Journey to Truth

EP 195 - Ed Spina - Unlocking The Master Within - Parallel Timelines = Parallel Truths?

Originally aired on 6/23/22
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Ed Spina:
Edwin Harkness Spina is an award-winning author, speaker and mystic. He is the author of Mystic Warrior and Mystic Secrets Revealed, and the developer of Energy Center Clearing and Higher Self Integration, a methodology created to align, balance and center individuals moving through these tumultuous times. He specializes in connecting people to their higher selves, leading to greater intuition, clarity and joy.
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1h 22m
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02 Aug 2024
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So if you want to go out there, go enjoy the ranch and do your thing, but we will not be there. Unfortunately. Don't forget we have a new promo code for the Hopefarm CBD. That code is ultra JTT 15. That gets you 15% off all their 1000 milligram and 2000 milligram CBD. And that does not stack with the normal promo code we have, which is journey to truth 10, which gets you 10% off all their merchandise. Teespring merchandise. We do have a new t-shirt up the activate DNA t-shirt. You can get 20% off that and all of our teespring merchandise with promo code 20 and back. And I think that's all I'll go through today. We are joined today. Well, welcome back. For the second time, Ed Spina, he was on episode. Twenty one. I think it was. I looked the other day. That sounds right. Right. That was, we were barely even knew what we were doing back then. Pretty early on. Right. So we've come a long way. I'm sure things have changed a lot for you, Ed. For those who don't know, Ed is a transformational energy healer. He's an author, a mystic, which I want to get into what a mystic actually is. But yeah, welcome back, Ed. We're looking forward to this. We've been trying to get you back for a little bit now. Hi, guys. It's great to be back. It's amazing that it's been three years since we last spoke. Well, at least formally. It really, it really has been. It is amazing. I think you were wearing the same shirt too. No. I do that on tennis shirt. Yeah. I took off my T shirt and upgraded to my tennis shirt. Ready for action. Yes. Nice. Yeah. Great to have you back, man. Definitely. Right. So I guess guys, if you don't know who Ed is, I mean, he's been on episode 21, like I said, and you can go back and watch that. And it was a fantastic episode. And just a few months ago, Aaron made a highlight reel of that episode. So if you don't want to go all the way back, you can find that highlight reel. It's some really great information that was shared and I'm actually very curious to see what has happened and what your journey has looked like since then. But for the people who don't know who you are, can you please just give a brief like overview of what you do? Right. Well, I'm an energy healer. And basically, I spend most of my time on the higher planes. Healing people. I take away emotional problems, mental problems, spiritual problems. I'm best known for removing curses and non physical entities, which are the hardest things for people to get rid of. So I get rid of all these things and I do it very quickly. I have 25 minute sessions almost always that's enough, even for the toughest people with ritual abuse, things like that I can even get rid of those. Any entities on them and help put their personalities together. So I do a lot of this stuff. And I've been doing it. That's what I've been known for for the last since we spoke three years ago. This year, there's a little new wrinkle. It's an interesting story. On January 2, I was rereading one of my favorite books called Mystic Christianity. I was rereading it for the third time. And it tells the story of Jesus from a mystic perspective. And I just finished reading the chapter where he heals Lazarus, raises them from the dead. And I put the book down in a meditative state and then he shows up and from time to time, he would show up. And he asked like, what's up? And I said, you know, I want to dedicate my life to raising people from the dead. Instead of just killing demons. So he's laughing. And he says, well, what do you want? And I said, well, what I want is I want people to wake up. I want people to understand pharmaceutical companies, the politicians, the celebrities, the big tech companies that all these different institutions are lying to you. And if you voluntarily want to put your health at risk or do anything, that's up to you. That's your free will. But I want all these people to know to be doing it with informed consent. And he was just sort of like thinking and nodding and all of a sudden I had all these beings surrounding me, these higher beings. And they were just kind of assessing what to do this and that. And then they sort of faded away. And then I got the idea, which apparently they planted in me, is to call in these ascended masters to help to wake people up. So this season, starting in April, I began bringing in these different ascended masters from both the East and West, and I can name them all. But they're the most pretty much the most common and most popular ascended masters around. And I bring them in. And depending on a person's what they need, I can do whatever I can do to get them to the highest level possible. And then I can bring in one of the masters, like Jesus, Saint Germain, Mary Magdalene, Kuan Yin, Lakshmi, Laozu, Buddha, Mark Angel Michael. I think I got everyone, there's eight of them in total. And then people can notice the boost in energy that they get from these different masters. So they are on board for my desire to help get people up, wake them up and get to an even higher level than I could take them before. Well, yeah, that sounds pretty amazing. I mean, that's a big shift. How were you, did they identify themselves? Or how were you able to identify them? I'm curious about that. Well, that's also interesting, is my marketing expert who writes up my copy for the different programs in this particular package, embodying the wisdom of the ascended masters. You know, she said, well, that's a great idea. You know, you should get back to your mystic roots. And then, you know, you keep the clearing curses and all the stuff that you do now, but add that on to it. And so we were putting together a list of the people that I would want to incorporate. And I got a gather list of eight of them. And I said, okay, this is what I'm thinking. And then I put them in module form, first module is where I do a clearing. And it was number two is Buddha, three, Mary Magdalene, four, Laozu, five Archangel Michael, six, Kuan Yin, seven, Saint Germain, eight Lakshmi and nine Jesus. And I was saving Jesus for the end, the final, like the cleanup batter and American baseball. And then I stopped and thought about it. And I looked at all the modules. And if you know numerology, every one of them corresponds to what an area that they're familiar with. Buddha number two is dipl diplomacy and his he's famous for the middle road. Mary Magdalene is is a communication. She's, she's the essence of divine feminine power. Number four is Laozu and four in numerology is the balance between work and play. And that's him. That's he's the founder of Taoism, yin yang, work play, getting in nature. So he was then I look at Archangel Michael number five and five is freedom. And he's famous for cutting cords and freeing you from, from whatever afflictions and then traumas you might have had in the past. Six is domestic affairs and that's Kuan Yin, who's the mother, the female, a mother, the woman of feels your sorrow, compassion, mercy and, and well compassion mercy basically. So, but she is about the family. Number seven, I realized that was what started as wait, Saint Germain, he's the holder of the seventh ray. And here he is module seven. And number eight is Lakshmi eight is about abundance and prosperity and she's the Hindu goddess of prosperity and good fortune of abundance and good fortune. And not nine is Jesus completion. So I hadn't, I just put them in order randomly kind of so there'd be male, female, east, west, kind of a general mixture, but then the module numbers matched exactly what they, what they're great at. So I knew that I was getting guidance from a hired source to help organize this whole package. Right. Yeah, no accident. No coincidence. Exactly. There are no accidents and here it is. This is, you know, proof. So, you know, this has been the most fun doing clearings and even group calls and that they've ever had before because I have the energy and wisdom of the masters helping me. Remember I call upon them. Right. Do your sessions look different than they used to, or is this just, you just adding on to it. I add on to it. I do my sessions. I streamline them a little bit. The end of each session I would normally take someone to a higher place. And then when I get them to this higher place where the free of emotional pain, mental pain, past life trauma. And a child, everything I normally do in a session, I bring them there and they said, okay, any of the masters appeal to you. And sometimes I already know, I say, well, I'm broke. I just lost my job. This happened. Okay, let's bring in Lakshmi, because she's the master that helps you to, to, to determine, get real abundance, which is doing something that is spiritually fulfilling that is also financially rewarding. I would bring her in for that. If someone has sadness or that I would bring in Kwan Yin to take away