Journey to Truth

EP 168 - Jock Doubleday - Ancient Alternative History - The Bosnian Pyramid Complex - A Hollow Earth

Originally aired on 1/27/22
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Jock Doubleday - American Writer - researcher - stoneworker - videographer
Continental Terraforming
Playlist of 40 field research videos documenting artificial riverbeds:
"The Terraforming of Terra - Toward the Golden Age, Gillespie County, Texas, December 23, 2020"
"The Terraforming of Terra – the End of Institutional Geology and the Beginning of a New Era of Understanding"
Planet Building
"Who Built the Earth?" (book-in-progress with chapter titles)
Scalar Waves / Torsion Fields / Tesla's non-Hertzian waves
"The Scalar Conundrum: Will Solving the Riddle of Scalar Waves Help Us Solve Some of the Mysteries of Earth's Past?"
"The Scalar Conundrum: Who Is the Real Nikola Tesla? An interview with Serbian electrical engineer Goran Marjanovich"
"Blueprint for Existence: Bosnian Pyramids Update 2017"
"Pyramids as Resonance Objects: Goran Marjanovic on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, June 18, 2017"
Bosnian Pyramids
Introduction to the Bosnian Pyramid Complex
"Mysteries of the Bosnian Pyramids, with Jock Doubleday, Rijeka, Croatia, March 26, 2017"
Playlist of 13 videos documenting Healing Testimonials in prehistoric Ravne Tunnel in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex:
"Healing Testimonials"
"Ravne Tunnel Labyrinth Healing Properties - 2014"
Jock's Bosnian Pyramids Youtube channel
Official Bosnian...

1h 45m
Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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And cortisol is a stress hormone that will destroy your body. I mean, it just destroys it. Right. Yeah, exactly. 100% exactly. Exactly. Welcome back, guys. Welcome back. This week, we are joined by Jack Double Day. Jack is an American writer, researcher, stone worker, videographer. Among many other things, he spent 23 months, I believe, at the Bosnian Pyramids doing research there. We're going to get into a lot of, I would say, more earthly based stuff. We're always up in space talking about all that stuff. But we're going to ground everything today and get into some of the stuff that's happening here on Earth. And Jack has done some great research. And we're excited to have him on the show. Before we get started, don't forget, tickets for the conference are on sale. May 2nd through the 5th, Grafton, Illinois, $444. Four days, 12 speakers, includes meal plan. Live stream tickets are available for $111 if you can't make it in person. We're really excited about that. It's coming right up around the corner. So stay tuned for some-- we're going to be doing some roundtables, getting some of the speakers on. We're going to be having a lot of fun with that. And you guys know the promo codes. Those are all in the description below. I'm the radiation balancer in Hopewell Farm CBD. And we might be affiliating with our friend, Mason Fieri, we've had on the show before. He has some amazing organized pyramids. And we might be working with him, too. So stay tuned for that. Jack, Jack. Jack, I almost called you Jack. Jack, how's it going over there, man? A lot of people, they don't believe them. My name is really Jock. So they call me Josh, usually. I say, my name is-- hi, I'm Jock. They go, hi, Josh. I mean, there's not a lot of people with that name. It's a Scottish name. My dad was named Jock. And my dad's uncle was named Jock. And so it's not a nickname saying that I'm an athlete. It's actually my name. But people seem to have some problem with it because it's unusual, you know? Yeah. Yeah, this whole episode's about your nickname. How Jack is not an athlete. Well, you have a name like that. You're pretty much destined to be on the fringes. So that's why I'm here today is because of my name. Yeah, hey, there you go. So you've, obviously, you take your work very seriously. And I've seen some of your videos on continental terraforming and expanding Earth theory, which is really fascinating to me. So can you just give us a brief background on how you got into this stuff and what you really want to bring forward today? Because this is all fascinating stuff that's not really common knowledge. Well, that's an understatement, Tyler. Yeah, it's not really common knowledge. I mean, it's just a theory right now, a continental terraforming theory. It's just a theory that I'm proposing sort of as a balance to the natural geology theory, the origin of continents. It's an odd tale that I have to tell because I'm a writer. I'm a playwright and a screenwriter. And I just started a film company last year called Arturos Light Films to make my 30 years of screenplay as into films. So sci-fi fantasy, fairytale films. But I don't want to say-- but I took a diversion, a road less often taken for a writer, which was to go into archaeology. In 2011, I volunteered for the Bosnian Pyramids Project. They had a program that started in 2010 for volunteers to come for four months every summer when the pyramids were safe to work on, because you weren't slipping off these 43.5 degree angle slopes of the pyramids. And excavating those, excavating Rodney Tunnel, which is the prehistoric tunnel that's part of the system that was also discovered by a semi-rose nuggets in 2006, I believe. The pyramid complex was discovered in 2005. And the tunnel soon thereafter, he asked the children of the village of Visoko, which is centered in the Bosnian Pyramids complex, if they played in a tunnel or a cave. And they said, oh, yeah, we-- because he knew he'd been an adventurer around the world. He'd been exploring pyramid complexes all around the world for 10 years and was writing books on him. He was-- he's a real-life Indiana Jones. And he came back to his native country of Bosnia and was invited to go to Visoko, which is in the heart of the Bosnian Pyramids complex, and to see the museum. He'd never been to Visoko, even though Bosnian's a pretty small country. He'd never been this little village. So he went to the museum. And as soon as he got there, he noticed that there is this hill. It's called Visochitsa Hill. And Visoko and Visochitsa refer to the-- it means high. So when you're on top of Visochitsa Hill, you have a vantage point, as you would, let's say, this Matterhorn in the background here. If you're on top of that, you can see everything. Well, that's exactly what it is in Bosnia. So the kings of old would build their fortresses on top of this Visochitsa Hill. And then Simmer said, that's a pyramid, you know? He's been exploring for 10 years. He knows what a pyramid is. That was a compass. He saw what was already in a cosmic north. He went on top of it that day, right away, brought some people up and saw another pyramid across the Fornica River, started naming the pyramids. And he knew he was going to get ridiculed for this, because no one has seen them, because they have a different kind of building than the pyramids on the Giza Plateau than the Central American and South American and Mexican pyramids. It's more natural looking. So people hadn't realized it. And people are living on the side of the pyramid today, thinking it's a mountain. And when they dig down, they find these stones, which are, you know, because they're obviously artificial. If you know they're artificial, but if you're not looking for that, the sizes of them and the shapes of them are so odd, they're not molded in a Roman way where it's right angles. They're different shapes. There's curves in them. There's no stone is the same as another stone. So I wrote an article called "No Two Stones Are The Same" on my "An American and Bosnia" site, WordPress site. So you can get that article. It's unbelievable. Hundreds of millions or more, maybe billions of artificial claystone construction stones in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex. And we haven't found one that's identical to another stone. So the homeowners digging down for their foundations were finding these interesting looking things. But who could really say for sure that they are artificial? So, oh, well, just cart them off. And that's what happened for centuries. They're living on the side of this massive pyramid, which is, except for Rittany Mountain in Serbia, it's the tallest documented pyramid in the world. Rittany pyramid, actually, is 1,565 meters. The pyramid, the sun in Bosnia is 220 officially meters. And the great pyramid on the Giza Plateau for reference is 147. So 220 versus 147, pretty big, right? But actually it's much bigger than that because as I found, if you fall the topography down to the riverbed, it does join the riverbed. In which case, it's about 380, 390 meters tall, which is astounding compared to 147 for the great pyramid, which is quite a large structure. So I went to volunteer in the summer of 2011. I wrote to the foundation. I said, I do stonework, and I'm excited to help you. And I sent my stonework pictures when I thought they'd be like, oh, he's a friend of a shovel. Let's have him be a volunteer. And they're like, oh, our program is full for the summer. Thank you for writing. And I was like, I'll see you soon, because if I show up, are they going to say, we can't use your help, sir? No, I think I'll just show up. I'll pay my way. I'll buy a shovel. I'll buy 10 shovels for the foundation, because I'm excited about this. It's an interesting, fascinating mystery. Why are there pyramids in Bosnia? So I went out there, a friend who had met through the social media Bosnian Pyramids Networking, which back then was really small. There was almost nobody that believed in Pyramids at Bosnia. So it was just me, this guy, and a few other people. And he found me, and he said, oh, I'm a Croatian researcher. I've been doing research in the Bosnian Pyramids complex for years. Can you come out and film me doing my science in the complex? And I'll pay for your food and lodging for two weeks. And I was like, awesome. So I did that with him. And then he took me to meet Semir, but we didn't arrange a meeting. Semir's pretty busy. So it was at the-- it was-- I write comedy as well as drama. And this is a rather comedic tale of meeting Semir. But he's always mobbed by the tourists. He's mobbed by the Bosnian natives who love him. They call him the doctor. He's like the guy who read all the books. He's got a PhD in mind studies. His book, The World of the Maya-- it's a PDF, free PDF online-- is so astonishing. It'll keep you on the edge of your seat all day long. It's the tale of a real life Indiana Jones, as I mentioned. It's unbelievable. So his learning, his wisdom, his soft-spokenness, yet firmness, his ability to manage a big crew of archeological park foundation employees to excavate the Bosnian pyramid complex. He's an astonishing fellow. And people just flock to him. And everyone wants a selfie with him. So I was waiting for him to be free to say I could say, hey, I'm that guy who wrote you the email. Like, he would even know that. He's not answering those emails. Somebody else. But I was so naive. I was like, remember me? I'm the stoneware guy. So I had to wait for him to go to him. He was walking to his car, because he was going to Sarajevo. And I started to talk to him a little bit. And he got into his car, and he was like, oh my god. He just got into his car, and I haven't asked him yet, if I can volunteer. So I got into his car. I would never do this in a million years. I'm pretty shy. I would never get into somebody's car, unless they said, please get into my car. So I got his car. And he turns to me, and he goes-- it's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous, with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over 100 social casino style games for free, for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. BGW Group void were prohibited by law. 18 plus, terms of condition supply. - Why are you in my car? [LAUGHTER] - Very? - I was like, I could see that he was in a rush, and he was very nice. He said it in a very nice way, but he just