Journey to Truth

EP 172 - Former US Navy: Dan Willis - "Our Poor Hijacked Planet"

Originally aired on 2/17/22
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Dan Willis is one of the Disclosure Project's Top Secret military witnesses that testified at the National Press Club in Washington DC in 2001 in front of every major media. A world disclosure event which was asking for a congressional hearing in order to bring forth the witness scientists within the black projects who can release the technologies derived from extraterrestrial reverse engineering, that have been hidden for over 60 years that could stop further damage to our planet. But instead, the message was sanitized by a controlled mainstream media.
From his personal first hand experiences, as well as looking into the historical indicators that have been purposely omitted from our education system, which reveal an infiltration of unwarranted influences operating behind the secrecy established for our National Security system, which is used to control the public's indoctrination that forms the perception of the "agreed upon reality", in order to hide their illegal operations and why they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial reality.
An ex-radio broadcast engineer and ABC newsman, Dan has taken a keen interest in how the mainstream media has withheld disclosure of the full message to the public, a message based on the hundreds of credible military and intelligence witness testimonies.

2h 6m
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01 Aug 2024
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I know, I know, Karvana makes it so convenient to sell your car. It's just hard to let go. My car and I have been through so much together. But look, you already have a great offer from Karvana. That was fast. Well, I know my lessons played in my heart, and those questions were easy. You're almost there. Now to just accept the offer and schedule a pick up or drop off. How'd you do it? How were you so strong in letting go of your car? Well, I already made up my mind and Karvana is so easy. Yeah. True. And sold. Go to to sell your car the convenient way. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Whatever. Yeah. Are we ever ready? No, we're never ready. We're just winging it basically at this point. That's like our podcast. Hey guys, welcome back. Before we get started, don't forget to grab a ticket to our conference. May 2nd through the 5th, Grafton, Illinois, Secret Space Conference. It's going to be a lot of fun. It's right around the corner, less than three months away. If you want to come hang out, come meet all the speakers, do some star watches, bonfires, live music. It's going to be amazing. So come join us. Tickets are available at and all that information is on the website. Any questions you have are most likely answered there. Livestream tickets are available if you can't make it in person. It's coming up right around the corner and there's so much to talk about with this subject. Not just the SSP, but just Uphology in general. There's so much going on right now, it's becoming confusing actually. And that's part of the reason we wanted to bring Dan on the show. Dan Willis, he's actually a returning guest. We've had him on a few months ago and we got into some interesting stuff. But this time we're really going to get into some interesting stuff because we're going to try and make sense of everything that's going on right now. We have conflicting narratives. We have this soft disclosure BS narrative that they're trying to push. And we're going to go back and kind of try and make sense of things. And start in the early days and talk about what we know, what actually happened. Because this limited hangout disclosure, we're getting right now from the DoD and, you know, all the US government, it's all just, they're just going in circles. They're not getting anywhere, so we're going to try and break that down today. Welcome to the show, Dan. Great to be with you guys, Dan. Yeah, well, it's an important topic. Right. Right. There's tons. Dan and I have been talking off camera and I was like, wow, this guy is incredibly researched. You impressed me with some of the stuff you shared with me. And it's fantastic that we have somebody out, somebody like you out there connecting all the dots. And, you know, channel and asking the hard questions. And we're trying to come to, you know, what we can best describe as the truth with indicators and what you call indicators and just connecting the dots. So, I don't know what's it looking like to you? Well, you know, how many people really have the luxury or the time to dedicate to researching all this stuff, you know, research all the witness testimonies, all the documents. I mean, most people are just trying to, trying to function and survive on this planet, much less, you know, do the due diligence, you know, so. The programming with this kind of stuff that most people don't believe it's really new. Yeah, and you know, the dark elements take full advantage of it, because they know that a lot of people, they go through their, their school education, they, they pretty much know what they know because of what they see on television. Through generational indoctrination, they can manipulate the masses, the perceptions of move the entire populace toward toward a hidden agenda that everybody isn't aware of. And so, yeah, it's an important thing to, to know how to discern, you know, what is real what's not, you know, it's a rough one because, you know, not everybody has, you know, been in the secret space program or, you know, has an implant with drug communication or, you know, has been in the top secret program, and even if you're in a top secret program, it's so compartmentalized that one person doesn't know what the other person's doing. And then you could be fed misinformation, because then if you repeat it, the project isn't compromised, you know, like say, take Bob Lazar, for example, you know, he was told that operation looking glass where he was working at S4 can only see a couple of milliseconds into the past or future, you know, and there's a lot of other sources of indicate that they've been able to do much further so. Right. Oh, yeah. You know, he was given a certain amount of information and thinking that, oh, we haven't been able to make much progress, but that's not true as, as we all know, they were able to make a lot of progress. I did confirm the technology, which is huge. But, but he was given miss info about it, which I think that happens a lot where they will tell them about the tech, it's like in mid to him that it's real but then tell them info that it's incorrect about it. To kind of like, to kind of lay the waters, you know, and steer them away from it, or lie to them about how they obtained it. And yeah, yeah. Works to hide the truth. Absolutely. Right. Yeah, secrecy. Yeah. I would say secrecy is good for business for them. And, you know, and transparency isn't so it only makes sense that we're just everything is going to operate in secrecy. And then like you said, everything's so compartmentalized that they, you know, they could be getting truthful info, but they're there that could just be one little section and there could be so much more that they're not being told. And that's why it's so important to take a step back and like put the pieces together from all over the place and you kind of form this greater, greater picture of everything that's really going on, you know. Right. And that's what Dan does beautifully. Yeah, and you do that really well. Exactly. Well, I didn't, you know, we wanted the 20 top secret military witnesses in front of the mainstream media of the world. I thought, how could this not be with what we were disclosing not be a world changing event. I didn't know what Operation Mockingbird was, you know, it wasn't until media company wanted me to write an article about the control, you know, being an ex ABC newsman. Who's, you know, who's controlling this who who's keeping the people from knowing the truth about this. So I wrote a couple of notes here we were kind of breaking it into like three different sections the first part being, you know, how, how do we sort out this conflicting information, you know, in the old days. You know, going back to the beginning of the 20th century, we have a lot of authenticated documents, a lot of witness testimonies and things like that. And there wasn't so much counter intelligence disinformation being put out because we didn't, they didn't have the internet back then, where they have all this information. So there was a lot more revealing information that was revealed in the older days, you know, and the CIA documents and so forth. And I petition the CIA back in 1992 or something. And I got a huge stack of papers from the CIA, and I went through them all, looking at all the stuff it was real interesting some of the stuff because they let some stuff slip out, you know, through the whole thing. But nowadays, you know, although they've released a whole lot more because obviously they're wanting to awaken the public to this reality, but for their own agenda. So anyway, a few notes here on what initiates, you know, somebody to do research into those like a lot of people intuitively feel that there's something's not right with this. You know, you either have a sighting, you had a contact experience a paranormal experience or you were involved in the government or military, and you had direct knowledge. And, and you knew that, you know, the public wasn't being told, and you wanted to find out the truth for yourself and, you know, I had no. Until I went to Washington test if I, you know, I'm just busy with my life like everybody else. I had no, you know, wanting to spend a lot of time and researching. But, you know, when a media company out of Hollywood wanted me to write an article on the control media I, I gladly accepted because I wanted to find out what happened. Why was this not a world changing event, why aren't we using anti gravity, why aren't we using all this advanced technology. Why are we still using nuclear oil and coal, why aren't we using zero point energy. And so what, what I did was I look for collaboration over multiple indications to point to this hidden reality. You can't come to an absolute conclusion, due to the compartmentalization. And I'm just looking at myself, I know it's here I'm trying to be more, but I put down a lot of. Just imagine the unimaginable, just imagine what if we didn't win World War II, and what if the Nazi SS fully escaped and plan to infiltrate into the US, with the help of the banking elite and hide their operations by using what's called full spectrum dominance, controlling the perception over multiple generations to move forward on a new world or agenda through generational indoctrination, so that if the future, the American public would have no idea that a domestic enemy is slowly moving forward on an agenda that is totally against the American people. In fact, we're in the midst of a psychological warfare right now with mainstream media as its primary weapon. If you're unaware of this, you could be unknowingly giving your consent, you know, which could be against your well being support their plan, you know, which is, you know, reducing 90% of the new world order plan so that's kind of where we're, we're at right now. And that, as you research, you start to find out that is an unimaginable truth that has happened, and that, you know, 1946 you know the Rockefeller Foundation wrote the history of World War II that totally hid the Nazi escape and infiltration and connections with the occult, and so they have controlled our education system since then, you know, operation mock and birdish or where of, you know, controls the media, so our perceptions have been manipulated to hide this truth and the extraterrestrial issue is the is the key to unlock this, because if you look into that particular aspect, it is, it is one unlocks the whole hidden reality that's going on with this right and yeah and they've hijacked our history which therefore hijacks our future, you know so if we don't we can never, we're never going to get anywhere if we don't know the truth about where we came from and about who we are. And that's, you know, they've been, that's been their game right this whole time. And that's why I said it's, it's so interesting to see this new disclosure this new UFO report we got that it was a nothing burger that audacity put weather back in there. Again, you know all this inconclusive stuff and it's like they're, they're trying to rewrite history yet again forget about all these events that we know about. And at the same time it's not just a limited hangout disclosure we're getting from the mainstream from Lou Elzondo and all those guys but we're getting conflicting narratives within the UFO community outside of that. And it gets very confusing and if you're just new to this it's really hard to know what to believe what not to believe. And that's why I want to talk about like how to find like how what indicators look for how to really find your way and navigate through all the BS. So what what I found is in my own quest to try to understand this I, when the media company wanted me to write an article and I titled it who controls agreed upon reality, through the mainstream media and why do they fear disclosing the truth about the extraterrestrial And I was already aware of we were 20 witnesses willing, each one of the state are willing to testify under oath penalty perjury breaking national security oaths. We were backed by over 500 military intelligence witnesses so I was very aware of a lot of these testimonies. And so I, in my quest to understand why what happened. I went back through the 20th and, and up to the 21st century of a timeline from 1900 to present day, and then I started plugging in documents that were authenticated in the timeline of events and then I started plugging in these witness testimonies. I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod. Say hi, Dan. Hey, how's it going today? It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan and Morgan, which is America's largest injury law firm. That's pretty awesome. I think I saw a billboard of yours recently that said 20 billion won. 20 million is insane number. Yeah, 20 billion recovered. It's actually, I think somewhere north, probably closer to 22, 23 after this year. And each year we get bigger and better and our army grows. So the number will hopefully keep getting bigger and bigger as time goes on. Awesome. So how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan? What would I do if I got into an accident? Probably the easiest way is dialing pound law. That's pound 529 from your cell phone. We are always open. Our call center is always waiting to take your call 24 seven three sixty five. Wow, Dan Morgan from Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm. Thanks for coming by the show. Thanks for having me. Visit for an office near you. Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. 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And all you can do is put that on the shelf and don't go into believing it, you know, but keep observing and keep accumulating. You know, most people don't have the time to do this. You know, thank you. Dr. Michael Salah and others that are spending full time research ever since the university fired him because he was inspired by this event and that the university didn't want him to be researching that so now he spends full time. highly recommended site. My site, my online notes are at the It's just chronological. It's not a professional site. It has references so you can look at the documents and so forth. It's not complete by any means, but there's enough information there that can help somebody who's just starting out to just look at it. Oh, wow, look at the sequence of events that happened this happened and this happened and this happened, and it starts to form that hidden reality that's been been hidden. Right. Yeah, and we're going to uncover that tonight live with Dan Willis. What's funny is we do reason. So we titled this episode, our poor hijack planet. I was talking to Dan one day and I asked him a question and he just decided he went, you know, our poor hijack planet. And I started laughing. I was like, that's so true. That's so true. It would be a great name. It would be a great topic of discussion, because that's really what it comes down to like we're in this mess because of the hijacking that occurred years ago. And I know sometimes we can sound like a broken record talking about this stuff, but we can't forget about this stuff either because they are literally trying to rewrite it. And yeah, go ahead, Dan. Oh, I was just saying it's so important what you're doing, both of you what you're doing because the more people become awake and aware of this the more is the chance to transform this situation. You know, I was a kid in the 50s, I was thinking, Oh my God, you're 2000 will have anti gravity cars and go to other planets and all this stuff like that we're still driving internal combustion engines, you know, most of us. Right. Right. Well, they got to, you know, I don't know if anyone watches Super Bowl I didn't. But I did here, well, I did see some of the commercials, and every commercial, every was a car commercial every break was a car commercial for a new electric car. And it might seem like a good thing but there's, you know, it's just you have apparently it takes a diesel generator to run to run a charging station for an electric car. I'm actually using gas. Yeah. And the energy I've heard the energy it takes them to. So like for Teslas like to mine the lithium for it is actually way more anyway, then, then the energy you're using a for a normal car. So it's actually even worse for the environment. The only the only factor in everything. Yeah, exactly the only plus I know I know we're kind of getting off here in this car thing but I just. It's a joke. Well, it's an indicator on where we're going is where we're going. But it's like, it's a joke compared to what we've had for so long. That's like, yeah, light years ahead of that tech and that's like, and they're trying to make it seem like this is the. This is the future, you know, it's like. Well, we've had high gravity since 1954. We haven't needed rockets, not to. And the Germans had it wait 20 years earlier. Yeah, I know you've been involved in some of the technologies Dan. Throughout time, just from getting to know you a little better. Can you elaborate on that a little bit what you were doing? Sure. You know, after. You know, we were on all the mainstream media CNN CBS, you know, and. And make a comment again that, you know, CBS interviewed me exclusively and I said, I. I won't do this interview unless I can say we have a scientist which can prove that we have these over unity technology so like 10 seconds statement. They, they, the higher executives made it cut, cut that part out. And so it becomes pretty obvious that our media has been. Basically infiltrate it. In such a way that it's it's. Completely supporting this agenda, keeping us in a hijack state. So the Bush administration denied the congressional hearing to bring forth the scientists which we had in the black projects. And so, Dr. Greer had along with Professor Lloyd or head of database about 300 scientists and inventors. And it's kind of a crazy story, but I was traveling in the air stream motorhome with my fiance down to Arizona visiting some friends. And in the middle of the night, I kind of. Woke up and I said, I think the professor needs my help. And referring to Professor Ted Lloyd, or he was working with Dr. Greer with his energy scientist that was down the Dominican Republic had an over unity energy device. And I knew that Professor Lloyd was a, he was an earth sciences professor. He didn't have the extensive electronic engineering background that I did. And so, you know, I couldn't see him putting it together. And so, they flew us to Virginia set up a laboratory. The energy device produced with one watt going in and produced over 500 watts of power going out. We're able to measure it ran for hours. And I was to fly back down with with the professor and my job was to blueprint it schematic it out and then send it out and like five different carriers. So in case we get whacked on the way back, they'd be able to reproduce it. And as soon as we arrived to CI agents, right at the door to tell them, you know, this works or dead. And so he completely disassembled the entire thing. And so I spent 10 years, 10 long years meeting with scientists and vendors around the planet, vetting these technologies. So I have quite a bit of experience in that. And I worked with the Badini brothers who mysteriously died, you know, one day for many years who he was like a modern day, Tesla, he was able to, he studied all of Tesla's patents. And he had a number of patents himself was able to pull the radiance to charge batteries that acted like a radiant reservoir. So there's been, and I've, there's been people I've worked with that were murdered. Suicided, as I say, brilliant minds. After it was just a nightmare. But as you, this is probably a good time to go into the history of how this came about why, why are we. It was because the invention secrecy act 1951, thousands close to about 6,000 inventions having to do with energy, anti gravity medical you name it, have all been suppressed. Inventors have been issued what's called national security orders as your invention has been deemed to be a detriment to the national security United States you cannot share it with anyone so that shuts them down. So this was an act an invention. This was an actual act. Yeah, the invention secrecy act of 1951 it was actually 1952 that they enacted it. And it's a secret system within the patent office called the sensitive application warning system. In other words, anybody's got like over unity, super conductivity room temperature technology, anything like that. A red flag goes up and they immediately get issued a national security order. And so they can't share it with anybody. And so it's kept our poor little planet hijacked because of this national security which across the board, you're talking about not only anti gravity and free energy, but medical breakthroughs. My great grandfather was president of the homeopathic medical society back in the time when Rockefeller was shutting down all the natural methods of healing modalities that was putting them out of business calling them a quacks and stuff like that. And so there is a huge amount of financial resources, you know, able to then control the education of doctors. People like Dr. Dr. Rife who discovered that all cells in our body have a particular frequency they also late and that the bad cancer cells, for example, have a particular frequency he had 16 terminally ill cancer patients that this is back in 1934 that he was able to cure all of them. But the guy who put it together, they poisoned him. And, and the papers were all lost. Dr Max Gerson who cured my mother cancer my mother lived in the into her 90s. He came out with a book the cure for cancer, and he was strict nine poison then his daughter shared a story with me that he finally published his book and met but got a much heavier dose of strict nine it's killed him American Cancer Society published his death that he died of, you know, cancer. And so we have this this criminal corrupt medical system that back in 1946 when the, you know, after the Nuremberg trials and project paper clip, they brought over all the Nazi doctors 1600 of them into the CDC at that time. And as William Tomkins, one of the US Navy witnesses says, you know, they, they infiltrated in not only into aerospace like NASA but in a pharmaceutical corporations of which they're in their, their control at the highest positions today. So, when you put together the whole picture of the infiltration story of, before, before the end of the war they had a plan they knew they were going to lose, you know, the war and we won the war with Germany's but the Nazis fully escaped. They had a plan called. Velden Schalen's Creek I gotta pronounce it correct me a wife will get on me because her mother knows German really well. But it means world view warfare they plan to control our perceptions for generational indoctrination, they control history control education control the media control entertainment industry control NASA control pharmaceutical They, they basically branched out and they didn't do this alone you know Hitler, Hitler was financed by IG Farben. On the corporations that were broke from the Nuremberg trials, which established, you know, after a horrendous crimes of the Nazi doctors the informed consent principle which is still applicable today. They broke it into the common names of, you know, all the companies you see on your TV set that are advertising all the time. I'm trying to be really sensitive about what words I choose, you know, because we're in a, we're in enemy territory here with the social media. So, yeah, let's look at some, a little bit of our second part we're going to look into is a history of UFO ology what we what we know, and what can be proven with documents and witnesses. Well real quick before we move on to that, as far as the technology goes, you know we're kind of getting into the good stuff and I know we can't, because of censorship. But let's just let's just get into that and then we can go back to history a little bit I'm going to, I'd like to go into like the some of these technologies that we hear about used in the secret space program, bed bed technologies regen tanks and all this stuff. What do you think the likelihood of that stuff existing is. Well, as you know I have both I worked with the government for many years electronic engineering. And you know the broadcast engineer I have an extensive electronics, normal physics background I also have a background in. I'm Morgan here on the pod. Say hi Dan. Hey, how's it going today. It's going good man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan and Morgan which is America's largest injury law firm. That's pretty awesome. I think I saw bill board of years recently that said 20 billion won 20 millions insane number. 