Journey to Truth

EP 185 - Jean-Charles Moyen - Lifetime Experiencer & French Secret Space Program Whistleblower

Originally aired on 4/24/22
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1h 42m
Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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Is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ O'Reilly Auto Parts ♪ Okay, so the rhythm, I make a sequel of a rather as a started revelation. It's people say, "Oh, it's an amazing story." But everybody talk about space force, a lot of things about extraterrestrial, we have no proof, we have no witness. So I am a proof and a witness now, because a witness watched my life. And after 25 years, they called me and tell me you are very a great courage because I don't want to talk from my family. But now I don't care. I want to help you, John Chanel. And I want to share with a lot of people that I see with you in the 25 years when I was in France. And it's a gift of the stars, because I don't know why now they want to talk, but it's an incredible gift for me. And I have a proof and a picture and my parents' testimony, there is 89, 81 years now. And they want to test the money for Earthstone because they want to share and it's time to share. So the part two of the reverse transition will be amazing, my friend, because for the first time of the world, there is a proof about Men in Black, about something that happens to me and there is a lot of witness. Now they want to talk to me. - Do you want to bring balance to all the wireless radiation fields in your life, including 5G? The Omnia Radiation Balancer is a small sticker you can stick on any device. It changes the state of the field and creates a new resonance between the wireless radiation and your energy field. On the link below, you'll see all our testing results that show how the body responds excellently once you've made this change in your life. And here's a special offer for the Journey to Truth crowd just enter the word truth in caps at the checkout for your 10% discount. It's easy to bring balance back to your body with the Omnia Radiation Balancer. - This is totally unreal that this happened like a 1942 on this planet. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - Hey guys, welcome back. A few things before we get started as usual. Guys, our conference is literally next weekend. It's right around the corner. There are tickets still available. If you feel like you can make it out, I know it's pretty last minute to try and come out in person, but there are live stream tickets available. We highly recommend you take advantage of that. I've been working a lot with a live stream guy and it's going to be really cool experience. Those tickets are only $111 and you can find those on We're super excited. We're really looking forward to meeting all of you guys. This is a first time event for us and we couldn't be more grateful for the way it's already shaping up and it hasn't even happened yet. So we look forward to seeing you guys all there. As you guys have heard me mentioned before, we have just recently joined forces with our friend Mason Firi, who started his own Orgon pyramid business, Merlin's lab. And we finally just got some ship to us. I'm going to show you guys because these things are amazing. These things are massive. This one weighs about as much as I do. Extremely high quality copper. They have the capstones on them, which I haven't seen many Orgon pyramids actually have. And this one in particular has some Lumarian quartz that's wrapped in double wrapped in copper. This stuff is just absolutely incredible. They have some sacred geometry on them. You can get 20% off these using the link below in the description. And I think that promo code is solstice and that will give you 20% off if you use the link below. Also one last announcement, Hopel Farms CBD. If you guys are looking to try a new CBD, they are having a 20% off sale, also a 420 sale. So you can use promo code JTT420 on the link below and you get 20% off all of their merchandise. That being said, tonight we are joined by Gene Charles Moyen. Many of you guys probably know who he is. At this point he's done a number of interviews with Michael Salah, Elena Denan. He has his movie "Sarsteed Revelations" and "Sarsteed Origin" which are both amazing. I highly recommend checking those out. And all of his links will be below in the description also. He has an incredible testimony about the French Secret Space Program. He's a lifetime experiencer. So it's not just SSP, this has been going on forever. He has an amazing story to tell. We're gonna get into some of that. And I actually love, I love the contrast from his testimony to a lot of this dark fleet and knocked off in information that we get because he was in a French Secret Space Program/Solar Warden and we'll get into all that. But it's a nice contrast to some of the other testimonies we hear. So welcome to the show Gene. - Thank you very much to inviting me. - Am I saying your name right, Gene or John? - Yeah. My name is Moyen, John Charles, John Charles. - John. - Moyen. - John. - No, John and Charles. - Okay. - Yes. - Because some people call me Charles. But no, no, it's John Charles. - And after all, Moyen. - Okay. I just making sure I'm saying it. - Like a medium, like a medium. - Okay. - I'm saying it, Americanized Gene. - Right. - Yeah, Gene, yes, yes. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So your story started as a child. You were an experiencer, as a child. You had, you were discovering that you had some capabilities and that other children didn't have. Would you mind going into that story and just starting us off from there? - Yeah, I was, when I was four, I was in some holiday with my parents and I played in the sand. And suddenly I disappear in front of my parents. My mother hurts me and worries John Charles. And it's a panic because a lot of people ask, did you see a little boy? And they don't see nothing. And the lifeguard and a lot of people search me during one hour. And the beach was very, very, very big, very huge in France. And they're crying and they stop in one hour. And in a few seconds, I reappear in the same place in the front of my parents and playing in the sand like nothing happens. So the life continues and I grow and I have a capacity after that. At this time, I don't remember nothing when I was, but when I dream, I talk to my parents and say, oh, I have a dream. I was in the spaceship with, when I was seven, I dream I was in the spaceship with a squad and an extraterrestrial, oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. Maybe it's an imagination of a child, like other child. But there is something very strange about my dreams because when I dream, I bring something in my dream. If I dream, I was in a Bahamas or a Caribbean. I wake up with a tan on my face and the sand in the bottom of my bed. And my parents was very, oh my God, there is something. So they hidden the truth about my family and a lot of friends because at this time, there is a 45 years, don't talk about that because you go to the psychiatric. And they protect me and every day, there is a lot of things strange about my life. I make telekinesis, I can move the objects and playing with the lights and shut down the light and research me with the power when I was tired. I was in the supermarket with my mom and I tell to my mom, oh, I'm the retired. Okay, you must sleep. No, no, no, I'm tired now. Okay, I close my eyes, put my hand like that and suddenly shut down of the old supermarket. And after a few seconds, light off, light on and I was very ill and very powerful. But at this time, there is a person with a box of peace and he hear, he listen everything about me and he was very shocked and frozen like that and my mom tell me, don't tell, it's not funny. So we go to the cash and to arrive to the cashier to pay the thing we are taking in the supermarket, there is a light in the cashier and I'm playing light off, light off, light off. And my mother stopped it, John, it's not funny. And the same guys in the other line lineups, Lisa again and was very, very surprised and probably traumatized. So it was funny for me because I'm a child and a child is a very pure and I play with a lot of things. And after that, I can heal people or animals and I just put my hands and the something happen. I don't know why, but there was a very, my hand was very warm, very hot and tingling and the people say, oh my God, I feel something better and I don't have earth of my knees, of my neck, of everything was a heal. And