like, and then think about them setting building these pyramids. I don't know, it's crazy. What was it the great pyramid they tried to build a one fifth scale size one in Japan years ago. I don't know. Yeah, they tried to build it one fifth the size and they couldn't even do that with our modern, the best of what we have today. So somehow they built and when you look at how intricate that is and how, you know, just precise and it's aligned with the stars and them, you know, everything about it can heat up and give you a doctor and the true doctoring. Yeah, how to interact with your DNA and your tissues, you know, through just just a contact and or belief and or like, well, that, you know, what else is it able. Well, exactly. Did we know how to love it? Well, it's all sound sound levitation is real that's proven to me that's what changed the shape of the stone or would it change shape at our request type thing. Great points like some of them look like they're a molded some of them even look like they could have been 3D printed with some sort of technology. They certainly don't look like they were sculpted to that accuracy. Yeah, the coral castle if you guys have heard of that in Florida. There's that tale where those two kids are riding their bikes and they saw that the owner moving stones one time with what they call ice cream cones they went back and told their parents that he was moving the rocks with ice cream cones. Well, over in Africa, they found all these ice cream cone shaped stones all over the ground and they near these circles that they can't really explain they calm cattle herds but they turn out to be like the schematics of the area they built into the stone structure. Anyway, there's, I saw ancient aliens I think of one of the hieroglyphs that show two Egyptians holding ice cream shape tools, pointing them at a stone that that's depicted hovering in the air. You can't hardly find that image online anywhere. But I'm telling you that's what they were doing whatever these these stones were these cone shaped stones. They were an instrument they were a technology that they were able to somehow work with the frequency of the earth and the frequency of the stone, and this is how they levitated the stone. And if this guy for the coral castle had was privy to this concept this technology. That's exactly how he was doing it. And I feel like that would explain a lot. And you can walk around Michael Tillinger talks about just being able to walk around Africa and find these, these cone shaped stones and he was picking them up. And so he accidentally tapped two of them together and it created this beautiful frequency this tone that he started putting it together putting the pieces together is like wow this is a tool this is a technology. Yeah, I've been learning a little bit more about like the geo polymer type stone and that has me very intrigued as well because I've been mixing mortars and crowds and concrete, you know, for five plus years as well. And that makes so much more sense to their ability to mold and sculpt on right without necessarily being so obvious to us and that's what it is because we use this board like concrete, which is the greatest. Exactly. Exactly. Let's I want to shift into like I guess we can call new earth energies and like this, this shift is transition that the planet's going through right now. Obviously things on the surface are very chaotic. We have a fake entity and as our president, whatever you want to call some kind of some kind of thing. Yeah, posing as our president obviously there's a lot of weird shit going on right now. What kind of stuff, I just like to get your opinion or anything that you've downloaded or tapped into about what is actually occurring right now and what are your thoughts what does this transition look like to you. Maybe Jen you could start. Sure. You know it's it's kind of interesting because I was kind of asking myself this question a little bit already before you reached out just kind of asking myself. What is Ascension and what is evolving. And what's been coming through is that, you know, we're super multi dimensional right now. And we're crossing timelines and planes of reality a lot faster so the veil is definitely better right now. You know there's a lot turning on for a lot of people we're seeing a lot of people waking up and having spiritual experiences and. And it's kind of shocking because it's so sudden and so profound and so I'm seeing a lot more people coming around saying, Hey, you know, what do I do with this I don't even I feel like I'm going crazy. So I'm saying that a lot more but in terms of like the earth energies and that thing, it's beating me to the concept of the micro and the macro. So as as people are waking up more and more and more and as we who have been kind of awake or whatever, and we're doing our work. We're raising our vibrational frequencies. And so the same thing is happening with the earth. And it's, it's like we talked about a little bit earlier with it being a little bit symbiotic. So as the earth is raising the frequency. We have to raise our frequency as well. And the way it's happening is that we're getting a lot of energy blasting us from the sun as we're witnessing with the human resonance. So all of this photon energy is, you know, like we're in this photon belt. And it's there to assist us in our ascension in our awakening in reactivating our DNA, our remembrances and the same thing is happening with mother earth. That is what I'm getting. And so, you know, we get, we get choice points a lot faster. You know, it's like something happens and we have to decide right now what we're going to do with it. And if we don't, we're going to get tumbled along in the wave, you know, and kind of lose track a little bit. So where I don't know where this is leading me, other than that's sort of just a new awareness for