Journey to Truth

EP 173 - Rebecca Rose & Daryl James - United We Stand - SSP Experiencers Compare Notes

Originally aired on 2/23/22
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Daryl James, US Navy:
Daryl's military career began in January of 1999 when he joined the Navy to serve in the naval mobile construction battalion 7 where he served in the middle east and as well as two years of service at the JMF Joint Maritime Force/ RAF Royal Airforce base at the Saint Mawgan Base in the UK. During this time, he escorted executives into the underground portion of the base; where he encountered grey extraterrestrials and exotic technology which could scan his bio signs. He also encountered Michael Aquino & children in cages. A quarrel with a reptilian resulted in a forced slavery punishment in the mines on the moon where he was recruited into the secret space program to work with Kruger, Solar Warden, and Dark Fleet.
Rebecca Rose is multi-dimensional galactic experiencer working as an energy intuitive, seer and channel.   
As a lifelong abductee, she was taken to work in dark government programs as a child, a path that was facilitated by family members working in deep state black ops.  After initial milab and trauma-based mind control, she was used in various projects including the Dulce hybridization lab, off-world weapons testing and battle, genetic harvest, time experiments and as a mind-to-mind interface gathering intel from various extra-terrestrial races.   She was first sent to the moon and later to Mars where she was developed into a cyborged, cloned and weaponized asset.  Her service continued in the outer reaches of the solar system on Planet X, where she was owned by the Draco.  
Rebecca's strong meditation practice and devotion to spiritual development are what supported the return of her memory and putting the pieces of her life back together.  After awakening to her deeper mission, intuitive abilities and psychic vision, Rebecca also realized she had a vast array of helpers from many different realms assisting her.   
Her light family includes a Nordic husband from Procyon and an indigenous mother and father from a past life.  Rebecca's integration, memory retrieval  and journey to wellness is ongoing.  Through her own life experience and current work with the light realms, she's been given the resources to assist others in recovering from their own anomalous trauma and milab experiences.    
Sirius Blue on YT:

1h 38m
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01 Aug 2024
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Call clickgranger dot com or just up by Granger for the ones who get it done. [Music] [Music] Hey guys, welcome back. Tonight we are joined by two of our presenters who are going to be at the Secret Space Conference for Becca Rose and Darryl James. We're going to be getting into all kinds of stuff, comparing notes as I like to say. I think they're most exciting part about this conference is getting these whistleblowers and these experiences together and bounce the ideas off each other and see what we can come up with, see what kind of answers we can find. So we're going to dive into that tonight. If you guys want to come to the conference, tickets are available at That link is in the description. Live stream tickets are available if you can't make it. And if you notice, I'm wearing the official conference t-shirt. I just got mine in a mail. We will have physical copies. Is that what you would say? Physical t-shirts at the physical shirts at the conference if you want to get them there or you can show up wearing one and get one ahead of time on t-spring. And you can get 20% off of all of our t-spring merch with promo code 20 and back. And that being said, welcome to the show, guys. I'm excited to have you on and see what we come up with. Yeah, thanks for having us. Right. Thank you all again. Yeah. Yeah. You guys have been both doing some great work. Daryl, I saw you recently on the Keystone channel. I know you're doing other interviews, but I caught that one and you got kind of deeper into your life on Tijeta. And I thought that was fascinating. And just some of the information, what's interesting about listening to you guys is you can't get everything out of one interview. So each interview, it's like new information trickles out. And that's how you really paint a broader picture. And Rebecca, you've been doing great work with your series, bringing dark to light. Is that what it's called? Oh, other way, other way. Oh, yeah, bringing light to the dark. Yeah. Either way, dark to light is also where we're going from dark to light. That's why I have my own YouTube channel. And it's it's, you know, small and slowly growing. But yeah, that's where I reveal all the juice that I can't get out on the interviews. There's so much, like you said, about Daryl, there's so many layers and so much minutiae and subtlety and nuance that I can convey, you know, you know, longer period of time there. Right. No, it's important to, it's important too. And the right people are tuning in and refining you. And it's great. It's great stuff, honestly. It's very compelling. It's a shame more people aren't hearing it, but we're trying to do something about that. So, and that's part of the reason we're doing this, we're going to be doing this just for the audience. We're going to be getting, doing this with all the speakers who are going to be presenting at the conference and we're going to maybe as it gets towards the end or one big round table, we'll see how that pans out. But until then, so you guys have had one common denominator in your testimonies, you guys have both had experiences with Michael Aquino. And if you guys don't know who he is, I will put a picture of him on the screen real quick because a lot of people don't actually know who that is. And I think it's interesting because we don't, we have all of these testimonies out there, but we don't have a lot of common denominators and you guys both have a common denominator with this person. And I was wanting to see if you guys would be interested in comparing notes and seeing what we can come up with. Well, I mean, like I said, I saw him just on the base. Like I said, he was at the quarter deck like looking through paperwork and I saw him there. And the only reason I recognize him immediately is that I saw him on Oprah when I was a kid and I saw like the eyebrows and everything like that. And yeah, I mean, I saw him and I saw it was like something else that was controlling him, I guess. One of the guys on base, that guy Orlando, he it was when I didn't have any memories, but I was still in the military. What happened to me was I went within the first shoot two or three months when I got to this command. So I still spent like over almost two years, you know, over a year on the space afterwards. And yeah, I was told that there was some sort of machine or something like that where they have to get them when they're not too young, because the body will be sedentary most of the time. And the body will die if it's sedentary for too long, you know, the bones and everything, but they have to do it before puberty for some reason. And he didn't know why. And he said there's somebody else told him about this. And he said it can somehow extract like the consciousness or the soul or whatever you want to call it out of the body. And then something else can project its consciousness into that body and use it as like an avatar or a meat puppet or something. And he said that's what happened to a keynote and he brought that up. And I at the time, I really didn't know what he was talking about. I really didn't have that much memory even meeting the man. But yeah, I mean, that was my initial, you know, that's how I first saw him. And you know, and the caverns underground underneath the base, I saw the real him and stuff like that. Like I said, he looked almost like a, like a black racers head, like a, like an onyx black snakes head coming out of a humanoid body with a, like a red cloak and a red robe, it wore like a red cloak over his head and the red robe. And he told me that he was worshiped in ancient Egypt at one time. It was one of the things they live a long time and he told me that that. I mean, I have a lot more. You know, I spent a couple of days with him. So yeah, that's, it's, it's fascinating to hear you describe him with the snake head. That's really interesting to me, actually. We hear about the stuff in ancient cultures, but like Egypt and stuff like that. But to still be walking around beneath our feet is something we used to really don't think about every day. Yeah, and he told me, he mean, just, he was, he was very arrogant and he, he almost liked the brag. He liked the brag about himself. He liked the brag about others. He knew things like that, you know, and so, and Rebecca, you've, you've had experiences with him. So what do you think? Yeah, I mean, like, Robert, as he's saying, yeah, he was, you know, what were the words gloating? Like, like he, I remember, I remember what I call the curse. So I don't have to say his name too often. Kind of, I mean, my impression of him was very much the same as he was, he was very shifting between human and non. He was not an entirely corporeal entity in a way, or not a terrestrial entity, even though he was had that sort of human body. And just blurring in the magnificence of what he had created with my experience with him was at Montauk. And in ritual, satanic ritual, we were, we kids in the cages below ground would be taken up periodically to the colonel and his associates out in a B night, and there would be a ritual. And it was horrifying. We'd be drugged and raped and sent out to the woods. And we began to know what to expect. And inevitably, a child would be sacrificed, usually a male child. And that's horrifying, horrifying. But the colonel would be just kind of standing there, having his associates and henchmen kind of carrying things out, so to speak. But all the energy was kind of coming down through him. And he was the high priest of the dark, the darkest of dark, they're completely feeding on it. And then then some other other beings being, you know, fed by the whole situation and through him. So it's one big feeding orgy with the children and the blood ritual blood sacrifice, horrible. Right. I said to you, Daryl, before I was sure that guy was cloned, because he made it the rounds, how many places on this planet, how many victims, thousands of people he victimized. So it is pretty interesting because you don't hear too much in the space program stuff about him showing up. I don't think I'm not sure. Well, Daryl, well, your experience is with him on earth before you left. Yeah, yeah. Like, well, it was when I came, it was before and when I came back, but you know, the whole time travel thing, it was all the same time. Yeah. Yeah, for him, it was, you know, maybe seconds or minute for him, it was only minutes, you know, when I left and I came back. But yeah, it was just that time, whenever I saw him on the before I joined the program, whenever they were just kind of like checking me out and seeing, you know, they wanted to see if I had the grades to make it or whatever. And then I remember I saw him, we had like a bake sale, you know, for the navy ball or something like that. And I volunteered to make brownies. And this was after I came back. This was probably like a year into the command that I was in. And I set him down on the table and was at the quarter deck where I first saw him and I just turned around and I saw him there and he was just smiling at me and staring, smiling. And I just, and I really didn't remember him at all. And I just thought like, why is this guy staring at me? It was really bizarre. And those are the first, those are the only two times I really