after that, I make a lot of dreams as to all travel but I don't know if it's really as to all travel because in a small travel, you can't bring something in your dream. It's like a lucid dream, but when I wake up with something about my dream really and after that, we take a picture and in one or two weeks, they disappear strangely. I feel a presence in my room and the next day, all disappear. But I'm not only one, I've watched this because my parents see this proof because I was in, I'm going to a nozzle planet. My dad tell me if you can teleport you because I think it's this solution, it's not a dream. Can you go outside of earth and I say to my dad, okay, I won't try, I'm a kid. So I listen to my parents. So for me, it's like a game, you know? Take, I dream about on terrace in planet, on terrace and there is a lot of beings like cat people fill in and I breathe and a crystal in the ground and it's very a bright dream, you know? It's like real. And I remember when I wake up in the next day, I tell to my parents, there is a very strange happening in this night because I'm sure I was, but can you bring something? Oh no, I don't bring something. I see crystal and when I come back, maybe, and the next day, I take my bag with a bottle empty and take my bag in my bed. And if I dream and I control my dream, maybe I can bring something, but I'm a kid. So maybe I can imagine that I dream the same place and when I wake up in my dream, I was in the pajamas and I was my bag. So it's curious because I can control my dream. So I know I don't dream, it's a bizarre, no? So, okay, I walk and beings, hello, hello, hello, cat people and a lot of things. And I have my feet in a little river and water, red water, with a lot of crystal inside. So I take my bag, I take my bottle and I feel my bottle with a crystal inside and I close my bottle and I walk and I wake up. I wake up with this, oh my God, this is a real dream. Hmm, and I take my bag, no bag, okay? But when I see my bag in the bottom of my bed, I take my bag and I listen, flock flock. Oh my God, I open my bag and there is a bottle with the crystal inside and the red water. The red water, so I go to the kitchen, my parents take a coffee and hey, do you know what? I'm was in the Antares too, oh, okay, oh yeah. And I take a crystal, oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. Wow, in the table, my parents was, what? We live in a Paris, okay? We have in the nine floor in the building and this is Paris, okay? Like no, possibly it's to you understand, okay? So my mother cooking something in the kitchen and she was very surprised about my dream and she burned her hand, very injury. And my father, okay, okay, he take a little piece of cotton and take the water and put to the end of my mother. My mother say, oh, what do you do? You don't know where, okay, no, no, don't worry, don't worry. And everything was healed. The berm disappeared, it's crazy. Using the water from the bottle. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, and my father want to more liquid and put a water, or a water, but the water turn black and the water not heal after that. But my father bring the crystal and he put the crystal in the little box and keep this box in the secret place. And one day the crystal disappeared too because it was a crystal from another planet and maybe beings knows that I have bring something and they don't want to prove about that because maybe my family and me will be in danger. So to protect me, they okay, you want to prove to your parents, it's okay, proof of your friend, it's okay, but don't keep this proof and they keep. And it's unbelievable because my parents during 17 years, remember that, remember every detail because you can't forget that, it's incredible. Right, so then that's an amazing, that's absolutely amazing. That's not something we hear every day. Even everyone has experiences but to be able to bring back a physical item, I love that and that's really cool testimony. So you eventually, you found your way into the secret space program. And I remember you telling the story about, I guess it was 1981 where you got a heat stroke, a summer camp and that's really where all this started. Would you mind touching on that and then we can get into what your time looked like in the programs? Yeah, all start when I was 13, I was in a summer camp and we go to I King in the mountain and at this time, I don't take my heart and I have a big, big huge sun stroke and I was emergency in a hospital because it was very, very painful, okay. So they do a x-ray to what's happened in my head because I have a big headache and in the x-ray, they discovered something very strange like in the beginning, the doctor thinks, oh, it's a dust, so he reduced the x-ray but after that, it's not a dust. It's like a tic-tac, metallic tic-tac and after that, they put me in a room to observe me and I remember, I was very designated and they put me in travenous in my home to a sugar and a lot of nutrients for healing and I was very dizzy and unconscious and I remember in the night, there is a doctor came to my room with a military guys and I tried to understand what they say about me and I can't understand because the military guys don't speak French, he's spoken German, he marked my mind because I remember and after that, I lost consciousness and I remember the before I lost consciousness, they put me a mask in my nose and with a green guys and something bizarre and I lost consciousness and I don't know how many times but I wake up by military guys with a white hair and blue eyes, it tells me, hurry up, get up, follow me, we don't want to miss the jump and what do you say, jump, what is this? So I trust and I follow the guys in a large corridor of hospital, I think at this time, they want to transfer me in the universal section because I have a lot of problem in my head, so I'm a kid, I'm a teenage, so I follow the adults, we arrive in a big elevator, there is a guys in a black with black glasses and there is a black suit with a red tree young girl in the handblum, in the chest and we enter in the elevator and we go to the basement but it's very long to go to the basement so I'm a little afraid and I realize it's not normal and the old guys tell me, don't worry, everything is okay, don't be afraid because when I was afraid, the light of and the guys know about me, I'm sure about that. So he was afraid of, okay, keep cool, keep cool, everything is okay, okay, okay, okay, don't destroy everything, okay? So we go to the basement and the doors open but it's not the same doors when we enter, it's a, I don't remember, the doors appear like in the bottom of the elevator, it's another door, okay, so we go to the big anger with a lot of kids in the groan, hospital groan, a groan or groan, I don't remember, groan. - Gown? - Think it's a gown, gown, thanks. And the military guys, the old guy tell me, everything is okay, don't be afraid, I must left you, now continue alone, okay? I'm very, I'm not afraid, I don't know. At this time, very inside of me, I have a powerful and nobody can happen to me. It's a curious feeling, okay? - Right, cool, yeah. - I just wanna recap really quick before we move on because this is a lot. So you were at summer camp and you had a heat stroke, they took it in an hospital and they found an implant, it looks like a little implant. Did they ever, did anything else ever come of that implant or do you know? - No, because after that, when I go to, with my parents, my mom receives a bill but not the radiography, not the x-ray and she calls and could you have the x-ray of my son? - Oh, I'm sorry, madam, because we lost, we lost her x-ray, okay? - Right, so I continue. - So to me then, okay, so then they take you and they say we need a hurry up, the military guy comes and says we need a hurry up so we don't miss to jump, which tells me that the heat stroke might have been like almost a direct energy weapon to bring you in in a specific time because they needed you for your abilities, you ended up in the basement of this facility with all these other children and then continue. - So I'm arrived in the table, in the front of me, there is a woman, she tell me, put your hand in this box and I put my hand in the box and I say what is that? It's for your DNA, okay? And I put my hand and I feel something tingling in my hand with a worm and after that, she give me a suit with an emblem, it's like a horse wing. - Like a pegasus. - Like a pegasus. - Yeah, the pegasus, yeah? And she tell me, go to the light in the lineup with the other kid. I go to the line and after in the