me. So it's really important that we continue to look at each trigger each experience and continue to do that in our work that helps us, you know, to stay more grounded and more neutral in our emotional bodies. And go to those places where we find joy. Because the joy is the highest frequency. And so when we're doing that, you know, we can ride through the frequencies that the chaos and the collective, so to speak, a little bit easier, but then it's also helping the extension of mother earth. And, you know, like all the star beings out there, they're all doing this. And so, you know, it's like, I'm so excited to see where it all goes because, you know, we made very very well have much different contact when we have an experience such as what Brian has, you know, we're more comfortable and ready. And so, I don't know, I was just kind of rambling there. Beautiful. And you mentioned something about, you know, the decisions that we're, you know, we're faced with, we have to make a decision and I heard just recently, I think it was even from Jackie Chan or something I was watching. But it was, he was telling like advice from his father and he's like, every decision you make adds up, every little decision adds up. So, and be conscious of every decision you make throughout your day, whatever that is, what you do first thing in the morning what you eat what you watch whatever we don't have the luxury to misuse our energy right now because if you do something that's not in resonance with your path, you're going to pay for you're going to feel the physical effects of it. Shit might start going wrong in your life with your house with your car, the universe is going to tell you, hey, if something you're doing isn't right. So, I think it's very crucial what you brought up about those decisions in that moment like pay attention to the daily decisions that you make, and that can really help navigate these times I think, go ahead Brian I know you're going to add to that. Oh yeah, no, it brings up a lot of things, but I like the direction you took it and, you know, I was just going to add that with, with being so crazy out there, it has made me want to just spend more time focusing on me being happier, you know, and making sure that you know we're taking care of each other and our home and our family, and you know because that's that's priority one you know we all want to see big changes good changes in the world we, we want to see somebody either that is somebody we can really relate to and or get behind if there's a need for leadership position like bubbling, you know, doofus and office right now. Yeah, that chief mumbling doofus is a great clown name, you know it's like it's so our face that the world is so clowned up and they're using this reverse logic and you know just, and it's so obvious to so many of us that they're doing that. But it's it's it's also really disturbing to see how many people are drinking that up and are understanding that that's going on either so, you know, we've got to be patient with each other everything is definitely a reflection of how much more do we need to find compassion and how very is and new ways of forgiving ourselves, being inadequate or just not knowing. And just to Christian do I guess anything I'm saying with any of that, most I will take away that I am was really sinking to how much the now is a very, very sacred moment. So, we don't understand, I didn't understand what sacredness meant as a growing up as, you know, white America farm towns, you know, small town. You know, we didn't have a guess it was religious or something but the learning that something is so sacred. Every moment and so every just does matter if you need to dig a hole, and you don't have a shovel you still need to get that whole bug so a shovel is life changing for you in that moment. This altered your reality, in this day and age we take that shovel we dig the hole and we pitch the shovel over a shoulder, we need to travel later can you find the thing because we didn't say wow, thank you. This is my reality and making this easy for me, cleaning that shovel up, taking care of it, putting it back in place, you're going to find it because it just, it's going to, it's going to be useful again. It comes down in this reality, getting back to nature. Yeah, we need to go say hi to the trees and the birds and animals, but we just need to go out and listen because they're like you said they're trying to talk to it. And it just takes taking the time to breathe, get quiet, and just listen, so many of us are full of noise, all this chatter, just get quiet and listen, it's using what'll come in, you know, right. That was a good moments. Yes, absolutely beautifully said beautifully said, and I can agree more, that's something I've been doing as of late very recently is focusing more on being present. And, because I'm a thinker I'm always in my head and it takes a lot for me to call my mind, but I'm finding it to be a lot easier if I just I'm focusing on every day just being in the present every moment. And stop because the definition of anxiety is worrying about the future, right. So you can just eliminate that if you consciously remind yourself to be present and it's been helping me tremendously. I do want to touch on the ceremonies a little bit just because I think they're extremely important they're not done enough. We had that amazing sighting when we did one in Florida. How did you, how would you recommend people who are listening if they wanted to start doing their own ceremonies on these certain dates and astrological alignments and stuff. And just kind of explain the importance of the ceremony and what it involves and what the actual goal is that you're trying to achieve with that because it's so easy just to say yeah make do a ceremony but what does that mean. So much I mean ceremony can be interpreted in so many different ways because you know there's ceremonies that are held all over the world and they're all different. And so, you know, very simply though, each day of our life can be a ceremony. Brian was talking about the sacredness we can bring consciousness to our day and make it a ceremony, because you know like an example is somebody will reach out and they're like I'm in trouble and I need help can you please pray for me. And the response would be yeah I'll pray for you tonight when I'm home. Well, okay so why wait until later to pray. You know like, so kind of breaking down the programming a little bit around you know because we're so we're still very 3D bearings, but prayer and you know it can be done simultaneously. Just through consciousness so it's focused and depend. Take a moment and just close my eyes, drop in connect, you know, to whomever I need to connect to in the moment for that help and just ask please come help my sister. Please bring her what she needs bring her some relief some clarity, the help good help what does she need. Please make that obvious to her, you know and just having a conversation that takes maybe you know a minute. And we can we can do that so much more throughout our day and do it for ourselves to just having an intention to start your day and change how your whole day plays out for you. And it can impact your mood it can impact who comes into your physical field, it can impact a direction or a choice that you need to make. So you know I just invite everybody to have more consciousness around just making your day a sacred day. With no matter what you're doing, you know I'm a paralegal by day and I bring my my consciousness to that work. And you know I see people struggling, I did the works law so I see children that are just going through amazing ridiculous situations. You know that they didn't choose necessarily and so like I have to stop dropping prey sometimes because it's so intense, but I bring that to my day. But then in terms of ceremony you know we we were so blessed and so gifted to have so much time learning from a Dakota chief about ceremony about sweat lodge about Sundance. There's all these different types of ceremonies. We are again blessed because we have another friend who is hosting Sundance and it is an all nations altar Sundance. And he's very excited to bring you know anybody that's interested in learning he's he's excited to have more people come so he can share because you know these teachings will go away if nobody is teaching them. And so anybody that's eager to know and has the open heart and wants to sit and listen and learn and experience that door is open and you can reach out to us and we can tell you more about that. Another aspect of ceremony is you know myself I do ceremony every month, you could say honoring the moon cycles with the star knowledge. And I have a podcast now where I talk about all the different energies that were worth each moon cycle. A podcast is called moons of ascension, and it's just a little mini teaching that talks about ways that you can work with what's you know present for us in this moment. You know like we talked about it being the bare moon and what it's doing you know what's opening the gates of the mind. So you know I need to face my biggest challenge so I'm going to call in the bear and make a ceremony out of that. And it can be a meditation, it can be in nature on a walk, it can be you know sitting in front of an altar with a candle. I mean there's so many ways to do ceremony and it really just comes down to bringing focused intent in a really sacred way, and it can be very simple. Man, you had that answer ready to go. That was perfect and that's exactly what I was wanting to hear out of that because you explained it perfectly for anyone who's curious or confused on what to do and how to pursue that. So let me the samurai, if you know anything about the Japanese samurai their way of life everything was done with purpose, even if it was ladling out water out of a bucket, they would set the ladle down. Everything was done slow with purpose, and that was their way of life and that kind of reminds me like Brian what you were saying with the shovel and just what you were talking about Jen. And I think it can really legitimately change your life. And so what I wanted to just maybe touch on a little bit about folks wanting to maybe tap in and great questions by the way Tyler I think they're really great questions and trying to make it relative to the audience. I think, you know, fantastic, interesting tales, but Jen and I want to be able to help anybody that's wanting to do something more sacred in their life. And, and so, you know, just finding ways to do a ceremony and just the intention alone. It creates that energy. Okay, so when, when, when Chief had encouraged me to start learning these songs and the people need these songs. They put my heart into, you know, and that's when my voice came that's when I was able to actually start like, how does this. This was coming out that never had before. And so that was always a big fueling factor with my ever going to any ceremony after that I just realized, just show up, show up in your heart. In your head, you know, we all want to know how this is working and how to do it and that kind of stuff. And that's just the way spirits come and work with you is when you're really in your heart. Man, that heart frequency is very attractive to any higher being. I mean, it only makes sense. We get caught up in our thoughts. We're just vibe and love. And so when we're really elevated, we're in our heart, we've shown up to Sundance to serve. And even though we're tired, we're going to get up. It was like a reward of showing up, but it's not every time I think just the sincerity when you're really just in your heart is when you're going to get those experiences. We want to call in