20 billion recovered it's actually I think somewhere north probably closer to 22 23 after this year and each year we get bigger and better and our army grows so the number will hopefully keep getting bigger and bigger as time goes on. Awesome. So how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan? What would I do if I got into an accident. Probably the easiest way is dialing pound law that's pound 529 from your cell phone. We are always open our call center is always waiting to take your call 24 7 365. Wow Dan Morgan from Morgan and Morgan America's largest injury law firm thanks for coming by the show. Thanks for having me. Visit for an office near you. Lucky Land Slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky. Lucky in line at the deli I guess. I'd my dentist's office more than once actually. Do I have to say. Yes you do. In the car before my kids PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky. I never win and tell. Well there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. I worked with IBM's top scientist the genius the hundreds of patents and he after having a paranormal experience with plants and crystals he opened up a laboratory which I assisted him with. It's called Psychic Research Incorporated. We did some amazing cutting edge stuff and I had quite a bit of experience working with these unusual technologies. So I have kind of a blend of both worlds and so I sort of perfectly fit in for this project that he recruited me into in a way that was a camera that came out of the 1950s. I called the Delaware camera it was patent in Paris France in 1955. Thousands were asked for made with it. Recently did a show talking about, you know, I saw Alex Collier talking about the Andromeda saying how these medbeds that all these people have a 20 in back experience all claim to experience like missing an arm or leg or whatever. And that's like regenerates it, you know, using this holographic technology. And so when I saw that I thought, Oh my God, this was something I worked on. And so this camera could it was a radionic camera means it's a extension of consciousness. It's like a tuning folk for the mind. It's like an extension of the operator. And this thing, you know, stood several feet tall and had chambers, which had sound oscillators in it, which you put like a, like a drop of blood or it could be like a hair or something, because you can take any aspect of your body. Yeah, I can say if I took a hair from you Tyler in that hair is the holographic hole of your entire body every single part of your body is within the fractal of that. And so an act is entangled anywhere you could be on Mars and I could tune into that. And it's kind of how the new communications I think the saw this advertisement on the National Science Foundation about quantum communications were entanglement where they're going to use entanglement to communicate vast distances. Anyway, this, this camera, it would, you would attune to the person's DNA frequency, the chambers would oscillate and it's like, the information was piggyback, I guess you could say I'm using non technical terms. On to the sound waves that were being reflected up into a chamber and these energies have both acoustic and optical characteristics, and the sensitive emotion on the photographic plate. However, emotion would capture this three dimensional hologram that's in 3D is being projected in space, and only capture a slice of it to be able to see now, he was able to take a drop drop of blood from a woman that was like 50 miles away that was pregnant. He was able to tune into the fetus that was inside of her. And this camera had a time spiral that can move backwards and forwards into time. In other words, they were able to progress it forward and see the different levels of progression of the of the baby's development in the photograph. So, this was a real thing, you know, with thousands of photographs were made, you don't get a patent unless works. And this substantiates what Alex color was saying is that he was told by the Andromeda's, I don't have any drama connections but he basically said that it, in fact, they called it a camera is what he said, and that it takes a holographic picture of you have like birth birth to the president, your whole, like, yeah, it goes all the way to timeline. Yeah, back to the moment of conception and what they're able to do is take slides of time, just like this camera is able to tune through time through the holographic field, assemble the most, the ones where the body is optimal, put that together into one new picture, and then broadcast that or projected holographically on to the person and the person. There, see, Randy Kramer called it a dominant harmonic overlay that, or something to that effect, that that causes the healing like you have, I think you said it takes like, like a matter of hours to actually lose your mind to take just a matter of hours it could regenerate your arm. And so this is like advanced technology that our corrupt medical system has withheld from humanity where, you know, on other civilizations they, they live hundreds or thousands of years when we were, the average lifespan is only about 78 years old on this planet. And nothing, nothing compared to E. T's, I mean, it should be. Yeah. E. T's and if you want to take it one step or just biblical figures, you know, people in ancient times, everyone was living thousands of years, you know, why, why do we stop at 78. Exactly. Yeah, my project with this was to, with my electronics background is to, you know, it's just a pain in the butt, you know, every time you have to put a new slide and then you have to develop it, you know, you have to do this thing we want to do is from 1950s to 1980s electronics at the time. So we could make it real time so we could view the hologram, the, the holographic projection rather in real time. And so that was the, the project that I worked on this is back in the early 1980s. Right, and just imagine where it's at today. Yeah. Exactly. You probably wouldn't even recognize the technology if you look at it now. Oh, this is, you know, stuff I'm working on it is, is primitive right here to what you can imagine millions of years in advancement. They have this technology. Also, you know, in the secrets base program, they have what's called the replicators where you can make a cheeseburger and a chocolate shape that's exactly the same every time, you know, because it's in the memory. Just pick out what food you want or whatever you want to create because everything is oscillation everything is frequency vibration frequency and vibration and the camera substantiated that because they did an experiment where they took a small amount of lead tuned into the frequency and oscillated that with the oscillators, and what happened is the, they measured it before and after and it grew in mass, which means that it precipitated out of the ether is the material in order to create it and this is no doubt what the ET's do when they create ships they actually manifest this out of the ethers of space and imbue it with with its own consciousness. Wow. Wow. Our poor hijack planet. Right. I mean just thinking about all that stuff because we know internally we know deep down it's just an intuition there direct knowing that it exists. People like even worked on it we've talked to so many people. People have literally lost their lives trying to disclose this stuff and, you know, here we are just doing, you know, whatever we can a podcast discussing this stuff that we may or may not get pulled down, you know, but it's absolutely incredible. I think what you're what you were privy to and now that you're able to share that because we have whistleblowers coming out verifying the exact technology that you were working on. There's no doubt in my mind that there is a future in this timeline where we will finally start to see that. And, you know, that's what we're all fighting for right now. Yeah, it's a whole different world in 2022 than when I was talking about this in 1984. Yeah. Yeah. No kidding. Before we were born. Right. Have you seen any I mean do you pay attention to any new technologies new technologies being released right now. Have you seen anything that even looks close to like we're on the right track. Oh, I'm seeing these quantum batteries coming out, you know, it's like the whole, there's a leaps and bounds and, you know, the battery technology happening. You know, the solar stuff and wind stuff, you know, it's like, I mean, it's like, you know, you can have something the size of a shoe box that can give you multiple kilowatts to run any, any home or business. We don't need the power lines running all over the place. You know, the susceptible to EMPs and CMEs and. You know, it's it's a joke, you know, what what's out there. It really is. Yeah, it would be a complete revamp if it's a full truth was exposed or completes a society would be. It would take time, you know, but it would be completely revamped, you know, so that you understand why they keep such a tight lid on the on information getting out and people becoming aware of it because. Imagine if, you know, people start realizing in mass that this technology, not only do we have it, but we've had it for decades and decades and it's been withheld. And we've been living in this Truman show fake reality, controlled reality for so long, basic Truman show. Yeah, it's really show. That is the perfect analogy. I'm sorry. It is, it is really the reality that we live in. It's it's a complete fake fabricated lie of a reality, essentially, in the mainstream level of everything, you know, and you can imagine how unimaginable it is by people who are, you know, I'm old enough to, you know, watching World Ultra Cronkite and everything and seeing over the decades, you can imagine the people that are just born recently, you know, like after 9/11 and everything that, in fact, we we expose that. You know, some of the things that some of the things we expose, I don't know if some of the people aren't aren't aware of some of the things is that we, there's a list of few things that I think are important proof that our legal government is being being denied access. In fact, if you look at the progression, you know, I'll just go what a turbo, a turbo through some history that we know in the UFO things. You know, 1933 Nazi got help from people from other worlds, also known as, you know, reptilian Draco or whatever you want to call them. 1944 the Nazi had an infiltration plan 1946 Admiral bird is defeated Antarctica by using Nazi advanced craft 1946 Rockefeller rewrote the history, controlled education 1946 also operation paperclip infiltrated 1950 operation looking bird controlling our perceptions with Alan doll in charge of that also use MJ one 1951 venture secrecy act suppressing technology 1952 they did a capital flyover which we know about it. But in this photograph to intimidate our leaders 1954 president, this is a major thing he Eisenhower had a first contact with a galactic Federation. Gerald light one of the witnesses there he, he was his conviction that he was going to have planned disclosure in May of 1954 MJ 12 circumvented that went with the Orion group and secrecy prevailed. It happened in May of 1954 instead the Nazi SS set up the builder book meetings that do their yearly every year. 1955 Eisenhower signs a surrender agreement. That point on this is that's what created this event is Eisenhower being denied access every single president CIA director heads of intelligence ever since February 11 1955 have been denied access. So, real quick. Yes. It's interesting because I'm going to be presenting at a conference in Branson, Missouri in March. And I'm going to I'm doing a timeline of the of ufology history just exactly like you're doing. And there's a lot of dates that you have in there that I don't have in my presentation but doesn't why I have that you don't have. And it just, it just proves to me it shows goes to show how hard it is to put a complete picture in the one timeline. And while you're on 1955, which I think is, I've, I've wanted I've been diving into this a little further is operation deep freeze. Are you familiar with operation? Oh, yeah. And so that was 1955 and we're basically the United States collaborated with all the other countries including Germany. We were down to the South Pole for they were the monitor whether Antarctic weather systems or something like that story. Yeah, like we were all joining forces to go down there and monitor Antarctic weather systems, and whatever the glacial movements and that's what they told us but that's what they told us that and then that's still, I'm pretty sure that's still going on they never stopped you know why did all those countries have to go and unite in the South Pole. And I think of the sequence of events that happen. Eisenhower loses control signs of an agreement in February 1955 1956 operation deep freeze happens, who's down in Antarctica, the Nazi base where their secret space program which William Tomkins within 29 Navy spies were trying to get information on. Basically, they didn't have to, they didn't have to defeat, they need they didn't have the industrial might of the United States. And so we were getting supplies and things down there the corporations were working with them. It was part of that. And so operation deep freeze was a, you know, it's my belief it was a cover story in order to facilitate the the Antarctic Germans down there. And in 2017 the JFK files get released, which reveal that Adolf Hitler was alive and well in 1960 when Eisenhower flew down to Baralochi Argentina for environmental things. Exactly where Hitler was yeah. Right, right, you know so you know there's it's a matter of piecing together the information you wouldn't know that until the JFK files got released you know. Later, but then when you look back through time that's why it's important to take note of all these different different elements the only thing I'm not sure of the date. On is it's either 1957 or 1958 that President Eisenhower after he lost control, he set up a secret executive order for a US Marine Corps special intelligence section that would act as an institutional safeguard in the future. And it's speculation. Okay, possibly the Internet posts that happened between 2017 and 2020 which you can't say the 17th letter of, because it really, really had an issue with that one. And the very first post though, John Durham is assigned. And, and then the very last post or next to the last post, the last final word is just one word, Durham. So we have John Durham behind the scenes. He's got, you know, all those hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments and all of the good stuff. You know, hopefully something will come through some people say it's a psyops, but I don't, you know, it doesn't what for what and for what purpose would this be to educate the public. So, I'm in great scyop if it was, if it was a scyop, because look at it's accomplished. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, the awakening of people in the, in the creating this movement, you know. So, actually was meeting outside of Area 51. I was meeting with Bob Dazar and a bunch of researchers and the base freaked out and the national reconnaissance. Well, in national reconnaissance office, put out a security advisory, which had a list of acknowledged special access programs like cosmic ops magi ops. And somehow Dr Greer was able to get a hold of this document and went to the Pentagon with astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, to meet with the head of intelligence for the joint chiefs of staff by Admiral Thomas Wilson. He looked into it and him and his constitutional authorities should have had access. He was denied. He was mad as hell. He told Dr Greer if you can get your people willing to testify under oath before the mainstream media of the world you have made permission. He was, quote, illegal, and that is what brought about the 2001 May 9 disclosure event. And, you know, just going really rapidly what we were disclosed and the main mainstream media, the total, as you said, limited hangout, make it sound like we wanted to have a congressional hearing on simply the reality of UFOs, which went alert to anybody watching, you know, the evening news, it's got about a minute and a half exposure. Yeah, go ahead. No, we're just laughing. They only got a minute and a half. I'm not surprised, but it just, yeah. Yeah, what we disclose was that we had proof that our legal government is being denied access. The legal and economic special access programs are taking in trillions of dollars. Zero point energy solutions have been suppressed that would eliminate the need totally for nuclear oil and coal these dangerous polluting technologies. Anti gravity craft have been developed back in the 1950s. A base exists on the far side of the moon with domes and towers and mushroom shaped buildings. Astronauts are sworn to secrecy what actually happened on the moon on the moon when they went 1969 NASA is purposely obscuring the craft images out by airbrushing them before releasing to the public Donna here. In 1957 different ET species had been categorized or way more. Since 1989 Clifford stone, it he crafters shut down our nuclear ICBM bases. Robert Salas us Navy reporting spacecraft coming out of our oceans me planned future false events and terrorists being the next and by the way run around bronze and death but everything has fallen along. Exactly according to plan of these false flag events that they're had. And the next one coming up was terrorists which we know what happened on 9/11 just four months afterwards and the next one being rogue nations which we had Iran and North Korea followed by asteroids and alien invasion. And so all this, you know, God, Carl wolf talking about the base on the other side of the moon he said, here it is 30 years ago today and I hope to hear it on the evening news he was killed on his bicycle by a big truck ran him over. Mark McCandish who had all evidence of the alien reproduction vehicles, he was going to go to the Senate hearing last year, June of last year and testify. He was met with a shotgun blast to have just a week after Mike Turbert completely disavowed his, his testimony saying that the tic tac which he knew because he was an Air Force intelligence specialist was made by the Lockheed facility. Both of these testimonies would completely destroy the narrative which the Senate hearing reports said that, Oh, we don't have the technologies that can perform in this way. That's BS, you know, both of those people, one, one totally disavowed that Oh, I made it all up the whole story, and the other one was met with a shotgun blast to the head. The chair revealed about NASA. She sent me a letter private letter outside of the internet, you know, in the mail saying that her life has been, you know, she's had her life threatened, you know, by these things, you know, and she recently passed away and we've had so many great people that have, in the past of past where I'm, there's just not that many left of us, you know, that gave testimony back in 2001. You know, it's interesting. We have a guy named Robert White on, and he had a fascinating story about UFO crashing in his backyard in 1991, and it's an incredible story and men and black came to his house threatened his mom. The whole, the whole thing, you know, I've heard it. Yeah, pretty, pretty incredible. Right, but he also talks about having gotten access to a document that was supposed to be read with this, with this report that we just recently got. It was for some reason, like he got the document that they were supposed to read but then I guess they refined it for the public, and they took out one key thing that these craft were operated by and they were going to use the term NHI non human intelligence. And he said that the NHI was in there throughout, and they had scrubbed that part of it and then gave us the whole to give us that nothing burger. And it's not a real report. But, and it's, I thought, I found that very fascinating because who made the last minute change to pull that out of it. And if you guys want reference to that, I didn't do that story justice, but go back and listen to that episode Robert Earl White. And it's towards the very end where he talks about what this document was supposed to say. And so the wise, known as artificial intelligence, or just, well, either way, anything not anything not human, but in the report or extraterrestrial. Yeah, no, no, no, the report says the limit, the limited amount of high quality reporting on unidentified aerial phenomena. The ability to draw firm conclusions about the nature of the intent of UAP. Like they said the limited amount of high quality reporting is the reason that they can't come up with a firm conclusion. Like that is literally the most in your face bullshit lie. They just, it kills me, but they know they can get away with it. Yeah, you know how many people know about any of this. Right. And that's, that's the thing like they don't, people are so programmed. Like, the only information people are getting most of the world is getting is through the news or the media or education system. And that, that's the sad truth and like, they're not going to, they're not going to report any of that stuff, except for like the very limited, you know, stuff that's going to fill their agendas. Right. The next thing really have to just become your own information hunter and like look for, but like, like we were talking about earlier, how many people have time for that or have even the desire. The desire at all. Exactly. To do that because of the programming and because they don't believe any of this is legitimate anyway. But luckily that is changing and the consciousness is, is raising on the internet. It's a big, big part of that. And hence the rampant censorship and recent years that they've, I feel like they've seen that and they're kind of freaking out. So they're like, they, they probably tried to control the whole internet, but you know, they can't do that. So they're, they're censoring left and right and the fact checkers and everything else kicking people off platforms that we've had done to us with multiple, multiple platforms. And good to see you guys. So you're coming out with, you're moving on the journey, the truth, you know, with all the people you interview. I mean, you're getting quite an education from so many different perspectives. So you, you have quite a database in the back of your head to pull from and you, you're thinking when you interview somebody new, it's like, oh, this, this, this correlates with this, this correlates with that. Maybe there's a, some more of a higher probability of this being a reality. Or, or the opposite or for the exact opposite, you know, we might hear something from one person or in this person but then another person comes along and like, well, that's not what this person and this person are saying so where you getting where is this coming from. We get a lot of conflicting and, which is a, I think it's a beautiful position for us to be in because we get to see all sides of it. And, you know, it keeps us from jumping on any bandwagon of belief, you know, it really keeps us neutral. And it allows us to move forward, you know, grounded without getting emotionally attached to things and that's probably the most key right now because everybody wants. Everybody's starving for information right now they're starving for as a positive narrative, you know, whatever that the case might be. And as soon as something that they like, soon as something that they hear that they like, that fits good with their timeline that they want to see the grab it even though. And that's the truth regardless if it's true or not and they don't need that they don't need to vet that because it fits what they're looking for. It's such an important point you're bringing up because, you know, with, you don't want to believe anything you want to observe everything. And just because there's a number of things that kind of match up, you know, just still put it on the shelf, you know, don't don't jump on the bandwagon. This is it. This is it. I got it. You know, it's, because, you know, we're. That's it's as simple as that. How do you know for sure. Yeah, we're all getting a, we're all getting a pretty good glimpse of what the big hidden picture is, you know, when you research enough, the big hidden picture, it becomes pretty obvious there's been an infiltration. Obviously, our portable plan has been hijacked in every way possible to keep us. Keep us in this retarded state. We're technologically retarded. We think we're, we're advanced with our smart phones and spiritually, mentally and technologically, every, every area we've been kept suppressed. Absolutely. It's almost like they affect each other because like, like we were talking about earlier, people don't have time. The system is literally set up to keep us using all of our time and energy, working a job, usually a job we don't like just trying to make money to support to survive and support our families, you know, feed, feed ourselves and our families. And then the little free time we have, we just want to, we want to escape kind of the majority of our lives that we don't like. So we use that to just like escape and, you know, do whatever it is. It's a good point. It's a good point. How are you going to grow spiritually? So like, here's the thing, like, if they were, if these technologies were released, that would. I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod. Say hi, Dan. Hey, how's it going today? It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan Morgan, which is America's largest injury law firm. That's pretty awesome. Why do you guys think you win so many cases? The insurance companies and other companies that we go against know that we're going to take it to the end that we believe in the case. So we fight for every dollar and we're not afraid to go that extra mile for our clients. Our insurance companies, like, actually afraid of you guys? We don't bluff. We take it to trial and we are not strangers of getting very, very, very large verdicts. Awesome. So how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan? What would I do if I got into an accident? Probably the easiest way is dialing pound law. That's pound 529 from your cell phone. Our call center is always waiting to take your call. 24/7, 365. Wow. Dan Morgan. From Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm. Thanks for coming by the show. Thanks for having me. Visit for an office near you. With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather is fine. But we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. BGW Graboid were prohibited by law. 18+ Terms and Conditions apply. We wouldn't have to work. It would be like a Star Trek reality. In Star Trek, they're not working a job. They talk about we don't have a money system anymore because that's absolutely with this technology. Well, exactly that. So we would be spending our time doing what we truly love and what we want to be doing. And we have to... We're on a pause. We