line, we go through a big bluish light, okay? And when I arrive in like a liquid and after that, I'm arrived in a few seconds in another anger and there is a military and a guide with a wide suit and they test us for abilities, for fighting, for a fear. The most important was a fear to control our fear. They show a lot of images, there's a lot of things about fear. Many, many failed, but not me. - Is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ O'Reilly ♪ ♪ Auto Parts ♪ So, the guys, I recognize the radiologist with the military guys and I heard, "Defee the boys, I told you." And it tells me, come on, and I arrive, okay, go to this black room here. Okay, I enter in a black room and in the shadow, I feel something very strong, but I'm not afraid to. Oh, little afraid, okay? - Right, right, yeah. In the shadow, come from me, a big mantis. And she arrived, it very huge, very impressive, okay? And she take her power in my shoulder and tell me, "Don't be afraid, everything is okay. "You have been chosen." And I collapse. - Did she tell you telepathically? - Yes, yes, yes, telepathically. - Yes, telepathically, yeah. And when I wake up, I was in my bed in the same room in a hospital for my sunstroke. And, oh my God, what's happening? And I lost consciousness again. And I'm wake up by your own (mumbles) and what I was in the bus to get out the hospital to go to the summer camp because I'm healing, but I don't remember how I get out the hospital. There is something amiss about my memory. So I go to the bus and I am in the bus and go to the summer camp. And everything was a rise of my memory, except the tic-tac. I remember this time. So I explain, I am a kid, this is my friend. So I have no filter. And I explain to my friend in my room, hey guys, it's happening. They judge me, they're very, very bad. And I was very, very sad. Very sad. So I wait in the night, every people in every kid sleep. And I get out the window to go to the field near the mountain. And I'm standing in the field. And I say, I don't want to be here anymore. I want to pick me up, please. I don't want to stay here. And I remember, sorry, I'm very emotiva like that. And I remember, I see a star moving in the sky. And it was not a star, it was a disk. And the disk picked me up. I was teleported aboard a big spaceship. And these spaceships, there is a lot of creature waiting me and tell me, welcome to the Solaris. And there is a creature, Victor. Victor is my protector, my brother of star. And I invite people to know who is Victor in my video, because I spoke about Victor. When I first met Victor, it was in my room, somebody rumising in my room. And I wake up in the night, I was 12. And I see a beings in my room when I was in Paris. And we are in contact since this time. - So okay, that happened before the summer camp experience. We saw Victor come in your room and he was an ET. But I think I remember you saying, like whenever you saw him, that you weren't supposed to see him. And can you explain that story? - Yeah, when I was in my room, there was some noise in my room every night. And I sleep on my stomach. So I was paralyzed, it's voluntary. I think it's him. So in the other day, I prefer to sleep in my back. And if something happens, I just open my eyes. And I see somebody stand in the shadow. And I think, he think, if I don't move, he don't see me. So I see, I remember, I tell, I see you. And you move. And you in approach to me, income to me and tell me, oh, you see me. Yes, it's not normal because my vibration, my frequency is not the same. So you don't be able to see me. But I'm different. So I was able to see these beings. So he tell me, he sit on the bottom of my bed and tell me, hello, my name is Victor. I'm here to protect you. And I was in contact with you because in the future, you have something happening to you and a lot of questions. And you'll be a part of something very big in the world. So I must contact you now. So this is the first time. I think it's the first time, but it was not the first time. The first time when I was four, when I was abducted in the beach, I was in a space room with four beings, light beings, I don't see the face of beings. It was very bright. And when I was four, I was in a metal share liquid, they take my form when I move, they put my form. It's very, very curious. It's like an intelligent liquid metal and the stand move like this. And he tell me, don't worry, everything is okay. And I'm crying because I seen the space with the earth. And I remember I don't see my parents forever. And they tell me, oh no, everything is okay. And there is in my head and they talk in my head in telepathic and they put her finger in my head. And I don't know what they do about my head, but something strange, maybe the implant, maybe. I remember the light of and a beings enter in the room, it beings what with a suit, with the red eyes and the green skin, no hair, and it was Victor. And he bring me and he explained me something. And after that, they arise my memory. It's, and when I see Victor for the first time for me, when I was 12, it was not the first time because they wanna arise my memory about that. - Right, right. - Because it was not the right moment for remember, the right moment and it's an accident because it's such something in my room. And you don't think I see him, but yeah. - So then you found out that the Solaris was actually a French secret space program slash solar warden craft. Can you explain how you discovered that information? How you remember this, what your time looked like in the programs, you know, how that all happened? - When I was in a Solaris and they tell me, welcome to the Solaris. There is a blonde woman come from me and she introduced, hello, my name is Maria, but everybody call me Mary, follow me. And I follow this woman, this beautiful woman. It's incredible, perfect face, blue eyes and very bright. And I think now it's maybe Maria or sick, maybe, okay, but maybe because she correspond to simile tube and a lot of corroborate about something, tell Michael and a lot of people about a blonde, like with a blue eyes and maybe it's a Venusian. But she tell me, my name is Maria, okay. I follow Maria and we arrive in the classroom with a lot of beings, kids beings, a lot of extraterrestrial, except one child of Earth. And she tell me, there is an empty place. So go to these guys because you are in the same. We are two, only two kids of Earth. And these guys, these guys, these kids, her name was David. David, now we are friends in this, in Earth now, but at this moment, I do a movie about my life and he make a book about his life. And we don't know each other at this moment. And everything, it tell, it corroborates me. The same program, the same spaceship name, the same Maria, the same school, the same experience and a lot of things about our life. - That had to be a pretty profound moment when you guys discovered that you both knew each other. What was that like when you met him finally here on this plane? - A friend of mine tell me, there are the guys, it describes the same thing of you. Could you contact him? And I tell, oh, I don't have any time because I work to my movie and maybe one day and I work to my movie and you work to a book. And one day I tell, okay, I contact him because people, you know, these guys, these are the same memories. No, no, no, I don't know these guys. And we put in a contact and when we see him, we try, it was crazy because when I begin my story, it continue my story with the same detail and it's not a copycat, okay? It's a, I write everything and you write everything. And we take and this is the same things. And it was very incredible because I swear, I don't know these guys. I leave here in 18, 18 years in, I leave the friends 18 years. So I don't know who these guys. It's like I say, Michael, it's incredible story because he never heard that before. That two people have the same memory. And I have the same memory about the spaceship where I was and Elena Danaan have the same memories of another spaceship. And it was four years, four years, four months, I know Helena. And before that, I don't know Helena. And she writes a book and oh my God, my friend, it's amazing because I don't have heard a story like this, because there is a lot of people recognize me and corroborate what I say like Dan Willis. Now we are a good friend and we spoke together and there is some paper, secret paper, level, secret, they have something that I don't access. And the corroborate something in Antarctica, something. And I can't read this paper because it's a top secret. And how it's possible, I remember the same thing with the guys in the world that I never seen before. And I have a déjà vu when I saw Dan, I have a déjà vu. And when I saw Randy or Tony Rodriguez, I have a link with these guys. I can't explain, but it's the same thing with Tony. He feels something, it's very, now we know why. - Right. - Because when I was in the space, my work was to evacuate a lot of people in the slavery about another beings called Draco. And this is the program, when I was in the space program, it was in the two parts. The first part was when I was in school and teach a lot of things during a few years. And after that, they regression me to the same timeline when I was 13 and put me in the room, in my room, after my son's stroke. And after that, let me grow until my adult age. And at my adult age, when I was 20, I go to my military services, real in France. I was in a French commando parachuteist. - Okay. - And at this time, they put me again to continue and to do my really services before it was a training after I begin my mission. - So that was, when you were taking a 20, that was the beginning of your 20 and back. - Yes. - And when I was 20, sorry, when I was 20, I was in the commando parachuteist and a special force, you know. So in the training, I have a big injury in my shoulder. And they put me in a military hospital and hang on. I went in a hospital and when I arrived in a hospital, they tell me, don't talk with this guy in this L or wing. I don't know, it's a psychiatric department. They tell a lot of things, a lot of shit, okay. - But me? Okay, I want to talk to you. - And I talk with this guy and tell me, in the night, we smoke a cigarette and go to the room and the corridor and we saw something very strange. Oh, what, we saw a military with a doctor bring somebody in a bed with a wheel and they go to the basement of the hospital and we follow these guys and near the morgue in the fourth of five floors around the member, the elevator opened at the door and they read a reptilian and with a suit. And I say, oh, okay, you believe me? Yes, I believe you. And I decide to check me. Okay, I believe this guys, but I want to check. I'm in a hospital. So in the night, I get out in the basement and I'm in the front of a guard and where? Where do you go? Oh, I'm sorry, it's a wrong little. I don't believe you. So I look the guy in my eyes and the guys get out. Okay. I decide to the next night go in the basement. And in the basement, I see the same circus, you know, with the guys and the door of the elevator open, but it's not a reptilian. It's a tall gray with a same suit, but a big eyes with a big, big head and the bluish and like a gray blue, you know, gray blue. And oh my God, it's real. And at these moments, I go to my room. And the next day, I have to the doctor. I don't find the guys in the psychiatric. It's not your business. Sorry, where's the go? It's not your business. They're left, okay? And nobody knows where these guys go. And nobody knows nobody. At this time, the doctor tell me, okay, don't forget your treatment for your shoulder. We have a special device, a new device called Excalibur to repair in the infrared, the muscle in your body. So go to your treatments. I go to the treatments. It was a very special device. And they put me the connector in the connector. And they forgave me, they forget me in the lamp and they burn my shoulder. So I was a big injury and they was afraid that go to the justice and they don't want that. So they tell me a lot of medicine to repair my shoulder and I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will have a lot of medicaments for my shoulder. So in the night, I was in my bed and I was very dizzy because they put me a lot of like morphine, more fine. And I remember the doors of my room open and they were military and they put me in the bed and go to the basement. And at this moment when I arrive, they tell me, I'm wake up with the big, they pick me with IV, needle, needles and I wake up and no injury, no problem. And go to this table, put your hand in this box. And I remember putting children in this box, like when I was young, to compare my DNA, this is the guys. And after I put my hand in the box, they recognize my DNA and go through the lights again and I am in the front of Maria and she tell me, you know, it's not too long. Sorry, who are you? Oh, excuse me, follow me. And we enter in the room, the big cylinder, she take me, go to the cylinder and there is a light, like a photocopy, you know. And I remember everything, everything my training, and my mission begin at this moment. We enter in a big amphitheater with a big planet, with a constellation, maybe a confederation of a world. And there is a lot of beings, but the same beings in the class, but adults with a suit and Maria begin a speech and I wake up. - Wow, so they put you in some sort of a device that just recovered all your memories or it just took whatever it did. That's pretty amazing. And I've always wondered about a device like that, because there's so many of us who've been the part of these programs. And I've always said, if they have a way to block the memory, they have a way to unblock it, you know. So it seems like that device, that's what that did. It's really interesting. And-- - Yes. - So you think-- - And after that-- - Whenever they injected you, you think that was some sort of adrenaline or-- - Yes, adrenaline exactly, exactly. It wasn't the real life because it's like you take 10 coffee or 10 Red Bull and I'm very strong and no pain. And I was very, it was unbelievable. And I'm ready. So when I go to the, and when I arrive, she tell me, "Welcome to the Solaris." - Again. - Again, again, yes. Okay, so, I mean, there's so much to unpack here. So there-- - Yes. - Okay, your time on the Solaris, I remember you saying in a past interview that there were no human leaders on the Solaris. It was ran by ETs, is that correct? - Yes, yes, yes. I have a squad and each ETs and humans, I breed, have special abilities. My ability is why I can teleport me without any device, no device for me. Somebody has a belt with a teleporter and not me. And she called me, Maria called me, "You are a superstar seed." And when I was in my training, my training was different from other children. I will introduce a mentice, the same mentice I met when I was young. So she teach me a lot of things like the fight, imagine to fight against a mentice with a big power. So it's very difficult, you know, tak, tak, tak, tak. So, but it's not only the strong, it's in your mind because she tells me I want to prepare to you from a lot of mission. And if you fight against a Draco, don't fight against a black Draco. Who is a black Draco? Black Draco is a very, very dangerous, very speed, very strong, and you don't want that. So she teach me to think nothing I explain. If you have against a fighter like a Draco, he knows what you want to do before you want to do, you know? So you must create a screen and you want to think behind your screen, you want to kick. It's very difficult. - This has been explained by Elena, had somebody on her show a year ago, maybe longer, he came forward for the first time and then right after the interview, he passed away. But he talked about having to fight the Draco. And in particular, a sword fight in this case, but he described the same exact thing. He said that the only way to defeat them is you had to be, you had to trick them like that, like you just said, and not only did you have to trick them, but you had to be five moves ahead of them because even if you trick them, they could still see your next five moves before you were gonna, so you had to be thinking of your sixth move in order to trick them. And it was really interesting the way he described it, but you're describing exactly the same thing. - But it all works every time, my friend, because one day I failed. One day I was to say, I must say when a mission, a lot of people in the slavery in a mosque with my friend David Rousseau, the kid when I was with the Earth's kid like me. And we are a friend and a brother and I protect him because he is more younger than me. So I remember we are in the planet. And this day for the mission, David feels something wrong about this mission, but he won't share me, but I'm a fighter, I'm a specialist of fight. And no, don't worry, everything is okay. I have a belt in my body that I push the button and I have a force field around me and he protect me against everything, don't worry. But we arrive in the planet and we are surrendered by a draco and I push David to