Journey to Truth

EP 170 - Ben Gordon - MILAB Escape - Murder Attempt - Targeted Individuals & UFO Sightings

Originally aired on 2/10/22
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Ben Gordon:
Singer/Songwriter, music producer originally from Green Bay, WI.
His original video telling his story:

1h 14m
Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Hey everyone, it is Ryan Seacrest here. Ready to heat up your summer vacation? Get ready, things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino. With yours truly, join me at Chumba and dive into a summer of social casino fun. Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary, VGW Group, forward we're prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. [Music] [Music] Hey guys, welcome back. This week, well this is actually a kind of a surprise episode we weren't explaining on doing this this week but I saw Ben Gordon's video pop up on the internet a couple days ago and it was absolutely mind-blowing. It's crazy what's happening if this is a true story which I believe it is. It's essentially he escaped a hospital from a hospital from a murder attempt. It sounds crazy I know but when we're going to turn it over to him and let him tell a story but when I heard the story immediately I thought this sounds like a my lab experience, a military abduction. I realized not everybody knows what my lab is. It was way too coordinated. It all sounded like it was a coordinated attack almost. So without wasting any more time I'm just going to turn it over to you Ben. Let you introduce yourself and tell us what happened and we'll just break this down. All right, hey I'm Ben Gordon. On January 30th sometime around noon I lost control car I was very close to home. I wasn't feeling super well prior and that came out really suddenly. Like I had every intention of ordering a burger and fries at this place and all of a sudden just left. I felt dizzy, confused and I was like just go home man and I didn't make it home. So I haven't stressed this point in the other interviews just because I think that your platform is probably a better one to do it but my memory is that the way I remember it is that it felt like something impacted the car first and the windshield. I turned the wheel to the right super fast enough to flip the car and it did one complete revolution and I ended up on all four wheels like bam and I was looking at the windshield and it was all spider web. It had that gel like kind of sinking look to it. Most of the window the driver side window was busted out. The right one as well. I tried to open the door and it was bent just enough where it was not going to open and I couldn't get out these glass-ridden windows either. I could have climbed out if it was clean. So then I went to my body and I'm like moving stuff around and I'm like okay I don't think I'm that hurt here but I was kind of still confused and I couldn't figure out what had happened but I knew I was okay physically and it couldn't have been more than 10, 12 minutes later that I saw somebody drive up and it was an EMT that approached the car. I don't remember any other interaction with this guy except for saying no to the thing that he pulled out of a little pouch which was a syringe and he said I'm just going to calm me down boss or something like that. I'm like no no no no boom. Yeah that's not that's not a normal thing that happens. Let's imagine for a second that I did have something internal with my neck or whatever so okay they had to pry the door off but in the meantime they're going to sedate me and then my neck goes like this. Yeah that's not that's not something you're supposed to do without without without analyzing your condition that's not it doesn't make any sense to do that. It could cause more harm than good but anyway keep going because we'll we'll expand on that it's definitely suspicious. So the next seven or so hours are moving along without me let's just say because I was out and the next thing that happened for me was I woke up in one kind of just burst of energy. It felt like an adrenaline thing and I had I didn't see light but I felt it it just came from my center like oh and I just started going for the tube and it I went really slow and I was like you got to be kidding me it kept coming it kept coming and then I grabbed it and I turned around and I looked and there was one of those I mean I looked up every picture of it of a ventilator and it looks it was a ventilator I could feel just slight you know like there was just a little pulse to the tube. So I then went for the IV which was in my left arm slowly got the tape off that pulled the needle out and then I went for the catheter. I didn't know at this time that there's a ball of like a little balloon of sailing at the end. So it didn't even feel that bad I'm going real slow and then I could feel like a pop. So the balloon obviously popped the sailing probably released and getting the very last bit out hurt like hell and then I'm bleeding all over the place from my area. So I grabbed the hospital their white it's bleeding through. Well let me let me stop you just for a second. So what made you immediately panic and decide to rip all that stuff out instead of just like cooperating. It was it just like you just internally knew something was wrong. It was entirely instinctual. I was like get this stuff out of me. Yeah there was no thought there was no like first I'll do this and then I'll do that. Right. There was none of that. Yeah. So I found my black shorts which had been cut off laying right next to the bed. I guess that's hospital protocol they just leave your cut off close sitting there. Yes. Just totally. Like by the way like when I left there there was scabbing and dry blood they never even wiped my face off. Which is hilarious. Yeah so I grabbed these shorts and now that's kind of covering the blood and I walked to the door. I opened it. I looked to the left first and that's where the desk was and there were four staff sitting there and I go why the hell did you put me on a bed. And they all like it was like silence per second. And then they were like they were in shock that you were awake. Well it was like they were seeing a ghost that like I wasn't supposed to be standing up. So I didn't back all the way into the room at that point. I stood in the doorway and kind of put my arms like this. And I'm looking and there's there's one younger nurse looking person. There's like a bigger woman that looks like a doctor. I don't know if she was a doctor. And there were two young gentlemen that looked to be in their 20s and looked like just security guards but they were not bigger than me. So I just kept grilling like why why the hell would you put me on this bed. And no answers. They're just looking at each other like. We say he's not supposed to be awake. Well probably they were shocked that you ripped all that stuff out of you. They would have never imagined they probably never seen anybody do that. No and and you know don't they have like little things at their desk that would tell them that one of those things came out. Yeah right like an alert. Yeah. If it was a normal hospital. Yeah some sort of sensory. Right. Yeah. I really don't think this place was an actual hospital. Well the location we'll get into that but the location checks out but there's some other weird. Oh really. Okay. Yeah well it gets weird. So so finally they like they they said okay you don't have to go back into the bed. But let's come in here and talk and I let them in a little bit but remain standing. Once again why did you put me on that vent and the young nurse said because you have COVID. So you go to me. I go yeah well I go yeah you okay I have COVID