Journey to Truth

EP 186: Constance Victoria Briggs - Moon Mysteries - Secrets - Conspiracies - ETs - Anomalies & More

Originally aired on 4/28/22
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My name is Constance Victoria Briggs. I am a metaphysical, spiritual, cosmic researcher and writer. I am the author of, The Encyclopedia of Angels, Encyclopedia of God, The Encyclopedia of the Unseen World, and The Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries. I have been a guest speaker on several radio shows discussing such topics as angels, extraterrestrials, life-after-death, after death communication, out-of-body experiences, Moon mysteries-strange lunar phenomena and more. Shows that I have been featured on include Coast to Coast am with George Noory, Midnight Society, The Leak Project, Forbidden Knowledge, The Kingdom of Nye, Earth Ancients, Paranormal Soup, The Paranormal and the Sacred, Lighting the Void, Broadcast Team Alpha, and others. I was featured in,  Shadows of Your Mind Magazine.
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1h 34m
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02 Aug 2024
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But if you plan on purchasing the four-day pass with the meal plan, that must be purchased by midnight tonight. Livestream tickets are gonna be available throughout the conference and afterwards. So if you wanna purchase the replay, you're more than welcome to do that. It's gonna be a fantastic experience. We can't wait. We can't wait for it. It's literally right around the corner next week. And we're super excited to see all of you guys. So if you feel compelled at all, grab a live stream ticket or grab a day pass, come and hang out with us. We're really looking forward to it. Hopewell Farms CBD. If you guys are looking for a new CBD to try, that's a fantastic CBD oil. I highly recommend it. They are gonna be a vendor at our conference and they do have a 420 sale going right now, 20% off all their merchandise with promo code JTT420. And that code will be active at the conference. So if you are there, you get to take advantage of the 20% off discount as well. We also just teamed up with our friend Mason Fury who makes these fabulous organ pyramids. His business is called Morgan's. Merlin's Lab and-- Morgan's Lab. Morgan's Lab. Merlin's Lab. These things are absolutely incredible. As you can tell, a high quality copper, some amazing crystals. This one has the Marion quartz. The capstones are totally unique to his pyramids, including the legs. And some of them he sells are even lighted and that he has different pyramids for different purposes. You can get 20% off of these pyramids by clicking the link below in the description and using a promo code Solstice. And I believe that website is just Merlin's But all the links are in the description. Tonight, we are joined by Constance Victoria Briggs. So I'm really excited to get into this. So she's an author of-- actually, let me pull that up so I don't get it wrong-- author of the Encyclopedia of Angels, the Encyclopedia of God, the Encyclopedia of the Unseen world, and the Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries, which we're going to be diving into tonight, because we know there's no shortage of conspiracy theories surrounding the moon. And it's an endless topic, as you'll probably find out once we start talking. I'm really excited to get into that. She's also been on a number of radio shows, including Coast to Coast AM with George Norrie. So welcome to the show, Constance. We're glad to have you. Thank you. Thank you for having me. It's nice to be here. Yes, it's great to have you. Yes, it's great to have you. Yeah, so let's talk about the moon. Well, first, I'll give you the opportunity to introduce yourself a little bit for the people who don't know you. And I also want to know why you decided to write a book surrounding the moon mysteries. Right, so basically, I have spent most of my life on what I call a kind of spiritual journey and in a search like so many people as to why we're here, where we came from. And long story short, I started delving into-- I didn't find any answers in religion, so I started delving into other areas. And I became what I call a metaphysical person. And along the way, I discovered that I had guides that were assisting me in obtaining mysterious information and kind of answering my questions along the way. So I went through this journey, basically, of going from religion to angels and the unseen world and learning all about that, and to understanding along the way that we are not alone in the universe. I feel like I've been guided for so long, for 30 years. And finally, I've come to this place in my life, where I have all this information, including that we belong to a galactic community. Excuse me, when I first started my research into whether or not humans are from created by extraterrestrials, which is another book, or where we came from, I was getting a lot of these interesting stories about the cosmos. Some of the most interesting ones were coming from the moon. Now, when I went into all of this, I had no idea that there was something different about our moon. But as I collected these stories and did the research, it became quite a very serious subject in it all. I started-- I was most interested in a book that came out in the '70s by a ufologist named Don Wilson. I don't know if you gentlemen are familiar with his work, but he did a couple of very important-- what I consider important books on the moon. And he really introduced me and opened me up to a lot of the weird stuff. He talked-- I'm not going to dwell on Apollo astronauts right now, but that's where he started. He started with the astronauts, a big zen of fear. So that's where I began. I began with thinking the cosmos is full of extraterrestrials and to learning that this subject matter is touched-- is connected to our moon. The moon, I believe, is not what we've been taught. In fact, the universe is not what we've been taught. Right. Exactly. Most people think that the moon is this dead rock in the sky with nothing going on. And in the beginning, I was shocked to learn that there's quite a lot going on up there. So that's where I started. Yeah. Well, that's-- Nice. Right. And that's me too. I think growing up, we all think we're all taught that the moon is just a dead rock. So part of everyone's awakening, at some point, we discover like, wow, there's a lot more going on. On the moon, on this planet, in our solar system, underground, like everywhere. So those revelations are always exciting to me. So we talk about this subject frequently, but we never really dive deep into it. So I'm curious to know what revelations you made as far as discovering what the moon actually is and what's actually going on there. Right. So I started trying to inform people by writing this book, the Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries, because when I talk to people about the moon, their eyes kind of glaze over, and they even don't take it seriously or they don't care or whatever. But some people said, I've never heard this information before, so I put it in the form of a book that is easy to read. But I have to start this story with the origin of the moon, all right, for people who have not heard about this. We really don't know where the moon came from. We don't know really what the moon is. People believe that they've been giving information that they were taught in school, but it's not accurate, all right? They have come up with about five different scenarios now of how the moon came to be, how it was created, and all of those scenarios were discounted. The one that is the two that were the most prevalent are the capture theory, and that was dismissed. And then there is the giant impact theory, which is the one that I hear kids talking about now. Oh, the moon was created when a planet bumped into Earth and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But the story is that a planet of the size of Mars smacked into Earth. And when it did, the material from Earth spewed out into space, and eventually the moon was formed. That's the story. That's what I've heard in the news. That's what I've heard from students. And when you go on NASA's website, they say, well, maybe that it did. Right. It is very interesting. And they don't submit to it. Nowhere is your commitment. After all of this time, effort and money spent on moon research and sending people to the moon, they still don't know where it originated. The scientists are stumped. So I want to share with you, gentlemen, I'm going to read a little bit just slightly here, because I have my two favorite quotes that I like to share. One of them came in from the American author, Isaac Asimov. And he stated, what emblazes is our moon doing way out there? It's too far out to be a true satellite of Earth. It's too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been affected, and the moon then having taken up a nearly circular orbit about the Earth, are too small to make such an eventuality credible. But then, if the moon is neither a true satellite of the Earth, nor a captured one, what is it? So we send people to the moon. And we thought we'd get information, but we didn't. And planetary scientist William Hartman states in his book, Origin of the Moon. Neither the Apollo astronauts, the lunar vehicles, nor all the King's horses and all the King's men could assemble enough data to explain the circumstances of the moon's birth. So basically, guys, we don't know. We're still trying to figure it out. Right. Some people know. Well, yeah, some of the higher-ups drop notes, absolutely know. But telling us. We have to remind people that there was a time where there's writings and ancient cultures of a time with no moon. So at some point, that means it was brought here. And then there's the whole theory. I think Alex Kohler and other people talk about that it was-- it's a ship that was-- it was either towed here or moved here under its own power. And it was parked and placed in such a way. So it does something that no other