protect him, but I don't have the time to push my button to protect me. And you know what? The draco in front of me was a black draco. And he understand that I have no time to push my button in nose. So I don't have any time to feel, to think another thing. And the big tails slice the hair and cut me inside my back and I fallen in the ground. It was so painful, you don't imagine that. I feel I'm dead. And the team has quad of David shot the draco and disappear in the dust of fire and like in the movie. His emails, okay. They put me in the, I don't remember the, like, like... Like a regen tank? Yeah, yeah, yeah, like a little bed in the levitation and go to the tholaris in the emergency medical and put me in the med bed. I remember go to the med bed with a liquid in the middle of my face and there is a lot of crystal and I feel something warm and for healing to me. But it was very long for me. But normally it's not long, but for me, my injury was very, very bad. Everybody think I'm dead. And after the med bed healed me, I was, everything was very fine and I go to work again. - Wow. - And with my, and with my team to, because everybody was happy, we go to, the Excelsior is a big spaceship, model spaceship in, there is a solaris, the part of Solar Warden. The solaris is a big spaceship to go to the mission and there is a French, American French program with the solaris, you know? The solaris is a part of Solar Warden. For people, everything, oh, Solar Warden is just only American. No, no, no. There is a lot of country in the space and there is something hidden and you know my friend, it's very, very big. So the solaris was a part of stuff, the spaceship of the solar water. And there is a lot of big spaceship named Excelsior. In this spaceship, there is a lot of ecosystem, a lot of the waterfall, a lot of alien departments, space room for a cafeteria and restaurant and a bar. And after I was healing, we go to the bar and we are very happy. And this is important detail because in this bar, we drink, we drink, we drink or we drink, we drink a drink, a blue drink, okay, like this. - Okay. - Oh, yeah. And Helena described in her book, a gift from the star, I think, the same spaceship who is Turan and the same bar in the same drink, in the same blue drink and every thing I tell, it's corroborated by another people and it's incredible things. - Now, was that drink alcohol or was it? - No, no, no, no. It's a drink with little bubbles inside and there is an oxygen, you know, inside. Well, if you take this too fast, it's a shoot, you know. So the first time I don't know, so I shoot and I was very dizzy. - So what would one expect to see in space where all these ships are stationed? You have the Solaris, you have the other ship that you mentioned with the ecosystem and the waterfalls over there? - Oh, what would you like? Would you see a whole bunch, like a whole fleet of ships? Are they all stationed near each other? Is there like a central hub where they're all like finding an other? - Oh, I remember the Solaris board and the stick in like a hub in the space with Accentio because Accentio was very, very huge spaceship and something you want to work, something you teleport in the bottom of the spaceship because there is a little teleporter in the room and you put your feet in the little square and the light and you disappear in the bottom. It's a very huge spaceship. In the spaceship, there is a ecosystem, like I say, with mountain hills and they reproduce a lot of beings, a lot of animals, ecosystem, like dolphin, like you can live a lot of years in this spaceship. And it's funny. And then there is a restaurant with a food replicator and you are a hologram and you put your hand and you tell me what you want, the nutrients and the scan all your body and what you need. You want to chicken or vegetable. You are a lot of things, but it's like a baby food, with all the nutrients. It don't look like the picture, but it smells and it tastes the same things, but it's not the same thing about it. It's funny because when I say to Elena and Danny, it's like a poo, you know? (laughs) And we remember that and every being it's like a Starfleet, exactly like a Star Trek Discovery. And in, there is a one month in the episode of Starfleet. There is, I think, Star Trek Discovery, the next season, the new season. Before the episode was shooting, I made my interview with Elena and we talk about the cafeteria and the restaurant and the joke about the blue drink and you know what? In the next week, there is an episode and they go to the mission with the Captain Doname except like that. And they go to the bar and they drink blue drink. It's amazing. And in the Star Trek Picker season two, they either in the front of the spaceship and behind Picker, there is a warning spaceship enter in the on guard. And the name is Excelsior. - What? - Wow, no way. And it was before the right this episode. There is two or three weeks, I tell about Excelsior and this. And it was not, oh, you see this, no. It was not a schedule in the TV. - Right, and we've always heard Star Trek is like direct disclosure. I mean, down the road. - Yeah, yeah, Rod and Doreen knows about, I think they make a Star Trek to a slow disclosure about people because a lot of movie in the Hollywood is for awakened people. And I do this thing with my movie, but it's not a movie, except Soutreaux is a little romance, but they are 1880 true. I'm not a special agent. I'm not a giant foxy, so it's acting. - Yeah, for the people who don't know his movie, Soutreaux, you're acting as a character. So it's kind of fiction, non-fiction. So it's telling your story, but you're playing a character or somebody else. It's actually really good, I recommend it. And he's working on the second one. But I want to go back to the Solaris and talk about the beings that actually run it. So it's not human, what race? - Yeah. - What race are we talking about here? - Oh, a lot of race, my friend. There is a felling people beings. There is a suit with a hole in the suit, with a tail in the suit, and they're spoken with telepathy. And sometimes they want to try to do the best to explain with the mouth. But it's like, it's not like we spoke because it's funny, like a feline being, you say? - Yeah, feline beings, yeah. And there is a reptilians too, but it's very important to clarify this because all reptilians, it's like humans. There is a bad humans, there are bad reptilians, and there is a good reptilians, okay? And there is a reptilians in space, reptilian in aqua, aquatic reptilians, there is a reptilian in trotter, Australian, in agata, in the inner earth. And there is a lot of reptilian, blue, red, and there is a draco. And the draco is not the same, okay? But every draco, not bad. There is a draco that sends our camp because they are not agree about, there is an imperial draco and they destroy a lot of universe, not planet, universe, and they make agreements with Nessie and German, and it's a, but every reptilian is not bad. It's very important to tell that, okay? And there is a lot of blooms, gray, hybrid and leopold, like a drug war, and there is a hybrid like human and phylline and only phylline too. - Right. - And there is a lot of beings, there is aquatic beings, and it's, they live in the spaceship and the co-cobite, they live with the humans, but they are on the remnants, okay? Because they must, to be to other races like us, not like us like races. And we share a lot of things which they are very kind, they learn a lot of things about us, and we learn about a lot of information about him, and we go to the mission, we go to extract crystal, we go to the diplomatic mission, we go to a savor slavery about a Draco, and we go to a crystal, there is an exchange, like a currency, but the exchange is with a crystal. You give a crystal and you have something, and we had the crystal for the medbed, the crystal for the weapon, the crystal, you can eat sort of a kind of crystal, it's a crystal, and there is a lot of things, and I share this information with my friend Dan Willis, and he tell me, oh, wow, because the crystal is very important of his life. - Mm-hmm, that's fascinating, especially, so you're going on your, so each mission was obviously mission specific, it was different, but what I like about this is we're hearing the benevolent side of things here. A lot of these whistleblowers are coming forward, disclosing these dark programs, which is good because it needs to be exposed so it can be healed, transmuted, and so we can get past that, and I think that's why we had that wave of whistleblowers