but those machines are for late stage can't breathe on your own end of life. Yeah yeah you don't just immediately put somebody on an event when they test positive for COVID. Right right. Well they're trying to move faster and faster with that but and I and I said what drugs what drugs did you put me on? What was coming through that IV and the same young snotty nurse person said propofol to which I said oh the thing that killed Michael Jackson cool and then I can all and morphine. And I was like you know what like what they're trying to kill you. Yeah I was like listen like does it look like I was like making like like gestures I'm like does it look like I'm having any trouble breathing on my own here. Like I could have done a song and dance routine if I wanted that was like I was like so charged no answers that you know I'm like I want my lawyer I want my lawyer they didn't say okay we'll grab you a phone call. So this wrangling goes on I don't know the timeline I'm guessing 45 minutes to an hour of no questions being answered. The more the more doctor looking person said nothing. Now when you're trying to like step somebody down de-escalate there's a whole bunch of things that could have said Ben well they don't they didn't know my name. They still don't because I was on the phone with hospital records four different times yesterday and they didn't like okay do you they didn't like they're so much about this you guys that doesn't make any sense. So I personally went to the uh towing company it's called Fire Firebird towing in the Verde Valley and I casually he's like you can get whatever you want out of there he goes but he goes all of your vitamins and supplements ended up all over the crashing because I had a rubber made bin full of all of my I'm just here in AZ for like I was supposed to do a short-term project I don't live here and I don't I don't have enough room to like I was using my car's storage right so sorry so real quick you're in this is we didn't establish that this is in Arizona for the people who don't know the story did you say Yuma in one of the videos no no no where the crash happened and where my little temp places is a rim rock okay which is like 20 minutes south of Sedona about how south of Flagstaff okay I don't know why I said Yuma and you said you were you were airlifted to Flagstaff correct from the crash I was but the okay so that that's a great question because it brings us back to the tow person and I almost forgot what I was talking about when I went to go let me let me answer that first so like when I went back to the crash site the guy that rented me the room took me there and um he said fish whatever you can out of there and I was and I reached in and I grabbed this coat and there's my wallet with my ID no one ever took it wow nobody ever took my wallet out of to identify me yeah that's that's like the first thing they do that's like okay okay so would not not do that and well they would do that for two reasons well for one main reason so for two they know so they know who you are for two they can alert your family or anybody yeah um yeah that's a hugely important thing yeah they would not so I did he did so this guy at the tow place has seen everything he's had his family business for a long time he was super cool and funny and he goes this is what he said I go why the hell would they airlift me to Flagstaff and he goes oh that's protocol he goes they he goes trust me you wouldn't want to go to hospital in the Verde Valley they will kill you really really yeah he said and I've I've received probably four or five emails from people that went to a hospital in the Verde Valley and they have horror stories 60% of my email inbox and I don't even know how people got my email are people with horror stories and then people with shows channels interviews stuff like that and then and then people like looking for a new friend you know what I mean like call me in like these weird women reaching out to me and calling me I'm like well are you like yeah like I'm not this is not a dating site this is not a fun experience for me um but so I'm fishing around my car what I want to find is my phone and I have not found that happy about the wallet confused about why my wallet would still be there but I did find I'm covering the name of a different person's ID right by the gas pedal really and it's and it's good it's good till two six 20 23 so I'm flipped out and I go over to the the tow guy he's talking to my roommate and he goes oh you'd be surprised what flies out of a car he's like this is probably the previous owner but I know the previous owner so it's not his but I don't know if that's something or not but um but the fact remains is I was on the horn with the hospital four different times and they go send um the front and back of your ID because we still don't know who you are but they called my family and clearly they do know who you are yeah nothing about this adds up nothing adds up to this yeah so let's let's let's rewind back to the hospital so all that wrangling goes on all of my questions go unanswered no paper I'm asking for paperwork there's nothing they're not you know offering to let me call somebody and then another party walked in with a ripped up piece of paper and goes is this a good contact for you and it was my sister's name and number and I go yeah but I just want to get out of here because I was so close at this point I could tell like I was probably gonna get out of there so I asked for an adult diaper they brought me an adult diaper I was bleeding so bad so I put that on and I go how about some clothes like they brought me like some scrub pants a hippie sweatshirt like a tie dye looking thing that didn't fit like it was way too small and then some shoes that didn't fit they were way too small and I'm fully clothed and I go so I'm going and they were like so it worked for me to get out I had to I had to pee in a thing they they said that they wanted to make sure that I was not clotting in the urethra because if all of a sudden you're backed up you know so I did that this this doctor that came in to have me do that and sort of let me go she never really spoke to me the only thing she said to me she asked about the bandages and she goes slower fast and I go fast she didn't say anything else and she's got her mask on and here's what her eyes were doing this is like what she looked like her energy really she looked she looked like she just looked like a child like she had child energy and um so the two young gentlemen are the ones that kind of went to the door which was to the right of the desk in this hallway and by the way this hallway was like dimly lit I saw no hustle and bustle of a house like a hospital scene it it looked like the boiler room should have been mixed to the bed next to me it just it looked there was no other machine in there but the vent there was no other hospital no shut up units there was you know what I mean like those hospital shelving units or like a poster about covid 19 or anything yeah there's only a bunch of stuff yeah yeah all that all that typical typical stuff that you would see so these two young men brought me to the door and I go seriously I'm going and they're like yeah so I didn't there's a against medical advice form that you always fill out if you leave against their medical recommendations that frees them from liability if I fall down and break my face two seconds later exactly yeah right well that and they're just going to let you go without a ride arranged or did they have a ride arranged nope so it was it was nine degrees I would learn later that night in flagstaff so they're in a hoodie and I just walked straight because one of those young men he goes