planetary body in the solar system does. And that stays stationary, facing one side facing Earth at all times. Go ahead. No, well, OK. Thank you. So I just want to say, when I have mentioned these things that you talked about just a second ago to people, they just look at me, you know, like, oh, you're making that up. Of course, the moon has always been in the sky. And so I direct them, which I do have in the Moon Mysteries book, I direct them to the philosophers that talked about a time before there was a moon. And people are trying to dismiss it. But you can't take what the philosophers said over here and say, we accepted and what they said over here and say, no, no, we're going to put that aside. They basically said that there was a time where Venus was the only planetary object that shined in the sky. And they talked about a group of people. They were even able to date it back to their Acadians, who were a Greek race of people that lived kind of wild. They were, you know, living in the wilderness. And one of the philosophers explained, you know, how they lived, that they were wild people, you know, they were uncultured, but they were there before the moon. What's interesting also is there is a sun-- we call it the sun gate of Bolivia. I don't know if you're familiar with it. But this-- Well, no, I'm actually not. Are you Aaron? Yeah, yeah. Enlighten us. So this is an artifact found in Bolivia. It is a ruins that looked like it was a place that was a planetarium of some sort in a school, perhaps, for astronomy. Part of the ruins have writings and symbols from the people during that time where they wrote about a time without a moon and how and when that moon came in. And they said that there was disasters on the Earth with this thing coming in. And they dated it at about 12,000 years ago that the moon came in, which is a site note at Mantisworth destroyed around that same time in some cataclysm. So there is a question as to if the phoping was related, even to Atlantis. But I don't believe that the ancients pulled hopes or lied and there are symbols and writings. So I believe there is something to that idea of this being brought in. Now, if you go back to the 1970s after the Apollo 11 went up, there were two Russian scientists who looked at the evidence that NASA had put together about the moon. And they said, you know, there's something really weird here. This just doesn't add up. And they wrote a paper. They were a two Russian scientists that worked for the government. And they put their reputations on the line with this. And they wrote a paper talking about what they looked at. And they said that, first of all, the moon is hollow, which they learned from us. And that's another story. But just briefly said, we all heard the story that the moon rang like a bell when they crashed their synth stage. And they were able to recreate that. So they were actually able to recreate that ring multiple times. So it wasn't just a one-off thing. Right. It wasn't a one-off thing. And there was a prep-- people say, oh, people made this up. No, there was a press conference way back then, right after that. And the officials were saying, you know, we rather not comment on what happened. But it just seemed like it's hollow in there. And we don't see how it could be hollow. It can't be natural if it's hollow. It didn't want to comment on it a lot. But the scientists did say that. So the Russian scientists came forward and they wrote a paper. It was published in Sputnik magazine. And what they said out after looking at the crater size on the moon, whenever a meteor hits the moon, no matter how heavy, it seems that all the craters are at the same size. Same depth. Right, same size, same depth. Yeah. And they said that the moon was made up of these elements. That are, you know, we just don't find here. And if we do find at least one of them, it's in very small amounts. And it looks to them that if you put these elements together, I believe it was titanium, taconium, and our chrononium. Pardon me if I am purchasing the names of the elements. I've gotten pretty fast from audiences before about that. But anyway, but they said if you were going to build a fortification on something to make it be able to stand the time and radiation of being in the, you know, traveling across the universe, they would choose these materials. So these scientists said that and a few other things. But they concluded that the moon is not natural, that it was created outside of the universe. And since, since here, now whether or not the moon was sent here as a means of helping the Earth to thrive, that's a theory, or whether or not there was a, it was a generation ship, perhaps, you know, with extraterrestrials on it, maybe fleeing a super, a sun gall Don Nova, who knows? But they believe that it was sent here on purpose. Anyway, I would like to share a quote with you because from these guys, because it was very interesting. They said, the scientists said it is more likely that what we have here is a very ancient spaceship. The interior of which was filled with fuel for the engines, materials and appliances for repair work, navigation instruments, observation equipment, and all manner of machinery. In other words, everything necessary to enable it to serve as the Noah's Ark of Intelligence, perhaps even as a home of a whole civilization with the idea of a prolonged, perhaps thousands of millions of years existence and long wandering through space. Right. Yep. I think, well, go ahead. I don't want to interrupt you. You're on a roll. Yeah. Hold it on because this is connected to the space. So there is a story from out of Africa by the Zulu people. They believe that the moon was sent across the universe in place here as well. So their ancient story tells of two extraterrestrial brothers. I'm going to call them extraterrestrials. They said they look like reptiles. And that these these brothers had created this egg. They called the moon an egg, hollowed it out. And since it's across the universe. Now that so closely matches the theory of the scientists that it's just kind of blew me away. Right. Yep. I think that that is likely the case. I would agree with that. So, man, there's so much. So we have-- And you've had-- there's multiple insiders and whistleblowers that have come forward saying that exact thing, the moon, is it's not a natural object. It's a ship. It was parked here. And one time ago, William Tompkins says this. Well, William Tompkins says, first of all, it's no moon. Second of all, it's not ours or-- It's not our moon. Yeah. It's not our moon. It's not a moon. And it's not our moon. And that's interesting. Also, I think it was Alex Collier who said that he was told by the Andromeda's or whoever that somehow he was able to confirm what they told him was that there was a metal shell underneath the Earth's crust, which would make sense with some of the elements that you were talking about, that they were picking up. Because it would have to be something like that if it was an actual ship. You would think that it's not completely organic. And we have John Lear, who talked about-- He said, well, he claimed that the backside of the moon had cities on it. And it was, if you were to fly back there, it would look like Manhattan. And we've had other whistleblowers that claimed, no, that's not true. There's only a few bases back there. Regardless, we can agree that there are bases on the backside of the moon. And we've had other whistleblowers claimed that there's ancient remains of like an ancient space battle or something. There's remains up there of past civilizations. NASA's own data that reveals that. And they scrub out a ton. But even what people have been able to find, you clearly see ancient ruins and outlets and all kinds of stuff. Right. So they have-- there are craters up there that looked like they were created from a nuclear explosion, not your typical kind of meteor craters. They've got all of the-- I'm not a scientist, but all of the elements of craters that have-- there's one on Earth that looked very similar to the one on the moon. And it was created from a war. So they have found those up there. I spent the time with the second book trying to connect these dots. And whether or not we have an extraterrestrial connection to the moon in that perhaps whoever was or is on the moon, where they connected to us because they brought that ship here for whatever reason. And some of them came here. Who knows? But as far as connecting it to the war, we have places on Earth in South America where there have been cities found that were looked as though they were in a nuclear war that had nothing to do with our time frame. They can't place it. They don't understand it. It was before the atomic bomb here. But there are these cities there. And they sort of reflect what has been described on the moon. And so there are some that speculate that perhaps we have a galactic connection. And maybe there was this war between not only Earth and the moon, but also Mars. Because they're saying the same thing about Mars. So there may be that connection to us. And this could have happened before our human history because there is talk that human history started more than one time that we existed, that there was a cataclysm. We existed, we started again, another cataclysm. We don't really know what happened way out there. And the scientists are scratching their heads when they find atomic-- towns that look like they were in an atomic war. Fortunately for us, we do have a few writings that have been handed down where we call them myths, mythology. And that's just an easy way of saying, oh, it's not real, but they don't really know they weren't there. And the mythology ties in with some of the artifacts being found in the world now. So do we have a galactic connection? And whether I wore up the world long ago, and we just don't have a memory of it, or the writings, maybe the history was in the Library of Alexander. Alexandria, for example, that famous library that burned down in Roman times and during Julius Caesar's time, I believe it was, had a lot of information. And