come forward, and I've been saying this for a year or two years now that I know we're gonna get another wave of guys that are gonna speak up, they're gonna come forward talking about this benevolent program, there's another program that hasn't been disclosed yet, and it sounds like you and David Russo are talking about this, and I'm sure others, 'cause you guys aren't going to, so I think it's very interesting, and it's great contrast to that other side that we always hear about, and it's good to know that there's actually missions taking place that are actually benefiting humanity, and not the other way around. - So, yeah, every program was not, I heard a lot of people explain our life, and it's very bad experience like Tony, like Randy, and for me, it was a very, very amazing experience, and I am in contact already with the beings, and I feel there is something happen at this time, like your arc in Antarctica, and I have a lot of things about that, my friend, it's now, it's not there in the 20 years, it's now, it's now, it's up on something, the open minds of people during these two years, some people stay home for a lot of things we don't share now, but you understand from people open minds during these two years, and it's very important. I think there is a lot of people interested about extraterrestrial and another thing, like information in a TV, but oh, okay, what I do now, I'm staying in my home during two years, okay, I won't read that, oh, I want to hear, I want to watch the journey of truth, and oh my God, they discover a world, they either, and I know, I see a lot of people awaken, and it's a very, very, very good thing. - Right, right, it seems like we're finally making some headway and a lot of areas, and the cleanup is happening, and it's good, it's good to see and hear about just get some good news for once, you know? - Oh, yeah, thank you. - And, okay, so you did, aside from the Solaris, you were there other, like multiple programs you were a part of or was that the only one? - Only one, the program for me was the same program, but in two parts. First part, I was in the school, like everybody in the school, and after that, when I was ready, I go to the mission when I was a adult, because I don't fight the child. I don't have a bad experience like electrifying something very bad, and I remember, somebody tell me, maybe you don't remember, and they raise your memory, no, no, no, no, no. I feel inside of me, nobody happened bad to me. I was with the good beings and surround with the good beings, and now I share my story, because it's a different story, because when I say a lot of things, I was abducted, they take my babies, they take my sperm, they take, it was very grand, oh my God, okay, this is an experience, and the people say, oh, no, I don't want to talk about extraterrestrial, it's bad, it's bad, no, no. There is something good exists, and the people must see, and must know a different story, because everything is not bad, it's like extraterrestrial in the invaders, and no, no, no, no, no. They want to tell this, for stop your awakening. And if, yeah, yes, everything is not good, okay, it's not a dysne, you know if there is a bad and there is a good, it's normal, but there is a good, and we must talk about the good. - So why did you decide to come forward right now? I mean, obviously, you've known about this stuff for years, did something happen that made you feel comfortable stepping forward? - Yeah, I tell you my friend, because some people around me, a friend and a lot of people tell me, oh, no, no, no, no, don't share this, because your reputation and profile and a lot of, okay, okay. So, okay, maybe it's not a good time, and I wait, and I wait, and I wait. And one day, okay, I'm 15, and 51, and no, no, no, no, no. I feel inside of me, it's time to share my story. I don't care about people saying, oh, you're crazy, you see, but now the thing is different, because there is a lot of people corroborate my story, like David, like Elena, and if I'm crazy, we are all crazy with the same crazy corroboration, it's impossible. So I decide to share my story now, because Elena don't write a book to my pleasure, or my friend too, or you know what, for Michael, if you want to, interviewed by Michael is not easy, okay? Because Michael is a very intelligent person, beings, I like so much. And you know, investigate about me. So we are friends, it's not a problem, but for a reputation, they don't put somebody, oh, I'm a extraterrestrial contact, okay, okay, okay. In the front, and investigate about me since two or three years, to be sure my information was right. And I know, any tell me, you're my friend, I love you, but don't worry, I must check your story, okay. So I give you information, personal information, for just him, for my military service, for my military based name, that I don't tell this, okay? But you know, where I was, any check with GP, with a lot of people, and he phone our connections, and everything is right, okay. So he decide, okay, I check every, he asked me 200 questions, and I can't make a movie, I can make a movie, I can make a book with the question of Michael, before he interviewed me, okay. So now, when people say, oh, are you sure? Yes, I'm sure, I check these guys, okay, during three years, okay, so. - Right. - So, and after that, after my first interview with Michael, Elena, contact me, and decide to interview me. And as this time, I don't know, we was Elena, from me, it's a archeologist, and she interested by extraterrestrial, but I don't know everything. And I am interested, oh, interesting, okay. We go to interview, and in the interview, we discover, oh my God, we don't know each other. And I say to Elena, people think it's a trick, it's a wrench, it's not possible, because it's a joke, you have the same memories, no, no, it's not a joke, it's really. And it's not finished. - Right. - Hang on, because the sequel arrived, and it's amazing. - We're looking forward to that. So, yeah, the vetting process is very important, and thank God for people like Michael Salah, who have done that already, so we can just interview you, trusting your information without having to vet you, like our recent guest or Navy whistleblower. - Yeah. - I was talking with him for at least a year and a half before I decided to have him on the show, because so many things checked out. A lot of people don't realize that, but I learned a hard way. - A lot of people assume, yeah. - Yeah, a lot of people, like you said, a lot of people assume there was no vetting process, and you just came out of nowhere, and like Tyler said, he'd been vetting him for a year and a half, like pretty thoroughly, so. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, you can be pretty certain at that point. - And a very, very priestly question, he asked me a priestly question. When I say a question, I say, oh my God, okay, you want a detail? I give a detail. And when I asked you to Michael, and at this time I was connected, and I was the name, and everything I give to Michael with information, I give precisely the country the name, and it can corroborate everything. And after, go, go, go, go. It's like a certain in this salon. - Exactly, and then eventually at some point, there's no coincidences. It's like, okay, like you can't, you just can't keep proving yourself over and over. Like it's just, it's your line or you're not, you know? So, yeah, well, we appreciate that. And so there was something else I wanted to ask you. You've spoken about a planet with two rings. - Yes. - And then did you call that the United Nations or planets? Did I hear you call that? - I remember the logo, the emblem in the metallic emblem behind Maria were the planets with two rings like that. And there were the stars like a player, it was a mix. And when I tell that information to Elena, she asked me the fifth galactic of the world. I don't remember because I think there was a lot of names, but it's the same thing. Galactic Cofalleration or Victor, tell me a Federation of the world. And, but like say, Germain, because I hear your show yesterday, he tell me there was a lot of names, but this is the same thing. - Same thing, different names, right? - Precisely, yeah, there's so many different names for the same thing. Like, like there was a big controversy about, oh, it's not called Dark Fleet. It's called this. It's called this is, you know, we're talking about the same-- - This person's lying because they're calling it a different term, like, no, there's different names. - We're talking about the same group of people here. So that planet, whenever I first saw that depicted on your interview with Michael Salah, it took me back because I had drawn this planet before with the two rings, with a little star cluster. And I don't know anything about it on a wide draw there, but when I saw you share that, I was like, holy cow. And then that, and I was gonna ask you also, if you would be able to elaborate on the Pegasus a little more and what that actually meant as far as like, was that a rank or what? - I'm research, I do my research in the internet because I don't know what is that, and the wing horse. And I discovered, like, Andrew Bathiago, Andrew Bathiago, tell about, and I realized in the two days, because I heard, I watched the two worlds. - Stuart Swirlow? - Yes. And he talked about Montauk Project, and I have a chill because he described the same thing, the same age when he was in a little boy and 13, the light and the needles and go inside like a water, and he passed through a door and he explained that the children sent to another dimension and Mars and a program. And it's like me, but it's very bad for experience, but for me, it's the same, but with good beings, okay? And when, I don't remember what I was saying. - We're talking about Pegasus. - Oh yeah, Pegasus, yes, yes. And so he described a Pegasus project, but he talked about Philadelphia experiments and the sequel was Montauk. And Montauk with Montauk chair, with a crystal, again a crystal, and they can materialize dreams. And I think I have the same capacity, but with no device, because I can bring something in my dream. So it was a corroborate something, okay? And after Montauk was finished officially, and I tell to my girl, and it was a shock for me, the continues, but in the France, in Europe, and in continues in CERN. And I spoke about CERN because CERN with a collider, Aldron collider to open the gates in a different dimension. And the name of this project was Awake. Project Awake. And when they start a project in the night, there is a little storm with purple striking in the night, and no electricity in the old country around the film. And I remember when I was in my summer camp, I was very near the Switzerland because I go to the summer camp with my friend and I go to summer camp and Easter camp. I go to skiing and I remember that the CERN was in one hour of my camp. I remember that. Very close. I, yeah, there is a subway or a submarine submarine. Subterranean, yeah. Yeah, yes. In the summer camp where I was. Right. And that's how I remember, yes. I think there is a communication with a lot of singing behind, yeah. But in particular, going back to the actual Pegasus on your uniform, did you find out, did you find out what that meant? Because was it part of that project? Yes, yes, because it's the same name because the emblem is a Pegasus, you know, a wing horse. And curiously, I discovered that Andrew Baziago talked about the Pegasus project and he was a part of the Pegasus project and he tell the emblem, I don't remember if this is the emblem, but the name is Pegasus project and it's curious. It's very strange that in my suit, I was a Pegasus. So I think in France with America, United States, there is an agreement, like I say in my movies, regardless of its translation. So it's not Azar, it's a corroborate. I think the, you know, the CERN was found for $500 million by United States, to put the money in this project. It's curious because why United States found a project in France because it's the same. So that's interesting. You have Pegasus and Solar Warden. Yes, you put the two names together. It's all rare, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's so rare. Everything is linked. Everything is linked, my friend. I know I'm sure that. Okay, and then you mentioned military with a black triangle on their uniform. Did you ever learn any more about what that was? You know what, it's curious because I discovered there is two months, I do a research and what is the red triangle? I search, I search, I search. And you know what I discovered? It's an emblem of special forces of Nessie. Of Nessie? Really? Will you explain that to the audience? As a Nessie, the German have troopers and elite forces like a commando in the 1845. So it's German-based. It's curious. Maybe the red triangle is another emblem or another group, I don't. But it's curious that I discover the red triangle. It's an emblem in German Nessie and the guys have this particularly red triangle in the suit and it were a special troop of army. You know, I don't say it's that. Right. Maybe I discovered that. So people can search what about this triangle, but. Well, it's curious because I have a friend who has recalled from Mars. She had an experience one night and she saw a black uniform with a red triangle. And she's been trying to figure out if anyone else's testimony corroborates, we asked Tony Radrigs, he didn't know. So you're the first one who's talked about this. And from what I gathered from her experience, it wasn't a great experience with those people. But this is just interesting to hear you talk about that also. Yeah, it's curious, it's curious, exactly. You have a question, Aaron? Do you have a question for me, my friend? No, I mean, it's just all fascinating. And a lot of what you said does corroborate. Like you said, perfectly with Elena's testimony and some of even Alex Collier's testimony. When you said the Excelsior ship had like all that nature and stuff in it, that reminded me of what Alex Collier talks about with the Andromeda's that they have this massive, massive mother's ship that is like a planet inside of a ship essentially. And you would never know, he's like, you would never know you were on a ship unless you knew that you would think you were on a planet. And he said, many of them live out their entire lives in multiple incarnations. They've always like keep reincarnating on that ship and live out their lives on that ship. So what you said with that reminded me of that, like that corroborates. So I, you know, that seems to be a very common thing out there, like these massive mother ships that have ecosystems and all kinds of stuff. - That's right, yeah. - That's really cool. - And I don't tell about my lucid dream in two months when I was in the inland where, precisely where I live Elena. And at this time, she made the same dreams. And we are together in the spaceship with Torran and teleport Antarctica, precisely under the lack of stock. And now we discovered the arc is precisely near the lack of stock. And I see a lot of beings, blue beings in the stasis, in the form of a stars with crystals in the panel of the spaceship. And when I approach to the stasis tubes, the light and when I go out the light on. And I have an interaction with that. And this is the next interview with Michael and Elena in a Monday with preparing about this news about the arc. And this is a lot of stuff corroborate and it's amazing to my friend. Wow, that's incredible, I can't wait to hear that either. And you know what else is interesting? The Navy whistleblower we had on, you know, he's been friends of mine for a year and a half now. And before he's the one who originally sent me your interview, he's like, he goes, this guy is talking about real stuff. I've seen some of the stuff he's talking about. And that was how I even discovered you first. And so I, that's just, take it for what it is, but that's another corroboration. Somebody else who claims you have seen the same thing. And I just find that fascinating, absolutely fascinating that you just can't make this stuff up at some point. The people that try and call bullshit, like, you know, even the people that demand proof, if you show them proof of footage of a UFO or an alien, they're gonna say that's fake because anything could be faked. There's just an inner knowingness here. And at some point is, like I said, there's no coincidence. This is really happening, it's reality. And they've been telling us about it. You know, it's not a coincidence when you don't know people and he say something and you hidden some detail voluntarily. And he tell, oh, do you remember what's sort of uniform? And yes, I drew and this is the same. You know, okay, this is the same memories. And it's incredible because when you met somebody tell, there is a crazy people too, you know, fun and, oh yeah. And yes, yes, but there is something you can describe with a feeling like when I see Tony, I don't have talk with Randy right now. But one day I think I talked with Randy. When I see this guy for the first time of my life, I don't know who is Randy. And this is a space soldier and, oh, I know these guys. And this is a, you know, it's like a Deja Vu, very, very strong and chills and because it's, oh, and I let's, now I listen and watch a story of Randy and, oh my God, I don't know these guys and I don't talk these guys and I try to contact him and I can't right now. But one day I think it's a, the stars are late. When it's go, it's go, okay? So Tony, it's the same thing. When I see Tony for the first time, I was very emotive and I was like, you know, two cats in the, yeah, it's amazing. And I'm pretty sure that you're inviting me to pay. I'm very grateful for that. Because you let me explain my story and don't cut me like somebody and I do my best in English. So I hope people understand me and oh, yeah. Absolutely, it was nothing short of amazing. Yeah, thank you so much. And thank you very much. Where can people find you if they wanna look up your work? Do you have a website or a link? Oh, in YouTube, there's a type of connection alien. There is, this is my channel and there is a link about my movies. They can find me in the email on demand. A social origin, it's a movie romance with the truly events. But they must watch the 15 capsule about my life to understand Starseed revelation about my real life with everything 100% is real. So it's important because it's their last, oh, what is this? And there is a connection between the 15 capsule video and Starseed revelation. It's very important. This is my, and my Facebook, John Charles Moyer and Rif Sud origin, it's in French social origin. In French, it's Rif Sud origin. This is my webpage and they can contact me. And I do a lot of things with my abilities. I do my best to help people, like I say, because I don't want a problem with a doctor. I don't heal, I try to, it's works. And I do a controom healing at the distance with the people suffer of something. And I just concentrate my energy and it's called miracle. I don't understand, I don't understand why it's works, but it's works when I ask something in the universe, I can connect with the people in, I do a controom healing, my friend with a people in China, with the people in Colorado in the France. And I remember I want to share this. It's the first time I share this with you. So it's just for you. Maybe I take a risk to do that, but I don't care. Somebody contact me because there is a pain in the body and a lot of problem and muscle and yesterday. And I'm concerned about these people, this person. And she contact me yesterday and tell me, I don't know, are you okay? Oh yes, it's the first time since four years, I go to the gym. - Wow. - Four years. She was feeling good. - Oh my God. So thank you. Maybe it's not me, maybe it's you, maybe it's a universe. So I'm very glad to be good. - Yeah, that's incredible. That's incredible. - Yeah, that's amazing. - Yeah, and I believe that stuff absolutely is possible. Energy healing we know is possible and a long distance. You know, there is no distance. - That's been proven-- - Exactly. - That's been proven in experiments with even structuring water. They've been able to restructure water by triangling three people in three different locations. And they all put their consciousness on this one cup of water. - Yes. - And they're all able to restructure and they were proven this by sending it negative and positive energy. And then it has a different structure when it freezes. Well, they were doing this for so long that they realized they didn't even need the people anymore because that water, that intention had been set in that area. Every time they would put a cup of water in that area, it would restructure and rebound. - Oh, wow. - So this is just a small, provable experiment, but this stuff works. It's all intention. - Yes. - And if you really know how to connect and tap in, anything is possible. - Just do what you think. - Exactly, I was just going to say that you are creating a reality by our intention. - Yeah, right. - If you sing about things, you are bad things. If you sing, good things, you attract. And when I read the first time, I read the book of Michael Salah. And I open the book and I say, I am in Quebec, okay? And this time Michael was in Hawaii. So it's impossible. I have no money for that. And it's very, very long travel. And I say, oh, I know these guys. And I say, one day it will be friend and I close. And after two years, this is my witness of my wedding in Hawaii. And this is my friend. And I go to Hawaii with Melanie, my wife. And we are a good friend. And now everything is possible when you want something. - Right, those manifesting. - Yes. - Manifest, yes. - Right. Well, thank you so much. Thanks again. This has been incredible. I've said that too many times now. - Thank you very much. - But we look forward to all your projects coming up. Definitely looking forward to your upcoming interviews. Thanks again, guys. Thank you for tuning in. Thanks for listening. Don't forget, grab a live stream pass to the conference. It's And if you have any questions about that, you can just email us at Follow us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram. And we also have a Rumble account. In the event, anything happens to our YouTube channel. And we are on almost every audio platform, including iTunes, Apple Podcast, except for Spotify. They took us down, so screw them. But good night, everybody. Thanks for tuning in. And until next time. - Coming for the average listener who's listening to these experiences, it doesn't make any sense how they could be doing this. - Yeah, it's complicated because that's reality. Reality is coming. Our last thing is simple. We can't put our thing in simple boxes in black and white. That ain't how it works out there. - I think that they're going to want to give us a disclosure that brings people up to speed quickly, but also keeps them in the dark about the real important stuff. They're going to give us 90% of the truth with 10% of the lies. And those 10% of lies are more damning than all the truth can overcome. - They realize that if this goes the way it probably will go, they could face crimes against humanity charges at some point with the International Criminal Court. And that's the bigger issue. There will be people who are political elites here in this country that people will not understand why they're being charged, these people that everyone looks up to. They're like, oh, my God, these people are so awesome. All of a sudden they're getting charged for crimes against humanity. And what these people don't realize is these particular individuals enabled these corporations to do what they did. - They're not going to drag us across the finish line, but it's going to be hard, but it has to be hard. So people will always remember, and this won't ever happen again. - It's all written in us. We're just kind of playing this out regardless of what the surface war happens to look like right now. And I think our purpose here is really developing our consciousness. - This whole process is not just about what's going on in the world and this great awakening that's happening with all these different people. It's about the great awakening that's happening with all of the individuals and how we can take care of ourselves and keep ourselves healthy, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. - We're taught not to go into this part of ourselves that knows everything. We're taught to turn that off, actually. - Very purposefully so that we are in a confused state that we rely on authority, right? - Because we incarnate for these experiences, you know? It's not a victim thing. I incarnate for this experience, so then the question is why. - And oftentimes they, you know, they program us. They help in programming us and giving us those limiting beliefs. And we have to kind of shatter those and be like, "Uh, no, uh-uh." This is actually my divine self. This is actually what helps me align with the divine creator. And I need to purge all those things that you programmed me with or that the program's programmed me with. - Understanding the larger picture in things like Secret Space Programs is really important. We want to know what's operating behind the scenes that's controlling this individuals in these leadership positions and this larger sort of negative ET agenda, but also the kind of support and assistance that we're getting, while also appreciating the fact that, you know, we're here to save ourselves and to, you know, step up to the plate. And it's really important to step up to the plate. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (gentle music)