Journey to Truth

EP 187 - LIVE w/ Tony Rodrigues & Jackie Kenner - Secret Space Conference Recap

Originally aired on 5/12/22
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1h 28m
Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulley? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you wanna talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. (bell dings) Now. Hey guys, can you hear us? We're still trying to gather ourselves after that crazy conference. It's been an amazing, it was an amazing conference and we're gonna talk with these two presenters who were at the conference and we're gonna go through, clearly I'm not prepared. Sorry, I need to stop trying to read the chat and do an intro at the same time. Anyway, welcome back to the show guys. I guess everybody can hear me. Tony is back for like the 100th time and Jackie is back for the second time. They were both presenters at the conference and it was amazing. We had a blast and we're gonna talk about it in case you weren't there. We're gonna just kind of do a little recap and see what comes up. So welcome back guys. - Thank you. - Hello, thanks for having me back and thanks for the conference. Thanks for putting on such a good conference, man. It was awesome. - Right, thank you for coming. You know, it was one of those things where we didn't really know what we were getting ourselves into whenever we say, hey, we can do a conference and it became life consuming and overwhelming but it was all worth it. I mean, I was shocked at what we created and who showed up and how many people showed up and just, you know, you can plan for the conference but you can't plan for an experience like that. And I think that's what made it special. - Well, you made it look like you've done it before. I mean, really it came off largely without a hitch to be expected for that many people gathering for any reason usually has a host of things go wrong. And really, I mean, it was very, very light for that. I'm getting over a little cold afterwards and I guess I could call it a hangover, might as well call it a hangover. I didn't get a lot of sleep. You know, we stayed up at Bonfire's late and got up early and I got to meet a lot of people that I've known for a long time and finally got to meet in person. I hadn't met Neil, Jackie, you know, your husband and I got to hang out and have coffee with him in the morning. That was awesome. That was a big deal to me. And just to hang out with you guys, right? After all we've been through with the book and everything, like just hang out with you guys. And then my old friend Chris joined me, rode down with me and I just got to meet a lot of people that were, it was a family thing. I don't want to take all the time. I know Jackie, like on our show, I do all the talking and you're like, after this, every we're done talking, you're like, Tony, can I get a minute? But I want to say, I want to just say one thing about, because I thought about this about my presentation afterwards and I had a little bit of regret. And I just want to set this clear right now in front of everybody that because of the nature of the audience and, you know, like for the first two days there, everywhere I went, everybody was like showing me love, man. It was like being around family and then hanging out with Jackie. And like I said, Neil and Chris, it was like being around really like family. And while I was presenting, there was humor. I cracked the jokes and like, I'll probably laugh. It was like, there was a lot of back and forth. And when I thought about it after the fact, I thought, you know, if somebody that doesn't know me or doesn't know that and they'd listen to my story and go see me up there to laugh and on stage about it, like what happened to me wasn't funny. You know what I'm saying? It wasn't funny what I went through. And I would never ever be presumptuous to say that, you know, I enjoyed it or whatever I went through during my time and the reason why I'm at the conference talking is something to be made light of. I just want to set it straight that I was reflecting what the audience was. Like I felt like I was amongst family and friends. Like people were being awesome to me. And it was very easy to be lighthearted. So when I look back, I just want anybody that sees it that might not, that might think that I don't take that seriously because, you know, plus getting the book over with really exercised a lot of the negative feelings I've always had about what happened to me. Once the book was over, I was like, I'm able to let go of a lot of it. And I don't have to dwell on a lot of the hard parts. I can just tell people go read the damn book. - Yeah, well. - I just wanted to say that, that's all. - Yeah, I think you were feeding off the energy of the room because that's all it was. It was being like around friends and family, soul family. - Exactly. - And yeah, there's no reason to apologize. I understand where you're coming from, but it was all perfect for the moment. And it felt right. It was nothing awkward about it. - And the one who was there in person would, I would assume would know that. But I could see people watching the livestream, maybe they're not thinking about that, you know? That's good to clarify. And then you literally jumped, and then you literally jumped off the stage when you made it. (laughing) - Well, I promised myself, I wasn't going to talk about any kind of flu or anything like that. Like I wasn't going to touch on that subject. And when I did, it was too late already. I felt like- - Right. Well, it was amazing. And every time I saw you, you were giving me a hug. I was like, you're like, "Nay, this is awesome, it was so fun." Jackie, welcome back. I know this was your first time actually speaking live. Publicly, obviously you've done shows and stuff. How was your experience first time, was that your first conference you've ever been to also? - No, definitely not my first conference, but the first time speaking about experimental programs and abductions live. And it's interesting when I came on, you guys show the first time I had like a nerve, like a nervous reaction to talking about it. You know, like when you're finally letting out your truth, there's a lot of internal things that go on. But this time on stage, I just felt comfortable at home. So for me, it was something about helping with Tony's book. I told Tony was like cathartic for me. It was almost like a therapy processing, going through putting his book together. It made it easier for me to speak about it. And then having Neil, my husband there, was like, you know, we kind of joked. I was like, I'm happily married. I have a good business. So I have nothing to lose. You know, there are people who don't talk about it because they have everything to lose. And like just getting there and being like, I'm just going to tell the truth because there's nothing on the line for me. You know, Neil's not going to leave. I mean, I see a kid, but he's probably not going there. - He's not going to leave me. My family knows about it. Some of my other families been involved and it was, it was, I felt lucky, which is a weird thing to say when you talk about like being in the programs are abducted. But I felt lucky to be in a position where it was so low risk to be able to just go there and tell exactly the truth. And the people there were amazing. It really was like being with family. And I have to second Tony in saying, you guys really put on a great conference. I would never know it was your first time. It was like you do this every year. - Thank you. - Well, thank you. - It blew us away as well. We, yeah. - Right. - I mean, we couldn't believe how well it turned out to be and the amazing people that showed up. Yeah, it was. - Well, so my Scott Savoy told me, book it and they will come or however he worried it. But I mean, it's this kind of, you know, what it was. - That's exactly what it was. - Yeah. - We just had a faith that it was going to be. - Right. - And I think we had a lot of ET helpers or guides, whatever you want to say, they really help pull this thing off. And the protection we had, like the energetic protection there. If you're not paying attention to that kind of stuff and you're not taking the proper precautions, it might not be as great of a time as it could have been just because from past experiences of other conferences. But Jackie, your presentation was amazing. You would never know it was your first time. You were a pro up there, very polished. And it was very digestible. It didn't make you sound crazy at all. If you were even worried about that because, you know, my sister was there and she's not really into this stuff. And she was really blown away. She, you know, this, it was very convincing. It was a very good presentation. - It was, yeah, it was amazing. Seriously, you did a phenomenal job. - Oh, thank you. I think we're all beyond worrying about sounding crazy at this stage too. I know, I know this sounds crazy to some people, but if you're first in this, then you know it is what it is. - Right, right. I knew you were gonna do really good, Jackie, but it's still like, you were my, I had the, you know, it was like a sister or a relative that's about to go on stage for the local play. You're still nervous, like, seriously. I was like, oh, I didn't want anything bad at it. And then halfway through, I was like, as if, I mean. (laughing) Made it look easy. I have a question for Jackie and for you guys, because I think from what I heard, while you were on stage, you were talking, you know, you're medium and people come through and you had two spirits come through. I don't know the terminology, right? And I've known you for years. I don't know, but you had two separate entities come through and one of them, you had already taken care of, you already contacted and sorted out who it was before you went on stage. But while you were on stage, like on the fly, you were like, there's somebody coming through right now and made it sound really nonchalant, but afterwards that after the crowd left, there was somebody in the crowd, is that right? - Yeah. Yeah, we were able to talk. And then, and then I've never had this, but it was like, because there was a line of people wondering if it was them, then I got to do like little micro sessions with people. So there was somebody who just lost his father. And I was like, I just did it. You know, we just did little okay. This is what they're saying. This is what I'm getting. And I was able to talk to, it's hard to be like, no, I'm sorry, that spirit that was coming through wasn't for you, now go. So I said, okay, let's see what is. And then I just had these little mini sessions with every single person that queued up to see if it was for them. So that was kind of, I don't know, I've never done that. I didn't even know if I could. Sometimes I have like a ramp up time to get connected to the spirit. So that was kind of nice. But I did find the person who I was able to connect with the human with the spirit that was like on stage. Like you have to find this person for me. And we chatted for half an hour after. - That's