the sadness. Because in some of these cases, I sometimes I can perceive the sadness and take it away as best I can. Other times if I bring in Kwan Yin, she infuses her energy into the person. And then only as the energy, the sadness that is so deeply seated as it's leaving. I feel it. That's when I can perceive it. And then I take it away the rest of the way. So it's just adds icing on the cake, but even goes way beyond that. Well, for those listening, I've had a few sessions with you and I, I vouch for you. I vouch for them guys. It's an amazing session. Really life changing it. Well, when I, I mean, I can only speak for myself, but the times I went to you, you know, there's a reason I reached out because I was going through something in particular the most recent time. And I mean, there's a real tangible change, I can feel the energy, whatever is there that you removed like I feel it leaving it was very emotional. I mean, I was crying. It's, it's amazing what what's possible from a distance like that. But I just, yeah, they're a real deal. Thank you. It's, no, it's true. And one thing that is new that I haven't been offering. I have a 30 day remote healing program. Where's usually, usually, I, it's better if someone gets a session first, but once they get a session, rather than have to get a session regularly, I just get them into the 30 day program and every morning at 8 a.m. Pacific time, everyone in the group, you know, you just carry on with your normal activity, but everyone in the group gets cleared out. The same things I do in person I do for the entire group. And then every month I bring in a different master. So this, this month, it's Saint Germain. And I'm not sure who will be next month yet, but I'll bring in a different master and from time to time, depending on the group's needs, I bring in a different master to help with that issue. I think it was maybe a week ago on a Saturday. It was one of the worst days of June. And so I just brought in Archangel Michael to clear any entities, you know, he does it quicker and faster than I can. So I just have him go in there. And so it's, it's a, that's become the most popular item I offer. And like you say, some people say, what do you mean energy at a distance? This is crazy. It's like, no, it's totally in line with the laws of physics. Look up the own non locality that quantum physics. They talk about this. It's, it's true. And I make my living doing it. It's not, I wouldn't have any repeat business of people weren't getting tremendous help. Sometimes it only takes one session, especially if someone's cursed, because they, what they ascribed to bad luck. It's not bad luck. You're, you're luck. It's not there's no accident you were cursed. And once you get rid of the cursor, the burden lifts from you and everything opens up. So, yeah, so I have a very good track record of helping people. Yeah. And the curses are real. I've experienced one. I've been under the spell. You know, we get the attacks coming from all angles. It's so, you know, people like you are absolutely necessary right now during the spiritual war, this energetic war, we can call it because it's an attack on everything thought awareness, you know, integrity, like intention, you know, everything. Well, there's a, a dispersal war is exactly what's going on, but it's manifesting in this paradigm. What kind of paradigm of a world do you want to live in? Do you want a world where people are free empowered, sovereign, you know, free to do whatever you want, which is the mystic teachings, you know, which are, we are all single points of awareness and the oneness that is, you know, everything that. And, you know, your job is to tap into the highest aspect of your being, your ideally or I am presence, bring that love and wisdom down to earth and share it with the world in your own unique way with over 7 billion people on our planet. There's 7 billion different ways to do it. The contrary is the way where, oh, you should only do this, you should do this. If you were spiritual, you would do this. It's like, no, almost always whenever someone tells you, this is what you should do. They're almost always wrong. You should be making your own mind up. You should do what's best for you and your family. And you don't need anyone telling you or dictating to you how you should think, act, you know, breathe, put into your body, any of those things. That's not the mystic treatment. That's not the mystic. No, absolutely. Absolutely. Amen to that. That goes with everyone across the board. And, you know, influencers on a world stage politicians, you know, that applies everywhere. And what we see it like even within the community and like, like I think you even term it on your website like spiritual arrogance kind of like. And it's really it is. It's a breakdown of that ego. And that's a part of a healing process that a lot of people are going through the whole planet is going through that. And this we see things like that. And as a result of it. Yeah, cracking some of these people's belief systems, which, you know, the negative side, you know, they have every advantage. They have the media, which is bombarding them 24/7 with misinformation. And I said this one of my recent interviews like, you know, pretty much, well, first I tell them, turn off the TV. You know, it doesn't matter what station you're listening to, just turn it off. But if you do listen, pretty much do the opposite or whatever they recommend. And you're going to be accurate 80 to 90% of the time. That's going to be better advice than they could possibly ever get because they have their own agenda and the agenda is not to benefit humanity. You know, it's to reduce the population, you know, you all know that. And slave further the population that. Right. It's still alive. Yeah. Absolutely. So, so let's talk about that. Ed, what the hell is going on right now on this planet? Yeah. What do you see in like it? I know you also receive information, you know, downloads, whatever you want to call it. Like, what does this look like to you? What is your opinion on where things are going? Right. Well, let me say in the long run, humanity still has a bright future because it's a mystic principle of their well regarded spiritual principle that what happens on the higher planes will eventually manifest in the physical plane. And I work on the higher planes every day. So I see what's out there. And for the most part, the higher planes are clearer than they've been. February was a very, very tough month for light carriers, you know, the people that are trying to bring light to the planet and spread their wisdom and love to the planet. February's was one of the worst months in the last two years. But in March, at March 2nd, precisely, we moved up a level. And when people, when we move up a level, it's not something dramatically, suddenly over 40, it's totally different in 3D. No, it's like, if you can, as an analogy, say we're currently living in 3.5 to 6.5 density. And when we move up a level, we might go to 3.6 to 6.6. So the vast majority of that existence is the same, but the bottom has been dropped and we've gone up a level at the higher level. So what happened on March 2nd, when we moved up that level, we just got just out of reach of the lower level entities that were more of a nuisance, but just constantly attacking the light carriers. So March was relatively easy and it's gotten a little easier. June, like I mentioned, maybe a week and a half ago, there was another attack. So these attacks happen from time to time. For the most part, our future is bright because there's clear and clear skies ahead of us. So that's what we have to look forward to. But right now on Earth, there's craziness going on and there's so many different reasons for it. There are a lot of information of things that are happening behind the scenes, no one is aware of. They're not. Some people think they have the picture and they do their best to share it. And it may only be half truth, even when they have a noble purpose. Other people, they're very intellectually gifted and they don't have a window into the spiritual aspect of things. So they poo poo, anyone that talks about spirituality in that. And so even people with good intent, they're giving contradictory information, as well as all that stuff from the media is giving you the opposite of the truth. So there's all these theories floating around in this and that it's almost impossible to figure out what's going on and compounding this. There's there's timelines that have been shifting where things that happened in the past didn't happen in other timelines. And I'll give you an example, some people talk about this as the Mandela effect, but this has directly happened with me. My friend that I'm working on a project and he says to me, we need to get, I'll just call him A and B. A and B together, they have complimentary skills that we get these two together, you know, this could really help our project. I said, okay, so I talked to each of them individually. And apparently they had already met, and the meeting was a big blow up. Didn't go off well at all. So we're okay well we can't, we can't bring them together. So we waited six months. And my friend says, you know, look, it's time we let they should be willing to let bygones be bygones let's see if we can get them together again now. And the capacity is as it's cooled off. So I go back to the first person and said, hey, you know, why don't we get together again he goes like who? Well, with with B, you know, don't you want to, I think it'll be because, okay, I