saw him in that kind of a keynote form. And when I saw him before, yeah, like I said, he kind of, when I saw him in under the underground cavern, he did like this trick where it seemed almost like a trick where it was it was a keynote in my face at first. And then it was kind of like the reptile net. It was it kind of like merged. It felt like that. And then I kind of saw the reptile kind of scary back into the shadows. And then my keynote was standing there and I just kind of like leaned over and I said, nice trick because I saw like what he did. And he stepped out of the shadows and he said, yeah, well, it works on most. And busted cover blown. Yeah, yeah. So it was it was weird. It was eerie. Right. And it's interesting to me that people like this get spots on Oprah and as the everything you want, you need to know about right system, right? Right. But these people are given a stage. And you know, in some, some cases, these people are idolized depending on who it is. And you know, the fact that he was a he was a colonel, right in the military. Yeah, he was a colonel. Yeah. Like how to do a whole military playbook on my control. I mean, he was famous for this famous. Yeah, exactly. Out and out as the head of the temple of set while he was in the military, doing this, yeah, 70s and 80s. It's not like this was hidden information. Yeah, it's all public. Yeah. Yeah. The the soulless vessel concept, meaning like he's being used for as an avatar. That's something that's really fascinating to me. And we've covered this before on the show. But I don't think people consider this enough is is we this might be the case with a lot of people such as our president, even our president. It's interesting. We see different personalities coming through sometimes in different versions. And I wonder if that's that's not just happening to somebody like him. Yeah, I mean, it could be it's just that, you know, I've never heard I've never heard anybody put it that way, though, either, you know, and I mean, the way it was described to me was just something like a technology that was on the face that the guys so from the talk about and it was just something that like the guys are working me on the round base, they just knew about it. It was very strange and bizarre. The way it came up was this. I don't even know. The guys just came up. It was almost well, the guys are like, they're almost like monitoring me to see if I had like memories. I remember, you know, the command at them asked, they would kind of ask me strange questions that the blue. And I really didn't know like how to respond to it because I didn't have any memory of it at the time. And yeah, it was just, it was just very a matter of fact, when the way the guy described it, he just came up to me and said it straight up. And he was saying it to see if a dog any kind of memory. And he said, you know, report back on me to the command. Didn't you say that he would like sit in a chair all day and just not move? And eventually it's like, like, it was just like an empty vessels are sitting there from our mistaken about that? Well, yeah, that guy Orlando, he said, he was talking when he was talking about it was during that same conversation. And he said that he went to the underground base, he did a 12 hour shift. And I guess, as you're walking through it, there was like a break room on the side with like a one of those long rectangular windows. And he said he was standing at the end of the table, or sitting at the end of the table, just staring ahead. And he said he did a 12 hour shift and he came back. And when he walked out, he was just sitting in that same exact table, just staring straight ahead. Right. That's, that's creepy. Yeah. Right. And when I asked him, when I asked him, I said, he said something else was like replacing the consciousness or whatever the soul and I said, what is it? And he said, I don't know, like they didn't know. And it kind of freaked them out to think about it. I don't know, it makes you wonder, like, so I really wonder if these programs are still continuing, like the people we have coming forward now are older adults, you know, varying ages, but it's we're not getting young people with these stories of this mind control and all this stuff. And I, you know, I would love to believe that it stopped completely at least the negative part of the programs. What are your thoughts on that? Or do you think this is still occurring? Yeah, I've asked this question to, you know, inwardly, like, what is happening right now with this? I think it's transformed. I don't think it's completely gone. But I think you're right. There's a, I mean, I think there's been a shift in how things are done. And maybe those objectives. What's going on out there? I don't know. Right. It almost seems like we're kind of like all these early programs were almost like experimental. They didn't, they didn't really know what they were creating. They didn't know the beast, the monster that they were creating. And now we're seeing a result of that. And it's really messy. Unfortunately, I can't agree more with that because when I my whole program was like, all the, all the abductions, everything, all the programs I was taken into, I just always felt like this was all R&D. I mean, they didn't, they were precise about what they were doing. And yet it was always like they were reinventing something. And, you know, the mad scientist kind of thing with that, with a dash of like psychotic energy thrown in. Right. A dash of psycho. Yeah. So there's two, the recruitment process is there is interesting to me because you guys both have different, completely different stories actually. Rebecca, you're started at a young age. And Daryl, as far as you know, yours started in the military, correct? Yeah, mine started in the military. And yeah, it was just, like I said, they, I was only on the base for three days, two or three days. And the, one of the guys came in and said, you're going to have to escort some civilians in the underground base. And so, and it was strange to me that I was only there for two or three days. And I only had a secret clearance because I could use a radio pack. And that you need a secret clearance for that to handle crypto and everything else. But I had no like top secret clearance. And it was strange to me that they had me going to the underground base. And, yeah, like I said, when I walked in, there had like these sliding glass doors and I walked in. And as soon as you walked in, there was like this metal detector and the civilian guys, there was a team man's workers. They didn't want to go walk through the metal detector. So I didn't want to do it either. But then there was like a guard behind the, behind like a table, it's stainless steel table. And he said, no, you walk through. And so I just thought it was a metal detector and I walk through. But I just turned out it was just like some sort of machine that could figure out anything from IDQ to whether or not you got high cholesterol, whether or not you got quats. Like I said, it could tell if you were drunk or smoke or anything like that, it could tell anything. It was something you walked through and didn't even think about. And guys walked through it every day and they had to walk through it. And the guys who worked in the, in the base actually told me that, you know, it was one of those days before they made them strip naked before work and to weigh themselves. And then they had the strip naked and then weigh themselves on the way out to make sure nothing was taken. It was like one of those types of things. And you can only be off by like a pound or something like that, you know, just for eating things like that. Wow, that's really interesting. But the way that the point I was getting that was so your recruitment, essentially, they told you what you were going to be doing before they took you, right? Like, and then is that not how it worked with you? Like you kind of were told like, Hey, we're gonna you're gonna be pilot of a four kilometer long starship. And then by the time you came back, you forgot all that anyway. So it didn't matter. But they had to get your consent as to where Rebecca's was more of an abduction type of story. Is, am I correct about that? Oh, yeah. Like, yeah, the guy talked to me of the executive officer of the man, his name was Robert. And he talked to me like a used car salesman about it. And he was like really trying to sell me into the idea of it and everything else. And I had to sign like, you know, pretty much like a book, a paperwork. And it was, it was to the point where it was so much signing, where the guy who had was just pointing, you know, he already had like the lines that had to sign an initial X, and he was just slipping the papers for me. And he's saying here, here, here, you know, signed your initial year. And it took like 10 minutes. It was the so much paperwork I had to sign. It took me about 10 minutes to do it. So yeah, it was definitely like something I had to volunteer for. It was something that it wasn't something that they could, you know, just take me. But it was also one of those things where, you know, in the military, a big thing that they use on you is, I remember I asked them, I said, if I volunteer for this, this is the EXO when he was trying to get me to do it. I said, if I volunteer for this, well, I remember this conversation, he said, probably not. And I said, well, if I say no, I remember, and he said, yes, but it'll ruin your career. And that's like something that they always put on you like, put in your head in the military and stuff like that. You know, you don't do this, it'll ruin your career. So he made it seem like it was just like a job killer. So I don't know. That was kind of a two, but it was also, you know, my ego as well. So maybe it was something I volunteered for. Darrell, was that into like 2000? What year was that? This was 2003, because I remember it because I was in Iraq in 2002, 2003. Why do you ask that Rebecca? I'm so, because I'm curious, man, like we're talking about the programs changing over time, I was taking over 20 years earlier. So like, wow, you know, how the, I mean, I was a little kid, right? And then, you know, you were, you were, whatever, 20 years. I was 25, yeah, this is my second command. So I was already in the Navy five years. Right. Right. Yeah, very different. Yeah, it's very, it's fascinating because we, that's why I wonder like, so yours of, okay, let's break this down. So there is the like the Nazi program, which is for lack of a better term, knocked off in or whatever dark fleet, whatever they're abducting children in this slavery and trafficking, whatever else it might be, cloning them, using them in the space program. Then you have barrels case where people are being recruited and consenting to it, signing up, volunteering, and they're going to work for the Navy, like a supposedly benevolent faction of it. But once you're in, anything can happen. It seems there's no rules at all because they're all this come on, Tyler, it's totally lawless. Right. Right. You have no rights to them. Yeah, it's just well, it's just like the recruitment process is the facade in your case, Daryl, because like, didn't you end up spending time with dark fleet? Well, yeah, it was, it was, I, what got me was I, I, I poked that reptile in the eye and was trying to put me in the density chamber chair is what it was. And, uh, I remember Robert told me, he said they were going to put you in for 40 years on the moon in the mines. And, uh, I guess there's like a punishment that they can do to you where, uh, I get, you know, if you take off the wrong person, the wrong politician, wrong general or admiral, you do something really bad that they can, uh, I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod. Say hi, Dan. Hey, how's