always mind-blowing. Like I said, I've never been a skeptic, but I'm amazed at how not like how quickly and easy it just comes through. It's like- - I wanna see me too sometimes, me too. I'm like, is this really happening? Is this like by name with these details? It's still, you know, I'm still a human in the experience sometimes too. - Right, yeah, that was pretty amazing. I actually forgot about that. I'm glad you brought that up, Tony. - There were a lot of synchronicities there, I mean. - Well, let's talk about the Red McCall, Tony. For the people who weren't there, they don't really understand what happened with this bird showing up. And I'll let you tell the whole story. But that was pretty powerful. I mean, when I saw you walking around with that bird on your shoulder, you had tears in your eyes and I didn't realize what was going on until you explained it to me. But for the people who weren't there, can you explain to them what happened and- - In the back of my mind, I'm like, everybody knows 'cause they read the book. I'm thinking this entire room of 200 people must have read the book and know exactly what I'm talking about. When I was walking through the cafeteria, you know, through the breakfast hall with a McCall on my shoulder. But, you know, I mean, it's a siclifno in the book. Really, it's not a big, long story. But for me personally, that was like assault. And I kept thinking about it. I realized kind of the way home that during the moment, what happened was I was sitting at a breakfast. It was the morning that I was gonna talk. And remember, I had my laptop out and you sent me a message about that one crew, like watch out for those guys. And so I moved over and I'm like, put everything away and I really wasn't satisfied because with my slideshow that morning, I was kind of putting it together and I was not satisfied with it. I wanted to add more new stuff for you guys than the same show. And I literally was thinking about it and I was talking to, I was sitting over by it, not to connect for it but the other one. And I was sitting there going, I hope I do good, I hope this is good enough. And I look up and there's a, you know, I'm 25 feet away from a Scarlet Wing McCall and I went. And it was like an absolutely like a religious moment for me. It was, I stopped everything and just went straight to it. I think I was like mid conversation with somebody who was rude and walked off. And I walked up and he said, here you can hold it. He didn't even take two seconds. And he goes here, he put him on you and I did. And when he was like on my arm, I just like broke into tears. And then the film crew showed up, you know, the people from Amsterdam and those guys started filming me and I kind of got it together, girlfriend. And for people who don't know, I promised myself I was going to cry and journey to the truth again either. So I promise. People don't know in my book, I talk about it. And like I have, I literally have a Scarlet Wing McCall tattoo. Like I have it inked on me and I don't get, I don't get tattoos for no reason. Like it's a big, it's a, like I got a lot of my tattoos. I started in Hawaii and it's a spiritual religious thing to the Polynesian culture to tattoo yourself. And so I treat them, I treat tattoos with that regard. You don't get a random tattoo. You get something that has a deep spiritual meaning. And I have my, my arm is like a giant Scarlet Wing McCall. - Yep. - And during the time in Peru, I was broken. I just left the trauma-based mind control program and was emotionally broken child. And there were kids, there were times when I was not, I wanted to play with the other kids that were there. You know, I talked about it in the conference. I'm trying to go quick here. And I wasn't allowed to. And I just felt like I was a cursed kid and my handler for lack of a better word, my chaperone Manuel was the only guy that could speak English. So he took care of me while I was in Peru at that time in a 20-in-back zone. It's a separate kind of timeline for my organic, my life. And we started, we were bird watch all the time. So that kind of comes with the territory when you live in the Amazon jungle, that you begin to bird watch because many beautiful birds come and go. And he always said, the most beautiful one that comes there is the Scarlet Wing Macaw. And anyhow, then later on, you know, months later, he got into an altercation with a guy and I said, "Why don't you just beat him up?" And he said, "I can't beat him up. "He's got a blessed life. "He's blessed." You know, the guy's lucky. That was his thing, he was always lucky. And I was like, "You're way bigger than him. "Just punch him." You know, we were head like a big brother, a little brother kind of relationship. And he goes, "I can't." And I said, "Does that mean my life is cursed? "Cause I'm definitely not lucky." You know what I mean by how I was living. And he said, "I don't know." You know, it's too early to tell. He said, "We don't know yet." And we kept, I said, "Well, how am I gonna test it?" He said, "You can test fate to see if you're blessed." Like, they have a belief down there. I don't know, I'd like to go down there. I'd like to go to Peru and have this conversation to be perfectly honest. But, so we said it, I said, "Well, if I see the most beautiful bird, "if I get to see a scarlet wing macaw before I leave, "then I'll take it as a sign that I have a blessed life. "And if I don't, then I won't." And he said, "And the scarlet wing to macaw "does not have a migration." So, but it does show up in that village for only a couple of weeks a year right after the rainy season. Like that was, he knew that everybody said, "You're most likely, you can see them all year round, "but you're most likely to see them "in the first two weeks after the rainy season." And I did not see them. They were, all the people were seeing them, but I didn't see them. And I took it as a sign that I was cursed, right? Because, I mean, like I had no, I was like living like a foster kid and I'd been tortured already at that point and seen some really bad stuff already at that. You know, I was like 12 years old at that time, 12 and a half years old. And it was like only a couple days before I was gonna leave that I was gonna be shipped out and I saw a flock of them. And so, during that time, like I saw them right, they landed right in the street in town and I saw them. And he saw them from down the street and ran up to see if I saw them. Do you see them? Yeah, I did, you know, and so that was like a big moment to me. In all of those years, when things bad happened to me, I referred to that moment. Like that's kind of was like something that helped me get through bad things that happened. You know what I'm saying? Like I don't know if everybody does this, I'm weird or something, but like you have to have an anchor into believing that your life is worth living, that you're a good person, that you're something good's gonna happen. You have to have an anchor for that when misfortune happens. Like some people shake off misfortune, it's easy, it's like amazing. I'm not like that, you know? But that during that time, I was always like referred like this, I saw them a call, I'm gonna get through this, I saw them, I saw it. And so when I got my memories back in 2015, I remembered all that, I went looked it up, I went, oh my God. And if you look on like on Google Earth, you know, the pictures, like a lot of the town squares has paintings of the McCulloch, that's a big deal to them down there still. I was sending them the Jackie back when we were writing the book. I wanted the original cover to the book to be a scholar. I had commissioned who you referred to me, Tyler, Katrina Vogel, to do the first. And then everybody I showed it to, they said, man, it makes the book look like fiction because, you know what I mean? It's an abstract drawing, it's what? - It was an illustration. - Yeah, it's like an illustration, so it looks like what you put on a fiction book. So we chose just a basic like a star field for the book. And then, like I said, I was just in the middle of thinking about if my presentation is gonna be okay and the first time since that time in Peru, whatever X amount, 50 years later, there's a scholar in the room. And it just, it set me in my tracks like it's still, and so I went and scrapped. I went back to my, got my computer back out and scrapped the slideshow and added in the Peru slides. And I wanted to mention what's going on in that town since then. I kind of updated it and kind of just winged it. You know what I mean? I didn't have a real professional PowerPoint animations. Like I wasn't as good as Jackie's. And I wanna say, before I change the subject, I just wanna say that for me, it was a deeply spiritual thing. So it was a huge omen for the whole entire conference that there was a macaw there. And I asked him to bring it in. And I guess there was an issue with one of the guys I didn't want anything. But I said, yes, if you want, please, I would love to have the macaw in the room while I'm talking. But Jackie, did you add the pips on your timeline because after you saw mine at the very bottom, it looked like you added the little pips on your slide after. - I don't know what you mean by pips. - There's a little bracket on the bottom of your timeline. You had them broke out in the different places. And on the bottom, did you add that after the fact? I'm curious, I'm dying to know. - No, that was like a formatted timeline. I found in the design program I use. But I'm telling you something. I was debating one slide in my presentation 'cause I was kind of like, do I want to get into Hollywood and the strategic placement of ETS and certain occult characters in children's books and stuff? And I was like standing outside my room. And this bird, bomb-dived, got in my hair, flew around in my hair and then flew off. And I was like, just standing there. And I was like, did you just see that? And yeah, that bird was like trying to steal your hair. And I was like, all right, fuck it. I'm putting this slide in. I'm taking it as a positive omen. But it was weird. The birds, there was something going on with the birds. - Yeah, that's interesting. I didn't know it. - Yeah, I didn't know it either. - Oh yeah, it like got in my face and my hair standing outside of the cabin. - You know, the very last night we were there, I went back to the room and I was getting ready to come out by the fire and I was gonna grab this crystal that was on the table. And it was a big piece of Lumirian quartz and I put it in my pocket, but I had gym shorts on, like man, if it falls out, it's dark, it's muddy, you know, I don't wanna lose it. So I put it back on the table and went out for the bomb fire. The next morning when I was checking out of my room, it was gone. And I thought, 'cause the lady had already started cleaning the room, I thought, did she take that crystal? You know, I'm sitting here like, well, she needed a better night because it was gone. And I'm looking for it. Looked all through the room, packed up. I went out to my car to blow my stuff up and it was in my