guess if you want, so well, can you meet with him months before? No, I never met with him. Okay, and I figured you forgot and thinking, oh, he forgot the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. So then I go to be and said, oh, by the way, you know, a forgot that you guys have met and the thing was a big blow up. So why don't we, you know, try to get together again and he goes who. And I said, hey, you know, you had this big blow up. He says, do you have a picture of him. And I whip out my cell phone and show him a picture. Yeah, this is him. He goes, I never met that guy. Wow. And I realized my friend was right there with me. And we had been talking about this for six months. We knew everything that happens. And we realized, yeah, the whole timeline had shifted. Wow. What happened on one timeline didn't happen on another. And that can explain also some of the, you know, truth, truth warriors, telling you things, they think this one thing happened and other times they think it didn't happen, or this person's alive or they's not alive or this. Both of them can be correct, based on the timeline that they're on. So that just adds confusion to everything. It does add confusion. And this is a theme that's been coming up a lot for me and just in the past week, even a few days in particular, but is the parallel universes parallel timelines where, you know, there's infinite versions of us or however many versions of us people say there's eight, eight universes is like, it's weird. It's interesting to me to see how people come to their conclusions, you know, but, you know, I just watched this movie. I think it's called like Stargate Alpha or something. And it's these people who accidentally discover a parallel universe. And they go there when they try to come back there in another one, they keep meeting all these versions of themselves and, and like one version of themselves as a murderer and then the next, you know, they're all different personalities, it's not, it's them, but it's an entirely different personality, different families. And I think we're seeing that on a large scale right now, like you said, with the timelines and these narratives going around people are sharing information and it resonates with a lot of people than there's an entirely different group that thinks that's absolutely insane. That's bullshit. That's not true. That never happened. But what if it did another timeline? This is where it gets very confusing. So then that comes up. Okay, well, what do we do with this information? How do we address it? Well, you go back to the basics of the mystic principle. Focus on the world that you want and let the timeline sort themselves out. You know, the more energy you give to whatever timeline to that vision that you want to create, the more likely that is to manifest. And that's what the negative is doing. They're trying to feed you this narrative based on fear and scarcity and everything negative about the human experience. And, and we have to combat that by visualizing things that are positive that where everyone is abundant. Everyone can do whatever they want. You can raise your family is want. You don't have to worry what they're going to do to the kid in school. All these things that the vast majority of humanity wants, you know, across the world, not just in the United States. That's the world that people have to focus on. And there's another aspect of this, which, you know, I help to, I'm trying to help to do that by helping all the people that are that are with me. That every time you raise your vibration, you go up a level, say one level, you're increasing your power exponentially, like 10 times, you go up to levels 100 times three levels 1000 times. So that explains why these avatars can have the influence of millions of people, because they might only be six or seven levels up, but that means you're a million times more powerful. The million times more powerful vision you have is going to be a million time will be big. We're not avatars, but if you're the three levels up, you're going to have a 10, 1000 times or 10,000 times more power than the average person on the street is unconscious. And so it's not one person, one vote, it's one, it's your spiritual power gives you the vote, and what time, what vision we want to create of the world. So the higher you raise your vision, the more positive you are, the less the more you get rid of anger, fear, all those things that are weighing it down. The more power you have and so that, that, that, I mean, it occurred to me, 25 years ago, like you can't beat the city hall by having more money because they print it whenever they want, you can't beat them by having a better TV show or whatever because they, they control all the mass media. And, you know, they censored people that have real truth. So you can't beat them that way. The only way, the only avenue that's open is the spiritual avenue. And that's the way where we have the tremendous advantage because they can't go to those levels. If they go to those levels, this is too intense for them. They don't want it. They're doing everything possible to keep you at these lower levels through fear and anger and that holding on to these negative emotions. So you can't do that. But that just means, you know, the entire world is ascending. So that's, we're going with the stream, we're flowing with the stream, we're going, we're ascending in vibration, we're becoming more and more powerful daily. They're not, they're at their peak. And that's why all this stuff is coming out all of a sudden because they know there's no way they can withstand this real great awakening. They have to do things and they make tons of mistakes and they do things that are crazy. So it's becoming more and more obvious. Right, they're nailed it. Yeah, making the mistakes like they're, I said, I get tired of saying this, but they shoot themselves in a foot every step of the way. And it's becoming so obvious. Now, you know, they're literally falling off of bicycling people. Yeah, they're waking people up everything they do because it's because they're so desperate. It's almost like it became a self fulfilling vicious circle for them where like they got more desperate so they started becoming more extreme and more obvious, which woke more people up which made them more desperate, which makes them do the same thing even more. And it's become this vicious circle that they're almost like caught in that they can't help but do that, because that's just through these they're, they're terrified underneath all everything there is just pure fear that these beings have, you know, and they're terrified of us because they know we have real power and the light has the real power. Right. Well, and that's all they know, like I just know I just talked about this in the interview I did, you know, they're, they're like addicted to the third dimension because there's things here that the pleasures. There's pleasures here that they like that, unfortunately, they're very sickening but they're literally programmed to operate a certain way. And that's exactly what we see, you know, by them performing these rituals and, and working with these demons and whatever else is black magic. That's all they know. So even if they, even if we defeat them. It doesn't mean like they're going to stop living that way like there's a like an entire process that has to happen in my opinion. Like, because we always hear we've already won but it just has to play out because you know time doesn't exist and all the stuff but I feel like, even though we might on paper have won, there's still like a physical adaptation that has to happen on the planet before it becomes visible. Right, I think by having it so slow and waiting for more and more people to awaken, everyone is being given that choice at some point in their life where they say wait a second, you know, this is not the kind of world I want, and they suddenly switch to the positive side. The light, but it by stretching it out more and more people are being awakened. So, part of it have to have a certain critical mass to do things in the physical world. But part of it is just a chance to awaken more people by letting them see exactly I mean, no, whatever I mean I could talk about all the craziness and stupidity that we see every day. Right. Who would think that that is anything is logical. So I'm going to go back to the parallel timeline a parallel universe or whatever you said that you brought these people together and they never even had met but you've already done it. What does that mean to you like, does that mean that like the entire collective has shifted or was this a personal thing like what's your theory surrounding that. Well, I think that the higher beings are helping us to shift timelines constant, because it's beyond my capability to know how to switch a timeline. But I, to my credit and my friends credit, we were kind of above the switch and timelines enough that we could see it. It was crystal clear. We were discussing it regularly. So we weren't stuck in the, in the depths of what happens, where we, in their case, you know, a, he talked about the terrible meeting and then the next timeline he had no knowledge of it whatsoever. Same thing would be. So they were wrapped up in the actual 3D world and that timeline. We were, in one sense, surfing the timelines and saw that they were two different timelines. So that was a credit. And I think it's mostly a function of the higher your vibration, the more you can see these different timelines. But there are beings that are above