the star being just be open to the fact that they're there, whether or not they're going to show themselves to you. I was disappointed many times in the beginning when we went out to look. I was ready for some big grandiose experience to show up. I never did, and I had to let that go and realize, wait a minute, this isn't about being entertained. This isn't a show. This isn't some kind of just so that we have some cool things to talk about. We're going to, we're going to, we're going to get a new piece every chance that we, you know, every time that we're stepping into that sincerity. That's my feeling. It's just doing it and doing it to do the best that you can. Right. And that is such a great, really good point. And, you know, when we're, when we're in our sincerity, things happen quickly. Things click into place faster and effortlessly. So you'll know, you know, you'll see a challenge or a difference, you know, whether you're in your header in your heart, the direction things go and how it feels. So, you know, conscious reminder again, you know, it's, it just takes practice, you know, if it's not something you're used to doing. You know, learn some meditations or something on YouTube. I mean, there's so many races are out there, but just simply to sit, close your eyes, breathe, and feel yourself connecting with Mother Earth. And feeling your crown open and connecting to the heart of creator. It takes about three breaths, and you're connected. And then, you know, that allows you to be more in that heart center space to make that prayer, or to make that question, you know, like, yeah. And I know you're right because an orb just flew past you. Yeah, it just flew down in front of you. And I didn't see it. Well, yeah, sometimes you don't. It's funny. That happens fairly often when we record. No, amen to all that. And I love Brian what you said about, you know, it's not about being entertained, and having a cool story to tell. And that's exactly that. That is on point. Because how many people are want to have that sighting just so they can tell that story and feed their ego. Great point. I love that. I love what you guys both said. Yeah. I love sharing the story of that giant ship that I saw sometimes because it was so incredible, but I can't tell you how frustrating it is to also see that. And you're the only one who saw and you're, you're surrounded with people that are open to that and have seen things, but they weren't there to share the experience so you could at least have that collaboration. See, you really, you know, but, well, and to, because this happens a lot where someone person has an experience, and it is just for them. Right. And it's perfect. You know, as much as I wanted to see it, I didn't get to, but I understand that was for Brian. Right. And everyone's doing different work here on this planet. And even astraly at night and dream space, who knows what's happening when we leave our body, where we're going, school training, we're on mission, whatever we're doing. We're not, you know, the physical body is just one aspect of what we're doing. So maybe whatever Brian's doing at night in the astral, those sightings pertain to him because he's on a different mission. And your mission might look different. You're here for a different reason. So everyone is going to have their own individual experience. And sometimes it's only is meant for you. I truly believe that. One last, we can't all share and carry the same gifts. It's important that because we're all individuals. And like you say, we have a different signature journey to the truth. You know, our own truth that, and I mean, I just, you have a great, great comment and really, really appreciate you guys. Thank you. We appreciate you guys here. And one last thing before we wrap this up. I want to hear your thoughts on Sasquatch. And any experiences you may have had with them or how they show up also in these teachings. Yeah, they're a big part of our teachings with Star Knowledge. They actually work with an energy called Spiritual Protection of Family. And they work with the spider. And, you know, they come in a lot of times in dreams, but we did have a really amazing experience not too long ago, visiting a very, very beautiful sacred space in Georgia. And we were kind of on a walk, a nature walk. And we came into this like area where it looked like very intentional fence was built out of these logs out in the middle of the forest. But it was just a space, probably, you know, 30 by 30 space with these, you know, logs set up in a certain way that made it look like, okay, this is this very sacred space here not looking like nature made it, but it's like a little too perfect. Yeah, and so we were all like, wow, this is really something and, you know, I just was like feeling this very intense. And I was like, I offered to back, I prayed with it, and I just had a conversation real quick, just saying, Hey, I'm Jen, I'm here. I don't mean to disrupt your energy or your area here. I come in a good way. I just want to be here and appreciate the beauty here and pray for you, and understand what, you know, what we might find here. And so right away, this is just like, this is a Sasquatch family's home. And they're very, very clearly said, we don't want you coming into our home. And I said, got it understood. Thank you. And so a couple of us in the group continued to kind of like venture a little bit closer. Well, I heard a little like whistle behind me. It was like a chirping whistle. And it was like, okay, that's your second warning. And so I'm like, all right, guys, we got to go. They don't want us here. You know, this isn't for us to be here. And so we started making our way out. And I heard this glorious like bird chirping, like saying, thank you. Thank you for honoring that you, you know, asked. And we told you what we would appreciate and you honored