car. It was crazy, it took me back, just like Ritoni said. And maybe, I've ran it through my head 100 times. I'm like, did I bring it out there? But I didn't. I remember-- - A little memory of-- - I remember taking it out of my pocket and putting it back down. I was like, no, I'm gonna leave you here 'cause I don't wanna lose it. And anyway, it's just like, it seemed like a lot of people were having stuff like that happen. It was really interesting. And actually, if I can pull that, some might got a really good picture of a UFO too, across the river. - Yeah, that was amazing. Wow, on site. - At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulley? Well, if you're installing a new conveyor belt system, dealing with the different components can sound like you're speaking a foreign language. Luckily, you've got a team ready to help. Granger's technical product specialists are fluent in maintenance, repair, and operations. So whenever you wanna talk shop, just reach out. Call or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. - Yeah, yeah. - It was like one of the cloudy nights too. - Right, yeah, it was like a light-- - It was during the conference, yeah. - Right, I'm not really prepared for that, but if I find it, I'll throw it up on the screen. (clears throat) - So what else happened? Oh, we had to kick the fads out. - Yeah, yeah, those two guys. - Yeah, well, I would say this that no matter what, even if they were guys that were not there to do harm, they were not doing the right thing in the right way. - Right, yeah. - You know what I mean? Like, it was kind of a no-brainer. They weren't being proper about it. And there's a way to go about things, especially when there's other people in the audience involved and people talking. So, you know, I am fully aware that the check is in the mail, that there's gonna be a hit piece on me eventually. You know what I mean? Like, there's only, you can only go so far doing anything. You can be a dancer or a singer. And then you're only gonna make it so far before they, you get attacked, you know? So this, we saw what happened with James Rink at the 5D events, how they came in and set him up with a fake interview. And then they went on, all of a sudden, they had like 80,000 views in like two days. So you see that this stuff flander sells or whatever, or if it's, you know what I mean? A coordinated attack on the information 'cause they do not want us to really share this info as well as we're doing. So you can kind of see it coming. And I think you may have dodged a big bullet by doing that. - Well, they already interviewed me and I had already signed a little waiver thing and I regret doing that. But a whole synchronicity is all over the place, right? So we get interviewed all the time, but he was asking questions like, do you think feds ever show up at these types of events? And I said, you know, and then he was asking, do you think there's any feds here right now? Then he asked, do you guys ever play spot the Fed? Then he said, and then he's like, do you guys ever take precaution for this type of stuff? And it was real, it was real sketchy and an individual, one of these guys had left their phone laying on the table and somebody at the conference found it and he was trying to figure out whose phone it was. They had a case and there was three, the guy had three IDs. So not that that makes him a Fed, but with the fact that somebody found that and then he was asking me all these questions. And I've already had to warn them twice because so many people were complaining about them just having like a negative energy. It was tough to have to like, I've never really had to kick anybody out of an event before, but I think it was the right thing for sure. - Hard to sneak, it's hard to be like that when a lot of people in the crowd were heavy hitters as far as energy work goes, you know what I mean? Like you had a lot of people that were very gifted psych kicks 30 feet. - They kept trying to talk their way back in and that's what I finally had to tell them. I was like, listen, this is an entire crowd full of empaths and psychics. And they're all seeing a dark energy around you and they don't get a good vibe, bottom line. In particular females, you're making a lot of the females uncomfortable by what you're doing. So it was one of those things that you can't expect, but hey, we dealt with it and we've done from that. - Yeah, we're gonna do a better vetting process next time before the conference because-- - Right. - It was just the email. It's hard to vet somebody through email properly, but we're gonna make sure next time we were a little more thorough, so that doesn't happen. - I can't even send this picture to my computer to put it on the screen. Oh, well, anyway. Yeah, definitely a better vetting process. So I know you guys are gonna, you're probably tired of me asking you guys to tell the story, but it's my favorite story. And I don't think I've ever actually got you two on the show together to tell the story, the water story about Jackie having a vision of Tony drowning. Would you guys for the audience who doesn't know that story, would you guys mind sharing that? Because I think it actually, it's really important to your connection when I think is obviously a higher purpose as to why you guys are working together and doing the books together. - Wait, let me go first. - Okay, and then I'll correct you. (both laugh) - Yup. So when I was very young, my parents wanted to have a second home in Northern Michigan, Harris, you know, and we would take trips up and go camping up here and kind of where I live now. And we went camping to a campground and I went out on a raft with my sister and one of the girls that was like camping there as well, made friends with my sister. I think I was seven, that means my sister would have been 12. And we were on a raft and I did not know how to swim at the time. And so, but we were on an inflatable raft and boys started flirting with them and they were throwing mud at us and stuff, you know, as myself, my sister and another girl, I think her name was like Candy or something like that on the raft. And then they threw a dead fish at us and then they came and knocked us over. And I started drowning. I went to the bottom of the lake, which was pretty deep and I couldn't swim. And my sister was having a hard time already getting back out for herself. And I kind of gave up and sunk down and literally was drowning. And I saw basically Jackie go get it together, you know, like something like get it together. You can't just get up. And I started swimming and I got to the top and I grabbed my sister's air and pulled myself up and got a breath of air and let go and kind of sunk again. But then my dad got eventually got to me and saved me and took me back. But when I got back to shore, Candy took off and my sister goes, who's Jackie? Because I was like Jackie told me to swim, you know, like I kept asking about her. I forget exactly the verbiage, but it was like June's like, who's Jackie? Who are you talking about? That was Candy. I was like, no, not her, where's Jackie? And I was, I remember that. Like that's something that stuck out in my head. Fast forward to when was that Jackie that when we tried 18 months ago? Fast forward to 18 months ago and we were, you can take over from here if you'd like. - Well, we were trying one of the gateway process from the Monroe Institute because we wanted to meet in the, we'll call it the astral world. We wanted to meet outside of our bodies to see if I have, if I'm all on earth or there's part of me still in outer space, basically is what we were trying to do. So we agreed to meet on the moon. So we did it at the same time and I started my astral projection to the moon and I got there and I saw Tony and I said, oh, we made it, let's go. Like let's travel together to see if we can locate me anywhere else and Tony was stuck, like let. And I was like, Tony, come on, you gotta come with me. And I couldn't get his immaterial body to move. It was still really heavy. And then all of a sudden I shifted in and I saw the raft, the head going up and down above water and I was still saying to him, Tony, come on, come on. You could do this, come on, in the water. And then, you know, I didn't know what was happening but I was like, okay, he's not, I can't take him with me now but I'm still gonna go because I'm already in this state. And so I left and I went and did my own meditation session out in the cosmos without Tony. So in a way, I was like, oh, this wasn't successful. Well, then when I called him the next day is when I said, Tony, did you ever, were you ever drowning in a raft as a young boy? And at first, Tony, you were like, no. And I was like, yeah, I was like, the raft was tipped and I saw you go down and up and I kept telling you, like, come on, come on. And then he was like, then he said, yes. And he told me the story that he just shared with you guys. And then the interesting thing is that it would have been, I wasn't born yet when that happened. But it wasn't like I had a vision of it. It was like I was there. It was like I was in the moment and I was telling Tony, come on, come on. - You time traveled essentially? - Yeah. - So, astraly. - So, that's amazing. - That's amazing. We went, we skipped a lot. We went from me camping to being on the moon and astral projecting. So I just wanna fill in. We were talking about, we're talking about, so what I was doing in the beginning, what her and I were doing was researching one of the time that I was in Yoker and the program that I was in, which was Project Grillflame. I found the paperwork for and the funding for Project Grillflame, which went into Project Center Lane, which went into Project Gateway. And then it turns out there's-- - Which is meant to using children as long as you get consent without defining consent. I have to add that. - Yeah, they had children in the right. They admitted having children and using children in near-death experiences and they had profound results. Like, I'm not gonna drop the names of the corporations involved, but it's all public knowledge. Anyhow, the document from the gateway, the CIA basically, there were a few documents. I have the PDFs, I share them with people openly, but there was a report back to Fort Meade and then there was a report back to the army in general. I think there was a colonel that got the report and it summed up the tech and we went over that and I was like, this ought, I think this works because we were using it. This is exactly how I remember it when I was an Inyo current and this stuff works. Let's try it. And so now with on my show, there's a tier on my show where there's a group that we get together and use it. And it's basically going into higher focus levels. It uses some Monroe Institute blended with a few other things, meditative way of going into a, you know, like a higher focus date, which is what Jackie said as astral projecting. Say it's the same thing, it's just different verbiage. But basically just on the cusp of sleep and like we're a lucid dreaming form which she's like super good at it 'cause