Journey to Truth

EP 169 - Justin Deschamps & Ryan Delarme - Coverage Of The Great Awakening

Originally aired on 2/3/22
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Vigilant News is a nightly news recap, the combined efforts of Justin DesChamps, founder of Stillness in the Storm, and Ryan DeLarme, founder of the Underground Newswire. Our focus is the current socio-political dilemma facing our nation, and the world, which takes many shapes; whether it’s the quiet war with China and the Deep-State, the ongoing totalitarian COVID debacle, or the child and human trafficking epidemics. 
We hope to transmute the bleak headlines of our times into something positive, and to encourage others to see that all news, good and bad, can be used to facilitate spiritual growth.
Things we’ve been covering:
Exposing the International Fact-Checking Network and their major funders
Tracing “news outlets” sponsored by Pfizer
Potential continuity of government operations (OCTAGON, FREEJACK, ZODIAC,) 
Durham Investigation and Indictments
HIllary gearing up for a run in 2024
Julian Assange extradition
Pelosi and the Stock Act
Psychology of media distraction and narrative, mass formation psychosis, psycho-spiritual basis of reality, and how the Creator uses life experience to activate individuals, and how that’s playing out right now socio-politically. 
Toxic effects of masks and their resulting effects on our psychology. 
Discernment, information analysis—how to properly research, analyze, and organize information in the age of deception. 
What we’ve been working on (side projects):
The False Memory Syndrome Foundation and Child Sex Abuse
The Media’s attempts to downplay Child Trafficking (Specifically an infuriating hit-piece in the Atlantic that came during the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell)
Spreading the word about the Zelenko Protocol and other potential COVID treatments

1h 44m
Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

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[SCREAMS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, guys. Welcome back. A few things before we get started as usual. Don't forget, our conference is coming up right around the corner. Three months away, I think 90 days actually from today. May 2nd through to 5th, Grafton, Illinois. That's going to be a lot of fun. Secret Space Conference. It's something, it's a topic that's getting a lot of, there's a lot of mockery being made of the Secret Space program right now. And there is some legitimacy to what's actually happening. Yes, there is some shills and some fraud, but we want to kind of build a credible case, you know, to actually do a justice. So if you're at all interested, come out and join us. May 2nd through to 5th, Grafton, Illinois. Tickets are in the link below, And there are live stream tickets available also for those who can't make it. That's going to be a lot of fun and super excited about that. Don't forget our promo codes. They're all in the description below if you're looking for some new CBD or omniation or omniation. Omniation balancer. Omnia, radiation balancer for any type of radiation or 5G. And obviously we have our Teespring merch. 20% off that with promo code 20 and back. All that is in the description below tonight. We are joined by our friends, Justin Deschamps and Ryan DeLarm from vigilant news. Well, visual news is their new, new program. But Justin has been with Stillness in the storm for years now. And Ryan, your founder of Underground Newswire, right? Yeah, I've been doing that since about 2018. Yeah, so I guess they've decided to combine forces and they're doing like a nightly news show covering this worldwide events and among many other things. So we're super excited to have some fun chatting with them tonight and getting into some current things, which we don't typically do. So welcome to the show, guys. Hey, good to be here. Yeah, thanks for having us. It's awesome. How you guys been doing this for anyone? We're right at the three year mark, I believe. That sounds in fact, exactly three years now. Congratulations. Yeah. Thank you. It's amazing, actually, that we were still doing this, but it's a passion at this point and it's like you can't throw in the towel now. You got to keep going. Oh, yeah. It's fulfilling too, I'm sure. Right. Super. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. But before we get started tonight, I want to share my screen because I woke up to this on social media. There was a sighting of essentially a portal. What looks like a portal. Right over my house, basically, it was, it was, it was. Yeah, yeah, it's like 10 minutes away, but it was seen all the way in Arkansas and I went on this Facebook page and started reading the comments and there was tons more pictures, people, like this was a mass sighting. And what's interesting in this comment that I have on the screen says it was above our house to Jefferson County Missouri last night. And what's interesting in this comment that I have on the screen says it was above our house to Jefferson County Missouri last night my dad saw and took a picture of it, a retired Air Force Air Force Colonel. He said it was the most unusual thing he'd ever seen and had no noise. Not that we need an Air Force Colonel to tell us that this is unusual. But oh, it's unusual. Yeah, I don't know. Have you guys seen anything like this before? I know the Norway spiral was, was looked similar to this. Similar, but a little different. Yeah, I was bigger. Yeah, I think it was bigger, but don't quote me on that. Yeah, I haven't seen one in with my own eyes, I should say, but I have, you know, kind of done a tour of these things when I was trying to figure it out. Well, the Norway spiral, the spiral. Here's the Norway spiral on. Yeah, I was going to say. Yeah, it's like a long thing. Okay, I forgot about the long tail. Right. Yeah. And this is, this is an actual photograph. Apparently of that, and then there's another one here. As you say, I thought I remember one that looked closer to that. Maybe it wasn't the Norway spiral. This is what you were thinking of Aaron. No, there was well that, but then there was one that looked more similar. To or maybe that is what I was thinking of. But yeah, so yeah, see how the spiral goes on. So that was a lot of people's speculation that it was a portal. But then Dan Cooper, who you guys know we've had on the show, he hopped in the comments on Facebook and he said, yes, the Norway spiral and this one are similar and not the same two different portals with different purposes. However, I can tell you for certainty that that is a portal and that it is most definitely not created by an em drive. Absolutely. The reason I thought it was created by an em drive is because, um, Penny Bradley, if you guys are aware of her, she talked about this. And one of her interviews about the SpaceX, the failed SpaceX launch is actually a test flight for this technology that creates that it's an em drive that creates a portal. And she explains it. I know this is a little out of the norm for us, but I'm going to play this video if you guys don't mind where she where she breaks that down and then we can discuss it in there. Yeah. What they're calling the em drive. Yeah, we called it the copper microwave, where you make a bell out of copper and you hit it with microwaves, and it produces force. If you're in an atmosphere and you need to open a portal. That's the way to do it, because when you open that it forms this tear drop shaped field and inside of that you can open a portal and it won't suck the atmosphere through it. It's safe to go into hyperspace inside that if there's no substance sense, it closes right behind us. It's the field that's produced by the em drive. It's a shielding, Elon Musk had this launch that was supposed to be a big failure you supposed to be putting this satellite in the space. And I saw this tear drop field for, and I went. Oh my God. And then I saw the spiral in it. And then I saw it on the ship, that was one in Florida, what in California, and there was one in Russia, and there was one in China. Earth level military has that level of technology now. The big three have just tested it. And I could just imagine all the generals doing a happy dance because that's, that's incredible technology. So, that's what we're putting a satellite in orbit and that it had basically failed at the second stage. It wasn't even that it was testing this engine all four times that I saw it tested it did exactly what it's supposed to do. You have, it looks like a rocket coming up. So she just goes on to describe it more in detail but you guys saw it. I thought that was fascinating. What do you guys think about that. Well, first of all, I don't discount the possibility and you know this is actually a good opportunity to get into like discernment techniques. So, you know, I study a lot of epistemology, which is basically the philosophy of discernment. It's been around for a very long time might be one of the oldest forms of philosophy, although it has many different names. And it's essentially the philosophy is how do you organize information and how do you figure out whether something's true or not. So, really good thing to keep in mind when we talk about this stuff is there is no perfect discernment process. Any time you're using an discernment process, you're not going to get a black and white yes or no answer. You're going to get a range of possible answers based off of what kind of system use to evaluate it. So, let's consider the possibility that this is actually a, an, a portal or an aircraft. What evidence do we have to support that. Well, we have the evidence that we see here of this footage and it looks like there's spiraling. Now we have somebody who provided testimony that in their professional opinion or their expert opinion. That appears to be a portal and they're drawing from their own experience with this. Now, the question for us is how do we interpret that because we might not have what was the one we were just saying soon. So, Penny Bradley, Penny Bradley, we don't have Penny Bradley's experience. You know, if we could see through her eyes, we could telepathically connect with her, then we could use all her experiences her, her research, all of her knowledge to be like, Oh, I now I see why she thinks this is a portal, but we just have to take her word for it. Right. We don't necessarily have that experience. And now maybe you're somebody who went to school for physics, maybe you understand fluid dynamics with this and you can have a different opinion. So essentially the idea is that your ability to fact check it or discern it is based on what supporting information you have behind it. Right. And it's about considering possibility. So I'd say that's definitively a possibility that this is some kind of a portal. It could be something more mundane. For example, in the, when they do flight missile tests, especially once they go on the upper atmosphere, there's a point where the booster rocket falls away. And if it's, if it's a clips to the gravitational horizon, then it'll start to create all these really beautiful geometric effects because that that booster rocket flies off and now it's drifting through space and if you've ever seen anything drifting through space. It's basically going to form like a almost perfect new circle or eclipse as it drifts away and it starts to fall away. And this exhaust is still coming to come off it. So there is a case to be made for the fact that it might just be a missile and what we're seeing are these atmosphere high atmosphere effects. Right. But it doesn't necessarily mean that's true. So we have two possibilities. Which one do we, you know, do we work with? And as a last little point on this, you know, you have to be okay with possibility. I don't, I don't know for sure that this is a portal, but I don't know for sure. It isn't a portal. And so I evaluate each one and I prepare for each one. So that way, whatever comes out in the future, I'm prepared for each one. Right. And yeah, the reason I, the reason I shared Dan Cooper's post because he is a physicist and he, and he works with free energy technology stuff that he can't even patent because they'll just bury it so. And he, and he deals with this stuff in particular to EM drives and stuff. We've had him on the show talked about that. And it was his expert opinion that it was in fact a portal. That's why I shared that but it, we don't know. Like, I love what you said, everything coming in right now. We literally just have to take everyone's word for it. That's, that's even with, I mean, in the mainstream media, that's how they operate. They know that. They know we just have to take their word for stuff that's happening around the world because we can't prove it. We're not over there. At least we know we can't trust them. Right. What the mainstream media does, what I've noticed, they love to, they create the perception that the information is coming from experts. So they're always using the term experts say, experts that you know. So they, so they, they psychologically create the illusion that the information they're putting forth or they're giving you is expert opinion. And so you, you create the authority of the information. And then people just go, oh, that's, that's the truth without questioning and that stops you in your tracks of being like, is this true? Let me look into it myself. I mean, we're already conditioned not to do that anyway. So, yeah, that's what the mainstream media, they, they do really, really well is like, create the psychological illusion of, this is expert information. Don't, you have no need to question it. Just accept it. And that's the worst thing you can do in general with anything is just accept it immediately. 