it. And so that was a really profound example for me, because you could smell this. No, they have a very strong smell. Yeah. And you know, they know how to communicate in various ways. And so there, it's beautiful. Yeah. About that much. No, yeah, they've shown up the birds chirping, you know, a couple times at nighttime. All of a sudden, you know, I'm just in the dead of night. All of a sudden, there's like these birds chirping out of the bushes or something like that. Birds, all of a sudden, we go over there, and then you like, a little bit, you're like, Oh, wait a minute. That's all right. It's kind of their dental way of like letting you know they're around. Yeah, because they don't want to scare us. They don't want to start a little. You know, they, they, they are high vibrational beings. They don't want us in fierce. We're so careful. There's so many people that carry that fear vibration, such a low vibration. They don't want to do with it because their intention is to help and be there like with us helping along the way. So if we're trying any sense of fear. They just can't be around. Yeah. And they, they want us to purify, like they want us to be purified so they can come be with us. And so, you know, they say, you know, spend spend a day in the waterfall or in the water and purify for a day and we will come see you. For a day on your phone. Yeah. Oh, that is a specific fast for the Bigfoot. And, and, and she talked about that. And if folks are serious, they say, okay, well, you go do these things. You, you four or different fast. So in the earth, in the sun in the desert. Yeah. In the water. And then on the hell and the wind. So you water to cleanse you the sun and cleanse you the earth to cleanse you and then the winds. And then they will consider. And then maybe. Yeah. They want to see us put the work out there. Like I said, everybody wants to be in another great story. It takes the sacredness out of it, though, if you haven't kind of had to work for it or right. And you can't appreciate it. If, if you just, I don't know, you don't appreciate things if you don't earn it or work for it. And I'm not saying you have to earn it like I actually got a lot of heat from our last episode. I was, we were talking about technology and I made a comment about saying, you know, we have to be ready for we have to earn it. And what I meant, maybe that wasn't the best way to word it, but what I meant is like if they just handed us over all this free energy technology right now, if with the power structure, the way it is, the powers that be would still take it and abuse it and, you know, utilize it with greed, and then it would be unaffordable people wouldn't be able to use it. And no one would be able to. No one would be able to utilize it right until we are a collective consciousness is mature enough to appreciate this technology and use it for good and the. And the negative energy is mostly cleared off this planet. Then we're going to be able to receive this technology, I think, as opposed to just being handed to us right now with the way things are, it's not going to be used how we want it to be used that's what I was trying to say. And the same thing with deciding or an experience like that. When you put in the work and you show that you're ready for it, then you're going to have that experience. I love that. That's awesome Tyler. Yeah. Cause I agree with you, totally. Like, you know, a lot of people are like, no, we deserve it right now. They've been lying to us. We need that right now. Is there a truth in that? Yeah, obviously. I know like little kids crying for that toy or we think it's a toy. And dad just brought home a sport, you know, and it's got your finger off and get wants to play with it as a way, you know, and, and it's, you know, we throw a fit. We think we're ready for this stuff. Well, like I say, you know, as much as I've seen to experience that ship, it's like. Maybe we're not. Maybe we're not ready for this big divine showing of being said that we're not familiar with it. Right. Well, that's just it. Like, do we deserve it? Yes. Do we deserve the truth? And do we deserve the stuff that's readily available on this planet that's being suppressed? Yes, we deserve it. But if it's just handed to us right now in the collective state that we are, it's not going to. It's, it's, I just don't see it working out the way we want it to look. Well, he's what I want to say about that. The main thing that needs to happen is because right now and for a long time we've been so manipulated and poisoned and suppressed and just everything else on so many levels. That it's really, it's like, you know, and we're born into that and then it's like, and then we're taught lies, you know, and it's like, but then again, you know, growth happens through, you know, a lot of these things and struggle and. But that structure needs to change like we need a planet that we are free to live without all of that, you know, like without. Because right now there's this evil, you know, structure that's just, you know, raping and pillaging the planet and keeping us so suppressed and lied to and. But that is going away and that's part, you know, the ascension that's happening is naturally bringing that about because it's bringing truth to the surface to, you know, it's bringing everything to light. So, now we can all see what has been more hidden for so long, it's like in our faces and that's forcing us to wake up and take our power back that we've given away unconsciously it's almost like our consciousness is raising but it's like, first we gotta we're in this hard suffering turmoil phase chaotic phase because it's like we were unconscious before not realizing we're giving our power away where completely living in ego where destroying ourselves and the planet and the people around us and blah, blah, so it's like we're waking up to like realize we're doing that one realize, you know, what the system we've been in is not serving us or the planet. And then of course it's like allowing us to make a choice to say this is what I actually want. This is how I'm going to live my life and. And then when we can get to a consciousness level where we have self responsibility and sovereignty true sovereignty, you know, that's when we're ready for like these really advanced technologies that we're not going to use to destroy each other in the planet, you know, a lot of people on the planet that would absolutely do that unfortunately, you know, so it's, and I liked that you said the self responsibility because that was coming up for me like personal responsibility is so crucial. Yeah, we all want an easy button, we all want to figure out how to, you know, have this free energy and it'll just change everything and make it all better and perfect again but but will it like we don't even fully understand yet. And we're consciously create or consciously or unconsciously creating. So what are we going to do with a device that we have no idea how it works. And we'll throw it over just like that, shall we get to the bench, you know. Exactly. And once we learn that sacred, if we learn the sacredness of that, that's the difference, you know, yes, as it gives us a whole sense of value around something. And, and, and it's one of the things that we've had to do a lot of alchemy with the condition of the world right and, and how much time and effort we can find ourselves putting into. I want to see what the mainstream media is saying. I want to see what the alternative media is saying. I want to hear what they're saying in ceremony and what spirit saying. I want to meditate and see what my guys are saying. And, Oh, gosh, I'm really calm. But I think about how much time and energy and effort I've spent in the last 12, 13 years, it's just it's founding. Now, this whole new bales opened up and I'm very full for it, but it had a not had the squeeze of this world looking grim. I could have just kept going in my obliviousness not really thinking there was an urgency or need to change my, you know, for being that taken care of and held. And, and I think that's the truth is we do need to be brought to a new level of appreciation and treating things as a good good steward is this planet. All the life forms around us just having the respect of acknowledging everything, every person, every being as has its own, just like we do, you know, I love to a tree. You know, that you want to just snap a dead branch off because you're making a fire or something like that maybe pause. You would have are changing your approach to the things around. Right. Yes. Amen. And I agree. If we don't appreciate be grateful. And I guess we could say earn whatever this respect and even this technology and these experiences. We're going to see the repeat of the fall of Atlantis, you know, everything's just going to be abused again. And people are still in their ego and, and that needs to change before we can truly get to where we want to go and it's going to happen day by day step by step. Nobody knows what it's going to look like, but all I know, and what you said earlier, is you can be present and you can work on your happiness and focus on what it means and what it looks like for you to become the best version of yourself to make it through these times. The end. Yes. Right. Well, guys, thank you so much. This has been amazing. Can you please share if you have anything you want to share how people can contact you if you have anything coming up or any your podcast, whatever. Sure. Yeah, you can find me and Brian on star for more information about following the symbols and the star knowledge. And I also have a website called Eden arising. You can find more information about some of the work that we do for consciousness and Ascension work called shadow work and I'm excited to launch a 13 month kind of cosmic field trip journey. We are going to start a new cycle with the earth star calendar walk in November. So it's most likely going to be all free online, but it's a way to just work with these moon influences consciously calling upon the energy and the influence that's coming in for that cycle and it's going to be a lot of fun. You're going to get a lot of tools for how to navigate the energies and give you some fun things to think about and hopefully have some takeaways just deeper knowing and more self love. Yeah, that's beautiful and we'll put the link below also. So, Brian, did you want to add anything before we wrap this up. You know, I don't really have a platform where I'm putting myself out there for saying, you know, we get invited to come around and and drum and saying I don't I'm clean to have anything all that special other than just some really, you know, amazing experiences and I'm always happy to share my heart if it's it's inspiring to folks and, and helps them, you know, encourage them along on their journey so, but I'm happy to be here and if anybody does have questions they can get all. I mean, beautiful. Well, thank you so much. I really enjoyed this we covered a lot of good stuff I think so keep doing what you're doing we really appreciate it and we'll do our best to keep passing on this start knowledge so it doesn't get forgotten. And anyone listening if you feel compelled share this, you know, and we need this information more and more people need to understand what's what we're capable of and what's possible. So thank you for tuning in we love you guys we can't do this. And thank you guys so much guys do amazing work and we really appreciate what you do and thank you for your gifts and sharing your interests with people and so that's what we're all here to do so. Right, right. Thank you. Good night everybody we love you have a great and we will see you next time. [Music] [Music]