Journey to Truth

EP 166 - LIVE w/ Tony Rodrigues - A True Account Of One Man's 20 Year Abduction

Originally aired on 1/13/22
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Tony Rodrigues was abducted from his home in Michigan at the age of 10, went through a torturous MK-ultra type training program, was shipped to Peru to do intuitive work in drug running, and was then taken to Seattle where he was owned as a sex slave for a Satanic worshiping elite. He was then sold off to the Secret Space Program where he served a short time on Mars as a support soldier for Mars Colony Corp. When the Mars program was cancelled he was traded off to the Ceres Colony Corp where he lived for over a decade. He worked on German ships as repairman and eventually cargo engineer on interstellar trade missions. After twenty years, he was retuned to his bed a the age of 10.
Tony has since been an advisor to a foundation on the pedogate elite practices in an effort to stop human trafficking and has worked with hundreds of people with similar types of memories.
Patreon with Tony:
Tony Rodrigues

1h 37m
Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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How's it going, guys? Welcome to the show. Let us know, make sure, let us know that you can hear us in the chat. Give me a five-by-five, please. I always ask, and you guys can always hear us, but the time that I don't, you guys are like, "We can't hear you." So, anyway, tonight we are joined by Tony Rodriguez, once again, for the sixth time, actually. So, I went back through all the episodes. Tony has been on episode 101, 102, 108, 138, 158, and then now 166. So, right up. Which is actually, if you don't, if you didn't know that, I would recommend going back because he tells, he's told a lot of his story here on the show. So, we're going to get into some aspects of his story that he doesn't typically talk about, but if you want, if you want that testimony, you can go back to any one of those episodes, or you can also check out his most recent interview with Dr. Salah. And we're going to talk about it. And we're going to talk about the book. But your interview with Salah was really awesome, actually. It was every time I listened to you, it's something, I learned something new. And he asked some really good questions. It was a really good interview. I really liked it. So, I thought that was excellent. And congratulations on the book, man. It's selling people are loving it. How's it feel? It's surreal. And, you know, I want to talk about basically what's happened since because I knew that there was people waiting for it. We did a pre-order. People helped raise money. You know, there was a pre-order, like a fundraiser. And it sold, I offered 100 copies. I think we sold like 72 or 71 of them. And so that money used for, we kicked it into, you know, graphics and all that. Like, it just carried it. It carried and bought time to work on the book. And honestly, I have a gaping hole in my life now from, because the book's done and I'm not working on anything in those hours. I was up, you know, Jackie and I did a lot of the last bit of editing over like, I don't even know how long, a couple months, a month or two. And it was like every night. And so now I have a couple hours a night that I'm not doing anything. I feel like I'm late for somewhere. But it's a number one, man. I didn't expect that. I didn't expect it to go to number one in its category. It's been the number one best or number one new release. And then for a couple of days, it was bestseller. So, you know what I mean? It's, it gets like chunks. So I was not prepared for that. I knew it was going to have, I knew that there was people waiting, but I didn't think it was going to do what it's doing. So I'm a little bit humbled by it. Amazing. Right. Yeah. And I mean, just just some of the reviews I've read in the comments under this video. I mean, people are already done with it and they're, you know, they love it. People are absolutely snorting the book. They're just snorting. I mean, really, there's people there telling me they read it in five, six hours that they're, you know, like I read it, got the book at, got the book at noon and I was done at midnight and I'm getting all this. And it's a big book too. Well, I want to tell, I want to tell you guys how. I want to tell you guys about the spacing because there are, if you look at it, whenever you read in the book. So Jackie and I kind of went back and forth in the beginning. She's, but you know, I don't know her exact degree, but she went to college for this stuff and she's very, you know, she had like a literary, whatever. She was in journalism and she's got like, she took college courses on how to edit books and she, I started putting spacing. If you look at the book, there's a lot of spacing in between lines that stretches it out and that stretched it out, makes it more pages than it really is. And she's like, don't do that in the beginning. She was like, don't do that. And I was like, okay, the next day I went ahead and did it. And she's like, why are you spacing them? So look, and I said, look, I, Jack, I kind of held my ground. I said, this is how I write. This is how I write when if somebody emails me, if you message me on messenger or whatever it is, that's how I write. I have to, you know what I'm saying? Like I put a space instead of a period. It's something I've always done since the Internet happened, you know. And so I, that was how I did my book. So there's a lot of spaces in between lines. So it's faster to read. It's a fast read because of that. You could, people are, a lot of people say, man, your book is so readable. And the text is like a pretty big side. Yeah. And it's a text. So we learned that a little trick like, yes, next time we'll shrink the text because it'll be less pages and cheaper to print from Amazon. It'll be less cost less money because this is the first revision. There is going to be a revision. We're going to shrink the text and try to get a smaller one, like a, like a second revision that's going to happen. And when we probably write around the time we do the Kindle release. You know what I like about that though, like Peter Slattery's books are that way. A few books are that way. And I realize when I'm reading them, it's effortless. You can fly through it. Your brain doesn't have to think about reading as much. If that makes sense, like you're just, and it helps. It's actually makes it easier for me to retain the information also. It's just, it's, it's like more pleasant on the eyes. So yeah, I'm not the most literary guy. I'm not Mark Twain and I don't, I don't crunch any book quickly. And I just don't read a lot, you know, in my professional life, I'm a craftsman. So it's not something that I do, you know what I mean? Like I don't, it's a muscle that you got to do. Some people are very good at reading. Brad Olson sent me his book beyond esoteric. Yeah, and we were still, we were still in PDF form on my book. And I opened it up and I was like that book. Whoa, I wrote Brad. I said, dude, you're a machine. There's like 500 paid. This is a tight print and 500 pages. Like you are a machine with the smallest text that I've ever seen. And you need a magnifying glass because he's sweet. He's squeezed so much stuff in there. Yeah, I was like, man, I feel like I'm putting on a comic book. By the way, I still haven't gotten my copy yet. So you know why though, Tyler? Because it's in my hand. This is your copy right here. I'm going to sign this tonight while we're on the show to Tyler and I'll get this in the mail this week because I just know then he's going to get in his car and drive to my house while we're on the zoom call and deliver it. Yeah, he's going to deliver it in person. Well, you know what? We were talking about that off the air that I bought mine. As soon as the book was live on Amazon, I bought 125 author copies to do the preorder and they were like, well, and this was like January 1st. Saturday, that said, wait a first a second. And they said, it'll be delivered. Expect them around the 16th. And I thought, OK, so when people buy the book, it's going to take them. I must be a printing process. They do it one at a time and people all of a sudden that night. We're getting them, you know, your book will be here Wednesday. So people that are buying the books, Amazon drags their feet on the author's copies and I felt really bad for the preorder people. A lot of people are like, what's up, man? People already reading your book. They're already done with it and I preordered it months ago. What's going on? And I feel really bad about it, but there's really it was Amazon. They, you know, it just makes sense for them to not give me my discounted ones to sell to people so that they don't want to shoot themselves in a foot. There's a really good reason. He's the second richest man in the earth. Yeah, publicly, publicly. Yeah, publicly. Yeah, that's all right, though. Everybody's going to get it and they're going to read it. And I wanted to say thank you for getting me. I know you guys have been really busy. Your schedule has been packed. You have a lot of great guests lately. Your show is just kicking ass. But thank you for squeezing me in because that's another thing that I learned. So I'm learning in this process. The algorithm of Amazon works it like the more people that you don't have to buy the book, but the more people that click on the link, make it more searchable in the very first month. So it's very important that I get out here and tell everybody about it. Now rather than if I wait two, three months down the road and people click it, you don't get as big of a pop in the search. It gets buried. Yeah. Yeah, it's an algorithm. So it's it's important to get out to get out and do some shows and just let people know about it, you know, right? So so by now, most people, not most people, but a lot of our listeners probably know your story and so and they've heard it. And I mean, I was looking, man, you've done like at least a hundred interviews by now over 200 over 200. Oh, wow, that many because I found it. I found a site that compiled all of them compiled all of them, but it stopped it like right around a hundred. So most of them, that's insane. And then there's so there's so many aspects to your story that people haven't heard and you can't cover in any interview and is that what sets the book apart from the interviews as you get into all that? So the book, there's a lot that's there's a lot of details that are not in the book that are like day to day, like deep mundane details that we have I put them in there. And I was just kind of throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what stuck when I was writing the book. I was just, you know what I mean? The process was very difficult for me. And so there's a lot of stuff in there that not in the book that I may have covered in an interview just because it's not relevant to what was going on. The book, the book is really the only account of my relationships of the people I was with while I was in the 20 year time. So there were people that, you know, the hated me and there were people that loved me in this book. I really, I really had time to sit, you know what I mean? Like, I can't sit in an interview with you guys and say, you know what I mean? Like, you know, she walked by, I slept around her butt and we liked, we'd like to judge, you know what I'm saying? Like, I can't do that. And you just, well, you know what I'm saying? It was just, it's because it makes it awkward. It's more appropriate for a book for them than in the book. Right. In the book I talk about in people in Peru, people that, you know, I hung out with. And so the book really has that aspect of it. And the main thing that I, as we got towards the end of it, the thing that I didn't set out to do that happened was the really shocked, shocked me and I realized it at the towards the end, like in the last couple of weeks before we finished it was that I really accentuated why I remembered everything. You know what I'm saying? Like, I really, it was the relationships of people that I didn't want to forget. I wanted to forget everything, you know what I mean? Like when I was up, but the people that I befriended with, the people that were my friends, I did not want to forget them at the end. And that's what really stands out to me that the book tells that I don't ever say in