100%. That's it. And the story that I have the truth, you know, and that's, that's the most dangerous thing you can, you can never do in my opinion. The intelligence agencies, definitely know how to manipulate societies and media. So there you go, the alternative, you know, so it's like, when you start to break, I can go to that process where you can't believe the mainstream news anymore, and then all of a sudden you're open to all kinds of stuff. And then they take advantage of that as well and throw in a bunch of false stuff. That's what's so hard about the stuff that we look into. And we're brave enough to talk about and consider. But it's just man's exactly so saturated with like plants and, you know, right. So how did you guys find each other? How did you guys find each other and start vigilant news. And, and what do you guys just for our audience? I realized we didn't give you a proper introduction. So just want to explain to our audience what you guys cover and what you guys actually do. Cool. Well, I guess I'll start first and then you can jump in with how you got coming. I started still in this back in 2013. It was just a radio show for a while. Then we created the website, not me and Ryan, but me and my partner at the time Julian. And we were just sharing our research base, they tried to figure out what the world was like and we just put our information online because we wanted to join the conversation and that took on a life of its own and flash forward years later was coming all sorts of different things. Health, ufology, spirituality, philosophy, you know, all sorts of stuff. And then in 2018, I think, is that when you reached out to me? I had a little form to like submit to reach out to me to help working with me and then Ryan reached out to me. Yeah, I was living in Chicago, working three jobs, trying to get underground news wire off the ground. And I was using, I was heavily using, you know, stillness for my, you know, to get my news. And I was, I'm on all the places that you tend to, you know, aggregate news from. But so I was like, man, I might as well reach out to him. He's already doing what I'm trying to do better. So I was like, I reached out to him, started an internship in 2019 in January. I think it was Sterling and Theresa had just left. Right around the time we started the podcast. Yeah, exactly. Right, right. Yeah, I think I met you. I met you Aaron in 2018 at DoD effect, right? Actually, I think it was. It was a 17 or 18, because I know I was at Eclipse of disclosure, which you were at in 2017. Oh, you were there to okay. Maybe you were there. We either met there or we met the next year and dimensions of disclosure. Yeah. And then I met Aaron, I think 2019 DoD. Yeah, and I met you in DoD 2019. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, so I mean, we just, we've been working together for years off and on at different levels of closeness. And, you know, it's hard to find people that have the same interests and have the same process for dealing with, you know, fringe information, right? Some people, they just want to like believe anything that comes across their Twitter feed. Other people are so skeptical. They can't even get in the game. And, you know, when we and me and Ryan started working together and like, wow, we can actually play with these ideas in a way that doesn't create like dogma or, you know, irrational rejection. And so, well, we've been working on stuff for years together. And then I don't even remember how it happened. Maybe you remember. I came to visit you guys in Georgia last year. And I mean, I'm, I'm sure you guys have experienced this with some of your friends, but like, once you start to go through an awakening, there's like a little puts a little string like a stress test on a lot of relationships. All right. Yeah. We thought I both went through that. Everybody. I think all of us did. I think all of us did. We wanted my listener degrees. Yeah. Yeah, I think we can all, I think it's just a universal thing that you don't have to go through. But for me personally affected, you know, my relationship a bit and my relationship with a lot of my friends. Love them all forever. But, you know, I started to feel alone in a group of friends and like, luckily, you know, I got to go visit Justin and everybody down here in Georgia last year, and it was, we all hit it off so well. You know, that we're like, Hey, man, why don't you come down here and we can, you know, do more stuff and about half a year later it finally happened. So, yeah. And then we were here and I think it was like two weeks after you got here like, Hey, we should start covering the news together. And we did him one of my mega streams for Stoneness, and I want to say was like two or three, maybe into that or two or three weeks after that, we started vigilant, right? Yeah, well, I was 11 11 at right after Durham released his last indictment. And when he was like, you got to jump on with me because I'm like, I'm the guy that's always in there like reading every headline every morning. And he does that a lot too, but he plays pretty full by comparison so it's like, you know, I'm just like reading the headlines reading the articles all the time. So it's like a perfect combo. Like I can talk about the headlines and he can elaborate on them and it's great. And people can find you on, you have a YouTube channel, you're on rumble primarily. Right. Yeah, still listen to storm is the, I mean, if you just go to still listen to go to our social, there's going to find all the social media where actually still on anyway. And we've got rumble that's where we post all the vigilant news but we also post across to gab. Bright neon and spit shoot right now and then if we can we'll put it on YouTube rumble is a big one. Yeah, rumble is a big one. I'd say rumbles are main hub, which we're working on a landing page and you know website but. Right. Well, that's awesome and you guys are doing great work and you're covering, you're covering everything that's happening right now which is not easy to do, because we're just getting fed lie after lie. Did you see George did you see George Soros come out today and he dubbed she's she's a ziging ping the most dangerous man in the world. Yeah, yeah, he literally it's a video he comes out he can barely understand what he's saying because he's just like he's so old. And that he's warning he said that he's he's talking about the CCP and how they're trying to take control and how he's the most dangerous man in the world. You know, and then this is right this is what we have the Beijing Olympics coming up dangerous to the cabal is what that means. Right, I mean these guys are so good at that deflating your concerns by speaking to them it's called pacing and hypnosis you know you want to do you want to trick somebody good well you screw up their life and then you. So, you know, the nation's in the world, you know, we're pretty aware of a schism happening a lot of government agencies and stuff like that where it's like Patriots, nationalists, whatever versus like embedded in deep state globalists. And maybe there's also infighting among those cabal members you know I mean so it could be something like that precisely yeah. There's probably right that's a great point the infighting amongst the cabal I mean you never know what we don't know what's going on behind the scenes nothing is nothing is black and white we don't know who wants out who's had a change apart of black male who's doing things because they want to do it he's doing it against their their own will whose family you know you never know what is going on we can't just take everything at face value. The only thing I know for sure is there's a ton going on behind the scenes that is not apparent that and most of what we get on the service level especially in the mainstream is is fake or the exact opposite of the truth. And that's kind of why we wanted to create a show that's like not afraid to talk about these speculative things without like, you know, putting our whole faith in them because it's like we just have no idea but something's going on it's very important. Yeah, right. Well what do you guys want the big things about vigilance we want to cover the news but it's not just covered the facts on what it says I offer our personal perspective always making sure it would be say hey this is our opinion not, you know, part of the story, but also put a positive spin on it because in my estimation, every piece of information and every event everything that happens in reality is actually for a spiritual purpose. And when you start to think and think about that and ask those questions, you can often find that continual thread of spiritual truth weaving through everything. And that can be very inspiring and help you deal with all the craziness in a lot of ways so Yeah, let's elaborate on that a little bit because I find that intriguing because there is a lesson in all this stuff. It's a spiritual journey. It's a spiritual war. It all comes down to that. So you're saying that every, every mainstream current event is part of that spiritual journey. Exactly. I mean, but more than that literally every piece of information so every experience, everywhere, omni scopically, is all part of a spiritual purpose and experience. There's nothing outside of that. So it's not like, you know, you, you flip on the TV and you see some stupid things shared on the view and you're like, Oh, that's not spiritual, you know, yeah. No, this, that is actually playing a spiritual role and that's what I would argue is kind of at the base of our reality is the creator. It's perfectly set up the universe back in eternity. That literally nothing can happen that doesn't fall in alignment with what the creator wants. Now, does that mean that there's no free will and everything's predetermined and we can really not change fate not at all. But it just means that the game is so perfect. So it's kind of like being in a maze where, yes, you can, you can go down one place and it might take you longer to get to the end but eventually you're going to get to the end as long as you keep trying. Yeah, that's that's beautiful and it's important to remember for those who think that they're on the wrong path, because there's always something there for them to get them back on the right path and it's always in your darkest moment when you find. Yeah, if you think about it. And this is getting into a philosophical thing. There's no such thing as a bad experience. There's no such thing as a wrong experience. Right. If you think about anything that seemingly bad or painful or negative that happens, what does that do? Well, it causes you to grow. It causes you to expand in consciousness and grow and take your power back. And that's a big thing on a collective scale right now is humanity's being shown exactly like a mirror where you've given your power away. To all these authorities and governments and institutions that clearly now it's obviously they don't have your best interests at heart. And now we're all taking our power back to the Canadian convoy truckers. Look at that. It's like, that's, well, if that's not an example of us taking our power back and and and stepping into our sovereignty. I don't know what is a massive massive scale. And that's just it's already expanding worldwide. Exactly. Yeah, we're all truckers down boys. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So yeah, there's no such thing as as a bad. I mean, there is on one level, but ultimately everything, everything is for our own good and our own growth, ultimately. And if we can get to the place where we understand that. And then we really work with that. Then you're working with the universe and not against it. You're not in resistance, resistance mode all the time. And your life will just just expand and. Exactly. Exactly. Well said. Do that. You know, lucky land slots asking people, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli, I guess. Uh-huh. In my dentist's office. More than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car before my kids' PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You can get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. V.G.W. Group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Save on O'Reilly break parts cleaner. Get two cans of O'Reilly break parts cleaner for just $8 valid in store only at O'Reilly auto parts. Well said. That was my little surprise. No, but speaking of these, this convoy, the truckers, this is, you know, strength in numbers. This is what we, what we want to see right now. And I don't know if you guys are how closely you guys have been paying attention to that. I've been just loosely following it, but I did think it was interesting how Trudeau, like all of a sudden, gets COVID and has to go into hiding. He didn't get it. He tested negative for it, but he said, just to be safe, I'm going to quarantine. Yeah, he's, he's getting out of dodge. He doesn't, he knows. He can't, like, what did they say? They won't be able to walk down the street. What do you say? You know, they won't be able to walk. Yeah. You might have got in trouble with his superiors too. We decided to give him a check up from the neck up as they say. So, right. Right. Yeah. And then they also said the revolution won't be televised. Well, you know, how much of this is being covered positively on the news. You know, it's not what you won't be televised. It'll just be streamed and rumble. Right. Yeah. It'll be streamed on alternative media platforms. Oh, yeah, it's convenient timing that that happened when there's 50,000 plus truckers like taking over a whole city. We were watching salty crackers live stream. I don't know if you're familiar with him, but like, they're just shooting off fireworks, honking, and then they were looking at Reddit posts of people like, I can't believe this is an act of terrorism. You know, like, you know, left liberals in their houses. And it's like, if it was New Year's Eve, they would have been fine with it, but because it was truckers protesting, trying to like fight for their freedom, not just their own freedom, but like. How is that a bad thing? Exactly. Like, very curious about that. Yeah, you come to that conclusion. It's the mental gymnastics, man. It's unbelievable. Right. And then you got Joe Rogan, who's kind of, that's it. Well, it's very interesting what's happening with him. Have you guys been following all that? I'm sure. Yeah, definitely. What are your thoughts on him? Because he's becoming like, he's becoming one of the most famous famous. I don't know if that's the right answer. I don't know if that's the right word, but he's multiple times bigger than any mainstream news outlet. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, they're trying the highest rated news show is Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan has more than three times the viewership. Right. Yeah. Right. And that's. And Spotify. Right. Yeah, I remember I watched a Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson. I think it was one of the early ones too. Back in like 2017, 2018. And they were talking about Rogan's success. And I think it was around that time when he had like already been pretty big for about a year or so, but it was still like growing and he's bigger than he is bigger now than he was then. And they were saying something like, I think it was 10 billion or 20 billion downloads a year of his podcast. Yeah. So that's a massive amount. That's not including YouTube views either. And what's what's good about him. That's nuts. What's good about him is the net. He got what we would call the sleepers and normies, you know, all the years ago, people following him for other reasons. He was a comedian, fear factor, all the stuff. He talks about the mainstream. Yeah, he appeals to the to the mainstream and then they follow him and they're going on this journey with him. And so he's gained some credibility and his viewers eyes. And now that he is bringing this new information forward that contradicts the narrative, it's massive. It's massive because it's actually, it's doing more than we could ever do just trying to start a YouTube channel and like, tell all of our friends and family you're being lied to. It doesn't, you know, it's not really how it works. But the fact that he's already embedded in that in society. And now he's being a voice of reason and not everybody's going to agree with everything and sure he doesn't, maybe he might not see the big picture as much as we do. Maybe he does, but he can't talk about it. It's still huge for the collective, I think. Yeah, we need to see more of it. I don't know if you caught our show last night, but we remember the CNN talking heads, like, yeah, like classic, you know, shaming of Joe Rogan's, you know, viewership about how they're lesser than and how the CNN people are more enlightened. Yeah, literally that's what they said though, one of the pundits or the commentators was like, well you know we hear we've been curating this information and you know it's not really good for people to see these things and we have a more enlightened perspective. So they're basically saying that they know the truth and you don't and you're an idiot if you listen to Joe Rogan. You're stupid if you listen to Joe. And it's dangerous and it's dangerous if you listen. Oh yeah, that's, that's a favorite. Go to the media. Same with information. Same with same with Project Veritas. They're doing the same to people who listen in our fellow Project Veritas and, you know, they're discovering, they're, they're unfolding in. Right, but he's exposing an entirely different narrative on. He's literally the power of. Yeah, the power of him is that it's literally people's own words he's capturing, you know, like it's them saying it, and it's like, it's reality being shown to you in your face and I love how they try to spin that as he's spreading danger. It's like, it's literally these people's own words. They're exposing themselves. Imagine the adrenaline rush of that job like. Oh my God. Right. Well, he seems to be doing just fine. Yeah. Right. He's on top of the world. Yeah. He was born for this. You can see it like he has no qualms about doing it looking at his body language and everything. And I think, if I remember correctly, it's a little factoid if your audience might have you aware of, although you probably are. They were during a trial involving Facebook's fact checkers. They were forced to admit that their fact checkers aren't actually checking facts. They're just checking it against their opinion. So, yeah, let's talk about the fact checkers. I know you guys, that's one thing you guys covered. What have you, what have you revealed about them because we know. The Pointer Institute, they started a thing called the International Fact Checking Network, and that's when the fact checkers that we know today first started popping up. You can go to the Pointer Institute's website and see their major funders. And it's like a who's who of institutions you should not trust. So, you got like Facebook, the Koch brothers, all these foundations that have been caught, you know, money rack, it kind of stuff. So, yeah, those are the people who are the arbiters of church today. It's, it's very interesting. That's right. Yeah, we did a, I think it was a 20 minute or maybe 30 minute investigative journalism piece about the fact Facebook fact checkers you can find it on a rumble. And Ryan actually worked heavily on that. So, yeah, it was really good. So, right, I have a friend who's a fact checker and she said they have meetings where they're given, I guess they're given headlines. News talking points, and they're, they have to sign off on, they have to all collectively agree. So she's like, oh, look at this what they're trying to give me to sign off on as the narrative. Like they're tough. So they, they're in a, they're in a room before they start fact checking. And they're, they're given a list of things that are facts and what's not and they, I guess they collectively agree somehow. They don't really have, they don't really get to agree, but they have to sign off. Like, yeah, I agree that this isn't true or this is true. And in some times, you know, and she, and she knows that it's totally bullshit, but what she has to sign off on but these people, some people just see it as a job. You know, and so they just, they just scroll, they just, you know, scrolling through the internet for this certain headline. And they just, and they have their argument ready, you know, and then they just debunk it on the spot. It's all, it's all preordained. It's not really fact checking. And when you look at who owns these fact checkers, the people, what they're fact checking is all the stuff exposing the fact checkers. So, like, it's not hard to put, you know, two and two together here and when you just look into this stuff. And I think Nikki Willis exposed that. And a pandemic, he's like, you know, a good example that has Bill Gates owns many of these fact checkers that are exposing Bill Gates and Microsoft and deep state connections there will get fact checked by the fact checkers owned by Bill Gates. That's right. Right. It's, it's so what it is, it's, it's, it's literally just further propaganda to psychologically manipulate people into thinking something's false, because they want you to think it's right. Basically, basically, basically the fact checkers get their own 4am talking points, you know, yeah, that's how it works. It's the mainstream media and the powers just they knew, they knew from the start that the internet and especially social media was a big threat to the narrative because freely spreading of information is not something that works for them, you know, and for the narrative. So they're like, all right, censorship and fact checkers go, you know, that's literally all it is. And, Ryan, what was it you that posted something about how censorship is like throttling people in their invisibility like the algorithms, the algorithms, so it's not even so much the censorship but the algorithms right now can almost make you invisible on the Internet, and we're experiencing, we're experiencing that a lot. It's unfortunate, but if our name is tied or if it's linked or shared from our page, we might as well just stay home. It's not going and it's not getting anywhere. And it's these algorithms are killing us and many other people, and it's becoming an actual problem, you know. I created a new Facebook sometime around like Halloween, I want to say, when I first moved here and for the first three months of being here my reach was just incredible. And then about a week or two ago I got flagged for something regarding a story that Gateway pundit grant that ended up getting retracted. But then they use that opportunity to jump on me for all these other things that that we had mentioned like posting our shows and stuff like that, where we mentioned COVID. And then all of a sudden there's a thing I'm like, maybe this is happening to you guys too where it's like, only you can see this but your account is restricted. And, you know, the engagement and the views per post will go from several hundred down to like six or seven. Right. Right. Right. It's like your dad and your sister like people that are not trying to reach Facebook. Yeah. Like, so we, well we had our Facebook deleted once already. We had like over 5,000 likes and gone and but back then, and yeah we would share something and it would, it would be seen by hundreds of people that would get a ton of reactions. Now we share something and it gets seen by like 10, 15 people I think. Maybe, maybe, maybe if that and then a two, three reactions at most. And that's right. It's like, heavily shot, we're heavily, and then, yeah, Twitter, we got deleted, we can't get back on, we got to leave up Instagram, we were able to get back on there, but Instagram, when you try to tag us on there won't let you, I think. That's all, it's all a joke. And it's like this page is not allowed. Yeah. The right, the stillness can't even be shared in messages. Yeah, totally banned. You cannot share anything stillness related on Facebook. Really. Right. Right. So let's, let's shift us up a little bit. I know you guys talk about the false memory foundation or syndrome. And you guys, that's like a little side project you're working on. It's extremely important for people to be aware of, for those who don't, for those who aren't aware of it. So would you guys mind kind of explain what that is to people and what you guys, what your goal is with trying to uncover that? It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free. For your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. BGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. Save on a Riley Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of a Riley Break Parts Cleaner for just $8 valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. Sure, Ryan, why don't you start it off? Well, we're in a unique position to shed some light on this. It's kind of like a scoop that we have exclusive access to. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation was started sometime in the 80s as a way to protect parents who were presumably being accused of things that they never did by their children, such as like child sexual abuse, mostly, pretty much specifically that. That certain influential and wealthy people found a that that could be useful to them and funded them and they became a huge thing. I think their main their main like go to person Elizabeth Loftus was called to the stand in Ted Bundy, Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson, Robert Durst, most recently Elaine Maxwell's trial she showed up at. Basically saying that these nine accusers all suffered from false memories and that nothing ever happened to Elaine Maxwell's innocent. Which I think we can all say is pretty absurd. Yeah, so it just so happens that the one of the one of the former well a writer for stillness. Also just a very accomplished psychologist psychotherapist and her husband. Happened to be the biggest critics in the medical field, even at the CDC, against this false memory syndrome foundation. They they've had many court battles they represent so. Should we just go into the story? Yeah, yeah, go for it. Okay, so, yeah, please do. There, there, there are a couple, the wood fields and they, they had a practice and they were administering psychotherapy to a gal who had repressed memories of child abuse. You remember that her father abused her and their whole approach is that you can't just be prescribed medications for things you got to confront these things. And to this woman, it meant that she wanted to confront her father about the things you remember when she did that. Instead of like giving their daughter the opportunity to heal and face it or like maybe even have a conversation like about it. They instead attacked her credibility got her fired from her job at a university and just tried to sue her pants off basically tried to ruin her life. Yeah. And those those parents are the ones who founded the false memory syndrome foundation because of this. That's right. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. So what do you guys, what are you guys digging up on that now? Well, there's, honestly, it's a massive story. There's, this story is so, it touches so many different things in many different ways that, you know, we could easily devote the rest of our lives to this thing. But right now where we're currently going through all the specifics of the material, you know, my end of it is I'm more thinking about the like the mechanics of the psychology like is it even possible to have false memories if it isn't then what's going on. You know, things like this and what we've been able to determine and this is partially been admitted by Elizabeth Loftus who headed the foundation for many years that they haven't been able to successfully plant a memory of the severity of child abuse ever. The most they've been able to end or laboratory conditions is get somebody to remember like little details differently like a stop sign instead of a yield sign, things like this. So there's essentially, you know, when it comes to the science of it and trying to prove if this is even a real thing, you have to, you have to work from a certain perspective. What they've done is they've taken children's experiences, and because they recover memories, and this idea that you can't recover memory is a wildly popular thing, especially at the Satanic Panic. They just want to blanket label anything related to recover memory is highly suspicious and put it in the false memory category, but they have not been able to do it so just think about this for a second. The argument that they're making is that a child can get abused, or I'm sorry a child can go through an experience and then in their own mind through some process that they're not exactly sure how it works, create a false memory of abuse. And that false memory of abuse will have all of the symptomology associated with an actual abuse experience. And yet they haven't been able to actually create that a laboratory setting, which means that they're arguing that a therapist who's just going about their regular therapy can accidentally manufacture false memories. And this has been a major problem. So, you know, it's a bogus premise to even think about it's tantamount to saying that you can go into your garage, throw a hand grenade in your garage, and completely materialize a car, all by accident, and do that repeatedly across time, but they can't reproduce that in a laboratory setting. So it's, yeah, it's clearly just a BS covered. Exactly. But enough wealthy people saw value in it that they got a lot of funding, and they were used like throughout the years for a lot of kind of cabal related issues. Most recently, Elaine Maxwell, and she's also going to show up in Prince Andrews trial in September so. Perfect time for all this to be coming out. Exactly. It's like they're getting ahead of the game. It's like the deep fake technology. They put those videos out way early so then, you know, the stories about it. It gives them a free pass to use that technology or blame things on the technology. When the video start coming out, they go, look, we told you about this. Right. Oh, no, that's not Hillary. That's deep fake technology. That's exactly right. They're trying to get ahead of the game, but every, you know, what we're seeing right now is they're just shooting themselves in the foot every step of the way. No, no, no, that's going to work. Yeah, it really hasn't worked. It didn't work for Glenn Maxwell. That's right. Like, oh, somehow these nine accusers all got false memories implanted into them. It's BS. That makes sense. Yeah, but I mean, they're, you know, these people are so evil, I guess you could say, and they're so used to getting away with their, with everything they've been doing for eternity. They're not, they don't know how to operate when there's counter moves. It's almost like that's all they know. Yeah. Yeah. So they know that's where they know how to live and operate. It's almost like they're, they're really smart because they set up this system to manipulate us and deceive us all. And it's almost brilliant. It's well thought out and it's very strategic. But at the same time, it's like they don't have the motor skills to figure out. They don't have the logical thinking to like act on the spot. Like they quick think quick because they don't know what to do when they're having. They don't have creativity. Yeah, exactly, what we have. Yeah, they have to make all these plans and they just stick with the, with the plans and the script. But once they're forced to get off script. That's why you see, like, they don't know what to do. Yeah, and then everything they're doing is very stupid. You know, they're not used to push back. You know, and it doesn't make any sense. Like, why would you do that? You're totally exposing themselves. Well, they're so used to this operating and sequencing and secrecy that with very little to no push back. Like you said, for so long. That's all they've known. And now they're being, they're having all this opposition for the first time ever. And like you said, they're scrambling because they've never had to deal with that. They don't, they don't know what to do. Yeah, just imagine that I'd love to be a fly on the wall and like a back room where the football is just like. Yeah, it reminds me of that video from what's the movie downfall, the German movie about Hitler and how Hitler is like the last days of Hitler. And it's a clip you probably seen all over the place because people take it and it's Hitler like in this room in his bunker with all these generals and all like freaking out like all Hitler's pissed off. And he's like, and they overdub it or they, they've replaced the subtitles with something else like, wait, you put Pelosi up against Trump. What were you thinking? So you think Hillary's going to run again. Maybe I hope so, because she'll never know him out of like cheating is ever going to be able to quit. Exactly. Yeah, yeah, I think they're definitely positioning for Hillary to get in there but, you know, it is. I hope the delusional enough to try that because that will be a disaster for them. Right. But it's, you know, as horrific as the idea of Hitler being in the White House is, it's, if they tried to do it, it will expose the fraud in a massive way. And it's exactly what happens in 2020 because in 2020, a lot of people who weren't necessarily hip to any of this had their eyes opened and had that dark night is still a moment and then wait a minute. What's going on here so exactly. You nailed it. Right. Like Norm McDonald said, the only the only person people hated more than Donald Trump is Hillary Clinton. Right. Exactly. Right. Yeah. She'll never work. I don't think. No, it's not. It's curious. I'm curious to see what's going to happen. Obviously, the more and more we're getting into this, these surface level politics or like. Or they are the illusion. Like that's not what's happening for real at all, in my opinion. There's something way bigger going on behind the scenes that I think we're getting glimpses of it but we're never really going to know the full picture. It's a part of it. It's the surface level part of it. Right. But what I'm trying to say is like it's almost like it's all stage. It's like they're fabricated issues that they have on a white board somewhere and they're just like waiting there. They have a date that each one like we're going to go to this state for an audit. Then next month we're going to be here for the audit and then we're going to have a Trump. It's like all this stuff. It's like it's like you just lose interest in it and like come on already like this is the biggest. We know it's fake. It's like why are you continuing with the show? It's frustrating. Well, here's the thing in the election fraud. It's already been exposed and if that was a sting operation, it's like, okay, well, you've already got everything you need clearly from this past election. So to my mind, it's like if there is going to be another election, they're not going to do that again. There wouldn't make any sense to just do that again, like have a deep state person win and all the fraud gets exposed again. Obviously, because that's what would have to happen for them. Well, I think I think at this point, it's like they're trying to get the people to do stuff instead of like someone's going to swoop in and save the day. It's like time for just us to save the day. And that's kind of what it seems like is happening. Like, yeah, that's why I started to get back into what's happening on the surface level politics just because it seems like that's where a lot of the catalysts is like the highest catalyst is because that's where a