she's already psychic anyway. You know what I mean? Like for me, it took several times and then I tried it by the gateway on myself, by myself, when I was in kind of a hard place financially, when after I moved to Michigan from Hawaii. And it worked. And the thing is I got results from it. So I wanted to try it for her. And we were at the time, we were researching her timeline on the things that she fragmented memories that she had. And I said, well, let's try this and see if we can find, we'll just get a read, you know, and maybe you're up there and maybe you're not. And do you wanna say what we concluded onto that? Because I had a good feeling that you were still up there. - Yeah, it's, I've asked myself that before in a regression and my answer to myself was you were not yet ready for the answer to that question. So. - Which kind of is an answer within itself anyway. - It seems like a yes, 'cause they know exactly. - But this soul's ability to the timelessness of the soul and the actual ability to bi-locate in other timelines or, you know, because we experienced it in SSP and experimental programs, these four splits of consciousness. So you're bi-locating and unnaturally. But the soul's ability to do that is actually why I helped Tony with the first book because there's more about that in the second book. So people don't know that the first book, I was like, let me get this out of the way to help you get this out of the way because I want book two because I'm not gonna say much more, Tony can, but. - I think book two is kind of like your idea. I'm getting a little feedback here. But the second book is a lot more about, I guess, a spiritual take on things whereas the first book is kind of like just the crowd. The first book, it's my hope that you can take it and read it and research it and laid yourself to other things that I found. Like you can look up times and places in the book names, places, and dates and research it on yourself and come out with more stuff. Like I keep finding stuff that supports my claims. So there's that. So that's kind of like a forensic version and getting it all off my chest and me saying here, just read the book. You know, I don't need to tell you the story of what they did to me of being tortured. Just read the book. It's pretty, it's pretty no holds barred. You know what I mean? Like we didn't really pull a lot of punches with the book. You read it, it's a lot of people couldn't finish it. So the second book is, that's why Jack, he also. You stood up and said, when is your second book gonna be done, Tony? When do you expect it to be released? I've already scrapped it a couple of times. Really, I've already read quite a bit and then scrapped it, wrote quite a bit and scrapped it. But I'm still, like we published Series Colony Cavalier, we uploaded to Amazon on December 31st, 2021. So the next day, first day of this year is when it really came live on Amazon. And it's my hope to do the same thing with this book. You know, on the 30th, December 31st of this year. So that next year, it's another book. And then I'll do another one after that, be done, hopefully. But it's not gonna be as painful as Series Colony Cavalier was painful, man. And you know what I mean? To write, to write, it was painful. And so this one isn't like that. There are some pain, there are some bumpy parts to it, but by and large, it's more of a numbness and kind of a feeling of spirituality at the end. It's kind of like my take, my experience on the return from what happened was something that gave me an insight into, I guess, things that I personally believe we all are, that we aren't unaware of. That's it, so. - Right, we're looking forward to that. - We're gonna nutshell the F. - Right, did you, were you gonna add to that, Jackie? - No. - Oh. - Yes, I'm not going to. (laughing) I wanted, we're live. - What you said, just said. - No, I was just, well, you know, I shared in my presentation that when I finally started talking to my family about it, there were things everyone knew happened and remembered and no one was talking about. And I wondered if Tony's had any experiences like that recently. - Right, so Mother's Day, you know, I don't know who's watching in the family and right, so I talked about it in my presentation, I forgot I did, but I did. I talked about, somebody asked me a question like, you know, and I forget the question, but I was talking about my mom that, who knows in your family. And I said that I tell everybody openly, except for my mom, like, you know what I mean? Like, I don't want my mom to know what I went through because it was horrible. And she's the kind of woman that'll blame herself and some, she'll find some way to blame herself. Like, she should have done something to stop it from happening or whatever, you know, like, that's just, she's a, you know, got a strong maternal instinct. She's that kind of mom. And so after I got home, I got home from the conference on Saturday and then drove out to my mom's for the first time since the book has been published to see her on Sunday for Mother's Day and we went out to dinner and lo and behold, and I'm looking when I walked in, I walked into my mom's house, hadn't been there in a while, and I'm looking through her books. And I sit down and I'm like, "Hey, Ma, how's it going?" She's getting ready and my daughter is with me. And they're getting, they're all hugging and everything. And my brother's there, Tara's there. And I go looking around, I go into the bathroom and I'm looking at her books that are nights where she's reading, you know? And I'm like, no, I don't see the book here anywhere. And I sat down and it was under, she was like crocheting and under her crocheting thing was, my book was popping out. So some, my sister bought her a copy of my book. And so then we go to dinner. So then I act like nothing happened, you know, like. So we go to dinner and we go back and I drop in her office. So well, we got to get going. You know, it's like a two hour drive home. And she goes, "Well, before you leave, I want you to sign my book." And I was like, you know, like, man. So I get it out and I look at the bookmark where she's at and she's in Seattle. And the worst part of the book, like absolute worst. And she sits and I sign it and I wrote her a thing. I sent it, you know, I took a picture of it and I sent it to Jackie, you know. And, you know, I told her, in the signature, I said, "Mom, I had hoped that you wouldn't know about any of this." And, but, you know, in this grand scheme of things, I'd like to think that it all worked out some way, you know, that some positive came out of it. And, you know, I love you. Then she said, it's hard for her to read. And she didn't know that I went through all that. And she remembered that time when I was taken. She remembered the weirdness around it. She said, "I remember that." And I didn't think that you went through all that. And she said, "It's very hard for me to read this." And everybody cried. We all, the whole family teared up and we all cried. And, you know, I gave her a big hug and then we went home. That was that. So I haven't talked to her since, but that was like, you know, like, that was like a big deal, you know? I didn't, of all the people in the world to not know my story, you know what I mean? Like the high school principal, I'd rather them not think I'm crazy or anything like that. But my mom, I wanted to protect her from the pain that I went through during that time. And so, but, you know, the truth is the truth, man. You know, the bottom line is I'm not making it up. It's the truth. So it's what I remember. It stands out every time, every time I go to test it against something, it wins the test. And it keeps the, what I remember keeps panning out. So, you know, I'd rather have the hard truth than a comforting lie. And even to my mom, who can, frankly, is woman enough to handle it. - Thank you. - Amen. - Thank you for sharing that. For one, just sharing that, just sharing that story in itself is healing, is healing, you know? Good and past all this. It's just one thing you don't have to hide anymore and worry about. So, yeah, thank you for sharing that. It's a big moment, man. Good for you. I'm glad, you know, everything happens for a reason and yeah, I feel like now you can just, that's another aspect that you can heal and move on from. That time, whenever that she remembers, when you're coming back, I remember you tell them like in your story, correct me if I'm wrong, but your dad would say things like I want my son back or something like that. - Oh, yeah. - Is that the same time that she was remembering? - Yeah, and the years after, in the next couple of years, there was a lot of weird stuff that happened. In those couple, you know, I was like 10 to 12. That it was weird. Every, you know, like I was a weird kid. I'd wake up in the moonlight saying stuff. Like, you know, like I was sharing the trauma as it happened to myself somewhere else. And so it was weird. It was weird. And then like the final Roy Ferry story, like we went to the Mackinac Island and we were going to ride the ferry and I said, I want to ride the final Roy Ferry. And so that was like, back then, there's no internet. I didn't get corrupted and see this on late night TV or something, you know, it's like, I didn't have access to that. I find out later that the final Roy Ferry was what I wanted to ride when I was in Seattle to get the hell out of there. - Right. - So that's what you-- - There was a lot of other stuff. Yeah, I mean, it was just like a, it's like any, it's like anybody that comes that I worked with seriously, everybody that has contact literally across the board. And I welcome anybody to email me if it's different, but everybody has 1,000 little one-line things that support what they're saying, that don't define what they're saying, if that makes sense. Like there's not a silver bullet, there's not something that's tangible. You go, look here, I got this on my 20-in-back, I got this on Mars, it says Mars, none of that. There's nothing like that. The people don't have that. But people have stuff like that, the final Roy Ferry. People have things like the check-off, how in the hell, like Jackie, when I'm, like me asking my sister, where's Jackie? Where's Jackie? See, help me. You get what I'm saying? Like, what is that? Why, what is that? There's a million things like that in all of our lives that don't make sense, and especially in contactees. - Right, right. - Exactly. And like the fact you knew the salt was on series before it was ever made public, and then years later it came out, and you're like, how would I have possibly known that? - How could I have taken a random, not only that, but stand my ground with it, like when I got challenged, but NASA's originally said it was different, you know? But I mean, there's just lots of little things and everybody has those. And that's really who I get flooded with. I think we're gonna get, there's a, I've had a handful of people that say like, after they saw me at the conference, that they want to speak publicly now. - Oh man. - I'm out there. So we're gonna get a handful of people. - We've been getting the emails. There's people lining up ready to tell their story, and unfortunately there's a vetting process that has to take place. We can't just like, yeah, come on, you know? - Yeah, I mean, yeah. - You can't pass the mic to everybody. You gotta have something that's this fancy. It's hard to do now because so much information has already been shared, but it's not possible. - Right. And Jackie, Tony got up and asked you when your book was coming out also. Are you comfortable with sharing anything about that? - About my book. - Yeah. - Yeah. I mean, I've started it. I'm in conversations with two publishing companies and then still deciding if I wanna just self-publish or not. It'll be a combo of medium stories and my experience with what I call my guides, but it's an ET looking race that just abducted me when I was a kid and has come back around and actually helps me with my sessions. I don't know how much experimental programs I'll get into in the book. My interest has always been about the timelessness of the soul, the ability to connect to your soul or to other souls or sources, to get information, to have the best life possible. And the truth is the programs are dark. You know, it doesn't really bring in a lot of healing or helpful information to talk about them unless you are another experiencer and it's gonna help you walk your own path. - Right. - The book I really wanna focus more on how big our souls are and what's really going on and how we don't really die and how I think we can shift our awareness into other realms but then connect with awarenesses that are in other realms. So, I mean, it's not done. People ask me all the time are you gonna talk about, you know, your experience and the programs, but I haven't had the inspiration to. It hasn't felt like fun to do that. And in some ways helping Tony get his book out gave me permission to sort of let my own rest. You know, I'm not exploring new memories. I'm not looking for answers anymore. It's just like how this happened. I'm never gonna understand it all. And it kind of gave me permission to focus on what I think I came into this incarnation for. - Wow. That's actually, I'm glad you said that as far as not digging up any more memories. I think that's important for everyone listening. Guys, if you don't have memories coming back naturally, I mean, this would be my advice just after speaking with so many whistleblowers and survivors. I wouldn't go digging. I wouldn't go digging unless it's just happening naturally and you're finding yourself dealing with this stuff because maybe that stuff is suppressed for a reason and it might not benefit your life's path. And maybe we're not supposed to know, even though we do wanna know if we were part of these programs or not at the same time, it could really throw your life into a spiral if you're not prepared for what you're getting yourself into. I don't know, would you agree with that, Tony? - Absolutely. It's not, a lot of people don't realize that they begin to get lead through memories, but you're another person in the pro. When you're in a 20 in bag, I'm talking about specifically like this tech. You're taken and you live professionally and do 20 years of a career return program, career return program. I do that about that, I hope Will's watching 'cause he does the quote unquote Will. In the career return program, you're a different person. That person has different memories, it has different training and it has different friends. It has a different everything and it has different opinions on the same thing. Even though you're the same exact person, your memories are different. So you arrive at different, and those people, a lot of them don't want to be remembered. And so you have to honor your own wishes. It's not your higher self, it's your self. You have to honor the wishes of yourself that are made and a lot of people don't, they're like happy that they're gonna be deleted. Gonna have their memories so a lot of people are happy about it. But people still get to bleed through memories and go and your natural assumption is to go, what is this? And then you start hearing about it from people like me or other whistleblowers that come forward and you go, I think that's exactly what happened to me. How do I get more of this? Because it's like a mystery that you must be solved what happened to me because it is a big part of your persona. And so it can be dangerous, I mean, especially if you don't have a lot of people subconsciously don't wanna remember. And so the memories can get dots connected and be inaccurate. I think that I think that you have to build up a good repertoire, a good story, a good timeline to where you know enough about it for it to make sense to somebody that knows nothing about it before you should speak about it. That's all I'm saying. - Would you, you know, I said this to Neil when going through like what I wanted to share and what I didn't, first of all, you can never cover everything in an hour or two hour presentation. But I feel like for every sentence that I can currently share publicly, there's a sentence that I can't talk about yet or I don't ever wanna talk about publicly. And I'm saying that meaning, there are things that are easy to share with the crowd or an audience. And there are things that you go through or you do when you're in the programs that I can't bring myself to say publicly because it was me. And it's like, I don't know if I'm giving this words, right? But there's an element of shame to it, of like, I don't wanna talk about that part of my experience to people because when you really dig up enough and connect to it and it's you, you have a lot of shame to process usually in these kinds of things. So I always say that for every sentence someone sharing publicly, there's a sentence that they're not willing to or will never talk about publicly. Would you agree, Tony? - There's absolutely a great deal that I don't talk about publicly, especially in the book. Well, you know, at the end of the book, the whole like Nikki, we mentioned her as a Cliffsmo. There's a lot of stuff that happened there that's cut out of the book. There's a ton of stuff that happened there that there's really none of your guys' business. I mean, to be, not to be rude, but basically, you know what I mean? Like there's things that we decided like, look, nobody, this is like personal stuff. - Right. And if it's not gonna help, if it's not gonna help disclosure or whatever, it's like some point, you know. - I think that I put a lot of that stuff, I put a lot of the culture from up there because, and well, for one, I had the cart in front of the horse. Like my testimony was on, you know, five hours special with Dr. Salah before I even realized what I was doing. It was already online and had 100,000 views before I went, oh, oops, I shouldn't have never said that. You know what I mean? Like, wow, oops, I might not have wanted to say that. So, but it's part of the evidence. And you know what I mean? Like, there's a whole different kind of Wild West about it. Everybody's aware that they're gonna get their memories erased. Everybody's aware that they're, whatever you happens to your body is not gonna be an issue. If you go up there and contract some disease or get tattoos or get, you're not gonna get pregnant. You know what I'm saying? Like, there's a lot, everybody's aware of it. So there's, especially at the end of the 20 years, there's a very barnstorming caution to the wind, kind of lifestyle that when we knew, when somebody was at the end of their tour, there was like a party, but they just didn't care, you know, because, well, I'm going back, I'm not gonna forget it anyway. So what do I care? And so the culture is based like that, it enables that. And then on top of that, productivity is king, rather than morals or anything else. So sexuality was kind of helped, keep down there to help to push along productivity. So there's a lot of corrupt, there's a lifestyle up there that is basically not, you know, kind of taboo for us down here. And so that's where it's at. I think we're seeing in the name of disclosure, them blending it to our kids. Like they're really pushing, you know what I mean? Like the whole gender thing, the whole gender identity, like one, you can decide you're a man now, you can decide you're a girl next year, it's no big deal. Like that's kind of a bleed through of what the programs are like, really. And so I mean, I'm not saying it like it's a bad thing, but it's a reality of the reality of the programs is different than the reality we have down here. - Right, well, sorry, go ahead. - I just wanted to touch also that, you know, I had somebody email me was a watch, was a member of my Patreon show, a guy. And he said, one time in an interview, they said, well, and I said, well, how would you like it if you woke up and all of a sudden remember that you were a serial killer? Tyler, I'm saying I'm asking you, you know, you personally, how would you like it if tomorrow you woke up and all of a sudden you remembered murdering hundreds of people, right? It would hurt. What if you woke up and all of a sudden you remembered that you lived 10 years as a homosexual, right? And so I had a guy, he was a homosexual, he wrote me and he said, I was hurt and I canceled my account because you made it sound like it was a bad thing. And I said, I wrote him back and I apologize. I said, look, it's nothing homophobic about it. I said, I meant it as big of a shock like imagine of you as a homosexual woke up and you were a heterosexual for 10 years, how shocking that would be. You know what I'm saying? You're an entire identity that you've grown into now and this reality on earth here, your entire identity, all of a sudden you get these vivid memories of having a completely different opposite identity of what you are. And so it has nothing to do with like being homophobic or anything, but I'm saying that this is a reality of people getting their memories back. There's a lot of people get their memories back and go, whoa, you know, like, and once you get the memories back, you can't put it back in the bottle. You can't re-forget what they've done. You're not gonna go through the deleting, the blanks leading, deleting process again. Once you get these memories back, people get memories and they want more and more and more. And then all of a sudden they get something back that they can't re-forget and they would rather not know. And so, and like Jackie, you know, we talked about some of the things that you have, like, there are personal things that I went through up there that are, you know, like, I don't want to re-forget them, but I also don't want to share them either. There's a lot of things that, I mean, the whole thing was like shameful for me, really, top to bottom. I mean, a lot of people have that experience. - And I, Darryl James, he was told by his CEO as commanding officer that if, he said, I forget what the percentage was, but if people come back and they allow them to have their memories, they all end up committing suicide within six months. - Six months, yeah. - Yeah, if they don't, if they're not memory wipes because it's too much, it's too much to handle. That's why I was bringing up the whole thing like it. If you're not just having memories come back naturally, don't dive into it. Were you wanting to say something, Jackie? You look like you have something to say. - No, no, no, no, I think we covered it. It's basically like you, what Tony said, you can and likely will remember things that you might not even be able to integrate with who you are today, and those are hard 'cause you can't put them back into the forgotten file. - I think the people who, so I have a theory, like the people who are remembering, obviously it's part of your soul's contract. You probably signed up to remember to, like my theory is like before you even came to Earth, what your contract was, yeah, I'm gonna be abducted into the program so I could come back and disclose it so we can heal that and move on for this time, this great awakening. And I feel like that's why we have all these people come forward. There's a wave of guys all sharing similar information about these terrible things that are happening in space, underground, everywhere. I do have another theory. I think that we're gonna get a second wave of people coming, which this is a good news in my opinion, of people who are gonna be recalling memories from a more benevolent program, a program that has been working on the side of humanity that was done with consent. And I think we're gonna, I think the future of disclosure as far as SSP goes, won't be so traumatic and we're gonna start learning about the lighter side of things. I just, I don't know if you guys feel the same way about that, but. - You know, I think it's the same as history. So when you hear some stories of World War II, of people that were in World War II, they're horrible. They're traumatic and horrible. There's many millions of people that went through great trauma. There's other people that went through World War II, World War II, there's other people that lived during that time that, I mean, had a better time of it. Do you get what I mean? - Yeah. - I don't have the words, I'm not saying it right, but basically it's the same thing with the programs. People like me that went up there and had a great deal of trauma, there's other people that went up there did a great deal of good. And so there have been others, there've been others that have come forward that had people silence them with stories like that. So I'll just leave it at that. There's been people that have been public that we've already heard from that had good things to say and then had people in the community very hawkishly shut them up. So hopefully that'll stop, that'll come to it. I mean, there's a wave of people coming. Like you said, like there are thousands of people that have memories, whether or not they're called to speak public and sit on Journey the Truth with us and tell their story is a different thing. You know, like I said, it was never my intention it's just that this was the path. Speaking publicly about it was the only kind of outlet I had for it. So it was already begun before I realized what I was doing, it was too late. So here we are, but not everybody wants to talk about it publicly, but a lot of people do. And I think we'll get some good stuff. You know, the long and short of it is that the space is an endless thing and there's a lot of access to it and the reality is that we're very advanced. What's going on up there? The corporations have had their way with it and it's time for them to scoot over and let society in in a humane way. You know what I mean? It's just that simple that that's where we're at. - And it's happening. We got literally the ISS catching space fleets on its feed now on a few separate occasions. We're getting entire fleets of, I mean, undeniable. It's like, okay, like it's time. Like they just can't keep the lid on it anymore. The Halo series, if you guys have watched that yet, it's like you're watching the secret space program bundled into a series on Amazon Prime. It's unbelievable. It has the most SSP disclosure I've seen in one place. - As the car is Jackie. - It does? - Yeah. Yeah, they have a few scenes of the cars like you described in there. - Exactly. - There's a few other things. Not exactly, no, but basically the same thing. I'll tell you the thing about Halo. So like, I'm a little freaked out that I've seen every episode like five or six times. Like I'm blue do it. - Did you watch the newest one? - That's tonight. I'm going to watch it tonight. - It's awesome. - And when we get done here, I'm going to go in there and turn it on. - Dude, it's the best one on Amazon. - It's on Paramount Plus. But you can get to it through Amazon. - Oh, I was going to say the ones just sent me their login. - Yeah. Not on camera. - I want to say this, the first thing that hooked me about it, the very first episode was like super violent. And I was like, oh, here we go, another one. But the scene, there were a couple of scenes where they show up in public, in armor, in the armor, where the Spartans, or they're in full-on armor. And they walk in, and that's exactly what it was like when one of those dudes walked in. Everybody, everybody perked right up and behaved. Do you know what I'm saying? Like because they were impressive. The Mars armor, when somebody stood in front of you in armor, on Mars, one of the soldiers was in their armor. It was like looking at somebody that was wearing a Learjet around them. It was absolutely, and you were in awe of that. And the series shows that immediately. And I get the same kind of like fluttered from it because it literally is that badass, the armor suits that they had on are literally worth that good. - But it, and then it evolves into, it's not so action-packed the whole time, but it's really like deep-nailed about how they actually pulled this stuff off. And it's about, you know, a super soldier getting mind-wiped and getting his memories back and realizing he has implants. And it's pretty insane. It's major disclosure. - Yeah, I was happy that it wasn't gonna be a nothing, but a bloodbath every show. So we're talking, we're on a show. We're a guy and a girl that had a show, they have a show, on another show, talking about a show. - Yeah. (laughs) - Yeah. - Exactly. - I wanna check it out though. I'm so out of the way. - I'm so out of the way. - It's just epsilon. - It's just epsilon. (laughs) - I feel like I haven't watched it, I haven't watched it. - It's like the people on TV who are watching TV, who are watching TV. - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, anyway, I think like this, we were just talking about disclosure. This is how it's happening. I mean, it's amazing to me, you know, people are gonna watch that and think oh, sci-fi, another sci-fi show, but when you're into this topic, it's like, holy cow. And then I feel like it needs to be re-watched. There's a lot of little Easter eggs throughout there, but not just that, you know, Star Trek is another one, but across the board right now, we're getting stuff like that. We're just entering a new time, something we've never seen before. And I'm, you know, as dark as it is, I'm excited to see where it goes because I know this is only temporary. Everybody's always wanted to change. And now that we're on the cusp of it, we're seeing a lot of like the economy is totally screwing up right now. We're seeing a lot of things like birth pains, but one thing's for sure, we're gonna get some big changes, no matter what in the short, in the near future. Like you can see the world changing greatly around us, whether we like it or not. So disclosure is gotta be close. I mean, you know, whatever, I hate hyping it up like I'm a salesman or something, but I mean, you can kind of see, you really, I mean, if you pay attention to what way the wind's blowing, you can see that, you know, and I mean, it's heading in that direction. Like there's a major things happening and people, they have already, they already have disclosed. That's the other thing, you know, we didn't really talk about this at the conference, but I wanted to that the report came out. They had a 1500 page report that nobody can find that was released at the Pentagon a couple of weeks ago that had the first report was on UAP phenomenon. The second report was on abduction phenomenon about people having mysterious pregnancies, radiation burns, and phenomenon from, so there's like an eight page report that came out like a summary, but I can't find the edge of one. And the weekend that came out was the Will Smith's Mac and Chris Rock. So it was not on the news. It was everybody was appalled by that. And then Will Smith started crying afterwards, which is what M. Kaltra people do after they attack somebody as they emotionally break down. And that was what Will did. So that was like a tell, that was a read on that, but it was like that came out, so dominated the news. So that report about the strange pregnancies and radiation burns from people out of these, that is real incredible from the Pentagon committee, just fell to the wayside and now you can't even find it. So they are disclosing, we have gotten disclosure, they are telling us about it. They're doing it in a sneaky, underhanded way at the moment. - And just, - Finally, years and years and years of ridicule and putting people in mental institutions and calling cover stories and lying, they're now, oh, by the way, all this was, this is all real the whole time. - Yeah. - You know, it's like, - Oh, there's more than that to come. - I mean, at least it's happening, but it's just amazing. - I just shared an article whoever follows me on Facebook might have seen this as subterranean reptilians killed 15 coal miners, declassified document reveals tracking intel. It's actually a really good article. And it, first of all, it starts off and it gives the history of reptilians throughout all the ancient cultures in India, Egypt, where they're depicted and it builds a backstory for them. And then it goes all the way up to this incident that was classified, it was these 15 coal miners that were literally attacked by the reptilian looking creatures. And it's an official report and it's finally out. Like this type of stuff is just slipping through the cracks, you know? - Yep. - Jackie, your turn, you've been quiet for a while. (laughs) - Get her. - Well, well, I was just thinking, I wonder where that was and how long it takes before they de-class isn't like 20 years or something. - It's like 20 or 25 years, yeah. - Yeah. - So I was thinking about that and then, you know, the thing that people always say to me is like, don't you think if this were really happening that we would all know about it? And I'm always like, no, but if you go look, you will know about it. It's like when somebody, you know, the film crew asked Tony, what would you say to somebody who said, I don't believe any of this? And my response is, that's not my fault. It's not my fault. If you don't believe any of this and you don't, you have the blinders on of like, well, we would know about it, that is actually programming. And I feel sorry for you. And you're really not my problem as cold-hearted as that sounds. So I was just thinking about all these de-class, I mean, you can find stuff about cloning from the 50s. The plans that we have now for cloning organs that we might do, they were the plan openly 50 years ago. And it's been going on and it is going on. I almost went into embryos. I'm not gonna go into embryos. I'm not gonna talk about the millions of frozen embryos in the United States right now with no regulation around what happens to them if you do not implant, I'm not going into that. Or that we are openly hybridizing humans and animals in like 37 states. It's just when people say something like, well, surely we would know about it. And I'm like, this is going on right under your nose and you don't know and you no longer get to say that because if you don't know about it, it is officially on you because this information is find-outable. You can always find it. How was that? How'd I do with my terrible mind? - That was great. And I agree with you a hundred percent. It's all there. Like, disclosure has been happening consistently over the years it just gets swept under the rug. - Yes. - And I mean, I'm actually in the middle of putting together a timeline of events that have happened that we can prove to combat this fake report we're about to get because what they're doing with that is trying to rewrite history and forget, erase history, forget about all these events that we have documented. So while they're putting out their fake report, we need to be putting out reminders because, you know, we talk about this stuff and it's old news to us for a lot of this stuff is old news to a lot of us. But there's an entire new wave of people who don't know anything about this. So we have to like go back to square one sometimes and make sure that content is available for them before they get programmed with a fake soft disclosure that we're certainly gonna get because whatever type of disclosure we get from the government is not gonna be accurate. Why would we expect the people who have been suppressing it and lying to us the entire time to give us an honest disclosure about what they're doing? If they do that, there'll be blackmailing themselves because they all have blood on their hands and they're not gonna tell them themselves. So we just have to do this, you know? - Even aside from these disclosure reports that come, it's like you're not even aware going back to the, you know, reptilian creatures attacking the miners or people aren't even aware of what's going on right now on earth under like under our noses, so to speak. - Right, yeah. - They have no idea what's going on with experimentation and cloning, hybridization, just no idea, you know? Okay, I'm just gonna say this. Do you guys have female friends between 30 and 38? And if so, how many of them have talked to you about freezing their eggs lately? It's like a big push. It's like everyone's pushing it. You've gotta go freeze your eggs, you've gotta go freeze your eggs. And there is no regulation around what happens to the eggs that you don't end up using in the end. They're given to science. Nobody's asking questions about this. This is going on right now. It's in the medical system. It's with insurance companies. And it's being pushed on women, which I know some 37 and having a baby. And I'm not even looking at disclosure documents anymore. I'm like, we've gotta look at what's going on like right underneath our noses because it is way beyond anything you could possibly imagine. The truth is always way beyond the weirdness of fiction and people aren't aware. And we're sitting around waiting for documents of reports happening off planet. And I'm like the same amount of weirdness is going on on planet. That's my... - Well, and that's kind of... Go ahead, that's been my argument for a lot of this intel we're getting about what's happening in space right now and stuff. I'm like, you know, it's great by how much is that actually benefiting us. Like we don't even know what's going on in our neighborhoods. Like we don't even know what's going on here. And which is another theory I had why the conference was cloudy the whole time. Maybe it's because we need to stop looking up. We need to start communicating with everyone who's around us and stop trying to communicate with them so much because this is what we need to be focused on here. And, you know, that's just my theory. Maybe it was cloudy at the conference. So we would, it would force us to communicate, you know? - Or to just to keep us together 'cause if it would have been nice every day, like you said, everyone would have been outside doing stuff separately, spread out. So it kind of kept us all in the community, kind of huddled together, which was awesome. - Right. - The wildfires were amazing, you know? - So for the last 50 years, conspiracy theorists, people, who's in charge? Who's running us? Who's running the world and who are we holding to? And it's like, it's the bankers. It's the people that are printing the money or it's the... It's the cabal, it's this or that. But really, it turns out the real tell is the media because they're doing a bang up job of programming, more than half of the people to believe absolute BS. And you can see it. Once you understand that it's programming, when you, I look, I turn on the news just to see what the lie is for today. And when you think about, it makes me think about what Jackie said, that would lately, we have the Roe versus Wade thing. And I got into a big argument about the California, how they changed their laws. So recently that there's no punishment, really, for aborting a two weeks after it's born, nine months and two weeks, you can actually not get in trouble for killing a fetus. - Insane. - And so nobody believed me. And so some friends, some people I work with looked it up and came in and just today was like, oh my God, I didn't know Tony. And what they're doing with abolishing the Roe versus Wade, which what's going on right now, it makes throws that back to the States to set their own law so that California isn't gonna catch a heat for that. So right now with Roe versus Wade, it's a federal issue. So California is on the hook for passing these stupid laws that don't punish anybody. There's actually no incentive for not, it's actually, they didn't legalize it. They just got rid of any punishment. There's no crime. If a girl gives birth at nine months and abandons her baby to death, there's absolutely no crime there, even though that's frankly, that's murder, no matter how you put it. That's not abortion. It's not your body's rights at, you know what I mean? - You can't even outside of the body. - You can't even debate that. - Yeah, it's undebatable. But it's under there, and the people are banging a drum because the media told them to saying that my body, my choice. And so that's why they're getting, once they get rid of the Roe versus Wade stuff, California is off the hook for this incredible. I can't believe, I can't believe that people would sleep at night trying to legislate that, making that kind of thing legal. And you can look it all up, right? I'm not trying to be political, but this is an example of how powerful the media is right now. - Right, and obviously the goal behind that agenda is to normalize everything they've already been doing behind the scenes. So whenever it does come out, there's already a law for it that makes it legal, right? - Yes. - And with the pedophilia child pornography, all the stuff that we're seeing now that you're trying to normalize it, I'm like, it's absolutely insane. - How can there be any argument that someone could be attracted to children and that not be illegal? Because the child is incapable of making a sexual decision. The child is nothing but a victim across the board. So how can that even be debatable in any manner, way shape or form? But the fact of the matter is, that's what these people have been doing for thousands of years. And they have their own sexual things. There's like a black magic involved with it with sexuality that they've been doing. And so they wanna make it legal so that they can disc, because disclosure is coming whether you like it or not. Jackie, the answer that I had when they asked me that member, what do you say to people that don't believe what you're saying? And I said, I don't care. My answer on camera was, I don't care if you believe it or not, 'cause it's coming whether you like it or not. There's nothing you can do to stop disclosure from happening. - Yeah, just 'cause you don't know about it. - You're gonna believe it here in a minute. In a short time, you're gonna believe it whether you like it or not. - Exactly. - I really don't care anymore if they believe me or think I'm, you know, think I'm whatever they are, doesn't matter. - Right, exactly. - Yeah, I mean, what do they say? The truth doesn't care about your feelings. - Yeah. - You know, it's gonna happen no matter how you feel. - Your beliefs are irrelevant to the truth. The truth is the truth. - Oh. - It's your job to correlate your beliefs with the truth, but it's not my job to convince you, you know. So it's another tell that we are on the path to disclosure because the people that have been criminals all along are scrambling to not be criminals after a disclosure happens. They're actually working very hard at it. And we're seeing these, excuse my language, bad shit crazy movements coming forward saying, you know, you can be my attract, it's a minor attracted person. Come on, man. You know what I mean? And then the abortion thing. - They're trying to cover their asses and do damage control and shred document. They're doing everything. They're freaking out right now because like you said, disclosure is it's happening. Whether they like it or not, whether anyone likes it or not, it's all about it. - Well, and so it sounds alarming. And I would say this, I think about this. I think that if you're alarmed by this and thinking that they're gonna get away with it, the reality is that there are way more people alive than not that have morals. That there's no way that could stand. And no matter what law you pass, you know what I'm saying? The majority, there's just no way that people are gonna swallow that. So what happens? - There's such a minority. There's such a minority, they need the mouthpiece of the mainstream media. Because if they don't have that, like, yeah, we are the majority. Like we totally crushed them in numbers and their game is over. You know, that's why you tune in to the media and see what they're lying about. But it would be nice to tune in one day and see that change because that's when we know things are finally looking on the upside. - It's like keeping our minds programmed and under their control is so crucial to them. And that's why they push so hard with the media and with the programming because they lose that, they lose everything. 'Cause the second we start thinking for ourselves and acting from our true nature more and not believing just everything because the media tells it to us, they lose control and that's happening. It's happening more and more every day now and they're freaking out about it 'cause they're like, oh shit, losing control of the sheep, you know. They're not buying our bullshit anymore. - And it all started here with a tiny podcast of a couple guys. - Yep. (laughing) - Right. - Middle America, starting the truth and watching it spread. So here we are. So, I mean, don't underestimate the power of media what we're doing right now. I mean, it's not in the millions, but it could be very soon. And so, I mean, they're getting away with great things with media they've established. I mean, don't underestimate the power of what you're doing here, like things like the conference. The, what happened last week at the conference is going to echo for years. You know, that conference really was one of a kind and the first of a kind on the subject matter. Conferences out west. And I'm not gonna, you know what I mean, point fingers. And I'm not saying this in a, I hope I'm not saying a bad connotation, but people that throw conferences trying to sell tickets. They're trying to fill seats. And so they kind of threw subject matter at the wall to see what stuck. They were like, you know, this guy's this and this guy's that. And they're throwing all this subject matter in there. There was, you know, they had architects in there and air conditionings for sale and then UFOs. Like they had all this stuff on, they just wanted to sell seats, really. And trying to sell seats. These guys are making a living on it. So you are doing this for the truth. You're doing this for the, 'cause we're on the mission here, you know, to try to disclose. And that's kind of always what I've stuck to. You know, the first, the first thing first, and that's the mission that we're trying to, we're trying to move along disclosure to try to get the truth out of what's something that's been heinously held back from us all. And that's what you guys are doing. And what I'm saying is your conference because of that has a much more, you know what I mean, heavier footprint than any other conference that I've seen that has a scattered set of subjects to have all the only subject matter like this about the Secret Space Program was huge. And I'm telling you, it's gonna leave, it's cast a huge shadow over all the others to come because this information is for that profound. And to have it all over the place, all over the place, all this other stuff. And I don't want to take anything away from the other subjects, the spirituality, healing, all of it. I mean, you know what I mean? Like all the alternative healing things and the therapies, like I get it, that's all awesome. But we need, you know, ufology is very fragmented and diversified by design, by the opposition. And the fact is the gateway to the secret, to ufology is the Secret Space Program. Needs to be dealt with and needs to be normalized. And ufology is gonna follow bright inside. It's all gonna come in line. It's all the same thing. And spirit and psychic ability and spirituality. It's all in the same wheelhouse. It's just that they've kept it apart. And you guys really made a big, I mean, like groundbreaking conference to bring it all together, you know what I mean? In an order, that's what I mean. It needs to be arranged in order so that normies can swallow it. And 'cause that's gonna happen. I mean, because it's gonna happen and we don't want it to be a train wreck when it does. - Well, thank you for saying that. - Thank you so much. - Yeah, thank you for saying that. - It's easy, it's the truth. - Right. - Yeah, you have to top that compliment now, Jackie. No. (laughing) - Oh, Jackie. - No, I love that Tony said that though, because they're all about every component of that. UFology, Secret Space Program, psychic abilities, off-planet activity, it really is just, it forces you to break down the lie we've been told about our history. I mean Earth history, really. And because of that, the religions that have come in with Earth history and this very limited narrow scope that most of us accepted at least the first half of our lives. And then when you can let that go, all of this other stuff floods in at the same time, just like Tony was saying, I love that you said that to me. - Right. And I just wanted to thank, I wanted to do this at the beginning, but I butchered the intro. So I want to thank everybody who's listening, who was involved, all the vendors, everyone who helped all the other presenters for even helping us pull this off. You know, it's been, it was quite, it wouldn't have happened if everyone didn't play their part, even attendees. Like everyone was there doing something that contributed to the experience. So it's not just us, it was everybody there. - I just made this happen. It's not just us, we just facilitated it. Yeah. And while I'm, while I'm at it, I'm going to show you guys that picture that UFO. So it's very, it's funny because it looks like an old like 1950s pixelated UFO, but this was caught over the river one night. And it's really hard to tell. Actually, it's interesting. The smaller photo looks better than the bigger one, but I'm going to share my screen here anyway. And you can see it for yourself. Do you guys see that? - Oh, yeah. I think someone showed me this picture. - Right. If I'm not mistaken, Catherine Mallory, I think took this picture, but it was climbing the whole time. And, and yeah, you can see right up here. And there's no lights in this guy. If you were there, there's no lights in this guy. In that direction at all. - That's what I'm playing in. - Yeah, that's right. Nothing else. Anyway. - That was somebody getting dropped off. That was somebody's ride. - Right. Right, exactly. - You know what? I'll, I'll, I'm going to openly say this and I mean it with all my heart. It's my, it's my, it's my little secret desire to one day just show up in one like that. Just pull up in a disc. You know, some people want a, some people want a Lamborghini or a mansion. I wanted my own disc to ride around in that. I mean, I make no, I make no apologies. It's a fantasy of mine. - Well, I mean, dude, if we can bypass the airlines, I think everyone will share that same dream. I mean. - I mean, hopefully once the technology starts rolling out, that'll be part of it. You know, we'll have our own. - Right. - You know, grab your hands. - If anybody's listening up there, if the, if the feds are listening, you can put me in for ambassador work or something. Throw me on a disc, man. - Throw up, I'll be on time, I promise. - Right. Yeah, exactly. - Well, thank you guys so much for coming on. This was a lot of fun. I had no idea where the conversation was going to go, but it was awesome. It was really awesome. Thank you guys for sharing everything. And thanks for taking the time to come out and do this with us tonight. - And thanks for being part of the conference and making it phenomenal. - Right. - It's awesome. It was a lot of energy and I had a great time. I absolutely loved it. There was a bit of hangover. And I, it was like a once in a lifetime thing. I really loved it being there. I hope you do it again. And I hope that everybody I saw there, I get to meet again because it was like, it was a family atmosphere. It was an absolute blast. And I can say that about most conferences that the crowd is the real star of the show. The people that show up are really amazing every single time. So I hope I see everybody again. I just absolutely loved it. And I was honored to speak. Thank you. - Yeah. - It's good you said that because my sister came. This is her first conference. She's new to all this stuff, very new. She came for a half a day. She saw you, Jackie and Laura Eisenhower, but she, she didn't plan on coming the whole day because she just thought a conference. I'm gonna come and sit in for these presenters. And she thought it was like this very formal like thing. She had no idea what it actually was. And she was like, if I would have known it was this, I would have planned accordingly. She didn't wanna leave. She like really, it was hard for her to leave. - That's awesome. - People don't understand. Like so many people are so fast or focused on the presenters. I'm like, guys, the presenters are like, yeah, it's important. But you don't understand the magic of it happening. - So much more. - Yeah. - It's the people and the conversations. - Right. - We do people and stuff, yeah. - Anyway, thank you guys for joining us. Thank you, Kristina Love. I saw you gave us a little donation earlier. Thank you for that. - Thank you, Kristina. - Thank you to the moderators. And thank you to everyone who made it to the conference and helped make it exactly what it was. Don't forget, we have some omnia patches. If you guys are looking to protect yourself from any harmful EMFs, you can get 10% off of those with promo code truth, all caps, Hopewell farm CBD. They were a vendor at the conference. And a lot of people really enjoyed their stuff. I don't know if they still have their 420 sale going on or not. So I hope they don't get mad at me for giving out that code. If it's not active, but JTT 420 gives you 20% off of their merchandise. And then we have just partnered up with our friend, Mason Ferry, who makes these amazing organite pyramids, our organ pyramids. Merlin's lab is the name of his business. And you can get 10% off, maybe 20% off. I don't remember exactly what the percentage is with promo code solstice. And all of those links are below in the description. I think I covered everything. And all of our Teespring merch is 20% off on Teespring with promo code 20 and back. And this conference t-shirt is back up there after it was already removed twice by some haters, but I put it up there again. So hopefully, hopefully it's still there. It's insane because you can report a shirt on Teespring. Well, somebody kept reporting this shirt and they kept taking it down so people couldn't buy it prior to the conference. But it's back up there again until some I report it again, I guess. - I wonder who could have done that. - Right. I mean, we have a few people. - It wasn't me, yeah. - Well, I want to know, I want to tell you that I wanted to wear it tonight. You asked me on mine, because I have one of them and it's already been stolen by my daughter. - They're so nice. - You guys picked a good fabric, I have to say that. They're so soft, it will become your favorite shirt. - I did it on purpose. - Yeah, I agree. - It costs a little more, but I hate when you go and buy a shirt that you're just not going to wear. You can't wear it. So I wanted to like, if you're going to spend your money on it, it might as well be comfortable something you want to wear, you know? - Good job, Tyler, you did good. (laughing) - I agree with that. - It's a fair little bit amount more. It's totally worth it. - It's totally worth it, yeah. Anyway, enough about the T-shirts. Good night, everybody. Thanks for joining us. And I'm not even going to be able to end this because I'm not on the right screen right now, so hang on. We will see you next time. Have a great evening and we love all you guys. - Not good.