if you go if you just stay right on the street and keep going you'll run into downtown flagstaff so he decided walked all I wanted was a cigarette and so I'm walking walking walking walking and I see this bar on my left and it's called rendezvous and there's a dude smoking a cigarette like and I'm there I am with like bloody pants dried blood all over my face and flagstaff is sort of like 90 it's 90 degrees that's a it's 90 degrees so I know I look like a total hobo like I'm like no one's gonna talk to me so he gives me a cigarette and I try telling him his story and the guy goes dude I can't I can't so he walks back and I was like fuck I was like oh I got to go in this place don't I so I walk in I walk into this bar and it's a nice bar too like really high really high ceilings and like couples on dates and the bartender has a tie and he's playing bar total high and bar it was the it was the wrong bar but it was the first bar so I go what are your what are your choices here so I kind of slide into the bar and there's a good amount of spacing between groups of people and I sit in the bar still like and I got some water in the bartender and I said I just had no ordeal I go can you find me another cigarette like I just wanted to change both and he did and then a young gentleman like slid to the stool next to me and goes it looks like you need help and I go dude you don't know the half of it and I told him the whole thing and he backed up a little bit he goes I think I believe you I go dude this is a hundred percent real so he so he goes I'm gonna get you home I love helping people and I go dude I live in rim rock that's like an hour away he goes I'll get you a lift I'm like no that's gonna be 200 bucks I go how about this I know one phone number by heart it was a friend of mine back in Wisconsin and I go I texted him through the phone hey it's Ben I'm using someone else's text or phone and there was no answer it was probably too late for him you know he's got kids and stuff so we waited for a reply it didn't happen he goes he goes no I'm getting you a lift and that's all there is to it wow and it only ended up being 88 dollars so the lift got there fast and he he followed me out he handed the lift driver a cash tip and I just sat in the back the whole way home like thinking what the hell just happened but all I wanted was cigarette so I was trying to get the lift driver to stop for cigarettes and he's like I can he's like no man yeah so the I mean that's that's kind that's the whole story from getting injected at the crash site to getting out of it so okay let's go back to the hospital what have you discovered about the hospital as far as it so you think it's a legitimate hospital but what do you think maybe you were in a section of that hospital it wasn't like if it was off limits or something yeah that's that's absolutely what I'm thinking because when I retraced my steps from that hospital to that particular bar it was just over a mile and it was the exact direction but if you look at google maps of the hospital everything's going to be backwards so um on the opposite end of the hospital was where the emergency unit is I saw no sliding glass doors no emergency thing on the outside of it it looked like that part of the hospital was not utilized generally for patients it did not look like a covid unit they were not in hazmat right saw no other patients saw no other staff and like you said you said it was very empty right you said there was not the normal like lots of people walking around and it was like super empty like if you removed that bed I was in the ventilator and the desk that they were gathered around I would have no idea that that was an hospital really well but it was part of the hospital can you yes i believe so are you clear why would they take you to that part exactly that's that's the question well and why no paperwork why no paperwork and why yeah why do they still not know who I am they don't why didn't they ID yeah get your wallet and your ID that doesn't make any sense there's so many things that don't add up at all like you said it's just very yeah there's something that there's something weird going on for sure with that yep well to me so are you comfortable with naming the hospital are you trying to get one I've named it before so I don't see why not um Flagstaff Medical Center it is the only hospital in Flagstaff okay so i'm sure someone I personally maybe don't want and some people I know people are doing this I was talking that you guys know Dr. Andrew Kaufman um I don't know if i'm familiar with him entirely oh he's got a big presence online anyway oh yeah yeah i've i've seen him around i've seen him yeah yeah i was telling him i was sort of lamenting that i just knew that people were probably calling that place up and like you were going to harvest his organs and stuff you know like they're probably getting so many calls and I don't know like there's no way for me to know at all whether or not they just intended to keep me in that place and then let me go anyway to collect the $39,000 for the event to get the COVID diagnosis to collect as much as they could or if their intent was to indeed kill me I mean the organ harvesting isn't out of the question because we know that's a reality so looking at this whole thing the the accident itself might have been staged meaning it could have been it could have been an attack and what our audience doesn't know about you is that you've had these experiences or similar experiences like this going on all the way back to childhood so we've had a few guests on before what we call TIs or targeted individuals maybe there's something there's some aspect of that going on but it's definitely not standard protocol for any EMT to arrive on scene and immediately sedate someone that would be more like a military operation they they knew what they were there was almost like they were given orders it wasn't just like this guy decided to do it on his own they knew exactly where they were taking you for whatever reason maybe maybe this wasn't attempted murdered maybe they didn't plan on you surviving most of the times we've heard horror stories right so it's very likely that was a possibility did he did he have the syringe immediately when like he didn't have to like go oh oh like check on you first and then oh we got to go get this thing it's like he had it with them which told me it was it was a plan from the start yeah it was one of those um formed orange pouches and out it came and they the social workers who miraculously talk to my family but can't communicate my in the hospital as of yesterday they my family was told that night after I left that I was combative at the scene but what am I gonna do I'm trapped in a car was I gonna look come on let's go yeah exactly like for sure for sure if somebody had said we're gonna take you to the hospital I would have protested but there I only remember I remember the the man walking up and he was he was pretty big dude and I remember that coming out I don't remember him saying anything other than we're just gonna calm you down boss he just immediately pulled it out they didn't check on you first to see how you know no but they're gonna say what do you need right so yeah that's not yeah that's definitely not normal you had mentioned also that they had told your family that you had acute pancreatitis is that correct and something else what what happened with that they said I had a broken nose and acute pancreatitis I had asked my sister who was talking to the social worker tell me everything that they said this was in an email I need to know everything that they told you and she said that I was combative at the scene they had to sedate me and intubate me so I was intubated there at the scene so they said you were combative because you were trying to refuse the injection correct probably well it's it's all they're made up story one would be combative you know they can they can they can say whatever they want but that's what they told that's what they told and that yeah I had a broken nose and that I had acute pancreatitis and yeah right so which neither that was true though and none of that was true right in I mean I think I might know I know my nose is totally normal however I did I did like look it up and it said sometimes it's possible to not even know your nose is broken so maybe there's some sort of like compression front like little I don't know but the point is is that they told me the only reason for me being on the vent was that I had covid and of course my family who's fully invested in the medical industrial complex they totally believe that the experts and the science they were like they you know they just did whatever they could to help you no they didn't yeah zero critical thinking or thinking at all really what do you think what have you gotten any information do you remember anything from the crash as far as how you flipped you wrote because the car rolled right it did and I looked at this I looked at the scratches all along and it's clear that it rolled I'm telling you man I felt an impact that's what I felt first now if it's the case that I you know because I wasn't feeling well something felt off and I sort of like lost it I could have felt the very first impact of the flip but to my memory I feel like I saw that windshield happen first that's that's how that's how I feel like it happened like something hit something hit your windshield well by the I don't know but but so yesterday my roommate he's super cool I locked out with a short-term place to stay here and we just happened to like totally hit it off he comes home yesterday we were having a smoke out on the patio here and he goes oh dude I forgot to tell you I was driving past the site of the your crash and he goes and I just got this intuition of somebody firing something from the hill and I was like whoa really well there's no reason for that car to flip because it's totally flat it's 40 miles an hour I had to have gone as a reaction to something right yeah right the only way to go in 40 is to go like like really really hard and fast yeah exactly I mean considering what we know about what you've already told us it's not out of realm with possibility that something like that actually happened um you know really the shooter on the grassy no yeah it wouldn't have been a it wouldn't have been a conventional gun because I would have seen something in the windshield almost like an energy weapon which they have that they can even they can well I was previously hit by a dew right I have been to I'm pretty maybe some kind of sonic weapon even that's what I was taking a sonic weapon windshield yeah that's what I'm thinking yeah um yeah you don't even see it looks it looks totally insignificant but the sonic boom it's just like it creates an impact and that would sound how your wind how your windshield shattered all of a sudden that would explain that it shattered but held together if that makes sense yeah yeah that's yeah the film on their design is designed they're designed to do that oh so they so there's a binding agent that prevents it from yeah it's a film so it doesn't yeah get it all over your face but sometimes okay so let's go back you said you think you were um or you you know you were attacked with a dew before which for those who don't know a dew dew direct energy weapon um can you explain that why when did that happen yeah I went I went through a a period of a year where a lot a lot a lot of very strange things were happening and this was 2015 I was living in Milwaukee Wisconsin and I was riding my bike down a little hill going towards this grocery store which was to my right and as I was approaching the crosswalk to very like white bread businessmen were walking and I was coming to a complete stop and out of nowhere I got hit on the left and flew about four feet off my bike and hit the curb and broke my ribs these two guys stop and go what what just hit you and I go I have no idea they're like there was nothing you flew like four feet just bam wow that I mean come on there's when you have eyewitnesses like that that saw I felt that I just like it's almost like someone laughing somewhere like give them a nudge they're just messing with you and that that is the case um with some targeted individuals they play with this technology sometimes and so the one the what I've experienced before which I don't I can't prove or verify in any way but it felt like I was hit uh on those two separate occasions where I'm almost positive something like this happened but it felt like I didn't get hit and thrown back like that but it felt like I was being cooked like by a microwave like all of a sudden you're in your organs you just start feeling like your blood is boiling and you start getting sick and you can't do anything but it's out of the blue and I've experienced that twice in um suspicious times the timing of it was suspicious yep well I feel like I feel like um and this stuff does go all the way back to childhood but in 2014 I feel personally like I started breaking through with my meditation um something really popped for me and I was able to see other spectrums of light I was able to make you know dissolve my body into a billion pixels and completely just I don't have to be in my body if I don't want um astral traveling and it seemed like when I broke through is when the attack started coming really hard right and just for the record either you have some bugs flying around you or I've seen three orbs that I fly around you in this interview there's no bugs in here I don't know if you've seen it too Aaron but if anybody's watching this if you rewind there's three separate occasions where will white orb looks like it's flying around through there uh but okay so yeah that would make sense like they don't want us tapping into our potential and depending on like who you are like I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod say hi Dan hey how's it going today it's going good man tell us who you are and what you do I'm Dan Morgan I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan and Morgan which is America's largest injury law firm that's pretty awesome um I think I saw billboard of yours recently that said 20 billion won 20 millions insane number yeah 20 billion recovered it's actually I think somewhere north probably closer to 22 23 after this year and each year we get bigger and better and our army grows so the number will hopefully keep getting bigger and bigger as time goes on awesome so how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan what would I do if I got into an accident probably the easiest way is dialing pound law that's pound 529 from your cell phone we are always open our call center is always waiting to take your call 24/7 365 wow Dan Morgan from Morgan and Morgan America's largest injury law from thanks for coming by the show thanks for having me visit or an office near you every day when you log in to the ultimate online social casino you get a free daily bonus imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life I chose french fries overloaded french fries I asked steward from accounting about his weekend even though I don't care I updated my operating system without having to call tech support collect your free daily bonus at now and live the chumba life btw no purchase necessary before we were braided by law in terms of conditions 18 plus in a past life or where you came from right they understood somebody knows that and they know that if if you or any of us tap into our true potential or remember who we are it's a threat to the entire game the entire system so to make it would make sense to try and make life as miserable as possible for that person so they don't have time to meditate they don't want to focus on doing that stuff and they're always in like survival mode I will tell you that I will tell you this that I haven't and maybe we can go through some earlier through childhood stuff but I haven't explored this nor have I completely like engaged but many of the people surrounding the super soldier talk I'm on their group thread I've never like texted anything but many in that group and James Rinks inner circle have identified me through remote viewing as have that I'm part of all this right interesting really I just haven't I never had any interest to go on a show like I'm a musician like I want to like keep those worlds separate thought was like I made a decision a long time ago like now don't go on any of those shows don't be one of those people keep those worlds separate from each other but now I'm like nope now I'm gonna say everything right good for you man and I think there's a lot a lot of people that are involved in some sort of program my lab experience abductions whatever the case may be then people don't even realize you know a lot of people are walking around clueless to the fact but like if William Tomkins told us back in 1980 when a navy in particular started their secret space program and their 20 in back program if that's true he said he used millions he said there was millions of people being recruited in at that time so if there really are millions of people then it would make sense that more and more people are gonna start remembering things well I will I will say this so like probably three years ago I became pretty involved in kind of digging up details about my past that I didn't know and I looked heavily into a particular doctor who I I kept having dreams about being led into underground facilities and and all these weird things so I look up the doctor and I'm like I find that his license was his medical license was revoked in 1990 and the only online mentioned presence of this doctor is that revocation of his and and basically it wasn't about the revocation itself rather it was communications between the the Wisconsin medical board asking why there wasn't a full revocation of this license so it was on hold right so it wasn't a full revocation and the Wisconsin medical board was like this makes no sense in order for you to get taken off this hold or revocation you basically have to study under another doctor for a year you have to be an intern with a doctor for one year he never fulfilled that obligation and yet his license wasn't revoked his his according to the Wisconsin medical board his reason for for not being able to to fulfill the terms of reinstating his license is he went to the Persian Gulf at the start of the war wow so how far back did this start for you what's the earliest memory of something strange um nightly dreams of UFOs right every single night and and many of those dreams involved me what what age was this sorry like like six six okay six seven and most of these dreams start out where i'm waiting and i'm like oh oh no not again not again so all through my childhood i'd have these dreams i had dreams of sitting on this council it looked like the star wars bar you know and i've had experiences up there also yeah and i got kicked off the council by the way and you know in this dream they kicked me like i didn't go the way that they wanted me to go and i was doing other things on the side and they kicked me off and i remember being really kind of like hurt like hey come on you guys i'm a nice dude you know right um uh so those those dreams and then sort of like astral traveling in in in my dreams or that's not really a dream you know your astral traveling when your visual acuity is about a thousand times better than it is right now i've experienced it before i do reveal yeah i've i've done it uh i've never been able to initiate it every time it happens for me it just kind of happens but i know exactly what you mean it's very vivid you remember it yeah right so i mentioned to you then uh 1994 was like a bananas year for me um my brother josh and i uh my band was playing in the town over about a half an hour away and the rest of the band was had their crap together and they were way ahead of us and my brother josh was my ride to get there and we had a close encounter with a tr3b which brought traffic to a stop we got out of the car it wasn't fully dark even um and it was it was probably about 200 feet in front of us and only like a hundred or 200 feet like it was casting a shadow and i was laughing hysterically like because i couldn't process nor had i heard of a tr3b i i think i'm seeing aliens you know and it goes over to the side of the highway pivots like that it lowers itself to the ground and it remains hovering and i'm just looking at this thing like what the and so we get to the gig i i do that i filed i filed a report with like new fork or whatever you know and then somebody somebody got back to me from new fork and then explained to me what that was where they where they say it was here at 3b that it was us tech right yeah so that same year on christmas eve same brother families ahead of us we're running behind we're going to grandma's house and same deal tr3b hovering right over the park by by our house and this time we're like we're following this thing so it makes its way from the east side to the west side of green bay we grab the nearest bridge we go over we can still see it and we ended up in the parking lot of a paper mill there and we scaled the fence and it landed on top of the paper mill so we we show up to grammars an hour and a half late right and we're like we saw the thing again we saw the thing and some of our cousins were like oh the gordon boys are like you know but who but but who isn't laughing is my grandmother my dad my dad's sister my dad's brother my grandma says well pop a jack that was my grandfather he used to get followed home by a weird triangle from the cottage all the time and then my dad and his siblings start talking about how wow that i we used to see lights when we were young too and that we're dentists that used to take pieces of our ears out what right and i go hey dentists don't mess with your ears i go that that's like a screen memory so yeah so this all comes and i'm like oh and that was the first time that i realized that something multi-generational was happening in my family because they talked about ufo's for an hour then well it's particular your dad's side also it is so about two years prior my family went to i did not go but my family and my younger brother and my sister went to like a ufo conference in central wisconsin and they thought it'd be interesting in a cool day trip and some film crew was there doing a documentary and my youngest brother Andy had seen all kinds of ufo's to the point where it was every other day and we were like oh you're so cute you know you have such an imagination i was into ufo's but he had so many stories well this documentary ended up airing about two or three months after that christmas eve the whole family came over i wheeled a box tv at that time out to my little deck and we watched and my little brother who was interviewed there is describing a tr3b and then when i i was like Andy that's the same thing we started any almost started crying he goes i know i told you no one believed me oh wow how old was he then he was back then he was probably six or seven oh when we watched when we watched the thing he was more like 11 okay so it took forever for this documentary to come out and it was called searching for ufo's and you can't find it there's one pass sale on amazon for a vhs tape i've been i found it several years ago in like spanish and sent it to my family because they were interviewed and i'm like never forget you know and i i searched everywhere to find it but i can't when did it come out like is this the 90s or when 98 98 yeah 98 somebody somebody listening to this go find that searching find the vhs of that if you find it email us let us know we want to see it totally um so okay yeah this is a lot more involved than i expected you know from just gathered from what i gathered from your video i i kind of suspected that this was a my lab experience but i did no idea that it went this this deep for you uh no doubt no doubt i'm definitely like you were that was a intentional thing yeah and yeah you should you should keep exploring that and it's probably a really good thing that you're talking about it actually because it might actually protect you in a sense you know because now now people know the stories out there and people know this stuff is happening to you so if something does happen to you it's it's suspicious now instead of they're not going to be able to lie about it right they they don't want to make you a martyr and verify your story if they take you out that's the safest thing to do is to go fully public at at the point you're at in my opinion so yeah i mean that was that was the day that i filmed my initial five-minute thing here's how not savvy i am with the digital things i'm super good at music production recording i get all that i was like i i actually said to myself i wonder if i can film a video on my macbook and so like i was like i figured out i figured out how to do it i i just did it that was like the first take i'm just like this is what happened i uploaded it and then like a couple hours later i looked to see i wonder if anyone looked at this and it every hour was going up by a hundred two hundred bees for someone that doesn't have a channel i have one music video that i made for myself and then it kept going kept going kept going and the only other thing i did on my end is i found um uh on twitter i don't post like i don't initiate anything on twitter but i'll comment on other people's stuff and i looked at analytics and i had some people that had huge followings that were following me that and i had like a hundred followers like i'm nobody and i was like oh that's weird i'm going to share it with these people and i just said hey you have a huge following maybe you can help and from there it went to telegram and telegram is where it took off right and then i had somebody send it to me privately one of our listeners actually it's like hey you should check this out and you know we get a lot of videos sent our way people wants to read articles it's too much you can't we can't do it all in this case i was like okay like i was just compelled i'm like i'm gonna watch this and i'm glad i did because now here we are and this is way i can't believe like the fact that you know super soldier talk and James rank and even that whole world i was clueless to any of that whenever we reached whenever i reached out i for all i know you could have been you know some sleeper um you know right and it's like you know you know for me like and i you know there's a million other stories that i have that and it goes throughout my family as well but like when i when i personally watch like a compelling person that's like a secret space program person they're there they have such detail in all of this timeline and they remember everything of everywhere they went that's not the case for me i have an entire life full of these disparate but connected things so i don't know what my i don't know what my story is ultimate right it's all out of context there's no baseline um eventually maybe one day it'll make sense if you're supposed to know but um i mean it's enough it's overwhelming enough just to be experiencing that stuff so maybe uh maybe remembering it i think remembering sometimes could be detrimental to your health because it will trigger some some buried traumas and stuff like that very traumatic yeah so who knows you know i would i will i will say this like my distrust for any authority and stuff i think is is linked to something beyond this planet and and i've never heard any super soldier and i'm not saying that i am one but this is a phenomenon that i've experienced my whole life and it it does lead me to believe that there's Trump like tons of trauma and i'll give you a for instance i dated this really mean girl like in 2017 2018 and i noticed something very very weird and that was when she would do something or say something terrible to me i couldn't remember it the next day and my friends will be like dude why are you with this girl like she was like really mean to you like last night and i'm like what did she say so i already have a built-in way of compartmentalizing yeah yeah you tell tell sign yeah you tend to black you block those memories out like people can't even remember in their entire childhood sometimes because of you know it just part of you subconsciously just shuts that down and honestly you it sounds like you could have been MK ultra and that because what that's designed to do is to create those compartments where you literally are like multiple different people in one body and you can't you have no knowledge or awareness of the other compartments when you're in your like normal you and then they have their ways of like switching you over and then you have all this traumatic and crazy thing experiences and memories from those compartments but you literally have no knowledge so they it's not even mind-wiping it's like mind compartmentalizing and they can just switch you over right and it sounds like that might be it's trauma based mind control it is yeah and it's and it's interesting because i in the compartment in the compartment that i'm in right now in this space in the things that i like to do musically comedy i'm into all these different things people constantly compliment me on my memory within this thing right so i remember everything i can i can i can go to a gig and play with someone i haven't played before within four years like dude like our guy cancel can you step in and my muscle memory just comes back so when in this normal sort of window my memory is unbelievably like acute like her right but when someone does something really horrendous to me it's almost like a drug it gets released into my brain i've got dan morgan here on the pod say hi dan hey how's it going today it's going good man tell us who you are and what you do i'm dan morgan i'm an attorney and a managing partner at morgan and morgan which is america's largest injury law firm that's pretty awesome um i think i saw bill board of yours recently it said uh twenty billion one twenty billions insane number yeah twenty billion recovered it's actually i think somewhere north probably closer to 22-23 after this year and each year we get bigger and better and our army grows so the number will hopefully keep getting bigger and bigger as time goes on awesome so how does someone get in contact with morgan and morgan what would i do if i got into an accident probably the easiest way is dialing pound law that's pound 529 from your cell phone we are always open our call centers always waiting to take your call 24/7 365 wow dan morgan from morgan and morgan america's large injury law from thanks for coming by the show thanks for having me visit or an office near you you slept through your alarm miss the train and your breakfast sandwich cool sounds like you could use some luck i'm victoria cash and lucky land is where people go every day to get lucky at lucky land you can play over a hundred casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes go to luckyland and get lucky today no purchase necessary vgw group void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply and the next day i'm like how are you doing are you hungry no no memory at all yeah yeah well there might be a reason might be that memory you might have an iq or something there's something there that's appealing to them why they want you in the first place and you know starting at a young age and who knows what that testing looks like you know there's always like a recruitment process or something and it's important to realize too is that you just because like super soldier talk talks about the secret space program doesn't mean that everybody in space program is a super soldier and you don't have to have a military background you don't have to it there's i don't think there's any real protocols maybe for certain factions of it yeah you might need you might join the military and get recruited that way Tony Rodriguez doesn't have a military right exactly and i think more and more people are going to start coming forward that don't have military backgrounds and uh it's it's because of unfortunately it's a dark program and there's a slavery aspect to it in mind control and trauma based and if you're starting at that young of an age you know you don't need you don't have a military background then you know it's not like so you were chosen as a child it doesn't mean that you have to be in the military to be in these programs and there's no part of that that says that everyone is a super soldier yeah i i i do possess certain abilities i will say though i have always lacked discipline i don't keep things straight for very long i kind of get lost and abandon this or abandon the you know this project i've never been able to keep everything totally straight and like on course just kind of a dreamer you know but when i was like very very young like three four years old if for instance my mom would say okay enough tv for you young man go into your room and play with your toys i'd be like okay and i'd go into my room and i would rewatch bug's bunny on my wall and i would cast it from my eyes i could watch i could i would remember yeah and and it was that was no positive memory you would like imagine it and i could and i could visually see it on the wall i can do that with music whereby if i want to hear strawberry fields forever i don't think about it i can lay and i can start it and it plays from beginning to end in perfect clarity wow wow yeah that's it's almost like a type of a photographic memory but it's like video memory rather than photo you know where it's like recorded and you can just play it back yeah i wonder like if that's a natural ability or how much of that was enhanced through whatever programs or mk also unfortunately um it might be a result of that or it might just be a natural ability that you have mm-hmm yeah i i guess i i guess i don't know but my my inclination and the feeling of my larger self is that i came into this world with quite a bit of um something already right of course i think a lot of us did you wouldn't be here right now talking to us if that wasn't the case you know your life would look entirely different right now yeah you find you found yourself here i mean it's time i think that's i think that's why you were targeted right sounds like your whole life you've been you've they've kind of been messing with you and you like i think your abilities for whatever who knows what you know it's like they don't you know because i always think of like the most logical way to like if if someone wanted to kill me they kind of would have been able to do that already oh yeah i think i think that i'm being messed with like the electronic stuff that happens to me right i think i i think that i'm still being used in some way but they're messing with me if i get out of line type of thing but i've had i've had instances with the electronic devices where for instance i i had a vision in uh 2017 where i woke up in the middle of the night they always come in the middle of the night they feel like downloads and i saw i witnessed the big bang i saw a finger hit an inter-key the big bang happened and underneath were ones and zeros flying at me along with the debris from the big bang like the second dimension and the third dimension would come at me so i'm like i'm writing a song about that and i wrote a song nice and i actually rap in it which is hilarious but nice um anyway so i'm getting my album together and you know you got to upload um to a band camp and that was the last song that i did and at the very second that that final song uploaded every device that i had um like a mac book pro a mac uh tower a chrome book and my phone all four devices all of the hard drives filled up at the same time my yes you're out of space and i'm a meticulous like spacekeeper and trasher of things i don't need yeah some sort of virus um on all devices across every platform i'm like i'm like i have a Samsung phone you know i i had like another a chrome book and then two apple devices and all of them were out um i mean come on man yeah yeah so yeah that's definitely yeah that's all telltale signs of targeting so what else has happened you know aside from the tr3b thing and the electronics and stuff is anything else significant that you want to share there's co there's there's a ton i mean there's i mean do you want to hear about individual UFO experiences or well i mean it's up to you i just didn't know if you feel like while we're doing this and while you're well i think i'll tell you i think i'll tell you one UFO story because this this has a component to it that all the others do not have because something was transferred to me first before the awareness of the UFO so i was laying on a blanket in a park in milwaukee reading a book and i could hear this some chatter coming from these people um uh in spanish and i looked up and and there's all these young kids you know the probably 20s whatever looking around you know they're looking for something and so i said hey did you guys lose something and they're like yeah we can't find our keys man and i was like i'll help you look for keys i'm not doing anything so i'm kind of going around we're doing crazy eights around each other for about 10 minutes and into my head the words can i go one goddamn day without seeing a UFO and i was like what i look up and there's three hovering right above me and i i tapped one of the guys on the shoulder i go hey and now we're all just looking at it so the thought came first which so something was communicated to me first and i wonder if that's voice of god tech tech or something like that or tell do you guys you guys get the thing so i have normal i have normal tinnitus that i've had from being allowed as rock and roll bands right i always just keep like a fan on like when i sleep but i get this other thing and it's almost always in my left ear and what happens is you know that feeling um i get that where it'll last does it last for like 20 second like a short time like 10 but yeah 10 seconds yeah you know that you know that feeling you get when you fall in a dream and it's all in your stomach i have that feeling but it's in my head first so it feels like my whole consciousness falls and then at the same time so you get that feeling and then i get the feeling and then this happens yeah i wonder what there could be a number of possibilities i would love to know like is it a technology