any interview is that, you know, I was madly in love with somebody and I had friends and I had a life. My life went from being, you know, I was suicidal at one point. I just couldn't do it. You know what I mean? For years, I was just, it was horrible. It was a horrible existence. And I got to the point where I had a shred of happiness. That's why it's named the Cavalier because I actually got in trouble for behaving in a Cavalier way because I was happy. I got to a lifestyle as a slave where I enjoyed my life to give what I mean, like I overcame all that and other people didn't like it because they were above me, didn't and showed it their life. And I got, I literally got in trouble and it was, I got in trouble for Cavalier behavior. That's why it's the book that Aaron, you're on with the page. You're on, you're not there yet. So I don't want to ruin it. But yeah, that's why I chose that and Jackie. I would say Jackie hated the title at first. No, it sounds terrible. She's like, don't, don't pick that. So it's good. Um, it is and damn, what was it going to say? Oh, so the relationships, I know your book covers that a lot, but you just said you were madly in love with somebody. And so what happens when you get those memories back? Did I know we've been asked this before? We might have even discussed it, but have you tried to look for any of those people and have you found any of those people? Yes. Yes. And I do, I'm sure you don't want to say too much more than that. I know you don't want to out anyone else. So I was just curious and what that looked like for you. In the beginning, I did find early on and I found somebody that I remembered and they didn't remember and I told them everything and we had corresponded for a long time and I, it was a little bit of an and it was very damaging to them. It was not cool. You know what I mean? Like I'll leave it like that. Like this is somebody that had a great life going on and then now they had to call them to question everything they believed and it was it's not something that should be pushed on somebody and I really see have a problem with a lot of people that are doing there are some people out there. I don't even know their name off the top of my head, but they're telling people like you were involved and even if somebody's involved and you know it, it's not the right thing to do to tell somebody that they were involved. You know what I mean? Like it's damaging. So because their higher self chose to forget and their higher self will choose to remember. And I had motive the book explained towards the end. You know the very end. The last few chapters explain why I was motivated to remember that person that was up there. What I wanted to remember I did not want to forget what had happened because I had come such a long ways because I went from a miserable life a miserable existence to like. You know and I've talked about this before like if somebody is a millionaire and they become a billionaire, it's a huge triumph for them. It's a huge achievement. I was a complete slave and I got to the point where I had a shred of freedom and I had relationship you get what I mean? Like it was the same sense of achievement for me. It was a big achievement. I didn't want to forget that and you know what I mean? Like that's what that was the what motivated. So I thought that I would meet people down here and explain that to them and what I found out was just the opposite that there's people that don't want to remember. And so I did and I found people at most people believe it or not, most people that have their memories, consciousness, there's a lot of people that have conscious memories, a great deal of memories. I met a one guy that remembers every bit as much as I do about his 20 year tour and he's got no desire to speak to anybody about any of it. He talked to me privately. He's like I just between me and you. I'm not going to tell anybody. So I'm not going to tell my wife or nobody. I don't want anybody to know what I was doing. And a lot of people are like that. A lot of people couldn't be bothered and they don't want to wear the stigma, you know what I mean? I guess I for whatever reason I just wasn't afraid of it. It's very inconvenient to in my day to day life is very inconvenient to to speak about the things that I do. So right service to humanity by exposing all this stuff. I'm a big fan of disclosure. I'm a big fan of the mission. You're right, Aaron. And I think that I think that's more important than just me or what I go through. I think that and you know what? This is wow. The book is the biggest fuck you that that kid little kid that got tortured and in your current could have said to anybody. This is the biggest revet. This is the only revenge that I could have taken to what happened to me what happened to me when I was laying there angry. There was a people always go, why don't you so angry? Why aren't you angry Tony when you know my interviews? You're you're not angry. You're you're you're so graceful. And the fact is that I had 20 years of anger and 20 more years after I got back up and being angry and this is my revenge. Is is tell you know what I'm saying? Like I know it's a book now. It's a book you can't you're not going to delete it out of your hand. You know what I'm saying? So it's like to me. It's a very big win. Yeah, yeah. So it's a way of like stepping in your sovereignty also. And you know, and it's I totally understand it and thank you. And it's you mentioned in your current real quick. We just had Brad on and he said that you guys were I don't know where it was but he's on the phone with you and he was driving through in your current and he was like showing you something like I remember that mountain where you said I used to try and like think about escaping and going there. So it's really interesting that you have like stuff like that happening is like also validates your your story. Like it's not just like you remember seeing that stuff. Yeah, and it's freaky. I always wait in the beginning, especially the first couple of years I was like, I'm going to somebody's going to check this out. I'm going to go to Seattle or whatever it is and I'll check it out and it won't pan out and then I can, you know, I mean, look at some other reason why I remember this, you know, why maybe there's some other reason that I have these memories other than it being true. And what's happened is every little thing that I check out, like that pans out and I go, shit, it's real, you know what I mean? Down, right, right. No, it was neat that Brad did that. We talked in Vegas and then he brought he went to in your current and we I think we were on the Facebook mess. It was really grainy, but he put it on video and it was it was something else because I that's in your current. I kind of want to go there myself and walk it and he walked exactly where I would. I was like, no, no, go about by the bridge, you know, like telling them where to go. And he did. It was it was freaky. It was a freaky experience for real really. So you know how you said you mentioned you found that person, you told them everything about the and it just flipped their life upside down and what if, you know, we don't, we never know. I think I was thinking, you know, you said your higher self will basically let you know if you're ready for it now. But what if his higher self wanted you to come and tell him and that was part of their range, but I'm serious. So don't beat yourself up over it. That's what I'm trying to say because it might have. It might have actually been what he signed up for. Yeah. I mean, there's a free will aspect. So I guess, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't feel that it's something that should be forced on somebody. You know, like and even even up until now, just after the books release, now I'm asking people to bring me on the show. Like I said, please come on, you know what I mean? And to drive the algorithm and the book one, there's a money issue about it. But really I just want people to read the book, you know what I mean? There's a lot of information in there that supports other things that are going to lead people. And when I autograph it, I don't autograph them all the same, the pre-orders, but I've been saying stuff like, you know, I hope this book inspires you to keep researching, to keep searching into the subject because that's really true. I really hope that people read this book and they start and it has breadcrumbs that can connect dots to other things that I might not know about. But until then, I always don't, I've only done interviews where people asked me to come on. I've only ever, I've only ever talked about this to people that have asked me and I found that maybe there's a karma thing about it, but I think that just goes better like that. Yeah. Well, you know how many people are getting their memories back anyway? So it's going to help. I mean, there's no doubt in my mind. It's going to help trigger something and somebody else. And who knows the type of ripple effect it's going to have. So I wouldn't even worry about that. But yeah, there's so many aspects of your story that you've mentioned before that I'd like to actually dive just a little deeper into. And maybe you cover them in the book, but in particular, well, we have a couple of questions from the chat real quick. Let me, let me address the chat. So Matthew Starseed donated $27.77. Thank you during your podcast Tony and all of you in the chat. We're all in this together and I can't wait to read Tony's new books. See you all at the conference. Oh, yeah, we have to talk about the conference too, which Tony's going to be speaking at. And then we got a $11 donation from Mark Beck 11 11. Hi, Tony. Please talk about some of the German terms and phrases you picked up during the service. German is my native language. That's interesting. Did, is there any of that language that stuck with you? Not really. I didn't, I never really had to learn German. We had, we had a translator tech. So I do cover some things like just acronyms that they had in the book, like a few acronyms. But I, I was, I was resentful of them. I wanted to learn Spanish and go back to Peru where people liked me and where I believed people liked me. I was kept wanting to learn Spanish. I kept asking them, can I learn Spanish so that when I go back, I can go back there. And they were like, no, you need to learn German. And it was, it was an option for me. So I, we would, we would go on missions and I would go to school. There were times when I would go do a couple hours in school at the end of the day to learn whatever, you know what I mean? Like fire suppression and loading techniques and just other stuff. They would always keep constantly training you. And I had the option of learning German and I, I refused. And it was kind of like an empowering thing. I was kind of like, I don't want to learn your language. You know, I was, I was angry. They treated me, they treated me like shit and then expected me to learn their land, adopt their language, make life easier for them. And I, because they made it optional, I refused on for that reason, you know, but no. Right. Um, so I think I might be mistaken about this, but in one of your interviews, one of them, I think I remember you saying they want the people were, um, one of the were very interested to know what you dreamt about it. Was that you that said that? Yeah. Oh, yeah. So that's something I actually want to expand on because that, that tells us a lot about dream space. If they really want, if they were that concerned about what you guys were dreaming about, there's something to that. And what are your thoughts on that? Well, whenever they had, they created the anti telephone to mission away. So there were missions that would leave not, not every type, not every day, but most days we did a temporal mission. So they would leave and they would get back five minutes away from series at maximum speed, five minutes in the past. So we'd leave at eight o'clock. They'd get back five minutes away at 7 55. So five minutes before we left that way, they knew the ship made it. Through the mission. If the ship didn't appear, or if it was all beat up or in the wrong spot, they knew the mission failed and they'd cancel it and we wouldn't leave. And so the ship would immediately disappear. They could see it. They had eyes on it where if it was there and it was, or it was never there at all, you know, if it didn't come back, it didn't come back and they scheduled really aggressive missions that, you know, it was a very powerful technology to anti telephone like that. Whenever a mission was scrubbed, they would just scrub our mission. They were like, you guys are scrubbed. You're staying in the dock today. We stayed at our post and cleaned and caught up or I work. We started to work. But for the next week, they would debrief us and ask us, if you have any kind of dreams, we want to know what your dreams are. And because they would get bits and pieces, there were some people that they would get bits and pieces of that failed mission. Like that time still did happen. And they're somewhere in your, maybe not in your body, but somewhere else in your wherever your memories are kept outside of the body, the experiences there and they were trying to glean information of what happened. It was all about the intelligence. That's what they were doing. Another thing is, I don't even know if I covered it in the book. There was a line about it. I'm not sure if it's in there or not, but I had the same on series. So on Mars, it was different, but on series colony. Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino. Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible. Chumba has hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new game releases each week. Play for free anytime, anywhere for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun. Sign up now at Chumba Sponsored by Chumba Casino. Nope purchase necessary. VGW Group void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? About a snub bully. 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A hundred percent was the floor would drop out into empty space and I'd be floating in space and that was, yeah, it was, it was weird, but that was. And then I remember that I would be floating in space dreaming. And I had the experience and I was like looking for other people that I always wanted to like, I always wanted friends at that. You know what I'm saying? Like, I didn't really have any kind of really close friends and I always was looking for friends. I was like, while I'm out here, is anybody else here? You know, anybody here? And I remember that that was a common reoccurring part of that aspect of that dream, the first few minutes. And then it would go into, you know, your normal dream of whatever, whatever your normal dream is, you know, wow, that's, that's really fascinating. It's like you were shown like your, like your soul leaving your body for the dream. Like, you know, you know, they say we're always attached with that. If they're cored all the time and your body can just like slingshot back in your body at any moment, but that was like showing you a version of leaving. And and that the. So the building I was in, the gravity was coming out of the floor. There was artificial gravity. So it was kind of like once I got out of that and I went on in the space. Like it was basically a series of essentially a dead planet. There are things. I don't think there's a, there's not a, you know, it's dead. So it's a different, there's no magnetic field or anything like that. What we have, we have here. I think the CI, there's a document. There's info that says that when you dream that we all kind of communicate each other, but it's like radio signals bounce off the ionosphere. And when you're dreaming, your mind gives off signals and we all kind of communicate in the ionosphere somewhere like that's as far as we go. Right. There's a document somewhere about that. Yeah, there's a document somewhere. There's somewhere about that. It's not my website. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, that's interesting. I just, yeah, I'm glad you, I'm glad you covered that because I had been thinking about them. Like, why did they want to know about his dreams? What was so important? But they were wanting to see if there was any like residual memory. Right. They were trying to find out what happened in those failed missions and they actually did. So I never had any kind of information to give them. Like really, I, you know, I wanted to because you got pulled out of work for a minute to get debriefed in the morning. You could report it and there were people that did, you know, three or four people that were like, I had a dream about a mission last night and they were like, come on, come with us. And they would go through a long debrief and they could miss work. And so I wanted to, but I just never did. Right. Right. So fast forwarding to the part of your story whenever you talk to the psychic on series. Okay. Tell me everything about that because because it's interesting because your time in Peru and how you were used for that. And it seems like the person or this ET or whatever that was doing the reading for you, did it seem like they were being used also in that position? Like it was exactly the same technology. That's why I knew that's why I had to do it. I walked by. It was on my way. On my way out of the hangar and there was a small, like a town area. And I would walk by and they had, they had, you know, big TV screens on the wall that showed videos of it that would get your reading. And I remember walking by it and not paying attention when I looked. It was a first, it was like a beautiful girl with an IV. The bag that they put in the commercial. It was a beautiful woman with IV bag and they did that. And then they, she went under and she was like, given somebody, you know, it was a commercial and I looked at it. I went, that's exactly what they did to me. That's real, you know what I mean? I was like, that's exactly what I was doing in Peru, the exact same technique. So that, and I was like, Oh my God. So I went back the next day, a couple of days later when I got paid and I took money out of the bank to cover it. It was like 45 bucks. Frank's, you know, and I went back and got the reading because I knew and when I got in there, it was not a beautiful girl. In fact, it was a young half human, half, it was like a hybrid species, like a, like a, like a, like a, like a, it was a young girl that was half gray, half humans, yet human hair, like a gray with human hair, straggly and not, you know, very, it was a miserable condition. It was, it was, it was terror. It was a terrible thing to witness the way that they kept these kids. And they were, it was really cheesy. Like they, they didn't have, it wasn't a fancy place. Like they set up curtains and they were on a cot with a, with a chair next to him with their thing with their IV and a little computer screen with curtains around it in a small little room. It was disgusting. And I went in there and baby, he's like, you get three questions. You're going to get three, three questions. And the, the first two, I was just asked, you know, if I was going to know Marie, when I went back, if, am I going to, am I going to marry Marie? Basically, essentially was the first one. And then am I going to know what's going to go on? And then she told me, I was going to remember it. She said, you're the one, you're a witness. And she's the way she talked was really, the way she talked was really cryptic as anybody, as I'm sure most of the audience knows how psychics can be, especially when you're in a trance, you know, like in a deep state that it's, it's very kind of cryptic, but it made a lot of sense. And then the third thing, she said a bunch of other stuff that I didn't get. You know what I mean? But she was talking about the three, one of the three girls. And the way that she worded it was, you know, the one of the three, possibly two, possibly, you know, it was a, it was like a, like a, like a, like a riddle, the way that she worded it to me about the three girls. And then I went from there straight to crumbs. And it was a slow day. And there were three girls of the friends that were there working that sat at my table and we were talking, I was telling about it. And Marie was pissed off that I spent the money on it. So that's in the book. Trying to think of anything else that, you know what I'm saying? Like in that scene. So the reason, well, it's just, it's curious because I had, well, so first of all, the movie Total Recall, if you've seen that, they picked exactly, exactly that. If you, you know, they're on Mars and there's a TV screen. It's like, yeah, yes. And then there's a psychic girl who kind of looks maybe like deformed or miserable. And so her face wasn't like that, but her hair was right, if that makes sense. And it was not like that in the sense of where it was, like, like the scene that I see in my head is completely different than the Total Recall. It's yeah. Yeah, I'm not. I'm not saying it's great that they have that. Right. Right. But it wasn't like that, you know. It's, it's hard to, it's hard to really articulate it the different. It was very dark the way that they kept it. It was like, like in a night area that's like serious had places that stayed night all the time where they never cranked the lights up. They had big town squares that would fake daylight. They would turn the lights up and it would be like that. But this was an area in between that usually was dark and it was like that. It was like, it was like a. Man, not a, not a, I don't know what district you would call it, like a club district. Right. You know, in between. And yeah, she wasn't like that. She was like a gray, like a gray that was had human hair, like a, like a hot. That didn't have that dark color, more like, more like human colored skin, but basically the face of a gray. So did you encounter a lot of hybrids in the programs? Like as far as like your specific races, obviously, but like, could you tell like there was a half dog man or something walking around? You know, so we always thought that when we, you know, whenever we went to somewhere and people interacted, like we didn't personally see them, but people on the ship would interact and then it would kind of the rumor would get all the way through the ship, you know what I mean? Like we were saw the sky looked like a, looked like a goat kind of thing. And there were a lot. So that's just, that's kind of like a way of life out there that you, you know, us, there's so many different versions of us that are just like us, they're people, you know what I mean? We, we openly referred to it and I still do refer to out them as people. It doesn't matter what it is. It's a certain level of intelligence. I, so I was directed to not interact with ETs. Basically that was the, that was the, you know, when I was out and about in the colony, I was not supposed to interact with ETs. If I saw one, I was supposed to ignore it and not, not interact because I was a slave and, you know, I could misrepresent humanity, you know what I mean? Saying I was a damn, I was a damaged person. So that was the, that they just like, that's the rule. Just don't talk to them. Just don't, don't, don't even stare at them. But we did see them and hybrids. I'd have to say no. I don't remember seeing many hybrids that on fact, I remember that girl, when I saw that girl that I was a little freaked out by it, that I thought it was kind of unnatural because most of the ETs I'd seen to that point were not half, you know, half one half and the other. They were a, they were whatever race they were. They were not a mix and we were aware that there are natural. So it didn't happen there. It didn't, it wasn't allowed on series colony, but we were aware that in other colonies in space, other other planets that there are our natural pairings that have hybrid children between certain species. Like it is possible for a human to marry another species and have a hybrid child. We are, we were aware that there are lots of species that that is possible and that doesn't go on. We did talk about that all the time. And like I said, we always bragged about my girlfriend's blue. I got a blue girlfriend. I'm going to go see my girl today. You know, she's blue. She's bright blue because they were, they were very xenophobic in there. It's against the law. There were, there were blue species that were in the solar system, either inner earth or somewhere else in our solar system that we did business with and they were very xenophobic. Like they were like, you couldn't talk to their girls. They would, there was like totally off limits for them to be with anybody other than their own species. So we super, we joked about that all the