us that are helping us, the aliens, our tourians, Syrians, lion beings. They mean there's so many great races and from other star systems that are helping us that they don't have to show up on the UFO disclosure channel or anything like that. They're, they're here. And you can't see them. You're not going to see them in the 3D world. We have to wait until we get to a higher world. But in the meantime, they communicate with us, and they help to steer us in the direction where the timelines are more helpful to those trying to help the world. And I'm optimistic because now I got a man, ascended masters, you know, helping all my people. This is amazing. So much fun for me. Yeah. And well, that's great news. That's great news that, you know, so many people ask that question all the time, like, like, where's the help? Do we have help? Like, are they here, or, you know, then there's a whole question of free will, are they allowed to intervene unless we ask. I almost wonder if we're at a point now where they're like, that's kind of like not the rule anymore. They're just like showing up. I don't know where your thoughts on that. That's a very good question. This is a question that I had from myself because people would say, well, do you have permission to help my husband or my daughter? If you haven't, I haven't asked them explicitly. And, you know, if they're full of demons, you know, are you allowed to work on them? And for a while there, I was wondering, I said, I just felt like I had some kind of a dispensation that would allow me to do these things. And then I talked to this guy who is like, I'm kind of a modern day Jedi. He basically, you know, Jedi is a real thing. It's not just George Lucas didn't just make that up, but the mystery school. And anyway, he goes, he goes, you're a Jedi. He said, and your job, just like George Lucas says, is to bring balance to the force. So he said, you don't have a dispensation that allows you to get rid of these demons. That's your job. That's what you're supposed to do. You're put here on earth to get rid of these demons, to bring balance to the force so that people can have freedom. So that it was, you know, not tormenting me, but it's like a little uneasy. I'm sure I do this, and I'm almost always what's best for everyone. I get rid of demons is almost always a good idea. So I just get rid of them. And then, you know, in the past, he was a famous avatar who got cast out demons all the time. That's Jesus. You know, and said, well, does he free will? Did he do this? No, he's, that's his job. He's throwing out demons. He has the right, you know, the knowledge to do it. And he did it. And so that's what I feel like I'm trying to follow in that footsteps as a Jedi and to come in vernacular to do exactly that. So that's how I answer it. Right. And I think it's important to understand, like, yeah, there are beings here helping us, but we're also those beings. I feel like we were the higher dimensional beings that incarnated here, because we knew this could only be worn from the inside. It's like an inside job. So it couldn't have just, it couldn't have happened just by showing up and like having a space battle with these people, you know, it had to be done from the inside. And what better way to incarnate on a planet. And not even with no memory of why you're here and discovering that and then tapping into that it couldn't be any more authentic that way. And that's how the real shift occurs because you're physically changed, tangibly changing the vibration that like it's noticeable. It becomes potent to where we walk around in certain situations, and we're just like antennas and we can feel it right away when something's off, you know, and that's a gift like you don't really, I guess we all have it, but you're not aware of that until you start this journey. Right. That's all true. And it's the same thing with all these people awakening. If a couple of avatars came to earth and they said, Okay, let's put all the pedophiles in jail. Let's take this away. Let's reveal everything. What's going to happen in a year from now, the same people that were asleep are going to be asleep in a year and they're going to be new ones taking advantage of them and telling them lies, and they'll be no growth. So it has to be stretched out and they have to see for themselves what what is it like to live in a communist world. Well, now you know. And so, you know, should we believe them? Well, what do you think, you know, every single thing they've done has been to hurt the country in the world. You think it's not because someone's got dementia is because it's intentional to do everything to ruin the country. And once you figure that out, and once you figure out that they're literally trying to reduce the population. Everything is easy to understand everything makes sense. And then you know, okay, don't listen, turn off the news, at least turn it off so you don't get filled with your mind with mental poison. And it's not only just that. It's not the information it's also the frequencies that are emitted that they project through the through the television set and through the radio and the towers and stuff. But the other thing is that program you subconsciously subliminally. And, you know, that's how the subliminal messaging, you know, the psychology 101, you know, and yeah, they may go to another step beyond that by injecting things into your body, in general bots that are programmable that will receive signals that the original plan was for 5G. That was for most part shut down. But other communication satellites, there's other ways to send internet ways to get these signals to people to make them even more docile or more angry, or whatever you however you want to program them. They have like the computer in you that receiving the input saying okay get angry now and then everyone's angry. If you have a protest, you know in Portland or somewhere. They put that stuff in there and they beam the signal and say okay anger, start fighting start the riot. But luckily on the spiritual level that's something that nanobots can be shut down without having to physically intervene in a person. Yeah. And, well, and part of their, well not part of their entire goal is to create as many things as possible that cut us off cuts our connection off with source. And, and that's exactly what they're trying to do with the jab but not just with that with the food with the television like everything promotes anti life something opposite of any spiritual connection they want you to think we just like happened to evolve here and there's no meaning anything, you know, worship materialism as well. Right. So material 3D material focused. That's all that exists and you, people worship that basically are obsessed with the five cents reality. Cool. Right. Can cut off from spirit at least exactly what you said. 100%. And they also, like you said, they pump like a little pump of frequency into a crowd and they'll agitate everybody and then they'll cause a riot or whatever. But at the same time they're harvesting that emotional release, and they're done in specific areas so it affects like the AI grid, you know, or the ley lines or whatever it is that that's surrounding the planet. I mean we're the batteries. This is an example where the higher being say you know well that's like cheating. You can't use technology and then put a cloud around the entire planet that has a malaise that causes everyone to become demoralized and sometimes even more focused and spiritual mecha's things like that they just put this malaise over the place. And everyone just feels lethargic and they don't want to do anything. Well, the higher beings will get rid of that when it's brought to their attention when one of us are their agents on the ground. And he says hey we got this problem here in this city you know can we just get rid of the malaise and okay we get rid of it. We have the free will but our free will is to just give people freedom, sovereignty. And so we're doing that. Yeah. And the infrastructure is also set up to assist that unfortunately like the obelisk and the towers and even churches and sporting arenas and whatever else it might be. It's all designed to funnel and funnel that energy into the ley lines into the grid. And there's evidence of this if you know where we look. And so that is also happening at the same time and if you know this like they're at the Vatican is novel it's going to where they are strategically located around the world. And then the events and the turmoil that take place near that it's all it's. It's a certain why CERN is in the location it's very Easter time. A lot of the times when they're trying to generate the negative energy in order to take advantage of this this setup, they may take them a week to set up this ritual. And they they're finally when they're ready for the ritual. The good guys may be notified of it and we shut it right down. So the good news is it may take them a week to set up for this evil ritual and then it takes 15 minutes to shut it all down. It's like what happened where's that we can we can't do this. So there's a lot of that sort of stuff going on behind the scenes as well. So a lot of them worst things that they of course they have their own holidays to where they do so. Right. They operate in an entirely calendar than we do. Right. Yeah. What was I just going to say, what were we talking about. So, so it seems like they're so they're trying to, obviously we talked about manipulate us into creating the reality that they want. But it seems like a timeline war to where