is it something organic from one of your guides is it you know what is it i wonder i think that there i think that like my um the day before this crash happened i worked i decided that for me that whatever was happening in my left ear was not good and in addition to all of the grounding and protection spell type i do every day which is it's long but i usually just say i hear by cancel all contracts with all dark demonic vampiric entities in all timelines all realms all dimensions and what we call the past what we call the present what we call the future in the dream realms dream realms the astral realms and in the void and all ai i cancel and do not i do not agree to any ai interference in in my in my life but i had not yet identified this left ear thing as being a negative thing and i worked all day i'm like i cancel and decommission any tech that is sending these codes into my left ear and i i worked out a long time during the day and then abracadabra the next day um i roll my car and i'm hooked up to a a cove event wow yeah that's absolutely incredible uh i mean it's an incredible story it's not incredible that that happened but wow yeah there's no coincidences right i mean yeah so almost like you you uh you canceled that and they were trying to like redo it maybe they were trying to like or as a consequence or something or re reconnect you to something there's there's quite there's quite a bit of pushback on a regular basis and it's always something so out of left field and bizarre um people will turn on me i'll meet someone and like it feels like we're hitting like hitting it off and suddenly they turn into a different person and start attacking me really yeah because and i also in that that diatribe that like grounding in production diatribe i usually include um and i'm protected from all um emissaries who could be influenced by dark tomotica vampiric entities so i had to add that at a certain point because because they get to the people around you yeah yes because well because i actually had an archon like period where they were coming at me a lot and i started exercising them out of other people and then none of those attacks came on me anymore with it with that protection spell then it started coming from other people and then people would suddenly just lose their cool around me and say stuff that made no sense and it gives me of like really bizarre stuff so i'm like oh i get it they're almost like they become possessed out of nowhere right yeah yeah that's what is happening yeah that's part stories well sometimes when they can't get to you they get to the people around you or whatever whatever it might look like whatever it's it's circumstantial it's always going to be different you know they just take advantage of the surroundings or the scenario you're in uh or they might be under some order to do something you never know what could what the possibilities could be but um man i think it's only the beginning of discovery and what the hell is actually going on because uh it's time whatever is happening on the planet right now is activating thousands of people and memories and experiences everything's coming to the surface nobody's life looks quite normal anymore you know if if you're if you're aware of this stuff if you're aware of this stuff and you have experiences like you do like it's becoming very apparent that life is never gonna go back to being away it used to be and who knows where we're going but it's not going to be familiar it's like everything is happening at once even more so than usual yeah totally like we're at this crescendo we're at this point um wow well thanks thanks for coming on and sharing all this man it's been absolutely this was really more than i expected uh it was fascinating um i'm sure you have more in you you know and uh if you yeah i had a great time talking with you guys in it um i'll extend myself to any future talks i i enjoyed it right yeah absolutely you still have you still have the the scars on your forehead from it oh no i heal fast because i have oh wow you did because in the video you still had it well so what what date was that video recorded january 30th january oh wow oh so so that was nine eight nine days ago ten nine ten days ago yeah yeah you're pretty good though you still got the nose yeah okay right because i remember you saying you're like i want to get on a show while this is still here so i have the proof you know right well my my roommate had some sort of salves that really helped he's like an urban dude yeah so that that's sped it up yeah yeah but yeah i would be happy to talk to you guys any old time right yeah we'll do this again now thank you absolutely man thank you for coming forward thanks for being brave and sharing your story yeah it's not easy obviously and uh yeah uh we we can't thank you enough and you know good luck we're gonna we're gonna send you our protection and uh keep us updated if anything else happens that was good gentlemen i'll see you soon all right thanks guys thanks for tuning in um i hope you enjoyed this um oh he's not well anyway thank you guys for tuning in i hope you enjoyed this uh please help us get this out there share far and wide because uh it's just a censorship right now is ramped up extremely ramped up and it's not easy to get any information out there so um the best thing you do is please share this and and help us get this message out there we appreciate everything you guys are doing for us and thank you and have a great evening until next time he said um listen give me two years you'll never want to come back god the adventure of a lifetime and nobody will know you're gone you get deployed at 17 and a half and now i was deployed from the New York athletic club and we got to actually deploy right out of the locker room from you know you're beamed up to the ship and then the ship takes off and you're gone for 20 years it's a very hard pill to swallow but that's exactly how i experienced it i was taken at 10 years old i was taken and i was worked through several black programs i was privately owned in the beginning i did six six or seven years on earth uh that's when all the stuff for the programs began for me uh specifically uh the tracking that they have been doing since i was a kid it followed me all the way through the military and at that point when i got to dig a versia that's where i was taking off the planet like opened that floodgate for me and then all of these recalls started coming in and i was just like oh my gosh and the way i was describing it she's like i've never had this with the client but that you're describing a parallel life right now it's a combination of human and other species um i was able to remember the name on their uniform its uss arc work that was putting me through some kind of recruitment um tests from age three until 12 and 12 is when i was potentially well taken he said uh in with your scores i guarantee you'll make commander and you'll make pilot and i said pilot of what and he said uh four kilometer long starship he told me what's going to happen he said you volunteer for the program will put you in you'll do 20 years will um send you back in time 20 years age regrets you 20 years wipe your memory and you'll just wake up in bed like nothing happened it's almost beyond words it's beyond comprehension of how this could happen whoever's master minding this you know the air force you know working with extraterrestrials working with a lot of pretty wild technology which i'll also get into it's really beyond fathomable it's beyond fathomable [Music] [Music] [Music] hello it is ryan and i was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on 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