it going today? It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan and Morgan, which is America's largest injury law firm. That's pretty awesome. Um, I think I saw a billboard of yours recently that said, uh, 20 billion one, 20 millions insane number. Yeah, 20 billion recovered. It's actually, I think somewhere north, probably closer to 22, 23 after this year and each year we get bigger and better and our army grows. So the number will hopefully keep getting bigger and bigger as time goes on. Awesome. So how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan? What would I do if I got into an accident? Probably the easiest way is dialing pound law. That's pound 529 from your cell phone. We are always open. Our call center is always waiting to take your call 24 7 365. Wow. Dan Morgan from Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm. Thanks for coming by the show. Thanks for having me. Visit for an office near you. It is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting. All their games are free to play like spin slots, bingo and solitaire. You can claim free daily login bonuses too. And they release new games every week. So spice things up with Chumba now for your chance to redeem some serious prizes sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Yeah. So you put you in the minds of the moon and stuff like that. And they'll do it for 40 years and they won't wipe your mind. They won't wipe your memories. And he said it like most people commit suicide for the first six months when they still have memories. And it's something they kind of do on. They just do on purpose the punishment for people. You mean they bring them back with their memories? And with their memories. Yeah. They age regrets them and they send them back in time. But they let them keep their memories. And it's just upon it. But it's like something, you know, you really have to you have to do something pretty bad. And, you know, like kill somebody's son or something like that kid. You know, I've heard like things like that happen. But they were willing to do this to me just for that small incident because, you know, they kind of have a policy of, you know, you're human and you're nothing compared to them. You're just like creatures or animals compared to them. And even the germans have that too. That seems to be their mindset definitely for everything I've heard. Yeah. And even the germans are like, you know, we're better than them kind of attitude. Even they kind of have that as well. And I remember like I asked Robert, I said like, why did the one German that really couldn't stand me, the one that he was on the base as well. He's the first class petty officer on the base. I said, why does he like those things so much? Was he raised by them? And he said, yes. So I guess like on the world, they're kind of like, they not only are taught to work with them, but they are raised with them as well. You know, I think it's probably from childhood, you know, the Germans are. Right. That's it's all fascinating because Rebecca, I know you like that you've been talking about. My lab family, it's. Well, how are you worried? I forgot. I have not really a good term to myself. I call it the my love family breeding program because that's what I'm looking at in my own damn family. Like a year ago when we interviewed, I was not ready to see this. Talk to me now. It's totally different. Yeah, I mean, I see that the bigger context of which this is all underpinned in my family. Like my father was working with a top secret clearance for Lockheed, the Army, the Navy, both my parents were in the military. My mother was a breeder with reptilian German. Rept, you're talking about the Draco and the Germans, totally in my mother's side of the family. That was all planned. I also believe and see now that my father was taken in 1952 when he was nine years old, just like I was taken in 1982 when I was nine years old. No joke. So my brother was taken, he was four and a half years older than me. So this is all, I think a year ago, I wouldn't have been able to say, yeah, this is all masterminded before I was born. And since I saw you last, I think it was sometime last spring, I was given multiple visions of the same thing day after day in meditation for several days on end of my dad sitting with guys in suits, guys in the Navy and a couple of grays in this, you know, formal kind of room and he's signing papers. And what I hear over and over is they're telling him this is for the betterment of humanity. He's signing me away and my brother away before we even came in. Wow, that's huge. That's fucked up. Yeah. I mean, when I first, I didn't want to see that. I didn't want to know about that. Like, I don't, I'm not, this isn't happening. Because it just, it takes a level deeper, like the sinister nature and then I like really looking at all this stuff right in plain sight in my family. Like, this is all here and I never saw it. I felt so stupid, but you're not supposed to see it. And I'm a little kid and I'm totally dissociated because there's so much fucked up stuff going on in my family. Not supposed to know. Right. Yeah. But it really is like, you know, I'm almost 50 and I'm like reframing my life in this context. And it's like, oh, blow your mind up, right? And I think probably most viewers know I didn't get a lot of space memories back until my father was close to death two, two, yeah, two years ago. They were working him. He was mind-controlled, I'm sure, when he was signing those papers. You know, he was, he was, he was not right in his own mind while he was working for these places and doing all the, you know, intelligence work with the Navy and all kinds of projects working with, you know, the NASA stuff and going to CIA headquarters and traveling around. He wasn't a sovereign free person at all. Yeah, it seems to be the case for most, most of these people who are, who end up in the, they basically start off in like a three-letter agency or however it looks in the military. And then they're slowly steered into a position without even them, without them even knowing it. And this also doesn't just happen within like military and three-letter agencies. It also happens in regular corporations and companies. They, they'll have their eye on a certain employee and they'll, they'll get a position that they never didn't have any training for, or they'll just seem to be steered into a certain department and eventually they'll be presented with an opportunity. It's very, it looks different for everyone, I'm sure. But it's... So keep offering that, dude. Go ahead, Aaron. No, I was just going to say they, like Tyler, like you said, they have their eye on a certain person based on their traits and who they are. And then they'll keep offering them things like you said, steer them into these things. And if the person keeps agreeing, then they, they go down that road. But at any moment they could, you know, for whatever reason, choose to be like, no, you know, I don't want to do that. So it's almost like they, they manipulate. It's like the people still have free well and they're choosing it, but they're manipulating them to choose what they want. Yeah. I see Daryl's process as being like, hey, sweetie, this is going to be hot shit for you. Like, it's a grooming process. Yeah, dude, you're going to tap in this ship and all of that. So anyway, that's my two cents. Yeah, because they can't just, if they, they knew if they just come out and tell you everything, they're never going to agree to. So they kind of, they slightly manipulate you to keep agreeing and steering you into it. Yeah. I had some kind of similar happen to me on the base. It was, I found out later that like everybody in the base knew it. Because I was gorgeous for like two days and anybody who worked in the underground base, it was like a gossip thing that was going around on base and I had no idea because I worked in the garage. And it was actually kind of like the guy that I didn't like. He was like a jerk. He, when I first came back and I woke up in that morning, he was waiting for me out in the hall and he's like, ah, you made it back 20 years a long time. Some guys will make it back kind of a jerk. But then I found out that like he was, I don't know, I guess the closest thing to a friend I had there, because before he left the command, he invited me into his room and he kind of leveled with me. And he said, you know, everybody on base, he's like, you were tortured by a keynote for two days. He said, doesn't that piss you off? Does that make you mad? And I said, I don't remember. I don't know what you're talking about. And he said, everybody on the base knows it. He said, you know, everybody knows what happened to you. And, you know, nobody, nobody say anything. And he was the only one that bothered to say anything to me. And Robert, before I left the XO, he told me that, you know, I knew this guy named Tim. He was like a civilian. And his dad was, I think, Royal Air Force, like a chaplain in the Royal Air Force. And he was actually spying on me. It was just, it was kind of like to see if I had any kind of memory pop up at all. I had this one friend named David, he was doing the same thing. So it was pretty much like guys on the base. They were just like, kind of like spy, let's spy on it. The guys are worse than the underground base. And I had no idea, you know, what I mean at all. And it was just kind of like, they were just trying to see if I had any memory at all whatsoever. Because I remember what that same guy Orlando came up to me another time. He would just say, weird stuff. And he was like, Hey, Daryl, do you believe in those reptilians? And I went, no, do you like told me about it? I was like, what? No. And he was like, Oh, neither is a lot. But Johnson does. And you know, I was just asking you, do you ever like believe just things like that? He's asking you, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They were like kind of just trying to figure out whether or not I had any kind of memory of something at the time. I was completely oblivious. I had no idea. Yeah, it's gauging, gauging your reaction. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And it was just like, spine. I mean, whenever Robert told me all that he came clean, he told me all this stuff, all these people that he was like sending out to like make sure that I had no memories of it. And yeah, it is, you know, free to do a betrayal, I guess. And it turned out the guy that I thought was a jerk was actually a friend. Right. Yeah. This is interesting because the reason I brought up the recruitment process, because William Tomkins in his book talks about being working for one of the programs to think tanks, I don't know, whatever it was, where they were working on this age regression technology. And he said it wasn't until the eight 1980, when the Navy finally started their 20 and back program in 1980. And he said they were, according to Tomkins, he said they were taking millions of people. I don't know how that was possible. That's a bit, that's a pretty large number for just, you know, Navy. But he described the technology. And to me, like there's got to be, that was an 80. Like, and like I said earlier, we're seeing the results of an experimental technology. They've had to have perfected it in a way now to where it's not so sloppy. And I just think it's interesting. I think it's interesting that we have somebody like Tomkins bringing a testimony. It just validates another level of validation in my eyes. I was talking about the past. I think I remember Robert saying something about the 80s or something like that. It's been around since then. I remember, like I said, it's just a deeper back in my other story. There was the first class pedicopter that first showed me like a little drone, a little gray. They called them drones, a little worker things. And he said that, you know, it was something that we, he said we had a base in 1970 on the moon, is what he told me. He was just telling me like casually telling me stuff. And he said that the Russians didn't have a base, but they have like capabilities of sending a new there. And he said that at 1970, they nuked it. And it said it's way back. And it wasn't until Ronald Reagan that we really started getting back into the space program. And he told me that the Star Wars program was like a way to funnel money into it. Like the Star Wars program was pretty much, it wasn't even like real as far as that was like satellites shooting down nukes from the Russians. So they wouldn't be able to attack us. He said that they were just funneling all that money into the secret space program. And it was just a cover story the entire time. Yeah. And then I asked Robert later on, and I said, why do you work with these things? I asked them. And he just said we have a contract, which almost kind of makes me kind of think of a swanky Eisenhower. It didn't even go. I don't think he really went into it, but he just said we have a contract. And contracts are really huge, especially with them. Yeah, a lot bigger than you think. Yeah. Yeah, they use those programs as covers a lot. Like Operation Moon Dust is one, I know, in particular, that was around at the same time. And it's public description was it was it was like a military branch that was collecting any fallen space debris from rocket launches. But in the official, what the real reason was to actually retrieve wrecked UFOs. Rebecca, I know you've recently been getting into your memories, your space memories. I don't know if do you believe you served in a 20 and back? Or what's that looking like to you an hour? Absolutely. Yeah, I just, it's hard. I always feel like it's a little more, I think, because of all the cloning, you know, there's these, I think there are times when there was more than one of me out there. So that can have this give this effect of being out there more than 20 years, right? You've got this overlap of cells, so to speak, I suppose. For sure. I mean, and I have this gap between, so I have a lot of information about Moon and Mars and, you know, all the other things that were going on on Earth before really all this happened, right? And then Planet X way out in Kuiper Belt, which is toward the end of my service. And there's this big chunk that I have these like slices of okay, I'm piloting somewhere, but I don't know where I am. And there's a bunch of that. And I do suspect so rewarding, I wouldn't say that officially, but the piloting and the sense of being, there's so many, there's, there's outposts and bases and substations out there in places that we don't have names for. I think that's part of me not knowing exactly where I am. It might just have a numerical value to coordinate, you know, out in space, like this is where you are. This is, this is, this is the mission right now. And it's like, I don't, I can't locate this exactly. So it's sort of bawling up the words, but there's a big chunk that's, that's trying to come through. But I have, I mean, I have a lot. I still have a enormous amount of information. I feel, you know, more than I did 10 years ago, that's for sure. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of the whistleblowers say that the planets are referred to as numbers. It's like they each have a coordinate or a number, like Earth would be like H three, four or something. They would be, you know, whatever the case may be. Oh, really? And there's so much, there's so much out there. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And slowly, you know, more like I remember, I've been remembering as, you know, singular people that were important in my experience out there. I was remembering that not all of the, you know, I was a cyborg clone that was fully weaponized as an asset when I was owned by the Draco out on Planet X. And I was remembering a, I guess we could call him a friend. He was my superior, but I call him the, the pigman of Planet X, because he had a, he was a bipedal, you know, buffed out kind of, you know, fierce looking dude, but his head was the reference I have would be a swine. I mean, it is kind of strange, right? Like, we have this armor on his chest that was built into his body, like a maroon colored armor. And he, he was sort of a teacher and an overseer for the Draco. So we wouldn't, we're always in having to interface with a really scary Draco. But I had the sense too, as the memory of Kim came back to me, that he had, had my back in some way. And that's mystifying to me. But there was a camaraderie with him, which I really appreciate because so many of the memories that I have are so bad. It makes it difficult, I think, for us to want to go deeper into our experiences. So I appreciated that. And he was interesting in that his, his skin would change color a little bit, according to his mood and to his intent, like a little bit of blue or green. Oh, wow. That's really interesting. Just really interesting details like that. So something to be thankful for. I was patrolling out there and he, he was sort of overseeing a lot of us who were, you know, there was a lot, there were others like me who were human, then a bunch of other, I don't know if these were entirely their own races. I suspect a lot of augmentation and hybridization, experimental beings, but he was extremely intelligent in advance, far more so I would say than myself, even though I had been credibly augmented for other purposes, not necessarily intelligence per se. But the Draco where I just remember the Draco being like, you know, Daryl, when you talk about like, yeah, just elbow that Draco, which would you do sick is your elbow and his eye or something? Yeah, they're gonna. Yeah, yeah, that, like I remember them coming by and you just, your mind melded with them. They know what you're thinking. Granted, as a slave, you're not supposed to be thinking anything, right? Like I'm a completely utterly mind-altered, cloned slave. No, nothing of my own, right? But they're knowing everything that's inside my head and you just look down and hope they don't, you know, don't let me think about thought right now. Because they would give us this holographic kind of, you know, punishment and reward system of, if I do good, they'll send me into this beautiful realm through the power of their minds. They're all famous for holographic experiences. And if I fuck up, man, they're gonna punish me and it's gonna be horrible. They will send me into a hell realm like that, just thinking about it. Always wed with the mind of the Draco, it's horrible. It's like, they're just like throwing their power around. So if they can do that to you in the programs, I think that would explain a lot. They can do that to people here on Earth in their dream state. They could phase into the bedroom and do whatever they can create an entire false experience, which I'm pretty sure we've had, we've had a few episodes of covering that. But it's really interesting to hear you describe it in that way. It kind of helps paint a better picture on how they actually accomplish it. It's really just an ability that they have as a species, I guess. It's in build. I mean, I always think if we could turn the Draco energy around and use this for positive, I mean, they're very powerful. Unfortunately, it's been aligned with dark force, you know? Right. Yeah. Right. The skin changing color, that's pretty interesting to me. Have you encountered that at all, Daryl? No, I don't remember skin-chasing, but I do remember, I was told something later on about, I just heard another time about, they have a way of communicating where it's physical and audio and kind of telepathic all at the same time. And I remember that when it leaned into me before I poked it in the eye, and it had a hand on my chest and its fingers over my shoulder, and it made almost like a sound the way an alligator does. And like mating season, where it can make the water kind of flutter, it was almost like a frequency where I couldn't hear it, but I felt it rumble in my chest. I felt like a growl, like a rumble in my chest. As it leaned in, and as it got closer, then I actually heard like a sound, and it was like a growl, kind of a rumble. But yeah, like I did notice how, you know, communication can be both physical and audio and, you know, telepathic all at the same time. Right. I actually, just I guess a week ago, woke up to that sound next to me. I've been at the receiving end of these attacks for years now, and they've slowed down a lot, and they're getting a lot weaker. But I woke up and I briefly saw what I would call a reptile. It was decided a corner of my eye. But what woke me up was that alligator sound that you're talking about. I can't even mimic it, but it's just like that rumble growl type of thing. It was like right in my ear, and immediately I just did a clearing and, you know, get out of here, nice try, you know, type of thing. But I know that sound you're talking about. It's kind of scary what they're capable of. That's why it's so important to protect your space every night before you go to sleep. Yeah. I mean, the astral and the astral abduction part is very, I mean, it's, I know I've had times where I've dismissed things that had happened to me early on that were just just, you know, they weren't really taking that body, so it must not have been anything. But that's like, just as a Draco can torture you out of your mind and nearly kill you. Well, they wouldn't want to kill you, they'd rather just torture you because they enjoy that. But, you know, thinking, well, it wasn't my physical body, so it couldn't have been anything real, but it's so real, you know? Yeah. Well, we feel that's another interesting concept. So you're your SSP version, for lack of a better term, your SSP self, was that you believe that was a clone, right? Or do you think that was you? And then, so how does this, did that work in your case? Was it your one body the whole time? I think it was me. I had an experience with the clone. And I don't know, it was so long long ago, Robert told me something about that or something. I don't really remember. But yeah, I had an incident where I saw a clone of me, but this was me. Like, I went through some sort of portal, and I wound up like in a hospital bed that I later found out was on the moon and everything else, and I met that woman April that was on the base with me there. Yeah, I mean, that was all me. That wasn't a clone as far as I know. Okay. Because I was going to, the point I was going to make was that I really believe, and I think we discussed this with you before, Rebecca, that when something happens to your clone, your physical body here, you feel it subconsciously, you feel some of that. Like, this would be time when your clone gets injured. You might wake up with, and you have a sore arm all day and you don't know why. Yeah, yeah, because it's still part. I mean, how do we say, you know, it's still kind of, I mean, it's part of us. It's part of us. I mean, I have a horrible memories of dying out there as a clone that are, it's every bit is emotional. It's very moving, you know, to go through that. We just think, oh, it's just a replica of me. Oh, but you're fully in the experience in a way too. So, I know this gets slippery to talk about in linear sort of 3D limited terms because how do we parse this out in a way that's. I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod. Say hi, Dan. Hey, how's it going today? It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan and Morgan, which is America's largest injury law firm. That's pretty awesome. Why do you guys think you win so many cases? The insurance companies and other companies that we go against know that we're going to take it to the end that we believe in the case. 