lot of people who are unaware are at. So you got to meet them there and then kind of like be like, okay, like lead them through all that stuff and then it becomes so obvious that it's just a show. It's like professional wrestling. And then they really, like you're a kid when you thought wrestling was real. And then you're like, Oh, my God. Yeah. Right. Well, that's a great point. That's a great point about meeting people there in because we don't think about that sometimes, but you're right, that is where we're going to find these people. And from there, they're going to, I mean, obviously it's all being exposed anyway, but they're going to start seeing it. It's a great point. Yeah. And as you were mentioning, like how everything is kind of set up, like they picked dates for stuff and it's all kind of like planned. Look at like how this Russia saver rattling is happening now that, you know, the 18 to two year marker for most pandemics is running out. It's just like right on time. Yeah. I don't think that's a coincidence. No. Right. Okay. So what do you guys, what are you guys seeing about seeing? What are you guys seeing with what's going on over there with Russian Ukraine? Yeah. It seems like the cabal is trying to go Russia into a war because, you know, the war economy, optics, you need to take the focus off of Biden and Fauci and all of the stuff that's, you know, just a train wreck here. It doesn't make sense that Russia would want to start a world war. They have the same GDP as the state of Florida. They can't afford to go into a world war. And we know that the the cabal hates Putin for whatever reason. It seems like he kicked them out a while ago, whether or not he's good card of the KGB. It's all like, who knows, I don't know. But I do know that they don't like him. That's pretty evident from like the last forever, all the anti Russia propaganda that they've been thrown around at people like us. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. It's curious to me. Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. 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It's just like covertly being fought right now. Not like World War II, World War I, but like a silent almost like World War, something like that. It doesn't, with the infrastructure they have set up, it doesn't make sense for either side to start bombing each other. It doesn't make any sense at all. And we're so far past that. And the technology, the advanced weaponry we have, you wouldn't need an atomic bomb or missiles or anything like that. They have direct energy weapons and, I mean, literally everything you can think of and things you can't even think of. They don't need that Tesla's what he called it a piece ray, but it got dubbed the death ray. Right. That said, literally, if every nation on the world had this, there would be both peace because no one would dare attack anyone else because you could just annihilate their entire army. Instantly, basically. And, but here's the thing, we know they have Tesla's tech when, you know, they took all his stuff when he died. And so we know they have all this crazy tech that like they can, they can do all this stuff. That's like what's really going on. And why, why bomb somebody when you can just jab them and mind control them. Exactly. I think the real war is psychological more than anything else. The real weapon of mass destruction is the world economic forum in the Fortune 500 because you don't even need weapons because you just control everybody. Exactly. But how do you, but what's the best way to control everyone psychologically get them. Yeah. People, people only obey laws and rules and mandates when they think it's a good thing and they think they have to. Well, it happens when people wake up and they realize, oh wait, we have the power. And this is taking away our freedom and like the truckers right now and all the stuff it's like, people are waking up realizing we have the power. Fuck you. If you, you have to do something that's that's against our own good clearly. Right. Clearly for an agenda like that's when you just stop complying. That's all that's literally that simple, but to do that you have to understand you have to wake up. Right. That's, that's the great awakening that's happening. It's like people are waking up realizing like, wait a second. You can feel the shift. You can feel it totally. And it's, it's amazing. It's, it's really, really exciting. And I know, Justin, I know that's one of the things you like to talk about is the psychology of all that stuff of the media and the narrative and all that stuff. And how that actually plays into our everyday lives. And I just like to hear you break it down from your perspective on how that operation actually works because it's something that we need to expose the most right now. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Well, first point is that the end game isn't not necessarily what people think a lot of times we hear like deep population or, you know, vision or total control and that's a bit, but what we touched on already is a huge, huge point. And we don't have to go too far off a birth to get the answer to this, which is that the more authoritarian and totalitarian society is the more it cripples creativity and innovation. And the cabal realized at some point in time in history, it seems like it was around the 15th or 16th century that they needed to shift away from a totalitarian authoritarian like an overt slavery model or control system, where you literally had people like being whipped, and they didn't own anything and they lived really awful lives on feudal lordships and things like this to a, a fake a false freedom model basically where people actually believed that they were free. And as soon as they believe that they were free and they had some degree of control over their own lives, then they could be more creative. And that was really, really important for them because the one of the price that you pay for being a dictator and a totalitarian person or a psychopath, or a narcissist, you know, if we want to think about it in more but like a boots on the ground human level, is it costs yourself your creativity, the more totalitarian you are you cost your creativity so what they actually have to do is they have to create a parasitic relationship with the herd with the people where they siphon away their creativity or their, you know, biophotonic energy, you know, loose energy vampires things like this so what they have to do is they have to create a false labor system. And in order to do that you got to create a false reality. So part of that involves and we've seen this developed really since the at the beginning of the 20th centuries when this really seemed to launch in a major scale. But before then they're working on it too it's the destruction of education and philosophy. So, interestingly enough, if you don't have the ability to think critically, then you can't decode information properly to actually get truth. What they need to do, and is create a situation where the population is dependent on authorities, what I call conceptual authorities, or conceptual totalitarianism so in other words, why do you believe what you believe most people don't have a personal answer why they believe what they believe because somebody that they thought was in a position of authority told them what to believe. And that's the mainstream media. And once somebody believes what an authority tells them to believe, then they're at cycle social psychology then the mid brain kicks in. So we are herd animals. So, you know, because we're social or herd animals. You always want to go along with the herd because your own body your brain is going to make you feel safe, secure, and able to actually live a free life when you're a part of a herd. When you step out of that herd your anxiety levels go up, you get all sorts of neurotic things happening, and it makes it very difficult for you to live a happy life. So, they steal people's ability to think for themselves away from them, and then they put them in a situation where if you want to fit in with the crowd you have to believe the mainstream narrative. Now it becomes a battle of truth. If you want to actually awaken your own mind, seek the truth, you're going to be stepping outside of the comfort of the herd, and it's everybody knows who's listening to this right now that can be really intense for people and a lot of people just fundamentally, you know, like, you know, I just can't do that. I can't think for myself because God forbid somebody tells me that the mask I've been wearing for two years might not be as protective as I think my whole reality falls apart. You know, so these guys are masters at manipulating psychology at a level that is, to be honest, we should be respectful of their accomplishments because I've learned so much about psychology just studying the system. Then I ever would have learned if I went to school for psychology. So, right. Totally. Well, it's like it goes back to they know us better than we know ourselves. And it's funny how you know you say when you leave that herd you start to panic almost like you don't know what to do, because we're not taught how to be savvy and live on our own. It's like the cell phones with their cell phones with a proximity sensor like this I've heard somebody explain that proximity sensor on a cell phone it's like when you're but when you get so far away from that you start to panic when you're away from your cell phone. It's the same way with the herd. And if you don't know if you don't have places like this to go or people will fall back on to help you through it it gets scary. That's right. Exactly. I mean that's what they want. I mean your, your beliefs help you control your reality so if you don't have a ability to manage your own beliefs sort fact reflection, you know all these things that we've been talking about then. You become very dependent on authorities and this is what the cabal knows how to do with great skill I mean you take somebody who's dependent on what they hear from an authority like the mainstream media, and you put them in a position of authority where they have to in a mall tell people to put their mask on a certain way that person is going to feel so safe and secure in their house slave position. And they're never going to question it because they're in a position of authority you know what I mean so it's pretty remarkable. Yeah, the authority though guys wasn't there a study done it. People tend to listen to a person wearing a white lab coat. Over somebody wearing like regular street clothes like it automatically makes you. They'll say the program. They'll say the exact same thing some random person but then exactly what you said somebody with a white, not even like hey I'm a doctor and these are my credentials or whatever it's like they're literally just wearing what looks like oh they look like a doctor and they say the exact word for word saying thing and people will will believe that person. The other person would be like oh whatever yeah. Dr Malone and Peter McCullough should have wore lab coats on their internet. There you go. Yeah, well it goes back to the whole thing why you need a military veteran to tell you that a UFO sighting is credible over just a citizen or a civilian or an experiencer that's that's actually had for staying. Right like oh he has, he has badges on his uniform and he served in the army he, he must be credible he must, you know, he knows what he's talking about. Yeah, you didn't have a perceived authority. Right, exactly. Yeah, like what's the limited hangout UFO panel that every, is it move on or is he said. There's a fun. Yeah. Is it a big fun. I mean move on to basically limited. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Oh yeah. The top, the longs. Yeah. All right. So the stars can. What do you guys do you guys follow any of the ufology news or do you do you guys cover any of that stuff ever. Not not as much in the last couple of years just because you know it started to hit like there was that golden age you know with cosmic disclosure and everything when it's like everyone seemed like they were coming together in this beautiful way. And then, you know, it became very just inundated with like smears attacks division essentially and a lot of distraction and a lot of like, you know, traps essentially just like, you know, all these fed traps that keep happening in the internet and at events. Like what was those guys were reporting on. Patriot front. Patriot front folks. There seems to be a lot of that kind of stuff in the ufology community so I love it all and I still eat it up. But I feel like to get to the point where we are going to start to hear about these things we got to get through the. It's like putting the car before the horse so to speak, we got to get through the lower level stuff and be built through that and then they can maybe possibly create a timeline where they can bring the stuff forward. Well it's interesting, I agree with you 100% actually and I think that we're in a position now where we see both sides of all the stuff we CD and fighting the division, the fake narratives you know people being used just all the above. Everything you just mentioned, and we find ourselves in the middle of it, and it allows us to use our platform is like a voice of reason now. And that's why we want to like cover like discernment and how to properly research and, and how to, you know, question these people without just blindly believing them and all the above. The reason I asked is because it's becoming, it's becoming a mainstream news topic now. It's being covered. It's being covered in the media on Tucker Carlson as a whole UFO hour or whatever you know this stuff is becoming common talk now. It's only the matter of time before a lot more people are covering it. And I know we're getting the whole like the truth wrapped in a lie thing with their narrative, but it is helping people who are totally asleep to it. One of the biggest, one of the biggest problems for so long is the laugh factor of the UFOs in general or ET is general it's like people, you try to, you know, 30 years ago you try to talk to people, not that you know I was like four years older years ago but general is what I'm trying to say people you and woke up red telling people. Yeah, you try to talk to people about this stuff and and no one hardly anyone will take you seriously or they laugh or they think you're just a crazy person. Well now you have the mainstream talking about the fact that UFOs are real like we're observing these things we're tracking these things where we could even if they're pushing the threat narrative which they are. And they're trying to steer it as oh it's a threat so we need more money so we can build all this, you know, defense stuff. But they're there what they're also doing and shooting themselves in the foot by doing that is admitting this is a very real thing that the government governments are taking seriously and you're perceived authorities are taking seriously. And how people like us can actually talk to so many more people about UFOs and ET is and in our own experiences, and they will they will actually listen and they'll be like, oh, like tell me more you know they're actually, you know, will take it seriously and hopefully go on their own journey for truth and, and your own research and be like let me let me figure out what this is all about I think there's something you know there's something going on with this. Yeah, and people are basically never before. You guys are providing an essential service for sure and in a community that desperately needs it. Yeah, it's really important I mean, thank you, it's what I think there's there's some benefit to be gained from considering these ideas especially new following because there's, you're dealing with cosmic ideas like what is your relationship to reality what is your relationship, the, you know, other worlds the creator like, you know, all these different things that often get belittled in the modern age, especially in the materialistic world that they're trying to push us into. So it's really good to consider however, they have also weaponized it in a lot of ways. And the reason why I say that and this is part of the reason why, you know, I made a personal decision and Ryan's, you know, kind of, synchronistically also made that decisions. I made the decision to stop covering so much of the ufology, because, in my opinion, it was acting as a cul-de-sac for the goldmine as my pastor likes to say it's like it's an awesome thing to study, but it can be so enrapturing that it can actually distract you from other things that might be more important. You know, and you know the way the system works like here's another little tidbit about psychology, they don't have to get you to totally believe in the narrative. So what you have to get you to do is to struggle enough so that you spend most of your time and other things than focusing on what would it take to defeat the cabal. And that means unity, you know, it also destabilizes countries and nations and a longer term perspective because as strange as it sounds, if it wasn't for religions, we wouldn't have societies as we know it today. If you have people to break down their connection to the fundamental place where they get their values and their ideals, then you're going to destabilize a society at a seriously deep level. And that will allow it to be able to be more controlled so, you know, it's all great things to consider, but at the end of the day, you're going to ask yourself how much time and energy do you spend on it. If it's everything you got, and you're not necessarily making your life better or making alliances with other people so you can work together, then maybe you should just pull back a little bit and get a little bit more, you know, your feet on the ground. Yeah, and are you making it into another belief system and that's what I see a lot in the UFO community is that people form their own little belief system or they have their leader that they follow, and everything they say is gospel and truth automatically. And then, and then someone comes along saying something that goes against what they're saying, and then suddenly, or you have this person, their leader attacking someone else or information. And suddenly you have the mob of people that are following that person all attacking that person or that information. And it becomes this like war of, you know, the different tribes it's very tribalistic and that's a huge trap. It's like how many of those people are bots or like, you know, glowing ones and fed boys and etc. Well, yeah, exactly. And then everyone gets way off track and off focus getting caught up and who's right and who's wrong and what, you know, when both people about that's not what it's about it's like, everyone needs to go on your own individual. The funny thing that the funny thing about it is you have two self appointed leaders, was to say like that. And they're both, you know, they both have their narrative and they're both pointing fingers at each other. And they're both saying, oh, there's, you know, there's going to be division when they're the ones causing division. Yeah, this person's compromised, whatever, but when you really step back and look at what each one of them are saying. It's so absolutely ridiculous out there to what the mass collective is actually ready to hear that anybody in the street that heard either one of their stories. It's absolutely ridiculous like people don't believe in this stuff anyway like what are you getting so worked up for. We're not even we're not even to that point yet. Like we're still trying to get people to believe that UFOs are real, like, like just chill out and that doesn't matter it's all. It's just it turns it turns into their own put out their own information, let them say what they want to say whether you agree with it or not or you think someone's probably a deep state agent or compromised in some way. It's a useful life hack I've ever discovered was to have a four consideration pile and mostly rely on that and blind faith just leave that to God. Exactly. Right. Like, for example, I think I personally think Alex Jones is a controlled opposition. Oh yeah, but I don't throw the baby out the bathwater and I don't, like, a lot of the stuff he says is very true and he puts on a lot of great information and he's doing a lot of good He was a part of my initial awakening and helping me wake up to a lot of stuff. I didn't I didn't I didn't make him into a cult leader or my, you know, everything he says is gospel and I'm every, you know, I'm only going to follow. Alex Jones, which is what a lot of people unfortunately do. But if you cannot do that, you can listen to anyone and they could be a deep state agent they could be a controlled opposition or, or they could be compromised in some way but if they're putting out a lot of info or even the info that's not necessarily true if it's if it's at least info that is waking people up if it's doing good in some way, then it's ultimately a good thing and that's up to the people themselves. And this goes back, this goes back to Justin's viewpoint on everything is part of the spiritual journey, because even when you're following somebody who might be a disinfo agent or chill or whatever. And then you realize that you've been duped. There's a major lesson in that for you. There's a major lesson in that and it's, and it's, it's super healing. I mean that it can eventually be healing, but it's going to lead to a lot of growth. And, you know, unfortunately it sucks but now you're not going to let that happen again you're like okay here comes this new person with all this new great information. I'm not going to I'm not going to get so emotionally attached this time here they have to say, and you can start like having a more balanced approach on how you consume information. Like I said earlier don't like don't get, don't consume so much to where it just takes you off your path and forget what you're even doing here, because it's all designed or trigger events there's narratives they're designed to get you sucked in, just like the 40 hour work week that's designed to consume your mind so you don't think about anything else but work and then a beer on the weekend, you know, yeah exactly. Same energy. Yeah, they're giving all your energy weights consuming you, and like people want these external sources of information when they can just go inward, go on their own path their own journey, and connect themselves and get everything they need to thrive. And you have to under people need to understand too it's not about believing or disbelieving and this is goes back to what you were saying earlier Justin. You don't just you don't believe or disbelieve anything outright that you hear that's the wrong thing to do, no matter how credible or whatever you you view the source or the person that's saying it. You don't know if something they say is true or not because you're you, you're not them and you don't have the experiences that they have you're just hearing it from them and it could be true or it might not be true or it might be partially true. Right, but what you do is you put it on a shelf. You say okay this is what they're saying this is this information. Great. And then you just do that with everything and then over time what happens is you you form this kind of big picture. And when there's one when there's one greater body of truth. What happens is it will pop up over and over again through different sources and different people and you'll start to see that. And then you can say okay this is most likely most likely and then you don't know 100% right I don't think you can ever 100. Yeah, there's a lot of there's a lot of indicators that tell you that this is a possibility or a problem. This seems like the most probable yeah. Probably yeah you nailed it. Truth. Yeah that's the language you want to use I mean probability and possibility like it the ball and line is we don't know if we're heads just swimming in jars right now. Like how do we know like how do you really know you know in the bottom line is you don't know but that doesn't mean that there's no truth at all that's what the postmoderns believe that because we can't prove everything. unequivocally that that itself is proof that there is no objective truth. And I would argue that's not true at all. You know but you got to get comfortable with possibilities and when you do that that's kind of an initiation like let's face it nobody likes to go from this really safe and secure. Everything in my world has been proven because my parents told me when you're a kid world to the adult world of oh my god like I don't know if I can trust anything. You can get really good at settling managing possibility and probability but man when you do that when you finally get that muscle working well. It's liberating it really is and you become your own expert in a lot of ways. So on the game so part of the journey of truth. That's right. All right that's right everybody. Hey. No it's it's very true. It's very true. We talk about this a lot more and more lately. We all got into this when we were young we were a little naive it's exciting. You know there's all this stuff out there that we had just been blind to our entire lives and it's easy to fall for stuff and and to get baited into things when you just don't know any better but that's all part of the journey. This is what disclosure looks like this is what the awakening looks like it's not going to be this picture perfect thing that we've all been imagined. It's a messy gonna come out and tell us the truth and that's the full truth and then we're done. It was only that easy. Exactly. Because the problem is is they probably don't even know. Yeah. Exactly. You want to understand compartmentalize. Right. It is. Exactly. So the government does not. What's that Ryan? I have no doubt that there are special access programs and you know classified technology that would blow our minds. But you know how many times I've been like really talked about things like it was like fact and then later on I was like well wait a minute maybe that's not true. Like you have to go through as part of it and everyone has to go through that even these people who just like follow the science like they're going to get it in the worst way when they, you know, made their whole life based around this thing. And then it's just ripped from them, you know what I mean like I feel bad for these folks like they're victims. They're gonna be they're gonna have a dark dark night of the soul at some point here hopefully. I mean, yeah. Right. Well the science is just another form of religion. We talked about that too. And it's just something that they're going to have to realize you don't, you know. Yeah. It's just, I don't know, what's that mean I read. I quit. How did it go? 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As soon as you realize that everybody else has a perspective on the truth, then you can combine those perspectives together to form a better picture of the truth, which means the search for truth is the ultimate unifier across every culture, every person. If you're even species, everywhere in the galaxy, everywhere in the cosmos, that search for truth is the ultimate unifier. When we stop bickering about what we think might be true or not, then we can actually come to the table and even keel, and that's where the magic really happens, I think. Right, the enemy of truth is not, it's not falsehood, it's thinking you already have the truth. When you think you already have the truth or the ultimate truth, which is, you know, religion has a lot of good to it, but this is one of the negative things is it gives you this false view of thinking you already have the ultimate and ultimate truth, and then what do you search for further truth if you already think you have the ultimate. I'm good to go, and I'm just going to coast to now and, you know, when I die, and then you live for when you die and that's when things are going to be amazing, and it also takes you out of the present here now. I think you have the ultimate truth and well that's, that's, that's basically what the mainstream media does to it tells you what the truth is, and then you don't have to look and you don't look any further because they already told me the truth. Right. So when you think you already have the truth is, is the enemy of the actual truth because then you never, you never go on that journey yourself and sort of value that journey. You don't think you think that's, you know, why would I, why would you go on a journey if you already have what the end goal of the journey is are you thinking right. Yeah, exactly. That's a great point. Why would I go on vacation when I could get online and do it virtually. Why would I play the lottery if I'm already a billionaire. Or it's like, right, you know, you could million analogies with that. So, what else Norway lifts all almost all covert restrictions did you guys see that. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we've been following Denmark. It's the other one that we just reported on. Well, they're talking about a lifting some and like Czech Republic, I think, and then I think even there was reports of Israel, but then I saw some conflicting reports and it's just like, you know, there's so many countries. It's starting to keep track of what's going on. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Right. Yeah. It seems like it's, it's so coordinated. I'm not necessarily buying into the idea that it's all positive right now and like good intentioned. But, you know, there's, there's certainly enough to be happy about that these restrictions are being emptied. We shouldn't all just sit back and be like, Oh, okay, you know, freedom's here on the horizon. We just got to wait and everything's going to be, I think it's quite the opposite. The people that orchestrate these things they're masters of encroachment. And so they push they push they push until people are finally like I can't stand anymore. And they back off a little bit go back to where they are they just back off a little bit. You actually think everything's might be okay. And then they keep pushing slowly again and again that might be what we're seeing now. Yeah, I think so. It's interesting. It's interesting. The stipulations like Australia, I have a friend over there and because their reason is because not over 90% of the population is vexed that that's why they're lifting their restrictions. Like you have the free freedom to travel in and out of States and you don't have to wear mask anymore blah blah, but then they say that but then all these individual businesses are still pushing this stuff and it's like, doesn't make any sense. Right. And they if you get, if you get COVID over there. You get a six month vaccine exemption. If you test positive, meaning you have all the freedoms of a vaccinated person for six months after you're tested positive, including travel. Australia, Australia, yeah. 100% that's not like here say I have a friend who's experiencing that right now. And to me that's very interesting it's like, where is the logic there like. It's like the milk expiration date and milk like on that day it's over. Yeah, yeah. How many people do that how many people just throw out the milk like they don't drink it the day after. Yeah, our vitamins. Exactly. Your thing like this. Yeah, or, or pink Himalayan rock salt that says 200 million years old and. Oh, my goodness, an expiration dates on that stuff. Yeah, that is. It's hilarious. One last thing I want to get into before we start wrapping this up is, I want to get after, you know, after we've been through all this over these years, I want to get your opinion on the Q operation, and how valid you think that was and, and if you still think that's in play right now because I do think that we're seeing even today like what you would call Q proofs. Proving themselves over and over again. And there's a lot of people that are, you know, there's a whole narrative now that the whole thing was a side maybe it was a side but a good benevolent side up. What are your thoughts. You want to take this. Yeah, yeah, sure. Well, I do think the Q operation was valid. I don't think it was what some people think it was. So, you know, there's a lot of people who talk about, they know what Q was all about. They, they know that Q was supposed to be this because it wasn't that, then it's proof that it didn't happen. For example, you hear this a lot, especially from mainstream media people who are like, Oh, well, Q was supposed to be about arresting Hillary and taking down the cabal. And, and getting Donald Trump elected in 2020 and look, they didn't do that. Therefore, it's all bogus. But nobody really knows what the Q operation is about. We have suspicions. We have theories, but we don't know for sure. You know, maybe we'll never know for sure. But once, so instead of trying to debate an abstraction and something we can't confirm, let's just talk about what has happened as a result of Q's contribution to our collective reality. And what is definitely done is it's caused people to think and rally around the information that came around that and way more of a coherent fashion that ever happened before, I would argue. Millions of people had their eyes opened and started questioning their reality and thinking for themselves. And the other thing that Q talks about is thinking for yourself, critical thinking, do your own research, you know, all these things working together with other people to create a kind of, you know, think tank with respect to information. That idea was really popularized as a result of Q's efforts. So, you know, on those points alone, we can say that Q is a success in the sense that it caught a lot of people up off of their, you know, their arm chairs and working together with other people. And, you know, one last point I'll mention on this is that I don't think the point of the Q operation was a mass arrest of cabal actors. I think the point of the Q operation was to get people awake, because the bottom line is, doesn't matter where we look in history, the reason we're any wins is because the people fail to be stewards of the society in which they inhabit. And once we wake up, get off of our and start actually working to protect the world that we care about so much and that we live in. Then we can have a freedom and an age of freedom that we can barely imagine way more than even the founding fathers were able to affect and they did a really good job. So yeah, it had such a profound effect on the mass consciousness that the ripples are just like still going out like, even if if Q never comes back so many people are activated it seems like in government when you get like your martyr each other greens of the world. James O'Keefe's, you know, it's just like that every day people like us and you guys were just doing it, we're doing it ourselves and that's even better than having some like placating power replace the old power. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, I never, you know, I forget the operation, operation of Soviet operation that people were really saying was that's what he was really all about, especially at the end of 20 or during the inauguration last year. And we actually wrote an article about it debunking the idea that that that it wasn't just a way to get people to reveal themselves as being dissidents. It's much more than that because, you know, basically just a steel man the argument the argument was like well, he was just about creating a place, a honeypot for people who were dissidents so dissidents meaning people who didn't buy into the mainstream narrative people were actually questioning authority and these kind of things to create a honey pot where they could where would go they would expose themselves as being in support of Q and now they can be marked as somebody that you can get rounded up or shadow band or whatnot and put in a position where they can't positively influence the world. But that stuff already exists in any way that's what cell phones are all about. I mean they were reporting that conversation. Yeah, exactly. So, you know, I don't buy into that idea. That is now, is that mean that there aren't issues related to Q that we don't have like a kind of Q cult or maybe even a Q religion where there's this infighting between sex and all of course that's going to happen anytime you create a situation like that. But I think the overall effects was pretty positive. Yeah. Right. I agree. I agree. And I, for first and foremost, I do think it was a valid military operation on some level. And most of those drafts were comms. I don't even think they were meant for the public on some, sometimes, you know. Yeah, some of them. Right. Yeah. I mean, it was when you talk to people within military, they'll tell you these are comms. Yeah, I've heard that. Yeah, it does say like, yeah, this is exactly what it looks like. Right. It's not. It wasn't always meant for us. So there was an operation going on. Did they have a looking glass? Could they see in the future? I mean, some, it's in some scenarios and some cases. Sometimes it just seems like that did they. I mean, there's a number of occasions where they basically predicted the future. Sometimes it was like, scarily accurate. Maybe they were working with the Simpsons. I don't know. But then you know, the deep state is, it's public. So they're seeing the drops too. So I do think, and this is what you even said, like, disinformation is necessary. I think a part of it was also to put out some disinformation to throw off the cabal or to get them to expend their ammo, so to speak, at times. To kind of like force the cabal to make a move thinking, like, oh, the alliance is going to do this on this state. So we got to hurry up and do this. And you would see right after a queue drop, something, some big false flag would happen right after. And it's clearly like, okay, the cabal is reacting to the queue drops with the alliance is putting up. Think about it like in the war strategy, like, you don't know if we're confused they're confused. And if you have to take every drop as in as real Intel, it's not worth risking like, oh, it's just another fake drop. This isn't going to happen because that one time they don't, they don't counter that is going to be when it bites them. So, you know, so if that actually was happening, that would make a lot of sense, you know, it probably was so frustrating because there's, you know, they wouldn't know if they're just being trolled or not, but you have to take it every time they have to react. Right, it's like a guy, a guy pops out with a water gun, nine times in a row, on a 10 time it's a real gun you have to be ready just in case, you know, yeah, that's a good analogy. There's a few things about Q for me. I was trained in journalism so when I saw the media just like the way that they were handling it. And, you know, just my casual observance of Q I was like well okay, the journalistic thing would be to read every single drop. And when you do that and none of the things that they're talking about in the media like JFK rising from the grave and all this other stuff. And it's mentioned and it's actually completely like shut down by Q. And that's not being mentioned that was a red flag right there like okay they are putting, spending so much time and energy attacking the movement. That it's like there's nothing there's there's no smoke with that fire. Yes, great point. And they're still spending time doing that making a mockery of it making movies the Reno 911 movie that whatever the hell I didn't watch it. No, I didn't watch it but and then the Borat movie. I don't even know about that. What's the Reno 911 hunt for the Q and on or what's it really okay. Somebody's going to have to people in the chat are going to be going crazy but. Yeah, I haven't. Late late night talk shows from making fun of it. Right, like why. And all these people. Like why. It's like why. It's certainly every single thing. Yeah. Right. Well, I mean that's a really good point that you. Ryan because, um, you know, if you look at the way the media handled it. And this goes to show you how dangerous Q is to the powers that be, and we can probably make a pretty good argument for that because they never actually talked about what you said. You only heard the straw man argument. You know, so if Q really wasn't that big of a deal, if the information was all bogus, then what they would do is they would expose it by reading the posts. And then explaining why that post is BS with evidence that made a clear cut case so that nobody could argue with anything to the contrary. Instead, you hear the total opposite. They almost never mentioned Q. I don't think to me and I was following it for like two years. Every post that came out, I was like, what are they saying about Q. I never saw anybody, any mainstream source quote you ever. So, you know, just it's always like the crazy. Q fanboy that maybe might not even be a real person. And it's like the followers of Q. Yeah. Who might not even be following followers. It's all success. Right. Yeah. They want to talk about JFK rising from the grave or like, you know, goblin on children. But it's like what I got out of it when I read the 5000 some posts was, oh, this is the FISA court. It exists. This is how it works. This is how you get freedom of information. Information act laws, like things that are literally changing our world today. And they don't talk about that. Right. Well, I got out of cues that the earth is the earth is not flat. There are there are space programs that exist outside the public eye. And UFOs are real. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So many things. Right. I mean, that's so cool about it. Cause if you, if you know how to interpret this information properly, if you know how to think critically, then as I like to say, disinformation can be key information to a well trained mind. You know, you can gleam a lot just by how the media and politicians and the, the main streamers react. To this kind of information. So. Right. Exactly. Man, well, this has been great. Thank you guys so much for coming on and having this chat with us. It's been a lot. Yeah. Really appreciate it. You guys are doing great work. Yeah. Are you too, man? You guys, you guys are doing better work, not better, but you guys, your, your work requires a lot more research. Going through those articles and presenting the news like that takes a lot of effort. So thank you for that. You guys, we're doing it every day anyway. Yeah. You guys should be the mainstream news. Like you guys are what mainstream news should. No, actual German. Yeah, maybe one day. Yeah, one day. I know you're watching Donald Trump. So just consider it. Yeah, we are available. Get in touch with me. That's him, by the way. I can look with the conference too. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, thank you. That's a lot fun. It's something it's very ambitious after being a part of a few conferences. We realize, hey, we could probably do this on our own and it's, it's so we're doing it. We're just going to, we're just. We're just doing the podcast. We just jumped into it. That's the way to do it. Yeah, definitely. Hopefully this will work. No, it's already shaping up. It's already shaping up. There's a lot of work, but just like the podcast, it seems to all be falling into place. And I feel like when that's like an indicator that you're doing something right without having to force it. So we're just, you know, just following that and we'll see where it takes us and who knows what we'll be doing a year from now, but we're having a lot of fun with it. And, yeah. Glad to be here fighting the battle and the war for the mind with you guys. Yeah, okay. It is. Yeah. Yeah. You guys want to, well, all your, all the information will be in the links below, but just still listen to I guess where they can find you guys. Anything on the, but he's got underground news wire dot underground news wire dot news is my news site. And then we have the, if you want, if you're using rumble, it's probably the best place to see all our stuff because not everything can go on YouTube. So I would just look at the stillness and the storm rumble for now. Eventually, maybe we'll, we'll centralize it in like a vigilant news thing. It's still kind of, we're still in the beginning. Yeah, it's a time crunch. I mean, honestly, you know, I wish I could like make a clone of myself to do more work is just so much work that has to go into all this stuff. It's mind-boggling. Yeah, we've been doing it like once a day. It's like a four hour thing. You're doing, you're still doing stillness in the storm with that. Yeah, stillness in the storm. I still got into the storm on rise that I'm still doing. We've got this other project to work and on is, there's just, you know, it's when you, when you start to do these, this kind of work and you really have a passion for it, then you're like, holy mackerel. I actually don't have as much time as I thought. So, right, but it's an honor, really happy to have this opportunity. It's an incredible time to be alive. Yeah, boom. Absolutely. It is. It's scary, but, you know, we're living in, we're living through history right now and we're making history. So, yeah, it's huge right now. I can't wait to see what once the chaos phase is over, you know, the new earth, so to speak. Yeah, I think the real fireworks haven't even begun yet. I think so too. I think you're, I think this year is going to be pretty intense. Right. I mean, look, there was literally a portal over my house last night. Like, what are we, what is happening? I mean, and there's a lot of videos popping up of these similar things around the world. It just doesn't get covered. You have to just stumble across it on the internet, but there's some weird things happening that are totally out of the norm that we're not used to seeing. And it's getting brushed under, you know, it's getting brushed under the rug, but it's important. This is big stuff. Our friend Paul showed us a video. I don't know if this was a real thing or not, but it was like a blue beam projection of what looked like a planet or a moon hurtling towards the earth and it was just getting bigger and bigger. These people in the city and I was like, what? Yeah, those are some of these videos you don't know, like, yeah, because there's like, I'm in film editing and I know that you can do almost anything. Anything to make it look real. You know, I could. That's the problem with real footage is like people will just assume it's fake a lot of time. Right. It's not even. It's not going to be a video that's going to disclose anything anymore. It can't be. And even when people see something in reality might be a freaking hologram. But we just have to, you know, keep our head above water right now and figure out what's what and just stay true to ourselves. And that's what we're doing. And thank you guys who are supporting us and helping us make it possible. We love you all. Thank you for the donations. Thank you for all the beautiful comments and all of you both. Yeah, we look forward to seeing you guys at the conference. And thank you guys for joining us tonight. Thank you for what you do. Any last words before we wrap this up. Stay vigilant, my friends. It's a crazy world out there. Boom. Good night guys. We will see you next time. Have a great evening. Take care. Thank you. He said, listen, give me two years. Never want to come back. The adventure of a lifetime. And nobody will know you're gone. You get deployed at 17 and a half. And now I was deployed from the New York Athletic Club. And we got to actually deploy right out of the locker room from, you know, you're being up to the ship and then the ship takes off and you're gone for 20 years. It's a very hard pill to swallow, but that's exactly how I experienced it. I was taken at 10 years old. I was taken and I was worked through several black programs. I was privately owned in the beginning. I did six or seven years on earth. That's when all the stuff for the programs began for me specifically the tracking that they had been doing since I was a kid. It followed me all the way through the military. And at that point, I got the dig of our sea. That's where I was taking off planet like opened that floodgate for me. And then all of these recalls started coming in and I was just like, Oh my gosh, the way I was describing it. She's like, I've never had this with a client, but that you're describing a parallel life right now. It's a combination of human and other species. I was able to remember the name on their uniform. It's USS R Corp. That was putting me through some kind of recruitment tests from age three until 12 and 12 is when I was potentially well taken. He said, in with your scores, I guarantee you'll make commander and you'll make pilot. And I said pilot of what? And he said, four kilometer long starship. He told me what was going to happen. He said, you volunteer for the program will put you in. You'll do 20 years will send you back in time 20 years, age regrets you 20 years, wipe your memory and you'll just wake up in bed like nothing happened. It's almost beyond words is beyond comprehension of how this could happen. Whoever's master minding this, you know, the Air Force, you know, working with extraterrestrials, working with a lot of pretty wild technology, which I'll also get into. It's really beyond fathomable. It's beyond fathomable. 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