time that that's my girl, you know? So, so did anybody ever, did they ever go ahead? I'm sorry real quick. Sammy, Sammy Starlight wants to know if your book is going to be available on Amazon Kindle. It will. So we're actually are working on that now. So there are things like we figured it out. I got to tell you Jackie is absolutely brilliant and figured. She, she really took, she really took the reins in the very end when we were going through the formatting part of the book after, after we did the editing and she did a great deal, great deal of work editing it. And that's why it's so readable because there's so many times that she goes, she sent me a message and said, what is this? I don't even understand what you're talking about here. And it slipped my mind because it's me talking about it. It's not the same as carrying what it reads like to somebody and she came back and read it and said, no, you got to, you got to explain that better. And we did a lot of that and it makes it readable. But we are working on the Kindle one. We had to learn about the formatting. It took us, it took us a couple tries. We were going to format like on the 29th and it took us to the 31st and the first actually to get it up. It took us a few tries and graphics and everything like it was a, it was the first time. So we're going through that process on the Kindle slightly different. I'd like to get a hardcover copy and offer it for a little bit, but I don't know, you know, we're going to do that. And like I said, there'll be a second revision that'll get some mistakes that we made. We'll get those out of there and get a smaller print on the second revision. So back to the blue women. So did you, were you serious that none of them ever were able to break away and date like a human or did something? Absolutely, it was punishable by death in their culture and so, and there's several blue, there are several. So that's, let me say that it's not just this one. It was the, this culture that I'm talking about was one that did business with the series colony corp. So we did business with them and they were, you know what I mean? They used us as an interim, like a middleman to trade with other people because they're very xenophobic culture. I believe they weren't located, they had one facility in our earth and I believe they had other facilities elsewhere in the solar system that we did business with. The other thing is they were aware. So there was a conversation I had that they were aware that because they were blue, they lived longer. Like just the color blue, it, they had, they had, they had a better healing thing and they said that, man, I forget the term. But it's like, even, even thinking about them helped them heal. Like there's something about it. There was, there was like a, there was like a esoteric, like a, like a psychic phenomenon around it so that when they thought it, when you thought about one, you were actually helping it. Wow. I'm not explaining it. I'm not, I'm going to butcher this. I'm going to butcher this. There's really no way I'm going to explain this. Right. I've already butchered it. That was, it was like part of the deal, like just naturally being a blue color for them was like a blessing. Like there's some kind of mechanics of the universe that help them and they lived much longer even, even their own species. They had other members of their own species that were a different color the same way that we do. The blue ones tended to live longer. And I'm assuming you don't remember a name for that race. I don't. Right. Yeah. Actually, it's funny whenever I have dreams and experiences, like I can tell you everything except for names and faces, like it's just they're not there for me. So, and I think part of the brain, it's a different part of the brain. That's, you know, yeah, yeah, exactly. So when in your interview with Salah, and I know you've said this before, whenever you were being taken to the moon and you saw the Douglas, the Douglas patch logo on the Douglas airspace or whatever. Douglas aircraft aircraft on the back of the seat. And then the guy told you you asked why explain that story because I have a follow up question. Sure. Well, the first I went from any occur when I was young, when I was 10 years old, I rode a similar, not the same crab. I thought it was the same craft, but it wasn't a similar one to the moon over just one night and then back again. So there and back, but I wrote on it. I knew that we went to the moon. And so I always knew there was a base on the moon from a young age. Then later on, after Seattle, I was like 16, so six years later. I, you know, they sold me off to the military and I ended up back on the same craft and the seats hadn't changed. It said Douglas, just like it did. And the guy that chaperone me was a Navy or Air Force officer, military guy said next to me and I said, he said, he remarked on it, said they don't even have this name anymore. This isn't even them anymore. So the craft was older and I said, I said, I wrote on this. I was telling, I was like bragging about it. Like I wrote on it back when it was new. I mentioned that to him. I wrote on this one. It was new and he goes, uh, no, you didn't, you know what I mean? Like he's like, they don't even, this is, this is old. And then he got in and he was like, and then he, he, he showed me the, the logo then he showed another logo and he said, you know what this means? And I said, I don't know, they're shooting a missile at the moon. They're, it's a missile. You know what I mean? Like everything was doom and gloom to me back then. And he goes, hang on and he went through his bag and he looked at it for like, it felt like forever. He looked through his bag three or four times. Like he just kept fumbling and he got on a very old piece of paper that had some like, just numbers on it and it had very old Douglas logo. And it was an airplane going to the moon. And I said, this is, this is us on this plane. You know, like that's what this is. We're going to the moon and he said, we've been going to the moon. This thing is a lot older than you think it is. And we've been going to the moon a long time. You know, like he explained that to me that it was a very old. I thought it was a younger plane than what, what it was. I thought the graph was what year would that have been when he told you that eighties, eightie seven, eightie seven, eightie eight right in there. Eighty seven, eighty eight right right in that range. So the, so the plane was old already by then, you know, it was that it was a very old, it was a very old craft. So, and then he said it had since been changed to McDonald Douglas. They were bought out by them. You know, I checked. And so this was another thing that Jackie didn't want me to include in the book. She said, there's a copyright issue and I checked with a few other people. And because Douglas doesn't exist anymore, I figured it's not an issue. You know, but they were bought over and became a McDonald Douglas. But before that, they were first around the world in Douglas aircraft. It wasn't until the solid interview that he goes, yes, Douglas aircraft would did early with the Gemini program and the early, they were working. The CIA was hiring Douglas to build spacecraft in the early, like in the fifties. That's what William. Yeah, William Tomkins talks about that in his book. He worked think tanks in Douglas. You know, yeah, I didn't know that I was unaware of that. Like, right. And so I wanted to put it in the book just because of the logo, because the logo, really, that's what that means. He explained that to me when I came across it years ago and I remember the logo, that whole conversation, I wanted to put that in the book because it kind of puts a timestamp on the US presence on the back of the moon and showing that we had antigraph. You know, that was an antigraph craft. You know, something. So that's my follow up question is, okay, we know that. How long has this been going on? Not us going to the space, but the actual like 20 in back program. I know you probably don't have an exact answer. William Tomkins in his book, he talks about being on the age regression and of of the 20 in back. He was in the think tanks that were figuring out how to do it. Uh, and he, he said the Navy in particular started their 20 in back program in 1980. But I don't know if it's definitely had to been going on way before that. Like, when do you think it might have actually started? I think it's well, we talked about it and we're, everybody's aware. It's like one of the very first things that an ETA race trades. So when you're a planet figures out space travel and you get into your near orbit and you come across an ETA, the first thing you're good. The first thing that everybody does is beg them for info. Give me, give me some info. Do you guys got anything? They'll help me out here. We just made this space, you know, give me some tech. What can I, what can I trade you for some technology? Can I have your, can I have your laser beam kind of thing? The very first thing that it's, that a, that a brand new species does when they get in a space is asked for more technology. And the very first thing that they get is the 20 in back tech. That's the very first, it's like a universal thing. It's life extension. Who wouldn't want, who wouldn't pay big through the notes with that? You know what I mean? And so it's a life extension tech that they just give they across the board. So they've been doing for millions of years. It's a, it's very, it's been forever. So that means that the Germans, when they got up in space, that was one of the first. So back in your talk in the thirties or forties that the Germans began doing it. And probably there, and there are several different versions of it. I'm sure that the one that I experienced, the one that Tomkins talks about, the ones that we have is not the only way to do that. I think there is more than one way to, to carry out that tech. And there's other life extension. And I talk about that in the, in the book, there's a scene in the book, Aaron. You're not there on your page yet. But there's another scene in there where we went again. So there's a separate tech there. That's how I know there is more than one way to do it because we were in fact sold off to another program for 10 years in the middle of the 20 years. Yeah. And that'll be covered extensively in the second book. I left that in there for that reason because it's a lot more because that. Experience is way is a lot more. You know what I mean? You know what I'm talking about? It's way more woo than this, this book is more of like an autobiographical account and kind of like a witness account. The next book that explains that 10 years and how that happened and how I got back from that is really more spiritual and probably why I'm at where I'm at. And I said that in the solid interview to like, I don't think I could have made it this far without help. Even the night I was taken, I think that sphere that came in was not them. I think it was somebody else. And I think that because I went on that program that that's I inspired somebody to, you know, a friend in high place to help me out through all this. And that's kind of where I'm where I'm at because I don't feel I've had a lot of things happen. You know what I mean? Like just randomly that helped me along the way to get to sit here in front of you guys tonight. You know what I mean? Like a lot of people don't don't do it. I totally get that. Yeah, and the synchronicity is not random. It's synchronicity. But we call it, you know, there's too many, no coincidence. Just too many things lined up just to help you long, nudge you long, whatever it might be. Make something fall in the place, you know, they line things up for you or to your higher self doing it, you know. Well, we'll see. We'll see. I'll touch on it. You know what I mean? Like I, there's a lot of heaven figured out yet about it. And but I would got to be crazy to think that I just stumbled across and talk about all this stuff. Load the way I do as much as I do and still, you know what I'm saying? Like, whatever, I'm not even saying anything bad. I'm not even I'm not even going to speak anything bad, but you know what I'm saying? Like, but I've been very fortunate since I've been public. I do want to say this, you know, on a side note, I want to say that the public response to the book. Is surprising. And so the book, what it is, the book is really triggering. Some people, a lot of people really enjoy it and they read right through it and they find it, you know what I'm saying? I'm getting a lot of a lot of public remarks like on my Facebook posts and people sending me emails. Like, thank you. Blah, blah, blah. I read the book quickly. Think good job, you know, attaboy. I'm getting a lot of attaboys. I'm also getting people that are triggered. I've I've had two today people that are like, you know, I was recently raped. And I reading your book and would help me with the lucky landslides. You can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather is fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes out of quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky. Play for free at Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. BGW Grabboid were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. If you're a facilities manager at a warehouse and your HVAC system goes down, it can turn up the heat, literally. But don't sweat it, Granger has you covered. Granger offers over a million industrial grade products for all your operations, including warehouse HVAC maintenance. And even better, they offer access to experts and fast delivery. So you and your warehouse can both keep your cool. Call 1-800-GRANGER, click or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. Like, I'm getting that. Like, I've got a couple of those. I've had other people that read the book that broke down into tears and had a complete meltdown. And I've had other people that read the book and they put, especially after Seattle where they said, "Look, I had to put it down because I wanted to go beat somebody's ass." And, you know, like, people are having emotional triggering things. Like, because I'm not the only person in the world that's had any kind of traumatic event. And when they read the book, they're reliving their own, too. It's a reflection of that. And there was a lot of things that I suffered through. But during the time, I thought, you know what I'm saying? Like, that was just my life. That was my life. So I wasn't, you know what I mean? I wasn't sitting around, you know, thinking, "Why couldn't this be like this? I just thought that's what life was." You know, so I'm starting to get a lot of that. And I really kind of dumbfounded because I don't know how to react when people do tell me that, like, you know, "Help me. Where do I go with this?" And I'm like, you know, I sorted out all these feelings long years ago, many years ago. And so it's something that I got to... Now that's something that it's like a new... It's a new challenge from speaking about my... Right. What's also not like, don't take on all that pressure either. Like, it's not your responsibility to help every single person heal that reaches out to you as much as you might want to because you'll drain yourself, you know? It's like an energy thing. Way too late for that. Yeah. Yeah. But, well, you know what I mean? Like, as a human, you want to help people out, you know, anybody that's a decent human. But I am starting to learn that I've only got... There's only so much of me that goes around. Like, I really overwhelmed lately, because now I've got to sign all these copies in mail. But I'm working, just whittling it down. It's a very... I feel very fortunate to do so. Right. And we're fortunate and grateful to have you on the show for the sixth time. Yeah. The sixth time. Number seven will be the... Yeah. We'll see. So, you're on Diego Garcia, and you're getting a load of cargo to take to another planet that... And the species on this planet doesn't believe in aliens, you said, right? That is extremely fascinating to me. Can you tell that story and just kind of elaborate it on a little bit more? Right. That's another thing about... So, Elena posted a picture of some UFO on her Facebook. And she tagged me and said, "Tony, is this what you remember?" And I said, "Yes, that's the same color." And that's kind of the shape that they were, but it's way smaller. It's a small one. It's not like the one that I was on. But they were... And I've always described the ship that I would... The Max Van Laue as like a stealth bomber shape and color. It was that because they had radar, they were stealth technology. They had... They were invisible to radar for that reason to go to these planets that are... You know, like us back in the '80s that we have radar or us back in the '50s. And they could come in with stealth and interact with their militaries or whoever and do business secretly. So, that was the case. We flew in under radar and then they had to stay out to sea because they had other observation posts and things. And we took an LCAC, basically a hovercraft, a large Marine Corps, a Navy... A Navy hovercraft that they modified. They cut some of the... Of the center of it. They modified it. They cut it in half and they cut a section out of the center and then welded it all back together so it was more skinny than it was normally been. And then they would fit in our cargo bay. And it took them a while. They craned it in and they lowered it down with cranes and we all wrote it in. And it was a half hour ride from the ship. We all had... He gave us all watches to keep track of the time because it was a temporal mission. There was only... We only had so much time we had to get back. There was something about the tech on that end of it. He rode into a swampy area and onto an island or a peninsula. And that was... He was like a... You know, like an Asian face. Gray, like with the smaller eyes and with whiskers and his body was more like a rat human. Like a cross between a rat and a human. And small, like a really thick, really weird clothes, like a bird lap uniform. And he was like an old man of his race. And he talked... He talked with the translator, didn't really work well with him. So he had a weird dialect that he talked. And he was very easy going. He was like super late chilled and laid back about everything. And he was trying to make money on the side. He was trying to broker it deal between him and a few people in his branch of the military. They were trying to sell off some ore or some... A metal, like, you know, a resource that they had. They were trying to sell it off and make money on the side. They didn't really want space spaceships. They wanted cash. So I think that was what he was after. And it was a setup. And they were setting them up. Okay. So that just goes to show you like Earth. It's not the only place like that, you know? And so these people, I guess their government knew about the space program. Obviously, but the surface people didn't. That's right. It was, it was kind of the same situation. You know, they were, it was a planet that was like us back in the 80s. You know, where it's kind of, they were on the verge of space flight kind of. And they were beginning to do business. And I think that the Orion group that we were there on behalf of the Orion group. So Jason Rice and I talked on the phone about this quite a bit. You know, this, and he said, no, he said, that's exactly the playbook. They'd send guys like you in. They would send a ship like yours in to do business. And then walk on the deal and make it look like, you know, they were the bad, like they screwed up something and then they would come in. Or, you know what I mean? Like they would make the, they would go in and set up a deal and it would fail. And then later they would come with a military and they would actually take over elements of their government. They would begin a takeover of the planet. So that's exactly, he's like, that was like the opening move that the Orion group does is they begin trade. They send trade ships in and then, you know, try to entice them and see who they could get away with. Who was bribable and who wasn't. And he said, that's what he said, that's really what it sounds like you were doing. And I said, well, I don't know, man. You know, I was just, I was just measuring boxes to see how many would fit on the hovercraft. Per load that we could take on the show. I was trying to, they sent me there to come up with a number of trips back and forth. That's the whole reason I went on that trip. And, but that was Jason right said that that was in their playbook on how they would, in fact, invade worlds. Well, that sounds kind of like what probably happened here. I mean, well, I think that I think that we're in a hub and I think our invasion happened long ago, you know what I mean, like I think that it. I think it happened a long time ago and we're actually, we're actually the leftovers. Of, or something out, something that happened probably 20,000 years ago. Probably far even further back than that, to be honest. Right. What was going to say? We were just talking about the. Help me. Yeah. No, but right before that, the Jason Rice, the. Help me. Help me. Trying to think. Next question. What was, no, Jason Rice. What were you just talking about how they would take over worlds. Yeah. Okay. Right. So that's what I was going to, that's what I was going with. Sorry guys. Brain fart. The, so it probably happened here long ago. But what about, like, I think it might have happened. Similar to that with our US military. At some point, our US government at some point. Like maybe the greater treaty, you know, that we hear about. To allow them to abduct us in exchange for their technology that that seems like a bribe to me. And then obviously they just neglected their end of the deal. So something like that makes me wonder if that was the Orion group. You know. Yeah. Well, I think it's more. Local to our area and, you know, like I said, I think our situation because of where we're at, because Jupiter. And all that's going on around Jupiter. I think the earth is kind of like a side stage to that. It's not like. One of these distant worlds that is kind of far away from everything. That they're kind of going in and knocking them out that like they took over the important parts of the of the galaxy first or nearby galaxies like. We kind of have important real estate where we're at because of the portal system that's around Jupiter and what's around Jupiter. So we're a busy system out of all the systems in this neck of the woods. So they took us over long ago and now they're going out to those more obscure worlds and they just have a playbook. It's like, it's a cookbook on how to go in planetary domination. You know, it's like, that's how they do. Yeah, unfortunately. But there is a cleanup going on right now. Yeah, that's right. The many. So, well, and I think that a lot of it has to do with, you know, the planet has to submit to. I think that the populace on it on a scale on a mass scale on a subconscious level has to submit to being taken over. You know, it's kind of what and that's also what we're seeing. Yeah, now, you know, because our we are going into it. We came into the information age and we were not in and think about it though. People weren't thinking about the stuff that we talk about right now, and especially at the rate we're doing with a chat with a live chat and hundreds of people watching and then thousands of people and tens of, you know, I'm saying like thousands of people didn't talk about this stuff ever before the Internet. And before, you know, they had caught they had a few people that you gathered in person somehow. Yeah, a few people at conventions and those are people that are already kind of, you know, if you go to a convention. Really the convention crowd is people that have time and money, you know what I'm saying, it's not the average everyday American that's hard at work raising their kids. And those are the that's the mass mass masses are like that they don't have time to visit all the conventions and really learn pick up books and sit and read books. So now that we're in the information age it's proliferating and on a subconscious level we're affecting each other. You know what I mean like there's a planetary hive mind that we have that we subscribe to that picks our destiny so we're at a point and lo and behold. What is it 10 years after we got the info that you know that the that the mass has got the info. Here we are talking about being liberated and you know that we're seeing big changes happen we're seeing disclosure. And we're going back to the moon and et cetera, you know like it's all happening quick, because the information age is basically the genies out of the bottle. Maybe it's no coincidence that Tyler so maybe this is a, you know when you talk about when I talk about that planet being back in the 80s it was pre Internet. Yeah. You know what I mean like they were before their Internet they had space travel and no Internet so maybe there's no coincidence is that's when they step in and try to take it over that that's why that we were there when we were there. And and the captain was like, I didn't understand why but the captain was obsessed with time on that mission. So much so that he gave me a wristwatch. I had a little drawer in my, in my room, in my whatever you want to call it that I had a bunk bed and five by, and there was a little tiny drawer with a, with a, you know like a little desk that was just on the wall. And for years, I mean I'm talking 10 years. I never had anything to put in it. Sometimes I had a piece of paper that you know cold here's your here's your paper take that to your class tomorrow. And then in your first day class I sometimes I would put a piece of paper in that door, but I finally had a watch I had a cast literally a Cassio G shock that the captain issued us. Because we all had to keep and he I said why am I getting a watch and he said well, you in case you get separated from us you know what time it is. And in case we all lose our watch, you'll have a watch. It's a bat he was like it was a redundant it was that important to him. He said we must be on time, leaving otherwise the mission won't happen. It'll be catastrophic results, you know, for, for the colonies that it'll be catastrophic for his career and everything. So the time was a big deal. And maybe that's maybe we were time traveling to that time. I don't know, you know, that's the feeling I'm getting like because you hear about like I don't know if you know about the project SERPA mission where you know they are all their time devices didn't even work on that plant because that planet operated their days were longer everything was different. And so, like they lost track of how they're supposed to be there for 10 years they they thought they were but they realized they were there for 13 years, because their time is different. So, I wonder if like the time, like the time is different like that on each planet so it was like super strict that you guys were all on the same time so nobody got off of that. Yeah, I think series was on like a 20 hour day. So, you know, we were on a 24 hour day they were on a 20 hour day. But because we left and came back at the same time, had an extra eight hours so it was really a 28 hour day for us in the flight crew. But like the guys that were running in the mines and the people that were living there they had a 20 hour day, the way that they had it set up and it was about whatever some optimal physiology I don't know why they picked it like that. It was a shorter day than the earth and it was an artificial day to like I said it was all basically governed they turn the lights on, and it was daytime and everybody was you know that's when a business is opened. And then they turn the lights out it was evening it would get them and then the lights would be dark and be nighttime. So that was artificial but they had they had a 20 hour clock. It was like 20 and 10 minutes or something, you know it was weird the way that whatever reason they figured that out I don't know why. I mean yeah I don't know either, but that it seems like that would throw off the whole 20 years like because you're, well, no, and, and so I've talked about this too because I really, I really believe that when it ended for me. Like, so, you know, whatever they called me Jerry, my name was Jerry up there. When Jerry got sent back when I went back to the moon and went through their aggression program and got my memories erased and sat there and whatever whatever the process was. When it ended I realized it, and it was in to the year 2000 for me so I was taken 82, and in the year 2000 I woke up one day in my bed. I'm, you know, I was living, I was an ipsy I lived in a slanny. Woke up in my bed literally in the morning and I went, I felt like a million bucks and I went it's over, I kept saying it over and over again. It's over. It's over. And I didn't know why, and I was happy as I was happy as shit, and I really, it was like, I immediately a lot of things that were a challenge for me emotional all the emotional problems that I had all the anger issues everything just was like, like that person died, and I could feel it. And I got my, I was back to myself again rather than being deluded between two, two minds for those years. It's hard to explain. You know I'm saying like it's hard to explain but that's what it will felt like for me but when I did the math on that it's only 18 years I was just going to say that's 18 years so because I was doing those flights though, because I was doing the flights where I was going back I did the math on that. And it's like seven years of five a day, five a week of eight hours, seven, eight, seven years, and it was probably eight years that I was on doing that, because we didn't do all of them and the math checked out that it takes off about two years. So that I did, you know, it was years ago, it was five, six years ago I did the math, but I did and it actually did support it it actually did work out. So you, you mentioned earlier some about the portals and Jupiter and it just made me think did you ever encounter any portals or jump rooms or anything we hear like a lot of these other guys talking about. Did you use any of those. Well I think the train from Mars to series. When I went from Mars to series was it was one of those like a jump. It was a train. Okay, yeah train. And you went into the train went into a tunnel and there was a, it wasn't a flash of light but there's a poof. You know what I mean like poof and you get disordered ears ringing, and you kind of feel disoriented and then the trick you could feel the train slowing down immediately. And boom it's it came to a stop and I was on series colony like they didn't tell them they didn't tell me what was going to happen. The other thing is that they said, you had to drink, you know you had to drink water immediately or you could get, you could develop some kind of problem. You know your electrolytes are screwed up you had to immediately have water. And other people after I after I've said that and talked about other people I've seen have said the same thing a few other experiences said that they've been through jump rooms and they had to have water afterwards. So as far as like you know I'm familiar with the story is it is an Andrew Bushago. Yeah. The jump room and El Segundo. Yeah. The one in LA yeah I listened to that story a few years ago and it seemed exactly it seemed to describe a lot of how was the other thing is the reptile on the moon said that that's how he went home he went home to his planet every day. And he said that it was a 30 minutes took him 30 minutes. So it would jump and then, however it worked out it was a 30 minute ride for him. In an elevator in an elevator. So his jump rooms come in from all all sorts of planets run to the moon or whatever, and probably on earth, you know, well and then so the other thing is what what I remember and this is something that maybe somebody can check out later on when you guys go into space. And, you know, post disclosure is that it was dependent on power output. So they could make a jump room that would go from here to the moon on a certain level of power peta peta Watts or I forget the ones like Tara watt whatever it is, the Watts, the wattage of the output of the generator whatever the power was that it needed a certain amount and to go very far they needed one that was super powerful. And the moon was an existing had an existing power supply that enabled it to make jump jumps to go like it was classified and, and you had like they had to go to the moon like series colony had their own jump rooms but they wouldn't go far. They had to fly to the moon to jump to certain other places to use that tech, and the ships were the same way the battleships could jump farther and faster than our ship could our ship could jump but only so far, it would take two or three jumps to get across the galaxy for instance. Whereas the warships could go with one jump because they had way more power output everything, everything across the board is about power output in that in that society it's not about free energy free like I can you know imagine if you can make a free energy generator. It's no big deal it's not it's worthless if all it does is charge a cell phone, it has a small power output big deal if it's free, I need them, we need a generator that can power LA. You know we're talking about on these ships they could power the planet half the planet on their fleet and that was a technology that was dependent on rare elements that are not found in our region of space so they had to actually lease those, purchase those or make deals to borrow those from other species people guarded the same way that oil is to us today, that was the situation with energy up there that it, you know yes you can build your spaceship yes you can build your own disk that can jump and go get all over the go to the nearest star. But you can't build one that's going to kick ass. You have to you know I'm saying you can't get the really high power output stuff that was still a very guarded tech. Those are details I hadn't heard. I'm very crucial actually. Well you know what I mean like that's what we're moving into that'll be that that'll be the next era that we move into post disclosure is, you know we're going to everybody's like we're going to get free energy so it's the end of worrying about energy that's not the end of it. We're going to get free energy and we're going to need more. That's all that's going to be is more gizmos that we can bet we can design off more output, you know what I'm saying like that's really when you look at. When you look at way better, you know, obviously than what we have well yeah well we're totally under the yoke of economical yoke because we have to pay for energy now. Right and it's not sustainable we have a sustainable energy source. Yeah. Well at the same time they don't want to give you time travel either you know what I mean in the same breath of free energy but we will get for energy. We will get free energy and that and that'll open up the door to many new devices that we can use. Oh yeah, you know like when you I always say that you're like when you look at Ironman in the movies. Mm hmm like the real he's got free energy but really the deal is he's got massive power output in his free energy. It's not just a battery you couldn't build a Tony you couldn't build an Ironman suit with a dual battery use with none of power. He's got massive power and that's the same exact dynamic of the space programs that some of them have a much much more power output and that's the ship that's going to kick ass and that's you know what I mean so they guard that. So that's going to be our lifestyle after after post disclosure. Sure, sure and it makes perfect sense I just I was talking about the way like the like what do you call it jumps jumping light speed or whatever jumps. Just the way like he can you needed more power to make a longer jump I had never thought about that before. Like I just thought it was a tech you can put on any ship and like I see how it works now so that's that would make sense why they need them four kilometers long. Right. Right. Well not only that but that's why they use the natural they need the natural portals to jump to other galaxies because they can't make one with enough power to go from one galaxy to the other they'd have to jump so many times. So they use natural portals to go to other galaxies like the one portal by Jupiter I think it went to like 18 other galaxies or 20 other galaxies. And then from there they can find other natural portals and go to 18 different more galaxies. And that's how they were doing that you know they have to use natural portals for intergalactic travel. And they could jump themselves like I said to it was like three jumps for us to get in the Milky Way, you know, around our galaxy is like took three stops. And I'll wait a few minutes in between each one of her to like charge up. 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We're capable of everything is probably would blow people away and things we can't even imagine like inner earth alone is as fascinating to even think about how massive that actually would be and if it's fully, you know, whatever it looks like. We have no clue what's happening here. Yeah, true. Well, and then I've heard that from people that are skeptical when they see my interviews they're skeptical they're like come on man no way. Where would they hide all this stuff and I'm thinking, have you been out into the world, you know what I mean like it would be very easy. You could build it. You could build is if you don't have a satellite looking down on the earth. Then you could hide a city anywhere you want like there's plenty of places. There are thousands and thousands of miles of planet service before you talk about water. There are thousands and thousands of miles that nobody sets foot on that there's nobody going to underground. And then you go underground on top of that all that all of the bodies in the solar system have underground they're building underground and not to hide from us but to hide from other ETS the earth is protected. You know has a there's an agreement around the earth they have everybody. There's a there's an etiquette around populated planets but the colonies that are in the system in the solar system are underground because it's a camouflage that for that reason. Well yeah just natural protection. So do you ever get people asking you are coming to you or complaining to you that you're telling you that you're lying because we can't go to space. You ever get those people. I'm working on a thing I'm slowly gathering some info on the, you know, ways to prove the world is round. So there's that it's really it's really it's a shame because to buy into flat earth means you discount a lot of physics, you know there's a lot of things that work that work out that you totally throw out the window in order to believe the flatter. I get skeptics all the time nature doesn't make flat that's the thing that they don't understand but it's not even the flat earth or some people think we just spaces fake. I get that a lot the people what about what you do about the radiation in the Van Allen belts. Yeah we went right through it we went right through it number one to go right through it's nothing. Well number two we are we were only going to be in those bodies for 20 years so they didn't give a shit if we got cancer because you were just you were just dying go back. You know I mean like they were going to regress you and go back and I think it was a clone body anyway so they were just that whole body could have been destroyed. They would just kill it off they didn't care like the medical science, the van any kind of radiation because if you think the van Allen belts have a lot of radiation that's nothing compared to what Duper is putting out like Jupiter is the most radioactive body in the solar system. After the Sun I think the magnetic field around Jupiter is bigger than the one from the Sun if I'm saying that right or as big. It's like the biggest thing in the sky is the magnetic field around Jupiter it's highly radioactive around it. But they gave they gave zero shifts about it in the space program because they've solved that they have shielding and then they have medical technology if you get sick from it that just fix you. That was not an issue but I get I do get that a lot from skeptics. You know we have pictures from space, you know what I'm saying like is it and it sucks that you really can't live I mean you guys see it I you know we're all Facebook friends you know Tyler like I watch you and Aaron I see your stuff. You know how good they are at faking pictures. You know we get there's all kinds of stuff you can tell it's like they can put your they can put your face on a crime scene and make it look believable and you know I'm saying which is why, which which the net result is that it's not admissible anymore that pictures are worthless now pictures are totally worthless because they can go down to a miniscule like one pixel and tint it slightly and just they can build anything they want in a movie. So that all that means all the video evidence we ever get is throwing out the window so that's what people, the anti space people kind of beat us up with this say it's a fake picture, even though it's like a 4k like super high death. Yeah, international space station live feed of the of the tsunami, you know what I mean we're getting pictures like that so but they still don't it's not it's not evidence. Well, going back though, you know we're gonna we're gonna go back we're gonna get live. We're gonna get a live camera now so when we went to the moon in the 60s and 70s. People couldn't tune in from their internet right. So we're going to go back imagine they're going to have they're going to have live feeds from the moon here in a couple years in 26 526. I believe it, I believe it, we're going to have that in a minute. Yeah, well I've said for a long time like, and a UFO could land in my front yard and ET could walk out. I could film it in 4k put it online and 100% of people are going to say it's fake, not because for one is going to look too good. And for two, they just don't believe it. They never happened. It's outside of their belief system so it's threatening to them and there's just no no room for that. Well, they think here's what it is. They think that that's the right answer. They think that the guy next to them is going to say the same thing. So do you know what I'm saying? Like the masses basically they say, Oh, I don't believe in that stuff because they think that if they're in a party of of 25 people, they think that all the rest of the party that that's what they're going to say. If they thought that everybody else in the party will say, yes, it's it's a inclusion. It's a sales technique called inclusion, and they feel like they want to be included in being a debunker because they think that everybody's a debunker now. Yeah, it's slowly changing. Oh, if I put if I let people know I think this this is real or Oh, wow, I'm fascinated by it, then I look stupid to the statistics or the most people are going to be skeptical. You know, yeah, it's all psychological ego. There's all that. You know, I haven't been hyper attacked by skeptics. And, but I have. There's been a few and most of the ones that waste their time doing it are not great at it. But I mean, really, if somebody wanted to go through it really if somebody if they spent the money and went through and went through all my interviews and caught me putting my foot in my mouth a million times, which I because I'm just talking about off the off the cuff. I mean, you know, it's me and you, you know, it's me and you. And so if somebody wanted to cut me up and take my take what I said and really devastate me and make a hit piece. I'm sure that it would be easy. You know what I'm saying. But that doesn't mean that you know anything that I'm saying isn't isn't true. It's just, it's just that easy to make people look bad, make a hit piece for any for basically anyone. I can make a hit piece on myself just from this I'm taking clips in the show it'd be easy. That's why when you look at, you can tell it's a hit piece rather than like an actual expose of someone or something when it's very emotional. It's very character attacking attacking rather than fact based. And that's what that's what the hit pieces always are they're always right and taking things out of context to make it look bad things like that. You can see it but a lot of people want to see people destroyed they want it was somebody they want to see destroyed then they'll buy it they'll buy it hook line and see. That's all the information that's all the proof. Yeah. Yeah. So the flatter thing is really kind of spun out of control. I'll say that the flatter thing is like spun out of control and a lot of people that would otherwise. As you know, so we're at a certain age and we know what we know we've grown up but kids are growing up. And that's all they're being exposed to. You got to think about a kid now. A child that's sitting in front of YouTube and then all of a sudden YouTube algorithm steers him into a flat earth story. He doesn't have a chance to be critical, because this is all he's seen. Right. And then school is basically a failure. You know what I'm saying there's no telling what they're getting in school anymore it's a watered down crappy version of what we had. They got a crappy version of what really they were teaching people in the 70s had a better education, you know, in many way in many ways. And so you got to think about kids nowadays that are being exposed to this kind of information that, that is out to debunk us that are telling the truth about what's going on up there. You know that's really what it is it's flat earth is a big heap of crap that they're throwing on top of the SSP to make it look to make it look guilty by association, you know. Yeah. Anything outside it. Yeah, anything outside it's just lunar lunatics, you know. Yeah, when I see two people fighting I don't want to listen to either one of them. Really, there's two people fighting in there I'm going to just walk away I don't want to be I don't want to be involved and that's so they picked the fight with it. And there's a lot of dis info man going on. Yeah, that's why the conferences are so important. Yeah, let's talk about that. Secret space conference man is coming up May second day is still a long I'm counting the days man I can't wait it's going to be a blast. And it's nice because it's close enough I can drive, I can drive down. Recently we were going to I was going to do Jackie was going to go there too I was going to do the UFO mega con in Vegas and they canceled it canceled it because they couldn't find a mask free host place to host it. They had the yeah they didn't want to obey there's so many people that said they weren't going to pay for the wear a mask they were coming from out of state where they don't have the mask. And it was an issue man like it was a major issue and that's a big conference like that was a good lineup I was excited about that I was going to be the first one to set up books and sold and stuff. So because of the mask mandate, you know that they that that got canceled so, you know, I hate wearing the mask on flying but you know I'm going to put up with it, if we all agree with it. Which we don't, but you know I mean like I just kind of kind of grin and bear and get it done to get there. Yeah, exactly. When you fly you got wearing when you fly and I want I'm not going to let that stop me from traveling. I've been not going to keep me home you know if I gotta do that for a couple hours and bite the bullet then whatever. So yeah but at the conference I don't know you actually my favorite part about watching your cocoa beach presentation was the visuals. We hear your story all the time but you had the visuals and the artwork and it really just it was captivating and it helped paint a better picture That was my favorite part about that which I think you know stands apart from the online interviews. I need to get busted on that there's a few there's a there's at least half dozen more slides that I want to add before the secret space conference Because there are things I want to cover that are different I don't want to be. It's so it's too easy to take the old slideshow and dust it off and just throw it up there and go and I don't have a ton of them. I love Laura Eisenhower slideshow because she's got zillions of slides and she's posted to this. No, no, no, no, no. Okay, this one. And then, you know what I mean, she's done you don't even know what just happened here. Yeah. Well, for a while, for a couple years I worked with artists quite a bit they were helping me out and then I just kind of ran out of stuff that I wanted to visually see I was still, I was getting artwork done to help me process the memories. Hello, it is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere with daily bonuses. So sign up now at Chumba That's Chumba sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary, VGW group for prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Do you know what I'm saying like they were I was getting our work done that was I didn't want to show anybody, but I wanted to see it again. Just for the memory part of it. And so I haven't been doing that lately. I do want to say this that Katrina Vogel that that is an artist. I had hired her to do original cover art for the book and it was completely different than what ended up. And what happened was when I made the cover art I showed a bunch of people and they were like, you know, that's really good and everything but it makes your story look like it's fiction. So that's why we picked the more serious the more down. And, but her art was really good so I won't do want to put that in somewhere. Maybe I'll put it like on the cover page of my slide or something but she's really awesome. Yeah, she's the one who did our poster and then she also drew just another thing online of us too but yeah she's but she has great work. There's a group here in Michigan that is throwing a book signing party where I'm going to read down at a bookstore and Lansing on the 27th I'm going to go into the bookstore and like be the author guy you know what I mean like I just think it's a glass fake glasses dress up but I'm going to go do that and do a book signing and read out of it and they're throwing a thing. But they I gave them the art from that in that they have posters that they're putting up in the bookstore that has Katrina's art unit. Oh cool. Very cool. So that is getting used for that but I'm going to try to incorporate it into the slideshow and I do need some more I at least want to do graphs. So I'm going to show like, and then a lot of people suggested that I need to have a more detailed timeline that shows because people get confused man, you know like, you know like Aaron I know that you study this stuff quite a bit you're very familiar with my story in the timeline so for you to flash a timeline up for you is like you grasp it, but the people watching it for the first time they go wait you're where per route you moon and then Peru and then moon what what where what and they get lost so I've got a I want to make more artwork to kind of put a visual for that for other people so it's all in the pipe there's a lot going on me and I tell you I could do this full time and I don't I have a full time. I have a full time gig and a couple things and it seems like there's just there's just so much to do in this I don't know how you do what you do full time. It's been every Saturday, every Saturday and Sunday basically for six years now pretty much you know that's really been the deck that's been the deal and, and those like I said I've done all those interviews and all that is just answering people that are not searching for it like now I am trying to push the book but somebody wants to know what bookstore or if you're if you're able to say. I will post it later I got a dig that it's like buried in the email. I mean I can try to dig it up real quick. I'm not that crucial I'm sure but not it's amazing and yeah we're excited to have you out at the conference guys if you want to come. Tickets are still available $444. That's 12 speakers four days breakfast lunch and dinner buffet every day. It's really not a bad deal especially including a meal plan. Aside from the information you get to come hang out with everybody and that's that's the best part about it just creating a space where we can all get together and just you know banter and tell our stories. Do that please grab a ticket and come hang out with us and also live stream. If you have live stream tickets for 111 $111 for anyone who can't make it or doesn't want to travel for any reason, or if you live in another part of the world so. Do you find your video Tony are your. That is going to be a absolutely killer conference the lineup is great there's a lot of people there speaking for the first time publicly which is many times because of the adrenaline factor that's the best show on earth. There's going to be a lot of I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of the speakers there all of them really, but I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of people in person and because it's one subject. It's geared around, you know what I mean, the secret space program. It's going to be it's going to be very in depth, you know what I mean like. I'm not down playing it but other conferences sometimes they go it's all healing or it's all this or that and it's very fragmented the conference itself and there's people there that have no idea what you're talking about. Everybody's going to be on the same page it's going to be amazing I can't wait for that I can't wait. Right, and my favorite part is is going to be what I'm putting together like a whistleblower panel essentially on the last night and then get all you guys on stage and we're going to have it's going to be very structured, you know it's not going to be and then we're just going to really like break it down and and bounce some thoughts off each other and compare notes and I think it would be really cool. Something that you guys we don't really get to see done anywhere. I mean, I used to hate panels. I used to hate it and I still kind of don't like in the zoom format the interview like when there's a bunch of people talking I kind of don't care for it because it's watered down but the last couple panels I did the way that Brad was host. And the way that he passed it down they really were they really were good experiences and I think the crowd, you know what I mean like when the panels put it this way. Well, people talked people didn't cheer, but at the panels people stand up and cheer. You know what I mean like that's when you're hitting home that's you know that's when you know you're having an impact field yeah and people are flowing yeah I've seen some amazing panels are like. You're like man the whole world needs to be hearing this right now. Yes, and a couple so I'm always afraid of them because you don't know who's talking next to you and you know they're hostile I've heard of hostile ones where people up there screaming at each other I don't think that'll be the case that yours because we're all experiences of the same stuff so yeah it's going to be a good it's going to be a great night for sure. I'm going to plug this book thing if that's cool. It's January, January 29th at the East Lansing Public Library on Abbott Road. And there's a large conference conference room I guess I'm going to, and I'm going to read read some of the book and I'll have books there to sell. It's just a couple hours like two to four PM on Saturday the 29 so anybody in Michigan, or nearby could could come by and check that out. But I'll be nervous I'll be nervous as hell. No, it would be awesome though. I guess that's it I don't know if there's anything else you wanted to cover before we start wrapping this up. Yeah I'm going to get this I'm going to sign this right now so. I'm going to sign your book man I'll get it tomorrow. Dear Tyler. I like right. Tyler. This book was good for six visits on your show. Yeah. Yes. No, I'll fill it out later, but I just signed it right now so awesome I'll get you your copy soon so thank you so much for this. You know the book the book is a double edged double edged sword for me. On one like I said it's a real I feel I feel a real like weight off my shoulders like a huge accomplishment done. You know now there's a book so they can scrub the YouTube they can delete YouTube they can delete all that stuff. A book is a lot harder on do in the future that's right it's in your hand. And so that's a big deal to me so and then there's a money issue there that's you know what I mean like I never really set out to do this for money like some other people do. Yeah, I haven't done to that but that is happening too and it's like it's like. You know, I'm think I'm really feel blessed and thankful about that. And so but that's not the motivation for another book the thing is is that I believe in the mission of this information I do. And I hope that people with the feedback I'm getting like I said it's triggering. And some people are just can't put it down like it took me six years to write it and there's people reading it one day. You know what I'm saying like I'm like and come on savor it a little bit so one day. And on top of it like people in my personal life I feel like a very real embarrassment, giving it to people. You know what I'm saying that are like normies like days for for my book to go to a normie that I know in my personal life it's like crazy. I feel embarrassed about it because well I mean there's a lot of personal stuff. It's like very personal. I get that I get that there's people. There's people who would rather tell their whole story to a thousand strangers than the five people they know. That's right. Oh yeah. Yeah and somebody that you're going to hear it from you know what I mean in a month wait a minute so and I had a few like Alex Murphy proof read it. He did a proof read and he had some really good questions. He had really good questions that he came up with like he caught a lot of stuff and he had really good questions I need to talk to him because I thought about the answer. I said, man, let me think about it get back to you. And there's just stuff in the book so maybe, maybe I'll be back for seven after you guys read it all and you have some more questions I don't know. Oh man, you'll be like, you'll be back for seventeen eventually. Yeah. No man. Thank you so much. I can't wait to read it. I can't wait to get my hands on because I just finished up a book so I'm ready to go. Okay, I'll get it to you. I'll get it in a mail tomorrow to you. Right on. Man, this was awesome. Guys, go check out Tony's book. I guess you can get it just on Amazon right now. Amazon and a lot of people have trouble in UK but there are it is available in the UK. It's in Spain. It's big in Japan. It's doing great in Japan. You know, I mean, it's the English version but it's in Japan, like they're buying it there. Well, not pileer makes sense. You don't know the inside joke. I went and got Thai food. And you know, they asked your name on the phone. Well, when I got the bag, it said pileer with a pee. And it just. So on Amazon, they made it really hard to find your book because I searched. It's just the title, then I put your name and the title still didn't come up. I had a Google search that and then I found the link on Google. Well, that would happen. So Amazon. Yeah. And it was like buried it. It's hard. So, like I said, the algorithm is weird. Oh, they how they do it. And we actually, there's a lot to it that was like way above me, you know what I mean. That we put in SEO searches that give you keywords when you list it and all that. So it's a complicated deal on Amazon is Amazon. And it's, you know, you're just kind of stuck doing business with one guy. I wonder if it's just because it's, it's so new and it's your first book. So maybe that's only been a couple of weeks. Yeah, it's only been a couple of weeks. We'll see how it goes. If you go to your website, there's, you should be able to get to it. It's on my web. There's a link from my website and a lot of people are telling me they can't find it. So we do have SEO links that'll help the Amazon rankings that people click on them. So if you get a chance, even if you don't buy it, just stop it and click now and again. You know, whatever, it'll do what it send me all the links and I'll put them in the description. I'll get you some SEO links for that. Yeah, put them in the description right after this so we can do that. Thanks guys. Yeah, man. Thank you. Looking forward to the conference. Can't wait to hang out with the in person again. We had some fun in Florida. So, and it's, it's cool. Like I said, it's in the Midwest. So it's centrally located for anyone who wants to come. And I know a lot of people in the Midwest are excited because there's never conferences here. So. Yeah, grab a ticket. Come hang out with us. And I guess that's it. Thank you so much. Thanks to our mods. Thank you guys for the donations. We love you all. We can't do this without you. And have a great night and we will see you next time. It is Ryan C. Chris here. People always say it's good to unwind. But that's easier said than done. The exception, Chumba Casino. They actually make it easier done than said. Or at least the same. Chumba Casino is an online social casino with hundreds of casino style games like slots and blackjack. Play for fun. Play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Sign up now. Collect your free welcome bonus at Chumba sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. 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