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No purchase necessary. VGW Group, boy, prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. Cognitively makes sense. It doesn't all make sense. It's a quantum, you know, making sense of, I think, beyond space and time and the limits of our knowledge. Right. It really, it takes a lot to really grip your head around sometimes. Those people are just crazy. I like to get it because some of this, I think, I have it figured out, like, in my mind, like, "Okay, how did that work?" And then it just kind of slips away and blows up and I'm back in my 3D self and I'm like, "I don't get this." I'm like, "I don't get it." Yeah. I mean, we sometimes, you feel like you're going crazy yourself, so you don't blame somebody else for thinking that. And it's something that if you don't really have an experience with any type of paranormal or ET experience or anything, if you don't, if you're not an experiencer, this stuff seems even further out there because it just so far out of your reality, you know, and that's why that's the people that laugh at us, you know, and what happens. I had a random Facebook guy. I don't even know a message. He's like, "Oh, you should put that you're a retard conspiracy theorist in your bio or something." Like, there's some guy I'm like, "Okay, like, thanks." Cool. Thanks, man. Yeah. But what's interesting, so the age regression part I wanted to get to earlier. A friend of mine actually had a good theory or a good analogy, came up with a good analogy on how this technology works, because that's the hardest part. That's where you lose people a lot of times. Like, they can believe in a space program, but the age regression tech and the 20 and back, that's the hardest part. And somebody told me, they're like, "I was thinking about it." It kind of sounds like it's kind of just like no different than a reincarnation cycle. Let's just pretend. So our higher self, whatever a version of us comes down into this body and lives its life. And then once that time is over, it goes back to where it came from. It goes back to your higher self. So it's like they're the same technology. It's like they were just trying to mimic that technology into a more condensed version. I don't know. That was the hardest part for me to believe myself. They had me do it. Yeah, that was definitely the hardest part for me, because I even said that to Robert, I can believe in time travel and I can believe in space programs, but I said I find that age regression thing that that's too hard to believe. And I remember whenever he was trying to get me to get my mind rewiped before I got out of the military, I thought about it and I said, "Well, he already told me about the age regression." I said, "I want my two years back." And he said, "What do you mean?" I said, "I want to be age regressed 20 years, two years." I said, "If you wanted to take the two years when I was in that command, I don't think you can go into and take out a certain part of the memory. It's kind of like you just have to wipe a certain time. It seems like how it works." And I said, "I want my two years back. I want to be age regressed two more years." And he said, "I don't have access to that technology." And I said, "How does it work?" And he said, "It's a series of injections." And that's how he put it to me. But he even talked about, whenever I had the memories and stuff like that and I was talking about it, he even talked about it almost like it was a past life. He kept on saying like, "They're not you. It's not you. You don't understand, but it's you. You have to get this out of your mind. This isn't you." But then again, he asked me to make two promises. He said, "Take an IQ test." And he said, "Just don't take it once." He said, "Take it five or six times if you have to." And then he said, "And keep on playing guitar." And I said, "But I haven't played guitar since I was like 18 or 19. I was like 27 then. It was about when I was about to be out of the command." And he said, "Darryl, you don't understand. You're playing it right now." And he really wanted to emphasize that. So he was on one hand. It was kind of like, "That's not you. That was a different life." So on the other hand, he was like saying, "You don't understand. You're doing that right now." And that kind of just goes into the whole thing. I almost felt like he explained it because he said that by the time you're going to be yourself again, your life's going to be over as what he told me. And he didn't mean in the sense that I was going to take my own life frame like that. He meant in the sense that I'd be middle age. You know, he's like, "You'll be like 44, 45 years old before you start remembering these things." And it's almost like, it seems like, I don't know if it's, I don't think it's really a time thing. I think it's almost like your age. You know, there's almost like two of you, and you're kind of like sharing the same consciousness, and you're not really you again until the one comes back. You know, and then- That's what Tony Rodriguez- Tony Rod Riggs, I believe, talks about that, where he said, I remember him saying at the, like, the exact moment in his, his Earth life when his 20th back ended is when he, like, felt it, he felt like he became himself again, essentially, to- Yeah, he woke up and he knew it was over, like he knew- Yeah, he said he just had the feeling of, "Oh my God, it's over." Like, he didn't know why he had that feeling, he didn't know what that meant, but he said he just had that feeling. And it was like, before that, he said he was almost in this, like, this slightly dissociated state, I guess you could say, where he was, like, he was just, like, semi-out of it his whole life before that, because, and that makes sense, like you said, it's like your consciousness being shared by two beings, so he wasn't fully able to be present in his body until that came back when it ended. So that definitely lines up with what he said. Yeah, I would have been the same way, I just would have been floating around and not known anything, probably until I came back or whatever, but, you know, it was like, you know, a captain in the Navy was telling me this stuff, it wasn't just some guy, you know, I mean, I had no idea I knew the man, but it was like, you know, he even said he's like, "You were like a son to me, you told me that." And, you know, I didn't know him at all, and it was just, if he hadn't have done that, if he hadn't have, like, said that or done it, so I would have been completely lost, but, you know, at least he gave me some, maybe that's what he was trying to do, to give me some sort of footing or grounding or something, how can you try to help me out, you know, and if it wasn't for that, I would have, I would have thought it was like a bad dream or something. Right, so yeah, yeah. So Rebecca, what point in your life, at what age do you think your 20 and back began? Oh, that I mean, there was a lot going on before I was taken for 20 and back, I know that, yeah. 1982, so I was nine years old. Okay, you might have said that already, so. Like before I turned 10, so I do know that, yeah. And do you have any memory of what that process looked like at all? Are you just kind of have this is pretty foggy or what? You mean coming back? No, no, no, leaving actually, like going into it. I remember being pulled out of the side of my house. I mean, there was, I had so many abductions when I was a kid, but this was like, I remember leaving, leaving and looking back, it was like in slow motion, you're levitating and being pulled at the same time, like in a vacuum, your body, my body felt like a rag doll. And I was looking back at my, you know, the kitchen and the light, the light was on in the kitchen at night, and I could, I'm like, this just isn't going to go good. And also like it was playing out in slow motion. Yeah, yeah, and there's nothing there's nothing there's frustration in not being able to stop what's happening. But that feeling typifies so many of the abductions I was having. Yeah, I mean, I was always waking up in my sleep mute and paralyzed and trying to get away from something. Anyway, same, right, likewise, in there. Yeah. Yeah, I was just anonymous. Oh my god. Yes. So I also, I used to lay in bed when I was a kid and I was afraid that aliens were going to come through my wall. And I had no reference point on a reason to be afraid of that. I remember, you know, because my bed is a twin bed and it was up against the wall and there was a window. I wasn't afraid of them coming in the window. I was afraid of them coming through the wall. It was really weird. But that's neither here nor there. But when you said that, just reminding me that who knows and the whole paralysis thing, you know, it's all it's a mystery. It's a mystery. But I think we should probably it might be actually helpful to do an entire episode on that alone. Because that can ruin your life. If you let that stuff take, I mean, if you don't know what to do about it, I mean, it'll ruin your life in the sense that you're not going to sleep anymore. And your daily life just begins to suck. If you if you don't process the fear, yeah. Right. Yeah. Or learn how to or learn how to literally protect yourself and do something about it, which is, which is what the biggest, the biggest revelation for me was understanding that, oh, I can actually do something about this, you know, and that's where, when did you make that realization? Pretty, I don't know, maybe five years into it happening. Really? Yeah. Well, yeah, well, I started figuring out, I don't know, something's probably subconsciously guided me, but I started figuring out techniques and ways to combat it on my own. And I don't know if it would even work for anyone else. It always happening through a lucid dreaming experience for me. And I learned how to control that. And I learned how to know what to look for, because they infiltrate your dreams. And then that's how it all starts. So if you can, if you can figure out that, the point of origin, where they're trying to come from, then you can stop it. And I would typically just figure out, I would know, I would call the glitch. I would know when I would see that glitch in my dream. And I would, I would see it and I'm like, nope, nice try. And I would literally wake myself up out of my dream. And I would stay there in bed. And I would do clearings and put protection up and fall back asleep. And after that, my day stopped, you know, for the most part. Yeah, so there are things you could do about it. So this, I wanted to ask you guys, if you would mind sharing, give the audience a glimpse of what you're going to be speaking about at the conference coming up. I don't, you know, you don't have to give it all away. But if you want to share a little bit about what you're going to be sharing with the audience. Fair, I'll start. I mean, for me, I've never done this before. So it's all new to me. So I'm probably pretty much just going to share the story. And if anybody has any questions, of course, I'll answer me if I can. But I mean, there's some things I haven't talked about yet that, you know, I could say, I could say for the, you know, for the event coming up. Hey, it's Ryan Seacrest. Life comes at you fast, which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time. Enter Chumba Casino with no download required. You can jump on any time anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes. So treat yourself with Chumba Casino and play over 100 online casino style games all for free. Go to Chumba to collect your free welcome bonus. Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group, void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. But I mean, as far as all that, I haven't really done them before. So, you know, we'll have to see what we'll have to find out. Right. Well, and that's all that matters. Anyway, it's telling the story because what I'm finding out is that the people who are going to be there, almost, I wouldn't be surprised if everybody in the audience is in the programs. The people are all being guided there. For a reason, most of them are is because they're having their own experiences. I've lost kind of the amount of people who've reached out, telling me that that's why they're coming. And they feel they're just being drawn there, like they're being activated. And I really think some on some way or some level is all going to be very healing for everybody who's there being, it's just like just that just that knowingness that we've all been a part of something and just being able to be around those people and figure it out is huge, I think. So, yeah, Darryl, definitely looking forward to hearing the new stuff for sure. And yeah, like I said in my story, that stuff happened because when I woke up, like from the density chair, I looked at my right and I saw three guys were like sitting on like a mattress on the floor and they looked like they were in club floats. So, you know, I think it's kind of common for them to be Shanghai and everything, you know, I think that happens often people don't even know they've been taken and they've been taken. Right. Well, that's exactly what we're experiencing right now. A lot more people are realizing and and it sounds crazy that there could be so many people coming forward because obviously those the fake whistleblowers and the shills trying to muddy the waters, trying to, you know, ruin things for the people who have real memories. But if William Tompkins was right about his number being in the millions in the 80s, of course, we're going to have people every day remember and stuff now. And I don't know, like I said, it was all experimental back then. So, they could have no way of knowing really hot was all going to pan out. And then we're thinking about how we care. Oh, sorry. Real real quick. This is what I've thought about for a while is like, think about how many people probably do have had memories come back, but they're too scared. They have a family. They have a job. They're too scared to come forward and come public with because think about it. This type of information is not like, it's pretty heavy stuff. It's pretty, it's not without consequences if you're going to talk about this publicly for most people. Totally. For most people. For most people. Exactly. So, I'm like, there's probably a lot more people than we realize that have had memories coming back. They're just too scared to come forward or they just, the consequences in their mind are too great for where they're at in their life that they don't want to come forward. Or maybe they've only told a few people, close people in their life, you know. I cannot say, yeah, I guess I so agree with that because I mean, I work with, I'm an intuitive, so I work with clients all the time, you know, and I get notes from people all the time who were like, I've never told this to anybody and this is coming out and I don't know what to do. And all the crazy stories that I get and there's time. I mean, I hear from people every day that are grappling with these memories. So, absolutely. It's not huge. They're hot. Everybody's coming into full flower with their, you know, the desire to know. I think as we're moving through this transit in the culture right now, all of us on this planet, it's like emerging from the depths to be, you know, like holding a shadow material. This is what we're doing. So, like, the Secret Space Conference is a huge surface to that. And what you said, Tyler's spot on about the healing here, you know, the healing that can take place and we all come together. Like, in human form, like we're not behind a screen. It kind of scares me a little, like, oh, people are going to see all my, you know, right, you know, my, anyway, no, it's, it's true that I always, I always joke and say, we never know if these, if you guys have legs or not. Like, are you in the wheelchair or what? Yeah, I don't know. You're a robot or you're a real person. Yeah. What are you going to be sharing with us at the conference from Becca? Oh, and you just knew stuff. There's always new nuances and new big stuff coming in and trying to connect the dots in the context. And I'd like to talk about, I'm really curious about what I call the my lab family breeding program. Maybe talk some about that because I think some people maybe connect dots in their own families, you know, their own history, like maybe looking at it a little different. But I think for me tuning into what is intuitively what is most needed for this audience? You know, I might not know until I'm, you know, a few weeks before, but there's, I want to talk about the twinning, the psychic twinning thing on Mars, which is really compelling and huge information for me. And just like Daryl said, you know, kind of give a, what can I do in 90 minutes plus a Q and A, you know, I kind of got to pick my things wisely and bring it around to healing so that they're, like we said, there's light in the story. Right. And every just so, you know, and everybody, all the speakers are having to get two hours. So you'll be plenty of time for that and questions. We set it up that way on purpose because it's not a subject, an hour is not enough, even two hours isn't, but it's enough to at least, you know, do justice on stage. Yeah. Yeah. So we're really looking forward to that. And I actually, if you want it, we've been covering this twinning, the, I don't know, the psychic twinning process on Mars might be something different than we've covered. Would you mind explaining what that is? Because I'm kidding. You know, so I was on the show at some point when I was on last year, I know you guys asked me like, did you have a counterpart out there? And I was like, I couldn't remember anything. And I met, I met through the ether in the energetic realm. I a guy that I was twinned with purposefully trauma bonded and psychically bonded, tortured together, wedded together sexually, we were sent to Mars together and worked as a team for a while. That's what I basically mean. And it's part of the twinning is part of the Illuminati playbook. It's man, it is, they got this from the Illuminati. So that's what you're talking about on the show. This is very much an analog with that. Right. Yeah. Yeah. The trauma bonded, in most cases, twinning. And it's going to look different for everybody. I know Darryl, you even had an experience with a Tai Jettin, Tai Gettin, or Tai Jettin. How do you say that? Yeah, Tai Jettin, Tai Jettin, you had an experience that seemed to be a little more organic, though, that didn't seem to be like a twinning thing, did it? I'm sorry. I don't real. So twinning means like, on some level, you were, you were paired up as a child, right? With this person, Rebecca, and then, like, we were kept in cages and tortured together. I mean, yeah, I don't think that's quite what trauma, trauma bonded. Yeah. So it's not what Darryl experienced. Yeah. Not really a good thing. No, no. Yeah. It's just the cool that they use, essentially. Sounds like. But no, that's not Darryl's. That wasn't. No, yeah. I just had experiences like a clone, and that was in the dark fleet, but I didn't have like any kind of twinning or anything. I can live, you know, besides some events, I really didn't really have any kind of, as a child, any kind of anything to do with it. And like I said, whenever they first, when that first class was interviewing me, and after I walked through the metal detector, he even asked me, he said, "Were you home school?" And I said, "No." And he said, "Well, I guess you just slipped through the cracks after, you know, they got my scores and everything like that." So he was surprised that it basically seemed surprised that I wasn't already in the program, or I hadn't been taken early at a younger age. Oh, that's why he asked if you're home school, because he was just as... Yeah, he said, "Were you home school?" It almost seemed like, I guess like in public schools, like kind of, you know, if you have high scores or whatever like that, they kind of keep track of you. Right. Yeah. Going back to the twinning thing real quick. The reason I brought it up, it's just different. It's interesting to me. We think about the programs in the military aspect, but you don't think about like you could fall in love and have a family also with somebody in the programs. And that's where it gets really confusing, because then you come back and you're not only like getting memories back, but you're missing people. Like Rebecca, did you like being twin with that person? Did you love that person? Absolutely. Absolutely. Like my my whole, yeah, my whole living reason for living. And it's very, very good for missions, because if you care about somebody that you're on a mission with, you're going to have a successful mission, because you don't want their ass to die. Right. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I mean, it's a different thing, but in his memories, he's still alive. He's out there going through his memories. I know this. He's come to me, not in physical, in non-physical, through the multi-dimensional gateway, right? But his memory field is bound up with mine and his healing and my healing are bound together. We unlock each other. And I'm like, where the heck is this guy? I need him. And when he came, I could say, I mean, I've been given his whole division of him is very, the picture, it's photographic, except for his face, which was in my, my vision was all pixelated. But, yeah, I mean, I have a name. I'm so curious, but it's like we're wed, we're bound. And like I said, some of the memory matter, I don't know if I can get through it entirely without him, which is interesting. And whatever, I don't know. I 100% agree with that. Yeah, the healing process in particular, like not until that until you unite, like, can you start the true healing process, I feel like, because you're twinned, you know, it's interesting because Dan Cooper, he says that him and his twin brother were taken into the programs. And they, he called it a twinning program also, but they use literal biological twins. That's their preference. They would prefer. Yeah. Right. Yeah. And there was, there was the advantage he would explain, like, in battle or whatever scenario, you would be, you would know what the other person was doing. So you can like, attack from both sides and you're always working in tandem in a way you just couldn't do with somebody else. Yeah. Yeah. So it's not just like love, they actually use actual twins too. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and did you, did you say you've done a show on, on, on the relational bonding within the programs? Yeah. Yeah, we just did. Eve, Eve Lorgan. Yeah. We did that and it was a great episode. It got a lot of great feedback and, and the comments it connected so many dots for people. There's a lot of aha moments because you have these people that show up in your life and you don't know the connection. And then when you hear about, oh, you could have been in the programs with this person or whatever program it might have been, it's like, oh, okay. And then all of a sudden certain experiences that you've had throughout your life start making more sense, you know, so it's really crucial to understand this stuff. Yeah. Yeah. For your own sanity. So real quick on the current state of affairs, Darryl, I know your CEO, he was told you, told you a lot about what was going to happen. He gave you like a timeline of things that were going to happen. What you're seeing right now. I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod. Say, hi, Dan. Hey, how's it going today? It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan and Morgan, which is America's largest injury law firm. That's pretty awesome. Why do you guys think you win so many cases? The insurance companies and other companies that we go against know that we're going to take it to the end that we believe in the case. So we fight for every dollar and we're not afraid to go that extra mile for our clients. Are insurance companies like actually afraid of you guys? We don't bluff. We take it to trial and we are not strangers of getting very, very, very large verdicts. Awesome. So how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan? What would I do if I got into an accident? Probably the easiest way is dialing pound law. That's pound 529 from your cell phone and our call center is always waiting to take your call. 24/7, 365. Wow, Dan Morgan. From Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm. Thanks for coming by the show. Thanks for having me. Visit for an office near you. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. BGW Group, void rep prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. Right now on a world stage. Is that matching what he told you? Well, yeah, because he said it would have to come out in a trickle and then it would eventually come out like what it would flow out. Because he said that the people they're not going to be able to just, they're not going to be able to take this, that people you idolize, people who you thought are your heroes, different politicians that you like, the things that are going to come out on them, people aren't going to be able to take it all at once. So he told me it's going to be something where they're going to have to, it's going to be a trickle. And it seems like, I mean, you know, with Prince and what happened in Netherlands, I think with politicians over there, there was like a big, you know, scandal with pedophilia and all that other stuff. And so it's going to be difficult for people to accept this. So it can't be brought out all at once. You know, people are so used to TikTok and everything else. They just want everything to happen immediately. And it can't be like that because the population, they just couldn't take it. They wouldn't either believe it or they just, they couldn't accept it. But yeah, I mean, as far as I see, yeah, it's just, it's something that's going to have to happen slowly and it's happening. So, and he told me, you know, the whole COVID thing is going to be code word for, you know, this guy was taken out and everything like that. And he's like, I say, he said it could be prolonged, but it can't be stopped. So how he put it. Meaning like if, if, uh, Queen Elizabeth gets COVID, it could be code word for her being taken out or something along those lines happening. Exactly. And I even asked him about, so I'll live it in England at the time. I even said that, you know, is the royal family in and all this. He said, yeah, and I said, well, you know, will they be exposed? And he said, no, he said the queen won't be exposed because the people won't be able to accept it, the English people. So she might just pass on and you won't even hear about all the dirt on her. He said, he said we're, he basically said we're going to lock her in her palace. She's going to die there. He's like, she's not allowed out. She's basically on house arrest in her palace. She can't read. Well, we even got mainstream articles saying that the queen was going to be going away for a while. However, the however they worried it, I'm thinking to myself, okay, like clearly they're telling us something happened here. She might or she won't be seen in public for the next three months, they said, or something like that is real suspicious, you know, and that sounds exactly like what the case might be. And I just wonder how many other people we're going to, how many other people it's already happened to, we just don't know. Yeah, I mean, and you haven't really seen people, you know, you haven't seen celebrities like you always see. So it's like, where are they all at? You know, why aren't there any movies? Why aren't there big smash hits playing? You know, I think this thing with Tom Hanks, is he coming out with that where he plays the Colonel with Elvis Presley? And I don't know, you know, I don't. And like I said, he was, he was big into it as far as what he told me. He was like the kingpin, you know, as far as you don't have up, huh? It seems, it seems to me like there's this, there's this, because you know, there's everything about the Alliance, and they're exposing things. And the deep state is like retaliating and doing things. And they're, they're getting more and more and more intense with their pushing, trying to push their agendas, whatever they can do still. And then you got the truckers and the pushback, you know, and all that happening. But then they're bringing in you and troops to like beat up people. And like, it's like, I'm curious, like, how bad things have to get or how bad things are going to get before enough people. And there's like some correlation between enough people have to wake up on a big enough scale. Because if not, then it's like people are still under this mind control and these belief systems of what the media is telling them and things like that and what the government's telling them. And it's all lies, you know, so they're going to be reacting to those thinking it's truth. And the political bullshit that people think is, you know, so I'm like, curious, it's like, obviously, things are already getting crazy. But how much is like, is there going to have to be a whole lot of people die, you know, like, like, the jab is, is that going to kill a whole bunch of people? And how, how far are they going to push that? How far are they going to push all these things before things start to really change for the better, you know, and the the bad guys finally get taken out completely, you know, out of power. That has to happen. He told me that basically what their 30 year plan was, they're making him doing it. They're they're the good guys are causing the bad guys to do it like it was in two years. So all this insane stuff that's happening right now is basically what what's happening is they're showing you what these guys had planned for you, but they were going to implement it over a slow period of time so that the public would accept it. And people aren't accepting it now. And he also said that, you know, the people are going to have to fight back. They're going to have to be something like they won't be able to do it just on their own that people are going to have to fight back. And I think a part big part of this trucker convoy thing is probably the people fighting back because it's just one of those things where they're not going to just do it for you, you know, I mean, you have to have some sort of skin of the game. You're going to have to do something, you know, the game's driving you across the finish line. And yeah, and also because it's actually a good sign to me that they they had to bring in you in troops. Apparently in Ottawa, they had you in troops that were disguised as Ottawa, Ottawa police. For the most part, doing all this stuff. And that says to me that they know they can't control the normal police to the extent they want to that they weren't they won't follow orders enough. You know, because if you lose, because essentially if they don't have police or military following their orders, who do they have to do their dirty work or to enforce things? They don't have anything. They can't do themselves, you know, so it's almost like that's falling apart on them. And the UN, it's kind of like their last the last thing they have that will actually still follow their orders and stuff. And so as soon as that falls apart, or, you know, they don't have enough of them to really accomplish these things, then and enough people wake up that are not complying and pushing back and waking up. It's like, you can see the house of cards already crumbling, but it's like, all right, well, how, how, how bad does it have to get fully for like enough people to stop complying to things, to stop believing the lies, start seeing through the bullshit? I don't think it's gonna, I don't think anyone has that real answer is how. No, no. What are your thoughts on all this, Rebecca? Yeah, as Aaron's talking, I'm like, I was thinking that we were thinking that back in 2020, right? When COVID hit, and we're like, how long is this shit gonna go on? Yeah, I was thinking about that, that's for sure. How long, you know, how much are people gonna take years later? Yeah, keep taking it. He also told me, yeah, it has to be this way. It has to, he even he had kind of like a empathetic look on his face, like he felt bad that it happened. But he said it's gonna be hard, and a lot of people are gonna die, but it has to be this way because he said that it has to be ingrained on the people's DNA. So it was almost like he kind of like brought up like a monarch kind of thing. It has to be in our DNA memory. So this will never happen again. He can't just, you know, save the day or whatever like that, and just have it happen all over again. It'll just happen again. Yeah. So the people, it has to be difficult. It has to be hard. He said that, you know, that has to be ingrained on the people's DNA. It'll be just like, yeah, it'll be just like, it'll be just like everything. We take everything for granted, unless we're personally involved, you know, you know, you take it for granted that you can just go buy fruit or produce, you know, and somebody asks you, where do you get your fruit, the store? Like you don't think about what it takes to grow that piece of fruit and harvest it and all that stuff. Like we just take things for granted. And then if it's done for us, like, no one cares. You never think twice about it. But when it gets real and you have to do something about, yeah, that's interesting. It gets ingrained in your DNA. You remember you know this and and that can be passed. It goes into a knowing rather than just having the head knowledge of something. The reason it's important is like you said, because that once it's in our DNA, that automatically gets passed down to our grandchildren or children or grandchildren. So then the future generations have that gene in them that won't allow this to happen anymore. It's really just imagine what it's doing to the kids that grew up in this. They had the word the mask and, you know, everything else. That's really like that's a horrible thing to do to children. But that's going to be a memory that's going to last with them when they grow up to adulthood. You know what I mean? And it could be good for the good or it could be for the bad, but, you know, we'll have to find out. And I think that is like a big part of what he was talking about too, you know, after being reigned on the memory of the people. So this will never happen again, like ever. Totally, totally. And we own the change rather than some outside force doing everything for us. And then it's like, we're the ones that are going to demand the change and change things, you know, we're the ones creating this reality ultimately. So like, we have to own it. And yeah, it's almost like it just has to happen. It's like, it's basically like, it's as hard as we make it ourselves. And even if we realized that or not consciously, you know, we're the ones creating. And eventually, I think it has to get to a breaking point. And that's that's what we're looking for. Yeah. Yeah. That's before that breaking point. So it feels to me like it's coming really soon, though, like we're really right at the like, the precipice of. Yeah, regardless, I see us moving into this energies and all these events happening, there's no going back at this point. So like, we know it's coming, we know it's coming. So yeah, we want to see it sooner than later, but we inevitably, it's happening. So that's the good news. That's the good news, I think, it just could be, it could take a lot longer because of us. We might be the ones wanting it to happen so quickly, but also could be because of us that it's taking so long. So it's interesting for anyone out there listening to this, to start considering that. And I read something today online. It's like, yeah, you can expose to your agenda all you want, but you also have to be simultaneously creating the reality that you want to see the energy into that also. And what are you putting your energy into to create? And you have to know what you want before you can create a reality you truly want to. So that's, it's almost like that's the first step, figuring out what we want. And this is what like Alex Collier talks about all the time. You may need to figure out what it wants, what it wants to create, and then put your energy all to that. And then, and then take it, take your energy out of, because so many people, you know, we've been manipulated to put all our energy into the system into the corrupt system. And we're with the ones feeding it. The exposure of the how, how, how it's falling apart is maybe making people, you know, right, been ready to receive a new vision for humanity. Is that a positive? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, it's all, it's like almost in a way divinely orchestrated. I think we'll see that more as this plays out, like the divine into, you know, this is actually a passage that we need, like, just like when I get some like, some crazy thing is going on my life that I really, you know, would rather not have, but like, it's the passage that we needed to learn the lesson and make the change I needed, right? Right. And even though there is a lot of death coming from this, like it's death is a transition. We know what happens. It's, you know, that's not something to be feared. Right. And if anything, that soul now can be even more impactful in this war. Now that it's, it's a perfect time. So it's like, when we're losing these people, we're not really losing them. If anything, it might be strengthening the army and I have a backfire effect on this whole movement, you know, I think it might. Yeah, they might be trying to depopulate us, but they don't, like, somebody doesn't just die, you know, what are they doing? There's a lot that happens after, you know, people die and they're, but there's still, there's still, there's still consciousness somewhere and they can be helping us from beyond. Well, exactly. That's why it's important. Like people like Laura Van Tien do is they clean up the fourth dimension. So when people pass, they make sure they go to the right place instead of getting stuck in that soul trap and that reincarnation, which the Illuminati article ball has set up, so they understand that some of these people that die or get sucked right back into it. But there's also an opposing force now that they've never had before, making sure that these souls go to the light for lack of a better term, instead of getting sucked in that. And this is a huge thing also that we don't think about this multi layered. Yeah, you know, this is interesting. Last summer, I was out watering my garden, not thinking about anything. And I had Max Spears manifested on my right side. He took away and he looked me right in the eyes. And he said, it's going to be okay. And I had such a sense. I went for a walk in the woods after that and I had him with me and it was, wow, I'm gonna start crying. So moving. And I had this visit. He's doing that very important work that he couldn't do while he was still here in the body, because he was he was kind of overtaken. Very of course, of course you are. He threw up black glue when he when he died, right? I try to make a lot of his passage and his destruction. But well, not long since that he was very empowered out there and working in life. Yeah, that's a perfect, perfect example. Perfect example. Yeah. Perfect example. Yeah. I use the analogy the other day about what we see happening is like a controlled demolition. It's like a building like when you can like it's a controlled demolition. And let's just say we've the building has been imploded. And right now, the ground crew is cleaning up the mess. And there's still some dangers. There's some hot electric. There's some maybe a gas leak. There's some survivors. There's death. It's all messy. And so the ground crew is moving and cleaning up the mess right now. So I feel like the building has imploded. And what we're seeing now is the mess being cleaned up. And there's still a lot. It's not easy, dangerous. I also feel that the energy field around there's changes happening in our atmosphere in around despite space fence and everything else that's been done to keep this planet in lockdown. There, I feel like there's a lot of shift going on. Like when we talk about our own energy field being cleansed, there's something going on in our planetary energy field that is shifting. I think it's aiding the bedding the process of what's going on. And maybe also running a tandem with it with the awakening of consciousness on our planet. So interesting to look at it from that dimension, sort of a bigger lens, maybe. Yeah, we just had the 2020 portal, which I don't know if you could see that as emerging of timelines. Everybody has their own opinion or their feeling intuitively. They know what happened on that day. Either way, we can collectively agree there was some sort of shift that happened. And it's going to be interesting to see where we go for the rest of this year. And all I think everything's fair game. I would not be surprised if anything, anything, I don't think anything would surprise me at this point, UFO landing on the one last long, whatever. Well, this has been absolutely fantastic, guys. Thank you so much for coming on and joining us and chatting with us. It's super fascinating. Darryl, Rebecca, do you guys have any last words before we wrap this up? Just like to say, don't lose faith. Nobody likes, I told you so. You got all these people that they're starting to realize that the vaccines are having adverse effects. It's exactly soccer players falling down in the field and everything like that. I mean, don't be be kind to others. People didn't know. When you understand the mind control that's been on this planet, to me, it's totally understandable that people believe they just don't know any better. That's a great point to bring that up, Darryl. That's a great reminder, actually. That is a great point. We do. We find ourselves getting angry at some of these people who don't see it, but we're now all once there. Being in the space of love, definitely, and bringing it around to unity. Yeah, definitely. We look forward to seeing you guys in the flesh at the conference. I'm super excited about it. Guys who missed the beginning, you can find tickets to our conference in Grafton, Illinois, May 2nd through the 5th at That link is in the description below. Tickets are $444, which includes your meal plan. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, buffet, Monday through Thursday. It's a great deal. The ticket's basically paying for your food, for the most part. We have some people reaching out saying it's way too expensive, but it's really not. Look around, everything's expensive right now. We're doing this as cheap as we can. For the venue that it's like we have to pay the venue. Well, yeah, that too. It's funny. Somebody was like, "Why don't you just choose a cheaper venue?" I'm like, "Actually, it's cheapest venue around. It just happens to be the only one." That's like the cheapest one we can find, too. The whole cost thing, I understand that it's not going to be doable for everyone. That's why we have a live stream ticket available also if you can't make it. But we would love to see you all there. Come hang out with us. It's going to be great. The closer it gets, the more excited I get, and can't wait to see you guys, can't wait to hear from everybody, and it's going to be amazing. What can people find you guys? Rebecca Rose, that'll be down in the description. You can order Akashic sessions with me and Starseed Coaching sessions, galactic attunements, and all sorts of stuff, so check that out and go to my YouTube. I'd love to see you over there. Right, and go check out her series where I'm not going to get it wrong this time. Bringing light to the darkness. Yeah, series is the channel. Yeah, and then Darryl, do you have a contact or anything where people can find you? Mine says is my website, and I just have like all my videos on it. So I really don't have any kind of, you know, business plan with. Okay, just a place to find all my videos. Cool. Well, all those links will be in the description also. So grab a ticket, come hang out with us. Thank you guys for joining us. And until next time, have a great evening. Good night, everyone. He said, listen, give me two years. You never want to come back. God, the adventure of a lifetime. And nobody will know you're gone. You get deployed at 17 and a half. And now I was deployed from the New York athletic club. And we got to actually deploy right out of the locker room from, you know, you're being up to the ship and then the ship takes off and you're gone for 20 years. That's a very hard pill to swallow, but that's exactly how I experienced it. I was taken at 10 years old. I was taken and I was worked through several black programs. I was privately owned in the beginning. I did six or seven years on earth. That's when all the stuff for the programs began for me. Specifically, the tracking that they had been doing since I was a kid, it followed me all the way through the military. And at that point, I got the dig of our sea. That's where I was taking off planet like opened that floodgate for me. And then all of these recalls started coming in. And I was just like, Oh my gosh, the way I was describing it, she's like, I've never had this with a client, but that you're describing a parallel life right now. It's a combination of human and other species. I was able to remember the name on their uniform. It's USS R Corp. That was putting me through some kind of recruitment tests from age three until 12. And 12 is when I was potentially well taken. He said, uh, within with your scores, I guarantee you'll make commander and you'll make pilot. And I said pilot of what? And he said, uh, four kilometer long starship. He told me what was going to happen to me. He said, you volunteer for the program will put you in. You'll do 20 years. We'll, um, send you back in time, 20 years, age regrets you 20 years, wipe your memory and you'll just wake up in bed like nothing happened. It's almost beyond words is beyond comprehension and how this could happen. Whoever's master minding this, you know, the Air Force, you know, working with extraterrestrials, working with a lot of pretty wild technology, which I'll also get into. It's really beyond fathomable. It's beyond fathomable. [Music] Ryan C. Crest here. When you have a busy schedule, it's important to maximize your downtime. One of the best ways to do that is by going to Chumbah Chumbah Casino has all your favorite social casino games, like spin slots, bingo, and solitaire that you can play for free for a chance to redeem some serious prizes. So hop on to Chumbah now and live the Chumbah life. Sponsored by Chumbah Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Save on a Riley Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of a Riley Break Parts Cleaner for just eight dollars, valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts.