Journey to Truth

EP 198 - Alexis Rose: The Solar Storm Is Upon Us - Sun Portals - Space Weather - DNA Activations

Originally aired on 7/14/22
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Alexis Rose 😎
Alexis Rose reports daily on Space Weather events and is a therapeutic psychic-medium by trade.
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1h 19m
Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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[Music] okay hey guys welcome back a few things before we get started as usual don't forget you can get 10 off the omnia radiation balancer and pendants which are available now and they're absolutely amazing and if you don't know what those are they harmonize the frequency coming in from the negative frequency the emfs and they balance they basically balance your energy field and turn it into something that's actually beneficial for your body and you can get 10 off of those products with promo code truth all caps that link is below we have also recently teamed up with our friend mason theory who makes these beautiful organ pyramids he has three or four different sizes I think this is the largest one they're absolutely amazing they also play a role in protecting you from harmful emfs so if you are looking for something like that I highly recommend these pyramids or one of the patches the pyramids are also 10% off with promo code journey to truth all caps that link is below also so right now we have a huge flotilla of ships coming through the sun portals from all different star systems and galaxies civilizations emerging for a very special event that alexus is going to tell us all about tonight we have a lot to talk about with the sun i usually i'm talking 24/7 about the sun on my platform so i'm excited to share that information more so with the audience today because we've been talking like the three of us about this type of stuff for years so just to bring it into even more of a focus today would be fun so i'm looking forward to today's episode yeah that's what my favorite part about what you do you cover everything the space weather the solar activity uh at the same time you're like channeling elementals you're doing your energetic archaeology you're you know it's all and you make it fun but it's actually really important stuff and it explains a lot of what we see happening on the planet right now and you have a you have a great way of breaking it down and making it digestible and not boring because some of that information in those charts if you don't know what you're looking at it just kind of goes over your head and that's what i love about what you do so welcome back this is i know you've been on the show very early on when you were in your van yep and you and jace have been on since then and then now here you are again you've come such a long way and i'm proud of you you're really doing some amazing work so welcome back thank you of course i'm happy to be back and yeah a lot of progress since the last time you've been on and then we did a group thing last year for our family of light gathering event which was really cool and yeah we we've both done events since then and matured and our audiences are now waking up to even more serious events like you said like it's hard to approach people with the idea that there is literal you know civilizations and so on that are trying to contact us and travel within the stars and so on and when i first learned about that i was very moved i was very inspired about the stellar network i guess is a great way to call it even though now there is a crypto about that which is you know potentially on purpose but there is like that collaborating now where i feel like all this is advancement and all these advanced civilizations are trying to reach us through these means and to have like a technological advancements or like be good at tech and sharing videos and being creative i'm grateful to just be planted here to deliver these messages because to you know some of the things i've seen coming out of the sun it does warrant some serious thoughts and i also realize that i'm naive to a lot of it too thankfully as a civilian and there's a lot of people who may be watching who know a lot more about this and i'm just going to tread the best i can respectfully about this concept based off of my own research with my essential diaries blog so right and and that's exactly what you do and it's beautiful and some of this stuff that's coming through the sun this has been happening for years now things that we can only that they look like craft it looks like ships and we know we've talked about a number of times that the sun is a portal or maybe there's multiple portals i don't really know but how often would you say you see something coming through the sun yeah i'm pretty sure it's every day now it's pretty much every day and significant events it's almost easier for them bigger ships to come out of the sun during bigger coronal mass ejections and it sort of hides what it looks like so those are the funnest to watch but during the even more quiet times i'm watching things go into the sun out of the sun on the public data and what that actually is how can i interpret that it's really just i do my best i try and keep it open-ended but really it's fascinating and it's inspiring to like clearly we're just going to continue knowing more about this situation and it's not being hidden from us as much anymore so even just the fact that we can have this conversation is a really good sign that this sort of activity is going to pick up and continue waking people up so i think that's the team i'm on right and it's just we have like i would almost say not mass sightings but the the ufo sightings on the surface or have gone up i mean they're off the charts lately and i'm seeing you know you don't believe every video that you see but there's so many of them now and so many like multiple camera angles and stuff of these physical crafts showing a mid-day over cities like LA and just and all over the place all over the world but i mean you have to ask yourself okay what's actually happening here is this part of the slow rollout of this disclosure has something shifted where they're allowed to show up and be here now and is this what disclosure looks like i mean it's absolutely fascinating to me to be able to uh it's it's becoming common talk and we're not getting laughed at anymore so i think that's beautiful yeah it is nice to have some backup for what i instinctively knew when i first heard was first was first heard it was possible and yeah i've been following through with that but the the earthbound sightings have increased and a lot has happened since the fifth which most of us know what sort of went down publicly during that time even though i've evidence that it began earlier than the fifth then was kind of you know what i mean i've noticed that many times a lot with the the storms also in the news the solar storms even and the UFO sightings usually i see it a lot a few days before and then it comes out in the news to scare everybody a few days later so it's been nice to also keep track on my own because the emotional the emotional harvest i should say that could happen off of the fear of a massive solar flare wiping out the planet or a massive armada of you know unfriendly aliens coming to take over the planet seems to be a very big concern and what we're damaged emotionally which is tricky like even just to think about it is from the perspective of an intelligent ET race that's trying to revisit their whole ceded colony and reintegrate with them what does that look like what is that process and through most of it people are aware of contact before they see anything and a lot of it also is in correlation to when the sun is getting more active so i believe that likely when the sun is more active it's a much more accessible more active portal and then we see a lot more of that fallout and visitations here on earth as well in the community which has been interesting so i'm having people track the clouds i'm having people track their sightings i'm having people track their dreams and the space weather as well to try and get a better better picture of what the organic contact is really looking like and also giving people some structure for their own weird happenings because there's a lot of physiological changes that are happening to with the storms and with contact as well so just keeping people at peace having these group chats and so on to keep keep the sanity and keep it grounded in a way when this is extremely i mean this is more of an upper chakra sort of awakening experience that is the space above our heads that really is getting more active so you know constantly talking about grounding this in so we can stay sane but there's so much insanity that's been lied to us about for so long that it seems insane the logical things that are going on that are common on other planets and how contact happens and how these civilizations function is what i'm getting and understanding now so we're just like doing this really weird backwards forward baby steps it seems like with contact and with these sightings but since the fifth i've noticed there has been a shift in that and i think people's hearts or something has opened up a bit or even their solar plexus a little being like a little more accepting and a little more brave about the changes of the world and what's to come and so that's given me hope and i've had more influx of interest in my work since then even so it just keeps waking people up whatever they see it it finally makes them curious enough right and i agree like since the fifth the whole sony event there's a million conspiracies surrounding what actually happened ultimately it seemed to be some sort of a catalyst of course yeah right and you know then we it was followed by the guide stones and then different colors skies all over the world and every every single one of those events has thousands of different reasons behind why everyone thinks you know they know exactly why and i don't even know if we're supposed to know exactly why it's just part of this overall shift that the planet is experiencing and it doesn't necessarily matter why they're happening but it's it what matters is that it is happening yeah big time and it's almost like we almost like pull the strings a little before that we're like oh this kid oh maybe this is me and this and oh maybe think about this but now it's just like really in our face like oh the guide stones are getting knocked over and they're done like they're totally done what like what does that even mean like we never get to see that level of satisfaction like i haven't really gotten that level of satisfaction and i've got a destructive side i believe in the destruction and the birth of all of this so i'm enjoying watching things break down as well as new things being born so to have that level of like oh like wow like things might actually go in this direction a bit more and the things that need to be recycled are going to get recycled which it made me feel relief in a way so right yeah absolutely that along with it's all it's all coupled with the solar activity because you know this this the planet is going through the physical changes and so is every individual and i wanted to ask you about like what have you what whenever we get a big flare or a big sneeze like that what do you think actually is how is that affecting the individual on an energetic level is it does it does this look different for each person or is it like a collective tiredness of fatigue or a collective blast of energy it's confusing to me i was just wondering if you could shed some light on what's actually happening yeah i really thought when i started the study and started gathering data from people during these storms that we were going to have pretty similar symptoms per storm but very quickly i noticed that that was not the case at all and there is guaranteed symptoms to show up but what the symptoms are really depends on the person it seems like and where on the actual planetary sphere they were during this storm because of direct impact or less impact some people are confused when they don't get as many symptoms as other people even in my group chat which is international and i'm like hey listen they got full impact during their daylight hours of this storm and you guys were in the middle of your sleep cycle so there's going to be totally different obviously different responses but one thing i noticed that is kind of a common thread of our human behavior is that when there's a geomagnetic storm which is when there's more solar wind coming down around earth it makes us more compressed on a whole makes us more tired most people move into lethargy and move into rest during those storms and during solar flares which are very quick and instant i've noticed a lot more conflict between people in their household in their life people who obviously are in this community to open up and become more heart centered be a conscious leader in the community are still having those moments where their frequency gets disrupted and they're fighting with their their loved ones with their you know co-workers and their animals even and it's interesting although i have read about that that the sun spots may even occur because of tension that needs to be released in the human collective which is very cool but the nervous system is really obviously the biggest key and it's how we absorb all of these electromagnetic frequencies and photons and so on through our body and kick them out through our torus field and sort of run it through our bodies like a circuit and people who have issues with their circuitry already certainly struggle the most with the symptoms of space weather in a way and these solar events and those are the people we work with the most i work with the most and helping and usually i'm doing hey heavy metal detox is your number one friend do it every single day parasite cleanse detoxing as well get that all out of your system get stuff that's feeding off of or attach your system that's not supposed to be there actively work on getting it out because these these charges to our system make it extremely obvious and can cause nerve pain in the areas where these blockages are which has been helpful for people who have what's the word chronic issues and who we're just medicating usually with more heavy metals in the prescription drugs and that was not helping it was only just making it harder and harder for them to connect so we're purifying our vessels and we're connecting to the intelligence the intelligence of this whole thing because the more i'm doing so i'm realizing how logical and how helpful all of these symptoms can be and it's a part of this process that was prophesied basically and also dna activations is another big thing actual mutation my next question right and beyond our comprehension beyond our imagination activity and activations are happening a lot of people do not internalize the fact that we are likely hybrids of multiple civilizations and that dna is being used at a certain capacity in this planet right now but there are so many more toys we get to play with and in base off the conditions we're in in our environment those toys will be in to activate so i believe our environment is activating and changing personally i've noticed that and my abilities have increased and i'm helping people do the same with their abilities now which has been such such an honor right i absolutely agree i agree for going back to the ascension symptoms i definitely agree that um it highlights air you can use it as like a doctor because it will highlight the areas that need to be addressed in your body so it's really interesting and it's a great it's a great tool it's a great tool to have right now because and if you really are doing the work you can figure out if you if you put the intention out there you'll be guided to them whatever modality that you need to address that issue so i think that's important and then the dna activation thing 100% that's been coming up in my own meditations in my dreams just across the board and then we know the queen just did that ceremony uh queen Elizabeth just did that uh what was it i forgot what it was called now um whatever it was not speak its name right right exactly but she just did it was like a countermeasure to this this natural activation that's happening and they will only be doing that for one reason it's because this is very real this is very real and when our dna is fully activated we're no longer the human that we recognize anymore we're transforming into something beautiful and what's happening to our true potential i agree i agree and uh it's going well it doesn't seem to no matter what little weird things that they're doing for the public out of these puppets that i don't even think are actually who they are anymore which is a relief but also just to highlight like hey we also care about dna and the royal family whoa weird like i wonder why that's so strange and they're so they're so cute about it and it's honestly a big part of this is watching how stupid they treat everyone and how dumb down everything is and that's made it very hard to discuss these concepts because yep truly people have been i don't know super understimulated to the point where their brains are like retroactively eating themselves like it's it's major issue and i went into psychology because i was watching that happen way a long time ago was not connecting with people really early in life surprise but now i feel so much better actively being aware of electromagnetic frequencies of our planet and of our solar system and how they are so so much greater and larger than we are and we have to pay attention to them because we literally cannot fight them it's it's so much bigger than we are and the crown and all of them try to make themselves and i'll be all and it's hilarious how just like anyone else they can get wiped right out just by one little solar flare so right it's humbling it is you know it is this is all this is all very important stuff i noticed that you posted recently i maybe i don't know yesterday about the the james web telescope right we have all these all these beautiful pictures released which is interesting to me because i have books of all the old hubble and they're the same and they're the same and i was and i was just looking through one i'm like i we've seen these all and they're trying to present it something brand new which is comical to me and then you have everybody taking the bait and that's their that's their way of like erasing history right they're doing the same thing with ufo's and and you know that's what that's what a narcissist does they erased history to avoid accountability right accountability so so you made an interesting comma about nasa and i would like you to share your thoughts on on nasa because we give nasa such a hard wrap as far as you know never a straight answer which is true they've lied to us in a number of ways but there are factions of nasa they probably are covert um part of black budget side of nasa that we don't know about and uh there there's some real people working within nasa that are you know this is their lives and i just want you to express what your thoughts are on that yes i made a post yesterday to trigger people in a way as well because i knew the whole fight about nasa was about to just get re that rekindled that flame and in my opinion being in this community for so many years i've watched the lazy argument over and over where people just completely wipe away nasa like it means nothing to them even though i think 90 of the data that i gather is filtered through nasa and pretty much all of the weather information i'm pretty sure is also filtered through nasa so if you believe the weather station online or whatever you may be getting information from that source that you cannot trust at all and i'm not saying that you need to trust this source i'm saying we are barely being given anything we're barely being given any information about this because like we were talking about being aware of this greater community of these greater ecosystems that we're a part of opens up the chakras opens up the dna open up opens up the consciousness makes you just think and deliver your life differently which is not conducive to being a slave on one planet it is to be uh a god of creation incarnated where you can interact and interact with other beings who are on that level of awareness about what we all are spark up creation uh interacting with creation in my opinion so nasa obviously doesn't make posts about that that's what i do but i'm able to take their information which just by existing makes people think about space and opens up that chakra opens up that awareness just for a minute to be like oh something outside of myself is also alive something outside of myself is also communicating shining existing older than me you know stronger than me and giving a little bit of a perspective to the extremely close-minded you know existence that is desired by again the slave owners so we don't want that so to completely just wipe nasa away i think it's very foolish because like you said clearly there is a public face for the level of comprehension that the earth's intelligence has been kept at on average and then there's those of us who are all awake who have probably had past lives current parallel lives quantum connections to space force to secret space programs to other galactic spacefaring races and so on and this stuff just is pouring through people now more and more as i assume the photons of this photon belter coming in at a higher density which we've been i've been studying to see if that's real it seems like to a degree that that's indeed happening i'm watching a higher intensity of space weather over time just continue to kind of grow especially with the sun but yeah nasa no matter what nasa says it's more about the influence on the collective consciousness that they continue to have that is more my interest especially about space to gatekeep space is also not a good thing so we don't want gatekeepers and so what do you do you keep your enemies close and you know you watch them and you watch over them and like you said you double check what they're doing you look at the you look at the other theories like hey this picture looks like this picture exactly but with the starburst being six points instead of four points they've only just changed a little bit so are they just re-releasing old quality photos they took back with humble as the cover of james webs you know innovation that's a possibility but whatever it is they're deciding to do they're gauging our response psychologically the most in my opinion so it's really all psychological experimentation because they don't report the true storms the biggest storms the biggest things even honestly or at all it's all such an intense psychological operation the public face of this so that's why you just have to like take and pick what each of these things are choosing to do and listen to your intuition okay why are they doing this the collective right now what are they hiding what what's over here that they are distracting from why aren't they pointing the camera in new places uh things like that why are they taking so many days to edit these photos and and so on so there's lots of questions that stir up consciousness out of this upset as well right and there like there's deeper layers to nasa we've had was ssp wars we've had ssp whistleblowers claim to see people in nasa clothing on other planets or on the moon you know so sure okay so that what does that tell you already um it don't throw the baby out the bathwater with nasa or anything else yeah and that's what a lot of people like to tend to do is they everything has to be black and white so it's like oh well nasa is you know it's a cabal like organization but that doesn't mean all the data is it's false there's there's a lot of true data there but then they it's more about what they're not showing you than like all the data is fake in itself um so it's just about using your discernment with everything else it's like you know everything else like there's going to be truth and falsehood and everything and take the good and leave the rest and then figure out and with nasa's own data you can actually figure out a lot of what's going on by by what doing what you're doing and like like they're they won't tell you things like oh every planet in our solar system it's all heating up and all storms are getting bigger but they're but the data is all there and you can look at that yourself and piece that together like David Wilcox is done and others have done you know so it's it's like that that's a very good point you're right and they are also being honest to some degree about the data but they don't publicize it or make it as big of a deal like I like to do because I'm watching it going like oh my god this is bigger than I've seen in years like out of report this and talk to whoever will listen and unfortunately I know I know the kind of content I'm making would be extremely popular to the masses and I make it with that intention but the fact that it's being suppressed and that I only have so many people who are in who are watching this but telling me how important it is I'm like okay well we're just going to keep rolling through and I'm just going to keep watching the raw data so I have a collection and I'm aware of an archive of information so at least I can be a voice for the civilians that may help in the future when things start getting a little bit harder to decipher which I believe is going to happen pretty soon because the solar cycle is moving up to its peak in 2025 and I'm just I'm just going to be here for it I'm just going to see what that's really going to do for all of us and I'm very excited I wonder this also right I mean I wonder I think a lot of that suppression is more of an illusion on the on the screen so I think they can suppress the numbers but it still has the reach you know obviously they can suppress like lower you in the algorithm and you know there's many ways to look at it but I would I would imagine that you probably have a lot bigger reach than your witnessing and probably a lot of us I agreed and not only that but also the caliber of people that we're connecting to through this work are also extremely powerful beings who have you know guardianship in their bones and they are multi-dimensionally like activated souls so they impact that these people have just by agreeing with your thoughts or hearing your data and confirming that with their own you know intuition I believe that's making a ripple effect that obviously we can't see online so you're right I agree you're right well you know you're right I mean who knows who knows what that looks like I want to talk about the human resonance a little bit um okay so uh don't laugh from here um you know we have the it's coming we're gonna do it right we have the baseline human resonance that we're all used to but it seems to be like this it's just heightened and heightened and heightened that eventually like I've heard I've heard a few people mention now that they're predicting like a new baseline like the the entire resonance is going to be at a higher vibration or whatever you want to call it what are your thoughts on that it's funny because I just got a message about that just now I was like oh remember they just reported there was a crack in the magnetosphere just a few days ago I think it was the seventh and it was that's was the day a lot of us are seeing the sky turning green pink purple colors and strange places people didn't see well the excuse was that there was a crack in our magnetic field and it was causing more of this light in this shift to happen and potentially I used to argue more of being like well the shape of our fields don't really change in the shape of our planet don't really change so how could these baseline frequencies change but if we're cracking open and having cracks and the actual shape of our geomagnetic field is changing shape or our surface which could potentially expand from the inside which I had been thinking about lately is like a potential that I never thought of before but if the the distance between our surface and our ionosphere and the overall size of the planet changes shape in a significant enough way our baseline frequency will change so the theories are for people who don't do all this study I hear over and over and over the frequency of earth is going to go up the frequency earth that's going to go up and I scientific-minded was like well how unless we change this shape but now I'm seeing evidence that the shape might be changing in front of our very eyes which I'm open to because again that's what a lot of people were channeling so I was trying to make those connections and try and make sure that they were right or validate them too but I couldn't until recently being like yeah I think the earth is much more capable of this flexibility than I thought and these cracks could change the shape as well but we're at a 7.83 on average hertz or rotations per second of of energy and that's our average but I do see it go up to that baseline to an 8.80 hertz I've seen it go that high on the Russian data and then come back down to actually go below average for a little while to kind of almost like correct so to actually see it just up its average a little bit I would have to do the math myself every single day in the year and take those measurements myself because the public data doesn't give us that it doesn't go oh this year our average was this number decibel number I don't care how many decibels they go to right just tell me what the average is but that's not there but that's what we're looking for and we want to know will that yearly average change slightly and is it increasing and I just I literally just don't have the time to take down that many numbers and do that much math but I might have to I might have to go to that point to be honest because things are getting really hairy right it's getting higher lead the way our lectures they black out all the storms that I want to see too on the data they'll just delete it hours out and I've been waiting like oh I saw it off the sun I'm waiting for it to land on us and then and it's gone so you think those the black outs are actually them deleting the data yeah more so because I've even taught myself how to prepare and look for it and then I just watched it be deleted instead and I'm like no that was the storm I wanted to look at and it's just been completely removed and then the next day there's an article like the sun could kill us you know and it spreads everywhere and I'm like that's no that's just ridiculous I do get frustrated in this job but what the passion continues to grow I think because I keep you know I'm I'm a bit of a fighter too I guess so right well that's that's in our blood that's our you know we're all the justice we're loud flight warriors you know there's a warrior spirit within all of us during this work I believe right and I definitely think that the expanding earth theory is is plausible we've talked about this a lot recently we talked about it on our last episode with dang of solid jock double day he covers this immensely he's he does a lot of he provides a lot of proof and evidence of this expanding earth but it would make sense that it's expanding from the inside because the planet isn't exactly what we were taught as far as what it's makeup you know and actually what it is it's a massive power station but yeah thanks NASA yeah right so I definitely think there's something to that and uh speaking of this is shifting gears completely but what are your thoughts on inner earth and I love it as far as it being inhabited and civilizations and stuff I know you know you're always in communication with these other dimensions and stuff and that that's what you part of what you do what kind of information is coming through from those realms and like what type of beans are you seeing and what does it all mean great question uh I am very excited in a way with my channeling I find I channel emotion a lot and which helps kind of get the vibe of hey do we want to go into this section of territory or do we not and so feeling out the emotion first is pretty easy to be like oh no something over there is no so we don't go over there in the woods but what I'm feeling from underground and in living in Sedona especially there is there is aquifers underneath Sedona it's a public thing we get a lot of our water from these aquifers here and there's plenty of other places that have these just underneath the ground aquifers and these big old places that humans just don't go to where's nobody really taking photos or selfies in our underground caverns very often but I'm seeing that change I'm seeing especially with little social media inputs that is so fun uh uncovering caves in China seems to be a huge one that China is just a huge territory of all of these pockets I'm assuming a lot of places are but that I've noticed is kind of leading the way in my understanding of inner earth disclosure of it being real being a physical place being beneath your feet being able to excavate again um seeing things and animal life that has not been on the surface these sort of things I'm noticing are coming out but like your experiences where there is higher dimensional beings living inside of our planet communicating with people I've also experienced that to a degree where and I've made my own rules and like everyone kind of came into this realm their own way I had some ground rules and so visiting me in the dark is not allowed visiting me in my home is not allowed we got to go outside in daylight and you do your best to give me a message and you know what I mean that's my rules so when I'm out there I get a lot of sounds and messages that are hard to decipher where they're coming from a lot of them come from inside of mountains and underneath the ground and I believe there is a major effort and excitement from the I want to say the fae and like the Sasquatch beings on earth especially in this area especially where they are also navigating these inner earth areas to a degree where it's kind of like they're the in the conduits between you earth surface humans and kind of this whole in a way almost make believe realm that is beneath our feet which is fantastic and a lot of us have had our imagination and our miss you know our joy our inner child joy and our ability to accept these realities kind of washed out of us because being stuck on the surface so long with all of this nonsense but I really am excited for I want to say the like earth integration of our earth mother and her children who live here as a group and how we all get along and how we all respect each other's space that's really getting developed more and how potentially these even way more advanced inner earth civilizations who are on another frequency we may not even be able to see them with these eyes because they're rotating faster than see with our biological suit potentially but they're making disclosure movies like left right and center where there's gods living in the earth and there's these huge beings like Kong versus Godzilla was an excellent movie for that and I just kind of rewatched it again where they went inside and it they went through this like physics shift as well because of how everything's working in there but personally I'm more so on the state of happily on the team of the Faye and the Sasquatch who are like treading their way into our lives and also the like under earth or inner earth advanced civilizations who are picking and choosing their people who they want to contact but for example like yourself Aaron you were just in Shasta if I may and there's obviously you would talked about in your last episode where there's a city underneath of Shasta called Telos and I've been to Shasta myself and it was hilarious to me because it felt like the entire mountain was a hologram and I was like this is so funny because I want to connect to this great landmass because I love mountains but this one feels weird and I was having a hard time even climbing on it to me I'm like this is kind of strange like it throws me off personally but now it's like ah yes there's a civilization under there and that's not we're not ready for that yet a little bit and I've been kind of tiptoeing around those realms of we aren't ready for that yet but it's it's close and I'm just holding strong and being a ally in a way for earth and for the beings of earth and the beings who want to help earth in anyway so I'm making myself available I just get random information all the time from all different directions so inner earth is is buzzing though if I'm like tuning in right now they're very excited I feel excitement in the inner earth which most of the time I don't so I think something has happened where potentially the barrier between those two realms has been changed which could also have to do with what happened on the fifth as well so I'm excited like we're seeing like the sea creatures and so on as a as some evidence of that too but I'm also seeing sky creatures as evidence of that and water creatures I don't know it's it's tricky like it's the animals the animals are also a huge clue as well of what what's gonna happen and lately the animals have been next level in my face and I'm just kind of nervous like what does it mean like I'm not even sure so the surprise is still coming for me as well in a way right I agree with everything you just said and I do think that they are choosing specific individuals to communicate with and how whatever that process looks like I don't know but certain people seem to be in contact with inner earth beings you know and and I don't know if they're if that's how you know I wonder like what's going to be more of a shocking disclosure the inner earth disclosure or the UFO disclosure like to eat the extra extraterrestrial experience yeah right because they went extraterrestrial first in my opinion right and it was like oh we didn't even think about the earth it's just like oh there's some magma in there like yeah it's gonna be I mean if we actually do get actual physical like tangible evidence that someday somebody can go grab about about an inner earth civilization with this advanced technology and living in an entirely different lifestyle that isn't suppressed you know that's that's absolutely mind-blowing information and there's tons of information out there surrounding this but it's not necessarily mainstream and most of it has been quote debunked you know if you look it up obviously but I definitely think people would be mad be mad I think they'd be angry for sure and I think that's a lot of it like they're always tip towing around things that'll make people mad unless it's like useful for that yeah and get to know that there's people living a better life on your own planet just below your feet who don't want to talk to you that'll hurt that hurts a little bit but obviously that's not the case but if your heart is closed that's kind of the direction I feel like people would go hmm yeah I mean I'm excited to see what's next yeah and then we had the emergence of 17 again which there's a big very controversial right there's so many people that want to throw in their opinions about that I do for one believe that there is some sort of galactic component it's not so much about this military operation as it is again the catalyst and what it stands for and what's happening behind the scenes that we may never even learn about where your thoughts on that yeah I agree there is how do I explain this there really is an incredible amount of evidence that there is a bunch of people who have incarnated in this time to have these jobs where we are dealing with these spectacular topics and making that more or translating that more into the culture now and into English because there is a quantum communication happening and quantum information from the future is going to be much harder to decipher in the now because even just cultural differences so in the beginning of those drops it was obvious to me that there was a little bit more of a futuristic sort of military sort of vibe to it where it was just trying to relay any data and give us some questions that could spark the awakening could spark better research and the direction it's sort of taken now is almost like somebody to hold your hand through the quantum ascension in a way too where it is even for me it was a moment of like relief where I had forgotten about it but the moment I heard about it I was relieved to know that that timeline hadn't fully died and that the thought of even just seeing such a post made me excited it made me happy because I'll be honest it's been really tough to watch the people I love and care about who were also very inspired by this mission to go through the rigmarole of this whole about this particular letter and missing their point entirely really in the mainstream about what it was meant to do for people which was to I think tell people about quantum computers and about military and you know military's ability to do that and or our just humanities ability to do that also the letter I was thinking about it and thinking what does queen start with and queen seems to be a connected thing that I don't think everyone's taken with the you know that letter yet but the warring and the information about a queen on our planet and about our mind control and about our evolution also seems really important to me but the quantum thing is number one and quantum just knowing how quantum works is is literally opening your third eye in my opinion because that's our quantum instrument so I was happy because even just a new person being like oh finally I'm going to check this out because it came back after all this time and it's in my face again maybe I'll finally try and look up what quantum is right and they came back and they came back at a big time you know there's no there's no coincidences right as they say what's interesting is that Andrew Bishago he was just recently on Michael Salah's show talking about his time project Pegasus and the time travel program that he was involved in back in the 70s and he breaks it down in detail his own testimony of what they were doing and he was explaining having this technology to go to the future gather Intel bring it back and then you couldn't you you couldn't actually do anything with that Intel otherwise it would be useless Intel because you would change the outcome but you could still utilize it to somehow prepare or counter whatever was going to happen and the way he was describing that the whole time I'm thinking cute like I'm thinking right this is exactly the technology that this operation is using but he breaks it down so beautifully with so many details that we haven't quite thought about yet and it's absolutely fascinating to me yeah that sounds intense project Pegasus makes my body like clean up and I think it's one thing I have to continue doing research about for myself personally because of the dreams and things that I've seen and working with portals and experimenting with portals and time travel I have a lot of visions of that where it was not going well and they were using children and so on like pushing them through portals and stuff to just hope for the best and that I believe was all engaged in that kind of project and many others I mean obviously that's exactly what he describes yeah but children being used yeah yeah I've witnessed it in a dream and was asked why I wasn't also being pushed through the portal and they were like no no that's not her job and parents were standing at me watching their own kids getting pushed into this portal that they could die it like it was an intense dream and I was like huh it makes me obviously want to keep keep doing the research and recovering these memories because there's a lot of like secret and underlying trauma in the human collective because of these projects and we can't heal until we like literally find all these horrible little things that people just tried and experimented with and pull that out and heal it and I think that's also what we're doing and what this channel does for people too thankfully and what I like to do for people I like to share this stuff as much as possible because it's it hurts but but we have to move on from it because like you said that quantum information is becoming relevant now and all the things that those kids went through and gathered you know in a way was to try and help I am assuming us survive much much easier into the future without all these disasters and anti-life agendas that seem to be extremely prevalent and there's been a major turning point obviously and I think you was the the sign that there was safety all of the sudden like it was safe now to work in the quantum timeline stuff but at that until that point it was like whoa don't talk about it don't do it well there was a lot of I mean it was trial and error back then they were that's that was the whole purpose of it and then they were told that it was since shut down because it was too dangerous and it wasn't worth it but you know obviously that's not maybe that particular aspect of the program was shut down but they continued the research right you know he talks about three different ways they were time traveling at one of them was developed by Nikola Tesla and he you know it was his exact invention that they were using and this stuff's absolutely incredible but what's even more interesting to me is when he said he came back one time but he came back to the wrong timeline the wrong dimension and he went back to his house and his different family live in there and somehow they were able to contact his father because the parents you know they knew their children run these programs right so they were somehow able to contact his father he later then found out that they were using this massive tower that exists in Colorado that's specifically designed to locate other dimensions so you can hone in on and actually not just locate but communicate with other dimensions and he said that tower is how he got back home because they were able to find his original timeline and then get him back onto that timeline but every time he said every time they were going back in time to try and go like investigate the assassination of Lincoln it would be different every the scenario there would be different people something would be just slightly different right and and he they started realizing like how many other parallel realities are there and they weren't just some like illusion illusional thing it was actually real and how does that happen that's the most fascinating part about it to me we can say something there yeah so I have something to say so at the conference Alex Collier was there and after his talk you know he's doing the Q&A and somebody asked him why if these ET's have the ability to time travel and go back in the past and change things and do whatever he was like why didn't they just go back and take out the reptilians a long time ago and the bad guys a long time ago none of this would have happened and his answer was well every time you every time you go back in the past and do something you're you're creating a new timeline and you're you're changing you know so he's like and he was he didn't know if this was for sure why but he was like this is my best guess he's like if they tried to do that well one if they tried to do that they could create so many timelines trying to manage you know over a hundred different timelines and it could just get way out of control too you know humanity has to grow and learn our lessons from it and that would wipe away all that and then you know what's the whole what's the point you know it's like we have to this is being used as a catalyst for our growth you know right and our ascension even so to a certain degree but at the same time it can't get so out of hand that we get wiped out so we're being protected from the worst of what they want to do the cabal and the you know Draco and all that like obviously we they you know they put out their plans and there's stuff that it's like this is what we want to do you know this is where we're going with this right you know the transhumanist agenda the AI the you know the Georgia guide stones what they said and the fact that those got taken out is a really good sign to me that we're on a very very positive timeline and there's nothing they can do to stop that you know nothing can stop what's coming right right and I think that plays a huge part in a lot of that Mandela effects also yeah absolutely yeah right why they're happening is different timelines are merging I think now and collapsing and all that stuff so we are the ones being trained to do the the work in the moment to defend and also be aware of more of these not so cute developing ideas and we're becoming better managers of our collective consciousness which is great because it was used against us but again to teach us its own power in a way too so that's cool and that's again why I started a channel because I learned about the collective consciousness and was like oh okay so I can just keep emitting this information and it's going to proliferate through people's consciousness and people are just going to start understanding what I'm saying more and more just by the fact that a lot of people are listening to it and that takes a lot of pressure off right yeah also yeah go ahead also no please continue well I was going to say with the reptilian thing is so interesting you mentioned because especially lately I've just been getting so much information that you know they are taking the heat so much for something they didn't do or like they aren't doing as much as they're getting the heat for and they're kind of the what's the word where you the escape goading them right and now I believe like you were we're also talking about civilizations inside the earth we may have to just become a little bit more into sensitivity training about living amongst beings that have more reptilian DNA because we all have some of it we literally have a section of our brain that functions in a reptilian manner and a lot of people like to jump over that side of the brain by not eating sugars in the morning and eating fats and proteins so you feed your your mammalian brain more but anyways that's just a little additive but there's this collection of desire to be together and work together with a lot more of these not so human people who live here that's the sense I've been getting lately so yeah the bad guys yeah I agree with I agree with that and there's we've talked about on the channel a number of times you know not the positive and negative right there's both right and obviously yeah I mean there is you can pin them for certain events and certain things but not everybody that's just like that's just like a human going to a planet and if that human happens to be a murderer or a serial killer and that's all that planet is gonna know of humans they're gonna think all humans are like this but that's not fair you know that's not fair for us who aren't like that then we want to go there also and all all of a sudden we got a bad rap on this planet you know and that's that's the way I kind of envision it for every for every species really yeah yeah um the duality exists everywhere not just this planet and then the higher up the dimensions our densities you go the more connected everyone becomes and then naturally the less there is duality like that because when you know you're one with you know everything and everyone else you're not going to destroy yourself it's painful to you to what you do to others you sense it more we're we're more disconnected here even we're connected but we we don't sense it as much as you do when you go higher so that's why we think we're separate and we get angry and tribal and like one of war with each other and kill each other you know absolutely yeah you go the less that's a thing you know well and just and just moving above above that duality so the duality is what makes this the 3d dimension it duality makes up the third dimension so when do you arise above that you're no longer in the third dimension anyway so it's like it can't they can't exist together you know no matter what so like a lot of these things that we think are going to be problems aren't going to be problems just because of the nature of the frequency itself exactly yeah i've had that conversation a few times you cannot battle the space we're going into because it doesn't operate the same right yeah yeah and i know you you mentioned just a few minutes ago about you know covering some of this dark stuff because it needs to be healed so we can get to that place and you know those aren't fun conversations to have but we have them a lot because they were we want to expose it and by by sharing these stories and telling these stories people connect and they relate because they've gone through something similar and now you've kick started their healing process and it's not something that we purposely want to dwell on but we understand that it's necessary but more and more you know somebody brought to my attention like maybe we should start focusing on the world that we want to create you know we're getting to a point now where a lot of this stuff has we're just going to be beating a dead horse at this point and i know this a lot of your post are exactly that you're you're putting these images out of like what you would envision new earth to look like or what other future in general and i think that's a great focus to have right now and that's something that i didn't really just come up with on my own like somebody had to bring it to my attention because we do i was admittedly getting caught up in like some of this old narratives and stuff and i'm like yeah like let's shift a focus you know and uh you do that beautifully so explease tell us what you're doing i mean that's a good sign that you're having that shift so it means i think that part of what you decided or what you needed to do on the channel for that is ending and now we're like okay good job we graduated you guys got through therapy we've tried to get as many boogie men out of your subconscious as possible to like actualize your true potential because like these sort of attacks were meant to close down and make us not actualize our potential these sort of attacks on our on our faith in god basically and that we're safe and then all of a sudden there's some type of motion against that it just it it'll cause like a fractaling of the soul it we don't want fractal souls we don't want people to be upset and i went into therapy for the same reason because it was like let's but then i realized how dark some people's pain was and i was like whoa i don't know if i can take this because obviously i'm very powerful empath and i feel a lot of other people's story in my own body so i'm like just glaze over those details because i'm sure i'm currently experiencing that horrific pain but in that skill i've also been able to relate to a lot of people who have had really really unrelatable events and that's been really nice and then together once we've worked through that really dark thing we can go okay what is it that you actually wanted to do before something scared you what is it that you think you came here to bring the world what what is your spark what is your angle what is your swag i say sometimes too like what's your soul swag like let's see it and i do post a lot of stuff about what i see in my third eye basically what is contacting me or coming soon to the great picture more so and what more to install to inspire the imaginations of people again my own imagination was needing serious help for a while and even as a child i didn't do imaginary play i didn't do imagination play and everyone was like well what toys do we buy you kid and i'm like can we do something more fun than this and it's been it's been a long road but being more physical going to events creating more events to do more fun things has been a major goal to physically move the bodies to physically bring the bodies together because a lot of the healing also happens when we're just in physical proximity and our vibration can keep or fix the fields of other people just you're mirroring and through entrainment so that's been nice and the future world that we are seeing i mean a lot of people is fantastical it's mystical it has these qualities of an imagination of a child because it's in our adult world it has not showed up for us but it's showing up more so and i'm lucky to live in a place where i assume the veil is slightly more thin in sadona where i do get to see a little bit more magic i get to hear about a lot more magical things people are experiencing too because everyone's on one here they're all like in their spiritual place so i get to hear it all all the time and people really want to build build fun they want to build things for fun to create fun on levels that we forgot was possible for example one of my things that i want to build is a lazy river situation that's super fun because i love lazy rivers but i i've not been to one that i like but to just have that freedom to terra form and make something like that just for the utility of it's fun and also how relaxing and lovely it is i'm hearing those types of inspirations coming out of people like and people are wondering where they're going to get the funds where they're going to get the materials to make this thing and that's a lot of what people have been channeling also is in this new earth these materials are going to be present uh we're going to be able to manifest just with our minds and we're going to be able to do these things but how people say it in English and how it shows up in the physical i've noticed is also a bit of a miss sometimes so to just wait and expect these things to come towards you is not helpful you have to actively want to make something exist that is fantastical even if your thing is bringing the unicorns back doesn't matter that thing is totally possible the dragons as well extremely obvious to me that the dragons are physically trying to return and visit with people they're doing it in like etherically in the clouds like they're almost in our density but not quite and these sort of things are showing up around me and people's ideas of creating these amazing places to gather and have fun and interact with nature and have a deeper connection with spirit and their own gifts is just it's just pouring out of people so it has to be it's we're we're creating it like we are making the new reality through our own imagination which is so cool and i really am curious how again in this density that's going to continue to show up but so far i've been playing with it in small doses and it's been working but it takes a lot of energy in this density too to do that kind of stuff energy and resources and then you have to do with the matrix and permits and neighbors and blah blah like all these problems and i'm really ready to be like oh all of a sudden nobody thinks that's a problem anymore and just dig up this piece of property no one's using it it's public land okay and i'm getting i'm hoping one day everyone's just going to be chill and it's going to be well the the realization that like the entire the entire system that's put in place is not only built to suppress us but it's absolutely worthless like it means absolutely nothing like it's so fake it's such an illusion the whole thing of the permits and the taxes and whatever else you know it's mind control right it's it's giving you the illusion that you have to do things based on a so-called authority figures telling you that that's all right that's all it's behind it what gives them that authority our perception of it that's it so absolutely changes and they get so mad when you all of a sudden don't think of them as an authority anymore oh because that's all they got it's just right right they'll cling to it forever the power struggle yeah you know i'm really excited to check out this lazy river of yours it's kind of we're making it happen yeah no i i i love that because um you know when you look around obviously there is a large number of people waking waking up having these revelations and talking about this stuff but then there's a large number that isn't and there's still a lot of work to do and and the reality of the situation is you know things are going to be dicey for a little bit uh you know we're not going to see this overnight but we can all play our part and we can all play our part in creating that future by focusing on things like that and that doesn't mean ignore the dark stuff if you have something that needs to be healed you know we're not you know who knows what the future holds for us our show anybody you know there's always going to be things that come up that you don't expect that need to be healed that need to be addressed and it's going to be an up and down roller coaster for a while until we eventually get over that point you know and uh i just think that uh there are bright things coming and thanks to people like you well we get to make our little pockets of heaven i feel like first it's like we have to make our little pocket and then welcome people in like hey oh this all of a sudden you're not worried about anything amongst us and this and oh and then just that break and these little breaks because i've been in little pockets of heaven now i've seen it i've seen it's work but i just bring people to lazy river time and maybe i don't know i also have a lot of memory and work with shamanism so maybe that might just be a part of it but we don't have to go there but those sort of things and creating these pockets of experience are extremely effective is something i've noticed and i've done free events even on the vortexes and stuff and just to have that completely not related to the matrix at all you don't need to show me any matrix nothing you just show up and we'll do the thing and then you go whenever you want and that was just so liberating for people i still i'm very close to that small group of people i did that with they text me all the time randomly like it was opening to their heart that they needed and perhaps that's a better way to describe it is we're creating spaces for people's hearts to be safe and open and to actually play with their heart energy again because i think protecting our hearts was the key to surviving and shutting that down but now it's like gotta make that jump i love your example of the little pockets um and you know it's interesting is covid created that pocket for me to allow me to quit my job because all of a sudden we weren't working as many hours we were having a bunch of days off and it was like one of the most beautiful springs that we've ever seen in the midwest i'll never forget because it was all this horrible things happening on the news but then outside it was so beautiful i thought it was an interesting contrast but i found myself i wasn't having to wake up at the crack of dawn and go to work every day and i was able to go outside and sit outside and drink some tea and enjoy the sun and i'm like i was just having these realizations like why am i getting up every single day and going to work and like like it doesn't have to be this way and like it was just it gave me a glimpse of what life could be like living outside of that system and it was just like a little pocket of it but it showed me that it's real and what life could be like whenever you break free from that and that's exactly what you're talking about yeah oh my gosh wasn't that it was a miracle truly and all the prophecies again something's coming that's going to shift the whole plan it's consciousness something's coming that's going to take you away from the matrix you know and i was like what's it going to be what's it going to be i made a made a blog about it because i was like i'm going to be right up to the moment i want to know and track it because it's all i cared about at that point because i wanted to liberate humanity and that was the goal it's like let's liberate humanity let's put them back into their cute pocket of heaven basically make earth heaven again and the weather and the animals and the energy of that time was so juxtapositioning and like you said like it was so beautiful but you know also people were panicking that they weren't going to be able to eat and so on so there was an intensity a fear tons of fear like it was a huge fear purge but again i also had the suspicion that when that was going to happen was when one of these true waves of higher dimensional love and energy was going to roll through us and that was the counter move of the fear based thing just to balance it out so it kind of neutralized it so the level of good that had to have rolled in during that time was just as much as the level of fear probably if not pretty close so it was amazing like well i mean the animals were just going up they were just coming out of the woods like into the cities and on the highways like they were just coming out to your front porch i mean they were just like we're all the humans you know i remember driving on an empty highway i'm like this is so insane you know and nothing's even happening it's all like fear based like propaganda um it was weird to how many people weren't out playing during that time like fearlessly like like you said you're alone on the highway i was alone in a whole city at one point and i was just shocked i was just like i'm having the best time because finally i'm getting some space and like everyone who i do see out is you know not afraid right which was amazing so more of that i hope yes that you know it was funny it was funny it was an interesting time not funny i shouldn't say it because some people you know though it was like some people did not have the greatest experience of course and you know of course that's not what we're not yeah go ahead Aaron well it was a huge catalyst and it was uh it was uh and it showed you know it like created this divide of like all the people that are very stuck in fear in the matrix very embedded in the matrix and they and then the people that like us that were like already waking up from the media everywhere like and you know and then it was also a catalyst for a lot of people's awakenings a lot of people woke up because of that or they they left the relationship they should have left because of that or the job they should have left like Tyler you had that like it was like forced us into like to like nudge us to where we needed to be and learn a lot of lessons and growth i think yeah also also i don't know you guys have even been interviewing some people but there's been very powerful galactic and psychics that also woke up just then like la la la doing their life they're into their adulthood still not quite engaging not knowing what their skills are for and then boom like it was just so powerful and i had been like crawling through myself for a few years before that working and working and working on that and being like okay i have to activate this and there's something coming and i have to be prepared and you need to get away from the matrix and you have to be self-sufficient and you have to have a skill you can trade and you have to be you know connected to your higher self and whatever's gonna happen's gonna happen and i'm grateful i had prep for that but it was shocking to me almost how almost like i were over prepared which was kind of nice but it was cute also just to be like oh actually this one's not for me so i'm just gonna sit back get a rest and then all of these new people woke up and were coming to me asking questions about lyra and the Pleiades and Arcterus and Andromeda and all of this and Sirius and all like i'm getting contacted and i'm having these downloads and i'm jealous of these people even because i'm like i never got to get anything like that like that's amazing like you're blowing my mind but i know so i can help you like it's all good but just these people waking up now have advanced to me so much better which is so fascinating and how we've all like timed ourselves amongst ourselves has been one of the more fascinating thing i'm watching because i've been in you know we've been in the community now a few years watching a lot of people develop and then meeting like once a year and touching one another and being like okay we're good okay and then back to our posts or whatever but it is lifting now it's getting easier to do that it's getting easier and now you can make your videos with your cool new shades and i love those sunglasses by the way we do we're gonna put them on for us i wish i could i'd have to get up but uh i'll do one today it's wednesday so i have to do a one for today but it's to activate those galactics out there it seems to make the galactics happy right well thank you so much for coming on and doing this this was a lot of fun this was really fun i enjoyed this immensely please let people know how they can follow you where they can find you what you offer all the above absolutely i i would love to receive all of the new viewers on my youtube channel please and thank you i have a youtube channel called Ascension Diaries please go over there and subscribe hit the notification bell that's going to be the easiest because most people watch this on youtube obviously i have a rumble account if you guys are on rumble and you'd be like oh you don't have youtube access anymore because i know i've been in the trenches with all of you i know what's happened i've watched all the social medias do what they've done to people and i'm on pretty much all of them now just to keep track keep track of my own friends so find me anywhere my best is youtube and instagram and then i'm growing a patreon page as well i have 55 out of 500 people signed up by now i'm just hoping to sign up more people become more financially independent individually with my own blog and my own work and continue creating resources for people who are wanting to activate their superpowers who are trying to understand and interpret as well the charts and the space weather so they can be uh i don't know the the head of the household i should say or the head of their their family in this particular information which i've been helping a lot of people with i also do readings by donations so if you want to find me on any social media and you're like i need a reading you can either get a donation based reading or you can book with me on my ascension website yeah everything else you'll need is on there and yeah i'll be seeing you all around i love to be in the comment section of this this podcast i i'm a huge supporter of this podcast and a few other people who do this type of work and genuinely get the most kicks out of just supporting other people in the community who are making videos who are putting out content who are pushing themselves to genuinely disclose who their soul really is and what their skills really are because the fear of exposing and doing your own work is slowing down i i believe the progress of our ascension of our collective consciousness so in the end i'm really a cheerleader being like go do it do it do it like talk to this person talk to this person go on this show talk to this person you know go here go there and i'm just constantly fussing with so many people in so many things so if you need anything you just message me and i'll probably be able to help you out so and follow and follow her on instagram and facebook yes ascension diaries yeah please right her stories are fun and they're like a magic and you might actually hold the record for the longest stories of anybody i know some days it is it's a lot it's too much sometimes but i get embarrassed about how much i post sometimes but all i hear is like don't worry about that like information's being disseminated i'm like okay well more people to wake up and work means my stories maybe can be a little shorter uh next year yeah wow well thank you so much this is that this has been beautiful we really appreciate everything you're doing guys go subscribe to her channel go check out her website book a session but yeah thank you so much for everything we love you all thank you for your support um and until next time have a great evening good night everybody bye thank you for having me [Music] some really intense commercial like where you don't even know what the product is but it's just chaos yeah definitely definitely that yeah everyone's just confused that's yeah that would be funny actually multi multi vitamins all by disco just go in at this whole thing and it's and it's just about the army of patchers let me yeah yeah it's just like a shark attack dark sea vitamins dark sea vitamins yes dark sea multi multi multi vitamins they're two dimensional and multi-dimensional i know that's why it's hilarious in multi multi uh it's gonna sell star seed vitamins that's a good one and then we can have our pod snacks pod snacks that's cute yeah so forget about that oh man now i want to focus on that and not the episode that's just gonna be the episode this is a this is really secretly a think tank for a new product commercials yeah yeah it was a bait and switch on your side i don't mind i love i love it i love doing these things i'm always trying to give people some ideas well there you go that's funny Yeah. Um, all right, let's get started.