grow spiritually and to come together and be a beautiful reality. There'd be no reason for war. I'm with you on that program because if it's true that they detected a galactic tyranny in the timeline 350 years in the future, because the Nazis interfered with our evolution that there's a prime directive. Galactic Federation is coming in and cleaned out the Draco Orion groups. So now we only have the Earth elements to deal with. And it may be that John Durham is dealing with that. We may come out that all the stuff gets exposed in the deep state or whatever you want to call them. They have a lot of different names. I'll get taken down. My God, what an incredible world. You know, we wouldn't have the corrupt medical system that's making money off of killing us. And energy wouldn't be an issue. There would be so much abundance for fresh organic food, medical technology, so much artificial intelligence in a good way. The factories, replicators can produce things. We'd have a lot of free time. You know, everyone in the plant could be fed and have access to clean food and water and shelter, which is the sad reality is that a huge chunk of the plant doesn't even have that those basic needs. Right. Well, the thing is, too, like everyone, people say, well, you could just start your own garden. You could do that. Yeah, but you can if you have time. And if you know what we're doing, we're never taught how to properly garden in school. And that's for I'm seeing it. I'm seeing it now in programs, gardening is being added to some of these, like alternative programs. But think about, like, if you knew, if you had the time to garden. You'd have to have a massive garden to provide all of your food, you know, because like a lot of a small garden, like we grew up, we had a small garden, but it had a few things, but I still have to buy it. Well, what I'm getting at is this design so you don't even have time to do that. Right. And even that is like time consuming. Right. Right. Exactly. The last one they wanted us to be self sufficient and not have to rely on the system. They want us to fully have to rely on the system because that enslaves you to the system. It's pretty, it's pretty simple. Yeah. That's why, along several decades ago I, as soon as I, you know, made some money with the internet, it came up, bought some property and, you know, I've been for over 20 years now. My wife and I, we've been living off the grid completely independent. We grow our own food, produce our own power, have our own water. We have no, no bills, so to speak, you know, so we don't have any heavy overhead to take care of so it, it, you know, I can imagine everybody could live that way if I could live that way everybody could live that way. I mean, there's plenty of, plenty of land, you can imagine if we had anti gravity craft that we don't need roads. You can, you can populate remote places in the planet, you can have heating, cooling, you can have all the power you need, you can grow your own food. If there is a population issue, there's other planets, there's plenty of planets. And we could be adding several hundreds of years on to our life by regenerating the age effects that happen on this planet, you know, due to the toxicity and, you know, just, just normal normal I think stress is probably the biggest thing that ages people really. Yeah, in disease, cause of disease too. Yeah, 100%. It's all energetic, you know, somebody even suppress trauma suppress emotions can lead to cancer. I mean, because the energy that emotion isn't energy. And it's essentially becomes a parasite, it's a poison and then when it finds a place to reside in an organ or whatever and that's where these cancers come from a lot of the time just such an energetic component of it there that we're just not taught about. And but going back to people not having enough time. That's why we see that's why it's beautiful that we have the internet and all these channels doing stuff like this, because it yeah so we're, you know, we're always researching and we don't have time to watch everyone else's channels. But then the channels are for the people who don't have time to do any research they could just flip this on at night and, you know, get the gist of what's going on. And so that's why it's important that all of us are doing what we're doing right now because a lot of times it's like, you get to a point like, come on man, like, when is this going to be over like how much longer but we have, you know, it's not just about what we want. I'm the same way I did. I love watching a video and just listening to somebody tell their story, what's going on, and, you know, I mean I have a whole bunch of books that I need to catch up on that I want to read. But, you know, I'm, I'm finding it's kind of rare that I have time to sit down there and, you know, go through several chapters, especially when it's sunny and nice out. So yeah, we can all relate to the rest of the public that way, absolutely. Right. You know, going back to what we were talking about. All this confusing information. You really put me in my place the other day and when I was in a good way, I was messaging, I messaged you. I was like, man, what's going on? We got different information coming in, blah, blah, I'm like, what if this what if this I was kind of, you know, triggered by it and then you were just like, you know, it doesn't even matter. You're just like none of it matters like, and I was like, wow, like thanks for keeping me sane. Not like you were like ignorantly putting me in my place but you know what I mean like it really don't need that reminder. Reminding you. Yeah, it was a great reminder. I was just like, yeah, he's so right. Like, why am I even just hit me and I'm like, okay, I can move on with my day now. But it's true like a lot of this stuff it doesn't matter. Like we all have a common goal here. It doesn't, they almost were the point now where these details don't matter. Like, like, how much is getting information about the galactic federation right now actually helping us. You know, how much is that, whether if it's true or not, like, how much is that actually helping us. You know, we have a common goal we're all striving for right now and there's things that need to be taken care of before, you know, we need to know those, those my new details that may remain. A lot of times that comes, that comes from a place of fear. You know, the ego loves, you know, or wants to have control over what the know what the future holds and what's going to happen and that's coming from a place of fear. So it's like, if you're always living in that place, you're always going to want to, you're going to be addicted to the info and want to know every single detail of what's happening and what, you know, all that, which there's nothing wrong with that. But there's a point where it's, it's too much and you get to, you put your, your whole hopes into the info and figuring out exactly what's happening. But that here's the thing, we're all creating, we're all creating reality. On top of it, you know, I think it's a psychological challenge that, you know, I'm hit old school, you know, with, you know, receiving secret reports, you know, an official Navy positions going to the chief of naval operations. Classified documents that shows the Navy's aware of these flying spacecraft coming out of our oceans. Now it's like common knowledge, right? You know, this 1969 I was receiving a receiving a message so this is more believable, especially the witness testimonies that are talking. Now, ever since the year 2000 you've got all these people having total memory call of going, I mean unimaginable technology, you can imagine the stretch of imagination to think. Oh, they took somebody when he 17 recruited them on a moon 20 years in space, age and time regress them back to the point of a listen so they didn't even know what happened. Or race their memories and they're living along 20 years in this timeline, and all of a sudden they're having total memory call and they're starting to pop out all over the place. You know, I mean, for the average person to imagine that that's how technology to put on another timeline to age reverse you. And then you have, you know, the latest people, you know, with implants of communication devices that connect to the galactic federation that's kind of telling what's going on in the solar system that we have no idea what's going on in Ganymede and on the moon and Mars and everything the place. You're right, we have no idea and so we've got these new sources of information which are harder to to wrap your mind around and to believe but when you research through the history and you find out that my god they did have anti gravity craft way back then, and that the Nazis did produce bases on the moon and Mars, and that the navy was working with these Nordic extraterrestrials, and they launched inspired you know Gary McKinnon who found the secret space program of the solar war in which they want to put them away for 70 years in prison, because they didn't want that out there they didn't want the public to know But the US Navy has battle cruisers out there in in space of the US Navy solar warden program, or kilometer long for kilometers long yeah yeah yeah so I mean a US SS Hill and Cauter who is Hill and Cauter, MJ one and the first CIA director and a la May who was another MJ 12 member. Of course they would name the ships after these people there were these were the pioneers. And so until you connect those dots together, this whole idea of 20 and back is, is, is, is a bit of a stretch for a lot of people, if you know what I mean. Right, it takes some, it takes exact, it takes time takes years. Any of this information can't be described to some explain to somebody in like one hour, or just here watch this podcast and it'll all make sense to you know like but it'll just, it'll just overwhelm people Right, especially it did bound to crazy depending on their base point you know so depending on where they're at exactly it takes years of research to really start to grasp an idea that this stuff is actually possible and then once you once you finally understand it on a certain level, then it seems like all this new information find you. And if you put yourself on that path, you know the right information is going to find its way to you you don't have to go crazy looking for the answers. Exactly. Like Ben Rich said 1993 anything you can imagine we already know how to do. We know how to take it home we have the technology you know this back in 1993 so you can imagine. Well I have I have a positive outlook on this whole thing, because you know thinking about the Artemis Accords and everything like that that you know what they've been doing is you know the Nazis believe in slave labor you know which they use down in Antarctica and it was renewed on moon and Mars and elsewhere, you know like Tony Rodriguez you know on Sirius and he was so forth you know the slave labor is like a common thing and it's interesting 2015 Obama wrote a space act to make the corporations not liable for human rights abuse and space you know, Tony was supposedly we only went to the moon 1969 right. You know so you look at all these little pieces of information you know it was also the, I think in somewhere in that same time era of the British interplanetary society, but all these great minds together for a hypothetical situation what if we had a Nazi dictator on Mars. You know, it's really over throw him. Little little pieces you know if you if you do a lot of research you start to see all these little pieces that you know why would you do something like that unless something like that was actually going on. Right. Just like they had this like they had a big think tank. Like a year or two prior to it. They had that big hypothetical what if situation and they all we heard exactly what happened. Yeah they all rehearsed you know what would happen in this situation and what would happen if I was 9/11 right before to do with all these major false flags. But I'm sure it's does the one with the cyber polygon of a big, and now notice in the news and they were propping a lot about cyber attacks cyber attacks you know and those posts that we can't talk about talk about a nationwide communication blackout you can imagine if they can't spin the truth or censor it. And then only thing left is to shut down all the communications because what they're afraid of is a certain there is a we are part of we're like a fractal each one of us of a larger collective mind. And each one of us affects all of this in the collective mind, and they're afraid that there's enough of us. And I heard to get 80% or something like that who knows you know, but there's a tipping point there's a there's a critical mass hundred monkey effect. There's monkey critical mass morphogenic field it's all in the science science has proven this when enough of us and these shows really help, because you've got thousands of listeners that are listening and thinking and contemplating this maybe some of them will, you know, go to the web matrix dot that look at, look at the notes and references and see this BS or is this real you know is this making this stuff up, you know, and start researching some of the other people that you're bringing on and as they start to research and connecting their own dots for themselves, which is the only way to do