Journey to Truth

EP 204 - Lowell Johnson - Trip to Telos - Voyage to Inner Earth

Originally aired on 8/25/22
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Lowell spent the majority of his professional career as a Hospitality Executive - willing to assume leadership roles that were industry and/or community related in every area of the country he lived. He has spoken publicly countless times at events over the course of his career as though he was being prepared to present something bigger down the road.  Chasing the same things in this life that we are all conditioned to do, he was quite successful at earning responsibility, recognition and rewards. But he sensed a yearning to know more about spirituality from the time he was young. It’s believed his particular wake up call came in the form of a TIA (mini stroke) in late 2015, and has led him down many multidimensional rabbit holes seeking truth. His personal passion for nature, travel and others seemed to lend itself to the life that was being revealed to him. After more than six decades of trips around the sun - he has a clear perspective of who he is, what he’s doing here and the truth of the 3rd dimensional world experiment. 
One day when seeking solace in the forests of Mount Shasta, he was intentionally seeking an audience with Ascended Masters out in Nature. Largely unaware of Telos and the Lemurians - this was the beginning of a rapidly accelerated learning curve. He certainly didn’t expect for the mountain to open up and invite him in. From that experience triggered an awakening that was meant to be shared with all of humanity with wisdom that came from Higher places. It is one thing to think of communicating with Extraterrestrials as seems to be the fever in the world now, but his contact wasn’t about beings from other places in the Universe, its about beings that have been here on Earth long before our current memories would suggest. 
Since then, the process of DNA awakening and recall have set the stage for countless experiences multidimensionally beyond just Telos - to a greater comprehension of enhanced Photon Light we are receiving and what to do with it. The time to share these multidimensional experiences and emphasize to those who’ve been triggered by this story - that these same abilities are waiting dormant inside you as well, waiting to be brought back into your awareness. If ever there was a time to realize how to maintain high vibrations - the time is in this moment.

1h 44m
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02 Aug 2024
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And they had an amazing experience there. And we're gonna talk about Mount Shasta and Lowell Johnson. If you don't know who he is, he during one of his trips to Mount Shasta, he was unexpectedly invited by the inner beings of Telos to explore our city. And it's an absolutely profound story. And one of my favorites, one of my favorites and the way Lowell shares it's very matter of fact, it's very, there's a lot of credibility there. It just makes sense to me, it resonates. We've been wanting to get them on for a while. So welcome to the show, Lowell, we're excited. - Thanks for inviting me. You know, it was all things, there's no coincidences. And when Aaron and I got to meet one another, we could see where this was gonna go sooner or later in that we'd have an opportunity to do this and share for more people, because like you said, and I don't wanna put words in Aaron's mouth, the people that were with me when we went up on a mountain and hikes had their own profound experiences. And Aaron can speak to that. That's all I wanted to get out of it. But when he did, I knew that then we resonated the same place and, you know, my story is a bit, it's not easy to digest. It wasn't easy to digest for me in the first place. As time went on, when anything profound like that happens, you wonder what the hell is all this? And what does it mean to me? It took me months really to unpack just telos. And then the year after that, you know, here comes something else. And, you know, how do you put all that in perspective? And really in order for me to put it all into place. It took until really the early part of last year for me to understand what all this is about. - Yeah. - So I'm in a better place to speak intelligently about what that was, 'cause enough time has just passed me to assimilate, you know, what I experienced and what has happened and the people and things that are wrong me that now I can make some sense of it. There was, I was reflecting today because it was almost a year ago that it was after this second profound experience I'd had. And I had been asked by Alan Seinfeld to do an interview with him and it was still fresh in my mind. So when we got through explaining what this phenomenon was all about, Alan turned to me and said, well, you know, what can you tell us? What can you share with us that will help others? I don't know. And I didn't, at the time I didn't know enough and it hadn't assimilated enough for me to understand what the hell the content was. And then how does this help others? Well, I have a clear vision of how it does now. So I'm in a much better position to help others understand it because those experiences I had weren't gonna be just for me. They were meant for others. - I wholeheartedly agree with that because in our earth seems to be popping up a lot lately. And I think those beings down there, they wanna help. And it's time for them to start interacting with individuals to assist in this process we're going through on a surface. And eventually, you know, the way they live down there is where we should be, right? - They're higher dimensional beings already. And you know, they're just watching us and they're here waiting for the time that we've vibrated the same level that they do for them to really begin to share what they have for us. - Yes. - We're getting there. - We are, we are. And that's why our attention recently has shifted towards inner earth, something I'm kind of being guided to start diving into a little more. And I feel like we've spent so much time out in space that we're neglecting what's right below our feet, right? And it's just as profound, if not even more profound, what's taking place on our own planet that we're just kind of blind to, right? So I guess we can just dive right in. And if you wanna just let us know how you ended up at Mount Shasta, meditating and you didn't invite it in, jump in and just tell us the story because it's fascinating and people need to hear what's going on down there. - Yeah. You know, in order for me to put it in perspective, because when these things first happened to me and I was kind of put in that community of people who had profound experiences. At first, I didn't understand what it meant. When I had gotten around people like Ruben Langdon and some others that have had opportunities to be and interview lots of people that had profound experiences, they were either channelers or they were people who had extraordinary experiences, some of them were extractees. And I'm trying to figure out, you know, where do I put myself? I can't find a mail slot I fit into. It took me a while. And even the concept of Middle Earth didn't resonate at first. Understood, tell us. And it took me a while to figure that out. But in the bigger scheme of things, it just takes time to assimilate that. So when you understand, tell us there's one fraction of Inner Earth. Now it becomes more sensible to me. And you began to talk about how we've been looking at, you know, the sky all this time. And I'm not lost on that. But that seems to be now that the idea of disclosure is getting a little more momentum and there's a little more sense behind it. It didn't make sense to me either, except now I kind of chuckle because I see everybody pointing in the sky and looking for lights. We already know that they're there. I know it's new for a lot of people and it'll continue to be new. But my experience, like you pointed out, was about multi-dimensional beings that are here and have been here for a long time that we just either neglect or ignore if we're aware of their vibration. We just weren't in touch with that at all. But now that we are, oh my God, that should put into focus. That if you believe that there's a shift that's coming and it's imminent, here are the signs guys that there's a rapidity and how quickly things are accelerating. All of this happened to me within a two-year span. Before that, I was running hotels and casinos and, you know, I was living the life like everybody else. But holy cow, when you finally get back call and you get to see things that are around you when you vibrate at that level, now I know what I'm supposed to be doing. Six months before I was really done with the job, there was something that was grinding inside of me that said, you're supposed to be doing something else. And so reluctantly, I quit the job and I was making six features. I was in the casino business. I had good perks, the work was good. But there was something way bigger than that that was waiting for me to uncover. And I don't know if that's really the right way to put it. Whatever I was supposed to wake up to and realize for myself, that day was on its way. Well, here we are. And now I'm finally beyond a two-degree where I can see that that has been packed for other people as well, not just me. So I'll tell you how I found Telos. I can tell you first what I knew about Telos before I got invited there. I saw it on the cover of a book the first day I went through Shasta. That was what I knew about it. I had... - You didn't have any understanding of that it even existed prior to visiting Shasta. - No, I had experienced because I was trying to do some past life progressions. I had ways that I wanted to back the truck up to where my star seed beginnings were 'cause I resonated with Pleiadians a couple years ago. That's when this whole thing started. I started to go down all those rabbit holes to learn what I could about them. And somehow I'd always been interested in Atlantis. That had always been stuck in my head since the time I was a kid. And I was able to find someone who could help me through a past life regression that took me there, showed me what I did, showed me who I was. And in order to understand that, you've got to have some exposure to Lemuria and what happened prior to Atlantis. So I had at least that foundation of information but not Telos and what had been happening inside Mount Shasta. Shasta was a second thought. This was all going on during COVID. And it was the end of June so that when in February, when the lockdown had happened and everybody was stuck inside their house, by the time it got to the end of June, we're all stir a crazy and I like being in nature. I wanna go connect with source and that's I can find it there. So when the situation had relaxed, I had planned to go visit national parks like in the Southwest, the Four Corners because there's tons of them there. I'd been there before and I thought, well, here's a good place to just get out of my own, go out and find some space. But as I was doing my research, I was learning that there were Facebook posts that some of these national parks weren't even open. And as soon as that wherewithal came into my mind, Shasta was the next thing that popped into my head. Don't ask me how, don't ask me where. I wasn't supposed to understand it. I was just supposed to go there. Well, to me, it made pretty much sense 'cause it was four hours from Santa Rosa where I am. It was a half a day to get there. And it wasn't that I heard driven by it several times and I'd heard about whatever magic is there, but was never really driven to go and explore it until then. And even then I still chalked it up too. It was an accident. Yeah, well, I know better now. Nope. So when I got there, the first day, it was too late for me to think about hiking. I got there mid-afternoon. So after I checked into where I was staying, I just walked up and down Main Street to see what was where and why. I've always been a crystal fanatic. So it didn't take anything but you to tell me there's a crystal shop here that I think there were five of them at the time. Check them all out except the crystal room I saved for last. And that was when I kind of stumbled into, Haruko's shop at Blue Star Child Gallery, which was a whole 'nother rabbit hole. Because things that I had seen in her shop, like day three that I was there, I was gonna see when I visited Telus. And it took me a while to connect all those dots. So I had gone with the idea. I was gonna spend a week there, my son who was also unemployed. We decided that maybe the second week we'd hook up in Reno or Lake Tahoe or something and just expend some more time outside hiking. Well, after the first week, the vibration was so good that I just wanted to stay there and explore. I hadn't gone to the same place twice yet. And there were more places I wanted to explore. So by the time I got to the second week, I told my son, I'm gonna stay a little bit longer. Well, in the end, one week turned into five before, I left and went back then. And it was the last weekend when that experience took place. That Friday of that weekend, there were a couple of things that I had wanted to explore. And one of them was Black Butte. It's another mountain nearby. It's about 6,500 feet to the top. But you can climb all the way to the top if you're so inclined. Now, I did my research before I was gonna make that hike. And even the online accounts warned you about what this kind of hike is 'cause it was dangerous. It's nothing but loose rock. That's all it is that they call that spree. And there were clearly two places along the way where it had slid down and I had no business trying to crawl over that. No business whatsoever. And I was hiking alone. I had seen two other couples that had made their way. But in the end, it was a beautiful view and I got there. It took me longer to get down than it took me to get up. When that was over, that was what I had chosen to do that first day. That Friday after I had left the same place where we had all communed those mornings, we went to the Gateway Peace Guard. It's a beautiful place with a beautiful lavender labyrinth and thousands, it would be fair to say. Of peace ribbons that have been left in this environment. And it's just wonderful. So after I'd spent the morning there because I hadn't seen it back then either, I decided to drive up to that spot up at the top of Covert Memorial Highway, which is as far as you can drive up the mountain, there's really three levels of parking there. And so I was gonna drive there and I got there a little before noon and I'll figure out what I'm gonna do for the weekend. So when I got there, there's four picnic tables if I remember right and one of them was available. So I went over to sit at it and I'm looking back at Shasta and at Shastina. Well, the sun is in a place overhead now where it's starting to cast shadows on Shastina, especially. And it looks to me like there could be cable openings over there. So I noted that around and I thought, well, I'm gonna go explore that 'cause it doesn't look like it's gonna take that long to get there and hike. There where I wanted to go was gonna be off trail, but that's where I like to go anyway. I'm not interested really in following everyone's trail. That's not where I think I'm gonna find magic. And the only thing in the back of my mind, these whole four weeks I'd been here so far is that I was certainly aware that St. Germain had made himself known to Guy Ballard in the 1930s, shared information that was meant for humanity. And I can't tell you how many books he wrote, nine, 10, maybe more. And then there was society, society that formed around that whole idea of what St. Germain had to tell us, tell us something. I was hoping to find that. I was out in these areas where I could tell if anybody had been there before, it's been a long time. But I was under the impression, I was traveling in areas where I doubt anybody had traveled before. And so here I am. It's just me, guys. Come on, I would love to connect with you. If there was a way that you suggest I can connect the spirit, then here I am and I want to explore. So that morning when I had, well, I shouldn't back up the truck because I never intended to take this hike that day anyway. That Saturday was the day that I had gone to black view. And by, I'd left the trailhead at 10, got back to my car at 4.30. It took me six and a half hours to make that trip. And like I said, it took me longer to get down than to go off. It was just fatiguing. So by the time I got back to my room at 6.15, I had showered and got to bed and I said, I'm just going to lay in bed tomorrow, watch TV and just kind of recover. In spite of the fact that it took me a few weeks to realize that whatever energy that's there is palpable because I was hiking like that every day. And a guy my age should have to recover at least a day in between. And I was going out doing strenuous hikes every day and the next day ready to do it again. So after that, I had woke up Sunday morning and I normally get up a little before seven anyway. I start my day out by 20 minutes of meditating and just kind of sets the tone for the day. I rolled over to go back to sleep and just kind of meandered back and forth. So it got to be like 9.30. And my guides just kicked me in the ass and said, get your clothes on and let's go. So a little before noon, I'm back up to the spot. And from the car, I took a photograph from where I was going to go. I've been journaling accounts of profound thoughts I had been having for some time now. And I've been taking pictures of places I've always gone because that's kind of who I've been. I didn't know how well that was going to serve me when I got to seeing extraordinary phenomenon because I'm going to learn later that these are all for your portfolio law. And so I kind of tucked that information away, not really understanding what it meant at the time, but later on, I'm sure it'll be revealed. So when I got there and I began the hike, the trail goes up to Old Ski Bull Trail. And most people that take the trail where Aaron and I headed that morning that we went there, they want to head up the mountain. And so we took the trail to actually goes off to the left-hand side. And then we began to explore that. Rarely did I ever see anybody go in that direction. But when we started to hike up to the spot, I got around this last corner, and then you can start to see areas when you pay attention that are greener than it should be. That there's lots of green lush ground cover in areas that look like they're ethereal playgrounds, right? So those are the ones that always drew my attention. And if you feel energetic energies, signatures at all, you got near these places and something just, it wasn't a chill, but that kind of electromagnetic jolt kind of fired up. So as I passed these places, I noted where they were. And as I got up closer to like the side of the mountain, you would find them and not only were they green and lush, most of them had like rocks around trees, but look, how does this even happen? We found a couple of trees growing out of rocks that made no sense to me, but here they are nonetheless. So on this particular day, I found one of those energetic spots and I understand that I'm a light worker. It's not my job to come to Shasta seeking an energetic exchange, but that's what I get and I understand that. I'm a light worker. It's my job to plant light from source here to Gaia. That's what we do. So I make a point of planting light no matter where I go. And you leave that ethereal signature behind. I dare you to walk through it and not feel whatever light I left behind. That's what I tend to do. As I was doing that, we would mark these spots with an infinity symbol and leave this as an activated area that we knew we found energetic signatures and we would take compass readings of them so that we could tell people where to find them in the future. As time goes on and what I learned over these two years since I first went there, there wasn't gonna be just one energetic vortex portal, call it what you want. There are many now. When I got a chance to go back the second year and with a whole different perspective and a different kind of attitude because my DNA has been cracked wide open and I have recalled things. I don't know how I know them. I just know that I know them. - Right. - Well, that's what happens with the DNA activation. It unlocks all that dormant memories, you know? - That's right. - From whatever experience, a parallel life, a past life, astral eagle, actically, inner earth, whatever it might be. - Oh yes. - Yeah. - Yeah, there are, we can follow those timelines because you're right. You know, when I have these discussions and they're with new people that are kind of new to this content, it's a Capricorn in me. And I need to kind of build a foundation of information for you. 'Cause that's how it made sense to me. - That's why I did it. - I kind of just dismissed all this stuff. And had I not built something that could draw on science and cosmology and, you know, whatever spirituality is in all of us that just needs to be reawaken and needs to be nourished, then all of a sudden, you know, you get to experience things around you that have been around you all this time, but you find a vibrator level where you can experience them. - Right, and it's important to lead up to the story of entering Telos because if you just, we just started, you just dove into the story. A skeptic or anyone who's unfamiliar is gonna have a lot of questions. So, I mean, you covered your ground. We're up at the spot now where you had the experience. Were you just meditating and what happened at that point? - Well, when my method of planting light is once I find this spot and it's energetically, you know, in sync with me, then I take four infinity breaths and I understand those to be, you know, they pass through my hardcore, go to source, bring down light and then I anchor it and the process begins again. I do that four times and my work is done. So I did that in the first spot and then I noticed there was another spot a little bit higher, similar in the composition to where I was, but a little bit higher. And so I decided to move up there and I began the process again. And then I saw one last spot and it was actually almost against the mountain, but there was almost an enclave of three boulders that had kind of outfitted the spot. The boulder on the left-hand side was narrow and a little higher than my in sync. So I could get up older it. The other two boulders were pretty good size, but once I got up on the inside, man, here's a space that's maybe eight by eighth. And so I was looking back at where I came and off in the distance I can see the parking lot. Well, there's nobody near me at all. And so I decided I planned my life there and then I sat down in the space. So there's no one that's gonna see me from where I was now that I was down in that space. I had some grapes, I had some water and I was listening to music on my phone through my ear pads. The music had stopped after I had just put my grapes and water away, the music stopped. And at about the same time when I sat up, I sensed almost like a shadow 'cause I don't know what else to call it. And it was like moving from where I was sitting 'cause I was flat on the ground and like this and about the same way I felt almost, there was a similar canopy that was coming over me this way. Well, when I kind of sat up to take notice of whatever that was, I felt a breeze from behind me. And when I turned around, there was a hole where I had been sitting against the rock and the only thing between me and the rock was dried brush. That was it. Well, now there was an opening that had to be, it was two feet taller than I was, I'm six feet tall. So I stood up turn around and see what this was. And as I turned, I could see that there was a little bit of a rise and then this went downward. As my eyes was adjusting to the light, it almost looked like there was somebody down there. And once I got that realization in my head, I heard somebody ask me if you wish to see tell us. Well, your engine kind of fires up. And it's not that I had any fear 'cause I am all about experiencing things I have not yet. But this was gonna be new to me. I wanted to know what it was. So I started to make my way down. And at first, I thought whoever this is down here, I thought was about my size, adult size. And when I got closer and I could really see who was this person's not six feet tall, they're like eight feet tall. They're two heads taller than I am. Dressed in white, his garb had some colored ribbons on it. And I didn't know if that was just bling. Is that Lemurian bling or is that some indication of a rank that you held? When I got close enough, he said, you can call me Alex. I said, well, that'll be easy to remember 'cause that's my son's name. He said, yeah, we know about your son. Follow me. So as we made our way down this and in retrospect, it would make sense that this is a lavitude. This is all about kind of area around here. So it certainly makes sense that that's what this is. So as we start making our way down, he's telling me about the construct of Tell Us, about the king and queen and about the council of 13 and Adama and how many levels there were. And as we got closer to the bottom, you could see light that was coming from the other side. Well, as we got closer to wherever this area was, I turned around to look behind me and whatever opening I might've come from and whatever light might've come from that, yeah, there wasn't anymore. It was dark behind me. So this now opened up into, I want to call it the staging area 'cause I don't know what else to call it. But when we moved into this space and it's pretty well lit, there are five more of these tubes on the opposite side. And there is a platform here just to our left. It's about six by six and it appears to have like two bucket seats on top of it. There's another one off to the left over there. There's another one off to the right over there. And as I was kind of measuring all this up, Alex had made his way to the other side, sat down on this device on the other side and invited me to sit next to him. Well, as soon as my butt had that seat, this thing levitated and off we went. We headed toward that middle tube and what I remember most about it is you understand the sensation of movement. You feel something moving past your physical form when that's happening like a breeze. And even when there's no wind, you just understand that sensation. I didn't feel any of that. Nonetheless, we were moving. And as we got closer to wherever the end of this tube was and light started to come from the other side, now you can see whatever crystals were embedded in this wall are starting to catch the light refraction from the other side. And every inch you took, it just changed the light refraction. So you felt like you were in a live kaleidoscope going through this thing. I didn't want it to end, but when my hardcore had grown so much from this joy, now we open up into what this is, I'm seeing level one of Telus. So he moves us into the space and then rises up. So you've seen in photographs, cityscapes. This is what I see of the city of Telus. It's circular in orientation. There are crystal buildings everywhere. And in the center of this city is a white pyramid with a capstone on the top, which was also white that day. I'll learn a year later when I got to know who Diane Robbins was. Diane has written three books on Telus and has been channeling in Dama for 40 years, maybe longer. She lives in Shasta and bus her heart. She agreed to spend some time with me. And when I did, after I left that day, she had sent me something that she had never put in her books. And she said, you know, there were some that occurred to me when you told me about the capstone again. She said, you know, there's correlation between that and the day of the week. You were there on a Sunday. The capstone was white. That's why everyone was wearing white. Had you been there on Saturday, it would have been purple. Had you been there on Wednesday, it would have been green. Oh, well, that was interesting to know. So he explained that this level one is where most people live. There's additional accommodations on the second level. Whatever administrative parts they have there are there on that level. There are several temples that are there on that level. Then the second level has whatever schooling provisions they have and some manufacturing for whatever they do manufacture. The third level, which I did get to see, was where their hydroponic gardens are. And amazing technology. They're not planted in the ground. They're infused with water that's enhanced by crystals. And so this perpetuates whatever this crop is, so it grows more rapidly. So from this spot on the third level, I had questions about how does this feed everybody? If in the end, how I understand it, there had been provisions made for 200,000 of the Lemurians to find safety there at Shasta. And it happened so quickly that 25,000 made it. It said today, there's more like 1.2 million, which over time would certainly be reasonable. All the more reason for me to understand how in the world does this feed the entire population? Well, I finally have the answer to that. And the same way that our bodies, if you understand the photon energy that's now coming from the sun, that's nourishing, every sentient being on the planet, including the planet, is altering our DNA. And in our particular cases, when the shift comes, our body changes from this carbon form to crystalline. You understand, right? - Absolutely, absolutely. - They're already crystalline form. They don't have carbon bodies that need to be nourished and break down the way that ours do. I couldn't tell you if they're hundreds of years old or thousands of years old, it really makes no difference. But what I learned in the end is that, you know, why they eat 'cause they enjoy eating, not because they have to eat, they enjoy it. Now, that made perfect sense to me. And again, it's one of those things that it just takes time for it all to assimilate. - Right. - That's the whole idea of crystalline bodies was something that came later that is certainly true. And I can tell you that I sense different things going on with me. I know I've had drastic physical changes in the last three years. I didn't have any intention to change my, the way I ate a diet, but when I left Louisiana, I was 35 pounds heavier than I am now. And it wasn't that I joined a health club where I thought I needed more exercise. Spirit just made me crave different things. And over a six month period, without me doing anything else, it just kind of morphed into this form. Now, I don't understand why, and maybe I'm not supposed to, but I see the other people, my age are on me. They don't look, talk, act like I do, and I get that. But something in my physicality is changing beyond this as well. My diet is different. I'm not as hungry for heavy food anymore. I tend to like fresh things, which makes perfect sense. We're trying to nourish ourself with as much direct solar energies with you get, as opposed to eating your dead animals. Also resonates with me as well. So I'm healthier than I've ever been. I'm sure that, we'll talk about Ethereum at a time, I'm certain that that also had something to do with my physicality. Because over time, I had a history of high blood pressure on my life. I've had arthritis, 'cause I've been an athlete, a hockey player all my life. I can tell you that once I started meditation, and I got to this level, both of those things are gone. And now, my joints feel like I was in my early 20s again. Whatever things I used to have that bothered my knees and my elbows were gone. So it explains to me why I can hike the way that I do. - Right, so let me slow you down a little bit. For one, I've heard other accounts of inner earth, hollow earth, being very healing in itself. Just being there in that frequency automatically starts to heal our DNA. And any diseases or anything that we may have gotten from a vaccination or whatever, it almost gets reversed. And it heals your whole energy body. So it wouldn't make sense that you're having this experience. But I wanna go back to when you first got there and you saw the crystal city, I'm very curious about the walkways or the roads. Like, what did that look like? Was there roads? Do they have these platforms that they float around on? We've heard so many different stories. I'm just curious from what you saw. - I had seen an illustration of something that somebody had illustrated that looked like Atlantis to them. And to me, this was a really good illustration of what I saw there. Everything was circular. And I don't know that I call them roads, but they were definitely byways that separated these round rings where everything was built. And so there were passageways for you to get to one place to the other. - Okay. So if it's not like they don't have, I guess a typical mode of transportation, like we would recognize on the surface? - No, but remember, these are upper fourth and fifth dimensional beings. They have all of their abilities to do and manifest whatever they wish immediately, not like we have right now. And by nature of who their bodies are, they're not us. And well. - Well, they're not us. I mean, I've heard that because of the nature of their frequency, that's the reason they can't actually come to the surface because it's so dense and 3D third dimensional on the surface that like they physically can't actually exist here because it's so, it actually is painful for them. They have to drop their vibration to match this one in order to experience it. That's the reality of dimensionality is all about your vibration. And in order for them to come and experience this, now that I know every time I put my foot in the next dimension, it gets harder and harder to come back here. One, you just don't want to leave that environment. And two, you have to drop your vibration to get back here. - You started to mention something about healing in that realm. And here's what I can tell you. I've heard lots of things about medbeds. And really when we hit our fourth dimensional levels, we found healing already. And our bodies have already changed. - We are the medbeds. - Do you think, yeah. They're environmental medbeds in tell us. And here's why, the maladies and what physical things we've created diseases, we created those here. That doesn't exist in the next level. Their beings are already past that. And I'm sure a lot of that's attributed to crystalline form, but there's nothing there like in this carbon form to find any cancerous agents or anything that would tend to make you sick. My experience around COVID, and I don't want to spend a lot of time on that 'cause I don't want to feed it to any energy, but I'll tell you this, that I've certainly been around a lot of people that have been exposed to it. One girl in particular who I was visiting in rural Alabama last year run this time. And she works in a hospital. She had come home and was exposed to the Delta virus. I had been there for five days and I was with her. It wasn't that I didn't hug her. There was no opportunity to get intimate because she was just, she finally succumbed to it after a couple of days, but I came away unscathed. How does that happen? And here's the conclusion I came to that in my mind, COVID has to find some kind of malady inside of myself to attach to, but I didn't have any. And so as long as I maintain that, maintain that thought form, that's what I expect to experience. - It's like a mind virus at that point. And so if we're all one and it's a collective consciousness, if one person has COVID, everybody does, and it's up to the individual to decide if they're gonna get it or not, depending on how much you believe in it. And if you do have an underlying issue, obviously it targets that and it's very complex. It's not, it's way more complex than what I'm describing, but I feel like on some level, it all comes down to the individual's perspective on the whole thing. - If you're in a lot of fear about it. - Yeah, and it's like where the hypochondriac comes in where you can make yourself sick by thinking that you, that you just because you tested positive, even though you might not have it, you can make yourself sick because of the narrative. And the propaganda. Anyway, we can go that direction. - Thoughts are things as a whole, another presentation, but here's a good illustration of what that actually means. I know we can believe anything we wanna believe. We choose those things. We're sovereign beings with free will. So if I believe that I've been conditioned by people telling me I'm sick and I've allowed that to happen, then that's exactly what I'm gonna experience. But if I already believe that I'm healthy, then that's what I'm gonna experience because what you put out is exactly what you get back into abundance. - Amen, bingo. - Amen, yes. - Yeah. All right, so. - So now that we've seen this third level, we've made our way back up to the first level. Now, there are a couple of things I should back up to Chuck and kind of point out, there was an opportunity. Well, first of all, when I got into this space, I had looked up to see where this thing ended. How tall is this cavity that I'm inside of? And I couldn't see the top. Now, more importantly than that, is this place was like daylight. How? There's no direct light coming from, it's not the sun that illuminates this place. And upon reflections later, I realized that the things that I looked like, none of them cast thin shadows. - For frequency based. - Yes. - I want to convince myself that that's crystal. Somehow they've manufactured light from it. And they would certainly understand how to master that. That certainly resonates and makes sense with me. There was a couple of opportunities when we had left the first level and kind of came down from that perch where we had looked at it and covered over the city. And as we went by, you could see pockets of people over here and over there. And there were a couple of opportunities. I want to say five or six, where I got to actually make this eye contact with people as I was gone by. And the sensation that I got was that I knew them. And not only did I know them, they knew me and I had been here before. This had been like this space, I know this space and I've been here before and I don't know why. So it took me a while to unpack that feeling too and understand, 'cause it wasn't there that I learned I was a Lomerian. It was gonna take a year later with a friend of mine who pointed out during one of these journeys that you know why they invited you in low 'cause you're one of them. Well, that just took me down another rabbit hole for me to understand what that meant. And so here was where I got to understand my connection to Lemuria and where that came from and where my place wasn't tell us what I did and who I was. And there's a lot of things to unpack later and that's another crazy discussion to have but it's not for just me. So once we finished that and made our way back up to the first level, there was one kind of building that got my attention 'cause it was round when we first saw that it was off to almost immediately to the right hand side on the first level. It turns out that's the council chamber. And so when we got back up to this level, that's where this craft had kind of pulled us out. The way that it shaped our flat crystal panels all the way around it. And there's an opening that, you know, if the opening was big enough for French doors, this was the size of the opening course. There was no doors. But on each side in carved into those crystal were things that looked familiar to me. They were like these graphic codes. And remember I had mentioned my trip to Herukos? In the back room of Herukos and these magnificent light codes that she draws that there are some inspiration from inside of her. They're 10 feet tall, three feet wide, and she draws them all by hand. They take months for her to do. She doesn't use rulers and she doesn't use curvature tools and yet these things are perfectly symmetrical, aren't they? Oh my God, it's crazy. So in the back room she has five of these that are profound. And the first day I actually got to explore her shop and I went back there. I felt like I just wanted to spend some time there. I had three crystals in my pocket. I wanted to see if I could charge them in the room. So I asked permission to meditate back there. She says, well, that's what it's for. It wasn't until I left and I noted to the left and the right of the door that I was gonna come in and out of. When I left, the code on the left-hand side was the one for New Earth and the one on the right-hand side was the new angelic code, which in other terms is the new human blueprint. Those were the codes that were engraved in these two things outside the council chambers. And so when I mentioned it to Alex, I said, "These look familiar to me." He goes, "Yeah, hoo-hoo-hoo, that's who hoo-hoo's were." And they're accurate, that's where we carved them here. So when we went inside the space, you can now see a round table in the middle with 13 chairs around it. It's the only wooden thing I've seen in the place whatsoever, but there's beautiful crystals that are embedded in it. And once you moved into this space, I felt something in my hardcore. Think of the most wonderful hug you've ever had and what that feels like here and that sensation just kept pressing into your space the whole time I was in the room. It was almost like if you wanted to break somebody down to their love quotient, here's how you do that. So I thought, well, I guess if you're gonna talk about things in a council meeting, you have to make decisions. Maybe you wanna soften everybody up first. - Right, yeah. - I don't know if they reacted the same way that I did in the space, that was what happened to me. So as I was taking in that sensation, then five more people enter the room. Well, I can tell the guy in the middle who's taller than the others is a dama. He looks similar to the photographs or the illustrations I've seen on the books, but those things don't do that guy justice. The other four were feminine members of the council. And so they invited me to take a seat at the table. Three of them sat to my left, three of them sat to my right. And they told me who they were and a little bit about themselves. And frankly, other than the first woman who spoke a dama and Alex, 'cause I certainly had those people locked in, I couldn't remember the names of the others. One day I'm sure that I will. I remember the first woman's name, that was Shiyama, because as things moved on, she was gonna chair this meeting. It was Shiyama that spoke. So she went on, I was gonna learn what this was all about and why me. The Lemurians had been preparing for the shift. And it was their opinion, which was the same one that I had come to conclusion over months that the shift was imminent around Winter Solstice 2020. It would have been six months from the time that I was there approximately. Well, I resonated like hell with that. I had in all of my research had come to the same conclusion. I don't know if it was gonna be on the 21st and I believe that it's not gonna be on a day, but certainly you're on that solstice or an equinox. We know that those are energetic periods and there are lots of things. - It's like a window. It's more of a window than a day for days. - I agree. And I believe that with everything we hear about, like the lion gate or the Syrian portal and all that stuff. And there's always a date assigned to it. I always think it's not. There's no way it's actually that date. I think it's a period. It's a window. - I agree with you. You know, we wanna put things into a fashion that our little 3D minds can make sense of it. And so we wanna find a spot on the timeline where we can put it. Well, we know that it's only in this environment where we pay attention to time at all because they don't look at it that way. They understand they can occupy multiple timelines. As we can, when we resonate at the same level that they do, I learned that I would have been bi-locating long before I realized that that's what it was. And if people are curious about dreams that they're having, let me be the first one to tell you if you haven't heard this somewhere else. Those are not dreams, they're experiences that you're having. And you remember them 'cause there's a purpose you're remembering them. In this construct that they were in, we're limited to our capacity to understand all that. But nonetheless, it's still what you're going through. So I was excited by the news that they gave me. Then they went on to explain, you know, why me. And first thing Shama said, well, you demonstrate you can hold a fifth dimensional awareness. And when I say that, lots of people go, that sounds really good, but I don't really understand what that means. It's all vibratory. When I get to the end of people ask me, well, what would it be that you would tell everyone, find your alignment? 'Cause when you do, then you can adjust your vibration. You can adjust your vibration and your vibration is gonna determine what it is that you experience. I'm telling you now that all of these things in the fourth dimension are all around us now here on Earth. That lots of this influence has been around us for a long time, waiting for the time that we vibrate the same level that they do. And when this happened for me, apparently I was ready in my vibration matched theirs, which is why I had this experience in the first place. It wasn't that I went there that day to find tells. I didn't freaking know anything about it that day, but here I went anyhow. So the second reason they said they chose me is we know you're the protector of God. Well, I don't know where they'd even come up with that idea. I had been told I was a protector of Gaia in an ayahuasca journey two years before that. And that's why I heard the phrase. Didn't know what it meant then. Just kind of tucked it away in one day, I'll understand what that means. And then the third was that the Lemurians who were anxious, happy, looking forward to reintegrating with surface beings once vibration of Earth matched theirs again and they'll make themselves known. There's lots of wonderful technology they wanna share with us. And it's not the humanity, isn't without merit. We, the creativity that we possess is because of our emotions. That's what they don't really take advantage of anymore. It's not that they don't understand and appreciate duality. They certainly do, but they see beyond it. And they understand the collective moves beyond that where we're just kind of stuck looking at that. And in my mind, I've come to the conclusion that look, the extremes from that duality have become so extreme now. There's no way in my mind humanity is ever gonna find their way back on the same page. No way. It's gonna take some kind of a snap for that to happen. And that new Earth that we've been promised and that we've been looking forward to all this time is where we're gonna finally find that. And nobody really knew what that was or where it was. And it was just this kind of wonderful notion. Well, it's no longer a notion. And if someone were to ask me, well, you know, winter solstice came, 2020, nothing happened. (laughing) Plenty has happened. This is a cycle. It's a process. We're, I don't know if I wanna say halfway through it. I see Earth's ascension as think of a balloon that's passing through a membrane. And in order for you to get to the other side of this membrane, your vibration has to match what's on the other side. I think that we're so close to being 51% through that. And once we are, the rest of it just kind of sucks up. And now new Earth is born the way that she is. She's been refreshed. And those of us that vibrate at the same level, find herself in new Earth. And that whole idea of you, you wonderful little fourth dimensional being are now a co-creator for what is to come. It's up to us collectively to figure out where we wanna go, but we understand we're connected to one another. And we understand that the primary construct there is, we're all under the law of love. We get it. The law of one is who we are instead of this experiment we've been through. Well, you wanna go back and find out what Earth was back in its infancy. This was all put together as an experiment to see how humanity would do. And we've had some good times and we've also really screwed ourself along the way. There were lessons we were supposed to learn. - Exactly. - And they always say we don't wanna repeat the lessons of Atlantis 'cause that is where we can point to where it all kind of fell apart. Whatever dark influence had its way with us was then. And that's when it all kind of fell apart. When it did, both took who was left, made his way to Chem. And so the beginning of Egypt was there, but I digress. - Yeah. - We're still not out of the room. - Right. - So one sec, let me slow you down real quick. So I agree with everything you just said, especially about the vibration and the moving into new Earth. It's really down to the individual and the frequency. And sometimes you just can't see things because you're not at that vibration or that frequency. Our last episode was a compilation. We did a Valerie Barrow, may she rest in peace. She has a beautiful message. And she was over in Australia doing some work at Uluru and she was told by whoever she was communicating with that at some point there was gonna be a mass sighting at that rock, right? Well, she was confused because it didn't happen like she thought it was going to. And leaving the site, she got the message. She's like, we were there. We came, you just couldn't see us because of like we were there in mass. And I think that on these certain dates, like you said earlier, like a solstice or something where people think nothing happens, it's not that nothing happened. It's just that we literally can't see it. - I agree. - And who knows what's happening just outside of our visible spectrum or right outside of our resonance that is profound and it's shifting this planet in a way that we just can't quite understand yet. I think that's happening a lot more than people realize. So it's easy for people to give up hope because they don't see anything changing. It's not that it's changing. They just literally can't see it. And I think that's what's happening right now. And I feel like shifting out of that, obviously things will become more visible. - That was put really well. And again, those people who can't see beyond that, they haven't broken out of their conditioning yet. They can only see what's in front of them. And most of the time, that's the screen that they're looking at. Well, I don't know how that became a thing with you. When people ask me, how did you find the things that you found? I got my ass off the couch and I stopped watching TV and I went on to nature to find the things I found and look what I found. And this wasn't just for me guys. It's for all of us until the rest of us. And I have no control over that. And I'm not here to change anybody's mind. I'm not. I'm here to share my experience so if it resonates with somebody else, it's I doubt seriously whether you're gonna follow the same path I did. But you are going to have profound experiences like this too. You're gonna find that magic that's around you too. It may not look like mine, but it's gonna be miraculous nonetheless. - Anytime I've had a profound experience, it caught me off guard. It sidelined me. I wasn't looking for it. I wasn't expecting it. Anytime I've tried to meditate and connect, it doesn't happen. It never happens. It's always when I'm not expecting it. It's always organically created. - I'm glad you put it that way. And hopefully people that are listening to this, if they don't understand what that is, at least it'll make them curious about it. And maybe that was the trigger that was supposed to come along for them to explore that rabbit hole on their own because that's the only way they're gonna find it. Believe me, when I started to document the things that were happening, and I put it on my website, it was to prove it to me, not necessarily to share it with others. These were the little things that I had built up along the way to make sense of it all to me. So I have connected all the dots. That's why I'm in a position to share what happened with me and put it into perspective. And that didn't come easy either. 'Cause right after these things happened, you don't know how to explain them or what they mean, but when they do, now you understand that this was way bigger than you, that this was not meant just for you. A telos, in retrospect, now that I have a framework beyond that was the first multi-dimensional experience. And it was to get my attention. And when I tell the story, it's to get yours. It's this shiny little bell I'm holding up. So here's the story I want you to hear that's true. It's not fiction. And you're gonna find your own way there. - Yeah, well, it's the first of dimensional experiences we're all gonna have. Mine was just profound in that way. And I, like you, didn't expect it. - Yeah, everything, everything in life. Even a partner, whatever it is, a career, sometimes it always comes when you stop looking, right? And it's just when you're in that flow state. And thank you for sharing this, because it is important. Sometimes people don't understand like what's so crucial about somebody just sharing their story. They don't stop to consider how that could be activating even one person that listens, just the right person, because if that person gets activated, the ripple effect that it has is unmatched. So it's always important to let somebody share their story because you never know what piece of the puzzle they have. But let's go back into the room, the council room. Let's get back to your story, 'cause it's absolutely fascinating. So you're in there and you're finding out. - Yeah, the third part was I had explained they were looking to reintegrate with the circus people. And when that time came, they would hope that I would be an emissary. Well, when they said that, then Adamas spoke. And it was really the only time he said anything. And he said that the entire population was in concert with this whole idea. And that they hope when the time came, that I would choose to be an emissary on this site. When I said I'd be honored to do that after I stammered a little bit, without the meeting was over and they were on their way. They got their answer. And I think in the end, this was a demonstration for me to see how real this was. And we left the room. They had gone, we made our way back to that staging area. And that's when I hadn't said much. I'm just taking it in. When I was asked a question, I responded. But other than that, I just wanted this memory. And hopefully one day I can extract this video file out of my head and let you all put it on like a VR device so that you can experience what happened with me as well. I had two questions in the end. One, can I come back? And the answer was yes, you'll be able to come back before this year. Okay, it wasn't fine any further than that, but yes, the answer is yes. And two, can I tell anybody? Well, he kind of chuckled again. And he said, you can tell anybody you want. 'Cause it's not like anyone's gonna find their way here. You didn't without our assistance. And furthermore, we want people to know that we're here. We want them to know what's coming and that if there's nothing to be afraid of, that we're here to assist. The next thought I remembered was I was back up in that spot before all this had happened where I had been sitting outside. So clearly I had portals my way back there. And it took me a couple of years to understand that phenomena. In fact, when the real reality came on was when we were all hiking in Shasta and three of our companions drifted off and took off in different directions and yet found their way to areas that no way in the amount of time they had. And then the distances that they had to cover did they do that on their own and on foot. And none of them were fatigued. And some of these people had found their way to 10,000 feet. - Yeah. - We know that they all set up for us. - That was our friend Barry. - Barry Everson is a good friend. - Barry. - And he was, yeah. - He's actually, I was like, there's no way you got, when I found out where he was, there's no way he did that. - He had three and a half miles from the top parking lot and he had gone up higher. So in order for him to get the bunny flats where he got picked up, he would have had to trudge three and a half miles. And God knows how much time that took. - Right. Yeah. - And he's not a hiker at all, like at all, either. - Nope. - He'll tell you that, but he looks fresh as Daisy would pop out of that car. - You're not a breath at all. Yeah. - Right. - Yeah. - It's insane. - We got to say hi to Barry. What's up? I know he's listening. - Hey Barry. - He's a friend of ours. He's been, actually, he's popped on the show a few times when we've gone live from conferences and stuff. Great, great person. - I love Barry. - Yeah, he's awesome. - So, yeah. So you automatically just found your way out of Telos. You were never actually escorted out that you remember. - No. Somehow from there, I made my way back to the car. And that's when kind of my wherewithal kind of kicked back in. 'Cause when I got back down by the parking lot, that's when I started to take the kind of what was around me. There's lots of cars. It's Sunday afternoon. There's lots of cars and people, couples and families that are hiking all over the place. And all I can think of is no one has any idea what I just went through. So what do I do with it? Well, I bolted back to town and I thought I need to talk to somebody that can help me put in this perspective. Now, I just need a touchstone that can help me understand what this was. So I went by Heruko shop and it's closed on Sundays. That didn't help, went to the crystal room to find Bev who back then was the owner and the manager. And Bev's been around this community for a while and she's well aware of interesting phenomenon. So when I got there, it was about three o'clock by then, she had customers in the store and she was waiting to check somebody out. And I was just waiting for the opportunity to just say something. Well, I found a little niche and there was a moment that I could kind of catch your attention. And I said, I got to tell you something happened to me. I just took a trip to tell us. And she looked at me without any change in her demeanor at all. And looked at me like, yeah, okay, like that happens. - Like, right, that's normal. - You're not really helping me here. Is there any else you can do? Well, she couldn't. So I went back to my room and I started to Google everything I could find about tell us. Lemuria tried to do whatever I could to find someone that could help me. And along the way, I found a website from a woman named Asara Adams. Asara has been channeling higher beings, including a domic for a while. She had been a successful real estate person in Florida before something triggered her and she moved to Shasta and now she does this. She has had experiences astroly in tell us. And so there was contact information on her webpage. I phone and left her probably the strangest voicemail she's ever heard. But bless her heart, 45 minutes later, she called me back and for two hours, I shared what had happened to me. And at the end of it, she gave me some feedback. And she said, you know, I was listening to your story. And I know it's authentic and here's why I can tell you that. She said, I've seen things that I've never talked about before and you described them in great detail. I've never talked about them before 'cause I wasn't allowed to. I know that you were there because I've seen the same things. And when I asked her, you know, well, how come you've never talked about them? I haven't been allowed. There are things that I can't share and there are things that I can't share. And right now that was one of the things I couldn't share. But I have this sense that things are relaxing even for her and that with as much change as coming her on and with as much awareness as we want of all of this from a positive standpoint, that the time for everybody to understand what this is is now. - Exactly. - Yeah. - Exactly. - Exactly. - The interesting thing about the people who aren't allowed to share certain information is that even if they do, the majority of people aren't gonna believe in many way. You know, the people who haven't gone through their awakening and stuff. So it's interesting to me like why, why do they care if that information was to get shared if no one's gonna believe it anyway? But at the same time, maybe there's, maybe there's codes or keys or codes that come with that information that unlocks people that we just weren't ready for yet. I don't know. - Maybe if it's too much. - You know, I'm glad you pointed that out 'cause you made some comments before about things that trigger people. I happen to believe that when we choose our incarnations and we set our lessons, we have also made agreements with people that are gonna help us on along our way. Well, if we've done that, then I'll bet that I planted triggers in these people so that when our paths crossed again, you're gonna say whatever that word is, it was gonna trigger my reawakening and it's happened for me now. And the more and more I watch other people, when you can see it on the look on their face, they finally get it. That brings me great joy when I see somebody that finally resonates and gets something that they didn't really understand before. But that's why I say maybe I had a trigger for them. Maybe I said a word or uttered a phrase or whatever it was, I'm sure that there are some things that I planted and you agreed to come along during my journey and help me when the time came. I believe that we all reincarnated for purposes and that now that I understand, I was Lemurian and I did spend time in Teles that I chose this incarnation as a Blu-ray to come back and be born here because that was the way we were gonna help. Rome was gonna be born on earth and then transfer. No, you had to come into this incarnation with that already inside of you to the point at which it would open up and you would understand it and be able to use it again. But when I see it happening with me and how accelerated that timeline was and then I see all the people and tribe around me that are waking up at the same time, man, every signal says this shit's coming soon. Get ready. - The shift isn't inside job. And we do incarnate in here with that knowledge, with that or knowing, with that in our DNA to eventually be activated so we can be part of the disclosure of Telos and whatever else it might be. And it can't be them just showing up and say, "Hey, we exist, everybody, here we are." Because no one, I mean, not no one, but majority of people aren't ready for that. They won't know how to respond to that information. - Or they'll be in fear. - Or they'll be in fear or the point. - It's a good point. - Or they'll sabotage the experience. It will have a negative effect. - Well, look at what we've been exposed to along the way. When we think of extraterrestrials, all we can think of are movies and things that have been presented to us. And very little of it was put in a positive light. So I can see where people would be afraid because it's just part of our DNA. We understand duality. So I wanna understand the good and the bad of everything. So I get contrast. Here's one of those things where, until they can get past the fear, they're gonna have trouble digesting it. And when I say, "I don't have any fear anymore," I say that with certainty. And a lot of people are gonna look at me and go, "What do you mean you're out afraid of anything?" I'm not. And here's the reason why. 'Cause I've seen what comes next. Really last fall, I had it with humanity. When I start to pay too much attention to the news and all the shit that goes on that way, and you're just crying for everybody else and the pain that they're unnecessarily going through, it just, it pains me to no end. I just want it to stop. Yeah, right, and there's healing that has to occur also. So it's not even just about breaking that fear body and getting out of fear. If you're holding on to any trauma or something that you might not subconscious, right? From your childhood, from whatever it might be, there's things that happen to us along the way in life. We don't realize the ramifications they're gonna have for us 30 years down the road as an adult, trying to heal and go through this awakening. If we're holding on to anything that's keeping us tied to the 3D reality tied into the matrix and that energetic cord to our past version of ourselves, we have to let go of that. And that doesn't look pretty. And that is a scary process to go through. So I understand the fear as far as it's a very scary feeling stepping out of the known into the unknown because that's where life begins outside of your comfort zone. So I totally get that, but there's also, it's not just a fear. There's a healing that has to happen as well. It goes hand in hand. - I loved listening to your assessment. And, but there's a lot of people here that have heard what you said and understand the words, but they don't understand how I get here. I understand I need some healing, but I don't know what I need healing from and where I would even get. - And how do I do that? - Until pain. - Yeah, they're still looking outside themselves. Like we always had for some kind of feedback or help, man, until you find out that it's in here. You are a spark of source. We're all just individual souls. We've had different our incarnation somewhere else. So, you know, we are not this body that we occupy in this 3D space, although that's the experience we're having until you have some way that has expanded your awareness of the other things that are possible being around you. And then finding your tribe to help make that connection 'cause it's still not gonna come from them. But somewhere in the midst of all that, those touchstones you've been looking for for help, they might not be able to tell you what happened in yours, in your particular miraculous instance, but they're here to encourage you to explore it. No one's gonna look at you like you're crazy because you were meant to have miraculous experiences. Bingo, I love that. Yes. Beautiful. And even just until recently, like there was an aspect of myself that was still looking externally. As much as we talk about it, as much as I understand, to go inward and I understand that, there was an area where I really didn't realize, I was still trying to like look for this external validation on some level. And it wasn't until just very recently I had this crazy experience where I understand like, wow, this really is within and I have some work to do still. I'm not where I thought I was. And it takes time and it really takes time to really understand that because we are programmed from day one, everything is external. Everything is external. You're dissolving a lot of programming that we were conditioned by the people who came along before and they didn't know any better. Parents, church, school, hobbies, whatever it is, your circle of friends, they did the best with what they had to work with too. And if you wanna find someone to blame which you don't waste your time on that, don't put your energy into that, there's no one to blame. This is just, you signed up for lessons to learn. They weren't all gonna be good ones, but in the end, they were gonna be good for you and they were gonna be good for the collective because in time, all the things that are stored in your Akash are shared with the collective. So thank you both for the lousy lessons you learned 'cause I didn't have to learn them, but see how we all benefit from that collectively. When we get back to the point where we understand we're all one, that's where I wanna go. And so when I was saying before that I'd had it with humanity and if I have the capability to ascend, just take me. Well, that's when my guides came back and said, it's not really the deal you made for. You asked us to restore some of your abilities here so that you can help others ascend, here you go. - Right, exactly. - And this is exactly what the transition looks like. It's people like you and everyone, half the people, if not all the people listening, they're all guided here for a reason. They have something to offer. They're here for a reason. We're all on missions. We're all here to learn lessons. Soul, evolution, all the above, it comes down to that. And as much as you wanna escape this reality because the system sucks, right? No, there's no way around it, it sucks. But Gaia doesn't. And that's where we have to remember when you do go out in nature and have these experiences, it's a beautiful place. It's not the planet that is imprisoning us. It's the system and then that-- - Well, it's 'cause most people are still asleep. They don't know who they really are. So they're unconscious. So it's not, that's just where they're at, you know? But they're amazing. - And badly as I feel for them. Here's where I said before, it's not my job to change anybody's mind. But I'm here to support the rest of you. They're on your journey. And I'm here to listen with open ears to your experiences 'cause listen to mine, they're pretty freaking crazy, aren't they? But they're real. And there's more real things that have happened since then that I'm just telling you when you all get the vibrate at your level with everything else that's going around you, you're gonna be able to experience colors you've never seen before, audio, you know, spectrums that you've never experienced before. Nevermind beings that are around you at the same time. It was funny when we were in Shasta. Deba was one of the girls that was along on this hike with us. And she drifted off like a couple of others had. Well, when she, I saw her the next day, she said that she ran into a being while she was up in that area. - Really? - And actually she had found a cave, she found a cave that day. - Oh, no way. - By Shasta. Anyway, she had sketched it. And I'll be damned if it didn't look like Alex. - Really? - Really? - Oh, she's, wow, that's amazing. - Yes, yeah. I think that, see, that's interesting to me is whenever somebody has the encounter like that and it corroborates with exactly what you saw, that's what makes it real. And there's no coincidence that she saw that you have experienced with him. This is just a sign to me that things are shifting and they're ready to communicate on a higher level now. - Believe me, they want to. But even when they step into this realm, well, understand they have dropped their vibration. I went back a year after when I had made my trip there because I wanted to see it for myself again. And as quickly as I get back there, it was just, I needed to go back and see what had happened. And so this time, the conditions have changed inside of me. That awareness had broadened and that I was beginning to see energetic things everywhere. Signatures were clear to me. And so when I got back up to this space, that opening I had seen before was now like a hologram. And energetically, you can see it was there. So I went back up to that space just to spend some time there and the road had not been open. So I had the hike from bunny flats to get back there, took me four hours to get there. But I want to say it wasn't because that was how strenuous the hike was. And I want to take away anything from that 'cause there were multiple elevation changes. But nonetheless, I had found energetic patches along the way to and I stopped to enjoy them. So when I got back up there and I had pointed myself to look back in the direction where the parking lots were, there was no one else here. The road wasn't open. The only way we were gonna get here is by hiking the same way that I did. Well, as I was taking that in and facing that direction, that's when I felt the breeze from behind me again. And when I turned around there inside this space is Shiyama. Eight feet tall in all her glory, wearing like this green thing that looked like a hologram. And the first thing I thought was, you're so close. Why don't you just step out into this realm? And I already knew the answer. She'd have to drop her vibration in order to do that. And who would do that? Well, she must have been channeling into me hysterically because when I said that in my mind, she said, well, you did. I guess I did drop my vibration to come back. Yeah, you had to. Yeah. So the second time you were there, did you get invited back in or was it just a conversation? We didn't go in. We had our conversation there. I was there for about 45 minutes and we had interesting discussions. The first thing she said it was, I understand they call you Starbuck. And I go, I don't know where you understand all this stuff from. But yeah, that's my handle on like Facebook and how she would know that and use it, I don't know, but they're just things that are cute. Now, her voice is melodious in a way that I can't even describe. I wish I could put, there were words that I could put to these scenarios that did them justice. Maybe one day I'll be able to, but you just can't describe that kind of wonder. It's magic. There's no other way to describe it. Yeah. Would you say it sounds like Elvish? Like an elf from Lord of the Rings or something? Like very... No, that has become more clear. However, I could understand her and it was in an English back then and a strange kind of almost British Australian kind of tongue. There's been more information I've received recently that Lemurians communicate with us through vibration. And that those of us that vibrate at that level can communicate and understand that. And I had heard an Indian Chandler, utter my name in a channeling session. And I heard that from an Australian filmmaker who had been going around the world capturing interesting phenomena. Well, he run into this Indian Chandler, this young man who had been channeling higher beings, including the Pleiadians back in May. And when he was there, somehow he had been triggered to learn more about Manchester and Telos. And so when he got to sit with Sam in India, he said, yeah, I'm curious about Telos and Manchester and Lemurians. And I heard the story about this guy named Lowell Johnson who said that he's been in Manchester. What can you tell me about Manchester and Telos? And Sam went on to say, well, I don't know what it's like because he wanted to know what their technology was, like what the area is. And Sam said, I can't speak to that, but I'll certainly ask that question in the future. But as far as Lowell is gonna come, that was gonna happen later on. Adam, this filmmaker, made his way to Shasta while we were there for the conference. And there was a two day overlap where I was gonna be there and he was gonna be there. He was coming in from Croatia. And so when we finally had a time and he got a chance to like put his hands on the guy that said he's really been there, he said, yeah, I'm gonna reach out to Sam. Is there anything that you want me to ask him? Well, I said, I can't think of anything I'd want to ask him. And I don't know what I'd ask him that I want to know, but I'd sure be curious to see what he'd have to say about me, right? - Yeah. - Well, he came back. There were three questions he wanted to ask Sam. The first one was, would he be able to visit Telos? Well, he was there that week. The answer he got back was, yes, you'll be able to, you have our permission, but you can do that astroly. It's not like he's gonna take a physical trip, but I'm telling you, that's nothing to poop who at, because even to get permission to do that astroly is a significant thing. The second thing he wanted to know more about their technology and the spaces where they live. And they were trying to bring him back to focus on consciousness. Then you'll understand the technology that we have because consciousness is what gives us to technology. You can't have technology without creativity and you can't have creativity without consciousness. Okay, thank you for connecting those dots. It makes real sense to me. - Right. - Then the third thing you wanted to understand is, what can you tell us about Lowell Johnson and what his purpose and ascension is? So now I hear from this channeler in India describing what my purpose is and what I'm doing and that he said, I'm paraphrasing, we understand the entity known as Lowell Johnson is here to assist in the raising of consciousness and he's been in touch with us many times through his higher being. He has the same ability that Sam has to take our vibration which isn't in your language and translate it so that humanity can understand it because it's gonna be important for them to be able to understand it with what's coming up next. So apparently, the same way that Sam can take their communication vibrationally and understand what that is, I carry the same ability. But I've had some other things that have happened in the last two months that have helped me understand. I've heard variations of lots of different, I called it light language first, I was corrected. It's star language and it wasn't all the same but I can tell you I can understand it all now. And there was a period last year when I got to see some interesting artifacts that were covered with codes and symbols. And at first, when I saw that I photographed them 'cause later on, I wanna understand what these were. Well, after I had this revelation that I could understand these star languages that it went back, pulled those pictures out and started to look at the symbols, guess what? Yeah, I can recognize a lot of them. And not only that, three of these pieces were ceremonial pipes that were 30,000 years old. And I could find symbols that were common to a couple of these. And these were not found in the same place. So there's just more dots that are being connected to share. And again, this wasn't for me alone. I'm the first one. I'm not meant to be the only one. - Absolutely, I agree with that. And going back to briefly the technology and how you said it's consciousness, right? And you have to understand that before you can understand their technology. And I always go back to not just you, but anyone who has ever stumbled across any inner earth cavern for the most part claims it's artificially lit somehow. They don't, there's no light source. And even people who have been on a board craft, they say the same thing. I really think we're dealing with a sound. I think the light is created from a frequency. And I truly believe that they somehow are able to harness that. And it's really just a frequency that might be inaudible to us. But at the right resonance, it creates light. It creates light. - I see things exactly the same way. In my opinion, the way that we're gonna communicate in this next realm, we're not gonna speak English, the German, the Thai, whatever it is. We already communicate through thought. But what communication we will have will be symbols, sound, color, and sacred geometry. Codes, you're gonna see codes. I ran into somebody I met, Dave Wallace, I met in Shasta spent a lot of time with him. And Dave had shown me some things that he had been downloaded. And he had been shown these mathematical equations that were put in forms of code. But when you see them at first, the code is stretched out like this. Well, when they wanna finally give it to you, when you see what happens, the code is turned and compressed. And to everyone else that sees that symbol, they understand the entirety of all of it. So now we understand what symbols represent and where hieroglyphs and all those things served a purpose. Then nobody cared about speaking language. That became a thing we did in this third dimensional realm. And the way that communication took at high realms was this other way. - It's interesting because a symbol is proven. It bypasses the conscious mind and it goes directly to the subconscious which therefore affects your DNA and affects you energetically. And so much, it's like telepathy, right? It's like a download. Like so much information comes to seeing that symbol that you don't consciously pick up on, but it's more effective somehow. And I feel like, and look at this is facing, you said hieroglyphs, well, let's go to emojis on our phone. Like it does the same thing. - You can type out of 10 emojis in a row and then tell a story. - And you understand exactly. So maybe we're just devolving back to that place where we communicated easily with others because look, somebody in Germany understood what that emoji went just as easily as someone in Japan or Australia or here didn't matter the language. They understood the graphic. - Right. By the way, there's been a thumbs up emoji that keeps showing up on your screen. - That's me every time I move. - Oh, that's you. - Oh, we can't eat it. - We were like, is that the inner earth? Does that tell us? - You think I was Italian with how I'm so animated when I talk, right? - That's funny. - That's awesome. - But no, I agree 100%. Like, and we've heard people who claim to even bend an underground military bases where they have symbols on the walls and the deeper you go, there's different symbols that unlock your subconscious mind and help you remember who you are and why you're there. And as you go back up, you see those symbols and almost deep programs you to, you know, to the, one of my trying to say, the blankness that you have already. This has been absolutely incredible. I don't even know how long we've been going. Is there anything else that you're compelled to share that you would like to share with us before we start wrapping this up? - No, you know, another time we can talk about what happened last year because that's more significant. And it wasn't that I didn't want to share the telestory and especially with your audience. They need to hear that first. But what happened last year is going to put light into perspective and what that really means. 'Cause this photon energy that's coming our way, that's enhancing Earth and helping rise her vibration like I talked about before is also affecting us as well. Making no mistake, Earth is ascending with or without us. We're not tied to her and it wasn't that humanity all kumbaya enough that we all helped her vibration rise to her next level of consciousness. She's in a cosmic cycle. She was going there one way or the other. And here is where when we understand what our vibration is and how that affects everything else, when we match hers, we get to spend all our time and that's splendid environment. - Right, it's our choice to assist. Like you said, it's happening with or without us but we can certainly play our part. Once we're aware of why we're here and what we're doing. - That's the point, awareness is all what it's about. But look at how many, even people around you think about it. How many people over really the last few years have come forward with questions about this? Something is awakening in all of them where the rest of us had been going on living our lives, having successful careers in other places. And all of a sudden we learned that that's not what this is about. You came to play that role and so you did but let me remind you what's really coming next and Earth is about to change. If you wish to change with her, here are the things that you just need to be aware of. And so we put that out there to as many people as we can get to hear it. How they resonate with it is totally up to them. And again here, I'm not here to convince anybody of anything else. I know what happened with me and I'm a reasonably intelligent individual. And I have no reason to come up with a story like this. And even if I did, I would have had to think this story through like three years ago and then figure out how I was gonna knit it all together. That's not how any of this happened. So I'm not the only one that this is happening to and it just gives me great comfort. When more tribe show up, just like they did in Shasta, it wasn't that I didn't know Aaron before then here. At least I didn't think so. But clearly we had a connection before because everyone we meet, there's no coincidence. There's somebody that we connected to and higher realms already. And this was just the time that our paths we're gonna cross again. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - And that's exactly what's happening every time we go to a conference, you're hooking up with soul family. I mean, there's no question about it. There's so many times when we go to these gatherings where you meet somebody for the first time but you feel more at home around that person than anybody in your immediate family. And why is that? Because there's that soul recognition and just by coming together into union like that, it's changing. It's changing the timeline. It has that ripple effect and the shift is, then we go back home and we anchor that energy back where we're staying. And that's why I think it's important also to travel, which I think is part of the reason they didn't want us to travel or they don't want us to travel so much is because right now more than ever, it's crucial that we get to certain lay lines and certain key points on the planet, just even if we're not doing anything but being there, our energies imprint, we're doing grid work, we're doing healing work. - Yes. - If you go there and then you come back, like I just went to Australia, I came back, they make it very, very difficult to travel there right now. By the way, it's not some easy trip. - Yeah, I've heard that. - So, but when I was there, it was magical. Nothing like the propaganda makes it out to be. I visited this place called the Crystal Castle has some of the largest crystals in the world on the surface there. They did the singing bowl meditation for 20 minutes. I sat down, didn't know what to expect. I literally found myself, I saw this waterfall that was on the property, I didn't even know was there, but I saw it and I saw it trickling down into this little hole and all of a sudden I was underground and it has massive crystal cavern and this water was cascading down. It was absolutely beautiful and there was like a civilization down there. This is the vision I got. Nothing I was not expecting that. I wasn't looking for that. And when I was in that meditation, I couldn't even physically get up. I was so, I was just transported somewhere else, but I feel like by me going there and experiencing that and my energy and now I get to bring that back here to St. Louis, I think that's key right now for everyone to just get out from behind the screen, go places exactly like you said, the profound effect that is gonna have with the transition is, there's no words for it. - Yeah, when you're suggesting connecting to grids, we're just energetic beings. We're really no different than her. Our chakras are just like her. She writes happening now to her physicality is originally, there were 12 crystal pyramids here on the earth that were spread out so that that's how it covered and created the grid, not just to connect things here but beyond. And so those things, those crystal pyramids are coming back into alignment, which is why us little energetic beings are trying to make those connections again. And we're finding where we get to assist energetically, how we assist that process. I wanted to mention one other thing 'cause you had said Uluru before. And last year when I was in Shasta, I had an experience to go to someone's house one evening. And one guy was playing a didgeridoo. - Nice. - We kind of went into a meditative state. And during that, I had astraly visited Uluru. And in one frame, you know what Uluru looks like and it's like this vast wasteland of nothing there. I saw that in the first vision. And then immediately I saw like the veil got pulled back and now it's this lush, green, amazing place, which is where we're going in the next realm. Here's what Uluru is gonna look like next. - Wow. - Nice. - That's beautiful because that, our last guest that we had, the last episode, she did all kinds of work there with Uluru, you know. And there's no coincidence now that we're talking about this again. And I think it's one of those sites that doesn't get quite enough attention. And there's some people that claim that it's truly the heart chakra of the planet. And then we've kind of been handed this like misinformation as far as like the real heart chakra to keep people looking somewhere else. But when you actually look at an aerial view of Uluru, it looks like a human heart, even with like a vessel. - Wow. - And it doesn't make any, like the explanation for how it got there. Like mainstream can't explain it. - It doesn't make any sense. - Mainstream can't explain it. It's from the stars. I mean, there's something profound on that planet. - I agree, that and the devil's tower are those two things that we just can't figure out how they got there, how they were formed, but here they are nonetheless. - Right. - Yeah. - Right, and it's all hand in hand. Shasta, devil's tower, like all these sites, Uluru, and all these other insignificant, what we would just think might even be a mountain, could be some ancient pyramid or some ancient site. And it's all being turned on. And I think that there's gonna be discoveries being made of, you know, when they discover these pyramids, they're in the middle of a forest, they're not hidden, they're just overgrown. And so I think we're gonna start, you know, we think that we've discovered everything there is to be discovered. I don't think so. I think there's a new age of exploration happening, and it's gonna look completely different than anything we're used to, and I'm here for it, and I'm gonna be there for it. - Yeah, I agree. - Well, thank you guys. I appreciate, and there's an audience of yours that needs to hear this information. We can certainly do this again, 'cause your part B is talking about light language, and my experience with actual light things, physical interactions with light things. And here is where, when I say, I'm not supposed to be the only one, I'm the first one, this is what I'm talking about. I've had that captured on pictures. Some of them, some of you have seen. - It's undeniable. - It's undeniable, and so when it was suggested to me that these were for your portfolio when they were first given to me, at first I didn't understand what that meant. Well, now I do. Sooner or later, your story is gonna get out low and you're gonna tell it, but yours is gonna be different from everyone else's, and that you're gonna have pictures to show them. When you wanna talk about having experiences of light things, here's the pictures. - Yeah, right, well, definitely part two, hands down, let's do it soon. Why not, you know? And so do you want to please share with people your website? If you have anything coming up, anything like that? - Yeah, my website is 40KFTView, it's for 40, I'll be, the next conference I'm in is actually in Orlando. Danny Henderson has, they're expecting 1500 to 2000 people. It's finally an inside event, and there are quite a few people that are gonna be there, so I'm gonna present it that. But I'm making plans to make my way to Egypt, and there's a group of us that's making a plan to go there in March. So that's between now and then, I don't know. - But I will, if you're interested, I'll send you the information on it because we're going back with an insider who's been there before and understands what protocols, because most of that stuff they get the view is on lockdown. And when tours take place, it's overnight, because these places are open to the public and the people that live there during the day, so you have to make these trips then. I had two friends of mine in Sydney, who is actually the person who speaks star language to me, are the ones that have been there, and Sydney's organizing a trip to go back. They had shown me some pictures of their trip, and when Donald and Lisa were showing me the pictures, he had taken, he hadn't really looked at them much. They were taken at night. Well, when you look really closely at the pictures into the sky, 'cause there's some phenomenon there that doesn't look like it belongs there, it looks like there's these curved lights, right? In a couple of pictures, they were yellow, and in another one, they were blue. When you zero in on them, it's not a line. They were dots of lights. Man, they showed up in different places in every picture. - Right. - I don't know what it is yet, but I'm gonna get to the bottom of it. - Right. What are we gonna say about? - Oh, it's so-- - Time to go to Egypt. - Yeah, well, no, the Egypt trip. Is that the one with Keri Cassidy that she's gonna be on? Or do you know? - I don't know. - Okay, 'cause Amanda and Deb are, I don't know which one found out about it, and then we all went and go, and it's March, like you said. - It could be. - They said it was Keri Cassidy. It was the one planning it all. - Suzanne Spooner is also doing a-- - I saw it. - That's a different one, yeah. - Right, it's a different trip, but there's no question that these trips are being organized-- - We're being drawn there for a reason. - Right, exactly. - Egypt's another place, and there's also healing that needs to take place at these sites, and that's what we're doing all of it. We're doing all of it, and it doesn't even, I would say, for anyone listening, don't focus too much on what I'm supposed to do. Like you said, if you're guided somewhere, just go and let it unfold. Be in that flow state, you know. It's hard to do, I know that from experience, it's hard to go and be in that flow state, 'cause we're constantly distracted, things happen, but don't put too much emphasis on why and just know that you're supposed to be there. - Couldn't agree more. - Yeah. Well, thank you so much. This has been incredible, we will do this again. - Thank you. - I've totally forgot to mention any of the products earlier, but I will talk about the CBD, because I believe in that stuff. If you're looking for a new CBD oil, if anything, just to help relax your nervous system, whenever everything is so heightened, Hopo Farm is amazing. You get 10% off all their products with a promo code journey to truth 10, and that link is below. Take advantage of it, because it's an amazing product, and we truly believe in it. So with that, I'll just go ahead and wrap this up. Thank you all for listening. Thank you so much for your support. We couldn't do it without you, and we have no plans on stopping, so thanks again, Lo. We love this, this was amazing. - Thanks again, guys. - Thank you so much. - Thank you. - See you soon. - All right. - All right. - Good night, everybody. See you next time.