wanted to know why I was in this car. He thought I wanted to ride to Visoku, and he's like, well, I'm going a different way. Sorry, Avio and Visoku are different roads. And I said, here are the seven things I can do for you. I do stonework. I'm a friend of a shovel. I just went on, and he said, organize a scientific conference. I'll give you a hotel room and a breakfast. And I said, OK, I got out of his car, and he went to Sarajevo. So I organized a scientific conference. It's an international scientific conference. It was a second one of six now of scientists who had been to the complex and performed research on various aspects of the Bosnian Pyramid complex, including many things in Robinade Tunnel, which is a astonishing labyrinth. And we can get into that if you want to. It's unbelievable. Right, yeah, there's a lot I want to get into about the actual pyramids himself and a lot of theories and stuff I read online and videos I see that I can't prove one way or the other. And I find it very fascinating. Even as I just read that apparently the funding was cut like a year ago, so there's no research or no further digging or anything happening on the pyramids now because it wasn't attracting enough tourism. So they just cut all funding and stuff. I don't even know if that's accurate. Well, the drama of the Bosnian Pyramid complex is astounding because academia was against it, and they attacked it from day one. And then they went silent when they couldn't shut it down with lawsuits and petitions to the Bosnian government to shut it down. Then they went silent on it. So it's basically verbotan to talk about Bosnian archaeology of any kind, not just the pyramid complex, but if it's from Bosnian, we don't want to hear about it. So that's academia. And the fossilized leaves that have been found underneath some of the construction clay on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun have been carbon dated to 34,000 years, which means that at a minimum, it's somewhere around 34,000 years, give or take a couple hundred years, which sets the history of building back, and not necessarily human building, but the building back on Earth quite a bit because Gobackly Tepe is supposedly 12,000 years ago. And there's a world changer, game changer, you know. Well, there's like, I think Graham Hancock, Graham Hancock thinks, as a Hancock, Graham Hancock thinks that his speculation is the pyramids in where in Egypt were built 36,000 years ago or 36,000 BC. So that's his speculation, obviously mainstream hasn't caught on. I think they're at least that old person. So it's not out of the realm of possibility that the Bosnian pyramids are that old in my opinion. Easily. Right. Well, Samir just keeps doing science in hopes that people will engage the science because there's so much drama with personalities around ancient history. And it's always a cult of personality battle. And it's like, why? Let's just do the science. He keeps saying that outright says that. Let's do the science and see. Let's do the science, please. We're wasting energy. Not the COVID science though. Well, science. Right. Yeah, if we go down that rabbit hole, we'll never get back to the pyramids. But no, no, no, stay on track. Yeah, I mean, yeah. So, but it is all, it is all a thought control matrix. It's all about the thought control matrix. So a lot of ancient history researchers talk about amnesia. They say humanity is in the state of amnesia. We've forgotten who we are. We have essentially PTSD from these cataclysmic events. And we said, no, we don't want to remember. And so we're in this state. I would suggest that we take it one step further and say humanity has never known who we are. We've always been in the thought control matrix. And one step further, perhaps we could say that we're in a consciously controlled state of hypnosis. In other words, are the thought control matrix creators constantly bombarding this with frequencies that keep us from being telepathic, that keep us from it remembering who we are. If you're a farmer, you don't bring the livestock in and then set up defenses. You set up the farming system, then you bring the livestock in. So I think on day one, when we were created, the farming system, the thought control matrix, was set up. And we have never known our potential, our power, our beauty, our incredible connection. I feel like that's very accurate. Yes, I think so too. It would make a lot of sense too. And it's why it's been so easy for them. Until now, everybody's starting to question and everything's chaotic, but I agree 100%. And that's a great analogy. Now their system's crumbling and they're scrambling to try to keep it going. But they can't because it's like there's like this inevitable awakening and destruction of the old system happening that they can't stop. They can't stop it. And it's almost like they know that now. So they're just trying to delay things as long as possible. It causes as much chaos and destruction and fear as possible on their way out. And the funny thing is, is that they have these paper thin systems set up that if we ask the question, are we in the thought control matrix? We could just blow on it and it falls apart. Exactly. Or to know, so Wikipedia is such a joke because that's so obviously a control system. And I'll give you some photographic examples of this. It's unbelievable what they do. It's so elementary and so sort of like a 10th grader who wants to be a magician and he learns his first trick. That's basically what Wikipedia is. It's that elementary and that's stupid. I mean, it's just you have to be able to ask the question, are we in the thought control matrix? Is there someone behind this who doesn't want us to know? Because otherwise, you'll just think, oh, it must be true, you know. Yeah, Wikipedia said it must be true. The authorities say it must be true. And you get stuck in this. It's mind control. That's literally what it is. It's you think something's true because you're told by something you perceive as an authority. That's literally simplified. And people think mind control is, oh, that's some kind of weird woo-woo sci-fi stuff with machines. And it's like, well, there might be some machines broadcasting some frequencies. But the basic mind control is simply gaslighting you by repetition. Just telling you over and over and over. And we're going to get into joint fractures in geology. And then I have quite a little slideshow for you. We used to live in Ecuador when I was a kid. We were there for three years and we'd go down to Peru and well, you know, we had these butterfly nets and we'd go, you know, go after butterflies like these crazy Europeans running around. Pedro, you know, in the forests going, going, look at that butterfly, you know. And so my dad would take photos of everything and they need to have these slideshows. And he had the carousel, you know, he'd click and the next slide would come up on the screen and the family would sit there and look at the slideshow of what we did, you know. And so I feel like that's what we're doing here. I'm just carrying on dad's tradition of the slideshow. So I have all the images set up for you. Nice. That's amazing. Well, yeah, like the mind control. Just tell their whole thing is tell a lie so many times. Repeat a lie so many times until it becomes true. And it's like a consensus reality. Enough people believe it. It actually becomes a reality for those people, which we talk about all the time. But going back to the pyramids. Something, have you, do you know about those metal rings that I'm reading about? Those big metal rings that they're finding towards the top of the pyramids? Yeah, that was, I remember reading about that when I first started researching the Boston pyramids. And I think that those were for ships when the water level was much higher there. So it was more modern? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And then we'll go ahead. No, I just remember, I remember that. It's been like literally, it's been 10 years since I remember reading about that. But yeah, thanks for bringing that up. That's interesting. Yeah, the metal rings. There's so many. See, the thing about the Boston pyramids complex is so amazing to me, is that it's all still a mystery. We keep discovering more things, but we don't understand it's more mysteries. It's not more answers, you know? So it's compelling to me. I'm really attracted to that complex, really attracted to it. Right, it's like Oak Island. All right, all these mysteries, doesn't it draw you? I mean, to me, it really draws me. Yeah, no, it's almost a passion for me. Like, it literally drives me. Like, I love it. I could drop everything and go explore the pyramids or Oak Island or something until we find the answers. Like, I'm just driven by that stuff, fueled by that stuff. So I totally understand your passion for it. Absolutely. Well, if you ever want to go out to the Bosnian pyramids, I'd be happy to go with you. And I wouldn't take the role of a guide exactly because I don't want to tell anyone what to see. You know, that's the problem with guides. They're telling you what to see. I'd rather be, and that's the problem with geology teachers. They take on a field trip and they go, this is what you're looking at. And it's like, why don't you just have them look at it and they'll tell you what they're looking at, you know? Yeah. But it would be fun to revisit the Bosnian pyramids and go into the riverbed and see what we thought. And so right now, you see, the riverbed is the key to it all. This is the genesis of the continental terraforming theory. That's why we're talking about the Bosnian pyramids. If we say this talks about continental terraforming, well, I have to talk about the Bosnian pyramids because it was there that this odd idea started to occur to me based on what I found in the riverbed. If you want, I can go into the riverbed exploration. Yeah, of course. Yeah. And I think you've used the term artificial riverbed, right? Yeah. So explain that. Since I started researching 911 and vaccines and everything, I've had to start most of my conversations with, this is going to sound crazy, but yeah, then there. So I'll just do that again, you know? It's going to sound crazy, but here's the deal. Bring it on. But it's important that people understand that I wasn't just sitting in my chair and I came up with this idea. Oh, the earth is shaped like a triangle that flies with wings of a dove. No, I didn't just come up with an idea. I was literally in the field for 23 months in Bosnia every single day, except for maybe four or five days when I was in Serbia or down in Sarajevo at a conference. But I was in the field every day. I woke up in a pyramid complex. And by the way, in the pyramid complex, I only needed five hours of sleep and normally I need eight hours of sleep. So the frequencies there, I've heard Sam talk about the frequencies in the tunnels and even the energy beam that's being shot up as high as they can measure. I don't know if you know, Ken Rola is, but I was just the other day. I was listening. He's awesome. I was listening to an old presentation of his and he was talking about the Bosnia pyramids. And how he's like, yeah, people are going in there and getting healed of all these diseases and stage four cancer and all these crazy things because of, I guess, the frequency that's inside of there. It's like the frequency that we're supposed to be on the surface, but it's been tuned away from that. But those chambers underneath, for some reason, still resonated at frequency. Yeah. The robinate tunnel labyrinth, we can go into this later, has the 7.83 human resonance healing energy in there. But it has many other features. And we can talk about those. There are so many healing testimonials. It's astounding. And they have a lot of them on video. And people can see a playlist of healing testimonials of people that I interviewed who had just been in the tunnels and come out and were like, what the hell does happen? Parkinson's disease gone, chronic science infection is gone, endless stuff. It's way more than I have. I mean, there's hundreds of testimonials. I have a few on my healing testimonials playlist, which is the Bosnian pyramids YouTube channel. So you have to type it in the whole frigging URL because YouTube, you can't. It won't come up. You have to type it. Oh, yeah. If you've got calm Bosnian pyramids. If you type it in on YouTube, you're going to get a bunch of videos that say it's bendy-bumps. I already found that. But yeah, I need to be healed. So let's book that trip. And I'll see you over there. Well, I mean, you're back. You know, the foundation, just to be clear, doesn't make healing claims from the tunnels. What they do is they push out the people's testimonials saying I got healed. It's time for today's Luckyland horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to Luckyland. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over 100 social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW group void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. Right. It's like, this is what happened. It's a fact. Yeah. It's like, you know, this lady goes on video in Bosnian. She's saying, my hearing came back. I don't have to use a hearing aid anymore. Thank God. Thank the gods. Thank the gods. You know, I mean, it just goes on and on and on. But go to my channel. Look at the healing testimonials playlist. I mean, you got endless testimonials. So we'll get to that. But and we'll get to the scalar conundrum beam on the positive pyramid of the sun. It's astounding. And I have a whole folder for that. So the riverbed, I was there for say, see, I was there for three months as a volunteer, but then I went back to the States and I kept in touch with Semir because I was writing articles on the Bosnian pyramids, ancient history. And I sent him this law on chronology of the attack that academia made on the Bosnian pyramid complex. The article is called the mysterious anti-scientific agenda of Robert Shock. Now, it's not about personalities, but in this case, I have to use the name of the person who was basically slandering the people involved in the Bosnian pyramid complex. And not using science, if he was using a scientific method to say, no, this is just natural hills, that's great. That's great. But he wasn't doing that. He was performing anti-science and I just documented it. So this long article, and it's just, he's just the tip of the iceberg. All of academia came down hard on this thing, man. They really tried to shut it down. And Robert Shock is a, he's like, where Grand Hamcock is, you know, he gets into the alternative. Yeah. He's a alternative. He's like, I've heard him on a radio show, actually. I was watching him on "Fade to Black." And he was, he was slandering the Bosnian pyramid. They both were. They were talking about it. Oh, it's just, it's just a hill. Yeah. There's nothing proving it's a pyramid. Well, the thing is, is when a structure is that, when a structure is that ancient, we don't know the building techniques. And it's not going to look familiar. We're acting like they're going to use the same, same techniques that we understand. And something like, who are these ancient builders and these ancient archaeologists? Like, we don't know anything about them. And you have to open your mind and basically, you know, you have to look at it from a different perspective if you want to understand it. Exactly. Right. I think many times in my videos, I said exactly what you just said, which is that they don't build in the same way that we do. We would build this hill in a different way. They have a different idea of how to build things. And that's just, but the building is clear. In other words, there's compelling evidence that it's built. And I'm just going to present that evidence today, but I want to show you the genesis of the theory. So we're going to be in the riverbed in the Bosnian Pyramid Complex. Now the main structures of this complex are sort of bisected by this little meandering river called the Foynica River, F-O-J and I-C-A. And it goes north through the complex. Very few rivers flow north, joins the Bosna River in Visoko. That's why Visoko is there in the heart of the complex, because these two rivers join and they both flow north as the Bosna or Bosnia River, Bosna Rieka. Okay. Now this north flowing Bosnia River is interesting because like I say, very few rivers flow north and I think it's an interesting thing. This should be explored. Why are these rivers flowing north and most rivers aren't? So the Foynica River is the star of the show. The Bosna River has got too much water in it to really see the structure very well. But in late summer, the Foynica, which is smaller and rather placid and rather shallow, you can get in it and it's fun. You put on your sandals and you walk along and the water comes up. It's nice and cool and there's fish in there and the water comes up to your knees for something. And you just walk up the river and you know, there'll be a Bosnian native inner tube being down the river as you're walking up with your camera to explore the river. But nobody except me was exploring the river bed because everyone's up on the excavation sites on the hundreds of feet up on the pyramids, you know. That's where the sites were. But between the pyramid and the river was Visoko. So people were just like, oh, the pyramid starts somewhere over there. On the other side of the town, they didn't come to the river. The river was just for a recreation. You know, you take your family down there and you have a picnic. That's what the Bosnians are doing. So the tourists never went down there. So I thought one day it was late August and I had come back to do videography for the foundation because Semir, like I said, I kept in touch with them with these articles after I came back to the States in 2012-2013. At the end of 2013, he said, hey, why don't you come back, make some short scientific videos for the foundation. Two and a half minutes each on various aspects of the complex. The water in Ravnay Tunnel, the Megalus in Ravnay Tunnel, the healing energy in Ravnay Tunnel, the concrete on the Bosnay Pyramid, the sun, the clay stone plateaus on the Bosnay Pyramid, the moon. I said, yeah, I'll do that. He said, OK, get a professional camera and get a laptop. Because when I first came to volunteer, I'd draw my desktop. And he was like, you've got to get a laptop. So I said, OK, I got a laptop. I've got a camera that was light sensitive for Ravnay Tunnel. So I could see, you know, so we could really see what was in there because even though there's artificial lighting, it's basically just dark and then there will be this little light by a megalith or something. And it's not-- you need a light sensitive camera. So I got that. All the associated equipment went out there in the summer of 2014 when the volunteers were coming. So I interviewed the volunteers, I interviewed the scientists, and I did all that, got the videos done. And at the end of the four months, I said, all right, well, I could stay. And the comedy continues, you know, because I'm not a videographer. I'm just a guy with a camera. I'm a writer. So this is the cosmic joke that all the videographers in Europe who should have been doing this job that summer weren't. I, a writer, was doing this. It was totally ridiculous to me. I would have handed the job over to any professional videographer who came and said, can I have this job? Yes. Because I wanted to be done right. But I was doing my best with a really good camera. And all I would do is point it. It was on auto. I'm just telling you. It was on auto focus and auto lighting every single minute. There was no time to be screwing with a manual focus or anything. There was no time in the field because you just go up to somebody and do an interview. And, you know, I didn't know what I was doing. So I just, I just pointed it and then I made my little videos with my, I had barely enough skills to put a video on YouTube. And I'm like, well, I should be writing a screenplay right now. But I guess I'm going to be the videographer for this, this most active archaeological project in the world. You know, so it was weird, but it was awesome. And so after four months of that, I said, I can stay. And he said, OK, so I stayed. I, the scientific teams came through the winter and they came to me spring. And I was still there. And I was writing articles for Wikipedia, which they immediately rejected. And for wiki news, which they immediately rejected on the Bosnian Pyramids. Of course. And so I was trying my best to get information out to people about Bosnian Pyramids. So then summer comes, I go, should I stay in the summer too? And do the same thing I did last summer? He's like, sure. So it comes to be about, I was there about like 17 months. So at the end of June, July, end of July, early August. And then I was starting to think would the, would the agents have set their pyramids on the earth next to a river that could flood and take the pyramids down from the side? Or would they more probably build their foundations down? And if so, how deep do the foundations go? Where does the pyramids start? Where do these pyramids start along the Phoniusa River? And I thought, I wonder if the river beds built, you know? So I went down in it, made a video, and I found the same building. Now we're going to go into exactly what that building is. It's very simple, what the angels did. They used clay throughout the complex in different consistencies. So what they did was they'd have a soft earthquake mitigating layer. One centimeter, maybe it was three meters, it changed all the time. The thickness of the layer was always different. Or they would have a hard structural layer, which was composed of a hard baked clay stone set next to another hard baked clay stone, set next to another hard baked clay stone in between, which was a centimeter of soft earthquake mitigating clay in between each stone, and on top of which was soft earthquake mitigating clay. So every hard baked clay stone was packed in with soft clay that would allow the structure to move and just stay there. It's a genius building. It's not like the building, like I said, around the earth where the structures are a little bit more brittle, they don't have the softness to take the kinetic energy of the earthquake. So it's absolutely genius building what they did. They alternated soft and hard layers. Now, so I saw in the river banks, they had the same building. And I thought, okay, so they're built too. And then I noticed that the riverbed for about the first look, if you put a yardstick down into the deepest part of the river and maybe about one or one and a half yards up and then went across to the river banks, from that point down, they didn't put any soft earthquake mitigating layers in the riverbank or in the riverbed. So I'm going to ask you guys now, why do you think the ancients didn't put soft earthquake mitigating layers in the riverbed? Put us on a spot like that. I don't know, enlighten us. I honestly don't know. The water action would take out this. See, you may, I might not have made it clear. The soft earthquake mitigating clay is you can press your thumb in it and you get a thumbprint. I mean, you can just scoop it out with your fingers. It's really soft. So the water action would erode in the main part of the river. The water core spinning through is so strong that it would erode any kind of soft layers. And then the structural layers would fall on the riverbed is gone. And that's your foundation for the pyramids. So the foundation's gone. So they baked, they'd hear baked clay layers to each other in a strong way, but clear thin layers. Then, in fact, let me just show you, since I have all these photos, I might as well get to them. I can show it to you. Oh, let me allow you to screen share, hang on. Okay. You should be good. Yeah, so you're saying a riverbed is more like a foundation? Yep. So it's clear that they, it was an artificially created riverbed, like they created it. So to me, that's a lot of proof alone that that's a created pyramid, not a hill. Right. Well, in the fact that they run north too, which unless you tie it into like inner earth theories at that point, you know, I wonder how much of this ties into underground cavern systems also, and does that river flow in the inner earth? I wouldn't doubt it. Right, right. All right, so this is a bottom pyramid complex looked at from the north. You see the meeting of the two rivers on the right is the Foynica River on the left is the Busna River, and they're both flowing north toward us. So we're looking at the northern side of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. Behind it is the Bosnian Pyramid of love. And then behind those on the left of the river down upstream is the Temple of Mother Earth. And further off to the left, we can't see it as the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon. So along the Foynica River, all these structures find themselves. Now, here's another shot of the plast, and you can see the placidness of this river. The the ancients built it to not be a turbulent river that would take down their pyramids or destroy their structures in any way. They made it very, very slow moving and plastid. Now, this is the first thing I saw when I went down into the riverbed of the Foynica River in it was August 5, 2015. And I took a photo and then I made a video and I said, some year, this is built. And he said, it would be a lot of work. That was the only thing you really said about that. And the foundation archaeological park foundation still hasn't sent a team down there because it's kind of a wild notion that somebody's building a riverbed. But to me, it's obvious that it's the foundation of the structures in the complex. Now, this 45 degree angle construction, I didn't notice the specific angle when I first looked at this. I just noticed the layers and these are baked adhered clay layers. There's no soft earthquake mitigating layers in this. This is all adhered. Really, really strong, compromised clay. By the way, the origin of the word clay goes back to a Proto-Indo-European word called "glay," G-L-E-Y. And from "glay" came the word "clay," which we think of as dirt, and the word "glue." So back in time, the ancients thought of clay as glue. They used the glue, they baked this to itself. These pure clay layers are baked to themselves, and then they're also joined to the next thin layer, and the next thin layer, and the next thin layer. Somehow, they joined these layers as if once they laid them down, they then heated them up with some kind of sonic heating technology. So they all melted a bit and adhered to each other. Who knows how they did it, but there's no way we could do this. I mean, so I thought, well, this is interesting. I didn't realize until many years later, after exploring two other continents, riverbeds on two other continents, that this was the angle that the ancients use in general, the structural angle for the bases of hills as well as the pyramids in the complex. This 45-degree angle construction is found all over the world as the primary angles of construction for riverbeds and creek beds. Any little creek or riverbeds should have this primary 45-degree angle construction. We're going to see more of that. So let's see. This is the river bank. Now we have the soft earthquake mitigating layers that have been ravaged by a recent flood. A couple of years before I took this, there was a flood, and it took out the soft layers, and then you have these hard-baked clay stones with their vertical sides. Right. That doesn't look natural at all. It's pretty obvious. And that's just sort of a little, a quick glance at the creek bank, and then you've got the soft layers below. But then as we get lower down, then, now I have to explain this photo, in the middle, the thicker hard-baked clay stone layer is the place where the soft earthquake mitigating layers don't happen on the left side of the photo. It's all baked adhered clay layers. As we go down toward the river itself, everything's in here. There's no way they're going to let the water mess with soft earthquake mitigating layers until it gets to right here. So this is the first soft earthquake mitigating layer. All this other crappy stuff on the left is all detritus. It's all clay detritus. It's not layers. The soft layers start here, and they're very thin, very thin, very thin. As you get up the hill, OCELA hills on the right, Bosnian pyramid, the sun's on the left, we're facing north right now. As you get up the hill, you see much thicker softer earthquake mitigating layers. So they put these really thin layers in. You can see how it's eroded out. Even though they started way up on the bank, the river would flood and still would start to erode their structure. But even that, even this little layer stays strong, this little soft clay layer, this layer stays strong. Some of these are eroded. But that's how they did it. They've made sure that they used baked adhered clay layers in the riverbed itself. So let's continue. Oh, this is me being too detail oriented, but I just figured I should make it clear with some arrows. I feel like you should be using an ancient alien voice right now. Could it be? Yeah, yeah, they'll always ask the question, but you know what they're thinking, but they put it in a question form. Right. Yeah, it's possible. Yeah. It's always ancient astronaut theorists believe. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so let's go this zoom back. So we'll keep this up. Now, after fighting this, and I told Simmer about it, he was kind of like, you know, well, it'd be a lot of work. So there wasn't much of a reaction on the part of him or the foundation. And he created the foundation to oversee excavation in the complex of archaeological park foundation. So I thought, well, I got to explore this and see how far the building goes, you know, no one else is doing it. So here I am. So I went sort of back behind us in this photo, I went essentially upstream outside the complex to see if, you know, where the building began, because I was just interested. And so I went to, let's see, a place near the bottom of this photo first took a taxi out there, then I took a taxi, and then I took a van with some friends, the rockets, which is the main tributary. And we put in just about where that little water droplet is. So about almost a mile west of the little town of Foyniz. Foyniz, as they call it, I, you know, we got in and the droplets is also built. So I thought, well, if the droplets of tributaries built, and there's 12 tributaries to the to the Foyniz, so this is the Foyniz here, there's 12 tributaries to it. Maybe the other 11 tributaries are built too, but you know, I'm a playwright in the screenwriter, I have other things to do besides spend my entire life looking at every single tributary to the Foyniz River. So I thought, well, I've already documented that the main tributaries built at least to that point, maybe further, but, you know, I only have one life, you know, so maybe some geologists or archeologists would want to do this. I don't know. So then I made some videos of all that you can find that in an article called megastructure. The Foyniz river is a is a megalithic structure. So it's essentially a built river system, and it's one structure. So the the pyramids find themselves joined through the riverbed. So everything's joined through this riverbed, two other structures across the river, and then they're also paired to each other. So literally it's all built. So I would get. Go ahead. I wonder if that water, if that artificial river structure, that water would generate some type of electricity that works in tandem with the beam, the scalar beam, I wonder if it's like a requirement. It's part of the technology. You know, you know, I'm saying, you got to think that if the ancients are building this very, very clearly engineered slope angle to their to their foundation of their structures, they knew the water was going to come through there. So in other words, they started with the river course. So yeah, it's the primary fundamental thing they needed, and then they went up and built built their other structures, but they said, yeah, water's coming through here. We need water here. They could have built this so there's no water coming through. They could have, you know, they could have built it up on a hill. So they didn't. So yeah, why would they build it for no reason? It doesn't make any sense. Right. Yeah. So it's so it's interesting. It's like a multipurposed object. It's the foundation for the pyramids, but it's also a river course that can and waters. Water's one of the primary magics. And I go into this in my video in Rock Creek in California that talks about the magic of water and Victor Schauberger and the vortexing of water and the negative ions that are created by turbulence to give life to give health to the entire biosphere. You know, the negative ions are helping us. Well, that's like just having a waterfall in your home or something like that. Like people, we subconsciously like that because it feels good. You know, you might not understand why you like being around waterfalls, but it's the negative ions that you're talking about. It's producing a healing frequency, I guess you could say. Exactly. Well, exactly. And so interestingly, Ravnate Tunnel Labyrinth has such a high negative ion count. And for people who don't know about negative ions, the word negative doesn't mean that it's bad. Positive ions are actually bad for us, and negative ions are good for us. So negative ions, a high negative ion count is super healing for us. And so the yogis would sit by the huge waterfalls. And in fact, the negative ion count of the biggest waterfalls on the planet, you know, Niagara and other places, those are the only places that have higher negative ion counts than Ravnate Tunnel. I mean, it's unbelievable. And they have this meter that they constantly monitor the negative ion count in the Ravnate Tunnel. So that's one of the aspects of healing, that one of the scientific reasons why people get healed is the negative ion count. It also has really high oxygen count in a Ravnate Tunnel. So where is the tunnel in relation to the river system? Well, let's, let's, I'm going to show you some photos of that. Let's see. Because I wonder if that tunnel is playing a role in the healing frequency of the or the river is playing a role in the healing frequency of the tunnel. I wonder. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If it's, if you like the tunnel runs along the river system, I don't know where it runs in relation to the pyramids. Well, that's, that's really, it's really interesting because there are two tunnel systems there. One's called KTK Tunnel. And it is near the riverbed, really near Rifersd Explored. It's at the meeting of the Basna and the Fornica rivers. And it's only about say 10 meters up. It's above the flooding levels. So they were smart enough to put it up above flood levels. And KTK Tunnel, if you look out onto the Bostar River from KTK Tunnel, you see that there's this diagonal construction and, but it's a step so that the water becomes really turbulent right at that step. The negative ions are being generated from that turbulence. And it's right where the tunnel entrance is. So you can imagine the tunnel using the negative ions for its purposes, whatever those were, we're just catching up to the ancients, you know? Mm hmm. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Do we still have share screen? Is it still sharing screen? Yeah. Yeah. I think it was lagging a little bit. I guess the internet connection is kind of slow. But yeah, I can still see it. So this is the 45 degree angle construction of the Bostar River. So it's not just that the Fornica has the 45 degree angle construction. So does the Bostar. And I'm actually not talking about the angling of the riverbed in this one because I hadn't actually come up with that theory yet. I was talking about the step down where there's all this turbulence of bringing the negative ions into KTQ tunnel, which is right behind me in this one. So it's just a screenshot. It's a little blurry, but you can find that that video on KTQ. Right. To me, there's no doubt that the river system plays a part in the frequency of the tunnels and the scalar beam, which I'm really curious to hear more about that beam. And we'll kind of test you guys have done on that. Right. Seacrest here. When you have a busy schedule, it's important to maximize your downtime. One of the best ways to do that is by going to Chumbah Casino dot com. Chumbah Casino has all your favorite social casino games, like spin slots, bingo and solitaire that you can play for free for a chance to redeem some serious prizes. So hop on to Chumbah Casino dot com now and live the Chumbah life sponsored by Chumbah Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Yeah, I've got a folder on that. We can go into that. Let's see. I was just thinking, all right, so it's helped us see what's happening. As I went out to explore the Foynica riverbed to see where the building began, I was going, the river flows north through the complex. But it goes east and then north. So at Bootsie Bridge, which is this little bridge here, in this tiny little village, that's where it changes from concrete to clay. So this is pure clay and then the structures in the complex are pure clay except for the top layer of the Bosnian period of the sun, which is this layers of concrete that they put on top of the clay. But this is a concrete riverbed for some reason. And I'm not sure how far that goes as concrete, but they switched it right at that bridge. Now the bridge wasn't there when they switched it. We just happened to have a bridge there to mark that by chance. So this is the concrete of the riverbed above the bridge. And you say, well, that doesn't look much like building that looks natural. And yeah, it does look natural. But if you look from the bridge, that's what it looks like. And you can see the 45 degree angle construction is cross crossing. To me, it's super clear that that's a built structure. That's all concrete. That's upstream, looking south. And this looks the other way from the bridge. This is downstream. And this is where it's going toward the complex. And this is the 45 degree angle clay layers, 45 degree angle clay layers. And literally right underneath you, as you're standing in the bridge, it switches the concrete. So it's pretty crazy. But that's all fascinating. And to me, that does look like concrete, to be honest. And I think you're on to something there, but I guess time will tell, right? Well, it was odd because I went on a journey down to South Africa with Michael Telinger. Because he wanted me to make some videos of him. He and Samir are really good friends. So Samir was basically lending me out to Michael and Samir paid for my plane ticket down to South Africa, because he wanted to help Michael out. So I was down there with Michael for a month. And the last day I was there, I went out on my own to see if the hills were built. And I found out that the oddly, the hills near Water, water of Bovin in South Africa, in the Pumulonk province, which is right where Michael Telinger's compound is, the hills above the Elands River have these layers that are inclined into the structure, steeply inclined, just like the layers in the Bosnian Pyramid complex. All the structures have inclined layers that are facing, weighted into the center of the structures. So whichever face you're facing, it's always going to be weighted inward for structural strength. And it's exactly what the hills of South Africa were. They're not pyramids, they're just hills above a river. Now this is, this was odd. And I went around the circumference of the hill, and I noticed that wherever I was, they were weighted inward. In other words, how does nature making a hill that's always weighted, no matter where you are? Yeah, exactly. So this was weird. And then I noticed that when the hill joined the other hill, then it became perfectly flat. There were no longer leaning in, because there was nowhere to lean into, because it was a crevice between the hills. So there's a hill over here, there's a hill over here, it's perfectly flat. And then this was similar to the building between the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and the Bosnian Pyramid of Love. In that crevice between those paired pyramids in Bosnia, it's perfectly flat. It's clay layers, softer, earthquake mitigating layers, and then hard concrete, and then softer, quick mitigation of getting layers, then hard concrete, all the way up in that crevice between those two pyramids. And on the other side, you know, on the sides of the crevice, you have the really steeply inclined layers, Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, really steeply inclined layers, Bosnia Pyramid of the steeply inclined, well engineered. But in the crevice, it's always flat. And it was exactly the same way in South Africa, the front joining area. And I was like, okay, this is, this is too much, you know. So then, and I'm, you know, it's not like I was going, I'm going to be the continental terraforming theory guy. That's not what I wanted to do. I thought it was weird that I was finding this. I didn't want to find this. This freaks me out. It freaks me out that someone might have built this built this stuff, because why would they? Who were they? Why would they? brings up a lot of questions. And how did they do it? If they do. And how did they do it? And we're going to get into a possibility for that that kind of like might resolve that in a sort of an aesthetic way and an easy way, you know, like, how I was. Okay, well, if you want, I'll just jump to that because for 50 years, we've been doing 3D printing. And we went from printing a little thing that looked like a little nothing thing of a Bob that was about two centimeters long that did nothing to printing bridges and houses. So we have accelerated our ability technologically in 3D printing that far in only 50 years. Now, we are also doing 4D printing, which is printing of objects that adapt to their environment, for instance, heat and cold. Now you get to thinking about this and you go, wait a minute, isn't an organism adapting to its environment? Isn't the earth adapting to its environment with climate? Isn't that what climate is? The adaptation to the earth to its environment as it spins around the sun. As it solar winds are coming in, you know, so it's adapting to its environment with climate. That's what it is, you know. So adaptation is the mark of something that's living that's got an internal intelligence, let's say. So we're already 40 printing objects in 50 years. What could a civilization do if they had 50 million years to advance their 3D and 40 printing? What couldn't they do? 3D print a continent. Well, that's what I'm thinking. So let's imagine that you're an advanced race and you're so advanced that it's like for fun, you're building planets and it's like seeds and you build them and then you go away and you build another and you build another and you come back a million years later and you see what happened. What grew there? What happened? That's an experiment. It's fun. I mean, it's something to do. If you're so advanced, what are you going to do? I'm thinking of the build planets. So you set up a system. See, this is where we get to Tesla, but let's bypass that for now and we'll get to it in a second. You set up a system where you you're able to extract material from the ether and there's a randomizing computer program that knows the form of a hill and knows the form of a river bed and knows the form of a creek and knows the form of a mountain. Basically, this is a basic form like a platonic form and it randomizes these forms automatically. So you're sitting back drinking coffee in your spaceship or your other dimension where you're totally comfortable just hanging out in space. Whatever you're doing, you're so advanced that it's all good. You're drinking coffee, you're drinking your latte and the computer to take care of the randomization of the forms and you just watch the material from the ether from the material ether as Tesla told us, be extracted and form around the torus field that's already there that then the material shapes around the torus field that's got a hollow center because the torus is like a doughnut and then it just forms the planet. Now you could have a planet building enterprise that then had a second stage where you then you shape the continents, you bring the computer program in later, a million years later, you come back and you go, oh, let's shape some continents. This also gets into the expanding earth. Now this is a lot of information coming fast, but let's get back to Tesla really quick. If unless you guys have so it's it's it's incredibly out there out there theory, but it's also not and really not when you understand right, but it's not something that you're going to get on stage at a conference and present your theory and you know you'll probably get laughed at for that one, you know, but I definitely think it's not out of the realm of possibility and it's actually pretty compelling to me and I do want to hear what you have to say where Tesla ties into this. Okay, well it's interesting because in in 1690, this guy, Christian Hoigens, who is a Dutch mathematician astronomer, physicist, inventor, super smart guy, amazing guy, you know, rival Newton easily. He came up with he published his book called "Treatists on Light" and it was a little little book, almost like a pamphlet, but it basically said he proposed that light is a waveform that travels through a medium and for for centuries, people had already thought about a medium in the in the universe and they called it the luminiferous ether. Why did they call it luminiferous? Was it because it was radiant? No, it was because it was light bearing. It was a light bearing ether that light needs and Tesla confirms this, light needs a medium to travel through. Tesla said light can be nothing else than sound in the ether. A light wave can be nothing else than sound in the ether. It's it needs a medium, you know, sound travels through air. Without air, you don't have sound. You need you need a medium for light. So they understood this back in the day. Academia has suppressed this and now it's just avoid when there's no ether. There's just there's just nothing out there. So you should stay home Truman because it's really scary out there. There's no fabric to the universe nor to stand. You have to stay home. That's academia. So but Tesla, who's been discarded in every possible way by academia, the smartest scientist ever to have lived is basically marginalized to a guy who was in love with a pigeon. Oh, he's just a crazy guy. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. So so Tesla took this idea up. 160 years later, Tesla comes on the scene in Smillion Croatia, which is which Austrian Empire back then now it's Croatia. And he three decades later, he's talking about the ether. He saw how important this medium was for for what he was observing in his lab and in the universe. So he published articles and a letter to the editor of the New York Times and many, many different letters to the editor about this. And you're like, why is he publishing about the ether? Why isn't he just publishing about his his wireless energy? Wouldn't that be the thing that he was with his big deal? Why is he talking about the ether? Well, he's publishing about this. And even in these articles, he's saying, Oh, by the way, if you thought that wireless energy was the big deal, it's not anybody could do it. It's simple. It's being done right now. What's going to be the big deal? And you saw this in the article headline in July, I think it was July 1930 or June 1930. There was a syndicated article that went all across the United States through the Hearst Publishing Company. And it was called man's greatest achievement. And you're like, wow, Tesla wrote an article called man's greatest achievement. It must be wireless energy. No, he's writing about the future. He's not even writing about what he did in the past, or what he's about to do. It's writing about man's future someday. Man's greatest achievement is going to be this. What is that? It's extracting material from the luminifercy through the light bearing ether. And in that moment of extraction, which is, you have to whirl the ether, you give the ether motion in the helical way, that very motion is the matter. So the ether is matter in motion, or matter is the ether in motion, I should say. And by giving motion to the ether, we can become creators of worlds. And he says this, we can build planets. We can move planets. We he says, without much effort, we can we can create worlds from the ether. And this will be man's greatest achievement. And I'm like, I'm reading this just a few weeks ago. You want, oh my God, he said this? Well, of course, he must have been thought of as just a fantasies. Right. You knew the science behind it. That's the thing. Like, he understood the science. That's actually incredible. Yeah. It's pretty mad. I mean, I mean, people did believe in the ether back then, but still the person who was just a regular person reading that. What are they going to do with that information? That they're just going, wow, it's not crazy. They just go back to go on dancing and whatever they did. So it just kind of got lost in the in the in the in time. And then academia came along with, they simplified Maxwell's equation. So Maxwell, James Clark Maxwell came along, and he he was talking about the electromagnetic nature of light. And he made he made these amazing equations. And Tesla was a big fan of these equations, and they included the ether in the equations. Then Oliver heavy side came along, simplified Maxwell's equations, discarded the ether, discarded Tesla's ether from the equations. And then academia took the simplified version and said, there's no, there's no ether, because Oliver heavy side is our new authority. It's like, really? Because that's not what Tesla said. He said, James Clark Maxwell was right about the ether. So they're they're discarding Tesla, and they're there. It's a systematic discarding of the ether. Why would the thought control system want to discard the ether? Well, for the same reason that they want to discard the the universe of infinite time, they give us the big bang nonsense, 13.8 billion years as a time limit for the universe. Oh, it was it was it was born 13.8 billion years ago, because we would therefore plausibly imagine that we're the first advanced race, we're the first race to raise our heads above the muck and mire. You know, so so therefore we don't have a galactic family we're alone. Oh, and there's no ether it's a void. Stay home Truman, fucking stay home. Okay, it's scary out there. There's no out there. And there's nothing out there. Yeah, and also they don't want us understanding because if you believe if you understand the ether, you know, you can tap into the ether and there's were free energy and everything else, you know, so everything's connected through that as well. So it's all these concepts and things they don't want us discovering and thinking about. So there's like, oh, there's this no ether and goes right into the whole like scarcity, you know, everything's finite and, you know, right, there's only so many resources to go around so they can keep that scarcity and like, that's why, you know, that's why people have such a hard time wrapping their head around free energy technology. Even like this Omnia patch that, you know, we get a lot of shit about. But just for the record Ken Rollo looked at this patch and he verified it. It's some sort of a scalar energy, but it's tapping your also actually endorse Michael Tillinger actually endorses the Omnia patch now. But it's a free energy technology that's what that's balancing that's reharmonizing the frequency. And it's working. It looks totally insignificant because we are not taught about the ether. We don't understand how we can tap into this stuff and actually utilize it. So it's not they designed it that way. So people can't figure it out and they call bullshit on it. And obviously it's all a big trap, you know, a big loop. Well, it's interesting that you mentioned the the scalar beam come around the Bosnian period of the Sun because this ties in absolutely perfectly through the work of this incredible Serbian electrical engineer Goran Mayanovitch who studied the beam on the Pyramid of the Sun. It ties in with the ether. So the scalar energy, which the Russians call torsion fields or torsion waves, which Tesla called non hertzian waves, non hertzian energy. That is all, let's just call it scalar because that's just one word for these are just different things. The scalar energy that ties in with the ethers and it in the key is the Bosnian period where the Sun. So I'm going to just even though even though the audio might glitch a bit, I'm going to share screen because I got to show you some stuff. All right. All right. Let's see. Where can I find that? So you guys, real quick, though, you measured that the beam has been measured. Somehow they measured that how far the energy beam reaches above the pyramid, right? That's been done. Do you know anything about the result of that? I do. I interviewed Goran Mayanovitch, who made the measurements. And I interviewed him twice for two articles called the scalar conundrum. So if anyone wants to know about the scalar beam on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, go to the scalar conundrum, the first one, and then there's another one which tells the rudder in relationship to Tesla. So that's all there, all the videos, all the things. But I also interviewed him on video. This is the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun in the background. There's some sheep. They don't usually have fences in Bosnian. Yes, everything's open. And it's a really wonderful country to go to. The researcher, Domigo Iniculitch, is here from Croatia. This is Goran Mayanovitch, the Serbian electrical engineer. They were going to put some microlight drones up, some kind of balloon up with instruments. And it was too windy. So I got a chance to interview them because they weren't busy. They're waiting for the wind to stop and interview Goran. And you guys can find that. It's called Pyramids as Resonance Objects. And he talks all about scalar energy. It's astounding. You got to go check that out. So that's Goran. Now he's the man. He's the connection between Tesla's ether and scalar energy that is coming out of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. And it's everywhere, by the way. So he's the Belgrade Heritage Club in Belgrade. He's the intellectual founder of this thing. And then people, investors put money toward him so he could make Tesla coils and experiment with Tesla machines and do tons of research. So here he is with crystals and machines. And notice he doesn't have a lot of art on the walls. He's not looking at the walls. He's looking at these machines. He's looking at what crystals are doing. He's looking at what coils are doing. What did Tesla say? What's the next step? Here's him doing a microlight drone exploration of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. This is him preparing for that. Here's him on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun heading up toward the Pyramid. He's going to put this microlight drone with all his instruments on it for measuring the beam coming out of the pyramid of the Sun. All right. So there's the article. Now, can you see, am I sharing screen okay that you can see this beam coming out of the pyramid? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So you notice the shape of the beam. It's not a column nerve shape. It's a double helix. That's exactly right. So what we have, what Goron found was what he did was he took the microlight drone. See, four different independent researchers had already come out. Research teams had already found this 28 kilohertz electromagnetic beam coming out of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. They already found it. It had a definite edge. Here it's not there. Here it is there. So nine meters, nine meters wide at the surface of the pyramid. And so four teams found that independent researchers. Then Goron came and said, what's the shape? I'm going to take a microlight drone up. I'm going to go across it. I'm going to put it up a little higher, go across it, put it up a little higher, go across it. And we're going to, we're going to mark the shape of this beam. I don't know why he got the idea to do that, but he did. And what he found was that the beam starts actually small at nine meters and then goes out to 21 meters. And then comes back to nine and goes out to 21 and goes back to nine and goes out to 21. So it's in a repeating ellipsoid shape above the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. Most of the photos you see have a straight column coming out, but this is more, this is an artistic rendering. I want to make it clear. This is a photo that was manipulated digitally to give us an idea of what this shape is, because you can't see scalar energy, just like you can't see the 28 kilohertz beam coming out, you know. But you can measure these things. Now, can we measure scalar energy directly? Goron says no, but he detected what he calls a shadow of scalar energy. And you guys can read about all this in the scalar conundrum series. So then that's the video you want to go to your pyramids, his resonance objects. That's Goron talking on the pyramids on about the beam and about scale energy and what it means. Now that that beam go in definitely like as high as he could measure. Well, I don't know if it goes indefinitely, but yeah, I mean, he didn't, he never said that it was an end to it. So yeah, I thought I thought that I heard Sam has mounted it say once that it somehow they were able to measure that it actually the further away from the pyramid they got the stronger it was. This is exactly what Tesla said about non hertz in waves, which is what scalar energy is. He said that when as it leaves the source, it gets stronger. But the connection to the ether with scalar energy is, I'm just going to stop share for a second. All right, so scalar energy, torsion fields, Tesla's non hertz in waves, connects to the ether in this way. Goron Myonowitz said that scalar energy is like an accordion player. So let's say that I'm the scalar energy and I'm playing the etheric accordion. So the ether is the accordion and I'm compressing the accordion and rarifying the accordion. So it's a volumetric expansion and compression that scalar energy is doing to the ether, which academia says doesn't exist. See, so if you go to astrophysics, the premises in astrophysics and in earth sciences are are corrupted. So everything that follows is corrupted. So the base premises is BS and then everything follows that. So it's all designed to keep you hitting the dead end basically. So you don't believe in things like time travel or speed of light, you can't travel faster to the speed of light. Well, exactly. And Ken Rola, once you mentioned it, Aaron, yeah, Ken Rola's key. I was watching the video of his yesterday. In fact, I interviewed him. You guys got to go check out this video. You guys meaning all of you guys, you two guys and whoever's listening, please check out this video blueprint for existence. Ken Rola is talking about scalar energy and the monotomic elements and the crystalline nature of the Bosnian pyramid to sun and other structures is the clay that's built out of his crystalline. And so the concrete is compressing it. And this compression, this weight on the material of the pyramids itself, that creates scalar energy, creates a scalar field. So he goes into this in detail, it's pretty astounding. So blueprint for existence. And that's on my Bosnian pyramids channel on YouTube. So Ken Rola, yeah, he's he and Gorin Marjanovitch are the scalar energy guys that they understand what it's doing, you know, that they understand. It's fundamental relationship to the ether. The Indian, the Veda philosophy is that the universe is a breathing regime, they call it. So the universe is breathing. Why is it breathing? Well, because as science is found, real science, Tesla science, Gorin Marjanovitch, Serbian electrical engineer science, he's furthering Tesla's work. The universe is breathing because scalar energy is compressing and rerifying it. And you have an instant connection, just like if you pull a sheet, you don't have to wait. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW Group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms of condition supply. The other side of the sheet is not waiting for some time to elapse. It's instantly affected. So the universe is connected and they call it quantum entanglement or something like that or something at a distance. What's it called? Something at a distance? Suki action at a distance. Yeah, something like that. But they've gotten rid of the ether. So they're like, oh, it's so mystical. No, it's not. You don't need mathematical formulas. You just need to bring Tesla's ether back and you have a medium that's being volumetrically compressed and rarefied by scalar energy. So there's this beautiful relationship between scalar energy, which has the blueprint for our life, by the way. And that's where Ken Rolo comes back in because academia is telling us in another gaslighting bunch of nonsense that at the center of each galaxy is a star sucking demon called the black hole. Ken Rolo says it's a singularity that's dark, not because it's pulling in all light in everything. It's streaming out light that's superluminal light. For luminal light, exactly. Which we can't see because it's dark or maybe you could say black. That might be a misleading term, but we can't see the superluminal light. It's driving much, much, much, much faster than our standard speed of light. The light that we see from the sun is traveling at speed of light that we understand. Our instruments can't pick it up. So we just, they just call it. Well, yeah, exactly. We can't see the superluminal light coming from the or the scalar energy, which has the blueprint for our life and it coming from the center of the galaxy. And each galaxy has this singularity that is feeding us with blueprints. Our chromosomes are antenna that are picking up the blueprint information from the scalar waves coming from the singularity at the center of the galaxy. And it's rebroadcasting it. So the chromosomes are transceivers. They're receiving the scalar blueprints for life. And they're rebroadcasting it in a field that we call matter because it seems like solid matter is condensing. But it's really to put an electron microscope up to us or a microscope that can really, really see how material we are. It turns out we're not material. We're just nothing there. So really, it's a field. It's a rebroadcast field that we see as and we interact with as solid. But it's not really a solid thing. It's just a different phase change of the scalar energy blueprint, a manifested field. Right. Exactly. It's interesting to how they make the going back to the black hole thing, how they put so much fear around that. Like, oh, you'll get sucked in, you know, it's a boy, whatever. But I've heard the theory also that on the other side of every black hole is like, it's like another universe almost like it's like a portal or a star gate. And they don't want they probably don't want people to discover that. So they want you to basically stay as far away from it as possible if there's any truth to that. Well, that's interesting because, but we see the thought control matrix again, we always have to come back to that. Why? And we say, Quibono, who benefits? Well, who benefits from them telling this, telling us that there's a star sucking demon at the center of every galaxy? Well, we don't benefit. We're just living in fear. Oh my God. That's terrible. Everything's going to be destroyed. That doesn't make sense. I live in a chaotic incoherent universe. It's a void out there. We have no galactic family. We're alone. Okay, well, we should probably just sit at home and sit by our heaters as long as they work, because electricity might not be on for much longer, because we didn't have the money. I mean, it's just endless nonsense. They really don't want us believing that the universe isn't intelligence living universe, and that we are a part of that. Like that's the electric. Yeah. Yeah. The whole electric aspect of the universe is key, honestly. And the fractalization of because that's what like scalar energy, it fractalizes. And that's why because Ken Rilla was talking about that in his presentation. He's like, this is why, you know, everything in nature shows up as a fractalized kind of thing, because that's how the energy moves. And that's like our bodies are like that light. That's why like lightning doesn't just shoot straight down to the ground in a beam, because they try to say, electricity follows the path of least resistance. Well, if that's true, it would just be a straight beam straight down. It wouldn't do all this like zigzagging, well, that's because the fractalization. And that's why trees are like fractal and plants and everything else, like everything. It's like, if you just study nature, it proves all this stuff. It's like, you just observe it, you know? So the energy, so the electric energy is following the the scalar fractal lines. And that's how we see what is really, you should be invisible to us. This scalar structure of the universe is because we can see the electric lines following it. So yeah, you're right. This is the lightning gives us a clue about the invisible magician of scalar volumetric energy, you know, that's out there that's just there, literally breathing the universe. It's astounding, you know? Wow. So yeah, going back to your theory about the 3D printed earth, it's funny to say it like that. But the riverbeds look, you see how 3D printed homes are made, and there's those layers, there's they're made in layers. That's exactly what that riverbed structure looked like, as if it's 3D printer would have made that. And I never thought about that, but that's exactly right. That's exactly right. Right. So to me, that's immediately what I thought when I saw that, like, because you've seen those videos of the 3D printed homes, it's all done in layers, and it wouldn't take nothing for them to alternate layers, different materials. But anyway, your theory also, you mentioned a hollow core in the earth, because it's a the torroid, the torus field, and which would automatically make the earth hollow. And it's just interesting to me, because the hollow earth theory has been around a long time, and it's kind of felt at a wayside, like pre, I watched this documentary pre 1930, that was a pretty common theory, actually, the hollow earth theory was was very well known. And then, and then obviously academia took over and started, you know, manipulating history and giving us whatever version they want us to have. But the whole mantle and core, that's all just a theory they came up with to explain. They're just like, oh, this is what it is, because we just decided, it's like, that's it. Right, but there's some very compelling evidence that this proves that way in the early 1900s, that's just all been forgotten. Well, I wanted to engage this in a research way. So a couple years ago, I wrote an article called the hollow earth, what to expect when, let's see, what to expect when you're expecting inner earth relatives. So it's basically like, who's living inside the earth, and what we should expect, like who are we going to meet if we go to the hollow earth, if they come out, you know. So it goes into this, this weird distortion that academia is made of, or this fanciful theory that there's a molten core, it goes back to this guy, Henry Cavendish, who did this experiment to determine the density of the earth, and he did it with four balls, lead balls, two large ones, two small ones, some wood and some wires, and that was supposed to determine the density of the earth. I mean, it was kind of an ingenious idea, I have to admit it, but I feel that the sensitivity of the equipment would not be enough to determine the density of the earth. The earth, but this is like touted as this astounding way that they figured out that the earth is essentially solid, but with a molten core. And so this is their way of saying, no, there's no hollow earth. You know, it's just like this guy with some wood at the balls. That's the science behind it. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's always been this, and academia is just a one branch of the thought control matrix. There's the media, there's other things, but academia is like, it's consistent in doing things like having theories promoted that don't have evidence behind them. For instance, the Big Bang Theory, that was, I have a shoe. I mean, I could go on for hours with tons of slides about how the Big Bang Theory has been falsified by Halt and Arp and by astronomers who look at the sky. Halt and Arp said, if you want to falsify the Big Bang Theory, you just point and tell us go for the nice guy. Right. Exactly. Yeah. And then it's like, until you look into these things yourself, you like look behind the curtain, so to speak, then you realize, wait a second, these are these theories they're using to build all everything off of that are like a joke. There's nothing proving these are true. And in fact, there's a lot proving they're not true. Yeah, I mean, I've got, I've got so many books in the Big Bang. It's just seeing, oh, I'm not sharing screen, but let me just show you this book seeing red. It's awesome. We can see it. Yeah. Oh, you can see it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I don't have to. Oh, yeah. Right, right. Okay. So, yeah, seeing red, Halt and Arp, and it's, he's talking about redshift. Let's see if there it is. Oh, yeah. Redshift. So seeing red and he's, he just, he's a scientist. So he's got endless math and endless, you know, and I can't, I can't follow him, but I can read his conclusions and his conclusions are that along with the other books that I have that go on and on about this some Hilton Radcliffe wrote a great book called the, the static universe, which is the main model that opposes the Big Bang universe. And by static, he, theorists don't mean that there's no dynamic changes going on. There's, you know, there's still suns being born, suns dying, galaxies merging, but it's static in the sense that it is not expanding. We don't see the evidence of that. And so, this is a predictive theory, whereas the Big Bang universe is non-predictive, but that's academia's choice. And it's like, well, say what, you know, right, keep us in the dark. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like the whole, so the theory of the hollow earth is that one, some people say it's like, crust, the earth crust is like 300 miles thick all the way around, and there's a hole to top in the bottom. And, you know, how, and that's where the energy flows. And, and, but 300 miles is a thick crust. If you think about that, that's pretty, that's pretty substantial. And it would still allow for magma and all that stuff to occur. And it just doesn't have to come from a core. And that's where they deceive us. If that's even accurate, you know, and that measurement comes from people who claim to have stumbled across inner earth civilizations in the early 1900s, sailing their ship into whatever the Smokey God book is allegedly an accurate, basically you're reading a diary of a father and son who stumbled upon the entrance of inner earth. And they spent like two years there and came, came back once arrived and shared a story. And he was putting an insane asylum for the rest of his life, because every, at that time, everybody thought he was absolutely nuts. But when you, when you read it, and they provide a lot of details, and if you, if you look at that as fact is, which is what he claims, things make a lot of sense. And they even discovered, he even discusses the river system, how some of the rivers that we, that are on the surface, some of the more well known rivers, like the Euphrates River, they all originate from inner earth. It's just like, it's, it has a bunch of love. The bones that, in like Siberia or something that they all end up in these piles and they don't. Yeah, the mastodon bones that are, that are abundant in Siberia, according to this book, they're still living, breathing species in, in, in, in an earth. And when they die, they, they, they pretty much reside along these rivers that flow out into our oceans. And when they die, they, the bones somehow make their way into the river. And then they all end up in this location in Siberia. And these people think that they're digging up these ancient bones and they're not all that ancient at all. Ancient, just like, oh, they all, they, they, it's like a burial site. Yeah, they thought some burial site, but he's saying this is just downstream of where they're ending up over time. They're so shocked that they're so well-preserved, you know. Right, exactly. Exactly. And there's, it's a fascinating book. Guys, if you don't know what I'm talking about, the Smokey God Olaf Jansen, I think, it's absolutely fascinating. It's a quick read too. You found all this amazing vegetation that was, you know, the fruit was larger. Everything was larger. Yeah, right. And more, more healthy, which is a really healthy environment and people who are larger and astounding. But also, we know that Caribou migrate north for the winter. And so, the academia's line is that the way they survive, that migrating north in the winter, is by eating lichen off of rocks. And you're like, you're insane. You're insane. If you think a big Caribou is going to be able to eat enough lichen to survive the freezing cold of the north, but then you find out it's not freezing. And as we know from testimonials from people who have sailed up there or have taken boat ships up there, it gets warmer. It's almost tropical. It's warmer, it gets warmer, and then you start to go at a certain point. Then you pump, it stops working, and you start to go. And then it goes gravitationally, you're bound. So, it still feels like you're going this way, but really, you're going this way. Well, and that's in the shell. So, you know, it's the toroid. Yeah, it's a toroid. It's a toroid. Yeah. Well, that's important to understand, also, for people who are confused about gravity, so that what they were told by these inner earth people is that the gravity belt is in the center of the crust. So, you got a 300 mile thick crust, and then you have a gravity belt at 150 miles. Gravity acts the same on top of it as below it. And you would never know the difference if you're staying upside down or not. And gravity doesn't come from the core. So, that's another, that's something important to understand if that is, in fact, the case. That's a key thing, because otherwise, people just dismiss it. If they don't understand that that would be, physics would tell us that the gravity is in the shell, you know? Right. Yeah. So, that makes scientific sense. But also, this hollow earth theory corroborates with, it agrees with the expanding earth theory, because and that actually agrees with the 3D or 4D printed earth by an advanced race or races, which is that to be explained in this way, if you're an advanced race and you're having some fun dropping seeds, planetary seeds throughout the galaxy, are you going to drop a, are you going to spend time making a large seed, or are you going to, or it's easier to make a small seed. So, you build a small earth. It's like Pangea, except that there are no oceans. So, if you take that super continent that's supposed to be floating in all these massive oceans and stuff, and you wrap it around itself, that's, that's what I think the earth originally was. Really small, just rocky, no oceans, but there are seams between what we call the continents, right? So, the ancients printed it to have seams that would be a place for expansion over time. So, they, they create this engine of expansion by creating the volcanic mechanisms, which would spread the seams apart, spreading the continents apart, the continents remain intact, the seabeds grow over time, little by little, volcanic action, volcanic action. More matter is always coming in from the sun. It's, it's magnetically charged electrons, protons, and other ions. And this is James Maxwell's theory for the origin of the extra mass that's needed to grow and expanding earth, because otherwise if the earth expanded without more mass coming in from the sun, it would just have this really thin shell and this huge hollow space inside and then just break apart or something, you know. But the mass actually does increase as the size of it has the diameter increases. So, the sea floor spreading is recognized by geology. They call it sea floor spreading. And they, but they think that it's a zero sum game because the there's this something called subduction with the plate tectonics theory. Right. They think as it expands, other plates are, yeah, going under and so the zero sum game, and it's not expanding, but the expanding earth theory say that it is the full diameter of the earth is getting larger. The mass is getting greater, which means gravity is much stronger now than it was during, for instance, the time of Jurassic Park back in the day, 65 million years ago, before that, we had a smaller earth. And that's why these larger organisms, not just animals, not just brontosaurus and allosaurus and t-rex, but fungi and plants and insects, and so dragonflies decide to size a bird's floor flying around. And they're even humans, like giants. Yeah, exactly. That's why they were giants, exactly. Right. I mean, they're just responding to their environment. So it's not that, oh, I'm going to adapt through time and become, you know, let's say that as the earth gets larger, at least we had to adapt through time to become smaller. No, we just naturally grow smaller in an electrical environment because gravity is electric. It's a dipole force. It's a radial dipole force that Wallace Thornhill has explained is a weak force that is the combination of all those radial meaning coming from the center of the earth out in every way, you know. And the particles are aligning in this vertical way, radially, and that weak force of all those dipoles is gravity, it's an electric force. So we have this thing called we call gravity. It's electricity working on us. And it creates a smaller body through time as the gravity gets larger. The body says, oh, I can't grow as large, you know, because I won't be able to move. So it just, it just makes as small as your time in the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, fungi, all of it. It just, and the fossil record shows that, you know. And if grays are us in the future, I would explain why they're even smaller. I mean, if you really think about that, they've shrunken down shrunken down so much. Anyway, man, we've been going for a long time and this has been absolutely mind-blowing. Thank you so much for sharing all this information. We'll have to have you back on again and get deeper into some of this stuff. And I'm going to take you up on that trip to Bosnia because my back needs some miraculous healing. I'm going to go with you guys. I remember you talking about that. Yeah, we should see what happens. I mean, if I'm being perfectly honest, I'm in pain right now. They're sitting here, you know, it's very uncomfortable for me to sit for a long period to time. So anyway, that's neither here nor there. This has been great. Seriously, thank you for sharing this. Do you have anything? Any links? Any where can people find you? You want to share any of that? Well, there's a couple places to go, I think, that that might be useful for people. I think the Bosnian Pyramids YouTube channel is good. Really, really good. And then that that's the backup channel. Sameer said, I want a backup channel for my Bosnian Pyramids TV official channel. So if you want to go to the one that has all the different languages, Bosnian Croatian, you know, Spanish, all the different languages of videos, English, go to Bosnian Pyramids TV. Mine is just mostly just English. So those are really helpful. I would go if you want to go to continental terraforming, those are all collected in a playlist called artificial riverbeds on my own personal channel. It's jock double day on YouTube. There's also an archaeological explorations playlist. And there's 40 videos in the artificial riverbeds playlist, and it documents the various features of the riverbeds, including the diagonal construction, the 45 degree diagonal construction. So those sites are good than an American and Bosnia as articles. And that is the original site was on Google. So it's a blog spot. But then I switched over to WordPress. So the more recent ones are on WordPress. Okay. And then you'll have to send me all those links. And I can put those in the description also for people who didn't take all that in. But yeah, thank you so much, Jack, for joining us today. Thank you guys for tuning in and listening. Thank you for all the support, all the donations. We can't do this without you. We love you all. And I guess that's it until next time. Have a great evening and we'll be back soon. He said, listen, give me two years. Never want to come back. God, the adventure of a lifetime. And nobody will know you're gone. You get deployed at 17 and a half. And now I was deployed from the New York athletic club. And we got to actually deploy right out of the locker room from, you know, you're being up to the ship and then the ship takes off and you're gone for 20 years. It's a very hard pill to swallow, but that's exactly how I experienced it. I was taken at 10 years old. I was taken and I was worked through several black programs. I was privately owned in the beginning. I did six or seven years on earth. That's when all the stuff for the programs began for me. Specifically, the tracking that they had been doing since I was a kid, it followed me all the way through the military. And at that point, when I got to Diga Garcia, that's where I was taking off planet, like opened that floodgate for me. And then all of these recalls started coming in. And I was just like, Oh my gosh. And the way I was describing it, she's like, I've never had this with a client, but that you're describing a parallel life right now. It's a combination of human and other species. I was able to remember the name on their uniform. It's USS R Corp. That was putting me through some kind of recruitment tests from age three until 12. And 12 is when I was potentially well taken. He said, in with your scores, I guarantee you'll make commander and you'll make pilot. And I said pilot of what? And he said, four kilometer long starship. He told me it was going to happen. He said, you volunteer for the program will put you in, you'll do 20 years, will send you back in time, 20 years, age regressary 20 years, wipe your memory and you'll just wake up in bed like nothing happens. It's almost beyond words is beyond comprehension and how this could happen. Whoever's master minding us, you know, the Air Force, you know, working with extraterrestrials, working with a lot of pretty wild technology, which I'll also get into. It's really beyond fathomable. It's beyond fathomable. [Music] It is Ryan C. Chris here. People always say it's good to unwind, but that's easier said than done. The exception? Champa Casino. They actually make it easier done than said, or at least the same. Champa Casino is an online social casino with hundreds of casino-style games like slots and blackjack. Play for fun. Play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Sign up now and collect your free welcome bonus at champa Sponsored by Champa Casino. No purchase necessary. 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