it can't can't believe anybody out there. You've got to do your own due diligence and, and then when you do your contributing to this global awakening which is the, which is the avenue of of potential transformation to beautiful heaven on earth which the earth was always meant to be. Hey man, you know what's interesting to me is a lot of this information, believe it or not, you can find on Google, and it's not though they'll be debunking it or not but if you look hard enough because when you think, yeah, when I was doing research for my presentation, I was just curious I want to see what does Google say about this, and I find myself down a pretty deep rabbit hole just using Google, and then you go to duck duck go, and they have a lot more options, you know, and different completely different stuff that comes up first, but the same, but the stuff is still believe it or not on Google which surprises me, it's not all there, maybe on page 12 or something, sometimes you got to go down a few pages. Well, what I'm saying is like even if it's the first thing that pops up is that says it's debunked right, like it's still there and it's still even when you debunk it, it still gives you the whole conspiracy right, so they tell you what, what the conspiracy theorists supposedly think happened and then they gave you Google's reason why it didn't have Wikipedia, Wikipedia to don't forget, but it's, but it's all there like it's still there, they just put the word debunk on top of it so you think that it's like going to show you, they knew if they just scrubbed it all completely, that would be too obvious, you know that would be too much so they're like alright we're just going to manipulate you debunk everything debunked you know it's not actually like saying something's debunked doesn't debunk something that's what people need to understand like that's the power, how, how conditioned we are to just believe everything the media tells us because it's coming from the media, they say something oh cues debunked oh this is debunked, because then they just whatever reason, and well that's been debunked and when you actually look into it dig into it you're like wait a second they debunk anything they just said it was right, yeah Google, Google they make the whole first page of like any basically conspiracy topic. You basically get the whole first page of mainstream media articles or articles debunking the thing or saying it's a crazy conspiracy. Most of your listeners are savvy, you know they watch or watch or you know it's not reaching the CNN, MSNBC crowd, you know, so the thing is is that you know look at David Joe Rogan you know what's going on with him you know it's like a disinformation you know he has such a threat. Oh my god. Yeah, you know talking about there was a maybe almost a year ago now, less than a year ago here I forget the guy's name he came on Joe Rogan show trying to debunk Bob Lazar in even though Bob Lazar had already been on Joe Rogan show and it just said he believed him on his show. Yeah, yeah and this guy came trying to debunk him or whatever but it's like he almost makes you wonder like was that guy sent to him to you know how did he end up on the podcast I can't think of his name he he's one of the guys with Lou Elzondo like one of these guys. Yeah, yeah that was a team, Chris Mellon all of them you know they're all part of that team I'm the long right right right it might have been was quit. I don't remember who was on who was but yeah they hold TTSA thing you know that's interesting to see how that fell through to the Stars Academy. On Lazar you know there's only one video of the first time he ever went public that that was recorded and that was me. I was in the front row with my campaign court no recordings were allowed whatsoever. I recorded full two hours and being kicked with about we had about a dozen and a half researchers that were hitting them non stop with questions. And he has been one over the decades I've been monitoring him, you know for consistency has been 100% consistent through his his whole testimony. What do you say about because a lot of people have these little points that debunk his him in a story supposedly like his record records of him attending the university that he says he attended because it to me it looks like they just scrub Oh yeah they have that capability that they couldn't scrub a phone book which had his name. But that's what a lot of people used to say oh look he's fake because he didn't even attend there because there's no record and then there's like a couple other little things. And how he came up with element 115 before they discovered it exactly how he said it was how do you explain. And you know it was a whole whole whole whole bunch of things a bunch of things that crowd rate will go to the 1993 timeline on the web matrix that you can see that video by the way. Oh that's interesting yeah. And you got to remember like manipulating data is the easiest thing for them that's how they're pulling this virus off you know, like they're manipulating the data constantly about everything so, and then you get this stuff coming from the CDC And to me when I heard that that to me that actually gave more credibility to him in his story that they scrub the you know where he said he went because think about if he's fake and he's trying to come up with a convincing story Why would he knowingly that anyone could easily go ask for his records as school say he went somewhere that he didn't and then look like an odd you know it doesn't make any sense but if he's totally exactly what you would expect To be that corroborated him more than right you see his documentary that the one that came out a couple years ago he explains himself on and he explains that whole situation. And in his eyes what happened so he got arrested for something right but anyway if anyone's interested in that full story that you can watch that documentary to I recommend it. Yeah, when they took over control, you know they moved all their operations from right Patterson over to area 51 and that's for him is controlled by the CIA. Yeah, he was he was part of one reverse engineering project that was working on the Zeta Reticulite craft you know the gravity wave amplifiers with element 115 and everything but they had discovered the gravity torsion physics of the rotating plasma fields as you know that you know Nazi Germany developed a wave before and Tesla and Maria or sick we're both you know who developed the wheel craft and Tesla you know relate all this to Otis car who they FBI came in and you know just shut it all down you know because that's why part of the sensitive application has a little bit of a pattern anybody has anti gravity, red red flag and they go out and get you. Yeah, they can they have some kind of technology that I've heard detects it automatically as soon as you start up any kind of anti gravity. Right, like that would be knocking at your door immediately if you power on all those satellites I was working with one inventor and anti anti anti matter device that we had to rent a hotel to activate it. You know because the NRO satellites to see it turn on. Unfortunately, it was it was a crazy means the longer another crazy story like so many stories so activating it. And our this is a dumb question NRO what is national reconnaissance office. Okay, the satellites okay intelligence. Yeah, there's a their little logo is we rule the night they they control all the spy satellites and everything. One of the witnesses he he would work for the NRO and he said, there's a, you know, talk about conspiracy theories I said I'm willing to testify in a row that there is a conspiracy theory and there is like. You've seen thousands of documents talking about the UFOs and things like that just one of the. Nice mayor, man, I kind of remember his name anyway one of the witnesses. Yeah, you know it's it's funny because if you go on YouTube and type in free energy device I just just to see there's tons of videos of people making free energy device making stuff why it's so easy. Like you just all you need is like two spark plugs some wire and outlet and a magnet and you can basically create a free energy device you can plug your freaking phone into and it's trying to manufacture one. But the problems. Yeah, but whenever you try and I guess part of, I guess what they actually are suppressing is so much more advanced than the videos on YouTube. It's almost like they don't care that we figure out this stuff at this point. Right, it's not going to get commercialized. Right. They as soon as it tries to get to that level then they step in I have one scientist that had a, he developed a small little device really inexpensive put out about 300 watts. And he had 60,000 of them made in Japan, he had his cars blown up he was thrown in prison received the national security order. And then afterward he came up with another and brilliant brilliant scientists. A little box like this was putting over a kilowatt of energy and it's in a clear plastic box so you could see I have the video I can share it with you. And, and since that time he's come up with another energy device, and I'm in regular communication with him. The thing is, is fascinating about him is that, remember the Philadelphia experiment. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I really made the, the ship. Is there any, is there any proof that that actually happened. He has the proof he in early 70s he went to the Navy scrapyard worked with a naval personnel was able made by the Tesla company had one of the generators off the USS Eldridge that was assigned to that ship. It was all banged up you can imagine it was a huge thing at the shipyard so it was pretty damaged. He worked on it for years. He was operating and the story goes and there's a there's a photograph if you go to the 1943 timeline, which is when the photo Philadelphia experiment happened. It opened up a dimensional portal, and the secretary, she had the presence of mine to have a brownie and stomach camera out of her office drawer and took a photo of this creature that came through the wall. It's head and his eyes and arms, and it was telepathically communicating to her like, what are you people doing what do you want. Right, he was, he was since he did more experiments and was able to open up. He had a had a cage with a rat and cheese and he had a two inch solid wood chopping block, and he was able to open up the molecular structure in the two inch wood chopping block of hard wood. And the rat was able to walk right through the wood and eat the cheese and he dissected the rat after and found, you know, there was DNA of the wood mixed in with the rat. So, and he says he's been able to reduce this, you know, from the big giant thing that was used on the Eldridge into something small and portable but he's mostly been working on energy devices, but he's getting up there on age. So he's brilliant. He can produce multiple kilowatts, multiple megawatts, I'm sorry, of some of this stuff but, and maybe I can get him to have him come on the show sometime. Yeah, I had him once I go on the show, and, you know, just showing you some of these, some of these scientists and inventors like this one was this Dutch scientist that I met with when we set up Rebecca and I, we had a lab right down the street from Thomas Jefferson's place He's written multiple books on the advanced theory dynamics of electron flow and the quantum formulas of that. I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod. Say hi Dan. Hey, how's it going today? It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan and Morgan, which is America's largest injury law firm. That's pretty awesome. Why do you guys think you win so many cases? The insurance companies and other companies that we go against know that we're going to take it to the end that we believe in the case, so we fight for every dollar and we're not afraid to go that extra mile for our clients. Our insurance companies like actually afraid of you guys. We don't bluff. We take it to trial and we are not strangers of getting very, very, very large verdicts. Awesome. So how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan? What would I do if I got into an accident? Probably the easiest way is dialing pound law. That's pound 529 from your cell phone. Our call center is always waiting to take your call. 24/7, 365. Wow, Dan Morgan. From Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm. Thanks for coming by the show. Thanks for having me. Visit for an office near you. Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. Laundry, a book club, computer solitaire, huh? Sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. That's right. has over 100 casino-style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. He was able to prove that he was able to pull energy from the space and he had to think about the size of a shoebox. It's about 140 watts of power. That was just being pulled from the ambient. And he was on his way to Europe to patent it. But he was found dead in the parking lot of the airport slumped over the wheel with a heart attack, which they have that weapon that they can do that. It's just like one horror story after another with the suppression of our portable hijack planet in medical. You think of all the medical doctors that are alternative that have died. There's this long list of holistic doctors and then there's this long list of inventors that have been murdered. Eugene Malov. He was bludgeoned to death. He was one of our team. I was a member of six people that all had multiple PhDs, except for myself. More self-taught and all of this stuff. That did some college, but not everything you learned in school. Anyway, I don't know what else to say. Right, exactly. No, it happens. There's so many. William Tompkins tells the story in his book about that happening to a guy from a European immigrant who came here to sell to try and sell his electric motor. No, his, it was a water. It ran on water. It was a motor that ran on water. And he was trying to sell it to the car companies. And they were, they were shutting them down big time. I think we call it the gap engine. I forgot the guy's name at this point on terrible, those details. But I remember, I know what you're talking about that. Yeah, and he started getting threatened. They threatened his wife. It got to the point where they threatened his wife and apparently the man came up to her and cut off her ear and said, tell your husband to shut off or shut up your daughters next. They kidnapped his daughter, apparently killed her returner chopped up in the shoebox. Like, and it worked in the Navy. Yeah, he was, he was working with radar. And he got the resonance frequency of the break, the hydrogen of water. And after he died, he steps out of a restaurant and, you know, said, I've been poisoned. Some kind of botulism killed him, but he would just, he had, he had patents and things that he was, is putting out and for life. And then go metal blank on his name, too. But we worked with him, we worked with the group, our team was going to put a bid in for all of his equipment, and we were going to, you know, reverse engineer and look into it, but another group. Out of the UK, put a higher bid into it, and they got all the equipment. There was five people in that team, all of them have mysteriously died. Right. Well, God, what was his name? It was Stan Myers. Was it Stan Myers? Everything. That sounds right. Yeah, Stan Myers. Yeah, he was able to run his vehicles on water. Yeah, but this is so I'm thinking of a different guy. This isn't always a different one. Yeah, yeah, because I know it wasn't Stan Myers doesn't matter his name anyway. I'm sure there were multiple, but yeah, so he had the motor to operate the same thing hydrogen motor. And what Tom can say, so this guy after they killed his, the cut his wife's ear off and killed his daughter, he somehow found his way to TRW. They let him run an experiment in the parking lot to show him how there's a whole meeting there. He had to have an extension cord plugged in to one aspect of it just to get it going didn't have anything to do with the technology. One of the guys was like, accusing him, he's like, this thing's running on power if it's if it's really works off water unplug it, you can't unplug it right now you'll kill us like this is a bomb like this is a motor is a lot of energy here and the guy finally ignored him and he went and unplug it and the thing blew up and apparently killed two people. And as a big explosion in the parking lot. And then guess what TRW hired him after that. And he worked for TRW developing and perfecting this technology, only to have the whole project shut down he was let go. They stripped the funding and they they basically buried all the evidence that ever happened that's when William Thomas found out the TRW. That's what that was their mission they were owned and operated by Detroit oil. So not owned, but they, Detroit oil had a major share in that company. So they were they were having TRW go around the country and recruit anybody who was developing any free energy device. They were to hire them having perfected strip the funding fire to people and then shut that down and bury it so it never saw the light of day. Right, right, so to killing him they just hired him. Yeah. Right, exactly. And they were doing this, then they were hiring all the best, the most. Yeah, they were hiring all the most brilliant minds and they were putting them all in one roof and they were just developing this insane stuff that later got funneled into the secret space programs and stuff like that. Uh, but it never saw the light of day and they were making sure stuff all got stolen and used right since, you know, ever since in secret. So, right, it's him on the same with it because he thought alone would have transformed our planet. Just that one guy and think of how many other people since him have, you know, it's just mind boggling. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Dan, this has been a lot of fun we covered we were all over the place but it's all very amazing stuff it's these are conversations that need to be had and thanks for sharing coming on and doing this with us. Oh, my pleasure. Yeah, it's, I always learned something, you know, it was like when I, when you ask questions or you think about things and then new connections are made to. You know, I didn't know about this other other William Tomkins inventors that was doing this doing a similar but yeah I worked with people that have produced, you know, lots of hydrogen gas out of water using it. Certain techniques and things like that, but you know it's not going to get too. You know, we could have, we can have transitional technologies will be simple to retrofit a lot of these internal combustion, but internal combustion is so archaic. You know, it's got a million parts itself to struck the need maintenance and oil and all this stuff. You know electric vehicle makes so much more sense and then haven't you don't need to plug it in you have the on on board power generation exactly and that's the only way it makes sense. I was they have those on board like I saw a guy or another YouTube video he, you know, connected it to the rear wheel rear axle of the car and it was a generator to charge a battery the whole time so you never had to plug it in. I was telling my dad about it's like yeah we used to have those on our bikes when we were kids they had apparently they had bikes that did the same thing. And like this is like it's like it's a little technology and it's so easily just manufacture electric cars with that built. Yeah, it's like the simplest technology all you need is all you the car already has everything it needs to create its own power but, you know, and then like these charging stations they want you to like sign up for their credit card so that. You know, you have to if you want to use this charging station you have to get a credit card and whatever it's like all marketing camp shit again you know. Just imagine all the stuff we can recycle all the metal that's available and all these internal combustion engines, all the power grid all the wires running all over the place of all the stuff that is released. No more, you know, not sickness for profit operations happen where, you know, things are done actually for the good of humanity, you know, where you can go to these healing centers if you're feeling out of sorts and, you know, get age reversed and heal whatever is going on. And I hear they're taking care of the children and the dumps first and then it's the military and then, you know, people eventually, you know, get to see these and they're not going to charge anything total sense it's the way a health system should be, you know, people should be compensated that are operating these devices, but my God, you know, we could have plenty of, we could clean up the environment on the planet. We could have like maybe unlike the other civilizations do that are advanced know have like a high council noble beings that are not all corrupted and bought and paid for that direct the future of our planet. I mean we could have like a, you know, this incredible world that's kind of hard to realize when you watch the evening news, you know, because you look at it's all this scary dictator type of stuff going on. And you can see the agenda but you know it's it's kind of encouraging because it's leaking out all over the place. They're getting exposed left and right left and right. Well, this is this is what the end this is what it looks like this is what it's going to look like this is what disclosure is going to look like it's going to be messy. It's going to be real messy for a while, and I don't, you know, we all, we all had this like great vision and once like what we all wanted it to look like but it's like we're seeing it for what it is now and it's. And it's, you know, pretty soon it's going to be like a finger pointing frenzy once this stuff starts getting leaked. None of these, no one's going to want to take responsibility for it. You know, you're going to you're going to see milk branches of military pointing fingers at black, like Lockheed Martin and stuff like that. Everyone's going to be putting the blame elsewhere because everyone has blood on their hands. And no one wants to blackmail themselves so trying to disclose this stuff gets really messy. And it's not it's not going to be pretty from here on out. I think the percentage of Washington that would be taken down is so, then the percentage is so high. Yeah. And that there won't be anybody left probably. Also, so infiltrated and so corrupt you can imagine over the decades, you know, with ever since the infiltrated in. And, you know, this is not, you know, the Nazis were, were a, were highly, highly advanced and very highly organized. And they're kind of admirable in a certain way because of their, you know, their, how they, how they worked intelligently in, in, in doing what they did. Even though it was not moral is the way they do things. But I wonder how much I wonder how much of that started off good intention before they were manipulated by let's say reptilians or Draco. Like what if like they, you know, the whole coming race, they were real supposedly was from right. That's right. The coming race and the real like the unlimited free energy source. And so in the subterranean civilization, they were like in search of that. Right. So, I wonder how much of it was good intention until until they came across this group of reptilians who might have tricked them into making a bad deal. And who knows they might have, they might have gotten greedy also, but there had to be a part of them that was just pure curiosity, you know, and wanting to know more I don't think it could have. It couldn't, I just don't want to, I guess I don't want to believe that it was always ill intentioned, you know, because humanity, you know, there is people are good hearted. The disease is the corporations, you know the corporations are like this. If you, there was a movie called the corporation went into analyzing if a corporation was a human being it would be as like a psychopath. Because it's sole purpose is the bottom line for its shareholders to make money and the most, the most efficient way possible regardless of more, you know, morality. And so that's the missing element is that they don't take that into account and they, and that's probably the birth of the intergalactic corporate conglomerate that some people say has throughout the galaxy and that they're using slave labor, millions of people have been, you know, taken and doing, doing trafficking with not only human people but, but the technology with all these different races, you know, technology is the prize. And that's what, you know, the Nazis want it that's what the corporations want it they wanted to have the most advanced technology possible. And then like Tony Radrik says the DNA, he said DNA is a currency also. Yeah, and they said those technology and DNA that's part of reason. I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod say hi Dan. Hey, how's it going today? It's going good man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan Morgan which is America's largest injury law firm. That's pretty awesome. I think I saw a billboard of yours recently that said 20 billion won. 20 million is the same number. Yeah, 20 billion recovered. It's actually I think somewhere north probably closer to 22, 23 after this year. And each year we get bigger and better and our army grows. So the number will hopefully keep getting bigger and bigger as time goes on. Awesome. So how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan? What would I do if I got into an accident? Probably the easiest way is dialing pound law. That's pound 529 from your cell phone. We are always open. Our call center is always waiting to take your call 24/7. 365. Wow, Dan Morgan. From Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm. Thanks for coming by the show. Thanks for having me. Visit for an office near you. Hey, it's Ryan Seacrest. Life comes at you fast, which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time. Enter Chumba Casino with no download required. You can jump on any time anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes. So treat yourself with Chumba Casino and play over 100 online casino style games all for free. Go to to collect your free welcome bonus. Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Us, humans, that's what I mean. That's what there's something about our DNA that's sold after. Our genetics and us as a full being, you know, various reasons. I've heard other races are like super impressed with humans because we're literally living in a poisoned environment and all aspects. The water, the air, everything like there's no, we can't get away from it. You know, if we're part of it. Yeah, what Alex Collier and many others say is that we are considered genetic royalty throughout the galaxy because we have at least 22 different. BT genetics races in this. And I feel like that's a big part of why we're so resilient because we have all these genetics from so many different races. That's probably why they came. On top of that, it's been happening for so long. We've kind of like gotten accustomed and. And it's nice to know 90 plus percent are benevolent or benign and it's only a smaller percentage that. But that small percentage has a formidable but what's really hopeful is that the more advanced beings that are benevolent have a moral basis like the prime directive. Have technology that they can go into a higher dimension and that they militarily can defeat them without a problem. Yeah, and so that's reassuring. Yeah, very reassuring. You know, it's probably why they don't show up because we're so we're so poisoned down here. We're used to the poison. We've adapted, but some of these some of these races, some of these species that they were to come here. Honestly, like this environment is very toxic and it could kill them. And maybe it's part of the reason we haven't had them show up yet. Like guys, we want to. We just literally can't. Well, I feel like that's another reason for, you know, the star seeds to incarnate here because like you said, they can't. For multiple reasons, a prime directive and maybe because a lot of them physically can't exist in this environment. So they can't just come into third density on our planet and survive. So a whole bunch of beings just started incarnating on here and now we're changing it. Not only can we stay here, but we can change it from within humanity itself, you know, the consciousness and. Right. Everything else. That's motivation right there. Because how many how many people would just want to know why the hell they're here? What am I doing here? And that's that could that could very well be the answer. We couldn't come here physically. So we had to incarnate here and and break from within. We had to do it from within. Right. It's interesting about the science fiction movies. We've been, you know, these are world or worlds where they come in and they've the earth viruses. They, they couldn't, they died because they, they couldn't take over our planet because it's, it's polluted. And then all of the, you know, from war, the, from, you know, the day they were stood still, the forbidden planet, which was an amazing science fiction for 1950. Oh, yeah. 56. And then you have, you know, the Star Trek series, which you find out later that Jean Ron Berry was working with the Galactic Federation through office, naval intelligence, seating these ideas for a positive timeline in the future. And it wasn't a general James T. Kirk. It was Admiral James T. Kirk, you know, with, with the Navy. So, yeah, it, yeah, we could have a, we could have a Star Trek future. And I believe we're, we're going through the growing pains of moving into that. And thank God, you know, there's more people waking up because that's what's going to push it over the edge, where we realize that we've been bamboozled, hoodwinked. Yeah. And that we can take back our planet. Yes. One Star seat at a time. Exactly. You know, it's true how they get, we always talk about how movies are influenced and stuff. And I would say that's no more rapid up, but I was watching this documentary on G.I. Joe, actually. And they, so they were, they had G.I. Joe, it wasn't selling because like, well, look at everything else. Everybody else has somebody to fight has an enemy. We're only selling this one toy. We're not selling some, something for this toy to fight. And that guy. And they had this guy come out of left field with this idea of Cobra. And this whole alliance, he had all these details, this whole thing. And the guy, he goes, it always was strange to me that he just made this up. It's almost like, you know, and he said, it just didn't make sense that he just made up this enemy and had all this stuff. Almost like this guy came in to the company knowing something, giving them information because if you watch G.I. Joe now, the disclosure, even in the old cartoons is insane. Oh, yeah. Absolutely insane. Yeah, but this guy, this guy came in with this idea for the enemy Cobra, which is, you know, snake reptilian, whatever. Yeah. And, you know, whatever. When her, when her soldiers, you know, that whole thing with the Nazi, it was like, so much truth being put out, but it's not full truth. It's like kind of muddied with other elements that are Hollywood eyes, but there's a vein of truth going through the science fiction. It's the only way to get these concepts in the people's minds to get them ready for what's going to happen in the year 2022. Exactly. Maybe. I think we may have contact this year. I, I, who knows. Yeah, that would be amazing. I wouldn't doubt it. Definitely happening individually. I think. Oh, yeah. Everything is fair game now. I don't, I would expect anything as possible this year after the last couple of years, you know, literally shit's showing up in the sky. And people aren't even blinking anymore. You know, we're just ready for something, you know, so I wouldn't be surprised if we got some sort of event. Things are heating up right now. That's for sure. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, I lied to first time at this time we are wrapping it up. All sending. Right. Great chatting with both of you guys. You're fully knowledgeable and, you know, keep up the good work. You know, we, we need, we need, you know, even though it's like preaching to the choir. It's still important, you know, get it off. Constant reminders. Yeah, exactly. Constant reminders. And remind everybody once again, your website where they can find you if you have anything coming up. I have nothing coming up. I don't do anything. I do a show. I don't do nothing for money. I just want to help my small part in, you know, service to humanity to help every little voice helps. The is my non professional online notes, which has references and, you know, use it. Use it as a jumpboard to check out other other sites like Dr. Michael Salle, He's, he's, he's doing a lot of incredible getting into the things that other people. Don't want to get into, you know, the more conservative UFO people. Right. There's, there's ridicule that comes with anything. Oh, galactic Federation or SSP, you know, and major ridicule and, and, you know, rightfully so, because it's very. It's very. It's fantastical and out there. Yeah, that doesn't. When you do your actual research and listen to these people's stories, it all, you know, things line up and it makes sense. Sometimes it's a gamble. Yeah, absolutely. It's a gamble because, because that type of information, you know, no matter, you're not going to get evidence or proof for some of these testimonies and stories. And you just not, you know, and which makes it dangerous for infiltrators because they know that they know there's no way to prove this stuff. So that's why it's like somebody could come in with the narrative and you wouldn't know the difference because you can't back check them. But, but you can, you know, indicators and corroborate and see what fits and what doesn't, but just always keep your head on a swivel nowadays, you know. Yeah, there is also collaborating indicators that help pointed out. I was listening to Tony Rodriguez talking with, with Elena and, you know, her background Egyptologist and talking about the Illuminati kids saying, you know, I was a Pharaoh in a past life and I killed this other king. And there's no records of that, but she had access to her Egyptology to be able to find the Pharaoh who actually shot with an arrow or something and killed the other king. So he got a little bit of substantiation there. So these little, little tiny bits kind of out up, you know, about the, you know, JP and the Ark. Yeah, you know, ahead of time. And there's little bits and pieces that other people are putting together. You know, a lot of people think, well, maybe they're all conspiring together to create this story, you know, that create this false false. What's the motive there? Exactly. Yeah. But I don't rule that out of the realm of possibility. I mean, it's possible, but, you know, when there's, when there's really no motive. Yeah, there's a motive that there's a motive because popularity, I guess you could say, or whatever. Oh, yeah, the, the truth isn't getting thousands and thousands of clicks and views and all this stuff and books and merchandise. Like, what I'm saying is when you get what I'm saying is when you get the same info coming from so many, so many different places. But that's how a perfect scottop would work. Like if you're going to do it, you're not going to use one person. Like, that's why I'm saying it's not just that easy. We really, really have to set back and try and get our own communication. Well, even then you don't like, yeah, you don't 100% believe anything but to me it's, it's. If there's one body of truth, what you would expect to happen is it would pop up in different forms with different people. Right. You know, and throughout the years, and people that have never met each other or that. Right. Well, like William Tomkins that he like doesn't. Had no idea who anybody. 94 years old. Yeah. And he's corroborating people that just come out about the secret space program. And he has documents on Tomkins, you know, yeah, stuff like that, where it's like, okay, at a certain point, you got to do outcomes right here. You can't, you can't believe anything but just, you know, keep observing and keep taking note of things that are corroborating. And that's, it's all we can do take take notes. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then your own experience people's own experiences to like, you know, you can, you can confirm a lot of things just to that. Yeah, eventually the BS will expose itself, you know, 100%. Yeah, right. Yeah, exactly. 100%. So, so good joining you guys. Yeah, got to wrap it up. Yeah, no kidding. We're never going to stop talking. Guys, one reminder, once again, come hang out with us at the conference. It's going to be a lot of fun. We're really looking forward to it. Some great speakers are some great whistleblowers there. And it's going to be fun getting them all up on stage together and, you know, having a panel and let's bounce these ideas off of each other. See what fits what doesn't fit and figure out what the hell is actually going on. It's just going to be a great place to meet your soul family and hang out with them because I mean that's shit. These conferences have literally saved me, you know, if we don't get to go be around all, you know, people are frequency every once in a while. We go crazy. So, yeah, we look forward to that and hopefully we hope to see you all there. And thanks again, Dan for coming on and I guess until next time have a great night guys. So Aaron, on the journey, the truth, you guys. Keep on, keep on moving forward to it. Exactly. Good night guys. Thank you. He said, listen, give me two years. Come back. The adventure to life time. And nobody will know you're gone. You get deployed at 17 and a half. And now I was deployed from the New York Athletic Club. And we got to actually deploy right out of the locker room from, you know, you're being up to the ship and then the ship takes off and you're gone for 20 years. It's a very hard pill to swallow, but that's exactly how I experienced it. I was taken at 10 years old. I was taken and I was worked through several black programs. I was privately owned in the beginning. I did six or seven years on earth. That's when all the stuff for the programs began for me. Specifically the tracking that they have been doing since I was a kid. It followed me all the way through the military. And at that point, I got the dig of our sea. That's where I was taking off planet like opened back floodgate for me. And all of these recalls started coming in. And I was just like, oh my gosh, the way I was describing it, she's like, I've never had this with a client, but that you're describing a parallel life right now. It's a combination of human and other species. I was able to remember the name on their uniform. It's USS R Corp. That was putting me through some kind of recruitment tests from age three until 12. And 12 is when I was potentially well taken. He said, in with your scores, I guarantee you'll make commander and you'll make pilot. And I said pilot of what? And he said, four kilometer long starship. He told me what was going to happen. He said, you volunteer for the program, we'll put you in, you'll do 20 years, we'll send you back in time 20 years, age regrets you 20 years, wipe your memory and you'll just wake up in bed like nothing happened. It's almost beyond words, it's beyond comprehension of how this could happen. Whoever's master reminding us, you know, the Air Force, you know, working with extraterrestrials, working with a lot of pretty wild technology, which I'll also get into. It's really beyond fathomable. It's beyond fathomable. [Music] [Music] Looking for excitement? 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