it may have had extraterrestrial books in there about our connection with them. So I do talk about that. I can't do it all here, but in more detail in the new book. But yeah, I do wonder. And also, so whoever may be on the moon may be the result of the beings who came here initially. We don't know who and what they are and why they came. But what's this, a generational ship where people were in there for a long time, lived and died before reaching Earth? And they're there. Are they inside of the moon? Are they on the moon? You know, on the surface, we don't know. Yeah, yeah, and we shared, I think, we've heard that a core grid even said that the moon is inhabited. But with tons of people, I forget what number, thousands, if not millions of millions of people, they who live out their entire lives there, they're born there. And the inside of the moon is an entire habitable zone, basically. And he even claims to have been brought to the moon in the secret space program and was given a tour of some of the lava tubes. And he was surprised to see people in coats with NASA on their lab coats. But he figured out that this was a covert side of NASA. This was a compartmentalized aspect of NASA that the main, the public, doesn't know about. So even though NASA is a face in the front for a lot of what's actually going on in space, they do have a compartment that is in the know, I believe, that we just don't know about. And, you know, there's so many things that are going on inside the moon, all of these whistleblowers who claim to be in a secret space program, claim to have been taken to the moon first before they were stationed elsewhere. So it seems like it could also be a jump, a jump room or a jump point for the go to the moon first. And then you go wherever you need to go, whatever happens up there, who knows? We've heard prison planet, we've heard cloning. We know, we've heard that there's the lunar operations command, which is three separate bases. One of them was in the shape of a swastika, which isn't that far out of the realm of possibility, considering that there is a Navy base in San Diego that is in the shape of a swastika as well. And if there's the same group of people who are running this space program, it's not a surprise that there might be a structure in that shape up there. There's a lot going on. - Reptilians are, use it, you know. - Well, yeah, that's the question, you know, I've been trying to do this, the tracing back, but are we up, are there humans there with, you know, ETs? Who are the ETs or is it just the reptilian embrace or were they ETs there before they came in? - Mm-hmm. - Were there ETs there that left? Maybe after the Galactic War, and they came in. We don't know if we're looking at the original beings or not. And are they all working together, you know, or are there certain areas of it? Now, certain areas where, you know, they're separated or, you know, where some are working together or if they're, if they're inhabited that were there originally. People have said, oh, you know, Constance, they've gone up. They've seen the move. We've done that. They didn't find anything. And I'm like, no, we've only looked at one person, less than one percent of the moon have been looked at by us, you know. And we live here in the U.S. here. How the U.S. can fit on the front of the moon, the back of the moon, the side, there's a lot of space. We've traveled to different cities, but none of us have seen the whole United States. There could be, who knows what going on there that we just haven't touched yet. And as far as the Apollo mission, you know, they selected certain areas, certain parts, they didn't want to land in, but in parts they probably knew they could land in because they weren't welcome perhaps. And then, you know, they just don't, they haven't seen it all also. As one host told me, you know, if there are extraterrestrials up there working and living, they can just turn the lights off when we want to go up, you know, we wouldn't find them. - Right, yep. Well, and well, that's another thing that the, so if a city or a base is in a crater, we've heard other whistleblowers claimed that they're, they're cloaked, that you think you're flying into an empty crater until you get through this field, this like force field, and then they fly through it. And then all of a sudden these buildings, there's all kinds of activity and almost like a city, basically, but if you were to fly over it or even view with a telescope, it just looks totally insignificant. This looks like an empty crater. So that's another possibility that they're cloaked. And like William Tonkin says, so this is a story directly from what he claims. So he clicked, like even the people at NASA at Mission Control, Houston, they didn't even know that the footage that they were seeing was faked. So like they were, NASA wasn't even in on the coverup either. Like there was a major secret CIA coverup that even the people at NASA were unaware of. But according to William Tonkin, he was in a room in a Navy base in California during the original Apollo missions where he was being, where he was watching the actual live feed, which showed them land in a crater that was surrounded by craft. And they were basically scared off and told to go, told to go back home. And he explains that whole story how a certain part of the footage that was showed that a public was cut out and they blamed it on some type of radio blackout or whatever. There was a lot of shady stuff going on. So it's all very interesting. We have the Stanley Kubrick information where it's almost verifiable that there was some sort of hoax footage, regardless if that's what we were shown or not, there was some hoax footage or staged moon landing footage. - What I find fascinating too, is aside from humans that may have come from Earth and may be working there, I find it fascinating that there are extra trestrels on the moon and anybody on the moon that have lived there and died there and living out their whole life here, I really wonder what that culture is like. I tried to place myself in that situation because looking at the history of however this thing began, if it brought people in, where they like us, did they come in here? And there's been talk of us interacting with extra trestrels with our DNA and all of this. Are those a part of the group there? And do they come back and forth? It's just where the TikToks are coming from to tax. - TikToks, yeah. - Tax are coming from, I just wonder, I've seen footage with ships leaving the moon and entering and I'm like, are they going to Earth? Where are they going? Very, very interesting stuff. And the idea of the moon, there's an idea that it is a foreign country, that they're, you know, setting what people think about the secret space agency here aside, because if there's a secret space agency that are working with them, working up there, I wonder, you know, do they have to, you know, have some sort of agreement with the extraterrestrials that are there, is that a foreign country of its own, the moon where they have their own superiors and their laws and people living there. And where they humanoid. - Well, you bring up some interesting points that I haven't really thought about, 'cause all my research into the moon has been like, from what whistleblower testimonies and certain, you know, obviously some ancient cultures talked about the moon, but I've never really thought about who was on the moon before us, you know? We hear about all these apparently, apparently like space stations and bases from our space program, but your question you keep going back to is, who was originally there? Like who was living there before we ever made it there? And that's really interesting. That's really interesting to think about. - You know, if you look at the scriptures, I'm not scripture excuse me, texts from the, from the ancient Indians in the Sanskrit texts, they are pretty amazing. They talk about their thoughts traveling, you know, they had aerial technology and traveling the skies and also going as far as outer space to the moon and beyond. Now people again, they say it's mythology, but they specifically said that, you know, they could go to the moon. And not only do they just say they said do it, they laid out the blueprints for their aircraft to show how they were built. It talked about the energy they were using. So if they had people that are going back and forth, you know, that's very interesting, did they interact here? And also I was wondering, did we get stuck up there? Could we have had that technology way back when? To go to the moon and then there was a cataclysm here that prevented them from returning to earth. And that, you know, they actually may be human because they were going back and forth. You know, they could, they could be humans, they got stuck up there. That was a theory. And so yeah, so I've been coming from, you know, my whole, my new book takes it from the beginning and it goes, you know, all the way, you know, up to here. And, you know, I've got in there Einstein's letter, Einstein and Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer's letter of what to do if we ran into extraterrestrials, the, oh shoot. What is it, the Institute, oh gosh, my brain is freezing. There was, Nassau had sought advice on what to do if we ran into extraterrestrials and they got some advice from a government institution. So the idea is not a new one that there may be somewhere there that we may run into, but I would like to know if they're connected to earth. - Yeah. - Right. And you also mentioned you've seen footage of craft coming and going from the moon. Like there's that, that's actually real footage. It's telescope footage, you know. And I feel like if you had the right telescope that was able to record, and you could probably point it at the moon on any given time and probably catch something. I think it's very active. And one video in particular I saw shows what appears to be a little portal open up and then close again, which is really, yeah, that's really interesting to me, which means that that's, you know, probably another way they're coming and going to the moon. You know, we have these wormholes and these vortexes, which I think I've heard it described as a wormhole is how they get from point A to point B in the same dimension and the same. And then vortexes how you would traverse to a different dimension. - Right. - I don't know if that's accurate, but it's interesting to think about it like that. - I refer to it as the extraterrestrial highway. And in my new book, yeah, that they're traveling that way. And because, you know, oh, the mainstream, which makes me feel like I'm living in a different universe. You know, they're like, oh, there's, you know, there's no aliens, there's no extraterrestrials. You know how long it would take them to travel across the universe to find us sitting on the corner here. I'm like, no, there are portals, there are stargates, there are wormholes that they have learned to use to cut the distance and time, short. When it comes to traveling, but they're never going to talk about that in the mainstream, you give me headaches. So also for the people that are attuning into this show who don't know much about this story. And especially for those who that don't even believe you went to the moon, I get that all the time too. I just want to say that the evidence of whether or not someone is up there because there are people not familiar with the whistleblowers and who've never heard them. You know, I say go back to the basics. You know, they have been seeing movement and lights on the moon since the invention of the telescope. You know, this is a made up story. This is something that the astronomers at that time, they swore that there was life on the moon. They saw all kinds of things going on. And when we reached, you know, modern science, they said, oh, you can't live on the moon. There's nobody that can be on the moon. Well, they weren't looking at artificial environments. And they weren't understanding that we know nothing of extraterrestrials and how they live or their makeup that we are made, you know, with these avatars. I call them these our bodies are avatars. Fear to be able to live on earth. We don't know the makeup of another species of being that may be able to be on the moon, you know, with a little oxygen or, you know, they say there's a little oxygen on the moon or none. Or in some sort of outputted in some sort of AI technology, right? - Right. - So those, I'm trying to say that those astronomers way back then swore that they were seeing things and people and beings moving across the moon. And we discounted it and said, no, our science says no. But then we've come full circle because now, you know, even before NASA sent the politicians up, they commissioned two books, two catalogs documenting things that they have found strange things going on in the moon before they sent anyone up. They talked about the strange lights that appeared on the moon, above the moon, around the moon during lunar eclipse. There were lights moving. They talked about, you know, like there was one time someone said there's like this insect, I forget the name of the astronomer, so many of them. Insects moving across the surface of the moon, I documented them. You know, they traveled like, you know, 12 miles in 24-hour period or something like that. There are lights going on and off way before we sent the astronauts. Then, you know, we sent them up and the Clementine mission and the orbiters were back all of this footage of structures, even though they tried to hide them, a lot of stuff got through, a lot of stuff. So my point is that there have been even things going on in the moon before we sent the missions to the moon, you know, that let us know that someone somehow was up there. - Right, and it's all very interesting. And what's another telltale sign that there's some sort of cover up is that when NASA has questioned about it, they misplaced the files and they taped, and then when they asked about the footage, they said due to a shortage of funding, they had to tape over the footage because they didn't have the funding for new VHS tapes or whatever the hell they were using, like the most slap in your face, bogus cover story. It's almost like they just wanted to see what they can get away with telling the public. - Well, yes, oh, they could have just been irresponsible. There was one gentleman, and I tell you, there's so many names, I can't rattle them off. Sometimes people get annoyed at me, they're like, "What are their names? "I'm like, it's in the box." But there was one gentleman that went over to do some investigative work, and he said there were photographs and cardboard boxes in a warehouse from the mission. So I'm thinking some of them just today may have also been irresponsible. You know, that tape that came out a few years ago where they said they had heard space music on the moon. Do you remember hearing about music on the moon? Okay, so one of the missions, I want to say Apollo 12, where they went behind the moon for an hour. But when they're on the backside of the moon, or the far side of the moon, it gets out of touch for an hour, and it really wasn't space music, it was more strange sound. And the astronauts could be heard talking about it in the recordings, but they recorded everything, their transcripts of everything. They said, "Oh, do you hear that? "Oh, that's weird space music. "Oh, nobody's going to believe it, should we tell it?" No, we shouldn't tell it, because they're going to, you know, if they were cuckoo or whatever, what's worth tonight's back. So they didn't tell it. Then they came back and all of the transcripts and recordings were filed away. Years and years later, they found these things in a box, somewhere in a drawer. Okay, so my point is, they could have just been irresponsible, and lost some of this stuff. And even though it sounds stupid, that they recorded over it, they just made it happen. - Right, I mean, anything, anything is possible, but it is suspect, you know, you have to ask yourself, like, "Okay, what's actually going on here?" - And the other thing, excuse me, that I wonder is, do the people working at NASA today, have any clue about what they were hiding back then? Those people are gone. They've died off. You know, I look at the astronauts, I was watching one young lady last night on the news, she was an astronaut talking about going to the moon, and maybe, you know, further than that one day, and I'm like, "Do you have any clue what might be up there?" They don't tell you guys, and they don't take us seriously. You know, the researchers, whoever hands in it, they're not gonna take us seriously, I'm not sure they're telling them. They're talking about sending astronauts to the moon, and I'm still shocked that they, that NASA knew way back in the '60s, before sending these guys up, they had a catalog, you can buy it on Amazon, with all of these things that they had seen, and they still sent them up, but I'm not so sure that the new people get versed in this stuff. - Well, I don't think they do. I definitely don't think they do. I think it's all party indoctrination, and that's how you pull off cover-up, and that's how you keep the dog and pony show going, as you have the people indoctrinated in mind control and programmed enough who are top scientists and researchers and physicists, within NASA, who think they're working on the most advanced technology, the greatest, the biggest and best that we have as humanity. They think they're at the leading edge of all this stuff, when unfortunately, they're not, and that's where it lies, but you have to have those people in place, fully believe that what they're doing is organic and true, so it's believable for the masses that they're trying to deceive, because eventually, if somebody knows that they're lying to you, and they're just putting on a front, people are gonna see through that, but when you have people up there honestly telling you from their hearts that there's nothing on the moon, and all this mainstream logistics and these physics of why we can't get here, whatever, they're telling you all this stuff, they honestly, truly believe that, and people feel that they're not lying, that's why they believe it, so it's not even their own fault. Yeah, go ahead, Aaron. - But that doesn't mean they're right, just because they believe in that, but it's a mental thing, like you said, people don't question things if it's coming from an authority, it's coming from NASA, oh, that must be the truth, but yeah, like you said, everything is everything, it's compartmentalized in our world, and every single compartment is told they're at the top of the pyramid, when in fact, they're nowhere close to it for the most part, and they're lied to, there's truth mixed with a lot of lies, all of those for various reasons, you're only told, all the compartments are only told exactly what they need to know to run their compartment. David Eich talks all about this, and that's how it works, and like you said, if they try to control things with everyone knowing the truth, but trying to control them through that, I mean, it would be so hard to do for one, and like you said, people would see through, people can see through when people are lying intentionally, but when you get people believing lies 100%, you can feel that too, you know. So that's how the control, that's one of the most effective, you know, ways the control system works, whatever kind of thing. It's a matter of us taking responsibility to figure out for ourselves what truth is, rather than having it handed to us, and that's what we're doing on the show, yeah. - So have you ever heard the theory that the moon is like a prison planet or a soul harvesting station? Because I've heard both of those, we hear all of it, you know. What are your thoughts on that? - Yeah, so, you know. - Yeah. - I've had my hands in the research about life after death, and I've written a book about it for people like the encyclopedia of the moon, I did the encyclopedia of the unseen world, and there's nowhere in there in all of my research. Did anyone say that, well, I guess, you know, if they got caught, they couldn't go back and say it, I don't know, but no one said that they, they, you know, came across the moon, or that there was a problem. So as far as I can tell, I couldn't find anything on that. I don't like that theory, it's very disturbing. But I mean, I have so, there are so many people that come to me with stories about their loved ones visiting them. Okay, I have my own stories, you know, in that area with my mom and dad, you know, bivoting me after they crossed over. So apparently they did not get caught in any, you know, trap, you know, the story is for your audience. The story is that when you leave the body, after dying, and you see the light, that that light is a trap, okay? Don't, they're saying, don't go towards the light because that light is a trap, it's on the moon. There's a box-like object on the moon, and while, you know, you go towards it, and then you get trapped, and there are extraterrestrials up there are using it to, you know, harvest souls. But like I said, in my travels, for people who have had near-death experiences who have crossed over and come back, they went into the light and they saw the other side, and they've come back and reported it. So I can't say that the light is a trap. - Yeah, I personally think that's a scyop by the dark ones to get us to not go to the light. I think it's a scyop, personally, where that came from. - 100%, but what better way to trick somebody, like to keep them, if there is a soul trap, it would be, it probably wouldn't be on the moon, or like, let's just say there's some sort of system set up that forces somebody to reincarnate instead of transitioning to where they're supposed to go, and evolving their soul. It's a perfect scyop to put the message out on planet Earth that the light is a lie, or the light is a trap. So then these people die and they remember, oh shit, I'm going to the light, this is a trap. I don't wanna do that. And then they leave, they veer right or left, and all of a sudden they're in the trap. That seems to be more likely the case. - And the other thing is, I know this show us about the moon, but just on the site, you don't pass away and leave without some help. There are guides, you have guides, and so you've got your helped over. So I have yet to believe anything, like I said, it could be a trap for people going sideways. There obviously are people who have turned away and stayed here for whatever reason, but in the end, everyone does go, and they are called. They do, for even people who are stuck here as what we call ghosts, if you will. Eventually, they do cross over. But yeah, so I don't think people need to worry about that, and I really hate the rumor. - Right, me too. It's like fear mongering, really. It's just more fear surrounding death. First of all, they want you to fear death. Now they want you to fear what's gonna happen after you die. Like, where do I go? They want you to even stressed out them. So it's like you said, we have guys that are there, and I feel like we're all divinely protected and whenever that comes to that, and they don't want you to know that. - Absolutely. There was one lady who had killed herself, and she found herself sitting in a dark space, a dark place, and she was very worried about being in that dark space forever because she had committed suicide. And surely, sure enough, someone came. She could see the light coming. Someone came being person and came and took her and escorted her out, but they did tell her she had to return. - Yeah. - Even a person who found themselves in the dark, and some of that may have been of her own mind because we are a powerful spiritual being. In these bodies, she may have manifested that darkness herself thinking, I killed myself. I can't cross over. Sure enough, someone who came out of that light, she then took her out. Yep. So yeah, don't worry people. - Right, yeah. No, it's all very fascinating. And it's interesting, you can create that for yourself if you believe in something too. Like that's obviously how manifestation works, you know? You create your own reality based on what you believe is possible. And that can, I've never really considered that carrying over into the afterlife, but it's very possible and it's very interesting. - So one of the reasons that I go back to the ancient times we're trying to track our lives with the moon, our connection is because I think that as a species on this planet, we need to grow. Don't we want to be the ones, you know, who want to have that star trek. I'm gonna start on the trekking, that star trek future, you know, where we are using, you know, technology from the future, where we are traveling, where we have been welcomed into a galactic community. So, you know, if we have any connection to the moon and Mars and in all of the other planets in the solar system, because believe it or not, the other ones are said to be inhabited too, even though we cannot fathom it, they are said to be inhabited by beings that can survive there in their own way. So that's another story. But don't we want to make that connection? Should we know where we came from if we're connected to the moon and what's going on up there and whether or not it's gonna affect our future, even if we're not here, you know, there is a reincarnation cycle. There is, there are our kids and future grandkids. Why do we have to be the ones stuck, you know, in standing still all the time? So, I'm trying to get us to that point where we talk about the past and bring it to the future. - Right, and it's interesting to think about the possibility that, you know, life can exist in all, under all conditions, even the most extreme conditions. And we see examples of that here on Earth. And the coolest Arctic below zero climates and then even inside volcanoes, there's certain organisms that can live and thrive. And that's how they actually exist in those environments. And there might be planets out there that don't require oxygen for whatever species to live. It's probably, you know, specific to each atmosphere is what life is gonna look like on that planet. And we're this program that has to be our conditions. And there has to be that Goldilocks planet out there that's in the perfect place, position between the sun and, you know, whatever. - That's the only way life can, yeah. - That's probably the only way we're gonna, that might be one of the ways we'll find another planet most similar to Earth, maybe, you know. But I think that if a planet is uninhabitable on the surface, you can live underground. I mean, there's so many different possibilities. Some of these space stations we talk about, spaceships, cruisers are actually planets. Like our last guest talked about, and even Alex Collier talks about the ship that he was stationed on was had a huge ecosystem with mountains and rivers and waterfalls and just, you know, life, an abundance of life. It's really interesting. - It's a ship. - Yeah, the city ship, have you heard that phrase before? A city ship and they just, we're also of their own, which is of course what the moon just may be in there. You know, just really interesting stuff, yeah. And also there are city ships thought to be near us that are ready, I hear, to lift some of us off if there is a moon-like catastrophe and an effort to save, you know, the life on this planet, the DNA of life on this planet. I hear that some of those ships are available, but it's complicated, but they are said, you know, to be out there. And, but we're at a point on this world where we're still trying to convince people that these things are real and that they exist. They, we're at the point where we have people like you guys who are trying to get that word out to help us to, you know, lift ourselves up, you know, to be more, but I mean, you know, you talk about this stuff with what I call mainstream thinkers that are, you know, may be doing great work in the world and not putting down mainstream thinkers, but just trying to open people's minds to these possibilities. And even when you're showing them evidence of things, there are people all over the place talking about, for example, the moon, ships that they've seen, they're documenting it. Different countries have documented this stuff and you show it to them and they're just, you know, they're, they can't accept it because they've been indoctrinated for so long with one way of thinking. - Yep. - And we've got to, I just think we have to move past, you know, past that. - Right, and it's all frequency specific. It's all frequency specific. What I mean by that is some of this stuff that is out there, if somebody's programmed and indoctrinated enough into a specific frequency, they might not be able to see anything that exists in a higher frequency outside of themselves. So when they look for these UFOs or things that they hear other people talking about, they literally can't see it because of their vibration. And the people who are vibrating at a higher rate can see that stuff. And I think there's like so many levels even above, even above us that there are other things that exist. I've heard theories that there's four moons that exist and you can only see them depending on your vibration. I've heard that there's two suns, same thing. Who knows, it could be, maybe it's that vibration is, in fact, another dimension. And just by raising your frequency, you're automatically seeing bleed through from that other dimension. But somebody who's existing, who's programmed and been dumbed down by the system and is willingly operating in the matrix, they're not gonna have access to that stuff. So it's in their reality, it's not real. - That's interesting, that would explain a lot as far as, you know, I've heard people, for example, I have one friend who created a film documentary who said black people, it said, the name of it is black people really do see UFOs. Okay, now it had nothing to do with, what I'm gonna say has nothing to do with race really, but that's the name of documentary. My point is she lives in Chicago, the Chicago area, and she was reporting UFOs all the time outside near her home. And people weren't seeing them. She had them on film, but they were not seeing them. "Well, what are you talking about?" I was out there last night, I didn't see anything. You know, what are you talking about? She says, "I thought of that document." She did, she had them right there. It was almost as if they were appearing for her, but others weren't seeing them until they looked at the tape and they're like, like a lot of times we'll get, I don't know about you, but strange things appear on the doorbell, the ring. - Right. - Right? And you know, you don't see it, but then you see it on the film. Well, that's what she was getting, but she could see them. And the other guys weren't seeing them, but she got it on film, but strange. - Yeah. - So that, let me do what you're talking about. - Yeah, sometimes an experience that happens in real time. I just had this happen to me in Florida in December. We were doing, it was for the 2012-21 solstice. We were doing a ceremony, a Native American ceremony, whatever, and we had a circle and there were playing some drums and I swear to God, a craft came above our circle in the sky, the middle of the day, it was a white, a white glowing craft. It just came and stopped. And it was parked there. Everybody in the circle saw it, except for one person just could not see it. They didn't know what we were, they didn't know what we were talking about. And she was just like, I can't, I just can't see it. I don't know what, we're all pointing. You're like, look here. And then once you saw it, you could not see it. And it stayed there, it stayed there for the duration of our meditation. And we were all watching it. And it moved, it was moving a little bit and all of a sudden it just disappeared. And it was totally fantastic because daylight sightings are always exciting, but she, the one girl could just couldn't, simply couldn't see it. And it's very interesting, you know, why that would be. - Yep. - Wow, that's good. - Well, that's my mind. - Yeah. - I've only had one, two experiences where I saw a craft and I'm not out much at night anyway. So I'm usually only, I had to try to stay up anyway. - Right, I did that. - When I was a kid, I did see something that was huge. And I get headaches thinking about, you know, I tried to figure it out for years, you know, what it was. I could have seen once I understood that airplanes and helicopters are made noise and that they can't hover. (laughs) They understood that. I'm like, oh, that was a UFO. Oh my God, that must have been some kind of ship, you know. And then I saw one, I mean, this, that one was huge. And it was a traditional circle in the blackness. I could even see it and it had lights. And then I saw one, a gorgeous one when I was having an out-of-body experience, Astra traveling. - Oh yeah. - So there's there too, there are ships out there. And this may be the case with the moon too because I've heard about other ships being seen over the moon, but, and then they're not there anymore. There are ships that are invisible right there, you know, and you can see them if you're in the astral, you know, in the astral body and you can even, you know, you know, go in in a lot of times people. So I believe that that a lot of people have come in to these different planetary bodies for various reasons. And for Earth, I call them ground troops that they were sent in here to do specific work at this time. A lot of people refer to them as star seeds and light workers or even wanderers, I've heard people that have come in here to help people raise their consciousness so that they can see up. So that they can lift, you know, up and that we can evolve at the species. Or with my point, so yeah, oh, so some of us, I believe, you know, have come into these material bodies that actually did come from, you know, those ships that are in the vicinity to work here. Now, when we come in here and we can live out a whole lifetime from birth to gray hair, you know, whereas if we leave, you know, that home, ship, or planet, or wherever, and it's just a moment in time, you see. So it seems like a look, 'cause I walk around and I'm like, oh my God, I'm so tired, you know? (laughs) I wonder more here. It's true that I think we have come in here to work and sometimes we are off planet when we go to sleep and we can return and we can see and we can interact with the people, you know, in that ship and then come back and continue on with our work. But I believe a lot of people are here to tell people and to help, you know, get through to them that we really are in a sort of a galactic community. I call it the Star Trek community. - Right, 100% agree with you. We are definitely doing work when we go to sleep in dream space, at the astral traveling out of the body, whatever it is, it's quite fascinating. And sometimes you wake up with recall of that in memories and some people more than others and they have amazing things to tell and share. And what's interesting about that is they may go somewhere, they may be going to a mother's ship above the moon and they'll tell you all about it, but you will never see it with our physical eyes. It's existing in another dimension, another frequency. So it's all fascinating, but I agree with you, 100%. We're all working, we're all came here for that reason, you know, yeah, I like that. - Yeah, we have to put the pieces together and it's not just a moon, you know, they're, we're all connected to all of the planetary bodies. Like I said, they all have something going on with them. And, but I think that we need to educate ourselves and learn more about what's going on. - Right, yeah, 100%. I mean, that's what we're doing the show for. I mean, it's to spread awareness and, you know, even the people, even the haters, the trolls, the people that disagree, they're still hearing, they're turning it in for some reason. They're still hearing all this, whether they believe it or not, it's still planting a seed and at the end of the day, it's restructuring that DNA blueprint, I think. And that gets passed down to the next generation. And eventually it's just common talk and everyone has that direct knowing again. - Right. And so even when we're, even when we're triggering these people, it's almost a good thing. 'Cause you know, you're not inside of an echo chamber. And you know, this information's getting out there. And then you almost wonder if it's by design, you know. - So I think it is by design. Like I said, I think people are coming here to do this work, to talk about these topics and to wake people up. - Yeah, right. Just going back to the moon, I'm just looking, glancing at my notes, a few things I wanted to touch on. In particular, I've mentioned John Lear a few times. For one, rest in peace, he recently passed away and he did a lot of great work disclosing this information, including his John Lear report from 1987, which has full disclosure. It's an entire booklet, 30 page book of this information that'll blow your mind from that time from 1987 and earlier. And he claims that the US went to the moon secretly for the first time in 1962. From technology we recovered from a record craft in 1953. That's his information, you know. So, but it's interesting to think, okay, if we were, if that's accurate and that was the first time the US was going to the moon, that's 62, that's be 40 Apollo missions. Did the Apollo missions start, it was 69, right? Or 68, yeah. So, if that's the case, they definitely knew what was up there already. - They did know, they didn't know, they said they put out a report that they read, I hear they regretted it. The catalog of TR277, 2777, the catalog of lunar events. You can get it on Amazon with a lot of, going back to the 1,600th forward to the 1950s, of Strange Phenomena. They knew, they knew and they sent people up anyway. It could've been anything up there. - Right, there could've been multiple purposes. Another thing William Tomkin said was that this was like a Freemason ritual. So, when they went up in 1969, they put a Freemason flag and they did a little ritual or a ceremony, and that was all filmed separate. And then they rolled the cameras and then they acted out the American flag. I think, who knows? - I heard that. - Who knows, but we understand the Masons and their involvement in all the Illuminati and all that stuff. So, it's not surprising. - On to the date they do things, the time they do things. That book that I gave you, "Dark Mission." - Yeah, yeah. - That basically discloses everything about NASA, what they really are, what they really are doing. Everything they do has an occult meaning when you look into it, down to the dates, the times, the locations, where they landed on the moon, down to every single detail, is all lines up with occult knowledge and everything. And it's rituals. Like you said, they do these things as rituals. And it just shows you, like, the people behind NASA are, you know, and the people behind the people at the top of the Freemasons and these secret societies are what we would call the Illuminati, the cabal, different names for them. But they are essentially occults that they have all this occult knowledge which isn't good or bad. Occult just means hidden. It's just esoteric knowledge that's been hidden from most of humanity. And they use it for nefarious purposes and for keeping themselves in power and keeping us oppressed and stuff. But yeah, NASA is very, very occult. Even the name NASA and their logo, everything about it. - A lot of logos have that in it. It's going to be interesting to see how the rest of this year plays out in the years to come because we're seeing major shifts and every day. There's things happening. It's not going to be the same planet. It's never going to go back to normal. Like we're evolving, we're ascending, and we don't want to go back to normal because that was the illusion. You know, even though things appear that they're dark and nasty right now, it's always been like that. It's just now surfacing and people are seeing the people in control for who they truly are now. And it's up to us. It's up to people like us and all these truthers to lead the way and keep this information going because they're trying to stop the flow of all information. - That's right, wow. (laughing) - Interesting. - We're in the great revealing with Apocalypse Means. - Right, we're in. - We're in for great revealing. And for our current update on what's happening on the mirror and according to our most recent Navy whistleblower who claims to be a part of a program that goes to the moon in real time, on real missions sometimes. Within the past few months, he claims we have gone there and learned about a galactic space academy that is ready to roll. He said it was an abandoned space port that was repurposed for, it's gonna be an academy for basically people joining the space force. Right now it's secret, but he says, if we get any sort of disclosure that's gonna be known, it's gonna be a known an academy on the mirror eventually. So if he's, which I have no reason to believe he's lying after speaking with him for over a year and a half now, and some of the things he showed me, if that is accurate information, it's fascinating. - Interesting. - Right. - Wow. - Well we'll see, won't we? - Among, you know, among, there seems to be a space race, again, all these countries are trying to get back to the moon right now, what happened? All of a sudden, it's a hot item again, you know. There was definitely something occurred, and there's, you know, obviously theories, but... - Well, maybe they discovered helium-3 is not... Well, I don't know how they would get that back. You know, I was hearing that helium-3, you know, it's an abundance up there, and countries are interested in it. But then also, I'm not a scientist, understand that it's not so easy to transport back here or something, so I'm not sure that's what it's about either. - Right. - It's so wide, all has to be a secret. - Well, yeah. - Maybe one day we'll find out, maybe one day we won't. At the end of the day, all this information doesn't matter, believe it or not, because what matters is what we're doing every day, you know, for ourselves and evolving, and sometimes we get distracted by all this information, and we forget to work on ourselves and do the inner work and the shadow work, so we can get to that vibration, so we can have conversations with our ET brothers and sisters, and we can see these things that we only have heard about before, you know, there's so much that we're capable of, and instead of always constantly looking externally for information, if we truly get to a place where our vibration is in resonance and in alignment with source and working from the heart, operating from the heart center, I think that we have access to all knowledge, and we can tap into information and things that we will no longer have to research, because we already know it. Or maybe I just made all that up, I don't know. No, no, that's very true. And we'll be telepathic and, you know, all the rest of it. Yeah, they're waiting for us to meet them halfway. They're waiting for us to grow and rise to the occasion and all the rest of it before they're going to fully start interacting and revealing themselves. Well, I hope it's sooner than later. You know, we heard about the, um, the, uh, the writer from Israel, um, what's his last name, Eson, Eson? And, uh, you know, he shocked me. He shocked me when he mentioned the galactic federation. Um, oh, yeah, yeah. I was in my kitchen with my husband and my, my two, well, they're not kids, they're young adults. And I told them about the galactic federation years ago, and nobody remembers them. You know, they're always listening to me. They've got their own stuff going on. And I'm like, whoa, did they just say the galactic federation? And he was saying, you know, the news was saying, wow, this wasn't a mainstream. Basically that, uh, the, um, extraterrestrials had told him that Earth is not ready. Earth is not ready yet. But I had heard of that, the galactic federation, you know, 30 years ago. And so it wasn't news to me, but I was shocked to hear it in the, in the mainstream. So the question, oh, one of the questions that I do ask in my new book is, uh, you know, are we really being held out of, you know, kept out of the loop by officials on Earth? Or are they the extraterrestrials? Uh, because they don't believe that we're ready yet. Because they don't want to see, uh, worldwide chaos. Um, now there, the Earth officials may think, okay, this will be the collapse of civilization if they tell us, but it could be that the extraterrestrials are directing them to hold off. I think it's both. Right. I think it's a mixture of both because yes, there are the controllers that are trying to stay in power and not, but then at the same time, yeah, we're not, you know, you look at a collective level. We're not because most people would freak out. And, um, so I have a feeling that certain events need to play out and to get us to a level, most people to a level that we can, and that's, I think that's part of the reason why things get dripped, disclosure it out. And like, you know, the more, the more people can open up their belief systems for one to the stuff and not have it be such a either you laugh at it, like, oh, that's ridiculous or like scared of it and in fear. And unfortunately, you do see that agenda played out where a lot of, a lot of mainstream media and a lot of these people and organizations are like pushing, are like fear mongering about, oh, an eight, a possible alien invasion. Oh, you have those are a threat. Oh, my God. Be scared. And then all the Hollywood movies, everything is always alien invasion and alien invasion. The scary aliens are going to get us. That's right. So if, if we can like break out of that and be open to other life beyond humans and, and if they do show up, be not afraid, not scared of them, but not also, yeah, just not, I mean, I guess that's it because if they show up, there's no more denying they exist, but then it's a matter of not being afraid. And you have to think of a benevolent race isn't going to come here if it's going to make things worse. But if, if, if they've probably analyzed it and if them showing up is going to cause chaos, division, destruction, even casualties, death, yeah, then what's the, then it's not helping. No matter how many of us want them to show up and just rip the bandaid off and everybody can deal with it. If they're truly in alignment and truly here for humanity, they would never do that and, and cause all this chaos. So if, if they're feeling they're doing every, they're doing everything they can to help without directly doing that to, so they're like, the UFO sightings are off the chart. I think they're doing that on purpose to like get us ready. What's that? Like, oh, maybe they're eating, you know, get us to open our minds to it. Right. And energy and everything else, you know. So have you guys heard about, you know, do you know the Jean Rotterberg story? Yeah, yeah. Well, maybe about him sitting in on channel sessions. Okay, we'll go ahead. Okay. Okay. So basically, oh, yeah, the council of night. Yeah. So basically, um, he was sitting in, uh, on these sessions with extraterrestrials who were, he wasn't with them. They were using telepathy to give information to a channel. And he had heard about it, Jean Rotterberg, and he was sitting in. And the story is that, uh, it was, he got these ideas for Star Trek. And, um, there's another show that I just actually learned about this old show, but Star Trek and this other program, um, as a way of introducing the public to the idea of first contact and that we're not alone in the universe. So there are some, uh, stories out there that say that extraterrestrials are using our media, the good extraterrestrials to, um, sort of prepare humanity for the idea of one day, you know, coming into a galactic community. So that is, yeah, one way that they're, you know, trying to reach out, which would make sense. Absolutely. That's, I believe that a hundred percent. I think some of the movies, I, I even take it as far as I wonder if some scenes in certain movies might even be filmed off planet on an underground base or another, whatever. And they slip it in and you would never know the difference if you're, if you're looking at the real thing or not, just like we've heard, um, start, Stargate SG once and see, in season one, we've heard that there's two scenes in particular where they actually used footage of the actual Stargate in Cheyenne Mountain. And, uh, it, you would know, you never know the difference because you just think you're watching a, a movie set. If it happened once on that show, there's no doubt in my mind that it's happened in other movies and shows. I just, I feel like that's true. I don't know. That's amazing. You know, I hadn't heard that one. Um, you know, I did come across a, when I was writing my book, you know, when you're writing all of the stuff kind of comes, you know, back and out of you and I've got guys helping and, and, and, you know, we all do. But in this particular instance, um, I remember it seeing a Star Trek episode, um, where there was the, uh, Federation Captain Kirk and his crew were chasing a meteor, no asteroid, an asteroid. And this scene was about to crash into a planet and they had to go and stop it prevented from doing so. And they beam down to this thing only to find that, um, it was a world and it was camouflaged to look like an asteroid. This was before, you know, uh, the Halloween theory came out. It was, uh, so with a whole civilization living within this thing that on the top looked like an asteroid going through, through that space and on the inside was a generation of people who thought they were in a were on a world. And, um, you know, they were actually, uh, they were fleeing from, uh, a cataclysm on their planet and they went aboard the scene. Yeah, that story was out there long before, before Star Trek, you know, it went up and some of the, I believe that the name of it is the moon is hollow and I have touched the sky. And, um, yeah, some of the, the scripts that they were talking about from the Star Trek show is that Jean and Broadenberry had gotten some of these ideas from that channeling session. So who knows what part of it or how much of it was actually true and they were trying to, you know, feed it to us that way. Right, right. Whenever I was talk, just talking about the Stargate stuff and being, and other movies being filmed off planet and stuff, uh, I got a major hit in my left ear and that this, this, like, fabric, it's hard to explain. But I always, when that happens, it feels like it's like my guide's confirming like, yeah, where you're like, keep talking about that because it's true. Um, so I use that as my own little gauge, you know, I don't like, doesn't mean what I said is a fact. But, uh, for me, I feel like there's some truth to that. Do you know that there is a, uh, a picture of what, uh, some people think may have been a Stargate on the moon? Um, I don't know if I've seen that picture. I've seen this Stargate in Antarctica on Google Earth. Well, it's a theory and it would take, it came up through Michael Salah. Um, I don't know if you're familiar with him. Right. Yeah. And, uh, oh, yeah, we love, we love Michael. Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that. You know, I, I mentioned him on one show and the host just didn't, they didn't like it. Oh. Yeah. And they didn't like me mentioning a dim ski either, but you know, well, a Demski's interest is a lot of people that wonder if his information's valid or not. So, but continue what you're saying. Yeah. So, um, so in this photo, there really is what looks like a Stargate from like the TV series Stargate. It's round and it's blue. It's a round blue circle on the surface of the moon. And, um, he, he said, you know, it, it really does look like a Stargate. And I, you know, he wondered if it possibly could be because they can't understand what it is and why it's there. Right. What are your thoughts on what's his name? I had a Georgia Demski. What's his name? What's his name? A Demski. A-A-M-S-K-I. So, yeah, what are your thoughts on him? You know, I, I, I heard the various information that came out that disproved him, but he heard that about everything. Mm hmm. Right. Everybody's lied and everybody. Yeah. If you listen to the skeptics, it's ridiculous. I think he, he had an amazing experience. I believe him. And, uh, I think that, uh, we should, you know, take him as seriously as we take Alex Sawyer, who I also am happy to hear you talk about. So no, I, I think he's, oh, yeah. There is this art from me, their ballot. He is in my book. Um, he did see some interesting things on the moon. You know, he, um, you know, he, he, he talked about seeing, uh, people and I believe it was foil, foilage up there. Um, and, uh, he saw, uh, you know, a town. I'm getting my, I'm looking like this because I'm kind of getting my, uh, contactees in the book a little mixed up sometimes who saw what. Oh, yeah. He did, he traveled into his space, the first trip. And, uh, the Venetians told him about the moon and he took some pictures and he traveled again and he got more information. Um, I believe him. And I was happy to include him in my book. And I was happy to have the information he provided. Right. And I think, I think he was selected. Like so many are because of his open mind to it all. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's so, like you said, you nailed it. When you said everyone has been debunked or, or. It's proven as a hoax, you know, yeah, debunked in quotes, meaning like, yeah, no matter what whistleblower has come forward, somebody out there has in their mind debunked them. So it's really, it's up to you, the individual to decide for yourself. And it's not, we don't really need anyone else to tell us, you know. And, you know, somebody else has information that you should know. Yeah, share it. But I think that, um, you're not really going to find that information on the internet. If he was lying or not, you know, it's never going to be validated by any mainstream source. So you just have to read books like yours and make them. Oh, thank you. Or go or he's got books out too. I mean, you know, George, I'm just, he, you know, did wrote his story down. It's here for everyone to, to read and, you know, make up their own mind. Right. But I don't let the naysayers get you. You know, you've got to think for yourself. Do your own research, for example, you know, with, with the whole moon thing. You know, I can share the story. If I consider myself a, I call myself a galactic historian. I'm keeping track of all of this. I want to do something with the moon. But I mean, I can share the stories and the information, but you have to, you know, keep the conversation going and do your own research, you know, really to, to get anywhere. Right. Beautifully said. I absolutely agree with that. Well, thank you so much for coming on. This has been a lot of fun. And I think we covered it. We covered it. We got, we covered it pretty well. Will you please let people know how to find you and where they can get your books? Oh, sure. So you can get my books on Amazon. Very easy. They're all under constant Victoria Briggs. The new one will be out in July, July 25th. They have the date up on Amazon. The, the moon mystery books. A book is designed to make it easy for people to just kind of get into this knowledge. You know, it's alphabetized. They can look up everyone from Neil Armstrong to. Cosmonauts or. Craters was what's in the crater. She's going to crater structures on the moon. You know, it's, it's a, you know, you can jump around. But then the second one is more in depth. It's just kind of deep into history and into theories. That's to who brought the moon here. Why it's here? What is this going on? But you can get the books on Amazon. I have a website. Constance Victoria You can email me there if you have any questions. There's also Facebook. I've got a moon mystery page up. You can find a galactic connection page with Constance Victoria Briggs. Beautiful. Beautiful. Looking forward to the new book. And I love how it's actually an encyclopedia that you can actually look things up. I mean, for research purposes, that's amazing. Yeah, that's the first book. Yeah, right. Yeah, exactly. Thank you. Thank you for mentioning it. Yeah, of course. Guys, go grab your book. Go check out our website. Yeah, this has been a lot of fun. Thanks for joining us. Guys, thanks for tuning in. This is going to be our last episode before the conference. And we'll be back after our conference. I'm not sure when we don't have anything on the schedule yet. It's wide open for now. But if you want, grab a live stream ticket. It's a little late to purchase an in-person ticket. I realize. But if you can make it, they're still available until midnight tonight. Otherwise, grab a live stream ticket, come hang out with us. And we look forward to seeing everyone there who's actually going to make it. We love you guys. Thank you for all your support. And until next time, have a great evening. For the average listener who's listening to these experiences, it doesn't make any sense how they could be doing this. Yeah, it's complicated because that's reality. Reality is coming. Our lives are in simple, we can't put everything in simple boxes in black and white. That ain't how it works out there. I think that they're going to want to give us a disclosure that brings people up to speed quickly, but also keeps them in the dark about the real important stuff. They're going to give us 90% of the truth with 10% of the lies. And those 10% of lies are more damning than all the truth can overcome. They realize that if this goes the way it probably will go, they could face crimes against humanity charges at some point with the International Criminal Court. And that's the bigger issue. There will be people who are political elites here in this country that people will not understand why they're being charged. You know, these people that everyone looks up to, they're like, "Oh my God, these people are so awesome." And all of a sudden they're getting charged for crimes against humanity. And what these people don't realize is these particular individuals enabled these corporations to do what they did. They're not going to drag us across the finish line, but it's going to be hard, but it has to be hard. So people will always remember, and this won't ever happen again. You know, it's all written in us. We're just kind of playing this about regardless of what the surface war happens to look like right now. And I think our purpose here is really developing our consciousness. This whole process is not just about what's going on in the world and this great awakening that's happening with all these different people. It's about the great awakening that's happening with all of the individuals and how we can take care of ourselves and keep ourselves healthy, you know, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. We're taught not to go into this part of ourselves that knows everything. We're taught to turn that off, actually, very purposefully so that we are in a confused state that we rely on authority, right? Because we incarnate for these experiences, you know. It's not a victim thing. I incarnate for this experience, so then the question is why. And oftentimes they, you know, they program us. They help in programming us and giving us those limiting beliefs. And we have to kind of shatter those and be like, "Uh, no, uh-uh." This is actually my divine self. This is actually what helps me align with the divine creator. And I need to purge all those things that you programmed me with or that the program's programmed me with. Understanding the larger picture in things like Secret Space Programs is really important. We want to know what's operating behind the scenes that's controlling these individuals in these leadership positions and this larger sort of negative ET agenda, but also the kind of support and assistance that we're getting, while also appreciating the fact that, you know, we're here to save ourselves and to, you know, step up to the plate. And it's really important to step up to the plate. [MUSIC] [MUSIC]