they're trying to lock as many humans into the lower, like a lower timeline, like the negative timeline as possible with the timeline war. Yeah, yeah, that's another way of looking at it, I guess. It's just to fancy way of saying their paradigm versus the more positive paradigm, the more positive paradigm is at a higher vibration. We're more people are free where everyone's got joy, you know, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, they get to do all that. It's not a communist totalitarian state where they dictate what you can and can't think. And the transhumanism that goes along with that and the AI that goes along with that. Yeah, it's like there. It's like, it's almost like they know they can't, they can't ascend like we can. Right. They're, they're stuck in these lower levels. So they're trying to like, keep as many of the batteries for them, which is what they use us as as possible. So they can stay alive and keep their little slave farm going. You know, it's like, that's what they're trying to lock down as many of us as possible. And that's why the push such the strong push for the jab. I feel like that's the main component they're using right now for that agenda. Right. And that's an interesting thing that it came out a year ago, but it was news to me because I'm spiritually monitoring. Okay, which one's the worst, which one's the best. And I had my pecking order, but then sometimes it would seem to switch and I couldn't understand. How is that? And then someone pointed out that every one of these manufacturers has different lots. And the different lots have different ingredients than their emergency youth authorization. It lets them change the ingredients like it's not even the same thing. So it's like, you've got to prove for one thing and they can just switch out and give you something else to whatever. So that's why that some lots are better some are, you know, placebo's some, you know, the person dies walking home from the clinic. Right. But why it's a Russian roulette who wants to take a chance on that. I mean, especially when there's no upside. You know, what's interesting about, I'm going to go back to the rituals you were talking about. It takes them so long to build up into a ritual by the time they do it you've already caught on. You know, they don't even like, I heard Max Spears talking about this. He's like, they don't need to, they don't need those rituals anymore to to accomplish what they're trying to accomplish. But they're addicted to this old world order this old way of doing thing. It's like doing things. It's like a tradition. But now you just proved that that by them being stuck in their old ways, it's, you know, they're showing their hand. They're showing their hand and it's allowing you to, you know, counter before it even happens, or allowing us to counter before it even happens, because they're just so locked into that timeline in that old way of doing things where they're trying to live as long as possible. So they don't have to face their karma, which is inevitably coming at the end of their life or their issue. Yeah, they have that belief where if they tell you what they're going to do, then there will be no karma consequence. And that's total BS. That's a good way to get to recruit their own, you know, adherence to follow their thing. Oh, you're going to avoid karma. And we have a, what's it called? The cremation of care. Yeah, the ceremony that they do in a one particular forest in California. The cremation of care. Grove. Exactly. That one grove where they do the, they're trying to eliminate any morality that you might have. And so wait a second, this is harming people. You know, is this, we have to get rid of any, any care you might have there. So we're going to do this ritual to take that away from you. Well, it doesn't matter. They're, they're all going to be stuck with this karma consequence no matter what. It doesn't say, Hey, I'm going to punch you in the face. And then if you're stupid enough to let me do it, then that's your fault. No, that's, you can't do that. You can't just tell someone this, you're going to do this and harm them. That's that's, you know, carmters, karma consequences. Right. Yeah. Exactly. I want to shift gears a little bit and get into, okay, like when you do a session, you know, obviously you're helping that person and connect with their higher selves and a number of things, clearing all the traumas and cutting cords and whatever the case may be. But everyone right now, like, I think any advice would be helpful right now for people trying to do this work for real and become that inner warrior to unlock the master within as you say it. Right. Like there's certain things like, I think it, I think people make it more difficult than it has to be because it seems like such a hard thing to accomplish. Not just wondering if you could touch on, you know, any modalities or any advice or, you know, what that looks like. We can actually, we can give them an infusion of energy and that that will clear. So anyone listening to your podcast will be cleared. I'll do that. But first, just common sense things. You exist as a being on all these different levels, your physical being, but you also have emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of increasingly higher vibration. You want to clear out every one of these, so your physical body, don't put, you know, poisonous things or experimental cocktails into your body. Don't eat GMO food, you know, eat, keep good food so that you're not polluting your physical body. But the mental body don't hang out with people that are always complaining or always have a problem for every solution. You know, just don't hang out with them. If they were family members, you might be stuck, but tell them to shut up. I don't want to hear your problems. You know, Aunt Edith, look, if you're going to complain, then you stay home. You're not coming over for Thanksgiving, whatever the occasion is. If you're welcome to come, but I don't want to hear any complaints, you know, so don't pollute your mental, your emotional body and mental body. We talked about it. Turn off the TV. I mean, there's a reason they call it programming. They're filling your head with non-truths and that frequency that makes you more mentally docile. You know, you put you into an alpha state and you, and then they not just give you commercials for things you don't need. Many of them are pharmaceutical products now, but turn off to clean your mental body. And the spiritual body, you know, meditate, connect with nature or, you know, do the kind of things that I do with energy healing where you can clear out that and connect with your higher self. And then that makes you a clean channel to, you know, there's other things you can do with past life traumas. There's people around you that could need might need to be cleared out as a child. A lot of people have all this anger, they bottled up and buried because they didn't know how to deal with this kid. You know, I take all that away. So those are extra bonuses. But for the first part, don't keep adding to the problem by filling your being with poison, whatever level it is. And if you want, I can go through what I would normally do in a clearing for the everyone listening to the podcast. I'll do a quick version of it if you'd like. Yeah, they can listen and they'll everyone will get a benefit. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, clearest. That's the song. I mean, you two are going to be okay, but everyone listening now is going to benefit from this. This is, I have now like a 20 point standard operating procedure that I go through when I have my team because when I do the group every morning, I can't do every individual by his or herself. I have to do the group as a whole. And so they help me as long as I demonstrate the proficiency in doing whatever I'm doing, then they'll do it for me. That's, that's like the agreement for me. If it's something new, then I have to prove that I can do it and then they'll do it for me. But anyway, this is what I asked the team to do. So well, I'm going to do it for everyone listening to this podcast. First, we're going to clear everyone's emotional body. So I don't know exactly the individuals who are going to listen, but I can feel their emotional anger and frustration and sadness. I'm just going to take it all away. And there are some entities there that are screaming at me because they feed off that negative emotional energy. That's like an ATM machine for them. So if they can trigger you to feel anger, then they take advantage of that. Okay, so I'll just clean the emotional bodies of everyone listening. Now we'll clear the mental bodies. And of course, my team is the one doing all the hard work, but I'm monitoring what's going on. So anyone, they're mental bodies. So you don't feel with anger or frustration, which are mental constructs. Okay, clear everyone's higher self. This is something people from the time of Atlantis. At the time then, our consciousness was much higher than it is today. Then it came down. Now we're on our way back up again, but we're coming in contact with that. It's like a well that went to Atlantis that was poisoned from what happened there. So we got a lot of people need to be clear to that. Because when they have that, a lot of times they sabotage themselves. Okay, now we're going to clear everyone who's listening. Any non physical entities. So now they're screaming at me. I'm going to say the word, their favorite word is mother something. So they're screaming at me. So every non physical entities and I'm going to get rid of. I'm not going to list anything that I've already identified that we can take care of. We don't need to list everything, every possible thing. But from past, present or future timelines. Anything that made contact with anyone within 72 hours of watching this podcast. And we're going to get rid of anything that's out of the same DNA, you know, excluding any organ transplants. And anything that's not of the same I am presence. Anything that consumes light, anything that uses false or reflective light. So they're going to be clear to entities. We'll clear any implants from everyone watching. Okay. I'm going to shut down all portals of anyone in their immediate area. Because sometimes they create these artificial portals where they're able to send in to these negative entities much more easily. Like having a doorway in your home. It's wide open. They send the entities in. So we're just going to close all those portals. I'm going to clear any curses, hexes, spells, tie up any magicians doing these things to all the people listening to your podcast. I can already feel kind of like a future. Everyone listening. They're hard is opening up and there's all this love pouring in already. I don't know if you can feel that as well, but I can feel it. Okay. We're going to clear any nanobots from people and from their ambient environment. Okay. Clear AI from people from their electronics, surveillance, satellites, networks, storage devices, any ambient AI. Okay. Okay. We're going to also clear toxins that people may have taken in through and unknowingly taking whatever substances into their body. Experimental cocktails. Let's clear that out. From everyone. Okay. And anyone who did get this particular disease, I'm going to send this is really interesting hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin energy. You don't need to take it physically to have the benefit of it. So we'll give everyone that for prophylactic uses as well. Okay. Ever to everyone in their homes as well. So their families, everyone living in their home, including their pets. And if there's any malaise over lying there, their city, let's get rid of that to anyone who's tuned in and taps into and let's clear the malaise over their city. Okay. Now I'm going to raise everyone who's listening to this just to a higher place. Okay. Let's bring in one of the masters. You have any preference of all the people I mentioned. Whoever's, whoever's, whoever's there, whoever's willing. Well, Jesus is always my go to. So let's ask them, asking, please, impuse your energy, the Christ consciousness, an unconditional love into anyone listening to this podcast. Oh, now most entities sort of kind of on the outskirts. They hate that. Okay, and that just took us to an even higher level. Okay. Well, that's, that's going to be a big help for everyone who listens. Wow, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for that. And I mean, it is helpful. It is helpful. And we need to, we need more of that on a collective level, you know. And I think it's great. Yeah. Something I thought of while you were doing that whenever I had a session with you. Yeah, I was, if I was under a curse, apparently, or under a spell and you had got to my higher self and you were like, you were kind of surprised to see that even my higher self was contaminated. That's the word you use. And like, and then you saw me not trusting my, my higher self on my own intuition and the time which was true. And I think that's very interesting because I never occurred to me. It never occurred to me that your higher self could be contaminated via one of these curses. How often do you see that? Well, yeah, it wasn't that's due to a curse. You had both. Okay. It's, it's a curse is one thing. That's, that's the worst thing anyway. But for old souls from the time of Atlantis. And he is an analogy, like visualize a well filled with water, the water level representing the level of consciousness. Well, back then the consciousness level was much higher than the water level went down the consciousness went down. And now we're on our way up again, we're on, you know, the upswing. But as we come in contact with that well, that was polluted from what happened in Atlantis. And so some of the information you're the guidance that you're getting, you think, well, I'm not really sure I can rely on this. And in your case, as a former Atlantis person, you said, you will correct, you can't rely on it because it was contaminated. But once that's cleared out, you don't have to worry about that again, you know, for thousands of years, it took whatever 10,000 years. You had this contamination. Now it's gone. So it's going to be thousands of years and you're going to have a better connection with your higher self now than you've had for thousands of years. And this, this also goes for everyone listening to the podcast. And we cleared that. It's a very easy thing to clear. But like you, I didn't even know that was possible. It was my friend who I consult with from time to time because he said, look, you know, I understand sometimes people need their higher self. And I was trying to meditate to figure it out. And that's when I saw that, that a well analogy came to me. You know, one of the beings, you know, showed me. That's what that was what was wrong. So, so yeah, you had two things going against you. Yeah, I was a mess. Admit it. I mean, hey, man, we all go through hard times and stuff happens and I'm grateful for people like you. I've recently heard the same thing about the Akashic Records and I don't know, you know, just take any of this information coming through with a grain of salt. Now, I was just reading something where somebody was trying to claim that the Akashic Records had been contaminated also. So a lot of the information people were getting from that they couldn't trust, you know, I don't know if that is like the dark trying to deceive people. It gets very confusing, like you said earlier. Right. Probably the real Akashic Records are fine, but they can give you a false image or a distortion of what information is coming through. So, anyway, I don't work very closely with any of that, right? I'm more focused. What's going on right now. And now as we move to the 5D world, we're all time a simultaneous. You can't be looking in the past or future or what's going to happen. You got to focus on what's going on now. And I, what I have noticed is some people, the more advanced they are, the ones that are operating more frequently in that hot 5D world. They're more susceptible to having infiltrators and things like that from other lifetimes. Because it just seems easier for it to come in. So that's one of the things that I'm doing. I'm clearing them from other past present future timelines and that would include other lifetimes. You mean, you mean like as people raise their vibration, they're actually more susceptible to the infiltration because of who they're becoming, I guess. Yeah. Well, as a 5D being, you exist in all these different levels and all these different times at the same time. So your past past life 200 years ago, you know, where if you may have been under a major attack, you know, that can affect you in this lifetime. It's harder if you're in just a 3D world, you may have inclinations to do certain things. But when you're in the 5D world, it's more of a wide open gate. But I'm clearing everyone out at that level as well. So don't for bear to go to a higher world because you think you're going to get more run into more trouble now. Right. Well, they go to that world no matter what. Well, the war doesn't stop in a third dimension, you know, we're battling right in every dimension right now. And that's just and everything begins here in the 3D. And until things change here, it literally has a ripple effect and it will start clearing out once things start to be cleared out here, it clears out the other dimensions and the other densities. And I feel like that's why so much so many of them have so much interest in us right now. It's more the opposite where the clear out the higher densities and the higher density comes down to the 3D world, and then you're clearing the 3D world as well. Okay. There may be some, you know, blowback kind of what's going on a 3D world affecting you on these other higher dense and in the 3D world includes emotions and mental beliefs as well. But the most important thing is to be operating from the highest aspect of yourself and then have that energy come down. And then, and the higher you go on these spiritual, the spiritual war, you know, in the physical world, you have political battles, you have physical battles, political battles, legal battles, and the higher planes, you have spiritual battles. And whoever goes to the higher vibration wins every battle in this consensual reality where these things are taking place, whoever go to the higher world wins. I mean, they could try to harm me, but if I'm at a higher vibration, I can just pick them up and throw them across the room, just like in the matrix. So, just more and more reasons to connect with that higher aspect of yourself, the higher your vibing, the more power you have to create the world you want, the more easily you can manifest things. Every single aspect of your life is better, the higher your vibration is. And how do you do that? Clear out all the things, as I said earlier, from the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, clear that all out so it's not weighing it down. And then, you know, do exercises like we just did here, from people you trust that have a track record of doing good things. And you know, I just gave this to everyone listening and said gifts like here, do this. I mean, this is a would be very valuable, you know, module, any. I guess my point was by mentioning that was, it's all connected, it's all tied together like either it's the upper levels affecting the lower levels are vice versa. It's all affecting each other, and no one can move on until it's all cleared simultaneously like it's it's constantly. It's a constant battle and it's been a battle for eons you know, and that's why they say, you know, it just doesn't end when you die, you know, that's why committing suicide doesn't doesn't work. Right. You can't really escape it, you know. And that's a good point. I mean, this is not funny, but people, I'm clearing them and I'll go and look at their parents as well. In many cases, their parents have already passed on, but sometimes the parents are cursed. So you got to take the curse away from the father or mother, whoever might be cursed so that they can move on to the higher worlds. So that kind of what helps them immensely to do that. And so other times I'll tune into someone that already dead, and they can be raging angry. Or and which is another way of keeping people anchored to the lower spiritual realms because that anger just weighs them down. So you get rid of the anger and that lets them go to the higher worlds again. Sometimes they're already at peace with themselves. And someone interviewed me and he says, well, of course they're at peace with themselves already dead. I said, well, that's, that's not true at all. It's like they can be, they can be at peace with themselves. And most of the time they're not, to be honest, my experience, but it can also help immensely because their mental body is still around and it's still just pre processing that thing that got them angry. But whatever it was, I hate that guy and I'm going to get him someday. I don't know why. It's like it's not doing you any good. You know, you're, you're dead. Let's get rid of the anger. That's why there's a phrase, death isn't a cure for ignorance. You know, you still, you still don't, even just because you died, doesn't mean you're all just going to be all knowing, or all the sudden, yeah, like that's not the case, like you're still is the same level. You might be not in the body. Right. And you might be more aware slightly because of that. Right. You might be, you might be more aware of who you are, but you're not going to be any further along in your souls evolution. Yeah. Right. Yep. That's good. People should understand that. Right. Well, and then obviously a lot of those thoughts that the suicidal thoughts and stuff aren't even their own thoughts. And that's when you have to learn how to buy when a thought is yours and when it's not. And that's how a lot of these addictions work and all that stuff they can, they can put these thoughts or these cravings, like if an entity takes over you, you're taking on that entities cravings and their thoughts. And if you don't know that you're carrying it around, this thing could be working through you for years and you'll be clueless to it until it's gone. You know, you never see, you never know you're under a spell until you're not under a spell. Until you're free. Yeah, that's common in alcoholics. I said, why did you have another drink when you already knew you were bombs and as well. I just, as voice in my head said, you know, go ahead. No one will notice have another drink having people think. You know, like they're making up these imaginary demons. They're not imaginary. They're real. And so you clear them out. And then sometimes the urge to drink can. It's dramatically lesson. And a lot of people with schizophrenia. They're not crazy. They're actually extra sensitive. And where most people can't hear the voice in their head, they hear it. And so the voice in their head. There's like a voice in my head telling me to do this or that. It's like two people running my life. You get rid of the entity in the person. It's like, I've had people leave institutions like they won't let them out right away because they say, wait, this is. It's a good day, but we can't. We can't just let them out. You know, you have to see and monitor them for a week or two. But, and eventually they get let out because the voice in their head is gone. So, you know, this is like the medical profession. I'm not a fan of it. So when people, I'm not a doctor, I always disavow any medical giving people medical advice. So when you're operating in the Stone Age, they want to give them drugs to numb the awareness that lets them hear the other voices. That's the same awareness to let you connect with your higher self and ascended masters and everyone else. You don't want to take that away from someone. That's a gift. You want to get rid of the intruder and then, bam, that person is more likely to move up than the average person is totally unconscious. Well, and we know, like we said earlier, that's all by design. They don't want to help us. You know, that's what the whole industry is literally designed to do. Now that's not, I'm not speaking for everyone who goes to school, signs up to be a doctor or a nurse or work in that field, because a lot of people are good-hearted, well-intentioned, and they don't understand, they don't understand the lies yet, you know, and they don't understand the indoctrination of what they're learning. And that's where the whole trick is, you know, and that's why there are some of the hardest people to convince because, you know, they've spent, I spent, you know, they spent $100,000 and going to school for six years to learn something that's not true, you know. Right. Yeah, I had one friend who, one client whose friend, one of them was a lawyer who's free, anti-mandate lawyer, and his wife was teaching at a hospital in New York City. And so he was fine, you know, I cleared him out, you know, no problem, he's helping the world. She was fighting me tooth and nail, like a little kid, you know, the little kid, he said, "I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to hear what you have to say." I said, "Well, if you would wake up and you could tell so many people from your position to tell them that this medical course of action that everyone's recommending is standard procedures harmful, you would really be able to help people. I don't want to hear you, I will not listen to you. You're so indoctrinated. It was like a little kid. Program response, exactly. Yeah. And I just talked to her recently and she didn't get back to me. I said, "Do you know what ever happened to her?" Because a lot of times I plant seeds and sometimes those seeds can germinate and maybe she'll have a little, you know, opening of the mind. Right. I like your impression of the robot, by the way. And that was like, just like it was, like a little kid. I'm not listening to you. Right. Exactly like that. Unfortunately, that's what we see, but that's all by design. These, you know, we have to hold space for some of these people because when, like I said, when you're under a spell or you are programmed, you know, you're in a, so you can break up this entire reality into a bunch of different programs. And simulations and timelines. And when you're not in one, you can clearly see it for what it is. And that's just what's going on right now. So we have to remember the whole space for these people. And hopefully that they, something happens that snaps them out of it and starts, you know, enhancing their awareness. Yeah. I'm hoping that happens with everyone. That's, that was my request to Jesus on January 2nd. I want to wake people up and he's like listening and he calls in the master. So they're on board with that. So we've got help from the highest of the highest levels to make this possible. So you call it. And you call him in on January 2nd and he didn't even do anything about the January 6 insurrection. Come on, Jesus. Yeah, where have you been? No. That whole thing, if you want an example of the show, the illusion, that's exactly what that is. I mean, you could never, never tune into that hearing and be perfectly fine. You know, all this stuff is, they create so many different problems and things. So many different problems in so many different areas that they stop people from being able to even fight for the truth because they haven't fighting about so many other little things that have no, no place. They have no place here. And this place is all, they're just, they're just plopping things down randomly and they're getting people to fight about them. And, you know, then you can, no one who's fighting those battles or who's spending their time analyzing the January 6 trials or whatever. Like, you're not, you're not doing anything for anyone at that point, not even yourself. Like, you have to learn how to see through all that stuff. It's all designed. It should be answered in one sentence. Are you talking about the unarmed insurrection? Right. Is that in a land where 44% of households have guns. You think that someone sent started an insurrection with no guns. Is that, is that your point? That we're in that we're let in by the guards on video that we've all seen directed. Directed to the building. It was not an interaction. Right. Luckily, luckily, we were able to see, thanks to the video by BLM activist John Sullivan, who sold his, his footage to CNN and two other media outlets. And he was also arrested and will let go like, you know, three days later, even though he was in there, even though he took video. That's the video that they were using. Like, okay. Yeah. Does this make any sense whatsoever? Is this, is this how like an insurrection would ever work? They don't, that's the thing. They don't care if it makes sense or not. At this point, it's just, they're just, you lie to people enough. It's the Nazi tech. They're going to believe it. They keep calling it an insurrection. No, it was so terrible. And then what we're seeing right now is proof that the Germans won World War II. Yeah, or the Nazis won World War II. Well, I mean, seriously, like, they came here immediately and infiltrated us with Project Paperclip. And then we have the paperclip scientists and, and whoever else, they're embedded in the top corporations all over the, all over the country. And now they're running the country. So they're running the show from the inside and, and what better way, like I said, it has to be an inside job. So what better way to just publicly admit defeat and you lost a war, but then really you have the upper hand the entire time and when the times right, just like, you know, now, that's whenever they just flipped a script and here we are seeing exactly the result of what losing World War II looks like. Right. But the cabal, filtration, with everything, of course, they're going to infiltrate the most powerful country on the planet. Like, of course they are. Right. So, you know, we see clearly, yeah, when, and this administration, and the people running this country right now like everything they do is so obvious to the people are awake that it's like directly against not only this country but all of humanity. And directly for their own power and control every single thing. Well, and let's not forget about all the help we were talking about earlier that's here. You know, this isn't, we're not losing us. But it's waking up people. It's, it's, it's a double edged thing that they're shooting cells in the footer time and do something we're talking about before like it's, it's waking up people and it's for our own growth, you know, as well, even those of us that are awake. And we're able to be the change. We're able to be the ones to help and to affect the planet instead of all of us relying on these external authorities and governments to make everything good for us, you know. Right. Right. Yeah. Well, yeah, I like general Flynn's idea like act locally. We'll have a global impact. If you don't want some man dressed as a woman flashing himself to your kindergarten, you know, child, do something about it. Totally. Well, and that's just it too, you know, even even like we're always talking about the UFO secret space program the paranormal and all that stuff. What's going on in space like what's this disclosure going to look like all these different beings and all the stuff it's all great. I feel like what happens sometimes we were so focused on space, and like everything outside of this plant like no one knows even what's going on in their own neighborhood. And they're, and they're trying to figure out what's going on and Venus, you know, which is great it's all fascinating we need to know about all of it but we can't just get we can't just like throw it a towel in down here. So we need to have most of the focus here. Exactly. And you're, you're, you live on all these different dimensions, all these different densities. So you're also a physical body. You have to eat and you have to make sure your surrounding area is clear to these demonic influences. Right. And if you do want to help like it's in so, like, it's so important to understand that there's no wrong way to go to like, to do there's no wrong way to do it. Especially the spiritual practices and stuff so many people think they're doing it wrong because it doesn't look like what the other people are doing. But there's no wrong way to do it as long as the intention is there, you know. Yep, no that's, I'm a woman who's most of my meditations are our visual visualizing things. And someone said to her she goes oh that's like a beginner meditations you know the you shouldn't have it you shouldn't empty your mind you shouldn't even listen to a guided meditation that's like for beginners. What does you mean by that I said look, some of the most advanced teachers on the planet to guided meditations. I said that's an idiocy. Don't let some you know some idiot with spiritual arrogance infused with that arrogance. Tell you what to do if it works you know stick with the program that's working with my meditation is a bunch of energy you're getting as well so that's better in some ways than just having trying to have an empty mind. You can play it with my voice turn with the music turned all the way down so that you don't even hear my voice or the music, and you're going to get energy pouring through then you can listen, you can do that whatever meditation things is good. It's an advantage so but don't let some idiot tell you what you should do that's that's one of the examples. He doesn't know what he's doing. Right. Right, and we see that when we do see that a lot unfortunately everybody you know there's always this like underlying. Everyone needs needs to be right, you know, they need to be right and they want to feel like it's almost like an authority. An authority complex like people want to they want to feel like they're better or they know more than someone else. And by ego right exactly. Yeah, right. Yeah, people ask me well is this compatible and I will just tune into the person there they seem fine yep they seem fine there's no negative day there. They should make you a better heel or a better Reiki master or better. You know there's no conflict with anything that's good it's going to elevate your vibration. The competition needs to be taken out of everything you know that's that's the problem and that that is the programming we're you know we're programmed to be in competition from a young age you know with the sports and everything else. And so then that that whenever you're not fully healed and you start these spiritual practices and you start your own channel or you start your own modalities and if you find yourself getting jealous of others or need to be right or validated. That should be the red flag for you that like hey is why am I getting triggered and sit with that and try and get past that and ask yourself why is this happening and. Right. How can I heal yeah yeah when I was a little kid I loves baseball all sports but especially baseball I brought my baseball meant to bed with me. I would throw the ball up and down and bed until I had to you know the too dark to see the ball. All I read every biography by every superstar in baseball and now I can't deal with it anymore. Once all the professional leagues went woke. That was the end of it. I can't support them I can't. Right. Not to mention the reality that most of its rigged if not all of it is rigged anyway. And then that really that's a really interesting rabbit hole to find out like the elites that are actually running the show behind the professional sports in particular the NBA. And just some of the black magic that goes on there and and it even goes down to the bloodlines and some of that. Some of the top athletes I'm here now like they're clones you know it's just hilarious like they're creating these super soldiers to put into these sports and basically dominate you know and then they like somebody like Tom Brady you have to wonder about him. Like he see he seems like an experiment to me. It's just I don't know anyway we can go on and on with that rabbit hole. Yeah, but I don't want to listen to the political diatribes and that from many of these pro leagues anymore so I don't. I go on hiking nature that's my sport. Hiking climate of mountains not rigorous you know peton climbing but just going uphill that's climbing enough for me. But that's fun you're in nature that pine forest is my favorite. I mean I told people pine forest pineal glands do you think there's a connection yes there's that's very stimulating to the pineal glands to be in a pine forest. So you know get out there and get out in nature, wherever you are. Yes, I have a pine tree air freshener upstairs I'm going to open it up. There you go. Well this has been great man thank you so much for joining us. This has been some very valuable information can you please let people know your website where they can find you. Energy Center clearing calm and one on one session is known as higher self integration there's a menu on the menu bar higher self integration. And also there's the 30 day remote program is also on that menu bar, but just go to energy center clearing calm you'll get an option to to download a free escaping the matrix audio book. And once you get out there and once you get on that you'll be alerted to the other services and that that I provide. So, yeah, yeah, highly highly recommend it guys thank you so much for clearing for us and everybody earlier. Yes, keep doing what you do and it's great stuff and hopefully we can, in three more years we'll have you back on. I get to three more years it was so long but now we'll keep in touch and thank you guys and I'm great to see you becoming rock stars in the podcast world it's really good to see. Well, I don't know if that's the right term we're we're pods. We're pod stars. Alright guys, thank you so much for joining us this was a lot of fun tonight. We appreciate all your support thank you for the donations and beautiful comments we've been getting. We can't do it without you. Until next time have a great evening. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC]